Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids

2008-07-21 Thread Belinda Sauro
I used about 5 or 6 clothes pins, starting up fairly high on his 
neck/back of head (about an inch inch and a half or so behind his ears) 
to right above where I would give the fluids.  He couldn't run his head 
far enough to reach back and nip me.


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods-giving fluids

2008-07-20 Thread Wendy Griebel
You can also give fluids subcutaneously . Basically you would use a 
syringe and go just under the skin and inject sterile water. You can get 
the water at any grocery store. I have used this method before. You can 
do it about every hour to two hours. I did this with not only one of my 
kittens and two adult cats, but also with a 1 1/2 week old puppy. It can 
be tiring. Also there is a formula that I use to help them along.

One can of evaporated goats milk
One cup of PLAIN yogart ( do not use lowfat or flavored)
One egg yolk
Two teaspoons of karo syrup
Mix all together and and try putting it in a bowl for him. If he will 
not drink on his own then use a dropper or syringe to slowly give him 
some. My kitties seem to LOVE this formula, It is high in calories and 
will keep glucose levels up.


catatonya wrote:
> I didn't find how to give fluids on this list, but I'll keep looking 
> for new ideas.  One site said hang the bag from the ceiling with a 
> hook.  that worked well, but I couldn't tell how much I was giving. 
> lol.  I just gave them as long as he would let me and it looked like 
> he had a nice 'bump'.
> t
> */MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and
> i'm pretty sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully
> someone here can help. there's a page that shows how to "clip" a
> cat in the same way that momcat's scruff them, to immobilize them,
> and make it possible to hydrate them by yourself.
> earlier this year, winn feline foundation
> ( <>)
> actually did research on this technique, using a variety of
> commonly found household clips, so that you do NOT have to go out
> and buy the cat-specific one i can't find ANYTHING these days,
> so hopefully someone else saves these things in a more logical
> way.
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> His creat is 2.5.
> He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles
> to get away. Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
> Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have
> anyone here but me.
> t
> */Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>/* wrote:
> Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with
> a Crea value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally
> needed to maintain adequate hydration.  Add water to the
> canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out lots of
> bowls of water in various places to encourage him to
> drink.  Mine love to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
> For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to
> finish but I do not warm the fluids.  Never did and mine
> are fine with that.  But each kitty is different as to
> what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every
> other day). 
> In the end we do what we can and hope for the best. 
> Luckily I'm retired.  Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and
> Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom and Daisy's 4
> FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy
> kitties don't get much attention right now.   And I have a
> dumpster colony I feed daily and am trying to set up a TNR
> program for. 
> Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll
>     say a prayer for both of them
> Sharyl
> --- On *Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya /<[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>/* wrote:
> From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
> To:
> <>
> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM
> Thank you so much Sharyl,
> I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it
> helps.  Both you and Belinda said you didn't think I
> should be giving fluids only once a week. how many
> times a week do you think I should give th

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids

2008-07-20 Thread Sharyl
My tubing for the admin set is 72".   Length shouldn't be a problem.  What 
counts is the initial drop in the tubing.  Mine drops down about 3' then curves 
back up to my lap.  It is the initial drop that gets the fluid flowing.  Also I 
massage the area around the needle.  Seems to help with the flow ad Pequita 
likes the massage.

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 12:29 PM

I'm vegetarian and just HATE feeding beef. ugh..  I'll try more 
clothespins. lol.  HOw long is your tubing?  Mine is soo long. I'm 
going to ask for a shorter one. I think that would be help.
Thank you so much for all your help.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not Belinda but FF Minced Beef and Sliced Beef are both low in phos. Mine 
preferred the Minced Beef.  Also rotating flavors is a good idea.  I have a 
selection of 6 flavors I use so they only get a repeat every 3 days.  
I didn't have to use the clothespins but have read where folks have used up to 
6.   Just depends on what your cats need.  As far as giving the fluids, I hang 
the bag from a hanger from the stair railing.  It is high enough for the fluids 
to flow but low enough so I can read the nos. on the bag.  Pequita lays on my 
lap for her fluids.  I've read where some have set up their fluids on a pulley 
system so they can raise and lower the bag.  Many hang the bag from a kitchen 
cabinet or shower curtain rod.  Just a matter of finding a method that works 
for you and your cat.

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 10:52 AM

How many clothespins did you use? I tried 2.  Also you did say you were feeding 
him fancy feast?  What kind?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes I did that with Fred he would turn around and bite me, so we did 
the clothes pins. He didn't get all mellow and happy BUT he couldn't 
reach me to bite me so after using the clothes pins for a week or so he 
just gave up and decided to give in. Now I just go pick him up and 
carry him to the couch, we do the fluids and the second I shut the 
roller off stopping the fluids he is gone, but he is good while we are 
doing them, just lays there. Every once in a while he'll still make a 
half hearted attempt to get up before we are done but all I do is put my 
hand on his chest and tell him not yet and he lays back down. Of course 
Fred has been getting daily fluids for almost 2 years now!!


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids

2008-07-20 Thread catatonya
I'm vegetarian and just HATE feeding beef. ugh..  I'll try more 
clothespins. lol.  HOw long is your tubing?  Mine is soo long. I'm 
going to ask for a shorter one. I think that would be help.
  Thank you so much for all your help.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not Belinda but FF Minced Beef and Sliced Beef are both low in 
phos. Mine preferred the Minced Beef.  Also rotating flavors is a good idea.  I 
have a selection of 6 flavors I use so they only get a repeat every 3 days.  
  I didn't have to use the clothespins but have read where folks have used up 
to 6.   Just depends on what your cats need.  As far as giving the fluids, I 
hang the bag from a hanger from the stair railing.  It is high enough for the 
fluids to flow but low enough so I can read the nos. on the bag.  Pequita lays 
on my lap for her fluids.  I've read where some have set up their fluids on a 
pulley system so they can raise and lower the bag.  Many hang the bag from a 
kitchen cabinet or shower curtain rod.  Just a matter of finding a method that 
works for you and your cat.

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 10:52 AM

How many clothespins did you use? I tried 2.  Also you did say you were 
feeding him fancy feast?  What kind?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Yes I did that with Fred he would turn around and bite me, so we did 
the clothes pins. He didn't get all mellow and happy BUT he couldn't 
reach me to bite me so after using the clothes pins for a week or so he 
just gave up and decided to give in. Now I just go pick him up and 
carry him to the couch, we do the fluids and the second I shut the 
roller off stopping the fluids he is gone, but he is good while we are 
doing them, just lays there. Every once in a while he'll still make a 
half hearted attempt to get up before we are done but all I do is put my 
hand on his chest and tell him not yet and he lays back down. Of course 
Fred has been getting daily fluids for almost 2 years now!!


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-20 Thread catatonya
  I ordered the binder from the link you sent me.  But the newest update they 
have is 2005.  Belinda feeds fancy feast.  I just wonder what the phosphorous 
is on that.  I'm going to check when I buy groceries.
  I have tried all the kidney canned prescription foods.  Science diet has come 
out with a new formula that is the ONLY one my cats like. In fact they LOVE it. 
 The problem is that they are selling out of it and my vet cannot get it on a 
regular basis.  I think Hill's is trying to get rid of the old 'hard as a rock' 
stuff first.  So I've got to use something in the meantime.  Luckily Bob 
prefers wet food, so I'm just going to buy him whatever low phosphorous I can 
find and use the binder until we get in new kd canned.  Shaft (who has no 
teeth) prefers dry food. Go figure. And I have kd dry, so if he comes up crf 
too when we get the hyper-t under control he will have been on the kd already.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. 
or better yet give me brand names??
  thanks in advance. tonya

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids

2008-07-20 Thread Sharyl
Not Belinda but FF Minced Beef and Sliced Beef are both low in phos. Mine 
preferred the Minced Beef.  Also rotating flavors is a good idea.  I have a 
selection of 6 flavors I use so they only get a repeat every 3 days.  
I didn't have to use the clothespins but have read where folks have used up to 
6.   Just depends on what your cats need.  As far as giving the fluids, I hang 
the bag from a hanger from the stair railing.  It is high enough for the fluids 
to flow but low enough so I can read the nos. on the bag.  Pequita lays on my 
lap for her fluids.  I've read where some have set up their fluids on a pulley 
system so they can raise and lower the bag.  Many hang the bag from a kitchen 
cabinet or shower curtain rod.  Just a matter of finding a method that works 
for you and your cat.

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 10:52 AM

How many clothespins did you use? I tried 2.  Also you did say you were feeding 
him fancy feast?  What kind?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes I did that with Fred he would turn around and bite me, so we did 
the clothes pins. He didn't get all mellow and happy BUT he couldn't 
reach me to bite me so after using the clothes pins for a week or so he 
just gave up and decided to give in. Now I just go pick him up and 
carry him to the couch, we do the fluids and the second I shut the 
roller off stopping the fluids he is gone, but he is good while we are 
doing them, just lays there. Every once in a while he'll still make a 
half hearted attempt to get up before we are done but all I do is put my 
hand on his chest and tell him not yet and he lays back down. Of course 
Fred has been getting daily fluids for almost 2 years now!!


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods and fluids

2008-07-20 Thread catatonya
How many clothespins did you use? I tried 2.  Also you did say you were feeding 
him fancy feast?  What kind?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Yes I did that with Fred he would turn around and bite me, so we did 
the clothes pins. He didn't get all mellow and happy BUT he couldn't 
reach me to bite me so after using the clothes pins for a week or so he 
just gave up and decided to give in. Now I just go pick him up and 
carry him to the couch, we do the fluids and the second I shut the 
roller off stopping the fluids he is gone, but he is good while we are 
doing them, just lays there. Every once in a while he'll still make a 
half hearted attempt to get up before we are done but all I do is put my 
hand on his chest and tell him not yet and he lays back down. Of course 
Fred has been getting daily fluids for almost 2 years now!!


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-20 Thread catatonya
I think Bob is too fat to use the clothespins.  In fact I think that is why the 
vet recommended the cosequin.  He asked me if he had problems getting around 
due to his weight and age  The clothespins just kind of twisted inside out 
as he wiggled around.  Bob topped 20 pounds at his highest weight.  He's over 
15 or 16 now.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
MC, I think you mean Tanya's web site where they use clothes pins.  
Here is the link.
  Usually folks just have to use the clothes pins for the 1st few times.
  Here is another link for giving Sub Q fluids that was my bible when I 1st 
started.  He explains everything in detail and has some great pictures.  Sophia 
has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
  Sophia Gets Her Subcutaneous (Sub Q) Fluids 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 4:25 PM

i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and i'm pretty 
sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully someone here can help. there's 
a page that shows how to "clip" a cat in the same way that momcat's scruff 
them, to immobilize them, and make it possible to hydrate them by yourself.

earlier this year, winn feline foundation ( actually 
did research on this technique, using a variety of commonly found household 
clips, so that you do NOT have to go out and buy the cat-specific one i 
can't find ANYTHING these days, so hopefully someone else saves these things in 
a more logical way. 

  On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
His creat is 2.5.
  He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away. 
Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
  Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here 
but me.


Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea 
value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate 
hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out 
lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love 
to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
  For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
  In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
  Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
  I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode'

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods-giving fluids

2008-07-20 Thread catatonya
I didn't find how to give fluids on this list, but I'll keep looking for new 
ideas.  One site said hang the bag from the ceiling with a hook.  that worked 
well, but I couldn't tell how much I was giving. lol.  I just gave them as long 
as he would let me and it looked like he had a nice 'bump'.

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and i'm pretty 
sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully someone here can help. there's 
a page that shows how to "clip" a cat in the same way that momcat's scruff 
them, to immobilize them, and make it possible to hydrate them by yourself.

earlier this year, winn feline foundation ( actually 
did research on this technique, using a variety of commonly found household 
clips, so that you do NOT have to go out and buy the cat-specific one i 
can't find ANYTHING these days, so hopefully someone else saves these things in 
a more logical way. 

  On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
His creat is 2.5.
  He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away. 
Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
  Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here 
but me.


Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea 
value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate 
hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out 
lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love 
to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
  For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
  In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
  Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
  I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you 

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-20 Thread catatonya
Thanks MC,  I'll check that site.  I tried the clothespins to no avail.  He's 
so fat *which is a good thing in this situation I guess* they just popped off. 

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and i'm pretty 
sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully someone here can help. there's 
a page that shows how to "clip" a cat in the same way that momcat's scruff 
them, to immobilize them, and make it possible to hydrate them by yourself.

earlier this year, winn feline foundation ( actually 
did research on this technique, using a variety of commonly found household 
clips, so that you do NOT have to go out and buy the cat-specific one i 
can't find ANYTHING these days, so hopefully someone else saves these things in 
a more logical way. 

  On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
His creat is 2.5.
  He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away. 
Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
  Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here 
but me.


Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea 
value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate 
hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out 
lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love 
to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
  For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
  In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
  Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
  I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL 

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
Yes I did that with Fred he would turn around and bite me, so we did 
the clothes pins.  He didn't get all mellow and happy BUT he couldn't 
reach me to bite me so after using the clothes pins for a week or so he 
just gave up and decided to give in.  Now I just go pick him up and 
carry him to the couch, we do the fluids and the second I shut the 
roller off stopping the fluids he is gone, but he is good while we are 
doing them, just lays there.  Every once in a while he'll still make a 
half hearted attempt to get up before we are done but all I do is put my 
hand on his chest and tell him not yet and he lays back down.  Of course 
Fred has been getting daily fluids for almost 2 years now!!


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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread MaryChristine
that's the one! thanks i had seen that quite awhile ago, and then
forgotten about it, because i don't have any cats who fight me for
fluids--but i got a huge kick out of their being a scientific research paper
done on it, talking about which nerves were involved, whether the cat really
seemed to mind it, and which type of clip worked the best

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> MC, I think you mean Tanya's web site where they use clothes pins.  Here is
> the link.
> Usually folks just have to use the clothes pins for the 1st few times.
> Here is another link for giving Sub Q fluids that was my bible when I 1st
> started.  He explains everything in detail and has some great pictures.
> Sophia has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
> *Sophia Gets Her Subcutaneous (Sub Q) 
> Fluids*<>
> * *
> Sharyl
> --- On *Sat, 7/19/08, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
> To:
> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 4:25 PM
>  i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and i'm
> pretty sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully someone here can
> help. there's a page that shows how to "clip" a cat in the same way that
> momcat's scruff them, to immobilize them, and make it possible to hydrate
> them by yourself.
> earlier this year, winn feline foundation (
> actually did research on this technique, using a variety of commonly found
> household clips, so that you do NOT have to go out and buy the cat-specific
> one i can't find ANYTHING these days, so hopefully someone else saves
> these things in a more logical way.
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> His creat is 2.5.
>> He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get
>> away. Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
>> Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here
>> but me.
>>   t
>> *Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>> Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea
>> value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate
>> hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set
>> out lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.
>> Mine love to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
>> For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not
>> warm the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is
>> different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other
>> day).
>> In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.
>> Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my
>> bedroom and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2
>> healthy kitties don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster
>> colony I feed daily and am trying to set up a TNR program for.
>> Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for
>> both of them
>> Sharyl
>> --- On *Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>> From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM
>>  Thank you so much Sharyl,
>> I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and
>> Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week.
>> how many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not
>> doable.  I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick
>> mother to take care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I
>> can only do what I can do..
>> t
>> *Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>>   Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos
>> canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is 

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread Sharyl
MC, I think you mean Tanya's web site where they use clothes pins.  Here is the 
Usually folks just have to use the clothes pins for the 1st few times.
Here is another link for giving Sub Q fluids that was my bible when I 1st 
started.  He explains everything in detail and has some great pictures.  Sophia 
has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Sophia Gets Her Subcutaneous (Sub Q) Fluids 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 4:25 PM

i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and i'm pretty sure 
it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully someone here can help. there's a 
page that shows how to "clip" a cat in the same way that momcat's scruff them, 
to immobilize them, and make it possible to hydrate them by yourself.

earlier this year, winn feline foundation ( actually 
did research on this technique, using a variety of commonly found household 
clips, so that you do NOT have to go out and buy the cat-specific one i 
can't find ANYTHING these days, so hopefully someone else saves these things in 
a more logical way. 

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

His creat is 2.5.
He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away. 
Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here but 


Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea value in the 
high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate hydration.  Add 
water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out lots of bowls 
of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love to drink from 
a bowl in the bath tub.
For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos canned 
food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry matter).  Here 
is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat any 
of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add Dried 
Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective phos 
binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the binder to 
the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food.  Binders 
do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just gives 
you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here is a 
link to more info on binders.
About Phosphorus Binders 
Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.    
Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread MaryChristine
i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and i'm pretty
sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully someone here can help.
there's a page that shows how to "clip" a cat in the same way that momcat's
scruff them, to immobilize them, and make it possible to hydrate them by

earlier this year, winn feline foundation (
actually did research on this technique, using a variety of commonly found
household clips, so that you do NOT have to go out and buy the cat-specific
one i can't find ANYTHING these days, so hopefully someone else saves
these things in a more logical way.

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> His creat is 2.5.
> He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away.
> Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
> Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here
> but me.
> t
> *Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>   Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea value
> in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate
> hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set
> out lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.
> Mine love to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
> For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not
> warm the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is
> different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other
> day).
> In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.
> Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my
> bedroom and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2
> healthy kitties don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster
> colony I feed daily and am trying to set up a TNR program for.
> Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for
> both of them
> Sharyl
> --- On *Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
> To:
> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM
>  Thank you so much Sharyl,
> I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and
> Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week.
> how many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not
> doable.  I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick
> mother to take care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I
> can only do what I can do..
> t
> *Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>   Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos
> canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry
> matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
> You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat
> any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can
> add Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very
> effective phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By
> adding the binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs
> from the food.  Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your
> cats system.  Just gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is
> already there.  Here is a link to more info on binders.
> *About Phosphorus 
> Binders*<>
> * *
> Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately
> most vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most
> will try to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.
> You can buy the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
> Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
> <>
> The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
> Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is
> critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.
> There is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
> http:

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread Sharyl
Tonya, with a Crea level of 2.5 most kitties can drink enough to maintain 
adequate hydration so I wouldn't stress out about giving him fluids.  Just add 
a little water to his canned food and put lots of bowls/glasses of water around 
for him to drink from.
I give fluids solo also.  Pequita will lay in my lap for the fluids.  Some put 
their kitty in the bathroom sink on a warm towel.  And some use the bottom half 
of the carrier.  Just a matter of finding out what will work for the two of you.

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 1:27 PM

His creat is 2.5.
He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away. 
Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here but 

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea value in the 
high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate hydration.  Add 
water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out lots of bowls 
of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love to drink from 
a bowl in the bath tub.
For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos canned 
food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry matter).  Here 
is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat any 
of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add Dried 
Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective phos 
binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the binder to 
the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food.  Binders 
do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just gives 
you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here is a 
link to more info on binders.
About Phosphorus Binders 
Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.    
Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. or 
better yet give me brand names??
thanks in advance. tonya__

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread catatonya
And thank you for the prayers.  I just wish I were retired as well! lol.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea 
value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate 
hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out 
lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love 
to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
  For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
  In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
  Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
  I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. 
or better yet give me brand names??
  thanks in advance. tonya

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread catatonya
His creat is 2.5.
  He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles to get away. 
Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
  Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have anyone here 
but me.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea 
value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate 
hydration.  Add water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out 
lots of bowls of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love 
to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
  For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
  In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
  Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
  I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. 
or better yet give me brand names??
  thanks in advance. tonya

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread Sharyl
Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with a Crea value in the 
high 3's daily fluids are generally needed to maintain adequate hydration.  Add 
water to the canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out lots of bowls 
of water in various places to encourage him to drink.  Mine love to drink from 
a bowl in the bath tub.
For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to finish but I do not warm 
the fluids.  Never did and mine are fine with that.  But each kitty is 
different as to what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every other 
In the end we do what we can and hope for the best.  Luckily I'm retired.  
Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom 
and Daisy's 4 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy kitties 
don't get much attention right now.   And I have a dumpster colony I feed daily 
and am trying to set up a TNR program for.  
Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll say a prayer for both 
of them

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

Thank you so much Sharyl,
I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos canned 
food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry matter).  Here 
is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat any 
of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add Dried 
Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective phos 
binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the binder to 
the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food.  Binders 
do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just gives 
you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here is a 
link to more info on binders.
About Phosphorus Binders 
Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.    
Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. or 
better yet give me brand names??
thanks in advance. tonya___  
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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread catatonya
Thank you so much Sharyl,
  I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it helps.  Both you and 
Belinda said you didn't think I should be giving fluids only once a week. how 
many times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily is just not doable.  
I have 3 very sick cats, plus a sick grandmother and very sick mother to take 
care of right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I can only do what 
I can do..

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. 
or better yet give me brand names??
  thanks in advance. tonya

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread catatonya
My cat will eat this new kd the best (it is a wetter creamier formula).  The 
problem is that they cannot keep it in stock.  Hill's keeps selling out of it!  
The vet's office and I are both furious with them.  My cats won't eat any of 
the other vet. formulas they have (canned).  They'll eat anything dry.  I'll 
look up the phosphorous binders.
  thank you!

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest 
phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry 
matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. 
or better yet give me brand names??
  thanks in advance. tonya

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread catatonya
thank you!

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Tonya, I always say the best food 
for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos canned food they will eat.  Generally the 
target is less than 1% (dry matter).  Here is a link to a list of foods and the 
dry matter phos levels.
  You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat 
any of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add 
Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective 
phos binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the 
binder to the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food. 
 Binders do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just 
gives you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here 
is a link to more info on binders.
  About Phosphorus Binders 
  Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.
  Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
  The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
  Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
  Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. 
or better yet give me brand names??
  thanks in advance. tonya

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Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods

2008-07-19 Thread Sharyl
Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phos canned 
food they will eat.  Generally the target is less than 1% (dry matter).  Here 
is a link to a list of foods and the dry matter phos levels.
You vet should have several prescription renal foods.  Mine refused to eat any 
of them.  What is your kitty's phos level?  If it is over 6.0 you can add Dried 
Aluminum Hydroxide Gel to the canned or dry food.  It is a very effective phos 
binder but it has to be in all the food you cat eats.  By adding the binder to 
the food you reduce the amount of phos the cat absorbs from the food.  Binders 
do not do anything about the phos currently in your cats system.  Just gives 
you cats kidneys a break while they process what is already there.  Here is a 
link to more info on binders.
About Phosphorus Binders 
Dr. Nagode's dose recommendations are toward the bottom.   Unfortunately most 
vets do not understand the impact high phos has on a CRF kitty.   Most will try 
to sell you Epakitin which is pretty worthless for high phos nos.  You can buy 
the aluminum hydroxide on line.   No Rx required.    
Tanya's web site is the most comprehensive I have found for CRF.
The largest Yahoo CRF group is here.
Eating is often an issue for a CRF kitty.  Just like FeLV+ kitties it is 
critical for CRF kitties to eat enough to maintain their ideal body wt.  There 
is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group as well.
Let me know if you need any other info.  Unfortunately my life had revolved 
around CRF kitties for the last  2 1/2 yrs. 

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
To: "" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 10:11 AM

can anyone tell me what numbers are considered to be 'low' for a crf cat. or 
better yet give me brand names??
thanks in advance. tonya___
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