Re: [flexcoders] Real world usage of Flex

2007-11-22 Thread Dave Carabetta
Hi Yoni,

We have a showcase set up to demonstrate some of the solutions we've
delivered to our clients, and there's plenty more on the way.

Hope this helps.


On Nov 20, 2007 9:28 AM, real_yoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I'm looking for real world usage of Flex (other than
>  and harley-davidson)? can publish links?
>  Thanks,
>  p.s.
>  I'm not entirely sure that this is the right group to ask this
>  question so please refer me to the right one if you can.
>  Yoni

Re: [flexcoders] Dynamically convert a String to a Class?

2007-09-30 Thread Dave Carabetta
Check out the LiveDocs for getDefinitionByName():

Cynergy Systems

On 9/30/07, keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I want to convert something like the String "mx.controls.ComboBox" to a
> Class.
> I would use this to declare components or other classes at runtime.
> *Please don't laugh at me*
> //==
> //In areas where I CAN do this...
> //-
> var testA:* = new mx.controls.ComboBox();
> addChild(testA);
> //==
> //=
> //I want to DYNAMICALLY do the same...
> //
> var classname:Class = Class("mx.controls.ComboBox");
> var testB:* = new classname();
> addChild(testB);
> //=
> //But get a this type of error---> TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion
> failed: cannot convert "mx.controls.ComboBox" to Class.
> -- Keith H --

Re: [flexcoders] callLater syntax

2007-09-14 Thread Dave Carabetta
Remove the quotes from around nominalLocatePopup in the callLater method,
and you'll be good to go.


On 9/14/07, candysmate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I have a function nominalLocatePopup which I wish to pass an arguement
> to. The function expects a string to be passed to it, but trying
> callLater("nominalLocatePopup",
> [nominalArray.getItemAt(nominalGrid.selectedIndex).nominalCode]);
> gave me 'implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated
> type function'
> What should the correct syntax be please?

Re: [flexcoders] HotFix 2 - brakes my WS Simple Header

2007-06-08 Thread Dave Carabetta

Well, in an extremely questionable decision, Adobe put a completely new Web
Services implementation in hotfix 2 -- and then decided not to mention it
anywhere in the release notes. Granted, the implementation is supposed to be
more standards compliant, but one could make a strong argument that a hotifx
with several other important fixes (including memory leaks) was not the time
to be introducing a core change like this.

Matt, Pete, Randy, or whoever else at Adobe can get this done, you guys
*really* need to update the Release Notes at to make people aware of this change. I know
you guys did your best to be backwards-compatible, but it's clear that there
are some holes and it's tripping people up.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 6/7/07, paulwelling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hello List,

Under 2.0, 2.0.1, and 2.0.1 HF1 my simple header was being Encoded

ws.addSimpleHeader("UsernameToken", "", "username", username);
ws.addSimpleHeader("UsernameToken", "", "password", password);




There was no reference in the WSDL to UsernameToken, and all was good
and happy and Flex encoded the WS requests...


I needed to move to HF2 to use/test a fix to ArrayCollections.

Now running the same code & WSDL on HF2 I get:
[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Cannot resolve element
definition for name 'UsernameToken'" faultCode="EncodingError"


Someone off list was nice enough to suggest that I add the following
complexType to my WSDL, to aid Flex in the encoding:";>";>


And adding the enclosing namespace to the method call:

ws.addSimpleHeader("UsernameToken", "";,
"username", username);
ws.addSimpleHeader("UsernameToken", "";,
"password", password);

The only difference that has made was to change the fault message:
[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Cannot resolve element
definition for name ''"
faultCode="EncodingError" faultDetail="null"]


I am really stuck. I need the fix to HF2 for ArrayCollections, but
can't run it because it breaks the WS requests, because they can't get
Encoded and out on the wire.

Does anyone know how to get Flex to encode this correctly on HF2...?
Has anyone else run into WS encoding issues on HF2..?

Many thanks,


Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3.0 and FlexBuilder 2 - what's the plan?

2007-05-13 Thread Dave Carabetta

Hey Barry, I'm obviously not an Adobe employee so I'm not the "official"
word you're looking for, but here are my quick 2 cents...

Flex 3 isn't coming out anytime soon. If I had to guess (and I have no
insider info, just pure speculation), it seems like MAX in Chicago at the
end of September would be the launch platform for Flex 3. It's not even on
Labs yet for beta testing, and beta testing a product like Flex is no small,
quick process. As for licensing, Flex 2 to Flex 3 is a major revision, not a
maintenance release, so I'd expect there to be upgrade fees for the product,
though hopefully nominal. While Adobe is still targeting Flash Player 9 for
the release, that most certainly does not mean that there aren't going to be
compelling reasons to upgrade, and those enhancements cost money to develop,
right? Remember, Flex Builder is *not* part of the open sourcing of Flex, so
Adobe needs to make their money somewhere.

Whether or not you ask your boss to commit now or later is up to you. Either
way, you're going to be paying for Flex Builder at some point, so why wait?
Sure, you can develop Flex apps in any editor you wish, but the productivity
gains of using Flex Builder far outweigh the $750 cost of Flex Builder, as
you likely know. How much is an hour of your time worth? Let's say your
company bills $100/hour. In less than one working day you'll have paid for
the cost of the IDE. Further, you can't assume they're not going to raise
the price of the IDE down the road, so you might actually be better off
buying Flex Builder now to avoid having to pay full price for FB3 (again, I
want to stress that I have no information that I'm being coy aboutit's
just speculation).

Anyway, I don't want to ramble, but I definitely don't agree with your
premise that buying Flex Builder now is somehow bad timing. I think we're
still at least several months away from any official launch of Flex 3 and
you'll be missing out on building some amazing experiences if you decide to
wait until then. Besides, in my experience with Macromedia-now-Adobe, when
I've run into a situation where I've purchased software that was
subsequently upgraded or the licensing changed soon thereafter, I was very
well taken care of by my sales rep (read: Flex 1.5, which was $30,000 to
Flex 2, which was free). So I wouldn't worry too much about being ripped

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 5/13/07, barry.beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

we're just about to cough for 2 more FB2 licenses (with charting).

What with Flex 3.0 getting closer every day and it being released as
open source, can we buy today with impunity and confidence that we
won't be further stung with IDE upgrades when Flex3 is released?

one would hope not, eh? just adding new libraries to FB2. but I'd like
to hear the official word before I ask the boss to commit.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Using Hibernate Association on Data Grid

2007-05-10 Thread Dave Carabetta

Yep, sorry. I was thinking of the List control, where you only need the one
argument. Anyway, glad this got you going!

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 5/9/07, headjoog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  yep - that got it Davejust had to change the label function for
the data grid to use two input parameters:

private function userNameLabelFunction
item:Object,dataField:DataGridColumn) : String
item.createUser.username ;

thanks for the heads-up!


--- In ,
"headjoog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks for the insight...I'll give this a shot and see where it
> goes...I think I was emotionally exhausted after getting the whole
> FDS/Hibernate thing running!
> Joe
> --- In , "Dave
> wrote:
> >
> > It sounds like you need a labelFunction for the DataGridColumn:
> >
> > private function userNameLabelFunction( item : Object ) : String
> > {
> > return item.firstName + ' ' + item.lastName;
> > }
> >
> > and then in your DataGridColumn, just add this to the column's
> definition:
> >
> > labelFunction="userNameLabelFunction"
> >
> > Obviously, I don't know the setup of your Users object, so
> firstName and
> > lastName might not be appropriate, but hopefully you get the
> and can
> > adapt the field references as appropriate.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Dave.
> > Cynergy Systems, Inc.
> >
> >
> > On 5/8/07, headjoog  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello - new on this group and to flex and was hoping for some
> > > feedback...
> > >
> > > I've been able to get a simple one-to-many association
> in
> > > FDS and Hibernate. One table has Users, the other a list of
> records
> > > that users created. I have a data grid that shows the list of
> records.
> > > The list of records is returned correctly, but under
> the "createuser"
> > > field where the user name should be displayed I get "[object
> Users]"
> > > (which is the class that contains the user info). And I can't
> > > either the user id or the user name (which is what I really
> > > diplayed in the grid.
> > >
> > > How do you display the user in Flex? I have simple POJOs, have
> the AS
> > > classes, and no errors in my logs. Can somebody clue me in?
> > > I'll post some code snips if necessary.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >


Re: [flexcoders] Using Hibernate Association on Data Grid

2007-05-08 Thread Dave Carabetta

It sounds like you need a labelFunction for the DataGridColumn:

private function userNameLabelFunction( item : Object ) : String
  return item.firstName + ' ' + item.lastName;

and then in your DataGridColumn, just add this to the column's definition:


Obviously, I don't know the setup of your Users object, so firstName and
lastName might not be appropriate, but hopefully you get the point and can
adapt the field references as appropriate.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 5/8/07, headjoog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hello - new on this group and to flex and was hoping for some

I've been able to get a simple one-to-many association configured in
FDS and Hibernate. One table has Users, the other a list of records
that users created. I have a data grid that shows the list of records.
The list of records is returned correctly, but under the "createuser"
field where the user name should be displayed I get "[object Users]"
(which is the class that contains the user info). And I can't get
either the user id or the user name (which is what I really want)
diplayed in the grid.

How do you display the user in Flex? I have simple POJOs, have the AS
classes, and no errors in my logs. Can somebody clue me in?
I'll post some code snips if necessary.


Re: [flexcoders] where do I go to get the package?

2007-04-28 Thread Dave Carabetta

Assuming you're using Flex 2.0.1 (because this is the updated package),
you're looking for the Distortion Effects found here:

And here's the supporting blog entry for how to use them:

They are not part of the standard Flex framework.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 4/28/07, simonjpalmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  probably a bit of a newbie question, but I don't appear to have this
library anywhere and I'm wondering if it is a standard part of flex or
whether I have to go and grab it from somewhere.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Re: [flexcoders] Flex Goes Open Source

2007-04-26 Thread Dave Carabetta

Most definitely. In fact, outside of the bug base being made public in the
June timeframe along with some other infrastructure enhancements, you're
probably not going to be a whole lot change until after Flex 3 (aka "Moxie")
is released in the second half of this year. I say that because Adobe
employees will still be the sole "committers" of any changes to the SDK
through the end of the Flex 3 release cycle, so while you'll be able to
contribute before then, it's not guaranteed to make it into the Flex 3

Definitely take some time and read the links below, as it's going to be
really easy for one slight mis-statement on these types of forums to skew
the reality of this announcement (including any made by me!):   <-- Adobe employees are
answering specific questions here, I see.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 4/26/07, Jim Grinsfelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   So, will Adobe still make/sell Flex 3?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Will Microsoft's new Silverlight Player Kill our beloved Flex ?

2007-04-19 Thread Dave Carabetta

I hope this isn't taken with as some sort of corporate shill for my
employer, as it's honestly not my intent, but Dave Wolf, Vice President of
Consulting at Cynergy Systems, gives an excellent summary as to why
Silverlight is a phenomenally important announcement to the RIA industry and
why it's not just some "copycat Flash" competitor. If you're looking for a
balanced view of Silverlight's effect, check out his latest blog entry:

Dave Carabetta.
Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 4/18/07, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Its an annoyance of mine aswell. I'm confused as to why .NET remoting
was dropped from Flash/Flex (haven't yet seen FLASH CS3 and whether its back
but yeah, no idea and all i can say is Mark's got his head screwed on right
and he can help with WebORB in that regard. Actually the Flex Builder
integration is quite stunning I must say, it left both Andrew Shorten & I
drooling @ Feb Seattle Flex UG)

That so sounded like a plug didn't it :) hehe. (Sorry it wasn't meant to

On 18 Apr 2007 07:38:08 -0700, mvbaffa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I've been working with Flex since its alpha version. Before the
> release version was avaiable I had an application with AMFPHP ready.
> That is I really love Flex and i have been working with it since it's
> 1.5 version.
> But I am a .NET developer, I have a huge legacy in .NET Framework 2.0
> and 1.1. I don't know why Adobe, up to this moment, is maintaining
> exclusive focus on Java. There are a lot of .NET developers that
> would like to have a server framework developed directly from Adobe.
> Applications are not only Client, they need a strong and consistent
> server Framework. I beleive that if Adobe maintains its exclusive
> focus on java it will loose, very soon a good number of .NET
> developers.
> Communications Foundations is really good and it will be better very
> soon. And it's price is very good, it is free !
> I am still working on the Microsoft framework. But I beleive that WPF
> and SilverLight can be very soon a real competitive alternative.
> Marcus Baffa
> NOVA Consulting
> --- In , "Peter
> Demling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Version 1 of Microsoft products have historically been slow,
> > unapologizing in their copycat nature, and hampered by large numbers
> > of major bugs and gaps in functionality.
> >
> > However, their astronomical cash reserves and relentless commitment
> to
> > establish market share has almost always led to vastly improved
> > products in version 2 and beyond. So of course, Silverlight is no
> > match for Flex - right now. But if Microsoft sustains its
> commitment,
> > it's not a question of *if* it could be "almost as good" as Flex -
> > just a matter of when.
> >
> > I don't say this as a criticism of Microsoft (I use several of their
> > products daily and love them), but rather to point out that they are
> > more of a market force than a true software company - and so the
> > relative success of Silverlight (or any other MS offering) is
> > pre-ordained, so long as they decide that's what they want to do -
> > it's independent of the present quality of the actual product.
> >
> > -Peter Demling
> > Lexington, MA
> >
> > --- In ,
> "Scott Barnes" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Claus,
> > >
> > > Yup, so that's why FLEX does have its unique offering vs
> SilverLight and
> > > once developers & designers unsubscribe from the notion it's
> a "Flash
> > > Killer" and do more of what you are doing (exploring it's upcoming
> > release)
> > > you'll decide on what you think it's merits are vs aren't. It's
> > early days
> > > yet, so wouldn't worry to much about it folks ;) just keep an
> open mind
> > > should you want to take it for a test-run post MIX07 :)
> > >
> > > WPF & SilverLight are going to have interesting prospects just
> like
> > Apollo
> > > and FLEX will have it's own, I think the two will do different
> > things for
> > > different people. Keep fingers in all barrels I'd say :)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 17 Apr 2007 03:30:22 -0700, Claus Wahlers  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > If you read FUD crap, ignore it on both sides and just be
> opene

Re: [flexcoders] Unable to download Flex 2.0.1 patch for Flash CS3 Professional compatibility.

2007-04-18 Thread Dave Carabetta

Unless something was fixed between your post and now, the link works fine. I
clicked on the link to the patch located at and it
worked without issue.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 18 Apr 2007 01:48:39 -0700, Teddy Setiawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   I'm unable to download Flex 2.0.1 patch for Flash CS3 Professional
is it only me or anyone else have the same problem ?




Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger  Get it now!


Re: [flexcoders] Modules

2007-03-07 Thread Dave Carabetta

No, that means 2.0. When you click Help -> About Adobe Flex Builder 2 in the
IDE, you'll just see 2.0.1 displayed for the 2.0.1 release.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 3/7/07, Andrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  But i have 2.0.143459, doesn't that mean 2.0.1?

On 3/7/07, Dave Carabetta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>   That would be because Modules weren't introduced until Flex 2.0.1.
> You'll need to update your Flex Builder/SDK to the 2.0.1 release in
> order to use Modules.
> Regards,
> Dave.
> Cynergy Systems, Inc.
> On 07 Mar 2007 05:29:28 -0800, darvon4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> >   I try to create modules by using " > xmlns:mx="";>" and flexbuilder 2.0.143459
> > doesn't know anything about it.
> > From the dropdown suggestions there is no "Module" keyword, and when i
> > compile it fb gives me "Could not resolve  to a component
> > implementation"
> >
> > Am i not referencing something? What am i doing wrong? How do i get
> > flexbuilder to see my modules?
> > Also, I've read in the docs that modules should be now a suggestion in
> > a wizard when you try to create a new component, but it is not there
> > either. why?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> >

Re: [flexcoders] Modules

2007-03-07 Thread Dave Carabetta

That would be because Modules weren't introduced until Flex 2.0.1. You'll
need to update your Flex Builder/SDK to the 2.0.1 release in order to use

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 07 Mar 2007 05:29:28 -0800, darvon4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I try to create modules by using "";>" and flexbuilder 2.0.143459
doesn't know anything about it.
From the dropdown suggestions there is no "Module" keyword, and when i
compile it fb gives me "Could not resolve  to a component

Am i not referencing something? What am i doing wrong? How do i get
flexbuilder to see my modules?
Also, I've read in the docs that modules should be now a suggestion in
a wizard when you try to create a new component, but it is not there
either. why?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Re[2]: [flexcoders] Eclipse 3.2.2

2007-03-02 Thread Dave Carabetta

Hi Andriy,

I found this article a little over a year ago, and I haven't looked back

It describes how to externalize the location of your eclipse plugins so that
upgrading the IE doesn't cause you to have to re-install everything you

Hope this helps.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 3/2/07, Andriy Panas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hello Dave,

DC> I just did it and there are no issues to speak of thus far.

This is probably OT, but I always wonder how do you install Flex
Builder Eclipse plugin (and other Eclipse plugins too) when you do upgrade
to the new version of Eclipse?

Do you:

a) reinstall every Eclipse plugin manually from the scratch from
"Software update" menu;

b) just copy "plugins" and "features" folders to the location
of new version of Eclipse IDE;

c) install new Eclipse IDE on the top of old Eclipse IDE
installation folder and this makes a trick.
Best regards,
Andriy mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Re: [flexcoders] Eclipse 3.2.2

2007-03-01 Thread Dave Carabetta

I just did it and there are no issues to speak of thus far.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 3/1/07, Chris Velevitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Has anyone tried using Flex Builder 2.0.1 with Eclipse 3.2.2? I've
just noticed that Eclipse 3.2.2 has just been released and I was
wondering if it's ok to upgrade without breaking Flex Builder.

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group
m: 0415 469 095

Re: [flexcoders] URL Link in Flex Application

2007-02-26 Thread Dave Carabetta

'_blank');" />

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 2/23/07, Lisa Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Can you tell me how to be able to have a user click on a link (button,
whatever) from within a Flex application and have it take the user to a
non-Flex, regular web page within their browser? It's probably a
simple answer but I'm still getting up to speed with Flex. Thanks!


Re: [flexcoders] This would make me very happy, a datagrid on STERIODS!

2007-02-20 Thread Dave Carabetta

This component might help get you down the path to the solution you want. It
does row highlighting, and I'm sure you could easily add in styling if you
want to.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 2/19/07, boy_trike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Am I the only poor slob out here who does NOT want to sub-class a
datagrid to be able to
control for each cell the:

• Background color
• Font Color
• Font Size
• Font Weight

Is it possible that Adobe (or someone who I would be happy to pay $$$ to)
will come out
with a datagrid with an option similar to the labelFunction that has these
4 fields passed to it
so I can easily and programmatically set any of these parameters? Maybe
its because I am
coming from Delphi which has a few different grids that offer these
features that I not
satisfied with the current offerings. Please let me know if there are
developers who feel the same way. (if not, I will assume that I am more
unique than my wife
lets on!) However, I warn you, I do not handle disappointment very well!



Re: [flexcoders] no code completion with cairngorm

2007-02-17 Thread Dave Carabetta

Code completion doesn't work with SWCs I don't think.

To solve your problem, you might just set up a second project in Flex
Builder called "Cairngorm 2.1" and then edit the "Project References" by
selecting the Cairngorm project in the Properties of the project that uses
it. This way, you don't have to copy all the CG framework code across your
projects -- it's managed from one central project.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 2/17/07, Grant Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   Do I need something special to get code completion with cairngorm swc?
I'm getting a lot of typos, but when I do com.adobe.  and wait, I never
get the code completion... is there something I need to setup ?


*› b l u e t u b e i n t e r a c t i v e.*
.: grant davies
.: 404.428.6839 (c)
.: 708-983-1577 (F)
› A Tribal Chicken Designs Affiliate 



Re: [flexcoders] Whats up with MXNA

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Carabetta

Actually, we did some pretty extensive checks on our end to make sure it
wasn't us causing the problem, and it's not us.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 2/1/07, Igor Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Everything is going fine with my MXNA here.

Kind of problem (if could be a problem) it's in fact of the guys at Cy.
Sys. had pinged again some old post. This happens.


On 2/1/07, Jason Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   4 pages of Cynergy Systems Blog posts (old ones mind you), after page
> 4
> nothing ??
> Anyone else getting this..
> jason


Igor Costa
skype: igorpcosta

Re: [flexcoders] Drag-Resize MDI Example

2007-01-22 Thread Dave Carabetta

Do you mean something like this?

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 1/14/07, John Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   Anyone know of a Flex 2 Drag-Resize MDI/Panel example?
*Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.
 - Henry Ford


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Docs included in 2.0.1 are broken

2007-01-08 Thread Dave Carabetta

That links work actually. You just have to remove the period at the end of

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 1/8/07, DannyT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Thanks Randy, although the link is currently not found.


On 08/01/07, jrunrandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>   If you are not using Flex Builder, which has all Flex docs in the Help
> system, you can get a local copy of the Flex docs by downloading the
> ZIP file (~45 MB) at
> This contains usage docs in PDF format and reference docs in ASDoc
> format.
> Randy Nielsen
> Flex Documentation Manager
> Adobe Systems, Inc.
> --- In ,
> "Collin Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > All I'd like is a local version of the Language Docs so I don't have
> to
> > depend on (or more specifically the load on
> during the
> > middle of the day). What is the recommended way to access those via
> > browser?


Re: [flexcoders] Since flex 2.0.1

2007-01-08 Thread Dave Carabetta


This link should give you all the info you need as far as what is changed
and fixed in the new release:

Further, and I'm not saying it will definitely fix your problems, but you
may want to make sure you do a "clean" build just to make sure all remnants
of the 2.0 build are removed in favor of the 2.0.1 code base. That's found
under "Project -> Clean..." in Flex Builder.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 1/8/07, John Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   I don't know the cause of these errors but I have my own recompile
errors since moving to 2.0.1 (Mac).

It would be nice if someone from Adobe would post documentation on what
has changed in the API since the last release so we can all debug our
"legacy" applications.

I for one have an application which is "crippled" since moving to 2.0.1...
moving back to 2.0.0 until I can debug what the solution should be?


maikelsibbald said the following:

 I've updated today to flex 2.0.1

And now I suddenly get these errors? doe anybody know what the problem is.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.

at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/dispatchEvent()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/::internalRefresh()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/refresh()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/initialized()
at org.panda.gpn.view.workspace.results::OverView$iinit()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.containers::ViewStack/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/initialize()
at org.panda.gpn.view.workspace::WorkspaceView/initialize()

*Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.
 - Henry Ford


Re: [flexcoders] useHandCursor

2006-12-13 Thread Dave Carabetta

Hi Sanjay,

I believe you also need to set buttonMode="true" for the cursor to appear.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 12/13/06, sanjaypmg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi All,

I cannt able to seee hand cursor while I roll the mouse over my label.

I have used:

it doesnt change the default mouse cursor to hand cursor.

Do let me know the solution.



Re: [flexcoders] Stylizing Accodrdion border

2006-11-17 Thread Dave Carabetta

Flex components are configurable via CSS styles. Have a go with the Flex 2
Style Explorer and then just cut and paste the resulting code it spits out
into an external stylesheet or a mx:Style tag.

Just be aware that the Style Explorer doesn't necessarily expose *every*
configurable option, so consult the LiveDocs for that component if you don't
see something there you need.

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

On 11/17/06, missgiggygirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hello Everyone!
I am new and trying to wrap my head around some (seemingly) simple

I do not like the default look and behavior of the borders of the
Accordion widget, but do not see how to change it?

Through the built in API help, Class "Accordion" has properties like
"selectedFillColors" and "textRollOverColor", but no border controls?
I want each :block" to be 1px solid black by default on all four
sides, and upon hover become grey (#66) on all four sides?

How can I achieve this?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 2 Question

2006-11-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/6/06, Eric Fleming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am at the beginning stages of learning Flex 2 but I cannot find any
> information about this online.  If I have an application that has 5
> tabs and when you click on a tab it will load a different form in each
> tab.  Is there a way that the form can be loaded at runtime so that if
> you only click on two of the tabs, the other three are never loaded?
> The reason I ask is that I work with a fairly large html application
> that has hundred of pages and putting that into one swf would be a
> huge burden on our servers and also make the user wait longer than
> they need to when as much of 80% of the application will not be used
> on the session.  Any help would be appreciated as I may be stuck in
> the request/response world still and I am just missing something
> obvious.


The default behavior of the multi-view components such as the
TabNavigator, ViewStack, and Accordion tags is to use deferred
instantiation of the content, so you're already set up to do what you
want out of the box. For more information on the creationPolicy
attribute (which drives this feature), check this page out in the

Cynergy Systems, Inc.

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Re: [flexcoders] Trace(), not in debug mode? [Flex 2]

2006-11-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/6/06, Roscoe P Coltrane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to obtain trace output to the console or to a file when
> not running in debug mode? I have a sequence of events that works in
> debug mode but not in non-debug mode, I need to trace thru.

I have been using the Flash Tracer Firefox plugin with great success
and haven't had to run in debug mode for my trace() statements to run.
You still need the debug player installed, but I have been able to
simply hit the non-Debug Run button in Flash Builder and I've been
good to go:


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Re: [flexcoders] how to initialize all accordion tabs?

2006-10-26 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 10/25/06, Luis Eduardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   i am needing to set up some components of a closed tab on an
> accordion, but it appears that only the openned tab is well initialized.
>   the components on the closed tabs remain all with NULL values until i
> open the tab.
>   how can i tell to accordion to initialize all tabs any time before
> user can interact with it ?

Look up creationPolicy="all".


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2 Application Modeling

2006-10-10 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 10/10/06, Nick Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anybody have any recommendations for some software to use to represent visually the architecture and modeling of a Flex 2 Cairngorm application? I've been going at it with Visio, but it's just not cutting it, especially since I have some 150 classes to map. Thanks in advance for any of your recommendations.
This one made the rounds recently:, use this archive URL to review a pretty extensive discussion of Evan's work:,Dave.


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Re: [flexcoders]

2006-10-09 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 10/9/06, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 09 October 2006 07:35, Olubunmi Falaki [ MTN - YelloDrome ] wrote:
> > I am new to the concept of flex where do you think I should start.?
> Adobe's DevNet:

Also, don't forget about the LiveDocs, which are very well written:

and the Fled-dedicated site set up by Adobe:

You'll also see some blog feeds down the right column on
Definitely check those blogs out, as they are the "big" bloggers using
Flex, and there's tons of great information in there.


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Re: [flexcoders] Some Tutorials...

2006-10-08 Thread Dave Carabetta

Definitely look at Aral Balkan's excellent Flex 2 Quick Start series on
In particular, his tutorials on data binding should help you out immensely.Regards,Dave.On 10/8/06, Ben Lucyk <

Hi Christopher,


The easiest way to accomplish what you
want in your simple example is to use databinding.


    :TextInput id="input1" text="5" />

    :TextInput id="input2" text="6" />

    :TextInput id="input3" text="{
Number(input1.text) + Number(input2.text) }" />"">




  Ben Lucyk

  p 1.877.TRY.ESRIA ext 718
  c 1.408.489.3913
  f  1.877.828.4436









[] On Behalf
Of Christopher
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006
11:18 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Some


I'm looking to find some fairly simple tutorials that
focus on taking
information from form elements and putting them into variables,
maniplating them and then bring them manipluated new variable out to a
datagrid. I'm having a hard time finding the
documentation that talks
about moving data from form elements into variables and then back out
again. Can anybody point me in the right direction?




input 1 - 5
input 2 - 6

var  1
var two = input 2
var three = (one + two)

show var three (which would = 11)


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: flash player error Flash9.ocx when testing app

2006-09-30 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/30/06, tomkrcha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the same problem. I can't debug in FlexBuilder/Eclipse, because
> of missing Flash9.ocx.
> Anybody got idea?

If the file is missing, then have you tried uninstalling and
re-installing the Flash Player? The Flex Builder installer lays down
the installers for you, though you'll need to download the uninstaller
from the Adobe site. Check out you FB insall directory under Flex
Builder 2\Player\debug for the players.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expression for an array object name?

2006-09-28 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/28/06, jnewport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I print out what "obj" contains?  I have tried
> trace(obj.toString()), but I get [object object].

I believe you can just do trace( ObjectUtil.toString(obj) ); to get that dump.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Unable to access UserTransaction in DataService.

2006-09-27 Thread Dave Carabetta
I'm not sure if this is it, but have you read this TechNote about
weaking typing and the ClassCastException?


On 9/27/06, erik_jen5en <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems that the problem is not isolated to only JBoss.  I have
> deployed the application to Tomcat 5.5 and the same message appears.
> Rather than being caused by a connection failure this time it is
> caused by a ClassCastException.
> See the trace below,
> [Flex] Exception when invoking service: data-service
>   with message: Flex Message (
> operation = transacted
> id = null
> clientId = 627EFDAF-E0B2-D265-7E87-814FBF618297
> correlationId =
> destination = userDest
> messageId = 5D5B6555-6771-5A6C-7783-EFAE0DB097BE
> timestamp = 1159367364062
> timeToLive = 0
> body =
> [
>   Flex Message (
>   operation = update
>   id = ASObject(20457766){id=12}
>   clientId = 9D2C55D8-A16D-DF68-6281-EFADFD836225
>   correlationId = 5D5B6555-6771-5A6C-7783-EFAE0DB097BE
>   destination = userDest
>   messageId = B941BD2C-2AEA-5B39-6759-EFAE0DA0A91A
>   timestamp = 0
>   timeToLive = 0
>   body =
>   [
> [
>   username
> ],
> {password=12vianet, userType=1, username=root,
> ownerName=System, id=12},
> {password=12vianet, userType=1, username=roo,
> ownerName=System, id=12}
>   ]
> ]
> hdr(DSEndpoint) = my-polling-amf
>   exception: Unable to access
> UserTransaction in DataService.
> [Flex] Error handling message: Unable
> to access UserTransaction in DataService.
>   incomingMessage: Flex Message (
> operation = transacted
> id = null
> clientId = 627EFDAF-E0B2-D265-7E87-814FBF618297
> correlationId =
> destination = userDest
> messageId = 5D5B6555-6771-5A6C-7783-EFAE0DB097BE
> timestamp = 1159367364062
> timeToLive = 0
> body =
> [
>   Flex Message (
>   operation = update
>   id = ASObject(20457766){id=12}
>   clientId = 9D2C55D8-A16D-DF68-6281-EFADFD836225
>   correlationId = 5D5B6555-6771-5A6C-7783-EFAE0DB097BE
>   destination = userDest
>   messageId = B941BD2C-2AEA-5B39-6759-EFAE0DA0A91A
>   timestamp = 0
>   timeToLive = 0
>   body =
>   [
> [
>   username
> ],
> {password=12vianet, userType=1, username=root,
> ownerName=System, id=12},
> {password=12vianet, userType=1, username=roo,
> ownerName=System, id=12}
>   ]
> ]
> hdr(DSEndpoint) = my-polling-amf
>   errorReply: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage)
> clientId = null
> correlationId = 5D5B6555-6771-5A6C-7783-EFAE0DB097BE
> destination = userDest
> messageId = 627F04DB-D0EA-6F83-F899-17780D7F89EE
> timestamp = 1159367364109
> timeToLive = 0
> body = null
> code =  Server.Processing
> message =  Unable to access UserTransaction in DataService.
> details =  null
> rootCause =  java.lang.ClassCastException: org.objectweb.jotm.Current
> body =  null
> extendedData =  null
> [Flex] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
> Version: 3
>   (Message #0 targetURI=/8/onStatus, responseURI=)
> (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage')
>   rootCause = (Typed Object #1 'java.lang.ClassCastException')
> localizedMessage = "org.objectweb.jotm.Current"
> message = "org.objectweb.jotm.Current"
> cause = null
>   destination = "userDest"
>   headers = (Object #2)
>   correlationId = "5D5B6555-6771-5A6C-7783-EFAE0DB097BE"
>   faultString = "Unable to access UserTransaction in DataService."
>   messageId = "627F04DB-D0EA-6F83-F899-17780D7F89EE"
>   faultCode = "Server.Processing"
>   timeToLive = 0.0
>   extendedData = null
>   faultDetail = null
>   clientId = null
>   timestamp = 1.159367364109E12
>   body = null
> I am attempting to use the Assemblers to fill and update data is there
> anything special I am missing?
> --- In, "erik_jen5en" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jeff,
> >
> > I don't seem to be able to get access to your JSP file although I do
> > have another application deployed on the application server that uses
> > the UserTransaction during a JAAS login.
> >
> > Since the other application is working I was hoping that it was simply
> > a setup error.
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Jeff Vroom"  wrote:
> > >
> > > This is very strange.  I wish the code were logging a stack trace for
> > > this error (and just fixed the code so it will in the future) but I 

Re: [flexcoders] Application initialize

2006-09-21 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/21/06, tandemdev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my FLEX application I'm trying to access a web service upon
> application initialization (in the initialize event).
> I've noticed that in many cases, it does not call the webservice and
> retrieve the results the first time I launch the application.
> But if I hit refresh on the page, it works.  How do I get it to work
> the first time, every time?
> Should I be using a different event handler?  Any suggestions would be
> very much appreciated.

Try the creationComplete event handler instead.


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Re: [flexcoders] Persist Flex session data

2006-09-20 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/20/06, Anas Mughal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to persist flex session data on the user's computer? We
> are considering persisting very small amount of data.

Search the documentation for Local Shared Objects:


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Re: [flexcoders] FP 9 Sandbox Bug Between Firefox and IE?

2006-09-20 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/20/06, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this is a known issue.  The viewSource SWF itself was probably not 
> re-published with the network settings so even though the first SWF comes up 
> correctly our view source logic is pre-compiled to use the network.  I'll 
> forward this in to be sure.

Hi Matt. A couple of questions:

1) What's the correct behavior supposed to be? Is Firefox or IE acting

2) If Firefox is acting correctly, isn't that a pretty large security
hole in IE because I don't even need to put the -use-network=false
compiler flag in for it to execute my code? It just seems like this is
a bit more than a "known issue" and it should be fixed up and an
updated player released ASAP, no? I certainly don't want to yell
"FIRE" in a crowded room, but the Flash Player executing code outside
of the proper security sandbox is a pretty big deal, isn't it?

(OK, so it was more than a couple of questions.)


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[flexcoders] FP 9 Sandbox Bug Between Firefox and IE?

2006-09-19 Thread Dave Carabetta
Hi. I was wondering if somebody can confirm for me whether or not I've
stumbled upon a Flash Player 9 bug. The source code is simply the
source code from Ted Patrick's Flex Builder 101 Breeze demo located at
I've also pasted it below for cut-and-paste purposes. Essentially, the
bug problem statement is that the Firefox plugin's default security
context seems to differ from the IE plugin's default context. When I
try to do a "View Source" on the published SWF, Firefox pops up the
"#2148" local file access error that many have seen while IE happily
displays the resulting source code SWF.

Here's the source code:";
backgroundGradientColors="[#ff, #ff]"

As you can see, it's very plain stuff. If I right-click and do a
subsquent View Source in Firefox, this AS error pops up and no source
code is displayed:

SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file
file:///D:/flex_projects/MyFirstFlex/bin/MyFirstFlex.swf cannot access
local resource srcview/index.html. Only local-with-filesystem and
trusted local SWF files may access local resources.
at global/
at mx.core::Application/::menuItemSelectHandler()

Internet Explorer displays everything just fine.

But the plot thickens... I know about the -use-network=false switch to
add to the compiler settings so that local access is granted, so I
added that and re-published the project. Upon clicking the View Source
option, this time the source code is displayed in the right frame, but
I get this AS error popup when the SWF in the left frame tries to load
the source tree:

[RPC Fault faultString="Error #2148: SWF file
file:///D:/flex_projects/MyFirstFlex/bin/srcview/SourceTree.swf cannot
access local resource SourceIndex.xml. Only local-with-filesystem and
trusted local SWF files may access local resources."
faultCode="InvokeFailed" faultDetail="null"]
at mx.rpc.http::HTTPService/send()
at mx.rpc.http.mxml::HTTPService/send()
at SourceTree/::startApplication()
at SourceTree/___Application1_creationComplete()
at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation()

And, again, IE is fine and displays both pages in the frameset without
issue. My next thought was to verify the version of the Flash Player
that I'm running and they're both properly at 9,0,16, so that
eliminates that possibility.

Any ideas as to why there is an apparent difference in the default
security context between the two players? Is this, in fact, a bug or
known issue?


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Re: [flexcoders] Huge memory usage in Flex Builder 2 (release version)

2006-09-15 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/15/06, RBullotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a not-so-big Flex application, I'm noticing that FB is often
> consuming 500MB+ of RAM.  Seems something is amiss...

Yeah, Flex Builder's a huge memory hog. Have you tried this cheap trick?


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex Training/Tutorials

2006-09-07 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/7/06, justin.aloha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to Flex 2. I have a strong ColdFusion background and some
> Flash experience as well. Does anyone know of a good place to find
> tutorials and other means to learn Flex? I have checked the usual
> places, i.e. Adobe,, and used the Lynda series.  Hope someone
> has some good information!

This was phenomenal too:

I've done both the and the Total Training tutorials, and the
Total Training one was much more complete, in my opinion. The set was great to get your feet wet, but you build some
nicely advanced components in the Total Training series, which is
definitely a best practice when it comes to breaking up your code.

Also, I know you said you went to Adobe's site, but Aral Balkan is
kicking butt with his continuing Quick Start series:

Make sure to check those out. I can't think of much more for him to
cover at this point.


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Re: [flexcoders] Problem with charts license

2006-08-04 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 8/4/06, Bill Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with inputting our serial number for Flex
> Charting.  FB2 has accepted the serial number no problem.  But the
> charting says it's invalid. Should there be a different serial number
> for charting compared to FB2.  Our IT guys say they only have one
> number and the order form confirms that we ordered charting.  Anyone
> else had a similar problem.

There are definitely 2 serial numbers, as you can have FB without the
charting, as you're aware. Have your IT guys circle back with whoever
they placed the order with to track down the charting serial number.
We received two.


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Re: [flexcoders] How does Flex 2.0 handle ColdFusion Query results?

2006-07-28 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 7/27/06, Mike Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Dave and All,
I checked out the Article and it 
But I am confused why it 
worked...  In some respects, I thought I was doing the same thing - but 
just in a different way.  I was wondering if you could explain why one 
piece of code works, and the code I originally used did NOT work.  For 
the example code below, you can all assume that I already declared a 
public variable called 'categories', and cast it as an 
For starters, here is the code that 
works from the Article:
    categories = event.result as 
for the code that does NOT work:
categories = new ArrayCollection(event.result as 
    categories = new 
If I 
understand your post correctly, you are saying that the "Event Object" performs 
some type of "smart conversions" - only when it's being directly 
assigned to a variable?  And if that's true, this conversion never 
gets triggered, when it's placed inside of a Constructor (for example an 
ArrayCollection)?  This would explain why my code did not 
don't know - just thinking out loud here.  I would love to know more about 
how this all works, especially since there were so MANY massive changes from 
Flex 1.0 Beta, all the way to the latest release version (not to mention Flash 
Remoting, which the earliest versions of Flex had a lot of similarities 
to).  I am sure learning how this all works, will save me a LOT of 
headaches down the road - especially since I ONLY write Data-Driven applications 
(RIA's) which all make massive amounts of database 
calls.Hey Mike. First and very much foremost I just want to be clear that I'm new to ActionScript 3 myself and that my tips/advice are based purely on personal experience (as opposed to in-depth knowledge of the underlying intricacies of the framework). To that end, Mike Nimer (ColdFusion engineer extraordinaire) posted the difference between the two in anoth thread. If you don't mind, I'll just quote him because I think that he's going to be better at explaining this than I'll be!
Regarding why using the "as" keyword works, Nimer notes:"In ColdFusion all queries are returned as a true ArrayCollection objects, so you don't need to create your own. So with this syntax you are just casting, or telling the compiler, the variable that you already know the datatype of (ArrayCollection) is an real ArrayCollection."
Regarding why there are issues with using the ArrayCollection contructor:"Here you are telling the compiler the result is an Array, so you need to *create* a new ArrayCollection object based on this array."
My interpretation of the difference between the two is that the "as" keyword approach just re-inforces the already existing ArrayCollection datatype that is returned by ColdFusion while the second approach is casting an ArrayCollection to an Array, which I guess the compiler doesn't like. In the  third case you tried (categories = new ArrayCollection(
event.result)), I wouldn't expect it to work because the ArrayCollection class expects an Array as its constructor argument and you were passing in an ArrayCollection.Hope this helps?Again, I'm learning much as you're learning, so if you have any further insights/questions, this is the best place to ask!


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Re: [flexcoders] How does Flex 2.0 handle ColdFusion Query results?

2006-07-27 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 7/27/06, Mike Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Shannon :)
Yes, I am doing precisely that.  I was trying to avoid 
posting code, but it's the easiest way to show you everything I am trying to 
do.  You can assume too, that yes I am bringing back a valid RecordSet from 
ColdFusion, and the FieldNames match up exactly with what was brought 
back.  Since the data is all there, Flex for some reason, is not iterating 
through all the data and parsing it out properly.  I just have a hard time 
with this - since this works fine with my Flash Remoting app, and that I am 
bringing back a native Query Object from ColdFusion.  I must be missing 
something, or am not properly casting something.  As far as I can tell, I 
am properly coding the Grid Columns - but maybe I am not...  One last thing 
- I am running something similar to Flash's NetConnection Debugger - and I am 
for sure getting back a valid response from the CF Server - an Array of Objects, 
all properly formatted and casted.
If you could shed further light, as to why no data shows up 
in my DataGrid when the app runs, I'd be very grateful :)Mike,A bit has changed between 1.5 and 2.0 with regard to Flex, and for the better (aka easier). To that end, yesterday I blogged a post on using Arrays vs. ArrayCollections in Flex and, at the bottom, there is a semi-complete MXML application that shows calling an HTTPService and handling the results for display in the DataGrid. In short, the new ResultEvent class should make its way into your code, as that class is the one that has the "smarts" to handle ColdFusion queries and cast it to an appropriate local data structure. Watch for link wrapping:
Hope this helps.Regards,Dave.


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Re: [Junk E-Mail - MED] [flexcoders] remote object mapping frustration

2006-07-27 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 7/27/06, Douglas Knudsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks, yeah, I checked that like 500 times now, all looks fine and dandy.  errr, so frustrating.  All my other cfcs are mapping fine.  DKProbably a dumb question, but have you refreshed both the server template cache and the browser cache to make sure neither are stale? Perhaps even a restart of the CF server just for good measure?


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[flexcoders] Flex Builder Problem: A console is not available

2006-07-26 Thread Dave Carabetta
Hi. I've just started having a problem with Flex Builder 2
(registered) where the Console tab constantly says "A console is not
available." I tried shutting the tab and created a fresh tab, but that
didn't do anything. I then shut down FB and did a launch of the IDE
with -clean appended to the .exe call, and that didn't do anything

Anybody else seeing this or have any ideas? A Google search shows that
this was a problem with the 3.1 release (on which FB is based), but I
know it was working yesterday because I have been using it


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Re: [Junk E-Mail - LOW] [flexcoders] Returning query results to flex from CFC

2006-07-24 Thread Dave Carabetta

An alternative way to write the resultHandler() function would be:import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;import;[Bindable]private var companyInfo:ArrayCollection;private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
   companyInfo = event.result as ArrayCollection;}Essentially, the array type returned by ColdFusion is not exactly the same type of array that the Datagrid is expecting. So you have to "coerce" it into the correct datatype, which is what the "as ArrayCollection" bit is doing.
Regards,Dave.On 7/24/06, Shannon Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had similar problems my first attempt 
Try this:
public function 
resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{companyInfo = new 

[] On Behalf Of michrx7
Monday, July 24, 2006 4:17 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [Junk E-Mail - LOW] [flexcoders] 
Returning query results to flex from CFC

I am trying to populate a datagrid with results from a cfc. This should 
be simple. I have written the simply "Hello World" cfc and gotten the string 
to display, but am really struggling getting a query to return and display. 
If someone would help it would be appreciated.Here is my CFC 
(getInfo.cfc):returntype="query">SELECT cvcontactID, 
cvcontactLast, cvcontactFirst FROM 
straightforward as I'm only selecting some simple info out of the 
database.Now I have my flex app that should call the cfc, return the 
query, and list the info into a simple datagrid. Now I know it's making the 
calls to the cfc (using simple calls), but I can't get the 
data to display.Here is my mxml flex file:" 
dataProvider="{companyInfo}">dataField="cvcontactLast"/>dataField="cvcontactFirst"/>I am 
completely at a loss right now on where to try and change anything. Thanks 
for the help in 
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Re: [flexcoders] Flash Video Crash Frequency Becoming Alarming

2006-06-20 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 6/20/06, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 June 2006 15:56, Dave Carabetta wrote:
> > Major commercial sites where the browser tends to crash:
> >
> >
> I spent 5 minutes clicking on each site, and it didn't crash.
> Mind you, ESPN claims I needed Flash 8 most of the time, so their in a world
> of hurt already :-)

Yeah, I've posted feedback to them as well noting that their detection
scripts need to be updated. It's usually on their sub-pages (clicking
into a story link), and, like I said, it's usually only when it's the
Apple ad with the two dudes (using Flash Video rather than the
standard movie). If it were a clear repro (i.e., I could get the link
to the SWF before my browser crashes), I'd certainly post it.


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[flexcoders] Flash Video Crash Frequency Becoming Alarming

2006-06-20 Thread Dave Carabetta
I posted this in the FP 9 forums, but it doesn't look like anybody
really pays attention to it, so I thought I'd re-post this to more
eyeballs to see what your experience has been:

I know that there is a final push to get FP 9 out the door by the end
of the month. However, I have to say that the frequency with which my
browsers are crashing, predominantly when the content is Flash Video,
is giving me some serious cause for alarm. In a browser like Firefox,
where there is one process for every window you have open, losing
multiple windows worth of work is immensely frustrating. I have
submitted this same issue via the Wish Form several times as well, so
this isn't the first I'm noting this. Here's my (seemingly standard)

Windows XP Professional with SP2, fully patched
Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519
Flash Player 9, beta 3 (IE: Version 9,0,0,296, FF: Version 9.0 b296)

Major commercial sites where the browser tends to crash:

In both cases, it is almost invariably any time one of the Flash Video
ads for Apple's new Mac campaign appears. Further, I've noted that it
gets to the point where the video looks to be done loading and is
about to play back. I went to a second machine that had FP 8
installed, and the video played fine.

I'm a huge fan of the improvements that FP 9 is offering for
developers, but if I can't achieve stability accessing very common web
sites, I can't ask my customers to upgrade so that they can use my
Flex 2 appsthat just won't fly.

Again, this looks to be Flash *Video*-related, as I've had no problems
as of yet accessing standard SWF files (i.e., forms, etc.) that I have
been developing.

Are others experiences stability issues?


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Re: [flexcoders] Article on Cairngorm for Fusion Authority

2006-05-10 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 5/10/06, Darren Houle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Judith,
> I might have to disagree with Dave...
> Although Steven's 6 part series is certainly very helpful, it addresses Cg
> .99 and contains multiple references to the sample files in the
> download.  There are quite a few differences between Cg .99
> and the newer Cg 2 "beta" framework as well as several code differences in
> the samples that don't work in F2B2 or 3 without some tweaking.
> If you're looking for an overview of the Cairngorm philosophy with just a
> few light code examples then Steven's articles would be perfect to start
> from, but if you're looking for something to work from, code samples, code
> you can run in F2B3, something more hands on or in depth then you'd probably
> need to write something new.  Although those Cg .99 articles (currently
> printed and sitting on my desk by-the-way!) and code samples are
> outstanding, I also believe they are in need of some updating once F2 and Cg
> 2 are out of "beta."  Someone learning Flex and/or Cairngorm for the first
> time may be more confused than helped by the .99 stuff when they try to
> install and run the samples in Builder.


I definitely agree, but Fusion Authority articles are usually at a
higher level than step-by-step code, and that was the angle from which
I was speaking. Certainly if the intent is to use the framework in a
step-by-step manner, then your suggestion works. In fact, I would
argue to wait until after the beta is over because Steven has recently
noted that there will be some important (yet minor) changes to how the
framework currently works...even the beta.


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Re: [flexcoders] Article on Cairngorm for Fusion Authority

2006-05-10 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 5/10/06, ColdFusion Editor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi. Would anyone here be interested in writing an 
article on Cairngorm for Fusion Authority? If so, please contact me offlist at 
editor AT fusion authority dot com.Judith,As a long-time user of ColdFusion and reader of FA, I think your best bet is going to be to link to Steven Webster's excellent 6-part series on the framework in the Developer Center. depth and clarity of the series really makes writing a separate write-up almost unnecessary.

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Re: [flexcoders] Flex2 Beta3: Mystic installation

2006-05-09 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 5/9/06, Bill Sahlas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please review the release notes for J2EE installs @


Can you please put that page somewhere that's *not* behind that beta
site? Perhaps on the Labs documentation page? I don't have permission
to access that page and this is exactly the kind of information I have
been searching for since the B3 release last night.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: All the bunch of idiots at Adobe, please note!

2006-04-17 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 4/17/06, t_msreddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here come the Adobe Chauvinist! This is not dirty laundry Tim.
> I am not using this a platform for airing my personal stuff. Sorry
> if you felt so. This is my personal experience related to Flex
> project. So I thought there is nothing wrong in expressing my views.

All due respect, but you posted this while completely hiding behind
your e-mail address. If you're so adamant about your experience and
want to make a public statement about the quality of Adobe Consulting,
I think you'd receive a bit more respect (even if they vehmently
disagree) if you were to provide your name. You saw fit to put the
engineers' names into the public domain, so why are you hiding behind
"t_msreddy"? I have no experience with Adobe Consulting; they really
could stink for all I know. But I can't really seriously consider
anything you wrote when "t_msreddy" is all anybody knows about the
source of the accusations.


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Re: [flexcoders] What is the url where I can download Flex Beta from

2006-04-17 Thread Dave Carabetta
> Can someone give it to me please


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Re: [flexcoders] It's not what you think ---- New IE Update puts huge Selector Around Flash Movies / Netscape, Opera Nor Firefox do this

2006-04-07 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 4/6/06, Robert Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What you have to understand about Microsoft is they are extremely good at 
> deception.
> Make no doubt about it, they are smart, if not in software, in market 
> dynamics and legal dynamics.
> Trust me, I know, I've seen documents I can't discuss.
> They _NEVER_ let a ruling like the Lawsuit mentioned below go by so easily; 
> unless there's an
> advantage.
> When VISTA is released and SPARKLE is released and Microsoft has not taken 
> steps to hack them or
> prevent their quality as was PROVEN in the SUN JAVA case that Microsoft first 
> licensed Java, then
> "hacked the code" put it in IE to make it perform poorly.  This is all 
> documented; and resulted in
> a $20M fine and fixing the hack that was purposely put in there as was 
> concluded.
> The same happened to Apple QuickTime back in the 90's -- Microsoft, hacked 
> certain parts of
> Windows undocumented APIs and other components to ensure QuickTime performed 
> poorly.  Mr. Rick
> Segal, who has since, as has been said by someone else -- not me -- has 
> either "fled the country
> or was fired" spoke out about this very incident in a posting a few years 
> back that I have
> documented.  And in another quote "If Microsoft could get the source code to 
> fix it, they would"
> speaking about the Blue Mountain v Microsoft issue where the same kind of 
> deceitfulness occured
> with Outlook.
> There is no reason why Macromedia/Adobe should trust Microsoft -- let alone 
> now with VISTA and
> SPARKLE authoring planned, and ZAM3D will assist in this.
> There are certain kinds of people, or companies, that you can NEVER TRUST.  
> And Microsoft is one
> of them.  Sure there are realities involved.  But it would be wise for 
> someone at Adobe/Macromedia
> to keep their eye on this issue.
> I'm involved in an appeal myself and I can tell you -- it's low down dirty 
> stuff, and it's, in one
> case, threatening.
> Would you "sic" your dog on a young college graduate who came out with a 
> proprietary technology.
> Would you then do things prior to "sic'ing" your dog on them that were 
> downright dishonest and
> deceitful.
> I think that's enough picture -- I really can't say more.  I only speak of 
> events that are
> documented on the web already that I've collected into a large 
> cross-referencing database to other
> books and public interog. gathered.

I'm certainly not suggesting that it's not to Microsoft's benefit to
release this patch. I was just saying that's why you see the frame
border. However, I will say that if you're a competent developer
("you're" meaning the developer community in general), you'll note
that there are several workarounds for this patch already, so it's not
like you're stuck. It's just a question of taking the time to
re-factor your code.


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Re: [flexcoders] New IE Update puts huge Selector Around Flash Movies / Netscape, Opera Nor Firefox do this

2006-04-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 4/6/06, Robert Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just updated my IE explorer, and unless something else is going on, now 
> Internet Explorer puts a
> huge selector around any FLEX/Flash Movies -- I mean on ANY site and I've 
> been to many already.
> Has anyone else experienced this when updating their IE ???
> I'm not sure everyone understands some of the things I know about how 
> Microsoft operates
> (internally).
> They are currently in the midst of plans to overcome Flash and it's 
> cross-platform popularity.
> This is probably one of the few things they can do -- make Flash look ugly in 
> IE by putting a
> selector around it.
> There are many reasons VISTA and SPARKLE are changing back and forth on 
> release dates and
> features; they just can't beat Flash or FLEX 2.0

This has been discussed ad nauseum recently. It's a patch to comply
with the Eolas lawsuit. Search the HoF archives...there's even been a
workaround posted.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Fedora Core 5 and Flex 1.5

2006-03-30 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 3/30/06, Renaun Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have had trouble with Apache 2.2 and ColdFusion, I am stepping on
> thin ice but would assume Apache 2.2 is the culprit.

ColdFusion MX, any version, will not currently work with Apache 2.2.
Steven Erat, a Senior Servers Support Engineer at Adobe, noted on a
list somewhere that there were specific issues with the Apache 2.2
binaries and that Adobe's working on getting it compatible. However,
there is no timetable for a release that I've seen anywhere. In the
meantime, you could likely just use the internal JRun web server, no?


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2: ColdFusion Updater Install Issues with FES

2006-03-14 Thread Dave Carabetta

Bill,Thanks so much for the detailed instructions. However, nothing came through attached. Would you mind e-mailing the files to dcarabetta (at) Also, I assume that I'll be able to deploy directly to a J2EE ColdFusion instance using the exe installer in a subsequent beta? I used the WAR deployment option for CFMX, as I've always found that setup much easier than the EAR deployment option. My directory setup for CFMX 
7.01 is:D:\JRun4\servers\cfmx7\cfusion(again, note that it's not at the default C:\ location)And that's the only instance (other than the JRun admin instance) that I have right now. I only point all this out because I want to make sure that my setup (which is pretty vanilla as far as the J2EE CFMX setup process goes) will eventually be covered by the one-click installer you provided on the Labs site.
Regards,Dave.On 3/14/06, Bill Sahlas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Dave -

The current beta installer  is designed to only update 
the initial CF instance in your multi-instance CFMX install - not a JRun 4 
Currently the beta 1 version has a bug and doesn't make the 
correct modification to the web.xml file on the "multi-server installer" (that's 
option #2 of the CFMX 7.01 installer)  but all the needed files are 
deployed to the correct location.  The one scenario that the installer 
isn't designed to handle is when the installer is a pure J2EE app 
server installer like JRun 4 install where you've also 
(appserver/jrun/lib/jrun-comp.ear) installed CF using the J2EE option 
(appserver/jrun/servers/cfmx/cfusion/)  The instructions should be 
sufficient to get you going for the J2EE app servers like JRun 4 and 
Below find the instructions on what you need to add 
to the web.xml file and instructions for both Flex Builder 2 and FES2 
messaging/cf flex event gateway.

For Flex 
Builder 2 connectivity
1) modify 
/WEB-INF/web.xml for you're deployed server
Add this to 
the Servlet section 





Add this down 
near the bottom of the file in the servlet-mapping 


2) Make this 
dir C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\flex and add the 
attached flex-enterprise-services.xml .

3) Modify 
flex-enterprise-services.xml - find the channel-definition id="my-cfamf" and 
make the endpoint uri= match your environment.  It defaults to 

class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/> so if you're got cf running 
off http://localhost:8300/cfusion then 
you'd have


4) copy the 
attached flashremoting_update.jar and flex-messaging.jar and put these under 


For the 
FlexMessaging Gateway all you'll need to do is 


1) put the 
attached flex-messaging-gateway.jar file under 
(flex-messaging-gateway.cfg is only a sample and isn't 

2) in the 
unzip the file under your 
C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\CFIDE\administrator\ which will 
replace the ones that you've got with the updated version that includes the 
FlexMessaging Gateway.  

3) Download 
the instructions and docs from the Mystic downloads page on the mmbeta site to 
familiarize yourself with both of these implementations.  There's tutorials 
on how to setup samples of both of 
these implementations  
ColdFusion MX with Flex 2 (PDF) .



NOTE: if 
you've got FES Beta I installed it includes both /flex and 
/samples applcations and maybe more than that.  If you want to you can 
restrict what Flex loads by modifying the 


Replace the 
 section that says This Service 
handles application deployment with this one.

            true        {jrun.server.rootdir}/SERVER-INF/temp    

For the J2EE appserver + CFMX J2EE deploys you 
may need to copy the flex-messaging-logins.jar and backport-util-concurrent.jar 
files from your FES2 install.

[] On Behalf Of Dave 
CarabettaSent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:55 AMTo: Flex 
CodersSubject: [flexcoders] Flex 2: ColdFusion Updater Install Issues 
with FES
I've been trying to avoid using this list for install support, 
butI've tried the Labs Forums, two blogs, and anot

[flexcoders] Flex 2: ColdFusion Updater Install Issues with FES

2006-03-14 Thread Dave Carabetta
I've been trying to avoid using this list for install support, but
I've tried the Labs Forums, two blogs, and another flex2dev mailing
list that I don't think works anymore, so I'm out of options...

I'm trying to get the Flex/ColdFusion Connectivity installer available
on the Labs site (cf_flexconnect_b1_0123_en.exe) to run, and I'm
constantly hung up on the first step after selecting the "Multiserver"
option where it asks where ColdFusion MX 7 is located. The default
path listed is C:\JRun4. My install is at D:\JRun4. I changed it to
that but I got this: "The specified directory D:\JRun4 does not
contain a valid JRun root directory." and I cannot continue. I then
add one directory at a time all the way down to my ColdFusion MX 7
instance (through the /WEB-INF/cfusion directory, and through my
/CFIDE directory) and I get the same exact error, except with the
added directories listed.

Does the installer not work with a path other than C:\JRun4 or
something? The forums are getting next to no traffic in the relevant
categories, and even fewer responses at that. I really want to dig
into FES with ColdFusion, but it won't work if I can't get this

Anybody have any thoughts? I'm desperate.


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Re: [flexcoders] Flash Player 8.5 Release Date?

2006-03-08 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 3/8/06, azhofeling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Currently have several projects in the queue that we would like to use
> Flex 2. Continued development in Flex 1.5 does not make sense given the
> non-portability issues.
> Has there been any dates suggested for a production version of Flash
> Player 8.5? Knowing this would help us decide the development platform
> for many of these projects.

I don't think the Flex team has hard timelines as of yet, but I would
wager that Flash Player 8.5 will be released simultaneously with Flex
2, as they are so closely related to each other. There were some
indications (i.e., rumors) from a few months back that they were
roughly targeting a June-ish release.


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Re: [flexcoders] IE Update disables Flash

2006-03-03 Thread Dave Carabetta

On 3/3/06, Clint Modien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anyone else seen this?
Should I start using FlashObject?Clint,Did you see/apply this hot fix released yesterday?

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Re: [flexcoders] jrun hot deployment of web-inf/classes ??

2006-02-17 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 2/17/06, Aldo Bucchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> mmmh tried it out, and jars placed in the web-inf/lib directory are
> not hot deployed either...
> perhaps wars are hot deployed... but that's not very useful in my
> architecture ( i have the server side part in a different project ).
> unless I use a very complex build of course.
> What is the recommended way to do this?
> (avoid restarting jrun with every change to the server side part of a FES app 
> )
> Does tomcat support hot deployment in lib/ or classes/ ?

Aldo, did you set the  and  tags in the JRun instance
you tried to true in teh WEB-INF/jrun-web.xml file before testing?
They are false by default, so you won't get "out of the box" hot
deployment. I think it's only for jar files, but that might be why you
didn't see anything working.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex/Coldfusion connectivity test app

2006-02-08 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 2/8/06, Dirk Eismann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> > Frameworks used :
> > - ColdSpring to handle our CFC-based model/service layers,
> that's very interesting. We also thought about giving ColdSpring a try -
> do you recommend it? It's a very "young" project and still in alpha so I
> wonder if you had any issues with it in a production environment.


It's worth noting that while seemingly an alpha because of it's
pre-1.0 status, it's very much a 1.0 release in terms of stability.
The reason it's not officially at 1.0 is because the creators of it
are conservative with their version numbering and also because they
said they are working on some Flash Remoting-specific features that
they want to get into the official 1.0 release. Head over to for more info, including an excellent
tutorial paper to move you along.


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Re: [flexcoders]Install charting components with new Flex 2.0 build?

2006-01-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 1/6/06, Stacey Mulcahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A couple of issues in using the new build versus the previous alpha –
> Where do I install the charting components? The directions no longer apply
> as directory names have changed.
> My tree component which previous worked, no longer does – its bound to
> variable.
> Any ideas, thoughts – etc much appreciated.

Did they even publicly release a new build? I see it on neither nor Or are you on some sort of
internal alpha/beta program and posted to the wrong list?


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Re: [flexcoders] NumberFormatter 's bug ? (Flex1.5)

2005-12-09 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 12/9/05, Yokota Satoshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using NumberFormatter class in ActionScript 2.0 classes.
> ---
> var numFormat:NumberFormatter = new NumberFormatter();
> numFormat.precision = 0;
> numFormat.rounding = "down";
> ---
> 1.5 -> 1
> -1.5 -> -2 (funny?)
> I know that Oracle and Excel works following things.
> 1.5 -> 1
> -1.5 -> -1
> Is that bug or not? Any idea?

No, that's not a bug. -2 is the next smallest number to -1.5. I'd be
curious is your Oracle/Excel experiments are truncating the fraction
and simply looking at the "1" and "-1".


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[flexcoders] Flex 2: Adding Result Set Column

2005-12-08 Thread Dave Carabetta
This is likely a very basic one, but I can't quite sort it out. I have
a ColdFusion query that is returning a column of sub-totals. I'd like
to use AS to calculate a grand total based on the sub-total column
(named "total"). I'm using the code below, but I keep getting an
"Unknown Property total" error:

function getGrandTotal(event:ResultEvent) {
  var totalResp:int;

  for ( var i:int = 0; i 
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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0 Enterprise Services 2

2005-11-14 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/14/05, Boddula, Sridhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does any one know when Flex 2.0 Enterprise Services 2 Alpha will be
> available?

The standard reply I've seen in a few places (notably this list) is
"by the end of the year."


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Cool Flex Site with Free 30 day trial

2005-11-10 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/10/05, fowleryj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Merrill, Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Perhaps their e-mail filter doesn't like e-mail addresses with
> > underscores like my Yahoo one does.
> Either that or they don't like free e-mail addresses. I've seen some
> sites that won't let you register with Hotmail or Yahoo e-mail accounts.

No, I registered with my Hotmail account and I got a response right
away. But I think there servers are hosed or something, as I cannot
log in for the life of me. I keep getting a "connection error" message
when I hit the Login button.

Oh well.

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Re: [flexcoders] Cool Flex Site with Free 30 day trial

2005-11-10 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/10/05, Sjors Pals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yup, really lame, just use their contact info ;)
> 6960 W. O'Bannon Drive
> Suite 110
> Las Vegas, NV 89117
> Application looks really nice, one of the best Flex Sites i have seen.

I keep getting a "The connection to our server has been interrupted.
Click Yes to retry." when attempting to log in. So much for load
testing! ;)


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex2: pricing info

2005-11-03 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/3/05, Aldo Bucchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Daniel, Dave
> Dave, it might be in alpha, but it is still excelent leverage that can
> be used today. If a big client goes for an expensive Ajax framework
> for all 2006 then good bye to selling flex for a whole year. I don't
> want that to happen.

I certainly understand that, but it's kind of tough to do a price
comparison, in my opinion. Flex is, to an extent, a shrink-wrapped
product with a known price tag. AJAX products aren't the result of
using a product that has a price tag -- the true cost is in the
development/debugging hours. Sure, there are AJAX libraries that
certainly help out, but it's not really the same. Scott Barnes has
some excellent blog entries (, specifically with some AJAX/DHTML vs.
Flex development anecdotes, which I personally feel are more
indicative of the true "cost" rather than looking at price tags.


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex2: pricing info

2005-11-03 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/3/05, Aldo Bucchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hola,
> Where can I find pricing info??
> I have to defend flex against some cheaper ajax frameworks. For this
> matter, I believe the serverless deployment model is the feature to
> highlight... any serverless flex apps TCO approximations?

Dude, the product is in an *Alpha* form right now. It's waaay to early
to have final pricing worked out. That being said, this FAQ item might
help ballpark it:


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Re: [flexcoders] Dual core license policy

2005-11-03 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 11/3/05, Mika Kiljunen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the Macromedia's license policy on dual core processors? Is a single 
> dual core processor calculated as 1, 1.5 or 2 processors ?
> I couldn't find this info anywhere, but I think it would be nice to know J

I can't remember where I read it, but I know for sure that
Macromedia's current policy is to use the number of *physical*
processors in the server as the number. So a dual core would just be
one processor.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Cannot get Remote objects connection

2005-10-03 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 10/3/05, yaagcur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. I'll do a search. The call is to a remote
> site and I'm getting an error
> *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
> at (Frame 1 of Layer Name Layer 1:2)
> Connection to
> halted - not permitted from
> http://localhost:/samples/explorer/data/myRemoteObjectDemorevised.mxml.swf?networkCapturePort=
> which suggests that may be the problem? I would have to switch
> connection to my own CF server by the look of it where I have control
> of that file

Yes, it looks like it's the missing crossdomain.xml that's giving you
trouble. Save the below as crossdomain.xml in the web root of the
*ColdFusion server* and give your call another shot:

For details as to why you need this file, he's an excellent blog
post/slide show explaining the concept:


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Re: [flexcoders] Cannot get Remote objects connection

2005-10-03 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 10/3/05, yaagcur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did a quick search of archives without luck but bear with me if this
> has already been answered
> I am trying to get data returned from a CFC on a remote machine (the
> same problem applies on a local machine)
> I have done this successfully with Flash thus
> NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrl("http://www.mysit
> gatewayConnnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
> mlb = gatewayConnnection.getService("mlc.mlbSQL", this);
> mlb.getTeams();
> However, attempting to duplicate this in Flex, the remote call is made
> according to the  FlexBuilder but there is no response
> The relevant part of the code I use is
>  endpoint="";
> result="teamList=event.result" showBusyCursor="true">
> I have place the mxml file in the samples directory and amended the
> flex-config.xml file
> *
> and for good measure
>  http://*
> Can you plese point out what I'm doing incorrectly
> Thanks

Did you properly create your crossdomain.xml file on the ColdFusion
server so that it will accept AMF calls? Search the archives for more
info, as this one has been covered many times. Also, if you're using
CFMX pre-7.01, then put a ? at the end of the gateway URL due to a
gateway caching bug that was in previous versions, like so:


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Server Alternatives

2005-09-29 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/29/05, Alex & Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just purchased a 4 cpu license. Does this mean that there is no
> worth in it when zorn comes out? Will I get the new flex for free?
> Or do I have to pay all that money again? I hope Macromedia sorts
> all that out.

Disclaimer: I don't work for Macromedia and have no "insider info" on
future products.

That being said, when you initially purchase Flex, it comes with a 12
month maintenance subscription built into the price, which means that
you'll get any and all upgrades free of charge during that period.
After the 12 month period, you have the option of renewing your
license(s) at 20% of the *current list price.* (I emphasize that last
point because we got burned on that recently because Macromedia more
than doubled the price of Flex since we purchased our initial licenses
and wound up being asked to pay the equivalent of 50% in maintenance
fees! Our sales rep did help us reach a satisfactory conclusion
though.) So yes, if you bought your licenses recently, Zorn/Mistral
should be out within that time period and you will get the upgrades
for fee.

As for the value, well I guess that remains to be seen, as Macromedia
has not discussed (even internally I would imagine) which features are
going to in the the stripped down version and the full version. As a
long-time ColdFusion developer, where there has always been a
"Professional" and "Enterprise" edition, I can tell you that there is
always a certain set of features found only in the Enterprise edition
that makes that edition compelling and worth having. Whether or not
Macromedia/Adobe chooses to follow that same path with Flex is up to
them, but they do have a solid record of making sure that there is
value in the dollars (or whatever currency you use) you spend on a
specific product edition.

I don't think Zorn/Mistral is even in a beta phase yet, so we're
obviously getting way ahead of things at the moment. But if history is
any indicator, you have not wasted your money with your recent


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Re: [flexcoders] Problems with xmlns=" in flex-config

2005-09-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 9/6/05, Roger Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That isn't a URL, its a URI.  Some URIs are also URLs.  This one isn't.
> :-)
> Most XML IDEs provide a mechanism to map a URI to a physical (.xsd
> schema) file.  I don't know how to do it in Eclipse, since I'm an
> IntelliJ user.  Most should also just warn you and go to "dumb" XML mode
> if it can't be found, though, it shouldn't really be a stopper.
> I think we did ship a schema for the config files somewhere in the
> distribution, search around.
> The server will fail to start because it expects the configuration
> directives to exist in the specified namespace.

This is a great entry on setting up Flex with Eclipse 3.1, including
finding the Flex XSD:


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[flexcoders] SOT: Macrovision FLEXnet Confusion?

2005-08-30 Thread Dave Carabetta
I know this is a bit OT as it's not a coding problem, but I was
wondering if Macromedia had any issues with Macrovision selling a
product called FLEXnet? Granted, it's not a direct competitor to Flex
in any way, but "Macrovision FLEXnet" sure does sound a lot like
"Macromedia Flex." Are there any trademark issues with a name like
that? I think I read somewhere that if the product is not in the same
industry, names can overlap or be very similar. But within the
software industry, the above similarity could easily cause confusion
to potential customers.

Just curious.


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Re: [flexcoders] Vertical Menu in flex

2005-08-26 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 8/26/05, writefarhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Friends
> I am new to flex and want make a RIA . i am in learning stage i have
> two quries at now if you friends can help me
> 1- I want to make a Vertical Menu in my RIA , a menu which will be
> have further submenu in it . although there is a menu component in
> Flex but it's by default a horizantal menu , how can i use it as a
> vertical menu or there is any other way.
> 2 - I was checking different properties of "DataGrid" can any body
> tell me how can i do word-wraping /text-wraping in Datagrid header
> ,cause i  will be using long column names i wan to wrap them in two
> rows rather then wasting to much column space.
> I will be waiting for you suggestions


Please read the Flexcoders FAQ, as it will provides answers (and
links) to your questions above. The topics have likely been covered
extensively in the past (the datagrid question for sure; vertical
menus maybe not), and you'll most definitely find what you need in
great detail if you run a few searches:


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0

2005-08-21 Thread Dave Carabetta
> Can you or somebody tell us more details about Flex 2.0? (new features,
> release date, pricing, types of licences, IDE, ...)

Well, considering it literally doesn't exist yet, that's not really a
question anybody (including Macromedia) can answer just yet!
Seriously, to my knowledge Mistral (aka Flex 2.0) isn't even in beta
yet, so all answers you might receive are purely speculative. The only
real information that's been divulged (outside of various blogs at is this paper on the overall Flash Platform:


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Fastest Hardware for Flex compilation

2005-08-08 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 8/8/05, jwc_wensan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave:
> Am I understanding correctly, that the Starter Kit can ONLY be used
> on a SINGLE server that has from 1-4 CPUs?

That's the way the EULA reads and what I am almost positive our sales
rep told us back in late March when he was giving us a heads-up.
However, as you see, my e-mail address doesn't end in
"," so your best bet is to call your sales rep for


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Fastest Hardware for Flex compilation

2005-08-08 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 8/8/05, kaibabsowats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is not the Flex license per CPU regardless of Single, Dual?  So the 4
> Licenses in a starter kit can be used on 4 single Server, 2 Duals,
> etc... basically one per CPU.  At least this is how Macromedia Sales
> Rep explained it to me.

That changed effective last April 1. From the EULA, section 2(a):

"(a) If the Software is (i) a Developer Version, (ii) a Trial Version,
or (iii) any version of a Server-Based Software, this Section 2(a),
and not Section 2(b) nor Section 2(c), shall apply: Subject to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement, Macromedia hereby grants, and
you accept, the right and license to install and use the Software on a
single computer. A license for the Software may not be shared,
installed nor used concurrently on different computers."

As you can see, you can no longer split your license across machines.
Each license is per physical server now.


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex Pricing - a question about a Starter Kit ?

2005-08-08 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 8/8/05, jamiebadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently stumbled across an entry on the Blog at
> where Lucian Beebe describes
> a 'Starter Kit' for Flex consisting of 4 CPU's plus Gold Support for
> $29,000.
> Just wondered if this package exists ? I Can't find any details on it
> on the Macromedia site...

Yes, it does. Contact your local Macromedia Sales Rep for more info.
They're very helpful.

As an aside, I believe this "Starter Kit" is the only way to buy Flex,
effective this past April 1. I may have mis-read an e-mail I got a
while back to this effect though.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex CPU License(s)

2005-07-27 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 7/27/05, jwc_wensan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave:
> I had talked to MM several times, but know one mentioned this
> document.
> I greatly appreciate you letting me know about it.

Not a problem. From their site, it was only posted on 7/25, so that
might be why they never told you/knew about it.


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex CPU License(s)

2005-07-27 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 7/20/05, jwc_wensan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To All:
> Yesterday I made a post regarding trying to determine how many users
> a single server with one CPU could handle.  I realize "it depends"
> and I did not define any type of application.
> I am trying to get some type of handle on what my costs will be
> regarding CPU licenses, servers, etc.
> So let me try again.  Let's take the Flexstore as an example
> application.  Based on this, can anyone shed some light as to how
> many users in an hour the server could adequately handle.
> Where will the bottleneck occur: Flex, server itself, database, etc.
> If an hour is not the right way to measure, then please offer any
> measurement you feel is correct.
> Server Configuration:
> Dell Server @ 3.8 GHz with 1 GB RAM
> Win 2000 Server
> 1 Flex license
> As Dave and others recommended, I will put the database on a separate
> server.
> I am not trying to tie anyone's hands here, just trying to get some
> perspective.


It's worth pointing out that Macromedia just published this white
paper, which should go a long way to answering some of your questions:


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Re: [flexcoders] headless server

2005-07-26 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 7/26/05, Clint Modien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've set the server to be headless in the flex config... because we're
> deploying onto an ibm mainframe...
>  I'm embedding one image (the application background)
>  I still get the error coming up that says I  need to set the flexConfig to
> headless. (after i've set it to headless)
>  I've tried rebooting the app... 
>  I've tried rebooting the server...
>  I have NOT tried rebooting the mainframe as I would no doubt be drawn and
> quartered... (as if they would let me anyway)
>  anyone ever tried setting a server's config to headless?
>  The error goes away... if i do not embed this "one" and only image using
> this code backgroundImage="@Embed('background.jpg')"

Try adding this to your java.args line in your jvm.config file:


Restart your instance and you should be fine.


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex License(s) & Performance

2005-07-19 Thread Dave Carabetta
I'll take a stab at a high level.

Comments inline below

On 7/19/05, jwc_wensan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To All:
> I have asked MM and have not gotten what I see as a reasonable
> answer.  Their own website says that the "typical" application
> would need "6-8 licenses".
> Let's take this example server:
> Dell Server @ 3.8 GHz with 1 GB RAM
> Win 2000 Server
> 1 Flex license
> MySQL database on same server
> Assume sufficient internet bandwidth.
> Using RemoteObjects for data access.
> Do I need any other software?

Well, you have Flex for your presentation tier and MySQL as your
database tier, but you need a middleware tier (ColdFusion, Java, .NET,
etc.) to communicate between the two. You don't write queries and
place them in your ActionScript/MXML code.

> With the above scenario how many simultaneous users can adequately
> access the server before I would need a second server?  Or is it
> better to ask how many per hour?

It's an annoying answer, but: It Depends. Seriously. How many users
will be accessing the application? What are they going to be doing? Is
it a public or internal site? There are so many project-specific
questions that are unique to your environment, that I defy anybody
external to your company and not familiar with what you're doing to
accurately give you performance statistics. And yes, that even goes
for Macromedia's own "6-8 licenses" remark.

> Would going to 2 GB RAM make any difference?

If you insist on keeping the database on the same box as your
Flex/J2EE server, then absolutely, I would recommend going to 2 GB
RAM. I would not deploy a production-level Flex application with
anything less than 1 GB or RAM for the Flex instance itself. Again,
see above where I say that it depends on your requirements, but this
has been my experience.

> If I moved MySQL to another server, would that cause any major
> issues?

It shouldn't, and it's something I would recommend if you have the
infrastructure to accomodate the separation. Physical separation of
tiers is a good thing, as it can help eliminate critical points of
failure if a server dies.

> Also, I read somewhere that RemoteObjects is faster.  Is it a
> signficant increase?

I would read this blog entry and the Flex Server Performance article
it references, as there are some benefits to using ROs, but also some


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Re: [flexcoders] MM weblogs moved

2005-07-07 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 7/7/05, John Dowdell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Carabetta wrote:
> > Do you know when/if the /go/* feed URLs will be updated?
> These are in the pipeline (gotta do it!), but the older machine was
> physically damaged, while its owners (Mike Chambers & Christian
> Cantrell) are at the FlashForward conference in New York. It will
> probably take a few days to resuscitate it and clean the transfer, but
> the goal is to transparently redirect old links and current RSS readers.
> Fastest information will be at the MXNA Weblog (the weblog about the
> aggregator):

Not a problem. Thanks for the update.


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Re: [flexcoders] MM weblogs moved

2005-07-07 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 7/7/05, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most of the weblogs from Macromedia were moved from to
>  The templates got uglier but the machine is
> better :-)  If you see any problems let us know.


Do you know when/if the /go/* feed URLs will be updated? For example,
I subscribe to the Flex Product Notification feed with a URL of, but that URL still re-directs
to the old site, which is no longer around. All of the
product notification feeds suffer from this, but since this is a Flex
list, I figured I'd keep it relevant! This is probably more of a
question for Christian Cantrell, but thought you might know.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: file handling

2005-06-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 6/6/05, dave buhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  *things to put on hold: file-upload workaround

Ha. Well, I'd be careful with making that decision at this point. I
mean, FP8 won't be out until August/September/October, from what MM
has hinted, and it's going to take time before penetration numbers
spin up. A year from now I might make that choice, but relying on the
initial release of the player is probably not the best idea. Even in
instances of intranet-only apps where you can control what version
your users are using, there are seemingly *so many* new features in
the next version of the player, there's bound to be other bugs that
might bite you until patches are released. And then the patch release
penetration cycle begins again!!

I agree though that it's great that these capabilities are coming in
the next player.


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Re: [flexcoders] Post 60 Days - Development Mode?

2005-05-31 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/31/05, Rick Bullotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the confusion?  Well, since you asked… J 
> 1)  You can't click on the "Buy" button to buy a FlexBuilder license
> (despite its presence in the dialog – holdover from the Dreamweaver code?) 
> 2)  You can't "Buy" a MVLP (replacement for DevNet) subscription online 
> 3)  You don't seem to be able to "Buy" FlexBuilder (or Flex, for that
> matter) online at all… 
> We'd be perfectly happy to spend some money – there's just no way to easily
> do so! ;) 

Flex Builder comes free with a purchase of Flex server -- it is not
sold separately. (I believe you get 5 free licenses of FB or something
like that.) My understanding of the rationale behind it is that Flex
Builder is simply the Dreamweaver MX 2004 code base plus the Flex
extensions, and if you're not using Flex, DW is perfectly
adequate...and for sale. As you suggested, and has been my experience,
Macromedia is superb with accomodating extended trial periods. Just
get in touch with your sales rep and they should be able to take care
of you.

> No big deal – I'm sure the OEM people will get us an eval extension.  We are
> very impressed with Flex and are considering integrating it with some future
> products.  Just wanted to see if we were missing something regarding the
> eval behavior. 

Nah, you're not missing anything. They use the same licensing manager
across all their IDEs, and Flex Builder is the only one (that I'm
aware of) where you actually get it for free with the purchase of
another product. I think it's more the lack of desire to write a
re-worked licensing manager, as there would be little reward for it.
But I agree that there is a confusing disconnect.

> Also, FYI, uninstalling Flex is much easier than uninstalling Flex Builder –
> just delete a directory!  Virtually no other "remnants" to worry about… 

Flex itself, sure. But my experience has been that many clients only
install JRun for the purpose of running it with Flex (or ColdFusion
for that matter). JRun lays down a bunch of registry keys during the
install process, and, hence, it can be a pain to cleanly uninstall
(it's not very good about getting rid of all its registry keys).


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Re: [flexcoders] Post 60 Days - Development Mode?

2005-05-31 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/31/05, Rick Bullotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems like although Flex server-side will run, Flex Builder doesn't run in
> "developer" mode after 60 days.  What's the scoop? 

The scoop is that you need to get a serial number. I'm not sure what
the confusion is? It wouldn't make much sense for Macromedia to
distribute an IDE that's meant for one user at a time in a "developer"
mode. Since Flex server is meant for multiple users, it would make
more sense for that product to revert to a limited IP verson after 60
days, as uninstalling/re-installing server products tend to be more
tedious than desktop products such as Flex Builder.


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Re: [flexcoders] Double clicking on a datagrid

2005-05-23 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/23/05, dillo_mac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks, I'm looking to implement a double click method on a
> datagrid. I have searched high and low on the web and seem to have run
> into a dead end. Is this even possible to implement with flex? Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.

You're not searching hard enough! ;)

Be sure to search that archive rather than using Yahoo!'s search, which stinks.


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Re: [flexcoders] Web Services and CF7

2005-05-19 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/19/05, Thijs Triemstra | Collab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  thanks for that updater link, dave. That .jar updater in the cfmx admin is
> very nice but cannot be installed with firefox (osx 10.4.1), I can't select
> select the updater from the java filebrowser thing, safari works fine though
> :-/
> is there a way to get a notification when there is an macromedia updates for
> jrun, cfmx, flashcom etc.. ? something like

I'm not sure about an e-mail notification, but I'm a big blog reader,
and they have a ColdFusion Notifications feed at:

If you're a ColdFusion user, you'll also be interested to know that
they just released updated JDBC drivers for all versions of MX that
they highly recommend people upgrade to:

Note that the drivers were release *after* the hotfix rollup, so
you'll need to install the drivers as a separate step afterwards.


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Re: [flexcoders] Web Services and CF7

2005-05-19 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/19/05, dave buhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  from:
>  Using Flash Remoting With CFMX7? Watch Out For This One
>  I mentioned this in a comment on a prior post , but it is important enough
> to warrant its own mention. If you are using Flash Remoting to access
> ColdFusion code, you may run into an issue in which ColdFusion could
> construct an invalid URL when appending a jsessionid. If this occurs the web
> server via which you are accessing your code could throw errors. The
> solution is simply, just add a ? To the end of the gateway URL, change
> /flashservices/gateway to /flashservices/gateway?, doing so ensures that the
> URL will be created correctly. This issue was discovered by our tech support
> folks, and I believe they'll be posting a TechNote on it shortly. 

It should be noted that the most recent CFMX 7 hotfix rollup released
on 4/21 has resolved this issue:


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex Server Specification

2005-05-13 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/13/05, Tim Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Dave,
> > Even if there will be other apps/instances, I'd keep it at 1
> > GB and simply add more RAM to the box (it's so cheap
> > nowadays, it's a no-brainer).
> We're actually going for 2Gb -- we will be adding separate instances in
> the near future and it makes sense to go for this straight away.

Makes sense.

> What CPU setup do you have/recommend?

Our internal box is a single Xeon processor at 3.0 GHz with 1 MB
cache, and it suits us just fine. I was tempted to go with an Opteron
processor, but since JRun doesn't support it (it will actually install
and run, but in 32-bit mode, which defeats the purpose of having a
64-bit processor!), I went with the 32-bit Xeon. That being said, we
are going to be looking into some new production servers, but I'm
waiting for the dual cores to mature a little bit. Since Macromedia's
licensing policy is based on the physical number of CPUs, I will be
able to essentially get two processors (and twice the processing
power) for the price of one, which is a substantial savings for my

Hope this helps?


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex Server Specification

2005-05-13 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/13/05, Tim Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Could anyone advise on the required (or recommended) server
> > specs for running Flex?  There'll be nothing else running on
> > the box and we're looking at a Linux server.  I get the
> > feeling that the info here[1] is over-simplifying things a bit...
> >
> > [1]
> Following up on this:
> Macromedia specify that RedHat AS 2.1/3.0 must be used for Flex -- would
> there be any problem installing it on ES 3.0?

Nope, we have it installed internally on ES 3.0, and it works fine. As
for RAM usage and stuff, I would give it a minimum of 512 MB, and lean
towards 1GB of RAM if nothing else is going to be on it as you say.
Even if there will be other apps/instances, I'd keep it at 1 GB and
simply add more RAM to the box (it's so cheap nowadays, it's a


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Re: [flexcoders] Default Text Color?

2005-05-12 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/12/05, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 0x0B333C; right?



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Re: [flexcoders] Default Text Color?

2005-05-12 Thread Dave Carabetta
On 5/12/05, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suck at math; what is 734012 in hex?
> Thanks if you can help.



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Re: [flexcoders] Question about Flex Builder 1.5 and trial ending

2005-04-28 Thread Dave Carabetta
>  About 60 days ago I downloaded Flex Builder 1.5 and the 60 days is up. I
> was under the conclusion that after the 60 days were up it would convert to
> an IP limited version. However when I try to start it I get a message that I
> must activate it with a serial number. How do I continue to use the software
> if it never expires? 

The Flex *server* product is the one that reduces itself to an
IP-restricted version. However, Flex *Builder* (the IDE) is consistent
with all of the other Macromedia IDEs in that they flat-out expire
after their trial and a serial number is needed to continue using it.
If you think about it, if an IDE is meant to run on one machine by one
user, what would be the point of restricting it to one IP address!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding though?


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Large Flex app architecture

2005-03-30 Thread Dave Carabetta

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 20:30:50 -, chubbohead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For us newbies, can you point us to information on the Cairngorm
> architecture?  Is it discussed in the interation::two book?

That's the initial release information. If you search that blog, you
will also see references to Breeze presentations and other resources
to help you along.


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 price in euro

2005-03-25 Thread Dave Carabetta

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:44:26 +0100 (CET), Duccio Del Ministro
> Hi all,
> i have another question: why flex pricing starts at
> $12,000 USD and in euro 14,400 (18,671.84 US Dollar
> taken from



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Re: [flexcoders] Has anyone written a custom DateField that changes years via combo?

2005-03-23 Thread Dave Carabetta

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:51:29 +1000, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Jeff,
> hmm is it my corporate proxy or does that site not load? probably the
> earlier. I had wanted to remove the user from typing in dates as well
> thats when typos / exceptions are going to occur (ie we are a
> multi-national corporation and some may use Australian dateformat
> (dd/mm/ while others will use mm/dd/)
> but... i'll insert an electroshock mechanism that will blast them in
> the event they don't follow a predefined pattern shown underneath the
> inputbox heh.
> thanks though!

Manish posted an editable date field sample on Flex Authority. I can't
give a direct bookmark (the site's done with Flex), but here's where
to go:

1) Go to
2) Click on the Intermediate tab
3) It's the 4th option listed.

Hope this helps.


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