Creating a Word template...

2007-01-20 Thread Alan Litchfield

On 20/01/2007, at 7:29 AM, Combs, Richard wrote:

> To which I say, Amen! In fact, I can't help but wonder if you or your
> supervisor are misinterpreting what's actually required. "Once the
> content has been approved it cannot be varied" -- well, changing the
> font, leading, left indent, etc., does NOT change the CONTENT.

"Misrepresenting" is a little strong don't you think? Excuse me for  
not being sufficiently pedantic, but yes, you're right, and wrong too.

> What is the deliverable?
> -- A Word doc? (As a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file? On a floppy, CD, DVD,
> email attachment, or what?)
> -- A PDF? (Created how? With what job options? Fonts embedded? What  
> zoom
> level and view settings on open? Any security settings?)
> -- A hard copy? (What size paper? Single-sided or double-sided?
> Letterhead? Watermark?)

These issues have been dealt with at the final production stage and  
are not being addressed here. The question relates to the initial  
stages. The submission of content (i.e. the stuff that is obtained  
from the great unwashed) from a wide range of sources (i.e. people,  
the unwashed). The sources are going to submit inclusions as Word  
documents. It is the desire of the client to reduce the various  
problems that have arisen in the past when people gone carte blanche  
with their Word formats (various numbering formats, random heading  
usage, a wide range of bulleting formats, etc.).

[personal comments snipped]

> Admittedly, there is some overlap -- the _relative_ level of a heading
> shouldn't change because it's relationship to others in the hierarchy
> conveys meaning and thus affects content.

Yes, that is the point. There is a non-trivial acceptance process for  
content (i.e. the stuff that is being included in the final document)  
that may take several years to complete. During that process the  
content may traverse committees, courts, public submission processes,  
and be recycled many times before it is signed off. At any stage, for  
now, any person can add whatever formats they like and once it has  
been approved by a judge the client is not allowed to change the  
structure, regardless of whether it fits the rest of the document.  
That means even the shape of bullets that were used.

You see, at this level one has relatively little control over some  
things. It's not like writing a user manual or typesetting a book.

> But to forbid a font change is
> indeed crazy.

It is not the changing of fonts that is the issue here. Richard, I  
think you have missed the point. But thanks anyway.

> "It's my opinion and it's very true."

As all opinions are ;)

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists

Creating a Word template...

2007-01-20 Thread Alan Litchfield

On 20/01/2007, at 6:58 AM, quills at wrote:

> Alan,
> You mean to say that your powers that be don't differentiate  
> between content and format?
> That is crazy. Format has nothing to do with content. This is a  
> self-inflicted wound.

The fact of life is most people in this world aren't interested. I  
am, you are, they're not, and I have no interest in trying to  
convince them that they should be.

> Try to convince them that format can be standardized at publishing.  
> Content should be held sacrosanct bit could change to reflect the  
> proper formatting.

I have a contract to complete and need to satisfy the needs of my  
customer, who in turn gets content in Word files from a wide range of  
people. Some are computer savvy, most probably aren't and are likely  
see that it is a mark or personal success and achievement when they  
can change the shape of their bullet point.

To ease everyone's pain it is my and my client's desire to provide a  
template for these people that uses paragraph styles that are named  
the same as the ones in the FM template. That way they will not be  
able to create a whole section or chapter with various abnormal  
numbering styles... the classic was a, b, c, ... z, and then aa, bb,  
cc, instead of aa, ab, ac, ... not to mention bulleting styles,  
heading structures that match nothing else in 1600 other pages.  
However, since it has all been signed off by a judge there is no way  
to change it.

 From what I have seen, most style variations appear to have come  
from which ever law school they attended. But that is just an  

On the other hand, I wonder if there is any point in doing that. I  
mean, naming paragraph styles and trying to enforce their use. I  
wonder if it may be better to structure the numbering, bulleting,  
etc. in Word and ignore, remove all the various other styles that are  

When you get right down to it, I've been able to pare the styles down  
to about half a dozen distinct formats: headings, numbered lists,  
itemized lists, figure numbers, tabular content, footnotes. So  
perhaps I ought to be creating autonumbered, etc. styles in Word to  
match these.

Thanks Scott. You have changed my way of thinking. Perhaps not in the  
way you intended though :)

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists

Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Alan Litchfield
...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large  
document. Most of the content will have passed through various  
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the  
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,  
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of paragraph  
(numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now been made  
to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new content, but most  
contributors do not use/will never use FM. They will use MS Word  
however, hence the need to create a template that provides the  
formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in  
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that  
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to  
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when people  
use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the FM  
heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on where I  
can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at putting  
VB into the template file in order to control Word's functionality  
(disabling functions, etc.)?

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists

Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Combs, Richard
Alan Litchfield wrote: 

> "Misrepresenting" is a little strong don't you think? 

I didn't say "misrepresenting," Alan, I said "misinterpreting" -- big
difference. I certainly intended no insult or accusation. 

As for the rest, you have my sympathies for the "non-trivial" process,
and maybe I'm being dense instead of just my usual pig-headed and
obstinate self. But you (or somebody) seem to be insisting on the one
hand that nothing -- not even the shape of a bullet -- may change after
content approval, while on the other hand dismissing my query about the
final output: 

> > What is the deliverable?
> >
> > -- A Word doc? (As a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file? On a 
> floppy, CD, DVD, 
> > email attachment, or what?)
> >
> > -- A PDF? (Created how? With what job options? Fonts embedded? What 
> > zoom level and view settings on open? Any security settings?)
> >
> > -- A hard copy? (What size paper? Single-sided or double-sided?
> > Letterhead? Watermark?)
> >
> These issues have been dealt with at the final production 
> stage and are not being addressed here. 

But the choice of heading font, bullet shape, margin size, body text
leading, and other such formatting and appearance issues should likewise
be "dealt with at the final production stage" instead of the content
approval stage. 

The application of styles from a template to standardize the
_appearance_ of headings, lists, tables, etc., is no more a content
modification than any of the other "production stage" matters. IMHO, of
course. ;-)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Combs, Richard
Alan Litchfield wrote: 
> "Misrepresenting" is a little strong don't you think? 

I didn't say "misrepresenting," Alan, I said "misinterpreting" -- big
difference. I certainly intended no insult or accusation. 

As for the rest, you have my sympathies for the "non-trivial" process,
and maybe I'm being dense instead of just my usual pig-headed and
obstinate self. But you (or somebody) seem to be insisting on the one
hand that nothing -- not even the shape of a bullet -- may change after
content approval, while on the other hand dismissing my query about the
final output: 

> > What is the deliverable?
> >
> > -- A Word doc? (As a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file? On a 
> floppy, CD, DVD, 
> > email attachment, or what?)
> >
> > -- A PDF? (Created how? With what job options? Fonts embedded? What 
> > zoom level and view settings on open? Any security settings?)
> >
> > -- A hard copy? (What size paper? Single-sided or double-sided?
> > Letterhead? Watermark?)
> >
> These issues have been dealt with at the final production 
> stage and are not being addressed here. 

But the choice of heading font, bullet shape, margin size, body text
leading, and other such formatting and appearance issues should likewise
be "dealt with at the final production stage" instead of the content
approval stage. 

The application of styles from a template to standardize the
_appearance_ of headings, lists, tables, etc., is no more a content
modification than any of the other "production stage" matters. IMHO, of
course. ;-)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Re: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Alan Litchfield


On 20/01/2007, at 7:29 AM, Combs, Richard wrote:

To which I say, Amen! In fact, I can't help but wonder if you or your
supervisor are misinterpreting what's actually required. "Once the
content has been approved it cannot be varied" -- well, changing the
font, leading, left indent, etc., does NOT change the CONTENT.

"Misrepresenting" is a little strong don't you think? Excuse me for  
not being sufficiently pedantic, but yes, you're right, and wrong too.

What is the deliverable?

-- A Word doc? (As a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file? On a floppy, CD, DVD,
email attachment, or what?)

-- A PDF? (Created how? With what job options? Fonts embedded? What  

level and view settings on open? Any security settings?)

-- A hard copy? (What size paper? Single-sided or double-sided?
Letterhead? Watermark?)

These issues have been dealt with at the final production stage and  
are not being addressed here. The question relates to the initial  
stages. The submission of content (i.e. the stuff that is obtained  
from the great unwashed) from a wide range of sources (i.e. people,  
the unwashed). The sources are going to submit inclusions as Word  
documents. It is the desire of the client to reduce the various  
problems that have arisen in the past when people gone carte blanche  
with their Word formats (various numbering formats, random heading  
usage, a wide range of bulleting formats, etc.).

[personal comments snipped]

Admittedly, there is some overlap -- the _relative_ level of a heading
shouldn't change because it's relationship to others in the hierarchy
conveys meaning and thus affects content.

Yes, that is the point. There is a non-trivial acceptance process for  
content (i.e. the stuff that is being included in the final document)  
that may take several years to complete. During that process the  
content may traverse committees, courts, public submission processes,  
and be recycled many times before it is signed off. At any stage, for  
now, any person can add whatever formats they like and once it has  
been approved by a judge the client is not allowed to change the  
structure, regardless of whether it fits the rest of the document.  
That means even the shape of bullets that were used.

You see, at this level one has relatively little control over some  
things. It's not like writing a user manual or typesetting a book.

But to forbid a font change is
indeed crazy.

It is not the changing of fonts that is the issue here. Richard, I  
think you have missed the point. But thanks anyway.

"It's my opinion and it's very true."

As all opinions are ;)

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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Re: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Alan Litchfield


On 20/01/2007, at 6:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You mean to say that your powers that be don't differentiate  
between content and format?

That is crazy. Format has nothing to do with content. This is a  
self-inflicted wound.

The fact of life is most people in this world aren't interested. I  
am, you are, they're not, and I have no interest in trying to  
convince them that they should be.

Try to convince them that format can be standardized at publishing.  
Content should be held sacrosanct bit could change to reflect the  
proper formatting.

I have a contract to complete and need to satisfy the needs of my  
customer, who in turn gets content in Word files from a wide range of  
people. Some are computer savvy, most probably aren't and are likely  
see that it is a mark or personal success and achievement when they  
can change the shape of their bullet point.

To ease everyone's pain it is my and my client's desire to provide a  
template for these people that uses paragraph styles that are named  
the same as the ones in the FM template. That way they will not be  
able to create a whole section or chapter with various abnormal  
numbering styles... the classic was a, b, c, ... z, and then aa, bb,  
cc, instead of aa, ab, ac, ... not to mention bulleting styles,  
heading structures that match nothing else in 1600 other pages.  
However, since it has all been signed off by a judge there is no way  
to change it.

From what I have seen, most style variations appear to have come  
from which ever law school they attended. But that is just an  

On the other hand, I wonder if there is any point in doing that. I  
mean, naming paragraph styles and trying to enforce their use. I  
wonder if it may be better to structure the numbering, bulleting,  
etc. in Word and ignore, remove all the various other styles that are  

When you get right down to it, I've been able to pare the styles down  
to about half a dozen distinct formats: headings, numbered lists,  
itemized lists, figure numbers, tabular content, footnotes. So  
perhaps I ought to be creating autonumbered, etc. styles in Word to  
match these.

Thanks Scott. You have changed my way of thinking. Perhaps not in the  
way you intended though :)

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread

You mean to say that your powers that be don't differentiate between 
content and format?

That is crazy. Format has nothing to do with content. This is a 
self-inflicted wound.

Try to convince them that format can be standardized at publishing. 
Content should be held sacrosanct bit could change to reflect the 
proper formatting.

Good Luck


At 5:11 PM +1300 1/19/07, Alan Litchfield wrote:
>...based on an FM file.
>I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large 
>document. Most of the content will have passed through various 
>approval committees and courts before finally being added to the 
>document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied, 
>regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.
>Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of 
>paragraph (numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now 
>been made to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new 
>content, but most contributors do not use/will never use FM. They 
>will use MS Word however, hence the need to create a template that 
>provides the formats for them.
>I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in 
>MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that 
>Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to 
>define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove 
> (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?
>I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when 
>people use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the 
>FM heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on 
>where I can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at 
>putting VB into the template file in order to control Word's 
>functionality (disabling functions, etc.)?

Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Combs, Richard
Alan Litchfield wrote: 

> I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a 
> large document. Most of the content will have passed through 
> various approval committees and courts before finally being 
> added to the document. Once the content has been approved it 
> cannot be varied, regardless of what ever horrible formats 
> have been used.

Scott replied: 

> You mean to say that your powers that be don't differentiate 
> between content and format?
> That is crazy. Format has nothing to do with content. This is 
> a self-inflicted wound. 

To which I say, Amen! In fact, I can't help but wonder if you or your
supervisor are misinterpreting what's actually required. "Once the
content has been approved it cannot be varied" -- well, changing the
font, leading, left indent, etc., does NOT change the CONTENT. 

What is the deliverable? 

-- A Word doc? (As a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file? On a floppy, CD, DVD,
email attachment, or what?) 

-- A PDF? (Created how? With what job options? Fonts embedded? What zoom
level and view settings on open? Any security settings?) 

-- A hard copy? (What size paper? Single-sided or double-sided?
Letterhead? Watermark?) 

The content in all of them may be identical, but the framework -- the
container, formatting, layout, presentation, or whatever you want to
call it -- will be radically different for each. For electronic
versions, there will most likely be binary file changes even from just

You simply *have* to differentiate between content and format. 

Admittedly, there is some overlap -- the _relative_ level of a heading
shouldn't change because it's relationship to others in the hierarchy
conveys meaning and thus affects content. But to forbid a font change is
indeed crazy. 

"It's my opinion and it's very true." 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Combs, Richard
Alan Litchfield wrote: 
> I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a 
> large document. Most of the content will have passed through 
> various approval committees and courts before finally being 
> added to the document. Once the content has been approved it 
> cannot be varied, regardless of what ever horrible formats 
> have been used.

Scott replied: 

> You mean to say that your powers that be don't differentiate 
> between content and format?
> That is crazy. Format has nothing to do with content. This is 
> a self-inflicted wound. 

To which I say, Amen! In fact, I can't help but wonder if you or your
supervisor are misinterpreting what's actually required. "Once the
content has been approved it cannot be varied" -- well, changing the
font, leading, left indent, etc., does NOT change the CONTENT. 

What is the deliverable? 

-- A Word doc? (As a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file? On a floppy, CD, DVD,
email attachment, or what?) 

-- A PDF? (Created how? With what job options? Fonts embedded? What zoom
level and view settings on open? Any security settings?) 

-- A hard copy? (What size paper? Single-sided or double-sided?
Letterhead? Watermark?) 

The content in all of them may be identical, but the framework -- the
container, formatting, layout, presentation, or whatever you want to
call it -- will be radically different for each. For electronic
versions, there will most likely be binary file changes even from just

You simply *have* to differentiate between content and format. 

Admittedly, there is some overlap -- the _relative_ level of a heading
shouldn't change because it's relationship to others in the hierarchy
conveys meaning and thus affects content. But to forbid a font change is
indeed crazy. 

"It's my opinion and it's very true." 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Re: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread quills


You mean to say that your powers that be don't differentiate between 
content and format?

That is crazy. Format has nothing to do with content. This is a 
self-inflicted wound.

Try to convince them that format can be standardized at publishing. 
Content should be held sacrosanct bit could change to reflect the 
proper formatting.

Good Luck


At 5:11 PM +1300 1/19/07, Alan Litchfield wrote:

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large 
document. Most of the content will have passed through various 
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the 
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied, 
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of 
paragraph (numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now 
been made to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new 
content, but most contributors do not use/will never use FM. They 
will use MS Word however, hence the need to create a template that 
provides the formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in 
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that 
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to 
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when 
people use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the 
FM heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on 
where I can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at 
putting VB into the template file in order to control Word's 
functionality (disabling functions, etc.)?



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Answers: RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Chinell, David F (GE Indust, Security)

Did you get this sorted out yet? I'd be willing to step you through 
accomplishing everything you want to, but I think it would be better off-list, 
as it will get pretty long and boring to others.


David Chinell
GE Security
Technical Editor

T 941 739 4281
F 941 308 8124
E david.chinell at <mailto:david.chinell at> <>  

8985 Town Center Parkway
Bradenton, FL 34202, USA
GE Security Inc.

Note: This message is intended only for the designated recipient.
It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be
subject to the attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality
protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not
review, copy, or distribute this message. If you receive this in error,
please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message.
Thank you.

-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:11 PM
To: Framers List
Subject: Creating a Word template...

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large
document. Most of the content will have passed through various
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

RE: Answers: RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Chinell, David F \(GE Indust, Security\)

Did you get this sorted out yet? I'd be willing to step you through 
accomplishing everything you want to, but I think it would be better off-list, 
as it will get pretty long and boring to others.


David Chinell
GE Security
Technical Editor

T 941 739 4281
F 941 308 8124

8985 Town Center Parkway
Bradenton, FL 34202, USA
GE Security Inc.

Note: This message is intended only for the designated recipient.
It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be
subject to the attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality
protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not
review, copy, or distribute this message. If you receive this in error,
please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message.
Thank you.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:11 PM
To: Framers List
Subject: Creating a Word template...

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large
document. Most of the content will have passed through various
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.


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Creating a Word template...

2007-01-19 Thread Inbar, Paul
Hi All,

I am interested in the answer to this as well. I created a Word template that 
had all our Frame styles, then restricted the formats only to that set, and 
protected the document. As in Alan's case, it was still possible to apply a 
Normal style, but I just decided to live with this and to do a find/change at 
some point to change it to Body. I gather in Alan's case this will not be 
possible, so I would also be interested to know whether it is possible to 
suppress the Normal style. 

I would also be interested to know if it is possible to handle "character" 
styles this way as well. Alan, in your Word template, how do people apply bold 
formatting to a word? What happens when this gets to Frame?

How are you handling tables and graphics? My tables in Word got translated to a 
sort of generic table in Frame, which was easy enough to convert manually to my 
desired table style, but in terms of automation I imagine that I would need 
Framescript. As for graphics, when I imported the Word document into my 
Framemaker template, Frame created it's own graphics. They looked reasonable, 
but not great. 

Anyway, I am interested in hearing about anyone else's experience with this. 


-Original Message-
From: at 
[] On Behalf Of 
Alan Litchfield
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 6:11 AM
To: Framers List
Subject: Creating a Word template...

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large  
document. Most of the content will have passed through various  
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the  
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,  
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of paragraph  
(numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now been made  
to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new content, but most  
contributors do not use/will never use FM. They will use MS Word  
however, hence the need to create a template that provides the  
formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in  
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that  
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to  
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when people  
use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the FM  
heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on where I  
can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at putting  
VB into the template file in order to control Word's functionality  
(disabling functions, etc.)?

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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Answers: RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-18 Thread Diane Gaskill
G'Day mate.  Or do they say that only in Australia?

The Word-generated usually resides either in your user profile or
in the MS app tree. You can easily see where it is by selecting Tools >
Options to display the options window, and then selecting the File Locations
tab.  In that tab, you can change the location where you want Word to look
for and save templates.

To remove from your file, select Tools > Templates and Add Ins.
In the dialog box that is displayed, click Attach and then select your own
template from the list that is displayed.  Note that Word will look in the
directory you have set in the File Locations tab, so follow the instructions
above first.

To delete styles that you don't want, select Format > Styles to open the
task pane on the right side of the window.  At the bottom of the task pane,
select Available Styles.  Now select each style that you don't want and
delete it.  This is similar to what you do in FM, of course.   Note that
Word will not let you delete any of its default styles.

I don't think you can turn off autonumbering in Word.  At least I don't know
of a way to do it.  But you can go to the Word MVP (Most Valuable
Professional) site and check.

Incidentally, to add something to my message about fixing corrupted files
that I sent yesterday, here are some great tips from a few real Word gurus.

Alan, this page includes a section called "How can I fix a corrupt
There are some good answers in that section.

Hope this helps.

(Lurned Wurd purty gud but like Frame lots better)


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:11 PM
To: Framers List
Subject: Creating a Word template...

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large
document. Most of the content will have passed through various
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of paragraph
(numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now been made
to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new content, but most
contributors do not use/will never use FM. They will use MS Word
however, hence the need to create a template that provides the
formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when people
use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the FM
heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on where I
can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at putting
VB into the template file in order to control Word's functionality
(disabling functions, etc.)?

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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Answers: RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-18 Thread Diane Gaskill
G'Day mate.  Or do they say that only in Australia?

The Word-generated usually resides either in your user profile or
in the MS app tree. You can easily see where it is by selecting Tools >
Options to display the options window, and then selecting the File Locations
tab.  In that tab, you can change the location where you want Word to look
for and save templates.

To remove from your file, select Tools > Templates and Add Ins.
In the dialog box that is displayed, click Attach and then select your own
template from the list that is displayed.  Note that Word will look in the
directory you have set in the File Locations tab, so follow the instructions
above first.

To delete styles that you don't want, select Format > Styles to open the
task pane on the right side of the window.  At the bottom of the task pane,
select Available Styles.  Now select each style that you don't want and
delete it.  This is similar to what you do in FM, of course.   Note that
Word will not let you delete any of its default styles.

I don't think you can turn off autonumbering in Word.  At least I don't know
of a way to do it.  But you can go to the Word MVP (Most Valuable
Professional) site and check.

Incidentally, to add something to my message about fixing corrupted files
that I sent yesterday, here are some great tips from a few real Word gurus.

Alan, this page includes a section called "How can I fix a corrupt
There are some good answers in that section.

Hope this helps.

(Lurned Wurd purty gud but like Frame lots better)


-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:11 PM
To: Framers List
Subject: Creating a Word template...

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large
document. Most of the content will have passed through various
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of paragraph
(numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now been made
to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new content, but most
contributors do not use/will never use FM. They will use MS Word
however, hence the need to create a template that provides the
formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when people
use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the FM
heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on where I
can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at putting
VB into the template file in order to control Word's functionality
(disabling functions, etc.)?

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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RE: Creating a Word template...

2007-01-18 Thread Inbar, Paul
Hi All,

I am interested in the answer to this as well. I created a Word template that 
had all our Frame styles, then restricted the formats only to that set, and 
protected the document. As in Alan's case, it was still possible to apply a 
Normal style, but I just decided to live with this and to do a find/change at 
some point to change it to Body. I gather in Alan's case this will not be 
possible, so I would also be interested to know whether it is possible to 
suppress the Normal style. 

I would also be interested to know if it is possible to handle "character" 
styles this way as well. Alan, in your Word template, how do people apply bold 
formatting to a word? What happens when this gets to Frame?

How are you handling tables and graphics? My tables in Word got translated to a 
sort of generic table in Frame, which was easy enough to convert manually to my 
desired table style, but in terms of automation I imagine that I would need 
Framescript. As for graphics, when I imported the Word document into my 
Framemaker template, Frame created it's own graphics. They looked reasonable, 
but not great. 

Anyway, I am interested in hearing about anyone else's experience with this. 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 6:11 AM
To: Framers List
Subject: Creating a Word template...

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large  
document. Most of the content will have passed through various  
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the  
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,  
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of paragraph  
(numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now been made  
to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new content, but most  
contributors do not use/will never use FM. They will use MS Word  
however, hence the need to create a template that provides the  
formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in  
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that  
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to  
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when people  
use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the FM  
heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on where I  
can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at putting  
VB into the template file in order to control Word's functionality  
(disabling functions, etc.)?

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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Creating a Word template...

2007-01-18 Thread Alan Litchfield

...based on an FM file.

I need to create a Word template for use by contributors to a large  
document. Most of the content will have passed through various  
approval committees and courts before finally being added to the  
document. Once the content has been approved it cannot be varied,  
regardless of what ever horrible formats have been used.

Previously the inclusion process has led to a wide range of paragraph  
(numbering, bulleting, etc.) styles. The decision has now been made  
to enforce a standardisation of the formats in new content, but most  
contributors do not use/will never use FM. They will use MS Word  
however, hence the need to create a template that provides the  
formats for them.

I have exported the FM file using mif2go and created a .dot file in  
MS Word. However I still need to be rid of the various formats that  
Word seems to put in there by default. I have worked out how to  
define the template as a global template, but how can I also remove (this seems to be where the other styles are coming from)?

I need to be able to disable the auto numbering functions when people  
use this template (effectively so they are forced to use the FM  
heading and paragraph numbering numbering, etc). Any clues on where I  
can find information on how to do this? Do I need to look at putting  
VB into the template file in order to control Word's functionality  
(disabling functions, etc.)?

Alan T Litchfield, MBus (Hons), MNZCS
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Publishing systems specialists


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