Re: mkisofs and large files

2004-12-08 Thread Randy Grafton
growisofs is your solution. It is in the dvd+r-tools port in 
This was supposed to be a front end to mkisofs and therefore handles 
most of the options that mkisofs has.
It also allows you to burn directly to disc! (I use this one a lot, 
great for backups).

RW wrote:
On Wednesday 08 December 2004 17:42, Paul Mather wrote:

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 04:08:12 +, RW

I've been trying to burn a single large file (a 4.2 GB encrypted gbde
filesystem within a file) to a DVD, but mkisofs tells me the file is too
I looked on Google and found that mkisofs had a filesize  limit of 2 GB,
but this was increased to 4 GB, so I dropped the filesize to 4095 MB, but
it still failed, so I guess the version in ports still has the 2 GB

The mkisofs of sysutils/cdrtools has the 2 GB limitation; the mkisofs
installed by sysutils/cdrtools-devel does not.
But, I would issue a big caveat about what you are proposing to do: you
may be able to burn the DVD, but it is likely that you will not be able
to access the large (> 2 GB) file under FreeBSD from the burned disc.

Ah, you're right df reports the size correctly, but nothing else works.  
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Apache2 and mod_perl2

2004-01-13 Thread Randy Grafton
I have just installed FreeBSD 4.9 and am having problems with Apache2 and
I used the ports, which was updated immediately after install, and did a
'make install clean' for both apache2 and mod_perl2, more specifically
apache-2.0.48_2 and mod_perl2-1.99r12.
I have not gotten fancy yet and have only included the following lines in my
httpd.conf for mod_perl2:
LoadModule perl_module libexec/apache2/
PerlModule Apache2

The problem is that when I do '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start' the
machine just hangs, for a long time (4-8 minutes), before apache finally
comes up. I checked the logs and there aren't any negative entries. I
recently had to down system to move it, upon reboot it hung for 45 minutes
before I had to kill the ' start/apachectl start/httpd -k start'
processes. When I say hung I don't mean the entire system, just the startup
processes of apache2.

I have slightly older versions on a 4.8 box that was installed identically
to what was described here and all is fine.
Any ideas?


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Diablo-JDK1.3.1 Configuration

2004-01-28 Thread Randy Grafton
I've gotten a hold of the native binary from the FreeBSD Foundation's
website. I've downloaded and actually been able to compile and run a couple
of little apps by launching them with the full path to the java or javac
binary from an xterm window, (/home/me/diablo-jdk1.3.1/bin/java myApp). How
do I get this thing properly installed with VM pathing so that other
downloaded apps that are compatible with this version can use it?


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File Corruption

2004-01-29 Thread Randy Grafton
I originally posted this question to the Apache list and was strongly 
encouraged to try here. 

I have a FreeBSD 4.8 server running Apache 2.0.48a (installed from the 
ports). This server is dedicated to hosting files for download through http 
and ftp. 99.99% of the downloads occur through http. Our situation is we 
have a Win2K server with our primary website on IIS. There are ASP generated 
pages that provide links to the files on the FreeBSD/Apache server. The IIS 
links are done with a Response.Redirect "http://freebsdServer/dir/file.exe";. 
I don't know ASP so I'm a little clueless to the difference of this code 
compared to a standard html anchor with its href value set to this path/url.
The files on this server vary in size up to 150MB. The files are self 
extracting/install demos of some of our products. The problem is that every 
so often the large files become corrupted. We'll end up getting a call from 
a customer stating that after a couple of download attempts the installer 
file crashes. We'll go and grab the file ourselves through ftp/sftp and sure 
enough the file is no longer functional and we'll have to replace it with 
another copy. 

I googled and searched the lists but have only found tips regarding speeding 
up http downloads, (reverting to the current Apache 1.3.x version). 

Should I be using a database to store the file with it delivered through PHP 
scripts? Are there OS or Apache settings that I should have made to 
accommodate this purpose? (The config files are pretty plain vanilla). 

Thank you for any suggestion,

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RE: Where can I find a list of the cvsup tags for ports?

2004-02-04 Thread Randy Grafton
You can use the refuse file to omit branches. I've attached my cvsupfile and
my refuse file to give you an idea as to how this works. I placed my
cvsupfile in /usr/local/etc and the refuse file goes in /user/local/etc/sup.
I then call cvsup -g -L 2 /usr/local/etc/cvsupfile. The directory locations
are based on the settings within the cvsupfile.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of stan
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 8:21 AM
To: Free BSD Questions list
Subject: Where can I find a list of the cvsup tags for ports?

I want to omit some of the ports from my cvsup run. I've always used the
ports-all tag, but these days there a a good many non English language ports
that only use space on my disks.

I would like to limit the collections. Probably by excluding certain ports
subtags, rather than explicitly including the ones I want, as I think this
would be more robust relative to future additions.

Where can I find a list? And what's the syntax of the exclude statement?

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Checking directory sizes

2004-02-17 Thread Randy Grafton
I need to run a script that checks to see if a large directory has finished
copying onto my FreeBSD hosted Samba server. My script currently uses 'du
-s' to check the directory size. My problem is that the check can occur
while the directory is still being copied, so the du commend takes a long
time before it returns a size. I'm guessing that the reason for this is that
du recursively checks subfolders and files then totals the size, but when
the directory in question is still growing from an external source the du
command is in catch-up mode and continues its recursion until it has
outpaced the arrival of the new subdirectories/files. Is there any way to
see a quick snapshot of a file size, I hate to say this, but for example on
a Windows box you can start a folder/directory copy and if you click on the
new folder at any time during the copy you will see what Windows thinks is
the size at that time but by hitting refresh you will see the size increase.


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RE: redirect port

2004-02-19 Thread Randy Grafton

If you are using natd and have recompiled your kernel with the appropriate
options then this should work for you.
These are entries to your /etc/rc.conf, (just a starting point, you can fine
tune to your needs):
natd_flags="-f /etc/natd.conf"

In the above statement natd_interface="fxp0", fxp0 is the outside nic of
your system.
Next put these statements in your /etc/natd.conf file as referenced above,
(natd.conf doesn't exist by default, you'll create it):
same_ports  yes
dynamic yes
redirect_port tcp inside_address:port outside_address:port
redirect_port udp inside_address:port outside_address:port

As shown above, don't forget to redirect udp traffic if the service you're
trying to facilitate needs it. Also know that the ports for the inside and
the outside don't have to match. For example, my service provider blocks
http/port 80 traffic coming in to my connection so my statement in the
natd.conf file would be something like:
redirect_port outside_address:8080

By doing so outside connectivity attempts to my isp assigned address have to
be stated as: http://outside_address:8080.

FYI if you ever want to host gaming sessions on an inside system like
Counter strike or Unreal Tournament, then put a couple of lines like these
in your natd.conf file, (these examples are ones that I used so that my
buddies and I could blast away in Unreal Tournament):

redirect_port tcp inside_address:-7781 outside_address:-7781
redirect_port udp inside_address:-7781 outside_address:-7781

As you make these changes you can apply them without restarting by running

Hope that helps.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stanley Chan
Sent: Friday, January 01, 1999 9:10 AM
Subject: redirect port

Dear Friends,

The example in the NAT documents is sufficient, can anyone tell me how to
redirect ports in the NAT machine. How to put the following command in the
rc.conf ? I want to use one of the amchine behind the NAT to run web server.

-redirect_port tcp 6667
-redirect_port tcp 80



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RE: java install errors

2004-08-31 Thread Randy Grafton
Not to beat a dead horse but here are a couple of extra points to offer.

>From a Base/Minimal install of 5.2.1 I got a current ports tree with

Next, I install linux-base:
cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux-base
make install clean
edit /etc/rc.conf to contain the line linux_enable="YES"

I then downloaded:
bsd-jdk14-patches-6.tar.gz (Got this from
(I got the j2sdk stuff from
Once these files were downloaded, I placed them in /usr/port/distfiles.

Now cd to /usr/ports/java/jdk14 and do a make install clean.

I just did these steps in the listed order yesterday and after a few hours
of compiling java it was up.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Hodgson
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:15 AM
To: 'T Kellers'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: 'Chip'
Subject: RE: java install errors

>> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread
>> stack location
>> /usr/ports/java/jdk14/work/control/build/bsd-i586/gensrc/java
>> /util/Curr ency 'class' or 'interface' expected 
>> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread
>> stack location ^
> /usr/ports/java/jdk14/work/control/build/bsd-i586/gensrc/java/
> util/Currency
>> unclosed character literal
>> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread
>> stack location ^

>> Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk14.
>> --
>> What needs to be done to make this actually install correctly?
>> Thanks, Chip 

I had this happen to me a couple of times, and the cause (for me) was that I
hadn't setup linux emulation properly. This message (from a google search)
seems to sum it up:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg60015.html

IIRC, I had to "make clean" in /usr/ports/java/jdk14 to get it work again
once this had happened.


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Re: Postgres

2004-10-13 Thread Randy Grafton
Dick Davies wrote:
* Norman Uittenbogaart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [1010 16:10]:

I'm trying to write a backup script for postgres and us a crontab on it.
In the manual it says for pg_dumpall make $HOME/.pgpass so it won't ask 
for a password.
Now I made the .pgpass in root's homedir (i wanted to use root's 
crontab) paste the password in it, chmod 400 it ...

Can't you just pgdump from the local socket? And not bother with the password
thing at all?

I chose to go with the pg_dump solution command from root's crontab. 
Cron runs a script once a night with the following commands:
DATE=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d`
/usr/local/bin/vacuumdb -a -F -v -U pgsql > /var/backups/"$DATE"_pg.vac
/usr/local/bin/pg_dump -Fc -U pgsql db_name > /var/backups/"$DATE"_db.bu

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Re: Unable to umount Cdrom drive.

2004-10-13 Thread Randy Grafton
Mike Jeays wrote:
On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 14:22, Laszlo Antal wrote:

I have FreeBSD 4.10 installed.
When I mount the cdrom with #mount -t cd9660 /dev/acd0c /cdrom
everything works fine.I can get to my ports and everything
But when I want to swap cds and I type #umount /cdrom
I get this error message:: Unable to umount /cdrom, Device is busy.
If I do the umont from KDE I get the same error message.
What I'm doing wrong??
Thank you for all the help.
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I use a script "eject", as follows. It CDs back to my home directory,
and then ejects the CD. Lazy but effective.
cd $HOME
umount /cdrom
cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0c eject

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Most of the time this message pops up because either you are in the 
/cdrom (mounted) directory or a file form that directory is still in use.
The 'eject' script is a pretty good idea.

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Re: questions

2004-10-15 Thread Randy Grafton
You were given some good starting points for on line docs to get your 
more familiar with what you're getting into.
With a little effort in bringing yourself up to speed with FreeBSD, you 
will find how incredibly easy it is to build a
robust, secure, stable and reliable system where you get what you expect.

Here's a small peek into FreeBSD accommodating you're goals;
FreeBSD has a software/application repository called ports, (this thing 
is truly amazing!).
Within the ports directory you will find apache and mod_mp3. This will 
give you a web server with streaming mp3
capabilities. Not including the time to load up your mp3 collection and 
web pages, you could have this system
up, running and ready to satisfy your goals within an hour or 2, (taking 
that you have fast Internet connection and hardware)!

Read the Handbook on the FreeBSD site, use the mailing lists. Also grab 
a book. Two books that
helped me get started were Ted Mittelstaedt's 'The FreeBSD Corporate 
Networker's Guide' and Michal Urban
and Brian Tieman's 'FreeBSD Unleashed 2nd edition'.

MAMware wrote:
wow that was fast, i got two responces i dont know how this exctaly works :S sry
so i reply to the first adress
thanks terry for the link im gonna check it (print it will by more usefull)
and SpiralEyed ididnt check the docs at but i didnt even
get to install it
im looking more exactly for a document or a web from someone who did
something like i wanna do, or some "how to" related, most docs online
are too large and contains a lot of info, i know its good but i just
wanna set up the site =/
well first of all i think that i need to read more becouse i dont even
know how this mailing list works (and gmail is making me crazy)
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Re: Installing mod_php5

2004-09-30 Thread Randy Grafton
Ronnie Clark wrote:
Hello all, 

Is there an easy way to install mod_php5 so that it
has GD and MySQL support? There used to be a graphical
menu that came up for these options, but it is no
longer there. 

Any help is appreciated. 

Ron Clark

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Install mod_php5 from /usr/ports/www/mod_php5, then install 
php5-extensions from
/usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions. It is the php5-extensions port that has 
the menu you were looking for. Once both are installed be sure to look 
at your php.ini file to verify that the
extensions are referenced properly.

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Trying to build a speed demon

2004-11-11 Thread Randy Grafton
Hi All,
I am trying to build a Samba file server that will serve 2TB to a single 
dept. The dept will have a large variety of file types being saved to 
the server; thousands of small (<32K) files to hundreds of medium to 
large files (a few hundred KB in size to a few hundred MB in size). I am 
using a 3ware 9500 series card in a PCX slot with 8 SATA drives 
connected to it in a RAID 5 config. The proc is an Intel 3.2GHz with 4GB 
of 400MHz DDR ECC Dual Channel RAM. The computer also has a single GB 
Ethernet. The clients are all XP Pro. I have put 5.3 on it and 
recompiled the kernel with only the items (drivers?) in it that are 
physically on the system and being used. For example I've turned off 
USB, Serial and Parallel ports in the motherboard's BIOS and have 
removed them from my kernel. Do you gurus have anything else you could 
recommend? I know that RAID5 will have a slowdown in write performance 
as will using UFS (Journaled file system). Of course I'm not 
specifically asking for Samba help but any advice for kernel/OS/Network 
config or insight to fine tuning SAMBA on FreeBSD, so that this machine 
can set new land speed records. I was also wondering about dual NIC for 
load balancing as I'm hoping that the network is actually going to be 
the bottleneck here.

On a quick side note, I have been a part of this list for a couple of 
years now and have offered support when I can or wasn't already beaten 
to it. I just wanted to give a BIG Thank You to the developers for hands 
down 'The Best OS' on the planet and to the individuals on this list who 
have consistently taken time from their day to offer their technical 
expertise and talent in an effort to further FreeBSD!

-Randy Grafton
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File I/O Optimizations

2004-03-11 Thread Randy Grafton
I've got a few FreeBSD boxes running SAMBA as file servers on our LAN.
Our client workstations are all Windows OS's including 98SE, Win2K and WinXP
I've been looking long and hard for ways to improve the I/O of networked
hosted files. 
Our utilizations of the servers vary from  a few large, (~700MB), files that
need to be
moved around to a ton, (~80,000), small files, (~30KB). Our directory
structure is pretty
well maintained in that the nesting of files and folders does not get very
deep, (maybe
6). The number of users per server rarely exceeds 50. Our problem is that
when files/
folders are being copied across the network for burning onto DVD or CD, that
the CPU
utilization on those servers rockets up leaving the server at maybe 1% to 2%
idle and
overall performance of the server is weak/slow. Could someone provide some
advice or
suggestions for fine tuning the configurations of the servers. We're running
FreeBSD 4.8,
SAMBA 2.2.8a. The host hardware is P3 or P4 CPU's with 512MB to 2GB of RAM
and 3Ware
Escalade RAID cards with 3 to 4 7200RPM, 200MB hard drives with 8MB of drive
running in a RAID 5. The servers are also outfitted with Intel gigabit

My current SAMBA configs include the following general settings:
level2 oplocks=no

I've not made any special configurations for the OS or kernel.


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