Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-28 Thread Guillermo Espertino
 > Thanks, I'm aware of the basic principals. But if something is to be 
formalised into a plugin there has to be some well defined
 > way of working. Preferably a standard, not just a couple of jargon 
words like slices and wireframe.

Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you.
I'm not a programmer. I was rather talking as a webdesigner and focusing 
on what would be really useful for webdesign.
In this case, the image slicing process was mentioned as one of the top 
user requests, so I wanted to bring my point of view about it.

Please let me know if this kind of oppinions are not appropriate for 
this mailing list.
I know this list is for developers, but there are other topics discussed 
here, like program functionalities and interface related.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-28 Thread Guillermo Espertino
>> A great tool for designers would be a CSS layout importer (able to 
>> import divs containers and place them as layers with guides in the 
>> right plces). Sort of CSS-to-template.
>> But imo, it should be a plugin, not a core function.
> That would seem like a good idea for plugin. Could you point to some 
> definative info on this use of CSS "div containers"?  It would have to 
> be a well defined structure in order to be able to formalise it as a 
> plugin.
> /gg
The correct way to design a webpage using XHTML+CSS is separating 
contents and presentation.
Contents are divided in blocks (usually divs) and line elements that are 
styled in a separate stylesheet.
The interfase wireframe is defined by those divs, following the W3C 
visual formatting model.
My idea for that plugin consists in importing those divs (which have 
with, height and a relative or absolute position in the document 
structure, and background color), into solid color layers.
Once the XHTML+CSS wireframe is designed, the design of graphic elements 
for incusion in the DIV (images, div backgrounds or dummy texts) would 
be very fast to achieve, letting the designer to create a mockup in a 
breeze. And that fast editable mockup would be ready for exporting the 
slices (I know, I said slices are a bad idea, but i mean "slices" as 
"image blocks") for the final webpage.
Slices as they are meant in Photoshop are bad because you tend to design 
the whole page using the incorrect application. A webpage isn't bitmap 
images sliced. Is hypertextual content with bitmap decorations. 
Photoshop makes unexperienced people think that anyone can design a 
website, when in reality that's not true.
If we focus in the right way, we'll be focusing in creating the bitmap 
decorations for a specific html element instead of creating the whole 
mockup and automagically export it to a html page.
It's ok to listen to users feature requests, but if Gimp is going to be 
a professional application, IMO the un-professional features shouldn't 
be included.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-27 Thread Sven Neumann

On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 21:53 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:

> That's much better, but if you set both toolbox and docker as utility
> windows, if you haven't any image open you don't have any window
> listed in the taskbar nor the task switcher (alt+tab).

If it would work nicely, it would be the default setting.

> I think most users see the windows listed in the taskbar as
> "applications running or minimized" instead of "windows". That's why I
> find this behaviour to be quite confusing.

That's nothing that the application has to worry about. Most taskbars
(even on Windows) can be configured to group windows of the same
application into a single item.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread Guillermo Espertino
Sven wrote:
> I would actually want to have toplevel image windows listed in the task
> bar. But I don't see a point of having a GIMP item there. Palettes like
> the toolbox don't show up in the task bar anyway when they are set as
> utility windows. You can already configure GIMP to behave this way.

Oh, I didn't know that.
That's much better, but if you set both toolbox and docker as utility windows, 
if you haven't any image open you don't have any window listed in the taskbar 
nor the task switcher (alt+tab).
Default behaviour clutters the taskbar and the other setting makes the 
application almost invisible if you refreshed the desktop using the show destop 
I think most users see the windows listed in the taskbar as "applications 
running or minimized" instead of "windows". That's why I find this behaviour to 
be quite confusing.

About the "image slicing for webmasters" subject... I'm against it.
Save for web is a necessary tool because is a time saver and allows to see the 
balance between quality and filesize, which is a must-be for web design.
But slicing is a horrible methodology created for home users. A real web 
designer designs a wireframe and the typographic structure before the graphic 
stage, then designs the elements needed, using the div placement and dimensions 
defined in the css layout.
I mean: If you completed the wireframe stage and you defined the block elements 
with CSS, image slicing is not necessary anymore. And in that case, the current 
GIMP features are more than enough.
A great tool for designers would be a CSS layout importer (able to import divs 
containers and place them as layers with guides in the right plces). Sort of 
But imo, it should be a plugin, not a core function.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread Hal V. Engel
On Friday 25 May 2007 21:49, Guillermo Espertino wrote:
> And when I connected a second monitor it was even better. Floating
> windows ROCK!
> Turning Gimp into a MDI application will make several users happy, but
> IMO it won't benefit Gimp at all.

I agree 100%.  I had used Photoshop on a multimonitor setup for some time 
before moving to GIMP and had moved the tool "windows" onto the second 
monitor.   So when I started using GIMP I liked the way this worked from the 
get go.  One other thing that I also like is that each image is also in it's 
own window which I think is better the way Phototshop does this.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread Sven Neumann

On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 11:32 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:

> I meant the items in the tray bar / lower panel of the O.S. desktop. The 
> applications listing.
> Just one item "Gimp" instead of toolbox, image, docker as it appears now.

I would actually want to have toplevel image windows listed in the task
bar. But I don't see a point of having a GIMP item there. Palettes like
the toolbox don't show up in the task bar anyway when they are set as
utility windows. You can already configure GIMP to behave this way.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread Guillermo Espertino
Peter said:
>> - by creating only one item in the windows list, grouping GIMP's
>> windows, instead of one item for each panel (it's quite confusing)
> I say no item in the window list. inspectors do not match users' goals,
> image windows do.
I meant the items in the tray bar / lower panel of the O.S. desktop. The 
applications listing.
Just one item "Gimp" instead of toolbox, image, docker as it appears now.

> My intuition tells me that such 'ms outlook' approach would
> work against the goal of GIMP being a high-end expert tool.
> I am much more enthusiastic about having the tip of the day in the
> main window in a 'no image' situation. And to have all new tips there,
> that can bring experienced users to the next level.
To be honest, I had that idea when I was looking Ardour and Jokosher, 
then I realized "hey, that's the same that the latest Adobe apps have!".
It doesn't look to be working against Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After 
Effects and  Adobe Encore (almost in the exact way I suggested) and 
Photoshop and Illustrator (in a similar way).
So I'm not sure if it's incompatible with a high end, pro application.
The tip of the day could be in that window too, and you'd have a great 
one-window solution for the whole problem.
I think I should make a mockup. :-)

> We are investigating in the same direction at the moment, but I cannot
> decide for one million users that by default they can have either
> the tool options, or the color specifier. So I need to look for
> different compromises.
Then Thorsten said this:
> As far as I got it, this is all in line with what Peter has been 
> proposing. Where MDI would be an _option_ that could be tackled 
> _after_ floating panels have been adressed.
And this:
> Fine if that works for you and nice to see docking put to work for 
> a custom layout. But I shudder on the thought of having to move the 
> pointer from one side of the screen to the other, for tweakink tool 
> options after picking a tool. 
Good points.
In the ideal world, Gimp would have MDI and floating as options, and 
presetable layouts by default.
But we know that gimp hasn't enough developers, and this kind of 
features were never adopted because of that.
I was myself one of the guys asking for optional MDI/Floating some time 
ago, and Sven replied that: every option in the preferences carry an 
important effort in coding as well as several changes in documentation.
That's why I'm suggesting this layout chnge. It would gain much screen 
space without the need of much coding and documentation changes.
I'm pretty sure that most of the user asking for MDI wouldn't have much 
problems with the layout I'm proposing. It's more "photoshop-esque", and 
to be honest, users who ask for MDI so frequently are doing that because 
of Photoshop mostly (see the "trend" point in Peter's report).
Most of the users got used to the default layout maybe because never 
knew that it could be changed. I'd like to know how they feel about 
getting a 15% more of work area. Maybe there should be a poll in the 
website, proposing a couple of tool layouts.

Oh, and about semi-transparent toolbox and docker... it can be really 
IMO, Semi transparent windows in interfaces should be avoided because 
it's readability depends on the contrast between the foreground and 
background elements. Some combinations work great, some combinations 
simply don't.
And when they don't, the new problem is worse than the problem that was 
intended to solve: a confusing mix with deficient contrast is worse than 
a slight obstruction.
And why not to mention that semi-transparent windows are alien to the 
default GTK/gnome style guidelines.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread peter sikking
Thorsten wrote:

> On Sat, May 26, 2007 at 01:49:52AM -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:
>> Turning Gimp into a MDI application will make several users happy,  
>> but
>> IMO it won't benefit Gimp at all.
> As far as I got it, this is all in line with what Peter has been
> proposing. Where MDI would be an _option_ that could be tackled
> _after_ floating panels have been adressed.


>> You can see a screenshot of my current tool layout in gimp using that
>> idea here:
> Fine if that works for you and nice to see docking put to work for
> a custom layout. But I shudder on the thought of having to move the
> pointer from one side of the screen to the other, for tweakink tool
> options after picking a tool. (Personaly, I learned the shortcuts for
> all frequently used tools, but I still use the tool palette at times)

Thorsten has got a point with the preferred proximity of the tool  
to the tool palette. As it looks and feels at the moment, these need to
be close to each other to show their connection. One solution for this
is to start tying the options to what actually gets done with the tool
to the image, and start putting the options in heads-up displays near
to where one is working.


 principal user interaction architect
 man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sat, May 26, 2007 at 01:49:52AM -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:

> Turning Gimp into a MDI application will make several users happy, but 
> IMO it won't benefit Gimp at all.
> I think it would be better to improve the way those floating windows work:
> - by creating only one item in the windows list, grouping GIMP's 
> windows, instead of one item for each panel (it's quite confusing)
> - by making toolbox and dockers dependant of the "canvas" window.
> As it was discussed before, this brings a new problem: where should the 
> menu bar be placed. Of course, the document window is the most ovbious 
> choice, but as we use floating windows, it won't be any document window 
> when we open the program.
> Maybe the best option is to create a new kind of splashscreen, where we 
> get as options:
> -Create a new image (if you choose this, the new image dialog appears, 
> with dimensions, templates, color mode, etc.)
> -Open existing image/s (if you choose this, the filer appears, letting 
> you pick an image or a group of images).
> Once you made your choice, the toolbox and dockers will appear along the 
> document/s window/s.
> (I'm thinking about something like the latest Adobe Premiere Pro initial 
> screen, for instance, but in the GTK/floating windows fashion)

As far as I got it, this is all in line with what Peter has been 
proposing. Where MDI would be an _option_ that could be tackled 
_after_ floating panels have been adressed.

> Another thing that was covered in your work is the use of the screen 
> space. I agree that the current menu layout is a waste of pixels.
> But this is already possible to improve in Gimp using the small theme 
> and putting the tool options panel in the docker window. This allows you 
> to shrink the toolbox, gaining much window space.
> You can see a screenshot of my current tool layout in gimp using that 
> idea here:

Fine if that works for you and nice to see docking put to work for 
a custom layout. But I shudder on the thought of having to move the 
pointer from one side of the screen to the other, for tweakink tool 
options after picking a tool. (Personaly, I learned the shortcuts for 
all frequently used tools, but I still use the tool palette at times)

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-26 Thread peter sikking
Guillermo wrote:

> Fist of all, I want to thank Peter for his excellent work. I'm glad to
> see that several problems of GIMP's GUI are being revisited and  
> most of
> the solutions suggested will be welcome in future releases.

you're welcome.

> I don't agree with #1 request, though. I know that this has been a
> frequent request for years, but I think it's just a matter of  
> habit. I'm
> a Photoshop user, and a Gimp user, too. After a couple of days I could
> understand the power of floating windows. Switching between floating
> windows and fullscreen with F11 is fast and easy, and my workflow  
> is far
> better this way.
> And when I connected a second monitor it was even better. Floating
> windows ROCK!

you do have a good point with the second monitor angle.

Although we have to primarily work for the one monitor case, creating
a solution that also works great over two monitors is important.

> Turning Gimp into a MDI application will make several users happy, but
> IMO it won't benefit Gimp at all.
> I think it would be better to improve the way those floating  
> windows work:
> - by creating only one item in the windows list, grouping GIMP's
> windows, instead of one item for each panel (it's quite confusing)

I say no item in the window list. inspectors do not match users' goals,
image windows do.

> - by making toolbox and dockers dependant of the "canvas" window.
> As it was discussed before, this brings a new problem: where should  
> the
> menu bar be placed. Of course, the document window is the most ovbious
> choice, but as we use floating windows, it won't be any document  
> window
> when we open the program.
> Maybe the best option is to create a new kind of splashscreen,  
> where we
> get as options:
> -Create a new image (if you choose this, the new image dialog appears,
> with dimensions, templates, color mode, etc.)
> -Open existing image/s (if you choose this, the filer appears, letting
> you pick an image or a group of images).
> Once you made your choice, the toolbox and dockers will appear  
> along the
> document/s window/s.
> (I'm thinking about something like the latest Adobe Premiere Pro  
> initial
> screen, for instance, but in the GTK/floating windows fashion)

My intuition tells me that such 'ms outlook' approach would
work against the goal of GIMP being a high-end expert tool.

I am much more enthusiastic about having the tip of the day in the
main window in a 'no image' situation. And to have all new tips there,
that can bring experienced users to the next level.

> Another thing that was covered in your work is the use of the screen
> space. I agree that the current menu layout is a waste of pixels.
> But this is already possible to improve in Gimp using the small theme
> and putting the tool options panel in the docker window. This  
> allows you
> to shrink the toolbox, gaining much window space.
> You can see a screenshot of my current tool layout in gimp using that
> idea here:

We are investigating in the same direction at the moment, but I cannot
decide for one million users that by default they can have either
the tool options, or the color specifier. So I need to look for
different compromises.


 principal user interaction architect
 man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-25 Thread Guillermo Espertino
Fist of all, I want to thank Peter for his excellent work. I'm glad to 
see that several problems of GIMP's GUI are being revisited and most of 
the solutions suggested will be welcome in future releases.
I don't agree with #1 request, though. I know that this has been a 
frequent request for years, but I think it's just a matter of habit. I'm 
a Photoshop user, and a Gimp user, too. After a couple of days I could 
understand the power of floating windows. Switching between floating 
windows and fullscreen with F11 is fast and easy, and my workflow is far 
better this way.
And when I connected a second monitor it was even better. Floating 
windows ROCK!
Turning Gimp into a MDI application will make several users happy, but 
IMO it won't benefit Gimp at all.
I think it would be better to improve the way those floating windows work:
- by creating only one item in the windows list, grouping GIMP's 
windows, instead of one item for each panel (it's quite confusing)
- by making toolbox and dockers dependant of the "canvas" window.
As it was discussed before, this brings a new problem: where should the 
menu bar be placed. Of course, the document window is the most ovbious 
choice, but as we use floating windows, it won't be any document window 
when we open the program.
Maybe the best option is to create a new kind of splashscreen, where we 
get as options:
-Create a new image (if you choose this, the new image dialog appears, 
with dimensions, templates, color mode, etc.)
-Open existing image/s (if you choose this, the filer appears, letting 
you pick an image or a group of images).
Once you made your choice, the toolbox and dockers will appear along the 
document/s window/s.
(I'm thinking about something like the latest Adobe Premiere Pro initial 
screen, for instance, but in the GTK/floating windows fashion)

Another thing that was covered in your work is the use of the screen 
space. I agree that the current menu layout is a waste of pixels.
But this is already possible to improve in Gimp using the small theme 
and putting the tool options panel in the docker window. This allows you 
to shrink the toolbox, gaining much window space.
You can see a screenshot of my current tool layout in gimp using that 
idea here:

Well, just my two cents.
Thanks again for your work!


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 05:25:14PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If everything ends up "dockable" and there is no longer the freedom to  
> place windows where you _need_ then to be
> I think it should stay as it is. Maybe that was the fundemental reason for  
> this rather unusual set up in the first place.

I talked about dockable, not forcing things to be docked. The only necessary 
restriction of placement of floating palette windows would be palette headers 
right above docking areas (as that should trigger docking). I'm confident 
this could be arranged to be no issue in actual use.
Actually, if you think about it, docking would happen when you move a palette 
close to the bottom or side of another palette, so the then docked pallette 
ends up pretty much where you move it to, but tightly arranged, most space 
efficient. Or if you moved it on top of another palette, you get a tab and 
can easily switch to what would be completely obscured otherwise.

> I know this sort of thing is possible in win32 API but I dont seem to be  
> able to find any linux progs, gtk+ or qt derived, that have freely  
> floating windows or panels.

So what if GIMP became the first?

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-25 Thread peter sikking
Thorsten wrote:

>> > requests_25.html>
> On 4. better painting tools:
> So you propose to have brush models in tools like dodge/burn.
> Why would this be preferable to having modes like dodge/burn inside
> brush tools?

because dodge/burn matches users' goal as a primary selector,
and because within that certain task (brighten/darken) the
image content dictates which brush model work best in a certain
part. So main mode = dodge/burn, sub-mode = switch through
the brush models fits that best.

> Maybe brush model and mode should be handled separately?
> A: The region/scope to work on
>   - whole image
>   - a layer/group/set
>   - a selection
>   - brush strokes as they happen
> B: Options for above
>   - mainly brush model with parameters comes to mind
> C: The action or drawing mode to apply
>   - transformations
>   - filters
>   - paint

the whole puzzle is about decomposing ortogonal modes, and then
flattening these multidimensional tool spaces again. Our only guide
can be here the graphics concepts our product vision users think in.

> On power modes
> Sounds like a rather vague distinction, makes me wonder if
> is such a good idea to split the modes based on it.
> Shouldn't layer and paint modes be kept the same?

Not necessary to keep both the same. With the brush tools you
have this opportunity to take out the modes with natural
descriptions (vs. mathematical) and make unhide it out of these
modes and integrate into an existing or new brush tool, that
matches a user goal directly.

no such chance for layer modes.

> dipping and smearing
> Considering GIMP is not and shall not be painter ... but this would
> be very nice especially for drawing from scratch ;)

fine with me. but you can see how this solution came about,
straight from the product vision, via the user scenarios.

> Regarding adjustment layers and GEGL
> GEGL is graph based, somewhat comparable to the nodes in Blender,
> right? If so, the concept of a layer stack does not match GEGL.
> I would propose to go all nodes and have no layers, if the layer
> stack wouldn't match the common case so nicely.

I was very happy when I reached a consensus with pippin and mitch
on hat the GEGL graph is an internal technical representation that
is not exposed in the UI. Maybe, only, to the developing users who
use GIMP as stated in the third point of the product vision:

"GIMP is a platform for programming cutting-edge image processing
algorithms, by scientists and artists;"

So yes, the graph is more flexible than a image->layers->operation  
structure. But I am convinced that the latter will help users more
in getting the job done.

> On window management
> I have been thinking: What if GIMP was represented by a window with
> just the main menu. Image windows could be dockable palettes. Requires
> docking side-by-side. For SDI style, one would dock one image window
> and the inspectors all to the main window. Several images could docked
> together to have tabs.

Although I will have to push the boundaries of the look + feel
guidelines every once and a while, I do prefer to stay 90% within
the law. It does not hurt to go far out for an hour, but after
applying some sane laws like "the menu bar sits at the top of the
main window, on linux and windows," I am mostly back where I am
in the last blog entry.


 principal user interaction architect
 man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] lgm 07, top???5 GIMP user requests...

2007-05-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 02:15:32AM +0200, peter sikking wrote:

>  requests_25.html>

On 4. better painting tools:

So you propose to have brush models in tools like dodge/burn.
Why would this be preferable to having modes like dodge/burn inside 
brush tools?
Maybe brush model and mode should be handled separately?

A: The region/scope to work on
  - whole image
  - a layer/group/set
  - a selection
  - brush strokes as they happen
B: Options for above
  - mainly brush model with parameters comes to mind
C: The action or drawing mode to apply
  - transformations
  - filters
  - paint

On power modes

Sounds like a rather vague distinction, makes me wonder if 
is such a good idea to split the modes based on it.
Shouldn't layer and paint modes be kept the same?

dipping and smearing

Considering GIMP is not and shall not be painter ... but this would 
be very nice especially for drawing from scratch ;)

On versions and approaches

I have been using layers for versioning, backup, too. It just works.
Of course real, branched versioning would rock. How much I would like 
to see it everywhere. Maybe there's a chance of pushing part of the 
functionality out, so it can become part the environment and have 
a wider developer pool?

Regarding adjustment layers and GEGL

GEGL is graph based, somewhat comparable to the nodes in Blender, 
right? If so, the concept of a layer stack does not match GEGL.
I would propose to go all nodes and have no layers, if the layer 
stack wouldn't match the common case so nicely.

On window management

I have been thinking: What if GIMP was represented by a window with 
just the main menu. Image windows could be dockable palettes. Requires 
docking side-by-side. For SDI style, one would dock one image window 
and the inspectors all to the main window. Several images could docked 
together to have tabs.

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Gimp-developer mailing list