Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Marco Lamberto

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, Kevin Cozens wrote:
Great timing, Marco. Yesterday and today I have been working on the .spec
file for GIMP 1.2.0. I have a working one now.
Ohhh, good news! (My poor and overheated K6-233 takes a breath) ;))

I'm just reviewing it as I am not sure that the libgimp .html files are being
installed and probably should be.
If I remember well the "make install" places them into
share/gimp/1.2/devel-docs/, the current specfile doesn't notice them (the
should obviously go into gimp-devel).

I am also trying to decide where scm2scm and scm2perl belong.
Should they be in gimp and gimp-perl respectively, or gimp-devel for both?
I think they should go into gimp-perl, however I'm not sure if they are always
available, I suppose that they require some extra perl modules.

Other than that, I will put a patch together for the spec files in a day or
Good, I've attached a revised patch of mine vs the that should fix
some stuff. It was contributed by my friend Giandomenico Di Tullio.
I hope this will help you. ;)

Happy new year! (and GIMP too!)
//\/\ Marco (LM) Lamberto
  e-mail:lm(.) (replace '(.)' - '@')
  The Sunny Spot  -

---   Wed Nov  8 00:12:01 2000
+++ gimp.spec.inMon Jan  1 09:17:12 2001
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 %define microver @GIMP_MICRO_VERSION@
-%define ver  @VERSION@
+%define ver  %{subver}.%{microver}
 %define prefix  /usr
 %define sysconfdir /etc
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 Obsoletes: gimp-data-min
 Obsoletes: gimp-libgimp
-Requires:  gtk+ = 1.2.0
+Requires:  gtk+ = 1.2.8
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ]  rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/info $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/include \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/lib $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin
-make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix} PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix} install
 # Strip the executables
 strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/gimp
@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@
 if [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/man ]; then
   find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/man -type f -exec gzip -9nf {} \;
+if [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/lib/perl5/man ]; then
+  find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/lib/perl5/man -type f -exec gzip -9nf {} \;
 # This perl madness will drive me batty
@@ -131,6 +134,8 @@
  /usr/lib/rpm/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT gimp-libgimp
  /usr/lib/rpm/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT gimp-std-plugins
  /usr/lib/rpm/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT gimp-script-fu
+ /usr/lib/rpm/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT gimp-perl
  cat %{name}.lang gimp-libgimp gimp-std-plugins.lang gimp-script-fu.lang \
 | sed "s:(644, root, root, 755):(444, bin, bin, 555):"  gimp-all.lang
@@ -149,7 +154,7 @@
 # Build the master filelists generated from the above mess.
 cat gimp-plugin-files gimp-all.lang gimp-tips-files  gimp.files
-cat gimp-perl gimp-perl-plugin-files  gimp-perl-files
+cat gimp-perl gimp-perl-plugin-files gimp-perl.lang  gimp-perl-files
 [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ]  rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
@@ -160,7 +165,7 @@
 %files -f gimp.files
 %attr (0555, bin, man) %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog MAINTAINERS NEWS README TODO
-%attr (0555, bin, man) %doc docs/*.txt docs/*.eps ABOUT-NLS README.i18n README.perl 
+%attr (0555, bin, man) %doc docs/*.txt ABOUT-NLS README.i18n README.perl README.win32 
 %defattr (0444, bin, bin, 0555)
 %dir %{prefix}/share/gimp/%{subver}
 %dir %{prefix}/share/gimp/%{subver}/tips
@@ -225,6 +230,7 @@
 %defattr (0444, root, root, 0555)
@@ -236,6 +242,10 @@
 %files perl -f gimp-perl-files
+* Fri Dec 29 2000 Marco Lamberto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+- updated the install section by adding the DESTDIR environment var to
+  "make install"
 * Fri Apr 14 2000 Matt Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - include subdirs in the help find
 - remove gimp-help-files generation

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Marco Lamberto

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, Marc Lehmann wrote:
 Please check the patch and _please_ merge those changes in order to build
 again easily and RPMmed GIMP. ;)
Instead of requiring special rpm support for each and every package, why
not just fix the package manager? ;-
Eh, eh, I know this old story, not everybody loves RPM but, on my own, I think
it's extremely useful (if you write a decent specfile) not only for novice

Anyway, I am pleased but astonished that it works without a flaw in the pelr
subtree, however:
 -cd po  \$(MAKE) install
 +#   cd po  \$(MAKE) install
Why do you disable the installation of the perl-translation tables? If
there is another makefile doing the make install, do you know which one it
is (so it can be fixed)?
Yes, I've forgotten to underline this fix. I've modified ONLY this line in the
perl plug-in dir because the "po" files are installed by the main Makefile, so
the make install will install them twice. By disabling the install section into
the main Makefile would have required changes also into the perl/po Makefile,
while my main goal was to let the perl stuff almost unchanged.

 +if test ! -z "$(DESTDIR)"  test ! -z "$(GIMP_PERL)"  test 
"$$subdir" = "$(GIMP_PERL)"; then \
gimpplugindir=$(DESTDIR)$(gimpplugindir) $$local_target"; \
Nifty ;)
(Anyway, it does look good at least to me ;)
Eh, eh, yeah, surely I can write down a better test code however I've used the
same style used into the whole script, I suppose this stuff was done for
compatibility issues so I don't minded if it was ugly or too long. ;)
The "local_target" hack is a trick that makes the perl plug-in installing in
the "old" way (gimp = 1.1.25).
//\/\ Marco (LM) Lamberto
  e-mail:lm(.) (replace '(.)' - '@')
  The Sunny Spot  -

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Mon, Jan 01, 2001 at 08:59:51AM +0100, Marco Lamberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not just fix the package manager? ;-
 Eh, eh, I know this old story, not everybody loves RPM but, on my own, I think
 it's extremely useful (if you write a decent specfile) not only for novice

It is (and rpm per se does not require DESTDIR anyway), but I somehow
question the the usefuleness of changing each and every package for .rpm,
.deb, .slp, .tgz, gcc-2.96 variants of ome distributors etc

(So, nothing specific against rpm, jsuta aginst having to modify the
packages, even if it is easier for many packages ;)

 Why do you disable the installation of the perl-translation tables? If
 Yes, I've forgotten to underline this fix. I've modified ONLY this line in the
 perl plug-in dir because the "po" files are installed by the main Makefile, so

This is not good. Can you outline what needs to be changed (since I, in my
endless dumbness, can't find it and gimp does not compile for me at the

 the main Makefile would have required changes also into the perl/po Makefile,
 while my main goal was to let the perl stuff almost unchanged.

I can understand this, however I am quite in favour of fixing more cruft
and build anomalies, there are a lot of them (o.k., decreasing..) ;)

  +  local_target="PREFIX=$(DESTDIR)$(prefix) 
gimpplugindir=$(DESTDIR)$(gimpplugindir) $$local_target"; \

Oh, now I can see the problem. You use the same prefix as gimp (do
you?). This will produce severely broken rpms unless the gimp prefix
equals the perl prefix, which somehow makes the whole exercise superfluous.

Do not use the gimp's prefix, otherwise your rpm's will only run on
unmodified standard redhat systems where gimp is installed in /usr/bin.

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 05:31:24PM -0500, Kevin Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 should be. I am also trying to decide where scm2scm and scm2perl belong.
 Should they be in gimp and gimp-perl respectively, or gimp-devel for both?

scm2scm should go into gimp-devel, as it only requires perl, not
gimp-perl, scm2perl should go into gimp-perl-devel, so you can choose on
your own (I recommend gimp-perl).

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Kevin Cozens

Marco Lamberto wrote:
 Please check the patch and _please_ merge those changes in order to build again
 easily and RPMmed GIMP. ;)

I've taken a look at the patch, Marco. For some reason all your patches
were rejected when I tried to apply them so I recreated the patches.
However, I am only using four of the six patches you provided.

--- gimp-1.2.0lm/plug-ins/perl/Makefile.PL.orig Fri Dec 29 14:03:30 2000
+++ gimp-1.2.0lm/plug-ins/perl/Makefile.PL  Fri Dec 29 14:03:32 2000

I'm not sure why you commented out one of the lines in this file so I have
left it out for now.

--- gimp-1.2.0lm/plug-ins/  Fri Dec 29 11:27:02 2000
+++ gimp-1.2.0lm/plug-ins/   Fri Dec 29 14:12:30 2000

I also did not use this patch. As far as I can tell this file does not need
a DESTDIR patch. It is determining which argument to pass to the make in
the sub-directories based on how this level make was invoked.

Last night I compared the contents of the .rpm files created using my
updated .spec file against the files installed in to the directory tree
used for the CVS based version of GIMP. I feel I am picking up everything
that my development version was installing so I am making a patch for the
ChangeLog file. I will then do one more build to verify everything is ok
and release the patches.

After this, I will create a spec file for gimp-data-extras. I will also
compare the source tree for the GIMP 1.2.0 which I downloaded as a tar ball
and compare it against the CVS version I downloaded fresh last night. I
know there are some patches that were made to the original 1.2.0 so I will
try and incorporate them in to the .src.rpm if there is not already an
updated file with the latest patches at already available.


Kevin.  (

Internet:kcozens at   |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
  or:ve3syb at  |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:|  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include disclaimer/favourite|  -Pinkutus  the Borg

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Kevin Cozens

Marc Lehmann wrote:
 scm2scm should go into gimp-devel, as it only requires perl, not
 gimp-perl, scm2perl should go into gimp-perl-devel, so you can choose on
 your own (I recommend gimp-perl).

Thank, Marc. I was thinking that was probably how it would wind up. I'll
move scm2perl in to gimp-perl (in the .spec file) along with the man file
for it.


Kevin.  (

Internet:kcozens at   |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
  or:ve3syb at  |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:|  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include disclaimer/favourite|  -Pinkutus  the Borg

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Kevin Cozens

Marco Lamberto wrote:
 Good, I've attached a revised patch of mine vs the that should fix
 some stuff. It was contributed by my friend Giandomenico Di Tullio.
 I hope this will help you. ;)

Thanks, Marco. That patch shows most of the changes I have already made
myself. There are a few other changes I made which aren't in the version
from your friend.

Is the result of the discussion re: Marco's DESTDIR patches that all 6 of
them do need to be applied? There were two that seemed questionable at
first. If so, I will add the other two which I am not using yet to the
patch set which will be used to make RPM files. Other than this last issue,
I feel I have everything ready to be released.

You can thank my poor overworked Pentium II 266 for this Marco. It takes me
about an hour to build the RPMs as well.


Kevin.  (

Internet:kcozens at   |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
  or:ve3syb at  |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:|  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include disclaimer/favourite|  -Pinkutus  the Borg

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2001-01-01 Thread Kevin Cozens

Marco Lamberto wrote:
 This time I've fixed the main problem related to the "prefix" var used for
 installation, now changed into "DESTDIR", and I've attached a patch vs 1.2.0.
 I've added the DESTDIR support in the subdirs that still hold the old
 installation prefix.

I tried building an RPM file using the four of your original 6 DESTDIR
patches as I mentioned in a previous message. It turns out that the 'dir'
variable already has the DESTDIR information in it. If you add DESTDIR it
winds up in there twice. I know this having captured the full output of an
RPM build. It seems the DESTDIR patches you indicated are not needed (other
than the one in the spec file itself which I had already found).

I am currently half way through what should be the final RPM build. I will
upload the patches later tonight or tomorrow once I have packaged
everything up.


Kevin.  (

Internet:kcozens at   |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
  or:ve3syb at  |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:|  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include disclaimer/favourite|  -Pinkutus  the Borg

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2000-12-31 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 03:32:21PM +0100, Marco Lamberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please check the patch and _please_ merge those changes in order to build again
 easily and RPMmed GIMP. ;)

Instead of requiring special rpm support for each and every package, why
not just fix the package manager? ;-

Anyway, I am pleased but astonished that it works without a flaw in the pelr
subtree, however:

 - cd po  \$(MAKE) install
 +#cd po  \$(MAKE) install

Why do you disable the installation of the perl-translation tables? If
there is another makefile doing the make install, do you know which one it
is (so it can be fixed)?

 + if test ! -z "$(DESTDIR)"  test ! -z "$(GIMP_PERL)"  test 
"$$subdir" = "$(GIMP_PERL)"; then \
 + local_target="PREFIX=$(DESTDIR)$(prefix) 
gimpplugindir=$(DESTDIR)$(gimpplugindir) $$local_target"; \

Nifty ;)

(Anyway, it does look good at least to me ;)

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 DESTDIR patch

2000-12-31 Thread Kevin Cozens

Marco Lamberto wrote:
 Some times ago me and other guys complained about a broken support for building
 This time I've fixed the main problem related to the "prefix" var used for
 installation, now changed into "DESTDIR", and I've attached a patch vs 1.2.0.
 I've added the DESTDIR support in the subdirs that still hold the old
 installation prefix.

Great timing, Marco. Yesterday and today I have been working on the .spec
file for GIMP 1.2.0. I have a working one now. I'm just reviewing it as I
am not sure that the libgimp .html files are being installed and probably
should be. I am also trying to decide where scm2scm and scm2perl belong.
Should they be in gimp and gimp-perl respectively, or gimp-devel for both?

Other than that, I will put a patch together for the spec files in a day or

Happy new year everyone!


Kevin.  (

Internet:kcozens at   |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
  or:ve3syb at  |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:|  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include disclaimer/favourite|  -Pinkutus  the Borg