Re: [Gimp-user] rectangular selection

2008-10-19 Thread vt
On Monday 20 October 2008 07:12:30 presyesc rašė:
> Hello- When I make a feathered rectangular selection and fill it with
> color, the edges are fuzzy and bland with background. Is there a way to
> fill it solidly?

Why do you make "a _feathered_ rectangular selection" if you want to fill it 
solidly? Choose something else, what is not feathered.
And what version of gimp do you use?
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to separate layers

2008-03-09 Thread vt
On Sunday 09 March 2008 22:19:33 edward storm rašė:
>   My first Gimp project - make a menu with four different
> layers, one text, one colored page, a fuzzy border and
> a clear background.  I printed it and loved it.  Then I saved it
> as an XCF file.  Now when I open it in The Gimp, it only has
> one layer.  Can I get the original four back, and if so, how?
> (I'd like to add more text with a different font, etc.)
>   Thanks

You should first save as XCF and then print. And now I'm afraid, you'll have 
to do it again from a scratch. Practice makes perfect;)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Reduce the number of colors on a selection

2008-03-02 Thread vt
On Sunday 02 March 2008 20:49:48 Pere Pujal i Carabantes rašė:
> Hi all!
> I want to reduce the number of colors like image->mode->indexed does,
> but just on the selected parts, not in the whole image.
> Any hints?
> Thanks
> Pere

Right cllick on selection > Colors> Posterize
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to generate a frame

2008-02-28 Thread vt
On Thursday 28 February 2008 05:59:54 edward storm rašė:
>   Page 74 of Peck's book shows the layers for a flower image.  One of
> the layers is for a picture frame.  Is there
> a facility in The Gimp to generate such a frame?
>   Thanks

Filters>Decor>Add Border...
Creates the layer with picture's frame around.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Can I prevent the "Bring the Loaded Window To Front" "effect" in gimp?

2007-11-30 Thread vt
On Thursday 29 November 2007 12:29:58 [EMAIL PROTECTED] rašė:
> Hi!
> When I want to open many files in gimp, I must go to do something else,
> because of when some of the image loaded, it's window brought to front,
> and this time I cannot work with any program.

Go to open image's File>Open and open other image.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Image artifacts

2007-10-24 Thread vt
On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Jarlath Reidy wrote:
> I have a friend who uses images sent to him by clients to make
> engravings on various materials. This is a start up business and he is
> having some teething problems.
> He has an issue where the boundary between the foreground and the
> background isn't clear cut and the engraving looks smudged around the
> edges.
> I've attached a piece of the image which the client sent in jpg format.
> Unfortunately, the typical client is not very computer savvy and asking
> for .tiffs isn't possible.
> Any advice here on how to clean up these 'grey areas' would be
> fantastic.
> Thanks,
> Jarlath

What is the problem with tifs? Just ask him to save as .tif instead of .jpg 
and that's it.
svg format (Inkscape's native) would suit so much better for logo.

Colors>Posterize might help.

Select>By color, increase threshold and pick white color, then erase it or 
fill with white colour.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] 2.4

2007-10-18 Thread vt
On Thursday 18 October 2007, kerry wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> I am completely new to Gimp and have downloaded the windows version but
> on finding the podcast videos I have discovered that there is a version
> 2.4 and my version is 2.2.17.  Please could you tell me where I can
> download the 2.4 for windows in complete package as I am not that
> computer literate. I got my version from this website:

You can not.
2.2.17 is the lates stable one for windows. As you're  „not that computer 
literate“ you got to stick with it for now.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp selection tool bug

2007-09-30 Thread vt
GIMP 2.4.0-rc3
Debian 4 unstable

Using selection tools in picture, i can not get "Subtrackt from the current 
sellection" to work just pressing Ctrl key. Though it is marked on toolbox, 
that pressing Ctrl should switch subtrackt mode and highlight marks correct 
entry. Pressing Ctrl turns on Move window mode instead - i can move window 
the picture is in. If i mark subtrackt mode by mouse - it works as it is 
intended to work. I believe it is bug, not a feature;)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] clone tool

2007-09-22 Thread vt
On Saturday 22 September 2007, Simon Budig wrote:
> vt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Oh, I've got it. You have to press Ctrl and Alt together to get it
> > working:)
> No.
> I don't knwo what exactly you got, but to pick a source for the clone
> tool CTRL definitely is sufficient.
> Bye,
> Simon

Yes, I know it. Picking the source was ok or me. But I couldn't draw . And now 
I can:)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] clone tool

2007-09-22 Thread vt
Oh, I've got it. You have to press Ctrl and Alt together to get it working:)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] clone tool

2007-09-22 Thread vt
On Saturday 22 September 2007, Simon Budig wrote:
> vt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Is it just me or is it known bug, that clone tool in gimp 2.4.0-rc2
> > doesn't work? I pick it (C key), then press Ctrl to choose what to clone,
> > then release Ctrl and try to paint with it. Nothing appears under the
> > cursor.
> Current SVN works fine here (and has no changes in the Clone tool
> AFAIK). Are you absolutely sure that you have the correct layer
> selected and that there is no selection active?
> It also might help to reset the clone tool options back to the defaults.
> I hope this helps,
> Simon

I make only one layer for purpose of experiment and try to work on it. Nothing 
changes. And nothing changed in clone tool options. I've installed Gimp from 
Debian repository. I'll try to restart computer just in case new updates are 
still not working or smth, but I doubt it would help.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] clone tool

2007-09-22 Thread vt
Is it just me or is it known bug, that clone tool in gimp 2.4.0-rc2 doesn't 
work? I pick it (C key), then press Ctrl to choose what to clone, then 
release Ctrl and try to paint with it. Nothing appears under the cursor.

AMD Athlon x86-64
Gimp 2.4.0-rc2
Debian 4 unstable
KDE 3.5.7
Gnome 2.20
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] can someone check this doc for me?

2007-09-18 Thread vt
On Tuesday 18 September 2007, adam hyde wrote:
> hi
> I just wrote a doc on saving images for the web using gimp. I was
> wondering if anyone could read it and send me feedback?
> adam

And one more thing about saving to jpg. Actually you can see the quality of 
picture before saving. Just tick "Show preview in image window" and you can 
change quality in real-time mode. And you can see the size changeind 
dynamically too. This is very good feature in Gimp. It is better to set the 
worst picture's quality and gradually increase it, while watching canges in 
preview window. It is clearly seen, when quality of picture stops getting 
better at some point. You're done then - click save. It depends on picture's 
nature. Sometimes you can save big pictures, while setting quality as low as 
40. And one more trick - in Advanced options unmark create prieview image. It 
does nothing good while being on web, just taking precious place and 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] rotate + crop -> 1 action?

2007-09-17 Thread vt
On Tuesday 18 September 2007, B.W.H. van Beest wrote:
> Dear GIMP people,
> When I rotate an image using GIMP a few degrees, to correct that I
> didn't hold my camera horizontal, the next step is to crop the rotated
> image such that it appears upright again.
> I realise that it must be possible to do the two actions all in one go,
> as  the rotation angle  fully determines the (max)  area to which the
> picture can be cropped. Is this implemented somewhere in a script, or is
> this functionality available via other means?
> Regards,
> Bertwim

Watch this tutorial:

It is told how to do it step by step. No automatic action though. I believe 
story about rotating and cropping begins in minute 2 or so.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Rounding those corners

2007-09-16 Thread vt
On Sunday 16 September 2007, Bettina Lechner wrote:
> hi gimp-users!
> I got a question about this tutorial you suggested for rounded corners:
> exactly this link:
>a a3465ad3351d1db
> Does anyone understand what the last step 3 means:
> Step 3:Go to Image-Colors-Levels... Change the input levels to: "119" "1.0"
> "135". That's all! Use different values for blurring and input levels to
> achieve other effects!
> what ist colors - levels?

I think it is tutorial for older versions of Gimp. Now (2.4 v) you should go 
directly to Colors>levels
In previous versions (<2.4) Layers>Colors>Levels

Meaning of numbers you've mentioned is shown here:

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Feathering edges

2007-09-10 Thread vt
Do not send HTML formated e-mails. At least to mailing lists.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] New small user manual for gimp newbies made

2007-08-05 Thread vt
On Saturday 04 August 2007 09:16, Niels Larsen wrote:
> A small beginners minihowto about gimp  is made.
> The idea is to get newbies started using gimp immediately, with the most
> elementary things.

A bit improved version of gimp mini howto:
Just save it in same place where "gimp_a_very_short_mini_howto_2977b.html" 
from were saved. Corrected some errors and a bit 
improved navigation.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Locking layers

2007-06-27 Thread vt
2007 m. birželis 27 d., trečiadienis 17:56, Victor Domingos rašė:
> Hi!
> Is there an easy way to lock one or more layers, so that one cannot
> move or change them by any other way? I thought that was the function
> of the little chain icons in the layer windows, but they seem to do
> nothing... By the way, what are they for?

They're used to move several layers at time - they keep same position. Usefull 
tool, when you wish to move several layers and do not want their composition 
to change. Otherwise you ougth to merge them what is not always what you want 
to do.
You change active layer by selecting one in Layers tab. You select it and all 
actions you do apply to active layer only.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How can I reduce the size of a png using gimp?

2007-06-26 Thread vt
2007 m. birželis 26 d., antradienis 06:24, ying lcs rašė:
> Thanks. How about this idea? If my image has a white color as it
> background, will I save the image size if I convert my image to
> transparent?

Try and see:)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How can I reduce the size of a png using gimp?

2007-06-25 Thread vt
2007 m. birželis 25 d., pirmadienis 09:44, ying lcs rašė:
> Hi,
> How can I reduce the size of a png using gimp without losing much quality?
> Two ideas I have are:
> 1. reduce the color depth of the image
> 2. increase the compression level of in the png
> Any more ideas? And can you please tell me how can I do #1, #2 in gimp?
> Thank you.

And you can reduce size by 
3. adjusting levels
and/or by 
4. reduceing number of colours used.

By the way none of these ways is lossless. And you could use say jpg for 
smaller size. Or gif.

1. picture>mode>indexed
2. file>save as...>>Compresion level 1...9
9th level has best compression. You can choose some other options there too.
4. Layer>colors>color decrease (or something like that cause i use Gimp in my 
native language)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Lens distortion correction

2007-06-21 Thread vt
2007 m. birželis 21 d., ketvirtadienis 13:37, John Allsopp rašė:

> Nice, corrects perspective, but doesn't correct lens distortion, if I'm
> right. Anyone re lens distortion that makes staight lines curved?

Filter>glass effects>lens?
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] tool: removing small isles from selection

2007-05-15 Thread vt
2007 m. gegužė 15 d., antradienis 12:53, David Hodson rašė:
> > In short, I'm looking for a tool, plug-in etc. which
> > collects all isles of a selection up to a certain size
> > (specified by maximum diameter or number of pixels) and
> > subtracts them from the selection.
> It would probably be easier to clean up the image before making the
> selection. Have you experimented with the various non-linear filters?
> I'd try [Filters/Generic/]Erode followed by Dilate (or maybe the other
> way around), or [Filters/Enhance/]Despeckle or [Filters/Emhance/]NL Filter.

What I do to eliminate isles. Select with Z, or Shift+O, then increase 
selection, lets say, by 3px, then decrease by the same amount. All isles 
smaller than 2x selection increase are selected.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] cropping respecting ratio

2007-05-14 Thread vt
2007 m. gegužė 14 d., pirmadienis 17:04, Fabrizio Lippolis rašė:
> Hi group,
> I use GIMP working on digital images and I often need to crop images
> respecting the original ratio. Is there any easy way to do it? To
> perform this task I reduce the length for example, then I calculate how
> many pixels should be in height respecting the ratio with that length,
> then I crop again the height. This is rather boring so I am asking.
> Thanks in advance.
> Fabrizio
Change canvas size. Picture>Canvas size.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] cartoon (card figure) from photo

2007-04-28 Thread vt
2007 m. balandis 28 d., šeštadienis 18:59, 
> I would suggest keeping the two operations -- outlining and color
> smoothing -- as separate operations.

Nice work.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] selecting a colored region

2007-04-27 Thread vt
2007 m. balandis 28 d., šeštadienis 05:03, Alex Feldman rašė:

Did you mean something like this?
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] recovering lost mask

2007-03-13 Thread vt
On Wednesday 07 March 2007 00:36, Dan Connelly wrote:

> Does the file load with 2.2?  
> Dan

"Cannot add layer mask to a layer with no alpha channel."
GIMP 2.2.13
Kubuntu 6.10 x86_64
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Opaque to transparent gradient on layer

2007-03-06 Thread vt
On Tuesday 06 March 2007 16:32, Paulo J. Matos wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can I create an opaque to transparent horizontal gradient on a layer?
> Regards,

Turn on layer's Alpha channel (Slesct layer, then RM 
Click>Layers>Transparency>Add alpha channel), select it all, turn on gradien 
tool (shortcut is L), choose Mode - Normal, Gradient - FG to Transparent and 
here you go - do what you want.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Starting Gimp-2.3

2007-03-03 Thread vt
On Saturday 03 March 2007 20:21, Gerard wrote:
> FreeBSD-6.2
> xcfe4.4.0
> I seem to be having a problem getting gimp-2.3 to start correctly. This
> is the first time I have attempted to use this program.
> When I start it from xfce4.4.0, all that appears is a splash screen with
> the words 'initializing' listed. That screen will stay indefinitely.
> Gimp, does create the files in $HOME, but that is about it.
> This is the command line I am using:
> /usr/local/bin/gimp-2.3
> What am I doing wrong here?

Isn't just gimp enough?
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Animation

2006-10-09 Thread vt
Monday 09 October 2006 05:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] rašė:
> I have a simple animation I want to do for a website which involves fading
> a photo  gradually (I assume by increasing opacity of a layer or decreasing
> opacity of layer containing photo) and replacing it with text (by
> increasing opacity of layer containing text?) And then this text will be a
> link to a web page. I have no idea how to do this. I am a total amateur
> looking to learn this slick little trick.I am new to Gimp but learning. Can
> you help me please? Andrea

Generally it is not a good idea to convert photo to gif format as it has many 
limitations. But in this case you have to save in this format as it is 
default format for animations on web. 
What is the size of photo (in pixels and in kilobytes (kb))? To accomplish 
your task we'll be using multiple layers and size in kb of final work will be 
much bigger. Hence the question: will it be on internet or only in LAN?
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Please Change the Derogatory Name

2006-09-29 Thread vt
Saturday 30 September 2006 01:35, Raphaël Quinet rašė:

> If you find a name that meets all these criteria and would probably be
> immediately adopted by a marketing team if GIMP were a commercial
> product, then keep in mind that you would still have 90% chance to
> have the name rejected because some developers simply do not want to
> change the name.  With that in mind, I wish you good luck...
> -Raphaël

Colourbox - Kolorbox
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Reduce Resolution

2006-09-18 Thread vt
Tuesday 19 September 2006 05:42, Thomas w. Cranston rašė:
> How do I reduce the resoltion of a 27 MB jpg so that I can email it?
> I am thinking I need to reduce it to several hundred KB
> The image is coming off a CD I had made when I had some photos developed
> and printed.
> Same question for if I scan something and want to reduce its resolution.
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

You just need to decrease size of image, not resolution. Image>Scale image
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Picture File Association

2006-08-17 Thread vt
2006 m. rugpjūtis 17 d., ketvirtadienis 10:12, Famous Actor rašė:
> I'm a first time Gimp user. During installation, I accidentally associated
> all possible picture files as Gimp files. Now on my hard drive, the picture
> files are no longer "gifs" or "jpegs" or "bitmaps", they are all "gimps".
> Does anyone know how to reverse the association? I want to use The Gimp,
> but I also want to know what files are gifs and jpegs.

For answer we should at least know what is your operating system.
Gimp-user mailing list