Re: Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[Some comments, maybe bit off topic]
>3) I understand as well that one has to be careful not to have too large a
>swap space compared to your actual RAM, as it can end up slowing thigs

Well, swap / RAM size is a tricky thing, some OS force you how much swap you
must have, others leave you complete freedom. In any case, you must study
what do you want to do with that computer, how many RAM, and if you can live
swapping out things. OS is also important, no only if it forces or not, but
in other details, like those ones that instead of swaping code just reload
from disk (aka swap is only used for real data).

For example, I have machines with services running that are used rarely, so
to have lot of swap is good, cool the kernel swaps them out, and you keep
running, no RAM problems. The recommendation is to have enough RAM so all
fast and simultaneous task can run in RAM (browser, shell, Gimp, etc), and
send to disk those "active less than 5 seconds each hour" (inetd & httpd
servers in a workstation that also does some server tasks). I found cool to
have multiple X sessions, only one is usable in the local console, so the
rest go to swap when needed.

BTW, in most OS you can create swap files, not only partitions. Great when
having temporay problems. Read the man pages for more info.

>   Any mistakes are mine and not my knowledgeable source :^)

Not bad in general, swap related things normally require a deep knowledge of
the OS internals (I know a bit, mainly that each OS is a world ;] ).


Re: Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Péter

Guido Bressan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I found somewhere that I had to download, compile and install
> a "jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz", which I did. First I performed a standard
> installation, making the jpeg executables visible to GIMP by linking
> them from the "lib/gimp/1.0/plug-ins" directory, then I tried with
> gimptool, using the "--install-admin-bin" option.

You have to get the _library_ called libjpeg6b. It seems that the
sources you compiled were the binary utilities for libjpeg. Chances are
you have it already, if not then check out the ftp site for 
libjpeg6b, it is there somewhere. I think it should compile nice and
clean on Solaris, too(never tried it though).

Re: Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Ryan Alexander Neily

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Guido Bressan wrote:

> I am an absolute newbie to GIMP. I have installed it on two different
> systems about one month ago and I have a question for each of them.
. My PC is rather low on RAM,
> 32MB only, the swap space is 128MB, the Linux disk is 6GB and the
> processor is a 300MHz K6. The X11 environment is KDE. I suspect that
> calling Linux by means of loadlin actually leaves the M$ environment
> in the background instead of dropping it completely, so that the
> really available memory resources are much less than with a LILO boot.
> Any comments?

I have had to adjust as well to low RAM  capacity as well.
Suggestions I had from a knowledgeable source were.

1) Shut down any apps or servers or whatever you are not using at the
time, for example if you are not `online' don't run `httpd' at the same
time as you use a RAM hog (lovable hog admittedly) like the GIMP.

2) Research yourself out a window manager that is also less of a resource
hog. KDE and Gnome are both resource `intense' FVWM2 OR AfterStep or
something use less by way of RAM but require more hands on configuring.

3) I understand as well that one has to be careful not to have too large a
swap space compared to your actual RAM, as it can end up slowing thigs

Any mistakes are mine and not my knowledgeable source :^)

 .^. Ryan Neily
   LINUX   /(   )\ 

Re: Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Wandered Inn

Lars Burgstahler wrote:

> Trying to make a banner (sounds like Xtension) will definitely lead
> to a crash.

So this prompts a question.  I was not aware that GIMP could generate
banners.  How is this done?

Until later: Geoffrey   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm afraid there will be more problems with W2K than there were with

Re: Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Guido Bressan

Lars Burgstahler wrote:
> Hi Guido,

Hi Lars,

thanks for your reply!

> to your second question: Which version of GIMP did you install? The
> one that came with SuSE 6.3 is very unstable. It sounds like you have
> this one.

Got it! Congratulations!  :-)

> Trying to make a banner (sounds like Xtension) will definitely lead
> to a crash.

Yes, apparently...  :-(

Well, apart from the fact that I don't know what Xtension is...

So, it's not Lose98's fault, this time? Surprising...  ;-)

> Try to get the latest version (1.1.18?). I have this one installed at
> home and it works fine.

All right, I'll try that but it sounds like my next telephone bill
will be rather high...

> The equipment of your PC is o.k., but 64MB of RAM would be better.

I can only agree about that: not having done it before is just a
matter of money!  :-(


P.S.: anyone for my other question?  :-)


  ( o o )
Guido Bressan IZ2DAJ   Locator: JN45RQ
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .oooO   Packet : presently none...
\ ((   )--
 \_)) /
  I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere

Re: Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Lars Burgstahler

Hi Guido,

to your second question: Which version of GIMP did you install? The one that
came with SuSE 6.3 is very unstable. It sounds like you have this one. Trying
to make a banner (sounds like Xtension) will definitely lead to a crash.
Try to get the latest version (1.1.18?). I have this one installed at home and
it works fine. The equipment of your PC is o.k., but 64MB of RAM would be


Lars Burgstahler  
Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel: (+49) 711 685 7966  Fax: (+49) 711 685 7983

Newbie questions.

2000-03-24 Thread Guido Bressan

I am an absolute newbie to GIMP. I have installed it on two different
systems about one month ago and I have a question for each of them.

1) The first installation is at my office, in a Sun Solaris 2.5.1
environment. The problem is that I can't make GIMP work with jpg
images. I found somewhere that I had to download, compile and install
a "jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz", which I did. First I performed a standard
installation, making the jpeg executables visible to GIMP by linking
them from the "lib/gimp/1.0/plug-ins" directory, then I tried with
gimptool, using the "--install-admin-bin" option. In both cases at the
GIMP startup a lot of messages come out, apparently referring to the
fact that those jpeg executables (cjpeg, djpeg, etc) are line commands
expecting some parameters. What do I have to do instead in order to
activate the jpeg image handling?

2) The other installation is at home, on my homemade PC running a
mixed Windoze/Linux environment. In particular, Linux is presently
started using loadlin from within the Lose98 environment. GIMP has a
tendency at giving a "segmentation fault" error even while running
fairly simple tasks, like generating a banner based on the string
"IZ2DAJ" using a 200 pixels high font. My PC is rather low on RAM,
32MB only, the swap space is 128MB, the Linux disk is 6GB and the
processor is a 300MHz K6. The X11 environment is KDE. I suspect that
calling Linux by means of loadlin actually leaves the M$ environment
in the background instead of dropping it completely, so that the
really available memory resources are much less than with a LILO boot.
Any comments?




  ( o o )
Guido Bressan IZ2DAJ   Locator: JN45RQ
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .oooO   Packet : presently none...
\ ((   )--
 \_)) /
  I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere