Re: Enough Already. Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-11-23 Thread Riyad Kalla

Oh sweet god how I agree.

I haven't read anything usefull on this list for a while now except for
peoples differering views on ediquette (sp?).



Steve Rogers wrote:

> Did anyone stop to consider some of are subscribed to multiple lists, often
> generating hundreds of messages per day of nonsense and garbage?
> it is very annoying top have to wade through tons of garbage as it is, and
> this thread rates up there with some of the worst crap I have seen anywhere.
> I joined this list to get info and help with Gimp, and instead I delete
> virtually every message on this list because it is cluttered with crap like
> this thread.
> How about putting [OT] in the subject so we can at least killfile the
> nonsense?
> I sent Amy a note personally to tell her I thought she was justified in her
> post. There was nothing rude about it. It was a simple request. get over it
> move along, nothing more to see here.
> Jesus you would think I subscribed to an Amiga mailing list with all this
> mindless bickering.

[  Riyad Kalla  ]
[   CS - Major  ]
[ University of Arizona ]

Enough Already. Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-11-22 Thread Steve Rogers

Did anyone stop to consider some of are subscribed to multiple lists, often
generating hundreds of messages per day of nonsense and garbage?

it is very annoying top have to wade through tons of garbage as it is, and
this thread rates up there with some of the worst crap I have seen anywhere.
I joined this list to get info and help with Gimp, and instead I delete
virtually every message on this list because it is cluttered with crap like
this thread.

How about putting [OT] in the subject so we can at least killfile the

I sent Amy a note personally to tell her I thought she was justified in her
post. There was nothing rude about it. It was a simple request. get over it
move along, nothing more to see here.

Jesus you would think I subscribed to an Amiga mailing list with all this
mindless bickering.

Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-11-22 Thread Miles O'Neal

Steve Morris cleverly responded IN PUBLIC...

| > Finally, she wasn't rude, brutal, vicious,
| > inflammatory, vile, or nasty, so where's
| > the beef?
|In the interest of flogging a dead horse I must disagree. You are
|almost right. She was not brutal, vicious, vile or nasty. She was rude

You have a right to your opinion.  Feel free to show me how she
was rude.  Miffed, tired of seeing these messages, maybe.  MAybe
a *tiny* bit rude - and IMO quite understandable - and justified.
But I still don't think she was.

Now it's a long-standing tradition that it's rude to post
control messages (such as unsubscribes) to a list.  I trust
that you sent a private word to the original perpetrator
regarding this?

|and judging by the number of people who reacted she was also
|inflamatory. People don't tend to be inflamed by non inflamatory

Now that's a downright hilarious statement.  This is the *Internet*,
where people get incensed about *anything* and *everything*.

|The point is that this is a civil list. We are not generally inflicted
|by people who go outside the bounds. There have not been an excessive
|number of people who send inappropriate unsubsubscribe requests. In

I disagree.  We get far too many.

|fact Amy's post was one of the least civil I have read on this list
|and I think therein lies the key to the reaction. A civil list should
|be able to handle the Terrence Brannon's of the world in a cival

A civil list wouldn't have gotten bent out of shape at Amy's post.
[And in fact, AFAIK, the list didn't - just a few people who, IMO,
are trying to force political correctness on everyone else.]

|When the occasional violator does show up the appropriate response
|should be kept private.

Not necessarily.  Public reminders of the correct way to do
things hopefully keep the goofup rate lower.  Certainly there
is plenty of empirical evidence for this.

|Public flagellation is only appropriate for...

Please quote the flagellating parts.  I somehow missed them.

|Any private battles Amy wishes to have with Terrence are her
|business. She has a perfect right to be irritated, to make her own
|judgement of whether Terrence's post was appropriate. It is only when
|she inflicts these battles on the rest of us that she crosses the

And now you have done that which you accuse others of - attacked
her in public.  Where on earth do you come off accusing her of
wishing to have battles with anyone?  In fact, she apologized
after she got email on the issue.  Now *you* owe *her* an

|Uncivil behavior on the list is all of our business.

This, at least, we agree on.

|Final note: now that you have branded me (and others,) in public, as
|equivalent to a 'silly J. Random on a "goober pea lovers" list' who is
|not 'a rational being, a thoughtful being' I think we have an issue
|that should be discussed by our seconds. Amy only annoyed the list;
|you offer insult.

Perhaps you have just insulted your reading comprehension skill; perhaps
you were merely so incensed that you couldn't grasp my post.  The only
way that quote would apply to you is if you routinely ignore netiquette,
disregard the feelings of others, don't bother to save or look for
instructions, and always post unsubscribes directly to mailing lists.
If that is, indeed, the case, then all I can say is you will have an
interesting life.

[Having lived over half my life in Georgia, and being married to a
Georgia peach, I am fully allowed to make jokes about goober peas.
If that ofends you, it's *your* personal problem, not mine.]

[Repeat note about PC stuff from above.]

|There is NOTHING more important to a civil society than civil
|behavior. Giving insult is not civil behavior.

You left off the corrolary - ``an armed society is a polite society.''



Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-11-22 Thread David Dennis

Stop blaming the flamer.  I did not see the original post
ask nicely or ask intelligently what to do.  He demanded
his name be removed at once, without indicating he'd even
tried to solve it himself.

The list maintainer needs to down this thread or it will be
going on for weeks, but I am going to killfile
this thread myself now, suggest others follow.  Does the
current list engine allow for list maintenance such as this?

David M Dennis
Seattle Wa USA

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Steve Morris wrote:

> Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:21:23 -0500 (EST)
> From: Steve Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists
> Miles O'Neal writes:
>  > Finally, she wasn't rude, brutal, vicious,
>  > inflammatory, vile, or nasty, so where's
>  > the beef?
> In the interest of flogging a dead horse I must disagree. You are
> almost right. She was not brutal, vicious, vile or nasty. She was rude
> and judging by the number of people who reacted she was also
> inflamatory. People don't tend to be inflamed by non inflamatory
> posts.
> The point is that this is a civil list. We are not generally inflicted
> by people who go outside the bounds. There have not been an excessive
> number of people who send inappropriate unsubsubscribe requests. In
> fact Amy's post was one of the least civil I have read on this list
> and I think therein lies the key to the reaction. A civil list should
> be able to handle the Terrence Brannon's of the world in a cival
> manner.
> When the occasional violator does show up the appropriate response
> should be kept private. Public flagellation is only appropriate for
> flagrant abuse, particularly where an example to other potential
> violators may be appropriate. It is humilating to the violator, who
> posssibly deserves it, and annoying to the normal peacable lurker who
> definitely does not.
> Any private battles Amy wishes to have with Terrence are her
> business. She has a perfect right to be irritated, to make her own
> judgement of whether Terrence's post was appropriate. It is only when
> she inflicts these battles on the rest of us that she crosses the
> line.
> Uncivil behavior on the list is all of our business.
> Final note: now that you have branded me (and others,) in public, as
> equivalent to a 'silly J. Random on a "goober pea lovers" list' who is
> not 'a rational being, a thoughtful being' I think we have an issue
> that should be discussed by our seconds. Amy only annoyed the list;
> you offer insult.
> There is NOTHING more important to a civil society than civil
> behavior. Giving insult is not civil behavior.

Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-11-22 Thread Steve Morris

Miles O'Neal writes:

 > Finally, she wasn't rude, brutal, vicious,
 > inflammatory, vile, or nasty, so where's
 > the beef?

In the interest of flogging a dead horse I must disagree. You are
almost right. She was not brutal, vicious, vile or nasty. She was rude
and judging by the number of people who reacted she was also
inflamatory. People don't tend to be inflamed by non inflamatory

The point is that this is a civil list. We are not generally inflicted
by people who go outside the bounds. There have not been an excessive
number of people who send inappropriate unsubsubscribe requests. In
fact Amy's post was one of the least civil I have read on this list
and I think therein lies the key to the reaction. A civil list should
be able to handle the Terrence Brannon's of the world in a cival

When the occasional violator does show up the appropriate response
should be kept private. Public flagellation is only appropriate for
flagrant abuse, particularly where an example to other potential
violators may be appropriate. It is humilating to the violator, who
posssibly deserves it, and annoying to the normal peacable lurker who
definitely does not.

Any private battles Amy wishes to have with Terrence are her
business. She has a perfect right to be irritated, to make her own
judgement of whether Terrence's post was appropriate. It is only when
she inflicts these battles on the rest of us that she crosses the

Uncivil behavior on the list is all of our business.

Final note: now that you have branded me (and others,) in public, as
equivalent to a 'silly J. Random on a "goober pea lovers" list' who is
not 'a rational being, a thoughtful being' I think we have an issue
that should be discussed by our seconds. Amy only annoyed the list;
you offer insult.

There is NOTHING more important to a civil society than civil
behavior. Giving insult is not civil behavior.

[OT] Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-11-21 Thread Nils Philippsen

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Amy Abascal wrote:

> To subscribe, it says to send mail to:
> The logical assumption (and indeed the correct answer) for unsubscribe
> would be:
> However, realistically, it would be nice if the list maintainer(s) would
> echo the instructions to the footer of all the emails on this list.

Nah, instructions on the list's website should suffice -- sticking
instructions to each and every message on the lists are just unnecessary
traffic when they would be useful to just 0.something % of the readers.

Netiquette should be abided by everyone, including mailing list software.

Nils Philippsen / Vogelsangstrasse 115 / D-70197 Stuttgart / +49.711.6599405
   The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
   regarded as a criminal offence.  -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-01-17 Thread Miles O'Neal

Amy Abascal said...
|Some of you are very upset that I was irritated with an individual who
|sent multiple "Take me off this list" messages to the gimp-user list.

They need to take a chill pill.

When you join the list, you get directions
on how to unsubscribe.  A rational being,
a thoughtful being, a being who belongs on
a technical list, will save these instructions,
and use them if needed.

I'm with Amy.  I expect such silliness from
J. Random on the "goober pea lovers" list,
but I expect more on a list like this.

Finally, she wasn't rude, brutal, vicious,
inflammatory, vile, or nasty, so where's
the beef?


Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-01-17 Thread Amy Abascal


Some of you are very upset that I was irritated with an individual who
sent multiple "Take me off this list" messages to the gimp-user list.

I am used to mailing lists where people sending perpetual "unsubscribe me"
messages is looked at as rude and poor netiquette.  Perhaps I've been on
technical lists too long.  I have received no end of flames (some very
strange indeed) for my comments to this individual. I guess I'm the only
one who sees the humor in people flaming someone for flaming.  But,

I appologize that this upset so many people.  My actions were not based
out of hostility but irritation and there is a big difference between the

Again, I appologize that so many people have been so incensed by my
comments.  I regret that I have been their biggest source of stress for
the day.

Finally, if you really must reply to me about this, please reply in

Web Design Chic, VA Linux Systems
Web Design Chic, Silicon Valley Linux Users

Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-01-17 Thread Amy Abascal

To subscribe, it says to send mail to:

The logical assumption (and indeed the correct answer) for unsubscribe
would be:

However, realistically, it would be nice if the list maintainer(s) would
echo the instructions to the footer of all the emails on this list.


On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Steve Morris wrote:

> Amy,
> Before sending flames I suggest that you read the mail_list.html page
> and see if you can find the instructions that you suggest are
> there. It is obviously an oversight but unsubscribe/remove is not
> actually covered leaving poor Terry up the creek without any recourse
> but to ask the list and then be publicly attacked by you.
> I hope this oversight is resolved before I want out because I don't
> relish the prospect.
> Steve
> Amy Abascal writes:
>  > 
>  > Terrance Brannon should kindly read the instructions at
>  >
>  > 
>  > and take himself off the list and stop annoying everyone with these
>  > messages.
>  > 
>  > Thank you.
>  > 
>  > On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Terrence Brannon wrote:

Web Design Chic, VA Linux Systems
Web Design Chic, Silicon Valley Linux Users

Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-01-17 Thread Steve Morris


Before sending flames I suggest that you read the mail_list.html page
and see if you can find the instructions that you suggest are
there. It is obviously an oversight but unsubscribe/remove is not
actually covered leaving poor Terry up the creek without any recourse
but to ask the list and then be publicly attacked by you.

I hope this oversight is resolved before I want out because I don't
relish the prospect.


Amy Abascal writes:
 > Terrance Brannon should kindly read the instructions at
 > and take himself off the list and stop annoying everyone with these
 > messages.
 > Thank you.
 > On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Terrence Brannon wrote:

Re: get terrence brannon OFF these lists

1999-01-17 Thread Amy Abascal

Terrance Brannon should kindly read the instructions at

and take himself off the list and stop annoying everyone with these

Thank you.

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Terrence Brannon wrote:

> -- 
> Terrence Brannon  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://LNC.USC.EDU/~brannon
>(213) 740-3397 [Office] (213) 740-5687 [Fax]
>USC, HNB, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520

Web Design Chic, VA Linux Systems
Web Design Chic, Silicon Valley Linux Users