Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-13 Thread Matthew Brush
> I think, the middle ground for such rehashed issue could be to auto-generate 
> (on Windows) an additional shortcut specifically for English UI...

Seems reasonable, but it would be kind of annoying to install duplicate 
shortcuts by default for everyone... two in the desktop, two in the program 
menu, two in the context menus. I assume the majority of users would want to 
use the GUI in their native language, except those using Hebrew, Arabic, and 
other languages that aren't well supported or often used for programs like 
IDEs, so those users would probably never use the English shortcut. If the 
installer just created a second English shortcut in the "Program Files" 
directory, it wouldn't be a problem.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-13 Thread elextr
@zaher The Geany project targets are on the website, to paraphrase "fast and 
light", characteristics of the application, not the users.  Geany is a 
volunteer project, its not a corporate "targeting" a specific customer base, 
except being an IDE they are assumed to be developers of some sort.  It is not 
specifically targeted at beginners, super experts or any other single user 

To everybody, despite espoused project targets, being a volunteer project, 
Geany is whatever its contributors make it, so if you want to add features that 
make it simple for beginners, you can contribute them.  Since such features are 
not there already it likely means existing contributors do not value them 
highly enough to spend their own time on them, but if you do, contribute it or 
it won't happen.

Similarly, it happens that only a few contributors use Geany on Windows, they 
have contributed the parts that they need, but again, apparently they don't 
need "simple for beginners to set up in any language" enough to spend their 
time on it.  If someone wants to upgrade the Windows installer to allow 
selection of the language the shortcut uses, they can contribute it.

> most gtk2 app use it as the locale of system, idk why, it is kind of bug.

@zaher its not a bug, its what the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 
standard says C language programs should do.  

I would suggest that it does that because the locale affects things at a very 
low level in the C library, so it has to be set by something very early in the 
program, even before the command line arguments are read (since they are 
encoded in the locale of the terminal) and the environment is the only thing 
available and portable to all platforms.  

Perhaps a windows user might wish to look at the solution the contributor of 
the Geany OSX build used (IIUC starting Geany from a script that sets the 
environment based on a file setting) and could contribute a Windows version of 
that and change the shortcut to run the script, not the executable directly.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-13 Thread Petros Grammatikopoulos
> > And to add to that, local administrators will distribute the software with 
> > the default option, that most certainly picks a translation locale, an 
> > unwanted effect when the option of language is unclear overal and the 
> > software is suited to programming (a task mainly done in English).
> At this point I'm not sure which problem we're solving? Seems like it's now 
> more about _"On Windows, let a user have Geany UI in English, instead of 
> local LANG"_.
> Indeed, if the user has permissions to install, then not installing the 
> language files will do that. However, such user is free to administer the 
> installed Geany in any way wanted, shortcut fix, environment etc. On the 
> other hand, if it's a multiuser installation (the end-user has no admin 
> permissions), then this blanketly forces all users into non-local UI.
> I think, the middle ground for such rehashed issue could be to auto-generate 
> (on Windows) an **additional** shortcut specifically for English UI. That 
> shortcut will have all the needed "secret-sauce" as described in FAQ. 
> Basically, we're talking about updating the Geany Windows installer, perhaps 
> adding another option on Windows, or [detecting 
> non-English(en)](,_Country,_LangID,_etc.))
>  locale and auto-generating the additional shortcut.

Precisely. As mentioned before, this software is highly suitable for software 
development and its simplicity greatly aids beginners. Software development is 
primarily passed on to beginners in English, due to the widespread availability 
of online knowledge in that language. The fact that this software defaults to 
the locale of the system it is installed on, without making it apparent during 
the installation, nor providing an interface to change that after the matter, 
makes it at least challenging for beginners and as mentioned in, gets them to 
abandon it early on for no other particular reason. The software is great for 
what it is aimed towards but the language choice issue effectively hinders that 
for international audiences.

A saner default would indeed be to make the solution -whichever that might be- 
apparent to a first time installing user, who might not even be familiar enough 
with open source development and where to seek their answers, by looking at the 
project's issues on Github or its FAQ online.

I was surprised there was no language choice menu from within the software.

My main issue was that of the right click windows menu option not even being 
mentioned in the FAQ or the Github issues, which led me to join the 
conversation here. It just opens the software on the default system locale and 
I could not manage to edit my registry to have the shortcut trick/solution in 
the context menu as well. shed some 
light into what I was looking for since the very beginning and just didn't 
notice during installation, that's why I proceeded to make the PR for stating 
it in the FAQ.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-13 Thread Zaher Dirkey
Let me explaint the real point again.

for Geany is simple editor not like Atom, VSCODE etcm
Works fine in Windows and Linux
That make it good for newbie and students or noob to start programming <- if 
you want to target this kind of user, u need to make it more simple.

As Arabic developers, me included, we do not use Arabic IDE for programming 
languages, it is confuse us, no one, and no one use Arabic IDE for any language.

Another point

So for Arabic users it is preferred to make it English even in Arabic System, 
Linux too.
And there is a bug in all gtk2 based (as i know) that use Locale in windows 
even English Windows interface, my Windows is English, but we set default 
Locale for Ansi , most gtk2 app use it as the locale of system, idk why, it is 
kind of bug.
We reported to other project like Inkscape, Gimp, and they fixed it as I 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-13 Thread nomadbyte
> And to add to that, local administrators will distribute the software with 
> the default option, that most certainly picks a translation locale, an 
> unwanted effect when the option of language is unclear overal and the 
> software is suited to programming (a task mainly done in English).

At this point I'm not sure which problem we're solving? Seems like it's now 
more about _"On Windows, let a user have Geany UI in English, instead in local 

Indeed, if the user has permissions to install, then not installing the 
language files will do that. However, such user is free to administer the 
installed Geany in any way wanted, shortcut fix, environment etc.  On the other 
hand, if it's a multiuser installation (the end-user has no admin permissions), 
then this  blanketly forces all users into non-local UI.

I think, the middle ground for such rehashed issue could be to auto-generate 
(on Windows) an __additional__ shortcut specifically for English UI. That 
shortcut will have all the needed "secret-sauce" as described in FAQ. 
Basically, we're talking about updating the Geany Windows installer, perhaps 
adding another option on Windows, or detecting non-English locale and 
auto-generating the additional shortcut.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-12 Thread Petros Grammatikopoulos
> Just as a note - in case people didn't notice the option - if you want it to 
> use English instead of your system's locale, you can deselect the "Language 
> Files" (aka translations) option when running the installer:
>  src="";>

Thank you! This is indeed a solution that needs clearer documentation, but 
totally effective

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-12 Thread Matthew Brush
Just as a note - in case people didn't notice the option - if you want it to 
use English instead of your system's locale, you can deselect the "Language 
Files" (aka translations) option when running the installer:";>

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-12 Thread elextr
> Should I open this as a new issue, as a request?

No, don't split the discussion, as I said 
[here]( this 
issue is still open as the solutions so far have been more in the form of 
workarounds than complete solutions.  

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-12 Thread Petros Grammatikopoulos

As per 

> If locale is NULL or the empty string "", the locale names will be set from 
> the values of environment variables with the same names as the above 
> categories.

Therefore I am leaving this here for future reference, for anyone wanting to 
include an option in the installer, by setting `null` and `""` to one of the 
actual existing translation locales, or fallback to no translation, for the 
sake of familiarity.

Windows users, at least, do not have it easy with environment variables and it 
was not necessarily anyone's true option to use that operating system in a 
non-personal environment like work or school, where administration is also 

And to add to that, local administrators will distribute the software with the 
default option, that most certainly picks a translation locale, an unwanted 
effect when the option of language is unclear overal and the software is suited 
to programming (a task mainly done in English). This leads to more frustration 
and uninstallations for no reason, as this software is on the very good side 
past the language issue.

Sadly, I do not have the knowledge, on a technical level, to PR for this right 

@elextr Should I open this as a new issue, as a request?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-11 Thread elextr
> Geany seems to fallback to LANG=en

Technically its not, but effectively it is.

The libraries Geany uses (the C library at the lowest level) default to 
`LC_ALL=C` because this is what is specified in the C language standard.  If 
locale info is missing when it is set to the environment (because you renamed 
the files), it likely remains at the `C` locale.  

The standard specifies what the facets for `C` should be, and IIUC that says 
there should be no translation of messages.  And since Geany messages and the 
UI are written in some version(s) of the English language, it is likely similar 
to `LANG=en`.

But YMMV for other facets.

> Quite hacky but I guess it works...

... and so its probably not really suitable for inclusion in the installer, but 
you could add it to the wiki or PR the FAQ.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-11 Thread Petros Grammatikopoulos
> @pgram1 did you read the comment 
> [above]( 
> and also 
> [this]( one.
> If you have a solution that does not involve environment variables please 
> contribute it, but please don't just keep demanding "somebody" does it for 
> you.

As per, I 
created a bat script that batch renames locale folders, as Geany seems to 
fallback to LANG=en if it finds no locale directories.


@Echo Off

REM Run script with Administrator privileges 

REM Put the locale path here (typically "C:\Program Files 
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\share\locale"

REM This renames all locale folders except special stylings to foo-unused
FOR /D %%G in ("*") DO if not %%~nxG==en@boldquot if not %%~nxG==en@quot if not 
%%~nxG==en@shaw Ren %%~nxG %%~nxG-unused
Echo Locales are disabled.


Quite hacky but I guess it works...

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-11 Thread elextr
@pgram1 did you read the comment 
[above]( and 
also [this]( 

If you have a solution that does not involve environment variables please 
contribute it, but please don't just keep demanding "somebody" does it for you.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-11 Thread Petros Grammatikopoulos
> @pgram1 the OP already says windows and the issue has the windows label, 
> please don't just make noise by repeating existing information.

To be quite frank, I have to admire that such an extensive open source project 
resorts to patronizing shortcut hackery to resolve language picking, when the 
issue has already been reported 2 years now and affects all foreign locale 
Windows installations (most commonly found in beginner environments).

Also mentioning the context menu issue here to keep it linked with the very 
relevant need for this issue to be addressed. I don't consider UX noise at all.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-11 Thread elextr
@pgram1 the OP already says windows and the issue has the windows label, please 
don't just make noise by repeating existing information.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-07-11 Thread Petros Grammatikopoulos

This is an issue on Windows

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-06-28 Thread Erik Carvalho Veloso
After seeing all the trouble to set the interface language I decided to 
uninstall Geany soon after installing it.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-27 Thread Enrico Tröger
@nomadbyte this could go into the FAQ at
 if you like, just PR (probably replace the existing item).
Alternatively, you could also put your instructions into the wiki at

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-26 Thread nomadbyte
@zaher : This workaround is probably the easiest to do (as described above). 
Especially so to students who want to learn some coding. This could be an 
"extra credit" kind too, but too easy really :)

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-26 Thread nomadbyte
Yep, this could be an entry in FAQ or Manual.

Something like "How to change Geany's UI language from OS default?". This would 
cover both Windows and Linux/Unix-like systems. BTW, in case of Linux the 
approach is similar: Set the language env variable prior to launching Geany 
(could be LANG, LANGUAGE). For example, under Ubuntu:

LANGUAGE=en geany

This could be added to launcher (.desktop) file `Exec` line too.

In general, indeed this _is_ a special case, since the whole UI aspect is 
usually driven by OS and meant to be transparent to user. It's just some 
Windows-targetting programs, especially free editors and tools, had this sort 
of UI language menu, thus setting up some user expectations about selectively 
changing language for a given program.  Can one do this with MS Office or 
Visual Studio?  Nope, not without some workarounds. Of course, Geany is not 
localized to the same extent, but the approach is the same.

By the way, I faced this question when trying to test my updates to Geany's 
Ukrainian localization on a system set to English locale, otherwise it had 
quite a few missing strings. 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-25 Thread Matthew Brush
>Nobody else even did that for several years

Not on this issue, but [I 
almost the identical solution a while ago.

Just goes to show that bug tracker comments are a lousy place to hide 
documentation :)

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-25 Thread elextr
@zaher well at least @nomadbyte has contributed a non-scripted way of doing it. 

Nobody else even did that for several years. It was also suggested that it may 
be possible to script it on install, so I left the issue open for someone to 
contribute that if they wish.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-25 Thread Zaher Dirkey
@nomadbyte you think this solution is good for kids or newbies students in a 
school, if they wants to install simple editors like geany?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-25 Thread elextr
@nomadbyte thank you for contributing a solution.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2020-04-25 Thread nomadbyte
Well, I might be late to the party... Well, I just faced the very same 
question. Now with Geany at 1.36 release on Windows.

Here's a minimally invasive solution:

Change the installed **Geany Shortcut** to set the `LANG` variable to the 
desired AND __supported__ by your system's C API language.

Say, Geany is installed into `"D:\apps\Geany"`. You want to have it's UI in 
LANG=en (English)

- Find the Geany Shortcut (it's likely visible in your Windows Menu)
- Select the Shortcut's Properties
- In the Target field (where it's says `D:\apps\Geany\bin\geany.exe"), put:

cmd.exe /c "set ^"LANG=en^" & start /D ^"D:\apps\Geany\bin\^" geany.exe"

- Take care to put the ^" (carrot-quote) as shown. This is the way to escape 
the quotes-within-the-quotes
- Click on "Change Icon ..." and browse to the Geany installation folder, then 
to to the Geany exe file: "bin\geany.exe". Click on the "Magic Lamp" icon.
- Accept the Property changes
- If Windows requires, confirm as Administrator. In general, this could be also 
done on user-level without need for Admin rights. 
- Test by launching the modified Geany shortcut

If preferred, this should be done on a copy of Geany shortcut, so that you'd 
have the default one and the alternative-language one. So you could as well 
make a new Geany shortcut from scratch and follow the steps above.

While this mat not the "perfect solution", this would not show the "Terminal" 
window. Indeed this could be scripted at installation, say providing an 
additional alternative-language shortcut, as all the needed details are 
available at the installation time.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-10-02 Thread elextr
To all posters, your frustration is understood, but before anyone can do 
something about it somebody needs to provide a solution to HOW to do it.  As I 
noted above, the programming language Geany uses is specified to use the 
environment variables to set language and other locale data.  The methods 
proposed (script or commands) are the only methods known to set those variables 
before running Geany.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-10-02 Thread Yetkin Degirmenci
Here is problem my laptop is Dell, it is in English Windows Setting by default 
in windows. when I installed it switched in Turkish interface just because I 
located in Turkey and no hacking my way with shortcuts and batchfile is not 
a solution now I have ugly icon on my desktop insisting it need administration 
rights now after that it is not working
why the hack software think I need to speak Turkish without asking me ? 
so in that case; If you are a seasoned programmer temp in a university in 
Ukraine install Geany on English computer now I have to look at screen full 
with cyrillic alphabet...
none of the arguments above make sense 
- if you installing a software that will ask you what language you want to use. 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-05 Thread elextr
This is already marked as an enhancement bt @eht16 so just needs "somebody" to 
do it.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-05 Thread Zaher Dirkey
If there is a bug it will appear after adding selecting language for interface, 
I cant report it now.
Yes there is a bug in most of GTK applications that have user defined language 
for interface after selecting English in RTL system, it will show RTL English 

For now we need this option (select language) to make it easy for new 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-05 Thread Matthew Brush
@zaher are you unable to change the language? From the title/description of the 
issue it sounds like you were looking for how to change the language in Geany. 
If the suggested method (setting the `LANG` environment variable) doesn't work, 
would you mind updating the description with more information such as any error 
messages you get (see `Help->Debug Messages`), as well as your Windows version, 
steps someone could use to reproduce the bug, and any other related information?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-05 Thread Zaher Dirkey
Would you please keep it open as "Enhancement", or close as "Rejected". 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-04 Thread Matthew Brush
I don't understand the problem: it defaults to use the system language (if it 
doesn't _this is a bug_ AFAICT), and allows the user to change the language by 
simply setting an environment variable [using the 
 [a batch 
 or [any of the other 
including [not having it popup command prompt 

IMO, this issue should be closed, unless I misunderstood what it's asking for.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-04 Thread Zaher Dirkey
For batch file in Windows it will open console when running, or flicking it, I 
don't like it.

Thank you for marking it Enhancement.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-04 Thread Zaher Dirkey
Not sure if it off topic if I will continue, I always have this discusses with 
GTK2 applications (or let me say Linux based applications)

"GUI applications should use the system default language."

I Don't agree

My Windows (8.1 and same for Windows XP) is English, but Geany (and all other 
GTK2 applications based) use options in Windows that give it we are using 
Arabic language, and all force us to use Arabic interface while my windows 
interface is English.

Even If I have Windows Interface is Arabic, I have right to select English for 
some Applications, especial if it Developing/Programming Application, because 

1 - RTL (Right To Left) confuses our eyes, you need to try it to feel the pain.
2 - English Interface more similar to most of programming language.
3 - Arabic language not really completed and it have too many dialects, some 
translators use his opinions in translating or local accent.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-04 Thread Enrico Tröger
If you distribute Geany yourself with the Ar folder removed, you can also 
distribute the `geany_english.bat` file mentioned in the FAQs.

I understand your problem but still fully agree with @elextr that usually GUI 
applications should use the system default language.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-04 Thread Zaher Dirkey
Thank you for responds, BTW can you mark it as Feature Request, to leave it to 
future maybe someone (included me) can add it?

For new users/students, I will distribute Geany setup without Ar folder, 
included Lua files too.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-03 Thread elextr
> It is not just Windows, Setting default language using just system 
> Linux/Windows, it is not good idea, Applications should not take language 
> from then system (only for the first time for initial setting).​

> The best idea is to set language in Options/Preference, and Geany would ask 
> about default language at first beginning (first run only).

​Unfortunately applications doing their own thing is not the way the writers of 
the libraries Geany uses see it.  They follow the defined ISO POSIX standards 
which use the system locale setting specified by environment variables.  Using 
these is defined in the international standards for many of the libraries 
including for the C language itself.  Changing them within the program may or 
may not work depending on how the libraries are written, and the Geany devs do 
not control that.  

To run a program with a different locale from the system one the environment 
variables have to be set before running the program, but that requires the user 
to execute one or more commands in the command line.  Those changes are not 
persistent between logins though and are not new user friendly.  Also starting 
programs by commands at the command line may be normal for Linux, less so for 
windows and (IIUC) unusual for OSX.  

So the Geany OSX maintainer has provided a script to set those environment 
variables up before running Geany itself, and the script can then be executed 
from the OSX GUI.  But the script needs to know what language you want, but 
there is no user interaction available to the script, and it would be annoying 
to have to choose every time.  So the script reads the language from a file, a 
method which is persistent.  The file only needs to be set up once, so you can 
distribute it with Geany.

> Also, I want to distribute Geany as editor for students in school to teach 
> lua language, but i want it supported by offical.

Geany is a project run by volunteers who work on the parts they are interested 
in, just as the OSX support is contributed by someone who is interested in 
that.  If somebody wishes to contribute specific support for easier student use 
then they may, but nobody can be forced to.  Lua is already supported.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-03 Thread Zaher Dirkey
It is not just Windows, Setting default language using just system 
Linux/Windows, it is not good idea, Applications should not take language from 
then system (only for the first time for initial setting).

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-03 Thread Zaher Dirkey
For me it is easy to delete ar language folder, but for new (students or kids) 
who downloaded it from intenetn, it is not easy.

Geany is good start for students, but our language (Arabic) not quite good for 
starting programming, we all using English.

The best idea is to set language in Options/Preference, and Geany would ask 
about default language at first beginning (first run only).

Also, I want to distribute Geany as editor for students in school to teach lua 
language, but i want it supported by offical.

Thank you.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-02 Thread Enrico Tröger
One of the mentioned ways to set the LANG environment variable is described on

Not sure about the RTL issue. The mentioned bug in Gimp doesn't apply to Geany 
I think.
You could try setting the `LANG`, `LC_ALL` and `LANGUAGE` environment 
variables, ideally one of them also affects the RTL settings.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Selecting Interface language (#1757)

2018-02-01 Thread Matthew Brush
You might be able to do it by setting the `LANG` environment variable to `en` 
before launching Geany. There are various ways you could do this in the 
shortcut or using a wrapper batch script.

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