Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Layout Rule

2012-06-21 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Michael,

Michael D. Adams wrote:

I am looking for background material on how GHC and other Haskell
compilers implement the layout rule.

In the context of our work on syntactic extensibility, we have 
implemented a declarative and extensible mechanism to specify and 
implement layout rules. A paper about the approach is currently under 
review, and a draft is available [1]. The implementation and evaluation 
data is available [2].


We used our parser in the implementation of SugarHaskell, a 
syntactically extensible variant of Haskell. A paper about SugarHaskell 
is currently under review, and again, a draft is available [3].
The implementation can be installed as an Eclipse plugin from the SugarJ 
website [4]. A command-line version is forthcoming.


Best Regards,

 Tillmann (on behalf of the SugarJ team)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The Layout Rule

2012-06-19 Thread Michael D. Adams
I am looking for background material on how GHC and other Haskell
compilers implement the layout rule.  Are there any papers,
documentation, commentary, etc. that discus the actual implementation
of this rule (even if only a paragraph or two)?

I've already looked at the parsing code in GHC and UHC.  Do any other
Haskell compilers have interesting approaches for implementing the
layout rule?

I am writing a paper about a new formalism for indentation sensitive
languages and I want to ensure I've covered the appropriate background
material on existing implementations of the layout rule.

Michael D. Adams

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: New Layout Rule take 2

2006-12-20 Thread Simon Marlow
 I have made some improvements to the algorithm, and I am happy to say
 that with some minor tweaks, it correctly lays out the programs in
 the nofib suite.

 the algorithm is not much more complicated than the current one in the
 report, but doesn't have the parse-error rule. it does
 require a single
 token of lookahead to look for an in.

 darcs get

 I have also added a mode so it can work as a ghc preprocesor, allowing
 very easy testing. just compile with.

 ghc -pgmF /path/to/getlaid -F --make Main.hs

 and it will automatically process all your files.

Nice!  I ran the GHC parser tests using your preprocessor, and get 9 failures 
out of 27 in the should_compile class.   Some of these are bogus (problems with 
the lexer you're using rather than the layout preprocessor).  The should_fail 
class all failed, but that's because column numbers are different in the 
preprocessed result, so the error messages changed, I'll need to look at these 

I've attached a patch that corrects a couple of the failures in the 
should_compile class.


Description: simonmar.patches
Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: New Layout Rule take 2

2006-12-20 Thread Simon Marlow
 I have made some improvements to the algorithm, and I am happy to say
 that with some minor tweaks, it correctly lays out the programs in
 the nofib suite.

 the algorithm is not much more complicated than the current one in the
 report, but doesn't have the parse-error rule. it does
 require a single
 token of lookahead to look for an in.

 darcs get

 I have also added a mode so it can work as a ghc preprocesor, allowing
 very easy testing. just compile with.

 ghc -pgmF /path/to/getlaid -F --make Main.hs

 and it will automatically process all your files.

Nice!  I ran the GHC parser tests using your preprocessor, and get 9 failures 
out of 27 in the should_compile class.   Some of these are bogus (problems with 
the lexer you're using rather than the layout preprocessor).  The should_fail 
class all failed, but that's because column numbers are different in the 
preprocessed result, so the error messages changed, I'll need to look at these 

I've attached a patch that corrects a couple of the failures in the 
should_compile class.


Description: simonmar.patches
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] New Layout Rule take 2

2006-12-09 Thread John Meacham
I have made some improvements to the algorithm, and I am happy to say
that with some minor tweaks, it correctly lays out the programs in the
nofib suite.

the algorithm is not much more complicated than the current one in the
report, but doesn't have the parse-error rule. it does require a single
token of lookahead to look for an in.

darcs get

I have also added a mode so it can work as a ghc preprocesor, allowing
very easy testing. just compile with.

ghc -pgmF /path/to/getlaid -F --make Main.hs

and it will automatically process all your files.

Now, it isn't perfect. I can construct pathological examples that the
old rule would parse, but this one won't. however, if those examples
don't actually occur in practice, then that is not so much an issue.

my program doesn't handle many non-haskell 98 extensions, but can
probably be easily modified to do so.

John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

New Layout Rule

2006-12-08 Thread John Meacham
Motivated by some recent discussion, I thought I would explore the
possibilty of formalizing the haskell layout rule without the dreaded
parse-error clause, as in, one that can be completly handled by the

motivated by that I have written a little program that takes a haskell
file with layout on stdin and spits out one without layout on stdout.

it can be gotten here:
darcs get

the code is designed to make the layout algorithm completly transparent,
so that we might experiment with it. The function layout in 'Layout.hs'
is the single and complete layout algorithm and the only thing that need
be modified by experimentors.

I have come up with a simple improvement to the algorithm given in the
paper that seems to catch a very large number of layouts. basically,
whenever it comes across something that must come in matched pairs (, ), case
of, if then. it pushes a special context onto the stack, when it comes
across the closing token, it pops every layout context down to the
special context.

there is a special case for in that causes it to pop only up to the
last context created with a let, but not further.

here is the complete algorithm (with my modification, sans the
parse-error rule):
 data Token = Token String | TokenVLCurly String !Int | TokenNL !Int 
 data Context = NoLayout | Layout String !Int

 -- the string on 'Layout' and 'TokenVLCurly' is the token that
 -- created the layout, always one of where, let, do, or of
 layout :: [Token] - [Context] - [Token]
 layout (TokenNL n:rs) (Layout h n':ls)
 | n == n' = semi:layout rs (Layout h n':ls)
 | n  n' = layout rs (Layout h n':ls)
 | n  n' = rbrace:layout (TokenNL n:rs) ls
 layout (TokenNL _:rs) ls = layout rs ls
 layout (TokenVLCurly h n:rs) (Layout h' n':ls)
 | n = n' = lbrace:layout rs (Layout h n:Layout h' n':ls)
 | otherwise = error inner layout can't be shorter than outer one
 layout (TokenVLCurly h n:rs) ls = lbrace:layout rs (Layout h n:ls)
 layout (t@(Token s):rs) ls | s `elem` fsts layoutBrackets = t:layout rs 
 layout (t@(Token s):rs) ls | s `elem` snds layoutBrackets = case ls of
 Layout _ _:ls - rbrace:layout (t:rs) ls
 NoLayout:ls - t:layout rs ls
 [] - error $ unexpected  ++ show s
 layout (t@(Token in):rs) ls = case ls of
 Layout let n:ls - rbrace:t:layout rs ls
 Layout _ _:ls - rbrace:layout (t:rs) ls
 ls - t:layout rs ls
 layout (t:rs) ls = t:layout rs ls
 layout [] (Layout _ n:ls) = rbrace:layout [] ls
 layout [] [] = []

 layoutBrackets = [ (case,of), (if,then), 
((,)), ([,]), ({,}) ]

now. there are a few cases it doesn't catch. the hanging case at the end
of a guard for instance, I believe this can be solved easily by treating 

'|' and '='  as opening and closing pairs in lets and wheres
'|' and '-' as opening and closing pairs in case bodies.

it is easy to see which one you are in by looking at the context stack.

commas are trickier and are the only other case I think we need to

I welcome people to experiment and send patches or brainstorm ideas, I
have what I believe is a full solution percolating in my head, but am
unhappy with it, I am going to sleep on it and see if it crystalizes by
morning. In the meantime, perhaps someone can come up with something
more elegant for dealing with the remaining cases. or at least find some
real programs that this code breaks down on!

(bug fixes for the lexer and everything are very much welcome. it will
probably choke on some ghc extensions that would be trivial to add to
the alex grammar)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: New Layout Rule

2006-12-08 Thread John Meacham
On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 03:26:30PM +, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 02:33:47AM -0800, John Meacham wrote:
  Motivated by some recent discussion, I thought I would explore the
  possibilty of formalizing the haskell layout rule without the dreaded
  parse-error clause, as in, one that can be completly handled by the
 There was some discussion about that a while ago on this list, e.g.
 and other subthreads in that thread.
 I'd still love to see a replacement which can be a separate phase
 between lexing and parsing, even if it means we need to lay some things
 out differently or tweak other bits of the syntax.

let isn't an issue (at least not for the reason specified in that
mail). It is taken care of properly in the version I posted. the trick
is to annotate each layout context with what caused it to occur. when
you reach an in rather than popping up to the most recent NoLayout
(as you would with a bracket) you pop up to the most recent layout
context that was started with a let. (if such a context doesn't exist,
it is a syntax error)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-07 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 6. März 2006 16:52 schrieb Malcolm Wallace:
 Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   At the beginning of the module, there is _no_ current indentation
   level - thus the fourth equation of L applies.
  I think, the third from last equation of L applies, since
  If the first lexeme of a module is _not_ { or module, then it is
  preceded by  {n} where n is the indentation of the lexeme., so we
  start L with L ('module':ts) [].

 Indeed, and thus, when we get to the end of the first 'where' token, the
 stack of indentation contexts is still empty.  Hence my remark about the
 fourth equation.

Aha, I read 'At the beginning of the module' as 'at the very beginning', 
whereas you meant 'At the beginning, after the module-where', sorry to have 

  body- { impdecls; topdecls }
  | { impdecls }
  | { topdecls }
  The first line seems to suggest that import declaraions were
  admissible also  after topdecls, but any attempt to place an impdecl
  after a topdecl leads  --fortunately-- to a parse error in hugs and
  ghc, shouldn't the production be
  body- { impdecls }; { topdecls } ?

 I think you have mis-read the brace characters as if they were the EBNF
 meta symbols for repetition.  They do in fact mean the literal brace
 symbol, which may be explicitly present in the source, or inserted by
 the layout rule.  Thus, topdecls must follow impdecls, and be at the
 same indentation level if layout matters.

Ah, damn, fonts are too similar in my browser. And since I've never used 
explicit braces at the top level, I didn't expect literal brace-characters 




In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
indented six feet downward and covered with dirt.
-- Blair P. Houghton

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-06 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Brian Hulley wrote:
 However I think there is an error in the description of this in
 section 2.7  of the Haskell98 report, which states:
 If the indentation of the non-brace lexeme immediately following a
 where,  let, do or of is less than or equal to the current indentation
 level, then  instead of starting a layout, an empty list {} is
 inserted, and layout  processing occurs for the current level ...
 I dispute the or equal in the above statement, since it seems to be 
 clearly in contradiction to what is actually being done.

Section 2.7 does say that it is an informal description, so although it
is correct, it is not complete.  In the case of the module header, the
question is really what is the current indentation level? (that we
must be strictly greater than).  The answer can be found in the formal
definition of the layout rule in section 9.3.  At the beginning of the
module, there is _no_ current indentation level - thus the fourth
equation of L applies.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-06 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At the beginning of the module, there is _no_ current indentation
  level - thus the fourth equation of L applies.
 I think, the third from last equation of L applies, since
 If the first lexeme of a module is _not_ { or module, then it is
 preceded by  {n} where n is the indentation of the lexeme., so we
 start L with L ('module':ts) [].

Indeed, and thus, when we get to the end of the first 'where' token, the
stack of indentation contexts is still empty.  Hence my remark about the
fourth equation.

 body  - { impdecls; topdecls }
   | { impdecls }
   | { topdecls }
 The first line seems to suggest that import declaraions were
 admissible also  after topdecls, but any attempt to place an impdecl
 after a topdecl leads  --fortunately-- to a parse error in hugs and
 ghc, shouldn't the production be
 body  - { impdecls }; { topdecls } ?

I think you have mis-read the brace characters as if they were the EBNF
meta symbols for repetition.  They do in fact mean the literal brace
symbol, which may be explicitly present in the source, or inserted by
the layout rule.  Thus, topdecls must follow impdecls, and be at the
same indentation level if layout matters.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-06 Thread Brian Hulley

Malcolm Wallace wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:

However I think there is an error in the description of this in
section 2.7  of the Haskell98 report, which states:

If the indentation of the non-brace lexeme immediately following a
where,  let, do or of is less than or equal to the current
indentation level, then  instead of starting a layout, an empty list
{} is inserted, and layout  processing occurs for the current
level ...

I dispute the or equal in the above statement, since it seems to be
clearly in contradiction to what is actually being done.

Section 2.7 does say that it is an informal description, so although
it is correct, it is not complete.  In the case of the module header,
the question is really what is the current indentation level? (that
we must be strictly greater than).  The answer can be found in the
formal definition of the layout rule in section 9.3.  At the
beginning of the module, there is _no_ current indentation level -
thus the fourth equation of L applies.

Thanks. However I do think the fact that there is a special case for the 
module head would merit a mention in section 2.7, because at the moment it's 
a bit like looking at a stack of chocolate cookies and defining the top one 
to be vanilla - it works but who'd ever have thought of it for themselves 
just looking at the visual indentation on the screen?

On the subject of 9.3, I'm puzzled by:
For the purposes of the layout rule, Unicode characters in a source program 
are considered to be of the same, fixed, width as an ASCII character. 
However, to avoid visual confusion, programmers should avoid writing 
programs in which the meaning of implicit layout depends on the width of 
non-space characters.

Surely almost all Haskell programs rely on the width of every non-space 
character to be the same as the width of a space (ie monospaced font where 
one character == one glyph) as in

   let a = 3
b = 5

I'd suggest that the word non-space should be replaced by multi-glyph 
and perhaps there could be a recommendation to avoid the use of multi-glyph 
characters in the first place (otherwise an editor would have to be smart 
enough to maintain the correct multi-glyph spaces in the columns under 

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-04 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Freitag, 3. März 2006 19:21 schrieb Brian Hulley:
 Brian Hulley wrote:
  Brian Hulley wrote:
  One other thing I've been wanting to ask (not to change! :-)) for a
  while is: how is the following acceptable according to the rules in
  the Haskell98 report where where is one of the lexemes, which when
  followed by a line more indented than the line the
  layout-starting-lexeme is on, should start an implicit block:
module M where
data T = .-- not indented!
  According to my understanding of the layout algorithm, the above code
  would have to be written:
module M where
   data T = 
  Can anyone shed some light on what the formal rule is that allows the
  first (and very useful) way of laying out code to be ok?

 The solution (as someone pointed out to me in an email) is that the layout
 block only *finishes* when the current indentation is *less* than the
 indentation of the lines in the layout block (rather than *starting* only
 when the current indentation is *more* than the indentation of the line
 containing the where etc).

 However I think there is an error in the description of this in section 2.7
 of the Haskell98 report, which states:

 If the indentation of the non-brace lexeme immediately following a where,
 let, do or of is less than or equal to the current indentation level, then
 instead of starting a layout, an empty list {} is inserted, and layout
 processing occurs for the current level ...

 I dispute the or equal in the above statement, since it seems to be
 clearly in contradiction to what is actually being done.

 Regards, Brian.

AFAICT, the description in the report is correct, *except for the 'where' in 
module LayOut where*.

module LayOut

fun x y = bum x y + y 4

bum x y = y x

a) the module-where is at indentation level 0, accepted here, but nowhere 
else, even if I indent fun and bum, fun's where must be indented further than 
fun itself.

b) bum's definition is top-level now, but in
module LayOut

fun x y = bum x y + y 4

 bum x y = y x

it is local (bum is indented more than fun, but less than where), in perfect 
accord with the report.

module LayOut
 ( fun,

fun x y = bum x y + y 4

bum x y = y x

is accepted.
So my guess is that layout-processing is applied only to the module-body, not 
to the module head and probably that should be mentioned in the report.
BTW, when I read about layout in the report, this irritated me, too, so thanks 
for asking.



In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
indented six feet downward and covered with dirt.
-- Blair P. Houghton

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-04 Thread Brian Hulley

Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Freitag, 3. März 2006 19:21 schrieb Brian Hulley:

Brian Hulley wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:


AFAICT, the description in the report is correct, *except for the
'where' in module LayOut where*.


So my guess is that layout-processing is applied only to the
module-body, not to the module head and probably that should be
mentioned in the report.

Thanks - that's quite a relief because my incremental parser absolutely 
relies on the indentation of a child block to be more than that of it's 
parent in the AST...

Perhaps a future incarnation of Haskell could just omit the keyword where 
in the module head to avoid all this confusion.

Also, all the tutorials (and book) I've read only mention the layout rule in 
passing somewhere deep inside the text and usually give a rather 
unsatisfactory hand-waving description that omits to mention the special 
case for where in the module head and/or the need for the sub-block to be 
indented more than the parent block, so I think depending on what tutorials 
people have read, putting this together with the module where, a lot of 
confusion is floating about...

Perhaps a wiki page is indicated?

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-03 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:
One other thing I've been wanting to ask (not to change! :-)) for a
while is: how is the following acceptable according to the rules in
the Haskell98 report where where is one of the lexemes, which when
followed by a line more indented than the line the
layout-starting-lexeme is on, should start an implicit block:

  module M where
  data T = .-- not indented!

According to my understanding of the layout algorithm, the above code
would have to be written:

  module M where
 data T = 

Can anyone shed some light on what the formal rule is that allows the
first (and very useful) way of laying out code to be ok?

The solution (as someone pointed out to me in an email) is that the layout 
block only *finishes* when the current indentation is *less* than the 
indentation of the lines in the layout block (rather than *starting* only 
when the current indentation is *more* than the indentation of the line 
containing the where etc).

However I think there is an error in the description of this in section 2.7 
of the Haskell98 report, which states:

If the indentation of the non-brace lexeme immediately following a where, 
let, do or of is less than or equal to the current indentation level, then 
instead of starting a layout, an empty list {} is inserted, and layout 
processing occurs for the current level ...

I dispute the or equal in the above statement, since it seems to be 
clearly in contradiction to what is actually being done.

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-03 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 28/02/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why? Surely typing one tab is better than having to hit the spacebar 4 (or
 8) times?

 I'm really puzled here. I've been using tabs to indent my C++ code for at
 least 10 years and don't see the problem. The only problem would be if
 someone mixed tabs with spaces. Since it has to be either tabs only or
 spaces only I'd choose tabs only to save keystrokes. I suppose though it is
 always going to be a matter of personal taste...

It's easy to configure most editors (vim and emacs included of course)
to treat multiple spaces as if they were tabs, but to only save spaces
into your file. This is what I do, as it ensures that the way that the
code looks to me in my editor is exactly what it looks like to the
compiler. Quite often, if it looks better, I will align things past a
tab stop with a few extra spaces (which only has to be done once, if
your editor will start the next line at the same indentation as the

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-02 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

I wrote:
I just installed Visual Haskell 0.1, and when I type in the 
editor, CPU usage rises to about 70% and there's a noticeable delay 
before each character appears on the screen.

This is no longer happening, so I guess I ran afoul of a bug.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-02 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

So any solutions welcome :-)

Thank to everyone who replied to my queries about this whole layout issue.

One other thing I've been wanting to ask (not to change! :-)) for a while 
is: how is the following acceptable according to the rules in the Haskell98 
report where where is one of the lexemes, which when followed by a line 
more indented than the line the layout-starting-lexeme is on, should start 
an implicit block:

  module M where
  data T = .-- not indented!

According to my understanding of the layout algorithm, the above code would 
have to be written:

  module M where
 data T = 

Can anyone shed some light on what the formal rule is that allows the first 
(and very useful) way of laying out code to be ok?

Thanks, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-02 Thread Jared Updike
Layout only applies when something is less indented than previous
lines, I believe...


 c - getContents filename
 putStrLn blah


x - getContents filename
putStrLn ok

works fine but

 c - blahAction
 putStrLn blah

obviously won't work


On 3/2/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brian Hulley wrote:
  So any solutions welcome :-)

 Thank to everyone who replied to my queries about this whole layout issue.

 One other thing I've been wanting to ask (not to change! :-)) for a while
 is: how is the following acceptable according to the rules in the Haskell98
 report where where is one of the lexemes, which when followed by a line
 more indented than the line the layout-starting-lexeme is on, should start
 an implicit block:

module M where
data T = .-- not indented!

 According to my understanding of the layout algorithm, the above code would
 have to be written:

module M where
   data T = 

 Can anyone shed some light on what the formal rule is that allows the first
 (and very useful) way of laying out code to be ok?

 Thanks, Brian.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

reverse )-:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Wednesday 01 March 2006 02:36, Brian Hulley wrote:
 Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
  Brian Hulley wrote:
  Here is my proposed layout rule:
  1) All layout keywords (where, of, let, do) must either be
  followed by a single element of the corresponding block type, and
  explicit block introduced by '{', or a layout block whose first
  line starts on the *next* line
  I wouldn't have much trouble adapting to that.
  and whose indentation is accomplished *only* by tabs
  You can't be serious. This would cause far more problems than the
  current rule.

 Why? Surely typing one tab is better than having to hit the spacebar
 4 (or 8) times?

What kind of editor are you using? Notepad?

I am used to hitting TAB key and get the correct number of spaces, 
according to how I configured my editor (NEdit) for the current 
language mode.

TAB characters in program text should be forbidden by law. As well as 
editors that by default insert a tab char instead of spaces.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Benjamin Franksen wrote:

I am used to hitting TAB key and get the correct number of spaces,
according to how I configured my editor (NEdit) for the current
language mode.

The only thing then is what happens when you type backspace or left arrow to 
get back out to a previous indentation? If the TAB character inserts spaces, 
there's no problem going from left to right but it would seem more 
complicated to go back out again ie without having to type backspace 4 times 
and try to hope when outdenting more that I haven't typed backspace 23 times 
instead of 24 times by mistake thus not getting to the column I expected.

This is my only reason for wanting to keep tab characters in the text, and 
certainly it does give some disadvantages when trying to line up '|' '=' etc 
vertically - at the moment I admit my layouts do end up a bit contrived as I 
have to use more newlines to ensure I can use tabs only to accomplish the 

So any solutions welcome :-)

Regards, Brian.

... flee from the Hall of Learning. This Hall is dangerous in its
perfidious beauty, is needed but for thy probation. Beware, Lanoo, lest
dazzled by illusive radiance thy soul should linger and be caught in its
deceptive light.
  -- Voice of the Silence
stanza 33

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewrequest)

2006-03-01 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Wednesday 01 March 2006 13:35, Brian Hulley wrote:
 Benjamin Franksen wrote:
  I am used to hitting TAB key and get the correct number of spaces,
  according to how I configured my editor (NEdit) for the current
  language mode.

 The only thing then is what happens when you type backspace or left
 arrow to get back out to a previous indentation? If the TAB character
 inserts spaces, there's no problem going from left to right but it
 would seem more complicated to go back out again ie without having to
 type backspace 4 times and try to hope when outdenting more that I
 haven't typed backspace 23 times instead of 24 times by mistake thus
 not getting to the column I expected.

With NEdit, hitting backspace /right after/ hitting the tab key deletes 
all the whitespace that were inserted, be it a tab character or 
multiple spaces. (This works also if the line was auto-indented to the 
same indentation depth as the previous one. That is, hit enter and then 
backspace, and you are at previous indentation level minus one.) If, 
however, you press any other key (e.g. any arrow keys), subsequent 
backspace will only delete a single space. Other behaviors can be 
easily implemented by writing a macro and binding it to the backspace 
key. The same is most probably true for emacs.

The upshot is: Any decent modern text editor allows to map keys like tab 
and backspace to almost any action desired, depending on context, 
language mode, whatever.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch, 1. März 2006 11:57 schrieb Benjamin Franksen:
 TAB characters in program text should be forbidden by law. As well as
 editors that by default insert a tab char instead of spaces.

As founding member of the church of The only good Tabbing involves Michaela,
I wholeheartedly agree.



In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
indented six feet downward and covered with dirt.
-- Blair P. Houghton

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Duncan Coutts wrote:

hIDE and Visual Haskell use the ghc lexer and get near-instantaneous
syntax highlighting.

Hmm... I just installed Visual Haskell 0.1, and when I type in the editor, 
CPU usage rises to about 70% and there's a noticeable delay before each 
character appears on the screen. This is a very short module (~100 lines) 
and a Pentium M 1600 CPU. Am I doing something wrong?

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Benjamin Franksen wrote:

TAB characters in program text should be forbidden by law.

Well... they are quite useful for lining things up if you're using a 
proportional font, and I don't think proportionally-spaced code is a bad 
idea. I want them to be optional. But it would be nice if parsers would warn 
about (or even reject) programs whose meaning depends on tab width.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Ketil Malde wrote:

Multi line comments are nice for commenting out blocks of code.

They're also nice for comments within a line. E.g. haskell-src-exts contains 
the declaration

  data HsQualConDecl
  = HsQualConDecl SrcLoc
  {- forall -} [HsName] {- . -} HsContext {- = -} HsConDecl

Probably half of my uses of {- -} begin and end on the same line.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 22:58 +, Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
 Duncan Coutts wrote:
  hIDE and Visual Haskell use the ghc lexer and get near-instantaneous
  syntax highlighting.
 Hmm... I just installed Visual Haskell 0.1, and when I type in the editor, 
 CPU usage rises to about 70% and there's a noticeable delay before each 
 character appears on the screen. This is a very short module (~100 lines) 
 and a Pentium M 1600 CPU. Am I doing something wrong?

I can't say too much about the internals of VH since I've not see the
code, only the description.

Perhaps that's because they're starting the parser immediately after
every keystroke and/or not killing the parser when the user types
another key. I've been using hIDE on a Pentium M 1600 laptop and on the
size of modules I've tried so far it's quick. The syntax highlighting
updates immediately and the type checker shows up errors a second or so
after I stop typing (which is because we wait about that long before
starting the parser).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code reviewreque st)

2006-03-01 Thread Steve Schafer
On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 12:35:44 -, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only thing then is what happens when you type backspace or left
arrow to get back out to a previous indentation?

The Borland IDEs have long supported various smart indentation
features, which can each be individually turned on or off (see the third
one for the answer to your specific question):

* Auto indent mode - Positions the cursor under the first nonblank
  character of the preceding nonblank line when you press ENTER in
  the Code Editor.

* Smart tab - Tabs to the first non-whitespace character in the
  preceding line. If Use tab character is enabled, this option
  is off.

* Backspace unindents - Aligns the insertion point to the previous
  indentation level (outdents it) when you press BACKSPACE, if the
  cursor is on the first nonblank character of a line.

There are a number of other tab-related options as well.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-02-28 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:

Here is my proposed layout rule:

1) All layout keywords (where, of, let, do) must either be followed by a 
single element of the corresponding block type, and explicit block 
introduced by '{', or a layout block whose first line starts on the 
*next* line

I wouldn't have much trouble adapting to that.

and whose indentation is accomplished *only* by tabs

You can't be serious. This would cause far more problems than the current rule.

I would also make it that explicit braces are not allowed to switch off 
the layout rule (ie they can be used within a layout),

I don't understand. What does used within a layout mean?

multiline strings would not be permitted,

They aren't now, except with \ escapes. A stray  will be caught on the same 
line unless the line happens to end with \ and the next line happens to 
begin with \, which is exceedingly unusual.

and multiline comments would not be permitted 
(pragmas could easily be used just by using --#)

But --# doesn't introduce a comment. And this would make UNPACK pragmas 
rather inconvenient to use.

1) When you see a ';' you could immediately tell which block it belongs 
to by looking backwards till the next '{'

I guess that might be helpful, but it doesn't seem easier than looking left 
to the beginning of the current line and then up to the first less-indented 

2) Variable width fonts can be used,

They can be used now, if you adhere to a certain style, but not everyone 
likes that style. I wrote in C++ with a variable width font and tabs at one 
time, but eventually went back to fixed width. One reason was that I 
couldn't use comment layout conventions that tend (in my experience) to 
improve readability more than monospacing hurts it. Another reason was that 
glyph widths appropriate to natural languages didn't work all that well for 
source code. Spaces are much more important in source code than in natural 
language, for example. A proportional font designed for source code would be 
nice, but I haven't found one yet. Stroustrup used a mixture of proportional 
and monospaced glyphs in _The C++ Programming Language_ and it worked well.

or different font faces to 
represent different sorts of identifier eg class names, tycons, value 
constructors, operators like `seq` as opposed to seq etc

Lots of editors do this with monospaced fonts; I think it's orthogonal to 
the layout issue.

3) Using only tabs ensures that vertical alignment goes to the same 
position on the screen regardless of the font and tabs could even have 
different widths just like in a wordprocessor

Requiring tabs is a really bad idea. Just forget it. Seriously.

4) Any keypress has a localised effect on the parse tree of the buffer 
as a whole ( {  no longer kill everything which follows and there would 
be no {- )

I don't understand why this is an advantage. If you have an editor that 
highlights comments in green, then large sections of the program will flash 
green while you type a {- -} comment, which might be annoying, but it also 
means you'll never forget to close the comment, so the practical benefit of 
forbidding {- -}, as opposed to simply not typing it yourself, seems nil.

5) It paves the way for a much more immersive editing environment, but I 
can't say more about this at the moment because I haven't finished 
writing it yet and it will be a commercial product :-)))

I guess everything has been leading up to this, but my reaction is that it 
renders the whole debate irrelevant. The only reason layout exists in the 
first place is to make source code look good in ordinary text editors. If 
you have a high-level source code editor that manipulates the AST, then you 
don't need layout, or tabs, or any of that silly ASCII stuff. The only time 
you need to worry about layout is when interoperating with implementations 
that use the concrete syntax, and then there's nothing to stop you from 
exporting in any style you like. And when importing, there's no reason to 
place restrictions on Haskell's layout rule, because the visual layout you 
display in the editor need have no connection to the layout of the imported 

Using my self-imposed layout rule I'm currently editing all my Haskell 
code in a standard text editor using tabs set to 4 spaces and a variable 
width font and have no problems.

Which is the best argument for keeping the current rule! If it were changed 
as you propose, then someday Hugh Briley would come along and complain that 
Haskell's layout syntax squandered screen space---but he *wouldn't* be able 
to program in his preferred style, because it would no longer be allowed. 
Religious freedom is a good thing.

{- Ben -}

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-02-28 Thread Brian Hulley

Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:

Here is my proposed layout rule:

1) All layout keywords (where, of, let, do) must either be followed
by a single element of the corresponding block type, and explicit
block introduced by '{', or a layout block whose first line starts
on the *next* line

I wouldn't have much trouble adapting to that.

and whose indentation is accomplished *only* by tabs

You can't be serious. This would cause far more problems than the
current rule.

Why? Surely typing one tab is better than having to hit the spacebar 4 (or 
8) times?

I would also make it that explicit braces are not allowed to switch
off the layout rule (ie they can be used within a layout),

I don't understand. What does used within a layout mean?

I meant that {;} would be used just like any other construct that has to 
respect the layout rule so you could write

   a = let { b = 6; z = 77;
   h = 99;
  p = 100} in b+z+h + p

etc but not:

   a = let { b = 6; z = 77;
   h = 99;  -- this binding would be part of the outermost 

  p = 100} in b+z+h + p

multiline strings would not be permitted,

They aren't now, except with \ escapes. A stray  will be caught on
the same line unless the line happens to end with \ and the next line
happens to begin with \, which is exceedingly unusual.

and multiline comments would not be permitted
(pragmas could easily be used just by using --#)

But --# doesn't introduce a comment. And this would make UNPACK
pragmas rather inconvenient to use.

-- # but I hadn't thought about UNPACK...
The motivation in both points is to make it easy for an editor to determine 
which lines need to be re-parsed based on the number of leading tabs alone.

1) When you see a ';' you could immediately tell which block it
belongs to by looking backwards till the next '{'

I guess that might be helpful, but it doesn't seem easier than
looking left to the beginning of the current line and then up to the first
less-indented line.

There was an example posted on another thread where someone had got into 
confusion by using ; after a let binding in a do construct with an explicit 
brace after the 'do' but not after the 'let' (sorry I can't find it again). 
Also the current layout rule uses the notion of an implicit opening brace 
which is a to be regarded as a real opening brace as far as ';' in concerned 
but an unreal non-existent opening brace as far as '}' is concerned. Thus I 
think it is a real mix-up.

2) Variable width fonts can be used,

They can be used now, if you adhere to a certain style, but not
everyone likes that style. I wrote in C++ with a variable width font and 

at one time, but eventually went back to fixed width. One reason was
that I couldn't use comment layout conventions that tend (in my 

to improve readability more than monospacing hurts it. Another reason
was that glyph widths appropriate to natural languages didn't work
all that well for source code. Spaces are much more important in
source code than in natural language, for example. A proportional
font designed for source code would be nice, but I haven't found one
yet. Stroustrup used a mixture of proportional and monospaced glyphs
in _The C++ Programming Language_ and it worked well.

or different font faces to
represent different sorts of identifier eg class names, tycons, value
constructors, operators like `seq` as opposed to seq etc

Lots of editors do this with monospaced fonts; I think it's
orthogonal to the layout issue.

For example on Windows Trebuchet MS is a very nice font, also Verdana, both 
of which are not monospaced. But yes I agree it's not a major issue and I 
just see the option of being able to use them as a nice side-effect.

3) Using only tabs ensures that vertical alignment goes to the same
position on the screen regardless of the font and tabs could even
have different widths just like in a wordprocessor

Requiring tabs is a really bad idea. Just forget it. Seriously.

I'm really puzled here. I've been using tabs to indent my C++ code for at 
least 10 years and don't see the problem. The only problem would be if 
someone mixed tabs with spaces. Since it has to be either tabs only or 
spaces only I'd choose tabs only to save keystrokes. I suppose though it is 
always going to be a matter of personal taste...

4) Any keypress has a localised effect on the parse tree of the
buffer as a whole ( {  no longer kill everything which follows and
there would be no {- )

I don't understand why this is an advantage. If you have an editor
that highlights comments in green, then large sections of the program
will flash green while you type a {- -} comment, which might be
annoying, but it also means you'll never forget to close the comment,
so the practical benefit of forbidding {- -}, as opposed to simply
not typing it yourself

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-02-28 Thread Philippa Cowderoy
On Wed, 1 Mar 2006, Brian Hulley wrote:

 Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
  Brian Hulley wrote:
   Here is my proposed layout rule:
   and whose indentation is accomplished *only* by tabs
  You can't be serious. This would cause far more problems than the
  current rule.
 Why? Surely typing one tab is better than having to hit the spacebar 4 (or 8)

Not when it prevents me from ever exhibiting the slightest shred of style 
in my code. I use that control for readability purposes in my code.


My religion says so explains your beliefs. But it doesn't explain 
why I should hold them as well, let alone be restricted by them.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-02-28 Thread Jared Updike
BH  Why? Surely typing one tab is better than having to hit the
spacebar 4 (or 8)
BH  times?
PC Not when it prevents me from ever exhibiting the slightest shred of style
PC in my code. I use that control for readability purposes in my code.

BH I'm really puzled here. I've been using tabs to indent my C++ code for at
BH least 10 years and don't see the problem.

At least two reasons:
1. C++ doesn't care about any whitespace (except to separate tokens).
Haskell cares about leading whitespace (which it is clear you are
thinking a lot about...) but
2. as Philippa mentioned, Haskell programmers care a ton about
inter-line, inter-word layout/alignment, for example, lining up =
signs and arguments to functions in pattern matches, etc. C++ does not
invite this style of declarative programming so it is not surprising
that it wasn't an issue: aside from the indentation, I rarely type
fancy whitespace inside a giving line of C++ code to align elements
with those on a preceding line. In Haskell, this unofficial layout
style doesn't affect the machine-parsing of the code, but rather the
human-parsing of the code. (In fact, it's one of my favorite things
about Haskell.)

If you want to see what can be accomplished with variable width fonts
and complex layouts (not just beginning of lines but rather
inter-line, inter-word alignment) you should checkout lhs2TeX. They
accomplish all their magic with spaces.

BH The only problem would be if
BH someone mixed tabs with spaces. Since it has to be either tabs only or
BH spaces only I'd choose tabs only to save keystrokes.

BTW, tab doesn't type the tab character (at least in emacs and I think
vim) but instead moves the left edge of the current line by adding or
deleted spaces (or trying to ident the right amount). This usually
means you don't have to type 4 or 8 spaces. (And anyway, I would just
hold the key down if I had to type more than one spacebar, etc.)

 For example on Windows Trebuchet MS is a very nice font, also Verdana, both
 of which are not monospaced. But yes I agree it's not a major issue and I
 just see the option of being able to use them as a nice side-effect.

Very few programmers I know would go to variable width fonts just to
use some Microsoft font to edit code... (BTW I like Trebuchet and
Verdana too.)

To each his/her own!

reverse )-:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Layout rule

2006-02-28 Thread Ketil Malde
Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You can't be serious. This would cause far more problems than the
 current rule.

 Why? Surely typing one tab is better than having to hit the spacebar 4
 (or 8) times?

What you type depends on your editor.  I hit tab, and the editor
inserts an appropriate number of spaces.  (I thought all editors did
this now?)

 There was an example posted on another thread where someone had got
 into confusion by using ; after a let binding in a do construct with
 an explicit brace after the 'do' but not after the 'let' (sorry I
 can't find it again).

 If you allow {- everything becomes a lot
 more complicated and who needs them anyway?

Multi line comments are nice for commenting out blocks of code.  It is
much less intrusive, in particular if you're using version control.

 back to editing a function at the top of a file. Things like {- would
 mean that all the parse trees for everything after it would have to be
 discarded. Also, flashing of highlighting on this scale could be very
 annoying for a user, so I'd rather just delete this particular
 possibility of the user getting annoyed when using my software :-)

Couldn't your editor just be a little bit smarter?  E.g. count the {-s
and -}s, and only comment-hilight them if there are two of them?
Retain a history of old parse trees, so that it is quick to return to
a previous one?

 Haskell, which in turn might lead to more people understanding and
 therefore using the language, more libraries, more possibilities for

You forget one thing:

Avoid success at all costs


If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-31 Thread Ketil Z. Malde

Jon Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Why -f anyway? It took me ages to work out what
 -fallow-overlapping-instances meant -- I wondered how
 fallow could apply to overlapping instances.

I suppose it's a GCCism, where options starting with -f specifiy
*f*lags.  (Which doesn't seem to apply to GHC, unless there's a
-fno-allow... (of -fdont-allow...?))

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 02:26, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

I think this is extremely bad language design! In general I
like having layout rules, but

What's the deal with the whole layout thing anyway? I've never come 
across it before in another language. Is it an academic thing? It drove 
me nuts when I first started Haskell, until I discovered you could use 
semicolons/braces instead (which I always do).

If I were teaching Haskell to working programmer types like myself, I 
would encourage them to always use full semicolons and braces and forget 
layout entirely (except a lot of available Haskell source seems to use 
it). Certainly I find {;} more readable, and I suspect anyone else with a 
C/C++/Java background (or even a Scheme/Lisp background) does too./RANT

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 02:46, I wrote:

What's the deal with the whole layout thing anyway? I've never come 
across it before in another language.

Oh, wait, there's Python and Ruby. For some reason it doesn't bother me 
so much with them.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

 At 2002-05-30 02:26, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

 I think this is extremely bad language design! In general I
 like having layout rules, but

 What's the deal with the whole layout thing anyway? I've never come
 across it before in another language. Is it an academic thing?

How about FORTRAN (to a very small extent) or Python?

I used to dislike layout, but I must say that it didn't take long to become
a supporter once you start using it.

If you look at C ( offspring), it's not the {;} that makes the code
readable, it's the indentation that does.  So why not acknowledge that?

-- Lennart

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread D. Tweed

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

 it). Certainly I find {;} more readable, and I suspect anyone else with a 
 C/C++/Java background (or even a Scheme/Lisp background) does too./RANT

Just a data point: I learned Basic, Pascal, Standard ML, C, Haskell, C++,
Perl, Python in that order and actively use Haskell, C++, Perl  Python at
the moment, and I find the `visual noise' of braces and semi-colons in C++
and Perl to be very irritating when, as Lennart points out, to be readable
by me my code has to embody these structures by layout. (It's primarily
the noise of all those `fun', `val' and `end's rather than deeper language
issues that put me off looking at ML again.) Indeed, I (half) there ought
to be a warning on the main page of saying `WARNING: Using
Haskell can lead to semi-colon blindness' since I relatively frequently
spend ten minutes trying to figure out why C++ code isn't compiling only
to realise that, whilst indented structurally the semi-colons are missing

I suspect using layout rule is forever destined to be controversial...

___cheers,_dave_  |  `It's no good going home to practise
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   a Special Outdoor Song which Has To Be
work tel:(0117) 954-5250   |   Sung In The Snow' -- Winnie the Pooh

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 02:54, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

If you look at C ( offspring), it's not the {;} that makes the code
readable, it's the indentation that does.  So why not acknowledge that?

In C, the indentation is an important visual clue, but there are many 
different indentation styles. It's the braces that actually tell you the 
beginning and end of a block. I might also use indentation for 
non-blocks, for instance:

void foo (int n)
if (n  0) bar
Sproing!,// title
getBounds(n),  // bounds
true,  // bordered
true,  // bright
false, // not transparent
true,  // use v2 appearance
5, // shadow size
null   // next

Equally, I always indent my braced blocks in Haskell as well as C ( o).

If you're used to braces, complicated Haskell expressions with layout 
look confusing, since it's not immediately clear which indentation style 
the layout rules are trying to enforce. It's also not clear to the 
unlearned how best to split an expression onto two lines, or how it 
interacts with parentheses, etc.

And then there are those nasty little infelicities...

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread George Russell

I like layout but I think the existing rules are too complicated.  Unfortunately it's
difficult to do anything with them without breaking vast swathes of existing code,
so we'll just have to put up with them.

The reason I think layout is better than using {'s and ,'s is that humans
use the layout to group the structure anyway, which means you can have 
confusing situations where a structure looks alright to a human but not
to a computer.
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ketil Z. Malde

Martin Odersky [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Redundancy maybe? What's wrong in having both layout and punctuation?

Short answer: What's wrong with it is that humans use layout to infer
the semantic meaning, compilers use punctuation.  Thus it's not really

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Johannes Waldmann

 What's the deal with the whole layout thing anyway? I've never come 
 across it before in another language.

Python has it as well (they stole it from Haskell?)

 If I were teaching Haskell to working programmer types like myself, I 
 would encourage them to always use full semicolons and braces ...

while we're at it - what's the deal with type inference?

sometimes I think it is *really bad* language design 
if the program may contain untyped declarations of identifiers.

ghc -Wall warns nicely about undeclared top-level types but what about locals? 
I've never came across a language that would allow them declared untyped.

of course I know (some of) the `academic' background
(type inference, type checking) but what about it
from a software engineering point of view?


.. I think neither the layout rule nor  type inferencing
are likely to disappear from Haskell ..
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/252 --
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Johannes Waldmann

 ... layout rules somewhat
 like Haskell's. In our experience it was the single thing that
 confused students most.

same here, for exactly these reasons. students get really confused.

on the other hand, students regularily get confused by other things as well,
like homework assignments on formal languages,
so that alone is not enough reason to drop the subject altogether :-)
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/252 --
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 04:19, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

same here, for exactly these reasons. students get really confused.

on the other hand, students regularily get confused by other things as well,
like homework assignments on formal languages,
so that alone is not enough reason to drop the subject altogether :-)

In the latter case, they are learning something useful. In the former 
case, the confusion emerges out of a useless property of the language. 
Let the students use {;} if it eliminates confusion, it's still perfectly 
good Haskell.

I am certainly not proposing Haskell be modified to eliminate the layout 
option. I'm just curious as to why Haskell programmers choose to use it.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 03:59, Ketil Z. Malde wrote:

Short answer: What's wrong with it is that humans use layout to infer
the semantic meaning, 

No... layout by itself can't be trusted. It's only a clue. One needs to 
learn the precise Haskell-specific layout rules, and they're not obvious.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Han Tuong Hau

Hi everyone,

I thought I would bring a students perspective into this discussion.
Moving from a C background to Haskell, the layout wasn't very intuitive at
first. This was mainly due to my hand's on approach (looking at examples
and trying to code similar programs). Given that if i read up on the
layout first I would have had less trouble. I did notice that the error
messages generated by incorrect layout don't offer much clue to the
origin of the layout error, well from a beginner's interpretation of the
error messages anyway.

Having said that, now that I have gotten used to the Haskell layout I
simply adore it. I often remember tiredly coding in C and relying on the
compiler to locate where i had left out a ';' at the end of a statement or
two. With Haskell there is no such need!

a happy haskell student..

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Jon Fairbairn

 I like layout but I think the existing rules are too
 complicated.  Unfortunat ely it's difficult to do anything
 with them without breaking vast swathes of existing code,
 so we'll just have to put up with them.

Well, there's two things to consider: Haskell 98, which
probably shouldn't change, and extended Haskell, which
probably should. Especially if we can make the rules both
simpler and better.

 The reason I think layout is better than using {'s and ,'s is that humans
 use the layout to group the structure anyway, which means you can have 
 confusing situations where a structure looks alright to a human but not
 to a computer.

Which is exactly the problem with the programme I
posted. Having thought about it a bit, it strikes me that
the particular problem is the insertion of a closing brace.
From the human reader's point of view, there's no visual
equivalent of the closing brace in the example:

 possible_int = do skip_blanks
   fmap Just int
   +++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

What happens is that a semicolon is inserted because the
indentation is the same as the previous line -- that's fair
enough, subject to some quibbles about treating all
expressions the same -- but then the +++ is a syntax error
unless a closing brace is inserted.

Visually, the equivalent of a closing brace is when
indentation is less (to my eye it ought to be right down to
where the 'do' is and inbetween be an error).  What's wrong
with the notion that closing braces should only be inserted
when the indentation is less (or the file ends)? This would
reject some programmes, but only ones where the appearance
is misleading.


 possible_int = do skip_blanks
   fmap Just int
+++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

 whatever ...

parses as 

 possible_int = do {skip_blanks
   ;fmap Just int
 +++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

 whatever ...


 possible_int = do skip_blanks
   fmap Just int
   +++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

 whatever ...

parses as 

 possible_int = do {skip_blanks
   ;fmap Just int
   ;+++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

 whatever ...

and then gives a syntax error


 possible_int = do skip_blanks
   fmap Just int
  +++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

 whatever ...

parses as 

 possible_int = do {skip_blanks
   ;fmap Just int
  +++ (literal - `as` Nothing)

 whatever ...

Which is just about acceptable to me, because the +++ does
stick out, though I'd prefer that one to be rejected too.

I wasn't fit enough to follow the earlier discussions of the
layout rule, so I'm not sure how this interacts with
previous awkward cases.  I'd be happiest if we could come up
with a rule that didn't involve sticking in braces and
semicolons because it won't parse otherwise. Can someone
remind me why the A close brace is also inserted whenever
the syntactic category containing the layout list ends part
of the rule is there?


31 Chalmers Road [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB1 3SZ+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread George Russell

Jon Fairbairn wrote
 Well, there's two things to consider: Haskell 98, which
 probably shouldn't change, and extended Haskell, which
 probably should. Especially if we can make the rules both
 simpler and better.
How can I resist?  I proposed the following revised layout rule some time 
ago in a message to the Twa Simons.  Note that unlike the standard Haskell 
layout rules it does not need to read the parser's mind.  Of course the problem 
is that while it should work fine for the way I lay out Haskell, it might not 
work for other people.

We represent the lines in a file in a tree like structure:
   data Grouped line = Grouped line [Grouped line]
The meaning of 
   Grouped A lines
is a line A, followed by a list of groups, each beginning at the same deeper ind

So for example


would go to something like 
   Grouped A [Grouped B [Grouped C []],Grouped D []]

In the code I've written
produces an error message, but on second thoughts I think the best behaviour wou
ld be to
treat it like
   A ++ B
though it's too late to code that now . . .

The layout processor would group the lines according to this algorithm.  It woul
d then
output the result of the grouping.  When it came to
   Grouped first rest
it would determine if the last token of first is do, of, where or let,
and rest does _not_ begin with a { token.  If both these conditions were satis
fied, it
would output { before, ; inbetween elements, and } after when outputting t
he rest list.

This seems to me to solve most of the fundamental problems, and be somewhat more
than the existing algorithm.  It would behave differently in that
  if test 
 then do
 else do
is legal.  But it would also be necessary to alter the context-free-syntax so th
(1) the contents of the module were not separated by ;'s, but by each being a 
item in the [Grouped line] list.
(The old where {decl1 ; decl2 ;  . . . ; decln} syntax would probably have
to remain, for compatibility reasons).
(2) single-line forms without braces, like let a = 5 in a+a work.

This is only a first approximation, in that

  if test
  then do
  else do
isn't legal.  Perhaps one way of fixing this is to modify the layout algorithm s
o that
tokens such as then, else, in and ) before which a semicolon can't make 
any sense
anyway, get tagged onto the previous group if that began at the same column as t
hey did.

I don't claim this as the perfect solution.  But since layout is something which
 is rather
confusing and at the moment seems to have distinctly rough edges, it might be wo
experimenting with something like this, to see how much code it would break
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Jon Fairbairn

I wrote:
  Can someone remind me why the A close brace is also inserted whenever
  the syntactic category containing the layout list ends part
  of the rule is there?

Lennart wrote:
 It's so you can write
 let x = 2+2 in x*x
  (and similar things)

and Arjan van IJzendoorn wrote:
 x = (3, case True of 
  True - 4)
 The ')' ends the syntactic category 'tuple'

So we get all this misery just so that people can cram
things onto fewer lines?

 let x = 2+2 in x*x

could be

 let {x = 2+2} in x*x


 let x = 2+2
  in x*x

 x = (3, case True of 
  True - 4

would be fine.

I'd like to see a -fuse-simpler-layout-rule¹ option on the
compilers. . .


1. Why -f anyway? It took me ages to work out what
-fallow-overlapping-instances meant -- I wondered how
fallow could apply to overlapping instances.

31 Chalmers Road [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB1 3SZ+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Andrew J Bromage

G'day all.

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 01:10:03PM +0200, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

 Python has it as well (they stole it from Haskell?)

Python's layout rule looks more like Occam's than Haskell's, to my eyes.

Aside: Was Occam the first language of the post-punched-card era to use
layout as syntax?

 while we're at it - what's the deal with type inference?
 sometimes I think it is *really bad* language design 
 if the program may contain untyped declarations of identifiers.

Presumably you're not suggesting requiring type declarations in
every pattern match too?

I think it's something to do with where you draw the line.  You could
theoretically require type declarations:

- Nowhere, unless the type inference mechanism can't cope
  with it.
- Module interfaces.
- Top-level declarations.
- where clauses too.
- let
- Everywhere that a variable could be defined, including
  case-expressions, list comprehension generators and
- Every subexpression.

I personally think it's wrong not to require explicit type declarations
for everything exported from a module for engineering reasons.  Sane
separate compilation is important, IMO.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Alexander V. Voinov

Hi All,

Andrew J Bromage wrote:
 G'day all.
 On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 01:10:03PM +0200, Johannes Waldmann wrote:
  Python has it as well (they stole it from Haskell?)
 Python's layout rule looks more like Occam's than Haskell's, to my eyes.
 Aside: Was Occam the first language of the post-punched-card era to use
 layout as syntax?

I fuzzily recall that SICStus Prolog silently tolerated omissions of
commas and dots, allowing for:

p(X) :-

g(Y,Z) :-

But Haskell already existed at this point.

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Frank Atanassow

[redirected to haskell-cafe]

Ashley Yakeley wrote (on 30-05-02 03:18 -0700):
 At 2002-05-30 02:54, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 If you look at C ( offspring), it's not the {;} that makes the code
 readable, it's the indentation that does.  So why not acknowledge that?
 In C, the indentation is an important visual clue, but there are many 
 different indentation styles.

I think there are not so many different _indentation_ styles. The differences
seem mostly to revolve around where to put _the braces_. And one might argue
that the reason for that is precisely that it's so arbitrary, since the
indentation is the main visual clue to structure anyway.

Personally, I always try to factor out arbitrariness from my programs. I think
layout does the same thing for syntax.

 If you're used to braces, complicated Haskell expressions with layout 
 look confusing, since it's not immediately clear which indentation style 
 the layout rules are trying to enforce.

If you're used to C, then layout and indentation will be the least of your
difficulties when you start using Haskell...

Anyway, I have the feeling that, for every person on this list who complains
about layout being unintuitive, there are 10 people who would say the
opposite. Shall we take a poll?

Frank Atanassow, Information  Computing Sciences, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-3261 Fax +31 (030) 251-379
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Eray Ozkural

On Thursday 30 May 2002 13:43, Frank Atanassow wrote:

 Anyway, I have the feeling that, for every person on this list who
 complains about layout being unintuitive, there are 10 people who would say
 the opposite. Shall we take a poll?

It's not unintuitive, it's counter-intuitive. :) The errors resulting from 
layout mistakes are hard to spot and are annoying.

  On the other hand, it has a blend of intuition. If you are writing in a 
certain, not-so-clear-what style, it makes life easier. :)

 As you can see I've contradicted myself.

** Type error.

Eray Ozkural (exa) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www:  Malfunction:
GPG public key fingerprint: 360C 852F 88B0 A745 F31B  EA0F 7C07 AE16 874D 539C

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Abraham Egnor

Just to add my voice to the din...

I come from a c/c++/java background, and I taught myself haskell.  The
layout rules were the part I had the least problem with.  I'd prefer that
if any change is made it's one that adds options, not removes them.  I'm
confused as to the source of the problem, anyway - if you don't like the
layout rules, use braces and semicolons and ignore them.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Naming conventions for compiler options [Was: layout rule infelicity]

2002-05-30 Thread oleg

[redirected to haskell-cafe]

Jón Fairbairn wrote:
 1. Why -f anyway? It took me ages to work out what
 -fallow-overlapping-instances meant -- I wondered how
 fallow could apply to overlapping instances.

I believe the authors of GHC followed the naming conventions
of GCC, which can be gleaned from GCC's info page.

  -warning-related options typically start with -W
  -machine-independent flags that control optimization,
   code-generation or language dialects start with -f.
   Most flags have positive and negative forms.
  -many pre-processor-related options start with -i
  -hardware-dependent options start with -m, e.g.,
   -mcpu=i686 -mno-fancy-math-387 -malign-int
   -mno-power [RS/6000-related option]
   -myellowknife [On embedded PowerPC systems, assume that the startup
  module is called `crt0.o' and the standard C
  libraries are `libyk.a' and `libc.a']

Of possible interest is a file
from GCC's source code. The file lists a few suggested options. The
file is an e-mail message from Noah Friedman to Richard Stallman, Jim
Blandy and a few other people. Some of the suggested options are:

-Wcaste-align  [cf. the existing GCC option -Wcast-align]
-Win   [I guess warn about the Windows system]
-fexpensive-operations [cf. -fexpensive-optimizations]
-fextra-strength   [must be a negative form of -fstrength-reduce] 
-fkeep-programmers-inline  [cf. the existing option -fkeep-inline-functions]
-fjesus-saves  [cf. the existing option -fcaller-saves]
-fno-peeping-toms  [cf. the existing option -fno-peephole]
-fruit-roll-ups[cf. the existing option -funroll-loops]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Naming conventions for compiler options [Was: layout rule infelicity]

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 16:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Compiles BASIC?

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: Naming conventions for compiler options [Was: layout rule infelicity]

2002-05-30 Thread Jay Allen

-Wmissing-prototypes, actually ( But good guess. 

-Original Message- 
From: Ashley Yakeley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 5/30/2002 5:26 PM 
To: Haskell Cafe List 
Subject: Re: Naming conventions for compiler options [Was: layout rule 

At 2002-05-30 16:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Compiles BASIC?

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Layout rule (again)

2001-12-11 Thread Ian Lynagh

I'm afraid it doesn't seem to be quite right yet  :-(


instance Foo Maybe where
foo = 5


{4}instance Foo Maybe where
{4}foo = 5


{instance Foo Maybe where
{}}foo = 5

The second {4} has meant there is no 4 to cause an implicit semicolon
to be inserted. This can be fixed by changing

L ({n}:ts) (m:ms) = { : (L ts (n:m:ms)) if n  m, (Note 1)
  = { : } : (L ts (m:ms)) otherwise


L ({n}:ts) (m:ms) = { : (L ts (n:m:ms))   if n  m, (Note 1)
  = { : } : (L (n:ts) (m:ms))   otherwise

Ian, having a bad day, predominantly due to the layout rule  :-(

Haskell mailing list

Layout rule

2001-09-30 Thread Ian Lynagh

Hi all

The report says The layout rule matches only those open braces that it
has inserted in the lexical structure section. However, in the syntax
section function L starts

L (t:ts) (m:ms) = } : (L (t:ts) ms) if parse-error(t) (Note 1)

which AFAICT will implicitly close an explicit open brace. Testing with
foo = let { x = 5 in x shows hugs, ghc and nhc98 all seem to agree
with me.

L (t:ts) (m:ms) = } : (L (t:ts) ms) if m /= 0  parse-error(t) (Note 1)

Along similar lines, I think writing the last two lines as

L [] [0] = []
L [] (m:ms) = } : L [] ms if m /=0 (Note 5)

would be clearer. In fact as the preeceding text says 'and  for the
empty stream' I think it may be written correctly but have gotten lost
in the conversion from whatever it is really written in.


Haskell mailing list

Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-08-12 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Simon Marlow wrote:
  Does it mean that the following expressions would be illegal?
  if cond then do proc1; proc2 else do proc3; proc4
  (case e of Just x - x  0; Nothing - False)
 Unfortunately, yes.
  Now one can forget about {} and use layout everywhere. He would no
  longer be able to forget or he would have to split some expressions
  into indented lines, even when they are unambiguous in one line.

You could just enumerate all keywords that allow/enforce insertion of }.
A suitable list for Haskell 98 might be:


In fact I think that this would be the cleanest and simplest rule. (At
least that is how I once implemented layout similar to Haskell's,
because I couldn't get Yacc's error productions to work properly in all

For Haskell 2(000) I would suggest removing all but the first 4 tokens
from the list above.

- Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:: be declarative. be functional. just be. ::

Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-08-03 Thread Christian Sievers

I wrote:

 lexeme  - qvarid | qconid | qvarsym | qconsym
  | literal | special | reservedop | reservedid 
 Now we could replace qvarsym and qconsym by qop, and have both
 examples parse in the same way. However, unlike the other change in
 lexeme's definition, I don't suggest this, I only want to point out
 that there is a (formally) simple way out of the present somewhat
 inconsistent state.

I changed my mind about this issue, I do suggest to change it as
proposed, for if `elem` were three lexemes, any whitespace between
them would be allowed. This might even be considered a typo, as I
think no one intended to allow expressions like

 x ` {- look ma -} elem   -- comments inside!
   ` l 

All the best,
Christian Sievers

Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-08-03 Thread Guy Lapalme

As an author of an Haskell Emacs mode that deals with the layout rule
(described in Journal of Functional Programming 8(5) 493-502), I
strongly agree that the "parse-error condition" is really a bad idea.
For example, in Emacs, no full Haskell parse is done.

After all, layout should be there to indicate clearly to a user what
section of code depends on which other; the user should not have to parse
and deal with some local fixity declarations.

I know this suggestion would break a few Haskell programs but perhaps
it should be interesting to come back to the first functional language
that implemented the layout rule, Miranda (tm) where the rule was much
more simply stated

  Syntactic objects obey Landin's offside rule.  This requires that
  every token of the object lie directly or to the right of its first
  token.  A token which breaks this rule is said to offside with
  respect to that object.

And that's it... no need to have three pages of explanations and an

One can find many examples where Haskell rules and Miranda
differ and some times one is better than the other, but you would be
surprised to see that in the majority of the cases, the indentation
that people normally produce are very similar under both rules.

Guy Lapalme
Université de Montréal

PS: as a Quiz, can you guess how in Haskell the following is interpreted?

f x = 1 + x
 g y = 1 + y

RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-08-01 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

  Does anybody disagree with my interpretation of the standard?  Are
  there any implementations that actually follow the standard here?
  (Maybe the standard should be changed to follow the implementations in
  this area.)
 Phew.  Well spotted.  Of course, none of the existing Haskell
 implementations are in conformance here.
 I think this has just about convinced me that the parse-error condition is a
 really bad idea.  

It definitely is.

 The main reason for its inclusion was to allow things like
   let f x = x in ...
 and also to automatically insert the final '}' before the end of file.
 Perhaps the layout rule should be restricted to these two cases?
   - replace t by 'in' in the parse-error rule.

 EOF is already handled by the last clause in the layout spec.  My guess is
 that this would break very few programs.

The problem with this fix is that layout for let-in and
other grouping constructs would be handled differently,
which is not very intuitive.  The problem with the
`do'-notation also appears for `case'-constructs.

 A simpler rule might involve automatically inserting '}' before 'in' during
 lexical analysis iff (a) we're in a layout context and (b) the close brace
 hasn't already been inserted by the layout rule.  This would decouple the
 parser and lexer which is a Good Thing.

Still not intuitive, but from a syntactical point of view
much more preferable.  But you want to change (b) to ``the
last lexeme was no close brace'' (it may have been
explicitly inserted by the programmer.

IMHO, in the long run (= next version of Haskell) this rule
should completely vanish.  So, who is collecting the
proposals for the next Haskell standard?



RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-31 Thread Simon Marlow

 Does it mean that the following expressions would be illegal?
 if cond then do proc1; proc2 else do proc3; proc4
 (case e of Just x - x  0; Nothing - False)

Unfortunately, yes.

 Now one can forget about {} and use layout everywhere. He would no
 longer be able to forget or he would have to split some expressions
 into indented lines, even when they are unambiguous in one line.
 Hmm, the `do x == y == z' case is a real trouble. Would it be not
 too ugly to formalize the current common behavior as something like
 "for the purposes of layout resolution, the syntax does not care
 about fixity declarations"? I guess that treating them in any way at
 this stage, as long as they don't reject non-associative operators,
 would yield the same result... Ugly but practical.

One other possible solution is to remove the fixity resolution from the
grammar itself and describe it as a separate process post-parsing.  This is
probably a good thing anyway: it matches the way most implementations work
and it would clean up the grammar.


Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Wolfram Kahl

Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   In other words, it is a bug (and GHC and Hugs don't do it
   right - see my previous message; from your comment, I
   presume HBC also doesn't follow the definition).  I think,
   the only Right Thing is to remove this awful rule (unless
   somebody comes up with a rule that can be decided locally).
  Maybe so.  But (H98 editors hat on) this is more than a "typo".

I am surprised!  ;-)  

  It's a Haskell 2  issue.  Perhaps there will be no fully conforming 
  H98 compilers!

Perhaps it would be a reasonable Haskell 1.6 issue?


RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

 In other words, it is a bug (and GHC and Hugs don't do it
 right - see my previous message; from your comment, I
 presume HBC also doesn't follow the definition).  I think,
 the only Right Thing is to remove this awful rule (unless
 somebody comes up with a rule that can be decided locally).

Maybe so.  But (H98 editors hat on) this is more than a "typo".  
It's a Haskell 2  issue.  Perhaps there will be no fully conforming 
H98 compilers!


Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Malcolm Wallace

| How about the Carl Witty's
|   do a == b == c
| does NHC handle this correctly?

It matches ghc and Hugs, reporting
Error when renaming:
  Infix operator at 2:21 is non-associative.

Note that this is reported one stage *after* parsing.  Because parsing
of infix operators is difficult, all implementations (to my knowledge)
leave resolution of fixity and associativity until later.  Indeed, the
Haskell 98 standard recognises this (in an oblique way) by permitting
infix decls to appear *after* the first use.  Hence, it is now
impossible to resolve fix/assoc in a single pass anyway.


Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 Because parsing
 of infix operators is difficult, all implementations (to my knowledge)
 leave resolution of fixity and associativity until later.  Indeed, the
 Haskell 98 standard recognises this (in an oblique way) by permitting
 infix decls to appear *after* the first use.

Hbc does the resolution while parsing, which means it cannot be
Haskell 98 compliant.  I really dislike the new rules about where infix
can occur since they don't really buy us anything, but they do force
a more complicated implementation.

(Just as an aside.  Local infix declarations, which was just
added to Haskell 98, was very high on the list of design mistakes
in SML and will be removed in ML2000.)


-- Lennart

RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Simon Marlow

 Does anybody disagree with my interpretation of the standard?  Are
 there any implementations that actually follow the standard here?
 (Maybe the standard should be changed to follow the implementations in
 this area.)

Phew.  Well spotted.  Of course, none of the existing Haskell
implementations are in conformance here.

I think this has just about convinced me that the parse-error condition is a
really bad idea.  The main reason for its inclusion was to allow things like

let f x = x in ...

and also to automatically insert the final '}' before the end of file.
Perhaps the layout rule should be restricted to these two cases?


- replace t by 'in' in the parse-error rule.
EOF is already handled by the last clause in the layout spec.  My guess is
that this would break very few programs.

A simpler rule might involve automatically inserting '}' before 'in' during
lexical analysis iff (a) we're in a layout context and (b) the close brace
hasn't already been inserted by the layout rule.  This would decouple the
parser and lexer which is a Good Thing.


Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Fri, 30 Jul 1999 05:12:51 -0700, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

 The main reason for its inclusion was to allow things like
   let f x = x in ...
 and also to automatically insert the final '}' before the end of file.
 Perhaps the layout rule should be restricted to these two cases?

Does it mean that the following expressions would be illegal?

if cond then do proc1; proc2 else do proc3; proc4
(case e of Just x - x  0; Nothing - False)

Now one can forget about {} and use layout everywhere. He would no
longer be able to forget or he would have to split some expressions
into indented lines, even when they are unambiguous in one line.

Hmm, the `do x == y == z' case is a real trouble. Would it be not
too ugly to formalize the current common behavior as something like
"for the purposes of layout resolution, the syntax does not care
about fixity declarations"? I guess that treating them in any way at
this stage, as long as they don't reject non-associative operators,
would yield the same result... Ugly but practical.

 __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a22 C++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
  ^^W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP-+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-30 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Malcolm Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 Simon Marlow replies:
  GHC and Hugs both make use of yacc-style error recovery, albeit in a very
  limited form.
 And nhc uses parser combinators, which give you backtracking on error
 conditions for free.  We actually do almost all layout processing at
 the lexical stage, but where the parser expects a } and doesn't get
 one, we just insert the }, and re-lex the remaining input.  I suppose
 having to re-lex is a bit of a chore, but laziness comes to the rescue

How about the Carl Witty's

  do a == b == c

does NHC handle this correctly?


RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-29 Thread Simon Marlow

Manuel Chakravarty writes:

 What kind of implementation did the originators of this
 clause envision?  If the layout rule is really implemented
 as a filter between the scanner and the parser, it seems
 extremely awkward to add a dependency on the error condition
 of the parser - in particular, it makes a functional, ie,
 side-effect free implementation rather hard and a true two
 phase implementation impossible.  So, I guess (I hope!!) 
 there is a nifty trick that lets you achieve the same effect
 by using only conditions depending on local information
 (either during layout processing or by letting the parser
 insert the missing braces).

GHC and Hugs both make use of yacc-style error recovery, albeit in a very
limited form.  The idea is to have a production in your grammar like this:

close_brace :   '}'
| error

where the '}' token is assumed to have been inserted by the lexical analyser
as a result of layout (i.e. a token was found to be less indented than the
current layout context).  The error case fires if any other token is
encountered, and the semantic action for this production will probably pop
the current layout context and carry on (in practice you also have to tell
yacc not to continue with error recovery, otherwise all sorts of strange
things happen).  Take a look at GHC's parser for the details.

I believe you're right in that a true two-phase implementation of the
Haskell grammar is impossible.  This is consistent with Haskell's policy of
making life easy for programmers and hard for compiler writers :)


The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-29 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

One of our students just pointed out an IMHO rather
problematic clause in the layout rule.  In Section 2.7 of
the Haskell 98 Report it says,

  A close brace is also inserted whenever the syntactic
  category containing the layout list ends; that is, if an
  illegal lexeme is encountered at a point where a close
  brace would be legal, a close brace is inserted.

And in B.3, we have in the first equation of the definition
of `L',

  L (t:ts) (m:ms) = } : (L (t:ts) ms)   if parse-error(t)  (Note 1)

where Note 1 says,

  The side condition parse-error(t) is to be interpreted as
  follows: if the tokens generated so far by L together with
  the next token t represent an invalid prefix of the
  Haskell grammar, and the tokens generated so far by L
  followed by the token } represent a valid prefix of the
  Haskell grammar, then parse-error(t) is true.

What kind of implementation did the originators of this
clause envision?  If the layout rule is really implemented
as a filter between the scanner and the parser, it seems
extremely awkward to add a dependency on the error condition
of the parser - in particular, it makes a functional, ie,
side-effect free implementation rather hard and a true two
phase implementation impossible.  So, I guess (I hope!!) 
there is a nifty trick that lets you achieve the same effect
by using only conditions depending on local information
(either during layout processing or by letting the parser
insert the missing braces).



Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-29 Thread Ian Holyer

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Manuel says

 One of our students just pointed out an IMHO rather problematic clause in the  
layout rule ... So, I guess (I hope!!) there is a nifty trick that lets you
 achieve the same effect by using only conditions depending on local
 information ...

Attached is Haskell code which handles the layout rule reasonably well as a
separate pass between scanning and parsing (though it is Haskell 1.4 rather
than 98 and imperfect).
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="Layout.hs"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Layout.hs"


The layout function deals with the layout conventions of Haskell 1.4, inserting
extra "{", ";" and "}" tokens to represent implicit blocks.  The inserted
tokens are marked as implicit, and are inserted as early as possible in the
token stream, in order to promote well-phrased and well-positioned error
messages in case of trouble.  The layout function never fails; it is left up to
a parser to detect errors.

The Haskell standard says that a block (or layout list) is terminated "whenever
the syntactic category containing the layout list ends, that is, if an illegal
lexeme is encountered at a point where a close brace would be legal".  This can
only be implememented easily if layout processing is combined with parsing.
Here, layout processing is done separately, so an approximation to the standard
is achieved by keeping track of brackets.  See the end of this file for
examples where the layout function deviates from the standard.


-- "case" terminated by "where" may be common enough to make a special case
-- "case" terminated by "," may be worth dealing with
-- check that "let"s inside "do" (which don't have "in") are handled OK
-- check explicit blocks, and their interaction with implicit ones

Ian Holyer  @(#) $Id: Layout.hs,v 1.2 1998/10/26 15:18:39 ian Exp $

module Layout (layout) where

import Haskell
import Lex

-- Start layout processing.  If the source does not begin with "module" or "{",
-- then there is an implicit surrounding block.  Here and elsewhere, a
-- lookahead past possible comments is done so that a token can be inserted
-- before the comments if necessary; also, the end-of-file token makes it
-- unnecessary to check for an empty token stream.

layout :: [Token] - [Token]
layout ts =
   if s == "module" then comments ++ scanExplicit [] (tok:rest) else
   openBlock [] (Tok "}" 1 0 Implicit) ts
   comments = takeWhile isComment ts
   tok @ (Tok s r c k) : rest = dropWhile isComment ts

-- A stack of tokens is used to keep track of the surrounding blocks.  For each
-- block, its opening "{" token is pushed onto the stack.  In an implicit
-- block, the brackets "(",")" and "[","]" and "case","of" and "let","in" and
-- "if","then","else" are tracked by putting the opening bracket on the stack
-- until the matching closing bracket is found.  Each opening bracket is stored
-- on the stack with the indent for the current block in place of its actual
-- column.

type Stack = [Token]

-- Scan the source tokens while in an explicit block (or while not in any
-- blocks) when layout is inactive.  Look for an explicit close block token, or
-- a keyword which indicates the beginning of a new block. Treat field selector
-- as an explicit block.

scanExplicit :: Stack - [Token] - [Token]
scanExplicit stack [] = []
scanExplicit stack (t@(Tok s r c k) : ts1) = case s of
   "}" - t : closeBlock stack t ts1
   "where" - t : openBlock stack t ts1
   "let" - t : openBlock stack t ts1
   "do" - t : openBlock stack t ts1
   "of" - t : openBlock stack t ts1
   "{" - openBlock stack undefined (t:ts1)
   _ - t : scanExplicit stack ts1

-- Scan the source tokens while in an implicit block, with layout active.  The
-- parameters are the stack, the last token dealt with, and the remaining
-- tokens.  The block is terminated by indenting or by a suitable closing
-- bracket.  Treat field selector as an explicit block.

scanImplicit :: Stack - Token - [Token] - [Token]
scanImplicit stack@(Tok bs br bc bk : stack1) last@(Tok ls lr lc lk) ts =
   if c  bc || k == EndToken then close els

RE: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-29 Thread Malcolm Wallace

Manuel Chakravarty writes:
 What kind of implementation did the originators of this
 clause envision?  If the layout rule is really implemented
 as a filter between the scanner and the parser, it seems
 extremely awkward to add a dependency on the error condition
 of the parser - in particular, it makes a functional, ie,
 side-effect free implementation rather hard and a true two
 phase implementation impossible.

Simon Marlow replies:

 GHC and Hugs both make use of yacc-style error recovery, albeit in a very
 limited form.

And nhc uses parser combinators, which give you backtracking on error
conditions for free.  We actually do almost all layout processing at
the lexical stage, but where the parser expects a } and doesn't get
one, we just insert the }, and re-lex the remaining input.  I suppose
having to re-lex is a bit of a chore, but laziness comes to the rescue


Re: The dreaded layout rule

1999-07-29 Thread Mike Thyer

If the scanning stage pairs the tokens it returns with
their positions, then scanning can be done once before
parsing begins.  I've done this with a parser implemented
with parser combinators, these combinators then decide
whether or not to accept a token based on which token
it is and how far it is indented.  I think this means
the grammar being parsed is a context sensitive one,
since the state of the parser is represented by more than
just a single stack.  We need a stack telling us what to
do next, and a stack of indentation levels, although
the way in which these stacks grow and shrink is related
they could not be replaced by a single stack, so the
grammar is not context free.

Now that I write this, I think that we could combine these 
stacks as a stack of stacks, although this isn't how I did it.  
I don't think this satisfies the requirements for a context free 
grammar (CFG) but I don't have a definition to hand at the moment.


Simon Marlow wrote:
 I believe you're right in that a true two-phase implementation of 
 the Haskell grammar is impossible.  This is consistent with Haskell's 
 policy of making life easy for programmers and hard for compiler 
 writers :)

Layout rule confusion

1998-07-31 Thread Sven Panne

Is the following fragment legal Haskell? Section B.3 of the report is
not clear enough in this respect (at least for me  :-}

foo x = do
 case x of
  _ - return '?'

If it *is* legal, GHC is wrong and Hugs is correct, otherwise GHC is
right and Hugs is too liberal and its library contains some layout

Waiting for enlightment,
   Sven "Nitpick" Panne

Sven PanneTel.: +49/89/2178-2235
LMU, Institut fuer Informatik FAX : +49/89/2178-2211
LFE Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen  Oettingenstr. 67
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]D-80538 Muenchen

small wart in the Report's description of the layout rule

1997-11-07 Thread Carl R. Witty

The Haskell Report says:

To facilitate the use of layout at the top level of a module (an
implementation may allow several modules may reside in one file), the
keyword module and the end-of-file token are assumed to occur in
column 0 (whereas normally the first column is 1). Otherwise, all
top-level declarations would have to be indented.

I've read this many times without thinking about it; however, once I
thought about it, it doesn't make sense.  Following a module, the
keyword "module" is "an illegal lexeme...encountered at a point where
a close brace would be legal"; therefore, the close brace is properly
inserted no matter what column "module" occurs in.  Therefore, I
suggest that the above paragraph be removed from the Report.

Carl Witty