Re: Re: The case for a kdelibs 4.8

2011-09-30 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Divendres, 30 de setembre de 2011, Aaron J. Seigo vàreu escriure:
 On Thursday, September 29, 2011 23:57:56 Kevin Kofler wrote:
 none of these are critical feature additions. they elevate the usability of
 libplasma and are valuable, but we've lived just fine without these features
 to date.
 if we were working on and releasing a 4.8 version of kdelibs, our users
 would have to wait for these features until 4.8 was released (e.g. in
 january) and distributions made packages available to their users (often
 much later than that).
 instead, they'll have to wait until frameworks is ready. and this code can,
 and should, go into libplasma in the frameworks branch today.

I sincerely think you are being unfair here. The stuff you needed was merged 
in, and probably was more invasive than those features. You justify yourself 
in that it was developed before we knew 4.8 was not going to be there. I'd 
say that can easily qualify for Kevin too.


 Aaron J. Seigo
 humru othro a kohnu se
 GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
 KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks

Re: Re: The case for a kdelibs 4.8

2011-09-30 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Divendres, 30 de setembre de 2011, Alexander Neundorf vàreu escriure:
 On Thursday 29 September 2011, Andras Mantia wrote:
  On Thursday, September 29, 2011 21:43:34 Stefan Majewsky wrote:
   Without judging on the other arguments which look very reasonable to
   On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Kevin Kofler
2. It will be confusing to our users, and even to some
packagers, to
have a KDE SC 4.8 on kdelibs 4.7. [...]
   ...what exactly stops you from advertising kdelibs 4.7.x as version
   4.8? (And I mean advertise, so only the user-visible parts, not
   version numbers in .so files or whatever.)
  Now that would add a lot of confusion.
 Can the version number of kdelibs 4.7.x simply be increased to 4.8 when 4.8
 is branched ?
 It would have only bugfixes, but it seems it would make life simpler for
 some people.

As I already said in this thread, that is Dirk's plan as he stated in the 
Release Team BoF in Berlin.



Re: Re: Who relies on Soprano::Model::statement[s]Added|Removed signals?

2011-09-30 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Divendres, 30 de setembre de 2011, Sebastian Trüg vàreu escriure:
 of course this is for the frameworks thingi.

Oh, sorry for the misinterpretation.


 On 09/30/2011 07:09 PM, Sune Vuorela wrote:
  On 2011-09-30, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  A Divendres, 30 de setembre de 2011, Sebastian Trüg vàreu escriure:
  Hi lists,
  with frameworks in the building and Nepomuk probably going that
  direction already for 4.8 I would like to clean up a bit. One of
  cleanup tasks targets the Soprano::Model statement signals. So far
  these were the only way to get informed about changes in Nepomuk -
  with a very bad impact on performance and bad usability.
  With 4.7 we already introduced a preliminary version of the
  Nepomuk::ResourceWatcher[1] which is now in charge of informing
  about changes.
  I would like to anyone using the old API to change to the new
  ResourceWatcher as soon as possible because I would like to disable
  old signals soon. They simply entail to many problems and clutter
  the API. 
  Removing signals of what seems to be an existing public class/daemon
  is a very bad idea and you should wait until 5.0.
  Full ack.

Re: Re: kdelibs 4.8? What to do about GENERIC_LIB_VERSION?

2011-10-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dilluns, 3 d'octubre de 2011, Alexander Neundorf vàreu escriure:
 On Monday 03 October 2011, Allen Winter wrote:
  A lot of CMakeLists.txt use the ${GENERIC_LIB_VERSION} to set the so
  versioning of their libraries. That variable is hard-coded in
  If we rely on kdelibs-4.7 for the KDE SC 4.8 release, then all the
  libraries using ${GENERIC_LIB_VERSION} will be still set to 4.7.  for
  example the kdepimlbs kcalcore library will be versioned to 4.7.0
  of 4.8.0 in the KDE SC 4.8 release.
 How about simply increasing the version number to 4.8 ?
 This would also give the libs in kdelibs the version number 4.8, but I don't
 see a problem with that.

Third time in this thread. This is Dirk's plan all along.


  So... seems to me we will need a kdelibs 4.8 or perhaps we make
  kdelibs/cmake into a kde-buildsystem package
 We'll basically do this in the frameworks branch.

Re: Call for the next release codename to be Ritchie

2011-10-13 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 13 d'octubre de 2011, Ivan Čukić vàreu escriure:
 I guess I should have posted this to release team mailing list, but
 this way the topic will have more people involved.
 As you all (probably) know, Dennis Ritchie has passed away. In my
 opinion, we should somehow make tribute to him.
 I'm not sure the idea to name a release after him would be fitting,
 but that's the only thing I've came up with.

You want the release team for this ;-)



Re: [Kde-games-devel] Module layout proposal: Split kdegames-data from kdegames

2011-10-15 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Divendres, 14 d'octubre de 2011, Stefan Majewsky vàreu escriure:
 [@CC: please keep discussion on k-c-d and k-g-d only]
 Moin moin,
 I propose to move the data files from the kdegames module into a new
 kdegames-data module to
 1. facilitate the move of the remaining source code to Git (while a
 method of storing binary data files in Git efficiently is still being
 worked on) and
 2. enable developers to fetch and compile the kdegames source without
 having to download the data files again.

As I said before, I disagree with this, it imposes pain into regular 
contributors (as now I have to checkout two repos and install two instead of 
one and remember where things I want to commit are) in favour of the mythical 
drive-by contributor. And then again I do not see the benefit for the drive-by 
contributor since obviously he'll still need to checkout the data repository 
if he wants to make sure the patch he is making works.


Re: Re: Qt 4.8 QUrl.toLocalFile behavior change, impacts to KUrl (and friends)

2011-10-27 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 27 d'octubre de 2011, Thiago Macieira vàreu escriure:
 On Thursday, 27 de October de 2011 13:32:51 Rex Dieter wrote:
  See also,
  ( and )
  In Qt 4.8, QUrl.toLocalFile now seems, by design, to return NULL for
  lacking any scheme.  Discovered this the hard way figuring out why all
  audio knotifications were quiet.  Since audio event sources are simple
  filenames, e.g. KDE-K3B-Finish-Success.ogg, and
  QString soundFile = soundFileURL.toLocalFile();
  no longer works.
  Any suggestions or advice on how best to deal with this?
 As we discussed on IRC, any string source must be properly labelled whether
 they are a URL or they are a local file. They cannot be both.

Personally i find it another joke in the history of Qt, saying you maintain 
API and ABI (that you do) but then making functions behave totally different 
from one version to another is just plain useless.


 Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
   PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
   E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Re: Re: Qt 4.8 QUrl.toLocalFile behavior change, impacts to KUrl (and friends)

2011-10-27 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 27 d'octubre de 2011, Thiago Macieira vàreu escriure:
 On Thursday, 27 de October de 2011 22:31:15 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  Personally i find it another joke in the history of Qt, saying you
  maintain API and ABI (that you do) but then making functions behave
  totally different from one version to another is just plain useless.
 Right. So we should just not release updates, because fixing bugs changes

This is not what i meant, and you know it. But as it is obvious you do not 
want to have a constructive discussion, let's end it here.


 Good thinking. Call me when you get to make such decisions.
 Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
   PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
   E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Re: Re: Qt 4.8 QUrl.toLocalFile behavior change, impacts to KUrl (and friends)

2011-10-28 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Divendres, 28 d'octubre de 2011, Thiago Macieira vàreu escriure:
 On Friday, 28 de October de 2011 10:41:36 Sebastian Trüg wrote:
   So, to be honest, the bug already existed in your code if you're
   finding these problems now. I just made it blatantly clear, and
   it's been there for a  year for people to see.
   I'm also calling right now KUrl's fromPathOrUrl a fatally flawed
  Be that as it may but the fact remains that KDE potentially does not
  work with Qt 4.8. Is that really a risk worth taking? I am all for fixed
  semantics in the methods but this seems like a problematic case.
 Let me repeat: the problem already existed. This just made the broken code
 more evident. You should fix it ANYWAY.

Right, it was wrong if it had to accept user input but for internal hardcoded 
paths, it worked and now it does not.


 If you had a file path of:
   /tmp/Who let the dogs out?.mp3
 or/tmp/Mambo #5.mp3
 In Qt 4.7, toLocalFile on those URLs above would return:
   /tmp/Who let the dogs out
 and   /tmp/Mambo 
 Which is quite wrong already. From Qt 4.8 on, this returns empty in all
 cases, showing that you parsed the URL wrongly. It should be easier to spot
 where you made the mistake because you don't have to use specially-crafted
 Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
   PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
   E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Re: Re: Request: remove libkactivites from kdelibs (in experimental/)

2011-11-07 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dilluns, 7 de novembre de 2011, Aaron J. Seigo vàreu escriure:
 On Sunday, November 6, 2011 10:29:56 Allen Winter wrote:
  Do you mean to remove it from the kdelibs-4.7 branch?
  it should definitely be removed from kdelibs-master, if it hasn't been
 KDE/4.7 and master are currently the same thing. so i'm requesting removal
 from both, essentially.

I can see a problem with the next 4.7.x release then :-/ I mean i'm all for 
dropiing killing changing experimental libs, but not between 4.7.3 and 4.7.4

Maybe we should really resurrect the existence of a master 4.8?


 Aaron J. Seigo
 humru othro a kohnu se
 GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
 KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks

Re: Re: Review request for KSecretsService components

2011-11-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dimarts, 8 de novembre de 2011, Valentin Rusu vàreu escriure:
 Hello Again,
 The freeze will come in less thant two days now and I'd like to know if
 anyone reviewed these components.
 On 10/31/2011 11:48 PM, Valentin Rusu wrote:
  Please be advised three repostories need review before integration
  into the next release:
  1. /kdereview/ksecretservice
  2. kdelibs branch ksecretsservice
  3. /kdereview/ksecrets
  *1. /kdereview/ksecretservice*
  The first one has several subdirectories. The only relevant one is the
  daemon subdirectory. Other directories contents was already moved to
  other repositories (see below).
  This daemon directory contains the sources of the future
  It needs testing but it's quite usable.
  *2. kdelibs branch ksecretsservice*
  This is the API KDE applications will be supposed to use instead of
  KWallet class. Tools listed below already use this API.

This is scary, last time i used kwallet, i had to add a single line, and now 
there are like a billion of classes? Or is this API for more complex apps like 

My comments on the kdelibs API:
 - ksecretsservice/ksecretsservicecodec.h
  * Seems to be installed but has no documentation at all
  * Uses references for output parameters when KDE/Qt usually uses pointers
  * Does not use d-pointers thus maintaining ABI is going to be difficult

 - ksecretsservice/ksecretsservicecollection.h
  * I miss a note saying who belongs the ownsership of all those job that come 
as result of the getters. Do I have to delete them?
  * createItem falls in the let's use a bool instead of an enum because it 
just have two values trap for the replace parameter
  * There are a few of spacing glitches, e.g.
   const QVariantMap collectionProperties = QVariantMap(),
   const WId promptParentWindowId =0 );
  * There are a few not implemented signals

 - ksecretsservice/ksecretsservicedbustypes.h
   Contains a plain struct and some inline functions, what if those have to 

 - ksecretsservice/ksecretsserviceitem.h
  * Same question about ownership of jobs

 - ksecretsservice/ksecretsserviceitemjobs.h
  * Without having at all a clue on what it is used for, i miss a note saying
to who belongs the ownership of the SecretItem passed to the constructor
and returned in the secretItem() function, i.e. do i have to delete it 
  * SecretItemJob does not have a d-pointer
  * void finished( ItemJobError, const QString msg =); should probably be 
void finished( ItemJobError, const QString msg = QString());

 - ksecretsservice/ksecretsservicesecret.h
   Is installed and has no documentation


  Contains code depending on a configuration flag that directs calls to
  ksecretsserviced instead of kwalletd, via the new API.
  *3. /kdereview/ksecrets*
  Contains several tools in a less or more mature state:
  a. kwl2kss - tool to import kwallet files to ksecretsservice,
  b. ksecrets - tool to list the contents of a ksecretsservice
  collection (e.g. wallet),
  c. kio - KIO slave in a just started state, intended to show
  collections in konqueror or dolphin,
  d. secretsync - this was the tool I initially wanted to do for
  KWallet, but drought me into ksecretsservice :-)
  It's half way implemented.
  The mandatory components for next release would be 1, 2, 3 (a, b), the
  others may wait, but releasing them may cause no harm if communication
  is done right (I'll take care of that).
  Thanks for your comments (any comments),
 Valentin Rusu (IRC valir, KDE vrusu)
 KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

Re: Re: Review request for KSecretsService components

2011-11-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 10 de novembre de 2011, Valentin Rusu vàreu escriure:
 Hello Albert,
 Thanks for the thourough review.
 On 11/09/2011 03:26 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  This is scary, last time i used kwallet, i had to add a single line, and
  now there are like a billion of classes?
 Welcome to the asynchronous jobs world. I had the same opinion at start.
 And, to be honest, that's why it takes so long to implement, as I'm not
 working on it only during my spare time.

Are you saying you don't have anything as simple as this in the new API?

QString walletName = KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet();
KWallet::Wallet *wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(walletName, parentwid);
if ( !wallet-hasFolder( KPdf ) )
  wallet-createFolder( KPdf );
wallet-setFolder( KPdf );
wallet-readPassword( walletKey, retrievedPass )

 * createItem falls in the let's use a bool instead of an enum
 because it 
  just have two values trap for the replace parameter
 Well, I don't agree. When presenting a new item to the collection, you
 should specify to replace existing item or not. Yes/No is boolean for me.

That is the problem, that a boolean is Yes/No, and then you end up with a call 
that says
 foo-createItem(label, attributes, mySecret, false);
And it seems you do not want to create the item :D while
 foo-createItem(label, attributes, mySecret, DoNotReplace);
is much more obvious.
More on my side at

Of course that is a minor thing and won't complain too much if you decide to 
disagree with me ;-)


Re: Re: Review request for KSecretsService components

2011-11-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 10 de novembre de 2011, Valentin Rusu vàreu escriure:
 On 11/10/2011 12:48 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  A Dijous, 10 de novembre de 2011, Valentin Rusu vàreu escriure:
  Hello Albert,
  Thanks for the thourough review.
  On 11/09/2011 03:26 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  This is scary, last time i used kwallet, i had to add a single line,
  and now there are like a billion of classes?
  Welcome to the asynchronous jobs world. I had the same opinion at
  And, to be honest, that's why it takes so long to implement, as I'm
  working on it only during my spare time.
  Are you saying you don't have anything as simple as this in the new API?
  QString walletName = KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet();
  KWallet::Wallet *wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(walletName,
  parentwid); if ( !wallet-hasFolder( KPdf ) )
 wallet-createFolder( KPdf );
  wallet-setFolder( KPdf );
  wallet-readPassword( walletKey, retrievedPass )
 Yes, your code isn't asynchrounous ! (boo)

Yeah well, kparts gives you
  virtual bool openUrl( const KUrl url );
With that signature you are forced to either use synchronous code or create a 
nested event loop, pick your poison. 

 Well, I don't fully agree with this point of view, but in Randa they
 managed to convince me about the benefits.
 Take a look inside kwallet.cpp class to see how this new API should be used.
 Another example is the ksecrets API inside kdereview/ksecrets repository.

This answer makes me really scared in that it is not going to be 5 lines :-/

Ok, now i've looked at the API and I am not sure i like it, particulary 
nonQtlike seems the way of searching things by passing a map with a key/value 
structure of what you want to find.

I can see that it is very flexible, but string based api end up with people 
writing key instead of Key and they lose days debugging why it fails.

Also i'm a bit confused about the docu of 
SearchCollectionItemsJob * searchItems( const StringStringMap attributes );
it says 
 * KSecretsService uses overall the following standard attributes:
 * Label : item's or collection's label
so i understand that Label is the only key of the map that you can use, and 
then the example says
 * StrinStringMap attrs;
 * attrs[Key] = ;
and uses Key ? Does this mean Key is a valid attribute too and should be 
documented? Or should it say Label? Or i totally misunderstood the 
Also note it says StrinStringMap, missing g.


Re: Re: Review request for KSecretsService components

2011-11-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 10 de novembre de 2011, Valentin Rusu vàreu escriure:
 On 11/10/2011 01:00 AM, Valentin Rusu wrote:
  On 11/10/2011 12:48 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  * createItem falls in the let's use a bool instead of an
  because it
  just have two values trap for the replace parameter
  Well, I don't agree. When presenting a new item to the collection,
  should specify to replace existing item or not. Yes/No is boolean
  for me.
  That is the problem, that a boolean is Yes/No, and then you end up
  with a call
  that says
foo-createItem(label, attributes, mySecret, false);
  And it seems you do not want to create the item :D while
foo-createItem(label, attributes, mySecret, DoNotReplace);
  is much more obvious.
  More on my side at
  Ok,  I see. I'll change that.
 Well, In fact I changed my mind, as the enum must be a member of
 Collection class, but required to be used in the create job and nested
 enums cannot be forward declared. So that'll require to move the enum
 outside of the Collection class, leading to even uglier code.

There is a solution for this, the CreateCollectionItemJob constructor should 
accept a CreateCollectionItemJobPrivate instead of all the params (since i 
understand it does not make sense for me creating one directly and I will only 
get one thought Collection::createItem (reason to make it private too?)). This 
way you do not need a replace member in the constructor since Collection 
passes the CreateCollectionItemJobPrivate directly.

Probably the same argument for making the constructor private for all the 
other jobs applies too.


 So I'll
 stay with the boolean, wich also corresponds to the dbus
 interfaces spec, btw.
 Valentin Rusu (IRC valir, KDE vrusu)
 KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

Frameworks mailing list

2011-11-15 Thread Albert Astals Cid
In case someone is interested since it has never mentioned in this list, there 
is a frameworks mailing list at kde-frameworks-devel


Re: Re: Frameworks mailing list

2011-11-16 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dimecres, 16 de novembre de 2011, Thomas Friedrichsmeier vàreu escriure:
 On Wednesday 16 November 2011, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  In case someone is interested since it has never mentioned in this list,
  there is a frameworks mailing list at kde-frameworks-devel
 So why have this discussion on a separate list, at all? Isn't that just the
 sort of topic that kde-core-devel is for?

Have no idea, I just discovered the mailing list yesterday minutes before 
sending the e-mail.


 Just wondering...

Re: Re: Frameworks mailing list

2011-11-20 Thread Albert Astals Cid
A Dijous, 17 de novembre de 2011, Aaron J. Seigo vàreu escriure:
 On Wednesday, November 16, 2011 09:48:15 Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
  On Wednesday 16 November 2011, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
   In case someone is interested since it has never mentioned in this
   list, there is a frameworks mailing list at kde-frameworks-devel
  So why have this discussion on a separate list, at all? Isn't that just
  the sort of topic that kde-core-devel is for?
 i think this already came up once on this mailing list? maybe not.. in any
 the concern was that kde-core-devel is too prone to low-signal discussion,
 making communication and coordination difficult. those who started working
 on frameworks wanted somewhere they could coordinate in a high signal
 i was not sure i agreed with that approach, but i have to say that the last
 few threads on this topic on k-c-d have supported their point :(

This sounds like a If you are going to disagree we don't want you in mantra, 
which is kind of worrying.


 meanwhile, everyone on frameworks is also on k-c-d and frameworks is an open
 list ...
 Aaron J. Seigo
 humru othro a kohnu se
 GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
 KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks

Re: Review Request: Provide extra options for date keyword display in KDateComboBox

2011-11-20 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

This patch modifies the behaviour, maybe it is better if you change

And adapt the if accordingly?

This way there is no behaviour change at all and makes old users still work.

- Albert Astals Cid

On Nov. 10, 2011, 12:36 a.m., David Jarvie wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Nov. 10, 2011, 12:36 a.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs and John Layt.
 KDateComboBox provides the option to display a list of date keywords with the 
 date picker popup. These keywords currently show dates in the past, present 
 and future, together with a no date item. The no date item is a 
 particular problem since not only is it redundant - since there is already a 
 button in the line edit to clear the date value - but I suspect that many 
 applications will not accept a blank date as valid input.
 This patch adds two new enum values to allow applications to select which of 
 these date keywords are displayed: one enum value shows the no date item 
 which is now not shown by default, and another enum value hides dates in the 
 Currently in KAlarm, which I maintain, the display of date keywords is 
 disabled because dates in the past and blank dates are not valid values to 
 enter, and it would be confusing to users to offer them as options. This 
 patch will make it possible to display only present and future date keywords, 
 which will enable it to make use of date keywords.
   kdeui/widgets/kdatecombobox.h 63bf52f 
   kdeui/widgets/kdatecombobox.cpp fc239bc 
 Tested in KAlarm.
 David Jarvie

Re: adding a runtime dependency into KDELIBS

2011-11-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 23 de novembre de 2011, a les 00:00:29, Alex Fiestas va escriure:
 We're in the process of merging a review which will partly fix the sad
 situation of MTP/MPI/iPod devices in libsolid, the review I'm talking
 about is:
 This as far as I know was (is) working with the linux-deprecated HAL
 backend, so is something we urge to fix.
 This patch adds support for media-player-info which is basically what
 replaces some features HAL has in the new u* stuff.
 So, Can I give the ship it for this patch? can we add an optional
 runtime dependency to kdelibs 4.7.x ?

I don't see this adding any kind of dependency from the POV of code, that is, 
it does not do qprocess nor the likes, so can you explain what the optional 
runtime dependency means here?

Also Kevin's code looks like copied/duplicated aka bad stuff.



Re: adding a runtime dependency into KDELIBS

2011-11-24 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 24 de novembre de 2011, a les 15:57:22, Alex Fiestas va escriure:
 So, do have I have green light to give the ship it to this patch?
 Thanks and sorry for the mess of me not explaining :p

From what i can see it is a bug fix, it changes some code in solid and will 
not break horribly or work worse for those of us that to not have that 
dependency installed.

So if you are fine living with copied code from somewhere else, go for it.


Re: Hunspell offering Hebrew by default

2011-12-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 2 de desembre de 2011, a les 18:46:42, Steven Sroka va escriure:
 Just a question here.
 Why does Hunspell install the Hebrew dictionary by default? I'm
 running Chakra and I noticed that I had the option in System
 Settings-Locale-Spell Checker to use Hebrew even though I couldn't
 find a Hebrew package installed. Later I found out that the main
 Hunspell package offered the Hebrew dictionary.
 I'm just wondering because it seems out of place for an english

This message is out of topic in this list, we do not maintain hunspell nor 
chakra. Please find a more appropiate forum for this discussion.


Re: Review Request: Add git support to kdesdk: create_tarball.rb

2011-12-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Ship it!

The changes seem very minor, and from what i can see they will not break the 
svn support, so just go for it if it works for you. 

We can fix any new issues in git support as they arise.

- Albert Astals Cid

On Nov. 29, 2011, 4:42 p.m., Kåre Särs wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Nov. 29, 2011, 4:42 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs and Release Team.
 This patch adds git support to create_tarball.rb in kdesdk. The patch adds 
 two options to the ini file. The first one (gitModule) indicates that the 
 module is located in git and the second optional parameter (gitTag) defines 
 which tag to use for creating the release. (there is no group for kdesdk or 
   trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/createtarball/config.ini 1266277 
   trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/createtarball/create_tarball.rb 1266277 
 Kåre Särs

Re: Review Request: optimize kcolorscheme consting time: avoid calculating luma for the same colors multiple times

2011-12-06 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On Dec. 6, 2011, 5:58 p.m., Nick Shaforostoff wrote:
  I have an account called shaforo. i could push to kdepimlibs with it, but i 
  couldn't push to kdelibs. is it because  of lack of permissions?
 Alexander Potashev wrote:
 You need to clone the `kdelibs` repo from ``. 
 Check this in `kdelibs/.git/config` on your machine.

kdelibs master is frozen because of the frameworks effort. You either commit it 
to the frameworks branch and wait until it's released or convince us this is a 
bugfix (which seems to be) and commit it to the 4.7 branch.

- Albert

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On Dec. 6, 2011, 5:53 p.m., Nick Shaforostoff wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Dec. 6, 2011, 5:53 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs.
 pretty straightforward and small optimization of kde apps startup time:
 avoid calculating luma for the same colors multiple times.
 callgrind shows it is called 4503 times
 instead of 12087 at startup of kwrite, which is 1.5%.
   kdeui/colors/kcolorutils.cpp efe8cdd 
 kwrite starts fine with the new kdeui lib
 Nick Shaforostoff

Review Request: Make the action names of KRecentFilesAction not be extremely long

2011-12-08 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.


Cut the names of KRecentFilesAction to occupy as maximum 3/4 of screen space

This addresses bug 288473.


  kdeui/actions/krecentfilesaction.cpp 190b271 



Tried with short names, names that go inside the first if part and names that 
go inside the second if part, everything looks nice


Albert Astals Cid

Re: git and artworks issues

2011-12-20 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimarts, 20 de desembre de 2011, a les 20:18:17, Dirk Mueller va escriure:
 On Tuesday 20 December 2011, Davide Bettio wrote:
  As every year some artworks are changed according to the new default
  desktop background. This year I noticed some problems:
  1) kdm and ksplash default theme is part of kde-workspace. I need to
  update both, but if I do that I will have to commit about 20/30 MiB of
  PNGs making git clones bigger.
 Thats life, you need to push it there. We can decide to move it to other
 places after 4.8.0, but now it is a bit too late.
  2) I need to update kdeui/about backgrounds, but If I do that I will
  change backgrounds also for the KDE 4.7 branch.
 There are two possibilities:
 a)  create a kdelibs KDE/4.8 branch for this purpose. (plus the patch to
 make kdelibs 4.7 actually look like KDE 4.8, which I currently apply to the
 tarballs only (in kde-common/release/make-kdelibs-4.8.diff)

Yes please, create a KDE/4.8 branch too for kdelibs.


 b) add a tarball of artwork that I need to unpack in kdelibs prior to
 creating the actual release tarball to kde-common/release/* as well)
 For me, it would make most sense to create a KDE 4.8 branch in kdelibs, but
 I would like to have more input before I create the branch.
 Any opinions on this matter?
 release-team mailing list

Re: More devices into the Shortcut system...

2011-12-25 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 23 de desembre de 2011, a les 14:06:27, todd rme va escriure:
 On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimarts, 20 de desembre de 2011, a les 21:48:30, Rick Stockton va 
  It is time for us to Fish, or Cut Byte on two alternative ways to
  introduce Mouse-Oriented Shortcuts into Qt5 and KDE-Next:
  Todd RME has been suggesting a new design- oriented around DBUS.
  Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that coding. Todd, if your
  gets a more favorable review from THIS group, within the next few
  I'll try to assist you in your work (as best as I can; I'm definitely
  not the brightest person here.)
  As an alternative, I'm suggesting the idea of enhancing one or two of
  the existing classes: I'd prefer to enhance the current QShortCutEvent
  and QShortCut scheme, so that they can include Mouse Button events
  within a QKeySequence. (This will including the possibility of _only_
  one or more Mouse Buttons, with no keyboard event at all.) If that
  proves difficult, I could create new Classes to do this-- but I think
  can use the 'hasExtendedInfo' trick which one of the smart Qt guys has
  used to handle a variety of Signatures in the  QtMouseEvent() code. I
  can work with *this* stuff on my own.
  Please give opinions soon, as we have only 3-5 weeks before the Qt5
  goes into soft freeze. After we have Mouse Buttons done, the same
  could be extended to handle other input devices (joystick, multitouch,
  and so on.)
  After reading this mail i feel like i don't have all the information to
  give an opinion since i did not get any pointer to learn what is the
  Todd RME DBUS design.
 Please take a look here:
 Or here:

Those are two longs walls of text :D

 The short version of the idea is to extend the existing dbus-based
 keyboard shortcut system to allow developers to support other devices
 besides just keyboards.  Users would be able to install plug-ins that
 provide button press events from other devices besides just keyboards.
 The dbus service would be very simple and generic, just providing a
 way to register or unregister devices and receive button press events
 from the plugins.  Things like configuring devices, deciding how to
 name the button presses, making sure devices of a particular type
 (like multiple keyboards) don't conflict, and other such issues would
 be handled by the plugins in whatever way is appropriate for the
 The plugins wouldn't have to be physical devices, either.  They could
 be things like voice recognition (such as simon), time-based triggers,
 even online signals.  If someone wants to provide shortcut events for
 something, they just need to write the appropriate plugin.  Of course
 none of the plugins would actually do anything unless the user
 specifically associates an event with a shortcut, and button presses
 would be tied to individual plugins so no plugin could steal the
 shortcuts of another plugin.
 The idea would be that systems like kremotecontrol, simon, even games
 looking to use joysticks buttons, could all work through the same
 interface, instead of needing the half-dozen or so radically different
 shortcut systems and user interfaces we have now.
 Initially (i.e. for frameworks 5) this could all be behind-the-scenes
 changes.  Basically just create the dbus interface and port the
 keyboard handler to use it.  Once that is done, support for additional
 devices and changes in the gui to support them could come later.

Ok, so after half reading the walls of text and this email what i think that 
actually what you and Rick suggest are different but not exclusive, Rick 
suggests improving existing Qt classes so they can handle a few more cases, 
you suggest creating a new plugabble framework to handle everything, if i 
was to choose i'd choose both :D But obviously i'm not the one choosing since 
i'm not the one doing the coding nor I am an expert in the field.



Re: Review Request: Add KFontDialog-setSampleText()

2012-01-01 Thread Albert Astals Cid

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As far as i understand, this is new api and has to go into frameworks only, not 
4.8 since that's basically just a bugfixed 4.7.x

- Albert Astals Cid

On Dec. 8, 2011, 4:11 a.m., Kurt Hindenburg wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Dec. 8, 2011, 4:11 a.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs.
 Currently there is no way to  change the sample text in KFontDialog.  I would 
 like to change the sample text in Konsole to display characters that may 
 appear similar in some fonts (iIlLoO0).
   kdeui/fonts/kfontdialog.h 371345e 
   kdeui/fonts/kfontdialog.cpp efd6a35 
 Compiled on master branch and testing in Konsole.
 Kurt Hindenburg

Re: Review Request: Port shutdown dialog to QML

2012-01-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Some of your QtQuick imports are 1.0 and some others 1.1, i guess some 
consistency there would be nice

You need to extract the i18n messages from the qml files

And having the keyboard not working seems like a huge regression for my own 
usecase ;-)


no variable for kdeclarative?


make theme const , not just 

- Albert Astals Cid

On Jan. 3, 2012, 5:34 p.m., Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 3, 2012, 5:34 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps and KDE Runtime.
 Port the shutdown dialog to QML. Two QML themes are included: default, which 
 mimics the current shutdown dialog look  fell, and countour, which is used 
 in Plasma Active.
   ksmserver/CMakeLists.txt 295b96e 
   ksmserver/shutdown.cpp 7fd1e11 
   ksmserver/shutdowndlg.h e5f0942 
   ksmserver/shutdowndlg.cpp a09a1a7 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/ContourButton.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/ContextMenu.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/KSMButton.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/MenuItem.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
 Works in Plasma Active Two using MeeGo image and KDE SC 4.8. It does not work 
 in 4.7.x because the patch requires kde-runtime 4.8's declarative imports.
 There is still one bug left: keyboard nagivation works with TAB, BACKSPACE, 
 and arrow-keys, but only the TAB key works at first. You always have to press 
 the TAB key at least once for the other keys to work for navigation. The 
 first TAB press only activates the navigation, you still need a second press 
 to actually move focus to the next element.
 Lamarque Vieira Souza

ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
My little kded daemon that listens to XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and enables 
disables the touchpad accordingly has been moved to kdereview.

My plan is moving it to extragear, not really sure if -base or -utils.

The code doesn't have a kcm or any kind of configuration since it is designed 
to just work.

I'd appreciate any review or suggestion over it.


Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 01:53:13, Christoph Feck va escriure:
 On Wednesday 04 January 2012 00:28:11 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  My little kded daemon that listens to XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and
  enables disables the touchpad accordingly has been moved to
  My plan is moving it to extragear, not really sure if -base or
  The code doesn't have a kcm or any kind of configuration since it
  is designed to just work.
  I'd appreciate any review or suggestion over it.
 I cannot test it because I have no touchpad, but if it is supposed to
 just work without any UI, I suggest to just add it to khotkeys or
 kaccel daemon (whichever of them is used for global shortcuts), so
 that we do not filter global X11 keyboard events twice.

I don't really see any point in doing that, nothing can be shared between them 
and the existing ktouchpadenabler so instead of one simple codebase (166 lines 
with 20 of headers) you end up adding more complexity to existing programs 
(probably integrating the code in the existing programs would be more than 166 


 Please ask Michael Jansen or Lubos Lunak for help integrating it.

Re: Review Request: Port shutdown dialog to QML

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On Jan. 3, 2012, 9:38 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  Some of your QtQuick imports are 1.0 and some others 1.1, i guess some 
  consistency there would be nice
  You need to extract the i18n messages from the qml files
  And having the keyboard not working seems like a huge regression for my own 
  usecase ;-)
 Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
 All QtQuick imports in Contour theme are 1.0, all QtQuick imports in 
 default theme are 1.1. Why Contour theme should use 1.1 if it is not 
 required? They are independent implementations.
 How do I extract i18n messages in qml files? Is there any guide for that?
 The keyboard works, you just need to press the TAB key once to activate 
 it, then you can use the TAB, SHIFT+TAB and arrow-keys to navigate and ENTER 
 or BAR to click the button. I have not figure out why the first TAB is 
 Christoph Feck wrote:
 Try Qt::StrongFocus, maybe it forces activation of the view.
 Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
 It did not work but I have found what I did wrong, or more precisely 
 forgot to do. In the original implementation the focus was on the dialog, but 
 now the focus must go to the QML view. Not it works.

 How do I extract i18n messages in qml files?
Just add your *.qml files to the since the syntax is like the C++ 
one it shall hopefully work

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Jan. 4, 2012, 5:03 p.m., Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 4, 2012, 5:03 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps and KDE Runtime.
 Port the shutdown dialog to QML. Two QML themes are included: default, which 
 mimics the current shutdown dialog look  fell, and countour, which is used 
 in Plasma Active.
   ksmserver/shutdowndlg.cpp a09a1a7 
   ksmserver/shutdowndlg.h e5f0942 
   ksmserver/shutdown.cpp 7fd1e11 
   ksmserver/CMakeLists.txt 295b96e 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/ContourButton.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/screenshot.png PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/ContextMenu.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/KSMButton.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/MenuItem.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/screenshot.png PRE-CREATION 
 Works in Plasma Active Two using MeeGo image and KDE SC 4.8. It does not work 
 in 4.7.x because the patch requires kde-runtime 4.8's declarative imports.
 There is still one bug left: keyboard nagivation works with TAB, BACKSPACE, 
 and arrow-keys, but only the TAB key works at first. You always have to press 
 the TAB key at least once for the other keys to work for navigation. The 
 first TAB press only activates the navigation, you still need a second press 
 to actually move focus to the next element.
 Lamarque Vieira Souza

Re: Review Request: kcm-grub2

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimarts, 3 de gener de 2012, a les 16:47:51, Konstantinos Smanis va 
 kcm-grub2 has been in kdereview for months. It would be great if it
 could be moved back or forth. I am planning a new release soon, I
 wouldn't like to abuse kdereview.

If noone raised extra comments and you fixed the ones that were made there is 
no need for an extra approval, just move it to the extragear module you want 
and that's it.



Re: Review Request: kcm-grub2

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 20:32:11, Konstantinos Smanis va 
 On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 20:15, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimarts, 3 de gener de 2012, a les 16:47:51, Konstantinos Smanis va
  kcm-grub2 has been in kdereview for months. It would be great if it
  could be moved back or forth. I am planning a new release soon, I
  wouldn't like to abuse kdereview.
  If noone raised extra comments and you fixed the ones that were made
  there is no need for an extra approval, just move it to the extragear
  module you want and that's it.
 Perhaps a sysadmin could do it?

Perhaps if you create the proper request in the place syadmins look for work 




Re: Review Request: Port shutdown dialog to QML

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On Jan. 3, 2012, 9:38 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  ksmserver/CMakeLists.txt, line 57
  no variable for kdeclarative?
 Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
 There is one in shutdowndlg.cpp, in KSMShutdownDlg's constructor.

I mean cmake variable like ${SOMETHING_SOMETHING}

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Jan. 4, 2012, 6:41 p.m., Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 4, 2012, 6:41 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps and KDE Runtime.
 Port the shutdown dialog to QML. Two QML themes are included: default, which 
 mimics the current shutdown dialog look  fell, and countour, which is used 
 in Plasma Active.
   ksmserver/CMakeLists.txt 295b96e 
   ksmserver/ 0aa8bab 
   ksmserver/shutdown.cpp 7fd1e11 
   ksmserver/shutdowndlg.h e5f0942 
   ksmserver/shutdowndlg.cpp a09a1a7 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/ContourButton.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/contour/screenshot.png PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/ContextMenu.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/KSMButton.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/MenuItem.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
   ksmserver/themes/default/screenshot.png PRE-CREATION 
 Works in Plasma Active Two using MeeGo image and KDE SC 4.8. It does not work 
 in 4.7.x because the patch requires kde-runtime 4.8's declarative imports.
 . implement something equivalent to QLabel's accelerators.
 . check if there are bugs in that could be solved by this patch.
 Lamarque Vieira Souza

Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 20:15:27, Thomas Lübking va escriure:
 Am 04.01.2012, 18:51 Uhr, schrieb Albert Astals Cid
  I don't really see any point in doing that, nothing can be shared
  between them
  and the existing ktouchpadenabler so instead of one simple codebase (166
  with 20 of headers) you end up adding more complexity to existing
  (probably integrating the code in the existing programs would be more
  than 166
 I guess what Christoph meant was to avoid having another XSelect daemon.

It's not another daemon, it's a kded module.

 I've not seen the code (and deleted the original mail in case it's linked
 there - winkwink) 

Do i need to say that ktouchpadenabler is in kde:ktouchpadenabler?

 but my approach would be to have a tool to be invoked
 when something happens, rather than adding yet another keyboard event
 listening daemon bound to a very specific event.

That'd mean doing udev stuff and the like probably, i'll pass on that.
 Actually I've a setup a udev rule to simply fix things whenever I
 un/plug a mouse (not sure what or where that particular key is)

That has nothing to do with what ktouchpadenabler does.



Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 23:40:26, David Faure va escriure:
 On Wednesday 04 January 2012 18:51:44 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 01:53:13, Christoph Feck va 
   On Wednesday 04 January 2012 00:28:11 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
My little kded daemon that listens to XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and
enables disables the touchpad accordingly has been moved to

My plan is moving it to extragear, not really sure if -base or

The code doesn't have a kcm or any kind of configuration since
is designed to just work.

I'd appreciate any review or suggestion over it.
   I cannot test it because I have no touchpad, but if it is supposed
   just work without any UI, I suggest to just add it to khotkeys
   kaccel daemon (whichever of them is used for global shortcuts), so
   that we do not filter global X11 keyboard events twice.
  I don't really see any point in doing that, nothing can be shared
  them and the existing ktouchpadenabler so instead of one simple codebase
  (166 lines with 20 of headers) you end up adding more complexity to
  existing programs (probably integrating the code in the existing
  would be more than 166 lines).
 IMHO this isn't about the number of lines of code, but about the runtime
 performance (how many process to wake up when pressing a key).

khotkeys is already a kded module, so there won't be no more processes waking 
up now than before by adding a new kded module.

 kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?

It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle, as it doesn't i'd need to 
introduce a big ignore all the workflow of kglobalaccel for this special key 
since kglobalaccel only understands Qt keys (see KGlobalAccelImpl::grabKey).


Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 21:55:36, Lamarque V. Souza va 
 Em Wednesday 04 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
  El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 23:40:26, David Faure va escriure:
   On Wednesday 04 January 2012 18:51:44 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 01:53:13, Christoph Feck
 On Wednesday 04 January 2012 00:28:11 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  My little kded daemon that listens to
  XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and
  enables disables the touchpad accordingly has been moved
  My plan is moving it to extragear, not really sure if
  -base or
  The code doesn't have a kcm or any kind of configuration
  is designed to just work.
  I'd appreciate any review or suggestion over it.
 I cannot test it because I have no touchpad, but if it is
 just work without any UI, I suggest to just add it to
 kaccel daemon (whichever of them is used for global
 shortcuts), so that we do not filter global X11 keyboard
 events twice.

I don't really see any point in doing that, nothing can be
them and the existing ktouchpadenabler so instead of one simple
codebase (166 lines with 20 of headers) you end up adding more
complexity to existing programs (probably integrating the code
in the
existing programs
would be more than 166 lines).
   IMHO this isn't about the number of lines of code, but about the
   runtime performance (how many process to wake up when pressing a
  khotkeys is already a kded module, so there won't be no more processes
  waking up now than before by adding a new kded module.
   kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?
  It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle, as it doesn't i'd
  need to introduce a big ignore all the workflow of kglobalaccel for
  this special key since kglobalaccel only understands Qt keys (see
   In your blog (
 and.html) you said your patch against Qt was accepted. I thought your patch
 would add XF86XK_TouchpadToggle support to Qt and then there would be no
 need for this kded module. If we patch Qt we could add the support for a
 key as one #define and one enumerate per key in
 kdelibs/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp with no runtime overhead. I also
 created the patch for that, it works for me. I have never sent my patch to
 Qt because the upstream bug
 ( has been ignored for
 almost two years now, nobody seems to care about the bug.

My patch patch was accepted in Qt5, noone is going to accept stuff like that 
for Qt 4.8. As far as i can see my patch already includes your changes.


   My question is: since you know how to send patches to Qt's repository
 wouldn't be better just send my patch upstream (it is here and just apply my second patch
 to kdelibs? My second patch is attached.

Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 00:56:38, David Faure va escriure:
 On Thursday 05 January 2012 00:17:33 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  khotkeys is already a kded module, so there won't be no more processes
  waking  up now than before by adding a new kded module.
 Ah, OK.
   kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?
  It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle, as it doesn't i'd
  need to  introduce a big ignore all the workflow of kglobalaccel for
  this special key since kglobalaccel only understands Qt keys (see
 Sounds like the Qt5 solution is clear then: adding a Qt key for that X
 keysym. Should be pretty forward.

That's done, but we don't use Qt5 yet ;-)


Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 01:36:08, Christoph Feck va escriure:
 On Thursday 05 January 2012 00:17:33 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 23:40:26, David Faure va
   kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?
  It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle
 Bummer, you are right, didn't think of that. Still I see no reason why
 it shouldn't be part of kdebase, so make sure you get this into 4.9
 feature plan. To me, this sounds like basic functionality, similar to
 brightness or volume keys on notebooks. They should just work. And I
 am pretty sure all those keys work on GNOME out-of-the-box.
 Until then, extragear is fine, if you do not want it in playground. I
 would suggest extragear/base, that's where the wacomtablet stuff
 lives, too.

Ok, i'll move it to extragear/base and then make a release and then move it 
somewhere in kdebase, is that fine with you?


 Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
 KDE Quality Team

Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 21:35:18, Lamarque V. Souza va escriure:
 Em Thursday 05 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
  El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 21:55:36, Lamarque V. Souza va
   Em Wednesday 04 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 23:40:26, David Faure va
 On Wednesday 04 January 2012 18:51:44 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 01:53:13,
  Christoph Feck

   On Wednesday 04 January 2012 00:28:11 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
My little kded daemon that listens to
XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and
enables disables the touchpad accordingly has
been moved

My plan is moving it to extragear, not really
sure if
-base or

The code doesn't have a kcm or any kind of
is designed to just work.

I'd appreciate any review or suggestion over it.
   I cannot test it because I have no touchpad, but if
   it is
   just work without any UI, I suggest to just add it
   kaccel daemon (whichever of them is used for
   shortcuts), so that we do not filter global X11
   events twice.
  I don't really see any point in doing that, nothing can
  them and the existing ktouchpadenabler so instead of one
  codebase (166 lines with 20 of headers) you end up
  adding more
  complexity to existing programs (probably integrating
  the code
  in the
  existing programs
  would be more than 166 lines).
 IMHO this isn't about the number of lines of code, but about
 runtime performance (how many process to wake up when
 pressing a

khotkeys is already a kded module, so there won't be no more
processes waking up now than before by adding a new kded

 kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?

It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle, as it
doesn't i'd need to introduce a big ignore all the workflow of
kglobalaccel for this special key since kglobalaccel only
understands Qt keys (see KGlobalAccelImpl::grabKey).
 In your blog
   and.html) you said your patch against Qt was accepted. I thought
   patch would add XF86XK_TouchpadToggle support to Qt and then there
   would be no need for this kded module. If we patch Qt we could add
   the support for a key as one #define and one enumerate per key in
   kdelibs/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp with no runtime overhead. I
   created the patch for that, it works for me. I have never sent my
   to Qt because the upstream bug
   ( has been
   ignored for almost two years now, nobody seems to care about the
  My patch patch was accepted in Qt5, noone is going to accept stuff like
  that for Qt 4.8. As far as i can see my patch already includes your
   Ok  then, I have heard Qt 4 is done from other sources as well. You
 should change ktouchpadenabler to something else since probably there are
 other keys that it can also handle. For example the other four keys
 mentioned in

I am not sure what XF86New has to do with touchpad handling, can you clarify?


Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 21:59:10, Lamarque V. Souza va escriure:
 Em Thursday 05 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
  El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 21:35:18, Lamarque V. Souza va
   Em Thursday 05 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 21:55:36, Lamarque V.
Souza va

 Em Wednesday 04 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
  El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 23:40:26, David
  Faure va
   On Wednesday 04 January 2012 18:51:44 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 01:53:13,
Christoph Feck
 On Wednesday 04 January 2012 00:28:11 Albert Astals Cid 
  My little kded daemon that listens to
  XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and
  enables disables the touchpad
  accordingly has
  been moved
  My plan is moving it to extragear, not
  sure if
  -base or
  The code doesn't have a kcm or any kind
  is designed to just work.
  I'd appreciate any review or suggestion
  over it.
 I cannot test it because I have no touchpad,
 but if
 it is
 just work without any UI, I suggest to
 just add it
 kaccel daemon (whichever of them is used
 shortcuts), so that we do not filter global
 events twice.

I don't really see any point in doing that,
nothing can
them and the existing ktouchpadenabler so
instead of one
codebase (166 lines with 20 of headers) you end
adding more
complexity to existing programs (probably
the code
in the
existing programs
would be more than 166 lines).
   IMHO this isn't about the number of lines of code,
   but about
   runtime performance (how many process to wake up
   pressing a
  khotkeys is already a kded module, so there won't be no
  processes waking up now than before by adding a new kded
   kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?
  It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle, as
  doesn't i'd need to introduce a big ignore all the
  workflow of
  kglobalaccel for this special key since kglobalaccel
  understands Qt keys (see KGlobalAccelImpl::grabKey).
   In your blog
 and.html) you said your patch against Qt was accepted. I
 patch would add XF86XK_TouchpadToggle support to Qt and then
 would be no need for this kded module. If we patch Qt we
 could add
 the support for a key as one #define and one enumerate per
 key in
 kdelibs/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp with no runtime
 overhead. I
 created the patch for that, it works for me. I have never
 sent my
 to Qt because the upstream bug
 ( has
 ignored for almost two years now, nobody seems to care about

My patch patch was accepted in Qt5, noone is going to accept
stuff like that for Qt 4.8. As far as i can see my patch
already includes your changes.
 Ok  then, I have heard Qt 4 is done from other sources as well.
   should change ktouchpadenabler to something else since probably
   there are other keys that it can also handle. For example the other
   four keys mentioned in 
  I am not sure what XF86New has to do with touchpad handling, can you
   That is my point, your daemon enables unknown keysyms so that they can
 ben be used in KDE programs. It can be more generic than just enabling

No, my daemon is for enabling the touchpad, that's all.

If you want to do something else, feel free to do it, but making my daemon do 
other stuff than enabling the touchpad will make the code more complex to the 
point that I no longer want to develop that, if you want to fork my code and 
take ownership of that more complex code to support more stuff, be my guest.

 there are other keys users want to enable. For example your daemon
 handles only the XF86XK_TouchpadToggle keysym, I think it should also
 handle XF86XK_TouchpadOn

Re: ktouchpadenabler moved to kdereview

2012-01-06 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 6 de gener de 2012, a les 01:09:40, Albert Astals Cid va 
 El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 21:59:10, Lamarque V. Souza va 
  Em Thursday 05 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
   El Dijous, 5 de gener de 2012, a les 21:35:18, Lamarque V. Souza va
Em Thursday 05 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
 El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 21:55:36, Lamarque V.
 Souza va
  Em Wednesday 04 January 2012, Albert Astals Cid escreveu:
   El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les 23:40:26,
   Faure va

On Wednesday 04 January 2012 18:51:44 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 El Dimecres, 4 de gener de 2012, a les
 Christoph Feck
  On Wednesday 04 January 2012 00:28:11
  Albert Astals Cid
   My little kded daemon that listens
   XF86XK_TouchpadToggle and
   enables disables the touchpad
   accordingly has
   been moved
   My plan is moving it to extragear,
   sure if
   -base or
   The code doesn't have a kcm or any
   is designed to just work.
   I'd appreciate any review or
   over it.
  I cannot test it because I have no
  but if
  it is
  just work without any UI, I suggest to
  just add it
  kaccel daemon (whichever of them is
  shortcuts), so that we do not filter
  events twice.
 I don't really see any point in doing that,
 nothing can
 them and the existing ktouchpadenabler so
 instead of one
 codebase (166 lines with 20 of headers) you
 adding more
 complexity to existing programs (probably
 the code
 in the
 existing programs
 would be more than 166 lines).

IMHO this isn't about the number of lines of
but about
runtime performance (how many process to wake up
pressing a
   khotkeys is already a kded module, so there won't be
   processes waking up now than before by adding a new
kglobalaccel seems quite suitable indeed, no?
   It would, if Qt had a key for XF86XK_TouchpadToggle,
   doesn't i'd need to introduce a big ignore all the
   workflow of
   kglobalaccel for this special key since
   understands Qt keys (see KGlobalAccelImpl::grabKey).
  In your blog
  and.html) you said your patch against Qt was accepted. I
  patch would add XF86XK_TouchpadToggle support to Qt and
  would be no need for this kded module. If we patch Qt we
  could add
  the support for a key as one #define and one enumerate
  key in
  kdelibs/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp with no runtime
  overhead. I
  created the patch for that, it works for me. I have
  sent my
  to Qt because the upstream bug
  ( has
  ignored for almost two years now, nobody seems to care
 My patch patch was accepted in Qt5, noone is going to accept
 stuff like that for Qt 4.8. As far as i can see my patch
 already includes your changes.

Ok  then, I have heard Qt 4 is done from other sources as

should change ktouchpadenabler to something else since probably
there are other keys that it can also handle. For example the
four keys mentioned in
   I am not sure what XF86New has to do with touchpad handling, can you
  That is my point, your daemon enables unknown keysyms so that they can
  ben be used in KDE programs. It can be more generic than just enabling
 No, my daemon is for enabling the touchpad, that's all.
 If you want to do something

Review Request: Write to the correct xmlFile in KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText()

2012-01-28 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.


KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText() was assuming that the xmlgui file it 
had to write was
  KGlobal::mainComponent.componentName() + ui.rc;
which is obviously wrong since we have a setXMLFile function for a reason.

I tried using 
directly but in Okular we use the same the same toolbar name defined in two xml 
files, so that still did not work because this means we end up with just one 
KToolbar (yes i know that might be a misuse of the API).

So i ended up going through the actioncollections to find the action and get 
the correct client from there.

This addresses bug 292574.


  kdeui/widgets/ktoolbar.cpp cce242b 



Fixes the issue in Okular, i tested it does still work with Kate that is using 
the ui.rc scheme.


Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Report file errors when extracting files using karchive

2012-01-28 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:


Needs doxygen documentation

- Albert Astals Cid

On Jan. 28, 2012, 12:09 p.m., Theofilos Intzoglou wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 28, 2012, 12:09 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs.
 A simple patch to check if something goes wrong when extracting files from an 
 archive. You can read the error code using copyToErrorCode()
   kdecore/io/karchive.h 7cd7c0c 
   kdecore/io/karchive.cpp 86d61d5 
 Theofilos Intzoglou

Re: Review Request: Add recentdocuments:/ kio slave to kde-runtime.

2012-02-02 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

You need a to extract your i18n calls so that they can be translated


That kdelibs4 does not make sense, you need your own translation catalog, 
loading the kdelibs4 catalog only won't help


Why 4 maxInstances?

- Albert Astals Cid

On Feb. 2, 2012, 3:23 p.m., Xuetian Weng wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Feb. 2, 2012, 3:23 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Runtime.
 Add recentdocuments:/ kio slave to kde-runtime.
 Did some little rename recentdocument - recentdocuments, based on
   kioslave/CMakeLists.txt f3d5b00 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/CMakeLists.txt PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocuments.h PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocuments.cpp PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocuments.protocol PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocumentsnotifier.h PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocumentsnotifier.cpp PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocumentsnotifier.desktop PRE-CREATION 
 Works for me.
 Xuetian Weng

Re: Review Request: Add recentdocuments:/ kio slave to kde-runtime.

2012-02-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:


it's not unused ;-)

- Albert Astals Cid

On Feb. 5, 2012, 5:28 a.m., Xuetian Weng wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Feb. 5, 2012, 5:28 a.m.)
 Review request for KDE Runtime.
 Add recentdocuments:/ kio slave to kde-runtime.
 Did some little rename recentdocument - recentdocuments, based on
   kioslave/CMakeLists.txt f3d5b00 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/CMakeLists.txt PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/ PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocuments.h PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocuments.cpp PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocuments.protocol PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocumentsnotifier.h PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocumentsnotifier.cpp PRE-CREATION 
   kioslave/recentdocuments/recentdocumentsnotifier.desktop PRE-CREATION 
 Works for me.
 Xuetian Weng

Re: Review Request: Fix KConfigDialogManager fails to handle subclasses of QComboBox with custom property

2012-02-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Feb. 9, 2012, 11:28 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs, Eike Hein, Christoph Feck, and Jeremy Paul Whiting.

--- broke subclasses of QComboBox that 
have a USER property like KColorCombo, this patch reverts this change and 
introduces a different code path to ignore the USER property of QComboBox and 
KComboBox and make it use our custom code.

This addresses bug 293702.

Diffs (updated)

  kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt 63788f6 
  kdeui/tests/kconfigdialog_unittest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  kdeui/dialogs/kconfigdialogmanager.cpp 0890c0b 



Ran the attached test, everything worked.

Without moving the
 userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
the KColorCombo fails

Without adding the 
 s_propertyMap-insert( KComboBox,  );
the editable KComboBox fails


Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Fix KConfigDialogManager fails to handle subclasses of QComboBox with custom property

2012-02-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Feb. 9, 2012, 11:28 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs, Ben Cooksley, Eike Hein, Christoph Feck, and Jeremy 
Paul Whiting.

--- broke subclasses of QComboBox that 
have a USER property like KColorCombo, this patch reverts this change and 
introduces a different code path to ignore the USER property of QComboBox and 
KComboBox and make it use our custom code.

This addresses bug 293702.


  kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt 63788f6 
  kdeui/tests/kconfigdialog_unittest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  kdeui/dialogs/kconfigdialogmanager.cpp 0890c0b 



Ran the attached test, everything worked.

Without moving the
 userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
the KColorCombo fails

Without adding the 
 s_propertyMap-insert( KComboBox,  );
the editable KComboBox fails


Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Fix KConfigDialogManager fails to handle subclasses of QComboBox with custom property

2012-02-12 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On Feb. 10, 2012, 12:01 a.m., Christoph Feck wrote:
  Thanks Albert for looking at it. Not sure if I understand everything 
  correctly, but what happens, when I have a subclass of Q/KComboBox, that 
  does not have its own user property?
  I am considering the following possible cases:
  1) plain QComboBox
  2) subclassed QComboBox without custom user property
  3) subclassed QComboBox with custom user property
  4) plain KComboBox
  5) subclassed KComboBox without custom user property
  6) subclassed KComboBox with custom user property (e.g. KColorCombo)
  For 1) 2) 4) 5) it should ignore the new 4.8 user property, and use our 
  custom code.
  For 3) 6) it should respect the custom user property.
  If I am following code paths correctly, the patch fails for cases 2) and 
  5). It does not find the class name in the map, falls back to user property 
  (what Qt provides now since 4.8), and thus not handle our custom code.

what happens, when I have a subclass of Q/KComboBox, that does not have its 
own user property?
I don't think that needs to be a supported use case at all, i.e. if you don't 
tell KConfigDialogManager how to support your class, how are you expecting it 
to work? By magic?

Thus 2) and 5) are non-issues in my opinion

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Feb. 9, 2012, 11:28 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Feb. 9, 2012, 11:28 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs, Ben Cooksley, Eike Hein, Christoph Feck, and 
 Jeremy Paul Whiting.
 --- broke subclasses of QComboBox that 
 have a USER property like KColorCombo, this patch reverts this change and 
 introduces a different code path to ignore the USER property of QComboBox and 
 KComboBox and make it use our custom code.
 This addresses bug 293702.
   kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt 63788f6 
   kdeui/tests/kconfigdialog_unittest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
   kdeui/dialogs/kconfigdialogmanager.cpp 0890c0b 
 Ran the attached test, everything worked.
 Without moving the
  userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
 the KColorCombo fails
 Without adding the 
  s_propertyMap-insert( KComboBox,  );
 the editable KComboBox fails
 Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Fix KConfigDialogManager fails to handle subclasses of QComboBox with custom property

2012-02-20 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On Feb. 10, 2012, 12:01 a.m., Christoph Feck wrote:
  Thanks Albert for looking at it. Not sure if I understand everything 
  correctly, but what happens, when I have a subclass of Q/KComboBox, that 
  does not have its own user property?
  I am considering the following possible cases:
  1) plain QComboBox
  2) subclassed QComboBox without custom user property
  3) subclassed QComboBox with custom user property
  4) plain KComboBox
  5) subclassed KComboBox without custom user property
  6) subclassed KComboBox with custom user property (e.g. KColorCombo)
  For 1) 2) 4) 5) it should ignore the new 4.8 user property, and use our 
  custom code.
  For 3) 6) it should respect the custom user property.
  If I am following code paths correctly, the patch fails for cases 2) and 
  5). It does not find the class name in the map, falls back to user property 
  (what Qt provides now since 4.8), and thus not handle our custom code.
 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 what happens, when I have a subclass of Q/KComboBox, that does not have 
 its own user property?
 I don't think that needs to be a supported use case at all, i.e. if you 
 don't tell KConfigDialogManager how to support your class, how are you 
 expecting it to work? By magic?
 Thus 2) and 5) are non-issues in my opinion
 Christoph Feck wrote:
 To me it looks like the code part that starts with the 
 qobject_castQComboBox* has been added to actually support combo boxes 
 without a user property. Qt did not handle them back then, now it does, but 
 differently than KDE handles them.

Yes, the code part that starts with the qobject_castQComboBox* has been added 
to actually support combo boxes without a user property, and that is still what 
it does.

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Feb. 9, 2012, 11:28 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Feb. 9, 2012, 11:28 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs, Ben Cooksley, Eike Hein, Christoph Feck, and 
 Jeremy Paul Whiting.
 --- broke subclasses of QComboBox that 
 have a USER property like KColorCombo, this patch reverts this change and 
 introduces a different code path to ignore the USER property of QComboBox and 
 KComboBox and make it use our custom code.
 This addresses bug 293702.
   kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt 63788f6 
   kdeui/tests/kconfigdialog_unittest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
   kdeui/dialogs/kconfigdialogmanager.cpp 0890c0b 
 Ran the attached test, everything worked.
 Without moving the
  userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
 the KColorCombo fails
 Without adding the 
  s_propertyMap-insert( KComboBox,  );
 the editable KComboBox fails
 Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Write to the correct xmlFile in KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText()

2012-02-20 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Feb. 20, 2012, 10:15 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.


New patch is up, not sure i like much the new code in  
BuildHelper::processContainerElement but it is the only way i found to do what 
you asked for.


KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText() was assuming that the xmlgui file it 
had to write was
  KGlobal::mainComponent.componentName() + ui.rc;
which is obviously wrong since we have a setXMLFile function for a reason.

I tried using 
directly but in Okular we use the same the same toolbar name defined in two xml 
files, so that still did not work because this means we end up with just one 
KToolbar (yes i know that might be a misuse of the API).

So i ended up going through the actioncollections to find the action and get 
the correct client from there.

This addresses bug 292574.

Diffs (updated)

  kdeui/widgets/ktoolbar.h 69c482e 
  kdeui/widgets/ktoolbar.cpp d17ff39 
  kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguibuilder.cpp 6773c31 
  kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguifactory_p.cpp 2f81f18 



Fixes the issue in Okular, i tested it does still work with Kate that is using 
the ui.rc scheme.


Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Write to the correct xmlFile in KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText()

2012-02-20 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Feb. 20, 2012, 10:22 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.


Another minor whitespace change


KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText() was assuming that the xmlgui file it 
had to write was
  KGlobal::mainComponent.componentName() + ui.rc;
which is obviously wrong since we have a setXMLFile function for a reason.

I tried using 
directly but in Okular we use the same the same toolbar name defined in two xml 
files, so that still did not work because this means we end up with just one 
KToolbar (yes i know that might be a misuse of the API).

So i ended up going through the actioncollections to find the action and get 
the correct client from there.

This addresses bug 292574.

Diffs (updated)

  kdeui/widgets/ktoolbar.h 69c482e 
  kdeui/widgets/ktoolbar.cpp d17ff39 
  kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguibuilder.cpp 6773c31 
  kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguifactory_p.cpp 2f81f18 



Fixes the issue in Okular, i tested it does still work with Kate that is using 
the ui.rc scheme.


Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Fix KConfigDialogManager fails to handle subclasses of QComboBox with custom property

2012-02-21 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Feb. 21, 2012, 11:54 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs, Ben Cooksley, Eike Hein, Christoph Feck, and Jeremy 
Paul Whiting.


Updated with apaku's suggestion to address Christoph's concerns about derived 
classes without USER property

--- broke subclasses of QComboBox that 
have a USER property like KColorCombo, this patch reverts this change and 
introduces a different code path to ignore the USER property of QComboBox and 
KComboBox and make it use our custom code.

This addresses bug 293702.

Diffs (updated)

  kdeui/dialogs/kconfigdialogmanager.cpp 18bc44e 
  kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt 63788f6 
  kdeui/tests/kconfigdialog_unittest.cpp PRE-CREATION 



Ran the attached test, everything worked.

Without moving the
 userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
the KColorCombo fails

Without adding the 
 s_propertyMap-insert( KComboBox,  );
the editable KComboBox fails


Albert Astals Cid

Re: Review Request: Fix KConfigDialogManager fails to handle subclasses of QComboBox with custom property

2012-02-21 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Feb. 21, 2012, 11:55 p.m.)

Review request for kdelibs, Ben Cooksley, Eike Hein, Christoph Feck, and Jeremy 
Paul Whiting.

--- broke subclasses of QComboBox that 
have a USER property like KColorCombo, this patch reverts this change and 
introduces a different code path to ignore the USER property of QComboBox and 
KComboBox and make it use our custom code.

This addresses bug 293702.


  kdeui/dialogs/kconfigdialogmanager.cpp 18bc44e 
  kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt 63788f6 
  kdeui/tests/kconfigdialog_unittest.cpp PRE-CREATION 


Testing (updated)

Ran the attached test, everything worked.

Without moving the
 userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
the KColorCombo fails

Without adding the propertyIndex stuff the editable KComboBox fails


Albert Astals Cid

Re: resolving i18n merge conflicts, is there a policy fot i18n commits?

2012-03-13 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimarts, 13 de març de 2012, a les 23:45:56, Thomas Lübking va escriure:
 Is there any policy on i18n commits/conflicts, ie. like only 4.8 is up to
 date (seems to me?) so one can safely
 git merge -Xtheirs origin/KDE/4.8
 The problem is that i get like a bazillion conflicts in .desktop files and
 i can't resolve them by hand, since i cannot read most of the conflicts :-(

scripty updates .desktop files every day, so do whatever you want with them, 
it will be correct on the next scripty run, so unless you really break 
something the date of the release it doesn't matter.


(i understand you are merging KDE/4.8 to master) If you take KDE/4.8 contents 
over the master ones you'll get an extra commit of scripty fixing it to the 
correct master values so you probably want to take the master version not the 
KDE/4.8 one



Re: RFC: i18n: drop KUIT tags in KDE Frameworks 5.0?

2012-03-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 23 de març de 2012, a les 20:12:53, Thomas Zander va escriure:
 On Friday 23 March 2012 19.39.26 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
   Removing the functional effects which context markers have, including
   /format modifiers, might have a significant effect if this makes
   everything plain text rather than rich text, so at first sight I'm not
   too keen on this idea.
  I agree with David here, the fact that people don't use them does not mean
  we  should aim at using them. And people don't use them because most
  people probably doesn't know, this can be attributed to a lot of things,
  like for example us not having a proper style guide where you would
  write Each time a filename appears in an user visible message write
  Other reason is developers not caring about consistency much, we could
  easily  gather some non-hardcore developers to go other the various i18n
  messages of a given app and fix them.
 Looking at the numbers I'm not sure your optimism is warrented; this feature
 has been around for many years and its documented on techbase yet its being
 used in very very low numbers. (333 times in all of KDE for the filename
 tag..) Sure, it may be ignorance.  Frankly, I didn't know about this
 feature. The fact that developers didn't know about this feature is just as
 much education as that they never needed it and asked how to do it.
 I think its nice to be optimistic and think that we can get people to fix
 their UIs and suddenly get people to care.

That's only because we are geeks and don't care if half the time a filename 
appears as '/home/tsdgeos/foo.txt' or /home/tsdgeos/foo.txt or 
BOLD/home/tsdgeos/foo.txtBOLD or whatever.

In a polished environment this is important.

IMHO this is something similar to i18n, needs someone that goes after people 
and nags them to fix it.

 But can we be certain enough of succeeding now where we clearly failed
 before that this is actually worth stopping the innovations that Chusslove
 is working on?

I did not understand that it was stopping any innovation, Chusslove can you 
clarify if you want to remove them for the sake of simpler code (which I don't 
say it's unimportant) or because they create problems with other features you 
are developing?

 Read those numbers again; its kinda depressing really;

Yes, they are, but to be honest noone pushed for them, what you expected?


   Only 5 out of
  24 KUIT tags were used more than 100 times (filename being the most used
  with 333 appearances).

Re: [REVIEW]: plasma-mobile repositories

2012-03-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 23 de març de 2012, a les 12:01:04, Aaron J. Seigo va escriure:
 hi everyone ...
 the repositories holding the Plasma Active code have been moved into
 kdereview as plasma-mobile and plasma-mobile-config so as to go through the
 usual 2 week review period before moving to their permanent home.
 if there are any question or queries, input or feedback, please don't

Please fix i18n :-)

Problems i found in a few seconds with a grep

  has a i18n but the file doesn't seem to be extracted

  the same

  the same

And then i stopped looking, please have i18n in mind and once you think you've 
fixed it tell me again and i'll do an in depth review.


Re: [REVIEW]: plasma-mobile repositories

2012-03-26 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 26 de març de 2012, a les 12:32:37, Aaron J. Seigo va escriure:
 On Friday, March 23, 2012 20:38:49 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  Problems i found in a few seconds with a grep
 i've fixed these now in the master branch. please let me know if you find
 additional issues. thanks.

Have you check that your catalogs are loaded? I don't find any reference to 
libmobilecomponentsplugin other than the one in the file.


Re: [REVIEW]: plasma-mobile repositories

2012-03-26 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 23 de març de 2012, a les 12:01:04, Aaron J. Seigo va escriure:
 hi everyone ...
 the repositories holding the Plasma Active code have been moved into
 kdereview as plasma-mobile and plasma-mobile-config so as to go through the
 usual 2 week review period before moving to their permanent home.

Lamarque says plasma-mobile-config is still Work In Progress stuff. Please 
move it back to some playground.


 if there are any question or queries, input or feedback, please don't

Re: Setting up a Quality Team within KDE

2012-04-08 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Diumenge, 8 d'abril de 2012, a les 17:13:54, Pau Garcia i Quiles va 
 On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
  Indeed, Nice idea, I think this is the right focus to (auto)test the
  functionality/features of the app. I've searched some info about this
  and found this:
  It has full support for KDE/Qt (4.x) apps and the scripts (for
  autotesting) can be written with Python.
  My 0.5 cents :)
  Yes this is maybe the best free tool to do the job. DO you or anybody have
  used it already?
 Does that tool support QML? Is there an active team behind it?
 Writing UI tests (functional tests) is a hell of a lot of work and
 choosing the wrong tool means in 2 years we may need to maintain the tool
 ourselves or rewrite all the tests for another tool.
 I can tell you TestComplete's support for Qt is pretty limited. I have not
 tested LDTP because we needed support for Windows and Linux for our Qt
 Squish is the best tool we evaluated at work for Qt, it does support Qt
 Quick and there is a company maintaining it (Froglogic, founded by KDE
 developers and employing many KDE developers). A few more arguments
 pro-Squish: it's cross-platform (which means we can run the same tests on
 Linux, Windows, Mac and any other platform we support) and the
 client-server architecture is very useful when testing client-server
 applications, actual environments and/or using virtualization to run the UI
 tests after each daily build.

Did you guys ever try Testability? I've been using lately and works pretty 
well and has the added value of being Free Software.


 Talking about virtualization, what we do at work is we have daily builds
 for master and stabilization branches and we run tests in virtual machines.
 We are currently testing on 12 platforms. We have several testing
 profiles (test suites) so that we can quickly say the equivalent of this
 version of kdelibs is broken, do not bother performing any further testing:
 just flag this build as broken. Everything is automated and launched from
 the continuous integration tool as the build finishes.
 I'm a bit out of the testing stuff at work, and very very busy, but if we
 are serious about it, I can still give some advice and ask some of the
 verification and validation people if they are interested in joining.
 PS: Let's continue the discussion in kde-testing@

Re: Setting up a Quality Team within KDE

2012-04-08 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Diumenge, 8 d'abril de 2012, a les 17:48:03, Pau Garcia i Quiles va 
 On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  Did you guys ever try Testability? I've been using lately and works pretty
  well and has the added value of being Free Software.
 Do you mean this tool?
 TestComplete, Squish, LDTP, etc are completely different tools with a
 complete different scope.

No, i mean this one.

To be honest it's not greatly documented, but it's basically a Free squish 
replacement (albeit a bit worse), has a client/server separation, has the 
hability to introspect Qt objects, etc.

It's what the Unity-Qt project uses for their automated testing.


Re: Question about unittesting

2012-04-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Diumenge, 8 d'abril de 2012, a les 21:45:34, Giorgos Tsiapaliwkas va 
 Why we don't have in KDE a macro like,
 if (application_is_in_debug_mode) {
 //do some testing

Because then you are not testing your real code anymore.


 Why we need a macro like that?
 a. Giorgos added a feature which deletes a folder from dolphin. Without
 this  macro in order Giorgos to
 test it he needs,
 -to create a dir
 -remove the dir
 -check if the remove was successful(this is the actual test)
 but if we had this macro Giorgos would need to implement the last step.
 c. we gain more time and it gets easier for contributors to add some
 testing code.
 A side note here, of course in vital libs only experienced developers
 should write the unittests,
 but in small applications contributors could also do the job.
 P.S.: this macro could be enabled by adding in the cmake options something
 like enable_unittest

Re: Pairs going to KDE Edu

2012-04-16 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 16 d'abril de 2012, a les 03:35:51, Aleix Pol va escriure:
 Last friday Pairs [1] was moved from playground/edu to kdereview
 because we want it to be moved to kdeedu. We have been working on it
 for a while already and we would like it to move to kde edu and to be
 included in the next KDE release.

Your is wrong and you'll see that you are different than the rest.


 If someone is interested, please take a look into it and tell us what you
 PS: It has a notable artwork lacking that's being worked on, slowly.
 Although if anybody is interested in joining, we are welcoming people

Re: Pairs going to KDE Edu

2012-04-16 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 16 d'abril de 2012, a les 03:35:51, Aleix Pol va escriure:
 Last friday Pairs [1] was moved from playground/edu to kdereview
 because we want it to be moved to kdeedu. We have been working on it
 for a while already and we would like it to move to kde edu and to be
 included in the next KDE release.
 If someone is interested, please take a look into it and tell us what you

text: display+ (game.state==playing ? br/+missed+ +found+ +time : 

word puzzle, please use i18n with context so people can reorder stuff in case 
they need it


 PS: It has a notable artwork lacking that's being worked on, slowly.
 Although if anybody is interested in joining, we are welcoming people

Re: Pairs going to KDE Edu

2012-04-16 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 16 d'abril de 2012, a les 19:02:25, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
 El Dilluns, 16 d'abril de 2012, a les 03:35:51, Aleix Pol va escriure:
  Last friday Pairs [1] was moved from playground/edu to kdereview
  because we want it to be moved to kdeedu. We have been working on it
  for a while already and we would like it to move to kde edu and to be
  included in the next KDE release.
 Your is wrong and you'll see that you are different than the

Besides being wrong you have two of them ;-)


  If someone is interested, please take a look into it and tell us what you
  PS: It has a notable artwork lacking that's being worked on, slowly.
  Although if anybody is interested in joining, we are welcoming people

Re: Review Request: Change Online help icon KHelpcenter

2012-04-17 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On April 17, 2012, 1:45 p.m., Sebastian Kügler wrote:
  This change is wrong, as the menu entry has nothing to do with the semantic 
  meaning of the icon, and the icon is not named according to the icon spec.
  So the correct icon is already set here, if its look doesn't match, then 
  that icon would need to be fixed. In this case, I assume you mean to better 
  reflect the online part in the name, and I agree that it's not reflected 
  in the name. Question is: does it matter where the help is located? (Surely 
  does if the user is offline, but in general ... I think the help! part is 
  important, not the online part.


- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On April 16, 2012, 5:28 p.m., Maarten De Meyer wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated April 16, 2012, 5:28 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Runtime and Cornelius Schumacher.
 Changes the 'Online help' icon in the navigation to a more fitting one.(imho)
   khelpcenter/plugins/onlinehelp.desktop 540f83f 
 compiled and run, works fine
 Maarten De Meyer

Re: Pairs going to KDE Edu

2012-04-17 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 16 d'abril de 2012, a les 03:35:51, Aleix Pol va escriure:
 Last friday Pairs [1] was moved from playground/edu to kdereview
 because we want it to be moved to kdeedu. We have been working on it
 for a while already and we would like it to move to kde edu and to be
 included in the next KDE release.
 If someone is interested, please take a look into it and tell us what you

More problems:
 * The repo is marked as inactive in, so scripty doesn't run 
over it
 * The desktop file has X-DocPath but you removed the doc
 * The desktop file has X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=desktop_kdesdk


 PS: It has a notable artwork lacking that's being worked on, slowly.
 Although if anybody is interested in joining, we are welcoming people

Re: Fwd: import kde-thumbnail-po into kdesdk

2012-04-22 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 20 d'abril de 2012, a les 23:06:40, Weng Xuetian va escriure:
 My friend ask me to forward this mail since maillist seems to think
 his mail is spam.

We do not import projects into kdesdk, they need to follow KDE application 
life cycle

Also I am concerned about the fact that your friend can't post here, how is he 
going to interact with the community? Through you?


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: nihui
 Date: 2012/4/20
 Subject: import kde-thumbnail-po into kdesdk
 To: kde-core-devel
  hi all
 I think it is the time to import kde-thumbnailer-po[1] into kdesdk.
 There was a same plugin in the old kde3 days, but got removed with
 kbabel altogether.
 this plugin depends on gettext-po library
 Though I have already implemented lots of kde thumbnailer plugins and
 made some releases on, this po plugin is the most popular
 and got high voting. I think it should be quite useful for many users,
 especially the translators using KDE.

Re: Fwd: import kde-thumbnail-po into kdesdk

2012-04-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 23 d'abril de 2012, a les 01:49:04, nihui水竹院落 va escriure:
 hi all what about through kde reviewboard, like kio-recentdocuments
 plugin[1]I don't think it is necessary for a plugin to follow application
 lifecycle policy to get into kde main modules or extragear ones.

Why not? What's the difference between a plugin and an application? Plugins 
don't need to be reviewed for i18n? Or for bad coding practices?


 but I
 couldn't find the reviewboard group for kdesdk, so I may have to put this
 plugin in kdereview and wait reviewing for weeks.   regards,nihui

kde-thumbnail-po in kdereview WAS Re: import kde-thumbnail-po into kdesdk

2012-04-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 23 d'abril de 2012, a les 14:41:40, nihui水竹院落 va escriure:
 the code has already been in kdereview now.[1]

I'd like that you changed the


so once it's in kdesdk it behaves like a good citizen disabling itself from 
build instead of breaking the build for people not having that library.

The rest looks good :-)



Re: patches too big for kdelibs 4.8?

2012-04-25 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 25 d'abril de 2012, a les 20:31:37, Bernd Buschinski va escriure:
 I have kjs patches that I think are too big for KDE/4.8.
 Now I wonder... where should I commit them to?
 As far as I know kdelibs currently has 3 branches.
 master: which I was told is like dead
 KDE/4.8: bug fixes only
 framework: KDE5
 Well, you could call these patches bug fixes as they fix some missing
 javascript functionality and make some websites work. 

That's a bugfix in my book.


 But you could also
 call them new features as you now can use more javascript functionality.
 Personally I think calling them bugfixes feels somehow sneaky, to just get
 them in KDE/4.8.
 So is frameworks the correct branch for me?
 I think no, as framework does not have a fixed release date it too far away
 before it reaches the user.
 I would love to have a KDE/4.9 branch, but looks like it is not planned.
 As I plan to further hack on kjs there might be more patches coming and if
 possible I would love to keep the kdelibs-my kjs patches distance close.
 After all the helpful review and the intense ecmascript testsuite I feel
 rather confident that these patches work.
 But as you might know the web is big ;-)
 So big that it is impossible for to surf on all existing websites. And again
 5.0 might be far away, beside from the fact that the topic in #kde-devel
 says no new features in kdelibs.
 So as I am a bit lost here, back to my basic question, where should I commit
 to? Or how should I continue?

Re: Extra KDE Telepathy modules moving to Extragear

2012-04-26 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 25 d'abril de 2012, a les 18:15:00, David Edmundson va escriure:
 We would like to move 2 more KDE Telepathy modules to Extragear, to
 join our existing code.
 KTp Call UI [1]
 Provides a GUI for making video calls in telepathy. For details see [2][3]

Could you add some context to Answer? To the translator it's not obvious if 
it's the name or the verb that he is translating.

 Telepathy Logger Qt [4]
 This provides Qt bindings for Telepathy-Logger a daemon that logs all
 text messages received. This is an optional dependency for ktp-text-ui
 which allows us to show a backlog and a way to view old log messages.
 This was imported from Collabora's git repository. I moved it into KDE
 playground where I'm maintaining it after Collabora seemed to lose any
 interest in keeping it up to date or making a release. This has been
 discussed on their mailing list. [5].

utils.h is installed but its class not exported? What's the reason for that?

Some installed headers do not have a dpointer, i know this is a obscure 
library, but i think you should at least try to d-pointify them if you are 
making this a public library.


 Thanks in advance
 David Edmundson
 ts/Call_UI [4] [5]

Re: Review Request: New KDE Macro for to wrap the noreturn attribute

2012-04-26 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On Feb. 13, 2012, 11:30 a.m., David Faure wrote:
  Out of curiosity, if the method returns void anyway, why is this attribute 
  necessary? It's not like the the compiler is going to warn about the lack 
  of a return value...
 Allen Winter wrote:
 From the GNU Compiler documentation: The noreturn keyword tells the 
 compiler to assume that fatal cannot return. It can then optimize without 
 regard to what would happen if fatal ever did return. This makes slightly 
 better code. More importantly, it helps avoid spurious warnings of 
 uninitialized variables.
 From my point-of-view, I just want something that can shutup compiler 
 Allen Winter wrote:

It is a very niche use case, but probably makes sense to have, though you'd 
have to commit it carefully so that it goes into 4.9 given that we don't have a 
proper 4.9 branch, no?

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Jan. 31, 2012, 8:58 p.m., Allen Winter wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated Jan. 31, 2012, 8:58 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs.
 This diff adds a new macro KDE_NO_RETURN that wraps the noreturn attribute 
 which is enabled differently based on the compiler.
   kdemacros.h.cmake b93242c 
 did a test compile
 Allen Winter

Re: Extra KDE Telepathy modules moving to Extragear

2012-04-28 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dissabte, 28 d'abril de 2012, a les 16:08:41, George Kiagiadakis va 
 On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimecres, 25 d'abril de 2012, a les 18:15:00, David Edmundson va 
  We would like to move 2 more KDE Telepathy modules to Extragear, to
  join our existing code.
  KTp Call UI [1]
  Provides a GUI for making video calls in telepathy. For details see
  Could you add some context to Answer? To the translator it's not obvious
  if it's the name or the verb that he is translating.
  Telepathy Logger Qt [4]
  This provides Qt bindings for Telepathy-Logger a daemon that logs all
  text messages received. This is an optional dependency for ktp-text-ui
  which allows us to show a backlog and a way to view old log messages.
  This was imported from Collabora's git repository. I moved it into KDE
  playground where I'm maintaining it after Collabora seemed to lose any
  interest in keeping it up to date or making a release. This has been
  discussed on their mailing list. [5].
  utils.h is installed but its class not exported? What's the reason for
 Looks like a mistake. I'll fix it.
  Some installed headers do not have a dpointer, i know this is a obscure
  library, but i think you should at least try to d-pointify them if you are
  making this a public library.
 No, the classes that wrap GObjects do not need a d-pointer. All the
 calls are forwarded to the underlying GObject and if for any reason we
 ever need to save extra data on the wrapper class (which is highly
 unlikely), we should use the GObject qdata for that. Wrapper classes
 may be destroyed and re-allocated by QtGLib and therefore they
 shouldn't hold any data.

What about the SearchHit struct?

On a second header inspection i've also found a weird \ in pending-search.h


Re: Review request: AppMenu support for KDE

2012-04-28 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Divendres, 27 d'abril de 2012, a les 09:35:14, Lionel Chauvin va escriure:
 The code that bring support of AppMenu to KDE needs to be reviewed before it
 entered in KDE main module:
 It contains a KDED module and a library.
 The KDED module exports applications menu through dbus.
 The library exposes the functionalities of the module so it is not needed to
 deal with KDED stuff.
 This support is required by the menu button in the oxygen decoration:
 It can be tested using an adapted version of the plasmoid menubar:

Can you clarify the license of the code? The COPYING says GPL3, 
kappmenuimporter.* seems to be not exact about the licensing, menuinfo.h says 
GPL3 again. Note that our licensing policy[1] does not accept GPL3-only code

Do we really need generated files in the repository? (importer_interface.*)

You have duplicate files
$ fdupes -R .

Your installed library headers do not follow the of suggestions of our library 
policy, like no inline code in the headers, no d-pointers, etc.



Re: Review Request: Added option for disabling the offer to save website passwords in Konqueror

2012-05-04 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On April 26, 2012, 5:09 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  If i understand you correctly you are suggesting to create a bug (option 
  that does nothing)?
  Doesn't make much sense.
 Dawit Alemayehu wrote:
 Huh ? I do not follow. By option that does nothing you mean this change 
 by itself does nothing that is correct. But that is true of every option in 
 that dialog as well. Moreover, it is a well known fact that you cannot post a 
 patch for different components in reviewboard. Anyhow, the option will most 
 definitely be used by kwebkitpart. Whether or not some body implements 
 support for it in khtml is a question I cannot answer. That is what I meant.
 David Faure wrote:
 Do you have the kwebkitpart patch ready?
 I suppose it'll be easy to apply to khtml as well.

You are suggesting to add an option that does nothing in our default html 
rendering engine. That is adding a bug. The fact that you know it and don't 
care about it makes me sad.

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On April 26, 2012, 3:48 a.m., Dawit Alemayehu wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated April 26, 2012, 3:48 a.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps, kdelibs and David Faure.
 A patch to make that provides an option to disable the offer to save website 
 passwords. Note that for this patch to take effect this option will have to 
 be used at at the browser engine level. Those patches are separate to this 
 one. This is just the GUI configuration.
   konqueror/settings/konqhtml/htmlopts.h 69f36d8 
   konqueror/settings/konqhtml/htmlopts.cpp e5d6deb 
 Option for disabling KWallet integration
 Dawit Alemayehu

Re: The Nepomuk Situation

2012-05-06 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 2 de maig de 2012, a les 12:14:00, Ivan Cukic va escriure:
  The first solution -
  * Remove nepomuk from kdelibs and kde-runtime
 +1 This is what has been done with kactivities. Instead of having it in
 kdelibs and runtime, it is now all in one repository.
 The only difference here is that nepomuk is not in libs/experimental like
 libkactivities was.

This is a huge difference, we *promise* to keep SC and BC of our libs, doing 
the first solution would totally go against our promises.


 I think that this would help KF5 efforts since applications would start
 porting early to the new libraries. Again, the only downside being the fact
 that libnepomuk will not be able to stay binary (or api) back-compatible due
 to uses of KUrl and similars (it it hasn't already been removed in the
  * Make nepomuk-core a compile time dependency for kdelibs
  * Including the missing gui code into nepomuk-core
  The second solution is -
  * nepomuk-core installs the headers in nepomuk2
  * the library already has a different name, so there are no clashes over
  * kde-runtime/nepomuk is removed
  * nepomuk-core is added as a dependency of kde-runtime
  The problem with the second solution is that all applications using
  will also need to depend on nepomuk-core. So far the list includes -
  Dolphin, KDE-pim and Telepathy (kinda)
  What do you guys think?
  se rvice/

Re: Pairs going to KDE Edu

2012-05-06 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimarts, 1 de maig de 2012, a les 22:16:44, Aleix Pol va escriure:
 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Aleix Pol wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Yuri Chornoivan wrote:
  написане Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:36:38 +0300, Aleix Pol
  On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 3:35 AM, Aleix Pol wrote:
  Last friday Pairs [1] was moved from playground/edu to kdereview
  because we want it to be moved to kdeedu. We have been working on it
  for a while already and we would like it to move to kde edu and to be
  included in the next KDE release.
  If someone is interested, please take a look into it and tell us what
  PS: It has a notable artwork lacking that's being worked on, slowly.
  Although if anybody is interested in joining, we are welcoming people
  Since no big complaints were raised and the 2 week period passed
  already, I'll ask the sysadmin team to move Pairs to KDE Edu. :)
  Thanks to all those who cared. ^^
  Just for the record, I think the issues found by Albert Astals Cid [1]
  not fixed. Pairs is still untranslatable for KDE translation teams.
  Thanks for fixing this.
  Best regards,
  kde-edu mailing list
  I think these are fixed now.
  Sorry for missing those! .
 Pairs has been moved to KDE Edu.
 If anybody has any problem with it, don't hesitate to contact us!

I do, your repo is still marked as inactive as I wrote in my original e-mail. 
Please fix that.

You know where to find me if you have problems fixing that.



Re: The Nepomuk Situation

2012-05-07 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 7 de maig de 2012, a les 11:48:00, Vishesh Handa va escriure:
 On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dijous, 3 de maig de 2012, a les 00:32:37, Vishesh Handa va escriure:
   Hey everyone!
   The second solution is -
   * nepomuk-core installs the headers in nepomuk2
   * the library already has a different name, so there are no clashes over
   * kde-runtime/nepomuk is removed
   * nepomuk-core is added as a dependency of kde-runtime
   The problem with the second solution is that all applications using
   will also need to depend on nepomuk-core. So far the list includes -
   Dolphin, KDE-pim and Telepathy (kinda)
  Why is this needed? Can't they continue using the old APIs?
 Short answer: No
 Long Answer:
 The original Nepomuk APIs that are present in kdelibs are synchronous. They
 basically provide a glorified cache over the Nepomuk data which is stored
 in virtuoso. Applications which push large amounts of information into
 Nepomuk (Feeders) do not need to know anything about the data already
 present in Nepomuk, they just need to push large quantities of data as fast
 as they can.
 Using the synchronous kdelibs APIs makes this very hard. Additionally, the
 asynchronous API for pushing data provides has in-built duplicate detection
 and merging. That's something that was *very hard* to implement. It seems
 like an overkill for the clients to implement something like that on their
 kde-pim and Telepathy use these new asynchronous APIs. So does Trueg's TV
 Naming Application.
 Secondly, the APIs in kdelibs did not provide any mechanism for monitoring
 changes in resources. We've now finally implemented a good method of
 monitoring changes that does not tax the entire system. Dolphin uses this
 new ResourceWatcher API to monitor for changes in tags and ratings.
 And finally, the new APIs provide a method for properly merging resources.
 A couple of miscellaneous applications are using this - Nepomuk Tag manager.
 Btw, when I say new APIs, I mean introduced in kde-runtime 4.7. So they
 are about a year old.

So you mean yes, they can, they do now and can still do it, even if using the 
old APIs are suboptimal.



   What do you guys think?

Re: The Nepomuk Situation

2012-05-07 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 7 de maig de 2012, a les 22:09:01, Vishesh Handa va escriure:
 On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dilluns, 7 de maig de 2012, a les 11:48:00, Vishesh Handa va escriure:
   On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
El Dijous, 3 de maig de 2012, a les 00:32:37, Vishesh Handa va
 Hey everyone!
 The second solution is -
 * nepomuk-core installs the headers in nepomuk2
 * the library already has a different name, so there are no clashes
 * kde-runtime/nepomuk is removed
 * nepomuk-core is added as a dependency of kde-runtime
 The problem with the second solution is that all applications using


 will also need to depend on nepomuk-core. So far the list includes -
 Dolphin, KDE-pim and Telepathy (kinda)

Why is this needed? Can't they continue using the old APIs?
   Short answer: No
   Long Answer:
   The original Nepomuk APIs that are present in kdelibs are synchronous.
   basically provide a glorified cache over the Nepomuk data which is
   in virtuoso. Applications which push large amounts of information into
   Nepomuk (Feeders) do not need to know anything about the data already
   present in Nepomuk, they just need to push large quantities of data as
   as they can.
   Using the synchronous kdelibs APIs makes this very hard. Additionally,
   asynchronous API for pushing data provides has in-built duplicate
   and merging. That's something that was *very hard* to implement. It
   like an overkill for the clients to implement something like that on
   kde-pim and Telepathy use these new asynchronous APIs. So does Trueg's
   Naming Application.
   Secondly, the APIs in kdelibs did not provide any mechanism for
   changes in resources. We've now finally implemented a good method of
   monitoring changes that does not tax the entire system. Dolphin uses
   new ResourceWatcher API to monitor for changes in tags and ratings.
   And finally, the new APIs provide a method for properly merging
   A couple of miscellaneous applications are using this - Nepomuk Tag
   Btw, when I say new APIs, I mean introduced in kde-runtime 4.7. So
   are about a year old.
  So you mean yes, they can, they do now and can still do it, even if using
  old APIs are suboptimal.
 I'm sorry. What?
 Yes they can still use the old apis, but it would be horribly horribly slow
 and would create a lot of useless data in the process. Also somethings like
 change monitoring and merging resources are flat out impossible.
 I'm not okay with applications having to stick with the old faulty APIs
 when we have put in so much effort to make these new ones.
 Also, can we substitute the word old apis with kdelibs/nepomuk apis and
 new apis with datamangement apis. This is getting a little confusing.

There's some problem of communication here.

Let me try to explain myself better. As far as I understand:
 * Dolphin uses the old api at the moment and works fine
 * When the change you propose (adding new apis), you said the old api will 
still be there for people to use
 * The question is: If dolphin is not changed to use the new api and still 
uses the old api will it still work as it works now or will be worse?

Hope i'm clearer now.



 What do you guys think?


Re: Review Request: Added option for disabling the offer to save website passwords in Konqueror

2012-05-13 Thread Albert Astals Cid

 On April 26, 2012, 5:09 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  If i understand you correctly you are suggesting to create a bug (option 
  that does nothing)?
  Doesn't make much sense.
 Dawit Alemayehu wrote:
 Huh ? I do not follow. By option that does nothing you mean this change 
 by itself does nothing that is correct. But that is true of every option in 
 that dialog as well. Moreover, it is a well known fact that you cannot post a 
 patch for different components in reviewboard. Anyhow, the option will most 
 definitely be used by kwebkitpart. Whether or not some body implements 
 support for it in khtml is a question I cannot answer. That is what I meant.
 David Faure wrote:
 Do you have the kwebkitpart patch ready?
 I suppose it'll be easy to apply to khtml as well.
 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 You are suggesting to add an option that does nothing in our default html 
 rendering engine. That is adding a bug. The fact that you know it and don't 
 care about it makes me sad.
 Dawit Alemayehu wrote:
 @David: Yes I have a patch for kwebkitpart, but unlike in khtml adding 
 support for this in kwebkitpart required a very small change in one place in 
 addition to adding code to read the config option itself in 
 webkitettings.{h|cpp}. That does not seem to be the case in khtml. It is a 
 little bit more invovled.
 @Albert: Really ?? So how exactly is another browser engine supposed to 
 provide configuration option to the user if it is supposed to be embedded 
 into Konqueror ?  Why would a developer working on a separate browsing engine 
 be forced to implement any functionality into khtml ? Would that requirement 
 apply the other way around ? The last I checked, this is a konqueror setting. 
 Whether a specific browser engine supports it or not is up to that browser 
 engine.Just for the record I almost always go out of my way to implement 
 things in khtml ; especially when I factor out features that are common to 
 both engines. In this case, I neither have the time nor a complete grasp of 
 how the KWallet integration works in khtml. As I stated above the change is 
 not in a single isolated location like it is in kwebkitpart. Feel free to do 
 a grep in khtml and see for yourself. I can always add the set/get functions 
 to access the option in KHTMLSettings, but what use would that be if it is 
 not implemented. 
 Anyhow, I digress. If there are objections, I will simply move this 
 feature into the webkit config module I will have to create down the road.

So how exactly is another browser engine supposed to provide configuration 
option to the user if it is supposed to be embedded into Konqueror ?
Having it's own engine-only kcm for it's engine-specific options?

Why would a developer working on a separate browsing engine be forced to 
implement any functionality into khtml ?
When did i say that?

Would that requirement apply the other way around ?
If you want to use the general apply to all engines options page, of course.

You probably don't have any bit of user mentallity left in your head, because 
it's pretty obvious that adding a configuration option to web rendering 
configuration that won't work with our default rendering engine it's bad 

But hey, since David promised to implement this for khtml, go ahead, don't let 
me block progress.

- Albert

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On April 26, 2012, 3:48 a.m., Dawit Alemayehu wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated April 26, 2012, 3:48 a.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps, kdelibs and David Faure.
 A patch to make that provides an option to disable the offer to save website 
 passwords. Note that for this patch to take effect this option will have to 
 be used at at the browser engine level. Those patches are separate to this 
 one. This is just the GUI configuration.
   konqueror/settings/konqhtml/htmlopts.h 69f36d8 
   konqueror/settings/konqhtml/htmlopts.cpp e5d6deb 
 Option for disabling KWallet integration
 Dawit Alemayehu

Re: Review Request: Added option for disabling the offer to save website passwords in Konqueror

2012-05-13 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Diumenge, 13 de maig de 2012, a les 14:27:37, Sebastian Kügler va escriure:
 On Sunday, May 13, 2012 12:20:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  You probably don't have any bit of user mentallity left in your head,
 I think everybody is served better by discussions that do not engage in
 personal attacks.

This was in no way a personal attack. You'll realize when I do a personal 

 Let us please try to keep it respectful and technical

I have been respectful and technical.

 and avoid ad-hominem attacks. 

No ad-hominem attack happened, an ad-hominem attack would be saying Don't 
listen to him, he is a communist, since being communist or not does not have 
any effect on his technical hability, but might put people against him.

 Respect is an important basis for making progress in a
 collaborative way.

Sure it is.



Re: Nepomuk - Moving out of kde-runtime

2012-05-17 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 17 de maig de 2012, a les 19:31:14, Vishesh Handa va escriure:
 @Translators: You probably want to preserve the translations in
 kde-runtime/nepomuk. How do we go about this?

That's not a problem.


Re: Review Request: Apper on kdereview

2012-05-22 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dilluns, 21 de maig de 2012, a les 18:31:25, Daniel Nicoletti va escriure:
 Apper is on playground probably since 2008,
 it's widely used nowadays so it doesn't make
 sense to keep it there anymore.
 So please review the code, make suggestions and such...

AppSetup doesn't seem to be loading the apper translation catalog.


 Right now the code is at (I've asked kde sysadmin to move to
 kdereview, but afaik it will only reflect the projects url):
 Thanks :D

Re: Review Request: Plasma::RunnerManager: only dequeue our ThreadWeaver jobs

2012-05-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Does this have unit tests? Would make sense to add a new one forcing this 
behaviour? What about docs? Should any doc be fixed/improved mentioning the 

- Albert Astals Cid

On May 17, 2012, 1:18 p.m., Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated May 17, 2012, 1:18 p.m.)
 Review request for kdelibs.
 When RunnerManager::reset() is called, all ThreadWeaver jobs are dequeued, 
 including jobs from other parts of the code. This patch changes this to only 
 dequeue the jobs created by this instance of RunnerManager.
   plasma/runnermanager.cpp 49569a3 
 I have more than one RunnerManager working at once in a project. Without the 
 patch, only one manager return results.
 Aurélien Gâteau

Re: Review Request: Apper on kdereview

2012-05-23 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 23 de maig de 2012, a les 13:58:27, Matthias Klumpp va escriure:
 This issue has been fixed some time ago.

I can't find where the apper catalog loaded in AppSetup, can you point me to 


 Thanks for the hint! :)
 2012/5/23 Albert Astals Cid
  El Dilluns, 21 de maig de 2012, a les 18:31:25, Daniel Nicoletti va 
  Apper is on playground probably since 2008,
  it's widely used nowadays so it doesn't make
  sense to keep it there anymore.
  So please review the code, make suggestions and such...
  AppSetup doesn't seem to be loading the apper translation catalog.
  Right now the code is at (I've asked kde sysadmin to move to
  kdereview, but afaik it will only reflect the projects url):
  Thanks :D

Re: Review request: moving libkgoogle to extragear

2012-05-27 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dissabte, 26 de maig de 2012, a les 17:23:13, Dan Vratil va escriure:
 On Saturday 26 of May 2012 11:42:41 Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
  Dan Vratil writes:
   LibKGoogle is a new optional dependency of kdepim-runtime. It's used by
   new Akonadi Google resources.
   It's now in kdereview [0] and I'd like to move it to extragear, so I'm
   asking for a review on the library.
  One thing I have noticed is that libkgoogle seems to be GPLv3+, while
  KDE's licensing policy [1] says code under the GPL should be GPLv2+.
 As far as I understand the policies, libkgoogle is a subject to point 5,
 which says
 Any other source files must be licensed under one of the terms listed under
 4) or one of the following terms
  * GPL version 2 as listed in kdelibs/COPYING or later
  * GPL version 2 or version 3 or later versions approved by the membership
 of KDE e.V.
  * ...
 I understand the second item as either GPLv2 or GPLv3 or any later approved
 version, so GPLv3+ should be OK too, right?

No, you missed the part that says Note each bulletpoint above is a single 
option, it can not be licenced under just part of one bulletpoint option


 But if GPLv3+ should really be a problem, I'm OK with downgrading the
 license (I guess I'll have to ask others who contributed).
  The ${qjson_LIBRARIES} hack should not be needed anymore anyway, as the
  naming scheme was restored months ago in git master (no version was
  released with the names messed up).
 Thanks, I'll remove it.

Please fix nepomuk-core buildsystem

2012-06-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
I find it quite annoying that it tells me

-- Soprano version 2.7.5 is too old. Please install 2.7.56 or newer

and then tells me

-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these packages.
   * Soprano - Soprano is the Qt-based RDF storage and parsing solution

-- Congratulations! All external packages have been found.

If i get a Congratulations! message I expect that it will build.


Please fix kde-runtime buildsystem

2012-06-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
If kactivities is not found it gives

CMake Error at 
  Could not find module FindKActivities.cmake or a configuration file for
  package KActivities.

  Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindKActivities.cmake or set
  KActivities_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for
  KActivities.  The file will have one of the following names:


It should use a proper macro_log_feature reporting system.


Please fix kde-runtime buildsystem (2nd issue)

2012-06-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
It seems kde-runtime needs shared-desktop-ontologies 0.9

I would a macro_log_feature error instead of  
nepomuk/kioslaves/nepomuk/resourcepagegenerator.cpp failing to compile


Re: Extra KDE Telepathy modules moving to Extragear

2012-06-03 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 31 de maig de 2012, a les 20:10:08, David Edmundson va escriure:
 On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:28 PM, David Edmundson wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Kevin Krammer wrote:
  On Sunday, 2012-04-29, Martin Klapetek wrote:
  On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 22:44, Kevin Krammer wrote:
   On Saturday, 2012-04-28, George Kiagiadakis wrote:
No, the classes that wrap GObjects do not need a d-pointer. All the
calls are forwarded to the underlying GObject and if for any reason
ever need to save extra data on the wrapper class (which is highly
unlikely), we should use the GObject qdata for that. Wrapper classes
may be destroyed and re-allocated by QtGLib and therefore they
shouldn't hold any data.
   So the GObject has a d-pointer?
   Any specific reason there is a GObject at all? My very basic
   understanding of
   Telepathy was that it is D-Bus based services.
  Telepathy is based on D-Bus services, however this is about Telepathy
  logger [1], which is a GObject-based implementation of a central logging
  Telepathy component, which does not use D-Bus for sending the logs as it
  quite heavy data and D-Bus for this purpose is rather slow, so it
  a direct access API.
  The documentation you linked to seems to be quite of of date (most of the
  links in it don't work), so I would still need some clarifications.
  The document claims that the logger is an independent service, i.e. it
  says: Telepathy Logger is a session daemon.
  I quite don''t understand the term direct access API in the context of a
  Usually daemon refers to a separate process. Communicating with a process
  is to my best understanding never done by linking the daemon code into
  the client applications.
  Yes, starts whilst you're chatting. Closes when you're done.
  My best guess so far is that there is some library that provides
  access to files the independent logger writes onto disk.
  Your guess is effectively correct. Telepathy-logger is a bit more
  complex as it writes to and reads from multiple backends.
  XML files or SQLite and it also reads (read only) Pidgin log files as
  their way of importing old log files.
  Our telepathy-logger-qt, which we want to move to
  Extragear, basically just wraps the original logger into Qt-like API, so
  that it can be used with Qt/KDE apps easily.
  Based on my guess I would strongly recommend to put the wrapped GObject
  into the wrapper's d-pointer. Otherwise your only way of ever
  implementing that natively is to name a struct GObject and use that as
  the native
  implementation's d-pointer, making it very hard for any using application
  to link with any library exposing GObject symbols.
  If we ever implemented it natively I would make so many other changes
  to the API that I would bump the major version number and not even try
  to keep compatibility.
  [1] -
  Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
  KDE user support, developer mentoring
 So to summarise so far:
 There were some issues with call-ui which are now all fixed.
 There were also comments about gobjects in the telepathy-logger and
 d-pointers which I disagree with and have hopefully explained my
 Are there any further objections to moving these forward into extragear?

Yes, my mail about SearchHit struct and  weird \ in pending-search.h seems to 
have been ignored.


 David Edmundon

kdelibs and Qt version dependency

2012-06-05 Thread Albert Astals Cid
On May 19, Dawit Alemayehu commited a change that uses 
QSslConfiguration::testSslOption that is only available in Qt 4.8

This means that both kdelibs 4.8.4 and kdelibs 4.9 now depend in Qt 4.8 
instead Qt 4.7

I want to ask the kdelibs maintainers:

a) Do you think it makes sense to change our Qt required version from
Qt 4.7 in kdelibs 4.8.3
Qt 4.8 in kdelibs 4.8.4

b) Do you think kdelibs 4.9 should depend in Qt 4.8 or not?


Re: kdelibs and Qt version dependency

2012-06-06 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 6 de juny de 2012, a les 11:26:32, Laszlo Papp va escriure:
  To re-iterate, it is policy that any dependency changes are discussed
  and approved on k-c-d first.
 It was discussed and disapproved as far as I understood.

Do you have a link for that discussion?


 Best Regards,
 Laszlo Papp

Re: kdelibs and Qt version dependency

2012-06-06 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dimecres, 6 de juny de 2012, a les 15:53:36, Dawit A va escriure:
 On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  El Dimecres, 6 de juny de 2012, a les 20:23:48, Laszlo Papp va escriure:
Do you have a link for that discussion?
  That was in January though, people change their minds :D
  I count Dirk and Stephen saying to go with 4.8.
  John and you seem to want to stay.
  Personally after reading the whole thread you linked i kind of agree with
  thread and if there is no *real hard* need to use Qt 4.8 I'd prefer not to
  allienate those using old distros that only ship Qt 4.7
 You mean for KDE 4.8 here, right ? To me it does not make sense to do that
 for KDE 4.9.

No, for KDE 4.8.4 is *obvious* we need to support Qt 4.7 since KDE 4.8.3 
compiled with it, changing the required minimum Qt version is a no go from 
4.8.3 to 4.8.4.

So yes, I'm speaking for kdelibs 4.9


Re: kdelibs and Qt version dependency

2012-06-07 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dijous, 7 de juny de 2012, a les 09:27:22, Aaron J. Seigo va escriure:
 On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 20:32:49 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
  Someone from plasma?
 summary: no hard requirement to jump to Qt 4.8 from plasma at this time ...
 Qt 4.8 brings a number of speed improvements and general goodness which
 certainly helps the various Plasma workspaces, but i do not believe we have
 any hard requirements on it at this time ... so i'd love to see people using
 Qt 4.8, but we can keep a minimum 4.8 requirement for the time being.

You meant but we can keep a minimum 4.7 requirement for the time being.?

Asking because otherwise i don't understand the but in the sentence


 my only concern is that our team works with Qt 4.8 right now, most of our
 users will likely get Qt 4.8 with SC 4.9 packages and so our code will be
 well tested with Qt 4.8 and Qt 4.7 will not be as well tested. i don't
 think there is much we can do about that though, unless a magic QA fairy
 passes by dropping testers. :)

Re: ALERT: KDElibs (at least) 4.8.4 is actually 4.8.80+

2012-06-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dissabte, 9 de juny de 2012, a les 10:35:15, Modestas Vainius va escriure:


 here at Debian we had a really bad experience with 4.8.4. While 4.8.3 was
 pretty good, 4.8.4 seemed like a huge step backwards in terms of stability
 (random crashes there and there). After quick investigation of kdelibs 4.8.4
 I found the following:

 I don't know yet if any other modules from 4.8.4 has been
 mis-packaged in the same way

There's no mispackaging. If you followed the list or read the archives before 
blaming people of wrong doing you'd know that kdelibs for 4.8.4 and 4.8.80 
actually come from the same branch.


Re: ALERT: KDElibs (at least) 4.8.4 is actually 4.8.80+

2012-06-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dissabte, 9 de juny de 2012, a les 13:10:40, Modestas Vainius va escriure:
 On šeštadienis 09 Birželis 2012 13:01:20 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
   here at Debian we had a really bad experience with 4.8.4. While 4.8.3
   pretty good, 4.8.4 seemed like a huge step backwards in terms of
   stability (random crashes there and there). After quick investigation of
   kdelibs 4.8.4 I found the following:
   I don't know yet if any other modules from 4.8.4 has been
   mis-packaged in the same way
  There's no mispackaging. If you followed the list or read the archives
  before blaming people of wrong doing you'd know that kdelibs for 4.8.4 and
  4.8.80 actually come from the same branch.
 Thank you for pushing a bunch of untested huge changes in the minor point
 Really appreciated.
Similiar numbers than 4.8.2 to 4.8.3, didn't see you complaining back then.

Thank you for asuming everything we do is untested.

Really appreciated.


Re: ALERT: KDElibs (at least) 4.8.4 is actually 4.8.80+

2012-06-09 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Dissabte, 9 de juny de 2012, a les 12:28:11, Andreas K. Huettel va 
 Am Samstag 09 Juni 2012, 12:10:40 schrieb Modestas Vainius:
  On šeštadienis 09 Birželis 2012 13:01:20 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
here at Debian we had a really bad experience with 4.8.4. While 4.8.3
was pretty good, 4.8.4 seemed like a huge step backwards in terms of
stability (random crashes there and there). After quick investigation
of kdelibs 4.8.4 I found the following:

I don't know yet if any other modules from 4.8.4 has been
mis-packaged in the same way
   There's no mispackaging. If you followed the list or read the archives
   before blaming people of wrong doing you'd know that kdelibs for 4.8.4
   and 4.8.80 actually come from the same branch.
  Thank you for pushing a bunch of untested huge changes in the minor
  release. Really appreciated.
 Exactly. Thumbs up. Making KDE more stable and predictable than ever.

You are all making noise out of nothing, the amount of changes is in the same 
order of magnitude of other releases.

Please stop let's stop throwing shit to the other side of the fence and start 
being constructive, give gdb backtraces, valgrind backtraces and exact 
reproducing instructions to problems you are finging.


Re: KDE SC 4.8.4 important problems

2012-06-10 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Diumenge, 10 de juny de 2012, a les 11:30:13, Aaron J. Seigo va escriure:
 On Sunday, June 10, 2012 11:20:09 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
  On Sunday, June 10, 2012 03:23:04 José Manuel Santamaría Lema wrote:
   #1 dolphin:
   #2 gwenview
   #6 kontact executing various components: calendar, to-do list, journal
   #7 kmail links
  these are all the same crash, or at least related to each other. it is
  crashing in KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers or KMimeTypeTrader::query
  apparently at times in KSycocaDict::find_string.
 curious: on an affected system, if you delete
   `kde4-config --localprefix`/cache-freedom/ksycoca4*
 do the crashes go away?

No they don't


 possible culprit commits:
 neither are super recent, but they both touch the relevant code. there was
 one change to kmimetype by dfaure but it is not implicated by the
 backtraces nor can i see how it would be (it added a required method, did
 not change existing code paths and definitely not the ksycoca code
 underneath it)

Re: KDE SC 4.8.4 important problems

2012-06-10 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El Diumenge, 10 de juny de 2012, a les 12:57:09, Andreas Pakulat va escriure:
 Am Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012 schrieb Peter Penz :
  On 06/10/2012 11:20 AM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
  On Sunday, June 10, 2012 03:23:04 José Manuel Santamaría Lema wrote:
  #1 dolphin:
  #2 gwenview
  #6 kontact executing various components: calendar, to-do list, journal
  #7 kmail links
  these are all the same crash, or at least related to each other. it is
  crashing in KServiceTypeTrader::**defaultOffers or KMimeTypeTrader::query
  apparently at times in KSycocaDict::find_string.
  The issue has been tracked at**cgi?id=268064
  g.cgi?id=268064- updating Soprano to the latest master resolves the
  crash. But I don't know more about the root-cause of this. Probably a
  Nepomuk-related update missed a proper versioning-check of Soprano?
 There has been an abi breakage in soparano's latest release (fixed in the
 repository already), so updating to that soprano release requires
 rebuilding all other code that uses it. I've seen backtraces ending in
 qstring::ref having such abi incompatibilities as cause, so it would fit at
 least those cases.

As Modestias says, this has nothing to do with those ABI changes since it 
fails with stable soprano.



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