Re: [WSG] Problem with Navigation in IE 6

2007-02-23 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Carolyn Diaz wrote: Thanks so much! I should have seen that right off. Isn't that also known as the Holly hack or some such thing? That's right... -- ***

Re: [WSG] Problem with Navigation in IE 6

2007-02-23 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Carolyn Diaz wrote: The problem is the left navigation in IE 6. The sub elements or 2nd level of the navigation loses its background, sometimes the color, sometimes the other words, extremely buggy behavior! Add... li {height: 1%;} ...or another

Re: [WSG] layout - choices?

2007-02-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: It seems to me that pragmatism can sometimes outbenefit the religion of standards - and I'd really like some real world feedback on when such a table approach causes real problems. (Yes, I know it's not truly semantic, and I agree that it's a problem because of that). If web

Re: [WSG] (Georg) equal heights within equal heigh wraper

2007-02-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: If you click 'open' in the outer left column, it get expanded and you can clearly see the inner column couldn't adjust its height I only had a quick look on the source-code, but the layout seems to behave as it should -

Re: [WSG] position:fixed weirdness IE7 IE5 mac

2007-02-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: The orange div on the left is where a menu will go (without the orange background) and has position:fixed. In IE7 it shifts to the right invading the content div instead of resting just outside the light yellow content area. (Use any other

Re: [WSG] Accessibility - display: none v.s. left: -9999px

2007-02-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Nick Fitzsimons wrote: Do screen readers reveal "cover-ups" ? Example: I don't know. [...] So the best people to ask would be the developers from the IE Team and at the screen reader vendors :-) Ok :-) For the record: I have used the

Re: [WSG] Accessibility - display: none v.s. left: -9999px

2007-02-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Nick Fitzsimons wrote: So any attempt to include markup "just for screen readers" is doomed to failure - screen readers don't use markup. Do screen readers reveal "cover-ups" ? Example: Georg -- *

Re: [WSG] web check

2007-02-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John 'Max' Maxwell wrote: I will get on to the 'more' links and add the names. The names are there already. Just link them to the relevant pages. "Need some font-resize testing and improvements. Text is overflowing containers in the good browsers under certain conditions, and IE6' 'auto-exp

Re: [WSG] web check

2007-02-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John 'Max' Maxwell wrote: Just gone live with this and have done all my valid checks etc but if anyone has a second I would really appreciate any feedback on accessibility and usability: The 'Maker Search' map isn't accessible without a mouse and s

Re: [WSG] blockquote in xhtml strict

2007-02-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: "I came because this is one of the best.." - john doe What am I missing? " The BLOCKQUOTE element defines a block quotation. Unlike inline quotations, block quotations may contain block-level elements such as P and TABLE, but BLOCKQUOTE may not be contained with

Re: Conditional Comments Bad? - was: Re: [WSG] CSS calling methods survey

2007-02-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: and having caught up with my reading, the use of CC's seems to be frowned upon. I can't see why - as long as CC's are used to serve a minimal number of fixes to _old_ IE/win versions. Old browsers are "fixed in time". It is when one starts a design-process by preparing C

Re: [WSG] CSS calling methods survey

2007-02-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Kat wrote: I'm beginning to think modular css using @imports are actually quite smart, not just for re-use reasons but also because if you do need to support really old and dodgy browsers (sometimes it happens to the best of us) you can create stylesheets for those, and then over-rule them in t

Re: [WSG] CSS calling methods survey

2007-02-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Barney Carroll wrote: ? >

Re: [WSG] Targeting specific images with overflow:hidden

2007-02-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Cole Kuryakin wrote: [...] To see what's going on, please go here: Sure would appreciate any advise on how I can get overflow:hidden to target just the images on this site. You can target all images with 'max-width' in the good browsers, and add

Re: [WSG] Art and accessibility - my opinion ;)

2007-02-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Milosz A. Lodowski - New Media Designer wrote: Christian in your opinion - those sites are inaccessible... without any argues I cannot agree so that's why I've asked... I define 'accessible' as "be given access". In normal terms that means that if one access-point is closed to particular visito

Re: [WSG] IE7 bug?

2007-01-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rachel May wrote: In IE6 all of my floated divs disappeared which I have currently 'patched' with removing the floats until I have guidance from the client on how he wants to support IE6. Keep them floating, and add 'position: relative'. * html #content div {float: left; position: relative;}

Re: [WSG] Can't assign links specific styles

2007-01-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Cross-list answer... :-) You have the class on the anchor itself - *not* the anchor inside an element with the class. Also I miss the :link pseudo-class. You should write... a.shoplogo:link, a.shoplogo:visited { stuff } a.pagelink:link, a.pagelink:visited { stuff } ...etc.

Re: [WSG] Using "cursor:default;" on the whole page but links

2007-01-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Mihael Zadravec wrote: that is rigt. I will stop doing that... But than again... Opera displays arrow even when cursor is positiond over the text... Do you people think that they should change that because users maybe don't know if they can grab the text or not? Might be confusing for a few

Re: [WSG] Firefox stops rendering background when changing .html to .xhtml

2006-12-31 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ron Jonk wrote: I've read it before in this list that backgound rendering on xhtml on the body is not always supported for xhtml strict documents. Background rendering in itself is always supported. On firefox when I have a background image for my body tag on a xhtml strict doctyped document

Re: [WSG] Listamatic Centred horizontal list navbars not working

2006-12-31 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Hrvoje Markovic wrote: I'm seeing this glitch in Opera 9, IE7, FF 2... On both AND I see a one character wide whitespace (bluespace because of the bg color) before every link, except

Re: [WSG] Listamatic Centred horizontal list navbars not working

2006-12-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Hrvoje Markovic wrote: I'm seeing this glitch in Opera 9, IE7, FF 2... On both AND I see a one character wide whitespace (bluespace because of the bg color) before every link, except

Re: [WSG] Danish Ministry of Taxation spend 1.38 million US dollars on just a new logo insert on web site

2006-12-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Soren Johannessen wrote: FYI: the Danish Ministry of Taxation has got a new logo First they pay 38 US dollars for the design of the logo . Then they spend 138 US dollars in working labour money for inserting the logo manually (SIC!) on every single web

Re: [WSG] menu, css, javascript question

2006-12-26 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Dwain Alford wrote: 1. the menu operates as expected, except that only on the index page is the sub- background transparent and the copy and the menu gets all jumbled together in ie 6 and 7 and is unreadable. The background isn't transparent, but I

Re: [WSG] Tissue (valid code) vs shirt sleeves (wysiwyg editors and those who use them and also refuse to use tissues)

2006-12-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 1. On a scale of 1-10, how important is W3C validation? XHTML: 10+ (regardless of MIME type) HTML: 8 (but it depends on what lowers its importance from a 10) CSS: 10 (until IE/win needs its fixes, and weak standard-support must be solved by non-standard workarounds) 2

Re: [WSG] ie-only hack

2006-12-18 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Geoff Pack wrote: Gunlaug Sørtun wrote: So, old hacks like the 'star html' hack for IE6 (and older versions) is now "perfectly valid" IMO, while hacks relying on bugs that have survived into IE7, are extremely unsafe. 'extremely unsafe'? I'd say the

Re: [WSG] ie-only hack

2006-12-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
FWIW: I prefer not to use hacks, *unless* they are already broken in the latest versions. There may always be exceptions, but the whole idea of hacking is that one should *only hack the dead*, and do so with hacks that are not affecting any new browser-versions. So, old hacks like the 'star html'

Re: [WSG] Last letter of a line appearing on next row (IE6...)

2006-12-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rob O'Rourke wrote: I had the last letter of some floated form elements appearing on the next line. I've managed to get rid of the letter itself with position: relative; on the form input but there's still a 'phantom line' in IE adding a load of 'padding' to the bottom of the label or fieldset.

Re: [WSG] IE Background Position Oops

2006-12-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Joseph R. B. Taylor wrote: All works well in the browsers you'd expect it to, but of course IE6 has an issue. For some reason its leaves the background image in the hover statehmmm...and doesn't move it back to its predefined position! Here's the url: If an

Re: [WSG] what's causing ie7 to ignore the "valid div rules?"

2006-11-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Dwain Alford wrote: so will ie7 behave without the width and height values now, or just width? IE7 will in many cases behave a bit more like the standard compliant browsers, when no dimensions are declared. IE7 has plenty of bugs though, so there are enough exceptions to keep you busy. IE7 wil

Re: [WSG] what's causing ie7 to ignore the "valid div rules?"

2006-11-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Dwain Alford wrote: but it's supposed to be up to standards, yes? Not according to those who have created it. They have only said that IE7 is "up to _some_ of the standards" :-) I would start by deleting 'width: 10%' on #valid, and 'width: 100%' on .wsg, .xhtml, .css. Those width-values only

Re: [WSG] ie7 does not render page properly

2006-11-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Dwain Alford wrote: ie6, ff 2.0, opera 9.0.2 and mozilla 1.7.12 render the page properly. ie 7 sticks some copyright info, which is enclosed in a div with the "powered by" info, to the left of the validate buttons. why? IE7 ignores the 'star html' hack.

Re: [WSG] how to retain equal height without losing layout integrity when user resizes font size

2006-11-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: My mistake, placing the overflow:hidden in "content' does work for IE 7, but I still can't figure why the background images are not showing up. Quite simple, really: they are positioned 3px too low because

Re: [WSG] how to retain equal height without losing layout integrity when user resizes font size

2006-11-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: My mistake, placing the overflow:hidden in "content' does work for IE 7, but I still can't figure why the background images are not showing up. Quite simple, really: they are positioned 3px too low because

Re: [WSG] how to retain equal height without losing layout integrity when user resizes font size

2006-11-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Example: Yeah, Al is right. I see the endless vertical scrolling from IE7. Got fix for IE7 -:) Yes, I think so, but I can't check it since I don't have IE7 installed. IE7 is reported to react well for similar layouts if the overfl

Re: [WSG] how to retain equal height without losing layout integrity when user resizes font size

2006-11-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Hi, I am doing a layout that requires equal height for each column and row, however the contents inside of each column and row are different and in some pages, in certain sections, the length of the content will be decided by end users' data feed. I suggest you try building i

Re: [WSG] IE Issues (margin/padding)

2006-11-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rahul Gonsalves wrote: The only small, niggling thing left is that whenever there is a paragraph preceded by a h2, it seems to be adjusted, only by a pixel or two, to the right. Any ideas as to how I could fix this? It's a small thing, but since the d

Re: [WSG] IE Issues (margin/padding)

2006-11-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rahul Gonsalves wrote: The page displays as intended in Opera and Firefox 2, but in IE is a *mess*. I don't quite know where to start, I wonder whether anybody has any solutions? 1. Why is the header (Rahul Gonsalves...) so much lower in IE? Fix?

Re: [WSG] height issue

2006-11-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Taco Fleur wrote: All the text is within #body-text and both divs are set to 100% height, but in Firefox the background color does not complete go to the end of the text, it puzzles me... The page validates BTW. 100% height is limited to 100%

Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

2006-10-26 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Taco Fleur wrote: Ahh I see, better undo all those fixes that weren't fixes ;-) How about giving it a height of 100%? If it's still Opera 9 you're trying to fix, then 'height: 100%' will work - at least in the window-version. Georg --

Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

2006-10-26 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Taco Fleur wrote: OK, so opera isn't playing by the rules... No browser yet released plays perfectly by the rules, so that shouldn't come as a surprise. You're not making use of all the rules either, or else you would have provoked some nasty bugs in all browsers. NOTE: I'm only testing in Ope

Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

2006-10-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Taco Fleur wrote: Sounds fair, I would say "Tough luck!" then, since the pages validate and the browsers choose not to display it properly. If the users complain I'll tell them "sorry, but we did everything by the books, look at your browser, get rid of it and change to PC ;-)". Would be mor

Re: [WSG] a new IE bug? maybe not

2006-10-24 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Both methods work well except with Georg's method, there are slight shortcomings. You've changed/added more from the original than I did :-) I tested my suggested additions/changes on a copy of your original page in Firefox from -6 to +20 font-steps, without any column-drop

Re: [WSG] a new IE bug? maybe not

2006-10-23 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: The only thing I see that the right column drops to the bottom is when I resize the text to smaller. Is there a way to fix? Basically: don't mix em and px on side-by-side containers/columns. Instead; leave the tricky calculations

Re: [WSG] Lists and DIR=RTL

2006-10-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Thierry Koblentz wrote: I just found the issue and put something together: Just an observation: whitespace doesn't matter in Opera 9 (from prev1 onwards). So, whitespace may be important to browsers when dealing with such cases, but

Re: [WSG] different spacing across browser & in

2006-10-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Taco Fleur wrote: Thanks, any suggestions on how to solve that? I can't remove the clear:left You can hack in a... form {margin-top: -15px} ...(or another value) for IE/win only - using your favorite hack. Georg -- *

Re: [WSG] help with layout postioning

2006-10-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Kevin McMonagle wrote: -im relieved that you say that the negative margins are ok. I had a proggrammer at work complain about them and a couple posts here made me wonder if it was ok. I've heard/read complaints about every single CSS-based method in use for laying out web pages. Yet, most meth

Re: [WSG] help with layout postioning

2006-10-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Kevin McMonagle wrote: [...] I was worried that negative margin usage was becoming out of control. It was suggested that I use absolute positioning on one of the columns(navigations) to rely less on negative margins. This caused the column to vanish in ie pc. Heres is the negative margin v

Re: [WSG] Max-width issues

2006-10-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John 'Max' Maxwell wrote: Is my syntax or something incorrect or is there just no way of adding this fix without going 'invalid'?? Does the above code even belong in a style sheet as it doesn't look like standard CSS to me. Your syntax is correct, and if you've got the values right it'll work

Re: [WSG] Accessible Map with UL Problem

2006-10-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Micky Mourelo wrote: 1. No, you can't. (I love this game) :-) (I never play games, so have fun then) Georg -- *** List Guidelines: Unsubscribe: http

Re: [WSG] Accessible Map with UL Problem

2006-10-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Micky Mourelo wrote: I wouldn't call the map accessible since you can't access the map without css ;o). Yes, you can. You should have tested first. Georg -- *** List Guidelines: http://webstandardsg

Re: [WSG] Accessible Map with UL Problem

2006-09-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Elle Meredith wrote: In IE6 my map is pushed down and to the left. Add a suitable 'hasLayout'[1] trigger so IE gets something "solid" to position in relation to - like... #content {height: 100%;} ...and it'll work just fine. regards Geo

Re: [WSG] The usability of a frame-style layout

2006-09-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Opera has a "navigation bar" that users can turn on or off. It sits across the top of a page, and is populated by LINK elements in the HEAD section of a document. Do you happen to know any sites that work with this concept? So any sites that have LINK elements in the HEAD section that would

Re: [WSG] Problem with css dropdown menus

2006-09-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] wrote: You will see that if youo move the mosue over the "Services" item, the dropdown that appears lies behind the "Useful links" item. I would rather have it infront of the "Useful links" item. I actu

Re: [WSG] How do I set a css-value for Safari alone?

2006-09-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
morten fjellman wrote: Great tips, guys! Your suggestions are somewhat easier to understand than the aformentioned article :D No wonder. That article was last updated 2 years ago, and is therefore also in part pretty outdated. I suggest you read this instead...

Re: [WSG] Re: [WD]: Rethinking Font Size 76%

2006-09-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ignore this thread. I sent a response to the wrong list :-) Georg -- *** List Guidelines: Unsubscribe:

[WSG] Re: [WD]: Rethinking Font Size 76%

2006-09-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rimantas Liubertas wrote: I am still waiting for the research, showing how many of "majority of the planet's web users" have an idea where they can change "their" defaults... I'm waiting too, but I'd like such a research to cover _all_ web users, and I'd like to reverse the question. I have n

Re: [WSG] XHTML Marquee

2006-09-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Richard Czeiger wrote: poor old me I still have opera 7.5 and it's fine there. I might try and download opera 9, though I'm tempted to give up on it. Logs for most of my clients show ALL versions of opera total a massive 0.8% of users. I don't think I can waste my time on that No problem

Re: [WSG] Semantics - (was : class names and IDs (which was p:first-line))

2006-09-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: OK, so how far do we take this thinking on semantics etc. For example, many people use a div called 'header'. Suppose I decide to put this at the bottom?!!! Taking this to the extreme, it suggests that 'header' is presentational/positional. Well, I regularly put parts of what

Re: [WSG] XHTML Marquee

2006-09-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Richard Czeiger wrote: I'd appreciate any comments/suggestions/criticisms... Resulting in a blank page with no Marquee in my Opera 9. Unreadable even with font-resizing to largest in IE6, because of too high contrast. Quite a few steps font-resizing need

Re: [WSG] Trouble with float layout (IE6 versus Firefox)

2006-09-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Doug Wigginton wrote: [...] The idea is that when the browser resizes, the second left-floated div will drop down below the first enabling all the content to display in an 600 x 800 resolution. This works in IE6 (win) but not in Firefox, therefore my css is probably wrong/incomplete. In FireFo

Re: [WSG] p:first-line

2006-09-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Mathew Patterson wrote: You have probably heard this same argument in reference to using instead of . The idea is that the class name you use should reflect the semantic *meaning* of what it does, not necessarily the physical way it achieves that meaning. The idea is fine and recommendable.

Re: [WSG] Navs at bottom of pages

2006-09-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
TuteC wrote: Beautiful!! I´ve never seen link-relations working, it should really be a built-in spec for browsers... easy to get used to. A way to let anybody, in any site, know where they are standing. W3C seems to recommend them...

Re: [WSG] Navs at bottom of pages

2006-09-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Kenny Graham wrote: I've noticed many people from this list stil put text-and-broken-pipe navs at the bottom of their pages. Is this still needed? I replicate link-relations as ordinary links in the page-footer, since there are so many browsers that can't make use of, or don't default to pres

Re: [WSG] Help with Flowchart & Min/Max Width IE Win

2006-08-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote: PROBLEM A The main problem appears to be the left margin when adjusting the browser size (I'm particularly interested in 800x600 and larger resolutions). The whole construction depends on font-size, so it is rather weak acro

Re: [WSG] IE7 RC1 oddity

2006-08-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: it is driving every page on the site from the one stylesheet and there are a lot of list menus, hence the need to specifically identify them. Makes sense, but how many #maprolloverlist are there? I can only find one. Example: #maprolloverlist li#rollover1{position: abso

Re: [WSG] IE7 RC1 oddity

2006-08-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: Opera 9 makes big "little" boxes unless you allow the minimum font-size to be smaller than the default 9px, so that's an issue I need to address. So does Firefox. IE6 does the same when 'ignore font-size' is applied. My preference is 'minimum font-size = 14px" during reg

Re: [WSG] IE7 RC1 oddity

2006-08-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: Would be nice to know which browsers are rendered this page "correctly" at the moment, as IE6, Firefox and Opera 9.01 don't seem to agree on much. The addition of this... #maprolloverlist{width: 767px; /* needed for IE7 it seems */}

Re: [WSG] IE7 RC1 oddity

2006-08-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: should an undimensioned div stretch to the full width of its container or only to the width of its content? If it's a float, or controlled by the behavior of an undimensioned wrapping float, then I think it should all shrink to the width of the non-positioned content. Any

Re: [WSG] IE Stops page load

2006-08-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Darren Wood wrote: works / displays as expected in FF/Safari but it goes mental in IE. Someone will probably say that I'm a mental case myself, but anyway. I changed the order of the two first script-links in a local copy, and IE6 started to behave just fine. Can't see a

Re: [WSG] witdh:expression

2006-08-27 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
TuteC wrote: What do you think? I don´t like it, I´m not comfortable using it. This site is not using a special IE stylesheet and I don´t want to start using one! Shall I leave it? Testing in different browsers works as I want, but I just want to make things the best I can. I don't like it ei

Re: [WSG] Site check [Dineen and Westcott] and IE bug

2006-08-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Mark Harris wrote: imagine there's a heaven, I wonder if you can... ;-) Sure I can! I use Opera - but I don't challenge that inline-style-comment bug all that often. PS Thunderbird spellchecks "Gunlaug" as "Onslaught" heheh Your Thunderbird didn't do too bad, really. "Gunlaug" means "ded

Re: [WSG] Site check [Dineen and Westcott] and IE bug

2006-08-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Saviour on a stick! Every time I think I've heard of the weirdest thing, along comes Internet Exploder... Yeah, isn't it fun? :-) You know, the tech guys at Microsoft can't have a lot of fun with this, bolting stuff on in order to make the pig fly. I wonder why they haven't just built a new o

Re: [WSG] Site check [Dineen and Westcott] and IE bug

2006-08-24 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
James Oppenheim wrote: The floated content seems to drop under the sub-nav on the left when you resize the browser to different resolutions in IE on the PC. This problem does not happen in firefox, netscape, mozzila, advent and opera on the PC or firefo

Re: [WSG] GRR IE Help Please

2006-08-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tina Starnes wrote: Now this is working perfect in FF - but for the life of me IE will not display proper. As mentioned by others: you're using "the wrong overflow". Firefox is getting the 'overflow' wrong, and IE is expand

Re: [WSG] correct markup for frames? : was [target=_blank]

2006-08-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: I'm getting fed up with this. You still haven't told me WHY it makes perfect sense! Why, that is, the W3C have decided that using a target is undesirable, ultimately. I have no idea why W3C decide anything, but they have made some decisions and written the standards accordingl

Re: [WSG] correct markup for frames? : was [target=_blank]

2006-08-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: The 'problem' is that you can use a strict xhtml frameset AND xhtml files and that's OK with the W3C recommendations - so why on earth have they done away with one of frames main uses/advantages, i.e., targetting one or more of the frames. No matter which way you look at it, i

Re: [WSG] IE7 standards support very bad according to some

2006-08-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bruce wrote: Looks to me like he's blaming ie for his design problems. On there is 226 errors returned by the validator. Scrollbars at 800px in all browsers, image distortion and odd text sizes... Since I always add a bit of user-preference on any site (minimum font size = 1

Re: [WSG] htaccess, help please

2006-08-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [...] it just hit me. opera was obeying the css and firefox ignored it. strange, huh? :-) Not at all... ;-) Seriously, it isn't the first time I've experienced such behavior in Gecko. Although CSS should rule, Gecko often ignores it and use what's given in HTML. Geck

Re: [WSG] on P & H1-H6 "Block" Elements

2006-08-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Shlomi Asaf wrote: i just been informed that P & Hn Elements are Inline Element. How Come? how can those elements be inline, and the user-agent render them as Block-level elements? ca

Re: [WSG] IE7 bug?

2006-08-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Andrew Ingram wrote: So I added in another rule that changed the background color of the element with the drop-down hover and suddenly everything started working, take the rule out and it stopped. I think you have hit the old IE-bug on CSS popups...

Re: [WSG] Support for IE5/Mac? (was Browser stats)

2006-08-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
SunUp wrote: I know how to prevent v.4 browsers from getting my styles, but how do I stop IE5/Mac from getting them?? All I know how to do is to give them something different, not how to exclude them entirely. Wrap all styles you don't want IE/Mac to see in an @media rule. Georg --

Re: [WSG] Using Tables w/CSS

2006-08-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
CK wrote: Your attention is greatly appreciated. Would you expand, off-list as to not to cause clutter, on the quoted text? Some more CSS-tuning needed, and you'll have to decide what mode IE6 should run in. Don't think the following "causes clutter", as there certainly are some who may welc

Re: [WSG] Using Tables w/CSS

2006-08-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
CK wrote: The problem is solved, but the question lingers is this the most streamline solution? Don't know since it is a bit minimal at the moment. If this is what you're working on... ...then it may at least pass as a valid and co

Re: [WSG] Opera Bug? (Table-displayed, left-floated, min-width content)

2006-08-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Joe D'Andrea wrote: The latest iteration might be the winner though [2]. We'll see. [2] Just to state the (more or less) obvious: 'width' = 'min-width' and 'height' = 'min-height' when we're dealing with CSS table elements that take dimensions. Same

Re: [WSG] table display values - how to

2006-07-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Hi, can you please tell me how to use these table display values in non-table layout, better yet if you can show me examples. I understand the concept but I don't know how and when to use them in CSS layout with selectors. CSS 2.1 about 'CSS tables'...

Re: [WSG] Site help needed please ... I can't see what i've got wrong

2006-07-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Michael Kear wrote: Loads below the menu structure in IE6 (it's ok in Firefox) Given the fact that you're using a doctype that isn't valid when served as 'text/html', and that the page is styled so it can't take any font-resizing p

Re: [WSG] Suckerfish Dropdown problem - IE

2006-07-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Christian Fagan wrote: Don't know what you mean by IE6 running in "quirks" mode. The basics about *'standards' vs. 'quirks' modes* are described here: Georg --

Re: [WSG] w3c inspecting icon factory

2006-07-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: but georg, isn't that what standards are for? Sure! :-) Now, how about the support for standards around browser-land? Not too good - yet. Also, how about standards being created in such a way that they provide means for delivering content of all kinds across the web?

Re: [WSG] w3c inspecting icon factory

2006-07-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is there then no difference in wanting to serve the visitors to your web site(s) what you think is best for them? ...and what if you're wrong in your thinking? :-) To stay within the 'food-analogy': - good food can kill someone who isn't used to it. Good web-solutions

Re: [WSG] Rounded Corners

2006-07-23 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Paul Novitski wrote: Your basic structure looks like it would be easy to implement in JavaScript or PHP. Good. I'm almost completely lost when it comes to both Javascript and PHP, so I couldn't get any further on my own ;-) In short: I need he

Re: [WSG] Rounded Corners

2006-07-23 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Also, in happy times when multiple background images are commonly supported getting rid of one is easier than fishing out all extra divs, spans, etc. Looks to me like the CSS3 working draft for border-radius and multiple background-images won't solve much beyond the ordinary "round box" illusi

Re: [WSG] site check and code review

2006-07-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
TuteC wrote: Thank you very much, Georg. That´s exactly what I want: that the content overflows or the div expands but mantaining the same position. You say that if we "grow"enough the text, the sidebar will fall anyway down, but isn´t there a technique to make it "borrow" some of the space th

Re: [WSG] Rounded Corners

2006-07-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Scott Swabey wrote: Seems like the use of semantically neutral elements to create imageless rounded corners is more than acceptable. Am I missing something? Apart from "bloated source-code"(?), no, I don't think you have missed anything :-) Personally, I think "bloated source-code" should be

Re: [WSG] site check and code review

2006-07-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
TuteC wrote: Hello, I´ve got a similar problem with the left sidebar in When in Firefox I use big font size, the left bar falls under the right container. And I can not make this right container occupy its 100% of possible width, don´t know why. Use more suitabl

Re: [WSG] Link spacing in UL

2006-07-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Paul Bennett wrote: I'm trying to achieve the following: - * list item - loads of text here. loads of text here.loads of text here. loads of text here.loads of text here.loads of text here.loads of text here. -- (note the line bre

Re: [WSG] are transitional doctypes quickmode

2006-07-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G.Peng wrote: I always thought transitional doctypes are quirkmode but today I was told it's not, the quirkmode is when a page has no doctype declared. All 'doctype vs. modes' are listed here: Georg -- http://www.gun

Re: [WSG] site check and code review

2006-07-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Elle Meredith wrote: page: css: 1. unless I declare * {margin:0; padding: 0;} many objects do not fit in the layout and get pushed down. Now, I tried to limit my paddings and margins so I don't know where they come from. Will have t

Re: [WSG] Thanks Georg, but Mike ... re Meyer's CSS AND ... :)

2006-07-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Susie Gardner-Brown wrote: Thank you Georg. That worked! I didn¹t realise ... Really, the more I do this, the more I discover I don't know! I'm at a loss to know how to hold all this info in my head Any clues on sites that have these sorts of things listed?!?!! Bug-lists with good descriptions

Re: [WSG] Meyer's CSS text popups not working in IE (PC)

2006-07-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Susie Gardner-Brown wrote: It does have a background! [...] No, it doesn't. You have styled the span alright, but that doesn't affect the LINK-element, the a, so IE/win isn't "getting it". This will get IE's attention... div#content li a:hover {background: #edb;} Remember, you're dealing w

Re: [WSG] Meyer's CSS text popups not working in IE (PC)

2006-07-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Susie Gardner-Brown wrote: My ones work fine on my Mac in Firefox, but in IE (PC) they don't. I'm assuming that something is conflicting from the rest of my stylesheet, but I can't work out what. If anyone had any clues, I'd be very happy

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