[ANNOUNCE] Getopt::Attribute 0.02

2001-06-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Getopt::Attribute - Attribute wrapper for Getopt::Long

  use Getopt::Attribute;

  my $verbose : Getopt(verbose!);
  my $all : Getopt(all);
  my $size: Getopt(size=s);
  my $more: Getopt(more+);
  my @library : Getopt(library=s);
  my %defines : Getopt(define=s);
  sub quiet : Getopt(quiet) { our $quiet_msg = 'seen quiet' }
  usage() if my $man : Getopt(man);

  # Meanwhile, on some command line:

  mypgm.pl --noverbose --all --size=23 --more --more --more --quiet
   --library lib/stdlib --library lib/extlib
   --define os=linux --define vendor=redhat --man -- foo

This module provides an attribute wrapper around `Getopt::Long'. Instead
of declaring the options in a hash with references to the variables and
subroutines affected by the options, you can use the `Getopt' attribute
on the variables and subroutines directly.

As you can see from the Synopsis, the attribute takes an argument of the
same format as you would give as the hash key for `Getopt::Long'. See
the `Getopt::Long' manpage for details.

Note that since attributes are processed during CHECK, but assignments
on newly declared variables are processed during run-time, you can't set
defaults on those variables beforehand, like this:

my $verbose : Getopt(verbose!) = 1;  # DOES NOT WORK

Instead, you have to establish defaults afterwards, like so:

my $verbose : Getopt(verbose!);
$verbose ||= 1;

None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grunauer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grunauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl(1), Getopt::Long(3pm), Attribute::Handlers(3pm).


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: Inline::PERL

2001-06-03 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Sunday, June 3, 2001, at 05:56  AM, David H. Adler wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 09:40:49AM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
>> Inline::PERL gives you the power of the PERL programming language from
> And what, exactly, is the PERL programming language?

It is the wicked, twisted spectre of Perl that haunts the minds of
script kiddies. In some cultures it is known as CGI; other cultures
have no name for it. Well-informed people normally run when they
encounter it.

A saving throw against mental instability applies.


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Friday, June 1, 2001, at 10:41  PM, Redvers Davies wrote:

>> I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,
> Nah, you want an interesting old religion, look at the Celts.  Drinking
> blood has gone out of style though...

Has it? Angel drinks blood; Spike does as well.

Oops, wrong thread...


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Friday, June 1, 2001, at 02:07  PM, Paul Mison wrote:

> On 01/06/2001 at 13:03 +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
>> so when is the next bang holiday weekend?
> 2001-08-27. Hence the crazy golf must be on 2001-08-25. (Palm Desktop)++

Cool; I might actually be in London that weekend.


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.


2001-06-01 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Who is going to be at YAPC::NA in Montreal? I'm going to be there
from June 9-18 and seeing that the conference is from June 13-15,
there are a few days to do sightseeing / hacking / whatever.

Is anyone else there before the conference so we might meet up early?

Also, any tips on what do to in Montreal would be appreciated
(there are city guides, of course, but if someone has first-hand
experience it'd be good).


my int ($x, $y, $z, $n); $x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

Re: OSCon London

2001-05-31 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, May 31, 2001, at 12:00  PM, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> This one, however, had an advert on the from about the Open Source
> Convention. Not the San Diego Open Source Convention, but one in London 
> on
> October 22 - 25. That's currently all I know, but I'll see what else I 
> can
> find out.

Couldn't find anything on the O'Reilly site, events or conferences.
Maybe someone working for them who is also on this list might have
some information?


my int ($x, $y, $z, $n); $x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

[ANNOUNCE] Attribute::Overload 0.02

2001-05-30 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Attribute::Overload - Attribute that makes overloading easier

  use Attribute::Overload;
  sub add : Overload(+) { ... }

The `Overload' attribute, when used on a subroutine, declares that
subroutine as handler in the current package for the operation(s)
indicated by the attribute options. Thus it frees you from the
implementation details of how to declare overloads and keeps the
definitions where they belong, with the operation handlers.

For details of which operations can be overloaded and what the
overloading function gets passed see the `overload' manpage.

Note that you can't overload constants this way, since this has to
happen during BEGIN time, but attributes are only evaluated at CHECK
time (at least as far as `Attribute::Handlers' is concerned).

None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grunauer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grunauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl(1), overload(3pm), Attribute::Handlers(3pm).


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

[ANNOUNCE] Attribute::Util 0.02

2001-05-30 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Attribute::Util - A selection of general-utility attributes

  use Attribute::Util;

  # Alias

  sub color : Alias(colour) { return 'red' }

  # Abstract

  package MyObj;
  sub new { ... }
  sub somesub: Abstract;

  package MyObj::Better;
  use base 'MyObj';
  sub somesub { return "I'm implemented!" }

  # Memoize

  sub fib :Memoize {
  my $n = shift;
  return $n if $n < 2;
  fib($n-1) + fib($n-2);
  print fib($_),"\n" for 1..50;

  # SigHandler

  sub myalrm : SigHandler(ALRM, VTALRM) { ...  }
  sub mywarn : SigHandler(__WARN__) { ... }

This module provides four universally accessible attributes of general

This attribute makes it slightly easier (and modern) to memoize a
function by providing an attribute, `:Memoize' that makes it
unnecessary for you to explicitly call `Memoize::memoize()'. Options
can be passed via the attribute per usual (see the
`Attribute::Handlers' manpage for details, and the `Memoize' manpage
for information on memoizing options):

  sub f :Memoize(NORMALIZER => 'main::normalize_f') {

However, since the call to `memoize()' is now done in a different
package, it is necessary to include the package name in any function
names passed as options to the attribute, as shown above.

Declaring a subroutine to be abstract using this attribute causes a
call to it to die with a suitable exception. Subclasses are expected
to implement the abstract method.

Using the attribute makes it visually distinctive that a method is
abstract, as opposed to declaring it without any attribute or method
body, or providing a method body that might make it look as though
it was implemented after all.

If you need a variable or subroutine to be known by another name,
use this attribute. Internally, the attribute's handler assigns
typeglobs to each other. As such, the `Alias' attribute provides a
layer of abstraction. If the underlying mechanism changes in a
future version of Perl (say, one that might not have the concept of
typeglobs anymore :), a new version of this module will take care of
that, but your `Alias' declarations are going to stay the same.

Note that assigning typeglobs means that you can't specify a synonym
for one element of the glob and use the same synonym for a different
target name in a different slot. I.e.,

  sub color :Alias(colour) { ... }
  my $farbe :Alias(colour);

doesn't make sense, since the sub declaration aliases the whole
`colour' glob to `color', but then the scalar declaration aliases
the whole `colour' glob to `farbe', so the first alias is lost.

When used on a subroutine, this attribute declares that subroutine
to be a signal handler for the signal(s) given as options for this
attribute. It thereby frees you from the implementation details of
defining sig handlers and keeps the handler definitions where they
belong, namely with the handler subroutine.

None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grunauer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grunauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl(1), Attribute::Handlers(3pm), Memoize(3pm).


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: SQL statements to DB Schema (dia ?)

2001-05-30 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 10:51  AM, Cross David - dcross wrote:

>> I have no DB schema, and as such could dump the SQL schema (via
>> mysqldump) - and I was wondering if there was a super thing that could
>> translate the create table stuff into a diagram I could print, and then
>> look at  If this worked on Linux and involved perl and Dia then it
>> would be fab.
> If GraphViz doesn't do this already - it will by the end of the day :)

It did - for some time. GraphViz::DBI, by yours truly, does precisely
that. It relies, at this time, on a certain table/field naming
convention (but is subclassable so you can implement your own
convention). In a future version it'll be aware of constraints
(for foreign keys and such).


my int ($x, $y, $z, $n); $x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

Re: Grammar -> Class creation

2001-05-29 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 11:49  AM, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> Surely it should be possible to specify the underlying *functionality*
> of the system and then have a perl source filter (or other component of
> perl's mind-addling n-tier parsing architecture) that
> rewrites/re-presents the interface in the API style du jour...

Separate the end-user API from the parser's action API. I.e., each parser
module specifies the grammar and uses a fixed style of action that 
something like an abstract syntax tree. Then have several end-user APIs 
access that AST. I.e., one that traverses the tree and makes callbacks 
each node. Or one that uses an XPath-like syntax to get at certain nodes 
the tree. Or, in the spirit of the model-view controller, make it a tree
model and have various tree viewers (Leon will recognise this idea; as 
been going on about this since before the German Perl Workshop...) so you
could also 'view' the tree as an XML document, as a Data::Dumper-like
output, as a directory hierarchy (where nodes are directories and leaf
entries are files), or whatever one's sick mind can come up with.


my int ($x, $y, $z, $n); $x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

Re: Grammar -> Class creation

2001-05-29 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 11:18  AM, Simon Wistow wrote:

> I started looking into this when I first started doing the SWF stuff ...
> a kind of YACC for file formats. Describe it in a BNF-a-like language
> and then run a program over it et voila - you have a library for reading
> and creating that file format (he says, glossing over lots of
> complications and gotchas). Write that program for each different
> language and lots of different languages/systems have access to lots of
> different fiel formats and every time a format changes the spec gets
> updated and everyone runs their grammar->library programs again and
> everybody's got full functionality again.

As Leon points out, Parse::RecDescent is One Way To Do It. However, it's
mostly used to parse some input according to some grammar and to 
the desired result directly. If you need a different result from the same
grammar, you have to specify the grammar and actions again.

It might be an idea to have grammars packed up in modules (i.e., 
and make the actions callbacks (some sort of autoaction might do that),
much like HTML and XML parsers do it. I imagine lots of little Parse::*
modules (Parse::Regex, Parse::PDF, Parse::RPN etc.).

Is that a) a good idea, b) a bad idea, c) common practice anyway and I 
haven't found it?


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: Tie::Hash::Regex vs Tie::RegexpHash

2001-05-26 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Friday, May 25, 2001, at 03:18  PM, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> It's all very clever, but I'm not convinced how useful it is.

Since when has that ever stopped us?


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: [announce] Tie::Hash::Rank

2001-05-22 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 09:32  PM, David Cantrell wrote:

> I've just put a complete version of Tie::Hash::Rank on my webshite for

'webshite'?  shurely shome mishtake?

> your enjoyment.  I'd be grateful if some of you could download it and
> test it before I submit it to CPAN.
>   http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/tech/Tie-Hash-Rank-1.0.tar.gz
> It has what I hope is a comprehensive test suite anyway, but many eyes
> make bugs leap out of the screen and bash me over the head :-)

Looks good. Also works with Attribute::TieClasses (once I had replaced
the '#!/usr/bin/perl -w' with 'use warnings', mysteriously).


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Attributes galore

2001-05-22 Thread Marcel Grunauer

This is something like a request for comments.

Playing around with attributes (as per Attribute::Handler), I've done
several more attribute handlers and have also bundled a few into one
module but am not quite sure what to call it. First, here are examples
of those handlers:

1) Attribute::Tools

sub fib :Memoize   { ... }# like Attribute::Memoize
sub foo :Abstract  { ... }# like Attribute::Abstract
sub color :aka(colour) { ... }# alternative names

sub mywarn : SigHandler(__WARN__) { ... }
# instead of $SIG{__WARN__} = \&mywarn;
# keeps you free from implementation details

sub myadd : Overload(+) { ... }
# instead of use overload '+' => \&myadd;

The above five attributes are in one module called Attribute::Tools, but
maybe someone has a better name for them. It seems like a waste to have
a separate CPAN module for each of those.

Now some more attributes:

2) Attribute::Export

use Attribute::Export;
sub hello : Export { "hello there" }
sub askme : ExportOk { "export is ok" }
# shields you from the Exporter arrays

3) Attribute::INC

use Attribute::INC;
sub traceinc : INC {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
print "looking for $file?\n";
# installs a coderef-in-@INC

4) Attribute::Documentation

use Attribute::Documentation 'document_module';
Description => 'Just a sample module',
Author  => 'Marcel Grunauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>';
sub new : Description(The constructor) { bless {}, shift }
sub old : Deprecated :Public { print "something\n" }
# remembers this documentation in a hash structure so you
# can query it later or generate POD from it

(on a related note, it'd be nice to use Class::Contract and/or
Class::MethodMaker to autogenerate documentation for the classes
generated by them)

5) Future idea: XML template match attributes

An XSL-like declarative XML transformation mechanism using a
multimethod-like mechanism implemented via attributes:

 sub apply :XPathMatch(//xyz[@name="abc"]/def) { ... }

which is expected to return the transformed text, much like an XSL
template does, except it has the power of Perl behind it

6) Future idea: PreAttrHook, PostAttrHook, AUTOATTR

Attribute::Handler could be extended so it recognizes those three
new attributes and calls the PreAttrHook handler before the first
attribute handler on a symbol, and the PostAttrHook handler on the
last one. This way you could override the behavior of any other
handlers, or just keep track of what attributes there are (so you
can report on them later).

If any attribute is used for which there isn't a handler, but there
is an AUTOATTR handler, that one is called instead.

7) Future idea: DefaultAttr

Maybe using a source filter, it might be possible to add an attribute
(let's call it ':DefaultAttr') to each symbol that can possibly have
an attribute, so you can use attributes to do things to each and every
variable and subroutine. This would be really useful for bringing in
aspect-oriented programming. For example, if you wanted to trace all
calls to sub in the Foo package, you might say:

sub DefaultAttr : ATTR(CODE) {
my ($pkg, $symbol) = @_;
print STDERR "entering $symbol\n" if $pkg eq 'Foo'

Any comments, ideas, or contact details of the nearest psychiatric
clinic would be appreciated.

$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: Marcel Grunauer left on all night

2001-05-21 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Monday, May 21, 2001, at 10:39  AM, Simon Wistow wrote:

> .. get some sleep boy, you're making the rest of us look bad :)

 Someone forgot to terminate my program. Hello. Hello? 

As I was on all weekend as well, expect some more attribute stuff rsn.


my int ($x, $y, $z, $n); $x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

base64 encodings...

2001-05-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

I've just been informed and shamed to see that all these postings came
through as base64 encoded because of the umlaut in my surname.

I'll get rid of that (no one pronounces that correctly anyway) for
future postings.

Sorry again.


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

[ANNOUNCE] GraphViz::ISA 0.01

2001-05-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and relations

  use GraphViz::DBI;
  print GraphViz::DBI->new($dbh)->graph_tables->as_png;

This module constructs a graph for a database showing tables and
connecting them if they are related. While or after constructing the
object, pass an open database handle, then call `graph_tables' to
determine database metadata and construct a GraphViz graph from the
table and field information.

The following methods are defined by this class; all other method calls
are passed to the underlying GraphViz object:

new( [$dbh] )
Constructs the object; also creates a GraphViz object. The
constructor accepts an optional open database handle.

Sets the database handle.

Returns the database handle.

Checks the database metadata whether the argument is a valid table

is_foreign_key($table, $field)
Determines whether the field belonging to the table is a foreign key
into some other table. If so, it is expected to return the name of
that table. If not, it is expected to return a false value.

For example, if there is a table called "product" and another table
contains a field called "product_id", then to indicate that this
field is a foreign key into the product table, the method returns
"product". This is the logic implemented in this class. You can
override this method in a subclass to suit your needs.

This method goes through all tables and fields and calls appropriate
methods to determine which tables and which dependencies exist, then
hand the results over to GraphViz. It returns the GraphViz object.

*   Test with various database drivers to see whether they support the
metadata interface.

*   Provide the possibility to name edges to specify the type of
relationship ('has-a', 'is-a', etc.).

None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grünauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grünauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl(1), GraphViz(3pm).


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

[ANNOUNCE] GraphViz::DBI 0.01

2001-05-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and relations

  use GraphViz::DBI;
  print GraphViz::DBI->new($dbh)->graph_tables->as_png;

This module constructs a graph for a database showing tables and
connecting them if they are related. While or after constructing the
object, pass an open database handle, then call `graph_tables' to
determine database metadata and construct a GraphViz graph from the
table and field information.

The following methods are defined by this class; all other method calls
are passed to the underlying GraphViz object:

new( [$dbh] )
Constructs the object; also creates a GraphViz object. The
constructor accepts an optional open database handle.

Sets the database handle.

Returns the database handle.

Checks the database metadata whether the argument is a valid table

is_foreign_key($table, $field)
Determines whether the field belonging to the table is a foreign key
into some other table. If so, it is expected to return the name of
that table. If not, it is expected to return a false value.

For example, if there is a table called "product" and another table
contains a field called "product_id", then to indicate that this
field is a foreign key into the product table, the method returns
"product". This is the logic implemented in this class. You can
override this method in a subclass to suit your needs.

This method goes through all tables and fields and calls appropriate
methods to determine which tables and which dependencies exist, then
hand the results over to GraphViz. It returns the GraphViz object.

*   Test with various database drivers to see whether they support the
metadata interface.

*   Provide the possibility to name edges to specify the type of
relationship ('has-a', 'is-a', etc.).

None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grünauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grünauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl(1), GraphViz(3pm).


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

[ANNOUNCE] DBIx::Lookup::Field 0.01

2001-05-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

DBIx::Lookup::Field - Create a lookup hash from a database table

  use DBI;
  use DBIx::Lookup::Field qw/dbi_lookup_field/;

  $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
  my $inst_id = dbi_lookup_field(
  DBH   => $dbh,
  TABLE => 'institution'
  KEY   => 'name',
  VALUE => 'id',

  print "Inst_A has id ", $inst_id->{Inst_A};

This module provides a way to construct a hash from a database table.
This is useful for the situation where you have to perform many lookups
of a field by using a key from the same table. If, for example, a table
has an id field and a name field and you often have to look up the name
by its id, it might be wasteful to issue many separate SQL queries.
Having the two fields as a hash speeds up processing, although at the
expense of memory.

This function creates a hash from two fields in a database table on
a DBI connection. One field acts as the hash key, the other acts as
the hash value. It expects a parameter hash and returns a reference
to the lookup hash.

The following parameters are accepted. Parameters can be required or
optional. If a required parameter isn't given, an exception is
raised (i.e., it dies).

DBH The database handle through which to access the table from which
to create the lookup. Required.

The name of the table that contains the key and value fields.

KEY The field name of the field that is to act as the hash key.

The field name of the field that is to act as the hash value.

A SQL 'WHERE' clause with which to restrict the 'SELECT'
statement that is used to create the hash. Optional.

None known at this time. If you find any oddities or bugs, please do
report them to the author.

Marcel Grünauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grünauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.



We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

[ANNOUNCE] Devel::SearchINC 0.02

2001-05-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Devel::SearchINC - loading Perl modules from their development dirs

  use Devel::SearchINC '/my/dev/dir';
  use My::Brand::New::Module;

When developing a new module, I always start with

h2xs -XA -n My::Module

This creates a directory with a useful skeleton for the module's
distribution. The directory structure is such, however, that you have to
install the module first (with `make install') before you can use it in
another program or module. For example, bringing in a module like so:

use My::Module;

requires the module to be somewhere in a path listed in `@INC', and the
relative path is expected to be `My/Module.pm'. However, `h2xs' creates
a structure where the module ends up in `My/Module/Module.pm'.

This module tries to compensate for that. The idea is that you `use()'
it right at the beginning of your program so it can modify `@INC' to
look for modules in relative paths of the special structure mentioned
above, starting with directories specified along with the `use()'
statement (i.e. the arguments passed to this module's `import()').

This is useful because with this module you can test your programs using
your newly developed modules without having to install them just so you
can use them. This is especially advantageous when you consider working
on many new modules at the same time.

Test on different platforms and Perl versions.
None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grünauer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grünauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.



We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

[ANNOUNCE] Attribute::Abstract 0.01

2001-05-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Attribute::Abstract - implementing abstract methods with attributes

  package SomeObj;
  use Attribute::Abstract;

  sub new { ... }
  sub write : Abstract;

Declaring a subroutine to be abstract using this attribute causes a call
to it to die with a suitable exception. Subclasses are expected to
implement the abstract method.

Using the attribute makes it visually distinctive that a method is
abstract, as opposed to declaring it without any attribute or method
body, or providing a method body that might make it look as though it
was implemented after all.

None known so far. If you find any bugs or oddities, please do inform
the author.

Marcel Grünauer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 2001 Marcel Grünauer. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.



We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

[ANNOUNCE] Attribute::TieClasses 0.01

2001-05-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Attribute::TieClasses - attribute wrappers for CPAN Tie classes

  use Attribute::TieClasses;
  my $k : Timeout(EXPIRES => '+2s');
  # loads in Tie::Scalar::Timeout and tie()s $k with those options

Damian Conway's wonderful `Attribute::Handlers' module provides an easy
way to use attributes for `tie()'ing variables. In effect, the code in
the synopsis is simply

use Attribute::Handlers
autotie => { Timeout => 'Tie::Scalar::Timeout' };

Still, going one step further, it might be useful to have centrally
defined attributes corresponding to commonly used Tie classes found on

Simply `use()'ing this module doesn't bring in all those potential Tie
classes; they are only loaded when an attribute is actually used.

The following attributes are defined:

  Attribute name(s)  Variable ref  Class the variable is tied to
  =    =
  Alias  HASH  Tie::AliasHash
  AliasedHASH  Tie::AliasHash
  Cache  HASH  Tie::Cache
  CharArray  ARRAY Tie::CharArray
  Cycle  SCALARTie::Cycle
  Decay  SCALARTie::Scalar::Decay
  Defaults   HASH  Tie::HashDefaults
  Dict   HASH  Tie::TieDict
  DirHASH  Tie::Dir
  DirHandle  HASH  Tie::DirHandle
  Discovery  HASH  Tie::Discovery
  Dx HASH  Tie::DxHash
  Encrypted  HASH  Tie::EncryptedHash
  FileLRUHASH  Tie::FileLRUCache
  Fixed  HASH  Tie::SubstrHash
  FlipFlop   SCALARTie::FlipFlop
  IPAddrKeyedHASH  Tie::NetAddr::IP
  InsensitiveHASH  Tie::CPHash
  Ix HASH  Tie::IxHash
  LRUHASH  Tie::Cache::LRU
  ListKeyed  HASH  Tie::ListKeyedHash
  Math   HASH  Tie::Math
  Mmap   ARRAY Tie::MmapArray
  NumRange   SCALARTie::NumRange
  NumRangeWrap   SCALARTie::NumRangeWrap (in Tie::NumRange)
  Offset ARRAY Tie::OffsetArray
  OrderedHASH  Tie::LLHash
  PackedInt  ARRAY Tie::IntegerArray
  Persistent HASH  Tie::Persistent
  Range  HASH  Tie::RangeHash
  RangeKeyed HASH  Tie::RangeHash
  Rank   HASH  Tie::Hash::Rank
  Ranked HASH  Tie::Hash::Rank
  RefHASH  Tie::RefHash
  Regexp HASH  Tie::RegexpHash
  RegexpKeyedHASH  Tie::RegexpHash
  Secure HASH  Tie::SecureHash
  Sentient   HASH  Tie::SentientHash
  Shadow HASH  Tie::ShadowHash
  Shadowed   HASH  Tie::ShadowHash
  Sort   HASH  Tie::SortHash
  Sorted HASH  Tie::SortHash
  Strict HASH  Tie::StrictHash
  Substr HASH  Tie::SubstrHash
  TextDirHASH  Tie::TextDir
  Toggle SCALARTie::Toggle
  Transact   HASH  Tie::TransactHash
  TwoLevel   HASH  Tie::TwoLevelHash
  VecARRAY Tie::VecArray
  Vector ARRAY Tie::VecArray
  WarnGlobal SCALARTie::WarnGlobal::Scalar

I haven't had occasion to test all of these attributes; they were taken
from the module descriptions on CPAN. For some modules where the name
didn't ideally translate into an attribute name (e.g.,
`Tie::NetAddr::IP'), I have taken some artistic liberty to create an
attribute name. Some tie classes require the use of the return value
from `tie()' and are as such not directly usable by this mechanism,

No censoring has been done as far as possible; there are several
attributes that accomplish more or less the same thing. TIMTOWTDI.

If you want any attribute added or renamed or find any mistakes or
omissions, please contact me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

# Tie::Scalar::Timeout
my $m : Timeout(NUM_USES => 3, VALUE =

Fun with Attributes

2001-05-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Thanks to Damian's Attribute::Handlers it's now possible to do what I
wanted to do for some time (but haven't quite gotten around to) and very
easily (and it's on its way to CPAN; suggestions/patches welcome):

use Attribute::Memoize;

sub fib :Memoize {
 my $n = shift;
 return $n if $n < 2;
 fib($n-1) + fib($n-2);

print fib($_),"\n" for 1..50;

package Attribute::Memoize;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Attribute::Handlers;
use Memoize;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

sub UNIVERSAL::Memoize :ATTR(CODE) {
 my ($package, $symbol, $options) = @_[0,1,4];
 $options = [ $options ] unless ref $options eq 'ARRAY';
 memoize $package . '::' . *{$symbol}{NAME}, @$options;



$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: The scary man...

2001-05-16 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 10:47  AM, Dean wrote:

> Some interesting stuff:
> http://www.perl.com/pub/2001/05/08/exegesis2.html

Exegesis unimatrix-1:

print "Hello, World!\n"

RFC28 hard at work here!


$x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

Re: (Ab)Using substr

2001-05-15 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, May 10, 2001, at 12:24  PM, Robin Houston wrote:

> On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 09:16:25AM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w   # how to (ab)use substr
>> use strict;
>> my $pi='3.14159210535152623346475240375062163750446240333543375062';
> Well, it's more just taking advantage of the fact that most people
> don't know more than six decimal places of Pi :-)

Well, Dave *did* say

my $pi

It's not the official one.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: Stuffed camel

2001-04-29 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 08:25  PM, Leon Brocard wrote:

> Stuffed Camel

> Can *someone* please pick a date to go visit the camel?

Mouth-watering, eh?

I take it the tube strike's off then, since you no longer consider the
camel to be public transport?


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

davorg, evil destroyer of privacy

2001-04-27 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, April 26, 2001, at 07:23  PM, Niklas Nordebo wrote:

> Gets a 9, apparently.
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/04/26/1229238&mode=thread

I like the following comment (I know you've seen it, Niklas):

=for amusement

Boycott This Book!!! (Score:2, Troll)
by none on Thursday April 26, @12:10PM EST (#22)
(User #161746 Info)
Have you stopped to consider the consequences of the information 
contained in
books like this? This type of effort should not be supported by the Free
Software community.

Books like this give corporations the tools they need to destroy our 
and strip us of our rights. How do you think Double Click puts the 
about you it sells into useable form? With techniques it learns from 
this type
of book. Same goes for the corporate websites you visit, your 
supermarket, etc.

Information wants to be free, but not the information in this book. Data 
and Data munging techniques should never have left the hallowed halls of 
Once they enter the public domain, they are immediately exploited by 
corporations. The author should have thought about that before writing a 
like this.

If you buy or support books like this, you have lost any right to 
complain about
your privacy being violated. If you are serious about privacy, boycott 
this book!



We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: More Natives

2001-04-23 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Monday, April 23, 2001, at 10:43  AM, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> Yea, I usually _AM_ the right one. WOW, I was wrong _1_ _fucking_ 
> _time_.
> Ooohhh, Davey intimidates me! That's why I kill people for a job, and 
> you
> write about perl...
> OOh, I'm scared.
> I'll shove a howitzer up _ALL_ of your asses. (Except those who defend 
> me,
> of course)...

I believe there is a cure for Tourette Syndrome. Maybe he'd like to try 

> Now, take yer lame ass fountain pens, and leave me alone. I'm in 
> Hereford,
> England on business, and have _NO_ time to deal with this I'm right/your
> wrong/i kill/you write crap.

Obviously in Hereford they don't teach them grammar.

> Data munging--- bah. Munging? If you note AOL dictionary... The only
> definition is for "mung bean".

Maybe this just says something about the AOL dictionary.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: next social meeting vs tube strike

2001-04-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at 05:40  PM, Mike Wyer wrote:

>> I recommend public camels. Maybe now would be the time for a trip to 
>> the
>> zoo.
> Camels are quite hard to see at London Zoo at the moment, owing to the
> foot 'n mouth situation. I was there a couple of weeks back, and the
> heffalump house was shut. The penguins ain't bad, though.

So you recommend to piggyback a penguin (penguinback?) to get to the 
meeting in time?


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: next social meeting vs tube strike

2001-04-19 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at 03:37  PM, dcross - David Cross wrote:

> Hmmm... You're assuming that Perl Mongers use public transport. I 
> thought we
> all swanned about in taxis and limos.

I recommend public camels. Maybe now would be the time for a trip to the 


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: BtVS : Best Male

2001-04-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at 02:59  AM, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> i seem to remember something about spike looking better with out his
> bleached hair look according to MG

Practically everybody looks better without bleached hair.

> Also Oz might be the outsider here.

Hm. There's something about Oz; maybe it's his laid-back attitude.

But Riley, as Greg suggested at the meeting, is really BtVS' male bimbo. 
Doesn't do much (hence no need for a Riley.pm), but v. good-looking.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: Mourning clothes for London.pm

2001-04-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at 12:36  AM, David H. Adler wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 04:43:09PM +0100, dcross - David Cross wrote:
>> From: Mike Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:30 PM
>>> CNN reports that BtVS's SMG will wed Freddie Prinz.
>> Why would that bother us? Remember, we're all Willow fans here.
> Heh.  A friend of mine just asked me if I was upset about this, and my
> response was similar...

Likewise. However, to both I'd have to prefer Riley.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: The Natives are Revolting

2001-04-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at 12:12  AM, Neil Ford wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 12:03:20AM +0200, Marcel Grunauer wrote:
>> (Apologies if this comes through as HTML mail - i'm trying to get mail
>> set up on OS X, but can't get nmh to work, so I'm using OS X's Mail at
>> the moment. Will hack tools in Perl, though.)
> Use Mutt :-) You'll have to re-compile ncurses (the port is 
> b0rked :-( ), but
> it works lovely.
> Neil.

I have installed mutt, but just can't warm to it. I like nmh, and using 
the Mail::Box family of modules, I'll rewrite those tools in Perl 
(sometime this summer, where there will be SpareTime). Until then, Mac 
Mail seems to do.

It seems like a good opportunity to question taking the availability of 
a lot of things as a given. For example, nmh. And graphviz - just can't 
get it to work, and not just because of fonts. Or sendmail - I haven't 
really used it much, just to route my personal mail; but  if certain 
basic tools were available in Perl, they'd run wherever Perl runs.

Ah, independence.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
  -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: The Natives are Revolting

2001-04-18 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Wednesday, April 18, 2001, at 11:55  PM, Neil Ford wrote:

> One does have to wonder about someone called [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-)
> Kinda say's it all
> Neil.

Apparently 13 years old. Bless.

(Apologies if this comes through as HTML mail - i'm trying to get mail 
set up on OS X, but can't get nmh to work, so I'm using OS X's Mail at 
the moment. Will hack tools in Perl, though.)

Damnit, where did the .sig go?

Re: Technical Meeting - 19th April

2001-04-10 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 04:56:28PM +0100, Struan Donald wrote:
> nowhere we might be tempted to sit by the thames till the wee small
> hours generating tremendous hangovers :)

"sit"? IIRC, you tried to lean against a bench but unfortunately
were standing between two benches, landing on the ground face-down.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: Debian question ...

2001-03-22 Thread Marcel Grunauer

David Cantrell writes

>is there an easy way of getting a list of all the packages which are  
>currently installed?  I dislike dselect intensely, and the docs for   
>dpkg et al don't say anything useful.

dpkg -l | grep '^ii'


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-21 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Jonathan Peterson writes:

>Please use:
>ISO planet code, ISO country code, POSTCODE, Building Number[, apartment
>number][, business name]


>Peterson, Jonathan
>Earth, UK, W1H 6LT, 40, Ideashub

That works for the UK, but in Austria, post codes also require a street
name, since post codes are too broad to identify individual blocks.

And what if the Martians have completely different systems? What about
coordinates of things moving through space (i.e. on their way to Mars)?

I suggest introducing the concepts of "unimatrix", "grid" and
"node". These can be extended into n-dimensional space.



We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

Re: Module of the Year contender...

2001-03-20 Thread Marcel Grunauer

>At Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:01:19 +, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot
>> On the shoulders of such giants as Date::Christmas, Date::Discordian
>> and Date::Tolkien::Shire stands Date::MMDDYY!
>> http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=Date-MMDDYY
>> Reason #120398 why I need to get CPANTS off the ground.

Or IPAN, the Incomprehensible Perl Archive Network.


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"