Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Graham M Smith wrote:
> After changing to Beamer(article) class. I used the Document
> Settings|Page Margins tab I unticked the default and changed the margin
> sizes. I was hoping that Lyx would "magically" remember this was just
> the default for the Beamer (article) bit, but it also took this as the
> default for the Beamer class and refused to compile

I didn't follow this discussion in all detail, but wouldn't the use of a 
portmanteau beamer-article master solve this?



Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Paul Johnson wrote:
> I am sorry if I am telling you something you already know, but...

thanks for info (i know basically nothing about tikz)

> It seems to me you are throwing away the value of TikZ by doing this.
> Recall that one of the strengths of TikZ/pgf is that the fonts and
> such in the figure will match the document. If you persist in keeping
> the TikZ as stand alone latex documents, you are destroying that
> possibility. 

this makes the _proper_ support of tikz by lyx much harder (if you want
instant preview).

> But you won't get an in-document preview in LyX without a  bit of
> messing about.  I think that's where the other guy who refers you to
> the Dia code has a good idea.  I've tried to figure that part out, but
> no solution yet. We need a way to tell LyX to pass the Tikz figure
> code straight through to LaTeX, but we also want an on-screen preview
> of what that will be like.  But it is inherently impossible to get a
> preview of what that will be like without compiling the whole
> document.  A conundrum for me.

i see three possibilities:

- one possibility would be to make external template which tries to
  the instant preview from the included file only. it will work 100%
  for typeset output, preview will work for figures and somewhat unreliably
  for the documents i guess.
  (but as noted previously this maybe does not need external template at all 
  for the tikz case.)

- to make a python script which would take the parent document dumps the 
  then inputs tikz, latex it and returns figure for both preview and output.

- enhance the lyx code for external templates itself; more possibilities then
  -dump the preamble for your scritp somewhere (some tag like ParentPreamble 
  -make some particular command for preview generation etc.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Pavel Sanda wrote:
> i see three possibilities:
> - one possibility would be to make external template which tries to
>   the instant preview from the included file only. it will work 100%
>   for typeset output, preview will work for figures and somewhat unreliably
>   for the documents i guess.
>   (but as noted previously this maybe does not need external template at
> all for the tikz case.)
> - to make a python script which would take the parent document dumps the
> preamble, then inputs tikz, latex it and returns figure for both preview
> and output.
> - enhance the lyx code for external templates itself; more possibilities
> then -dump the preamble for your scritp somewhere (some tag like
> ParentPreamble dumpfile.tmp) -make some particular command for preview
> generation etc.

The problem is that instant-preview (and most notably dvipng) do not support 
pgf/tikz properly yet.

You can put your tikz figures in an external tex file and \input that (this is 
how I handle my tikz figures). This works very well, however, if you activate 
"Preview" for the include inset, you'll get a very garbled preview.

IMHO the only way to go is an external inset that

* outputs \input{myfigure.tiks} to LaTeX
* uses the graphics approach for the preview.

I think this should be possible with the current external templates approach.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> IMHO the only way to go is an external inset that
> * outputs \input{myfigure.tiks} to LaTeX
> and
> * uses the graphics approach for the preview.
> I think this should be possible with the current external templates approach.

and the parent preamble?

Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
zweetsmoel wrote:
> for your information, when i compile lyx (either 1.6.1/2/3), i get
> this info when finished:

as a last resort you can try to compile qt's locally and install
them into eg ~/tree/.
then configure lyx for qt's having in ~/tree/ , probably also with
install prefix to ~/tree/. compile it, install and run from ~/tree/bin/lyx.

its of course waste of resources, but if nothing else helps...

Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Pavel Sanda wrote:
> and the parent preamble?

I guess the tikz file would need its own preamble.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > and the parent preamble?
> I guess the tikz file would need its own preamble.

well, i have written my ideas with taking into account Paul's concerns:

> Recall that one of the strengths of TikZ/pgf is that the fonts and
> such in the figure will match the document. If you persist in keeping
> the TikZ as stand alone latex documents, you are destroying that
> possibility.  I don't think the document will ever compile because of
> the duplicate preambles and such that the latex system encounters.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > I guess the tikz file would need its own preamble.
> well, i have written my ideas with taking into account Paul's concerns:
> > Recall that one of the strengths of TikZ/pgf is that the fonts and
> > such in the figure will match the document. If you persist in keeping
> > the TikZ as stand alone latex documents, you are destroying that
> > possibility.  I don't think the document will ever compile because of
> > the duplicate preambles and such that the latex system encounters.

I thought Paul's concerns only apply to the document output, not the preview. 
I would not mind if the preview would not use the font of the document output.

My point was: having instant preview should not be at the cost of the output 
quality, thus the splitted approach (original LaTeX code for the output, 
graphics for the preview [only]).


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Pavel Sanda wrote:
> - to make a python script which would take the parent document dumps the
> preamble, then inputs tikz, latex it and returns figure for both preview
> and output.

Here is such a python script (although it is a bit too UNIX-centric):

But as said, I would use that for preview only, not for the output.


Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:17 AM, zweetsmoel wrote:
> only another error message...
> src/lyx: symbol lookup error: src/lyx: undefined symbol:
> _ZN8QPainter10drawPixmapERK7QPointFRK7QPixmap
> ok, this is definitely a qt error. even qtconfig won't launch, it
> gotta be qt related. but what exactly? i tried removing &
> re-installing all qt packages and many others; and i wasn't able to
> find duplicate qt libs, but i'm not really an expert in libs and devs.

OK, since we are both using Ubuntu 9.04 our ldd's should be pretty
much the same*. I have put my  my results from ldd below, what are

* I have installed qt4.5.2, which may change some of the 0x stuff. If
you get other wise similar results, a
  sudo apt-get install libqt4
May help.


$ ldd `which lyx` =>  (0x7fff88ffe000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff580af5000) => /lib/ (0x7ff5808f1000) => /lib/ (0x7ff5806d9000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57fb26000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57f6ef000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57f3e2000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57f15d000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57ef45000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57ebd3000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57e9b7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e6b)
/lib64/ (0x7ff580db3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e497000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e27) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57dfea000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57dda4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57db9b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d98) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d6bb000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d4b1000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d27f000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d06d000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57ce68000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57cc6) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57ca44000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57c7de000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57c5ae000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57c3a9000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57c17f000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57bf7c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57bd77000)

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:13 PM, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> you get other wise similar results, a
>  sudo apt-get install libqt4
> May help.

By which I mean
  sudo apt-get install libqt4-assistant libqt4-core libqt4-dbg
libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-help
libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-phonon
libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-scripttools libqt4-sql
libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-svg libqt4-test
libqt4-webkit libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns --reinstall

(all on one line)

Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > - to make a python script which would take the parent document dumps the
> > preamble, then inputs tikz, latex it and returns figure for both preview
> > and output.
> Here is such a python script (although it is a bit too UNIX-centric):

in a case some of the intersted people write and test the external template
we could include it with this script in a proper lyx release.

> But as said, I would use that for preview only, not for the output.

this would be fine with me.

Re: lyx 1.6.2 + Ubuntu 9.04 = slow typing

2009-08-13 Thread Alex M
> > This is worth posting to the wiki, if you're so inclined.

Well, I can do this. Which wiki section should I post to?

> Intel drivers for the older chips are currently broken and in most cases
> unusable. 
> So all in all I doubt this is somehow relevant for LyX it's more of a general
> issue.

Yes, it is a general driver-issue, but the one and only application on my PC 
that is so severly affected (it was in fact almost unusable) is Lyx. 

As far as I know, Opera and Mathematica also use Qt somehow (and Lyx is build 
upon Qt, isn't it?), but I didn't experience any problems with them. 
So I guess that the problem has something to do with the way Lyx uses Qt 
rendering engine.

Re: Find All and Emphasize

2009-08-13 Thread Bruce Pourciau

On Aug 12, 2009, at 5:38 PM, rgheck wrote:

On 08/12/2009 04:34 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

Is there a simple way to go back through a document and italicize
(emphasize) all occurrences of a certain word?

Not within LyX itself. The best way to do it is to run a script of  

sort on the .lyx file. E.g.:

sed -e 's/ that / \n\n\\emph on\nthat\n\\emph default\n /g' < t.lyx  

is a dumb sed one-liner that almost does it.


Thanks, Richard

Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Graham M Smith wrote:

To answer  your margin question, I wonder how you changed the margins?
In all of the beamer examples I find, the margin options are grayed
out and I can't change them.

After changing to Beamer(article) class. I used the Document 
Settings|Page Margins tab I unticked the default and changed the margin 
sizes. I was hoping that Lyx would "magically" remember this was just 
the default for the Beamer (article) bit, but it also took this as the 
default for the Beamer class and refused to compile

I'm with my namesake on this one.  In LyX 1.6.3, if I start a document 
and make it article (beamer), or switch an existing file to article 
(beamer), both page size and margins are grayed out and I'm stuck with 
class defaults.

The article (beamer) layout file loads the presentation (beamer) layout, 
so it's possible something in the latter blocks changes to paper size 
and margin (sensible since Beamer is designed specifically to produce 
128mm x 96mm slides), and that something may also be blocking 
margin/size changes in article (beamer) mode.  I can't see anything in 
the layout file that would be the culprit, though.  I'll see if I can 
track this down as time permits.  I'm not sure that helps Graham, 
though, since he seems to be able to change the margins (?? -- I didn't 
understand what was going on there, since I cannot reproduce it here).


Re: Find All and Emphasize

2009-08-13 Thread Erez Yerushalmi
Same idea as Richard's,

Open your .lyx file in another editor such as notepad++  and find and
replace the WORD
\emph on WORD \emph default

I tried it and wit worked for me.


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:34 PM, Bruce Pourciau <> wrote:

> Is there a simple way to go back through a document and italicize
> (emphasize) all occurrences of a certain word?
> Bruce

Erez Yerushalmi
PhD Student
Warwick University, UK

Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread zweetsmoel
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:13 AM, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:17 AM, zweetsmoel wrote:
>> only another error message...
>> src/lyx: symbol lookup error: src/lyx: undefined symbol:
>> _ZN8QPainter10drawPixmapERK7QPointFRK7QPixmap
>> ok, this is definitely a qt error. even qtconfig won't launch, it
>> gotta be qt related. but what exactly? i tried removing &
>> re-installing all qt packages and many others; and i wasn't able to
>> find duplicate qt libs, but i'm not really an expert in libs and devs.
> OK, since we are both using Ubuntu 9.04 our ldd's should be pretty
> much the same*. I have put my  my results from ldd below, what are
> yours?
> * I have installed qt4.5.2, which may change some of the 0x stuff. If
> you get other wise similar results, a
>  sudo apt-get install libqt4
> May help.
> --
> $ ldd `which lyx`
> =>  (0x7fff88ffe000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff580af5000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff5808f1000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff5806d9000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57fb26000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57f6ef000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57f3e2000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57f15d000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57ef45000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57ebd3000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57e9b7000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e6b)
>        /lib64/ (0x7ff580db3000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e497000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e27)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57dfea000)
> => /usr/lib/ 
> (0x7ff57dda4000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57db9b000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d98)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d6bb000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d4b1000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d27f000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d06d000)
> => /usr/lib/ 
> (0x7ff57ce68000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57cc6)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57ca44000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57c7de000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57c5ae000)
> => /lib/ (0x7ff57c3a9000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57c17f000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57bf7c000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57bd77000)
> --
> John C. McCabe-Dansted

issue has been resolved! by running: ldd `which lyx` in a shell, i was
able to see that was loaded from /usr/local/lib instead
of /usr/lib, which suggests duplicate and wrong usage of libs.
deleting two qt-lib files residing at /usr/local/lib actually resolved
the issue. i must have missed those files when i searched for
duplicate libs yesterday. and as andre suggested it was indeed a
system install issue. most important of all, lyx is working again, i
just checked it. same goes for qt-config and smplayer :)

you guys are great. thanks a lot.


Re: How to embed a spreadsheet in LyX or LaTeX?

2009-08-13 Thread Daniel Lohmann

On 11.08.2009, at 23:48, Phil wrote:

You might also try excel2latex

I can also recommend excel2latex. I used it quite a lot when I was  
writing my thesis. The nice thing about it is that it also preserves a  
sensible part of the formattings (e.g., bold headlines, right aligned  
data, ...). The following process worked pretty well for me:

(1) Open an empty, but compilable LaTeX document (ou may export an  
empty LyX document to LaTeX to get one) in your favorite text editor.

(2) Use excel2latex  to copy the marked part of the Excel table as  
LaTeX code into the clipboard.

(3) Paste the table into the LaTeX document and save the document.

(4) Import the LaTeX document into LyX.

(5) Copy the table from the imported LyX document into the target  


Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Graham M Smith wrote:


That's ok, I understood what you meant -- just not why you did it.  I 
don't use article (Beamer), but my impression is that it's purpose is 
to facilitate turning a slideshow into a paper (either after the fact 
or in parallel development).  I don't think it's really intended to 
reproduce slides in slide-like form (although I could be wrong), and 
in any case it seems to be overkill for handouts (unless maybe you 
mean to annotate the handouts a fair bit).
Ah, but we have a fundamental misunderstanding. The reason I started 
using Beamer was the very fact that I could prepare slides and lecture 
notes (article) in parallel.  I don't want a print out of the slides in 
a slide-like form.  I use the slide content as an outline for my 
lecture, but expand on this (with more text than you would want to put 
on the slides), and additional diagrams, examples, reference list etc as 
a class hand out. So students get properly written (and illustrated)  
hand outs, for my lectures.

In fact it was this capability that brought me to latex/beamer in the 
first place after a plea on various forums for any ideas on how I could 
keep my handouts and presentations in sync so I didn't have to try and 
keep two documents (Powerpoint and Word) up to date and in sync.  But 
Beamer became available in Lyx before I managed to develop any real 
expertise in Latex, even though I had started to rewrite all my lecture 
material in Latex

I have put up with the wide margins up to now, but it seems a waste of 
paper, and it would be useful to allow diagrams and graphs to expand 
across the full page width.

Am I in the wrong place? A simple handout option would be nice.  This 
is 1.6.2 on Ubuntu 9.04

In this case, just type the word 'handout' (no quotes) in the "Custom" 
field and then View->PDF (pdflatex).  What you get is a bunch of 
slides, one per page, same margins as the original. 
Ahh, now that is still useful, as I still produce a single copy like 
this for myself (as a guide for my lecture), but do it by commenting in 
and out the following lines in the preamble (lifted from one of my 
original Latex presentations)


%\pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=2mm]

%\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black!1}

%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]

Now that we aren't talking at cross purposes :-), have you any 
suggestions on my original question.

I could of course add a line for the margins in the preamble that I 
comment out and in depending on the output, but I was hoping for 
something a bit more automated than that.

Well, I have something to propose.  I still have no idea how you managed 
to change margins before (it should have been grayed out), unless maybe 
you're on an older version of LyX.  Since I could not change margins, I 
could not reproduce your results.

If you are using 1.6.x, though, I may have an answer.  The attached file 
is a replacement for the article-beamer layout file.  Drop it in your 
local layouts directory and reconfigure/restart LyX.  It should enable 
you to adjust paper type/size and margins in "article (beamer)" the same 
as in any article.  I've tested it both by converting existing 
presentations to articles and by using the embedding method in the link 
that Jürgen provided.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (beamer)}
# Author: Jürgen Spitzmüller 

Format 11

# Includes
Input beamer.layout
Provides geometry 0
Provides hyperref 0

% this default might be overridden by plain title style


# Frame control definition
Style BeginFrame
# This redefinition is needed to make beamerarticle work



> biblatex installation

2009-08-13 Thread Ehud Kaplan

>Paul Johnson wrote:
"You did not make a complete install of biblatex. It is much more than 
just that one style file. In linux, these are the installed files from



I see that Paul has listed it with the biblatex folder placed in 
while I had it in /usr/share/texmf-texlive, since I use the Texlive Latex.
Should I move it to the /usr/share/texmf?
It really would make life simpler for us peasants if there were an installation script that used some 
default placement of the biblatex folder and its flotilla of other programs.

Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jules and Doris Stein Research to Prevent Blindness Professor
Director, The laboratory of Visual & Computational Neuroscience
Departments of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Structural & Chemical Biology,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place
NY, NY, 10029 

Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread Steve Litt
On Thursday 13 August 2009 11:34:54 zweetsmoel wrote:

> issue has been resolved! by running: ldd `which lyx` in a shell, i was
> able to see that was loaded from /usr/local/lib instead
> of /usr/lib, which suggests duplicate and wrong usage of libs.
> deleting two qt-lib files residing at /usr/local/lib actually resolved
> the issue. i must have missed those files when i searched for
> duplicate libs yesterday. and as andre suggested it was indeed a
> system install issue. most important of all, lyx is working again, i
> just checked it. same goes for qt-config and smplayer :)
> you guys are great. thanks a lot.
> regards,
> michael

That's some nice troubleshooting Michael! And all the others who helped you 
get to that point.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: Find All and Emphasize

2009-08-13 Thread Bruce Pourciau

On Aug 13, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Erez Yerushalmi wrote:

Same idea as Richard's,

Open your .lyx file in another editor such as notepad++  and find  
and replace the WORD

\emph on WORD \emph default

I tried it and wit worked for me.


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:34 PM, Bruce Pourciau > wrote:
Is there a simple way to go back through a document and italicize  
(emphasize) all occurrences of a certain word?


Thanks, Erez. That should save me some time.

Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Daniel Lohmann

On 13.08.2009, at 06:47, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Daniel
Lohmann wrote:


So here is what I want to achieve:

I have some TikZ figures (which are actually stand-alone LaTeX- 
with the extension .tikz) that I want to embed (not the source, but  
PDF/EPS via \includegraphics) into my LyX document in a way that  
(1) the
LyX-Preview does work (2) PDF generation does work, and (3)  
the .tikz-file

is opened in vim when I select "Edit externally..."

I am sorry if I am telling you something you already know, but...

It seems to me you are throwing away the value of TikZ by doing this.

Recall that one of the strengths of TikZ/pgf is that the fonts and
such in the figure will match the document. If you persist in keeping
the TikZ as stand alone latex documents, you are destroying that
I don't think the document will ever compile because of
the duplicate preambles and such that the latex system encounters.
On the  other hand, if the TikZ file is just the TikZ figure, then I'd
be more optimistic.

But I don't think it is wise to convert the tikz to pdf and embed that
with includegraphics.
Rather, I think you just want to include the tikz code itself. You can
just use input on the TikZ figure itself. If you put that inside a LyX
floating graphic or a minipage, it "just works" in the final
processing. In Lyx, choose "Insert" "File" "Child Document" and then
choose your tikz text file.  As long as it is just the figure, it is
all good. I've just tested it, and it does work.

But you won't get an in-document preview in LyX without a  bit of
messing about.  I think that's where the other guy who refers you to
the Dia code has a good idea.  I've tried to figure that part out, but
no solution yet. We need a way to tell LyX to pass the Tikz figure
code straight through to LaTeX, but we also want an on-screen preview
of what that will be like.  But it is inherently impossible to get a
preview of what that will be like without compiling the whole
document.  A conundrum for me.


Your comments are very valid, but I intentionally want to have the  
possibility to compile the TikZ-figures externally and embedd them as  

- TikZ can increase compilation times *dramatically*. If you embed  
dozens of nontrivial TikZ figures "as code" into your document,  
compilation of your LyX document may take minutes instead of seconds.
- During the development of the TikZ figures (a time-consuming process  
of its own) I need to compile and debug them "stand alone" with short  
roundtrip times.

- PDF images are much easier to scale (to, e.g, pagewidth)
- Regarding the font (and styles and colors...) issue: I solve it by  
setting that up in a common preamble that is \input'ed into the LyX  
document and the TikZ figures. However, on some (rare) occasions I  
*want* to have different fonts in the figure than in the document.  
This, again, is easy to achieve via the PDF route, but requires quite  
same hacking if the figure is embedded into the source.

In fact, I can imagine only one situation I would prefer embedding  
TikZ figures by source: If they contain references into other parts  
of  the document (such as clicking on a TikZ node should bring you to  
page 212 or you refer to some bibliography item within the figure).


About the position of footnotes and page numbers

2009-08-13 Thread Antonio Díaz
I'm writing and designing a text. The style is *Book Koma-script*

First question: the text have a lot of footnotes, and I want it to appear on
the side of the body of the text, as same as the margin notes. Is it

Second question: Is possible to change the position of the page numbers?
How? My text is 20 cm. high x 30 cm. width, horizontal format. The margins
are 3 cm. inside an 7 cm. outside. Is possible to make that the footnotes
and the page numbers appears out of this margins? (with a margin of 3 cm.
outside for both of them).



Re: Find All and Emphasize

2009-08-13 Thread rgheck

On 08/13/2009 11:30 AM, Erez Yerushalmi wrote:

Same idea as Richard's,

Open your .lyx file in another editor such as notepad++  and find and
replace the WORD
\emph on WORD \emph default

I tried it and wit worked for me.

Then you got lucky...unless you had the newlines in there, too. You 
usually do need to be careful about that.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Daniel Lohmann

On 12.08.2009, at 09:53, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2009-08-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Daniel Lohmann wrote:
that mean that it is *not possible* to achieve goal (1) (the  
preview in

LyX, everything else works) via file formats and converters only?

unless imagemagick convert utility knows how to deal with it (i think
it doesn't) i'm not aware of such a plain route.

As the tkiz -> PDF (ps2pdf) conversion seems to work, the problem  
should be

solvable with a definition for PDF (ps2pdf) -> PNG.

I think I am going to try this. The point is that I still do not  
understand why this possibly could help!

- As far as I understand "PDF (ps2pdf)" is just the "default" PDF- 
Format (pdf1).
- LyX is able to create previews from files in this format  

Or am I mistaken here? I am still seeking for a definite answer  
regarding the conversion route that to my understanding is  
automatically deduced by LyX (TiKZ --> PDF | PDF --> Preview). It seem  
that (newer?) versions of LyX just pass everything right through to  
ImageMagik and do not bother with deducing a conversion route?


Re: About the position of footnotes and page numbers

2009-08-13 Thread rgheck

On 08/13/2009 12:39 PM, Antonio Díaz wrote:

I'm writing and designing a text. The style is *Book Koma-script*

First question: the text have a lot of footnotes, and I want it to appear on
the side of the body of the text, as same as the margin notes. Is it

Yes, but I don't really know how. It's possible there's a package on 
ctan to do this. If so, then use it.

If not, then you could try defining some LaTeX command that looks like a 
footnote, but acts like a margin note. Very roughly:


Then, if you don't want footnotes at all:


This will not always work, I expect, but it ought to get you started.

Second question: Is possible to change the position of the page numbers?
How? My text is 20 cm. high x 30 cm. width, horizontal format. The margins
are 3 cm. inside an 7 cm. outside. Is possible to make that the footnotes
and the page numbers appears out of this margins? (with a margin of 3 cm.
outside for both of them).


Use the fancyhdr package, for which LyX has some support.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Daniel Lohmann

On 13.08.2009, at 11:22, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Pavel Sanda wrote:
- to make a python script which would take the parent document  
dumps the
preamble, then inputs tikz, latex it and returns figure for both  

and output.

Here is such a python script (although it is a bit too UNIX-centric):

in a case some of the intersted people write and test the external  

we could include it with this script in a proper lyx release.

The real problem is to get the preamble right. Because TikZ is a huge  
package that has a noticeable impact on LaTeX compilation times (and  
memory consumption), it is pretty well modularized into multiple  
libraries. A typical preamble for a TikZ figure looks as follows:

\usetikzlibrary{fit,positioning,shapes,shapes.multipart, what you actually use in the figure>}

With the external-template mechanism, as far as I understand it, the  
additional stuff for the preamble can only be hard-code in the  
template and not be examined (e.g. by invoking some script) for the  
actual TikZ figures to embed.


Re: How to get a preview for "custom" graphics format?

2009-08-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Daniel Lohmann wrote:
> The real problem is to get the preamble right. Because TikZ is a huge  
> package that has a noticeable impact on LaTeX compilation times (and  
> memory consumption), it is pretty well modularized into multiple  
> libraries. A typical preamble for a TikZ figure looks as follows:
> \usepackage{tikz}
> \usetikzlibrary{fit,positioning,shapes,shapes.multipart,  what you actually use in the figure>}
> With the external-template mechanism, as far as I understand it, the  
> additional stuff for the preamble can only be hard-code in the  
> template and not be examined (e.g. by invoking some script) for the  
> actual TikZ figures to embed.

Actually, the script tries to parse the tex file and copy the preamble to the 
file which is used for generating the preview. It only falls back to a 
hardcoded preamble if it cannot find the tex file.

For the LyX usage, such a script would need to take care that there is 
actually a tex file. Also, the script should perform the compilation in the 
temp directory, not in the home directory.

So I think the referred script can only serve as a model for what LyX would 
use (and actually, the license of the script is not ideal for inclusion in 


Spellchecker problem

2009-08-13 Thread Christian Bustamante
Hi all,

I'm using LyX on Windows XP and I'm trying to set up the spellchecker,
so I downloaded the spanish Open Office dictionary. This file is a
plain text one, so I changed the extension to pws (the requiered one
for LyX). Then I went to Tools -> Prefeernces -> Language ->
Spellchecker and browse the es_ES.pws file on Personal Dictionary box.
When I try to run the spellchecker the following error appears: "The
Spellchecker could not be started. No word list can be found for the
language "es_ES". How can I set up this?



Re: Find All and Emphasize

2009-08-13 Thread Erez Yerushalmi
Yes, you are right!!!

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:43 PM, rgheck  wrote:

> On 08/13/2009 11:30 AM, Erez Yerushalmi wrote:
>> Same idea as Richard's,
>> Open your .lyx file in another editor such as notepad++  and find and
>> replace the WORD
>> with
>> \emph on WORD \emph default
>> I tried it and wit worked for me.
> Then you got lucky...unless you had the newlines in there, too. You usually
> do need to be careful about that.
> rh

Erez Yerushalmi
PhD Student
Warwick University, UK

Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Joe(theWordy)Philbrook

It would appear that on Aug 11, rgheck did say:

> On 08/11/2009 07:41 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > Well Vincent, I'm glad to hear that it's supposed to work like that.
> > But it doesn't work that way for me...
 --- snip ---
> > Perhaps this "automagic" behavior is dependent on the windowmanager?

> This shouldn't be WM dependent, except in so far as the WM might steal
> keypresses. But I can't see that that's very likely here.
> Do other alt-p options work?

Yes, I tried to guess what would open a chapter and found out that
+[c] = lyx code...

> I think if the paragraph layout selection combo isn't displayed, then the
> shortcut Alt-p+ won't work. It's displayed or not?

I'm not quite sure what "the paragraph layout selection combo" is,
but if you mean that long list of possible keystrokes that display on
the status line when I first press + then yes... 

> FWIW, I stuck with kde 3.5.x for a long time, but am pretty happy with kde
> 4.2.x and expect to be a lot happier with kede 4.3.x. There are differences
> but most of what you're accustomed to can be done now.

I will admit that I found kde 4.2 less difficult to deal with than 4.1...
However a few things that kde 4x crammed down my throat so offended me
that had I not found a window manager that I suits me, I was actually 
considering going back to winblows over it. (And I've been bashing 
them since ver 3.x)

Example: as a keyboard user who has always needed to make many
changes to the global (and application) keybindings to
 a)eliminate the 75% that I never want to fat finger by mistake.
 b)assign bindings that my fingers can remember to the few I do use.
And given that I have difficulty using the rodent, I found
that altering the gui key assignment routine for KEYBOARD
shortcuts in such a way that it was no longer practical to do
this without clicking on things REALLY bugged me...

Then I discovered Enlightenment, and now not even a permanent
reinstatement of kde 3.5's user interface would tempt me back.
I still install kde versions of linux because I'm accustomed to
certain kde applications, and because few (if any) linux distro have
enlightenment version installation dvd.

Note, I was not happy with the gui tool to assign shortcuts in e17
either, and would still be using e16 (where the global shortcuts are
actually in a vim editable config...) as my preferred WM in spite of
e17's enhancements except that some nice person informed me of an
e17 utility (enlightenment_remote) and gave me a copy of a bash script
( which uses enlightenment_remote to automatically save
and restore many e17 configurations to/from a vim editable re-config

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->  Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|   ^   J(tWdy)P
|~\___/~ <>

RE: Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Joe(theWordy)Philbrook

It would appear that on Aug 12, Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW did say:

> >Perhaps this "automagic" behavior is dependent on the windowmanager?
> Then you'd really have to try the Windows windowmanager :)

Now I'm feeling nauseous...

|   ~^~   ~^~
|  Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|   ^   J(tWdy)P
|~\___/~ <>
|  { snicker }

Problem with pdfview/pdfopen/pdfclose in LyX 1.6.3 + Acrobat 8.1.x + Win 7

2009-08-13 Thread Thomas Winkler

Hi all,

I have a small problem with my still almost clean setup of LyX 1.6.3  
(installed with LyXWinInstaller) on Windows 7 Pro (x64) and Acrobat 8.1.x.

If I click the View PDF button, the PDF file is generated in the temp  
folder, but nothing much happens. Well, nothing visible at least - in  
taskmgr, an acrobat.exe process does appear and eats up more than 50% CPU  
(and, no matter which document I convert, around 15MB of RAM). Even if I  
leave this running for an extended period of time, nothing happens.  
Opening Acrobat beforehand does not help. I can open the generated PDF any  
other way without problems though.

Any ideas, anyone?


Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Yes, I tried to guess what would open a chapter and found out that
+[c] = lyx code...


Sorry, I have to tell you:

+[0] = Part, [1] = Chapter, [2] = Section, [3] = SubSection, etc.
+<*>[0] = Part*, [1] = Chapter*, [2] = Section*, [3] = 
SubSection*, etc.

Now I'm feeling nauseous...



Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Joe(theWordy)Philbrook

It would appear that on Aug 12, BH did say:

> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Vincent van
> Ravesteijn wrote:
> >
> > Magically, the dropdownbox is also shown when the toolbar is hidden (after
> > Alt-P )
> From what I can tell, this is true only if the standard toolbar has
> been visible in the relevant window at some time in the past -- at
> least on Mac. If as I do (and Joe apparently does) you set your ui
> file not to load the standard toolbar, then Alt-P does nothing.
> But once you make the toolbar visible and then invisible, Alt-P
> does its magic.

Yup I used the .ui file to dump the undesirable toolbars...

But I'm curious, How else can I get rid of them? I wouldn't have
discovered the existence of the .ui files if I could have found a
pulldown menu choice to deactivate them...

Wait, let me guess, perhaps there is some mouse centric technique to
temporarily hide them if you know just where/how to click/drag them?

|  ~^~   ~^~
|  Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|  ^  J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>

Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Graham M Smith

Well, I have something to propose.  I still have no idea how you 
managed to change margins before (it should have been grayed out), 
unless maybe you're on an older version of LyX.  Since I could not 
change margins, I could not reproduce your results.

If you are using 1.6.x, though, I may have an answer.  The attached 
file is a replacement for the article-beamer layout file.  Drop it in 
your local layouts directory and reconfigure/restart LyX.  It should 
enable you to adjust paper type/size and margins in "article (beamer)" 
the same as in any article.  I've tested it both by converting 
existing presentations to articles and by using the embedding method 
in the link that Jürgen provided.
I'm using 1.6.2, on Ubuntu 9.04 and none of the margin/page controls are 
greyed out, so I can already adjust paper type/size and margins in 
article (beamer) as in any article. It was just that these then needed 
set back to "default" when switching back t Beamer.

Strange isn't it.

Thanks for your help.


Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Graham M Smith


Graham M Smith wrote:

After changing to Beamer(article) class. I used the Document
Settings|Page Margins tab I unticked the default and changed the margin
sizes. I was hoping that Lyx would "magically" remember this was just
the default for the Beamer (article) bit, but it also took this as the
default for the Beamer class and refused to compile

I didn't follow this discussion in all detail, but wouldn't the use of a 
portmanteau beamer-article master solve this?


Indeed this does seem to be a solution :-)

Many thanks,


Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Graham M Smith wrote:

Well, I have something to propose.  I still have no idea how you 
managed to change margins before (it should have been grayed out), 
unless maybe you're on an older version of LyX.  Since I could not 
change margins, I could not reproduce your results.

If you are using 1.6.x, though, I may have an answer.  The attached 
file is a replacement for the article-beamer layout file.  Drop it in 
your local layouts directory and reconfigure/restart LyX.  It should 
enable you to adjust paper type/size and margins in "article (beamer)" 
the same as in any article.  I've tested it both by converting 
existing presentations to articles and by using the embedding method 
in the link that Jürgen provided.
I'm using 1.6.2, on Ubuntu 9.04 and none of the margin/page controls are 
greyed out, so I can already adjust paper type/size and margins in 
article (beamer) as in any article. It was just that these then needed 
set back to "default" when switching back t Beamer.

Strange isn't it.

Strange indeed.  Did you by any chance hack the article-beamer.layout 
file?  Or might you have an old version of the layout files in your 
~/.lyx folder that maybe are superseding the current versions?  That's 
the only explanation I can come up with.  FWIW, with my modified layout 
file, if I switch from "presentation (beamer)" (where page size and 
margins are locked) to "article (beamer)", page size and margins are 
unlocked and I can change them.  If I then switch back to "presentation 
(beamer)", the page size and margin revert to Beamer defaults and are 
locked, as you would wish.  So I don't know why they did not revert for 
you, but then again I don't know why you were able to change them in the 
first place.

I've tested this on Win XP with LyX 1.6.3 but not yet on Ubuntu.  Since 
it's a layout file issue, I doubt that it will behave differently on 
Ubuntu, but then it's one of those "should not be possible" things in 
the first place.

Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Graham M Smith wrote:

Well, I have something to propose.  I still have no idea how you 
managed to change margins before (it should have been grayed out), 
unless maybe you're on an older version of LyX.  Since I could not 
change margins, I could not reproduce your results.

If you are using 1.6.x, though, I may have an answer.  The attached 
file is a replacement for the article-beamer layout file.  Drop it in 
your local layouts directory and reconfigure/restart LyX.  It should 
enable you to adjust paper type/size and margins in "article 
(beamer)" the same as in any article.  I've tested it both by 
converting existing presentations to articles and by using the 
embedding method in the link that Jürgen provided.
I'm using 1.6.2, on Ubuntu 9.04 and none of the margin/page controls 
are greyed out, so I can already adjust paper type/size and margins in 
article (beamer) as in any article. It was just that these then needed 
set back to "default" when switching back t Beamer.

Strange isn't it.

Strange indeed.  Did you by any chance hack the article-beamer.layout 
file?  Or might you have an old version of the layout files in your 
~/.lyx folder that maybe are superseding the current versions?  That's 
the only explanation I can come up with.  FWIW, with my modified layout 
file, if I switch from "presentation (beamer)" (where page size and 
margins are locked) to "article (beamer)", page size and margins are 
unlocked and I can change them.  If I then switch back to "presentation 
(beamer)", the page size and margin revert to Beamer defaults and are 
locked, as you would wish.  So I don't know why they did not revert for 
you, but then again I don't know why you were able to change them in the 
first place.

I've tested this on Win XP with LyX 1.6.3 but not yet on Ubuntu.  Since 
it's a layout file issue, I doubt that it will behave differently on 
Ubuntu, but then it's one of those "should not be possible" things in 
the first place.

Just checked Ubuntu 9.04 -- same thing as Windows.  No control over page 
size/margins with the old "article (beamer)" layout, and the new layout 
switches (and switches back) correctly.

Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread rgheck

On 08/13/2009 02:05 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:

Yup I used the .ui file to dump the undesirable toolbars...
But I'm curious, How else can I get rid of them? I wouldn't have
discovered the existence of the .ui files if I could have found a
pulldown menu choice to deactivate them...




I need HELP!

2009-08-13 Thread M . Kocinski
I am trying hard to use LyX instead of Scientific Workplace but I have an
irriatating problem. After a short time of writing (Title, author,
abstract, and so on) the dvi, pdf buttons don't work. I just click and
nothing happens. What the heck is going on!!

best regards, Marek Kociński

Re: I need HELP!

2009-08-13 Thread rgheck

On 08/13/2009 03:25 PM, wrote:

I am trying hard to use LyX instead of Scientific Workplace but I have an
irriatating problem. After a short time of writing (Title, author,
abstract, and so on) the dvi, pdf buttons don't work. I just click and
nothing happens. What the heck is going on!!

We need a lot more information to help you. What kind of computer you 
are using, which version of LyX, how you installed it, etc, just to start.


Re: I need HELP!

2009-08-13 Thread Paul Smith
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 8:25 PM,  wrote:
> I am trying hard to use LyX instead of Scientific Workplace but I have an
> irriatating problem. After a short time of writing (Title, author,
> abstract, and so on) the dvi, pdf buttons don't work. I just click and
> nothing happens. What the heck is going on!!

Try the following, Marek:

Tools --> Preferences --> File Handling --> Select the appropriate
format and change the corresponding viewer.


Re: changing margins in article class when using Beamer

2009-08-13 Thread Graham M Smith

I'm using 1.6.2, on Ubuntu 9.04 and none of the margin/page controls 
are greyed out, so I can already adjust paper type/size and margins 
in article (beamer) as in any article. It was just that these then 
needed set back to "default" when switching back t Beamer.

Strange isn't it.

Strange indeed.  Did you by any chance hack the article-beamer.layout 
file?  Or might you have an old version of the layout files in your 
~/.lyx folder that maybe are superseding the current versions?  
This is fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04, on an HD that did have Windows on 
it, but I installed Ubuntu to use the entire disc.   Lyx was installed 
with synaptic and I haven't hacked/edited/changed any aspect of Lyx, so 
I have no idea why it isn't working as it should, especially as your 
other post says that its greyed out on you copy of Ubuntu.


Re: Problem with pdfview/pdfopen/pdfclose in LyX 1.6.3 + Acrobat 8.1.x + Win 7

2009-08-13 Thread Thomas Winkler

Hi all,

the topic posted right after this
( just
got me checking my file format associations, and voilà, there I see that
not pdfview, but acrobat is set as the PDF viewer. I don't know why the
installer set this wrong, but now that I replaced it with pdfview,
everything works fine...


Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Abdelrazak Younes

On 13/08/2009 20:05, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:

It would appear that on Aug 12, BH did say:

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Vincent van
Ravesteijn  wrote:

Magically, the dropdownbox is also shown when the toolbar is hidden (after

 From what I can tell, this is true only if the standard toolbar has
been visible in the relevant window at some time in the past -- at
least on Mac. If as I do (and Joe apparently does) you set your ui
file not to load the standard toolbar, then Alt-P  does nothing.
But once you make the toolbar visible and then invisible, Alt-P
does its magic.

Yup I used the .ui file to dump the undesirable toolbars...

But I'm curious, How else can I get rid of them? I wouldn't have
discovered the existence of the .ui files if I could have found a
pulldown menu choice to deactivate them...

Wait, let me guess, perhaps there is some mouse centric technique to
temporarily hide them if you know just where/how to click/drag them?

What about F11 to switch to full screen view?


Re: Spellchecker problem

2009-08-13 Thread M-L

Christian Bustamante wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using LyX on Windows XP and I'm trying to set up the spellchecker,
so I downloaded the spanish Open Office dictionary. This file is a
plain text one, so I changed the extension to pws (the requiered one
for LyX). Then I went to Tools -> Prefeernces -> Language ->
Spellchecker and browse the es_ES.pws file on Personal Dictionary box.
When I try to run the spellchecker the following error appears: "The
Spellchecker could not be started. No word list can be found for the
language "es_ES". How can I set up this?


Can't help you with this Christian, but I have the same problem on a 
windows box. I set my language preferences to English (UK) and when I 
attempt to spell check, get a message that states it can't find a word 
list for "en_US" so that's a bit weird. I didn't want to bother anyone 
with it because I am out of here as quickly as possible.

But my version of LyX is 1.6.3 MiKTeX 2.7

So am using word at the moment.

Disclaimer [ am not a windows user - just happen to be using it while 
waiting for a new hard drive to be sent because the one in my Linux box 
went belly up.]

Maybe an answer to you may also help me, though the problem seems different.

Be well,

Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Joe(theWordy)Philbrook

It would appear that on Aug 13, rgheck did say:

> View>Toolbars?

I remember it used to be there in ver 1.5.6... But I can't find it in ver 1.6.3

But thanks...

|   ~^~   ~^~
|   <*>   <*>  Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|   ^ J(tWdy)P
| \___/  <>

Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-13 Thread Joe(theWordy)Philbrook

It would appear that on Aug 13, Abdelrazak Younes did say:

> What about F11 to switch to full screen view?

Thanks for the idea Abdel. And I almost like it. But I keep my LyX
window only almost maximized because I keep track of the time with 
a clock gadget that full screen view would hide...
|^^^   ^^^
|  Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|   ___<>


2009-08-13 Thread K. Elo
Dear list members!

I suppose most of us are members in other mailing lists, too, and thus
receive several mails per day from these lists. Now, several lists add a
list identifier at the beginning of the topic (e.g. "[List] Title").

What do you think, would such an identifier make sense for this list?
The implementation must follow at the server side before a posting is
forwarded to the list, but this should be quite easy to implement. If an
identifier would be added, the topic of this mail would be e.g.
"[Lyx-Users] Suggestion".

Kind regards,