Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

"Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> Now, that required a little more work then I thought. I couldn't reproduce
> that behaviour with a smaller file so I had to fiddle a little
> (long) while to figure what was happening. Here's my 'discoveries' and
> strangeness that I found.
send the wgole main-doc as private mail, otherwise
I'm not able so say what's exactly going wrong
with your doc.



Re: How to change spacing size in itemize

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

Holger Warm wrote:
> Hello,
> I got to know lyx about 6 months ago and I´m still facinated of the results
> you get using it, why does anyone need word o something else?
> But sometimes I still have problems and I hope that anybody could help me.
> 1. How can I change the spacing size within "itemize" or "enumerate", because
> the result given by lyx isn´t what I need, I have to reduce it.

> 2. I wanted to include about 30 graphics/tables in my document, but after the
> eighteenth I just got lots of errors ... why? How can I include that amount
> of graphics as floats?

behind a chapter do a clearpage (cleardouble page if twosided)
or choose package morefloats

> 3. How can I change pagenumberinh so that it will begin counting with 1 at
> the first page of the first chapter and not at the index?

with \setcounter{page}{1}



Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Stephan D. Picard

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> "Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> > 
> > Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
> > LyX returned:
> > "
> > LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
> > \begin {document}
> > 
> > Try typing  to proceed.
> > If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.
> > "
> > 
> > which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.
> send a very short lyx example-file which shows the behaviour
> Herbert

Now, that required a little more work then I thought. I couldn't reproduce
that behaviour with a smaller file so I had to fiddle a little
(long) while to figure what was happening. Here's my 'discoveries' and
strangeness that I found.

I included a bunch of biblio files between each other included to see what
was going on. From the top to a certain point, they were all changed to
'references' (great) but from that point down (like, where I wanted the
file to be included), they were still at Bibliography. So, something was
happening. The file included at that particular point was set to
language=american which seem to have stopped lyx to understand the
\AtBeginDocument thingy.

I changed that file language to standard, verified that all other included
files were actually correctly to standard (as well as the main file) and
they were correct. So, I tried to "view ps" and LyX returned a whole bunch
of errors, all being "you haven't defined the language
\select@language{american}" and the same but for language{english}. But
there is NO files that uses other languages, they're all set to
standarrd. Now, setting the main file language to american, for example,
works fine (References is working) but if it's 'standard', then I get all
the error messages.

So, is there something strange happening here. I thought that the setting
of the main file were having precedence over the settings of the included

Also, another thing that I noticed and do not understand about
LyX. Somehow, I introduced in my main file LyX window a line that goes
across between two included file and that continue downward. I can select
it and delete it but I'm not sure what it's doing.


Re: Coping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-05 Thread Ronald Florence

Guenter Milde writes:

   Content-Type: IMAGE/jpeg; NAME=csv2lyx
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
   Content-Disposition: INLINE; FILENAME=csv2lyx

   Content-Type: IMAGE/jpeg; NAME=eps2eps
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
   Content-Disposition: INLINE; FILENAME=eps2eps

It is confusing and inconvenient to send binaries encoded with MIME
type IMAGE/jpeg.  My mailer (xemacs/VM) and the xv it launched to
`display' the files were understandably confused to find a perl file
and a shell script, as I suspect other mailers, viewers, and readers
of the list were.


Ronald Florence

How to change spacing size in itemize

2001-09-05 Thread Holger Warm

I got to know lyx about 6 months ago and I´m still facinated of the results 
you get using it, why does anyone need word o something else?
But sometimes I still have problems and I hope that anybody could help me.
1. How can I change the spacing size within "itemize" or "enumerate", because 
the result given by lyx isn´t what I need, I have to reduce it.
2. I wanted to include about 30 graphics/tables in my document, but after the 
eighteenth I just got lots of errors ... why? How can I include that amount 
of graphics as floats?
3. How can I change pagenumberinh so that it will begin counting with 1 at 
the first page of the first chapter and not at the index?

Thank´s for helping


Re: Why LyX?

2001-09-05 Thread Steve Litt

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 16:09, you wrote:
> John Levon writes:
>   I've turned tens of normal students onto lyx instead
>   of word (even unix-hating students) entirely as a result of the output.
> Yes, but ...
> I've never used ms-word, and haven't used any PC word-processing
> program since the first version of word-perfect.  For 16 years I've
> worked strictly in Unix (currently sparc-solaris-2.8), using
> troff/groff, then LaTeX with xemacs/auctex, and now with LyX.  As an
> historian and novelist, I've been a strong advocate of the structured
> approach to writing.  Despite which, of late I've been considering a
> switch to (horrors!) a PC and ms-word.  The reason is four-fold:
>   1. Although we continually say that LyX leaves the user free to
>   concentrate on content, a review of a few months of the queries and
>   replies on this list suggests how many simple problems require
>   complicated, time-consuming solutions in LyX.  Firing off a query,
>   searching Herbert Voss' excellent pages of tips, and crafting
>   complicated solutions to simple problems in LaTeX is not strong
>   evidence in favor of the argument that LyX lets you concentrate on
>   the content.

Ronald, this is a documentation problem easily solved. For instance, creating 
a new environment. It's what -- 20 lines of code? Cut and paste and a little 
modification. The problem is that the UNIX tradition is to create terse 
documentation with no examples, and this invariably creates problems for 
those of us with substratuspheric IQ's (me for instance). I already created a 
little documentation to make this easier for those who follow. It's at Herbert's got a killer 
doc site but it really needs a search facility for maximum usefulness.

It would be very easy to write a simple perl script to create a new 
environment or text style, if the guy who knew perl and the guy who's an 
expert on LyX and LaTeX could come together. If there are any LaTeX and LyX 
experts in Central Florida who could meet me at a LUG meeting, I'll do the 

Last, before making the jump to MS Word, consider whether you really want to 
ask Bill Gates for permission to access your data, year after year. Read this:

As someone who's used Wordperfect and Word to write books and other paperdocs 
for the last 12 years, I'm so glad to have LyX.

Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

Re: [tex2pdf-dev] Hypertext and PDF

2001-09-05 Thread Steffen Evers

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 17:48, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
> I've tested tex2pdf 2.29 on a real life document (a PhD thesis)
> with a lot of crossrefs and figures.
> Original figures were included with epsf, so I wrote a short script
> to substitute graphics to epsf (not generic I guess).
> I ran in a Tex capacity problem when I came to thumbnails, but when this
> was solved, I found that the PDF toc was not incomplete
> (seems to stop after the 1st \section* encountered).
> Moreover the navigation from the in-text TOC did not point to the right page.
increase the maxrunno, maybe that helps 
I remember having similar problems when pdflatex was not running often

> Running tex2pdf -r to change the toc option from yes to no produced en error:
> pdfTeX error (ext4): link annotations can't be nested.
You could have a look at the generated temp-tex file and make sure that
everything in there is correct.
It sounds a little bit like a messed up tex file.

The option linktocpage is doing nothing else than putting 'linktocpage'
in the the hyperref parameters. Works here ...

You could also try the perl port in order to make sure that it is not a
sed problem or something like this...

> Reinstalling hyperref from ctan did'nt change the behavior.
> Any clue ?

Bye, Steffen

Re: Why LyX?

2001-09-05 Thread Ronald Florence

John Levon writes:

  I've turned tens of normal students onto lyx instead
  of word (even unix-hating students) entirely as a result of the output.
Yes, but ...

I've never used ms-word, and haven't used any PC word-processing
program since the first version of word-perfect.  For 16 years I've
worked strictly in Unix (currently sparc-solaris-2.8), using
troff/groff, then LaTeX with xemacs/auctex, and now with LyX.  As an
historian and novelist, I've been a strong advocate of the structured
approach to writing.  Despite which, of late I've been considering a
switch to (horrors!) a PC and ms-word.  The reason is four-fold:

  1. Although we continually say that LyX leaves the user free to
  concentrate on content, a review of a few months of the queries and
  replies on this list suggests how many simple problems require
  complicated, time-consuming solutions in LyX.  Firing off a query,
  searching Herbert Voss' excellent pages of tips, and crafting
  complicated solutions to simple problems in LaTeX is not strong
  evidence in favor of the argument that LyX lets you concentrate on
  the content.

  2. With the exception of a few scientific journals and presses, the
  world has unfortunately accepted ms-word as the defacto document
  standard.  I detest proprietary and non-ascii formats, but after
  more than 15 years of resisting the status quo, I'm close to
  admitting defeat.  In my case, I write for trade (commercial)
  publishers, and not being able to submit a manuscript in ms-word
  means that it will be typeset by hand, which costs them more and
  introduces more errors.

  3. I have nothing but praise and admiration for those who have
  contributed to the development of LyX, but the process of
  development has -- perhaps inevitably -- produced many of the same
  problems that LyX users point out for ms-word.  The documents for
  LyX-1.6.x are not compatible with those of previous versions.  The
  newest versions are unstable or incomplete; I've been reluctant to
  switch to 1.6.x because of the less robust table support.  Each
  upgrade is accompanied by a barrage of crash and error reports to
  this list.  

  4. The output of the LaTeX typesetting engine is superior to what
  I've seen from PC wordprocessors.  But for many of us, letters are
  the only printer-ready text we produce.  Trade publishers do not
  seek or accept camera-ready copy: there are too many steps of
  editing, copy-editing, legal vetting, and design to produce a
  commercial book.  Hence the excellence of LaTeX output is in fact

I mean none of this as a criticism of LyX, which seems to me a
remarkable development and a remarkable example of the excellence of
the open-source world.  Consider it some reflections on why a diehard
Unix and LaTeX/LyX user may be ready to quit.


Ronald Florence

Re: Bold Cell Entries in Tables/Very Simple Document Styles?

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

Ralph Boland wrote:
> Actually I only want certain entries in the table to be bold.
> However, if I try setting the characters in a table cell to bold using:
> layout->character
>  or
> ert:  \textbf{entry}
> I  do not get the affects I expect.

mark the text in the cell and hit ctrl-b for bold.



Re: Full width tables

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

Nicholas Piper wrote:

> I don't understand your last line. Could you give me an example or
> point me to where I might find one ?

the following all in tex (red)

one & two & three \\ 
1 & 2 & 3 \\ 
a & b & c \\ \hline 

all columns marked through X always gets a variable width, in this
case the middle column has a width so that the whole table is 
\textwidth wide.

> (Anyone know if native support for tabularx is planned for LyX ?
> Similar to the longtable support ?)

this is a question to Juergen, but he is lying in Italys sun ..



Re: you made it to my thanks list!

2001-09-05 Thread Steve Litt

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:33, you wrote:

> The one thing I lack is more a tex-thing than lyx. It is a style editor.
> Does anyone of a GUI based class/style editor? Perhaps we should mount a
> project to make such a software.

If you do mount such a project, I'll help with the documentation (always 
assuming I can do it in LyX :-)

Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

"Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
> LyX returned:
> "
> LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
> \begin {document}
> Try typing  to proceed.
> If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.
> "
> which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.

send a very short lyx example-file which shows the behaviour



Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Stephan D. Picard

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> "Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > I know this question has been addressed before but there still is a
> > problem (for me at least) that I can't seem to resolve.
> > I want (me too) change the 'bibliography' for something else (say,
> > 'references').
> > Now, I've tried every single variation (on a theme) that appear in the
> > mailing list, i.e.:
> > 
> > \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand\bibname{References}}
> > \renewcommand\bibname{References}
> > \renewcommand\{bibname}{References}
> > \def\bibname{Ref}
> > 
> > all in both the latex preamble and as ERT in the beginning of the
> > bibliography file (for it's a separate file that is included in another
> > lyx file).
> what about
> \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand\refname{References}}
> I suppose you have article-class
> HErbert

Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
LyX returned:
LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
\begin {document}

Try typing  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.


Bold Cell Entries in Tables/Very Simple Document Styles?

2001-09-05 Thread Ralph Boland

> ...

Opps.  OK.

> choose standard as paragraph layout for the table! if you
> want the table printed in bold characters write in ert:
> \textbf{ .. your table here ... }
> Herbert
> --

Actually I only want certain entries in the table to be bold.

However, if I try setting the characters in a table cell to bold using:



ert:  \textbf{entry}

I  do not get the affects I expect.

Is there a way to make a single cell entry of a table bold?


Ralph Boland

Note that I need this for creating a single page document
which has no standard format.  Thus I really want lyx/latex
to do a lot less formatting than usual and allow me to place
things pretty much where I want.  (Easy to do in MS Word)

Is there a latex or lyx document style that allows me to do this
and yet provides features such as math mode and tables?

Thanks again

Ralph Boland

GELLMU, GUI, Unicode

2001-09-05 Thread Philipp Reichmuth

Hi folks,

Couple of questions, rather technical in nature:

(1) Would it be much of a technical problem to include an export
option for "LaTeX-Like Markup" (aka GELLMU, see besides LaTeX? That would be a
nice step towards integrating LyX into a SGML/XML workflow, something
which I'm really looking for.

(2) Has anyone ever thought of creating a more Windows-native GUI
version of LyX after the GUI independence process is finished, using
either the Windows version of Qt (with licensing issues) or GTK+ (with
stability issues)? Is someone considering doing some work on this? (I
had thought of looking into this myself, but I definitely haven't got
the spare time to do it myself all alone).

(3) Will we see Unicode support sooner or later? Is there some way one
can participate in the eventual Unicodification?

(hm, I wonder whether this would have fit into the development list a
little better?)

thanks in advance
 Philipp  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Full width tables

2001-09-05 Thread Nicholas Piper

On Wed, 05 Sep 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Nicholas Piper wrote:

> > How can I integrate this with LyX's table editor ?

> this is not easy, because you have to redefine the table environment.
> fouer one or two tables choose pute tex (red) code.

I don't understand your last line. Could you give me an example or
point me to where I might find one ?

(Anyone know if native support for tabularx is planned for LyX ?
Similar to the longtable support ?)


Part 3 MEng Cybernetics; Reading, UK
Change PGP actions of mailer or fetch key see website   1024D/3ED8B27F
Choose life. Be Vegan :-) Please reduce needless cruelty + suffering !

Re: Lyx1.1.5fix2 and compose key ... bug?

2001-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>To: Beaubert Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Lyx1.1.5fix2 and compose key ... bug?
>>From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: 05 Sep 2001 17:56:00 +0200
>>> "Beaubert" == Beaubert Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Beaubert> Hi all, I'm using lyx1.1.5fix2 on linux debian woody
>>Beaubert> (Xfree4.0.3) with libforms0.89 on a Dell Inspiron 8000
>>Beaubert> notbook. My keyboard is a french one since I 'm french. In
>>Beaubert> my XFconfig-4 i set my keboard like this:
>>Beaubert> How can I configure this ? is it a bug of lyx or xforms?
>>Beaubert> I've read previous messages but it's a bit confusing it
>>Beaubert> seems that it depends both on libforms and lyx version...
>>I _think_ that, to have working compose, you should use either xforms
>>0.88 and lyx 1.1.5fix2 or 0.89 on 1.1.6fix3. However, I cannot really
>>remember when we did the fixes to LyX to work with recent xforms
>>Anyway, it seems that there are still some bugs in LyX wrt XKB.

Any concern with upgrading from 0.88 to 0.89 on Solaris ?


Hypertext and PDF

2001-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

I've tested tex2pdf 2.29 on a real life document (a PhD thesis)
with a lot of crossrefs and figures.
Original figures were included with epsf, so I wrote a short script
to substitute graphics to epsf (not generic I guess).

I ran in a Tex capacity problem when I came to thumbnails, but when this
was solved, I found that the PDF toc was not incomplete
(seems to stop after the 1st \section* encountered).
Moreover the navigation from the in-text TOC did not point to the right page.

Running tex2pdf -r to change the toc option from yes to no produced en error:
pdfTeX error (ext4): link annotations can't be nested.

Reinstalling hyperref from ctan did'nt change the behavior.

Any clue ?


Re: Full width tables

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

Nicholas Piper wrote:
> I'd like to permit certain tables to use the full width of my A4
> page. Normally I quite like the largish margins, but trying to squish
> a table which contains a lot of info into them seems silly. Can my
> table go from one side of the sheet to the other ?

have a look at package tabularx


Re: Why Lyx?

2001-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>From: Robin Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Why Lyx?
>>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 17:51:33 +0300
>>On Wednesday 05 September 2001 17:45, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
>>> >>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 22:08:24 +1000
>>> >>From: Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> >>Subject: Why Lyx?
>>> >>I wish I could use Lyx at work.  Unfortunately the manual for the
>>> >>software I work on is required (by the client) to be in Word-readable
>>> >>format.
>>> My colleagues come across this kind of request often, frankly I find
>>> it hard to understand.
>>> Does the client want to edit the manuals ?
>>> If the answer is yes, OK, but if it is no, PDF or HTML are
>>> much better from the point of view of navigation or indexation
>>> on the electronic support, anf PDF is equivalent for the paper support.
>>> Do I miss someting there ?
>>HTML is Word-readable, and the best way of getting most documents from LyX to 
>>Word.  If the recipient wants to edit it, they can turn it into a Word 
>>document or whatever they want.

Sure, but the back operation is a mess, most of the original structure
is lost (but happily the figures can be managed outside Word).
but of course it's up to them...

My point is that if a set of people want to share a typesetting tool,
it's negotiation between them. But sharing a non-editable result
with unknonm people should be done in plain text, HTML or PDF.
This is a consequence of the currently available reading/printing tools
of course, and liable to change...


Full width tables

2001-09-05 Thread Nicholas Piper


I'd like to permit certain tables to use the full width of my A4
page. Normally I quite like the largish margins, but trying to squish
a table which contains a lot of info into them seems silly. Can my
table go from one side of the sheet to the other ?



Part 3 MEng Cybernetics; Reading, UK
Change PGP actions of mailer or fetch key see website   1024D/3ED8B27F
Choose life. Be Vegan :-) Please reduce needless cruelty + suffering !

Re: Why Lyx?

2001-09-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 17:45, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
> >>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 22:08:24 +1000
> >>From: Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Why Lyx?

> >>I wish I could use Lyx at work.  Unfortunately the manual for the
> >>software I work on is required (by the client) to be in Word-readable
> >>format.
> My colleagues come across this kind of request often, frankly I find
> it hard to understand.
> Does the client want to edit the manuals ?
> If the answer is yes, OK, but if it is no, PDF or HTML are
> much better from the point of view of navigation or indexation
> on the electronic support, anf PDF is equivalent for the paper support.
> Do I miss someting there ?

HTML is Word-readable, and the best way of getting most documents from LyX to 
Word.  If the recipient wants to edit it, they can turn it into a Word 
document or whatever they want.


Re: Why Lyx?

2001-09-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 17:24, John Levon wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 10:08:24PM +1000, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
> > One thing that LyX definitely does worse is fonts -- but that's because
> > of the limitations of TeX.  Does anyone know if that's ever likely to
> > improve?
> what do you mean here ?

I wouldn't want to make assumptions about what Kathryn meant, but what _I_ 
would mean by being bad at fonts is:

1.  You only get a few fonts pre-installed with your standard TeX/LaTeX 
distribution (not necessarily a bad thing, though).

2.  Although there are some very nice TeXable fonts out there, installing 
them is about as intuitive as quantum physics.

3.  Even if you actually manage to get a new font installed, LyX won't 
recognise it.

As I've said before, a very nice feature/plugin for LyX would be a 
font-installer. My dream would be something that would connect to my nearest 
CTAN mirror, download the fonts I want, integrate them in my TeX system and 
add them to the LyX "default font" popup.

Oh yes, and although I normally decry it as bad typesetting, occasionally it 
would be nice to have more than one font in the same document.


you made it to my thanks list!

2001-09-05 Thread morten

well I'm almost done, I turn in my master thesis monday. And I have put
"everybody on the lyx-user mailing list" in the thanks-section.

I find the reasons to be obvious:
1) The developpers of lyx are listening in and they react to whatever happens
here. I find lyx to be one of the best pieces of software I have used and I am
planing on finding the time to help you - when I get more settled.

2) I started using lyx 6 month ago. I was tired of windows and had installed
linux on my laptop and needed some kind of word processor. I tried the
different ones, and I ended up using lyx, because, while staroffice is nice
(and free) it takes at least 5 minutes to launch, and I wanted some kind of
graphical user interface. And after an afternoon of trying to understand how
this tex-stuff is working, I had access to a professional tool with allowed me
to make my calculations in an easy way (I have something like 50 pages of
calculations - using MS word it would have require so much more RAM and
processing power than lyx does).
I have had my problems like you always have when you start using something new
- and I have my ideas of how things should look, so I have more problems than
most people :-) - but the lyx-user mailing list have answered all my questions,
with a response time of, in general, less than a couple of hours. That is good
- very good.

3) this list is a rich source of information - both on lyx and on certain
linguistic issues . :-)

The one thing I lack is more a tex-thing than lyx. It is a style editor. Does
anyone of a GUI based class/style editor? Perhaps we should mount a project to
make such a software.

I look forward to version 1.2 (and a gtk-version) of lyx :-)
Thanks again.

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05-Sep-2001
Time: 16:14:14

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: Why Lyx?

2001-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 22:08:24 +1000
>>From: Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Why Lyx?
>>On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 02:30:14AM +0200, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
>>> This opens up a question: if you leave alone the fact that lyx is
>>> free.. and that the underlying latex is supposely bug free. why
>>> features does lyx offer that word doesnt? (the contrary isnt really to
>>> be asked :) ) . I mean.. all the manual is boasting about has
>>> (internal references, footnotes etc etc.. ) are all things that have
>>> existed for at least 5 years in Word, and the equation editor its the
>>> same (if not plain better) than the one offered in Lyx. 
>>"existing" isn't the same as "works well" or "plays well with others".
>>(Warning: Tale of Woe follows)
>>I wish I could use Lyx at work.  Unfortunately the manual for the
>>software I work on is required (by the client) to be in Word-readable

My colleagues come across this kind of request often, frankly I find
it hard to understand. 

Does the client want to edit the manuals ?
If the answer is yes, OK, but if it is no, PDF or HTML are
much better from the point of view of navigation or indexation
on the electronic support, anf PDF is equivalent for the paper support.

Do I miss someting there ?


Re: Why Lyx?

2001-09-05 Thread John Levon

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 10:08:24PM +1000, Kathryn Andersen wrote:

> One thing that LyX definitely does worse is fonts -- but that's because
> of the limitations of TeX.  Does anyone know if that's ever likely to
> improve?

what do you mean here ?

"This is mindless pedantism up with which I will not put."
- Donald Knuth on Pascal's lack of default: case statement

Why Lyx?

2001-09-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 02:30:14AM +0200, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
> This opens up a question: if you leave alone the fact that lyx is
> free.. and that the underlying latex is supposely bug free. why
> features does lyx offer that word doesnt? (the contrary isnt really to
> be asked :) ) . I mean.. all the manual is boasting about has
> (internal references, footnotes etc etc.. ) are all things that have
> existed for at least 5 years in Word, and the equation editor its the
> same (if not plain better) than the one offered in Lyx. 

"existing" isn't the same as "works well" or "plays well with others".

(Warning: Tale of Woe follows)

I wish I could use Lyx at work.  Unfortunately the manual for the
software I work on is required (by the client) to be in Word-readable
format.  We use RTF format on the theory that (a) we could use the same
source document for the official copy, (b) to convert to HTML for the
on-line version of the manual which we are planning to give them, and
(c) we could use StarOffice to edit it as well as MS Word (because we
are a mainly Unix (Solaris) place, so MS Windows is not on every
desk, but Solaris is).

Unfortunately, (c) was not to be, because (b) entailed doing something
which is apparently non-standard (even though it is perfectly legal RTF
according to the RTF spec).  What was this non-standard thing?
Instead of having all the pictures (for example, lots of screen dumps;
this is a software manual after all) embedded inside the document in
Windows MetaFile format (which is the default) we wanted the images to
be in PNG format, and *linked* to the document.  That way we could
use the same image files for both the normal and the HTML version of the
document.  Sound reasonable?

(Yes, there are WMF to GIF/PNG converters out there which run on Unix.
Tried them.  Didn't work on all our images.  Forget it.)

I cannot tell you the amount of trouble I had with this, just trying to
get MS Word to actually display the darned pictures in the right spot
without vanishing (or magically turning into WMF format anyway).
StarOffice simply won't play ball with these pictures at all -- they get
moved to wierd spots on the page, and if you save the file... I can't
remember what happened when you saved the file, but it messed things up
in some way.

If I'd been using Lyx, none of these problems would have happened.  I'd
just use "convert" to generate EPS files from the PNG files, the
Postscript would have used the EPS files, the HTML would have used the
PNG files, and Lyx would have figured out where to put all the pictures,
without making them vanish or go half off the page and have me trying to
move them around carefully with a mouse, and putting in needless spaces
to try to make them come out right...

Then, take the table of contents.  Yes, MS Word will generate a table of
contents for you -- but only semi-automatically.  This manual of which I
speak isn't small -- nine chapters and at least three appendixes.
Naturally, we have this broken into separate files, one for each chapter
and appendix, and use a Master Document to bring it all together.
(I will not tell you the trouble I had trying to find out how to insert
a new chapter in the middle of the existing ones -- at one point I was
considering making a whole new master document...).   After I inserted
the new chapter, I had to re-generate the table of contents, which
required loading the master document, loading all the sub-documents into
memory, and then go and tell it to generate a table of contents.  It
took forever.

How does that compare with just inserting a Table of Contents marker in
Lyx, once, and have it *always* make a new table of contents when you
generate the whole document?

Yes, MS Word has Styles, but they're an afterthought.  You don't have to
use them, you don't have to use them consistently, and someone can come
along and mess them up.  I *like* logical formatting, it's clean, it's
consistent, it's easy to change when you need to.

So, no, it isn't that MS Word doesn't *have* these things... it just
doesn't have them well.  (Not to mention the risk of macro viruses...)

But it seems, that for you, LyX doesn't do tables well.  I can't speak
to that, because I haven't needed to use tables much with my LyX stuff.
Likewise, I'm not typing in equations either.

One thing that LyX definitely does worse is fonts -- but that's because
of the limitations of TeX.  Does anyone know if that's ever likely to

Kathryn Andersen
Cally: No joyous multitude?
Vila: No joyous anybody.  I've seen more life in a prison blanket.
(Blake's 7: Death Watch [C12])
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/  \|   
  v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

Re: lyx doesn't update view-ps when included figure changed on di sk.

2001-09-05 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 09:36:15AM -0400, Zailong Bian wrote:
> I would probably try to recompile it, but I am just curious that the
> compiler comes in with Mandrake 8.0 is outdated.  Can you recommand a
> version number of the gcc that gives lyx correct behaviour when compiled?

2.95.2 is e.g. ok.


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: lyx doesn't update view-ps when included figure changed on disk.

2001-09-05 Thread Zailong Bian

I did compile it myself...and was really impressed by the space needed to
compile it.

I would probably try to recompile it, but I am just curious that the
compiler comes in with Mandrake 8.0 is outdated.  Can you recommand a
version number of the gcc that gives lyx correct behaviour when compiled?



-Original Message-
From: Dekel Tsur
To: Zailong Bian; LyX users
Sent: 9/5/2001 4:27 AM
Subject: Re: lyx doesn't update view-ps when included figure changed on

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 08:32:45PM -0400, Zailong Bian wrote:
> Hi.
> This seems to be a small problem.  Lyx doesn't update the postscript
> correctly when the figures have been changed but the lyx file is not.
> In this case, I have to change the file before update postscript.  Is
> possible to make lyx behave like "make" so it automatically update the
> postscript with the file dependencies?

It already does that.
Upgrading to 1.1.6fix3 should solve your problem.
(If you already using 1.1.6fix3, then you need to upgrade your compiler,
assuming you compiled lyx yourself).

Re: why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread petemartin

Yes, I had in mind the input markup being of use in 20 years time, as opposed to the 
output format de jour. I have in my collections some old files in runnof (from Prime 
computers amongst others) and nroff files that I can readily access with vi. This 
works of course only if you have the means to read that old 8inch floppy...

Re: Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 03:28:24PM +0300, Robin Turner wrote:
> increasingly popular variants on XML.

Things like


? ;-)


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 15:02, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 02:53:57PM +0300, Robin Turner wrote:
> > Well, that goes for most formats other than the notorious .doc.
> That does not even hold for most .ps files. Having a format using ASCII
> char does not necessarily mean you can read it painlessly...

Having tried to read .ps, I know what you mean.  However, .ps and .pdf are 
output formats, like .dvi.  I was thinking more of LaTeX, HTML, SGML and the 
increasingly popular variants on XML.


Re: Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 02:53:57PM +0300, Robin Turner wrote:
> Well, that goes for most formats other than the notorious .doc.

That does not even hold for most .ps files. Having a format using ASCII
char does not necessarily mean you can read it painlessly...


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 14:48, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 September 2001 04:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Finally, I like the idea that my work will be accessible in its source
> > format in 20 or 30 years time, as long as I have a readable ascii file, I
> > can get to it, I would be surprised if I could do the same with a Word
> > format document and all the other proprietary file formats associated
> > with Word/Windoze.
> >
> > Pete
> What Pete said ^
> is what I was trying to say. The operant question is "who owns your data".
> With ascii LyX native markup, I own it. Forever.

Well, that goes for most formats other than the notorious .doc .  I think 
it's more important that LyX outputs LaTeX. Which reminds me - sorry for the 
off-topic question - does anyone remember a WP called Wordwriter (used to be 
popular on the Atari) and have any idea how to convert its files to something 
more current?


Re: Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread Steve Litt

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 04:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Finally, I like the idea that my work will be accessible in its source
> format in 20 or 30 years time, as long as I have a readable ascii file, I
> can get to it, I would be surprised if I could do the same with a Word
> format document and all the other proprietary file formats associated with
> Word/Windoze.
> Pete

What Pete said ^

is what I was trying to say. The operant question is "who owns your data". 
With ascii LyX native markup, I own it. Forever.


Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.


2001-09-05 Thread rabo_m_krimrod

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Re: Unfortunately i think i am giving up :( Was : ReCoping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-05 Thread Renaud MICHEL

Le Mercredi 5 Septembre 2001 02:30, vous avez écrit :
> This opens up a question: if you leave alone the fact that lyx is free..
> and that the underlying latex is supposely bug free. why features does lyx
> offer that word doesnt? (the contrary isnt really to be asked :) ) . I
> mean.. all the manual is boasting about has (internal references, footnotes
> etc etc.. ) are all things that have existed for at least 5 years in Word,
> and the equation editor its the same (if not plain better) than the one
> offered in Lyx.

For me the main difference is the wysiwym approach of LyX, when I used word I 
spended lots of time at changing some font size, modifying the tabbing, etc 
to make it look better, now with LyX I write my text then compile it and the 
predefined look of LaTeX make my doc look quite better than I would have did 
it myself.
The other main advantage for me is that LyX is some kind of LaTeX front-end 
and one can use plain LaTeX (or even TeX for the most advanced) commands in 
the document wich have frequently allowed me to do thing that would have been 
a pain with a wysiwyg wordprocessor.

 Je ne suis pas une fufeuse qualifiée, mais il me semble que ce 
 bourrage d'urnes est dû avant tout au nom du groupe.
 -+- SF in: Guide du Cabaliste Usenet - bourrer en sifflottant -+-


Re: Coping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-05 Thread Andre Poenitz

> On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 07:26:57PM +0200, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
> > I have tried alternative approaches.. SPSS offers me to save the table
> > in "text mode" which is simply a ASCII formatted table assuming font
> > is NON proportional. Needless to say LYX's "no double space, no tab, no
> > double enter" basic rule is preventing this to work in any way.

Why don't you simply convert this ASCII formatted table into some Tab
sepearated table and read this into LyX's table?


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Why LyX?

2001-09-05 Thread John Levon

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 12:57:49PM +0300, Robin Turner wrote:

> Oh yes, and there's the pretty PS/PDF output as well.  An untutored eye may 
> not immediately pick up on the difference between the same document in 
> LyX->LaTeX->PS and a standard word-processor, but I think there's a 
> subliminal effect ;-)

you're kidding me ! I've turned tens of normal students onto lyx instead
of word (even unix-hating students) entirely as a result of the output.

"Wow, that looks great, what did you use to make that ?"


"Do you mean to tell me that "The Prince" is not the set textbook for
CS1072 Professional Issues ? What on earth do you learn in that course ?"
- David Lester

Re: Why LyX?

2001-09-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 03:30, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:

> This opens up a question: if you leave alone the fact that lyx is free..
> and that the underlying latex is supposely bug free. why features does lyx
> offer that word doesnt? (the contrary isnt really to be asked :) ) . I
> mean.. all the manual is boasting about has (internal references, footnotes
> etc etc.. ) are all things that have existed for at least 5 years in Word,
> and the equation editor its the same (if not plain better) than the one
> offered in Lyx.

Most of the technical points have been answered elsewhere - I'd just like to 
say that the _big_ difference is in the way you go about formatting, i.e. 
logical or visual (or WYSIWYM vs. WYSIWYG).  I find logical formatting easier 
(possibly because of my HTML background), but I accept that many would find 
the reverse to be true.

Oh yes, and there's the pretty PS/PDF output as well.  An untutored eye may 
not immediately pick up on the difference between the same document in 
LyX->LaTeX->PS and a standard word-processor, but I think there's a 
subliminal effect ;-)


Re: Bizarre symptom -- no updated Postscript view

2001-09-05 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 05:57:35PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is really bizarre. My View->Postscript, View->Update->Postscript, 
> View->PDF, View->Update->PDF, View->DVI, and View->Update->DVI all show the 
> file as it was when I started LyX. To get an accurate view I must quit LyX 
> and then restart. I'm almost positive LyX used to update on the fly. I'm 
> using 1.1.6fix1 and have not changed it.

Upgrade to 1.1.6fix3.

Re: Coping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-05 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 07:26:57PM +0200, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
> I have tried alternative approaches.. SPSS offers me to save the table in "text 
> mode" which is simply a ASCII formatted table assuming font is NON 
> proportional. Needless to say LYX's "no double space, no tab, no double enter" 
> basic rule is preventing this to work in any way. I have tried to use "LYX 
> CODE" style which i understood as being more liberal about this but the results 
> are still awkward.

You have two options to include the tables verbatim:
1) Select Insert->include file. In the dilalog enter the file name, select
the "Verbatim" button, and press OK.
2) Change the layout to lyx code. Then, select the
Insert->Insert_File->Ascii_as_line menu, and select the file in the dialog.

You can also convert the ascii files to lyx tables, if the field are separated
by tabs (if they are not, it is not hard to convert the file to this format).
The following works in the Unix version:
Copy the contents of the file to the clipboard.
Then in lyx, create a table of the appropriate size, and paste the clipboard.

Alternatively, you can use csv2lyx:

> P.S what about that !H in the float placement dialog that doesent really work??
> if i say i REALLY mean it (using the ! )i would expect the whole thing to work 
> so that if i write In this table :
> I can se that etc.. it would work.
> Then why need a float since i want it RIGHT THERE? easy.. a float seem to be 
> the only way to number a table so that i can later refer to it as table X. 

Enter H (capital H) in the float placement dialog, and put
\usepackage{float} in the preamble.

Re: Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 05 September 2001 11:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am using LyX to prepare conference papers and also my PhD thesis. What I 
> find really powerful is the ability to format a large document in different 
> ways, without having the source change in any substantial way. This is very 
> useful when I am writing a paper but I not sure of the conference/journal 
> that the work appear in. Of course using Word, it is possible to change 
> styles etc. but every time you make a change the source document gets 
> modified, with all the risks associated with changing a complex, 
> proprietary file.
> I also found when doing my masters dissertation using Word that the file
> grew to a huge size (> 30Mbytes) over time. This made it difficult to load,
> send via email and generally screwed things up. It also increases the
> probability that a corruption (due to a bug in Word for example) will make
> the document unusable, as happened to me at least once.

I encountered LyX shortly after finishing my MA, and my first thought was 
"God, I wish I'd had this when I was writing my dissertation!"  As Pete 
points out, it _is_ possible to mimic logical formatting with Word et al., 
but it took me as long to get all the styles set up as it would have done to 
have typed everything manually, and then some other office user went and 
wiped them off a few weeks later anyway.


Why Lyx ?

2001-09-05 Thread petemartin

Having used Word (4,5 95, 97) for many years in industry (it was a corporate standard) 
and at home, and having also used many other document preparation tools on Windoze and 
Unix, I would like to add my tuppence worth to this. Just to be clear, this is not a 
rant against word, but a comment that for some jobs Word may not be the best tool.

I am using LyX to prepare conference papers and also my PhD thesis. What I find really 
powerful is the ability to format a large document in different ways, without having 
the source change in any substantial way. This is very useful when I am writing a 
paper but I not sure of the conference/journal that the work appear in. Of course 
using Word, it is possible to change styles etc. but every time you make a change the 
source document gets modified, with all the risks associated with changing a complex, 
proprietary file.

I also found when doing my masters dissertation using Word that the file grew to a 
huge size (> 30Mbytes) over time. This made it difficult to load, send via email and 
generally screwed things up. It also increases the probability that a corruption (due 
to a bug in Word for example) will make the document unusable, as happened to me at 
least once.

Users of things like Interleaf will understand how very large documents should be 
managed as sub documents, and LyX allows me to do this in an intuitive way with proper 
cross referencing.

The very large number of bibtex files available make bibliographies easy, and with 
things like Pybliographic almost a pleasure. Word of course can use Endnote, but that 
suffers from the proprietary file format blight.

Finally, I like the idea that my work will be accessible in its source format in 20 or 
30 years time, as long as I have a readable ascii file, I can get to it, I would be 
surprised if I could do the same with a Word format document and all the other 
proprietary file formats associated with Word/Windoze.


Re: Unfortunately i think i am giving up :( Was : ReCoping andpastingtables from SPSS

2001-09-05 Thread Thomas Schönhoff


there is almost nothing left to say after Guenter's statement I agree
to. But there are two more reason for prefering LyX compared to other

1. In comparison to other processors there is spare use of resources

2. additionally there is no "functional barouque" usally refered to as

That's it


Guenter Milde wrote:

> Guenter
> --

Re: babel related problem?

2001-09-05 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 09:30:10AM -0400, Neil Berthier wrote:
> \caption{Kinematic measures from Johnson and Berthier (in
> prep).\foreignlanguage{english}{For
> p's, size refers to object size, and condition refers to visual
> condition,
> no significant interactions were present.}}

If you are not using babel, then you shouldn't have multiple languages in
your document.
Select the text of the caption (or the whole document),
open the character dialog, select reset in language, and press apply.

Re: lyx doesn't update view-ps when included figure changed on disk.

2001-09-05 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 08:32:45PM -0400, Zailong Bian wrote:
> Hi.
> This seems to be a small problem.  Lyx doesn't update the postscript
> correctly when the figures have been changed but the lyx file is not.
> In this case, I have to change the file before update postscript.  Is it
> possible to make lyx behave like "make" so it automatically update the
> postscript with the file dependencies?

It already does that.
Upgrading to 1.1.6fix3 should solve your problem.
(If you already using 1.1.6fix3, then you need to upgrade your compiler,
assuming you compiled lyx yourself).

Re: Re: ° in math-mode

2001-09-05 Thread Guenter Milde

On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 19:46:49 +0200 wrote Herbert Voss 

> Uwe Grossmann wrote:
> > 
> > I can't find the "0" in math-mode on my keyboard (qwertz-latin1). So i
> > hat to switch off the math-mode type "0" and switch back to math-mode.
> > It's a little bit boaring.
> > I know it's possible to use textcomp. It is fine, but I rather use my
> > keycap "0" instead of typing "\textdegree".
> > Is there any reason for the absence of "0" in math-mode and how can I
> > fix it?
> it's the shift of ^ on my keyboard and there are no problems
> in mathmode.

it is  Shift-^ on my keyboard as well, but it doesnot appear in math-mode.
Even toggeling text-in-math does not help. E.g. Ctrl-M 15 Ctrl-M °C results
in "15 C".
(LyX 1.1.6fix2 under KDE, SuSE-Linux 6.4)



Re: Re: Lyx: some questions and many thanks

2001-09-05 Thread Guenter Milde

On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 17:52:09 +0200 wrote Uwe Grossmann 

> Thanks, that's much better! But ispell marked a word like "Hallen"  as unknown
> and shows a list of known words. One is "Halle+n"
> Is there another option which I forgot to choose?

I am not an expert with ispell, but here is my experience:

Besides the dictionary of known words, ispell has some knowledge of flexion.
As natural languages are ambique, however, it doesnot use this knowledge
automatically but only for the suggestion of alternatives. If you are sure,
that the suggestion is correct, you can add the word to your private
dictionary and you will never again be asked for this one.

(And thus, as the private dictionary grows, gradually the spellchecking will
become less interactive)

Also, did you try "Zusammengeschriebene Wörter erlauben"? (However, the
chance of not recognized errors incrases as well, therefore compounds are
normally not allowed but inserted to the dictionary as seperate units.)



Re: Coping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-05 Thread Guenter Milde

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 19:26:57 +0200 wrote Giovanni Tummarello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello people, i am a student in engeneering trying to use lyx to write my 
> master thesis.
> Although entusiast at the beginning of the journey (leaving "Word" behind 
> seemed so attractive) i am now loosing entusiasm over the inability to import 
> objects (tables, graphs etc..) from other applications as well as the apparent 
> impossibility to really decide where things should go.
> Needless to say i am working on a windows 2000 environment.
> Example.. i am using SPSS (very advanced statistical program) and it produces 
> graphs and tables. Graphs i can export to EPS and therefore have them in my lyx 
> document, no problems about that. but what about tables?? tables dont offer the 
> "export to eps" option and there seem to be no way to include them in lyx 
> without COMPLETELY REWRITING THEM (which is not an option since i have several 
> tables filled with values). Of course if i open Word .. all i have to do is a 
> copy/paste sequence and the table appairs in that environmanent as well. .ready 
> to be nicely included. 

Does SPSS for Windows offer a csv (comma separated values) export? (Tab
separated values work even better, but for historical reasons are often
called csv too.)

Then you could either open these tab separated values in any editor, make a
table of right size in LyX and insert the numbers via copy and paste.

Oe, even more handy, use a perl script (perl runs on DOS, so there
should be no problem with W2000) that makes a table for insertion in LyX out
of csv values (and optionally inserts this table automatically into LyX).

However, formatting (as bold numbers and non-Ascii symbols) is lost this way
(but it is still easier to change this in LyX afterwards than to rewrite all
the stuff).

> printing the table to a fake postcript printer and then importing it might do 
> the trick. but then i have serious problem "cutting" the resulting eps file 
> which always has the dimensions of a damn a4 file and therefore the table shows 
> an enourmous and (to my knowledge) unavoidable blank space. (Since , of course, 
> there is no "crop" option in lyx. 

but there is the eps2eps script, that computes a tight bounding box around
the content of a ps- or eps-file using ghostscript. Unfortunately I have
only a unix (sh) version. Still, if you happen to have ghostscript on your
machine, you should be able to do the cropping automatically. I'll attach
the shell-script so either it runs with cygwin or you might be able to
rewrite it to work with the DOS-shell or just use the included call to

> P.S what about that !H in the float placement dialog that doesent really work??
> if i say i REALLY mean it (using the ! )i would expect the whole thing to work 

I did not try much on this topic (I am mostly happy with lyx placing the
floats on top)
Following the user-guide section, I wrote !ht in the dialog and my
float went where I wanted it. There is, however the unsolved problem of having
tables "on site" and figures floated. You need lots of ERT (Text going
directly to LaTeX) to achieve this -- this does not look nice in LyX and
requires some understanding of LaTeX but you can do everything LaTeX can
also with LyX this way.

there is additional reading under

Hope this helps


