Re: Problem with PDF output with different pdf reader.

2007-06-15 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 15 June 2007 08:36, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Acrobat certainly isn't useless, but have some problems:

Precisely why I use Acrobat Reader: I don't want to create a PDF which does 
not work properly with the reader most people use.  I performed the necessary 
convolutions to get it to work on my x86_64 Linux machine, and when using it 
to view Lyx output I just close it each time.


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Re: LaTeX Error: Too many unprocessed floats.

2007-06-25 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 25 June 2007 14:09, Bob Lounsbury wrote:
> I'm trying to complete my thesis in the next few weeks. I just
> inserted 20 floating/sideways figures, which is one figure per page.
> However, when I do this I get the error in the subject line along with
> a bunch of other errors.
> Is there something I can adjust? Is there a limit to the number of
> figures you can have in a document? This seems odd to me.

Latex has a limit of 18 on the number of pending floats.  To get around this, 
insert the latex command:


at intervals through your document where a new page makes sense to force the 
display of pending floats.



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Re: LyX vs. Scribus

2007-07-20 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 20 July 2007 12:33, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just heard about a program called Scribus, which supposedly is a page
> layout program and not a wordprocessing program. The program's web page is
> at
> I'm not familiar with Scribus. Can someone tell me the differences between
> LyX and Scribus?

I've used Lyx for about five years, and Scribus for about one.

Lyx is far more useful to me, but Scribus has its uses.

Lyx takes care of the layout automatically; Scribus practically demands that 
you lay every page out individually (sketching the page layout on paper is 
recommended as the first step).

Lyx is highly suited to writing text; Scribus is not recommended for writing 

Lyx adheres to accepted typesetting conventions; Scribus lets you mess things 
up completely.

Lyx places figures and tables automatically; Scribus lets (makes) you put each 
one wherever you want it.

Lyx has great support for crossreferencing and bibliographies; Scribus has 

Lyx is easy to learn; Scribus is not.

Scribus allows you to put a graphic item exactly where you want it, and to 
overlay multiple graphic and text items with varying degrees of transparency; 
Lyx does not.

Lyx is a lightweight program which runs happily on almost any computer; 
Scribus has brought my Athlon 64 X2 workstation with 2GB RAM to its knees.

Scribus allows use of any font installed on your computer, and can scale and 
distort it any way you want; Lyx does not support this.

Scribus has complex color management for text, graphics and lines; Lyx has 
limited color support.

I've used Lyx for letters, reports, books, articles and presentations (with 
Powerdot) ranging from a single page of text to hundreds of pages with 
hundreds of figures.

I've used Scribus only for a couple of poster papers, and found it an 
excellent tool for the job.  I completed six posters 6ft x 3ft in about a 
week; each poster has about ten text boxes and about five pictures.

I'd use Scribus for a brochure or poster without hesitation; it might also be 
best for a short newsletter.


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Re: lyx svg file handling

2007-07-23 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 23 July 2007 09:52, Nils Becker wrote:
> Hi all,
> i am trying to get the inkscape SVG->PDF conversion to work, sonce this
> offers better quality than EPS export only.
> I added SVG as a vector graphics format;
> EPS conversion works with the entry "inkscape -E $$o $$i" in the
> converters preferences.
> The analogous entry "inkscape -A $$o $$i" as SVG->PDF(pdflatex)
> converter does not work, although on the command line, this does do the
> right thing. In lyx, I get pixel graphics in the PDF output, presumably
> produced by "convert". What should I do?

I'd try adding the flag 'vector' to the SVG->PDF converter definition.  See 
the Help file Customization.lyx section 3.5., "Converters, Formats, Viewers, 
Editors and Copiers".


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Re: Old Style Figures

2007-09-05 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 05 September 2007 09:46, Hartmut Haase wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone please send me a .lyx-file where I can see how to use Old Style
> Figures?
See attachment.


Description: application/lyx

Re: other LyX books at lulu (Re: Self-publishing with LyX)

2007-09-07 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 07 September 2007 18:21, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> Today, I search lulu for Alan's book (so I could send the
> link to a list I am on).
> And I found a few other books too:
> Has anyone here read any of those?

These appear to be three different versions of the same book, one which covers 
a lot of the same material as Alan's.  However, it is written by someone 
whose native language is not English, who has not mastered the language. It 
is also written solely for Windows users (which many readers may find an 
advantage, but which I find strange).


Re: Verse margin

2007-10-02 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 02 October 2007, Donn Ingle wrote:
> Hello again,
> How could I shift the left edge (margin?) of the verse environment
> across to the right? I would like to have it further across the page.
> I'm not sure what class is the best for setting verse. Memoir seems to
> work, but each poem is oddly staggered left and right.
> Ideally, I want:
> 1. Poems and titles (which appear in toc) centered on page, left
> aligned to a set margin.
> 2. The option to center-align some poems (so they are symetrical) -
> but still central to poems above and below it.
> 3. The option to stagger lines (using hspace maybe) for interesting
> layouts.
> Please give me a hand. I am thinking that OpenOffice might be the way
> to go, but I don't want that kind of pain!

There is an extensive discussion of verse formatting in the manual for the 
Memoir class 
starting on page 195.  It isn't a trivial problem, and it will require some 
use of Latex, but judging from the examples given can produce some very 
acceptable layouts.


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7

Re: Question about tools

2007-10-03 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 03 October 2007, Shawn Willden wrote:
> What I need to do is to programmatically generate a postscript document,
> placing images and small chunks of text at locations specified by a
> template, with specific values pulled from a database.

I'm facing a similar, but different problem.  I need to revise a series of 28 
reports which are largely identical except for coverage of different 
geographical areas. Much of the information is in several databases.  The 
revision is needed because data has been added to the databases.

Each report is about 150 pages, of which more than 50 are identical or almost 
identical in all the reports. About 60% of the pages are full page figures 
(and most of these correspond exactly in each of the reports, differing only 
in the geographical area for the data). The text parts include perhaps 10% 
mathematical expressions, and many cross-references to other pages of text 
and to figures.

My current ideas of how to do this are the following:
1. Manually prepare one of the reports using Lyx.
2. Export to LaTeX.
3. Write a Perl script to generate the same LaTeX, pulling the parts that vary 
in each of the reports from the various databases. Some of the figures will 
be generated by this script too (maps using GMT and graphs using Grace).
4. Generate LaTeX for each of the 28 volumes.
5. Output to PDF, probably using pdfLaTeX.

I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7

Re: Question about tools

2007-10-03 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 03 October 2007, Richard Heck wrote:
> Les Denham wrote:
> > My current ideas of how to do this are the following:
> > 3. Write a Perl script to generate the same LaTeX, pulling the parts that
> > vary in each of the reports from the various databases.
> Take the common parts out into separate files, and include them. You can
> do this in LyX with master and child documents. This simplifies the file
> structure and gives you an easy way to modify those common parts, should
> you need to do that.


I'd thought of that -- but this means putting them together in Lyx for each 
report, and I'm not sure that can be done in a batch mode. But perhaps I can 
figure out a way of modifying the Lyx file for each report.  Certainly any 
hand-tweaking the final result would be easier in Lyx than LaTeX.


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7

Re: TOC and recto pages

2007-10-03 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 03 October 2007, Donn Ingle wrote:
> Hello,
> I have tried to find and answer to this, but it's a tough one to phrase.
> I have a toc that varies as I add and remove subsections. I want the
> final output to have Chapter one begin on a recto (right hand) page.
>  I am using memoir, and I don't know how to tell the toc to ensure it
> adds a blank page as needed to ensure this.
> I could just insert a page break, but this would not guarantee that
> the next section began on a verso page.
> Any ideas?
> \d

I think it does that automatically if you have "Two-sided document" checked 
under Document->Settings->Page Layout.

If it's a one-sided document, there is no recto and verso.


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7

Re: Question about tools

2007-10-04 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 04 October 2007, you wrote:
> The .lyx file format is a text format, modifying it should be no harder
> than modifying latex.  LyX can even import latex files, if you
> prefer to modify/generate latex code.
> LyX has enough batch features that a script can create pdf/ps without
> anyone having to run LyX manually.


I know Lyx is plain text, so modifying it is easy.  My problem is that the 
format of it does not seem to be as well documented (or as forgiving) as 

Also, I haven't been able to find any documentation of the batch features of 
Lyx.  Can you point where to look?


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7

Re: Question about tools

2007-10-04 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 04 October 2007, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> put the files specific to the areas in directories area1 area2, etc
> (or another name). Do a
>   ln -s area1 area
> Prepare the report by including all special files as area/file1.eps or
> whatever.
> The to create the reports you can do a loop like
> for a in $areas ; do
>   ln -sf $a area
>   lyx --export postscript mainfile.lyx
>   mv mainfile-$
> done


Thanks for the suggestions.  I was actually pondering something along those 
lines while driving to work this morning.

The original versions of these reports were put together using PowerPoint(!), 
and look terrible; but I believe I have now convinced all the decision-makers 
to use Lyx for the revision.  

I've already achieved some penetration in the company (I'm a consultant, not 
an employee).  I gave the Latin American marketing man a PDF file of a report 
I had written, for him to translate into Spanish. He asked for the MS Word 
version, so I gave him my Lyx version.  After struggling with writing the 
translation in OpenOffice for a few days, he installed Lyx on his computer 
and was delighted with how much easier it was to use.  His only complaint was 
the lack of a Spanish thesaurus (does MS Word have one?).


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7

Re: Multi-writer book

2007-11-14 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 14 November 2007, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया wrote:
> Any tip how I could enter the name of the author of each chapter in
> the table-of-contents of a multi-author book? Thanks in advance. FN


You can put the title and author as a Short Title.  See attached.


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2007.1 Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
KDE 3.5.7
#LyX 1.4.2 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}



\begin_layout Section
\begin_inset OptArg
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Test by LRD




Re: A0 posters in LyX

2007-11-16 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 16 November 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I wanted to have the facility of generating a clean design -- like what the
> beamer/LyX  combination gives you-- together with my references properly
> formatted with bibtex.
> Could I get a beamer presentation onto one A4 landscape page? The trouble I
> see is with the font sizes, as beamer makes everything quite large for a
> screen layout.

I haven't used beamer, but I do use powerdot -- a similar class -- on a 
regular basis, and I can see the problem with fonts.  

If you have a relatively large amount of text, and relatively few figures 
(even if they are fairly large) you might get good results with a very 
straightforward approach using article class and the multicol package to put 
perhaps three columns onto a single landscape page. With this method I'd put 
the figures and tables in floats and let LaTeX figure out where to put 
them -- but I'd also expect to waste a lot of time juggling margins, font 
sizes and spacing to fill the page without overflowing it.


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Re: A0 posters in LyX

2007-11-16 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 16 November 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've found several references through Google search on how to create an
> a0poster.layout, but I haven't found any tips on what LyX tools to use to
> create a poster.
> Should I use minipages and fixed floats for graphics and tables, or, should
> I use columns? Any special handling of fonts? What about background
> decorations or watermarks?
> Or, should I design a one-page (A4) landscape APA article layout and use a
> tool like to enlarge it?
> Anyone have an example a0poster that they produced with LyX that they could
> share?


Last time I had a poster paper to present I spent quite a while researching 
the possibilities using LyX, and ended up using Scribus.  But the best 
solution depends on exactly what you want to put on the poster.  The more 
complicated it gets, and the more graphics you want to use, the harder it 
becomes to use LyX (or LaTeX).

No matter what software you use, there is a lot to be said for generating the 
poster at a manageable size such as A4, then enlarging it at the plotting 
stage.  That way you don't put things in that are too small to be viewed 
properly on the poster when it is displayed.  My posters are plotted using 
SDI plotting software which allows any desired scaling as the poster is sent 
to the plotter, so no specific tool is needed to enlarge it.  Many other 
printer and plotter drivers can do the same.

If I did use LyX, I would most likely use minipages to control layout -- but 
even with them, it's hard to get things looking right.

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Re: What are your experiences (including figures)?

2007-12-11 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 11 December 2007, bigblop wrote:
> Does anyone actually use the LyX way to include figures/pictures?

I always use the LyX way, and I frequently produce documents with tens or 
hundreds of figure floats.  But to speed things up, once I have the settings 
right (size, justification, position of caption, etc.) I insert the next 
figure by copying and pasting the previous figure, then editing the image 
filename, label and caption appropriately.


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Conversion to OpenOffice error

2007-12-17 Thread Les Denham
When I convert from LyX to writer, I get the following type of 

LyX (1.4.2 on Linux):
 1. The benefits of this document offer a few problems. (2.1 on Linux):
 The beneøts of this document ooeer a few problems.

My LyX document uses Article(koma-script) and Font newcent.

Has anyone else run across this kind of problem?  I suspect it is a problem 
with fonts -- the errors occur with "fi", "ff" and a few other uncommon 
letter combinations.

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Re: Conversion to OpenOffice error

2007-12-18 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 18 December 2007, Jia 'Colin' Zheng wrote:
> How did you convert it, by copy and paste or export to plain text?
> I've no clue how ligature affects the conversion, unless it was converted
> from dvi or ps or pdf format.

I did the conversion using the File->Export-> Writer function in 
LyX, which uses oolatex.  I too have no clue as to how the ligature (which 
appears to be the problem) affects the conversion.  But the error is quite 


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Re: (latex question) Repeated footnote?

2008-01-11 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 11 January 2008 08:25, Neal Becker wrote:
> I have a description env, and I have some notes for some entries.  I was
> planning to use footnotes, but I need multiple references to the _same_
> notes.
> Like:
> entry A: 1
> entry B: 1
> entry C: 2
> 1: some footnote
> 2: some other footnote


1. The first time the footnote occurs, put it in normally. 

2. Then put a label in the footnote.

3. To refer to the same footnote a second time, insert a crossreference to the 
label and format it as superscript.

4. Example attached.


Description: application/lyx

Re: [OT] Best KDE-centric Distribution?

2008-01-14 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 14 January 2008 11:18, rgheck wrote:
> I've been using Fedora ever since I started using Linux, but the
> second-rate status of KDE under Fedora is starting to get to me, so I'm
> thinking about switching. But then: to what? I don't think Kubuntu is
> for me. Gentoo would be an option, but then I'm not sure I want to be
> quite that bleeding-edge. So, the question: What?
> Richard


For various reasons I have found myself using four different Linux 
distributions at the moment: Gentoo (with KDE), Suse 10.1 (with KDE), RHEL3 
(with KDE) and Ubuntu (with Gnome).

I haven't tried Kubuntu, but I have found Ubuntu generally satisfactory and 
trouble free.

I like Gentoo, but getting things to work properly is sometimes very 
time-consuming.  Things that just just work in Ubuntu or Suse sometimes take 
a lot of fiddling to get running in Gentoo.  On the other hand, the things 
that you just give up on in the other distributions can usually be made to 
work (often quite easily) with Gentoo.

I wouldn't recommend Suse because I've come across some annoying things that 
don't seem to have a fix -- such as frequently disallowing graphical logins 
except by root, until you log in as root and then log out again.

We only use RHEL3 because we use some proprietory software that only runs on 
that release -- it's archaic, and doesn't support a lot of recent software or 
a lot of new hardware.


Re: left justify floats?

2008-01-18 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 17 January 2008 06:07, Helge Hafting wrote:
> I was hoping for a preference setting that allows printing
> via pdflatex instead of the usual way, because that
> is necessary for using microtype. But lyx currently doesn't
> support microtype directly so there is "no need". . .


So what? Microtype is only used to improve the final output; Lyx is only 
concerned with the on-screen user interface.

Couldn't the user replace the dvips used as the printer command with a short 
script to run pdflatex to a temporary file, run pdf2ps on the temporary file, 
then send the output to the printer?


Re: Latex presentation with lyx

2008-01-23 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 23 January 2008, muzzle wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using lyx for my latex needs for quite a long time. Now I
> am trying latex presentations, but lyx does not seem very well suited
> for the task and I went back to pure latex code.
> Can you give me some advice on writing slides with lyx? Is it even a good
> idea? Any plans for the next release regarding this area? I think it coul
> be a very interesting impovement given the quality of the average
> powerpoint/openoffice presentation :)
> Goodbye,


I have used Powerdot very successfully for presentations at international 
conferences for about three years (

I have installed Powerdot from CTAN on four computers running different (but 
all up-to-date) Linux distributions, and have not yet found the default LaTeX 
installation to meet the prerequisites for Powerdot (usually the required 
version of xkeyval [2.5c] is not there).  These requirements are on page 26 
of the Powerdot manual, unobtrusively included under the heading "Compiling 
your presentation".  A LyX layout is included with the CTAN download.

Overall, I think Powerdot gives much better (more professional and consistent) 
results than PowerPoint, but does not have the ease of editing, nor many of 
the "bells and whistles".  I would say it is about 70% integrated into LyX.  
One point which is not emphasized in the manual is that though the final 
product is usually a PDF file, you can't get it using pdflatex -- you have to 
use ps2pdf.


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Re: Latex presentation with lyx

2008-01-23 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 23 January 2008, John O'Gorman wrote:
> Recently I flirted with powerdot. It is a nightmare on the SUSE
> platforms and relies on postscript for overlays, animation, etc which
> then do not translate fully to PDF. Powerdot also relies on TeX packages
> which are not included by default in the SUSE teTeX distributions.


This is a valid criticism of Powerdot.  However, I think you'll find it worth 
persevering to get it running.  One of the systems I use it on is a 64-bit 
SMT version of Suse 10.1 (and you probably wouldn't believe the extra 
incompatibilities you get with 64-bit!), and you're right -- it wants half a 
dozen pieces not included in the Suse distribution: but they're all readily 
available on CTAN, and quite easy to install (if you read the instructions -- 
it varies from package to package).

Powerdot does not work properly with pdflatex for conversion to PDF, but it 
does work properly with ps2pdf.  

I include \hypersetup{pdfpagemode=FullScreen} in the Preamble, which starts 
the presentation with a full-screen display, instead of the usual Acroread 
menu and border.  You can easily customize the layout with judicious use of 
ERT, or use one of the included styles and stick with the defaults.


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Re: Outputting Notes in a PDF from LyX?

2008-01-24 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 24 January 2008, B. Bogart wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm working on my Thesis in LyX and using a lot of notes to communicate
> with myself. I would now also like to pass drafts onto my committee, but
>  Notes are not included in pdflatex output. Is there a way to put the
> document in a "draft" mode so that the Notes are output? I do recall an
> older version of LyX did print the notes in a lighter shade, can I get
> that behaviour back?
> Thanks,
> B. Bogart

If you right click on the Note box a pop-up window (in 1.5.2) gives you the 
choice of:

LyX Note
Greyed out

In 1.4.2 the choices are:

LyX Note
Greyed out

The "Greyed out" option gives you the effect you're looking for.  


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Re: Creating Logotype Letterhead

2008-02-12 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 12 February 2008 13:16, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Les Denham wrote:
> > If you're trying to do what I think you're trying to do, the ps2raster
> > tool which is part of GMT ( does a very nice
> > job.
> Les,
>I don't want a raster image; LyX/LaTeX prefers PostScript, particularly
> the encapsulated form.


In spite of its name, "ps2raster" does not necessarily convert to raster 
format: if you choose the -Tf option it outputs PDF directly from the PS 


Re: Creating Logotype Letterhead

2008-02-12 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 12 February 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:
>    If I was able to insert and use a .pdf at the top of the letter's first
> page I would not need to go through the exercise of converting the .pdf to
> an .eps. I have the .pdf file already.

Ah!  Well, you need:

ps2raster -A -Te

which should generate file.eps

One of the features I like about this utility is that it happily deals with a 
lot of files that ghostscript chokes on (which is probably not pertinent in 
your case -- these are usually very large and complex files).


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Re: Creating Logotype Letterhead

2008-02-12 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 12 February 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:
>When I get the syntax for cropping the .eps file using 'convert' I'll be
> able to import it into the document, and that's ultimately what I need.


If you're trying to do what I think you're trying to do, the ps2raster tool 
which is part of GMT ( does a very nice job.

ps2raster -A -Tf

takes a PS (or EPS) input file, sets the bounding box to the smallest size 
which will fit everything in the input file, and outputs "file.pdf"

If you use "convert" to do the job, I think you'll change everything into a 
raster format.

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Re: Figure references 1.5.3: Danger Will Robinson

2008-02-24 Thread Les Denham
On Sunday 24 February 2008 17:35, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here are two small LyX files. The only difference is that in bug2.lyx the
> labels come last inside the floats, whereas in bug.lyx the labels come
> first. bug2.lyx works (after a couple view->pdf, but bug.lyx never works
> (at least on my 1.5.3). I'm attaching the files and the two images they
> use, so that you all can be aware of this little gotcha.
> Or, if it's only happening on my system, maybe we can exploit the
> differences to find out why.
> Thanks

I get the same results as you with these examples, though I'm using 1.5.1 
rather than 1.5.3.

But I always put the label inside the caption of the float, and have never had 
this problem.  As the caption is what is actually numbered, I think that is 
the logical place to put the label.

A few minutes ago I completed a 66 page document with 235 figures, almost all 
of them labeled and cross-referenced, and while I have not done a final 
proof-read I do not think I have an error in any of those references.


Re: Figure references 1.5.3: Danger Will Robinson

2008-02-24 Thread Les Denham
On Sunday 24 February 2008 18:06, Steve Litt wrote:
> Aha! I never even thought of putting it inside the caption (should it be at
> the beginning or end of caption?). Whatever the final answer, it should be
> documented.


I don't know whether it is explicitly documented, but if you look at the 
documentation for floats ( in UserGuide.lyx for 1.5.1) and examine how 
the labels are placed in the floats, you will see they are in the captions, 
at the beginning.  I doubt if putting them elsewhere in the caption would 
make any difference, but when you click on the label icon, the default name 
of the label is based on the first few words after the cursor.

Doing this in your example gives "The-Rapid-Learning" as the label for the 
first figure, and "The-Terminology-learning" for the second figure. The 
default is close to what you want in many cases. If there was a particular 
word or phrase later in the caption you wanted in the label you could insert 
the label in front of it, and I'm sure it would work fine.


Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-19 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 19 March 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> >> > >  How do I set up Lyx to use a network printer? At the moment I can
> >> > >  print by viewing as pdf in kpdf which sees my printer. I would
> >> > >  like to be able to print direct from Lyx though, as I sometimes
> >> > >  want to print old files and not have to preview them first.
> >> >
> >> >  Printing from one of the viewers is pretty much the recommended
> >> >  method.
> >>
> >>  Should we then have a 'print' entry in the File-menu?
> >
> > I wonder about that myself.  I never use it (I always print from a
> > viewer), although that's partly because I don't have a PS-aware printer.
> > Beyond that, it's not entirely obvious (at least to a newbie) just what
> > File->Print is going to print, since DVI, PS and PDF outputs of the same
> > doc tend to differ a bit.
> Does it seem strange to have a "document processor" that cannot print?
> I'd be ok with using the viewer, but it's confusing with a File->Print
> that doesn't work.


The problem with that thought is that on my system it Just Works, without any 
arcane settings.  And mine is not a particularly simple setup: I'm running 
Gentoo Linux, with CUPS printing, on a rather complicated network, and LyX 
just defaults to running a document through dvips and sending it to the 
default printer.

However . . . as many LyX users do, I usually use pdflatex for my default 
preview and most common export.  And some figures which work perfectly with 
pdflatex do not work at all with latex.  When I try to print a document with 
such figures, the printing fails with the message:

"Could not print document name.lyx.  
 Check that your printer is set up correctly."

Perhaps this is exactly the problem Paul has encountered: the error message 
gives the impression it is a printer problem, whereas the real problem is the 
difference between latex and pdflatex.


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Re: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-23 Thread Les Denham

On Sat, 2008-03-22 at 19:01 -0400, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
> Hello all,
> Over on lyx-devel, I've been discussing doing some re-design to the look and
> feel of I'd like to get some feedback so we know what people
> think looks best. Here are some links to some other websites with designs
> that all look nice, although there's a wide range in their design style. So
> that our graphic designer can know what kind of general design style would
> look good, which ones of the following look best to you guys?
> If there are other websites that you guys think are particularly well
> designed, please let us know!


Certainly, all of these look better than the current LyX site.  My
personal favorite is  But perhaps more important than
the appearance is how the site is built.  I would suggest the following

1. Use DOCTYPE XHTML (it's the future).

2. Define the appearance entirely in CSS (and keep it reasonably
simple). That makes it easy to change if necessary.

3. Avoid using script if possible.


Re: disable tilde backup-on-save files

2008-03-27 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 27 March 2008, Dennis Nezic wrote:
> Currently, whenever I save a document, it additionally saves a
> filename.lyx~ backup file (appended with a tilde). Is there a way to
> disable this?

Try Tools->Preferences->User interface

and uncheck the "Backup documents".


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Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Les Denham
On Sunday 30 March 2008 19:07, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
> For those who haven't seen it, the new LyX website is now at:
> We're still doing some design work, but the basics are in place. What do
> you all think?


I like the look, and I'm particularly impressed with how quickly it has gone 
from a suggestion for an improvement to a fait accompli.


Re: a0poster example using LyX

2008-04-03 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 02 April 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I ended up using the sciposter class with the options
> [landscape,a0,largefonts,plainsections] and the packages:
> \usepackage{multicol}
> \usepackage{sectionbox}
> \usepackage{wallpaper}

> The columns were automatically and evenly distributed and the EPS figures
> and LYX tables were all properly sized and layed out. I didn't worry about
> font sizes or margins.
> Hope this helps.

I'll keep that in mind next time I have a poster paper.  I tried to use LyX 
for a poster paper a year ago, but could not get something that looked 
reasonable.  I ended up doing it in Scribus: but that meant fiddling with 
every little detail of the appearance.


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Re: Clickable Intradocument Cross-Reference

2008-04-08 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 08 April 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Where would I find information on how to insert a clickable
> cross-reference (much like a hypertext one), which redirects to another
> area of the same document, in Lyx?
> Thanks in advance.

For when you are editing the LyX document?

If you insert a label (the icon that looks like a luggage tag) at the target 
point, then insert a cross-reference (the icon like an open book with an 
arrow in it) where you want the clickable cross-reference.  Clicking on the 
cross-reference gives a popup window with "Go to Label" as one of the 

For the final PDF document, use the hyperref package.


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Re: LyX Without LaTeX

2008-04-09 Thread Les Denham

On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 09:21 -0500, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
> I would ask our IT folks to install LyX on her machine. Any thoughts  
> on how I can make this go smoothly for them?


Another option is the portable LyX mentioned in another thread earlier


Re: Short Horizontal line in LyX?

2008-04-10 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 10 April 2008, Ed Sykes wrote:
> Hi,
> Would someone be so kind to let me know how to make a short horizonal line
> in LyX please?
> something like:
> First Name: ___
> Thanks,
> Ed Sykes

One way of doing this is to insert a 1x1 table, specify the column width, and 
put a border on the bottom only.  Or you could put both parts in a table.  
See attached.


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#LyX 1.4.4 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
First name: 
\begin_inset Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard





\begin_layout Standard
or you could put both parts in a table:

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard
First name:


\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard






Re: Drawing graphs in lyx

2008-04-11 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 11 April 2008, Ola Vestad wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm preparing a presentation in lyx and want to draw a couple of (simple)
> graphs. I'm not a very advanced computer user so right now I'm making the
> presentation in lyx and drawing the graphs in Microsoft Word (!), and I
> plan to add them to the presentation as images afterwards.
> Is there a simpler way to do this? More specifically; is it possible to
> draw graphs directly in lyx?

LyX does not have built-in graphing, but there are a number of easy-to-use 
tools out there which LyX supports very nicely.  Personally, I use Grace

Unfortunately, it appears that installing Grace on Windows (which I assume is 
your OS) does not appear to be trivial.  I haven't tried it.

However, the way you are doing it can work quite well, or at least as well as 
anything using MS Word (wouldn't Excel be better?).  If you can save the 
graph in a vector format that LyX can read (such as PDF or Postscript) the 
results will be better than saving it as a raster file.

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Re: How to make a title page?

2008-04-11 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 10 April 2008, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Thursday 10 April 2008 22:20, HZ wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > How can I make a title page for report?
> >
> > Normally, there should be a title, author, logo and date at the foot of
> > the title page.
> > Can I generate a separate lyx file for the title page and include my
> > report lyx file within it?
> > Is there a customized layout file to do that?
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> > HZ
> For some of you this will sound like a broken record, but I never get tired
> of saying it -- fine tune your front matter with custom styles and ERT,
> including page breaks. Trying to get any document class to present the
> front matter in a specific way, and still having that document class do a
> good job in the mainmatter, has in my experience been walking the trail of
> tears.

I have seen your opinions on this before, and they do have validity.  A good 
discussion on defining front matter is in the documentation of the memoir 

However, to answer the question HZ asked: you can use a separate file for the 
title page, export it as PDF, and merge the PDF export from your report using 
pdfpages (, 
which is probably in your LaTeX distribution.  If you want a really nice 
title page, you might want to use Scribus rather than LyX to format it.


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Re: Extra Space in Footnotes

2008-04-14 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 14 April 2008, John A. Lorenc wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the report class and when I preview my document with .dvi or
> export to .pdf several of my footnotes have an extra blank line right after
> the note number, then the text of the footnote, e.g.:

I can't duplicate this behavior; and I've never seen it, even though I use 
footnotes very frequently (though I usually use other classes).

What version of LyX are you using? Can you post a minimal example of a LyX 
file which exhibits this problem?


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Re: Help me Please

2008-04-23 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 23 April 2008, Hassan Khater wrote:
> Hello
> I am using lyx to produce my PhD thesis. Sorry if I am not expert enough to
> deal with every thing. I have three problems with my lyx master file:
> 1) I have to set the document class to book as the best choice available.
> 2) When I apply roman numbers to table of contents, it starts with a blank
> but numbered page. 3) The title is centered on the cover page and I am
> allowed only to insert author with title and date.  You know other things
> should appear on the title page. Like address  and a two line description
> of the thesis.  at the moemnt I have to write these as title or author but
> with different fonts and line break.
> Hope to receive answers or suggestions
> Hassan Khater
> Materials Science

If you want a fully configurable layout, I'd suggest memoir class -- but 
expect to read the LaTeX memoir documentation (about 250 pages for the manual 
and 100 pages for the addendum) several time before you figure out how to get 
the most out of it.

Another option is to create the title page as a separate document (possibly 
using a different application, such as Scribus) and combine it with the rest 
of your thesis using pdfpages.


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Re: Texlive for lyx

2008-04-29 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 29 April 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I use lyx 1.5.4 with tetex on a Gentoo computer. It works fine;
> I'm thinking about switching to texlive, as tetex seems on a deadend. Has
> anyone done it yet ? Got any problem ? How does LyX work with it ?
> Please let me know


I have made the switch on three computers recently, without any major 
problems, though it is somewhat of a hassle.  On Gentoo, texlive is divided 
into about thirty packages (with the documentation in separate packages).  

Your first step should be to look at what is in each one and decide whether 
you need it.  I find the best place to quickly get information on packages is

Next, remove tetex completely (emerge -Ca tetex).  If you have installed 
additional packages from CTAN directly rather than through a Gentoo emerge, 
it should be left alone in the texmf tree when you remove tetex, but it might 
be a good policy to back it up.

Then emerge the texlive packages.  You will need lots of disk space and a fast 
internet connection (they total close to half a gigabyte), and you'll 
probably get a few blocks.  Solve these by removing the offending package: it 
probably is replaced by something in texlive, and if it isn't, you can emerge 
a newer version after you have texlive emerged.

Run texhash (not really needed if you don't have any other TeX packages), and 
reconfigure LyX.

There is a Howto for doing this on the Gentoo wiki somewhere, but I only found 
out about it after I'd done the job, and I haven't read it.


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Re: Texlive for lyx

2008-05-06 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 06 May 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Your first step should be to look at what is in each one and decide
> > whether you need it.  I find the best place to quickly get information on
> > packages is
> please note that there is texmfind utility under gentoo, which helps to
> find appropriate packages for a given classes for texlive, eg: texmfind
> moderncv.cls

Yes, that helps when you know what you are looking for.  I had in mind a way 
of looking at each package to decide whether you might need it in the future.

For example, clicking on "View" in the dev-texlive/texlive-genericextra page 
on shows it contains:
abbr abstyles aurora barr borceux c-pascal colorsep dinat eijkhout fltpoint 
insbox mathdots metatex mftoeps midnight multi ofs pdf-trans psfig realcalc 
vrb vtex collection-genericextra

Now I don't know what most of these are, but I'm pretty sure I might want 
psfig, so I emerge this package.



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Re: Bogus responses to my posts

2008-05-06 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 06 May 2008, Steve Litt wrote:
> Since May 1, 2008, every time I post to, I get what
> looks like an autoresponder email from [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> telling me to check their FAQ and then if that doesn't help to submit a
> trouble ticket. Could someone please unsubscribe
> If worst comes to worst I can pipe everything from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to /dev/null, but I imagine this is a
> problem for more people than just me.
> I just emailed their sales department asking them to get rid of the
> autoresponder on mail from the LyX list.

You too?  I thought it was just me getting them.  I'd suggest removing every 
address in the domain from the lyx-users list . . .


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Re: problems with Beamer presentations

2008-05-14 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 14 May 2008, nicolas roy wrote:
> Sorry, i did not precise :
> i'm under Ubuntu 7.10, with Lyx 1.5.1
> nicolas
> nicolas roy a écrit :
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I'm trying to use the beamer presentation style and encounter several
> > problems. Of course, like always, i waited for the very last moment to
> > start to write my presentation (last time was some year ago, with
> > another linux, another verions of lyx, another computer...)... :-(.
> > Any help will be greatly appreciated !
> >

> > Thanks a lot in advance for any help.


I can identify with your problem -- several years ago I tried to put together 
a presentation with beamer, and gave up.

I turned to powerdot instead, and have generally found it to be very 
satisfactory.  I think it is a standard class with LyX 1.5.1, and Ubuntu 7.10 
should have a new enough version of texlive for everything to work (when I 
started with powerdot all my systems had tetex, which does not have recent 
enough versions of several LaTeX packages for powerdot).  The only caveat 
with powerdot is you have to remember to generate the PDF output using 
ps2pdf, not pdflatex.


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Re: problems with Beamer presentations

2008-05-14 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 14 May 2008, nicolas roy wrote:
> More precisely, when i force the programm to choose the document class
> powerdot, i have an alert :
> the layout file requested by this document
> powerdot.layout
> is not usable. This is probably because a Latex class or style file
> required by it is not available.


Look in the Powerdot documentation 
(probably /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/powerdot/powerdot.pdf 
or /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/powerdot/powerdot.pdf, definitely at 
at Table 2 on page 26, which lists the required LaTeX packages.  You can 
download these individually from CTAN ( and follow the 
installation instructions for each one; or as an alternative, just install 
all the texlive packages available for Ubuntu -- you'll get them in there 
somewhere, but I don't know where, and the total download is hundreds of 

Once you have installed the missing LaTeX packages, reconfigure LyX and try to 
open the sample Powerdot LyX presentation, powerdot-example.lyx (which on my 
system is at /usr/share/texmf/doc/powerdot/lyx, but may be somewhere else on 
yours) and check whether you can export to PDF (using ps2pdf).  If you can, 
everything is working.

The best way to start your own presentation is by modifying the example: 
getting the preamble and powerdot options right is sometimes tricky.  There 
is a mailing list archived at 
which is helpful for a new user.


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Re: problems with Beamer presentations

2008-05-15 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 15 May 2008, nicolas roy wrote:
> BUT : if i export in ps, and the by hand use ps2pdf, then it works ! I
> guess thus, that the problem comes from the command dvipdfm that lyx
> seems to use.
> How can i change it ?
> Notice than, with beamer, using "export ps" and by hand "ps2pdf" solve
> partially the problem. The slides are nice, but they have a very small
> size embedded in a A4 page. I mean :
> Is there an option that could solve this size issue ?

The standard LyX installation usually has three ways of exporting to PDF: 
PDF(dvipdfm), PDF(pdflatex) and PDF(ps2pdf).  You access all of them from the 
File->Export menu.  The PDF icon (at least on my 1.5.4 installation) uses the 
PDF(pdflatex) converter, which certainly does not work with powerdot and 
probably not with beamer (I haven't tried it).

Powerdot (and probably beamer) uses the pstricks package which means the 
conversion has to go through postscript, so dvipdfm, which goes directly from 
DVI to PDF, and pdflatex, which goes directly from LaTeX to PDF, do not work 

If you use the PDF(ps2pdf) export (or viewer) it should work properly.  The 
page format problem is probably due to something lacking in the class options 
or in the preamble.  Have you tried the example, powerdot-example.lyx?


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Re: how do I embed all fonts using pdflatex on windows?

2008-05-15 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 15 May 2008, Nathan Miller wrote:
> I'm checking whether the fonts are embedded using Acrobat (properties) and
> pdffonts. There are a scary number of fonts (~100) and most are not
> embedded.

In my experience most non-embedded fonts with LyX documents come from figures 
in the document in Postscript/EPS or PDF format.  If the application which 
generated these figures did not embed the fonts, and they differ from those 
your LyX document uses, they will show up in the PDF document as not 
embedded.  The solution is to fix the original figure, or, if you can't do 
that, convert it to a raster image at a suitable resolution for the final 


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Re: how do I embed all fonts using pdflatex on windows?

2008-05-15 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 15 May 2008, Les Denham wrote:
> The solution is to fix the original figure, or, if you can't do
> that, convert it to a raster image at a suitable resolution for the final
> document.

With a few minutes research, I noted the following from the ps2pdf 
"ps2pdf will sometimes convert text to high-resolution bitmapped fonts rather 
than to embedded outline fonts. This will occur when the PostScript file uses 
Type 3, CIDFontType 1, or CIDFontType 4 fonts, or Type 0 fonts that reference 
any of these; it may also occur in some cases if the input file uses fonts 
with non-standard encodings, or in some other rare cases."

The default setting of EmbedAllFonts for ps2pdf is "true", so using ps2pdf to 
convert to PDF should embed everything if these font types are avoided.  Of 
course, this may be a problem with non-Roman character sets, which are likely 
to be available as CID fonts only.


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Re: how do I embed all fonts using pdflatex on windows?

2008-05-15 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 15 May 2008 10:54:44 am Nathan Miller wrote:
> I know basically nothing about all this font business, but naively it seems
> like some program should just be able to see which fonts are not embedded,
> and then add them to the pdf. Is there a basic reason this wouldn't work?

I think ps2pdf does this as best it can.  I'd suggest running each of your 
figures (which are now in PDF format) through pdf2ps then through ps2pdf, 
then open it in Acrobat Reader (or xpdf, etc.) and look at the document 
properties to see if the fonts in that figure are embedded.  If they aren't, 
anything you do with the output from pdflatex won't work.  If that happens to 
a particular figure, you can convert it to a bitmap (I'd suggest PNG) using 
Gimp, ImageMagick or other image editor, and specify the bitmap in your LyX 
document.  LyX will handle it automatically.


Re: Default Float placement is pathetic

2008-05-20 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 20 May 2008, G. Milde wrote:
> The counters topnumber and bottomnumber determine how many floats are
> allowed on one page and the commands \topfraction, \bottomfraction and
> \textfraction determine how much space they might take.
> Change with e.g. \setcounter{topnumber}{4}
> or \renewcommand{textfraction}{0.1} in the LaTeX preamble.


That is some very valuable advice.  I am currently working on a document of 
about 200 pages with over 200 figures, and getting the reasonable float 
placement has been quite an interesting experience.  I spent more time than I 
really wanted to reading the details of how LaTeX decides where to put a 
float -- the documentation of how these LaTeX settings really affect the 
output is dense, complex and abstruse.  I only arrived at a satisfactory 
solution by repeated trial and error, and I'm still not sure why the settings 
I'm using give the results they do.


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Re: Default Float placement is pathetic

2008-05-20 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 20 May 2008, G. Milde wrote:
> Thanks. Encouraged by this and following an old tradition on this list, I
> include a link to Herbert Voß' "Tips and Tricks" pages:
> All about floats:
> Float parameters:

Yes, Herbert's "Tips and Tricks" were my starting point.  They showed me which 
setting I needed to change.  But the tips are, by their nature, terse, so I 
had to hunt through the documentation to find out what each parameter really 
does, and even then I had to try it out until I found something that worked 
for my case.

As for the unfortunate title of this thread, if you want really pathetic 
figure placement, try getting decent figure layouts in a conventional word 
processor.  Those who want perfect figure placement should perhaps use a 
publishing program such as Scribus.  But be prepared to place every figure 
exactly where you want it -- one at a time.

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Re: +/- in a table too large

2008-05-20 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 20 May 2008 12:36:01 pm Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Have a look at the document settings. I can´t see any strange things there,
> and the error stays after taking out the preamble entrances

I can see exactly what you are talking about.  The +/- symbol appears too 
large.  But only if you use Latin Modern fonts.  I tried every other font I 
have in LaTeX, and the problem seems to be exclusive to the LMSymbol Type 1 
font, which I assume is what is used for Math symbols when you use Latin 
Modern fonts for text.  Whether it is a problem with LyX, with LaTeX, or with 
the font, I can't tell.

You can fiddle with the line spacing in the table (I don't remember exactly 
how), but it seems to me the simplest solution would be to use another font.

I'm using 1.5.4 with texlive on Gentoo 2007.


Re: Typographical/graphical analysis of a document

2006-06-22 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 22 June 2006 07:54, Martin A. Hansen wrote:
> Hello All,
> I found this document on the BBC news website, which I have reposted here:
> And after reading it I thought it would be an interesting exercise to
> present it to the LyX-users list for thorough criticism with respect to
> typographical and graphical layout. I think we could learn some interesting
> things here (at least I could).
> I shall not go into the content of the document, but only say that in my
> opinion, this document is of major importance and therefore ought to have
> perfect layout. However, looking closely at the document it is clear that
> it was not prepared using LyX! I have this feeling that, apart from several
> errors, a lot of typographical rules have been broken or ignored - and also
> some graphical ones when considering the letterhead.
> In my opinion the letterhead is poorly designed. The little black bar in
> the top left corner annoys me, why is it there? The line reading "(The
> Academy for Sciences for the Developing World)" seem badly placed shifting
> the entire block right of the vertical bar.
> The document contains several errors as far as I can tell: there is a white
> space missing after (ii) and the vertical white space between 67. and 68.
> institutions should not be there.  Furthermore, I am not sure I like the
> choice of fonts (and the high number of fonts used). Finally, I have this
> feeling that all blocks of text are aligned in an unpleasing way, but I
> cannot say what exactly triggers this feeling. Perhaps somebody can?
I agree on all the points you have made.

One aspect which I find particularly offensive is the use of upper case where 
lower case would traditionally be used and lower case where upper case would 
traditionally be used.

The general feeling of unpleasing alignment is, in my opinion, due to three 
features: justification is by varying word spacing only; kerning is not used 
(look at the spacing of "V" in the last word of the title); and a sans serif 
font (Officina Sans-Book I'd guess, from the fonts listed by Adobe Reader) is 
used for the bulk of the document, made worse by putting the first page in 
bold.  There's a reason why most printed blocks of text have used a serif 
font for the last three centuries or more: it's easier to read.


L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2005.1 Kernel 2.6.10-gentoo-r6
KDE 3.3.2
Athlon XP 3200+
1 GB Dual Channel PC2700 RAM
Maxtor 120 GB (Partitions EXT3)
Gainward GeForce4 64MB MX440
EPox 8RDA3+ Motherboard

Re: powerdot help

2006-09-18 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 18 September 2006 12:42, mail.k wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a slide with text and graphics side by side:
> three "itemize"d lines on the left, and a small figure on the right.
> I've tried \twocolumn{text}{\includegraphics{}}
> and also tried floats, but the graphics doesn't show properly.
> Any advice?

I recently tried to do the same thing, and could not figure out an easy way to 
do it.  I settled for putting the picture at the top, and the text below it.

The most promising approach might be to use two minipages side by side.

L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2005.1 Kernel 2.6.10-gentoo-r6
KDE 3.3.2
Athlon XP 3200+
1 GB Dual Channel PC2700 RAM
Maxtor 120 GB (Partitions EXT3)
Gainward GeForce4 64MB MX440
EPox 8RDA3+ Motherboard

Re: Does LyX work in 64 bit?

2006-11-15 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 15 November 2006 14:31, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> For some unearthly reason, LyX was left out of the Mandriva 2007 64 bit
> version. It's been in Mandrake since version 7.x in 2000. Is there
> something about LyX that it can't be compiled and configured for 64 bit?

I've been running Lyx in a 64-bit version of SuSE 10.0 for about a year with 
no issues.  It's not the latest version (1.3.6, I think -- I'm not on that 
machine at present), and I don't know whether it's a 32-bit or a 64-bit 
executable, but it works fine.


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Re: Fbox in equations

2006-12-15 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 15 December 2006 17:32, James wrote:
> I am trying to put a box around equations.  In Latex, you use an \fbox to
> accomplish this.  However, I cannot figure out how to get Lyx to do this
> properly, particularly in the case of a displayed equation.  Any tips?
The attached example shows the Lyx source and PDF output.


Description: application/lyx

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: plain note

2007-01-17 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 17 January 2007 12:48, Philipp Fleig wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am new to LyX and I want to write a simple "note" using Lyx. Just a
> few lines and some formulae, so no sections, dates, heading etc.
> What document class should I use for this?
> Thanks a lot.
> Philipp


I'd just use "article".  I'd leave everything in "Standard" environment, and 
put the formulae in using the "Insert math".

I might change the margins, but otherwise I'd just type the note and print it 
or export to PDF.

L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 2005.1 Kernel 2.6.10-gentoo-r6

Re: tex4ht and LaTeX music applications?

2007-01-28 Thread Les Denham
On Sunday 28 January 2007 18:17, Jamie Faunt wrote:
> Hi Jens, I just wanted to thank you for all the text4ht into and your
> own very helpful page on same.
> These resources are going to be very helpful as I continue to learn
> about TeX, LaTeX, XML and such.
> Being an author of music instruction materials as well, my primary
> use and interest in LyX/TeX is not as a mathematician or scientist. I
> love the way LyX let's me concentrate on the content, and avails me
> of a wide-range of symbols as I need them. Unlike many authors of
> music materials, my need for music notation is less critical because
> the type of things I teach (mainly to professional and other aspiring
> musicians). For rhythmic and also standard notation however, I do
> have occasional needs. I would really prefer to use typography rather
> than bitmaps. So I was wondering if you or any other reader on this
> list knew of any music notation packages that use or export to LaTeX
> so that I might be able to use these in conjunction with my LyX docs.


Are you familiar with Lilypond (  It produces beautiful 
results, and can be integrated with LaTeX.  So putting it together with Lyx 
should be practical, though I haven't tried it.


Re: File refuses to conform to letter size...

2007-01-28 Thread Les Denham
On Sunday 28 January 2007 18:55, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I have an older LyX file for my classes which I opened for the semester,
> and cannot get the file to properly print out using US letter in
> landscape mode.  It insists on being A4.  I have never had this happen
> before, and am frustrated because I've no clue what the issue is.  I'm
> using Debian Sid/LyX 1.4.3.
> Is someone able to "quickly glance" at it and tell me what weird thing
> has happened?  I'd really appreciate it.  I've attached it (I don't
> think it's too big, but please correct me if wrong).

I loaded it into Lyx 1.4.1 on Gentoo Linux and it came out in Letter without 
me doing anything (see attached).  The margins could be evened a little, but 
it's definitely Letter.  There may be something different in 1.4.3.


Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: powerdot

2007-02-10 Thread Les Denham
On Saturday 10 February 2007 04:34, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I am getting
> counter does not exist:subsection
> same for section
> in using powerdot under lyx.
> am I missing a package in the preamble?
Does the sample presentation installed with Powerdot (powerdot-example.lyx) 
work properly?  If it doesn't, you probably don't have the required versions 
of some packages (look carefully at the documentation).  The versions of 
several prerequisites distributed with even the latest versions of many Linux 
distributions are too old.

If the example does work, start with that example building your presentation.  
I've found it is quite easy to do things in Lyx that Powerdot does not like.  
But it can priduce outstanding results.

For comparison with yours, here is the preamble from a recent presentation I 
made with Powerdot:

  rf=Estimating Hydrocarbon Content from Amplitudes,

As you can see, almost everything is specific to the layour of my 


Re: How to center graphics in Lyx?

2007-02-15 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 15 February 2007 15:47, Christian Röttgers wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> could anyone please tell me, how to center a graphic with lyx?
> In most cases the width of  my graphics are 100% of the text, but in two
> cases they are smaller, but there are an the left of the side. But I would
> like to have them centered.
> Please help me,
> Bye bye

Put an "hfill" before and after the graphics, on the same line:
Insert->Special Formatting->Horizontal Fill (Lyx 1.4)
Insert->Special Character->Hfill (Lyx 1.3)

You can also center-align the paragraph containing the graphic (even within a 
float), but I've had fewer problems with the Hfill.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: printer driver

2007-02-21 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 11:56, Carlos Knauer wrote:
> Hi.
> Is there a specific driver for "HP Photosmart C3100 Series" printer ?
> Carlos F. Knauer

I assume you're talking about Linux, because it comes with Windows and Mac 

You need the HPLIP package ( which supports the 
printing and scanning functions quite nicely.


Re: Why Lyx->Word?

2007-05-14 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 14 May 2007 12:30, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a general question for all those asking about converting LyX to MS
> Word...
> Why not use MS Word from the beginning? 


The documents I write tend to be technical reports with lots of figures.  The 
report I'm working on at the moment is currently at 28 pages, with 25 figures 
and one table.  It will probably end up at about 100 pages with about 80 
figures and ten tables.  With Lyx I can get the figures in easily (even if 
they are Grace files) and cross-reference them no matter which page they end 
up on.

With MS Word (and, getting figures the size I want them is a 
nightmare, and half the time the caption is on the next page.  That's 
probably my biggest problem.  I won't even go into pagination that changes 
every time you open the file on a different computer, margins which change 
for no apparent reason every second paragraph, etc.

If someone wants my document in MS Word format, appearance is obviously not 
important.  So I'll export from Lyx in ASCII, load it into, stick all 
the figures at the end, and save in MS Word format.

I estimate my time to produce a useful document using Lyx is about half as 
long as to produce the same document in MS Word.
L. R. Denham

Re: How to create a good looking and memory conserving full page graphic?

2007-05-18 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 18 May 2007 14:09, Steve Litt wrote:
> > Anyone know of a way I can use a full sized 8.5x11 graphic without it
> > taking over a megabyte of memory? One would think it would be very
> > compressible. Over half the graphic is contiguous pure white, with
> > another 10% contiguous pure black.
> I figured it out. With a really big graphic, you you must create the
> graphic as a .eps, and within LyX include that .eps. Whatever graphic
> conversion programs LyX uses blows converts from .jpg or .png to a HUGE
> .eps, much bigger than the .eps would be if you created it directly from
> Gimp.

Probably the best way of getting a full page graphic with a reasonable file 
size is to use a vector graphic.  I haven't used them for covers, but I have 
used them for full page illustrations within a document.  Some vector graphic 
formats can be taken care of automatically with Lyx -- Grace .agr format, for 
example, which I use very often -- while others you might export as a .eps 
file from the application that generates the graphic.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: Different page sizes in one document (eng/ger)

2010-08-30 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 30 August 2010 06:53:49 Roland Werth wrote:
> Dear Community,
> I am currently writing a thesis in LyX, using Koma-Script(book). The page
>  size is A4. Several technical drawings sufficient for the thesis are in A3
>  and A31 (page height 297mm, width 841mm, to be folded down to A4 after
>  print) and A2 (also to be folded). I want to integrate them in the
>  document to make one lush book. The drawings are explained within the text
>  and they should occur either after a single chapter or in the appendix and
>  to be cross-referenced. The drawings are in PDF.


I would use PDFTK (

1. If you want your final page numbering to include the drawings, insert the 
requisite number of blank pages at the end of each chapter, with a dummy figure 
float on each blank page to get the drawings in the List of Figures.

2. Export the LyX file to PDF.

3. Using PDFTK, split out the pages for each chapter as a single PDF file for 
the text of each chapter (do not include the blank pages).

4. Add the drawings to the end of each chapter file (using PDFTK).

5. Assemble the chapters into a single file using PDFTK.


Les Denham

Re: more on collaboration

2010-09-24 Thread Les Denham
On Friday 24 September 2010 10:29:10 Rob Oakes wrote:
> Anyone else have any thoughts?

I had no idea people were asking for this kind of feature.  Real-time 
collaboration on a document seems to me to be a formula for a colossal waste 
of time, extending the concept of endless meetings to an online equivalent.

In the organizations I'm involved in, written documents of all kinds seem to 
be actively discouraged by most managers.  The most common kind of "report" is 
an incoherent PowerPoint presentation put together with thought processes and 
artistic taste worthy of a four-year-old.

Writing of any kind is so rare I can't imagine there being any demand for 
collaborative writing.
Les Denham

Re: Making paragraphs stick together

2011-01-25 Thread Les Denham
On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 15:15 +0200, Barak Shoshany wrote:
> Hello,
> Sometimes I want to force two paragraphs to be on the same page. This
> may be done with Ctrl+Enter and the end of the first paragraph, but
> then the spacing between them is too small. How can I make two
> paragraphs (or maybe even a paragraph and an image, table, etc.)
> always be on the same page, no matter what?
> Thanks,
> Barak

Try this in the preamble:

% Allows up to 80% at the bottom of the page be floats
\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.07} % allow minimal text w. figs 

Also see


Re: Export image to PDF as JPG, not as EPS

2011-01-27 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday, January 27, 2011 07:56:06 Ken wrote:
> Hi. I am writing a Beamer presentation. One of my slides has a very
> large EPS graphic. When I get to this slide in the presentation the
> computer takes a few moments to draw this image to screen.
> Is there a way for me to instead ask LyX to export this image to the
> PDF slideshow under a different format?  One that will render more
> instantly, such as a high-quality JPEG?
Your EPS graphic almost certainly has too much detail for the screen 
resolution of the projector used in the presentation.  Depending on the 
content of the graphic there might be better approaches, but I'd suggest using 
an image editor such as Gimp to produce a raster image with no more than about 
1600 pixels in the largest dimension, and save it as a PNG file.

If the result does not have detail you need for the presentation, you will 
have to reconsider what you're presenting, perhaps using an overview with 
additional slides to show detail.

Les Denham

Re: Poll for the default icon theme in LyX 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 08:26:28 Pavel Sanda wrote:
> These are the three themes available and we want to know which
> should be the default one. So I'm opening the poll right now,
> anyone interested can reply to this thread with
> - old
> - libreoffice
> - oxygen

I don't have strong feelings about this.  I'm personally most comfortable with 
the "old" icons, but I can see  arguments for both the other sets.  

The "Libreoffice" icons are surely destined to become very well known as 
Libreoffice replaces Openoffice as the most widely used replacement for MS 
Office, and this will make them familiar to most new users of LyX.

"Oxygen" has the goal of “Make a break with the past and go in a new 
direction, leaving behind the cartoonish and childish look of previous 
graphics”, and certainly this is a worthy goal.

On balance, as I don't have strong feelings as a user, I should vote for the 
one which will be of most use to LyX as a community for the longest time.  
That must surely be Oxygen. See:
Les Denham

Re: Timeline generation

2011-04-18 Thread Les Denham
On Monday, April 18, 2011 14:19:07 mario wrote:
> hello
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 06:51  PM, Steve Litt <> 
> > On Monday 18 April 2011 03:09:53 Walter wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > Does anyone have a good solution to generate timelines?
> > 
> > All I know is this would be really cool, and please let us know when
> > you've found a solution.
> Yes, it would be very very cool.
> Do you know about ?
> It would be very nice to be able to convert that html output to something
> Latex can hadle. I have millions of question, but before I ask them maybe
> somebody could tell us what can be done, or which stumblig blocks are in
> front of us.
> I look forward to read from you
> thanks
> mario


Conversion from HTML to LyX is (at least in principle) doable.  The big 
problem with SIMILE is that the guts of the output is in Javascript not HTML.

I'm not aware of a way of getting Javascript into something LyX might be able 
to handle.

Les Denham

Re: lyx presentation

2011-05-21 Thread Les Denham
On Saturday, May 21, 2011 07:50:33 am tania kallab wrote:
> Hello again,
> i am using lyx version 1.6is there a way that i can create presentation
> slides using lyx since i dont actually know how to do it on latexthank you

The simplest is to use Beamer.  Look at some of the examples at

or at the Beamer template installed with LyX.

Another possibility is Powerdot.


Re: line breaks in chapter title show up in TOC

2011-05-27 Thread Les Denham
On Friday, May 27, 2011 14:12:23 Richard Opheim wrote:
> Hello LyX users.
> Has anyone ever had a problem with line breaks in a chapter title showing
> up in a TOC?
> I didn't like the way LyX laid out a chapter title---too many words on the
> top line and too few in the bottom line. So I inserted a line break.
> Problem is, now I've got a line break in the TOC. Is there any way to have
> my line break and normal-looking TOC, too?
>  Richard Opheim


You can use Short Title (Insert->Short Title) to define a different title for 
the Table of Contents. See attached.

Les Denham

Description: application/lyx

Re: Most suitable image format

2011-05-31 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday, May 31, 2011 15:18:03 Jens Nöckel wrote:
> Sam, 
> just use PNG for all purposes. It's compressed but lossless, and it's
> supported by LyX as well as all modern web browsers. Jens
> On May 31, 2011, at 12:50 PM, Sam Lewis wrote:
> > Thanks for your quick reply. 
> >
> > 
> >
> > I intent to both print it and distribute it online. I guess two versions
> > of the document might be useful.  What lossy format, would you recommend
> > for the latter?

If it really is high resolution, even a PNG image format may give unacceptably 
slow loading over some internet connections.  JPEG is usually smaller than 
PNG, so there is an argument for using it for online distribution.  But in 
general PNG is a very good universal format.  If the PNG file is still too 
big, reduce the image resolution for online distribution.
Les Denham

Re: Figure Float Rotated When Exported: Why?

2011-06-13 Thread Les Denham
On Mon, 13 Jun 2011 16:43:21 -0700 (PDT)
Rich Shepard  wrote:

>I created a figure using gnuplot (because neither PSTricks nor R
> can make a bar plot with dates as the x labels), and exported it as
> PostScript (.ps). When I view the document, the figure is properly
> oriented, but when I export the file to pdflatex, the figure is
> rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. Rotating the figure in the
> document is necessary so it is properly oriented when the file is
> compiled.
>Any ideas why this happened?

I have no idea why this has happened, but I don't use gnuplot because
this kind of thing seems to happen with it. Instead I use xmgrace,
which can do exactly what I think you're trying to do, and can export
directly to either PDF or EPS, either of which will probably behave
better than PS when included as a figure.


Re: Printing full size pages

2011-07-02 Thread Les Denham
On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 22:57:22 -0500
Bob Smither  wrote:

> I have a LyX document and I want to include some master forms in an 
> appendix.  The forms were created in OO.o and converted to letter
> sized PDFs.  Is there a way in LyX to have these pages, when printed
> from the PDF generated from the LyX document, print as full size
> pages?  Whatever I try ends up with the PDF scaled to fit inside the
> page margins.

I can think of three ways of doing this.

Firstly, insert the PDF pages as figures, which appears to be what you
have been doing, but then use the clipping option to clip an existing
border from the inserted page. This will only work if the inserted PDF
page has a margin as large as the margin in the LyX document.

Secondly, you can insert blank pages in your LyX document where you
want the PDF pages inserted, and put the real pages into your exported
PDF file using pdftk.

The third way is to use the pdfpages package. This is supported in LyX
2.0 through Insert->File->External Material. I don't remember if it is
supported in earlier versions, but even if it isn't you can use LaTeX
code to make it work. See the LaTeX documentation for the package:


Re: Can I use lyx for a shopping list

2011-08-15 Thread Les Denham
On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 22:08:39 -0700
Monty Zukowski  wrote:

> I'd like to lay out a 3x5 card shopping list in 3 columns.  I'm not
> sure what document class to use for something so basic, everything I
> tried likes to have a lot of space at the top.
> Thanks for any pointers,

I use LyX for almost everything written, but it really isn't the best
tool for doing this. But you can make it work.

I'd suggest getting the columns by setting up a table with fixed
column widths. Use article class, and center the table using the
paragraph settings. Adjust the margins (Document->Settings->Page
Margins) and if you still have too much space at the top of the page
you can use Insert->Formatting->Vertical Space to put in a negative
space at the top of the page.

But I'd use a spreadsheet such as Gnumeric or LibreOffice Calc to do
the job.


Using LyX for publication

2020-11-30 Thread Les Denham
I mentioned in a post back in March this year that I had a book in
publication for which I was using LyX to prepare the final PDF for the
printer, adhering to rather rigid specifications by the publisher.

That book has now been published, using my PDF for everything but the
cover. Both I and the publisher are happy with the results.

If anyone wants advice with a similar project I am happy to help.


Les Denham
Blizzards and Broken Grousers
lyx-users mailing list

Re: License Agreement Entitlement Query

2022-05-12 Thread Les Denham
On Mon, 2 May 2022 04:45:07 +
Service Centre Licensing  wrote:

> We are writing to you in relation to the licensing for LyX.
> The University of Melbourne is currently working to modernize its
> approach to delivering computer labs across the campus and will be
> transitioning from physical computer lab delivery into a virtual
> platform based on Citrix technology.


I have nothing to contribute to the discussion of licensing (I am not a

But isn't it significant that a major university (which has been ranked
#1 in Australia and #31 worldwide) is interested in making LyX
available in all its computer labs?


Les Denham
Blizzards and Broken Grousers
(published book completely typeset with LyX)
lyx-users mailing list

Line spacing in List of Figures

2023-10-10 Thread Les Denham

I have a rather abstruse problem which may not have a solution, but I
would appreciate any suggestions.

I am typesetting a novel with LyX, using the Memoir Class (I am very
familiar with it), but I have come across an unusual problem. Most
novels do not have figures, but this one does. I do want a List of
Figures, but I don't want the figures numbered.

I can achieve this by removing the caption from each float and replacing
it with: 
\legend{picture name} 
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{picture name}

This gives the "picture name" as the caption, and in the List of
Figures at the left end of the line, with a dotted leader to the
correct page number.

The remaining problem is that the line spacing in the List of Figures
is smaller if there is more than one figure in a chapter. I would like
to have uniform line spacing in the List of Figures, regardless of
chapter breaks.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Les Denham
Blizzards and Broken Grousers [typeset using LyX]
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Still the ugly pdf output

2003-02-11 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 11 February 2003 1523 pm, you wrote:

> but certain, the same fonts and sizes but when I convert it, it looks
> horrible with fuzzy text.
> What does it take to fix this?  How do I determine the critical difference
> between the nicely rendering chapters and the horribly rendering coverpage?

I've had this happen to my documents, and I did figure out a way around it, 
but I don't remember what it was for certain: I think I selected "pslatex" 

I can tell you what the difference is: the pages with fuzzy text are the ones 
with bitmap images on them.  Something (ghostscript?) is rasterizing the text 
when there is an image on the page.
L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: Compiling LyX 1.3.1 on Solaris 2.8

2003-03-20 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 20 March 2003 1428 pm, you wrote:
> > > ld: warning: file required by
> > > /usr/site/qt//lib/, not found
> > > Undefined   first referenced
> > >  symbol in file
> > > glXQueryExtension   /usr/site/qt//lib/
> > > glReadPixels/usr/site/qt//lib/
> >
> > This is your problem.
> What is this On my linux box, it is in /usr/X11/lib, but on
> Solaris, there is no such thing under /usr/X/lib. Does it come with qt?

I believe this is part of the SUNWglrt package, and will be located in 
/usr/openwin/lib if you have the package loaded.

L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: "Path to the lyx file cannot contain spaces"

2003-09-22 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 22 September 2003 13:40, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Sounds right for *nix, but spaces in paths are a way of life in the
> Windoze world (not sure about Macs, but I think they're legal there,
> too).

Any software which allows commands with arguments has to have some way of 
separating commands and arguments from each other.  By analogy with English 
(and many other languages) almost all software systems which are text-based 
use spaces as separators.  Unix and similar systems use spaces as 
separators, but often can accept file and directory names with spaces by 
enclosing them in double quotes.  Unfortunately, many programs running 
under these systems use scripts which do not enclose file names in quotes, 
so they break when they encounter such names.  LaTeX is obviously such a 

As far as I know, Windows is the only significant operating system which 
allows spaces in file and directory names.  This is in keeping with its 
design as a totally graphical operating system, where a command line should 
never be needed.



2003-10-14 Thread Les Denham
Hi list,

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Lyx handles Grace 
( .agr files as figures.  

My discovery of this was completely accidental.  Is it documented anywhere?  
I'm using Lyx 1.2.3 (yes, I know it's old, but it works for me).


Re: book with exercises and answers

2003-10-15 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 04:07 am, Gandalf wrote:
> Hello.
> I guess I'm not the first one that wants to write a book with exercises
> and answers to these exercises.

One simple solution (I'm sure there are others, probably more elegant):

1. Insert  labels in your chapter and section headings.

2. Use the Enumerate environment for the  exercises, and put a label in each 

Start each answer with a series of cross references separated by periods 
like this:

.. Answer 
to Exercise 1.

.. Answer 
to Exercise 2.



2003-10-16 Thread Les Denham

You are perhaps too familiar with it.  I can see how a new user would have 
problems understanding.  The exact procedure I use is:

1. Insert > Floats > Figure.

2. With the cursor at "Figure#" press Enter.  The cursor is now inside the 
red outline of the float, on the line above "Figure#".

3. Layout > Paragraph and select Center in the Alignment box.  Press OK.

4. Insert > Graphics.


On Thursday 16 October 2003 12:12 pm, John Levon wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 07:10:32PM +0200, Tomasz Koziara wrote:
> > HOW TO CENTER A TABLE OR A FIGURE (e.g. in float field) IN LYX 
> There's no need to shout.
> Centre the paragraph it is in (Layout->Paragraph)
> john

Re: Graphs in LyX

2003-11-02 Thread Les Denham

Have you tried using Grace?  Lyx accepts Grace files as figures, and it's 
pretty good at producing any kind of graph.


On Sunday 02 November 2003 08:51, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> The one thing I'm not sure how to deal with is graphs. Often I 
> need to print the graph of a function and have students identify which 
> function it represents or provide a blank graph on which students graph 
> a function I provide.

Re: Volume of documents

2003-11-22 Thread Les Denham
On Saturday 22 November 2003 15:22, Anca Tibor- Attila wrote:
> Hi,
> I just have a short question: which is the "biggest" volume of a 
> document, that still functions with lyx? Is there a limit?
> Thanks,
> Tibor

Do you mean file size or number of pages?  I've had an all-text document 
in about forty files which generated around 500 pages, and I've had a 
100 page document with about sixty color figures.  Both of these worked 
well on a 300MHz laptop with 64MB of RAM, though they were slow 
generating a PDF file.  I think the limit is going to be the computer 
limits, rather than anything in the software.


Re: trying to print from lyx

2004-02-11 Thread Les Denham
On Tuesday 10 February 2004 07:54 pm, Peter Christensen wrote:
> Does anyone out there use CUPS or Kprinter with Lyx???

I have CUPS as the system printer, set up with KDE 3.1.4 Printing Manager as 
the default system.  I have "kprinter" as the spool command 
(Edit->Preferences->Outputs->Printer) and it worked flawlessly first time.  
Lyx is Version 1.3.2 of Tue, May 6 2003 installed from the Gentoo portage 

L. R. Denham

Gentoo Linux 1.4
KDE 3.1.4
Athlon XP 3200+
1 GB Dual Channel PC2700 RAM
Maxtor 120 GB (System partitions EXT3, Data ReiserFS)
Gainward GeForce4 64MB MX440
EPox 8RDA3+ Motherboard

Re: Removing some prefs options (poll)

2002-08-28 Thread Les Denham

> 1. Lastfiles number of files shown. This is currently configurable
> between 4 and 9. Does anybody actually have this configured  differently
> from the default, and if so, please tell me why.

Have occasionally increased the number when switching between more than four 
files in different directories.  Not an important option.

> 2. "Auto region delete". Does anybody *disable* this option ? Please
> explain why, if you have.

I've no idea what this option does, so I have never touched it. 

L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: Removing some prefs options (poll)

2002-08-29 Thread Les Denham

No problem with the default number of files shown being 9.

(Sorry I can't quote John's question, I accidentally hit the delete key after 
reading it ..)
L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: large documents, devision into several parts

2002-10-09 Thread Les Denham

On Wednesday 09 October 2002 0406 am, Felix Voigt wrote:
> Hello lyxers,
> can anybody give me a hint how best to organize a large document in
> lyx?

I have written a 480,000 word book in 38 chapters using a master file and a 
separate file for each chapter.  I use "include" (Insert>Include) without any 
ERT.  The only problem I have had is occasional reluctance to generate (or 
regenerate) the table of contents.  One big advantage is that I can easily 
maintain different master files for different print formats: for example, I 
currently have master files to generate Letter and A4 page sizes.  I keep the 
master and chapter files in one directory, and use the same directory for 
PDF, TeX and PS files.

The master file and chapter files need to be all the same class (in my case, 
book) and no preamble in the chapter files.

L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: How to edit postscript?

2002-10-28 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 28 October 2002 1349 pm, Darren Freeman wrote:

> I have a document that is confidential, and I will export it when
> finished into postscript.
> I would then like to take the postscript and either put black boxes over
> the confidential stuff or remove it. But what remains must be
> pixel-accurate compared to the uncencored version - if possible.
The Gimp -- but it would be rather fiddly if you have a lot of black boxes to 
put in.

L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: Finding out LaTeX name for math symbol

2002-11-01 Thread Les Denham
On Thursday 31 October 2002 2149 pm, you wrote:
> Is there an easy way to tell what the LaTeX name is for a math symbol in
> LyX?  (So I could subsequently manually type it in using its name rather

Get the Comprehensive list of LaTeX symbols from

L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: Convert PS to EPS

2002-11-26 Thread Les Denham
On Saturday 26 October 2002 1458 pm, you wrote:
> Hello,
> Just wonder how your guys create a hand-drawn pictur in PS format. I
> hate to use "Xfig" in UNIX, which is too clumsy to me. Is there any way
> we can draw some plots in Powerpoint, or Paint, etc., then convert them
> into .ps ones with bounding box  (so that they will be easily integrated
> into .tex file)?
> best thanks
> -- Zhigang

Personally, I think xfig is quite a neat tool to do exactly what you're 

Some alternatives:

1. Any program (PowerPoint, etc.), then define a printer as a Generic 
Postscript  printer, and print to a file. [This will probably give you a 
raster image within the Postscript]

2. CorelDraw

3. Gimp [This will give you a raster image within the Postscript]

3. The pstricks package 

L. R. Denham
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Re: can lyx print with CUPS?

2002-12-26 Thread Les Denham
On Wednesday 25 December 2002 22:40, Peter Christensen wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for trying to help me with this problem!
> I'm still trying to get this to work.  I needed some mailing labels for
> Christmas, so I resorted to plugging in an old hard drive that has Windows
> 95 and Wordperfect.  (By the way, is it possible to print address labels
> with Lyx?)
I don't think you can in any effective way, but you can with LaTex.

> So my settings in Lyx must be wrong.  But I don't know what settings to
> fix. Are there any diagnostics to look at?  (Error logs, etc.?)
> I know nothing about printers, spools, queues, etc.  Am very confused at
> this point...
> Peter

Do you have xpp? (X Printing Panel).  If so, just put xpp as the spool 


Re: Engineering student considering LyX for Thesis

2011-10-17 Thread Les Denham
On Monday 17 October 2011 11:49:53 Johnston81 wrote:
> 1. Considering LyX over Word, how much time would I approximately need to
> learn LyX to the extent that I can actually produce text, including
> graphics and formulas(!), from a template?

Assuming you are reasonably fast at learning new things (and I assume you are 
as you are in graduate school): ten minutes.

> 2. What can I reasonably expect my learning curve to be after having
> learned the bare basics; what I mean is, is it simple to teach LyX to
> oneself and how easy is it to solve problems when encountered?

Most problems are quickly and easily solved. Some -- such as complying exactly 
with very specific formatting directions -- can be extraordinarily difficult.

> 3. And finally, being a skilled user of Word would I - ultimately - save or
> spend time if I did try my luck on LyX?

In spite of such a serious handicap I believe you will save a lot of time by 
using LyX, as long as you forget all you know about Word.

I recently sent to printing a 164 page book with figures (mainly photographs) 
on nearly every page. I do not think it would be possible to generate a 
satisfactory final PDF using Word, but it was relatively easy with LyX.

Today I finished a 33-page report with 30 figures. My total time for 
completing the report was about eight hours, of which 75% was spent extracting 
figures from PowerPoint presentations made by my collaborators and editing 
them to look decent.

Les Denham
Interactive Interpretation & Training, Inc.

Re: Import into LyX

2012-02-02 Thread Les Denham
On Wed, 01 Feb 2012 12:59:33 -0700
Rob Oakes  wrote:

> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

One thing you do not mention is handling figures. The documents I work
with tend to be very heavily illustrated, and I like LyX because it
handles figures so much better than Word that there is no comparison.
But most of my collaborators refuse to consider anything but Word, and
hand me their contributions -- replete with figures on every page -- in
the form of a .docx file which is so messed up LibreOffice renders it
in a barely recognizable form. I usually end up asking for a PDF file,
and I go through it copying text from it and pasting it into LyX, and
using Acrobat Reader's snapshot tool to get the figures into Gimp.

A tool which could import figure-heavy Word documents into LyX would be
wonderful. A tool which would allow export of such documents into Word
would be even more wonderful (and also a miracle). The client for a
project currently near completion would like the final report (a 250
page document with over 200 figures, an index, and a bibtex
bibliography) in Word format as well as in PDF format and paper. My
current plan for that is to export the LyX to HTML and try to import it
into LibreOffice, but I'm not very hopeful about getting a useful


Re: Import into LyX

2012-02-02 Thread Les Denham
On Thu, 2 Feb 2012 10:50:05 -0700
Rob Oakes  wrote:

> In the meantime, hearing about what features should be supported
> would be very nice. Hearing your opinions about doc support (versus
> only docx support) would also be very helpful.

I would be quite happy with only .docx support. As time goes by more
and more of the people who insist on sending me Word documents get new
versions of Word which default to that format. For the .doc format
documents I can always use LibreOffice to convert to .docx.

Supporting Styles and Figures is a major achievement as far as I am
concerned. I assume you don't do much in deciphering the fingerpainting
favored by most Word users. Such crass formatting is probably best left
as Standard in LyX anyway.


Re: Greek pdf(LaTeX) bookmarks within from LyX

2012-02-09 Thread Les Denham
On Thu, 9 Feb 2012 23:26:00 + (UTC)
Guenter Milde  wrote:

> On 2012-02-09, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> >> Finally it works! Un-Ticked the "Tools > Preferences > Language   
> >> Settings (or Language) > Set languages globally" option and used
> >> the "LyX" code attached below. This is rather a "tricky" option
> >> when dealing with bi- or multi-lingual documents I guess(?).
> >> @Liviu: I tried all sorts of utf8's, nothing worked (from the   
> >> combinations of encodings and selected languages I tried).
> > Well, it seems I haven't figured it out exactly. Any additional
> > text in Greek raises a failure to compile properly. I am (more)
> > puzzled. I'll try more combinations (since it's the only thing I
> > can do for the moment) and will eventually report a success to the
> > list.
> It seems like there is no "force" flag for the Greek letters in
> "unicodesymbols". This means that Greek Unicode-chars are kept as-is
> when exporting to LaTeX.
> * This is good for the pdfstring
> * It does not work with "Unicode (utf8)" unless you add a
> `lgrenc.dfu` file for Greek Unicode with the inputenc standard UTF-8
> support (e.g. from
>   (There should be something about Greek and Unicode at the lyx wiki.)
> Günter  

That probably explains why PDFLATEX complains when I use a 'mu' (for
'micro-') in text context. I get around it by making it a math


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