Re: Bibtex style file modification

2012-01-20 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
BibTeX comes with a style generation guide so that you can create one 
just the way you want it, just by answering some questions. Run it with 
"latex makebst.tex" and follow the instructions.

Hope it helps


On Fri 20 Jan 2012 09:57:32 PM EET, Shane Siers wrote:
> I am preparing a submission for a journal that does not have its own latex
> style definitions file.  I am using ecology.bst which is very close. 
> However, I would like to be able to make the following modifications:
> 1.  Journal titles are currently italicized; I would like to turn off
> italicization of journal titles.
> 2.  Currently, there is a comma between the last listed author and the
> publication year; I would like to make this a period (e.g. "...Smith, 1986."
> to "...Smith.  1986.")
> Can someone help me with this?  I'll attach the .bst file.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Shane

Re: Drawing with Pgfplots from file

2011-11-08 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
The problem is not with pgfplots but with the data file. It seems that 
LyX cannot reference files that are mentioned in ERT using relative 
paths. It arises because LyX does not copy the required file over at 
the temporary build directory, since ERT code is injected verbatim to 
the produced TeX source. It would also like to know if there is a 
solution for this problem without resorting to absolute paths.


On Tue 08 Nov 2011 05:39:15 PM EET, Churilov Sergey wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using pgfplots package to draw some diagrams from LyX. The following
> syntax entered into TEX code works fine.
> \begin{tikzpicture}
> \begin{axis}[xlabel=Cost, ylabel=Error]
> \addplot[color=red,mark=x] coordinates {
> (2,-2.8559703)
> (3,-3.5301677)
> (4,-4.3050655)
> (5,-5.1413136)
> (6,-6.0322865)
> (7,-6.9675052)
> (8,-7.9377747)
> };
> \end{axis}
> \end{tikzpicture}
> But, if I want to plot from a file, I get errors:
> -! Package pgfplots Error: sorry, plot file{umwc1.dat} could not be opened.
> -! Package pgfplots Warning: the current plot has no coordinates (or all have
> be en filtered away)
> -! Package pgfplots Warning: You have an axis with empty range. Replacing it
> with a default range and clearing all plots.
> The code is:
> \begin{tikzpicture}
> \begin{axis}[xlabel=Cost, ylabel=Error]
> \addplot file {data.dat};
> \end{axis}
> \end{tikzpicture}
> data.dat file contains two columns with the numbers from previous example.
> What could be the problem here?
> Kind regards,
> Sergey

Re: lyx 2.0.1 and relative paths to tex files

2011-10-20 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
Child documents work OK, just Insert -> File -> Child Document. So do 
graphics etc. Just insert them regularly from the menus. The problem 
with other inputs, as far as I am concerned, is that the original 
directory structure is not recreated in the temporary build directory. 
I do not know if there is a way to manually add dependencies to a 
document so that LyX can pick the files when building the pdf/ps.

On Thu 20 Oct 2011 06:07:37 PM EEST, Oscar Lopez wrote:
> Spyros Stathopoulos wrote:
>> I think the problem is that LyX does not copy the "../common/preamble.tex"
>> file over at the temporary build directory (usually something like
>> /tmp/lyx_tmpdir./lyx_tmpbufX/ by default). I have encountered this kind
>> of behavior before (albeit in a different case) but I could not find any
>> reasonable solution beyond providing the full path.
> I do not know! As far as I know before lyx 2.0.1 using relative paths was the
> way to ensure to share projects that use many directories to organize the
> information. I have been using lyx since 1997 and never have a problem with
> this. In fact, I have been used to work in this way and it even worst I teach
> many people to do so.
>>  It would be nice if there were a solution to this.
> sure!
>>  For your case, unless you must maintain this kind of directory structure,
>> it might help you if you put your preamble.tex file in the same directory as
>> your *.lyx file and use \input{preamble.tex} instead of a relative path.
> This solution will be a nightmare! I got people at my institute to move from
> word to lyx and we have created many svn projects, books and many other
> things that rely on the fact that lyx can understand relative paths and in
> this way we can work all together. Hope there is something more evident.
> I cannot believe that this version of lyx is going to drop the support to
> relative paths I put an example with a tex file, but what about child
> documents, graphic files and others that until now I didn't tested with lyx
> 2.0.1.
>> Although I am not entirely sure, in LyX 1.6.x there was a way to tell LyX to
>> use the current WD instead of a temp one.
> Here using lyx-1.6.10 with the test I sent everything is ok. As far as I am
> concerned it does not require to tell lyx anything
> Thanks for your comments
> Best regards
> Oscar
>> Spyros
>> On Thu 20 Oct 2011 05:25:57 PM EEST, Oscar Lopez wrote:
>>> Dear LyXers
>>> I have recenty updated my lyx version to lyx 2.0.1 and I have found that
>>> using relative paths to tex files at the lyx preamble does not work anymore.
>>> I have directory structures where lyx files are at some directories, bib
>>> files at other, latex preamble commands at othes, and so on ... The lyx
>>> preamble contains some input commands to take the corresponding latex
>>> preamble, i.e.
>>> \input{../common/preamble.tex}.
>>> In this way I can share project directories with other colleagues (for
>>> instance using svn). We always use relative paths in order to ensure that 
>>> the
>>> compilation does not break.
>>> Now when I am trying to compile some documents from lyx 1.6.10 I have found
>>> that lyx 2.0.1 stops the compilation saying
>>> LaTeX Error: File `../common/preamble.tex' not found
>>> If I export the latex file using Export->latex (pdflatex) and from a 
>>> terminal
>>> I run pdflatex:
>>> $pdflatex test.tex
>>> everything is ok!
>>> Attached to this message you can find a minimal example showing the problem.
>>> Look at the file located at test/doc/test.lyx and try to pdflatex it from 
>>> lyx
>>> and after from a terminal.
>>> Please has something changed regarding the treatment that lyx gibes to
>>> absolute versus relative paths? Hope not! I am completely puzzled with this
>>> behaviour and perhaps I am missing something evident.
>>> Best regards
>>> TIA
>>> Oscar

Re: lyx 2.0.1 and relative paths to tex files

2011-10-20 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
I think the problem is that LyX does not copy the 
"../common/preamble.tex" file over at the temporary build directory 
(usually something like /tmp/lyx_tmpdir./lyx_tmpbufX/ by default). 
I have encountered this kind of behavior before (albeit in a different 
case) but I could not find any reasonable solution beyond providing the 
full path. It would be nice if there were a solution to this. For your 
case, unless you must maintain this kind of directory structure, it 
might help you if you put your preamble.tex file in the same directory 
as your *.lyx file and use \input{preamble.tex} instead of a relative 

Although I am not entirely sure, in LyX 1.6.x there was a way to tell 
LyX to use the current WD instead of a temp one.


On Thu 20 Oct 2011 05:25:57 PM EEST, Oscar Lopez wrote:
> Dear LyXers
> I have recenty updated my lyx version to lyx 2.0.1 and I have found that
> using relative paths to tex files at the lyx preamble does not work anymore.
> I have directory structures where lyx files are at some directories, bib
> files at other, latex preamble commands at othes, and so on ... The lyx
> preamble contains some input commands to take the corresponding latex
> preamble, i.e.
> \input{../common/preamble.tex}.
> In this way I can share project directories with other colleagues (for
> instance using svn). We always use relative paths in order to ensure that the
> compilation does not break.
> Now when I am trying to compile some documents from lyx 1.6.10 I have found
> that lyx 2.0.1 stops the compilation saying
> LaTeX Error: File `../common/preamble.tex' not found
> If I export the latex file using Export->latex (pdflatex) and from a terminal
> I run pdflatex:
> $pdflatex test.tex
> everything is ok!
> Attached to this message you can find a minimal example showing the problem.
> Look at the file located at test/doc/test.lyx and try to pdflatex it from lyx
> and after from a terminal.
> Please has something changed regarding the treatment that lyx gibes to
> absolute versus relative paths? Hope not! I am completely puzzled with this
> behaviour and perhaps I am missing something evident.
> Best regards
> Oscar

Re: Engineering student considering LyX for Thesis

2011-10-17 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
Well, there is no doubt that math typesetting and float tracking is 
considerably more robust in TeX, no need to argue about that. The main 
problem I am constantly encountering when I try to convert people in 
TeX is the fact that people get easily discouraged by the steep 
learning curve. And it *is* steep especially if you are coming from a 
text processing background.

My first experience with LyX was when I was trying to switch to TeX in 
general and it was disastrous. I got so frustrated I gave up. Nowadays, 
after having used (La)TeX for some years I found my second experience 
with LyX magical. Everything made sense and worked perfectly. The fact 
that LyX hides a lot of the horrid TeX markup is both good and bad. 
It's good because, well, it is more pleasing and eases the transition 
from word processing, but on the other hand when you start using a 
bazillion of packages and things break (and *will* break) it is quite 
difficult to dissect the errors, especially with the cryptic error 
messages that TeX produces.

LyX is a really nice and mature piece of software and supports a great 
variety of widely used packages. No doubt the people behind it have 
worked hard to deliver such a nice product. But one should not expect 
that it magically transforms text into beautiful documents. In my 
opinion it is *complementary* to TeX and not a replacement. It will 
definitely get you started to produce documents easily, but if you want 
to go a step further then it will not write TeX for you; you will need 
to get your hands dirty. I've written my MSc thesis easily with LyX and 
it came out quite nice but my preamble was 300 lines long, so you get 
my point. Fortunately there is a huge amount of resources to help you 
with your endeavor. :)


On Mon 17 Oct 2011 11:09:27 PM EEST, Les Denham wrote:
> On Monday 17 October 2011 11:49:53 Johnston81 wrote:
>> 1. Considering LyX over Word, how much time would I approximately need to
>> learn LyX to the extent that I can actually produce text, including
>> graphics and formulas(!), from a template?
> Assuming you are reasonably fast at learning new things (and I assume you are 
> as you are in graduate school): ten minutes.
>> 2. What can I reasonably expect my learning curve to be after having
>> learned the bare basics; what I mean is, is it simple to teach LyX to
>> oneself and how easy is it to solve problems when encountered?
> Most problems are quickly and easily solved. Some -- such as complying 
> exactly 
> with very specific formatting directions -- can be extraordinarily difficult.
>> 3. And finally, being a skilled user of Word would I - ultimately - save or
>> spend time if I did try my luck on LyX?
> In spite of such a serious handicap I believe you will save a lot of time by 
> using LyX, as long as you forget all you know about Word.
> I recently sent to printing a 164 page book with figures (mainly photographs) 
> on nearly every page. I do not think it would be possible to generate a 
> satisfactory final PDF using Word, but it was relatively easy with LyX.
> Today I finished a 33-page report with 30 figures. My total time for 
> completing the report was about eight hours, of which 75% was spent 
> extracting 
> figures from PowerPoint presentations made by my collaborators and editing 
> them to look decent.

Re: XeTeX fontspec error: font not found

2011-10-11 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
Does the same happens if you use
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine}
in your preamble and leave the fonts to default in the document 

Also, does fc-list|grep Libertine|grep Regular
returns something like
Linux Libertine O:style=Regular
Linux Libertine Display:style=Regular
Linux Libertine Display O:style=Regular
Linux Libertine:style=Regular

On Tue 11 Oct 2011 10:07:31 PM EEST, Julien Rioux wrote:
> On 07/10/2011 7:58 PM, Tao Cumplido wrote:
>> I wanted to use the linux libertine fonts with xetex but am getting
>> this error.
>> I am on Linux Mint 11 and installed the latest texlive manually
>> (previously I had an error with xetex and german as document language
>> which I resolved this way).
>> Then I tried to install the libertine otf fonts according to this
>> manual:
>> Lyx also recognizes the fonts but when I try to view the pdf I get
>> the error that font is not found. Also tried reconfiguring Lyx.
>> Regards,
>> Tao
> I can't help much but is it related to this:

Re: XeTeX - Load packages before fontspec

2011-10-06 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
Thank you Günter, the encoding trick indeed solved the problem.
In my opinion, however, it would be ideal if there was a way to configure when
preamble statements are loaded (before or after lyx ones), but given the
complexity that such a change would imply the current design is understandable.

Again, thanks for the tip! :)

On 10/06/2011 11:12 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2011-10-04, Spyros Stathopoulos wrote:
>> I'm using the first option already since I need to pass options to the
>> font definitions. Still the problem lies with fontspec not the font
>> definition. 
> The problem lies with mathdesign::
>   %% 
>   %% Encoding is automatically set to T1
>   %% 
>   \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
> The workaround is to re-set the TeX font encoding to EU1 (or U, if you use
> LuaTeX). The following example:
> \documentclass[english]{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setdefaultlanguage{english}
> \usepackage[mdugm]{mathdesign}
> %% Mathdesign sets font encoding to T1, reset with one of:
> % \RequirePackage[EU1]{fontenc}
> \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{EU1}
> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Comic Sans MS}
> \begin{document}
> Was ist das?
> \[
> 2^{2}=4
> \]
> \end{document}
> results in mathdesign math and comic text fonts.
> Günter

Re: XeTeX - Load packages before fontspec

2011-10-04 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
I've been trying to create a custom module but unfortunately is seems that
fontspec is not handled by a module at all, instead it is placed into the
preamble automatically when XeTeX mode is triggered. In the end the only thing
that did the job was modifying a local copy of the .cls, which is not too bad
actually. However, given the peculiarity of fontspec with a lot of
font-affecting packages there should be a way to override or customize this
kind of behavior (along with passing options to \setXfont) without resorting to
modifying classes and/or packages. Other than that I'm quite happy with the way
LyX handles XeTeX.

Thanks for the tips!

On 10/04/2011 06:49 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:
> On 04/10/2011 12:02 PM, Spyros Stathopoulos wrote:
>>>> Is there any (hackish?) way to tell LyX to load mathdesign (or any other
>>>> package) before fontspec? I'm using LyX 2.0.1 + TeXLive 2010 on ArchLinux.
> You could try your luck with the approach described in this thread:
> Alternatively you can modify your .cls file to load mathdesign for you.
> Cheers,
> Julien

Re: XeTeX - Load packages before fontspec

2011-10-04 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
I'm using the first option already since I need to pass options to the font
definitions. Still the problem lies with fontspec not the font definition. I've
also thought about the second method but that way I lose the nice integration
with polyglossia since LyX will be using babel (instead of polyglossia) for
multilingual text.


On 10/04/2011 10:54 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2011-10-01, Spyros Stathopoulos wrote:
>> Hello everyone! I've been using TeX for quite a long time now but I'm new to
>> LyX. I've managed to create some fairly long documents with it and XeTeX and
>> I'm quite happy, however there is one little thing that troubles me. A lot of
>> regular LaTeX packages that affect fonts need to be loaded before fontspec in
>> order to work properly. One such package, for example, is mathdesign. In 
>> order
>> to apply a mathdesign font to the math text using XeTeX/fontspec, mathdesign
>> must be loaded before fontspec, like this
>> \usepackage[mdugm]{mathdesign}
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> ...
>> However, LyX automatically inserts fontspec at the very top of the preamble
>> (actually, after amsmath but you get the point). Therefore if I put
>> \usepackage[...]{mathdesign} in the preamble settings it always comes after
>> fontspec and renders the fontspec font definitions useless. Of course the 
>> same
>> happends if I \usepackage{fontspec} again in the preamble (since it's already
>> loaded).
>> Is there any (hackish?) way to tell LyX to load mathdesign (or any other
>> package) before fontspec? I'm using LyX 2.0.1 + TeXLive 2010 on ArchLinux.
> Two options:
> * Try with the font definitions in the user preamble, e.g.
> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Asana Math}
> ...
>   (You can find the commands with View>Source ticking the "Complete source"
>   box. Set the GUI font selection to "Default" afterwards.)
> * - Leave "use non-Tex fonts" unchecked.
>   - Select Language>Encoding  Unicode (utf-8) (XeTeX)
>   - Do the complete fontspec loading and configuration in the user preamble.
>   - View/Export with XeTeX.
> Günter

XeTeX - Load packages before fontspec

2011-10-01 Thread Spyros Stathopoulos
Hello everyone! I've been using TeX for quite a long time now but I'm new to
LyX. I've managed to create some fairly long documents with it and XeTeX and
I'm quite happy, however there is one little thing that troubles me. A lot of
regular LaTeX packages that affect fonts need to be loaded before fontspec in
order to work properly. One such package, for example, is mathdesign. In order
to apply a mathdesign font to the math text using XeTeX/fontspec, mathdesign
must be loaded before fontspec, like this


However, LyX automatically inserts fontspec at the very top of the preamble
(actually, after amsmath but you get the point). Therefore if I put
\usepackage[...]{mathdesign} in the preamble settings it always comes after
fontspec and renders the fontspec font definitions useless. Of course the same
happends if I \usepackage{fontspec} again in the preamble (since it's already

Is there any (hackish?) way to tell LyX to load mathdesign (or any other
package) before fontspec? I'm using LyX 2.0.1 + TeXLive 2010 on ArchLinux.

Best regards!