[Marxism-Thaxis] Re: M-TH: Fiji Up-date

2000-08-19 Thread Rob Schaap
Speight 'not the real coup leader' From an AFP correspondent in Suva THE AUSTRALIAN19aug00 FIJI'S George Speight was not the real leader of the May 19 coup that bought down the Chaudhry government, a cabinet minister held hostage for 56 days said yesterday. His

Re: M-TH: Smith and Cuckson on Lenin philosophy

2000-07-08 Thread Rob Schaap
A good read, Hugh - and one I can't do justice on grounds of great dollops of ignorance and very few dollopettes of spare time. So I leave chunks of your argument out - point it out if I misrepresent you as a consequence. I've a few quibbles, anyway, natch. Just for clarity's sake, here's your

M-TH: Re: Smith and Cuckson on Lenin philosophy

2000-07-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Hugh, I see Robert Service's new biography of Lenin is, whilst much more generous and sublte than, say, Pipes's hatchet job, also pretty damning of Lenin's philosophying. Reckons he was nothing special as a theorist. That said, when Lenin got to apply his book-learning to reality,

M-TH: Re: Smith and Cuckson on Lenin philosophy

2000-07-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day again, A quickie before bed ... Gidday to you too, my slippery eel! Fair go! You've been known to daub yourself with the Johnson's Baby Oil, yourself, Hugh! I hope we focus on the categories SC make salient, but fail to tell us just what these might be... Er, SC make 'em SALIENT.

M-TH: Inter-bloc lesions and Echelon

2000-07-04 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, So the ill-disguised mutual distrust between the continental Euros and the US has taken another significant turn ... Echelon has been doing just what you'd expect of a cold-war system in a post-cold-war setting: industrial spying. And now the US is going the route usually taken

Re: M-TH: Livingstone backs Euro

2000-07-02 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Chris, Yeah, it's a tad precious to criticise political leaders/administrators of small polities for playing the game in which they, and their constituents, find themselves. London's economy does, I'd have thought, depend more than most directly on the finance sector, though, and I'd be

M-TH: Next steps re future of utah listsn

2000-05-31 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Hans/comrades, I, for one, am happy to go with what you think is best. You're the one putting in all the effort, you're the main reason we're here together, and you know the people concerned best. And I dare say all here would agree with me that both your intentions and decisions have

M-TH: Re: Next steps re future of utah listsn

2000-05-31 Thread Rob Schaap
Beaut words, Hugh! Onwards and upwards! Rob. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Almost entirely irrelevant response to Bill

2000-05-30 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Bill, Hope you've recovered from the Brumbies choking during the big one. I would never have recovered had the Brumbies choked. I have recovered. Ergo: The Brumbies did not choke. Referee Watson was the Crusaders' best contributor by far - especially in his stoic refusal to react to all

M-TH: Russian 'intervention' in Afghanistan

2000-05-22 Thread Rob Schaap
Morning all, I see Moscow is threatening to drop some bombs on Afghanistan because the Taliban is allegedly (and unsurprisingly) helping out the Chechen separatists. If that's their logic - and they may well have embarked on a road whence there is no exit for Putin - they'll end up having to

Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble!

2000-05-16 Thread Rob Schaap
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 615 Subject: Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble! Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Precedence: bulk Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 615 Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble!

2000-05-16 Thread Rob Schaap
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 1090 Subject: Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble! Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Precedence: bulk Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 1090 Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble!

2000-05-16 Thread Rob Schaap
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 1567 Subject: Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble! Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Precedence: bulk Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 1567 Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

M-TH: (Hopefully) all fixed

2000-05-16 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, I've hopped off the fence for a minute to uns*bscribe the offending e-dress and all should be fine again. Sorry for the bandwidth hassle, comrades! Cheers, Rob . --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Re: List problems

2000-05-15 Thread Rob Schaap
Me, too, David. Can't do anything about it right now, though. If it's still playing up in the morning (antipodean time), we'll get on to it, then. 'Night all, Rob. -- From: David Welch [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: M-TH: List problems Date: Mon, 15 May 2000

Re: M-TH: Download entire ISO/SWP squabble!

2000-05-15 Thread Rob Schaap
Love to, Bob, only I'll be alphabetising the spicerack for the foreseeable future ... Yours-in-search-of-a-party-who-reckon-agreeing-on-the-social-ownership-and-contr ol-of-the-means-of-production-is-more-than-enough-reason-to-be-friends, Rob. The entire 49 page internal squabble between

M-TH: Re: British intervention in Sierra Leone

2000-05-12 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Jim, Sez you: As I read it Lenin's characterisation of imperialism was not simply a euphemism for military intervention, but precisely the predomination of capitalism's reactionary side over its progressive. Lenin proposes as an example of the progressive side, the application of science

Re: M-TH: Membership etc

2000-05-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day George, There is a way to do this, but I'm not sure whether everyone has access to it (I really don't grasp the technology's workings, I'm afraid). I don't think this list has discussed a policy on disclosing the e-identities of subscribers. For my part, I am happy for such disclosure to

M-TH: Occasional Moderator's Report

2000-05-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, Thaxis has 103 edresses s*bscribed to it. Ya can't tell much about nation of origin from edresses these days, as many s*bscribe through US-registered edresses from all over the world. That said, I spy Australians, Brazilians, Russians, Bulgarians, Britishers, Kiwis, Turks,

M-TH: Samir Amin on C20 (and C21?) #3

2000-04-27 Thread Rob Schaap
Title: Samir Amin on C20 (and C21?) #3 US HEGEMONY ATTACKS --THE 21ST CENTURY WILL NOT BE AMERICAN: In this chaotic conjuncture, the US took the offensive once more to reestablish its global hegemony and to organise the world system in its economic, political and military dimensions

M-TH: Samir Amin on C20 (and C21?) #2

2000-04-27 Thread Rob Schaap
Title: Samir Amin on C20 (and C21?) #2 AFTER THE WAR --FROM TAKE-OFF (1945-1970) TO CRISIS (1970-PRESENT): The second World War inaugurated a new phase in the world system. The take-off of the post-war period (1945-1975) was based on the complementarity of the three social projects of the

M-TH: Wallerstein on 21C Leftism #1

2000-04-20 Thread Rob Schaap
G' day Thaxists, A contentious piece but well worth a quiet half-hour in the pub with a thoughtful pint. Shan't chance my own half-arsed response yet, but think it well worth having a solid chat about. Please have a peek, comrades! Plenty here for us to chew on, I reckon. Best to all, Rob.

M-TH: Wallerstein on 21C Leftism #2

2000-04-20 Thread Rob Schaap
2. Systemic Transition What does it mean to say that a system enters into systemic crisis? It means that the secular trends are reaching asymptotes that they cannot cross. It means that the mechanisms that have been used up to that point to return the system to relative equilibria no longer can

M-TH: Bolivia's Banzer reverts to type

2000-04-09 Thread Rob Schaap
**BOLIVIA UNDER MARTIAL LAW** As of 10 am Saturday morning Bolivia was declared under martial law by President Hugo Banzer. The drastic move comes at the end of a week of protests, general strikes, and transportation blockages that have left major areas of the country at a virtual

Re: M-TH: Revolution and the tasks of the day

2000-04-02 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Dave'n'Hugh, A really really quick 'un ... Sez Hugh of the little disagreement of late: it's part of the struggle for the leadership of the working class, It might be an analogue of some such struggle in some place and time, but I doubt anyone here really seeks to lead the working

M-TH: Re: Market socialism the 90s

2000-03-29 Thread Rob Schaap
Just a quickie while I watch Australia play the Czecg Republic (the latter lead 1-0 just after half-time in a cracking good match), Thinking about Hugh and Doug's latest posts, it occurs to me that market socialism may actually play a part in the mass mobilisation process itself (should one come

M-TH: Re: (Fwd) LM NEWS: The end of LM magazine

2000-03-29 Thread Rob Schaap
Commiserations, Jim! You're too bloody talented to stay out in the cold for long, I know. But I'd been enjoying those LM e-mails ... All the very best, comrade! --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-28 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day again Thaxists, Quoth Hugh: a) that Trotsky is in fact arguing for market socialism as an *alternative* to the dictatorship of the proletariat with centralized planning and centralized control of finance and foreign trade; No, he's arguing for market socialism as crucial part of 'the

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-28 Thread Rob Schaap
C'mon Hugh! I argue that a socialist economy might need the market mechanism (for I can see nothing else that would do the particular job of producing and distributing use values) and you tell me there's going to be abundance, that "there is *no* scarcity", that "Market socialism is no

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-27 Thread Rob Schaap
Hi again, Hugh. Just a quick reprise on the ol' chestnut at hand: You: Market socialism is a cowardly utopian cop-out. Anything to avoid the life-and-death confrontation with the bourgeoisie that creating the preconditions for real socialism will involve. Me: Market Socialism ain't gonna

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-26 Thread Rob Schaap
But to say this is to say that productivity is a purely bourgeois concept. Yes, it is. Which is crap. No, it isn't. The whole driving force behind history according to Marx's perspective is the development of the forces of production bursting the fetters placed upon them by the various

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong

2000-03-25 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxalotls, Was cleaning out my backlog when it suddenly occurred to me that George might have a point (although I don't know how important a point it need be). Is a 'commodity' something that distinguishes itself from its hypothetical being under another economic system purely on the

Re: M-TH: Oz and East Timor

2000-03-14 Thread Rob Schaap
Agence France Presse March 13, 2000, Monday 3:13 AM, Eastern Time SECTION: International news HEADLINE: UN losing its way in East Timor: top official BYLINE: Kate Webb DATELINE: JAKARTA, March 13 A British UN official who resigned his post in East Timor out of frustration, said Monday that

Re: M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong

2000-03-13 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Chas, CB: I could go with you are right and Marx is left. I don't agree with George at all, but I do reckon a leftie is not obliged to agree with Marx, nor with others' interpretations of Marx. And I don't reckon there's anything particularly right-wing about refuting the predominance of

M-TH: Re: London mobilization -- if it moves, kill it!

2000-03-09 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Bob'n'Hugh, I realise I'm probably giving Bob a bat with which to beat Hugh here, but I find myself pretty well completely in agreement with Hugh on this one (which proves anything can happen in this world). Get with the critical mass, help that mass discover in itself the capacity to

M-TH: Re: London mobilization -- if it moves, kill it!

2000-03-09 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day again, Bob. Nope Rob. It just don't work that way. You'd be hard pressed to prove it works by way of that vanguard of yours, Bob! Especially in first world settings. We don't have those well-drilled collectively conscious proletarians on whom your mate Lenin was so keen. We have a

Re: M-TH: Capital is wrong

2000-03-09 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day George, You claim: To say that the "wealth of those societies presents itself as an immense accumulation of commodities" is not true. Much of the wealth is in the form of industrial capital which is not capital in the form of the commodity. This mistaken premise renders the validity of

M-TH: Re: LSA welcomes Livingstone's decision to stand for major

2000-03-08 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day all, Quoth RD of the WSM via the SPGB: Nah, just plain bloody daft. Simple question - how can voting for Livingstone lead to Socialism? Surely, it should be axiomatic beyond doubt that socialists should not engage in any activity that does not clearly have the possibility of leading to

M-TH: Re: Monthy Review - friend or foe

2000-03-01 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day John, I've never had the pleasure of reading an MR (not a single Oz newsagent stocks it), but I've read several of Wood's books (the latest being *Democracy Against Capitalism*) and at least one article. She's genuine, clever and a good writer (renewing my confidence in the Marxian take

Re: M-TH: Our Mainstream

2000-02-29 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Tony, I'm no Catholic, but it seems to me even the Pope has realised - rather late in the piece - that his vicious anti-leftism (especially in Latin America) and uncritical pro-Reaganism has produced a cruel and godless Mammon every bit as inimical to him as that fanciful red dawn.

M-TH: The Fourth Way (or the first, without make-up)

2000-02-10 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, Escaped the heat this arvo by bolting into the newsagents. Saw a mag on the rack called The Australian Rationalist, which I usually take, but the pub was next door and I'd resolved to spend my fiver there. Until that is, I saw the cover. For there, writ large, was as neat and

Re: M-TH: The Freedom Party

2000-02-05 Thread Rob Schaap
Is it a popular misconception that the Freedom Party in Austria is really a fascist party. You're onto something that's vaguely bothering me, too, George. What little I know of far-right parties is that their support is made up of malcontents of many a stripe (with fascists among 'em, no

Re: M-TH: Re: Kosova revisionists let NATO off the hook

2000-01-24 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Kim, In his polemic against Kautsky and in Socialism and War, Lenin argues that socialists need to look at whether particular wars benefit imperialist powers or the working class struggle. If they do not then socialists can and should support them. It's not as if East Timor was ever

Re: M-TH: Re: Kosova revisionists let NATO off the hook

2000-01-24 Thread Rob Schaap
Before I get into needless trouble, I'd better point out that I'm agreeing with Lenin on the quoted bits of *Infantile Disorder* (not that I quite agree with the whole book) - and only disagreeing here with the application of Lenin's polemical poke at Kautsky [on evaluating wars] to the East

Re: M-TH: Re: Kosova revisionists let NATO off the hook

2000-01-24 Thread Rob Schaap
Hi again, To claim as the Green Left does that the E Timorese were in danger of extermination is to echo the imperialist line that the E TImorese were helpless at the hands of Wiranto. This is not true, if they were rendered helpless it was at the hands of the imperialists. If Djakarta had

M-TH: Re: Nation

2000-01-01 Thread Rob Schaap
Happy New Year, Thaxists! Sez Jim F. Our friend Bob is always disparaging Kautsky but couldn't it be the case that Lenin was right concerning pre-WW I Europe whereas Kautsky's concept of a super-imperialism may well have validity for the world we live in now? Well I like a bit of speculation

M-TH: Liberalsim and Socialism today

2000-01-01 Thread Rob Schaap
Hi again Thaxists, Neil and Doug point us at the difficult question of what it is to be socialist - whilst such questions generally generate more heat than light on mailing lists, I do think the distinction between left-liberalism and socialism is no sharp divide at all. In fact, I tend to

Re: M-TH: Re: Ali BBC sportsperson of the century

1999-12-20 Thread Rob Schaap
has been IMF-restructured to the point of bankruptcy, for instance. Write off a few hundred billion now, and the suits might be able to keep the African body alive long enough to squeeze a couple of billion out of it in the medium term, eh? Sorry, make that 'write off a few hundred Million now

M-TH: Re: Ali BBC sportsperson of the century

1999-12-20 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Hugh, Agreed with your take on debt relief - a little orgiastic and very public gesture of generosity now is not only good PR, but also helps obviate massive across-the-board defaults not too long down the track. Doug tells me Zimbabwe has been IMF-restructured to the point of bankruptcy,

M-TH: Keller the leftie

1999-12-20 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Kim, Yeah, I'd heard this, too. See below. Cheers, Rob. http://chumbly.math.missouri.edu/harel/quotes/keller.2.html " Oh, ridiculous Brooklyn Eagle! What an ungallant bird it is! Socially blind and deaf, it defends an intolerable system, a system that is the cause of much of the

Re: M-TH: wouldabeen nice to talk about, eh?

1999-12-17 Thread Rob Schaap
A Philadelphia Medical School discovered the chain of damaged genes complicit in breast cancer a little while ago, and set to developing a breast cancer screening system. Some mob called Myriad from Salt Lake City then sent 'em a letter saying you can't do that coz we hold a twenty-year patent

M-TH: Response to John on the dialectic

1999-12-13 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, John has prodded me back to *Anti-Duhring* - and what a good read it is, too (I've always maintained that, whilst Marx could deliver himself of some world-historic passages, Engels was the better read over any distance). Anyway, I reckon a would-be historical materialist, such

M-TH: Re: Spittle-wits

1999-12-09 Thread Rob Schaap
Superb post, Russ! HM posits a self-reflective humanity, for whom reality is the sensuous activity through which said reflection and reality constantly transform each other. Action, history and politics are all there. Hope that means I'm allowed to party! I've a weekend straight out of 1977

Re: M-TH: Historical vs Dialectical materialism.

1999-12-09 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Charles, It takes an extreme contortion not to see that Marx's correspondence and much other work is literally dripping with evidence that he considered his work to be joint with Engels's. The two consciously disagreed about many things, Charles! From the personal (lovers and

Re: M-TH: Historical vs Dialectical materialism.

1999-12-05 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Simon, Thaxis had a pretty good go at the 'materialist conception of history' interpretation question a little while back - which may explain the paucity of responses to this question. Not surprisingly, some of us defended the necessary social basis of HM and some didn't. But those who

Re: M-TH: wouldabeen nice to talk about, eh?

1999-12-02 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Hugh, What Rob is describing in Seattle is what Bob M and me have been describing in Sweden, and what me and Bob and Dave have been going on about for years now. You go on about it during the recess breaks between retreads of the ol' 'I'm a good bolshie, you're a bad pb menshie, and all

M-TH: Re: Meszaros article: Communism Is No Utopia

1999-11-25 Thread Rob Schaap
I enjoyed and appreciated the Meszaros article very much (as I seem to whenever he puts pen to paper). Thanks to Jim for the post. Writes John: It was not political control that was at the heart of Communism but the control of the means of poduction, short and simple. Communism is effectively

Re: SV: M-TH: Re: Washington and Moscow

1999-11-24 Thread Rob Schaap
Hi again, Bob, What did ya do turn on the tele or look in your cristalball to predict this? You want a crystal ball? A few weeks down the track Grosny will be a hole in the ground, Moscow will have reluctantly agreed to Wasington's 'moral' pleas to withdraw their regulars, Bislan Gantamirov

M-TH: Re: Washington and Moscow

1999-11-22 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, I don't think it matters whether trying to hang on to the prizes of past expansionism constitutes an act of imperialism today or not, really. I reckon we might be missing the point of all this! I don't reckon Russia can win this war, and I don't reckon it could ever have

M-TH: Re: IT stocks?

1999-11-22 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Chris, I am glad you reposted this. In view of the volume of correspondence on LBO-talk I think there is often a role for the issues to be discussed on a specifically marxism list. And unlike Louis Proyect, you and Bill do not censor the debate. But at this stage just a question please.

M-TH: Re: Washington and Moscow

1999-11-22 Thread Rob Schaap
I am surprised to read Rob's arguments that Russia is not going to win. This war is well-supplied logistically and they are already digging in and are prepared to surround Grozny and shell it throughout a long winter. They persist in ruling out negotiations. Well, they might call it a win in

Re: M-TH: IT stocks?

1999-11-21 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Bob, Doug's probably fast asleep just now, so here's an interesting piece he posted on his list the other day. I'd be interested in Thaxist views on this meself. Cheers, Rob. [From the bear's den at http://www.LeMetropoleCafe.com] Frank Veneroso - Veneroso Associates - November 19,

Re: M-TH: Re: C'mon you lot!

1999-11-08 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Russ, I can't remember whether you're on LBO or not. In case you're not (and in case other Thaxists might be interested), here are a couple of perhaps edifying (and mebbe not) snippets from there. G'day all, Well, the 'minimalist' republican option took a 54-46% kicking. It seems the

Re: M-TH: Re: Whither the discussion

1999-11-08 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, Simon sez: I think that the difference here is that I am not arguing for a Marxist revolution, but a socialist one: i.e. that while Marx provided one of the first expositions of socialist theory, you don't have to have read a word of Marx to be a socialist. Eliciting

Re: M-TH: Virtual Capitalism

1999-10-30 Thread Rob Schaap
Hi again, Living in a country proudly anticipating 'catching up with the first world' by way of introducing a goods'n'services tax, I can't help but notice this model supports the intuitive take on such a manouvre most compellingly. Take out the UK's VAT, whack up the marginal income tax rate on

M-TH: Re: C'mon you lot!

1999-10-28 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Jerry, Jerry, what we'd like is for you just not to talk about this particular non-subscriber's personal traits on Thaxis *at all*. It's just about all you do here, and it's all the more annoying for the fact you have much to offer - if only you thought us worthy of your finer efforts.

M-TH: Oz and East Timor: a telling timeline

1999-10-08 Thread Rob Schaap
September 13: John Howard proudly proclaims he has 'no regrets' over East Timor: "If I had my time over again, I would not have handled things any differently." Now back to a summarising timeline as gleaned from John Lyons's article 'The Secret Timor Dossier' (*THE BULLETIN* October 12 1999,

Re: M-TH: Re: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-05 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Dave, You write: What do you mean "hang around"? The terms of the UN resolution requires the disarming of Falintil! Well, 'peacekeepers' refute their brief in practice all the time (often with their political leaders' tacit approval). I'd have preferred a bit of honest lying, meself

M-TH: East Timor and the Western Left

1999-10-05 Thread Rob Schaap
A pretty useless document, Bob. Yeah, Australia is a minor imperialist nation state. Yeah, we're a paternalistic bunch, with some racism in our soul. Yeah, we check with Uncle Sam first. Yeah, Aboriginal Australians have been hideously treated. And, no, the executive levels of our union

M-TH: Re: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-04 Thread Rob Schaap
What could have worked "quite nicely" Rob? Just garrison the towns and feed who's left (btw: I see elsewhere that some believe the casualty figures are surprisingly low - a strange thing to say at a stage when nearly half a million people are still missing. I'm still inclined to suspect a real

Re: M-TH: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-03 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day George, Yep. I have to agree. Canberra is going with the military on tactics, and with the Yanks on strategy. 0/2 for mine. We're busy making something that could have worked quite nicely into something that might well get very ugly for all involved. To torture an old Australian

Re: [PEN-L:11711] Re: Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-28 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day all, I hear Ambon has been isolated by the Indonesian authorities. No transport or public communications in or out. Just a bunch of well-armed troops, some very poorly armed Christian seccessionists, and lots of people whose views on the matter just aren't going to matter. The drawn-out

Re: M-TH: Some tenative observations

1999-09-26 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, George reckons: A few tentative observations on East Timorese developments. It is clear that the imperialist forces that have descended on East Timor to ostensibly protect the civilian population against the pro-independence "militia" are a mere pretext for direct

M-TH: Ali on Wheen on Marx

1999-09-26 Thread Rob Schaap
Book Reviews - Clear-eyed prophet. The basic ideas of Karl Marx have been ruthlessly parodied and vulgarised. But his critique of capitalism, argues Tariq Ali, has never been more relevant in our debased times. NEW STATESMAN Monday 20th September 1999 Karl Marx Francis Wheen Fourth Estate,

M-TH: Re: Thaxis web site

1999-09-21 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Russ, Well, we have had more sign up since than I've come to expect over a such a period, there's no doubt about that. But we're losing more than usual at the moment, too ... A net gain, though! I like the site very much. And am not sure as to what US law (which generally applies with

Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-15 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, But Rob, do you really imagine that there can be any political situation, let alone a crisis , that does not team with numerous contradictions and different class interests? Oh, I don't doubt that for a minute, Chris. It's just that the particular contradictions in play at the

M-TH: Re: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 00:59:30 PDT

1999-09-14 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Macdonald, Thaxis has two moderators and I'm one of 'em. And how may I be of assistance? Cheers, Rob. Hi folks. I was wondering who moderated this list, can someone tell me? Macdonald --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Re: Women in Afghanistan

1999-09-14 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Bob et al, On the question of brutalised Afghan women, Bob declines to sign on the grounds that: No! And this is why..Leaving aside the incredible situation that women find themselves in in Afghanistan as well as other places.By the way the left was complicent in this in there support of

M-TH: Women in Afghanistan

1999-09-13 Thread Rob Schaap
, Australia 165) Michael Sergi, Cook, Australia 166) Rob Schaap, Canberra, Australia PLEASE COPY this email on to a new message,sign the bottom and forward it to everyone on your distribution lists. If you receive this list with more than 200 names on it, please e-mail a copy of it to : [EMAIL

M-TH: Re: East Timor

1999-09-12 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day George, Megawati got more votes than anybody else, but not a more than all others put together (I seem to remember a figure in the 35 -40 % range). Golkar came second, with about a quarter of the vote, and the outright Muslem party did quite badly, with less than 5 per cent (Indonesia is

M-TH: Re: East Timor

1999-09-12 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day all, 'Turns out that someone in Djakarta had arranged for huge holding camps to be set up in West Timor at least four days before the referendum (camps that are apparently 'processing' 2 people a day - some dying mysteriously and many being sent to other islands). Making news also is

Re: M-TH: Re: East Timor

1999-09-11 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day again, Some idle speculation I sent to Pen-l - for what it's worth: What i don't understand is when the Indonesian state and the military as well as all the members of the security council decided to have the referendum, what were they thinking? They simply couldn't be stupid enough not

M-TH: History and institutional malignance

1999-09-10 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day all, I have to rant. Australia still hasn't a - withdrawn recognition of Indonesian sovereignty of East Timor b - expressed open support for Habibie against Wiranto c - withdrawn aid d - withdrawn our embassy staff from Djakarta and expel the Indonesian staff from Canberra e - stopped

M-TH: Re: Super exploitation and relative monopoly

1999-09-05 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Chris, You take exception to the literal definitions required to make Marx's law of value, indeed his whole critique of capitalist political economy, coherent. Whilst your instinct does you credit (I doubt anybody here doesn't share it), I think you forget that the NIC worker is suffering

M-TH: A Thaxis archive?

1999-09-05 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Lew, Incidentally, Rob, I have been asked if this list has a searchable archive and, if so, how does one access it. Well, I shouldn't be surprised if Hans's server configuration has the post-move Thaxis archive in some form or another, but I don't think there is a publicly accessible

Re: M-TH: Happy Labor Day !

1999-09-04 Thread Rob Schaap
Thanks for the Chicago Tribune interview piece, Chas. I'd never even heard of it! A good read, eh? And a Happy Labour Day to you. Rob. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Re: Why No Revolution?

1999-09-02 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Erik, You write: If we were really going to put your statement into practice, we would have to go to the "newly industrializing nations" (I believe that is the P.C. term for Third World nowadays) and attempt to direct them towards revolutionary consciousness (since they are far more

M-TH: Re: A plea

1999-08-25 Thread Rob Schaap
Ah, what a thing is an Australian spring! Garish blooms, chattering parrots, chortling magpies, snogging roos, migrating turtles and a soft sun that can caress even the jaded likes of me into flights of sensuous fancy. Do a September in Ozzie before you die, comrades - the footy's still on and

Re: M-TH: Bonapartist critique of actual socialism

1999-08-20 Thread Rob Schaap
Actually, Chris, my home e-mail account is not very trustworthy (I'd prepared a response, but it and a heap of others just never went) _ I am not beyond quoting Marx from secondary sources, but I have read the 18th Brumaire many times - it's my very favourite of his writings (which I'm sure I've

M-TH: Re: From another list:

1999-08-17 Thread Rob Schaap
Sigh, s'pose I have to make the required menshie noises ... Chas quotes some stalwart Bolshie mates: Noam Chomsky says: "One can debate the meaning of the term 'socialism,' but if it means anything, it means control of production by the workers themselves, not owners and managers who rule

M-TH: A therapeutic (?) whinge

1999-08-14 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Thaxists, Melancholia Alert! A few typical stories that would be carried by a half-decent news bulletin on this particular but ordinary day: Thousands of Irish Republicans sit in the road to demonstrate, and they're clubbed to a bloody pulp as they sit there ... 100 000 Melbournians

Re: M-TH: Re: dialectical materialism/activist materialism

1999-08-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Chas, I reckon you sound like a good historical materialist in this post - especially here: "Marx says that the chief defect of all hitherto existing materialism, Feuerbach included, is that it is contemplative and not active. " here: "History is made by active classes" here:

M-TH: Re: M-TH Republican Movement GFA

1999-08-05 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Bob, You write: Well, who would not oppose and end to the killing! But to compare this to that this leadership is dedicated to a genuine struggle towards socialism is fairly mind boggling. And in fact in regards to the killing only has for a short time perhaps reduced it. And even if

M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-17 Thread Rob Schaap
Awright, Chris. You have a bite. You write: She sounds like a symbol of subjective revolutionary passion, like Che Guevara. Leaving poor Che out of it for a minute - where do you get that 'subjective revolutionary passion' bit from? Don't you like that quip of hers about 'the false steps

M-TH: Re: Does the labor theory of value hold?

1999-06-09 Thread Rob Schaap
-- From: Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] G'day Doug, You write: In other words, these are glamorous issues, but not really all that representative or as profound as the huffing-and-puffing makes them out to be. All useful info, Doug, but it's precisely the

M-TH: Re: Marx on Timon of Athens

1999-06-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Chris, In *C1* Marx refers to Timon's speech, in which money is described as the 'common whore of mankind': "Just as every qualitative difference between commodities is extinguished in money, so money, on its side, like the radical leveller that it is, does away with all distinctions."

M-TH: Re: Does the labor theory of value hold?

1999-06-07 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Doug, You write: "Information" itself is an empty concept. Information about what? Capital flows are a kind of information. So are chip designs and patented engineered molecules. So is Ally McBeal. So what exactly are we talking about here? Well, I guess I'm talking about all of 'em.

M-TH: Grumbleguts

1999-06-06 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day Bob, 'We' is the ironic reference Robert Fiske makes to the west, Bob - it's from a rhetorical tradition which often makes its points by simulating the viewpoint of the target so as to ridicule 'em - Yanks have no such tradition, so you can't be blamed for missing the core of the article

Re: M-TH: Marx on GOLD

1999-06-05 Thread Rob Schaap
G'day John, Haven't got my *C* with me ... My understanding of the way things are today is that banks create over 90% of the money in circulation through the provision of credit. It exists only as digits, and represents a faith in the near-to-mid term old crisis theorists like me don't think

M-TH: Re: Marx on GOLD

1999-06-05 Thread Rob Schaap
Just got home - John's question about gold and credit still nags at me, so I've whipped Doug's book off the shelf (a hard-back less than twenty years old ain't hard to find there) and dug out a few germaine morsels. Doug follows Marx's *Grundrisse* "Pure paper and bank money did perish in 19th

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