Re: M-TH: Re: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-29 Thread Socialist Party


> This is difficult and fraught stuff, comrades.  And worth talking about
> as long as it takes.  But let's try to keep the arguments in focus and
> afford each others' personalities and perceived intentions a generous
> reading.  Most Thaxists agree with each other about more things than we
> would with the majority of punters at our local pubs, so let's not have a
> brawl here, eh?
Appologies Mods.  I'm normally a very fluffy debater, but being called a
liar pushes my buttons, appologies to george as well, he probably didn't
deserve my response, and I withdraw my gratuitous insults unreservedly...


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Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-29 Thread Socialist Party

Lo Again,
>>Not at all - who said 
anything about spontaneously revolutionary?  What we have to do is 
conscientiously and consciously buoild a mass movement for 
>>revolution, it won't happen until the working class is willing and 
conscious for change.  How could we have a succesful revolution with a 
vanguard?  Make the >>programmers work at gun point?  It 
would degenerate into tyranny, it cannot work.  the only way the 
workers can be free is if we consciously free ourselves, >>not have 
someone lead us to it, or do it for us.  Pace Trotsky, the revoluion is 
*not* made by teh minority.
Dread Lord Deathy.
>This is just another way of 
saying that you dont want social revolution and will therefore doing nothing 
to advance it. Your >peprspective is nothing but a disguised way of 
promoting capitalism and maintaining the working class in their present 
Cobblers - I work hard enough 
towards social revolution, almost continually, and you won't find more 
vehemently anti-capitalist band than me and my comrades, we've only spent 
most of our political careers opposing attempts to reform capitalism - our 
one idea is, after Marx, that we believe that teh social revolution must be 
made by the workers themselves.
I'd prefer evidence advanced 
rather than ad hominem accusations, maligning my honesty and integrity - 
call me wrong, but do not call me a liar you fuck, ok?

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-25 Thread Socialist Party

  LO All,
  George: If the working class is, 
  as you claim, "potentially revolutionary" then there is no guarantee that it 
  can spontaneously turn revolutionary which is why a vanguard party is 
  necessary. You hoist yourself with your own petard.
  Not at all - who said anything 
  about spontaneously revolutionary?  What we have to do is conscientiously 
  and consciously buoild a mass movement for revolution, it won't happen until 
  the working class is willing and conscious for change.  How could we have 
  a succesful revolution with a vanguard?  Make the programmers work at gun 
  point?  It would degenerate into tyranny, it cannot work.  the only 
  way the workers can be free is if we consciously free ourselves, not have 
  someone lead us to it, or do it for us.  Pace Trotsky, the revoluion is 
  *not* made by teh minority.
  Dread Lord Deathy.

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-24 Thread Socialist Party

Lo Again,

>>They are condemned, then, to 
being revolutionary. 
We are condemned, King Lear like, to the duty 
and possiblity of revolution, it is something that is irrevomovable from our 
condition, but we have to choose to exorcise it.
>>Now in the north of Ireland there 
exists thousands upon thousand of workers who would describe themselves as 
Protestant Unionists and who actively support British imperialism together 
with the rampant and intense discrimination against Catholic workers from 
the same geographical location. Many of these Protestant workers are proud 
members of the reactionary Orange Order. These workers have adhered to this 
reactionary counter-revolutionary culture for over a hundred years. Such 
workers can hardly be described as inherently revolutionary.
Indeed, police officers are workers, but I 
wouldn't consider a police officer inherently revolution - its absurd as 
sayign all wopmen are inherently feminist.  But, and I do have a big 
but, we are all potentially revolutionary, and this is why a vanguard is not 
only udnesirable, but also unnessary, when consciousness and necessity 
co-incide the revolution will happen - our job here and now is to promote 
consciousness as widely as possible.

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-23 Thread Socialist Party
Title: Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class


  LO Again,
  >>This wasn't just Lenin's assumption. It was Marx's and Engels's 
  too. The same way as the bourgeoisie was inherently revolutionary in relation 
  to feudalism. The historical role of the bourgeoisie was to emancipate itself 
  from the chains of feudal property relations. Which it did.
  That did not mean that the bourgeoisie were 
  inherently revolutionary, it meant that their material basis had the objective 
  potential for creating a capitalist revolution, and that the progress of 
  history would place them in the position of having to enact that revolution - 
  that is different by far from the idea that the working class would 
  automatically have their revolution if freed from the ideology of the 
  capitalist class - a working class revolution requires the conscious awareness 
  and determination of the working class, not their unconcious and inherent 
  activity in the world.
  >>The rapist comparison is stupid. 
  "You know what she *really* wants, don't 
  you?"  "She was asking for it..>" "All women want it really", "It is 
  the objective historical function of women to fuck."
  the last highlighting the actuality of the 
  philosophy - whilst the inherent historical tendancy of human beings is 
  towards fucking, it does require their conscious subjective engagemnent of the 
  human being.
  >>If any social force can be compared to a rapist today it's the 
  imperialist bourgeoisie. The violence of the working class should be aimed at 
  dispossessing this bourgeoisie, ie at stopping its depradations. This is pure 
  self-defence and what the feminist movement (or the more militant wings of it) 
  have been advocating for women for a long time. The role of the working class 
  is that of women in general compared to militant feminists in this particular 
  comparison. And who would argue against the mass of women being empowered to 
  defend themselves against the gender enemy?
  Indeed, but that is different from some jumped up 
  vanguard running along, putting guns to our heads and saying they're in 
  >>It's enough to speak of Lenin's vanguardism. Elitism has nothing 
  to do with it.
  Well, élite and superiority is inherent in the vanguard concept.
  Bill MArtin (S.P.G.B)

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-23 Thread Socialist Party

  LO All,
  >>Consequently it would 
  seem that Lenin's vanguardist elitism was a necessary tool. 
  But the theory of the vanguard is 
  predicated on Lenin's (false) assumption of an inherently revolutionary 
  working class - i.e. that if the working class is objectively revolutionary, 
  then the actions of the vanguard on their behalf - whether they consciously 
  want it or not - is the fulfillment of their historical role.
  Strangely, this is also the 
  argument used by many rapists.

Re: M-TH: Cliffite ISO/SWP squabble, What's going on?

2000-05-22 Thread Socialist Party

  Lo All,
  >>The state caps have been throwing around 
  a lot of "Stalinists" stuff lately, but I must admit that the letter by the 
  ISO is really interesting. The only thing appearing to be lacking in the 
  letter is the call by members to turn in anyone who is a suspect.. In fact it 
  appears that they treat their memberrship as a herd of cattle rather then and 
  organization of professional communists capable of thinking for 
  Not all adhereants of the State Capitalist thesis 
  are cliffites tha knowest!
  >>Gonna be real interesting to watch and 
  organization built on capituation to cold war anti communism with its line of 
  state capitalism trying to find a new line as inter imperialist rivalry 
  I think they are much more affected by the end of 
  their capacity to acts as paracites on teh Labour party, which haas availed 
  itself of the post-col-war era to shift itself to the right, etc.
  >>Well that something else which for years 
  previously was and adaption to their *own* bourgeoisie against the deformed 
  and degenerated workewrs states is now becoming a conflict for them of which 
  way to go.
  Such adaption, I should think, was more a 
  reflection of their shift-in-the-winds reformism, rather than any reflection 
  of the State Cpaitalist thesis, which does not necessitate taking sides in 
  imperialist rivalries - and, incidently, by teh state cap. thesis, any bugger 
  siding with the USSR was just siding with another bourgeoisie, anyhow, so I 
  think someone round here has a severe case of pots and kettles...
  >>Cliffism and the state capitalist theory 
  is dead along with its Social Democratic counter parts. In fact the 
  destruction of the SU which was the starting point of the state capitalist 
  break with revoluitionary marxism in the last world war will now at best be 
  national organizations becoming the leftwing social patriots of their *own* 
  countries and the real fight probably won't even be between let's say the 
  American ISO and the British SWP. It will be with there German/Japanese 
  sections most likely..
  Now, this I resent - there is nothing implcit in 
  the state capitalist thesis which necessitates supporting one bourgeoisie over 
  another.  Try being concise in your venoem, it makes for more 
  entertainment my dear.
  Yours for Socialism,
  Bill Martin (SPGB).

Re: M-TH: Third Socialist Councillor elected in Britain

2000-05-10 Thread Socialist Party

Lo All,

> Standing under the title Socialist Alternative (because
> the electoral registration office still prevents the SP from having the
> democratic right to stand under its own banner),

Would this be the democratic right to stand under the name of a long-time
pre-existing party?

Bill Martin, Socialist Party.

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Re: M-TH: Gusmao and East Timor


Dear George,

> The fact that Gusamao has apparently asked the remaining Indonesians
settlers to
> stay in East Timor is an indication of the reactionary politics of this
> Again nationalism betrays the cause it is supposed to promote. He is only
> days back in East Timor and already he is selling out. It would be
> to hear from comrades on this list what the East Timorese resistance
> movement's programme is --more and more help from Washington I suppose.
How could he not sell out? He is the nominee of a certain bloc of capital
to run the area, much as happened with that Kosovan intellectual who sprang
out of nowhere, unelected. It is not that the person is there to rpresent
"their people" but to provide the necessary political interface between
rulers and ruled. The British empire, during decolonisation, had a very
simple ploy: anyone causes trouble, lock 'em up. If there is an uproar to
release them, then they are the new rulers. Kwame Nkrumah was an excellent
example of this strategy. Capitalism is, by and large, about the great mass
of people participating in their own exploitation, and this requires that
legitimacy be provided. They could be offered Mickey Mouse, if that was
popular, and vote for him; what matters is that there is legitimacy.


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Re: M-TH: WTO and value

1999-01-17 Thread The World Socialist movement (via The Socialist Party of Great Britain)

Dear all,

> The World Trade Organisation negotiations with China is clear evidence
that the
> law of
> value does not operate in an unadulterated fashion. It is evidence that
> is no such
> thing as free trade in any comprehensive sense. 

Are we talking about the same law of value here? It is bourgeois economics
which tries to kick sand in workers' eyes with the price=value argument.
All value comes from human labour. Even the Russian's admitted this, as
early as Stalin in 40-41 (ghostwritten...) and their problem in calculation
was precisely that, rather than suspend the law of value, they had to
second guess it! Prices is the means whereby the ruling class divide up the
surplus, as I put forward in an earlier post: it also affects the working
class in that they are the proprietors of their labour, and as the price
for their labour falls a percentage will starve, while during a rise a
percentage will do well, unless for them the rule of price is suspended and
they get what is required to maintain their labour through some more or
less comprehensive welfare system, in the same way that the state runs
certain vital services to ensure that rather than being subject to the
vagaries of price they can be relied on, e.g. fire services.
And free trade, access to surplus via political power,... what does it
matter to us as workers? A politico will respond to a shareholder by trying
to limit finance capital, and the reverse also. This is about the ruling
class's access to our surplus which they have exploited from us.

 Consequently to try to apply Capital to the contemporary world
> economic situation
> in any pure way will simply produce conceptual abstraction.

Actually, I find Marx's analysis far more penetrating than those who claim
descent from him.,


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