Re: M-TH: Black History Year

1999-03-20 Thread Charles Brown
>>> Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/20/99 03:34AM >>> At 09:19 19/03/99 -0500, Charles wrote: > One esoteric twist in the Perry post that I didn't let you in on is that he does not have a very nationalist background. His organization has a lot of emphasis on white/black unity for class str

No Subject

1999-03-22 Thread Charles Brown
Here's a little something to encourage all of you activist types out there who feel like you're toiling away to no purpose. Most of you probably know this stuff already, but it's stuff to keep in mind. This will be published in my campus newspaper. In solidarity,

M-TH: Solidarity Unionism and Independent Working-class Politics

1999-03-22 Thread Charles Brown
Solidarity Unionism and Independent Working-class Politics June 4-6, 1999 Youngstown, Ohio We call on local unions, rank-and-file caucuses, community organizations, workers' centers and individual activists to meet to discuss how our work can lead to independent working-class electoral activity

M-TH: Fwd: L-I: An appeal from Yasnogorsk workers

1999-03-22 Thread Charles Brown
>>> "Elena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/22/99 11:42AM >>> TO THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD from workers of Yasnogorsk toolfactory We have been fighting for our rights since 1996. Our plant was privatised. The new owners were selling the production but have not been paying us for more than 12 months. Und

M-TH: Fwd: Tasteless indeed

1999-03-24 Thread Charles Brown
(Taken from q.v.) The mummy is the well-preserved body of a 12- to-14-year-old girl sacrificed to the Inca gods The girl*s face and body were so well preserved the mummy caught the eye of President C

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-ALL] Kosovo and 'Self-Determination'

1999-03-24 Thread Charles Brown
KOSOVO AND THE INTRICASIES OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN GLOBAL CAPITALIST SOCIETY Madeline Albright tonight on the æLarry King LiveÆ show on CNN said of Slobodan Milosevic ôHe has taken away the autonomy that the Kosovans had under the Yugoslavian constitutionö. This I find int

M-TH: ?

1999-03-24 Thread Charles Brown
TO THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD from workers of Yasnogorsk toolfactory We have been fighting for our rights since 1996. Our plant was privatised. The new owners were selling the production but have not been paying us for more than 12 months. Under the present crisis circumstances in Russia we were w

M-TH: Interview with Angela Davis

1999-03-24 Thread Charles Brown
>From the African Diaspora News Site INTERVIEWER: Your mentor, Herbert Marcuse once back in '58, as I recall, said that one of the things that would happen as blacks made gains in the civil rights movement was that there would be the creation of a black bourgeoisie and t

M-TH: Fwd: Nato bombs Serbia

1999-03-24 Thread Charles Brown
It has started: It has started:

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] The Story Behind the Class Action LawsuitsAgainst the CIA

1999-03-25 Thread Charles Brown God's Toolbox The Story Behind The Class Action Suits By Michael C. Ruppert >From the minute the Gary Webb stories broke in the San Jose Mercury News in August of 1996, African-Americans started talking about reparations. >From November 15, 1996 when CIA Director John

M-TH: U.S. out of Yugoslavia

1999-03-29 Thread Charles Brown
*** The following is a statement by the League of Revolutionaries for a New America on the War Against Yugoslavia. *** The U.S. and various European countries h

M-TH: Hypocrisy of foreign policy

1999-03-29 Thread Charles Brown
>From the letters page of the Estern Daily Press, Norwich, England, Friday, March 29th, 1999: HYPOCRISY OF FOREIGN POLICY RICHARD WHILEY Marsham Road, Brampton In Europe at the moment there is a comparatively large country which has militarily dominated one of its provinces for many years. Thi

M-TH: > The bottom line is clear: Expanding NATO will enhanceour security.

1999-03-29 Thread Charles Brown
> The bottom line is clear: Expanding NATO will enhance our security. > It is the right thing to do. We must not fail history's challenge > at this moment to build a Europe peaceful, democratic, and > undivided, allied with us to face new security threats of the new > cent

M-TH: U.S. out of Iraq

1999-03-30 Thread Charles Brown
An old article, still pertinent. CB THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF U.S. TERROR BOMBING How Washington Perfected Hitler's Schrecklichkeit Workers Vanguard, March 1, 1991 Video images of laser-guided 'smart" bombs homing in on their targets, generals talking of "precision bombin

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] "When I Grow Up..."

1999-03-30 Thread Charles Brown
THE PEOPLE MARCH 1999 VOL. 108 NO. 12 "WHEN I GROW UP..." by Ken Boettcher Capitalist culture itself occasionally produces some biting, if unintended, commentary on social relations under capitalism. Take, for example, one of the TV commercials that aired during the Super Bowl. The commercia

M-TH: Fwd: Food Supply Threatened

1999-03-30 Thread Charles Brown Toronto Globe and Mail Tuesday, March 30, 1999 Jennifer Ditchburn [Back to GLOBEtechnology.Ottawa -- Grocery stores [Image] More could have shortages of Information pears, ora

M-TH: The rev and tv

1999-03-30 Thread Charles Brown
er occurs within people as they change the way they see the world. With his band on the road again, his records finally back in stores and a new album slated to come out this year - and even a few of his out-of -print novels, like _The Nigger Factory_ being reprinted, Scott-Heron again is on a quietly insurrectionary mission. Or as he put it a long time ago, "The revolution , brother and sisters, will be live !" ( Charles Brown --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Stop the War !

1999-03-30 Thread Charles Brown
The Toronto Star March 30, 1999, Tuesday, Edition 1 EXPERTS PREDICT USE OF GROUND TROOPS William Walker Ground offensive looming OTTAWA BUREAU CHIEF OTTAWA - It has become a matter of when - not if - NATO ground troops will be sent into the war in Yugoslavia, Canadian military experts

M-TH: Fwd: Edward Herman on "Atrocities Management"

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
(from ATROCITIES MANAGEMENT Edward S. Herman It is extremely easy to demonize by atrocities management. I became steeped in this subject during the Vietnam War era, and even published a small volume in 1970 entitled Atrocities in Vietnam: Myths and Realities. The marvel of

Re: M-TH: List matters

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
t new Russian or Slavic Clintonism. Charles Brown >>> Rob Schaap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/30/99 11:32PM >>> G'day Thaxists, I do appreciate the occasional updates on matters of importance to us all, but I for one would really appreciate it if we start talking again. The wo

M-TH: Fwd: Kosovo is a no-brainer

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
Rob, I don't know if Boddhi is still on this list. He certainly has some discussion below. Charles >>> "D. L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/31/99 01:08AM >>> To whom.., After reading it all, from Chomsky's delightful clarity to Redmond's bizarre assertion that the E.U. is holding Amer

M-TH: Mines in Kosovo

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
Workers World July 30, 1998: The war is about the mines of Kosovo Workers World newspaper from the July 30, 1998 issue By Sara Flounders - Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 30, 1998 issue of Workers World newspaper - Kosovo:

Re: M-TH: List matters

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
The Guardian (Australia)March 31, 1999 STOP THE BOMBING! NATO's AGGRESSIVE WAR The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia is an act of open and barbarous aggression against an independent, sovereign country whose borders are recognised by every government in the world. It has been undertaken without the

Re: M-TH: List matters

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
o The Guardian March 31, 1999 Editorial: Who is for war and who is for peace? As more and more bombs rain down on the cities and towns of Yugoslavia, protests and demonstrations have erupted around the world. Most go unreported in the Australian media. But apart from the stories of the bomb

M-TH: Fwd: Go! Anti-War Hackers, Go!

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
Access to NATO's Web site disrupted March 31, 1999 Web posted at: 10:42 a.m. EST (1542 GMT) BRUSSELS, Belgium (CNN) -- NATO's Web site is under deliberate electronic "bombardment" from Yugoslavia that has made e-mail service and access to the site "erratic," NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said Wednes

M-TH: Fwd: Balkan CPs joint statement-29.3.1999

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 22:44:29 +0100 From: Asteras Amaliadas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Left Wing Union <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Balkan CPs joint statement-29.3.1999 STRENGTHEN ANTIIMPERIALIST STRUGGLE FOR PEACE Joint statement of the Communist Parties of the region condemning NATO interventio

M-TH: W.E.B. Dubois

1999-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
[This post was delayed because it was too long. Hans re-formatted it and forwarded it to the list.] The Science of Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois By Dr. Anthony Monteiro W.E.B. DuBois was one of the twentieth century's great scientifi minds. His intellect was impressive for its scope, discipline, ri

M-TH: Our Marxism -From the South African Communist Party

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
Our Marxism 1. Origins The SACP has, historically, described its ideological position as Marxist-Leninist. In describing ourselves in this way we have been: Locating ourselves as a revolutionary party with its historical roots in the Communist International, an international movement whic

M-TH: Is this true ?

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
In a message dated 3/31/99 4:18:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << Subj: Important news / Yugoslavia Date: 3/31/99 4:18:01 PM Eastern Standard Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Pond) Sender:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To:[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTE

M-TH: Thanks to Hans

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
[This post was delayed because it was too long. Hans re-formatted it and forwarded it to the list.] ( Thanks Hans, Charles --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Reply to a liberal

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
ry budget from the immediate past. Charles Brown --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: U.S. Big Brother

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
Title: The Communist Party USA and Radical Organizations, 1953-1960: FBI Reports from the Eisenhower LibraryOrdering Information: Price: $895Medium: 7 reel(s) 35mm microfilmISBN:1-55655-195-9 During the Eisenhower years, the FBI put a number of radical groups under

M-TH: Book on Englishness

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
ENGLISH IMAGINARIES Six Studies in Anglo-British Modernity Kevin Davey What does it mean to be English in the modern world? The answer doesn't usually include Nancy Cunard's assault on Anglo-British whiteness; J.B. Priestley's democratic populism; Who guitarist Pete Townshend's mo

M-TH: CP of Canada against NATO war

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
March 24, 1999 Stop NATO Agression Now! No "Peacemaking" Troops in Kosovo! GET Canada Out of NATO! Statement of the Central Executive Committtee Communist Party of Canada NATO forces have now launched a horrific and totally unjustified attack on the peoples of Yugoslavia. This blatant act

M-TH: 1998 article makes predictions on Kosovo

1999-04-01 Thread Charles Brown
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the April 9, 1998 issue of Workers World newspaper - A voice of truth about Kosovo Special to Workers World Yugoslavia. Kosovo. Albanians. Serbs. The Balkans. All have been in the news since early M

Re: M-TH: Re: Serbia and imperialism

1999-04-05 Thread Charles Brown
Rob, This is not your voice echoing in this dark and quiet place. I think you are correct that US/NATO had to know the result of their bombing would not , as you say, to succeed in its purported objectives at all. They US is not on a humanitarian mission anymore than it was in Viet Nam. Charl

M-TH: Forward: US out of everywhere

1999-04-06 Thread Charles Brown
Growing numbers in Europe believe enemy is America By David Filipov, Globe Staff, and Toula Vlahou, Globe Correspondent, 04/04/99 MOSCOW - A new menace is stalking Europe, threatening to plunge the entire continent into a devastating war. Its leaders e

M-TH: Forwarded article by former UN Commander in Yugo

1999-04-12 Thread Charles Brown
>> >>Activist Mailing List - >> >>USI, New Delhi >>April 6, 1999 Lt Gen Satish Nambiar >> >>USI, New Delhi, April 6, 1999 >>THE FATAL FLAWS UNDERLYING NATO'S INTERVENTION IN YUGOSLAVIA >>By >>Lt Gen Satish Nambiar (Retd.) >>(First Force Commander and Head of Mis

M-TH: U.S. militarism

1999-04-13 Thread Charles Brown
Military Analysts Critical of Pentagon Spending "Plus-up" Center for Defense Information October 16, 1998 Washington, D.C. --

M-TH: Businesspeople against U.S. militarism

1999-04-14 Thread Charles Brown
"Why a Cold War Budget Without a Cold War?" The Cold War is Over (Isn't It?) March 10, 1999 Looking for Waste in Government? Start With the Pentagon March 10, 1999 Business group urges cut in defense spending Favors pouring more resources into education WASHINGTON (CNNfn) - If a

M-TH: Restoring the rate of profit

1999-04-14 Thread Charles Brown
Imperialism's "creative destruction" in its war on Yugo will mean new markets and big profits for Western transnationals to supply and rebuild what it is destroying. Charles Brown Counting the costs of Kosovo To Serbia's neighbors, war means severed

M-TH: U.S. out of North America

1999-04-14 Thread Charles Brown
"Free Quebec, Free Hawaii,- leave Kosovo where she lie!" -Ad Hoc slogan, raised at a recent demo by a young Internationalist/Marxist. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: [Fwd: Committees of Correpondence on Yugoslavia]

1999-04-11 Thread Charles Brown
Please forward the following statement to your lists. Thanks much. Oppose U.S. and NATO Aggression in Yugoslavia A statement of the Committees of Correspondence April 9, 1999 As peace organizations and other voices around the world warned, the bombing campaign against Yugoslavia has led to the

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] WB Targets Booming Prison Population With NewSitcom

1999-04-11 Thread Charles Brown The Onion 7 April 1999 WB TARGETS BOOMING PRISON POPULATION WITH NEW SITCOM LOS ANGELES--Responding to the explosive growth of the U.S. prison population, WB executives announced Monday that the network will soon launch a new sitcom targeting t

Re: M-TH: Fascism?

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
this ain't genocide, this is not the Holocaust returning- but if return it does, it will be at the hands of those firing the cruise missiles. ((( Ditto. Charles Brown Get the goddamn U.S. out of everywhere ! --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: True Anti-fascism

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
_ The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 5 March 99 Vol. 3, Number 18 (#227) __ ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT: #57 -- CIVIL RIG

M-TH: Re: NATO's corporate friends

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
erned that they control mass human labor power. They can't kill everybody, just lots of people. Charles Brown >>> Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/14/99 12:58PM >>> The Washington Post - April 13, 1999 COUNT CORPORATE AMERICA AMONG NATO'S STAUNCHEST ALLIES B

M-TH: Re: hitting the nail on the ehad?

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
Balkans is Big Daddy of fascisms about to lay another one on them. Charles Brown >>> Rob Schaap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/15/99 12:22PM >>> G'day Thaxists, >>> He then magnifies ethnic >>> cleasing and calls it genocide and fascism. This is to deme

Re: M-TH: The understandable war against civilians

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
>>> Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/14/99 08:16PM >>> And it is genocide, by international definitions. It is a holocaust. Did the holocaust only emerge fully formed at Wannsee in January 1942? ((( The US is committing genocide right now

M-TH: Forward on U.S./NATO lying propaganda

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
A forward Charles Brown This coveted honor goes to Gen. Wesley K. Clark. From today's NY Times: "Earlier Wednesday the NATO Commander, Gen. Wesley K. Clark, said he had evidence the Serbs had shot up the refugees [traveling in a convoy] after allied pilots attacked military veh

M-TH: Sign up

1999-04-15 Thread Charles Brown
Hey, all you warriors, here's your chance to leave the keyboard for the front! Americans Volunteer To Join KLA By VERENA DOBNIK Associated Press Writer YONKERS, N.Y. (AP) -- Hundreds of Americans in store-bought camouflage uniforms stood in the parking lot of a suburban New York hotel on Sund

Re: M-TH: definitions of genocide

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
s, the U.S. has many, many times more force than Serbia. The U.S. may not have (yet) set up domestic fascism as the Nazis did. But Serbia and Kosovo are not domestic U.S. The U.S. is the greatest danger of fascism in and crimes against peace, mass murder in this concrete circumstance. Charles Bro

M-TH: Re: hitting the nail on the ehad?

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
the U.S. my main audience is the workers and farmers, the population of the U.S. The first task for me and U.S. communists is to oppose "my own" (yuk) bourgeoisie in speaking to the U.S. working masses. Charles Brown Get the goddamn U.S. out of everywhere--- --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: The understandable war against civilians

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
id the holocaust only emerge fully formed at Wannsee in January 1942? > >((((((( > >The US is committing genocide right now in Iraq. > > >Charles Brown Charles, I would be interested in how US action in Iraq fits modern international definitions of genocide

M-TH: Fwd: [PEN-L:5337] Enlightened Thoughts

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
Passed on from a friend: WHENEVER I FEEL STUPID, I READ THIS... "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff." -- Mariah Carey "Smoking kil

Re: M-TH: Re: hitting the nail on the ehad?

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
>>> Jim heartfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/15/99 08:31PM >>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes >I agree with Rob that NATO and the U.S. are the fascist danger in this war. The >U.S. neo-colonial empire is built in

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] Racism is a deadly force that runs rampant inU.S.

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
Continuing violation of UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide in U.S. ? Charles Brown Thursday, 15 April 1999 Arizona Star News, Op-Ed Racism is a deadly force that runs rampant in U.S. By Julian Kunnie Last summer, the nation was horrified to learn of the beating

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] The Boom in Poverty

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown March 21, 1999 - page E07 Boston Globe THE BOOM IN POVERTY By Robert Kuttner, 03/21/99 Welfare reform is trumpeted as a splendid policy success. Nationally, the rolls have declined from over 11 million people in early 1997

Re: M-TH: Re: hitting the nail on the ehad?

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
>>> Jim heartfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/16/99 04:50PM >>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes >Chas.: To be fully fascist, a state must be an agent of imperialism. The U.S. is >not fascist in its domestic regime

M-TH: Fwd: [PEN-L:5252] U.S. TO BOMB ENGLAND; Fatal Flaw in NATOStrategy Exposed byUN Commander

1999-04-16 Thread Charles Brown
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> NEWS FLASH U.S. TO BEGIN BOMBING ENGLAND UNLESS PEACE ACCORD IS RATIFIED BY ENGLAND AND BREAK-AWAY PROVINCE OF N. IRELAND The White House--President Clinton announced today an all out bombing offensive against England will beg

M-TH: Fwd: [PEN-L:5343] Pre-Empting War Resisters?

1999-04-19 Thread Charles Brown
A forward. Charles Brown ((( Pen-lers, Here's an interesting analysis from the World Socialist Web Site of what a US declaration of war against Yugoslavia could bring. Comments? WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkan Crisis What wou

M-TH: Re: hitting the nail on the ehad?

1999-04-19 Thread Charles Brown
rmans' Russian front), it was the government of the Stalinists that saved the world from Hitler fascism. By their deeds they recognized the danger of fascism better than anyone else. Hail the Red Army ! Charles Brown >>> Gerald Levy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/16/99 08:58PM >>&


1999-04-19 Thread Charles Brown
Big Brother hard at work. War is peace, etc. CB ( IN THIS MESSAGE: REPORTERS PRESENTING DISTORTED VIEW OF WAR IN KOSOVO; Covering Up NATO's Balkan Blunder The Vancouver Sun April

M-TH: We now know who won

1999-04-19 Thread Charles Brown
A forward joke. ( Subject:Close call For Immediate Release WASHINGTON, DC Taking steps to fill the void that has plagued the American military- industrial complex since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Secretary of State Madeleine Albri

M-TH: Bombing causing ecological disaster

1999-04-20 Thread Charles Brown
From: Aleksandra Milicevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 4/18/99 9:21AM Subject:cernobyl again? I am forwarding you the letter that I have received today from my hometown, addressing the issue of the possible ecological catastrophe bound to happen if NATO cont

M-TH: Re: real fascism

1999-04-20 Thread Charles Brown
nt and with the U.S.'s connection to the neo-colony's comprador bourgeoisie "supplying" the imperialist element. But this is a modified form of fascism, with the changing times. Perhaps a new term should be developed. Charles Brown --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

SV: M-TH: Re: real fascism

1999-04-20 Thread Charles Brown
only that, your denigration of national liberation in oppressed countries unites with the posture of imperialism itself. But you are opposed to the U.S. aggression , so ok for now. Charles Brown >>> "Bob Malecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/20/99 02:03PM >>> I to

M-TH: Fwd: General admits "IMPERIAL" war

1999-04-20 Thread Charles Brown
A forward. CB ( I heard a stunning, yet beautiful admission, from a US General at around 9.55pm BST on BBC News 24. He called the NATO action against Yugoslavia a "peripheral, *imperial* war." The other guests on the programme were astounded, to say the least. I h

Re: M-TH: Fwd: General admits "IMPERIAL" war

1999-04-21 Thread Charles Brown
I will forward this question to the person who posted on the BBC show. CB >>> "Sheila Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/21/99 09:41AM >>> Do you know the name of that general? I'd like to make some use the information, but I know I'll be asked the specific name of the general. Thanks.

M-TH: imperialist plans

1999-04-22 Thread Charles Brown
Imperialist plans The Pentagon has authorised the yankee army to use Apache helicopters in order to intervene in land battles against armoured vehicles, infantry and everything which they run into, be it civilian or military. The helicopters have been in Albania already since Tuesday, ready to

M-TH: Anti-NATO demonstration holds up train with NATO tanks

1999-04-29 Thread Charles Brown
Anti-NATO demonstration holds up train with NATO tanks Story Filed: Thursday, April 29, 1999 4:14 AM EST ATHENS, April 29 (Itar-Tass) - Railway workers and participants in the anti-NATO demonstration held up a train running from Salonika to Macedonia on Wednesday night. The train was carrying NAT

M-TH: Happy May Day !!!!!!!!

1999-04-30 Thread Charles Brown
HAPPY MAY DAY ! Charles --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Inter-capitalist war

1999-05-04 Thread Charles Brown
Now there's a novel idea. >>> "George Pennefather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/04/99 01:41PM >>> Hi Folks, The war in Serbia is essentially an inter-capitalist war between an imperialist alliance and a capitalist state. Given this the war is essentially a war over how exploitation of the working c

M-TH: Fwd: Karl Marx

1999-05-05 Thread Charles Brown
A forward for Big Daddy. CB *** ||| | /\ | || |__

M-TH: Anti-war movement in Germany

1999-05-05 Thread Charles Brown
> >The Times > >May 4 1999 > > > >Roger Boyes Inside Germany > > > >'Chancellor of war' faces tide of dissent > >The tide of German opinion is shifting rapidly > >against the Nato war in Yugoslavia. Popular > >opponents have found a voice in the form of Oskar > >Lafontaine, the former Finance Mi

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] U.S. Admits Sudan Bombing Mistake

1999-05-05 Thread Charles Brown The Independent Online May 4, 1999 US admits Sudan bombing mistake By Andrew Marshall in Washington In an admission that last year's missile attack on a factory in Sudan was a mistake, the US has cleared the man who owned the plant of any li

M-TH: U.S. Admits Sudan Bombing Mistake/NATO fascist too

1999-05-06 Thread Charles Brown
Seems like NATO is a fascist regime too. Why support one fascist over the other ? Charles Brown X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 09:00:18 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Chris Faatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Lunchtime deaths: 12 child

Re: SV: M-TH: Revolutionary situations? -- Never heard of'em...

1999-05-07 Thread Charles Brown
Here , here. Charles Brown >>> "Dave Bedggood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/03/99 06:29PM >>> In reply to Bob I think he is cutting and pasting history when he says that we are back pre-1914. This is like saying that today Russia is imperialist and that the redb

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] Berkeley Students Defend Ethnic Studies

1999-05-09 Thread Charles Brown
[Full and complete details of the actions at] English: Spanish: May 9, 1999 Revolutionary Worker #1005 Berkeley Students Defend Ethnic Studies

M-TH: Re: Chinese embassy

1999-05-12 Thread Charles Brown
who have already put the house on China, the spectre of global destruction, and all that), but it might not make for bad foreign policy just now. Is this speculation above and beyond the call of reason? Charles: Sounds like a very good hypothesis to me. Charles Brown --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---


1999-05-12 Thread Charles Brown
LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - May 1999 TRANSATLANTIC WHEELING AND DEALING Watch out for MAI Mark Two Sheltered from the hubbub of war and crisis, Europe, the United States and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are devising agree

M-TH: Re: Chinese embassy

1999-05-13 Thread Charles Brown
>>> Rob Schaap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/12/99 11:33AM >>> I'm beginning to see it as Hinrich Kuhls saw it weeks ago - this has a very July 1914 feel about it all of a sudden ... ((( Charles: Bob M. has been having that 1914 feeling for

M-TH: That 1914 feeling

1999-05-13 Thread Charles Brown
aps bring us to the same position we were in before World War I. Why not?" (28)" This is a forward on Yugoslavia. Charles Brown (( Jon Henry says: The very best article I've ever seen detailing the background of the ten-year long war in the Balkans was

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] Book on the League of Revolutionary BlackWorkers

1999-05-13 Thread Charles Brown The Working Stiff Journal Vol. 2 #1, February 1999 Book Review: Motor City Story Illuminates Labor Struggle Detroit: I Do Mind Dying South End Press, 1998 by Chris Cauthern Kutalik As a journalist it is not often that you get to review

M-TH: Re: Chinese embassy/Speaking of 1914

1999-05-13 Thread Charles Brown
[This post was delayed because it contained the word "subscr*be" in the first 10 lines; it was forwarded to the list by Hans Ehrbar] A forward for Bread and Peace , in the spirit of 1917. Charles Brown ( Labor Alerts: a free service of Campaign for Labor

Re: SV: M-TH: Impeirialism and Serbia

1999-05-14 Thread Charles Brown
l perhaps bring us to the same position we were in before World War I. Why not?" (28)" This is a forward on Yugoslavia. Charles Brown (( Analysis from another list X says: I dropped the bit about E. Europe transport, of which the Danube is important, &quo

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-14 Thread Charles Brown
il fields especially moving east. And there are mines around there. Isn't there always a paradox to capitalist war if we do not look at the forest for the trees ? Charles Brown --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: SV: SV: M-TH: Impeirialism and Serbia

1999-05-14 Thread Charles Brown
Yea, fundamentally it is about controlling labor power all around there, as labor is the source of all exchange value. "Market" is a euphemism for exploiting laborers. CB >>> "Bob Malecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/14/99 02:33PM >>> > Bob, > > A long version below. > > Charles > I would bye

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-17 Thread Charles Brown
Hello Rob, >>> Rob Schaap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/15/99 02:32AM >>> G'day Chas, You write: "Doesn't American imperialism and all imperialism need the INSTITUTION of war ? Some war , somewhere, regularly ? Otherwise, how could it avoid disarmament ? And wouldn't disarmament spell the end of capi

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-17 Thread Charles Brown
ision of the international working class. Charles Brown >>> "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/17/99 11:23AM >>> Hello Rob, >>> Rob Schaap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/15/99 02:32AM >>> G'day Chas, You write: "Doesn't A


1999-05-18 Thread Charles Brown
TIJUANA POLICE DEFY COURT PROTECTION OF MAQUILADORA STRIKE By David Bacon TIJUANA, BAJA CALIFORNIA (5/16/99) -- For two weeks, Tijuana has teetered on the brink of official lawlessness, as city and state police continue to defy Baja California's legal system. Raul Ramirez, member of the

M-TH: Anti-fascist links in Sweden

1999-05-20 Thread Charles Brown
The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 14 May 99 Vol. 3, Numbers 36-37 (#264-#265) __ NEW E-MAIL ADDRESSES FOR ANTIFASCISTISK AKTION-SWEDEN During recent months, AntiFascistisk Aktion-Sweden h

M-TH: Apocalyptic Nihilism

1999-05-25 Thread Charles Brown
__ Fascist potentials in U.S. CB __ The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 18 May 99 Vol. 3, Numbers 38 (#266) ___

M-TH: Down to Earth:

1999-05-27 Thread Charles Brown
Down to Earth: Britain's national conference on black communities and sustainable development If it is not inclusive, it is not sustainable. This was one of the main conclusions of Britain's first national conference on sustainable development issues facing black communities held in London recen

M-TH: Change in Chinese Policy

1999-05-28 Thread Charles Brown
-- Forwarded message -- Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:01:13 -0500 From: Erwin Marquit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Extremely important article in China's Peoples's Daily Erwin Marquit School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota 116 Church Street SE, M

M-TH: New Cold War ?

1999-06-01 Thread Charles Brown
[THIS KUTTNER COMMENTARY SOUNDS LIKE A CALL FOR WHAT AMOUNTS TO A NEW COLD WAR.] China policy needs toughening By Robert Kuttner, 05/30/99 The revelations in the Cox report about two decades of Chinese nuclear spying impeach the most basic premises of the China policy of four US administratio

M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] Life in Prison for Taking Food

1999-06-01 Thread Charles Brown
Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the May 27, 1999 issue of Workers World newspaper LES MIZ IN BELLY OF BEAST: LIFE IN PRISON FOR TAKING FOOD By Vanessa Lewis On April 26, an appeals court upheld a 25-years-to-life se

M-TH: Re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-06-01 Thread Charles Brown
t as using the dialectic of a natural science as a heuristic, in Jim Farmelant's sense, in understanding the socio-historical dialectic. Charles Brown --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Clinton: Try this

1999-06-01 Thread Charles Brown
A forward, unconfirmed report. CB ** #12 Yeltsin to commute Russia's last death sentences By Peter Graff MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Boris Yeltsin plans to commute hundreds of death sentences in the next few days, emptying death row and in effect eliminating capital punishment,

M-TH: The Coalition Against Police Abuse Statement On The MitchellShooting:

1999-06-02 Thread Charles Brown
The Coalition Against Police Abuse Statement On The Mitchell Shooting: The Coalition Against Police Abuse (CAPA) views the killing of Margaret Mitchell, an alleged ''mentally ill, homeless, criminal'', as another example of bankrupt law enforcement policies, police profiling, and racist or reckl

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