Re: M-TH: Third Socialist Councillor elected in Britain

2000-05-10 Thread Socialist Party
ty? Bill Martin, Socialist Party. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Cliffite ISO/SWP squabble, What's going on?

2000-05-22 Thread Socialist Party
Lo All,   >>The state caps have been throwing around a lot of "Stalinists" stuff lately, but I must admit that the letter by the ISO is really interesting. The only thing appearing to be lacking in the letter is the call by members to turn in anyone who is a suspect.. In fact it

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-23 Thread Socialist Party
LO All,   >>Consequently it would seem that Lenin's vanguardist elitism was a necessary tool.   But the theory of the vanguard is predicated on Lenin's (false) assumption of an inherently revolutionary working class - i.e. that if the working class is objectively revolutiona

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-23 Thread Socialist Party
Title: Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class LO Again, >>This wasn't just Lenin's assumption. It was Marx's and Engels's too. The same way as the bourgeoisie was inherently revolutionary in relation to feudalism. The historical role of the bourgeoisie was to emancipate

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-24 Thread Socialist Party
Lo Again, >>They are condemned, then, to being revolutionary.   We are condemned, King Lear like, to the duty and possiblity of revolution, it is something that is irrevomovable from our condition, but we have to choose to exorcise it.   >>Now in the north

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-25 Thread Socialist Party
LO All, George: If the working class is, as you claim, "potentially revolutionary" then there is no guarantee that it can spontaneously turn revolutionary which is why a vanguard party is necessary. You hoist yourself with your own petard.   Not at all - who said anything ab

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-29 Thread Socialist Party
Lo Again,   >>Not at all - who said anything about spontaneously revolutionary?  What we have to do is conscientiously and consciously buoild a mass movement for >>revolution, it won't happen until the working class is willing and conscious for change.  How co

Re: M-TH: Re: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-29 Thread Socialist Party
LO, > This is difficult and fraught stuff, comrades. And worth talking about for > as long as it takes. But let's try to keep the arguments in focus and > afford each others' personalities and perceived intentions a generous > reading. Most Thaxists agree with each other about more things than

Re: M-TH: Gusmao and East Timor

Dear George, -- > The fact that Gusamao has apparently asked the remaining Indonesians settlers to > stay in East Timor is an indication of the reactionary politics of this man. > Again nationalism betrays the cause it is supposed to promote. He is only some > days back in East Timor and

Re: M-TH: WTO and value

1999-01-17 Thread The World Socialist movement (via The Socialist Party of Great Britain)
Dear all, -- > The World Trade Organisation negotiations with China is clear evidence that the > law of > value does not operate in an unadulterated fashion. It is evidence that there > is no such > thing as free trade in any comprehensive sense. Are we talking about the same law of val