Re: More on SSL

2000-06-23 Thread andu

>I don't know if this is of interest to anybody, but I found an XFCN that
>allows contact with HTTPS servers. It uses OpenSSL to ecncrypt/decrypt,
>and even supports receiving/sending cookies (by way of headers).
>Would this be of any interest to MetaCard either? I know I've been
>wondering about SSL. The XFCN only supports GET and not POST so has
>limited potential at this time, but since the guy who wrote it is very
>familiar with OpenSSL, it might not be hard to add in the
>encoding/decoding aspects of SSL into MetaCard's own HTTP support at this
>time to allow suport for HTTPS servers. I know this would be great use to
>me since customers don't want to send confidential information with SSL
>at this time. Any interest? His XFCN is freeware.

I'm interested, thanks for the tip, where can I get it from?


Regards, Andu

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2000-06-25 Thread andu

A very informative read on the chalenges of puting MacOS and BSD togather in MacOS X  
I found on slashdot:

Regards, Andu

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Re: Flamethrower for MC ?

2000-07-07 Thread andu

>I've used Supercard for years but much prefer MetaCard for numerous reason.  However 
>Supercard and FlameThrower are a fantasic combo for writing CGI's on my Mac web 
>I'm not sure how Flamethrower works but it bridges the gap between the HTTP server 
>and the stack allowing easy scripting for the most complex cgi's. However SC lacks 
>the power and flexibility of MC.
>So, Is there a similar app to FlameThrower for MC ?  If not is there one in the 
>pipeline ? Or is there another solution (maybe sockets which I don't know anything 
>about). I don't want to use Applescript as I've had performance problems in the past. 

Flamethrower is based on the server sending appleEvents to an application (hypercard, 
supercard, metacard) with a "request" to the application to sort out one way or 
another the information received by the server and generate a "result" which is to be 
sent back to the client by the server.
Taking this as the principle you can pretty much duplicate the functions of FT in MC 
gaining speed and more respect ;-) but the much more efficient way to have a server do 
CGI work is to script your own server using the sockets possibilities built into MC 
and forget about the appleEvents stuff (gain even more speed and respect;-) and have 
the server process all the data coming in from the client.

>Any help would be appreciated.
>Gary Rathbone

Regards, Andu

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2000-07-13 Thread andu


Regards, Andu

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2000-07-14 Thread andu

>Can anyone help?
>I'm trying to simulate a browser posting a form to a CGI. Forms can either
>use the "get" or "post" method. How do I implement these in MetaCard?

You need to do something like this:

put hostnametoaddress("") into tAddress 
##in case you don't have the server's address in form
open socket to tAddress & ":80"
put [field containing the text to post] into var1
write var1 & crlf to socket tAddress & ":80"
close socket tAddress & ":80"

The actual text that should go to the server contains a header which starts 
with POST. The rest of the header is more or less typical and includes
 the length of the post.
After the header you have the actual data you are posting.

Best way to figure all that out is to use the mchttpd server (which doesn't do
POST yet) to output a post request in a field.
The above script is just a sketch, take it as such.

>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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2000-07-14 Thread andu

>Andu, do you know what is sent in the http header from a browser such as
>Netscape/Explorer. If you could send me an example input I could see if I
>can get the CGI I am playing with to work?
This is a web page with 2 fields for username and password and a Submit button:

Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-length: 50



Notice the 2 empty lines between the header and the data (crlf & crlf) must be there.

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Re: Success

2000-07-14 Thread andu

Success indeed!
I'm so glad the number of people using the sockets part of MC is growing. Right now my 
brain is still on ice but I'd like in the near future to colaborate on a project of 
this sort.
Richard, the next step is to make your own server and do the CGI work without 

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2000-07-15 Thread andu

>Thanks Andu, just what I needed! Now I know I could do all this with
>sockets, but as there is built in "post" and "get" methods in metaTalk how
>do I set the httpheaders to look like below?
>Andu (pretty please), if you have a spare moment could you post examples of
>a form submission from Netscape/Explorer using the "get" method,

This is what the server receives from the same form but using GET.:

GET /?Field-user=andu&Submit=Submit&Field-pass=also-andu/ HTTP/1.0
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8

> and also
>what Metacard's built in "post" and "get = get url someurl?someparams". That
>would give a complete picture...

get url "" ; put it
post "I should read the docs first" to url ""

>> From: andu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 20:42:47 -0400 (EDT)
>> Subject: Re: POST
>>> Andu, do you know what is sent in the http header from a browser such as
>>> Netscape/Explorer. If you could send me an example input I could see if I
>>> can get the CGI I am playing with to work?
>> This is a web page with 2 fields for username and password and a Submit
>> button:
>> __
>> POST / HTTP/1.0
>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>> User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
>> Host:
>> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
>> Accept-Encoding: gzip
>> Accept-Language: en
>> Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
>> Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>> Content-length: 50
>> Field-user=andu&Submit=Submit&Field-pass=also-andu
>> __
>> Notice the 2 empty lines between the header and the data (crlf & crlf) must be
>> there.
>> Archives:
>> Info:
>> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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Re: Digest metacard.v003.n439

2000-07-15 Thread andu

>I am trying to send an attachment file with the file. So far, this
>is what I have done:
>I put a field "theAttachment" into the card. The script is from the button
>"Send", with my addition clearly marked.
>It does something, but it doesn't place it as an attachment, but as a part
>of the body text. 
>  # construct email header
>  put "" into mailraw
>  put "From: "& fld "mailfrom" & crlf after mailraw
>  put "Date: "& mimedate() & crlf after mailraw
>  put "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii"& crlf after mailraw
>  put "MIME-Version: 1.0"& crlf after mailraw
>  put "Message-Id: <"& the seconds &"-"& the ticks &"@MetaCardSMTP>" & crlf
>after mailraw
>  put "To: "& fld "to" & crlf after mailraw
>  if fld "cc" <> "" then
>put "CC: "& fld "cc" & crlf after mailraw
>  end if
>  put "Subject: "& fld "subject" & crlf after mailraw
>  put crlf & fld "body" after mailraw
>  -- ** MY ADDITION
>  if fld "theAttachment" is not empty then
>put fld "theAttachment" into theAttachmentName

put url "binfile:" &  theAttachmentName into theattachment
put crlf & "Content-Type: application/base64; name=" & quote & \
theAttachmentName & quote after mailraw
 put crlf & crlf & base64Encode(theattachment) after mailraw

>put "binfile:" & theAttachmentName into theattachment
>put crlf & "Content-Type: application/base64; name=" & quote &
>theattachment & quote after mailraw
>put crlf & crlf & base64Encode(url theAttachment) after mailraw
>  end if
>  --
>  # socket implementation, talking to smtp
>  smtpsend fld "smtpserver",fld "mailfrom",validEmailList,mailraw
>end composemail
>I sent the file (a MetaCard file) to myself. I copied and pasted the encoded
>data in my email into a MC field. A button has the following script:
>on mouseUp
>  ask file "What file to save to?"
>  put it into thefileName
>  put base64Decode(field "thebinfile") into URL thefileName
>end mouseUp
>But now, when I attempt to open the file (type into the message box "Answer
>file "?"; open it), I get the message "stack was corrupted by a non-binary
>file transfer"
>So, any suggestions? I really *need* to be able to send file attachments
>with this MCmail protocol. I am building an app that will generate a MC
>stack, then email it to the appropriate person.
>Thanks for your help,
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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Re: Re a little mention...

2000-07-24 Thread andu

>Just thought that list members (and maybe Kevin Miller, particularly) might 
>like to know that in a marginal note within a review of Katabounga, under 
>"Authoring alternatives", MacUser (do you get that in the US?) said:

>"(Director blah blah, Supercard blah blah, RealBASIC blah...Alternatively, 

..but no MetaCard blah blah... isn't that funny? That's indeed keeping readers 
up-to-date on what's out there.

>keep your eyes open for announcements about a product called Runtime 
>Revolution, a high-level multimedia and application authoring tool which 
>sounds very promising"

 Is MacUser going to publish some screen shots too to support their point?

>Granted, its not much, but it perked me up no end.
>Best wishes to all,
>David Glasgow

Regards, Andu

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Re: Re a little mention...

2000-07-24 Thread andu

>Peter Reid at wrote:
>> He clearly believes that MetaCard is a powerful tool somewhat let
>> down by its current user interface in two respects - a) the interface
>> presented to the developer, and b) its lack of complete adherence to
>> Mac U-I guidelines.

The interface presented to the developer... give me a break. 
Best applications are most likely built in environments with no interface.
Trouble is mac users/developers (at least the ones reading MacUser) must relay on 
editors who are either too superficial or ignorant of developers' *real* needs or too 
involved in politics to give them the real picture.

>A $10k facelift to MC would save more than $100k in sales.  Easy.
>I know of more than a few projects which are being done in Director at
>considerably greater expense than if they were done in MetaCard, but the
>choice was made primarily because MetaCard's interface gives the impression
>that the company "doesn't take its non-UNIX target platforms seriously", or
>"doesn't expect to live long enough" to be worth a 10k facelift.
>One comment I hear often is, "If it's so easy to make multi-platform UI's,
>how come the vendor can't do it?"
>I know, as you know, that such judgements are unfair and completely overlook
>the tremendous value of the incredible MetaCard engine.  But they persist,
>and cannot be dismissed if the product is to be successful.
>We lose a fair amount of work as a result of MetaCard's market perception.
>I hate Director's dueling metaphors, its misleading pricing, and its support
>(nothing on this planet matches Scott Raney when it comes to support). Just
>the same, we have considered moving some projects to Director just to stay
>in the game.  You can't lead a horse to water if the water is too muddy.
>I want MetaCard to be wildly successful.  What can we do to help its market
> Richard Gaskin 
> Fourth World Media Corporation
> Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
> _
> Tel: 323-225-3717   ICQ#60248349Fax: 323-225-0716
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: Testing for existence of a file

2000-07-24 Thread andu

>OK now that we are learning to write preferences files. . . how to test for
>their existence?
>exists url "file://mcPrefs/proxyPrefs.txt"

put the directory & "/mcPrefs/proxyPrefs.txt" into tPrefsPath
put there is a file tPrefsPath

>returns an error message even though the file is there.
>Of course one can try to simply get the data (prefs saved in an engine level
>on mouseUp
>  put the directory & "/mcPrefs/proxyPrefs.txt" into tPrefsPath
>  put url tPrefsPath into msg
>end mouseUp
>This works and if it is not returned then you know it doesn't exist at least
>at that location. But it will be helpful in the long wrong to have the
>existence function work for a file ref as certain functions will be easier
>scripted against the boolean than to keep testing a result which takes twice
>the code lines.
>if not (exists some file) then download whatever from the web
>put some file into tVariable
>if tVariable is empty then
>  download whatever from the web
>end if
>on mouseUp
>  put the directory & "/mcPrefs/proxyPrefs.txt" into tPrefsPath
> if exists url  tPrefsPath then put "yes"
>end mouseUp
>The above doesn't work  but the file is there and can be read from that
>Hinduism Today
>Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: post vs put vs ?sockets? for

2000-07-25 Thread andu
t;Students database and, through a response file,  return the student's first
>last name etc.
>>From a browser's perspective the HTML equivalent of post command above (in
>the form of the web link) will be:
> HREF="action.lasso?-database=Students.fp3&-layout=Details&-response=Studen
>tInfo.lasso&Social_Security=333444333&-search">Click this link to retrieve
>students Information
>So, the number 1 Qustion really is what will be the "socket" equivalent of
>the following
>post command?
>Social_Security=333444333&-search" to url "http://##. ##. ##.
>Q2 through 5)  Why are socket-level solutions, when finally written, likely
>to be more reliable?  Are they truly more flexible?  Why is the required
>"programmer's" knowledge load being moved from "built-in" to
>"build-your-own" with these improvements?  Will this level offer, for
>example, one to trap a failed return so a call can be reissued?  This is a
>complex mix of MC rules and http rules that I'm trying to get a handle on
>and somehow haven't yet fully grasped.   And I am willing to try to learn it
>if it really will solve my problem.  Where can I start?  I suspect we have a
>few really savvy internet MC  developers out there who can help, if not by
>explanations at least by offering working examples, and any help would be
>greatly appreciated, either on or off list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: Re a little mention...

2000-07-25 Thread andu

>>  >> He clearly believes that MetaCard is a powerful tool somewhat let
>>>>  down by its current user interface in two respects - a) the interface
>>>>  presented to the developer, and b) its lack of complete adherence to
>>  >> Mac U-I guidelines.
>>The interface presented to the developer... give me a break.
>>Best applications are most likely built in environments with no interface.
>no interface? wtf? there is *no* software without an interface. if 
>there was, you couldn't do anything with it. DOS has an interface, 
>too. even your car stereo has an interface. everything you use has 
>one. but MetaCard's Interface is truly the one thing that keeps it 
>from getting accepted more widely, especially on the mac side of 
>things. and there are lots of mac users who are still searching for a 
>replacement for hypercard.

If those mac users want to use most of what they already know and accept getting used 
to a different development environment they should look no farther.

>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: How to stop scrolling with pull

2000-07-26 Thread andu

>I want to be able to click on a line in a scrolling field and then have a
>menu appear in order to manipulate the line clicked on with a script. So far
>I can do pretty much what I want with a mouseDown handler and th epulldown
>command. I want to use a single object (no transparent buttons), and will
>want to do this eventually in a mouseStilldown handler.
If you are talking about a contextual menu (right-click or control-click) it is best 
done with a separate stack (substack) with buttons on it and the command "popup 

>The problem is:
>when the menu appears, and the user scrools to select a menu item the
>field also continues to scroll.
>The question is therefore:
>how do i stop the field from scrolling when the menu is being selected?
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: newbutton & it?

2000-07-29 Thread andu

>I read in MC help that when creating a new button, the it variable was
>given the id of the new button...   I am not able to retrieve this id!
>on newbutton
>answer it -- empty!
>end newbutton
>on newbutton which
>answer which -- empty!
>end newbutton


 create button "a1"
  put it 
--will return the long id of the new button

>The workaround I found is to retrieve the new button by "last button"...
>domi  (-8
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: newbutton & it?

2000-07-30 Thread andu

>andu ecrivait / wrote:
>> Try:
>>  create button "a1"
>>   put it
>> --will return the long id of the new button
>"it" works! Thanx :-)
>Nonetheless, I found somewhat confusing (and not very logical)  not to be
>able to have "it" with the "newbutton" message...

I wonder why; it is just another local variable. If you want to get the button's id 
from newbutton message use:
on newbutton
put the long id of the target
end newbutton.
>domi  (-8
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Regards, Andu

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Re: Focus in Mac

2000-08-04 Thread andu

>I'm converting a program from the PC to run on Mac.  Everything is going smoothly 
>(great job Scott and gang!) except for one thing.  To make all the buttons look the 
>same between the two versions (PC and Mac), I set the Lookandfeel of the Mac version 
>to "Windows."  This works great except now, when the buttons are clicked, there 
>appears a thick black border around them.  It appears to be the Mac way of emulating 
>something getting the focus as in Windows.  (By the way, that was a bad idea 
>MicroSoft).  My buttons have a colored background which are used to highlight when 
>the button is clicked.  Now, the colored border is there with a black line around the 
>outside.  I cannot turn off the TraversalOn feature because that changes the button 
>behavior from what I want.  Any ideas how to get rid of the black focus border?
>Philip Chumbley

That black line stands for the default button property so you can turn it off or set 
the border color to the one of the card. The focus is the dotted line inside the 
button. You can set the color of that one too.
Still, windows lookandfeel on mac is a bad idea since it affects not only the buttons.

>P.S.  This one "feature" about and object getting the foucs and thus having a black 
>or dotted border around it has caused me more headaches in both versions than 
>anything else.  Thanks a lot, Microsoft!

Regards, Andu

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Re: Re: Metacard based browser?

2000-08-04 Thread andu

>I was thinking of using CSSP for layouts for users with later browsers, and designing 
>style sheets that then work and look good for both the MetaCard environment and the 
>average web user. Template based web authoring, with added ease of dynamic CGI 
>scripting is what I think is worth aiming for in my life time -:)
>Any comments?

In other words you want to be able to export a stack layout to style sheets. 
Since I had this idea myself I think it's a good one ;-). I just never had the 
patience to learn yet another thing (style sheets stuff) but if you are willing to do 
it go for it; its probably the closest we can come to using MC for web authoring and 
as you mention, dynamic generating of web pages.

>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: Re: Metacard based browser -

2000-08-04 Thread andu

>A French car?
>>Scott Rossi wrote:
>>> My guess is, if you're looking to be able to parse the HTML from any
>>> existing Web page, you're in for a thousand and one headaches.
>>One word:  tables. 
>>Okay, two words:  nested tables.
>The thought makes me shiver -:)
>OK, here is the first problem:
>  trying to get url ""
> or then url ""
>Returns the following:
>302 Found
>The document has moved HREF="">here.
>I am guessing that the built in Metacard "get url" method is not handling the 302 
>code??? and that i have to use sockets? But then maybe it's a lot simpler, and I'm 
>doing something stupid.
>Please, can anyone save me from the RFC???

There is no escape from RFCs :-0
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: HowToPost?

2000-08-06 Thread andu

>I would like to post several fields of data from metacard to a web
>server other than mhttpd (I'm using Xitami on Win98 for testing, but I
>assume Apache would be the same.) The docs say -- post *expression* to
>url *url*  I need help filling in the exact syntax for *expression* for
>multiple fields of data. A working example would be wonderful. Thank
>you, Michael Kann, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Victoria, TX.

Expression can be anything your server will accept, usually the name of a cgi script 
plus data the cgi script is supposed to do something with.
I suggest you start with some sample cgi script that came with the server which 
*doesn't* need any other data from the client (it just executes something and post the 
result). Next replace expression with the name of that cgi; the result should be in 
the variable it.
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: Metacard kills new users

2000-08-06 Thread andu

>Dear list
>Over this last weekend I downloaded both Metacard and RealBasic. As a
>competent Hypercard programmer, I would obviously prefer the XTalk of
>Metacard. However, the presentation of Metacard is amateurish and
>offputting. If it weren't for my Hypercard experience I would quickly write
>off Metacard as junk and purchase RealBasic.

Good thing you knew better than that and persisted...
You are not alone though; many new users are put off by the GUI of the development 
which is not the strong point with Metacard but the richness of language and speed of 
execution are. If you can pass the initial impression and actually build something 
you'll get the rewards.
Also don't hesitate to ask the list. Although I disliked the GUI of MC when I started 
to use it now I feel It doesn't really matter when one takes the whole  into account. 
Besides, when you get more familiar with the language you can make it any way you want.

>The first thing I wanted to do was to use the tutorials. RealBasic tutorial
>was straightforward, attractive and successful. Metacard tutorial was none
>of those things. Initially I couldn't even find it! The tutorial is
>accessible via the stack but doesn't appear anywhere else.
>Wouldn't it be sensible to make it obvious that there is a tutorial hidden
>somewhere within the downloaded stuff?
>Card 2 of the application tutorial has instructions for opening the
>Metacard menu bar BUT ONLY FOR UNIX AND WINDOWS! As far as I recall, I
>downloaded the Mac version. I found by random clicking that clicking on the
>words "Metacard menu bar" would open it. That hypertext or hot link is
>indicated only by bold text. Surely if you want me to click on a link you
>should make it look like a link. How about underlined colored text? That
>would do it for me.
>Now I have got the "Metacard menu bar *" visible (don't know what the
>asterisk is for). Why not try a bit more random clicking? It worked for me
>last time. Well, when I clicked the arrow button I got into a mode where I
>could move the buttons around, but I couldn't get back to the browse (?
>hand) tool. It then seemed sensible to close the Metacard menu bar and
>start again. I clicked the close box and declined the offer to save my
>changes. However, when I reopened the Metacard menu bar I was again in edit
>mode! The titlebar of the Metacard menu bar  is now hidden behind my
>menubar! I am stuck and can go no further in the tutorial.
>If I persist, how many more of these hurdles should I expect to fall on?
>This definitely a big turnoff. So are the ugly (Unix-like?) buttons and
>dialog boxes. After lurking this list for a long time I thought that I was
>tready to start playing around with Metacard, but I find that your program
>interface and tutorial are not ready for me.
>The Mac is a pleasant platform to work on because application developers
>are made to take responsibility for the drudgery of getting it right and
>consistent. I take care of the interface of the programs that I develop:
>you should take care of Metacard.
>Michael J. Lew
>Department of Pharmacology
>The University of Melbourne
>Parkville 3010
>Phone +63 8344 8304
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

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Re: mcHTTPd

2000-08-09 Thread andu

>I'm playing with the MetaCard Server stack and I have good news and 
>two mysteries:
>It runs perfectly on an old Mac which is my temporary server 
>.  Pardon the weird spelling of 
>When I access this from a Mac or a Sparcstation all is cool.
>Mystery 1: When I access it from a Win98 machine I get a white screen.
>Mystery 2:  When I run the MC server on the Win98 machine, it serves 
>the text files but not the graphics to both Mac and Unix. 
>Any hints?  I'm not Windows fluent.

For windows you might have to replace "binfile:" with "file:" or vice versa in 
critical places;-)
unless I did something stupid there. 
I'm working now on a new version and hopefully I'll test it on windows (which I don't 
have installed at the moment) too.

>Steven Tripp
>University of Aizu
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mail with MC

2000-08-09 Thread andu

Is there any interest in a more or less complete E-mail program I wrote ?
I used it for the past several months (mostly without complains) and I think it would 
most useful as a tutorial. I'm still not sure about the general concept of handling 
mail so 
it's work in progress.
It should run on all platforms (how many software do that;-); I only checked it on 
Linux and Mac.
It sends attachments too.


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Re: mail with MC

2000-08-10 Thread andu

I will upload the mail program today to my web space on since so many of 
you want it.

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Re: Standalone

2000-08-11 Thread andu

>would someone, please, provide me with instructions on how to access 
>the scripts of a standalone, I know how to do it in SuperCard with 
>ResEdit (on Mac), but when I try to change Type (=APPL) to MSTK and 
>Creator (=MSTD) to MCRD, I am still not able to open it.

Open it in a text editor like BBEdit.

Regards, Andu 

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stacks available

2000-08-11 Thread andu

I posted the Email stack togather with a revised version of the ftp client
and a rewrite of the web server. 
The web server does not have support for cgi yet but 
it sends full headers to clients which should improve performance and cross platform 
compatibility. Also I added support for /pub directory so clients can do file download 
via http.
I'd appreciate your feedback.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: stacks available

2000-08-11 Thread andu

>I posted the Email stack togather with a revised version of the ftp client
>and a rewrite of the web server. 
>The web server does not have support for cgi yet but 
>it sends full headers to clients which should improve performance and cross platform 
>compatibility. Also I added support for /pub directory so clients can do file 
>download via http.
>I'd appreciate your feedback.

All this wonderful things at ;-)

>Regards, Andu 
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Stacks available: comments

2000-08-12 Thread andu

>I chose to adapt the email client I've been working on to create cards rather than 
>store text files. I can't see the point. I can see the dissadvantages - can't search, 
>slightly slower access, messy file structure, but no real advantages.

Originally I was storing the mail as custom props in a second stack but it kept 
growing and growing and by the time it was 4M it became to slow at sorting things. 
Besides if the stack is gone all the mail is gone. Creating a mechanism for periodic 
archiving is probably easier with a bunch of files. That's not to say that this method 
is perfect.
>The strategy i was thinking of taking was to archive stuff over xmonths old and junk 
>as either text files of stacks (not sure yet) and keep a reasonable size of stack in 
>memory (spitting off chunks when it needs to slim down) - what do you think?
> Had a quick look at the scripts and prefer the syntax: 
>  " open socket targetserver with message sockopen"
>as it's neater, and you can do other stuff in case of a network delay. What do you 
>think about altering the scripts to handle the conversation with this technique?

Yes, I'll look into it. The thing is that you don't really want to do other stuff 
unless you have an open connection (that was my thinking).

Regards, Andu 

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Re: metacard, internet and security

2000-08-13 Thread andu

>As most people on this list i downloaded and tested the portal of
>That's a great job !
>Until now, the "computer based training" solutions where based on java (cf
>toolbook) or shockwave or flash. It was difficult to program and/or heavy to
>Sivakatirswami's solution is light, powerful and elegant.
>But we have now to consider the security...
>A *.mc app can do anything : destroy all the data of a computer, use a
>computer to destroy all the data on a network, ...

I think it is up to the developer to make sure he limits access to the server by 
as for the other end you better trust the developer for not making you download 
malicious stacks or dont do it at all.
>We have to protect our customers against :
>- downloading a utility and misusing it
in what way?
>- downloading a bugged and dangerous mc file
Then you don't trust the developer at all; how about a buggd and dangerrous .mc file 
which is signed?
>- downloading some mc-based virus
Like what?
>I can think of 2 kind of solutions :
>1) solution based on signature
>The programmer put his signature in his runtime and in his stacks. When
>opening a stack, the runtime checks if the stack has the right signature.
>The process could be a "compress+encrypt" function built in the engine and a
>"decompress+decrypt" function build in the runtime.
>2) solution based on limiting the runtime
>The Navigator, MSIE or javascript have some internal limitations to forbid
>writing on the user's disk.
>Would it be possible to have in metatalk some internal flag forbiding a
>runtime to write on the user's disk but in the folder where the runtime is ?
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: MC, the Web, and you

2000-08-13 Thread andu

>A quick survey of MetaCard developers, if you don't mind:
>Of work you've performed over the last year, what percentage has been
>related to the Web?
Most of it
>Does your work focus more on the client side of the Web, the server side, or
>Of the time spent with your tools on a project, what percentage do you spend
>with MetaCard?
>And what percentage with client-side tools/languages like JavaScript, Perl,
>and of course HTML and others?
>Thanks in advance -

But what do you need this for if I may ask?
> Richard Gaskin 
> Fourth World Media Corporation
> Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
> _
> Tel: 323-225-3717   ICQ#60248349Fax: 323-225-0716
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: MC, the Web, and you

2000-08-14 Thread andu

>Thanks for the feedback, Andu:
>>> A quick survey of MetaCard developers, if you don't mind:
>> But what do you need this for if I may ask?
>I'm seeing a big shift away from desktop applications and onto the Web, and
>wanted to get a feel for what others are doing with MC.
>It seems that the three main ways MC can contribute to Web work are:
>- CGI solutions
>- Net-aware applications ("custom browsers")
>- Web production tools
>Historically, most of our work with MC has been designing desktop
>applications, but in recent months the bulk of the work coming in has us
>using JavaScript or Flash (or in the case  of Flash 5, both together).
>Since most ISPs only allow Perl-based CGIs, we're finding ourselves spending
>less time with MetaCard than I would prefer.  I'm working with my favorite
>client on adding some net-savvy to his app, but I'd like to be working in MC
>even more.  JavaScript and Perl simply aren't as much fun.  :)

That's because there is a price for fun;-)

>So the biggest reason for finding out what others are doing with MC is
>- What are the opportunities for a RAD tool like MC in
>  a Browser-centric world?

I think many. Too few people are involved with this right now so there isn't a lot of 
experience in this domain. 

>- What untapped opportunities may still exist in the
>  world of desktop applications?
>The breadth of what MetaCard delivers also makes it relatively difficult to
>define.  We can build almost anything for a client, but more and more they
>seem to prefer that it take place inside of a browser window.

No wonder. Every one uses a browser probably more than any other application. There's 
the convenience of not having to switch to another application which can go as far as 
accepting lots of  limitations. Think of web mail for example.

>Given the relative newness of this Web fenzy, I suspect that the browser
>will ultimately prove to be a transitional phase, a stepping stone on the
>way to other things which allow more flexible user interfaces for both
>content presentation (which is currently good on the Web) and data
>manipulation (at which the Web sucks -- can you imagine using a
>browser-based spreadsheet?).

Yes but the necessity of not having to switch from one ui to another will always be 
Don't forget the computer is still highly unintuitive and even the simplest 
interaction with it requires a lot of knowledge.

>There are probably several dozen categories of things MetaCard can do that
>would really drive its value home to a variety of organizations.  SETI and
>Napster are two popular examples of distributed apps which conceivably could
>have been written in MetaCard, and I suspect there are a few thousand more
>waiting to be discovered.
>A question in response to your post:  Since you mentioned being able to
>spend 95% of your time with MC and that most of your work is for the Web,
>does that imply that you're building server-side MC CGIs?  Or "custom
>browsers" a la AOL?

More of the first but consider also the clients I made and still working on.
> Richard Gaskin 
> Fourth World Media Corporation
> Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
> _
> Tel: 323-225-3717   ICQ#60248349Fax: 323-225-0716

Regards, Andu 

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upgrade email client posted

2000-08-14 Thread andu

Solved some problems with keeping track of new/deleted mail.
To delete mail in the browser select a line(shift for more lines) and then 

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Replacing an AppleScript in Windows

2000-08-14 Thread andu

>I have been looking at a HyperCard system for possible conversion to
>MetaCard so that it will run on both Mac and Windows. The current
>implementation uses AppleScript to control Graphic Converter, in order
>to open a huge jpg file, resave it as a compressed jpg, and display it,
>rotate it, and zoom the view in and out.
>Is it possible to duplicate this functionality within MetaCard? I know
>MC will display the graphic, but what about resaving as a compressed
>file, rotation and zoom? Or alternately, is there any equivalent of
>inter-application communication on Windows so that a stack could control
>a graphics application to perform these tasks?
Check out "launch" in the docs.
>Jacqueline Landman Gay| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>HyperActive Software  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Custom hypermedia solutions   |
>612.724.1596  |   612.724.1562 - fax
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: deleting ascii garbage

2000-08-15 Thread andu

>I need to get rid of ascii 127 to ascii 255 and
>also most of the ones below ascii 32 from a text
>fld (or after placing in a variable). In other
>words, get rid of just about all garbage that
>might pop up except a-z, A-Z, 0-9, punctuation,
>spaces, tabs and carriage returns etc.
>This will be done on a Mac only MC application.
>Anyone know of an external, RegEx expression
>or some other cool, *fast* way of getting this done?

Probably replace would be fast enough: 
replace chartonum("127") with empty in variable

>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: FTP from within MC

2000-08-15 Thread andu

>I have a stack that generates the HTML code for a www site.
>I have then to transfer all those files from my hard disk
>to the hard disk of an Internet Service Provider.
>Could this be done from within MetaCard?
>Or should I try to get MetaCard to tell LeapFTP, CuteFTP,
>or some other program to do it behind the scene automatically?
>I read on HyperCard's mailing list
>that it can be done with HyperFTP on the Mac.
>But my project will be running under Windows on a PC.

Try my ftp client (still in work) at ""  which is cross platform.
>Thank you for your help
>Serge Grenier
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Download Stack

2000-08-16 Thread andu

>mail still bouncing off your server so I'll post this to the list;
>> By the way, I have seen in an earlier posting of
>> yours that you ask about the "download data" stack. Nor I have the
>> faintest clue about where and what it is. Have you understood this
>> since?
>Yes, this stack comes with the MC package. First a question for Scott:
>Scott, where does the Metacard Menu Bar stack reside? It seems to be a main
>stack of it's own, but one doesn't see it in the folder with the rest of the
>mc stacks and it is not a component of any other stack. . .

That's the stack.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: What the...

2000-08-19 Thread andu

>Before I submit this as an "official" bug, could anyone tell me if they've
>seen this...
>I have a text field that is pretty narrow, and when I type a really long
>word into it (one that is wider than the width of the field), the word does
>NOT extend to the next line... it merely keeps going on the same line
>because it is incapable of wrapping.
>MetaCard can't wrap a word?
>How cum I never noticed this before?
>This is a big problem with a program I'm designing right now, which requires
>a couple of text fields that are fairly narrow.  And before anyone asks, no
>I did NOT set the field so that it couldn't wrap.  The field is set to wrap
>text, which it does... unless you have a really long word.
>Can anyone help with this?  Please?

Metacard does that. If there is no space on the line it just keeps on going.
You have to script the behavior you want with either a cr or space after the word.
Also even when the field wraps the lines (in an open field) if you do "put the num 
of lines of fld x" it returns 1 unless you have a cr after each wrapped line.

>Richard MacLemale
>Instructional Technology Specialist
>James W. Mitchell High School
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Directory function

2000-08-25 Thread andu

>seems like an easy thing, but not happening for me
>put the files of directory "data" into fld "whatever"
>Just want the filenames of all the files in the folder "data" to go inside 
>field.  I get a "missing" error

set the directory to "path-to-data"
put the files into fld "whatever"

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Problem importing image - still

2000-08-25 Thread andu

>Hi List Members,
> I sent this question in the other day, and I'm taking another kick 
>at the cat.
>> I'm having trouble importing a JPG file (it's an icon for a button) 
>>into a stack using the Import command under the File menu.  The error 
>>message I get is
>> "import: can't open file, mask file or display"
>>  and below, there are the words
>> Bad Token: "acqua_button.jpg"  (the name of the file in quotes).
>> What am I doing wrong?

Nothing. There is a bug in the Import palette - it doesnt set the path correctly.
You have to type in the correct path.

>>  Regards,
>>   Greg
>Gregory Lypny
>Associate Professor of Finance
>Concordia University
>"Take chances, make mistakes!"
>   - Ms Frizzle, The Magic School Bus
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: tabbedButton featureidea

2000-09-03 Thread andu

>Hi listmembers,
>ever thought about extended options of tabbedButtons???
>think about an addessBook with alphabetic tabs
>how will You do this with tabbedButton now??
>wouldn´t it be nice to have the tabs vertical like a real book??
>in such a big number of tabs how could You easy find the selected one??

Vertical tabs is not a bad idea but how do you write the names?
>what about the option of positioning the tabs on top or bottom or left or
>right or any combination?
>what about I call it tabAnimation and tabTextAnimation?
> - the selected tab or even the tab under the mouse changes
>size/border/color - the text becomes fatter, bigger, other color???
>what about horizontal text in vertical tabs, vertical text in horizontal
>tabs or even oblique text???
>  Ernst
>Ernst M. Reicher
>A-7571 Rudersdorf, Lahnbachweg 3
>Tel: 03382 / 73020  Fax: 03382 / 73020-12
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Image

2000-09-05 Thread andu

>One more problem I am having is with a logo that I am incorporating into 
>a metaCard stack.  The image is small and is JPEG format.  I imported it 
>on the Mac without problem and could copy and paste it within the stack.  
>When I run the stack on the Windows platform the image does not show, 
>presumably because the fork has changed.  In the manual it intimates that 
>importing does exactly that, the image becomes part of the stack, and 
>goes on to suggest that larger images be placed in separate files.  It 
>seems to me that importing an image simply records the location and file 
>name of the image.  How iss this different from the suggestion for 
>dealing with large images?
>Is there a way to make the image part of the stack?

yes, uncheck the 2 buttons(don't import and set directory) on the import palette.

>Jim Wall
>James C.Wall, Ph.D.
>Department of Physical Therapy
>University of South Alabama
>1504 Springhill Avenue, Room 1214
>Mobile AL 36604
>Phone:  (334) 434 3575
>  Fax:  (334) 434 3822
>   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: modem questions (modem independent suggestion/question)

2000-09-06 Thread andu

>On the Mac you could get an AppleScript to dial out for you (for which I
>guess you would need Tuviah & RunTime's external collection), is there a dll
>or way to do the same thing on windows? Unix?
>I'm guessing but it seems that a lot of people would like to be able to
>create applications that use an internet connection when available,
>prompting the user to dial out and connect. Seems like a nice "package" to

No need for that. You can just do "get hostName()" (or maybe anything that requires 
and on Mac (most likely windows too) if you don't have a connection to internet the 
dials automatically. Linux knows better.

>put together, so if anyone has any scripts or suggestions that work for
>their platform, I'd be happy to put them together and mail the collection
>back to anyone who would find them useful.
>> From: Miel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: 5 Sep 2000 07:53:52 -0700
>> Subject: modem questions
>> hi all,
>> has anyone ever acomplished to make a modem dial a phone number using
>> MetaCard? and if so: How did you do it?
>> cheers,
>> Miel
>> -
>> Get free email at
>> Archives:
>> Info:
>> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Avoiding home... script limit problem.

2000-09-06 Thread andu

>Recently, Scott Raney wrote:
>> This really gets back to the issue of "are stacks documents or
>> applications?" debate that has come up several times in various places
>> over the years.  My UNIX and CS background causes me to consider them
>> applications, whereas people with a less technical background tend to
>> consider them documents.
>Are pages of text considered "applications" on UNIX?  I would imagine these
>are incapable of launching or being edited without some type of engine.
>Isn't a MC stack the same type of animal?  You can't launch or edit a stack
>without some type of engine, regardless of whether the engine is external or
>bound to the stack.  Granted, I am "less technical" but since (as far as I
>know) you can't "technically" do anything with a stack unless you have the
>engine, a stack would be considered a document.

The analogy is not right. When you doubleclick a stack you launch the engine. The 
functionality of a text file without an environment which would allow for 
editing is close to none; a stack without the development environment can be as useful 
as any application.
I frequently run stacks that way and would be both bothering and a waist of energy to 
have the Home and Tools
present when I don't need them. I'm not technical either but the difference between 
the engine and the IDE is obvious.

>> Not sure where to draw the line on this
>> one: Abide by user expectations, or force them to adapt to a more
>> technically sophisticated architecture?
>I might suggest catering to clueless folks like myself, in the interest of
>remaining approachable.  The people who have more technical understanding
>will "get it" on their own.
>Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
>Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Web:
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Avoiding home... script limit problem.

2000-09-06 Thread andu

>Are you going to sit at your WWW server console 24x7 so that every
>time a CGI program runs it won't start up the development

That's a good idea - it will shrink the unemployment to -10;-)

>  Regards,
>    Scott

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Groups, borders, and invisible objects...

2000-09-08 Thread andu

>Having problems at the moment with groups and geometry management. I have
>been using the rectangle of the group as a visual border, which is nice as
>you can see the group, position it etc and saves having to add a dummy
>button as a frame for the group...
>I then started to use the "rect" of the group as a natural reference point
>with which to resize and position the contents of the group. Fine. Two
>1) A groups rectangle is automatically calculated from the objects
>(visible I think) within the group.
>Now in the complex tabbed resizable layout that I am working on, I hide
>objects that overlap, and move stuff around using geometry management - and
>I want the group to stay still. But it keeps getting resized and moves
>around due to this automatic setting of the group rectangle.
>I have everything ending up pretty well where I want, but the whole group
>jumps or appears to have a large border. I think this is because an object
>has temporarily been moved outside of the group, and this combined with
>hiding/showing is causing the bug... I'm just wandering what a good strategy
>here is/ What is the relationship between invisible objects, and a groups
>rect, and in general what is the behaviour/effect of invisible objects.
>Ideally I'd like to turn off this automatic resizing of the group and have
>objects just disappear "off frame" when there location is set to outside of
>the group, then I wouldn't have to be so careful about tracking all the
>objects locations (invisible or not). This is how it works when you manually
>resize a groups borders. The same problem occurs when you change a players
>filename (the player gets resized if the controller is visible).
>2) An automatic margin of several pixels is drawn around the objects
>that the group contains. This default margin seems to differ when a group
>contains other groups - not sure about this.
>Any advice on a good strategy here? I am thinking of abandoning my reliance
>of a groups rectangle as a marker of where a group is, and setting some
>custom property which all the script refer to and making sure the last step
>is to reset the groups rect to that position? But maybe there is a simple
>way of stopping the group resizing/ Perhaps this doesn't not happen if the
>screen is locked or all the objects are hidden/visible? Or I do things in a
>certain order?
>As always I'll report back with any progress on this...

Did you try the locLoc property on groups?

Regards, Andu 

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Re: MC /E Books/Small Devices/Predictions?

2000-09-08 Thread andu

>We will soon be going into ebooks in a very major way. . .I am wondering how
>is Metacard situated as a possible tool of choice for this market. It seems
>ideal. The two most common formats are PDF and HTML. With the latter being
>the most flexible, Metacard would seem to be a knock out publishing
>platform. Especially, obviously, if we get image rendering in line with
>text.  One could dump a book from Quark Express into HTML, use section
>breaks as page/card delimiters, load it into a stack, import the art here
>and there, make a dynamic clicktext glossary etc. all pretty simple
>scripting. But the key issue will be small device compatibility.
>  What small devices does MC work on now, and what does it not work on now.
>.. . and does any one have any insights on where the trend for the small
>device market will take us in terms of the OS. i.e  five years from now hand
>held be running on what?

Most likely versions of linux.

>Hinduism Today
>Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

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Re: client side http

2000-09-11 Thread andu

>I've been playing with the sockets features in order to try and 
>implement some client side http. I've been doing this because 
>Metacard's built-in http support won't work with some URLs (something 
>to do with the way aliasing is set up on the server, I think).
>The script below is a crude first attempt at this. It simply loads 
>the data from the specified URL. (I've removed some stuff that was 
>specific to my situation.) So far, it seems to work, even with 
>previously unreachable URLs. Ideally, I'd like to be able to emulate 
>the built-in http features of Metacard, but using sockets. (I've also 
>had a go at the POST method, and it seems to work, but I need to make 
>a more general solution than what I've done so far.)
>The scripts may be useful to anyone else wanting to do the same 
>thing. More importantly, I'd appreciate any feedback from the sockets 
>gurus about whether I'm going in the right direction.
>Two questions foremost on my mind:
>In order to show progress of the download (progress bar or whatever), 
>is it necessary to do reads in short steps (as in the script below) 
>or is there another way?

That's the way but when you get data it comes in chunks anyway.
Use repeat only if you have to.
>How to handle http proxies? Is this just a question of opening the 
>socket to the proxy and carrying on as before, or is it, as I fear, 
>more torturous?

Yes, take a look at my ftp client ( which handles proxy, 
it should be the same.
It also shows you how I handled the progress bar and others.

>Any comments appreciated.
>Dave Cragg
>local lcSocket, lcPath, lcData, lcHeader
>on httpLoad pURL
>   ## remove initial "http://" if present
>   if "http://" is char 1 to 7 of pURL then
> delete char 1 to 7 of pURL
>   end if
>   put  offset("/",pURL) into tOff
>   if tOff = 0 then
> put pURL into lcSocket
> put "" into lcPath
>   else
> put char 1 to (tOff - 1) of pURL into lcSocket
> put char tOff to -1 of pURL into lcPath
>   end if
>   put  numToChar(13) & numToChar(10) into CRLF

CRLF is built in you don't need to do the above.

>   open socket  to lcSocket
>   put "GET" && lcPath  &&  "HTTP/1.1" & CRLF  into tString
>   put "host:" & lcSocket & CRLF after tString
>   put CRLF after tString  ## blank line is necessary

Put an empty space between header item and value = host:

>   write tString to socket lcSocket
>   read from socket lcSocket until CRLF ##line 1
>   if word 2 of it = 200 then
> read from socket lcSocket until  CRLF &  CRLF ##get the header
> put it into lcHeader
> get lineOffset("Content-Length", lcHeader)
> if it <> 0 then
>   put  it into tLineNum
>   put word 2 line tLineNum of lcHeader into tLength
>   put 1024 into tStep
> end if
> put empty into lcData
> put 0 into tCount
> put tLength div tStep into tTimes
>## read in small steps in order to show a progress bar or other indication
> repeat for tTimes
>   add 1 to tCount
>   read from socket  lcSocket for tStep
>   put it after lcData
>  ## handle progress bar updating here
> end repeat
> read from socket  lcSocket until empty ## catch last few dribbles
> put it after lcData
> close socket lcSocket
> ## do something with lcData here (cache it, return it, or whatever)
>   else
> ## crude error handling
> put word 2 of it
> close socket lcSocket
>   end if
>end httpLoad
>on socketError pSocket, pErr
>   ##crude error handling
>   put pSocket & ":" & pErr
>end socketError
>on socketTimeout pSocket
>   ##crude error handling
>   put "Timed out"
>   close socket pSocket
>end socketTimeout
>The LACS Centre (Business English Training Resources)

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: A few short questions

2000-09-11 Thread andu

>They're limited to one script.  Suggestions about how to do it
>globally (like a #include in C) are welcome, but the discussion about
>this on the xtalk mailing list awhile back broke down before any
>suitable method was proposed (the big problems are establishing *when*
>the definition is to be done and what to do if the #included script
>isn't found).
This discussion should be reopened; it would be a very valuable feature.
Hope I'm still on that list???

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Detect all connection requests?

2000-09-14 Thread andu

>On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Pierre Sahores wrote:
>> Phil Davis wrote:
>> > 
>> > I would like MC to detect all incoming connection requests,
>> > regardless of the requested port, and respond by issuing a
>> > message. I envision a message whose parameters contain all
>> > available info on the connection request. If the connection
>> > request is for a port where the stack is listening, this message
>> > would be fired before the socket is opened. For example:
>> > 
>> > on socketRequest pPortNum, pRequestData
>> >   if pPortNum is among the lines of the permittedPorts of me
>> > then
>> > pass socketRequest
>> >   else
>> > put short date && long time & tab \
>> > & pPortNum & tab \
>> > & digested(pRequestData) & cr \
>> > after url "file:log"
>> >   end if
>> > end socketRequest
>> > 
>> > Maybe it could be used to prevent the opening of an otherwise
>> > accepting port under certain conditions, similar to the way
>> > "closeStackRequest" can be used to prevent the closing of a stack.
>> > 
>> > This feature would enable us to build things like firewalls that
>> > log all connection requests, whether they were honored or not.
>> > 
>> > Does this sound useful to anyone besides me?
>> > --
>> > Phil Davis
>> > ---
>> > days: (503) 417-7930
>> > eves: (503) 557-5656
>> > ---
>> > Facilitator
>> > Essentials of eBusiness Computing
>> > Information Technology Institute
>> >
>> > 
>> > Archives:
>> > Info:
>> > Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.
>> That's would realy be a top key feature Phil, even on unixes, probably usable to
>> secure ip-chains configs...
>> Is it a way to do that avalaible in mc, Scott ?
>I guess I really don't follow this.  If what you're trying to build is
>some sort of proxy or firewall, this could probably be done with using
>the standard "accept" command.  But there is no way for one process to
>"pass" a socket request onto another process, so you'd have to do it
>the way existing firewalls and proxies do: you accept a connection
>from outside and then open another a socket connection to the inside,
>then write data read from the outside socket to the inside socket.
>And I say "probably" because at least some types of socket-based
>protocols require access to low-level socket features not available in
>the MetaCard sockets API (out-of-band data being the most notable of

A useful feature would be to be able to listen to *any* port (aside from the current 
behavior) and filter which ports to use later.

>  Regards,

Regards, Andu 

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Re: File Uploads

2000-09-14 Thread andu

>HTML (tags missing)
>input type=file" name="tupload"
>produces a text field and a "browse..."  button on a web page allowing the
>user to select a file on their machine. When the Form is submitted my MC cgi
>stack is passed the path of the file. Is there anyway to 'suck' the file up
>from their machine (I've seen it done with PERL scripts).

The server must support either POST or even better PUT (see the RFC) and provide a 
mechanism for reading the data coming in from the client. In other words the server 
doesn't need the path on the remote client; the client needs it in order for it to 
know which file to POST or PUT. The server receives whatever comes in and writes it to 
a local file.
Hope that answered your question.

>Any pointers would be gratefully appreciated...
>Gary Rathbone 

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Localhost: anyone know how to get

2000-09-14 Thread andu

>I think the answer is you can't, but it would be nice to work on server
>projects with the server running and talking to the browser.

You want to run the server and the client on the same machine? (mac)
All you need to do is :
choose in the tcp/ip panel - connect via ethernet
give the machine an IP address (any)
and you are done. Start the server and point the client to 
If you want both internet and local IP address you need a router (IPNet router)
Or switch to Linux or both.

>Now I've followed some detailed instructions involving setting up the TCP/IP
>control panel to use the IP address (which should work with an
>ethernet network), but does not work on a machine bereft of any network
>connection (as far as I can see)..
>Any ideas?
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Localhost: anyone know how to

2000-09-14 Thread andu

>>I think the answer is you can't, but it would be nice to work on server
>>projects with the server running and talking to the browser.
>You want to run the server and the client on the same machine? (mac)
>All you need to do is :
>choose in the tcp/ip panel - connect via ethernet
>give the machine an IP address (any)
>and you are done. Start the server and point the client to 
>If you want both internet and local IP address you need a router (IPNet router)
>Or switch to Linux or both.

Forgot to mention, If you are connected to internet with dynamic IP address you can 
use that address to connect a local client to a local server.
>>Now I've followed some detailed instructions involving setting up the TCP/IP
>>control panel to use the IP address (which should work with an
>>ethernet network), but does not work on a machine bereft of any network
>>connection (as far as I can see)..
>>Any ideas?
>>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.
>Regards, Andu 
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Trapping Errors & ..Mac to

2000-09-14 Thread andu

>Could you let us know how you configure the G4 TCP/IP so the browser and
>servers connect?
>I have a Java based server which listens and replies on Port 2001. I want to
>get Metacard and/or a browser to talk to this server. When the server loads
>it indicates that there is an open transport error, which I presume is due
>to a lack of an active TCP/IP connection

>Perhaps if I knew exactly how to do this with MCHTTP and a browser offline,
>I could work from there...

If you read my previous post on TCP/IP and your server still not working maybe it's 
Get my web server from, set your tcp/ip like I explained and the 
server works. Don't forget to set the port.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Metacard on MacOS X?

2000-09-15 Thread andu

>on 9/15/00 5:37 PM, Scott Raney at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, James Kelly wrote:
>>> Anybody know if Metacard will run under MacOS X Carbon?
>> I know, it will.  *When* it will, I don't know (or at least can't say ;-)
>> Scott
>So who knows Scott's weakness? Money? Beer? Beer money?
>Come on, Scott, what's it going to take? For pete's sake, my cd shipped
>today! :-)

As if you didn't know;  when it's ready!!! 

>Geoff Canyon, who is busily gassing up the Trooper and throwing contraband
>in the back for a quick trip to Colorado...
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: preferences

2000-09-20 Thread andu

>The need is a built-in email facility so the CDROM users can select any
>listed destination email address, type a message and click 'Send'.
>Using Windows, is there a way to identify the SMTP_Server information
>(preferably also the user's email address) to automatically set up the
> preferences? is the solution of choice rather than
>a .html page!
>get queryRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\plus\SMTPserverAddress)&cr&\
>   queryRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\plus\UserAddress)
>if it is not empty then ... etc

Sorry, Windows is not my specialty but I'm sure there is a way.

>Hugh Senior

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Ok, what now?

2000-09-21 Thread andu

>Hi all
>I've just downloaded the MetaCard starter kit, and had a bit of a look at
>the demo, and quite frankly it impressed the hell out of me.  What I'd like
>now is a few ideas on how I might put this thing to good use.  If anyone has
>any great ideas or tips on how make the most of MetaCard, please respond (on
>or off list as you prefer).

The simple answer is that you can write almost any kind of application and/or 
utilities with it for at least 3 platforms.  Some experience with Hypercard or 
Supercard is definitely helpful otherwise just take it step by step and ask all the 
stupid questions like most users do at some point or another ;-). Also there is an 
archive with previous posts at which is most 
The ideas should come from you but if you need help implementing them ask the list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: MC Statistics Builder

2000-09-22 Thread andu

>Hi fellow MC users.  I recently needed to know how many lines of code I had in a 
>completed project and print out some of those to paper.  So I made a program that:
>1.  Counts all of your objects on your mainstack and substacks and display each 
>2.  Compiles a complete copy of all of your code and labels each section.
>3.  Tells other general information about your stack.
>If anyone would like a copy and maybe make it better, that would be cool.  I find it 
>useful at times and thought others might too.  If so, maybe x-worlds would host it as 
>a tool for download.

Could you please send me a copy? Thanks.
>-Mark Talluto

Regards, Andu 

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Re: Can of Worms...

2000-09-23 Thread andu

>As a Mac developer I monitor both the Realbasic and Supercard lists. Whilst
>I'm active (and hopefully have assisted people) on this list, there are
>people using RB and SC who are asking questions which could easily be solved
>using MC. Previously, as a long term SC user, an MC 'mercenary' had a quiet
>word in my ear, and, poached me from the SC list many, many  months ago.
>Although this person will remain anonymous I remain in their debt.
>The question is 'Do I maintain my competitive advantage by keeping quiet...'
>or 'assist by suggestion...'

My philosophy on this issue is that a good tool in the hands of a bad mind is worth 
less then a bad tool in the hands of a good mind. At the same time a larger user base 
of MetaCard is beneficial to almost everybody involved with the product. 
The worst thing that can happen to a MC developer is to see possible clients shying 
away from their product because they never heard of MetaCard. Not to mention my recent 
experience with a web hosting company trying to use MC for cgi. 

>Gary Rathbone
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Implementing mailto: Mac

2000-09-25 Thread andu

>Thanks to Dave and Sjoerd for arriving at the elegant 2-line solution on a PC:
>put word 1 to -2 of \
>\") \
>  into tBrowserPath
>launch "mailto:"&tAddress with tBrowserPath

I think originally you wanted to do this within MC. I just found out there is nslookup 
for windows (probably a port from Linux) which can be called with "shell()" and return 
the mail server given the domain name([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Nslookup is here:
and the dos commands are :

Using nslookup, you can find the email server of your domain, as shown in the sample 
session below.
 Start a MS-DOS command prompt (in our case we use shell()) and type the nslookup 

   C:\> nslookup
   Default Server:  youserver.yourdomain
   Address:  X.X.X.X
   > set type=MX
   >   MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =   MX preference = 20, mail exchanger =   MX preference = 30, mail exchanger =   MX preference = 40, mail exchanger =   MX preference = 50, mail exchanger =
The lowest preference indicates the best (primary) mail server. A mailer would try 
it first and if it
  cannot connect to this server, it would use other servers (by order of 

>Now... Does anyone have the AppleEvent equivalent for a Mac?

I also found a perl script which gets the mail server name from InternetConfig. It 
just needs to be translated into Metatalk:

use Mac::InternetConfig;
print $InternetConfig{kICSMTPHost()};

I tested it and it works I just don't know perl ;-)

>Hugh Senior

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Rookie question - mouseUp on unlocked

2000-09-25 Thread andu

>Hi all
>I'm just fiddling around trying to learn how to use MC.  I'm creating a
>simple temperature converter, and I've encountered a problem.
>My card consists of two fields (Degrees C and Degrees F), two labels(for the
>fields) and two buttons (Convert and Quit)
>If I understand the MetaTalk reference correctly (and it's more than likely
>I don't), an unlocked field doesn't receive mouseUp messages unless you hold
>down the ctrl key (I'm on a Mac).  How then do I script the field to clear
>itself when I click in it?  I've tried using a selectionChanged message
>handler, but it started acting weird.  Here is the code I'm using.

Tim, what you are trying to do is kind of against expectations but ... Imagine you 
entered the wrong number in one of the fields and you want to select some or all of it 
in order to delete/change it. 
Set the lockText of the fields to true when you click the Convert button; that would 
enable the fields to accept a mouseUp. In that mouseUp you can put empty into the 2 
fields and set the lockText of them to false.

>on selectionChanged #or mouseUp  put empty into field "Degrees C"  put empty into 
>field "Degrees F" #I want it to clear both fields  select field "Degrees C"end 
>selectionChanged #or mouseUp
>My plan is that you click on either field and it clears both.  You then
>enter whichever value you have (Centigrade or Fahrenheit) into the field,
>and click the Convert button.  Depending on which field you entered, the
>Convert button calculates the result and populates the other.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v003.n530

2000-09-26 Thread andu

>you can try finding the email address of a given user like that
>my machine name here is but my email addy isnt

Yes but you can do nslookup on  to obtain the address of say and send the mail for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] there without using your own smtp server , can't you?

>you dont know if sendmail is running on localhost, nor if the mail server they
>ACTUALY use shares a primany domain with the localhost.
>best just to ask, although it would be nice to see the programme make an
>educated guess.
>robin-david hammond
>lead systems engineer
>From: andu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Implementing mailto: Mac
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 19:35:42 -0400 (EDT)
>>Thanks to Dave and Sjoerd for arriving at the elegant 2-line solution on a PC:
>>put word 1 to -2 of \
>>\") \
>>  into tBrowserPath
>>launch "mailto:"&tAddress with tBrowserPath
>I think originally you wanted to do this within MC. I just found out there is
>nslookup for windows (probably a port from Linux) which can be called with
>and return the mail server given the domain name([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
>Nslookup is here:
>and the dos commands are :
>Using nslookup, you can find the email server of your domain, as shown in the
>sample session below.
> Start a MS-DOS command prompt (in our case we use shell()) and type the
>nslookup command:
>   C:\> nslookup
>   Default Server:  youserver.yourdomain
>   Address:  X.X.X.X
>   > set type=MX
>   >
>   MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =
>   MX preference = 20, mail exchanger =
>   MX preference = 30, mail exchanger =
>   MX preference = 40, mail exchanger =
>   MX preference = 50, mail exchanger =
>The lowest preference indicates the best (primary) mail server. A mailer
>would try it first and if it
>  cannot connect to this server, it would use other servers (by order of
>>Now... Does anyone have the AppleEvent equivalent for a Mac?
>I also found a perl script which gets the mail server name from
>InternetConfig. It just needs to be translated into Metatalk:
>use Mac::InternetConfig;
>print $InternetConfig{kICSMTPHost()};
>I tested it and it works I just don't know perl ;-)
>>Hugh Senior
>XIIdigitation, n.:
>The practice of trying to determine the year a movie was made
>by deciphering the Roman numerals at the end of the credits.
>-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu 

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v003.n006

1999-07-17 Thread Andu

>Jacqueline Landman Gray's comment suddenly reminded me of what had given
>me the idea in the first place that stacks could be cross-platform.

Stacks are indeed cross platform, I moove them around  all the time.

>To quote the last sentence in the last paragraph of Dialog Box Help 47
>(aka Standalone Builder help):
>"You can build standalones for any platform on any platform."
>And the sentence's context doesn't seem to suggest anything other than
>what this sentence literally means.

The above quote is definitely a mistake. I never attempted to build
standalones for say Linux on the Mac since I have to test the full
functioning of stacks on  Linux anyway.

>Which all leads me to again plea for an update of the Help documentation
>so that MC becomes even more accessible, especially for bumpkins like
>myself. For example, plenty of script examples that show all (?) the
>syntactical possibilities for each command, function, property, etc.
>However, looking at the nature of the questions on the list, most likely
>MC's creators probably feel a greater need to spend time on tweaking MC
>for its more sophisticated users.

You have a point here. I probably  had the same complain some time in the
past.  For a more advanced user the Help is acceptable  but for a beginner
it is definitely  insufficient.
Nevertheless Scott Raney is watching the list day and night and hardly
misses any unanswered questions.

>Oh well. Looks like I have some work ahead of me.
>Nicolas R Cueto

Regards, Andu

Re: Client-server processing

1999-07-18 Thread Andu

>I'm attempting to prototype a simple database application in Hypercard.
>What I'm planning is a client-server database (yes, I think big) and I
>was wondering whether Metacard might be better suited for my purposes.
>(Frankly, I doubt I can get Hypercard to do it without a database
>application behind it.)
>My questions are:
>Can multiple copies of Metacard access simultaneously a single stack
>with read and write access? I'll handle record locking myself.
>If not, can I use a single Metacard stack to hold the database, with
>other stacks running as seperate sessions querying it?
>And finally, as my least prefered solution, can a Metacard handle be set
>to run in the background? I doubt this is possible, without scripting
>something from "on idle" handlers, but I just thought I'd ask.
>Otherwise, if anyone can suggest a way I could use Metacard to develop a
>client-server application, I'd be greatful.
>Steven D'Aprano
>M.B. Sales Pty LtdPh:  +61 3 9460-5244
>A.C.N. 005-964-796Fax: +61 3 9462-1161

On UNIX the answer is probably yes to all your questions but you mention HC
which means Mac and then the only way to access a stack from multiple
copies of MC would be from different machines on a network via http. Also
you can not run a stack in the background. You can run a script as a .mt
file again on UNIX.

Regards, Andu

Re: Client-server processing

1999-07-19 Thread Andu

A few maybe Irrelevant corrections to my previous post.
You can have multiple MC engines running on the same Mac at the same time
if they have different names and do different things.
That is in case you are running a server and use MC for cgi (engine
name-MC.cgi)  you can still open MetaCard PPC
and do your work. Also stacks that do cgi work CAN work in the background
(not as background applications) and probably can be invisible.

>I'm attempting to prototype a simple database application in Hypercard.
>What I'm planning is a client-server database (yes, I think big) and I
>was wondering whether Metacard might be better suited for my purposes.
>(Frankly, I doubt I can get Hypercard to do it without a database
>application behind it.)
>My questions are:
>Can multiple copies of Metacard access simultaneously a single stack
>with read and write access? I'll handle record locking myself.
>If not, can I use a single Metacard stack to hold the database, with
>other stacks running as seperate sessions querying it?
>And finally, as my least prefered solution, can a Metacard handle be set
>to run in the background? I doubt this is possible, without scripting
>something from "on idle" handlers, but I just thought I'd ask.
>Otherwise, if anyone can suggest a way I could use Metacard to develop a
>client-server application, I'd be greatful.
>Steven D'Aprano
>M.B. Sales Pty LtdPh:  +61 3 9460-5244
>A.C.N. 005-964-796Fax: +61 3 9462-1161

Regards, Andu

Re: PR: Fourth World Goes Open Source

1999-07-19 Thread Andu

>Fourth World SuperCard Tools Go Open Source
Good for you.
This is the longest press release I've seen , I didn't know you so formal;-).

>  "...This is the largest and most diverse collection of SuperCard-specific
>externals in existence, and starting today it includes the C source, and
>is completely FREE."

That means they don't work with ...MetaCard?

Regards, Andu

Re: Macs@Work article

1999-07-23 Thread Andu

>Our thanks to everyone who sent a story about how you use MetaCard to
>MacCentral Online.  We got a little mention in the followup article,
>though the message was diluted some by the lumping of all the xTalk
>products together and a few misspellings of "HyperCrad" ;-)
>  Regards,
>MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

Would have been nice to see you at MacWorld Expo giving away demo CDs and

Regards, Andu

interrupting repeat

1999-07-26 Thread Andu

I found the only way to interrupt a repeat loop do some stuff and continue
it afterwards is to open a modal window. Is there a way to do this just
from scripting with no additional window?

Regards, Andu

Re: interrupting repeat

1999-07-26 Thread Andu

>On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Andu wrote:
>> I found the only way to interrupt a repeat loop do some stuff and continue
>> it afterwards is to open a modal window. Is there a way to do this just
>> from scripting with no additional window?
>What is "some stuff" that you're trying to do?  And what is being done
>in the repeat loop that takes so long?  Maybe there's a way to break
>the loop up into separate handlers and use send .. in to call them...
>  Regards,
The repeat goes through a text in a variable and if it finds words with
certain characteristics I want it to stop, allow me to change those
characteristics and then go on to the next words.
Imagine a speller looking for misspelled words in a text, stopping when it
finds one and continuing after some input from the user.
I considered your suggestions but I decided the "cleanest" solution was
using the modal window.
I just hoped there was something I didn't terms of interrupting
a repeat temporarily.
Maybe there should be something like "stop repeatresume".

Regards, Andu

Re: Stacks as properties

1999-07-29 Thread Andu

>I've just been experimenting by storing a stack into a custom
>property of another stack,
>and then doing something like:
>It worked, and I got that great feeling when you discover a new piece
>of magic. (New to me that is.) But my main question is whether there
>are any pitfalls in this technique that I haven't considered.
>My reason for doing this rather than using a substack was for
>developing easily transportable and self contained "widgets" as
>Metacard groups. Just copy and paste these widgets from one stack to
>another, and if they need their own palettes, warning dialogs, or
>whatever, they can be transported with them.
>Any thought or comments are welcome.
>Dave Cragg

I like your idea.

Regards, Andu

Re: changing text attributes via GUI

1999-08-04 Thread Andu

>In MC, we are allowed to manipulate text selections from menu items, but
>attempts to make a text palette or dialog for this fail:  MetaCard
>deselects text in non-focused windows.
>Ostensibly, this design decision was made to prevent the impossible:  How
>can you have two controls, each in a difference window, each with the
>Mac OS answers this with an alternative text selection to indicate to the
>user that text is selected but not currently editable: instead of the
>inverted appearance of text which has focus, non-focused text selections
>are indicated with an outline of the selection region.  UNIX has a
>different set of rules and therefore different methods of resolving this,
>and according to Tog, Windows is not even a GUI and can therefore be
>summarily dismissed from the discussion. ;)
>But even if we are talking about supporting a paradigm of a single OS,
>and fully recognizing the challenges of making platform-specific things
>in a multi-platform tool, this particular item is so critical that it
>makes a great many application designs impossible.  No font attribute
>dialogs, no font settings palletes, no text linking tools, none of the
>many, many things which would make useful, if not essential, additions to
>our applications.
>So:  anyone find a way around this?   Anyone successfully implement a
>palette or dialog which indicates for the user the section of text about
>to be affected by the controls in another window?

"find" does that but only for words. I agree this behavior should be
extended to selected text.

>- Richard Gaskin

Regards, Andu

interesting article

1999-08-04 Thread Andu,2294,77734-122834-865546-0,00.html

Regards, Andu

Re: Squirming Specimen

1999-08-15 Thread Andu

>One time there was a debate on the SuperCard mailing list about which was
>better: runtime editing, or the more modal technique employed by
>SuperEdit. At the time I didn't care much one way or the other, but one
>comment made by a SuperEdit proponent is echoing in my mind right now: he
>said something like, "I prefer to perform surgery on my projects without
>the patient squirming around on the table while I do it."
>I'm finding that I miss SuperEdits "no scripts" environment, and even the
>"scripts only run when you're running the project" aspect of SuperCard's
>standard editor. I use on openCard messages to trigger things to happen
>in my program (an educational product), and they seem to go off even if I
>don't have the browse tool selected.
> As a defense, I've stuck in a front
>script that traps openCard, closeCard, openBackground, and
>closeBackground messages. Is this the best way to stop MetaCard from
>automatically moving me on to the next card, etc., or is there something
>I'm missing?

The easiest way is to identify which cards do what when they open:

on openCard
  if the short name of this cd is "b" then beep
end openCard

...otherwise any openCard can trigger "beep".

Regards, Andu

Re: MC printing

1999-08-15 Thread Andu

>> Dave Cragg wrote:
>> I think you're being a little harsh on Metacard. It offers more
>> printing support than many other programming/authoring tools.
>It offers "print card". You basically get a screen dump. There is no
>good way to calculate pagination, no easy way to send blocks of
>formatted text to the printer, certainly no easy way to create automated
>reports, and not even a command to just send a block of plain text to a
>printer -- which, as unusual as I guess it is, I do frequently in
>HyperCard. MetaCard's printing capabilities are very minimal.
>The simplest printing routine -- sending a plain-text scrolling field to
>the printer -- will take a substantial amount of time to write and you
>will have to build a separate printing window to boot. In HyperCard, I
>can do it by typing three words. In more complicated reports, it is easy
>to spend days writing a single report. The same reports can be done in
>HyperCard in a few minutes, using the built-in report functions.
>If you do end up writing printing routines, I'd love to know how you
>finally do pagination. I've already tried clicking at the bottom-right
>corner of the printing field in order to find out where the page should
>break (which is a horrible kludge in its own right,) as well as sliding
>objects up out of view a page-height's distance. I've also tried using
>one field to hold the (styled) text and moving it in pieces to a buffer
>field and printing that. The first two break in Windows, where printer
>font heights do not match their screen font heights, and the last method
>destroys the user's clipboard. I challenge anyone to take my pseudotable
>and write a routine that will print it out reliably on both Mac and Windows.
>> I rarely have a need to print anything from Metacard.
>I'm thinking that this must be the case with almost everyone, or there
>would have been more discussion about it. But for business applications,
>printing is an absolute requirement. I need to print all types of forms,
>reports, and other data in every application I develop. I've written
>printing routines now for two different programs in MetaCard, using
>three different techniques, and none are acceptable. That's why I asked
>for other ideas. No one volunteered any.
>I don't intend to sound harsh on MetaCard in general -- I just believe
>printing is an essential function and it is an area where MetaCard falls
>down in a major way. Because of the lack of printing support, MetaCard
>is not suitable for many of my projects.
>> For my own
>> needs, I prefer to export data and print from a word processor.
>Yes, but this is unacceptable for commerical business applications. It
>also won't move styled text, unless you export as htmltext and print
>from a browser.
>Jacqueline Landman Gay

I have the feeling we met before...haven't we?
Nobody is perfect. Anyway , using MC for a while now I'm pretty sure there
are some cross platform issues that prevented it from having a more
substantial printing support. Also features are added or developed in
accordance with the demand from users and although printing was discussed
before, I don't remember agreeing to a defined set of features cross
What I don't understand  is the fact that no one mentions externals for MC
to supplement special needs.
I also don't understand the tone.
With your extensive HyperCard culture I'm sure you can find an external for
printing that does what you want and works with MC too, few of them don't .
For Windows...

Regards, Andu

Re: MC printing

1999-08-16 Thread Andu

>Andu wrote:
>>What I don't understand  is the fact that no one mentions externals for
>>to supplement special needs.
>I do all the time.
>>With your extensive HyperCard culture I'm sure you can find an external
>>printing that does what you want and works with MC too, few of them
>don't .
>I've found that most, if not all of the stuff in the recently released
>WetWare Collection and Listmaster external don't work.
>There seem to be too many internal differences between SC-HC and MetaCard
>that any external which relies heavily on one product doesn't work like
>it should in the other. This is one of the reasons why I'm currently
>developing a MetaCard external for the MacOS.

I had no success with SuperCard externals myself but most Hypercard ones
I've tried worked fine, even some very early ones. But I'm glad to hear you
develop MC externals for mac too. One thing I could have used on several
occasions for was a "do appleScript" kind of external that works with MC ,
just in case there is a wish list for that.
>>For Windows...
>Is that an open invitation? Judging from the response I've gotten for the
>Report Generator, it seems that printing is at the bottom of people's

No that meant that since I don't use Windows I don't know what's available.
As for the Report Generator I think it is a case where no news is good news
specially judging by the recent input on MC ;-)
Fact is that printing is one of those specialized functions that most
people generally don't bother with until they need it and then they want it
right out of the box. I guess it's MC's fault, it is so complex that people
rightfully expect it to do everything ;-)
>Tuviah Snyder
>Custom Application Development & SuperCard/HyperCard Conversion at a low
>Get the Internet just the way you want it.
>Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
>Try Juno Web:

Regards, Andu

Re: MC Printing

1999-08-16 Thread Andu

>> You're wish has been granted:-) DDE support for Windows, Applescript
>> support for Mac. You can even save and load compiled scripts from the
>> resource fork for fast execution. Some of the other things included in
>> the Mac external are
>> a) recording sound to AIFF files.
>> b) speaking text using speech manager.
>> c) changing filetype of existing files.
>> d) opening and printing files as if open/printed from the finder
>> e) copying images,card to clipboard
>> f) exporting images,cards as pict files.
>> g) retrieving size of window's title bar, system menu bar.
>Bless you.  Bless you.  Oh and thanks.

I'll drink to that Tuviahright now!! Good man!

>-Mark Talluto

Regards, Andu

Re: Printing in MC

1999-08-16 Thread Andu

>Dear MetaCard developpers,
>Count me in the list of those who think that MC users should be able
>to print directly from MetaCard. A software that has, as one of it's
>main goals, the sharing of data, should be able to print that data as
>it appears on screen or through a report template in an intuitive manner.
>I have subscribed to the list one week before I got MetaCard and I'm
>disappointed in that area of printing because I see myself probably
>spending more time scripting printing routines than developping the
>stacks them selves.
>If MetaCard Corp. wants to make their software more attractive to
>HyperCard users, make it at least a little better than HyperCard at
>printing. If they want to make MetaCard a more attractive AND complete
>software, add strong and intuitive report features to it.
So you think that would do it? Considering all advantages MC offers
including almost 100% cross platform compatibility, fast engine, etc.,etc.
and mainly a "normal" language by comparison to most other script languages
around, I doubt someone who needs such an environment would find it not
attractive because  it doesn't do good printing. Also consider that if
there really is a problem with MC chances are it will be fixed sooner
rather then later which was never an option  with HyperCard.

>Just an idea: I would love to be able to import PDF pages in a
>background as a printing template on top of which I would only have to
>place transparent fields. Print marked cards and boom! High quality
>reports! If you ever do it... MC will be selling itself by this
>feature alone in the pre-press industry.
>(Have I heard well about Apple developping PDF based display
>postscript at system level?)
>Am I too optimistic about future new printing capabilities in MC?
>I'm a long time Hypercard user that likes the object based graphics of
>MC, I want to print them along with styled text with one command!
>If nobody inside or outside MC Corp. can build some professional
>printing in MC, then, please somebody make a decent Print Field with
>automatic pagination.
>Thank you to all subscribers of the list for their interesting and
>usefull information.
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>*  Gaetan Trudel  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>*  Conseiller technique, pré-presse électronique/
>*  Technical Adviser, Electronic Pre-Press
>*  Litho Acme Inc., 85 de Castelnau W., Montréal, Qc, Canada H2R 2W3
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Regards, Andu

Re: newbie question

1999-08-24 Thread Andu

>Hi, I'm a HyperCard convert getting his feet wet with MetaCard.  One of
>my stacks relies heavily on HyperCard's Picture command to dispay PICTS
>in a floating window.  The PICTS are located in a folder and must not be
>imported into the stack permanently.The Picts "Fit" in the window
>automatically and the windowStyle I use will automatically provide a
>scrollbar if the Pict is larger than the screen (640 x 480).
>Can someone point me in the direction I need to go to get this same
>behavior in MetaCard?
>Also, is it possible to hide the titleBar in MetaCard?

"Draw" an image with the "image tool" and set the fileName of it to your
image file. Also read under help-index-image. The size of the window you
can script to resize to the image. For titleBar of windows look under

Regards, Andu

Re: point within polygon

1999-08-25 Thread Andu

>Is there an easy way to know if a point is in the filled area of a polygon ?
>In an educative game, i paved the screen with irregular polygons (like the
>pieces of a puzzle). Of course, the rect of the polygon overlap, but not their
>visible area.
>I grab a button.
>In the mouseUp script of the button i need to know which polygon is under the
>center of the grabed button.
>How could i perform this task ?
>Claude Lemmel

Try "within" function.

Regards, Andu

Re: Events During Resize Control?

1999-08-28 Thread Andu

>Is it possible to get the dimensional properties of a control (width,
>height, etc) WHILE you are resizing it, while the mouse is down (as
>opposed to when the mouse is up).  I've tried combinations of different
>messages, most of which only seem to work AFTER the control is resized,
>or don't work with the pointer tool.
>Any suggestions appreciated.
>Rossi Associati Design is now Tactile Media...
>Scott Rossi Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

I made a while ago a control panel which does just that - displays
interactively the rect and width/height of an object being resized in a
stack. The condition to work is the control panel to be a palette. The
script is something like:

on openCard
end openCard

on getRect
 put the rect of selectedObject() into fld "objRect"
send "getRect" to me in 2 ticks
end getRect

Regards, Andu

Re: Font Menu on Mac

1999-08-30 Thread Andu

>Can anyone explain why the font menu in the main menu bar of MC Mac
>looks/operates differently than it does as button action in the mctools
>stack?  Is this simply formatting applied by the OS?  Would it be
>possible to make a font menu that pops up from a button but looks/behaves
>like the main menubar menu?
>Thanks & Regards,
>Scott RossiTactile Media - Multimedia & Design
>   Web:

The font in the menu bar is set in the Appearance control panel globally. probably has the MC
generic(?) font. You can of course use the same font(default-Charcol) and
size(12) like the menu bar for your buttons.

Regards, Andu

Re: Note pad

1999-09-02 Thread Andu

>>I have struggled with something which probably is simple if you do the
>>right things. The problem is: I want a note pad to appear covering approx.
>>1/3 of the screen of the mainstack. I have tried toplevel, modal, palette,
>>lockscreen to true etc., before I ended up with the following script (in
>>MetaCard 2.2.5)
>>on åpneblokk
>>  put the topleft of stack "franpo" into tl --"Franpo" is the mainStack
> > open inv stack "carnet"   -- the substack
> > set topleft of stack "carnet" to tl
> > show stack "carnet"
>>end åpneblokk
>>(The substack has a button to close it.)
>Sorry to have bothered the list with my sloppy scripting. Thanks to Scott
>Raney's reply I found a way out of it. Now I set the loc of both main and
>substack in on openStack (the mainstack) and in the button I just toplevel
>the substack.
>However, I would like to block the possibility of clicking in the mainstack
>which still shows on the screen, and thought that 'set the defaultstack to
>"carnet"' would do the trick, but it does not. Any help appreciated.

Open the substack  with *modal stack "carnet"*.
>1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Romansk Institutt    tel:  +47 55 58 21 27
>Øysteins gt. 1
>5007 Bergen

Regards, Andu


1999-09-02 Thread Andu

>OK, a question...
>I'm working on using this whole idea of downloading stacks from a web server
>over the Internet, using my own school's web site.  I placed a stack on our
>server and was easily able to access and open it from within MetaCard from
>home via the Internet.  Cool stuff!  Now I see why everyone is so pumped
>about this.  But...
>Tonight I tried to access "" from the help menu from within
>MetaCard.  I selected it, my Mac launched Remote Access, I went online...
>and my whole machine totally froze up.  I couldn't even force-quit.  This is
>on a PowerBook G3 (333 MHz, 64 MB RAM).  I tried a few times, each time with
>the same result... a hosed computer.  After about my 5th reboot, I launched
>my browser and tried to go to the MetaCard web site.  No luck.  I was able
>to visit my other fave sites, but the MetaCard site appeared to be down.
>Thinking that somehow my experiments had hosed up my copy of MetaCard, I
>went to my trusty old UMAX C500 603e Mac clone.  Different computer,
>different modem, different copy of MetaCard.  Same results... my Mac froze
>Does this mean that if you try to get a stack from a site that your computer
>can't find, MetaCard will hose your machine?  I can test the theory at work
>tomorrow by taking our server down and trying to access it from within
>MetaCard, but the fact remains that tonight I tried on two different Macs
>with two different modems to access "" from within
>MetaCard, and despite several tries on both machines, they both got hosed.
>If there's some scripting that can prevent this, can someone share it?  And
>can it be added to MetaCard?  I used "" the other night
>just fine.  Yet tonight, two different Macs got hosed.  Do I just have bad
>karma, or is this a real problem?
>Richard MacLemale

Incredible adventures you have with MC ;-) but don't despair, something
similar happened to me a while ago.
Metacard site is up and running just fine.
I can't explain the source of problem but it seemed to me to be some
corruption of the PRAM. The only way I cured it was to remove the battery
from the computer for about half hour 45 minutes in order to restore the
PRAM. Other means of restoring the PRAM don't do it. You need to reset
stuff like date and time and other settings afterwards but that might fix

Regards, Andu

Re: Go To Card Help

1999-09-03 Thread Andu

>Is there any way to make a specific cd of a stack visible without
>"go"-ing to that card?
>I'm trying to use the selection of text in one stack to cause a specified
>card of another stack to come forward.  If I use the "go" command, I lose
>the text selection in the first stack?
>Is there some other way to accomplish this?
If you use a list field there is no problem.
Assuming you select a text and click a button to go to card "selectedText"
this might work:

on mouseUp
  put selectedText of fld x into temp
  go cd temp of stack "target"
  find  word temp in fld x of stack  "the_one_with_the_field"
  select the foundChunk
  topLevel "target"
end mouseUp

>Scott RossiTactile Media - Multimedia & Design
>   Web:

Regards, Andu

Re: MetaCard 2.3: first public alpha-test release

1999-09-04 Thread Andu

>Scott Raney wrote:
>> The first public alpha test release of MetaCard 2.3 is now available
>> in the directory
>tried out to unzip the linux.gz file and I'm stuck
>So, what is this file format ?
>I'm running on a linux box, and tried gunzip and unzip and tar

Try just changing the name to "mc"  and properties.
>thanks for help

Regards, Andu

Re: Button response - new user question

1999-09-06 Thread Andu

>Hi List Members,
> I'm just starting to experiment with MetaCard, and I'm wondering how
>I can improve the response of some buttons I've created.
> I've created a simple stack with navigation buttons that take the
>user to the next or previous card.  My problem is that the buttons
>respond only to slow, deliberate clicks, and not to faster clicks (which
>are not double-clicks) that would allow the user to "flip" through the
>cards quickly.  The buttons contain the common script (e.g.):
> on mouseUp
>  go next cd of this stack
> end mouseUp
> At the stack level, I have a script that causes the number of the
>card to be displayed in a background field.
> on openCard
>  put "Card no. " & the number of this card &
>  " of  " & the number of cds of this stack into fld "card no."
> end openCard
> If the user clicks a navigation button two times in near succession,
>the second click appears to be ignored on my iMac.  What am I doing wrong?

Could that be interpreted as doubleClick?

> Regards,
> Greg
>Gregory Lypny
>Associate Professor of Finance
>Concordia University
>"Take chances, make mistakes!"
>   - Ms Frizzle, The Magic School Bus

Regards, Andu

Re: Metacard for powerPC

1999-09-06 Thread Andu

>I am trying to run the alpha vesion on my PPC. I downloaded MtpPPC folder.
>I could run the student/teacher tutorials. But When I click on the mtpPPC,
>it says it couldn't find!.
>I downloaded the MetacardPPC. It contains only one file. When I open, it
>seems start opening and then quits.
>What did I do wrong?

Make sure you have the "" and "" stacks in the same
folder with the engine and "" that you downloaded.

Regards, Andu

Re: Metacard for powerPC

1999-09-06 Thread Andu

>On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, George R. wrote:
>> I am trying to run the alpha vesion on my PPC. I downloaded MtpPPC folder.
>> I could run the student/teacher tutorials. But When I click on the mtpPPC,
>> it says it couldn't find!.
>> I downloaded the MetacardPPC. It contains only one file. When I open, it
>> seems start opening and then quits.
>> What did I do wrong?
>You tried to run an alpha-test release of a product when you don't
>know exactly what you're doing ;-)  You should stick to the current
>2.2.5 release until 2.3 is released, or at least until you have enough
>experience with MetaCard to know what to do with the files in the 2.3
>  Regards,
>PS: and in response to the earlier post about making alpha-test
>releases public, they usually aren't, and this is one reason why ;-)

Don't let this discourage you Scott in the future ;-)

>> George
>MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

Regards, Andu

RE: menu bars

1999-09-08 Thread Andu

>Thank you Richard (and others) for pointing out that great site (
> ) ..there is a ton of
>information and debate on all kinds of interface/interaction issues. My
>biggest surprize was that I haven't seen it before. Tog is a bit Mac-biased
>but at least he admits that all OS's suck in some way or another!
>Blair Moxon

My thanks also, still reading (on Japan;-)))

Regards, Andu

Re: MetaCard 2.3: first public alpha-test release

1999-09-09 Thread Andu

>I'm sure this has been asked before, however, is there any way to
>convert a stand-alone stack back to a .mc stack on a Mac platform?

It is not impossible. A standalone is the engine plus the stack plus
whatever resources you put in it. If you can separate the three...The more
practical solution is to recreate the stack and just copy the scripts from
the standalone. Access the scripts in the standalone by opening it in say
BBEdit Lite or another text editor.
At one point I started working on a standalone "unbuilder" but since I
needed such a thing only once I gave up and did it the easy way.

Regards, Andu

inactive windows

1999-09-10 Thread Andu

I noticed that buttons of an inactive window still respond to
mouseEnter/mouseLeave. I noticed the same behavior with some controls in
Netscape which makes me wonder if it is a Mac "feature".
Is the solution to disable them while the window is inactive?
On the Linux side if you set "Raise palettes above windows" and click on a
menu in say Menu Bar the menus display *behind* the palette having the
upper part hidden by the palette. Is that a Linux "feature"? is there a way
to have more intelligent palettes/menus?

Regards, Andu

Re: Copy or Move files

1999-09-10 Thread Andu

>How to copy a file? How to move a file?
>I see the commands create, delete, open/close, but not copy...
>Best, Guy

To copy a file:

open file "the_path_to_copy of file" for [binary]write -- this creates an
empty file (copy of file)
put url "file/binfile:the_path_to_original file" into var -- puts the
contents of original file into a variable
write var to file "the_path_to_copy of file"
close file "the_path_to_copy of file"

To move a file just write the new file(as described) in the desired
directory with the same name and delete the original.

Regards, Andu

Re: sending email with MC

1999-09-10 Thread Andu

>Hi all,
>Does anyone know what the syntax is for sending text (e.g., the contents
>of a field, or a text file) via email using MC?
>Leston Drake
>LetterPress Software, Inc.

I posted a sample at Make sure you change
your IPAddress in the script.

Regards, Andu

Re: inactive windows

1999-09-11 Thread Andu

>On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Andu wrote:
>> I noticed that buttons of an inactive window still respond to
>> mouseEnter/mouseLeave. I noticed the same behavior with some controls in
>> Netscape which makes me wonder if it is a Mac "feature".
>> Is the solution to disable them while the window is inactive?
>I guess, if this is a problem, which I don't really see why it would

It's just a matter of behavioral integrity.

>> On the Linux side if you set "Raise palettes above windows" and click on a
>> menu in say Menu Bar the menus display *behind* the palette having the
>> upper part hidden by the palette. Is that a Linux "feature"?
>No, it's just broken window managers.  mwm (the Motif Window Manager,
>which is the core of CDE) doesn't do this, and it's the closest thing
>to a standard in this area.  Unfortunately the developers of the KDE
>and Gnome environments don't follow it, nor do they support modal
>dialogs properly.  And if you file a bug report, they ignore you or
>tell you to fix it yourself (ah, the luxury of being an Open Source
>developer ;-)
>> is there a way
>> to have more intelligent palettes/menus?
>Not on Linux.  And it's kind of surprising because the GIMP image
>editing package, which is widely touted as an example of how Open
>Source can produce a product of equal quality to a commercial app
>(PhotoShop being the target), IMHO doesn't really work so hot because
>it's a palette-based app where the palettes are always disappearing
>beneath the main window.  But I guess we can hope that one day
>progress will be made in this area: For years I fought with the
>bone-headed Linux developers who insisted on shipping their window
>managers with pointer focus enabled by default.  At least none of them
>do that anymore ;-)

I see, first we need to have intelligent developers. Or at least with some
common sense.

>  Regards,
>> Regards, Andu
>MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

Regards, Andu

Re: Flash screen

1999-09-11 Thread Andu

>Following the advice I've seen in this list, I split the first few card off
>of my project to turn them into a standalone which will then open the rest of
>the stack.  I have a flash screen with info on it which displays for a short
>time before coming to the main info page.  When the user clicks on this page,
>the program opens another stack (not a standalone) which contains the body of
>the project.  I set the location of this second stack to the same as the
>splash screen so the look is the same as before.  My question is... what do I
>then do with the standalone?  It is still open behind the newly opened stack.
> Should I then close the standalone stack?  On some monitors, the project
>will not fill the full screen so if the user moves the stack, the splash
>screen from the standalone will be revealed.  What is typically done?
>Philip Chumbley

Set the visible of it to false once you don't need it.

Regards, Andu

Re: menuPick

1999-09-11 Thread Andu

>Basically, I have a button set to cascading with items and tabbed items in
>the button (menu) list so that clicking on the button opens a hierarchical
>menu.  I have a "on menuPick" handler in the button script.  It apparently is
>not receiving the menuPick message.  Is that a problem with MC 2.2.3?  I'm
>trying to put in a popup menu for navigating through my project. The
>cascading feature is exactly what I need, but I'm not sure I can spring for $
>right now to upgrade to get it to work.

Upgrading to 2.2.5 is free (isn't that nice). I remember having a similar
problem in the past.

Regards, Andu

Re: 2.2.5 upgrade

1999-09-12 Thread Andu

><< Upgrading to 2.2.5 is free (isn't that nice). I remember having a similar
> problem in the past. >>
>With the MC's subscription program, 2.2.5 is free only if you purchased your
>program within the last year.  Unfortunately, its been over 18 months since I
>bought MetaCard.

Use it in demo mode, feel young again ;-) I think the demo is a lot more
generous these days too.
>Philip Chumbley

Regards, Andu

Re: slow var to fld trick?

1999-09-14 Thread Andu

>I have a long handler that puts the contents of 12 different variables
>(each containing about 15,000 chars) into 12 different flds.  It takes
>25 seconds for the handler to run on my 6100 Mac running MetaCard 2.2.5
>If I take out the 12 lines of the above, the handler runs in less than 1
>second.  I've tried different fld properties but I can't speedup the
>"put var into fld myfield"  Anybody know any tricks to speed this up?
>(I know, I need a new computer)

Try  lock screen unlock screen before and after you put the variables into
the fields.

Regards, Andu

custom propertie

1999-09-17 Thread Andu

I want to know if other people using the latest alpha on MacOS cannot set a
custom property to an object(with NO custom properties) using the Custom
Properties control panel. I can do it with script or if the object has at
least one custom property set already (showing in the left field of the CP
window) but not otherwise. Don't have this problem with 2.2.5.

Regards, Andu

Re: custom propertie

1999-09-17 Thread Andu

>I want to know if other people using the latest alpha on MacOS cannot set a
>custom property to an object(with NO custom properties) using the Custom
>Properties control panel. I can do it with script or if the object has at
>least one custom property set already (showing in the left field of the CP
>window) but not otherwise. Don't have this problem with 2.2.5.
>Regards, Andu


Regards, Andu

  1   2   3   >