NATIVE_NEWS: Trent Lott wants broad investigation of the FBI

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Subject: Trent Lott wants broad investigation of the FBI
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 22:43:03 -0500
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Dear Peltier supporters,

Please address the following to your Senators and Congressional Reps along
with a short, personal note from yourself.  Please send it and fax it to
them right away.  Please cc copies to Janet Reno, the media and all other
relevant government officials and agencies. You might want to down load the
"statement of FAQ" from our website to send along with it.  Let's jump on
this while it's hot!!!  Thank you!


Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said that renewed congressional
inquiries into Waco should expand to other instances in which Justice
Department officials may have withheld information about government conduct.
“I think it’s going to have to be broader than just Waco itself,” said Lott,
a Mississippi Republican.  “There are a number of investigations that they
are basically either not doing or they have stiffed us on.  So we need to
find out what’s going on.”  ---AP press


Dear members of congress,

We are very encouraged that Senator Trent Lott recognizes the need for
congressional inquiries to expand beyond FBI misconduct in regard to Waco
and we agree that there have been numerous incidences and patterns of FBI
misconduct that have remained unanswered, uninvestigated, and unaccounted
for.  Meanwhile, victims of such continue to await justice and we, the
American public, are asking you to take immediate action.

We wish to bring to your attention to a particularly urgent and disturbing
example, that being the ongoing incarceration of Native American activist,
Leonard Peltier who has been in prison for some twenty-three years.  Mr.
Peltier, convicted for the shooting deaths of two FBI agents on the Pine
Ridge Reservation, has been declared a political prisoner by Amnesty
International who is demanding his immediate and unconditional release.

The pattern of FBI misconduct involved with the investigation, extradition
from Canada, and trial of Leonard Peltier is well documented.  Senior court
judges, members of congress, and human rights watch groups alike have
repeatedly admonished the FBI for their handling of the Peltier case.
However, no action by the justice department or congress has ever been taken
to remedy or hold the FBI accountable for their shocking abuse of power and
secrecy which has cost several Native Americans their lives , and has left
the life of Leonard Peltier in the balance.

 From the beginning, the FBI has withheld information that both documents
their misconduct and establishes Mr. Peltier’s innocence.  Today the FBI
continues this pattern by withholding 6000 documents relating to the Peltier
case for reasons of “National Security.”

.Mr. Leonard Peltier was extradited from Canada on the basis of an affidavit
signed by a Myrtle Poor Bear, a local Native American woman known to have
serious mental problems. She claimed to have been Mr. Peltier’s girl friend
at the time, and to have been present during the shoot out, and to have
witnessed the murders. In fact she did not know Mr. Peltier, nor was she
present at the time of the shooting. She later confessed she had given the
false statement after being pressured and terrorized by FBI agents.  A third
Poor Bear affidavit which had clearly contradicted the two used to extradite
Leonard Peltier had been withheld by the FBI.  Upon hearing this issue on
appeal, the 8th circuit court stated, “the use of the affidavits of Myrtle
Poor Bear in the extradition proceedings was, to say the least, a clear
abuse of the investigative process by the F.B.I.”  No action has ever been
taken to hold the FBI accountable for this illegal conduct.

Freedom of Information Act documents which were released, revealed that the
main evidence used to convict Mr. Peltier had in fact been manufactured and
exculpatory evidence relating to it, withheld.  On appeal, the 8th circuit
stated “there is a possibility that the jury would have acquitted Leonard
Peltier had the records and data improperly withheld from the defense been
available to him in order to better exploit and reinforce the
inconsistencies casting strong doubts upon the government's case.” Yet, the
appeal was denied and Mr. Peltier remains in prison.  (When faced with the
above, U.S. prosecutor, Lynn Crooks admitted and later established that they
could not prove who killed the agents.)

Prior to the shoot-out which led up to Mr. Peltier’s conviction, the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence had set forth an investigation into FBI
activities and misconduct on the Pine Ridge Reservation where the shoot out
took place.  But, after the two agents were killed this investigation was
brought to a halt and never reconvened.

Today we are asking that the U.S. congress include th

NATIVE_NEWS: FSU and racist mascot

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

posted via the NativeAmericanLaw list by  Mark Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Copyright 1998 Stuart News Company The Jupiter Courier (Jupiter, FL)
September 9, 1998, Wednesday SECTION: Community; Pg. A8 


BYLINE: Watterson Hyland & Klett The Law 

Our office has several conference rooms, and each has been named by our
reception staff, so we'll know in what room a client or visitor is
waiting. My favorite has been the Osceola room, in which hung a large
portrait of the famed Seminole leader. Sometimes I think of Osceola when
the firm takes on representations where the opposition has vast
resources to fight our claims and overwhelm our defenses, and we have
only a modest notion of justice but the courage to demand it. 

But, more often than not, visitors who saw the impressive portrait would
ask, "Did you guys go to Florida State?" Perhaps this shouldn't surprise
me so, as there seems to be so few people around today who were raised
in Florida, and less that care about its history lessons. I used to take
the time to tell a little of the Osceola story, but we recently moved
him to another spot in the office, away from the conference room area.
There now hangs a large watercolor of alligators basking in the

Maybe there's a chance that Floridians could come to know the story of
the Seminole tribe and its leader, if only this state's second public
university would cease the shameless exploitation of Native Americans by
the use of mascots, tokens, logos and chants. The "Seminoles" of Florida
State University are war-like savages, prone to violence, and frozen in
the romanticized historical period that ended over a century ago. 

The Florida American Indian Movement (AIM) has scheduled several
protests against Florida State. The organization claims that the Osceola
mascot and his portrayal of native people in stereotypical ways, mocks
their sacred things and dehumanizes them in front of roaring crowds. The
band's baton twirlers, dressed in their short and cute Indian girl
dresses, the groaning war chant and tomahawk chop, the whooping Indian
logo, are little more than racist stereotypic imagery that dehumanizes
Native Americans. 

Florida State picked "Seminoles" as its nickname in 1947. Because of the
pervasiveness and longevity involved with use of that nickname, it has
become institutionalized, and it has become very difficult for
university leaders to recognize discriminatory and racist practices for
what they are. AIM points out that few would fail to understand the
problem if some FSU fans painted their faces black, supposedly honoring
the contributions of African Americans to our culture and to their
football team. Native Americans argue that the sports team parodies of
their of their culture, history, and spirituality are just as racist and
outdated as Little Black Sambo. 

The Florida State University non-discrimination policy demands that all
students, faculty, and all other employees, are treated with dignity and
respect, and that racist assumptions, attitudes, acts or policies are
incompatible with the concept of responsible freedom. The university
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex,
religion or national origin. The policy prohibits actions that interfere
with the opportunity of a student to obtain an education, or which
create an intimidating or hostile work or educational environment. FSU
has incorporated this policy into its Student Code of Conduct, filed
with the Florida Department of Education. 

The Florida AIM claims that FSU has yet to graduate a single Seminole
Indian student. Not one. It claims that real Seminole students who have
enrolled in the past have left the school because of the alienation they
felt on campus, caused, in part, by the racist stereotypes promoted by
the university. The university administration, when contacted by a
research aide at our office, claimed one Seminole graduate, and promised
to provide the information later. The university was unable to provide
any further information specific to Seminole enrollment. 

Dartmouth, Marquette, Syracuse, Stanford, Oklahoma, St. John's, Illinois
and Bradley universities have all dropped Native American depictions
from their sports teams, or changed their school nicknames. Why not
Florida State? Stanford University, which changed its name from the
Indians to the Cardinals, and changed its logos, mascots, and game-day
culture, also developed an awareness of special needs of Native American
students, and saw its enrollment figures more than double in ten years
and the undergraduate retention rate increase to 90 percent while
national figures remain at around 50 percent. 

Florida State University is going to change its nickname one day. Then,
there won't be a dancing, prancing Osceola on the field, or on his
mythical horse, whooping and chopping. As a public institution of higher
education, that school in Tal

NATIVE_NEWS: Native Mother Demands Inquest

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 17:26:37 -0700
From: Tehaliwaskenhas-Bob Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Native Mother Demands Inquest
Mime-Version: 1.0
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"The soul wrenching pain is so hard, that at times you cannot even
move."...Nancy Dawson, September 15,1999

Son's Mysterious Death
Family Wants Further Investigation
Demands Immediate Independent Inquest
by Tehaliwaskenhas - Bob Kennedy

Nancy Dawson of the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Nation held a news conference at
the Mungo Martin Big House in Victoria, BC and demanded the Attorney
General order an immediate, independent coroner's inquest into the
mysterious death of her 29 year old son Anthany. He died while in police
custody. Police say he died of an apparent heart attack. Eyewitness reports
say police beat him and choked him.

For the details visit the following site...


Turtle Island Native Network
Your Aboriginal News and Information Network
on the Internet
Winner - 1999  Aboriginal Media Arts Award.

"Let's do it before we don't do it!"
Tehaliwaskenhas - G.R.(Bob) Kennedy
INFOCOM Management
1 - 1986 Glenidle Road, Sooke, BC  V0S 1N0
Phone: (250) 642-0277 Fax: (250) 642-0278

NATIVE_NEWS: ALERT:Massive Lewis+Clark logging project

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"Wild Rockies Alerts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


September, 1999:   Idaho's Clearwater National Forest (CNF) just released a
plan to log 75 million board-feet on 8,280 acres, within and adjacent to
the North Lochsa Slope Roadless Area.  This area contains the only
remaining roadless portion of the historic Lewis and Clark trail as well as
the proposed Lewis and Clark Wilderness Area.  Lewis and Clark journeyed
across the country in 1805, so the logging would be just in time for the
Lewis and Clark bicentennial celebrations happening around the region.
Comments are accepted on the North Lochsa Face Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) until October 8, 1999.  Let the CNF know that such a
massive logging project is inappropriate anytime on the fragile soils of
the Clearwater National Forest, but especially during the bicentennial.

The North Lochsa Face FEIS describes plans to:
*Commercially log 8,280 acres of land, an estimated 75 million board-feet.
The methods used will be approximately 50% skyline hauling, 25% tractor
hauling, and 25% helicopter logging.
*Precommercially thin an additional 1,290 acres.
*Log an additional 2,250 acres under the guise of "off-site species
conversion," which is clearcutting of ponderosa pine planted in the 1930's
which was originally obtained from an off-site location.
*Unspecified amounts of noxious weed control including manual pulling,
herbicide spraying, and the release of biocontrol agents (predatory
*600 acres of streamside tree plantings along Pete King and Fish Creeks.
*Allows motorized use in all current areas.

Send comments to:  Cynthia Lane, District Ranger, Lochsa Ranger District,
Rt. 1, Box 398, Kooskia ID  83539, by October 8, 1999.

Suggested comment points include:

*This sale is massive in size.  It is nearly as large as all Cove/Mallard
sales combined, which was until recently the largest timber sale in the
history of Region 1.It proposes to log nearly 8,000 acres of forest.
The Forest Service is supposed to be in a more enlightened era when the
health of watersheds comes first.  If this is so, why are they proposing
this abomination along the Lochsa Wild and Scenic River and scenic Highway
12 corridor, near Lewis and Clark's trail, during the Lewis and Clark
bicentennial years?

*The forest the sale would destroy is one of the final refuges in the
entire country for wilderness-dependent carnivores such as wolverine,
fisher, and possibly lynx.  There have been 4 sightings of wolverine in the
project area!  If the Forest Service values these rare species, it will not
obliterate their habitat.

*Numerous other threatened, endangered, and sensitive species reside in the
project area, and the extensive logging will destroy thousands of acres of
their prime habitat.  The species include bald eagle, black-backed
woodpecker, Coeur d'Alene salamander, fisher, flammulated owl, northern
goshawk, and more.

*The proposed logging is on the same type of steep slopes that failed so
dramatically in the landslides of 1995-1996.  Of course, these slopes will
carry similar landslide potential.

*Fish Creek is known as one of the most important steelhead spawning
grounds in the entire state of Idaho.  Most of the Fish Creek watershed is
proposed Wilderness, except for a small portion of its headwaters.  The
Forest Service plans to log 460 acres in this portion!  The logging (mostly
clearcuts) will cause sedimentation in Fish Creek which will damage the
spawning grounds.

*The Fish Creek roadless area is also famed for its elk herds.  Hunters
come from hours away to hunt the elk there.  Elk rely on a delicate balance
between forage ground and forest, and this sale will disrupt that.

*Releasing nonnative insects for biocontrol is very risky.  Many times this
has occurred, the insects switch host plants and end up eating native
vegetation, disrupting natural predator/prey relationships.  This plan to
release unnamed biocontrol insects in or adjacent to proposed wilderness is
dangerous and is contrary to the Wilderness Act.


Friends of the Clearwater
PO Box 9241
Moscow, ID  83843
(208) 882-9755


Idaho Conservation League, North Idaho Office
PO Box 9783
Moscow, ID  83843
(208) 882-1010

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Anna Mae's Family & Canadian Government

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:39:02 -0700
From: Tehaliwaskenhas-Bob Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Anna Mae's Family & Canadian Government
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The family of a Mi'kmaq woman murdered in the United States more than two
decades ago is asking the Canadian government for help. 

CBC Newsworld

Turtle Island Native Network
Your Aboriginal News and Information Network
on the Internet
Winner - 1999  Aboriginal Media Arts Award.

"Let's do it before we don't do it!"
Tehaliwaskenhas - G.R.(Bob) Kennedy
INFOCOM Management
1 - 1986 Glenidle Road, Sooke, BC  V0S 1N0
Phone: (250) 642-0277 Fax: (250) 642-0278

Thank you for the link, below is an 

Family of murdered native activist wants Ottawa's help WebPosted Thu Sep 16 16:44:16 

OTTAWA - The family of a Mi'kmaq woman murdered in the United States more than two 
decades ago is asking the Canadian government for help.

INDEPTH:Aboriginal Canadians

Anna Mae Aquash, a native of Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia, had become a well-known Indian 
activist when she was killed execution-style in 1975.

Her family says the man who pulled the trigger is living in Whitehorse, but no one has 
ever been charged.

Aquash was only 30 when she was shot in the back of the head in the American Midwest.

Thursday, in Ottawa, her daughter Denise made a tearful plea for Canadian pressure to 
finally resolve the case.

Aquash had helped AIM, the American Indian Movement, in the standoff at Wounded Knee, 
South Dakota, in 1973. Two years later, she was at the nearby Pine Ridge Reservation 
when two FBI agents were killed in a fight with members of AIM.

Aquash was arrested on weapons charges, but later released by a judge. Several months 
later her body was found in the Dakota Badlands.

Some people said the FBI wanted her dead, but her family says she was actually 
kidnapped, raped and killed by members of the Indian movement, because she knew too 
much about who killed the FBI agents. doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   

NATIVE_NEWS: Eddie Hatcher

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I apologize if this is a repost..Ish

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 18:15:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: ME Shaiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Eddie Hatcher
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Ish,
I am sending you the following article again. If you have already posted it,
please ignore ( I first sent about 1 1/2 weeks ago). It didn't come back to
me so I was not sure if you could open it as an attachment.

EDDIE HATCHER: Execution Date???

District Attorney Johnson Britt and the media of Robeson County, North
Carolina have already convicted Tuscarora Indian activist Eddie Hatcher and
called for his execution! Will you allow the white establishment to put
Eddie Hatcher to death?


On June 1, 1999, Indian activist Eddie Hatcher was surrounded at a busy
intersection by dozens of state and local agents and thrown to the pavement,
hand-cuffed and arrested. He was charged with First Degree Murder and other
weapons charges. Eddie was immediately taken to North Carolina's highest
security prison, Central Prison, and placed in maximum lockup next to death
Eddie says, "I had forgotten how much this state, this government hates me.
They are moving beyond all speed in this case. They are trying me for my
life. They are trying to put me on death row. And something about this case
really scares me."
Robeson County District Attorney Johnson Britt says Eddie Hatcher should be
put to death. The state seeks the death penalty because of Eddie's past
convictions - the takeover of The Robesonian newspaper offices.

EDDIE HATCHER: Former Political Prisoner
Eddie Hatcher is known worldwide for his action of February 1, 1988 when he
occupied the offices of The Robesonian newspaper in Lumberton, North
Carolina, in a desperate attempt to focus attention on corruption in Robeson
County. Eddie demanded that the government investigate local and state
officials' involvement in major drug trafficking; investigations into more
than two dozen unsolved murders, mostly Natives and Blacks; investigations
into the local judicial system; and investigations into the death of a young
African American, who died under suspicious circumstances in the Robeson
County jail
The takeover ended peacefully. One of the hostages, Bob Horne, former editor
of The Robesonian, walked out of the building with Eddie. "Somebody called
in and said they were going to gun them down... I went out with them to make
sure that didn't happen. That wouldn't have been right," says Horne.
Eddie became the first person prosecuted by the Federal Government under
Ronald Reagan's 1984 Anti-Terrorist Act. Between his arrest and his trial,
seven witnesses scheduled to offer testimony to support Eddie's allegations
of government drug trafficking were murdered or died under suspicious
After a three week trial in federal court, where Eddie was ordered, by Judge
T. Boyle,  to represent himself, the jury found Eddie not guilty on all
counts. They said he was justified in his actions. Six weeks later, in
December 1988, Eddie was re-indicted by the State of North Carolina for the
same charges he had been cleared of in federal court.
Eddie's attorneys, including William Kunstler, were removed from the
courtroom by Judge R. Farmer and again Eddie was forced to represent
On February 14, 1990, Eddie was sentenced to 18 years, with a projected
parole date of 1992. Still imprisoned in 1993, the National Council of
Churches declared Eddie Hatcher a political prisoner. They, along with
Amnesty International and many prominent people including Senators,
Congressmen, and movie stars, demanded Eddie's release from prison.
Eddie was forced to serve 7 years and was not released until May 1995, after
he was denied medical treatment by the prison for AIDS related pneumonia and
almost died. He was then held on house arrest and intensive parole for an
additional two years until 1997.
The documentary, "Takeover: The Trials of Eddie Hatcher," which was released
in 1998, details Eddie Hatcher's life and his long battle with a corrupt,
racist government. It has won countless awards across the country and has
been shown on PBS stations nationwide.

In 1998, after completing all paroles, Eddie returned to Robeson County and
again became very vocal in local politics, even contemplating running for
public office.
Now the District Attorney and the State of North Carolina say that Eddie
Hatcher drove down a dark country road, in a 5-speed truck, on a curve, and
shot through a house that sits more than 200 feet down a slope, and shot a
man right between the eyes with a high powered rifle. Eddie's right arm is
permanently disabled. He could have not done this. Yet, if the corrupt
courts of North Carolina continue as they have, Eddie will receive the death
Now Eddie sits in maximum lockup in Central Prison. He has re

NATIVE_NEWS: Editorial - 2nd request for Media Print - Upside down Flag Issue

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

From: "Sandra Matchen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
September 16, 1999 Round 2 with getting media support
for print

Ref: Editorial - or Guest Comment Editorial - Support for Lakota
expressing Civil Rights marching behind upside down American flag during
- Round two with the Media entities 591 words, 24 sentences, 2,972
characters - the opinion of the seven people who helped to compose it, as
well as many, many others.

Dear Editor,

Here in Colorado and elsewhere we have been following comments
denouncing, and trying to discredit AIM (American Indian Movement) as
un-patriotic and disrespectful to veterans for marching behind a upside
down US flag, during the recent "March for Justice" to
Mobridge, South Dakota and the many to White Clay, Nebraska. 

How many veterans who experienced battle, people who have killed to
protect others, or those who say they stand strong for Human and Civil
rights have responded to the Internally Recognized Distress Call, the SOS
Call of the upside down flag? 

My husband served 6-1/2 years in the Viet Nam war and was a Navy Seal
Captain. He and other Veterans, including Alfred Boneshirt, the Lakota
Veteran who carried the flag that day, are now asking whether people
think that they fought and died for freedom so those who returned could
reprimand citizens for expressing their Constitutional Right to
demonstrate? They say Absolutely Not!

Patriotic people can see that the Lakota supporters are saying Mobridge
is in denial of their acts of racism against our people. This
demonstration and the outrage happened in Mobridge because of the dual
standard of justice in regards to Lakota not being treated justly and
fairly in the South Dakota judicial system. The white teens accused of
participating in Robert "Boo" Many Horses' death, are walking
free on the streets of Mobridge, SD. while Lakota teens in Martin, SD,
are being denied bail and are locked away in the federal system, away
from their family and community, although no one died. Both tragedies
were caused by too much alcohol.

Lakota are saying people in Mobridge and in America are not protecting
us, as promised by the people of the United States of America in treaties
for legal payment of our land. If we were being protected as promised,
then the many Human and Civil injustices going on would not be occurring
against our people. Lakota people are located in and around the poorest
counties in the U.S. and our people are kept poor to force us off our
land so others, including government, churches, corporations and leasers,
can continue to exploit and abuse our people and take what little land
and resources we have left. 

Native networks received reports that many Mobridge people shouted racial
slurs and threw things at supporters, under the watchful eyes of their
officials and spiritual leaders. People there are saying that Mobridge
people make the people of White Clay, NE seem somewhat human in
comparison. Scary!

Families and friends of the Lakota have responded and offered support, so
have our true Lakota Spiritual Leaders and Native American communities.
Although there are hundreds of churches within accessible driving
distance to Mobridge, surprisingly, Reverend Jessie Jackson is the only
Christian Leader who took a stand and offered support to us in print , by
signing the "End Lakota Ethnic Cleansing" banner during the
presidential visit to Pine Ridge this Summer,

President Clinton also signed that banner but we figure he will say he
"didn t know what he was doing" as he has been very "hush,
hush" about the subject since. History tells our children that the
late American ancestor, Betsy Ross made the U.S. flag to represent a
pledge of Allegiance for Truth, Freedom, Justice and, Honor for all.
Would she be marching with us? 

Native Americans have become more tolerant of the many injustices
occurring against us. Not many years ago, some were burning the US flag
to get WORLD attention in the continuing attempt to plan and create
genocide for our people. 

In the Spirit of Justice, Respectfully, 


Sandra Matchen, Native American Advocate, Sicangu Lakota, Rosebud Sioux
Tribal Member P.O. Box 1150, Clifton, CO 81520-1150 970-241-4711

FYI: Veteran: Ray Matchen Jr., same address as above. Veteran Flag
Carrier: Alfred Boneshirt, P.O. Box 283, Mission, SD 57555,

cc: American Indian Movement, Camp Justice Leadership and supporters,
Lakota Student Alliance, Native American Prisoners Support Group, Native
American Rights Fund, American Indian Cultural Support, Friends for
Native American Communities, Reverend Jessie Jackson, Presidential
candidate John McCain, Walking Eagle Network members, Human, Civil and
Treaty rights groups & supporters, President Clinton, Bureau of
Indian Affairs. 

Please call the Editor of your local papers giving your support to
have this Editorial printed. Please distribute to Media and your

Please call the Editor of your local papers giving your support to
have thi

NATIVE_NEWS: Re: Michigan Commission on Indian Affairs

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Organization: The University of Michigan - Flint
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 17:17:48 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Subject: Re: Michigan Commission on Indian Affairs

Please print this petition and remove all e-mail references.  Sign your 
name and send the completed petition to:
North American Indian Association
22720 Plymouth Road
Detroit, Michigan  48239

I am a resident of the State of Michigan and I disagree with Governor 
John Engler's decisions to abolish the Michigan Commission on Indian 
Affairs.  MCIA should continue to operate and serve the American 
Indian community.  The MCIA was established by former Governor 
George Romney in order to respond to abuses and neglect of American 
Indian people within the State of Michigan.  Today MCIA fields 
hundreds of calls, makes referrals, publishes an important state-wide 
magazine, and informs the public about state and federal legislation.  
The MCIA also addresses critical cultural issues and advocates for both 
urban and reservation Indians.  The Governor proposes that the 
Michigan Department of Civil Rights handles a few of the programs but 
neglects to address even the majority of the 50 programs that the MCIA 
currently runs.  American Indian people will suffer because their needs 
will not be met under Engler's proposed change.  Furthermore, to date, 
only one American Indian has ever been appointed to the Department 
of Civil Rights and she served in 1991. 




Lansing Capital Steps
October 12, 1999
9:30 a.m. until Noon

The injustices of the past are history, the injustices of today are our stand up and shine light on the shadows: let our 
voices be heard.

Protest Engler's Blatant Attack on Michigan Indians

Tell everyone you know to come and support Michigan Indians.

For more information attend planning meetings every Wednesday 
evening before rally date from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the North American 
Indian Association of Detroit

or contact Anita @ 248-852-8387 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

NATIVE_NEWS: re Dudley George ARMED & DANGEROUS: SWAT teams in Ontario Saturday Night Magazine (April 1998) David Pugliese (Part One)

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:39:11 -0400
From: Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re Dudley George   ARMED & DANGEROUS: SWAT teams in Ontario 
   Saturday Night Magazine (April 1998) David Pugliese (Part One)
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Saturday Night Magazine  April 1998
David Pugliese  pp. 40-49, 81-82

COVER:  Armed and Dangerous Bernard Bastien was killed in his front yard by a SWAT 
team with the wrong address. They were looking for his suicidal neighbour. They shot 
him too. Tactical squads are doing routine police work now, and the victims are piling 


p. 40

It was hot and humid on the night of August 14, 1988 when Debbie Bastien rolled over 
in bed and got up to answer the phone. She wondered who could be calling at 5am. It 
was her mother-in-law, Evelyn, whose house was next door to the Bastien's brick 
bungalow in a rural community near Windsor, Ontario.  She told Debbie she had seen 
prowlers outside. Evelyn was scared; in the last few years, a man dubbed the 
Colchester rapist by the media, had been preying on elderly women, and he was still on 
the loose; there had also been a couple of break-ins lately in the neighbourhood.

Debbie woke up her husband, Bernard, who had fallen asleep on the couch watching 
television. A 34 year old autoworker, Bernard had been his mother's right hand since 
the recent death of his father. He decided to go outside and see what was happening. 
"Bern, better grab your fun," Debbie said, almost as an afterthought. "You don't know 
the kind of idiots that are out there. The Colchester rapist hasn't been caught." 
Bastien took a shotgun from a case in the family room, loaded it with one shell, and 
both he and his wife went out onto the front porch. Bernard saw shadowy figures moving 
in the night, and stepped down onto the front lawn.

"Hold on or I'll blow you away," someone barked from the darkness. "Bob, it's the 
police," yelled another voice. "Put down your weapon. You don't want to hurt anybody 
and neither do wel."

The men in the shadows were members of an Ontario Provincial SWAT team - known as the 
Tactics and Rescue Unit (TRU). They had been called in from London, some 170 km. away, 
and were now hunkered down in the ditch, or hiding behind a police van parked on the 
road, with their machine guns trained on Bastien.  But they had the wrong man. They 
thought they were aiming at BOB JARIETT, a 19 year old who had threatened to kill 
himself and whom they'd been searching for in the area.

Wearing camouflage, their faces blackened, the officers wore no visible police 
identification. Bastien strained to see who was out there. "Get out of here," he 
yelled. His mother's beagle, Buster, who was tied up in the yard, started barking at 
the intruders.

Meanwhile Debbie Bastien had run back inside and called the police. She pleaded 
withthe local dispatcher to send help. She said her husband had gone outside with a 
shotgun and there were strange men on their property. "The guy is hollering, 'Put the 
gun down,' that they're going to shoot him, that they're cops," Debbie told the 
dispatcher. "But I couldn't see a cop doing that."

The dispatcher relayed the message to an OPP constable involved in the Jariett search, 
but just as he was about to pass it on to the tactical squad, the unit switched its 
radios over to a channel only they had access to. Debbie went back to the front porch 
and eylled at her husband. "Bern, I've called the police. They're on the way. Get back 
in the house."

p. 42  <>

Her husband turned and looked at her but didn't move. She would say later that he 
appear frozen with fear.

A tactical officer fired two flares into the sky. As they floated back down down on 
parachutes, they cast a pale light over the Bastien property. Some of the officers, 
who had seen photos of Jariett before heading out, would later say they couldn't make 
out any details of the man standing before them. Others, who had been told that 
Jariett was wearing a long green coat, would admit they could see the fitgure on the 
lawn was clad only white shorts. As the flares descended, the officers continued to 
yell out to "Bobby."

A few tactical-squad members, including Constable Robert Fleming, circled around to 
cut off any potential escape routes. As Fleming moved into position a light went on in 
Evelyn's. Bastien turned and started walking toward his mother's place, his pace 
quickening somewhat. At that point an officer turned on a floodlight and police could 
see Bastien trotting towards Fleming. Again, it didn't register with the officers that 
the six foot tall autoworker looked nothing like the photos they had seen of the 
scrawny, five foot seven inch Jariett.

At about the same time Evelyn's dog tried to snap at one of the squad members who 
moving up behind Fleming. The officer aimed his assault rifle at 

NATIVE_NEWS: [DOEWatch] Additional Fluorine Effects

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



DENTAL FLUOROSIS is a diffuse symmetric hypomineralization (irregular 
calcification) disorder of ameloblasts (enamel-forming cells). Fuorosis is 
irreversible and only occurs with exposure to fluoride when enamel is 

•the secondary incisor teeth start forming as a baby (3-6 months old);
•molars are developed at six to eight years of age; and,
•wisdom teeth are formed by 12 years of age.

Instead of being a normal creamy-white translucent color, fluorosed enamel is 
porous (objectionable secondary staining often occurs) and opaque; teeth can 
resemble a ghastly-white chalk color (light refractivity is greatly reduced 
because the enamel’s prism structure is defective). Cloudy striated (lines of 
demarcation) enamel, white specks or blotches, "snow-capping", 
yellowish-brown spots, or brown pits on teeth are all characteristic of 
fluorosis. In its more severe form, fluorosed enamel is structurally weak 
(brittle) and prone to erosion and breakage, especially when drilled and 
filled. Even in the milder forms, there is increased enamel attrition. 
Fluorotic lesions are not just confined to enamel, but can be seen by 
microscope in dentin as well (dentin is the calcareous tissue beneath 
enamel). Because fluoride is a powerful bone and tooth seeking element, it 
also deposits bone or bone-like material externally on the roots of teeth, 
and internally in the tooth’s pulp chamber; the calcified material narrows 
the pulp chamber, and thereby interferes with tooth nutrition. The reigning 
paradigm in public health and dental circles has been to dismiss the 
significance of dental fluorosis by labelling it a cosmetic effect. However, 
fluorosis is a toxic manifestation of chronic (low-dose, long-term) fluoride 
intake. In other words, fluorosis means fluoride poisoning (see Webster's 
dictionary). Just as a blue-black line appearing on gums signifies chronic 
lead poisoning, fluorosis is the first visible sign that the whole body has 
been poisoned by too much fluoride. To prevent fluorosis from occurring in 
the ten or so most prominent and/or most susceptible teeth, the most critical 
time to avoid fluoride exposure is the first 3 to 6 years of a child’s life. 
See flteeth.htm for peer-reviewed abstracts.


SKELETAL FLUOROSIS is an abnormal increase in bone density.

"Endemic skeletal fluorosis is a chronic metabolic bone and joint disease 
caused by ingesting large amounts of fluoride either through water or rarely 
from foods of endemic areas. Fluoride is a cumulative toxin which can alter 
accretion and resorption of bone tissue. It also affects the homeostasis of 
bone mineral metabolism. The total quantity of ingested fluoride is the 
single most important factor which determines the clinical course of the 
disease which is characterized by immobilization of joints of the axial 
skeleton and of the major joints of the extremities. A combination of 
osteosclerosis, osteomalacia and osteoporosis of varying degrees as well as 
exostosis formation characterizes the bone lesions. In a proportion of cases 
secondary hyperparathyroidism is observed with associated characteristic bone 
changes. Contrary to earlier thinking, severe crippling forms of skeletal 
fluorosis are seen in paediatric age group too. Increased metabolic turnover 
of the bone, impaired bone collagen synthesis and increased avidity for 
calcium are features in fluoride toxicity. Osteosclerotic picture is evident 
when small doses of fluoride are ingested over a long period of time during 
which calcium intakes are apparently normal while osteoporotic forms are 
common in paediatric age group and with higher body load of the element. 
Alterations in hormones concerned with bone mineral metabolism are seen in 
fluorosis. Kidney is the primary organ of excretion for fluorides. Age, sex, 
calcium intake in the diet, dose and duration of fluoride intake and renal 
efficiency in fluoride handling are the factors which influence the outcome. 
Serum parameters rarely help in the diagnosis. Elevated urinary fluoride and 
increased bone fluoride content are indicators of fluoride toxicity. 
Fluorosis is a preventable crippling disease. No effective therapeutic agent 
is available which can cure fluorosis. Industrial fluorosis is on the 
increase on a global basis. Bone density measurement is a tool for early 
Source: Krishnamachari KA, Skeletal fluorosis in humans: a review of recent 
progress in the understanding of the disease, Prog Food Nutr Sci, 1986, 10 
(3-4): 279-314

Reprinted under the Fair Use

NATIVE_NEWS: First Nations Summit supports Westbank

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
via Sovernet-L
Vancouver Sun
September 16 1999
Native defiance in the woods pressures B.C. to take action

The Westbank chief storms out of a meeting with the forests minister as
another band threatens to cut trees in a provincial park.

Kim Pemberton and Gordon Hamilton Vancouver Sun

Two native Indian groups plan to begin logging immediately, one on Crown
land and the other in a provincial park, in acts of open defiance expected
to force the provincial government to take action on two fronts.

Logging by the Westbank Tribal Nation will begin in the Okanagan today after
Chief Ron Derrickson stormed out of a meeting with the forests minister
Wednesday, saying the provincial government is trying to provoke a
confrontation with aboriginals.

"Our crews are back logging," said Derrickson. "It's our land and we're
taking possession. We have no choice. We're going to occupy it, use it and
enjoy it."

And the Ulkatcho Indians of Anahim Lake say they intend to log mountain pine
beetle-infested timber in Tweedsmuir Park, claiming the government and the
forest industry are taking the wrong approach in an effort to battle the
beetle threat to forests in west-central B.C.

Environment Minister Joan Sawicki has ruled out logging in the park.
Environment ministry representative Alex Dabrowsky said it is hard to
respond to the native concerns until the ministry has heard something
concrete from them. But in the meantime, he said, parks staff are to contact
affected Indian bands on the issue.

Logging by the Westbank Tribal Nation in Hidden Creek had been temporarily
halted Wednesday in anticipation of the meeting between Derrickson, Forests
Minister Dave Zirnhelt and National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations
Phil Fontaine to try and reach a resolution in a dispute over harvesting
rights that has been simmering for months.

The Westbank Tribal Nation began logging Sept. 7 without provincial
approvals on land they claim is on their traditional territory. The ministry
of forests had issued a stop-work order last Friday and is currently in the
process of preparing to go to court for an injunction.

Zirnhelt said the provincial government is not trying to provoke a
confrontation and is in fact trying to "keep cool" about the situation.

He wouldn't say what options the ministry will take next to deal with
Westbank's decision to continue logging, but he noted action will be taken.

"We don't want to see confrontation. I intend to treat this with respect,
but we do have laws of this province we have to uphold," he said.

The issue was pushed to the forefront Wednesday when more than 100 native
leaders, in North Vancouver for the B.C. First Nations Summit this week,
attended the meeting with the minister to provide support to the Westbank
Tribal Nation. Earlier in the day, a resolution passed unanimously at the
summit stating the 51 B.C. First Nations of the summit fully support the
Westbank Nation in exercising what they say are their aboriginal and
common-law rights to harvest the forests within their traditional

They also resolved to support all First Nations who exercise what they say
are their aboriginal rights and title in B.C.

Okanagan Chief Dan Wilson, who also walked out of the meeting with Zirnhelt,
said he expects logging on their traditional territory will begin shortly
once the Okanagan Nation provides his band with a cutting permit.

"We have always bent over backwards to get along in the country and our
patience is becoming thin," said Wilson.

Both he and Derrickson said they left the meeting because they were insulted
by the tone of discussions.

"They're giving us the usual bulls- - - rhetoric. There's nothing new. He
[Zirnhelt] gave us a speech about the laws and then he started to make
insulting comments about Westbank bidding for timber. Why would we bid for
our own timber?" said Derrickson.

Asked about an earlier offer by the Penticton band to provide 50 people to
provide security to Westbank to ensure logging can take place, Derrickson
said he hoped he wouldn't have to request that help.

"I don't have much stomach for the rough stuff. But if you don't know how to
play the game, you better not get into it," he said.

Penticton Chief Stewart Phillip, who is also the president of the Union of
B.C. Indian Chiefs -- which opposes the current B.C. treaty process -- said
he is prepared to stand by the earlier offer to provide security whenever
Derrickson requests that help.

"In the event we're called out, God knows what will happen," said Phillip.
"I expect this situation will escalate very quickly."

Zirnhelt said he felt it was unrealistic for some at Wednesday's meeting to
expect that he would transfer timber resources to aboriginal groups with a
stroke of the pen. He noted there is a treaty process in place in B.C. and
there government is prepared to negotiate resource issues at that table.

Ulkatcho represent

NATIVE_NEWS: FW: A Tale of a Community College

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > -Original Message-
 > From:Craven, Jim 
 > Sent:Wednesday, September 15, 1999 6:06 PM
 > To:  Campus Master List
 > Subject: A Tale of a Community College
 > Here is a true tale about an Indian community college; it shall remain
 > nameless as it doesn't matter and sadly it is not atypical from that found
 > on many Indian reservations in America and reserves in Canada.
 > This community college was visited by an accreditation team and passed.
 > The accreditation team visited, surveyed and made some suggestions but
 > essentially gave it a clear pass. They were shown around the school and
 > reservation, but there was a whole other reality--sub rosa--they were
 > never shown and didn't do much to look for.
 > For example, the accreditation team missed the fact that the President and
 > her husband, a faculty member, plus other family members also on staff or
 > faculty, were running up travel bills amounting to $73,000 per year for
 > one person and close to that amount for others individually. They were
 > going to "conferences" in Stockholm, Paris, Hawaii. Recently, the
 > bookkeeper of that College quit out of disgust and out of fear of a
 > federal investigation. The key computer person of that college, with
 > access to all the records, and herself trained in law and who had tried to
 > leak some sensitive information out of the college, was recently found
 > dead in a highly suspicious car wreck that several insiders are calling
 > murder.
 > The accreditation team missed the fact that for over three years, planning
 > and funding had been in place to put in a T-1 line and to hook up the
 > college to internet (especially critical since the library at the college
 > is abysmal) but that college still remains not hooked up due to the
 > squandering of designated funds and a now former dean who was a chronic
 > and lazy alcoholic and coke-head.
 > The accreditation team missed the fact that on the Board of Trustees, all
 > but one were trusted insiders put and kept on the Board through insider
 > processes by other trusted insiders of a corrupt Tribal Council and
 > several prominent and corrupt families; those Board members acted as a
 > rubber stamp for anything the College administration wanted to do.
 > The accreditation team missed the fact that several of the faculty members
 > had been hired through insider and family connections, had no teaching
 > experience, had embellished or falsified credentials, or no credentials,
 > and were nonetheless in critical positions and caused critical damages
 > vis-a-vis  critical and foundational subjects not being properly taught by
 > those with proper qualifications.
 > The accreditation team missed the fact that large amounts of funds
 > designated for capital expenditures had been diverted into travel and to
 > cover deficits in non-capital accounts such that critical capital
 > construction was put off and when a pending audit was coming down, faculty
 > and staff were pressured to surrender 10% of their monthly salaries in an
 > attempt to cover the illicitly diverted funds.
 > The accreditation team missed the fact that "honors graduates" of this
 > college were being admitted to surrounding colleges and universities and
 > were being found horribly deficient in the most basic skills and knowledge
 > necessary for any beginning freshman or sophomore to have any chance of
 > success; the non-honors graduates were even in worse shape, and the
 > graduates of the college, percentage-wise, were small in relation to total
 > enrollees and potential graduates. 
 > They missed diversions of Pell Grant and Workforce/Worker Retraining
 > funds--to cover shortages in other accounts-- desperately needed by poor
 > students on limited time and money allotments of training.( Some students
 > getting checks for $4.95 after normally getting checks around $80 to $160)
 > And when these and other matters are investigated, as they will be some
 > time, there will be even more damages as the college is turned upside down
 > with possibly excellent faculty and staff lost--along with hopefully the
 > corrupt ones.
 > In all of this and in much much more missed by the accreditation team,
 > this college and its students were given no favor by being given a pass.
 > No doubt, some of the acccreditation team members with genuine sympathies
 > for the plight of Indians and the pressures/constraints of an Indian
 > community college, were motivated out of a desire not to be too harsh and
 > to give the college a chance to improve. But out of this accreditation
 > visit, and all that was hidden or missed, many opportunity costs ( lost
 > potential returns of lost or foregone opportunities) occurred and are
 > mounting. This college, and its precious young--and older--students, the
 > only hope for a Tribe on the verge of extinction--in te

NATIVE_NEWS: vfhextra

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

X-Originating-IP: []
From: "Jake Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


September 9th.  The View From the Cornfield.

It is with a heavy, heavy heart, and with a growing sense of outrage that I 
must report to you that Paulines cornfield has been raided yet again.
As soon as the news reached us, I jumped in the SNN (Sheepherder News Network) 
Mobile Unit ( a fully loaded 99 Suburban Deluxe with a totally cool camouflage paint 
job)( and if you believed that, then you'd believe an HTC press release) and headed 
straight to the scene of the crime. By the time I got there the thugs had already left.
Let me recap, and place all this in context. Paulines cornfield is way out in 
the middle of nowhere, miles from witnesses or help. 2 large men (and I use the word 
men very loosely), employees of the U.S. Government, with firearms in their truck if 
not on their person, invaded the camp of Paulines female helpers, and systematically 
began harassing the women and children, taking dozens of photos.
The first time they came (august 18) they desecrated a very sacred female 
ceremony, the collecting of the corn pollen. This was rightly felt by Pauline to be a 
case of sexual harassment. As she says, when men repeatedly invade a female camp, bad 
things must follow. That they come again and repeat their obnoxious behaviour makes it 
obvious that they have absolutely no respect for women, or for U.S sexual harassment 
law, or for even basic human rights. When one enters a Hopi village one sees huge 
signs demanding that visitors do not take pictures or in any other way interfere with 
the inhabitants. Yet they feel it perfectly OK to harass elderly women and children 
way out in the middle of nowhere. Oh how proud their mommas must be of them.
And what is the logic of their behaviour? It seems that a single tent, with an 
outhouse and a cooking fire somehow constitutes a "permanent structure". When I hear 
the words "permanent structure" I think of the Pyramids, or the World Trade Centre, or 
some such structure. I feel somewhat honored, as it was I who helped build the 
outhouse in question, and let me tell you, a carpenter I ain't. That they would 
consider my humble attempt to provide shelter from the weather for one of lifes 
necessary activities a "permanent structure" is flattering. To the long list of crimes 
being perpetrated here at Big Mountain, must now be added " possession of an 
outhouse". And of course, in the middle of one of the wettest summers on record, a 
cooking fire is also illegal. There is an elegance to their logic though. If an 
outhouse is illegal, and to take a shit in the open is illegal, then the only way to 
prevent such crimes is to make it illegal to eat, therefore cookfires must also be 
Surely, somewhere out there is a Radical Feminist Lawyer, with experience of 
leading-edge sexual harassment lawsuits that would be very interested in what is 
happening here? Surely it would be a very simple procedure to slap an injunction on 
the Hopi BIA so that if they felt it absolutely necessary to continue to harass these 
old women and children that they at least keep the thugs in their cage and send female 
There is little harassment of men here, when there are men around the 
armed hooligans run away. What is going on is the worst kind of sexual harassment. To 
repeat the last sentence of VFH6, "where are the men?". They seem few and far 
between boys there are aplenty. sitting around in groups talking about how 
"cool" it would be to make yet another video, how "radical" it would be to put 
together yet another newsletter. In the meantime the grandmothers ask for help to 
protect the cornfield, to chop wood to stay warm through the impending winter, and 
no-one is to be seen. I am angry right now, so please excuse if these words seem 
critical, but I simply do not understand. Each one of these women and children are my 
relatives and friends, and  I am feeling very much alone.
DEFENSELESS WOMEN AND CHILDREN WITH IMPUNITY. Who cares? If y'all are going to wait 
till the Feb 1st deadline to come and help, don't be surprised if its all over.

With sadness and anger

For all my relations

reachable via [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. September 10th
Today a Hopi Ranger (The Men in Black) delivered an "official" notice for the 
camp to be abandoned. For those of you that are only recently becoming familiar with 
the situation here, let me give you a little history. For over 30 years Pauline, and 
the other resistors have been forbidden from repairing their homes, or building new 
ones. As their children have grown and started families of their own there is 
therefore nowhere for them to live, therefore they have to mov

NATIVE_NEWS: viewfromthehogan

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

X-Originating-IP: []
From: "Jake Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

View From The Hogan 6   September 1999  136 days till the final 

Notes from Big Mountain

It seems I am suffering from a bout of verbal diarreah this month, and View 
From The Hogan is a little longer than usual. Might I respectfully suggest (if you 
don't already do it) that you print it out and read it later, away from this infernal 

As well as the "raid" on Paulines cornfield, we hear that my Grandma, Rena, is 
being threatened and intimidated. We hear also that the cows of one non-signing family 
have been snatched. Summer recess is over, Warmakers minions are back in the saddle 
with the daily grind of low-intensity warfare and siege tactics. The attack on Rena is 
grossly disturbing. I know the land she herds her sheep on, I have walked it every day 
for many, many, moons. The Hopi Tribal Council do not graze any of their animals 
there. The land has not been grazed by any animals for many years. This is not good 
for the health of the land as any Range-Management expert will tell you. By taking her 
animals across the fence to another "grazing district" her animals are doing the lands 
"owners" a favor. To continue to claim that the harassment of these grandmas is to 
protect the land is blatantly, and verifyably untrue. By the way, the fence Rena and 
her animals crossed was not between HPL & NPL, but between !
zing districts" of the HPL. As more details came in about the raid on Paulines 
cornfield, I was aghast ( a word I've longed to use) at the depth of the disrespect 
perpetrated. Bahe has , as usual, done an excellent job of translating Paulines 
statement about the incident. If you haven't read it, and I would highly reccomend you 
do, let me know and I'll pass it on.

A recent visitor to the land made the following comment: " I think what's 
going on here is criminal." Those eight words contain volumes of truth. Let's begin 
with International Law, because there is such a thing, though currently the biggest 
"outlaw" on the world stage is the U.S. of A. What follows is by no means a complete 
list of laws that are, or have been, broken here at Big Mountain, but I would urge you 
to find copies of them yourselves and draw your own conclusions.
Article II (c) & (e). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 
of Genocide.
Articles 21 (2) and 22 (5) of the American Convention on Human Rights.
Principles I, II, III, &V of the Helsinki Final Act.
Paragraph 6 of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial 
Countries & Peoples.
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 12 of the American Convention on Human Rights.
Principle 7 of the Helsinki Final Act.
Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Article I of the International Covenant on Economic, Socail, & Cultural Rights.
Article I of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights
Principle I of the Helsinki Final Act
Paragraph I of the General Assembly Resolution 1803 (XXII) Concerning 
Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources.
Paragraph 2 of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial 
Countries & Peoples.

And then of course, there are the Treaties. Is there anyone out there who does 
not know that of the many hundreds of treaties made between the U.S. and the 
inhabitants of this continent, not a single one has been honored? Co-signors of such 
treaties as GATT and NAFTA would be naive in the extreme to believe that the US will 
honor them if they become inconvenient.

Then there is Domestic, Federal, and Constitutional law. Check out:
U.S. Constitution, Amendments I, IV,VI,XIV, and XV.
Native American Religious Freedom Act
Native American Graves Protection Act.

I'm not even going to touch the many Environmental Laws that are broken here 
with impunity.

If any of you are familiar with U.S. Contract Law, check out the Accommodation 
Agreement. I'm not a lawyer, but I recognize a good joke when I see one.

But, to be fair, I must also report on the other side of the coin.
With my very own eyes I have seen "illegal" and "undocumented" sheep grazing.
With my very own eyes I have seen roofs, hogans, & corrals be built and 
repaired, "without permission".
With my very own eyes I have seen firewood collected "without permission".
With my very own eyes I have seen elderly women "trespassing" on land composed 
of their ancestors bones.
There are those that live in some of the large cities that take a perverse 
pleasure in claiming to be the "Crime Capital" of the country. Hah! There is more 
crime here "per capita" than anywhere I know.

NATIVE_NEWS: Food War Claims Its Casualties - High-Tech Crop Fight Victimizes Farmers

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

It is truly ironic that in order to have a say in one's own country, it is necessary 
to go overseas to have an effect.  US based transnational corporations are deaf.

Activist Mailing List -

From: 091299-idx.html

Food War Claims Its Casualties 
High-Tech Crop Fight Victimizes Farmers 
By Rick Weiss 
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Sunday, September 12, 1999; Page A01 

As the crucial fall harvest season approaches, many U.S. farmers and other 
agricultural workers are in a near panic because of escalating uncertainty over 
genetically engineered crops.

Farmers planted millions of acres of the high-tech crops this year. But foreign buyers 
are rejecting them in droves, despite aggressive U.S. marketing efforts and assurances 
of their safety.

In the past month alone, Japan's two biggest breweries and a major Mexican corn 
tortilla maker said they would no longer use U.S. gene- altered corn in their 
products, adding to troubles caused by the European Union's previous large-scale 
rejection of such crops.

Even Iams Co., the Ohio-based pet food maker, recently told its grain suppliers it 
would no longer accept genetically engineered corn for use in its premium dog and cat 
chows unless the corn varieties were among the few approved by the European Union.

Twelve days ago those developments hit home for many farmers, when Archer Daniels 
Midland (ADM), the big Illinois-based buyer and exporter of farm commodities, made the 
ominous recommendation that U.S. farmers segregate their gene-altered and non-altered 
crops at harvest because of heightened demand for conventional varieties both 
domestically and abroad.

The announcement left many farmers feeling angry and betrayed.

"American farmers planted [gene-altered crops] in good faith, with the belief that the 
product is safe and that they would be rewarded for their efforts," the American Corn 
Growers Association said in a statement last week. "Instead they find themselves 
misled by multinational seed and chemical companies and other commodity associations 
who only encouraged them to plant increased acres of [these crops] without any warning 
to farmers of the dangers associated with planting a crop that didn't have consumer 

More than 40 genetically modified crops have been given the green light by U.S. 
regulators as safe to eat and environmentally friendly. And most farmers express 
satisfaction with the varieties. The crops contain genes from bacteria and viruses to 
make them resistant to insects and weed killers, promising farmers a better deal.

Agricultural biotechnology companies promoted the gene-altered varieties heavily 
during the past two years, and farmers planted them in record numbers this year. But a 
wave of consumer distrust that started in England two years ago has swept around the 
globe and in recent months has shown signs of taking hold in the United States -- 
especially since the widely reported discovery this summer that pollen from corn 
engineered to produce an insecticide could kill Monarch butterflies.

The result has been an unexpected twist: Many farmers who did not plant the new 
varieties are resting easier than their progressive counterparts because much of the 
world is clamoring for their ordinary harvest. Some of these farmers are even being 
promised they'll be paid a premium for their old-fashioned corn and soybeans.

The reverse economics, in which farmers who paid premium prices for high-tech seeds 
are being shunned and may have to sell their harvest at a discount, is cultivating a 
high level of frustration.

"I've been in this business for 30 years and this indecision about genetically 
engineered seeds and what the future holds for farmers is the worst I've seen," said 
Chuck Simmons, president of Bio-Plant Research in Camp Point, Ill., a marketer of 
gene-altered soy and other seeds. "This is the Y2K of agriculture."

Until recently, the debate over gene-altered food had its impact almost entirely on 
Washington agencies and big-city corporate offices.

Under pressure from foreign buyers, for example, Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman 
this summer called for an independent assessment of whether the U.S. biotech crop 
approval process is adequate. The National Academy of Sciences is preparing a report 
on the environmental implications of the new crops. And the American Medical 
Association said last week it would revisit and rewrite its nine-year-old 
unflinchingly positive policy statement on the safety of biotech foods.

This summer, however, the issue started to affect biotechnology companies directly. 
Sales abroad came to a near halt. And mimicking the protests that last year paralyzed 
biotech agriculture in Europe, U.S. activists started uprooting fields of gene-altered 
plants during midnight raids on company test plots in California, Maine and Minne

NATIVE_NEWS: Expansion Of Medicine Wheel Site Suggested

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: Pat Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Expansion of Medicine
  Wheel site suggested
  Gazette Wyoming Bureau 
LOVELL, Wyo. - A new study of traditional Native American use of the Medicine Wheel 
National Historic Landmark in the Bighorn Mountains concludes that for American 
Indians, the site's cultural values extend far beyond the ancient stone structure to 
envelop the entire "spiritual landscape" of Medicine Mountain.

The study, in the form of a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, 
recommends expanding the current 110-acre National Historic Landmark to 15,230 acres 
of the Bighorn National Forest. The increased acreage would take in many associated 
archaeological sites such as traditional campsites, trails and medicinal plant 
gathering sites.

"The Medicine Wheel itself is not the main event up there, the main event is the 
landscape if you're a Native American," said archaeologist Fred Chapman of the Wyoming 
State Historic Preservation Office and an author of the nomination. "There's nothing 
else really like this in the West in terms of a concentration of archaeological sites 
and continuing traditional uses."

Expanding the boundaries of the National Historic Landmark would recognize the 
importance of those sites without imposing any restrictions on land use not already 
spelled out in a Historic Preservation Plan signed by state, local, federal and tribal 
groups in 1996, Chapman said.

But the proposed boundary expansion is already generating criticism in Lovell, where 
residents fear it will limit their access to national forest lands long used for 
grazing, logging and recreation.

"I think it's a crime against everyone who lives in the area to try to set aside 
15,000 acres for the Medicine Wheel when we've gotten along with 100-plus acres for 
all this time," said Cal Taggart, who while mayor of Lovell in the late 1960s pushed 
for designation of the original 110-acre National Historic Landmark including the 
Medicine Wheel.

"They're distorting what this site is all about by saying it's just a sacred site for 
the Indians," he said. "I don't care if the Indians pray up there or anyone prays up 
there, but I don't think it ought to be set aside for any group, whether it's Mormons 
or Baptists or Lutherans or anything else."

Although the origin of the Medicine Wheel remains a mystery, many Native American 
tribes consider the wagon-wheel-shaped stone structure on a windswept ridge below the 
peak of Medicine Mountain to be a sacred site. Debate over proposals to improve the 
site with additional visitor facilities finally led to the 1996 Historic Preservation 
Plan, under which the Forest Service must consult local and state agencies and tribal 
groups on any plans for logging or other development within a 23,000-acre "viewshed" 
surrounding the Medicine Wheel.

Wyoming Sawmills of Sheridan earlier this year sued the Forest Service, arguing that 
the Historic Preservation Plan has hampered logging opportunities on lands long 
designated for multiple use. The lawsuit is still pending.

The Historic Preservation Plan also called for revising the Medicine Wheel's 
nomination to the National Register of Historic Sites based on a comprehensive survey 
of traditional Native American use of the site - called an "ethnographic survey."

The results of that survey make up the bulk of the 100-page nomination completed by 
Chapman, anthropologist James Boggs of Missoula, Mont., and Robert G. York of the 
Northern Mariana Islands Museum of History and Culture in Saipan. They say that 
archaeological evidence and their many interviews with tribal members and local 
residents document longstanding Native American use of the Medicine Wheel and Medicine 

The authors are now soliciting comments from the parties to the Historic Preservation 
Plan and the public and will then submit a final version of the nomination to the 
Forest Service. It will then be up to the Forest Service to submit the nomination to 
the National Park Service, which maintains the National Register of Historic Places.

Copies of the document are available from the Forest Service, although the locations 
of archaeological sites and the names of Native Americans quoted are blacked out.

A public meeting to discuss the nomination is scheduled for 7 p.m. tonight at the Big 
Horn County Annex in Lovell.

"Contemporary traditional Native Americans generally venerate the Medicine Wheel 
because it embodies uniquely important and powerful spiritual principles that figure 
prominently in tribal, family and band-specific oral and ceremonial traditions," the 
nomination says. "To many Native Americans, Medicine Mountain as a whole constitutes a 
highly differentiated and complex sacred geography."

While the Medicine Wheel itself is the most visible sign of ceremonial use of the area 
and is the prime attraction for the 15,000 or 

NATIVE_NEWS: [aim] Salmon School Will Abandon Mascot

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This effort to eliminate the "Savages" mascot was spear headed by Cindy Bloom of 
Midwest Soarring..

From: Pat Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  September 16, 1999 
Salmon schools will abandon Savages mascot

Associated Press -

SALMON, Idaho _ The Salmon School Board has decided to change the Salmon Savages' 
Indian mascot after being told by attorneys that fighting a lawsuit being threatened 
by a national coalition would cost more than $100,000.

The National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media said it would file suit 
against the district if the Savages do not get rid of their Indian head logo.

Indian mascots, especially those coupled with names such as Savage, are derogatory and 
offensive, coalition members said.

Last month the Illinois-based organization demanded a decision within 45 days and 
wanted the district to sign a memorandum of agreement saying they would get rid of 
both the logo and the name, and add Indian studies to the high school curriculum.

The board voted not to sign the memorandum, and school board chairman Steve Lish said 
it would take longer to change the logo.

Local attorneys said fighting the name change in court could cost more than $100,000. 
In a district where teachers who do not scrimp on paper can find themselves without by 
the end of the year, a court battle is not an option, board members said.

According to a timeline for responding to the coalition's demands, in January 2000 
students and the community would select a new mascot/logo and a name if they wish.

This month and next, the district will begin informing students and community groups. 
That will be followed in November with presentations on possible mascots.

The board will make and announce its decision in December, and by the 2000-2001 school 
year the new mascot would be in place.

=-=-=  =-=-= 
"We simply chose an Indian as the emblem.
  We could have just as easily chosen any
uncivilized animal."
   Eighth Grade student writing about his school's
   mascot, 1997

=-=  =-= 

IF it says:
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1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "Ruth Lopez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD  AT 760/341-6820 by 8:30 a.m.  (Note:  I =
will be unable to personally attend).

YOUR NAME OR ORGANIZATION'S NAME HERE  strongly urges you to oppose the =
issuance of a waste discharge permit to the Kaiser Corporation (a.k.a. =
"Kaiser Ventures, Inc., Kaiser Eagle Mountain, Inc. Mine Reclamation =
Corporation, Eagle Mountain Reclamation, Inc., Eagle Mountain Class III =
Municipal Waste Landfill at Eagle Mountain--Riverside County" hereafter =
referred to as "Kaiser").  I/We urge the Regional Water Quality Control =
Board to reject Kaiser's application.  A discharge permit issued to =
Kaiser is simply a license to dilute waste water with ground water which =
is tributary to  the Colorado River.  Proposed for use as a landfill for =
waste from Southern California is Kaiser's old iron mine.  This mine is =
a huge pit which consists of a fractured ore body.  Wastes disposed of =
in this pit will likely  leach into the pristine water aquifer adjacent =
to the Joshua Tree National Park.  The aquifer is used for agricultural =
purposes, specifically for raising natural health related products such =
as jojoba and as the drinking supply of those living in the Desert =
Center area.  Drainage toward the Colorado River could potentially =
result in contamination of the Colorado River from hazardous and/or =
radioactive wastes advertently and/or inadvertently mixed with the waste =
proposed to be disposed of in the rock mine.  Full containment of wastes =
planned for disposal in the Kaiser iron mine located at Eagle Mountain =
should have been a necessary Riverside County requirement for issuance =
of a permit.  This presumptuous project should be sent back to Riverside =
County for rejection.  Be certain that we will urge Riverside voters to =
take notice at the next election of any incumbents who aided and abetted =
in allowing this Kaiser dump to proceed.

I/we will not be able to attend the Board meeting scheduled today, =
September 16, 1999, due to the prohibitive  expense and time to drive =
there (_ hours).  We object to the fact that the Colorado River =
Basin Region Water Quality Control Board meets in a location which is =
120 miles from the nearest location on the Colorado River (Blythe).

We also object to the fact that written notice was not forwarded to the =
public regarding the postponement of the agenda item concerning the =
alleged unlawful discharge of almost 300,000 gallons of undisinfected =
sewage into the Colorado River from the Needles Sewer Plant.  Please =
forward to us the proposed time and date of the Colorado River Basin =
Region Water Quality Control Board meeting at which action on this issue =
is to be taken.=20 
Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   


1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:24:29 -0400
From: Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Canada
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Toronto Star
Ipperwash officer's defence was flawed, court told 
By Peter Edwards 
Toronto Star Staff Reporter

  The lawyer representing an Ontario Provincial Police officer 
convicted of slaying a native activist was either misled at the trial or was 
incompetent, the Ontario Court of Appeal was told yesterday.

The comments were made by criminal lawyer Alan Gold, who is representing Acting 
Sergeant Kenneth Deane as he appeals his 1997 conviction for criminal negligence 
causing death.

Deane was given a two-year suspended sentence and ordered to perform 180 hours of 
community service.

At Deane's trial, Judge Hugh Fraser ruled that the officer knew Indian activist 
Anthony (Dudley) George was unarmed when he fatally shot him with a sub-machinegun at 
Ipperwash Provincial Park near Sarnia on Sept. 6, 1995.

Gold told a three-judge panel at Osgoode Hall that Deane was denied a fair trial 
because key evidence about natives having weapons was not introduced at the trial.

No equipment or police officers were hit with bullets the night George was killed, and 
no weapons or bullet casings were recovered from natives.

Gold listed the names of 17 people yesterday who he said could have given evidence 
that the Indians were armed and angry before and after the shooting.

He also argued that Fraser couldn't hear a tape in which an officer said police were 
under fire from natives because a police officer blundered when trying to tape record 

Deane's original lawyer, Norman Peel, didn't introduce any of that evidence because he 
was either misled by the crown or he was incompetent, Gold said. ``He was misled about 
an agreement or he was not performing as to standards,'' he said.

During the trial, Peel argued that Crown Attorney Ian Scott broke a pre-trial 
agreement not to discuss muzzle flashes in the park.

At the time, Scott reacted angrily and challenged Peel to produce any evidence that 
such an agreement had been reached.

Fraser also found that Deane and fellow OPP officers lied on the stand during the 

George was among 30 Indians occupying a patch of land in the park.

They said the park was built on a sacred burial ground, a claim that was later 
verified by the federal government.

Peel is a respected lawyer who headed a legal team representing former defence chief 
Gen. Jean Boyle at the public inquiry into the ill-fated 1992-93 Somalia mission.

The hearing continues today.

from Ottawa Citizen  9/16/99
Ipperwash natives armed, dangerous, lawyer says

TORONTO (CP) - New evidence shows natives occupying Ipperwash Provincial Park were 
armed and dangerous before one of the protesters was shot dead, Ontario's appeal court 
heard Wednesday.

Alan Gold, the lawyer for the provincial police officer who fired the fatal round, 
told the court that he has affidavits from 18 civilians and army members who saw guns 
in the natives' hands or heard shots around the time of the 1995 protest.

Acting Sgt. Kenneth Deane, who killed protester Dudley George, is appealing his 
conviction of criminal negligence causing death.

Among the most startling new evidence, Gold said, is testimony from a cottager who 
says she was told by natives about a week before the standoff that they had military 
assault rifles and submachine-guns and were "ready for anything."

Another couple living near the park say they heard an officer say "they're shooting at 
us; return fire," on a radio scanner the night of the deadly altercation, court heard.

A fourth resident of the Lake Huron cottage community says she saw George riding 
around in a car with a high-powered rifle not long before his death.

The testimony paints a very different picture than one portrayed by the Crown during 
Deane's 1997 trial, Gold told the three-judge panel.

During the trial, the Crown maintained the natives were unarmed and engaged in a 
peaceful occupation of the park they said contained an ancient burial ground.

The Chippewa protesters - who were refusing to leave - had been there just 48 hours 
when about 40 provincial police officers armed with shields and laser-sighted rifles 
marched in formation on the park. George was killed in the ensuing melee.

Gold wants the province's highest court to order a new trial for Deane based on the 
new evidence.

Earlier Wednesday, he argued for a mistrial, saying the provincial police officer was 
not treated fairly.

Deane's trial lawyer was operating under the false impression that the Crown had 
accepted as fact that the natives had shot first, Gold told the appellate judges.

Deane's lawyer didn't bother to introduce evidence that would have proven the officer 
felt threatened because he assumed t

NATIVE_NEWS: [BIGMTLIST] Radio interview with Jackie Giuliano

1999-09-16 Thread Ish

And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: Robert Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 >Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:40 -0700
 >From: "Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 [en] (Win98; I)
 >X-Accept-Language: en
 >Subject: Radio interview with Jackie Giuliano 
 >Dr. Michio Kaku interviewed me for his "Explorations in Science"
 >syndicated radio program. The program is being broadcast this week
 >(9/14-9/18) on a number of radio stations. Copies can be obtained from
 >the Pacifica Program Service at 1-800-735-0230.
 >Tampa, FL, on WMNF-FM (88.5 FM) on Tuesday at 11 am.
 >Berkeley and the Bay Area on KPFA-FM (94.1 FM) on Tuesday at 1pm.
 >New York City on WBAI-FM (99.5 FM) on Wednesday night at 7 pm.
 >Los Angeles on KPFK-FM (90.7 FM) on Thursday at 2pm.
 >West Hartford, Conn., on WWUH-FM (91.3) on Sat. afternoons.
 >During the interview, I discussed the forced relocation of the Navajo
 >people from their home in Big Mountain Arizona to the site of a nuclear
 >waste spill in New Mexico, radioactive metals in consumer goods, the use
 >of nuclear material in space probes and the dangers in taking species
 >off the Endangered Species List. It was an interesting and lively
 >interview and I hope you can find a station carrying it.
 >All the best,
 >Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.
 >Professor of Environmental Studies
 >Author of "Healing Our World," a weekly column of opinion on the
 >Environment News Service at
 >Visit Jackie's website on teaching, activism and an archive of over 100
 >of his articles at

Bob Dorman, KD7FIZ
The Activist Page
Also, for great internet tools please visit:

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
   Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
  Unenh onhwa' Awayaton   