Re: [NTG-context] + as plain vanilla math character

2007-09-20 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Taco, This should normally work, but it depends on the current math encoding (see the math-xxx.tex files in the distribution): \definemathcharacter [+] [ord] [mr] [2B] % [bin] is default Just tried this but to no avail :-( It seems like the definition isn't found at all: ---

Re: [NTG-context] last version of context 2007

2008-01-11 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
The reason for not posting the card ealier is that it uses New Euler, a reshaped design of Euler by Hermann Zapf. The official release date was 10/1/2008, Don Knuths 70th birthday, to who this font is dedicated. The font itself cellebrates its 25th birthday. Is New Euler a commercial

[NTG-context] (Most) stable minimal for Mac Intel

2008-01-21 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi folks, after hesitating for a while I've decided to take the plunge and dive into LuaTeX finally. I'm just a bit confused about what the most stable release of LuaTeX is at the moment and where to get it ... from Pragma or the garden? There is a minimal distribution dated 2007-08-08 at

[NTG-context] Garden unresponsive

2008-06-07 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi, it seems like a few areas of the garden are somewhat unresponsive. These include texshow source browser modules articles and perhaps others, too. Any idea what's going on? Oliver ___ If your question is of

Re: [NTG-context] Garden unresponsive

2008-06-08 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
They are up again. I hate software :-) Patrick ( thanks for the report!) Well, thank *you* for fixing it! Oliver ___ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist :

Re: [NTG-context] Arabic with LuaTeX vs. XeTeX

2008-06-09 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
You need to use export OSFONTDIR=/Library/Fonts;/System/Library/Fonts;~/Library/ Fonts Actually, I think the order of the directories should be slightly different ... if LuaTeX wants to blend in nicely with the Mac file system domains it should search for the fonts in the following

Re: [NTG-context] experimental feature

2008-06-11 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
\definefontfallback [whatever] [Slanted] [0x0060-0x007F] \definefontfallback [whatever] [Bold] [0x0080-0x00FF,0x00A0-0x00AF] \definefontfallback [whatever] [BoldSlanted] [0x00C0-0x00C7] What's the meaning of the third parameter? Unicode ranges? Oliver

Re: [NTG-context] distro info

2008-06-11 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Oliver (who's comming to the meeting with the same probability as you are :) is preparing an installer for Mac, but his last notification was: I have put it aside for a while since the tools for packaging are buggy. Well, now that this Mac installer project of mine has been made semi-

Re: [NTG-context] distro info

2008-06-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
If if you got it installed, you next will need a GUI for running ConTeXt, and if some problem arises, you are further away from the solution than ever. :-( Sorry, you can't use TeX in a decent way if you can't use a shell (AKA command line AKA Terminal AKA DOS box). Otherwise we get a

Re: [NTG-context] distro info

2008-06-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Who said that the only way to properly interact with TeX is via the command line? What I said is: you can provide all the GUI tools you want, at some point (and this will be rather sooner than later) problems will crop up, and these problems will be impossible to resolve if you don't want to

[NTG-context] Letter backaddress

2008-07-03 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear Wolfgang, I'm struggling with the backaddress option … I tried the following code --- \usemodule[letter] \starttext \setupletter [fromname={Arthur Thor}, fromaddress={Hidden Street 2\\57895 Mysterytown}, backaddress={Arthur Thor, Hidden Street 2, 57895

Re: [NTG-context] Letter backaddress

2008-07-03 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
\unprotect \startsetups[letter:backaddress] \def\\{\lettervalue{\c!backaddress\c!separator}} \doifelselettervalue\v!backaddress {\lettervalue\v!backaddress} {\lettervalue\c!fromname \doiflettervalue\c!fromaddress\\ \lettervalue\c!fromaddress} \stopsetups \protect And add

Re: [NTG-context] Letter backaddress

2008-07-03 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I could support name=yes and alike but I can't drop the \setupletter[list=...] because you need it to define your own reference line with personalized elements, e.g. your working in a company a put a sign for the letter there plus the number of the office etc. I'm sorry, didn't think of

Re: [NTG-context] Letter backaddress

2008-07-03 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Have you tried what will happen with a enabled backaddress and no value for backaddress, fromname and fromaddress are shown as backaddress but I don't rely on this feature and change it to waht you suggested. I've just tried this quickly and this seems even better … then what about

[NTG-context] Custom letter head

2008-07-07 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear Wolfgang, I was wondering how I could place a simple MetaPost graphic into the head area of a letter, next to the address data. I know the manual says you're going to write this and similar things up soon … could you still give me a sneak peek as where to look at and what to modify?

[NTG-context] No output for layers

2008-07-08 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear all, somehow the following won't produce any PDF output: --- \definelayer [mylayer] [x=78mm, y=3mm, height=43.5mm, width=128mm] \starttext \setlayer[mylayer][preset=middle]{Hello world!} \stoptext --- Any ideas? Oliver

Re: [NTG-context] No output for layers

2008-07-08 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Do you perhaps also know how to draw a frame around the layer boundary? The command \setlayerframed only seems to encapsulate the actual content with a frame … Can you be more concrete, what do you mean by boundry oround the layer. I'm thinking of a frame that visualizes the actual

Re: [NTG-context] last beta and mkiv

2008-07-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
are you referring to this one? context version: 2008.07.10 09:58 It works without problems on my Mac. This version also works on my Mac to the extent that I can make the format and compile simple files. Sadly, these parts appear to be broken: - MetaPost graphics - mtxrun --script fonts

[NTG-context] Directly checking out

2008-07-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear Hans and Taco, is it possible to checkout things from the repository directly with svn? I tried this with an SVN client and got the error PROPFIND request failed on '/svn' PROPFIND of '/svn': 301 Moved Permanently ( Would be

Re: [NTG-context] Directly checking out

2008-07-15 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
No. These are local checkouts only, of: contexttest: luatex: manuals: svn:// That makes sense … I've already had the first two items but didn't know the last one.

Re: [NTG-context] last beta and mkiv

2008-07-20 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Now, the problem is that mkiv suppresses all of the mpost logging so we can only guess at what goes wrong. Next week at TUG we will sit down and try to come up with a way to improve the logging. Would it help if I ran mpost separately? Or is this problem related to ConTeXt integration?

[NTG-context] MetaPost graphics within formulas

2008-07-25 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi there, maths can sometimes be weird and even more so the kinds of formulas one needs to typeset occasionally ;-) So here I need to typeset triangles and a variety of other polygons right in the middle of a display formula. What I've been able to come up with so far is something like

Re: [NTG-context] MetaPost graphics within formulas

2008-07-26 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
The bounding box of the graphic is set on the base line. So you have to add some artificial depth to the graphic. \starttext \startreusableMPgraphic{tetrahedral} begingroup u := 10pt; draw (0,0)--(2u,0)--(u,sqrt(3)*u)--cycle; draw boundingbox

[NTG-context] MPpage and single PDFs

2008-08-04 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear wizards, I was wondering whether there's a way to have ConTeXt spill out each \startMPpage … \stopMPpage it encounters as a separate PDF file … by default all MPpages seem to be collected into a single PDF file. Which is nice as long as this file is postprocessed by another ConTeXt

Re: [NTG-context] MPpage and single PDFs

2008-08-04 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
extract the individual figures from within LaTeX. So if anyone happens to know how to instruct LaTeX's graphicx package to do just that this would be a lovely alternative :-) All known TeX engines can only produce one output file per run. Ah, you've probably got me wrong … what I'd like

Re: [NTG-context] MPpage and single PDFs

2008-08-04 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
just keep them in one file and access the images by page, so .. include page 4 from file bla.pdf This is what I'd do with ConTeXt … wicked trick, by the way ;-) But how to do that with LaTeX? I know it's somewhat off topic … Oliver

Re: [NTG-context] MPpage and single PDFs

2008-08-05 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
This is what I'd do with ConTeXt … wicked trick, by the way ;-) But how to do that with LaTeX? I know it's somewhat off topic … From what I heard on the MacTeX list this can be done using LaTeX's pdfpages package … Just in case someone might find this helpful. Oliver

[NTG-context] Default rule thickness

2008-08-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear ConTeXters, does someone know how to determine the current default_rule_thickness ConTeXt uses in math mode? Cheerio, Oliver ___ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the

Re: [NTG-context] [OS X TeX] Default rule thickness

2008-08-08 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
The rule is between 0.4pt and 0.5pt \starttext \dontleavehmode \scale[factor=200]{$1 \over 2$} \scale[factor=200]{$1 \above .47pt 2$} \stoptext Lovely! This applies to ConTeXt's default font size of 12pt, doesn't it? Hence we would have the following linear relation if the thickness is

Re: [NTG-context] [OS X TeX] Default rule thickness

2008-08-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Sorry I missed this thread earlier. The default rule thickness in is the eight font parameter of the fonts in math family 3. A bare context file with the standard 12pt fonts gives the value 0.47998pt. You can get the value via : \edef\defautlrulethickness{\the\fontdimen8\textfont3}

[NTG-context] Scope of BodyFontSize etc.

2008-08-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear wizards of ConTeXt, I'm wondering why ConTeXt doesn't seem to know about BodyFontSize in the MPinclusions block … try: --- \startMPinclusions DefaultRuleThickness := 0.47998pt*BodyFontSize/12pt; pickup pencircle scaled DefaultRuleThickness; defaultpen := savepen;

Re: [NTG-context] [OS X TeX] Default rule thickness

2008-08-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
OK. However, this doesn't seem to scale properly within the same font … try the following: --- \edef\defaultrulethickness{\the\fontdimen8\textfont3} That is because of the \edef. Changing to a plain \def should help: \def\defaultrulethickness{\the\fontdimen8\textfont3\relax} Yep,

Re: [NTG-context] [OS X TeX] Default rule thickness

2008-08-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
What's the correct way of piping this to MetaFun? Putting DefaultRuleThickness := \defaultrulethickness; into each \startuseMPgraphic{} block works, but how can I define this globally? Moving it into \startMPinclusions creates a scope problem … see also the other thread about BodyFontSize

Re: [NTG-context] Aligning numbers in the footnote block

2011-05-24 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
\setupnotedefinition [footnote] [ location=left, headalign=flushright, width=1em, distance=1ex] This comes very close to what I have in mind :-) Is it possible to not fix the width globally but rather use the largest actual width encountered in any single footnote block? That

Re: [NTG-context] Punctuation in bibliography

2011-05-24 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Would be nice to know. In my publication list after all titles are two points, like: That's the title. . Realy ugly and I don't know why. Is that a known problem? Well, that you can easily avoid by not putting a full stop after the title in the database if I'm not mistaken :-) Usually

Re: [NTG-context] Punctuation in bibliography

2011-05-24 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Would be nice to know. In my publication list after all titles are two points, like: That's the title. . Realy ugly and I don't know why. Is that a known problem? Well, that you can easily avoid by not putting a full stop after the title in the database if I'm not mistaken :-)

Re: [NTG-context] How to get a PhD with ConTeXt (+ hard work ;) )

2006-11-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hello David, May I ask a newbie question? How did you create the lemmas? I found a mysterious startlemma in core-des.tex via the ConTeXt garden source browser but \startlemma Some statement ... \stoplemma didn't work for me :-( Oliver Hi all, I'll also give a link to a PhD ``sample

Re: [NTG-context] How to get a PhD with ConTeXt (+ hard work ;) )

2006-11-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Thanks very much ... I tried it out and it worked. But I guess I'll have to spend some more time fiddling around with the options to make it look similar to what I'm used from the AMSLaTeX package. Cheers, Oliver May I ask a newbie question? How did you create the lemmas? Hello, today,

Re: [NTG-context] negative indenting

2006-11-15 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I have set \setupindenting[yes,big,first] and I would like to have all paragraphs in a given document with negative indentation. AFAIK, first should enable indentation for all paragraphs, but the ones after \section, \subsection or \subsubtsection are not indented. With exactly the same

[NTG-context] Bug: missing stopper?

2006-11-27 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hello, playing with \defineenumeration I noticed some weird behaviour: whenever I set an enumeration to be unnumbered the stopper is mysteriously suppressed ... I searched the mailing list for this problem and I discovered that people have experienced problems related to the stopper

[NTG-context] \startquotation, \cite and footnotes

2006-12-02 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi, I've been wondering whether someone (perhaps Taco?) can give me a hint on the following: 1. Is there an automated way to place citations into footnotes? So whenever I use \cite in the running text it should produce a footnote with the reference alongside the usual footnotes. However,

Re: [NTG-context] \startquotation, \cite and footnotes

2006-12-03 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Thanks very much for your suggestion, Taco! I'm afraid it doesn't seem to work quite as expected, however :- ( Could you have a look below? Hi, I've been wondering whether someone (perhaps Taco?) can give me a hint on the following: 1. Is there an automated way to place citations into

Re: [NTG-context] \startquotation, \cite and footnotes

2006-12-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Ok. As for the strange things happening I was able to hunt them down and prepare a simple example (still with the standard \startquotation): We are looking into this. All footnotes in vertical mode are behaving oddly. Thanks! I tried that one but ran into several problems unfortunately.

[NTG-context] \partial?

2007-01-01 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, how can I access the equivalent math symbol of LaTeX's \partial? Oliver ___ ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \partial?

2007-01-04 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
how can I access the equivalent math symbol of LaTeX's \partial? \partial works in ConTeXt also (inside math mode) It works perfectly, thanks! Oliver ___ ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Yet another math symbol

2007-01-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, I'm struggling to typeset the math symbol identity ... it looks like a 1 but with double vertical lines. Hints very welcome ;-) What if we put together an extensive table of all math symbols available in ConTeXt at some point? Oliver ___

Re: [NTG-context] Yet another math symbol

2007-01-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Wicked! That already comes quite close to a nice lookup table ... However, I can't see my little identity symbol :-( Any other ideas? Is it perhaps contained in \Bbb in some character slot? Oliver I'm struggling to typeset the math symbol identity ... it looks like a 1 but with double

Re: [NTG-context] Yet another math symbol

2007-01-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
No, it's not this one, but really the figure 1 only featuring a double vertical stroke ... like {\Bbb R}. Oliver (Guessing) $\parallel$ HTH I use a TeX reference Card page I found on the web but I really agree with you Best -a- Hi all, I'm struggling to typeset the math

Re: [NTG-context] Yet another math symbol

2007-01-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Exactly! Oliver Do you mean something like 1 at the end of eq (23) page 4 (3231) at cdc2006.pdf ___ ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Math symbols like \reals atomic?

2007-01-25 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, simple question ... hopefully simple answer ;-) Why can't I use \math{\langle v_i, v_j \rangle_\complexes} but have to enclose the command \complexes in curly brackets? Shouldn't these set symbols be atomic? Oliver, puzzled. ___

Re: [NTG-context] Theorems, etc with ConTeXt

2007-01-29 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Aditya, hi Taco, I would really love to see built-in support for theorems in ConTeXt! I have been typesetting my diploma thesis (in mathematical physics) with ConTeXt and my experience has been that in some areas ConTeXt still needs to catch up a bit on LaTeX (especially on the AMS

[NTG-context] Bib module error handling

2007-01-31 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Taco, talking about the bib module ... I usually get confused when I cite a reference in the text but accidentally use the wrong citation key or have forgotten to put the record into my bib file at all. Instead of screaming question marks in the pdf output ConTeXt tacidly typesets a

Re: [NTG-context] Portuguese characters under Mac OS X

2007-01-31 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I am having a problem processing my ConText files under Mac OS X. I am using TeXShop, and when I render the text written in Portuguese, it does not render the characters with accents. I did not have this problem under Windows, and so I would like to know from any Mac user that

Re: [NTG-context] Bib module error handling

2007-02-02 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Taco, talking about the bib module ... I usually get confused when I cite a reference in the text but accidentally use the wrong citation key or have forgotten to put the record into my bib file at all. Instead of screaming question marks in the pdf output ConTeXt tacidly typesets a

Re: [NTG-context] Bib module error handling

2007-02-02 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
That is the chicken and egg problem I was talking about. When the publication list sort order is 'by citation order', and 'only show cited publications' (as per ams), then \cite looks at the list to find the number, and the list checks the \cite order for what to include. All is good if the

Re: [NTG-context] XeTeX and Latin Modern

2007-02-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Taco, I got a new problem after upgrading to the new ConTeXt. When I compile a document with the xetex engine, during the xdvipdfmx processing, I got the following message, and all the math symbols are missing: Please see this thread:

Re: [NTG-context] XeTeX and Latin Modern

2007-02-07 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
As I ran into the same problem I followed your instructions ... running the ctxtools command doesn't resolve it I'm afraid. $ kpsewhich /usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.texlive/fonts/map/dvips/lm/ You should try that with --engine=dvipdfm , because dvipdfmx will find different

[NTG-context] XeTeX tex-text mapping problem

2007-02-12 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, there seems to be a problem with the XeTeX engine and the mapping:tex-text feature for OpenType fonts. Try this: --- \usetypescriptfile[type-minion] \usetypescript[minion][uc] \setupbodyfont[minion,13pt] \starttext There is --- without any doubt --- a tiny problem. \stoptext ---

Re: [NTG-context] XeTeX tex-text mapping problem

2007-02-12 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, there seems to be a problem with the XeTeX engine and the mapping:tex-text feature for OpenType fonts. Try this: --- \usetypescriptfile[type-minion] \usetypescript[minion][uc] \setupbodyfont[minion,13pt] \starttext There is --- without any doubt --- a tiny problem. \stoptext

[NTG-context] XeTeX problem again

2007-02-26 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear folks, I'm afraid I'm facing the XeTeX problem again after I updated ConTeXt to version 2007.02.21 :-( On a freshly installed MacTeX-2007 (which is TeXLive 2007 up to minor modifications) everything is fine. The ConTeXt version is 2007.01.12. Then I ran ctxtools which installed an

Re: [NTG-context] XeTeX problem again

2007-02-27 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
not that strange ... just install the latest latin roman .. it's what the message says Font \*7ptmmmrrm*=[rm-lmr7] not loadable: Metric (TFM) file or installed font not found. Well, then perhaps I need a bit of advice because I have the impression that my TeXLive 2007 installation

Re: [NTG-context] Some questions about context

2007-03-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
And another question (in other topic): how we can do lines at header and footer like fancyheaders in latex? For your headers try this: --- \setupheader [text] [after=\hrule] \starttext \input tufte \stoptext --- You can change the actual content of your headers via

Re: [NTG-context] Theorems, etc with ConTeXt

2007-03-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Aditya, I have rudimentary support for titled theorems and end of proof markers working. It also takes care of your bug-report. That's great news! My fingers are itching to test it ;-) I have patched core-des so that stopper is also honored when number=no is set. Does this mean that

Re: [NTG-context] Some questions about context

2007-03-06 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
For your headers try this: --- \setupheader [text] [after=\hrule] \starttext \input tufte \stoptext --- You can change the actual content of your headers via \setupheadertexts ... Instead of the \hrule command above you could also resort to \thinrule. The global

[NTG-context] Line spacing in footnotes

2007-03-12 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, is there a way to influence the linespacing of the footnote block? I'd like to typeset it in 9pt/11pt while the main text is set to 12pt/ 14.5pt (using an OpenType font) ... Any help highly appreciated! Thanks, Oliver ___ ntg-context mailing

Re: [NTG-context] Line spacing in footnotes

2007-03-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
is there a way to influence the linespacing of the footnote block? I'd like to typeset it in 9pt/11pt while the main text is set to 12pt/ 14.5pt (using an OpenType font) ... Any help highly appreciated! If you just want a smaller font size \setupnotedefinition [footnote]

[NTG-context] Grid and footnotes [repost]

2007-03-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, I'd like to bring this issue up again because I didn't get any replies about two weeks ago (also I'm getting closer to handing things in to the printhouse) ... so comments, ideas, suggestions, solutions etc. very welcome ;-) Consider the following: --- \setuplayout

Re: [NTG-context] Grid and footnotes [repost]

2007-03-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
As long as the grid is turned off, the footnote block perfectly aligns with the bodytext frame. However, turn the grid on and the footnote block suddenly jumps about a line downwards. What's going on here? in core-one: change the getnoflines call into \ifbottomnotes

Re: [NTG-context] Grid and footnotes [repost]

2007-03-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
As long as the grid is turned off, the footnote block perfectly aligns with the bodytext frame. However, turn the grid on and the footnote block suddenly jumps about a line downwards. What's going on here? in core-one: change the getnoflines call into \ifbottomnotes

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt release 2007.03.19

2007-03-22 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, I'm afraid there still seems to be a problem with the XeTeX engine ... try to compile the following (I guess you can choose whichever OpenType font you have on your machine): --- \definetypeface[Caslon][rm][Xserif][Adobe Caslon Pro] \setupbodyfont[Caslon,12pt] \starttext \input

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt release 2007.03.19

2007-03-22 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
hm, hard to test here, how is Xserif and Adobe Caslon Pro Defined ... it looks like no filename comes through (maybe this weekend i can sit down with someone at the context conf to see what happens; i currently have no working mac) Fine. That'll be me then ;-) I have a Mac and I'm

[NTG-context] Publication list ragged right

2007-04-02 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, is there a way of typesetting the publication list ragged right? Unfortunately the following doesn't work: \startalignment[right] \placepublications \stopalignment With each publication item filling barely more than two lines justification looks rather ugly (and causes a

Re: [NTG-context] Publication list ragged right

2007-04-02 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
is there a way of typesetting the publication list ragged right? Unfortunately the following doesn't work: \startalignment[right] \placepublications \stopalignment \placepublications[align=right] may work (untested) Good guess ;-) Thanks! Can I perhaps also turn off hyphenation

Re: [NTG-context] XeTeX is broken after ConTeXt update

2007-04-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Vyatcheslav, I encountered the same problem a couple of weeks ago ... and it will probably not be fixed until luaTeX is out. The reason is that Hans is currently reworking bits and pieces of ConTeXt in order to prepare for the transition to luaTeX ... and font handling is apparently one

Re: [NTG-context] \placefigure problems in Xetex

2007-04-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi, again, I've been through this a couple of days ago so I'm happy to share my experience with you ;-) For me the problem was not having installed ImageMagick in the first place. But judging from your log this doesn't seem to be the problem. Let me think ... perhaps your glitch might be

Re: [NTG-context] XeTeX is broken after ConTeXt update

2007-04-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I encountered the same problem a couple of weeks ago ... and it will probably not be fixed until luaTeX is out. It appears to me that reverting back to the situation from three months ago would already be a step forward from what we have now, yes? As far as fonts are concerned ...

Re: [NTG-context] AMS extensions and Context.

2007-05-02 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
ConTeXt supports about 95% of AMS features. The few that are not supported are because no one has really asked for them yet. I wrote an article ConTeXt for AMS addicts in the last issue of MAPS, which shows how to achieve different features of AMS in ConTeXt. Unforunately, 2006 issue of MAPS

[NTG-context] Ruby version requirements

2007-05-27 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi all, I'm in the middle of putting together a native Mac OS X edition of ConTeXt Minimal ... for this I need to know which version of Ruby is minimally required by the latest ConTeXt release. (It wouldn't hurt though to know this for older ConTeXt versions, too ;-) Any help appreciated.

[NTG-context] CMYK and spot colour confusion

2007-07-10 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi there, I'm trying to get to grips with all these colours in ConTeXt and MetaFun ... What I'd like to get is a document with CMYK and spot colours only, so here's my attempt: --- \enableregime[utf] \noheaderandfooterlines \setupcolors[cmyk=yes,rgb=no,spot=yes,state=start]

[NTG-context] Columns and colour background

2007-07-16 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear folks, consider this: --- \setupcolors [state=start] \setupcolumns [background=color, backgroundcolor=red] \starttext \startcolumns[n=2] \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte} \stopcolumns \framed[background=color,backgroundcolor=red]{Test} \stoptext --- Shouldn't the

[NTG-context] Putting sections into boxes

2007-07-17 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear all, I'd like to highlight entire (sub)sections (which don't cross page boundaries but only columns) with a MetaPost background ... e.g. I have a heading, some paragraphs, a display formula, an unordered list and the like and this should be boxed. Do you know how to do this? Thanks

[NTG-context] Displayed formula

2007-07-19 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi folks, I desperately need your help ... why does the following code not produce my formula? \starttext \startformula [-iH(A),-iH(B)]=-iH([A,B]) \stopformula \stoptext I have a feeling that ConTeXt interprets the first part of my formula as an argument to \startformula ... Thanks for

Re: [NTG-context] Displayed formula

2007-07-19 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Wolfgang, Jelle, thanks for your suggestions ... problem solved! Oliver Hi folks, I desperately need your help ... why does the following code not produce my formula? \starttext \startformula \startformula\relax or \startformula[] [-iH(A),-iH(B)]=-iH([A,B]) \stopformula

Re: [NTG-context] Displayed formula

2007-07-19 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
This thread brings up something that I have been thinking of for a while. Similar problems occur in amsmath aligned family which accepts an optional argument. mathtools.sty has an option so that the optional argument will work only if placed on the same line. In terms of ConTeXt that

[NTG-context] Columns and colour background [urgent]

2007-07-24 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear folks, I'm reposting this because I haven't got any answers so far and also because this is somewhat urgent for me. I need this for a scientific poster which is due rather soon ... Please share your valuable advice with me :-) Oliver Consider this: --- \setupcolors

Re: [NTG-context] Columns and colour background [urgent]

2007-07-24 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Thanks, Taco! That workes even better than I thought ... a column gap without color is more a feature to me than anything else ;-) Oliver P.S. Why's the option=background necessary from an interface point of view? Doesn't everything else (especially \framed) do without it happily? Try

Re: [NTG-context] OpenType in ConTeXt

2007-08-09 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Yes. Best read the magazine has mentioned, and lookup \definefontfeature. By the way, is there a This way number 11? Cheerio, Oliver ___ If your

Re: [NTG-context] [ot] \relax

2007-08-10 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Congratulations, Luigi! Oliver Martina was born on thursday,August 09 2007 (09/08/07). Mum and baby are allright, daddy a bit blurred, as the photo says . luigi ___ If your question is of interest to others as

[NTG-context] MetaFun and different body font size

2007-08-20 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear folks, I'm wondering how to communicate a different default bodyfont size to MetaFun ... consider this: --- \setupbodyfont[32pt] \starttext \input ward \startuseMPgraphic{test} draw unitsquare scaled BodyFontSize; draw textext.rt(Test); draw btex \TeX etex

Re: [NTG-context] MetaFun and different body font size

2007-08-20 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Somehow MetaFun doesn't recognize the larger body font size :-( By the way, font face changes aren't reflected either ... --- \usetypescript[palatino][\defaultencoding] \setupbodyfont[palatino,32pt] \starttext \input ward \startuseMPgraphic{test} draw unitsquare scaled

[NTG-context] Mysterious clipping for shaded MetaFun page background

2007-08-20 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear folks, can anyone reproduce this? (Live ConTeXt on the garden seems to run into this \faststartcolor thing ... with pdfTeX.) Uncomment the page background overlay and the top bit of the frames' titles will be chipped off ... doesn't happen for the plain vanilla color background on my

Re: [NTG-context] Margins around figures

2007-09-07 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I am making a presentation with ConTeXt, with numerous MetaPost figures. Now, the only problem is that my white MetaPost figures don't blend well with the dark background of the screen. This isn't too good since the text labels in my figure's edges appear too close to the edge. What I'd like

Re: [NTG-context] Margins around figures

2007-09-07 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
mpost This is MetaPost, Version 0.993 (Web2C 7.5.6) ( (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/base/ (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/base/ boundingbox.currentpicture.enlarged1cm ! Improper `clip'. to be read again ; l.26 ...o

Re: [NTG-context] how to typeset this formula ?

2008-10-08 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
If you are allowed to make some minor adjustments you may probably even leave out most of the \cdot commands, which will turn the formula even sleeker ... Just my two cents, Oliver \starttext \startformula \frac{g_a}{\theta} = \startcases[left={\left[},right={\right]}] \NC

[NTG-context] How to box \useMPgraphic?

2008-11-13 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hello all, I'd like to insert a little MetaPost square into the running text and properly align it vertically. So I tried: --- \startuseMPgraphic{square} draw unitsquare scaled StrutHeight; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext I want a square \raisebox{-\strutdepth}{\useMPgraphic{square}} in

Re: [NTG-context] How to box \useMPgraphic?

2008-11-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I'd like to insert a little MetaPost square into the running text and properly align it vertically. So I tried: --- \startuseMPgraphic{square} draw unitsquare scaled StrutHeight; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext I want a square \raisebox{-\strutdepth}{\useMPgraphic{square}} in my

Re: [NTG-context] How to box \useMPgraphic?

2008-11-14 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Am 13.11.2008 um 18:14 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster: Am 13.11.2008 um 17:18 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper: Hello all, I'd like to insert a little MetaPost square into the running text and properly align it vertically. So I tried: --- \startuseMPgraphic{square} draw unitsquare scaled

Re: [NTG-context] How to decide on colors

2009-02-16 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Hi Cecil, I am working with a flowchart. I would like to have the background of the flowchart, different from the background the flowchart is on. I do not know much about color combinations. (Just enough to know what I tried were not good choices.) Is there a site with good pointers about color

[NTG-context] bugs in math engine?

2009-05-15 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
Dear list, the following are probably bugs in the new math engine as of yesterday's beta (2009.05.14 16:44): 1. The symbols for number sets in Cambria Math aren't taken from the double-struck variant. --- \usetypescript[cambria] \setupbodyfont[cambria] \starttext

Re: [NTG-context] Label alignment in descriptions

2009-05-19 Thread Oliver Buerschaper
I'm already having problems with the following minimal test: --- \definedescription[test] \starttext \test{Hello} world! \stoptext --- TeX complains that the file ended while it was scanning \dodowithpar. For TeX this is probably not surprising, and a new line before \stoptext

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