Re: capitalism = progressive?

2004-04-27 Thread Mike Ballard
Ted Winslow wrote: As I've said before, I think this view of the development of rational self-consciousness is mistaken. In general, I think Marx underestimates the tenaciousness of irrationality and misunderstands its roots in social relations. Misogynist patriarchalism, for instance,

Re: Bush, the lesser evil?

2004-04-27 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Chris Burford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Original Message - From: Mike Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 9:54 AM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Bush, the lesser evil? Chris, Does this mean that you don't think it mattered whether FDR

In case you needed confirmation: wages and sick time.......

2004-04-27 Thread Mike Ballard
The working class is being pushed down. It's the relentless pressure of the class struggle being depicted here. Meanwhile, why not call in sick on Friday, April 30 and make this May Day weekend one long holiday. For One Big Union, Mike B) BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, DAILY REPORT, FRIDAY, APRIL

Re: Bush, the lesser evil?

2004-04-26 Thread Mike Ballard
Chris, Does this mean that you don't think it mattered whether FDR or one of his Republican opponents became President in the 30s and 40s? Cheers, Mike B) --- Chris Burford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Louis Proyect effectively demonstrates how the concept of the lesser evil becomes nonsense,

Re: capitalism = progressive?

2004-04-24 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: BTW, here's another addition to the list of why the old USSR fell: Chernoble. JD * I think it was the straw which broke the camel's back. I was in Berlin when the plant blew up on April 26,

Re: re Paris Commune: (Was Re: capitalism = progressive?)

2004-04-24 Thread Mike Ballard
that if you want to see an example of the dictatorship of the proletariat in action, look to the Paris Commune. All the best, Mike B) --- Hari Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mike Ballard: I agree with most of your observations and I'm not trying to play one-upsmanship here; but Marx and many others

Re: capitalism = progressive?

2004-04-23 Thread Mike Ballard
Ultimately, the USSR stepped in the direction of capitalism and I'd contend that it was because Marxist-Leninist ruling parties have a tendency to use wage-labour and commodity prodution as a transitional measures. Mike B) --- Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The USSR was not socialist

Re: Got this from Deborah

2004-04-23 Thread Mike Ballard
the Gospel of Debbie THE GOSPEL OF DEBBIE by PAUL RUDNICK Recent works like The Passion of the Christ and The Da Vinci Code seek to illuminate the life of Jesus. Not long ago, an additional text was discovered in an ancient linen backpack found in a cave outside Jerusalem, surrounded by

Re: capitalism = progressive?

2004-04-23 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Ted Winslow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My initial point was that there is an internal relation between self-consciousness, social relations and state power. This relation is such that where the requisite self-consciousness can't develop within existing social relatons, social relations

Re: a chilling report

2004-04-19 Thread Mike Ballard
More iceing for the cake, Mike B) *** Whose Human Rights is the Occupation Defending by David Bacon; April 17, 2004 The disaster that is the occupation of Iraq is much more than the war that plays nightly across U.S. television screens.

Re: What the hell is Kerry doing?

2004-04-17 Thread Mike Ballard
I think that he knows that the liberal left is afraid of another Bush Presidendcy, so much so that it will keep its collective mouth shut like good Germans. So, he only has to worry about appealing to the conservative middle to right as the left is all sewn up. Shane is right. It is a

Re: $2,150 Per Family and Counting

2004-04-17 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: * April 16 / 18, 2004 $2,150 Per Family and Counting Paying for War * A lot of the surplus value we create and which the capitalist class appropriates is siphoned off via taxation to buy

Re: Equality of Wages etc.

2004-04-15 Thread Mike Ballard
Even the equality of wages,which Proudhon demands, would merely transform the relation of the present-day worker to his work into the relation of all men to work. Society would then be conceived as an abstract capitalist. Wages are an immediate consequence of estranged labor, and estranged labor

Re: $135 a pound

2004-04-14 Thread Mike Ballard
By Robert Scheer, AlterNet April 13, 2004 Why won't they just admit they blew it? It is long past time for the president and his national security team to concede that before the Sept. 11 attacks they failed to grasp the seriousness of the Al Qaeda threat, were negligent in how they handled the

Re: Equality of Wages etc.

2004-04-13 Thread Mike Ballard
An increase in wages arouses in the worker the same desire to get rich as in the capitalist, but he can only satisfy this desire by sacrificing his mind and body. An increase in wages presupposes, and brings about, the accumulation of capital, and thus opposes the product of labor to the worker as

Re: Equality of Wages etc.

2004-04-13 Thread Mike Ballard
There was a long article on wage equalization in a publication which was used by scholars in the West. I think it was called, Problems of Communism. I think the article came out in the seventies. I read it around 1981. If I find the reference, I'll pass it along. Anyway, lots of talk on this

Re: US has lost militarily

2004-04-12 Thread Mike Ballard
Stop the Genocide against the People of Falluja City in Iraq The American military troops have proven unprecedented cruelty and barbarism throughout a whole week of aerial bombing on the residences of Falluja city in Mid-western Iraq. This followed a terrorist act administered by some local

Re: Will more violence provoke an extension of the US occupation?

2004-04-11 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 10:29 PM -0500 4/10/04, dmschanoes wrote: the fighters in the streets demanding the withdrawal of US forces It is understandable that secular Communists are weary of fighters inspired by their religious faith, as the latter may not have any

A critique of Paul Sweezy...

2004-04-11 Thread Mike Ballard
I received this message from a fellow worker. I thought those interested in progressive economics might find the critique of interest. Regards, Mike B) *** ran a four-part series on the legacy of Paul Sweezy this past

Re: The Iraq Communist Party and Worker Communist Party of Iraq

2004-04-10 Thread Mike Ballard
This and other items are posted on the Worker Communist Party site: Of the two, I prefer the WCP and their approach to politics and poltical-economy. Regards, Mike B) *** The conflict between Muqtada al-Sadr

Re: bibliographic request

2004-04-05 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Steve Cohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Folks, I'd like to get suggestions for readings he could do for a term paper assignment that asks for a Marxist analysis of some topic (which in his case might be a Marxist analysis of the auto industry). Any ideas? You can respond on list or

Re: Decisive showdown

2004-04-05 Thread Mike Ballard To: US State Department-Paul Bremer head of CPA in Iraq Yanar Mohammed, the head of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), is a renowned activist, and highly regarded in the world today for her brave efforts in defending women's rights in Iraq. She

Re: Bush's economic policies

2004-04-05 Thread Mike Ballard
Another angle here which most importantly ties productivity to shafting. Regards, Mike B) * Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 22:44:01 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [GuvWurld] We're More Productive. Who Gets the

Re: religion and US politics

2004-04-04 Thread Mike Ballard
To the tune, Sweet bye and bye...and a one-ah, and a two-ah... Sing out, Mike B) And the starvation army they play, And they sing and they clap and they pray, Till they get all your coin on the drum, Then they tell you when you are on the bum. If you fight hard for children and wife, Try to get

Re: Utopian Socialism

2004-04-01 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Laurence Shute [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Speaking of utopianism, how does Roosevelt's Economic Bill of Rights proposal from 1944 sound now: It's got my vote. ;D For more on utopianism see Rexroth: Cheers from Perth, Mike B) = The

Re: Mercenary Boom in Iraq Creates Tension at Home and Abroad (2nd try)

2004-04-01 Thread Mike Ballard
It's nice to see the commodification of patriotism making headway. Cheers, Mike B) = The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. former I.W.W. member, Helen Keller

Re: utopianism

2004-03-31 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Ted Winslow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It seems to me what distinguishes utopian from scientific socialism is that the former pays no attention to the means through which the better society is to be brought into existence. * What a

Global warming spirals upwards...

2004-03-31 Thread Mike Ballard
Is it time to defrost the tundra, Shrub? Regards, Mike B) from the London Independent: By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor 28 March 2004 Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have jumped abruptly, raising fears that global warming may be accelerating out of control. Measurements by US

Re: utopianism

2004-03-30 Thread Mike Ballard
Thatcher's TINA is the opposite side of the utopian coin. Commies have to know what they want as well as what they want to leave behind in history's dustbin. Regards, Mike B) = 1844 Paris Manuscripts, Marx makes a major point of the relationship between the sexes: The infinite degradation in

Re: More on LNG

2004-03-27 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Grant Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Mike, We must have that beer some time soon. Perhaps Tuesday. Is LNG the same as what's being promoted in Australia as LPG? So as when we run low on petrol (peak oil), we can sell zeez nice carbon based stuff for the burning. In

Re: frontiers of fictitious capital

2004-03-24 Thread Mike Ballard
Wage-slaves create the profits. They're more productive every year. Now, watch them being thrown out on their rears. Set up your rocking chairs near your graves and wait for the inevitable slip. Seems we are still a nation of Mr. Blocks.

Re: American flags

2004-03-24 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The flag is ubiquitous ... I remember seeing a sea of red flags and people with Mao buttons pinned to their jackets back, waving plastic coated Red Books. Ah thsoe heady daze of the Great

Re: More on LNG

2004-03-24 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Eugene Coyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Natural gas supplies are tight in the USA. Why? A discussion I'll duck today. Eugene, Grant...anybody? Is LNG the same as what's being promoted in Australia as LPG? So as when we run low on petrol (peak oil), we can sell zeez nice

Re: The Market as God

2004-03-24 Thread Mike Ballard
--- W.R. Needham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Here is an earlier piece: THE GLOBAL MARKET DOCTRINE: A STUDY IN FUNDAMENTALIST THEOLOGY John McMurtry College of Arts Department of Philosophy University of Guelph

Oh Calcutta or Oliver Twist Today....

2004-03-22 Thread Mike Ballard
(Jagger-Richards, 1973) The police in New York City, they chased a boy right through the park. And in a case of mistaken identity they put a bullet through his heart. Heartbreakers with your forty-four, I wanna tear your world apart, you heartbreaker with your forty-four, I wanna tear your world

Re: Employer mobilization

2004-03-21 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Marvin Gandall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: American corporations are planning a major effort to muster their employees to vote Republican to counter labour unions’ organizing on behalf of the Democrats, according to today’s Washington Post. From today's Yahoo news sources these two

Re: Employer mobilization

2004-03-21 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Shane Mage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mike Ballard wrote: # Kerry Campaign Has $2.4 Million on Hand # Bush Campaign Has $110 Million on Hand Seems the capitalist political bird is flying with a very large right-wing... Remember that Kerry has a family fortune worth well over a half

Two military draft bills - both introduced by Democrats....

2004-03-20 Thread Mike Ballard
There is a time for everything--even amensia. Cheers, Mike B) === 'Special skills draft' on drawing board Computer experts, foreign language specialists lead list of military's needs By Eric Rosenberg, Hearst Newspapers Saturday, March 13, 2004 Washington

Re: Socialism, Can You Dig It?

2004-03-19 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Michael Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Socialists: The zombies who won the Spanish election To paraphrase Frank Zappa: Social Democracy isn't dead. It just smells that way. That aside, this is jut another attack on the election in Spain and how it disappointed the ruling neo-Cons of

Re: Reply to Jim C. on marginalisation

2004-03-18 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Jurriaan Bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jim C. wrote: it is an honor to be marginalized and demonized by half-wits, sycophants and idiots and if for some reason they did like me I would worry and lose sleep what I am doing wrong - why I have not drawn the line of demarcation clear

Re: Observations on the Socialist Scholars Conference

2004-03-16 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Jurriaan Bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: people talk about the market as if there was only one market, which operates according to uniform principles. This is not the case at all. It is a bourgeois fetishism. In reality, class and sectional forces operate through the market, to strengthen

Re: Observations on the Socialist Scholars Conference

2004-03-16 Thread Mike Ballard
Doug writes: The idea of revolution in the U.S. or any of its imperial peers seems like the stuff of a drug-induced reverie right now. Yes, it's an individual prproletarian'sipipedreamt the moment. Still, the fact is that workers have erupted with revolution on their minds at various times

Re: the future of social security/medicare

2004-03-16 Thread Mike Ballard
Thanks for providing the article James. I agree with your assessment 100%. Best, Mike B) = ...the safest course is to do nothing against one's conscience. With this secret, we can enjoy life and have no fear from death.

WMD may be found soon...

2004-03-16 Thread Mike Ballard
U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq 11 TEHRAN (Mehr News Agency) ­ Over the past few days, in the wake of the bombings in Karbala and the ideological disputes that delayed

Re: Corporations/Side Issue

2004-03-14 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mike B. writes: I'm wondering about these pressures to cut costs which Chomsky refers to. Don't they lead to the big, nice co:operative having to try to find cheaper sources of material via low wage, usually dictatorial political states? FWIW,

Re: Corporations/Side Issue

2004-03-14 Thread Mike Ballard
Thanks for those insights, Paul. I really do appreciate them. They do confirm my suspicions about how the wages system and commodity production, no matter how nicely controlled, have historically tended in the direction of re-creating the social relation we know as Capital and the eventual

Re: What is this thing called love?

2004-03-14 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dennis Robertson. What Does the Economist Economize? in Economic Commentaries. London: Staples Press, 1956, pp. 147-55. He said that we economize love. Reminds me of that old song Love for Sale. Interesting that the word wares appears in the

Memories: speculation on the Madrid bombing....

2004-03-14 Thread Mike Ballard
The psy-war will continue, whoever did the bombing. Regards, Mike B) *** On March 11 about two hundred people were killed in Madrid in a bomb attack closely resembling the bombing of the Bologna railway station in Italy, more than 20 yrs ago.

Pentagon's homeland defense chief predicts long war on terror

2004-03-13 Thread Mike Ballard
March 3, 2004 By Chris Strohm [EMAIL PROTECTED] The war on terrorism will last as long and take as many resources as the Cold War did, the commander of the North American Aerospace Command and Northern Command recently said. Air Force Gen. Ralph Eberhart, who was in charge of the nation's air

Culture War May Find WMD

2004-03-13 Thread Mike Ballard
The psy-war on the ruled continues Regards, Mike B) By Laurie Spivak, AlterNet March 10, 2004 It seems that President Bush's culture war may finally succeed where Operation Iraqi Freedom did not. Namely, W and Rove's latest foray

Re: Corporations/Side Issue

2004-03-13 Thread Mike Ballard
--- paul phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mike B wrote I agree, it would be much better, if workers ran and managed the the firms in which they exploited themselves for surplus value. Honestly though, hasn't the history of creating such entities, like say Mondragon or the Amana

Re: Inefficiency of terminal health care provision in US

2004-03-12 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Chris Burford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: An article in the latest British Medical Journal on a painful subject reports powerful data that the privatised health care market in the US is not only unfair, it is inefficient, despite the democratic fact that all parents and indeed ourselves

Re: FW: Slate Money: The Social Security Crisis-Solved!

2004-03-11 Thread Mike Ballard
But the polytricksters keep robbing the fund to pay for the various debts they incur in financing the capitalist State. So, if there's more money in it because of productivity or immigration or whatever, they'll continue to rob us to pay Paul and then say they're broke when it comes time to

'We face climate disaster'

2004-03-11 Thread Mike Ballard
This is LONDON 10/03/04 - News and city section By Ben Leapman, Evening Standard Political Reporter The Government's chief scientist today set out an apocalyptic vision of global warming bringing back the conditions which drove the dinosaurs to extinction. Professor Sir David King told a House

Re: More conservative Rock-and-Roll stars

2004-03-11 Thread Mike Ballard
--- David B. Shemano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am a Peanut Butter and Jello Libertarian. Actually, I disclaim all labels, except contrarian. Since this list is against liberty for Exxon-Mobil, I am for it. Liberty, equality, fraternity for the gas pumps! Best, Mike B) =

Re: Corporations

2004-03-11 Thread Mike Ballard
--- andie nachgeborenen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Moreover one could imagibe a market society where, for eaxmple, the corporations did not have undemocratic power and wealth, and where the workers managed them themselves. Such corporations would be far less problematic than the largest ones

Re: Corporations

2004-03-11 Thread Mike Ballard
--- joanna bujes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: David B. Shemano wrote: So, when I, avoiding immiseration, get a job to work in a corporation, I am entering in a contract over which I have any control? I can bargain for my wage? I can bargain for my vacation? I can bargain for the conditions

Contracts in Iraq?

2004-03-08 Thread Mike Ballard
If you, or your clients, are involved in post-war Iraq contracts, please contact us to discuss your requirements and receive sample GIS data. *** Just thought you might like to see a sample. Cheers, Mike B) =

Re: Early rationale for Iraq war

2004-03-07 Thread Mike Ballard
--- k hanly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The True Rationale? It's a Decade Old Capitalist imperialism? What else could it be? Best to all, Mike B) =

An injury to one is an injury to all....

2004-03-05 Thread Mike Ballard
We find that the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the trade unions unable to cope with the ever growing power of the employing class. The trade unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in

Re: FW: Ellsberg defends Kerry against Republican charges of treason

2004-03-05 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Peter Hollings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This appeared on Daniel Ellsberg's list and I thought it might be of interest. Peter Hollings That it was. Thank-you, Peter. Regards, Mike B) = Beers fall into two broad

Re: new mercenarism redux

2004-03-04 Thread Mike Ballard
As a Marine Corps drill sargent once remarked to me and a bunch of recruits: YOU are ALL professional killers NOW! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT GIRLS? To which, we made the standard reply, YES SIR! Regards, Mike B) = Beers fall into

Re: any comments?

2004-03-02 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: March 2, 2004/New York TIMES NEWS ANALYSIS Medicare and Social Security Challenge By EDMUND L. ANDREWS In theory, the two giant trust funds are accumulating huge surpluses that can be used to pay for benefits when the baby boomers retire and

Re: aristide kidnapped

2004-03-01 Thread Mike Ballard
They destroyed the village in order to save it. A friend from up there in the Northern Hemisphere related the below to me. Best, Mike B) *** On Pacifica's Democracy Now today, Rep Maxine Waters, Dem, Ca (from LA) said she spoke with Jean

Re: Haiti Coup

2004-02-29 Thread Mike Ballard
For those of you at your computer, or SF-local, tune into KPFA ( and listen to blow by blow coverage of the coup in Haiti. Armed US/CIA-affiliated terrorists (Guy Philippe, FRAPH), that US media have portrayed as nonviolent, are engaged in a bloody purge of Aristide supporters,

Re: DeLong on Paul Sweezy

2004-02-29 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Eubulides [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Have fun *** I would like Brad De Long to be remembered for the following passage: How Strong a Supporter of International Capital Mobility

Re: article on MR website

2004-02-28 Thread Mike Ballard
Michael Yates wrote: I have an article posted on the Monthly Review website ( titled Can the Working Class Change the World? It is a write up of a talk I gave to the Marxist School in Sacramento. Comments welcome. In his article, Michael Yates wrote: What went wrong?

Re: Paul Marlor Sweezy (1910-2004)

2004-02-28 Thread Mike Ballard
Farewell fellow worker. Mike B) __ Do you Yahoo!? Get better spam protection with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: declaration of war?

2004-02-27 Thread Mike Ballard
Here's an interesting take: The Class Warrior.. Struggle continues, Mike B) --- Jurriaan Bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think you are correct. I already experienced this in the 1980s in New Zealand, it's just that the USA is much wealthier

Re: demo fervor

2004-02-25 Thread Mike Ballard
Here's a note from a friend of mine. Cheers, Mike B) * The Bush economic team is apparently at a loss on how to stop the erosion of US manufacturing jobs. (I think every monthly employment report for more than 40 consecutive months has

Re: Uganda's northern rebellion

2004-02-24 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Diane Monaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: BBC News 23 feb, 2004 The rebels are led by the mysterious Joseph Kony, who was part of a previous rebel force in northern Uganda. He has said that he wants to rule Uganda according to the Biblical Ten Commandments. But the rebel practice of

Re: dems, etc

2004-02-20 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: joanna bujes wrote: I gag at the thought of voting for Kerry, but I will because I think Bush and his gang are not merely reacting to the passing of the post-war boom: I think they are looters and goons who will continue to wreak destruction if

Re: dems, etc

2004-02-20 Thread Mike Ballard
Right on, Ralph. If the chickenhawks want an empire, let them be ready to send their own kids to battle for it. Lest we forget, it was Nixon who got rid of the draft in favour of the all (poor prole) volunteer military. Regards, Mike B) --- Ralph Johansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What of the

Re: dems, etc

2004-02-20 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Good point. Here's another question my little sister asked me the other day: If the popular vote doesn't mean anything, why do we vote? Joanna The popular vote doesn't mean much, but voter registration work does. While you are registering

Re: dems, etc

2004-02-20 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Right on, Ralph. If the chickenhawks want an empire, let them be ready to send their own kids to battle for it. Lest we forget, it was Nixon who got rid of the draft in favour of the all (poor prole) volunteer military. You see, that's why I

Re: new frontiers of property rights theory in China

2004-02-19 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mike Ballard wrote: Neither wage-labour nor state ownership will ever lead to anything but capitalism. I think that this is simplistic. State ownership of the means of production seems necessary to the rise of socialism and the eventual abolition

Re: Where did the money go ?

2004-02-19 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Jurriaan Bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The Council on Foreign Relations Task Force Report states that, for every dollar spent on the military, the US spends seven cents on diplomacy. Source:

Re: The Powell melt-down symptom

2004-02-19 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Jurriaan Bendien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is Colin Powell melting down? Suddenly, he stopped and glared at a Democratic committee staffer who was smirking and shaking his head. Are you shaking your head for something, young man back there? Powell grumbled. Are you part of the

Re: bragging

2004-02-19 Thread Mike Ballard
--- MICHAEL YATES [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Among the texts John is using is my new book Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy. Go Michael (both of yuz)! Keep on keepin' on. You and John and the rest of you lurking out there are really doing something worthwhile. Don't

Re: new frontiers of property rights theory in China

2004-02-18 Thread Mike Ballard
Neither wage-labour nor state ownership will ever lead to anything but capitalism. Regards, Mike B) = You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. --Mark Twain

Re: Anti-psychiatry

2004-02-12 Thread Mike Ballard
Just thought I'd share this insight with you on the question. Regards, Mike B) *** The analyst and his patient share this alienation, and since it does not usually manifest itself in any neurotic symptom but rather as the hallmark of mental health, it does not appear in

Re: The economy - a new era?

2004-02-12 Thread Mike Ballard
My interpretation of the rise of the corporate form is that Marx thought it might encourage workers to see that they were already doing all the work to keep society going (the capitalists being by then totally divorced of any productive function) and doing it co:operatively so why not do it for

Re: Psychoanalysis Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-10 Thread Mike Ballard
PROTECTED] wrote: Mike Ballard wrote: Why *don't* the proles revolt? After all, capitalism is way past its use-by date by now. That's demonstrated on this list daily by the countless, excellent news articles posted. Could this condition originate in a conservative psychological character

Re: Psychoanalysis Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-10 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Bill Lear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Monday, February 9, 2004 at 10:28:36 (-0500) Doug Henwood writes: ... Or, if you want to take it further, there's Judith Butler's argument - rooted in that silly doctrine called psychoanalysis - that subjects are formed in subjection (through

Re: Psychoanalysis Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-10 Thread Mike Ballard
, for fear of the disintegration of the subject. Mike Ballard wrote: Why *don't* the proles revolt? After all, capitalism is way past its use-by date by now. That's demonstrated on this list daily by the countless, excellent news articles posted. Could this condition originate

Re: Psychoanalysis Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-10 Thread Mike Ballard
Mike Ballard wrote: I see humans (and most humans are workers at this stage in history) as having an instinct for freedom. According to my reading of Freud, this instinct is repressed in order to maintain civilization i.e. whatever class society exists at the moment. --- Louis

Re: Psychoanalysis Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-09 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Carrol Cox wrote: 1. What validity does psychoanalysis have? Answer: [P]sychonalysis [is] a mistake that grew into an imposture. Frederick C. Crews, Preface to _Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend_, ed. Frederick Crews (New York:

Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-08 Thread Mike Ballard
Psychoanalysis has changed its function in the culture of our time, in accordance with fundamental social changes that occurred during the first half of the century. The collapse of the liberal era and of its promises, the spreading totalitarian trend and the efforts to counteract this trend, are

Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-08 Thread Mike Ballard
Psychoanalysis has changed its function in the culture of our time, in accordance with fundamental social changes that occurred during the first half of the century. The collapse of the liberal era and of its promises, the spreading totalitarian trend and the efforts to counteract this trend, are

Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-08 Thread Mike Ballard
--- joanna bujes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Freud does not constitute the alpha and omega of psychoanalysis, just one of its more conservative currents. For more forward looking work, look to Otto Fenichel, Thomas Szasz, Reich, Laing, etc. Joanna Agreed. But I think he made a cogent

Re: budget bull

2004-02-06 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Dan Scanlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When is a plan not really a plan? Philadelphia Inquirer Thu, Feb. 05, 2004 They do have a plan: fund Empire building, cut the producing class out of the wealth they create of as much as you can. Regards, Mike B) =

The Ice Age Cometh

2004-02-02 Thread Mike Ballard By Thom Hartmann, February 1, 2004 While global warming is being officially ignored by the political arm of the Bush administration, and Al Gore's recent conference on the topic during one of the coldest days of recent years

Re: The Ice Age Cometh

2004-02-02 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm no expert on this, but it sure seems that any kind of global change in the average temperature would disrupt weather patterns all over the world, causing severe winters, droughts, etc. I'm just an aspiring prolo-author. But the noises coming

Re: Important Book

2004-02-02 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Devine, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: the word progressive is profoundly ambiguous. is it Bull Moose and Teddy Roosevelt? or Lafollette? or Henry Wallace? * To me progress is a directional verb with the direction being towards greater freedom. If the movement leads

Re: Important Book

2004-02-02 Thread Mike Ballard
Right you are, James. The freedom of Bush and the bourgeoisie is for me and my class, un-freedom--continued wage-slavery. On the other hand, freedom for me and my class from wage-slavery should translate into a generalized freedom for all. Progressively yours, Mike B) P.S. Jurrien, thanks for

Re: Japan: forex interventions ii

2004-02-02 Thread Mike Ballard
--- Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is the first that I heard that China is putting its reserves in Euros. Is that true? Euros reserve increasing According to comments made by the head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and vice governor of the central bank Guo

Cost-efficiency democracy and retirement......

2004-01-31 Thread Mike Ballard
No nursing home for us. We're checking into the Holiday Inn! With the average cost for a nursing home per day reaching $188.00, there is a better way when we get old feeble. I have already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn. For a combined long term stay discount and senior discount,

Nanoparticles in the Brain

2004-01-30 Thread Mike Ballard
Thought this might be of interest. Nanotech is getting a lot of attention by those in the van of the capitalist production process these days. Regards, Mike B) *** Tiny particles enter the brain after being inhaled JIM GILES / Nature 9jan04

Regional cooling...

2004-01-26 Thread Mike Ballard
As the Walrus and the Carpenter discuss the relative merits of cabbages and kings, we oysters sit in spetacular bemusement. Regards, Mike B) From the London Independent: Global warming will plunge Britain into new ice age 'within decades' By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor 25 January 2004

Re: an exchange with aaron brown of CNN on David Kay and Scott Ritter

2004-01-25 Thread Mike Ballard
Excellent work Steve. Shows what CAN be done. Thanks, Mike B) = I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. I goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other

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