Re: Warnings, strict, and CPAN

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:14:01PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Was this trip really necessary?

> I've argued why warnings should be on by default (except in one-liners)
> and lost.  Its all been said, guys.

hmm. It seemed like the argument went pretty good this time around.

> Even with warnings on, they are all too often ignored.  Just today I
> got an email from a friend asking "why doesn't this program work"?
> The program was throwing a warning, but he'd ignored it.  Turns out it
> was one of the problems.  And he's no newbie.

yeah, there are programmers and there are people who contribute to CPAN.
I'd say they were a separate subset.

> Taint by default is just right out, I would hope this would be
> obvious.  Any program which takes, say, a filename from the command

agreed. I pointed out this before.

> strict by default is right out.  That's not the sort of language Perl is.

that's no argument. That's a solipsism.

> I'm the bloody QA chair and I don't even think its a good idea anymore.

what difference does that make?

> The idea of auditing other's code (CPAN for instance) is WAY more
> complicated than just "you must use taint, warnings and strict".  750

of course it is. I never said that it would solve all the world's problems.

> megs of code from 1000+ authors around the world, there's no way in
> hell you can enforce such simplistic and arbitrary standards.  See
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00148.html for some
> ideas.

I'm not asking to enforce any 'standards'. Like I said, there's no way I can
stop anybody from putting 'no warnings' or 'no strict' at the beginning of 
all their files. But I do expect a effort on their part to say, come up with
a policy towards warnings, and strictness.

Basically, I want '-w' back as a useful tool.

> Now, there are numerous ways to enforce good style on your local
> development environment.  You can replace perl on your production
> machine with something that does "perl -Mstrict -Tw" if you really
> want (be prepare to watch lots of modules break internally under
> taint).  

Exactly. That's the point - everything breaks. I don't want people to be 
forced to 'use strict' and 'use warnings'. All I want is their files to have
a POLICY towards 'use strict' and 'use warnings'.

Again, I want '-w' back as a useful tool. 

I looked through the discussion lists, and this was never addressed. If it was,
and I overlooked it, I'm sorry. 

> tools available and in the works (Dunce::Files for one, more on the
> way).  You can add to your default Makefile.PL a simple scan for "use
> strict", etc...  You can use a test & review enforcement system such
> as Aegis.  Set up code standards and enforce them with a scanning
> program.  Test coverage analysis is being built into Test::Harness,
> etc...

> You have to do all this anyway, flipping a few command line switches
> isn't going to solve fundemental software engineering problems.  Yes,
> it would be nice if warnings were on by default, but it has too many
> caveats.  Its also all to easy to be shut off (and don't think that's
> not the first switch a newbie will find).

Of course, I wouldn't mind if the newbie found the switch. Ultimately, I bet
lots of the newbies outgrow the switch though. And note that the switch
is there and *WELL ADVERTISED*. Not hidden in the docs.

> Supply your own discipline, don't make the language do it or you will
> be sorry.  (Devo moment... "Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom

But that's the point. You *are* supplying your own discipline. You are 
proactively stating by using '-q' that you want do have *lax* discipline, more
lax than the perl interpreter has to offer by default.

> from choice is what you want")  And please avoid the temptation to drag
> this point ad nauseum.

If you actually reply back towards the new points, then I'll agree with you and 

So - how about it? As I see it, the new points are: 

1) the fact that forgetting 'use strict' is painful and forgetting 
   the proposed '-q' or '-z' is painless.

2) the fact that I'm NOT trying to hide '-q' from users, but advertising
   its existence upto the point where it comes along with every single
   perl command that has errors for the beginning two iterations of 

3) the point that I am not aiming for a software standards but 
   for the modules on CPAN to have a strictness and warnings *policy*.
   We are talking apples and oranges here between your proposal and 

4) that '-w' is fundamentally broken as it stands and has to be fixed. 

In addition, I think that the whole idea of 'upgrade NOTES' is something worth
exploring. I didn't see it in any of the RFC's: the idea is that any changes
made to syntax between perl5 and perl6 will generate a NOTE that explains 
the difference between the two - and gives a pointer to some documentation 
explaining the change.

And don't dismiss 1 as trivial

Re: Warnings, strict, and CPAN

2001-02-15 Thread schwern

Was this trip really necessary?

Read this thread from back in September.
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00167.html

There's also a whole mailing list devoted to this.

I've argued why warnings should be on by default (except in one-liners)
and lost.  Its all been said, guys.

Even with warnings on, they are all too often ignored.  Just today I
got an email from a friend asking "why doesn't this program work"?
The program was throwing a warning, but he'd ignored it.  Turns out it
was one of the problems.  And he's no newbie.

Taint by default is just right out, I would hope this would be
obvious.  Any program which takes, say, a filename from the command
line and uses it to open a file for writing would have to do pointless
detainting.  It would become a useless ritual in /(.*)/.  Worse, one
would get used to that idiom and put it in places where you're
*really* supposed to be detainting.

strict by default is right out.  That's not the sort of language Perl is.

And before you start in on taint more, there are already a few RFCs on
improving it, read them.

I'm the bloody QA chair and I don't even think its a good idea anymore.

The idea of auditing other's code (CPAN for instance) is WAY more
complicated than just "you must use taint, warnings and strict".  750
megs of code from 1000+ authors around the world, there's no way in
hell you can enforce such simplistic and arbitrary standards.  See
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00148.html for some

Now, there are numerous ways to enforce good style on your local
development environment.  You can replace perl on your production
machine with something that does "perl -Mstrict -Tw" if you really
want (be prepare to watch lots of modules break internally under
taint).  You can run modules and programs with some of the auditing
tools available and in the works (Dunce::Files for one, more on the
way).  You can add to your default Makefile.PL a simple scan for "use
strict", etc...  You can use a test & review enforcement system such
as Aegis.  Set up code standards and enforce them with a scanning
program.  Test coverage analysis is being built into Test::Harness,

You have to do all this anyway, flipping a few command line switches
isn't going to solve fundemental software engineering problems.  Yes,
it would be nice if warnings were on by default, but it has too many
caveats.  Its also all to easy to be shut off (and don't think that's
not the first switch a newbie will find).

Supply your own discipline, don't make the language do it or you will
be sorry.  (Devo moment... "Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom
from choice is what you want")  And please avoid the temptation to drag
this point ad nauseum.

Instead of Yet Again arguing back and forth on this, go write me some
code auditing tools.

Re: Warnings, strict, and CPAN (Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs)

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

I guess this was what was meant by 'put your asbestos gloves on'.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 07:57:31PM -0500, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

> On Thursday 15 February 2001 19:21, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > How many times have I wanted to put 'use strict' in a module and 
> forgotten 
> > about it? 
> Then it isn't, technically, a perl problem.

Yes, its a perl usability problem. It comes down to how easy perl is to use.

> > How many times have I wanted to use '-w' but was not able to because
> > of all the junk that comes out of it?
> That also, technically, isn't a perl problem. 

Yes, its a perl usability problem. It comes down to how easy perl is to use.

> > Make it by default and a large portion of the problem is solved.
> Define "large portion" and "the problem." 

The problem is stability/usability of modules on CPAN. The 'large portion'
of problems is the errors caused by people not using '-w' and 'strict' on their
modules causing run-time errors.

> > If you get really used to -q, then it rolls off the fingertips: 
> > '/usr/local/bin/perl -q'. 
> If you really get used to "use strict;", then it rolls off the fingertips, 
> too.

yeah, but I covered this down below. If you forget '-q' it isn't that big 
a deal, its easily found. If you forget 'use strict'


> You'd be amazed how many errors *aren't* caught with strict and warnings.

This is irrelevant. I never said it would fix the world.

> What can be more proactive than "Your code should work."?

Its the enforceablity of that concept.

What I'm saying is that if you *really* want a revolution, try to force people 
to only be able to release their modules *until* it works on a large number 
of platforms. If you used that as a criteria, perl itself would never get out
the door. ( witness the number of bug reports on perl5-porters )

> > As for '-T', well, some modules don't *want* to be run in '-T' mode. 
> Why not?  Evvery module should handle untainted data, just in 
> case, right?  

well, no, actually. Some modules evaluate code given on the command line, and
are quite useful. And regular expressions can take - as an argument - 
unevaluated code through ?{}.

> That is potentially far more dangerous than using a global in the wrong 
> package, no?

That's why -T exists. You can turn it on if you are going to be using it in
suid scripts, and boom, it gives you a list of errors. 

But the point is that sometimes things that are taint-unsafe are useful. And
hence you can't use a blanket evaluation mechanism, it has to be done case 
by case.

> > In my experience, its always been the proactive policies which work the 
> best.
> > Reactive policies have lots of shortcomings and are hard to set up. Which 
> is
> > easier to do - prevent a fire or put one out after its started?
> Well, speaking from experience, put one out.  There are an unbelievable 
> number of ways a fire can start, a lot of them unforeseeable.  But most 
> fires themselves fall into a half-dozen classes, with fairly standard 
> firefighting techniques.

ok, let me put it another way - why start fires just so you can put them out?

> > And the more I think about it, you cannot make the project you describe 
> > proactive - ie: we will not accept your module *until* conditions x,y,z 
> occur - this would be too onerous to accept for module developers. 
> So you want to force people to adhere to strict rules, but it would be too 
> onerous to force them to adhere to strict rules?

I think that there is a basic misconception here - there is NO FORCING GOING 
ON. The only thing I'm 'forcing' people to do is come up with a policy towards
warnings or strictness. Who am I to say a module writer if he/she wants to put
'no strict; no warnings' in his/her module?

The fact is, though, that people will get used to the extra safety blanket that
these two things give, and I bet people will use it 75% of the time if not more.
And we'll all be better off.

And anyways, yeah, there's a big differnce between a use strict policy, and 
making a module work on 20 different platforms before it can be published.
The manpower might not be available. the equipment might not be available. The
module owner might not WANT to port his module to multiple platforms. And so
on and so on and so on.

> (Personally, I don't care about the extra warnings, as long as I can shut 
> them up.  That doesn't really change perl's behavior.  Forced strictness 
> does.)

Exactly. You can shut them up with 'no warnings' or '-q'. There is no such thing
as 'forced strictness', that's a straw dog that's unfortunately relatively 
easy to beat.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 12:32:01AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 03:07:51PM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > 
> > > Also, if I have:
> > > 
> > > @a = (1 .. 10);
> > > $a, $b, $c = @_;
> > 
> > How about 'an implicit parens around a set of statements separated by commas
> > in any context'? This is consistent
> > 
> > $a, $b, $c = $d, $e, $f; # ($a, $b, $c) = ($d, $e, $f);
> Do you mean:
>   (($a, $b), $c) = (($d, $e), $f);
> perhaps? 

No, actually not. I mean to add the parens by determination of 
'list operators', things like '='. I would discourage ',' in its use
as a statement separator, and replace it with ';'. And I'd like
to be able to say:

while ($content = &$collector; length($content))


or even

while { $content = &$collector; return(length($content)) }


although that does look sort of funky.

> So, the cost of leaving off parens at some places, is to add them elsewhere?
> What's the point? In the long run, you aren't gaining anything, all you
> are doing is messing up the precedence table. It's already complicated
> enough, why have a different precendence table in perl6? Fine, you might
> not need the parens for my(), you suddenly need them where you don't need
> them in perl5.

Well, I just analyzed this empirically. I went through a rather large module
(libwww) to analyze how much impact the changes that I'd propose would make,
in a real-life setting, and how many parens you would lose/gain in-toto:

The pattern:

my(...) = @_;

appears 116 times.

The pattern:

($x1,$y1,$z1) = ($x2, $y2, $z2);


while (($a1,$b1) = each (%suffixType))

appears approx 25 times.

With just these two types of items you could lose 143 pairs of parenthesis 
minimum. Add on extra sundry things, and you lose 50 more paren pairs. If you 
went for broke, you could probably lose lots more than this

Now, as for the things this breaks:

There were 3 things that broke outright, all statements that were:

  while ($content = &$collector, length $$content) {

Additionally, there were some statements that looked like:

$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.16 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);

which I don't think break because the operator in question (=~) only
works against scalars..

So that's 3 statements out of 9000 lines of code. But then again, I only did
a rough analysis, you are welcome to check it over.

> > tie (my $shoe) => $string;
> Not enough arguments for tie...
> This trap is documented.

I guess then I don't understand what:

tie my $shoe => $string

is supposed to do... I count either one or two arguments here, depending
on how I parse it.
> > both of these look easier to follow to me, at least.
> You're kidding, right? If I wanted LISP, I know where to find it.

no, I'm not. And anyways, this solution is far less lispish than what
you are suggesting:

my $a, $b, $c = @_


my ($a, $b, $c) = @_;

while $key, $value = each %hash


while ($key, $value = each %hash)


while (($key, $value) = each %hash)

> I think I've seen enough of perl6 by now. I'll treasure my copy of perl5
> till the end of times.

you are welcome to do that. Its called 'use perl5' at the top of your


Re: Warnings, strict, and CPAN (Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs)

2001-02-15 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 15 February 2001 19:21, Edward Peschko wrote:
> How many times have I wanted to put 'use strict' in a module and 
> about it? 

Then it isn't, technically, a perl problem.

> How many times have I wanted to use '-w' but was not able to because
> of all the junk that comes out of it?

That also, technically, isn't a perl problem. 

> Make it by default and a large portion of the problem is solved.

Define "large portion" and "the problem." 

> If you get really used to -q, then it rolls off the fingertips: 
> '/usr/local/bin/perl -q'. 

If you really get used to "use strict;", then it rolls off the fingertips, 

> of course, but they will fix a large part of them. You'd be amazed how 
> errors will be caught with 'use strict' and 'use warnings'...

You'd be amazed how many errors *aren't* caught with strict and warnings.

> > If we're interested in increased CPAN quality, there's a bunch of stuff
> > we can do. We can have a standard test suite that's run against every
> > module uploaded to check if it's installable and compiles basically. We
> > can check for -w, -T, use strict, and tons of other stuff. We can check
> But we don't want to check for '-w' and 'use strict'. We want to leave 
that up
> to the module owner. All I want is a clear policy towards warnings and 
> Thats a hell of a lot easier to achieve with something proactive.

What can be more proactive than "Your code should work."?

> As for '-T', well, some modules don't *want* to be run in '-T' mode. 

Why not?  Evvery module should handle untainted data, just in 
case, right?  That is potentially far more dangerous than using a global in 
the wrong package, no?

> In my experience, its always been the proactive policies which work the 
> Reactive policies have lots of shortcomings and are hard to set up. Which 
> easier to do - prevent a fire or put one out after its started?

Well, speaking from experience, put one out.  There are an unbelievable 
number of ways a fire can start, a lot of them unforeseeable.  But most 
fires themselves fall into a half-dozen classes, with fairly standard 
firefighting techniques.

> And the more I think about it, you cannot make the project you describe 
> proactive - ie: we will not accept your module *until* conditions x,y,z 
occur -
> this would be too onerous to accept for module developers. 

So you want to force people to adhere to strict rules, but it would be too 
onerous to force them to adhere to strict rules?

(Personally, I don't care about the extra warnings, as long as I can shut 
them up.  That doesn't really change perl's behavior.  Forced strictness 
Bryan C. Warnock

Re: Warnings, strict, and CPAN (Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs)

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:54:37PM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Edward Peschko wrote:

> > Right, but what I don't understand is that its two extra characters at the end
> > of a command line... whats the big deal about typing '-q' on one line in
> > scripts? Its easy enough to advertise '-q' and put it in big lights...
> Yes and no, I think. As Alan Burlinson pointed out earlier, this is
> *not* a purely clean-slate we have here to work with. There are lots and
> lots and lots of users who know how Perl works. Many of these users
> don't even know that you can do this:
>my $x = 5;
> Let alone that this:
>my $x, $y, $z;

right, but that's a pretty small issue. For one, my *would* be more well known
if perl had a default stricter policy. And preventing pain is a simple matter 
of people knowing that '-q' exists and advertising that fact. You could even 
put the message in the output for the error as an upgrade note:

Global symbol "$ca" requires explicit package name at aa line 2.
Execution of aa aborted due to compilation errors.

NOTE: to perl5 users - by default, perl is doing more up-front error checking.
To get the old behavior, you can say 'perl -q' in front of your scripts, as

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -q

(although ultimately the error checking can help quite a bit in tracking down
errors. see 'use strict' and 'use warning' in the manual.)

I think that notes like these tied to the executable are going to be big 
helpers in migrating people up in general. And my guess is that there are going
to be a lot bigger issues than this to face for upgrading people. 

my $x, $y, $z;

> Doesn't DWIM, again according to what most people think.

It would DWIM if I had my druthers.

> > write scripts without 'use strict'. I do this all the time. But I really think
> > that its a small price to pay to put '-q' on the #!/usr/bin/perl command line
> > for the vast benefits that it would give us all as far as CPAN goes.
> Let's separate the CPAN thing out for a moment. "use strict" and "use
> warnings" are not the universal solutions to CPAN quality issues, at
> least as far as I'm aware.

No of course not the 'end all be all'. But they are a large, large, large
part of it. Its proactive thinking versus reactive thinking. It forces module
writers to *have* a warnings policy and a strict policy.

How many times have I wanted to put 'use strict' in a module and forgotten 
about it? How many times have I wanted to use '-w' but was not able to because
of all the junk that comes out of it? Too many to count... 

Make it by default and a large portion of the problem is solved.

> As for the -q thing, I think it is far *less* of a burden to add "use
> strict" and "use warnings" when you're writing a big piece of code. When
> you're writing 5 lines, every extra character counts. When you're
> writing 500 or 5000 lines, 2 lines of "use" statements are nothing.

well, take the two possible cases:

1) With -e, you have no extra characters to type.
2) With -q, you have two extra characters to type.

If you get really used to -q, then it rolls off the fingertips: 
'/usr/local/bin/perl -q'. 

And in the rare case that you forget '-q', you'll get instant feedback from 
all the errors that you get.

Now take the opposite case. That you forget 'use strict'.

In this case, you can - and I have - looked at it for hours to find the errors 
that I missed.  And worse yet, these are runtime errors. And then I realize that
I meant 'use strict' and typically whack my head a couple of times.

> > So - in the place of a '-q', would you support a mechanism for making
> > sure that CPAN is '-w' clean? If so, how would you enforce it?
> Absolutely, 100%. But this is a separate issue. For example, a big
> problem with CPAN is also packaging. There's lots of modules that don't
> use the h2xs/Makefile.PL approach. Also, many modules on CPAN have been
> in beta for years, and not just 0.99 beta but 0.02 beta, broken and
> uninstallable. There's also a lot of modules that don't run under -T.
> But "strict" won't fix these issues.

of course, but they will fix a large part of them. You'd be amazed how many
errors will be caught with 'use strict' and 'use warnings'...

> If we're interested in increased CPAN quality, there's a bunch of stuff
> we can do. We can have a standard test suite that's run against every
> module uploaded to check if it's installable and compiles basically. We
> can check for -w, -T, use strict, and tons of other stuff. We can check

But we don't want to check for '-w' and 'use strict'. We want to leave that up
to the module owner. All I want is a clear policy towards warnings and strict.
Thats a hell of a lot easier to achieve with something proactive.

As for '-T', well, some modules don't *want* to be run in '-T' mode. 
The 'installable' part is intriguing, but then again there are problems with
feedback - do you allow a module to be uploaded if it doesn't compile against

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Nicholas Clark

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:29:33PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 08:19:27PM +, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 09:05:55PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:23:10AM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > > > But I have never found a situation where this is so useful to justify
> > > > the other problems it creates. However, there may well be true technical
> > > > reasons why "my $x, $y, $z" does not do what many think it should.
> > > 
> > > As I wrote elsewhere, other reasons not to change the behaviour of my:
> > > 
> > > GetOptions (foo => \my $foo,
> > > bar => \my $bar);
> > > 
> > > tie my $shoe => $tring;
> > 
> > Hmm. Nathan's example of my is in void context
> > Abigail's are not.
> > 
> > As there appears to be a way to tell them apart, is it possible (sane?) to
> > make both work? Or at least issue warnings (not mandatory, but defaulting
> > to on unless you have some sort of no warnings) for Nathan's case?
> > [where () round all three would make it do what he meant]
> If I have:
> (my $foo1, $bar1) = (my $foo2, $bar2) = ("foo", "bar");
> then '(my $foo1, $bar1)' is in void context, while '(my $foo2, $bar2)'
> isn't.
> Do you really want them to behave differently?

No. But I couldn't think of anything like that, which was why I asked.

> > best way to shoot down my suggestion is an example where existing behaviour
> > can't be determined from void/scalar/list context.
> Will the above do?

Yes, thanks.
I would *not* like to teach why the they behaved differently.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 09:01 PM 2/15/01 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:08:47AM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > However, that still doesn't get rid of the gotchas - personally I think 
> that:
> >
> > my $a, $b, $c;
> >
> > should be an error, a warning, or DWIM. Especially:
>Personally, I don't think so.
> GetOptions (foo  =>  \my $foo,
> bar  =>  \my $bar);
> tie my $shoe => $tring;
>are just way too practical to suddenly require more hoops.

I don't want to DWIM this.  Would it be so bad to have to type

 GetOptions (foo => \my ($foo),
 bar => \my $bar);

 tie my ($shoe) => $tring;

if we made 'my' consistent with all other functions that take lists 

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 03:07:51PM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > Also, if I have:
> > 
> > @a = (1 .. 10);
> > $a, $b, $c = @_;
> How about 'an implicit parens around a set of statements separated by commas
> in any context'? This is consistent
> $a, $b, $c = $d, $e, $f; # ($a, $b, $c) = ($d, $e, $f);

Do you mean:

  (($a, $b), $c) = (($d, $e), $f);


> And if you say something like:
> $a, $b, $c == 10, $d == 11
> you need to disambiguate the sub-statements by saying
> $a, $b, ($c ==10), ($d == 11)

So, the cost of leaving off parens at some places, is to add them elsewhere?

What's the point? In the long run, you aren't gaining anything, all you
are doing is messing up the precedence table. It's already complicated
enough, why have a different precendence table in perl6? Fine, you might
not need the parens for my(), you suddenly need them where you don't need
them in perl5.

> my $a =   # DWIM
> my $a, $b, $c.
> As for your examples:
> GetOptions (foo => \(my $foo), bar => \(my $bar))
> tie (my $shoe) => $string;

Not enough arguments for tie...

This trap is documented.

> both of these look easier to follow to me, at least.

You're kidding, right? If I wanted LISP, I know where to find it.

> > $c becomes 10. Should $c become 3 when my is placed before $a?
> No, I think in both cases, they should produce '3'. 

Ah, more pointless changes with perl5.

I think I've seen enough of perl6 by now. I'll treasure my copy of perl5
till the end of times.


Re: Warnings, strict, and CPAN (Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs)

2001-02-15 Thread schwern

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 03:02:10PM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> If we're interested in increased CPAN quality, there's a bunch of stuff
> we can do.

See also, CPANTS (totally vaporware, but its a plan)
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00148.html

> Heck, I'd even volunteer to head up a project to do this.

Don't say that too loud, I might just take you up on it.

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

> It was suggested to DWIM when I use my in void context, and not when
> my isn't used in void context. With the above example, such a rule
> would mean '$bar1' is my()ed, and '$bar2' isn't. That's IMO, very hard
> to explain, very hard to bugtrack and totally unexpected. Even if not
> everyone uses it.

well, for the small fraction of people that use it, they probably are 
experienced and know to use parens to disambiguate. That's what I do when 
I come across something totally unexpected. And anyways:

my $a, $b, $c = @_;

not working is 'very hard to bugtrack and totally unexpected' for a larger 
percentage of perl programmers out there. 

Anyways, I think this problem goes away if we adopt a suggestion that I 
make below.

> > However, I think that:
> > 
> > my $a, $b, $c;
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > my $a, $b, $c = @_;

Hmm. then I have a misunderstanding of what exactly 'void' context is. 'void'
context to me is when you say

$a, $b, $c;

ie: when something is not the lhs of an '='. 

> > should work the same and they wouldn't do so if 'void' context was the only 
> > criteria used.
> Both of the above my()s are in void context.

well, then it works then. cool.

> Also, if I have:
> @a = (1 .. 10);
> $a, $b, $c = @_;

How about 'an implicit parens around a set of statements separated by commas
in any context'? This is consistent

$a, $b, $c = $d, $e, $f; # ($a, $b, $c) = ($d, $e, $f);

And if you say something like:

$a, $b, $c == 10, $d == 11

you need to disambiguate the sub-statements by saying

$a, $b, ($c ==10), ($d == 11)

my $a =   # DWIM

my $a, $b, $c.

As for your examples:

GetOptions (foo => \(my $foo), bar => \(my $bar))

tie (my $shoe) => $string;

both of these look easier to follow to me, at least.

> $c becomes 10. Should $c become 3 when my is placed before $a?

No, I think in both cases, they should produce '3'. 

ok, now back to:

(my $foo1, $bar1) = (my $foo2, $bar2) = ('foo', 'bar');

Works as expected. $foo1, $bar1, $foo2, $bar2 are all 'my'ed.


Warnings, strict, and CPAN (Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs)

2001-02-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

[resent to perl6-language, sorry for any duplicates]

Edward Peschko wrote:
> > I personally think that this is something Larry is going to have to
> > decide. However, I would like to note that leaving these off by default
> > lowers the transition curve to Perl 6 immensely for those people that
> > use Perl as a glue/scripting/sysadmin language.
> Right, but what I don't understand is that its two extra characters at the end
> of a command line... whats the big deal about typing '-q' on one line in
> scripts? Its easy enough to advertise '-q' and put it in big lights...

Yes and no, I think. As Alan Burlinson pointed out earlier, this is
*not* a purely clean-slate we have here to work with. There are lots and
lots and lots of users who know how Perl works. Many of these users
don't even know that you can do this:

   my $x = 5;

Let alone that this:

   my $x, $y, $z;

Doesn't DWIM, again according to what most people think.

> > Key: Not everyone becomes a Perl expert. Many people never leave
> > novice/intermediate level. This doesn't mean that we should design the
> > language for these people, but it also doesn't mean we should thumb our
> > noses at them.
> So - why is it a religious issue then? I respect the fact that you want to
> write scripts without 'use strict'. I do this all the time. But I really think
> that its a small price to pay to put '-q' on the #!/usr/bin/perl command line
> for the vast benefits that it would give us all as far as CPAN goes.

Let's separate the CPAN thing out for a moment. "use strict" and "use
warnings" are not the universal solutions to CPAN quality issues, at
least as far as I'm aware.

As for the -q thing, I think it is far *less* of a burden to add "use
strict" and "use warnings" when you're writing a big piece of code. When
you're writing 5 lines, every extra character counts. When you're
writing 500 or 5000 lines, 2 lines of "use" statements are nothing.

> So - in the place of a '-q', would you support a mechanism for making
> sure that CPAN is '-w' clean? If so, how would you enforce it?

Absolutely, 100%. But this is a separate issue. For example, a big
problem with CPAN is also packaging. There's lots of modules that don't
use the h2xs/Makefile.PL approach. Also, many modules on CPAN have been
in beta for years, and not just 0.99 beta but 0.02 beta, broken and
uninstallable. There's also a lot of modules that don't run under -T.
But "strict" won't fix these issues.

If we're interested in increased CPAN quality, there's a bunch of stuff
we can do. We can have a standard test suite that's run against every
module uploaded to check if it's installable and compiles basically. We
can check for -w, -T, use strict, and tons of other stuff. We can check
for the packaging to make sure that "perl -MCPAN -e shell" will install
the stuff cleanly. If there's simple problems (misnamed tar files, a
$VERSION split onto multiple lines), we can even auto-fix this. Then
send all the results to the user who uploaded the module.

Heck, I'd even volunteer to head up a project to do this. But I think
it's a separate issue from "use strict" and "use warnings", let's not
confuse the two.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:03:21PM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > If I have:
> > 
> > (my $foo1, $bar1) = (my $foo2, $bar2) = ("foo", "bar");
> > 
> > then '(my $foo1, $bar1)' is in void context, while '(my $foo2, $bar2)'
> > isn't.
> > 
> > Do you really want them to behave differently?
> > 
> > > best way to shoot down my suggestion is an example where existing behaviour
> > > can't be determined from void/scalar/list context.
> > 
> > Will the above do?
> well, I'd say no. How many people are going to run into this and have it not 
> do what they expect as opposed to:
> my $a, $b, $c;

The point isn't how many are going to run into this.

The point is how to determine when to warn or when not to warn.

It was suggested to DWIM when I use my in void context, and not when
my isn't used in void context. With the above example, such a rule
would mean '$bar1' is my()ed, and '$bar2' isn't. That's IMO, very hard
to explain, very hard to bugtrack and totally unexpected. Even if not
everyone uses it.

> However, I think that:
> my $a, $b, $c;
> and
> my $a, $b, $c = @_;
> should work the same and they wouldn't do so if 'void' context was the only 
> criteria used.

Both of the above my()s are in void context.

Also, if I have:

@a = (1 .. 10);
$a, $b, $c = @_;

$c becomes 10. Should $c become 3 when my is placed before $a?


Re: defined: Short-cutting on || with undef only.

2001-02-15 Thread schwern

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 08:52:01PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You mean the beaten-to-death ??, formely known as |||, operator?
> It has torn p5p to shreds repeatedly.

Could be worse, could be url open().

duck && cover;

RE: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Garrett Goebel

From: Steve Simmons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> > Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS
> > code, or whatever its replacement is?
> Pardon my ignorance, but what's XS code?

Extra code is. Which knack had you obfuscation
for could left out have been. --Yoda

My personal preference is that we firmly entrench as a barrier
between your average Perl programmer and XS. -Or whatever it may become.
Then XS could be described as the extra stuff you never (thank God) need to


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

> If I have:
> (my $foo1, $bar1) = (my $foo2, $bar2) = ("foo", "bar");
> then '(my $foo1, $bar1)' is in void context, while '(my $foo2, $bar2)'
> isn't.
> Do you really want them to behave differently?
> > best way to shoot down my suggestion is an example where existing behaviour
> > can't be determined from void/scalar/list context.
> Will the above do?

well, I'd say no. How many people are going to run into this and have it not 
do what they expect as opposed to:

my $a, $b, $c;

However, I think that:

my $a, $b, $c;


my $a, $b, $c = @_;

should work the same and they wouldn't do so if 'void' context was the only 
criteria used.


Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Steve Simmons

Many thanks to all for the pointers.

Paul Johnson wrote:

> I don't think any proposal of this nature would be conplete without a
> consideration of these aspects.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 08:19:27PM +, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 09:05:55PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:23:10AM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > > But I have never found a situation where this is so useful to justify
> > > the other problems it creates. However, there may well be true technical
> > > reasons why "my $x, $y, $z" does not do what many think it should.
> > 
> > As I wrote elsewhere, other reasons not to change the behaviour of my:
> > 
> > GetOptions (foo => \my $foo,
> > bar => \my $bar);
> > 
> > tie my $shoe => $tring;
> Hmm. Nathan's example of my is in void context
> Abigail's are not.
> As there appears to be a way to tell them apart, is it possible (sane?) to
> make both work? Or at least issue warnings (not mandatory, but defaulting
> to on unless you have some sort of no warnings) for Nathan's case?
> [where () round all three would make it do what he meant]

If I have:

(my $foo1, $bar1) = (my $foo2, $bar2) = ("foo", "bar");

then '(my $foo1, $bar1)' is in void context, while '(my $foo2, $bar2)'

Do you really want them to behave differently?

> best way to shoot down my suggestion is an example where existing behaviour
> can't be determined from void/scalar/list context.

Will the above do?


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

> >So... what was the rationale against it?
> Best read the archives... I am the wrong person to ask for a statement of 
> the opposing viewpoint...

hey... I'm a lazy guy.. ;-) So - I guess coming from someone who holds the 
opposing viewpoint, what was it?


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

Peter Scott wrote:
> >And in any case, make '-e' have the additional connotation that implies
> >'no strict', and 'no warn'.
> no 'warnings'
> >  Seems simple enough to me.
> Yes, that's what I thought; but this has generated more heat than light, at
> least on the times I've brought it up, e.g.,

Please, let's not retrace this argument. It's really become apparent to
me that there's two types of folks on this:

   1) the quick and dirty users / utility scripters

   2) the instructors and massive code maintainers

(Depending on your project at the time, you may switch between roles).

The former vehemently support "RFC 16: Keep default Perl free of
constraints such as warnings and strict", under various mantras from
"Make things easy" to "Hey, one liners!"

The latter vehemently support the concept of "use strict" and "use
warnings" being on by default. The justification is that it helps people
write cleaner code, catch errors faster, etc, and all you have to do is
say "my" in front of all your variables. (However, let's not forget
about strict refs!)

I personally think that this is something Larry is going to have to
decide. However, I would like to note that leaving these off by default
lowers the transition curve to Perl 6 immensely for those people that
use Perl as a glue/scripting/sysadmin language.

Key: Not everyone becomes a Perl expert. Many people never leave
novice/intermediate level. This doesn't mean that we should design the
language for these people, but it also doesn't mean we should thumb our
noses at them.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 01:03 PM 2/15/01 -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00025.html
>Well, I agree with pretty much everything you said, except I like '-q' better
>than '-z' for aesthetic reasons.
>So... what was the rationale against it?

Best read the archives... I am the wrong person to ask for a statement of 
the opposing viewpoint...
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

> >And in any case, make '-e' have the additional connotation that implies
> >'no strict', and 'no warn'.
> no 'warnings'

thanks. 'no warnings'

> >  Seems simple enough to me.

> Yes, that's what I thought; but this has generated more heat than light, at 
> least on the times I've brought it up, e.g.,
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00025.html

Well, I agree with pretty much everything you said, except I like '-q' better
than '-z' for aesthetic reasons.

So... what was the rationale against it?


Re: End-of-scope actions: do/eval duality.

2001-02-15 Thread Simon Cozens

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 05:58:34PM -0300, Branden wrote:
> > I find a "let's require some extra hoops and red tape" not very-Perl like.
> > Perl is there for the programmer; not the other way around.
> Please read ``Larry's talk in Atlanta about Perl 6'', the text is in
>, you can find it in
> Read the fifth paragraph under `[Simplifications]'.

Having read that many times over, I agree with Abigail.
You can't just magically invoke Larry and expect that to prove your
point. Or prove that you have a point.

For me, UNIX is a way of being. -Armando P. Stettner

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 12:43 PM 2/15/01 -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:40:52PM -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 12:25:44PM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > > well, I was thinking about this - there really should be an extra 
> switch that
> > > makes this possible, rather than typing 'no strict; no warn;' ie:
> > >
> > > #!/usr/local/bin/perl -q # for quick and dirty.
> >
> > We already have a switch that means "quick and dirty", it's called
> > "-e"
>Beautiful. then just co-opt it. Right now when I say:
>#!/usr/local/bin/perl -e
>in a file i get
>Can't emulate -e on #! line at a.p.
>Either that, or add '-q' as a file version for '-e'.
>And in any case, make '-e' have the additional connotation that implies
>'no strict', and 'no warn'.

no 'warnings'

>  Seems simple enough to me.

Yes, that's what I thought; but this has generated more heat than light, at 
least on the times I've brought it up, e.g.,

http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00025.html

Better get the asbestos underwear ready.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:40:52PM -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 12:25:44PM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > well, I was thinking about this - there really should be an extra switch that
> > makes this possible, rather than typing 'no strict; no warn;' ie:
> > 
> > #!/usr/local/bin/perl -q # for quick and dirty.
> We already have a switch that means "quick and dirty", it's called
> "-e"

Beautiful. then just co-opt it. Right now when I say:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -e

in a file i get

Can't emulate -e on #! line at a.p.

Either that, or add '-q' as a file version for '-e'. 

And in any case, make '-e' have the additional connotation that implies 
'no strict', and 'no warn'.  Seems simple enough to me.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 12:25:44PM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> well, I was thinking about this - there really should be an extra switch that
> makes this possible, rather than typing 'no strict; no warn;' ie:
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -q # for quick and dirty.

We already have a switch that means "quick and dirty", it's called

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread David Grove

Steve Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Paul Johnson wrote:
 > > Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or
 > > its replacement is?
 > Pardon my ignorance, but what's XS code?

Simply put (and paraphrastically, so don't nitpick, anyone), XS is using a
funky type of C used to code Perl back ends. You end up with compiled
modules in .DLL (Win32) or .so (Linux/etc) format. XS is used to supply
Perl with functionality that it currently doesn't have, such as connecting
with a C-based library, or to do something faster in compiled code than
you could do in Perl code (which latter use is becoming more and more
irrelevant on faster and faster machines).


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread John Porter

Branden wrote:
> >
> > There was more heated discussion in the thread rooted at
> >
> > the discussion of RFC 16.
> Well, actually, I read that, and it pretty much discusses making `strict'
> default or not (which I believe is not), but I saw nothing against another
> pragma like the one proposed in RFC 64.

You're focusing too narrowly on your specific proposal.
In talking about other proposals, those threads make a lot of
points which are relevant to yours.  IOW, you're missing the
spirit of it.

> > "...but I hesitate to make ten ways to do it."
> As there's only two, it would be three, so I think we have still seven to
> find ;-)

Again, you're missing the spirit of the aphorism (perhaps 
intentionally).  We should be very careful when considering
adding more WTDI, particularly if those WTDI are not
necessary, as in this case.

> Once more, I don't ask you to use it or like it.

That's the umpteenth time you've said that, but you seem
to be trying to counter something I never said.
I'm arguing against your proposal because I think it's a 
bad idea and is bad for perl.  I assure you if it goes in,
I will not use it.  You don't need to worry about that.

John Porter

Ann wenno haddum billizac...

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

> Still would be able to do it with `use strict'. My proposal isn't going to
> replace it! As it didn't replace the default global variables! As I said, I
> don't want you to use it or even like it, I'm only wanting YAWTDI.

Right, but your approach isn't going to help in the cases where it is needed 
most, ie: long programs where it *is* nice to have lexical variables. There are
two possibilities here:

1 - long scripts where you need lexicals
2 - short scripts where you don't.

In #1, 'use scope' is going to hinder more than help, for the reasons that I
mentioned. In #2, 'use scope' is not needed because you simply don't have strict

> Actually, I think sometimes it can be done with -w (``Variable xyz used only
> once, probably spelling error'').

Right, but what of cases when you are consistantly using the wrong variable.
Or you use it wrong twice. If its not bulletproof, I'd rather not rely on it.

> I'm fond of having an alternative to it, ie. `use scope'. I don't want it by
> default, as I don't want it to replace `strict' either. It would only be
> there for anyone decide if he would or wouldn't use it.

The question is whether or not the pragma is worth the extra complexity in the
parser/implementation that it would add as opposed to the benefit of its being
there. If it was not that difficult to implement, I wouldn't mind seeing it..

> As to turn on by default, I actually don't think making one of this things
> default would be good, because it would make one-liners and small quick and
> dirty scripts some harder to write. For longer scripts and modules (that
> already are many lines long), writing one or two more lines isn't expensive
> at all...

well, I was thinking about this - there really should be an extra switch that
makes this possible, rather than typing 'no strict; no warn;' ie:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -q # for quick and dirty.

The main rationale behind this is that - face it '-w' is pretty much useless 
now for any module that includes other modules. Why? because you get those 
warnings as well as your own. Even the standard distribution of perl isn't 
free of this behaviour. 

Make them the default, and people will adhere to them. And '-w' will become 
useful again.

And as newbies, they will also get feedback on things that used to be silent and
hence learn faster. 


Re: End-of-scope actions: do/eval duality.

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 05:58:34PM -0300, Branden wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:04:51AM -0300, Branden wrote:
> > > Why `do FILE' behaves like eval, if there's eval to do it? Isn't this a
> > > little too much not-orthogonal? Why don't we require `eval { do FILE }'
> to
> > > have the behaviour of not dying and setting $@ ?
> >
> > And that would gains us what exactly?
> >
> > As the Perl man page says, do FILE is like
> > scalar eval `cat FILE`;
> > If you take out the eval, you get:
> > scalar `cat FILE`;
> > which is pretty pointless.
> >
> > I find a "let's require some extra hoops and red tape" not very-Perl like.
> > Perl is there for the programmer; not the other way around.
> >
> Please read ``Larry's talk in Atlanta about Perl 6'', the text is in
>, you can find it in
> Read the fifth paragraph under `[Simplifications]'.

Ah, you mean the paragraph were Larry suggest renaming homonyms?
Requiring to write "eval {do FILE}" were you first wrote "do FILE;"
seems quite opposite to what he says.

Keeping the semantics but making it "include FILE" seems to be more
in the line what he means.

But then, it might be better to wait till Larry has spoken.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Nicholas Clark

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 09:05:55PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:23:10AM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > But I have never found a situation where this is so useful to justify
> > the other problems it creates. However, there may well be true technical
> > reasons why "my $x, $y, $z" does not do what many think it should.
> As I wrote elsewhere, other reasons not to change the behaviour of my:
> GetOptions (foo => \my $foo,
> bar => \my $bar);
> tie my $shoe => $tring;

Hmm. Nathan's example of my is in void context
Abigail's are not.

As there appears to be a way to tell them apart, is it possible (sane?) to
make both work? Or at least issue warnings (not mandatory, but defaulting
to on unless you have some sort of no warnings) for Nathan's case?
[where () round all three would make it do what he meant]

best way to shoot down my suggestion is an example where existing behaviour
can't be determined from void/scalar/list context.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:44:24AM -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
> Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be given 
> the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that functions 
> taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up the following 
> list.  And if the retort is, "my isn't a function," then I would like to 
> know what it really is and why it's listed in perlfunc along with other 
> things that aren't functions.

my is language construct. Just like if, while and return that can be
followed by parenthesis, but aren't functions.

> If that's not enough controversy I can also ask about things which are 
> labelled as both functions and operators :-)

Functions and operators are the same. It's just that what is labelled
an operator usually takes a fixed number of arguments, often consists
of non-alphanumerical characters and unlike what's labelled a function,
is often not prefix. But that's only syntactic sugar (and vinegar due
to precedence tables).


Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Paul Johnson

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:47:55PM -0500, Steve Simmons wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> > Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or whatever
> > its replacement is?
> Pardon my ignorance, but what's XS code?

perldoc perlxs
perldoc perlxstut

I don't think any proposal of this nature would be conplete without a
consideration of these aspects.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:23:10AM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> I agree with this statement. Perhaps someone who was around during the
> initial 'my' discussions can shed some light on why it binds so tightly.
> I have observed you can do something like this:
>my $OUTER = '';
>if ( $some_value ) {
>   # 'my' only on the first one
>   (my $inner, $OUTER) = split;
>   # more code that uses $inner ...
>if ( $OUTER ) {
>   # $inner not here, but that's fine...
> But I have never found a situation where this is so useful to justify
> the other problems it creates. However, there may well be true technical
> reasons why "my $x, $y, $z" does not do what many think it should.

As I wrote elsewhere, other reasons not to change the behaviour of my:

GetOptions (foo => \my $foo,
bar => \my $bar);

tie my $shoe => $tring;


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:49:44AM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > "Peter" == Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Peter> Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be
> Peter> given the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that
> Peter> functions taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up
> Peter> the following list.
> *some* functions.  localtime doesn't.  my is a unary function, prototyped
> vaguely as (\$) or (\@) or (\%).

If my() would be an unary function, how come that 

my ($foo, $bar);

makes $bar a lexical variable?

my just isn't a function. Just like return or while aren't, even when 
followed by parenthesis. They are language constructs.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:08:47AM -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> However, that still doesn't get rid of the gotchas - personally I think that:
> my $a, $b, $c;
> should be an error, a warning, or DWIM. Especially: 

Personally, I don't think so. 

GetOptions (foo  =>  \my $foo,
bar  =>  \my $bar);


tie my $shoe => $tring;

are just way to practical to suddenly require more hoops.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 11:49 AM 2/15/01 -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > "Peter" == Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Peter> Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be
>Peter> given the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that
>Peter> functions taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up
>Peter> the following list.
>*some* functions.  localtime doesn't.

Er, that's why I said functions taking list arguments.  localtime takes a 
scalar argument:

$ perl -le 'print prototype("CORE::localtime")'

But if we consider my to be a function (something of a stretch since it has 
compile-time actions), then it must take a list argument otherwise my ($a, 
$b, $c) would be illegal.

>   my is a unary function, prototyped
>vaguely as (\$) or (\@) or (\%).

More like ((\$)|(\@)|(\%))+, for want of a better notation...

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: End-of-scope actions: do/eval duality.

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:04:51AM -0300, Branden wrote:
> > Why `do FILE' behaves like eval, if there's eval to do it? Isn't this a
> > little too much not-orthogonal? Why don't we require `eval { do FILE }'
> > have the behaviour of not dying and setting $@ ?
> And that would gains us what exactly?
> As the Perl man page says, do FILE is like
> scalar eval `cat FILE`;
> If you take out the eval, you get:
> scalar `cat FILE`;
> which is pretty pointless.
> I find a "let's require some extra hoops and red tape" not very-Perl like.
> Perl is there for the programmer; not the other way around.

Please read ``Larry's talk in Atlanta about Perl 6'', the text is in, you can find it in Read the fifth paragraph under `[Simplifications]'.

- Branden

Re: defined: Short-cutting on || with undef only.

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:31:34AM -0300, Branden wrote:
> With Perl 6, it will (probably) be possible to have values with boolean
> value independent of integer or string values, so that it will be possible
> to have a value that when viewed as string or number will be "" or 0, but
> will evaluate as true in a condition.

You mean the beaten-to-death ??, formely known as |||, operator?

It has torn p5p to shreds repeatedly.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

John Porter wrote:
> Branden wrote:
> >
> > Well, I checked the archives, and I found that the discussion begun in
> > http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01441.html
> That thread was rather tame; even so, I believe the end result,
> if one can be deduced, is that the proposal is not a good one.
> There was more heated discussion in the thread rooted at
> the discussion of RFC 16.

Well, actually, I read that, and it pretty much discusses making `strict'
default or not (which I believe is not), but I saw nothing against another
pragma like the one proposed in RFC 64.

I actually didn't see one thing that's a flaw in what I'm proposing. If
you're seeing one, please tell me! I know it pretty much can have flaws, but
I'm not seeing them.

OTOH, I'm not saying it's perfect. Of course not! It may have some
advantages over `strict' (it's more succint) the same way `strict' has
advantages over it (error checking, more disciplined, more possibility to
define scopes).

Again, I'm not proposing ending with `strict', neither making it a default.
It's only YAWTDI. Is there a problem with that? I know that

> "...but I hesitate to make ten ways to do it."

As there's only two, it would be three, so I think we have still seven to
find ;-)

Once more, I don't ask you to use it or like it. I just think we could allow
others to use it and like it (I would).


- Branden

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread John Porter

Branden wrote:
> > If you had this 'use scope' pragma, this auto-error checking would be
> > compromised severely.
> Actually, I think sometimes it can be done with -w (``Variable xyz used only
> once, probably spelling error'').

Except that only applies to un-declared variables, which currently
(and hopefully forever) can only be global variables.

John Porter

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

> "Peter" == Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be
Peter> given the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that
Peter> functions taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up
Peter> the following list.

*some* functions.  localtime doesn't.  my is a unary function, prototyped
vaguely as (\$) or (\@) or (\%).

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Steve Simmons

Paul Johnson wrote:

> Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or whatever
> its replacement is?

Pardon my ignorance, but what's XS code?

Re: End-of-scope actions: do/eval duality.

2001-02-15 Thread abigail

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:04:51AM -0300, Branden wrote:
> Bart Lateur wrote:
> >
> > No, it's a misunderstanding between you and Tony. The "do" your
> > reference is talking about, is of the form
> >
> > do FILE
> >
> > where file is a string containing a filename, while Tony is talking
> > about the
> >
> > do BLOCK
> >
> > form. do FILE behaves just like eval() (except it reads its data from a
> > source file), while do BLOCK doesn't. Neither.
> >
> Why `do FILE' behaves like eval, if there's eval to do it? Isn't this a
> little too much not-orthogonal? Why don't we require `eval { do FILE }' to
> have the behaviour of not dying and setting $@ ?

And that would gains us what exactly?

As the Perl man page says, do FILE is like

scalar eval `cat FILE`;

If you take out the eval, you get:

scalar `cat FILE`;

which is pretty pointless.

I find a "let's require some extra hoops and red tape" not very-Perl like.
Perl is there for the programmer; not the other way around.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

Edward Peschko wrote:
> > Tell me one. I couldn't find it.
> The main problem I see is cross checking. I *like* having to declare
things as
> 'my' - it catches my errors for me:
> my $variable;
> $varaible = 1; # mis-spelled - caught by 'use strict'.

Still would be able to do it with `use strict'. My proposal isn't going to
replace it! As it didn't replace the default global variables! As I said, I
don't want you to use it or even like it, I'm only wanting YAWTDI.

> If you had this 'use scope' pragma, this auto-error checking would be
> compromised severely.

Actually, I think sometimes it can be done with -w (``Variable xyz used only
once, probably spelling error'').

> However, that still doesn't get rid of the gotchas - personally I think
> my $a, $b, $c;
> should be an error, a warning, or DWIM. Especially:
> my $a, $b;

OK. Fine to me. Under `use strict' it actually would be already an error.

> I'm also fond of making 'use strict' and '-w' ON by default, and turned
off by
> pragma. But that's just me.

I'm fond of having an alternative to it, ie. `use scope'. I don't want it by
default, as I don't want it to replace `strict' either. It would only be
there for anyone decide if he would or wouldn't use it.

As to turn on by default, I actually don't think making one of this things
default would be good, because it would make one-liners and small quick and
dirty scripts some harder to write. For longer scripts and modules (that
already are many lines long), writing one or two more lines isn't expensive
at all...

- Branden

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

Peter Scott wrote:
> At 01:15 PM 2/15/01 -0500, John Porter wrote:
> > > my $a, $b, $c;# only $a is lexically scoped
> Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be given
> the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that functions
> taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up the following
> list.  And if the retort is, "my isn't a function," then I would like to
> know what it really is and why it's listed in perlfunc along with other
> things that aren't functions.

I agree with this statement. Perhaps someone who was around during the
initial 'my' discussions can shed some light on why it binds so tightly.
I have observed you can do something like this:

   my $OUTER = '';

   if ( $some_value ) {
  # 'my' only on the first one
  (my $inner, $OUTER) = split;
  # more code that uses $inner ...

   if ( $OUTER ) {
  # $inner not here, but that's fine...

But I have never found a situation where this is so useful to justify
the other problems it creates. However, there may well be true technical
reasons why "my $x, $y, $z" does not do what many think it should.

Also, as the author of RFC 64, let me say that while I think it's cute
and nifty, I think it's also true from the discussions that it causes
far more problems than it solves. I no longer think it's a good idea, at
least not in its current incantation. There may be other ways to
approach it, but I can't think of any that aren't more complex than (a
possibly modified) "my".


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread David Grove

Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > At 04:38 PM 2/15/2001 -0300, Branden wrote:
 > >Yeah. Beginners. I was one too. And I remember always falling on
 > >But that's OK, since we probably don't want any new Perl
 > I've skipped pretty much all this thread so far, but I do need to point
 > out
 > that perl isn't targeted at beginning programmers, or beginning perl
 > programmers. It's targeted at experienced programmers. If you learn a
 > language you're a beginner once, and for a little while, but you end up

 > experienced for a much longer time.

eloquent... clever... clear... true...

 > Perl has lots of stuff that'll trip up beginners. That's OK. People are

 > clever, and they can learn.

The same things can be said for any language. Even VB (it takes a while to
get used to the bugs).

However, many of the things that trip up beginners in other languages,
including VB, aren't present in Perl. One of Perl's primary beauties IMO
is that it is appropriate to all levels of programmer. Most other
languages have a few bell shapes in their learning curve, with the largest
at the front. Perl seems to be a steady incline with a teensy little tea
bell at the front, which comprises mostly of the most important less of
all -- common to all languages -- the grand principle of RTFM. Other than
that, once you get past the "modem noise" shock, it's all basic
programming theory (if, unless, while, do, sub).

My hope for Perl 6 is that it doesn't break that with non-optional fluff.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Edward Peschko

> Take PHP and Python, for example.
> > > my $a, $b, $c;# only $a is lexically scoped
> > RTFM.
> > > my ($a) = ;  # after deducing (by the above) . . .
> > >   # when I wanted only the first line.
> > Silly beginner gotchas.  It's not an inconsistency of the
> > language by any means.
> >
> Yeah. Beginners. I was one too. And I remember always falling on these...
> But that's OK, since we probably don't want any new Perl programmers...

I agree. I hate these gotchas. They cost a *lot* of problems when I'm trying
to explain things.

> Tell me one. I couldn't find it.

The main problem I see is cross checking. I *like* having to declare things as
'my' - it catches my errors for me:

my $variable;

$varaible = 1; # mis-spelled - caught by 'use strict'.

If you had this 'use scope' pragma, this auto-error checking would be 
compromised severely.

However, that still doesn't get rid of the gotchas - personally I think that:

my $a, $b, $c;

should be an error, a warning, or DWIM. Especially: 

my $a, $b; 

which is particularly insidious because $a and $b are default globals. Yuck.
As should:

my ($a) = ;

I'm also fond of making 'use strict' and '-w' ON by default, and turned off by
pragma. But that's just me.

Is there a 'annoying beginner mistakes and what the $!#$@ to do about them RFC'?
If not, it might be a worthwhile thing to put together.


Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread John Porter

Branden wrote:
> Take PHP and Python, for example.

O.k., that's two out of the three modern languages.
That's "most". Sorry, I stand corrected.

> > Silly beginner gotchas.  It's not an inconsistency of the
> > language by any means.
> Yeah. Beginners. I was one too. And I remember always falling on these...
> But that's OK, since we probably don't want any new Perl programmers...

Well, you proposed adding AWTDI, *and* breaking one of Perl's (few?)
consistencies.  Naturally, I oppose both measures.

> > This introduces far more serious problems than it purports to solve.
> Tell me one. I couldn't find it.

You named one yourself, but claimed that it would be "worth it"
for some (well, one) programming contexts.

> Wrong! Read again:

O.k.  YAWTDI.  Just what we need.

> > > Note that `outer $x, $y, $z' is the same as `outer($x, $y, $z)' in
> > > contrast to `outer($x), $y, $z'.
> > Great. You want to break this one very consistent aspect of perl.
> print $x, $y, $z;

"my" is a declaration, and it has higher precedence than comma.
I don't see a problem.  print() is not comparable.

> > use strict 'vars' + my  is already more than sufficient to this need.
> Sufficient? Yes.
> The best way? Maybe, maybe not.
> The only way? (So long,) Yes.

"...but I hesitate to make ten ways to do it."

Furthermore it is arguable (as we're demonstrating :-) that
the proposed way is any better.Perhaps if perl had no
precedent in this area, it would be something to consider.
As it is, it really isn't, because use strict 'var's + my is
sufficient -- and not only sufficient, but brilliant.

I truly believe this other TWTDI is being proposed -- if you'll
pardon me -- mainly for the sake of grandstanding.

> > > I also see no action at a distance here, since the only way to change
> > > ...
> > > assuming `our' *outside* the block would affect variables inside the
> Hey! You are changing the meaning of what I said!!! I didn't write that!

I didn't intend to change the meaning.  I was just severely snipping
what didn't need repeating.

> : I also see no action at a distance here, since the only way to change the
> : way a sub sees a variable is inside the sub the variable is being used.
> : That's where I think the discussion about RFC 64 was problematic. It was
> : assuming `our' *outside* the block would affect variables inside the
> : block.
> : And that's AAAD for sure!
> I never said `our' should affect the variables inside the block!

Well, I don't know what happened here.  All I did was cut out some
lines.  I did not (at least not intentionally) twiddle the meaning
of your (or anyone else's) words.  

> I'm only asking if it has the ``far more
> serious problems than it purports to solve'' you said it has.

Please go back and read all the threads I referred to in my previous
post.  In a nutshell, I agree with the naysayers.

John Porter

You can't keep Perl6 Perl5.

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 04:38 PM 2/15/2001 -0300, Branden wrote:

>Yeah. Beginners. I was one too. And I remember always falling on these...
>But that's OK, since we probably don't want any new Perl programmers...

I've skipped pretty much all this thread so far, but I do need to point out 
that perl isn't targeted at beginning programmers, or beginning perl 
programmers. It's targeted at experienced programmers. If you learn a 
language you're a beginner once, and for a little while, but you end up 
experienced for a much longer time.

Perl has lots of stuff that'll trip up beginners. That's OK. People are 
clever, and they can learn.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 01:15 PM 2/15/01 -0500, John Porter wrote:
> > my $a, $b, $c;# only $a is lexically scoped

Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be given 
the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that functions 
taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up the following 
list.  And if the retort is, "my isn't a function," then I would like to 
know what it really is and why it's listed in perlfunc along with other 
things that aren't functions.

If that's not enough controversy I can also ask about things which are 
labelled as both functions and operators :-)

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

John Porter wrote:
> > Well, first let me say why I think a way (pragma) to do lexical-scope by
> > default (for one file/block/scope) would be good. Most (modern)
languages do
> > it
> This is false.  Even languages in which lexical variables are the
> norm still require a variable declaration; it's not a "default".

Take PHP and Python, for example.

> > my $a, $b, $c;# only $a is lexically scoped
> > my ($a) = ;  # after deducing (by the above) . . .
> >   # when I wanted only the first line.
> Silly beginner gotchas.  It's not an inconsistency of the
> language by any means.

Yeah. Beginners. I was one too. And I remember always falling on these...
But that's OK, since we probably don't want any new Perl programmers...

> > My proposal is: As most code written SHOULD have (almost) all its
> > lexically scoped, in presence of a pragma (like `use scope'), all
> > would be implicitly defined as lexically scoped to the named sub (not
> > anonymous blocks, only subs) they're in.
> This introduces far more serious problems than it purports to solve.

Tell me one. I couldn't find it.

> > To access variables outside of this
> > scope, keywords would be used to statically define that a variable
> > refers to a global variable or a variable of another scope.
> I see.  Instead of
>   sub {
> my $x;
> {
>   $x = 1;
>   {
> $x = 2;
> {
>   $x = 3;
>   {
> $x = 4;
>   }
> }
>   }
> }
>   }
> You'd have to write
>   sub {
> $x = undef; # to establish it at this scope
> {
>   outer $x = 1;
>   {
> outer 2 $x = 2;
> {
>   outer 3 $x = 3;
>   {
> outer 4 $x = 4;
>   }
> }
>   }
> }
>   }

Wrong! Read again:

> > My proposal is: As most code written SHOULD have (almost) all its
> > lexically scoped, in presence of a pragma (like `use scope'), all
> > would be implicitly defined as lexically scoped to the named sub (not
> > anonymous blocks, only subs) they're in.

***(not anonymous blocks, only subs)*** Got it?

The only change would be cutting the `my $x;' line, since all others are in
the same sub. (As you see, `my' introduces a bit more than typing two
:   # under use scope;
:   sub {
: {
:   $x = 1;
:   {
: $x = 2;
: {
:   $x = 3;
:   {
: $x = 4;
:   }
: }
:   }
: }
:   }

Or, the smart way:
:   sub { $x = 4; }

Or even:
:   sub { 4 }

> > Note that `outer $x, $y, $z' is the same as `outer($x, $y, $z)' in
> > to `outer($x), $y, $z'.
> Great. You want to break this one very consistent aspect of perl.

print $x, $y, $z;

> > writing modules that essentially need to use lexically scoped variables
> > guarantee they won't harm scripts that use those modules, I think it's a
> > win.
> use strict 'vars' + my  is already more than sufficient to this need.

Sufficient? Yes.
The best way? Maybe, maybe not.
The only way? (So long,) Yes.


> > I also see no action at a distance here, since the only way to change
> > ...
> > assuming `our' *outside* the block would affect variables inside the

Hey! You are changing the meaning of what I said!!! I didn't write that!
: I also see no action at a distance here, since the only way to change the
: way a sub sees a variable is inside the sub the variable is being used.
: That's where I think the discussion about RFC 64 was problematic. It was
: assuming `our' *outside* the block would affect variables inside the
: And that's AAAD for sure!

I never said `our' should affect the variables inside the block! I said this
was the *main* problem in the discussion of RFC 64! Having `our' (or
anything) outside the scope change the scope of things is a very bad idea.
It's clear it ends with all the purpose of it.

> I have to disagree with you.

Read it again, and see if it has problems or not. Note again, I'm not asking
you to use it, or even like it. I'm only asking if it has the ``far more
serious problems than it purports to solve'' you said it has.

- Branden

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread John Porter

Branden wrote:
> Well, I checked the archives, and I found that the discussion begun in
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01441.html 

That thread was rather tame; even so, I believe the end result,
if one can be deduced, is that the proposal is not a good one.

There was more heated discussion in the thread rooted at
the discussion of RFC 16.

> Well, first let me say why I think a way (pragma) to do lexical-scope by
> default (for one file/block/scope) would be good. Most (modern) languages do
> it 

This is false.  Even languages in which lexical variables are the
norm still require a variable declaration; it's not a "default".

> And `my' really doesn't DWIM. 

Only if WYM isn't what 'my' does.  :-)

> my $a, $b, $c;# only $a is lexically scoped


> my ($a) = ;  # after deducing (by the above) . . .
>   # when I wanted only the first line.

Silly beginner gotchas.  It's not an inconsistency of the
language by any means.

> if ($x) {
> my $y = 1;
> } else {
> my $y = 2;
> }
> return $y;# wrong, 

Just as in any language with lexical variables:

if ( x ) {
int y = 1;
} else {
int y = 2;
return( y ); /* wrong */

> These are the problems I see with `my', not to mention the problems that
> arise by NOT having `my' (these are quite well described in RFC 64).

Except they're not really problems, volumes of discussion
not withstanding.

> My proposal is: As most code written SHOULD have (almost) all its variables
> lexically scoped, in presence of a pragma (like `use scope'), all variables
> would be implicitly defined as lexically scoped to the named sub (not
> anonymous blocks, only subs) they're in.

This introduces far more serious problems than it purports to solve.

> To access variables outside of this
> scope, keywords would be used to statically define that a variable actually
> refers to a global variable or a variable of another scope.

I see.  Instead of

  sub {
my $x;
  $x = 1;
$x = 2;
  $x = 3;
$x = 4;

You'd have to write

  sub {
$x = undef; # to establish it at this scope
  outer $x = 1;
outer 2 $x = 2;
  outer 3 $x = 3;
outer 4 $x = 4;

Yeah, that's much better.  :-P

> I propose the introduction of two new keywords

As I said before: ain't happenin'.

> > Ugh - upvar?  No thanks.
> >
> Actually, what I'm proposing is quite very different than `upvar'. `upvar'
> is a dynamic thing, it accesses a variable in the scope of the caller.
> `outer' is a lexical thing, it tells the compiler that that variable name is
> accessing the same variable that the definer was accessing.

You are so confused.  As you say, upvar deals with scope.  That's
lexical.  It is *not* dynamic, which deals with namespaces.
(The documenation of upvar may talk about "global variables",
but that's just referring to the outermost lexical scope.)

So, yes, indeed, you are proposing a sort of upvar for perl.  Blech.

Note that discussion of upvar also occurs under the discussion
of RFC 143.

> Note that `outer $x, $y, $z' is the same as `outer($x, $y, $z)' in contrast
> to `outer($x), $y, $z'.

Great. You want to break this one very consistent aspect of perl.

> I predict that you're going to say that this isn't saving typing, 

No, I'm going to say that it introduces far more serious problems
than it purports to solve.

Furthermore, it adds more ways -- unnecessary ways at that -- to
do things, and more confusion for our already befuddled newbies.

> writing modules that essentially need to use lexically scoped variables to
> guarantee they won't harm scripts that use those modules, I think it's a
> win.

use strict 'vars' + my  is already more than sufficient to this need.

> I also see no action at a distance here, since the only way to change the
> ... 
> assuming `our' *outside* the block would affect variables inside the block.

I have to disagree with you.

John Porter

You can't keep Perl6 Perl5.

Re: perl6-language needs admin help too :)

2001-02-15 Thread Darin Dugan

At 09:23 AM 2/15/2001, Simon Cozens wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 09:57:13AM -0500, Kirrily Skud Robert wrote:
> > Would anyone like to volunteer to do weekly summaries
>Well, don't forget that I *do* have people helping me out with the weekly
>summaries. I don't know how people want to play this. Do you want:
> * One weekly summary of everything (You're getting this, like it or 
> not. :)
> * One weekly summary of each list
> * One weekly summary of each list feeding into a weekly summary of
>   everything
> * Something else?

My suspicion is that one weekly summary of all relevant p6 list traffic 
will be most efficient. Those who don't wish to follow everything can 
always skip less interesting sections of the digest.

Darin Dugan

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 01:40:53PM -0300, Branden wrote:
> > I propose the introduction of two new keywords (just like `my' and
> > for specifying a different scope: `global' and `outer'. `global' would
> > used to say that a specific variable or a list of them would refer to
> > global variables with those names in the current package.
> What are "global variables"?  Do you mean those that have file scope?

Sorry... dynamics. These are the ones that are in a package namespace.

> > Variables accessed with their explicit full packagenames would be the
> > variables.
> Wait, I thought we were talking about lexicals, not dynamics.

Again package vars.

> > Actually, what I'm proposing is quite very different than `upvar'.
> > is a dynamic thing, it accesses a variable in the scope of the caller.
> > `outer' is a lexical thing, it tells the compiler that that variable
name is
> > accessing the same variable that the definer was accessing.
> I'm confused.
> > Consider also I'm not wanting you to use it, or like it whatsoever. I
> > think it would probably be useful for some of us, and that only adding a
> > `scope' pragma wouldn't hurt anybody, while possibly helping some.
> Perhaps.  Except that you also propose to burden the language with two
> new keywords.

Only if `use scope' is used, otherwise, the keywords would have no meaning.

- Branden

> -Scott
> --
> Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 01:40:53PM -0300, Branden wrote:
> I propose the introduction of two new keywords (just like `my' and `our')
> for specifying a different scope: `global' and `outer'. `global' would be
> used to say that a specific variable or a list of them would refer to the
> global variables with those names in the current package. 

What are "global variables"?  Do you mean those that have file scope?

> Variables accessed with their explicit full packagenames would be the global
> variables. 

Wait, I thought we were talking about lexicals, not dynamics.

> Actually, what I'm proposing is quite very different than `upvar'. `upvar'
> is a dynamic thing, it accesses a variable in the scope of the caller.
> `outer' is a lexical thing, it tells the compiler that that variable name is
> accessing the same variable that the definer was accessing.

I'm confused.

> Consider also I'm not wanting you to use it, or like it whatsoever. I only
> think it would probably be useful for some of us, and that only adding a new
> `scope' pragma wouldn't hurt anybody, while possibly helping some. 

Perhaps.  Except that you also propose to burden the language with two
new keywords.

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: perl6-language needs admin help too :)

2001-02-15 Thread H . Merijn Brand

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 15:23:52 +, Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 09:57:13AM -0500, Kirrily Skud Robert wrote:
> > Would anyone like to volunteer to do weekly summaries 
> Well, don't forget that I *do* have people helping me out with the weekly
> summaries. I don't know how people want to play this. Do you want:
> * One weekly summary of everything (You're getting this, like it or not. :)
> * One weekly summary of each list
> * One weekly summary of each list feeding into a weekly summary of
>   everything
> * Something else?

perl6-summaries (please ;-)

H.Merijn Brand   Amsterdam Perl Mongers (
using perl-5.005.03, 5.6.0, 5.6.1, 5.7.1 & 623 on HP-UX 10.20 & 11.00, AIX 4.2
   AIX 4.3, WinNT 4.0 SP-6a, and Win2000pro often with Tk800.022 &/| DBD-Unify

Re: Closures and default lexical-scope for subs

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

First of all, sorry to bother you again with this issue, but I guess it
didn't have the appropriate discussion. If you're not interested, please
don't read further...

I wrote:
> I expect Perl 6 will have some way to define its variables as being
> lexical-scoped in the sub they are used as default, either by the language
> default, or by a pragma, as `use scope "subs"; ', as it's proposed in RFC
> 64.

John Porter wrote:
> Well, since the former isn't going to happen, the latter isn't going to
> be a problem.

and Michael G Schwern wrote:
> I believe this issue was discussed to death on the mailing list Way
> Back When and IIRC the result was "its too much trouble to eliminate
> two characters".  There's heaps and heaps of caveats, arbitrary
> decisions and conflicts to be resolved about how the auto-lexical
> scoping should work.  All this so you don't have to type "use strict"
> and the occasional "my".
> Anyhow, I could be completely wrong about how the discussion turned
> out.  Check the archives.

Well, I checked the archives, and I found that the discussion begun in
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01441.html and the
last post about it was in
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01567.html, by Bart
Lateur. And that post was IMO beginning to go into a different direction,
but I saw no comments about it. Did I miss something in the archives? I
looked for it in perl6-language-strict as well but found nothing.

Well, first let me say why I think a way (pragma) to do lexical-scope by
default (for one file/block/scope) would be good. Most (modern) languages do
it and most programmers are used to it. And `my' really doesn't DWIM. For

my $a, $b, $c;# only $a is lexically scoped
my ($a) = ;  # after deducing (by the above)
  # that I should include parenthesis
  # around every `my', this example
  # comes to read the whole file
  # when I wanted only the first line.

if ($x) {
my $y = 1;
} else {
my $y = 2;
return $y;# wrong, since my makes $y above
  # only inside the if/else blocks.

# I have to do:
my $y;
if ($x) {
$y = 1;
} else {
$y = 2;
return $y;

# I know you'll say I could use
my $y = $x ? 1 : 2;
return $y;
# But suppose I wanted to write more code
# inside the if/else blocks and supply a
# return value.

These are the problems I see with `my', not to mention the problems that
arise by NOT having `my' (these are quite well described in RFC 64).

My proposal is: As most code written SHOULD have (almost) all its variables
lexically scoped, in presence of a pragma (like `use scope'), all variables
would be implicitly defined as lexically scoped to the named sub (not
anonymous blocks, only subs) they're in. To access variables outside of this
scope, keywords would be used to statically define that a variable actually
refers to a global variable or a variable of another scope.

I propose the introduction of two new keywords (just like `my' and `our')
for specifying a different scope: `global' and `outer'. `global' would be
used to say that a specific variable or a list of them would refer to the
global variables with those names in the current package. `outer' would be
used to say that a specific variable or a list of them would refer to the
same variables in the `parent' level (that would be used for closures).
Variables accessed with their explicit full packagenames would be the global
variables. Variables in the top-level in the file would be file-scoped. subs
that want to access these file-scoped variables do it with `outer'. `my'
would still be allowed, for lexically scoped variables inside some blocks
inside a sub that should have variables of its own.

When I originally wrote my `outer' proposal (it was named other thing then),
John Porter wrote:
> Ugh - upvar?  No thanks.

Actually, what I'm proposing is quite very different than `upvar'. `upvar'
is a dynamic thing, it accesses a variable in the scope of the caller.
`outer' is a lexical thing, it tells the compiler that that variable name is
accessing the same variable that the definer was accessing.

For example:

# In a very Perlish Tcl...
my $x = 1;
sub foo {
upvar $x;
print $x;
sub bar {
my $x = 2;
# would print 2

my $x = 1;
sub foo {
outer $x;
print $x;
sub bar {
my $x = 2;
# would print 1

As `outer' accesses the variable of the `definer' and when it was `defined',
it accesses the file-scoped `$x', instead of the caller's (bar's) `$x', that
is what would happen with Tcl's `upvar'.


Examples of usage:

use scope;
sub foo {
$bar = shift;
if ($ba

Re: perl6-language needs admin help too :)

2001-02-15 Thread Simon Cozens

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 09:57:13AM -0500, Kirrily Skud Robert wrote:
> Would anyone like to volunteer to do weekly summaries 

Well, don't forget that I *do* have people helping me out with the weekly
summaries. I don't know how people want to play this. Do you want:

* One weekly summary of everything (You're getting this, like it or not. :)
* One weekly summary of each list
* One weekly summary of each list feeding into a weekly summary of
* Something else?

linux-2.3.99-pre9.tar: limbo program
- plan9 has a bad day

perl6-language needs admin help too :)

2001-02-15 Thread Kirrily Skud Robert

As many of you may know, I've recently moved to the other side of the
world, and my life's a bit hectic.  I hadn't counted on p6-l bursting
into life just now, and while I'd like to keep right up to date with it
I really can't guarantee daily reading.

Would anyone like to volunteer to do weekly summaries and/or general
list admin?


Re: defined: Short-cutting on || with undef only.

2001-02-15 Thread John Porter

Branden wrote:
> I think this should be applied to the `defined' function, 

Oh, no, here we go again.  Branden, why do you insist on dredging
up every contentious issue which has already been beaten to death?
Maybe you need to read the archives first.

John Porter

You can't keep Perl6 Perl5.

Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Paul Johnson

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:43:38AM -0300, Branden wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or whatever
> > its replacement is?
> >
> The big problem about having more than one version of a module loaded at the
> same time is with namespaces...

Permit me to be more specific. version 1.1 uses version 1.2 uses

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

Paul Johnson wrote:
> > > > Note that it may not be possible to satisfy conflicting requests.
> > > > module C and module C demand two different versions of the
> > > > module C, the compiler should halt and state the module
> > >
> > > Pardon me for sniping at a great RFC, but I already promised the CPAN
> > > workers that I'd make that last statement false.  There's no reason in
> > > principle why two modules shouldn't be allowed to have their own view
> > > of reality.  Just because you write Foo::bar in your module doesn't
> > > that Perl can't know which version of Foo:: you mean.
> Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or whatever
> its replacement is?

The big problem about having more than one version of a module loaded at the
same time is with namespaces, because the same namespace is actually used by
more than one (version of) module. In Perl code, this will probably be
defined when the module is `use'd, and all access to the namespace provided
by the module will be issued to that version of the module.

In C low level code, we'll probably won't have how to magically use a
specific version of a specific module for all the XS code, so I think we'll
probably have to say on each namespace access, which module version we are
accessing, ie. instead of

SV *sv = perl_get_sv("package::varname", FALSE);

we'll probably will have to include the version of "package" that is loaded:

SV *sv = perl_get_sv("package::varname", FALSE, 2.35);

I see a problem here when `use MyModule' creates namespaces MyModule,
MyModule::InternalModule, MyModule::OtherModule, etc. and mainly when `use
MyModule' creates namespace OtherNamespace (that has nothing to do with the
name `MyModule'). How will Perl know what's the version of the module
associated with OtherNamespace ??? What if several modules put things in a
common namespace ?

- Branden

defined: Short-cutting on || with undef only.

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

With Perl 6, it will (probably) be possible to have values with boolean
value independent of integer or string values, so that it will be possible
to have a value that when viewed as string or number will be "" or 0, but
will evaluate as true in a condition.

I think this should be applied to the `defined' function, so that, instead
of returning a true/false value, it returns an overloaded value that has the
same string/number value as its argument, but boolean value being true iff
it's not undef.

This will make possible things like

perl5:  $x = undef;
$y = $x || "N/A"   ===> $y = "N/A" (not available)

$x = 25.4;
$y = $x || "N/A"   ===> $y = 25.4

$x = 0;
$y = $x || "N/A"   ===> $y = "N/A"  (wrong, should be 0)

$x = 0;
$y = defined($x) ? $x : "N/A"  ==> $y = 0  (right)

perl6:  $x = undef;
$y = defined($x) || "N/A"   ===> $y = "N/A"

$x = 25.4;
$y = defined($x) || "N/A"   ===> $y = 25.4

$x = 0;
$y = defined($x) || "N/A"   ===> $y = 0

In Perl 5, it would be written `defined($x) ? $x : "N/A"', but this has the
problem that $x is evaluated twice, so it doesn't work if instead of $x we
have a function call (or even if $x is tied...).

- Branden

Re: RFC on Coexistance and simulaneous use of multiple module version s?

2001-02-15 Thread Paul Johnson

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 10:58:57PM -0500, Steve Simmons wrote:
> > > Note that it may not be possible to satisfy conflicting requests.  If
> > > module C and module C demand two different versions of the same
> > > module C, the compiler should halt and state the module conflicts.
> >  
> > Pardon me for sniping at a great RFC, but I already promised the CPAN
> > workers that I'd make that last statement false.  There's no reason in
> > principle why two modules shouldn't be allowed to have their own view
> > of reality.  Just because you write Foo::bar in your module doesn't mean
> > that Perl can't know which version of Foo:: you mean.

Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or whatever
its replacement is?

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: End-of-scope actions: do/eval duality.

2001-02-15 Thread Branden

Bart Lateur wrote:
> No, it's a misunderstanding between you and Tony. The "do" your
> reference is talking about, is of the form
> do FILE
> where file is a string containing a filename, while Tony is talking
> about the
> do BLOCK
> form. do FILE behaves just like eval() (except it reads its data from a
> source file), while do BLOCK doesn't. Neither.

Why `do FILE' behaves like eval, if there's eval to do it? Isn't this a
little too much not-orthogonal? Why don't we require `eval { do FILE }' to
have the behaviour of not dying and setting $@ ?

- Branden

Re: End-of-scope actions: do/eval duality.

2001-02-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:35:16 -0800, Glenn Linderman wrote:

>In the perl 5 pocket reference 3rd edition page 63, it claims that $@ is
>set to the result of an eval or do.  How does this impact exception
>handling tests on $@ to determine if an exception was thrown, if $@ can
>be set by a do ?  OR is that an error in the pocket guide?

No, it's a misunderstanding between you and Tony. The "do" your
reference is talking about, is of the form


where file is a string containing a filename, while Tony is talking
about the


form. do FILE behaves just like eval() (except it reads its data from a
source file), while do BLOCK doesn't. Neither.
