Re: RFD: Built-in testing

2009-01-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Hi, I pretty much like this idea. Very perl6ish :) - I don't think it's important whether it is called :ok, :OK or :test or :wellhowdidthatworkout. I assume people who will be testing their modules/code/etc. will be using more advanced modules for testing anyway. This is for testing the imple

Re: pluralization idea that keeps bugging me

2008-02-09 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Hi, Warnocked! Indeed :) I posted an idea about pluralisation could be handled in a way that would not be English-centric (Subject: interpolation contextualisation). There were no responses to the idea. Was it so bad? Did no one see it? Was it too un-perlish? Was the title too horrible? Th

Re: pluralization idea that keeps bugging me

2008-01-26 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Amir E. Aharoni wrote: On 26/01/2008, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: After a recent exchange on PerlMonks about join, I've been thinking about the problem of pluralization in interpolated strings, where we get things like: say "Received $m message{ 1==$m ?? '' !! 's' }." ... Any

Re: proposal: 404 method

2005-06-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor
AndrĂ¡s, I think you have just discovered AUTOLOAD :-) OTOH I don't know how the AUTOLOAD mechanism will work in Perl6 compared to Perl5, or if it has been imlemented in Pugs (yet), but as far as I remember, in Apocalypse 12 somewhere it says it will work the same(?) as in Perl5, and what you

Re: new mailing list: perl6-general?

2005-06-16 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Hi, Hi, I think, that David's version is matches with my opinion. I don't think, that "beginners" would be a better name for it, but maybe more practical, as it's a more evident name. Hmmm, I think "beginner" is a little negative. What about professional Perl5 programmers, who wish to lear

Re: new mailing list: perl6-general?

2005-06-14 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Hi, Just wanted to say the same. All my questions starting as "How to..." and "Is this..." are just to trivial to ask here :) OTOH as there is no "global" Perl5 list (AFAIK, at least), these things should go to the "regional" mail-lists - later on. However, at this phase of develpment of Per

Re: What the heck is... wrong with Parrot development?

2005-06-06 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Larry, On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 04:31:01PM +0200, anonymous coward wrote: : It's a funny old world... : wrote Dan Sugalski on June 04, 2005 in his Squawks of the Parrot blog. : Go and see: . : : Hence the subject. : : What the heck is wrong w

Re: ./method

2005-05-15 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Abhijit Mahabal wrote: (Note that "./" and "../" are prefix operators, and unlike ".?", ".*", ".+" and ".=", cannot be used infix. In fact, it requires that "?", "*", "+" and "=" be thought of as meta-operators to ".", and from now on, to "./" and "../" as well, so you get "./+method". This isn't a

Re: ./method

2005-05-15 Thread Fagyal Csongor
I also like this notation. However, as a side note, let me voice the opinion that the "bad reputation" of Perl partially comes from the fact that it often looks like line noise. I think everybody know this. Now there has been a lot of discussion on finding different meanings for any two-characte

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-11 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Autrijus Tang wrote: On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 12:37:06AM +0200, Fagyal Csongor wrote: Damian Conway wrote: print @array[1st..($n)th]; Sounds cool, but what about $n = 0; ? Then it would be 0..-1, an empty range. Yep, but I mean in general isn't it confusing that th

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-11 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Damian Conway wrote: print @array[1st..($n)th]; Sounds cool, but what about $n = 0; ? - Fagzal

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-11 Thread Fagyal Csongor
H, On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 08:30:42AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote: On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 05:48:59PM +1000, Damian Conway wrote: : But that's only the opinion of one(@Larry), not of $Larry. Let's go 0-based and make $0 =:= $/[0] so that $/[] is all the parens. Our old $0 (P5's $&) could be $<> inst

Re: Perl6 and support for Refactoring IDE's

2005-05-06 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Matisse, Just one note before we take this off-list: Maybe this isn't the right place to keep discussing this, so I'll take pointers to other places. I'm very worried about the continued viability of Perl for major projects and am trying connect with other people and see what can be done about i

Re: Perl6 and support for Refactoring IDE's

2005-05-06 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Matisse, Will Perl 6 help us have tools that are as good or better than the ones available for Java, C#, etc? I've been using Perl since 1994 and for the past several years have used it to build a number of complex mod_perl applications. I love Perl. The following may be considered heresy, but