Re: [PHP-DB] Query Error

2003-11-04 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Robert Sossomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] And here is the additem.php file where it check for the info in the field and it is erroring out. It would be rather useful to know the error... $get_iteminfo = select * from GCN_items where 'item_num' LIKE '%$_POST[sel_item_id]%'; Take away the

Re: [PHP-DB] Query Error

2003-11-04 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Robert Sossomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] The errors as it prints are: The query I just ran was: select * from GCN_items where `item_num` = '%fm-a294%' The query I just ran was: Resource id #2 0 Those aren't errors; it's just what you asked the script to display. Your query simply isn't

Re: [PHP-DB] number_format problem

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Dillon, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] I want to show a number from a database in the format x,xxx.00 in a textfield, then if it is changed by the user I want to post the value of the number to a decimal field. However, once you number_format the number it becomes a string, and numbers like

Re: [PHP-DB] number_format problem

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] could you cast as a float/double before inserting? $number = (double) $string; don't know what would happen to the comma, but i assume it would just get removed?? Everything after and including the first non-number character would be dropped. So $12,000.34 would end

Re: [PHP-DB] number_format problem

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Peter Beckman [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Dillon, John wrote: I use this: $x['funds'] = (int)preg_replace(/[\$,]/,,$x['funds']); where $x['funds'] contains something like $3,249,555.32, and the end result is an int of 3249555. I drop the cents... you want to keep

Re: [PHP-DB] Unsuscribe

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe No thanks. I like it here. ---John Holmes... -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DB] number_format problem

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] sweet. thanks for hte correction. i try, sometimes i fail. :) But trying is half the battle. GI JOE! ---John Holmes... -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DB] Help: do ... while, reverse data query

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Douglas Freake [EMAIL PROTECTED] I need to do a loop where the mysql query starts at the bottom and goes up, as if the data was in reverse order. This is for building a category/ sub_category menu. Data structure: (cat_id, cat_sub, cat_name) sample routine: do { $sql = SELECT *

Re: [PHP-DB] Select Value with 's

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Aleks @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] First I build my select list: SELECT NAME=Cid size=1 OPTION Selected VALUE=All Customers/OPTION ? While ($Site = mysql_fetch_array($S)) { $Sid = $Site[CID]; $SName = htmlspecialchars($Site[Customer]); echo(option

Re: [PHP-DB] Select Value with 's

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: pete M [EMAIL PROTECTED] do not quite understand your problem.. pls post some code? heres a small snippet that should work well... $qry = 'SELECT `customer` FROM `customerList` ORDER BY `customer`'; $res = mysql_query($qry); while($customer = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {

Re: [PHP-DB] SELECT COUNT - result from two tables

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Boyan Nedkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] Putting more than one table in the FROM clause means tables are joined, then at least following problems could arise: - using WHERE clause you can have empty recordset returned and then COUNT conflicts with it because there is actually no any data to be

Re: [PHP-DB] Apostrophe problem on Firebird

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Evan Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have data in a database that may contain apostrophes. Some databases use the backslash character as an escape character for single quotes, while others use another single quote. Try your query such as: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE name = 'o''mallery' Instead

Re: [PHP-DB] RE: Problem

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Jeremy Shovan [EMAIL PROTECTED] All I did was rewrite it exactly the same as it was and the parse error disappeared. I have never seen anything quite like this before. Seen this before. It's either the editor or a copy and paste operation adding weird invisible characters. Major pain in

Re: [PHP-DB] Query or code?

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Peter Beckman [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have this data: Table Log: appid userid points datetype Table Score: appid userid score I want to verify that the last entry in table log of type x is equal to the sum of the scores in table score for the same appid and userid. Can

[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] php|cruise - do unto others...

2003-11-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Becoming Digital [EMAIL PROTECTED] php|cruise is coming this March. Final word on this, I promise! :) I'll be on the cruise, so I'm looking forward to meeting anyone else that'll be there. Contact me offline if you want. I wanted to say think you to all of those that contributed to the

Re: [PHP-DB] keyword searching

2003-11-12 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Adam Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is my SQL query: SELECT seriesno, governor, descr, boxno, year, eyear, docno from rg2 WHERE seriesno = '$_POST[seriesno]' and governor matches '*$searchterm*' or descr matches '*$searchterm*'; Looks like you're doing the equivilent to a MySQL LIKE

[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Changing case

2003-11-12 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Robert Sossomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a form that allows for an item to be entered, the other pieces have been fixed so far that were bogging me down, but now I am looking for a way to convert any entry in the form to be UPPER case so that when the quote is listed, they are

[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] keyword searching

2003-11-12 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Adam Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm using Informix SQL. Could have saved some bandwidth by mentioning that in the first place and only posting to either php-general or php-db (which is more appropriate), not both. :) Ignore what my other posts said, as I don't know how Informix works.

Re: [PHP-DB] using code for multiple sites

2003-11-13 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
- Original Message - From: mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] I currently manage several websites that share the same code. create a directory called inc in /usr/local/apache and then add the following line to php.ini include_path = .:/usr/local/apache/inc I'd use a method like this, although

Re: [PHP-DB] using code for multiple sites

2003-11-13 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] create a directory called inc in /usr/local/apache and then add the following line to php.ini include_path = .:/usr/local/apache/inc I'd use a method like this, although I'd probably just use an absolute path instead of adjusting the include_path.

Re: [PHP-DB] - ereg_replace -SOLVED

2003-11-14 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] eregi_replace(a href=\(.+)\, a href=\\\1\ target=\_blank\ class=\down_txt\, $body); How is that any different than just doing a str_replace() on a, though? The str_replace() is going to be much faster than the eregi_replace() function and href doesn't _have_ to be the

Re: [PHP-DB] Query Case In-sensitive

2003-11-17 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Larry Sandwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is there a way to run a query so that it ignores the case, and the query is not case sensitive? What's this have to do with PHP and what database are you using? ---John Holmes... -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe,

Re: [PHP-DB] works on production server but not on localhost :: fix

2003-11-19 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Paul Ihrig [EMAIL PROTECTED] how weird is this just had to uncheck allow anonymous access. and keep checked Integrated Windows authentication just seems a bit silly... every thing works fine now. Of course it works because you're now running the PHP scripts as yourself, and you

Re: [PHP-DB] mysql table join

2003-11-20 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Roger Miranda (Sumac) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is there a way to permanently join/link two mysql tables? Not without creating another table. CREATE TABLE MyTable SELECT ... FROM Table1 JOIN Table2 ON ... WHERE ... Although I have to wonder about your schema if you need to do this. ---John

Re: [PHP-DB] Unsure of how to perform query and results..

2003-11-20 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Aaron Wolski [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have data in a Db that looks something like: 14,[EMAIL PROTECTED],Andrew,Smith 1,[EMAIL PROTECTED],Andrew,Smith 14,[EMAIL PROTECTED],Barbara,Richardson 1,[EMAIL PROTECTED],Barbara,Richardson The number represents a product_id that was purchased by

Re: [PHP-DB] Array question

2003-11-25 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: ShortStay [EMAIL PROTECTED] How do you delete a value and key from an array? I know the value. You need to know the key. unset($Array[$key]); There are various array functions that'll find the key for you if you know the value. Is it OK to post array questions to the db list? Not

Re: [PHP-DB] convert date in german format

2003-11-26 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Ruprecht Helms [EMAIL PROTECTED] how can I convert a date stored in a mysql-database for output in the german format ( I tried date (d.m.y,$row-from); but I still get the english-format stored in the database. The databasefield is type date. That's because date() wants a

Re: [PHP-DB] convert date in german format

2003-11-26 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Hans Lellelid [EMAIL PROTECTED] Using MySQL DATE_FORMAT() would work, but it's a hack solution; if you ever wanted to create an English version of your site you would have to make changes to your data-layer queries -- and that's just not where that logic belongs. So use UNIX_TIMESTAMP

Re: [PHP-DB] mysql + php

2003-12-08 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: "Will Contact" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now I am programming php+mysql. I put word, excel, mpeg and any binaries into the mySQL database using php on linux server,But I can take out these binay from mySQL database. I would like to see the files and save my pc from

Re: [PHP-DB] User defined function in a mysql query

2003-12-10 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: antonio bernabei [EMAIL PROTECTED] I need to make a join between two tables. And I can use the mysql_query function: this is ok. The problem arises because I need to apply a user defined function to a field of one of the two tables and the rule for the join is WHERE

Re: [PHP-DB] ordering output

2003-12-10 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: redhat [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a page that I put together that pulls in data for the time in individual fields - hour, minute, am/pm, month, day. I am going to alter the db to add year as well. I want to order this list by multiple criteria - first by year, then by hour, am/pm,


2003-12-15 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Adam i Agnieszka Gasiorowski FNORD [EMAIL PROTECTED] I cannot use this query CREATE TABLE table LIKE other_table; , which is supposed to create an empty clone of the other_table named table. Was it added in some later MySQL version? It's in the manual on, bo no version


2003-12-15 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Gary Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] Try: CREATE table new_table SELECT * from old_table limit 1; delete from new_table; This will give you the same structure in both tables, and the deletion will make the new_table empty. Not quite the same as it will not copy indexes/keys... ---John

Re: [PHP-DB] Query Sum problem

2003-12-16 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Larry Sandwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] I need to sum the field *COST* in this query where data in *STATUS* is equal to HELD and OPEN, so I will have 2 totals passed below and do not know where to begin . SELECT status, SUM(cost) FROM Table WHERE status IN ('HELD','OPEN') GROUP BY status

Re: [PHP-DB] Query Sum problem

2003-12-16 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Larry Sandwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] I appreciate the quick response, but I should have been more clear. I understand the query below, but I would only have 2 total and it is not group by the companies. The query below gives me the main information without totals. How do I add the 2

Re: [PHP-DB] Get Names of columns of a table

2003-12-17 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] is there a PHP function that wil return the names of the columns for a given table? Note: The function mysql_list_fields() is deprecated. It is preferable to use mysql_query() to issue a SQL SHOW COLUMNS FROM table [LIKE 'name']

Re: [PHP-DB] Remove all instances of a character....

2003-12-24 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a MySQL database, with around 500 entries in one table... I've noticed that many entries have an erroneous ';' in the one of the fields. What I need to do, is tell MySQL to go through the ENTIRE table and find any instances of ' ; ' and them delete

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: BINARY not recognized ??

2004-01-05 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] I now get an error from MySQL stating that BINARYuser_name is not a valid column. So, something seems to be broken. I looked through the MySQL online docs and BINARY is still there, but, it won't work for me. Maybe try putting a space between BINARY and the

Re: [PHP-DB] inserting dynamic drop down menu data into mysql

2004-01-07 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Duane Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] $output .= option value=$category$category/option; Put quotes around your values... If you have option value=This and ThatThis and That/option how do you expect HTML to know you mean This and That as you're entire value? It's not. It's going to take This

Re: [PHP-DB] date problem in MySQL DB

2004-01-13 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Angelo Zanetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] This might be slightly off topic but hopefully someone can help. I have a field that is a varchar and I stored dates in it. But now I want to change the type of the column to date, but I have a problem that the formats differ: my format: mm/dd/

Re: [PHP-DB] SQL query...

2004-01-15 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Muhammed Mamedov [EMAIL PROTECTED] Try this SELECT DISTINCT(file_name), Count(file_name) AS cnt FROM $table_name WHERE date BETWEEN '2003-10-01' AND '2003-12-31' group by file_name order by cnt; desc If you're GROUPing by file_name then you don't need DISTINCT(file_name)... it's

Re: [PHP-DB] Unsubscribe (mailign lsits in general) question...

2004-01-20 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
What's this got to do with databases (PHP-DB list)? It's barely related to PHP to begin with. Think about where your sending your messages before you click the button. ---John Holmes... - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Re: [PHP-DB] breaking apart data

2004-01-20 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Larry R. Sieting [EMAIL PROTECTED] what would be the most efficient way to rework this data in to what I am after stored text: asdf asdf sadl jf lsakdjf a \r\n asdfierw aweiufasd asiuwr \r\n asdhfauiweuhrahsd \r\n displays text as: asdf asdf sadl jf lsakdjf a asdfierw

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