Re: [PHP-DEV] Question for Zeev, Zak or Georg - mysql_query andpossible integer overflow?

2003-03-26 Thread Matt Flaherty
Thanks guys for your feedback. With regard to PEAR, I've had to patch
PEAR::DB::mysql to solve another problem I've had with the
prepared_queries field growing steadily. I'm sure this is also a problem
with the either DB subclasses. I'll post my patch to pear-dev as I don't
have a CVS account yet.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Question for Zeev, Zak or Georg - mysql_query andpossible integer overflow?

2003-03-25 Thread Matt Flaherty
Thanks Wez,

If all that happens is the query will fail, I can live with that. It's a
simple SELECT query called over and over again. If the integer wraps
around negative, I'm guessing that would probably have undesirable
effects. If not, then I can let it run forever. What I don't want is
something like a segfault. I'm considering making the application
restart itself periodically to clear out the cobwebs.


On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 14:12, Wez Furlong wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Yes, there is a risk of overflow.
> >From my understanding, the id is signed, so you will hit overflow at 2G
> rather than 4G resources.
> This applies to any/all PHP/ZE resources.
> I'm not sure what happens when it overflows; it seems like the query
> would fail.
> You could design your application so that it re-runs itself when the
> query fails (pcntl_exec(), or one of the other execution functions).
> --Wez.

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[PHP-DEV] Question for Zeev, Zak or Georg - mysql_query and possible integeroverflow?

2003-03-25 Thread Matt Flaherty

I have a question for the authors of the mysql extension. I'm sure you
gentlemen are very busy, but I'd appreciate your insight if you can
spare a moment. I'm developing a stand-alone php application running in
an infinite loop from the command line interface. A mysql database is
polled continually for new rows to deal with. The same query is executed
several times in one second. I've noticed that whether or not a query
resource is freed the next query identifier returned from mysql_query()
is ++ the last one. I'm sure this is by design and governed by the mysql
driver. Naturally I'm concerned about integer overflow when the the
application has been running uninterrupted for a very long time. I don't
think I can wait around while a test script runs to see what happens
after 4,294,967,295 is exceeded though! Can anyone tell me with
certainty or hazard a guess what might happen here? I thank you very
much for your time.


ps - I'm doing this through PEAR::DB::mysql
Matt Flaherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boltblue International Ltd.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Segmentation violation

2003-03-12 Thread Matt
J, I will post an issue, but as far as I can tell the error is very 
intermittent. I don't have a consistent action that I do each time to cause 
the error. It is just randomly (as far as I can tell) throughout the 

But If you like I'll send some through

J Smith wrote:

> How about providing a short example script that reproduces the segfault?
> Posting a backtrace is all well and good, but it's not very useful if
> nobody can see what initiated it.
> J
> Matt wrote:
>> Hi, i've never posted to this newsgroup b4 so pls don't shoot me down if
>> this is not protocol. But I've been trying to debug a seg fault trying
>> varying options from various postings with little success. After
>> generating a stacktrace I'm not sure really what to do next to find the
>> problem. If anyone can help me, given the trace below that'd be
>> fantastic.
>> thanks,

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[PHP-DEV] Segmentation violation

2003-03-11 Thread Matt
Hi, i've never posted to this newsgroup b4 so pls don't shoot me down if 
this is not protocol. But I've been trying to debug a seg fault trying 
varying options from various postings with little success. After generating 
a stacktrace I'm not sure really what to do next to find the problem. If 
anyone can help me, given the trace below that'd be fantastic.



#0  0x0835036f in ?? ()
#1  0x404090b4 in _zval_dtor (zvalue=0x83545f4) at 
#2  0x40402909 in _zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0xbfffce00) at 
#3  0x403d56cf in php_var_unserialize (rval=0xbfffce00, p=0xbfffce04, 
max=0x8347078 "\005",
var_hash=0xbfffce08) at 
#4  0x40389785 in ps_srlzr_decode_php (val=0x3d36ab6c ,
vallen=10564) at /tmp/php-4.3.1/ext/session/session.c:485
#5  0x40389a57 in php_session_decode (

\";s:6:\"dbname\";s:12:\"dbSupportLog\""..., vallen=10564)
at /tmp/php-4.3.1/ext/session/session.c:532
#6  0x40389d0a in php_session_initialize () at 
#7  0x4038ac77 in php_session_start () at 
#8  0x4038c479 in zif_session_start (ht=0, return_value=0x8344564, 
this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=0)
at /tmp/php-4.3.1/ext/session/session.c:1453
#9  0x40417816 in execute (op_array=0x833e6b4) at 
#10 0x4040a6b7 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0, file_count=3)
at /tmp/php-4.3.1/Zend/zend.c:864
#11 0x403e3a9e in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xb420) at 
#12 0x4041befc in php_output_filter (f=0x8198e78, bb=0x819b478)
at /tmp/php-4.3.1/sapi/apache2filter/sapi_apache2.c:465
#13 0x08088e57 in ap_pass_brigade (next=0x8198e78, bb=0x819b048) at 
#14 0x080906a8 in default_handler (r=0x8197018) at core.c:3320
#15 0x0807c069 in ap_run_handler (r=0x8197018) at config.c:194
#16 0x0807c6d5 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x8197018) at config.c:401
#17 0x0806be93 in ap_process_request (r=0x8197018) at http_request.c:288
#18 0x08067429 in ap_process_http_connection (c=0x81909a8) at 
#19 0x08086949 in ap_run_process_connection (c=0x81909a8) at connection.c:85
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit---
#20 0x08086c5f in ap_process_connection (c=0x81909a8, csd=0x81908d8) at 
#21 0x0807a906 in child_main (child_num_arg=0) at prefork.c:696
#22 0x0807a9c8 in make_child (s=0x80ba178, slot=0) at prefork.c:736
#23 0x0807aae3 in startup_children (number_to_start=5) at prefork.c:808
#24 0x0807aee9 in ap_mpm_run (_pconf=0x80b7b10, plog=0x80efbf0, s=0x80ba178) 
at prefork.c:1024
#25 0x08081169 in main (argc=2, argv=0xb7a4) at main.c:643
#26 0x40210082 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/

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[PHP-DEV] PHP.ini and Virtual Hosts

2002-11-07 Thread Matt L
A possible client wants to do this:

- disable errors to browser output
- redirect the error_log to a file in my own space
- be able to include functions that are in a subfolder in my own space
- want to increase the filesize of uploaded items

Is there any way to do this without editing the server-wide php.ini file?
I'm using CPanel/WHM, RedHat Linux 7.2.



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[PHP-DEV] Setting session var to null now wrong?

2002-10-05 Thread Matt Haught

I recently noticed that a commit late on Oct 2nd to session.c makes setting
a session variable to null now incorrect and spits back a warning at the end
of the page.  I did use the ini workaround to get around this, but I am
still wondering why it is wrong to do this.  I am setting session variables
via output from my database which sometime does have a null field (no global
vars used).  Why (not how to get around it) is doing this wrong?  In
addition, why should it spit out a warning on every page that uses sessions
rather then just the page that tried to set the variable?

Just Wondering,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] pear's Mail using smtp not working with cvs php

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Haught

I have made a little test script to see where the hang is occuring instead
of figuring out pear today:


echo '>' .fgets($fp, 2048);
$c = getmicrotime();
echo " (Read took " .($c-$b). " seconds)";

echo '< EHLO localhost';
fwrite($fp, "EHLO localhost\r\n");
$d = getmicrotime();
echo " (Write took " .($d-$c). " seconds)";

$numlines = 2;  //number of lines to read
for ($i; $i<$numlines; $i++) {
echo '>' .fgets($fp, 2048);
$e = getmicrotime();
echo " (Read took " .($e-$d). " seconds)";

The Results:

Sept 22nd
(Connected in 0.0027800798416138 seconds)
>220 ESMTP (Read took 0.0082589387893677 seconds)
< EHLO localhost (Write took 0.00019896030426025 seconds)
> (Read took 0.0012670755386353 seconds)
>250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN (Read took 0.0014160871505737 seconds)

Sept 23rd
(Connected in 0.0024210214614868 seconds)
>220 ESMTP (Read took 60.012040019035 seconds)
< EHLO localhost (Write took 0.00059795379638672 seconds)
> (Read took 60.009819984436 seconds)
>250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN (Read took 120.02024698257 seconds)

(Connected in 0.010542035102844 seconds)
>220 ESMTP (Read took 60.008027911186 seconds)
< EHLO localhost (Write took 0.00064098834991455 seconds)
> (Read took 60.009781002998 seconds)
>250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN (Read took 120.02020800114 seconds)

It appears that fgets is where the problem is occuring.  Its taking over a
minute.  Can anyone confirm?  I tried a server at and received
the same sort of results.


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[PHP-DEV] pear's Mail using smtp not working with cvs php

2002-10-01 Thread Matt Haught

I am trying to use pear's Mail functions to send email to my local smtp
server (FreeBSD 4.4 using qmail-smtpd), but it sort of gets hung up when
communicating with the smtp server.  (I also tried a 2nd smtp server with
the same hang).  It can take many minutes (way over the script's time out
strangely) of the script just setting there going very slowly before I guess
it finally times out (no errors are given).  Using recordio on the smtp
server shows what seems to be a very long time for php to respond to the
output of the server.  The communication that usually takes under a second,
is taking multiple minutes.  I was using an Oct 1st checkout, which failed
so I backed it out a few times (3:00AM EST each day) with fresh copies to
try to find where the problem was introduced:

Oct 1 failed
Sept 16 works
Sept 25 failed
Sept 21 works
Sept 23 failed
Sept 22 works
Sept 23 failed (just to double check)

I know thats not much help, and I am sorry, but I have not been able to
figure out the complexities of the pear classes, so I am a little in the
dark as to what function(s) are causing the problems.  So could someone in
the know could grab the pear scripts and check it out using the smtp option.
I would file a bug report, but I have no idea what is going on here (socket
problem?).  Was there some major changes between the 22nd and the 23rd?


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[PHP-DEV] ldap_start_tls() suggestion

2002-07-18 Thread Matt Wirges

The documentation for ldap_start_tls does not mention that you MUST be using LDAP 
protcol version 3.  I spent a day looking through google and source
trying to figure out why this was happening.  I finally just changed ext/ldap/ldap.c 
to force LDAP protocol version 3.  
After happening across bug #13278 I realized that I could have just used 
ldap_set_option (I neglected to take notice of this function 
probably just because I was burnt out from trying to solve this problem.)

Could ldap_start_tls be changed to force protocol version 3 (since it is required) or 
could the ldap_start_tls function page be updated
to alert people that this must be done?

The changes I made to get this to work, though sort of a waste of time now that I know 
of ldap_set_option are below.


--- ext/ldap/ldap.c-distThu Jul 18 15:35:00 2002
+++ ext/ldap/ldap.c Thu Jul 18 15:49:52 2002
@@ -1997,15 +1997,22 @@
Start TLS */
+   int version = LDAP_VERSION3;
pval **link;
ldap_linkdata *ld;
if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &link) == FAILURE) {

ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(ld, ldap_linkdata *, link, -1, "ldap link", le_link);

+   //try to set LDAP version to LDAP_VERSION3
+   if (ldap_set_option(ld->link, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version) != 
+   php_error(E_WARNING, "LDAP: TLS:  Unable to start TLS: %s",
+   ldap_err2string(_get_lderrno(ld->link)));
+   }
if (ldap_start_tls_s(ld->link, NULL, NULL) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
php_error(E_WARNING,"LDAP:  Unable to start TLS: %s",

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Can't fiqure out how to fix this error! HELP!

2002-07-09 Thread Matt Parlane

Perhaps it would help if you let everyone know what exactly was on line

"Celebei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This is the error I get and I can't fiqure out how to fix it:
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting
> on line 13
> HELP!!

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[PHP-DEV] Re: unable to pass values between pages

2002-04-29 Thread Matt Parlane

Hi Maria...

What version of PHP are you running?  If you are running 4.2.0 or newer, the
problem you are seeing is by design.  From version 4.2.0 onwards, request
variables are no longer registered in the global scope.

In future, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the place to post questions about
developing WITH PHP - php-dev is for the development OF PHP.



"Maria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Dear Freinds,
> I am trying to pass the value from one page to other. But that value is
> displayed by the receiving page.
> I am using win 2000 server with IIS. Is there anything to be configured in
> php.ini file?
> The following is the code:
> user.php
> -
> process.php
>   echo (" Welcome, " . $username);
> ?>

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Re: [PHP-DEV] XSLT bug

2002-04-18 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 02:09:01PM -0400, Ken Egervari wrote:

> I know that there is a workaround (which is obvious), but I just
> wanted to report it.  position() is supposed to return the position
> of the node within the current node list.  So i'd expect 1,2,3,4...N. 
> It's just strange why it would behave otherwise.  As for doing it
> this way?  I'm just playing around and noticed it.  this isn't
> production code at all.

This should've occured to me before sending the first reply, but, eh. 
Memory doesn't work so well so soon after waking up.

It actually is reporting the correct position, if your XML is
indendted.  For example:


has two text nodes in it at positions 1 and 3.  So position() correctly
reports the application nodes as being at 2 and 4.  The only workaround
for that is to take all the whitespace out of your XML:


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Re: [PHP-DEV] XSLT bug

2002-04-18 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 12:57:21AM -0400, Ken Egervari wrote:

> If I have an XML document with 2 applications nodes and the following
> template in the style sheet
> the result is 
> b. the name
> d. the name2
> When I think it should be "a. " and "b .".  For some reason,
> position() is returning the wrong result.

Out of curiousity, why are you forcing the  value?  With
value="position()" I see the same numbering (b, d) as you when I test
it with xsltproc (Which doesn't use sablotron).  Taking the value
attribute out gives the desired a, b listing.

So, perhaps it's not a bug, but instead sablotron was doing it wrong
beforehand, and has been fixed.  When behavior changes, it doesn't
always mean that the old behavior was correct.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: Session Oddness

2002-03-13 Thread Matt Allen

Ok then, no problems.

The thing is, last night in stalled the latest snap and SID was not
being popuulated, even though session cookies were DEFINATLY off,
accoring to a phpinfo anyway.

very strange.


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 23:52, Sascha Schumann wrote:
> On 13 Mar 2002, Matt Allen wrote:
> > I might be reading it wrong, and feel free to creect me if i am but:
> Yes, you are reading it wrong.
> > does the code read:
> Note the tempus of the variable "send_cookie".
> - Sascha Experience IRCG
Matt Allen
Technical Director
Investigation Marketplace
0413 777 771

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Session Oddness

2002-03-13 Thread Matt Allen

I might be reading it wrong, and feel free to creect me if i am but:

does the code read:

a cookie was sent 
setup SID
else if a cookie wasnt sent
dont setup SID
end if

if (send_cookie) {
smart_str var = {0}; smart_str_appends(&var, PS(session_name));
smart_str_appendc(&var, '=');
smart_str_appends(&var, PS(id));
} else {

surely this is back to front? shouldnt SID be defined when a cookie ISNT
sent ?


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 20:24, Sascha Schumann wrote:
> The current CVS behaviour is the correct and documented one.
> - Sascha Experience IRCG
Matt Allen
Technical Director
Investigation Marketplace
0413 777 771

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[PHP-DEV] Session Oddness

2002-03-12 Thread Matt Allen


Somebody hsa done something screwy with sessions, ther WEREN'T defining SID
when a cookie wasnt set. heres a diff:

--- php4-200203120300/ext/session/session.c Wed Mar 13 02:51:51 2002
+++ tmp/php4-200203120300/ext/session/session.c Sat Mar  9 11:33:29 2002
@@ -940,14 +940,7 @@
} else {
-smart_str var = {0};
-smart_str_appends(&var, PS(session_name));
-smart_str_appendc(&var, '=');
-smart_str_appends(&var, PS(id));
-   /* REGISTER_STRING_CONSTANT("SID", empty_string, 0); */
+   REGISTER_STRING_CONSTANT("SID", empty_string, 0);

PS(session_status) = php_session_active;

it had me scratchin my head for a while


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Suggest: Have PHP Session cookies-enabled check use any cookie

2002-03-10 Thread Matt Richardson

This is an interesting idea -- simply having the old session cookie stay
around longer. On the server side, you'd probably want to keep track of the
time the session was created and if it's an old session then change the
session id (I don't know if that's easy or hard). I think for security it is
good for each session to have its own id. Otherwise, if I read your cookies
once, I could use your session indefinitely. I think it would be easier if
the PHP code was modified to look for any cookie, but if that doesn't happen
then I may look into doing something like this instead.

"Marcus Börger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The good idee is to set a cookie...and if so not to modify anything.
> What you missed is that you need not get any cookie if you did not
> write one yourself (but that does not affect your idea).
> We could simply leave an old session-cookie and reread it - that
> shouldn't be a security problem. Perhaps we should then take some
> thoughts about the security of the session cookies.
> However it is important that we must rewrite the urls for cases where
> no cookie was received. That makes your idea no solutions for peoples
> which claim this because for example thier JavaScript code does not
> work anymore when session cookies rewrite their urls. (My own hp
> would have the same problem...but i do not change that)
> marcus
> At 22:34 10.03.2002, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I have a
> >suggestion about how PHP checks whether cookie support is enabled.
> >Here is my understanding of the current setup: On the first PHP page
> >encountered, all links will be turned into GET style URLS with the
> >session id attached because it does not yet know whether cookies are
> >enabled. At the same time, it sends a cookie with the session id back
> >to the client. On the second page view, the session id cookie is sent
> >back to the server and thus the server knows cookies are enabled, and
> >no longer has to modify the links.
> >
> >I've seen a fair number of people complaining about the appearance of
> >the PHPSESSID tacked on the end of all URLs on the first page, and
> >some people doing work-arounds like automatically redirecting back to
> >the home page. I agree with them that it would be nice not to have the
> >URL modification happen, but I don't like the redirect workaround
> >either. So, I have a suggestion: To determine whether cookies are
> >enabled, PHP could simply check to see whether *any* cookie was sent
> >on the page request. If it were set up like this, we could then set a
> >dummy cookie with a long lifetime on their first visit to the site.
> >Then, on all future visits to the site, PHP would discover even on the
> >first page that cookies are enabled. The result would be the PHPSESSID
> >var would only be stuck on the URLs the very first time a user visits
> >the site, and would never appear again (as long as cookies are
> >enabled).
> >
> >If you fear that this is less safe than actually checking for the
> >PHPSESSID variable, it seems that this could at least be an option
> >that could be enabled in php.ini.
> >
> >What do you think?
> >Matt
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >PHP Development Mailing List <>
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[PHP-DEV] Re: Suggest: Have PHP Session cookies-enabled check use any cookie

2002-03-10 Thread Matt Richardson

I think there has been some confusion as to what I was suggesting for people
with cookies disabled. What I am suggesting would have the following effect:

(1) If user has cookies disabled: PHP sessions would end up acting as
before, they would convert URLs into GET style URLs
(2) If user has cookies enabled: PHP sessions  would act as before except
would not end up rewriting URLs on the first page view.

The change to the PHP code should be small: when seeing if cookies are
enabled simply look for any cookie sent by the client rather than just the


"Matt Richardson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I have a
> suggestion about how PHP checks whether cookie support is enabled.
> Here is my understanding of the current setup: On the first PHP page
> encountered, all links will be turned into GET style URLS with the
> session id attached because it does not yet know whether cookies are
> enabled. At the same time, it sends a cookie with the session id back
> to the client. On the second page view, the session id cookie is sent
> back to the server and thus the server knows cookies are enabled, and
> no longer has to modify the links.
> I've seen a fair number of people complaining about the appearance of
> the PHPSESSID tacked on the end of all URLs on the first page, and
> some people doing work-arounds like automatically redirecting back to
> the home page. I agree with them that it would be nice not to have the
> URL modification happen, but I don't like the redirect workaround
> either. So, I have a suggestion: To determine whether cookies are
> enabled, PHP could simply check to see whether *any* cookie was sent
> on the page request. If it were set up like this, we could then set a
> dummy cookie with a long lifetime on their first visit to the site.
> Then, on all future visits to the site, PHP would discover even on the
> first page that cookies are enabled. The result would be the PHPSESSID
> var would only be stuck on the URLs the very first time a user visits
> the site, and would never appear again (as long as cookies are
> enabled).
> If you fear that this is less safe than actually checking for the
> PHPSESSID variable, it seems that this could at least be an option
> that could be enabled in php.ini.
> What do you think?
> Matt

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[PHP-DEV] Suggest: Have PHP Session cookies-enabled check use any cookie

2002-03-10 Thread Matt Richardson


I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I have a
suggestion about how PHP checks whether cookie support is enabled.
Here is my understanding of the current setup: On the first PHP page
encountered, all links will be turned into GET style URLS with the
session id attached because it does not yet know whether cookies are
enabled. At the same time, it sends a cookie with the session id back
to the client. On the second page view, the session id cookie is sent
back to the server and thus the server knows cookies are enabled, and
no longer has to modify the links.

I've seen a fair number of people complaining about the appearance of
the PHPSESSID tacked on the end of all URLs on the first page, and
some people doing work-arounds like automatically redirecting back to
the home page. I agree with them that it would be nice not to have the
URL modification happen, but I don't like the redirect workaround
either. So, I have a suggestion: To determine whether cookies are
enabled, PHP could simply check to see whether *any* cookie was sent
on the page request. If it were set up like this, we could then set a
dummy cookie with a long lifetime on their first visit to the site.
Then, on all future visits to the site, PHP would discover even on the
first page that cookies are enabled. The result would be the PHPSESSID
var would only be stuck on the URLs the very first time a user visits
the site, and would never appear again (as long as cookies are

If you fear that this is less safe than actually checking for the
PHPSESSID variable, it seems that this could at least be an option
that could be enabled in php.ini.

What do you think?

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[PHP-DEV] PHP for Win32 without MySQL?

2001-12-18 Thread Matt White

Has anyone attempted to build a version of PHP on Win32 without MySQL?

In config.w32.h there is the following couple of lines:

/* set to enable mysql */
#define HAVE_MYSQL 1

... and if you set this equal to 0, the compile progresses normally until
you hit php_mysql.c. (VC++ gives up after a couple of hundred errors...
mostly undeclared identifier errors, which are most likely caused by a
header not being included somewhere along the way.)

- Matt

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Re: [PHP-DEV] multiple inheritance ext

2001-12-07 Thread Matt Gray

Where would such a public discussion take place?  And does anybody have 
any idea on the time line of all of this(not impatient, just curious...)?

- Matt

Markus Fischer wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 06:26:32PM -0700, Blake Barnett wrote : 
> Yep, and don't forget to quote the important thing:
> "Note: Multiple Inheritance functionality may or may not be a
> part of the Zend Engine 2.0. Whether it is added to the
> engine or not will be publicly discussed."
> Although there were discussions, there was no decision. So,
> saying 'will have' is still plain wrong.
> - Markus

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2001-12-07 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 06:43:31PM -0500, benjamin yates wrote:

> >Most people never mix XML and PHP in the same file.  Let's not
> >inconvenience the masses for the benefit of the few.
> >-Rasmus
> > > Yet another good reason to get rid of them. :)
> > > --Jani
>   please never get rid of them...  and i thought php largely about rapid development :)

Three extra characters?  Surely there are more significant issues in
development to fret over than this.

>   if it's ever depricated then i'll definatly write a pre-processor of some 
> kind... and i wonder why no one has yet anyway.  or at least why there isn't 
> a way to create the same as a #define macro...  man would that be nice.



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Re: [PHP-DEV] Extension checkins?

2001-11-01 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 12:11:17AM +, Jonathan Gillette wrote:

> Hi.  I'm aware of an extension that would fit quite nicely into the
> current set.  What's the protocol for proposing a entry into the
> extension repository?

Mentioning what it does may be a good start..


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12565 Updated: array_map with NULL callback causes crash

2001-08-04 Thread matt

ID: 12565
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.0.4
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

I messed up the formatting, sorry

Previous Comments:

[2001-08-04 12:04:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When used with NULL as the callback function, array_map 
causes a SIGBUS. 

Example: this crashes


But this works:

configure flags: --w

Apache (1.3.14) l

[Sat Aug
54:19 2001] [notice] child pid 18915 exit signal Bus erro
r (10)
[Sat Aug  4 16:
54:20 2001] [notice] child pid 18916 exit signal Bus erro
r (10)
[Sat Aug  4 16:
54:20 2001] [error] (22)Invalid argument: getsockname

b backtrace:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access 
0x00c1ffac in _efree (ptr=0xbfffdf08) at zend_alloc.c:226
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00c1ffac in _efree (ptr=0xbfffdf08) at 
#1  0x00c8fc98 in php_if_array_map (ht=3, return_value=
0x63e13c, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=13834456) at 
#2  0x00c33384 in execute (op_array=0x5a079c) at ./
#3  0x00c1fbe4 in zend_execute_scripts (type=-1073750264, 
file_count=3) at zend.c:752
#4  0x00c55a5c in php_execute_script (primary_file=
0xb558) at main.c:1206
#5  0x00c52b18 in apache_php_module_main (r=0xbfffdf08, 
display_source_mode=0) at sapi_apache.c:89
#6  0x00c515b8 in send_php (r=0x5990b4, 
display_source_mode=0, filename=0x0) at mod_php4.c:536
#7  0x00c515f4 in send_parsed_php (r=0xbfffdf08) at 
#8  0xc700 in ap_invoke_handler ()
#9  0x00016780 in process_request_internal ()
#10 0x000167fc in ap_process_request ()
#11 0x5ec4 in child_main ()
#12 0x6080 in make_child ()
#13 0x61ec in startup_children ()
#14 0x67f0 in standalone_main ()
#15 0x7074 in main ()
#16 0x2268 in _start ()
#17 0x20a8 in start ()
#18 0x in ?? ()

Edit this bug report at

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12565: array_map with NULL callback causes crash

2001-08-04 Thread matt

Operating system: Mac OS X 10.0.4
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  array_map with NULL callback causes crash

When used with NULL as the callback function, array_map 
causes a SIGBUS. 

Example: this crashes


But this works:

configure flags: --w

Apache (1.3.14) l

[Sat Aug
54:19 2001] [notice] child pid 18915 exit signal Bus erro
r (10)
[Sat Aug  4 16:
54:20 2001] [notice] child pid 18916 exit signal Bus erro
r (10)
[Sat Aug  4 16:
54:20 2001] [error] (22)Invalid argument: getsockname

b backtrace:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access 
0x00c1ffac in _efree (ptr=0xbfffdf08) at zend_alloc.c:226
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00c1ffac in _efree (ptr=0xbfffdf08) at 
#1  0x00c8fc98 in php_if_array_map (ht=3, return_value=
0x63e13c, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=13834456) at 
#2  0x00c33384 in execute (op_array=0x5a079c) at ./
#3  0x00c1fbe4 in zend_execute_scripts (type=-1073750264, 
file_count=3) at zend.c:752
#4  0x00c55a5c in php_execute_script (primary_file=
0xb558) at main.c:1206
#5  0x00c52b18 in apache_php_module_main (r=0xbfffdf08, 
display_source_mode=0) at sapi_apache.c:89
#6  0x00c515b8 in send_php (r=0x5990b4, 
display_source_mode=0, filename=0x0) at mod_php4.c:536
#7  0x00c515f4 in send_parsed_php (r=0xbfffdf08) at 
#8  0xc700 in ap_invoke_handler ()
#9  0x00016780 in process_request_internal ()
#10 0x000167fc in ap_process_request ()
#11 0x5ec4 in child_main ()
#12 0x6080 in make_child ()
#13 0x61ec in startup_children ()
#14 0x67f0 in standalone_main ()
#15 0x7074 in main ()
#16 0x2268 in _start ()
#17 0x20a8 in start ()
#18 0x in ?? ()
Edit bug report at:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12535 Updated: We'd like support for output buffering and "here" syntax

2001-08-03 Thread matt

ID: 12535
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Wow, thanks for the quick feedback. And sorry. I looked hard but did not find these 
features. I stand corrected.

Previous Comments:

[2001-08-02 13:55:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Heredoc is supported, see the manual on strings.

You need three <<< , in stead of 2, and it works.
And output buffering is supported all the way since PHP 4, AFAIK...


[2001-08-02 13:53:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


For a long time I've wished that PHP supported the "here" string syntax, i.e in Perl:

print <

This is 
great for outputting HTML


or better yet...

$string = 
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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12535: We'd like support for output buffering and "here" syntax

2001-08-03 Thread matt

Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  We'd like support for output buffering and "here" syntax


For a long time I've wished that PHP supported the "here" string syntax,
i.e in Perl:

print <

This is 
great for outputting HTML


or better yet...

$string = 
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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12354 Updated: getImageSize() fails for some JPEGs

2001-07-25 Thread matt

ID: 12354
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: GetImageSize related
Operating System: linux
Old PHP Version: 4.0.6
PHP Version: 4.0.5
New Comment:

My initial report gave the wrong version -- this is indeed fixed in 4.0.6. Sorry for 
the misdirection; I thought one of my two test systems had already been upgraded.

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-24 22:54:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

works fine for me with 4.0.6 release.

[2001-07-24 20:12:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... and checking the image you posted, it works fine for me with the current 
getimagesize() in CVS.  And I don't think it has changed since 4.0.6

[2001-07-24 20:04:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you absolutely sure you are using PHP 4.0.6?  This was a bug in 4.0.5.

[2001-07-24 19:57:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JPEGs saved directly from some digital cameras do not contain whatever data 
getImageSize relies on to produce an array of size and type data. Opening such an 
image and re-saving (even as JPEG) within an image editor (photoshop or equivalent) 
will 'fix' the image, allowing getImageSize() to read it.

Here's an image that causes getImageSize() to fail:

Here's the same image after opening/saving; getImageSize() copes fine with this one:

Here's the output of ImageMagick's 'identify' utility for both images:
DSC00021fixed.jpg 640x480 DirectClass 81kb JPEG 1s
DSC00021.JPG[1] 640x480 DirectClass 88kb JPEG 2s

Here's the output of 'file':
DSC00021fixed.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard
DSC00021.JPG:  JPEG image data

Edit this bug report at

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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] More error handling changes

2001-07-25 Thread Matt Allen

Hi All,

To carry on from the XMLRPC Error patch, here is another one that makes
PHP bork on parse errors as well as others from an INI directive called

The reason for this is if xmlrpc_errors is on, and PHP throws 2 errors,
2 xmlrpc error packets will be returned, making certain xmlrpc clients
(rightfully) spew becasue they have recieved 2 xmlrpc fault packets (xml

Matt Allen
Technical Director
Investigation Marketplace
0413 777 771

Index: main.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.383
diff -u -r1.383 main.c
--- main.c  23 Jul 2001 14:05:26 -  1.383
+++ main.c  25 Jul 2001 10:24:24 -
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnUpdateBool,   enable_dl, 
php_core_globals,   core_globals)
STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("expose_php",   "1",
PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnUpdateBool,   expose_php,
php_core_globals,   core_globals)
STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("html_errors",  "1",
PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnUpdateBool,   html_errors,   
php_core_globals,   core_globals)
+   STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("break_on_parse",   "0",
+PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnUpdateBool,   break_on_parse,   
+  php_core_globals,   core_globals)
PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnUpdateBool,   xmlrpc_errors, 
 php_core_globals,   core_globals)
 OnUpdateBool,   ignore_user_abort,  
php_core_globals,   core_globals)
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@
time_t error_time;
-   /* Try to use the specified logging location. */
if (PG(error_log) != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(PG(error_log), "syslog")) {
@@ -451,7 +452,6 @@
/* no break - intentionally */
case E_ERROR:
-   /*case E_PARSE: the parser would return 1 (failure), we can bail out 
nicely */
if (module_initialized) {
@@ -459,6 +459,13 @@
+   case E_PARSE:
+   if (PG(break_on_parse)) {
+   if (module_initialized) {
+   zend_bailout();
+   return;
+   }
+   }
/* Log if necessary */
Index: php_globals.h
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/php_globals.h,v
retrieving revision 1.68
diff -u -r1.68 php_globals.h
--- php_globals.h   17 Jul 2001 16:46:07 -  1.68
+++ php_globals.h   25 Jul 2001 10:24:25 -
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
zend_bool xmlrpc_errors;
long xmlrpc_error_number;
+   zend_bool break_on_parse;
zend_bool modules_activated;

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12354: getImageSize() fails for some JPEGs

2001-07-24 Thread matt

Operating system: linux
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: GetImageSize related
Bug description:  getImageSize() fails for some JPEGs

JPEGs saved directly from some digital cameras do not contain whatever data
getImageSize relies on to produce an array of size and type data. Opening
such an image and re-saving (even as JPEG) within an image editor
(photoshop or equivalent) will 'fix' the image, allowing getImageSize() to
read it.

Here's an image that causes getImageSize() to fail:

Here's the same image after opening/saving; getImageSize() copes fine with
this one:

Here's the output of ImageMagick's 'identify' utility for both images:
DSC00021fixed.jpg 640x480 DirectClass 81kb JPEG 1s
DSC00021.JPG[1] 640x480 DirectClass 88kb JPEG 2s

Here's the output of 'file':
DSC00021fixed.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard
DSC00021.JPG:  JPEG image data

Edit bug report at:

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[PHP-DEV] Returning only one error

2001-07-24 Thread Matt Allen

Hi All,

My XMLRPC Error Patch got submitted last week and all is good, except
when PHP returns more than one error, ie a warning then a fatal.  A
"double" XMLRPC Fault packet gets returned instead of just one, making
most clients bork.

Is there anyway of making PHP die one the first error it receives?

Matt Allen
Technical Director
Investigation Marketplace
0413 777 771

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2001-07-21 Thread Matt Allen

Hi All,

Attached is a small patch tp pear/XML/RPC.php.

It fixes 2 things:
1. There was a print statement left in the client class
2. xml_rpc_encode had "new XML_RPC_VAL" instead of "new XML_RPC_VALUE".

Matt Allen
Technical Director
Investigation Marketplace
0413 777 771

Index: RPC.php
RCS file: /repository/php4/pear/XML/RPC.php,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 RPC.php
--- RPC.php 13 Jul 2001 17:45:43 -  1.10
+++ RPC.php 22 Jul 2001 01:52:47 -
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
 strlen($msg->payload) . "\r\n\r\n" .
 if (!fputs($fp, $op, strlen($op))) {
 $this->errstr="Write error";
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@
global $XML_RPC_Struct;
$type = gettype($php_val);
-   $XML_RPC_val = new XML_RPC_val;
+   $XML_RPC_val = new XML_RPC_value;
switch($type) {
   case "array":

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12079: SEGFAULT when compiled with APXS and QTDOM

2001-07-11 Thread matt

Operating system: Linux RH 7.1
PHP version:  4.0CVS-2001-07-12
PHP Bug Type: DOM XML related
Bug description:  SEGFAULT when compiled with APXS and QTDOM

httpd wont start, segfaults stright away. qtdom makes it do it. It works
fine in 4.0.6RC1

configure line:
./configure  --with-apxs=/www/bin/apxs --with-qtdom=yes --disable-pear

no make errors

Starting program: /www/bin/httpd -X

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400fb344 in chunk_alloc (ar_ptr=0x401a4f00, nb=16) at malloc.c:2781
2781malloc.c: No such file or directory.
in malloc.c
(gdb) bt
#0  0x400fb344 in chunk_alloc (ar_ptr=0x401a4f00, nb=16) at malloc.c:2781
#1  0x400fb13a in __libc_malloc (bytes=8) at malloc.c:2714
#2  0x08075c32 in ap_hook_register_I () at eval.c:41
#3  0x4021bc69 in ssl_io_register () from /www/libexec/
#4  0x40212ebf in ssl_hook_AddModule () from /www/libexec/
#5  0x0805508f in ap_add_module () at eval.c:41
#6  0x0805519d in ap_add_loaded_module () at eval.c:41
#7  0x08050060 in load_module () at eval.c:41
#8  0x08055650 in invoke_cmd () at eval.c:41
#9  0x08056016 in ap_handle_command () at eval.c:41
#10 0x080560a9 in ap_srm_command_loop () at eval.c:41
#11 0x08056716 in ap_process_resource_config () at eval.c:41
#12 0x0805704b in ap_read_config () at eval.c:41
#13 0x08060d88 in standalone_main () at eval.c:41
#14 0x080616cf in main () at eval.c:41
#15 0x40098177 in __libc_start_main (main=0x8061314 , argc=2,
ubp_av=0xb9dc, init=0x804f334 <_init>, 
fini=0x80984c0 <_fini>, rtld_fini=0x4000e184 <_dl_fini>,
stack_end=0xb9cc) at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129
Edit bug report at:

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[PHP-DEV] XMLRPC Error Returns & Patch

2001-07-06 Thread Matt Allen

Hi All,

Attached is a patch that does the following:

- Allows *all* PHP Errors to be returned as a Valid XMLRPC Fault Packet (ie including 
parse errors).
- Allows the user to turn these errors on and off in php.ini
- Allows the user to set the faultCode (in the XMLRPC packet) via php.ini

Why is this important?

When using XMLRPC, anything at all that gets returned from the server needs to be a 
valid XMLRPC packet, either a Fault or a proper payload, if PHP dies with any sort of 
error or warning the XMLRPC client dies becasue it cant grok the returned payload.  
This limits PHP ever being used as an XMLRPC server.  With these patches the user can 
set the faultCode that gets returned to the client, so if im making an XMLRPC server 
that anyone can build a client that will access it I can make a statement like "If you 
get a faulCode of 666, then something broke on the server, bail out nicely and let me 

I was originally thinking that maybe we should write a generice Errorhandler, ie let 
it be set in the php.ini, the reason for this is with more and more web services 
coming out (XMLRPC,SOAP, etc) each one will need a specific error format.  This might 
be something that could be discussed, but XMLRPC has been around the longest and alot 
of these other protocols are based on it, so here it is :)

I didnt change the php.ini-dist as I didnt know the protocol, ie, since most people 
wont want this feature do we leave it out?

Matt Allen
Technical Director
Investigation Marketplace
0413 777 771

Index: main/main.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.371
diff -r1.371 main.c
>   STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("xmlrpc_errors","0",
>PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnUpdateBool,  xmlrpc_errors, 
>  php_core_globals,   core_globals)
>   STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("xmlrpc_error_number",   NULL,PHP_INI_ALL,   
> OnUpdateString,xmlrpc_error_number, 
>php_core_globals,   core_globals)
<   char *error_format;
>   char error_format[1024];
<   error_format = PG(html_errors) ?
<   "\n%s:  %s in %s on line 
<   : "\n%s: %s in %s on line %d\n";
> if (PG(html_errors)) {
>   strcpy(error_format , "\n%s: %s in %s oni line 
> } else if (PG(xmlrpc_errors)) {
>   snprintf(error_format, 1023 , " 
> in %%s on line
> } else {
> strcpy (error_format , "\n%s: %s in %s on line
> %d\n");
> }
Index: main/php_globals.h
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/php_globals.h,v
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -r1.63 php_globals.h
>   zend_bool xmlrpc_errors;
>   short xmlrpc_error_number;

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11811 Updated: Cannot use ImageCopyResampled(), wrong GD version Reported

2001-06-30 Thread matt

ID: 11811
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old-Status: Feedback
Status: Open
Bug Type: GD related
Operating system: Cobalt Linux 5.0 (Kernel 2.2.14C
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Description: Cannot use ImageCopyResampled(), wrong GD version Reported

Upon examining the config.log file, I discovered that configure was ignoring the 
/home/matt/Packages/gd-2.0.1/ file, and instead attempting to link with 

Checking the Makefile for gd-2.0.1, I found that it does not (by default) produce a 

By running 'make libgd.a' for gd-2.0.1, then deleting PHP-4.0.6's config.cache, then 
running a make clean;make all, I was able to fix the problem.

Thanks for the quick response.  I apologise for not looking further into this issue 

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-30 15:23:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you email me the config.log file? And are you absolutely sure all old gd header 
files are removed?



[2001-06-30 15:19:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did you remove the config.cache file?


[2001-06-30 15:12:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I previously ran GD 1.8.3 with PHP 4.0.5, then upgraded to GD 2.0.1 and PHP 4.0.6 to 
take advantage of ImageCopyResampled().  

However, configure is not setting #define HAVE_LIBGD20 no matter what I do.  I have 
even removed all reminants of GD 1.8.4, but still to no avail. 

Here's all the relevant information I can provide from phpinfo():

[Configure Command]
'./configure' '--with-xml' '--with-pgsql=/home/pgsql' '--with-jpeg' 
'--with-jpeg-dir=/home/matt/Packages/jpeg-6b' '--with-t1lib' 
'--with-gd=/home/matt/Packages/gd-2.0.1' '--with-imap' '--with-pspell' '--with-swf' 
'--with-zlib' '--enable-ftp' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local/lib' '--with-apxs' 
'--with-gdbm' '--with-mysql' '--enable-filepro' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-bcmath' 
'--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-yp' '--with-mcal=/usr/local/mcal' 

GD Support: enabled 
GD Version: 1.6.2 or higher 
T1Lib Support: enabled 
JPG Support: enabled 
WBMP Support: enabled 


Full Bug description available at:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11811: Cannot use ImageCopyResampled(), wrong GD version Reported

2001-06-30 Thread matt

Operating system: Cobalt Linux 5.0 (Kernel 2.2.14C5)
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: GD related
Bug description:  Cannot use ImageCopyResampled(), wrong GD version Reported

I previously ran GD 1.8.3 with PHP 4.0.5, then upgraded to GD 2.0.1 and PHP 4.0.6 to 
take advantage of ImageCopyResampled().  

However, configure is not setting #define HAVE_LIBGD20 no matter what I do.  I have 
even removed all reminants of GD 1.8.4, but still to no avail. 

Here's all the relevant information I can provide from phpinfo():

[Configure Command]
'./configure' '--with-xml' '--with-pgsql=/home/pgsql' '--with-jpeg' 
'--with-jpeg-dir=/home/matt/Packages/jpeg-6b' '--with-t1lib' 
'--with-gd=/home/matt/Packages/gd-2.0.1' '--with-imap' '--with-pspell' '--with-swf' 
'--with-zlib' '--enable-ftp' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local/lib' '--with-apxs' 
'--with-gdbm' '--with-mysql' '--enable-filepro' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-bcmath' 
'--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-yp' '--with-mcal=/usr/local/mcal' 

GD Support: enabled 
GD Version: 1.6.2 or higher 
T1Lib Support: enabled 
JPG Support: enabled 
WBMP Support: enabled 

Edit Bug report at:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug #11611 Updated: nl2br() outputting invalid tags

2001-06-22 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 03:18:20PM +0200, lenar wrote:

> Shouldn't there be an optional flag to nl2br to change the behavior of
> function to what it used to be. Just there's no point in  like tags
> when the rest of your code is just generating HTML compliant output, not
> Ok, somebody can always use something like str_replace("\n", "",
> $text) to get the old functionality.

What if the rest of your code is generating XHTML?  It's better to assume
the more strict syntax, especially considering that nobody has yet found (to
my knowledge) a browser where  doesn't work.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] 4.0.6

2001-05-02 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 09:03:00PM +0200, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:

> Matt McClanahan wrote:
> > I don't see inviting this wider audience as providing enough beneficial
> > information to justify the work of clearing away the less useful
> > reports.
> right now we invite this wider audience the day we release a 'release'
> and again and again we end up with a .pl1 

James already addressed this in the top of his post that I responed to,
and quoted.  Release cycles are supposed to happen in a much shorter
period of time than the lifetime of an actual release.  Given that
releases can't expect to tackle all known bugs, the goal becomes
hitting a reasonable number of bugs, such that the release cycle
doesn't take too long, while still making good progress on the number
of outstanding bugs.

> i just want to get into some process that shifts labels here
> making what we call 'release' now the final release candidate
> so that we end up with a release that deserves this name 
> without having an .pl1 attached
> if you do not want to see useless bug reports you should not release
> at all 

Such bugs are inevitable, against releases.  However there's no reason
that such bugs have to be inevitable against release candidates when
the people testing them are all (theoretically) knowledgable about how
to submit a good bug report.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] 4.0.6

2001-05-02 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 06:58:57PM +0100, James Moore wrote:

> > >I would be very against this.. to me it seems silly, the current QA Team
> > >will have to spend 90% of their time running through the (maybe
> > hundreds) of
> > >reports rather than testing. It makes more sense to me to try and attract
> > >more people who know what they are doing to the QA Team rather
> > than having a
> > >fairly (maybe more :)) disorderly group  of people testing from
> > people who
> > >do not really know what they are doing..
> >
> > You have tens of thousands of people testing releases today. What's the
> > difference?
> The big difference is during a release process is the time scale. There are
> likley to be more bugs in an RC as well as people reporting bugs more
> rigerously (As well as probably reporting lots of bogus/dup bugs, which are
> very tedious to trawl through).

Exactly.  While it would be nice to think that broadening the audience
of the testing cycle would yield more bug finding, I fear it would
inundate the bug database with only marginally useful bug reports. 
The number of bug reports that boil down to "My script doesn't work!"
would certainly increase.  Reports that extension X doesn't work, but
provide no substantial information would increase, and so on.

I don't see inviting this wider audience as providing enough beneficial
information to justify the work of clearing away the less useful

> Normally I test RC1 massively then if there are problems I check for them in
> later RC's where people have said they have been fixed (or its decided that
> the bug should be fixed before the release).
> This time this didnt work for the single reason Phanto was unresposible and
> commited a huge (700 line commit) to RC7 and DIDNT test it. I asked him (as
> I asked sascha too) to when we decided to have RC8 (I think I cc'd the list)
> to test his changes throughly as I would not have time due to "real" work.
> Now Phanto obviously didnt do this, maybe someone should have caught it but
> I feel that by not testing Phanto invalidated a lot of hard work by the rest
> of the team to make 4.0.6 stable.

This sort of thing simply shouldn't happen, imho.  If the QA team's word
is to mean anything, they need to have the authority to say "No, that
needs to be removed."  If they don't have that authority, then how can
they be expected to say "We have tested RC8, and it is ready to be

> I am certainly pissed off that this has happened as a lot of people put a
> lot of work into making sure 4.0.5 was stable and the problem here is not
> the testing but the developers commiting unneeded stuff to the RC branch.
> I feel we should only have x people commiting to the branch and if somthing
> is commited as late as the COM stuff was its up to the developer to test
> throughly otherwise its their head on the block.

I can understand why it would be frustrating to see what could amount
to an undermining of the testing cycle, but I don't think shifting
blame to the developers is the best solution.  This will only lead to
animosity over the quality of releases.

What I'd like to see instead is for the QA team to own the release
cycle.  That is, as soon as RC's start being rolled, QA has the right
to determine if a commit shouldn't go in.  Without that control, it
seems to me that their hands are being tied.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] 4.0.6

2001-05-02 Thread Matt White


Is there another test suite other than the run-test.php script?

(Which does run on Win32:

Number of tests:   165
Tests skipped:  66 ( 40%)
Tests failed:   22 ( 22%)
Tests passed:   77 ( 78%)
Skipped 0 extensions.



- Matt

>>> Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/02/01 12:02PM >>>
On 2001-05-02 15:43:57, "Andi Gutmans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 03:38 PM 5/2/2001 +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:
> >Seriously though, win32 is particular hard to do automated testing.
> >Maybe we could use cygwin for running the test-suite under win32 and
> >least be able to use standard *nix tools?

> The nature of PHP on Windows is that it's really best to compile it
> Visual C++. It uses native threading support and ISAPI support.
> I don't think it's a good or feasible idea to move to cygwin.

I agree about the compiling part, but cygwin isn't just a compiler - you
get bash, sed, perl, awk and all those unix tools.  I'm suggesting that
perhaps the test suite could be run using those tools on a win32


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2001-04-26 Thread Matt White


Contains ISAPI, CGI, and Apache/Win32 builds. The only extension I've included is the 
MS-SQL one.

- Matt

>>> Liz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/26/01 12:32PM >>>
If someone can compile up a windows set, and mail me the base DLLs+EXE and the
MS-SQL-DLL one, I'd be eternally grateful, as it took me about 3 hours to
compile it over citrix and then SMS to a machine with the stuff to do so.

I'd like the CGI + ISAPI version with MS-SQL, its for IIS, but I dont use any
other extensions at the moment.. I'll then trash it a bit..



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[PHP-DEV] Notes on four MySQL bugs

2001-04-25 Thread Matt McClanahan

Some more bug comments.  They all look like they can be closed to me:

User is expecting the default link identifier to switch back to $db after
he closed $db2, which isn't how it works.  Not a bug.

I don't know what we're supposed to do with this one.  Should be solved
in a support forum (php-general, php-db, php-install...), since it's
probably not a bug.

Don't see what the problem is.  A delete query won't return an error if
there were no rows to delete.

The function does check that mysql_fetch_assoc's second parameter is one of
MYSQL_*, but it doesn't check the type of variable being converted to a
long.  Could add an (*arg2)->type == IS_LONG check, but would this be
inconsistent with behavior in much of the other code that accepts this
sort of type conversion?  I'd just leave it as it is, since it's not
hurting anything.


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[PHP-DEV] Bug 8352 should be closed

2001-04-25 Thread Matt McClanahan

Bug #8352 is invalid, the reporter misunderstood how MySQL's decimal
field works.  The behavior of mysql_field_len is correct.

The SQL line 'price decimal(9,2)' calls for 9 digits, two of which
are after the decimal point.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Compiling PHP as a NLM

2001-04-25 Thread Matt White


I've been wanting to do this for a while (compile PHP as an Apache/NetWare module). If 
you need help, please let me know. I don't have a NetWare compiler, but I've been 
needing a reason to get one.

The flags that are being passed into GCC control the way it compiles (In order... All 
warnings, optimize to level two, include debug symbols, use /usr/nwsdk/include as a 
include path, don't use the standard includes, don't use the built-in functions, and 
pack structs).

If you're not using GCC (or are you?), you'll need to set those flags in your compiler.

- Matt

>>> Davin Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/25/01 01:01PM >>>
I am currently attempting to compile PHP as an NLM. Unfortunately,my programming 
skills fall short of the task, but I am wading my way throughit. What I am currently 
stuck on is where in the php4 configure script(if this is the right place to do it at) 
should I add the following tohave it passed to gcc as it compiles it?
CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -g -I/usr/nwsdk/include/ -nostdinc -fno-builtin -fpack-struct

Im not sure what other problems I may run into down the road, but Ihave made it this 
far at least.. Any help anyone could providewould be immensely appreciated
Davin Thompson
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Re: [PHP-DEV] 4.0.5 RC7 and TRANS_SID under Win32

2001-04-24 Thread Matt White


I'm not quite sure.

I've started digging into this some now... It appears that something somewhere is 
caching files when it really shouldn't be. I disabled cookie support for session 
tracking, but PHP insists on using a cookie and issuing me the same session ID every 

I've restarted the Apache service several times since making the change to PHP.INI 
this morning, and it's still doing it.

I'm going to dig futher into it, the problem may be in a different part of the system 
than I first suspected...

And yes, it's worked great in the past.  The TRANS_SID feature is one that has a 
habbit of breaking... Here's a snippet of code from my login functions:

// Interesting problem. I'm not sure if the problem is in PHP, or my code. PHP
// does not assign a PSID to the page at this point, so I can't simply re-direct
// the user into the main menu (like I do with the helpdesk). Instead, it seems
// happy modifying URLs, so this "Session Established" page isn't just for looks -
// it does something functional. Hopefully this will be fixed in a newer iteration
// of PHP 4.

// It was fixed in PHP 4.0.1.
// And then broken in PHP 4.0.1pl1.
// And then fixed again in PHP 4.0.1pl2.
// And now it's broken again in 4.0.2, but there is a workaround that works.
//  Arugh.

// I submitted a bug report after tracking down what was happening in the code after 
// Now hopefully it's fixed for good in 4.0.3.


I'll let you know.

- Matt

>>> Andi Gutmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/24/01 11:20AM >>>
Did this work in the past? If so, any idea when it stopped working?


At 10:13 AM 4/24/2001 -0400, Matt White wrote:
>I'm banging around on PHP 4.0.5 RC7 Win32 (Apache module), and I'm having 
>great difficultly getting the TRANS_SID feature to work. I have one web 
>application which depends heavily on it, and it's unusable under 4.0.5RC7.
>Has anyone else been experiencing this difficultly?
>- Matt
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[PHP-DEV] 4.0.5 RC7 and TRANS_SID under Win32

2001-04-24 Thread Matt White


I'm banging around on PHP 4.0.5 RC7 Win32 (Apache module), and I'm having great 
difficultly getting the TRANS_SID feature to work. I have one web application which 
depends heavily on it, and it's unusable under 4.0.5RC7.

Has anyone else been experiencing this difficultly?

- Matt

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] RC7 is out

2001-04-19 Thread Matt White


Compiled on Win32 as an Apache module just fine.

One tiny problem... main\php_version.h still says it's version RC6. It took me a 
minute to realize that I hadn't made a mistake and copied files from the wrong 
directory... =)

PHP Version 4.0.5RC7 

System Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 
Build Date Apr 19 2001 
Server API Apache 

I will bang on it tomorrow to see if it breaks.

- Matt

>>> Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/19/01 10:02PM >>>

I rolled RC7 - if there are no surprises (there'd better not be! :), it
can finally go out early next week.


Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #10383: Receiving an HTTP PUT, rather than sending one

2001-04-18 Thread matt

Operating system: RH Linux
PHP version:  4.0.3pl1
PHP Bug Type: HTTP related
Bug description:  Receiving an HTTP PUT, rather than sending one

I have been trying to use PUT method support, as described in the PHP manual in the 
section "Handling File Uploads."  The documentation says that when the request type is 
PUT, the body of the request is saved in a temporary file (in the directory specified 
in php.ini), and the name of the file is saved in a variable called $PHP_PUT_FILENAME 
(I tried $PHP_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME too, there is an inconsistency in the documentation, 
but neither worked anyway).

As the documentation says, I put a line in httpd.conf (I am using apache 1.3.12) that 

Script PUT /path/to/myscript.php

This works great...all PUT requests are getting redirected to my script.  I know this, 
because the other parts that don't deal with the file are getting executed, and I was 
able to send HTML back to the client in an "echo" statement.

Now, the value of the variable $PHP_PUT_FILENAME is empty.  I looked at various other 
bugs alluding to this issue, and made sure of a couple things:  in php.ini, 
register_globals is on, and the temporary file directory for uploads is also set (to 
/tmp). I also tried $PHP_UPLOADED_FILE_NAME (which is in the documentation example), 
to no avail.  I am using an HTTP/1.1 PUT, not HTTP/1.0 as someone else did in an 
earlier bug.

Next, I searched through all of the most recent sources for PHP_PUT, PHP_UPLOAD, and 
other such things, and came up with nothing.  Nowhere in the PHP source is there any 
mention of such a variable.

In one of the other bugs mentioning this problem, somebody mentioned cURL as an 
alternative.  cURL, as far as I understand, is a set of functions that allow you to 
*make* PUT requests (and many other types of requests), but do not allow you to 
*receive* PUT requests, which is what I am trying to do.

I next tried to get at the raw data of the PUT directly, figuring perhaps the 
$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA would have the data or fopen("php://stdin","rb") would, but 
neither worked.  For the latter, PHP already reads all of stdin, so nothing is left 
over to read, and for the former, I'm not sure that the variable ever gets set (I read 
a couple of mailing list posts about trouble with the HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable, I 
don't think it exists anymore).  Is there a published workaround somewhere?

For simplicity's sake, I'm not including my php_info() dump in this submission, but 
I'll be happy to give you one if you want it. 

Any insight into this would be much appreciated.  If receiving PUT requests is no 
longer supported, at what point was that support dropped?  It would be cool to have 
the documentation in that section updated if it was in fact dropped.  I know this is 
kind of an obscure problem from the perspective of the WWW, as only a couple browsers 
use PUT, but when developing applications it's a lot easier to use PUT because no 
encoding is involved.

Please let me know if there is any more information you need from me.


Edit Bug report at:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.5RC3

2001-03-28 Thread Matt White


I may be jumping the gun here, but I found 4.0.5 RC4 on the CVSweb server and grabbed 

It built just fine. Looks like it's fixed.

PHP Version 4.0.5RC4 

System Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 
Build Date Mar 28 2001 

- Matt

>>> Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/28/01 18:32 PM >>>
Should be fixed...

At 22:02 28/3/2001, Matt White wrote:
>Okay, so I have a little bit of time.
>The error was introduced between versions 1.315.2.1 and 1.315.2.2.
>If I comment out the line in question it builds (with crypt() support!) 
>and runs as ISAPI:
>PHP Version 4.0.5RC3
>System Windows NT 5.0 build 2195
>Build Date Mar 28 2001
>I'll bang on it more this evening and see if it breaks.
>- Matt
> >>> "Matt White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/28/01 02:53PM >>>
>Bad news...
>Compile failure on Win32.
>Configuration: php4dllts - Win32 
>V:\php-4.0.5RC3\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2489) : error C2065: 
>'core_globals' : undeclared identifier
>V:\php-4.0.5RC3\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2489) : error C2223: left 
>of '->safe_mode' must point to struct/union
>Error executing cl.exe.
>php4isapi.dll - 2 error(s), 32 warning(s)
>I don't have time right now to dig into it, but I'll look later.
>- Matt
> >>> Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/28/01 10:01AM >>>
>RC3 is out -
>Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CTO &  co-founder, Zend Technologies Ltd.
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Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CTO &  co-founder, Zend Technologies Ltd.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.5RC3

2001-03-28 Thread Matt White

Okay, so I have a little bit of time.

The error was introduced between versions 1.315.2.1 and 1.315.2.2.

If I comment out the line in question it builds (with crypt() support!) and runs as 

PHP Version 4.0.5RC3 

System Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 
Build Date Mar 28 2001 

I'll bang on it more this evening and see if it breaks.

- Matt

>>> "Matt White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/28/01 02:53PM >>>
Bad news...

Compile failure on Win32.

Configuration: php4dllts - Win32 
V:\php-4.0.5RC3\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2489) : error C2065: 'core_globals' : 
undeclared identifier
V:\php-4.0.5RC3\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2489) : error C2223: left of 
'->safe_mode' must point to struct/union
Error executing cl.exe.

php4isapi.dll - 2 error(s), 32 warning(s)

I don't have time right now to dig into it, but I'll look later.

- Matt

>>> Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/28/01 10:01AM >>>
RC3 is out - 


Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CTO &  co-founder, Zend Technologies Ltd. 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.5RC3

2001-03-28 Thread Matt White

Bad news...

Compile failure on Win32.

Configuration: php4dllts - Win32 
V:\php-4.0.5RC3\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2489) : error C2065: 'core_globals' : 
undeclared identifier
V:\php-4.0.5RC3\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2489) : error C2223: left of 
'->safe_mode' must point to struct/union
Error executing cl.exe.

php4isapi.dll - 2 error(s), 32 warning(s)

I don't have time right now to dig into it, but I'll look later.

- Matt

>>> Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/28/01 10:01AM >>>
RC3 is out - 


Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CTO &  co-founder, Zend Technologies Ltd. 

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RE: [PHP-DEV] 4.0.5 RC2 Win32 Binaries?

2001-03-23 Thread Matt White


No, I suppose not for the RC.  For the final release, yes. =)

- Matt

>>> Daniel Beulshausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/23/01 03:12PM >>>
At 19:30 03.04.2001 +0100, James Moore wrote:

> > Any chance in getting the Win32 4.0.5 RC2 binaries built? The
> > 4.0.5 RC1 binaries did not include crypt() support, so I could
> > not fully test them on our test server.
>Ill pop a build up later although I dont know if I can get crypt support in
>there.. Ill try

is crypt that crucial? it has to be patched in, see 
most win32 releases support it, so you can expect that 4.0.5 will 
come with it too...


daniel beulshausen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
using php on windows? 

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[PHP-DEV] 4.0.5 RC2 Win32 Binaries?

2001-03-23 Thread Matt White


Any chance in getting the Win32 4.0.5 RC2 binaries built? The 4.0.5 RC1 binaries did 
not include crypt() support, so I could not fully test them on our test server.


- Matt

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Function request

2001-02-12 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 09:23:36AM +0100, Marc Boeren wrote:

> >I think this would be nice. To be able to pull a multi-dimentional array
> >from a mysql result.
> I'm working on a database abstraction module that does exactly this, and
> should support every database module that is loaded into php. I've already
> got it doing what you describe, only I return an object which includes
> rowcount and fieldcount as well as the 2-d array results (index and/or
> associative) (and I use [rownumber]["fieldname"] :-)

Of course, this could also be done with a fairly simple PHP function
as well, using the existing drivers.  The work to build an array or
object of a complete result set is just a for loop, after all.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #1179 Updated: PAM support

2001-02-10 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 07:07:19PM +0100, Derick Rethans wrote:

> On 10 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > ID: 1179
> > Updated by: jimw
> > Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Status: Open
> > Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
> > Assigned To:
> > Comments:
> >
> > nobody has written this extension, apparently. refiled against 4.0.
> There is a PAM extension, but it's not in the main CVS. I don't have the
> URL anymore too, but we did some things with it before.

There's a set of PAM bindings, php_pam, available.  However, it doesn't yet
support methods of authentication that require root privilages.


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2001-02-02 Thread Matt Spears
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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #8860 Updated: variable array not working

2001-01-23 Thread Matt McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Cynic wrote:

> seems like 'three'. but someone with more knowledge should 
> answer this.

Since it's actually possible to have a variable named $test[2], that
would probably lead to confusion.

For example,

$var = 'test[2]';
${'test[2]'} = 'Foo';
echo $$var;

Will output 'Foo'.


> At 16:39 23.1. 2001, Wico de Leeuw wrote the following:
> -- 
> >So what should it echo?
> >three or Grrr?
> >
> >i think three
> >
> >Greetz,
> >
> >Wico
> >
> >>Previous Comments:
> >>---
> >>
> >>[2001-01-23 10:07:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>changed status
> >>
> >>---
> >>
> >>[2001-01-23 10:06:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>ok and that isn;t working either...
> >>althoug i liked the first more (and still think it should be that way)
> >>
> >>so this doesn't work either:
> >>
> >>$three = "G";
> >>
> >>echo "Test";
> >>$test = Array("one","two","three","four"); $var = 'test[2]'; echo $$var; /* should 
>echo "three" */
> >>
> >>
> >>---
> >>
> >>[2001-01-23 09:59:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>no. it will echo contents of $three. if you don't have that variable in current 
>scope, it'll echo null, and, depending on your settings, emit a warning.
> >>
> >>---
> >>
> >>[2001-01-23 09:57:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>according to Zeev this should work:
> >>
> >>$test = Array("one","two","three","four"); $var = 'test[2]'; echo $$var; /* should 
>echo "three" */
> >>
> >>But with it doesn't
> >>
> >>
> >>Greetz,
> >>
> >>Wico
> >>
> >>---
> >>
> >>
> >>Full Bug description available at:
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>PHP Development Mailing List <>
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> >>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --end of quote-- 
> Cynic:
> A member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who taught
> that virtue constitutes happiness and that self control is
> the essential part of virtue.
> -- 
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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #8689 Updated: pg_Connect() seems to do some type of caching that doesn't quite work

2001-01-13 Thread matt

ID: 8689
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: PostgreSQL related
Description: pg_Connect() seems to do some type of caching that doesn't quite work

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-13 14:08:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  // note 1: by commenting out the following line the bug disappears
  $x = pg_NumRows($result);
  // note 2: by commenting out the following line the bug disappears
  $y = pg_NumRows($result);
  // note 3: by un-commenting following line the bug disappears
  // pg_close($database);
  return 0;

// note 4: if the return-value is ignored by commenting out the following
// line (only the first line: $x =)
$x = 

echo "database = $database ";

// note 5: a change in the connect-string, like an additional space
// at the end of the connect-string, makes the bug disappear
$database = pg_Connect("dbname=template1 port=5432");
$querystring = "set datestyle to 'ISO'";
$result = pg_exec ($database, $querystring);

echo "database = $database ";


You can easily reproduce the bug by copy/paste-ing the above code in a file
and check it out in a browser.
By following the instruction in any one (try one at a time!) of the notes 1 to 5 in 
the above source you can get the bug to dissappear, which doesn't make a lot 
of sense in most cases (except from note 3).
It seems to me, that pg_Connect() decides it has that connection already made
(based on a cmpstr() of the two connect-strings), but the database-ressource
has actually gone out of scope (but only under obscure circumstances, see notes...).

Therefore you will get an error like this:

Warning: 1 is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in 
/www/auszweiterhand/docs/connect_test.php on line 33

Even though it should be valid at this point.

Thanks for looking into it!



Full Bug description available at:

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #8689: pg_Connect() seems to do some type of caching that doesn't quite work

2001-01-13 Thread matt

Operating system: Linux (2.2.7)
PHP version:  4.0.2
PHP Bug Type: PostgreSQL related
Bug description:  pg_Connect() seems to do some type of caching that doesn't quite work


  // note 1: by commenting out the following line the bug disappears
  $x = pg_NumRows($result);
  // note 2: by commenting out the following line the bug disappears
  $y = pg_NumRows($result);
  // note 3: by un-commenting following line the bug disappears
  // pg_close($database);
  return 0;

// note 4: if the return-value is ignored by commenting out the following
// line (only the first line: $x =)
$x = 

echo "database = $database ";

// note 5: a change in the connect-string, like an additional space
// at the end of the connect-string, makes the bug disappear
$database = pg_Connect("dbname=template1 port=5432");
$querystring = "set datestyle to 'ISO'";
$result = pg_exec ($database, $querystring);

echo "database = $database ";


You can easily reproduce the bug by copy/paste-ing the above code in a file
and check it out in a browser.
By following the instruction in any one (try one at a time!) of the notes 1 to 5 in 
the above source you can get the bug to dissappear, which doesn't make a lot 
of sense in most cases (except from note 3).
It seems to me, that pg_Connect() decides it has that connection already made
(based on a cmpstr() of the two connect-strings), but the database-ressource
has actually gone out of scope (but only under obscure circumstances, see notes...).

Therefore you will get an error like this:

Warning: 1 is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in 
/www/auszweiterhand/docs/connect_test.php on line 33

Even though it should be valid at this point.

Thanks for looking into it!


Edit Bug report at:

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[PHP-DEV] Announce: php_imlib 0.3: PHP Imlib2 extension

2001-01-10 Thread Matt McClanahan

I'm pleased to announce the third public release of php_imlib, an
extension for PHP 4 that makes the Imlib2 image manipulation library
available from within PHP scripts.

New in this release is support for color ranges (gradients), blurring and
sharpening of images, and quality/compression settings for jpegs and pngs.
There are also three bugfixes in 0.3: Incorrect behavior blending images
with alpha channels has been fixed, compatibility with PHP 4.0.4 has been
fixed, and pass-by-reference variables are now done in a cleaner fashion.

Further information on the extension, API documentation, and some example
scripts, are available at

The extension itself is available at


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