[PHP] retrieving form checkbox values

2003-07-17 Thread caspar kennerdale
I have a form which I want to post multiple values from one function to another using 

Having one value is simple- the form submits the value $File and is then retrieved in 
the target function via $_Request['File']
So far so good.

Now I want to have multiple values for $File, because $File is a value assigned to a 
dynamically generated list of files in a folder
(which will change from folder to folder).

If I have multiple  then only the last 
value is posted to the next function and retrieved
by $_Request['File']

How can I post and retrieve all values of $File or am I going about this the wrong way?


RE: [PHP] Moving Files/ Temporary Names

2003-07-15 Thread caspar kennerdale
Thanks for everyones help

-Original Message-
From: Ford, Mike [LSS] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 July 2003 10:19
To: 'caspar kennerdale'; Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] Moving Files/ Temporary Names

> -Original Message-
> From: caspar kennerdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 July 2003 21:05
> If you want the file to go into a holding location until your
> administrator
> can approve it and move it to its real final location, then
> the holding
> location should be the target of the move_uploaded_file().
> This makes it up
> to you to decide what you want the structure of your holding
> location to be,
> and how you want to keep track of any files currently populating it.
> - I'm a little confused. The files are already in there real
> location.

Ah -- this wasn't clear before.  Then these are no longer uploaded files --
only the temp file created by the original form submission is truly an
uploaded file in the sense that is_uploaded_file() will be true and you can
move_uploaded_file() it.  Once you have used move_uploaded_file() on it, the
new file is just a regular file, not an uploaded one.

>  It is
> just that someone may want to change that location at a later date.
> e.g. they upload an image to a folder and two months later
> decide it is
> better placed in a different folder.

Then you just want rename() -- http://www.php.net/rename



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211

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RE: Re[2]: [PHP] Moving Files/ Temporary Names

2003-07-14 Thread caspar kennerdale

In your application code ... you can implement a move() function that
can either call the unix (mv) or windows (move) commands to move the
file to another location (same permission restrictions apply). The
thing about move is, its a copy + delete function in one, so you have
to be careful about permissions. You might have permissions to copy,
but not delete.

-- If move is essentially a copy and delete- then this seems to be my best
approach rather than using
move_uploaded_file () as I do not have the tmp names.

Want I want to do is to allow the user the option to upload a file, rename a
file, delete a file and finally to move a file.

move_uploaded_file() seems relevant at the time of uploading, but in my
scenario this has happened long before and no the user wishes to change the
permanant location of the file.
Like any file/ directory handler.

The final script could be on 'nix or windows so I want all funtions to be
platform independent


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RE: [PHP] Moving Files/ Temporary Names

2003-07-14 Thread caspar kennerdale

> I am trying to crate the function that will allow the
> administrator to Move a selected file to a different folder.
> I have looked at   move_uploaded_file () and it seems that
> the source file to move needs to actually be the file's temp name.
> If the file has recently been uploaded then the temp name is
> accessible via $_Files[] array,  but if the file was uploaded say a
> week before I assume that the temp name is no longer there.

Not only is the temp name no longer there, nor is the file!  When you upload
a file, the temporary place where PHP puts it is only valid for the life of
the script which processes the file upload -- it is automatically deleted
upon completion of that script.

- This is how I understood it.

If you want the file to go into a holding location until your administrator
can approve it and move it to its real final location, then the holding
location should be the target of the move_uploaded_file().  This makes it up
to you to decide what you want the structure of your holding location to be,
and how you want to keep track of any files currently populating it.

- I'm a little confused. The files are already in there real location. It is
just that someone may want to change that location at a later date.
e.g. they upload an image to a folder and two months later decide it is
better placed in a different folder.

Or am I missing something really obvious.

The other solution I can see is to copy the file to the new location and
delete the original


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[PHP] Moving Files/ Temporary Names

2003-07-14 Thread caspar kennerdale
I was hoping someone might clarify what may seem like a basic point. I looked in the 
archives but didnt seem to get my answer.

I am creating a basic set of functions that will form the back bone of an image 
gallery and a directory handler.

I am trying to crate the function that will allow the administrator to Move a selected 
file to a different folder.
I have looked at   move_uploaded_file () and it seems that the source file to move 
needs to actually be the file's temp name.
If the file has recently been uploaded then the temp name is accessible via $_Files[] 
array,  but if the file was uploaded say a
week before I assume that the temp name is no longer there.

If I am incorrect, how do I get the temp name for a file uploaded a while ago?

Or is it simpler to copy() the file to its new location and delete the original?

Many Thanks

[PHP] Multiple queries

2002-05-31 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

Sorry If this is the wrong list for this topic, I hope someone can shed some
light onto my problem.

I am building a php/ Mysql web site for a client which is a picture gallery.
The web site has 3 frames (required by the designer so that the whole thing
doesnt refresh all the time).
Frame 1- Navigation
Frame 2- Info on selected artworks and other related projects
Frame 3- The artworks/ jpegs

I have one table, with a name and info about the project and upto 5 urls of
where the jpeg lies.

When a project is selected in the navigation I request the record from the
database, I create an array which contains the location of the jpegs and
then display them in Frame 3.

Now, I then have a piece of javascript which tells frame 2 to update itself.
So I have parsed the record ID to it and it then open a query to the
database and outputs the relevant information about the artworks. Lastly a
third query is also sent to the database to see if there are any other
projects in the gallery by the same artist- and then create a list of
related links.

So I have 3 database queries over two pages.

I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this?

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RE: [PHP] PHP editor for windows

2002-04-22 Thread Caspar Kennerdale


-Original Message-
From: Scott St. John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 April 2002 06:26
To: .ben
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP editor for windows

Macromedia/Allaire Home Site 5.0 has PHP color coding, not auto-complete, 
but you can customize it for auto-complete if you want.  You can also 
make it tab 2 instead of 4 :)  It's been my editor since the free version 
1.0 and it's a work horse.  And Home Site has Ultra Dev/Dream Weaver 

PS-- This is MY opinion and NOT intended to start any Holy Wars.


On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, .ben wrote:

> Other than notepad, interdev, ultraedit, etc (which i currently use for
> editing), does anyone know of a good editor for PHP for Windows, ideally
> with syntax colouring, etc?
> Cheers,
>  .ben


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RE: [PHP] functions

2002-04-12 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

function firstfunction(){




-Original Message-
From: Alia Mikati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 12 April 2002 06:38
Subject: [PHP] functions

i would like now how can we call a function within another function in 
thx a lot

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RE: [PHP] RE: editors

2002-04-11 Thread Caspar Kennerdale


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 April 2002 09:08
Subject: [PHP] RE: editors

I like emacs - freely available for Windows and Linux, and if you use
php-mode for font locking you get nice automatic indentation, and (in
Xwindows - not sure about WinNT/XP/9X) syntax highlighting.



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RE: [PHP] while() query

2002-04-11 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

Thanks to all

-Original Message-
From: Christoph Starkmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 April 2002 07:22
To: 'Caspar Kennerdale'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: [PHP] while() query

Hi Caspar!

$counter = -1;
while(++$counter <50)
if ($counter != 39)
do a task on all between 1 and 50 except on 39

This should do...



It's not a bug, it's a feature.
christoph starkmann
ICQ: 100601600

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[PHP] while() query

2002-04-11 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

This may be a baisc programming query, to which I dont have the ansa,

but can you do a while () loop, but set a condition so that it misses one 

$counter = -1;
while(++$counter <50){

do a task on all between 1 and 50 except on 39


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[PHP] declaring properties

2002-03-31 Thread caspar kennerdale

Is declaring properties at the beginning of a class imperative or good
programming practice.

All the documentation I have seen states that you must do this,however if
the properties I am setting in each function are listede in the parenthesis
function test($var1,$var2){

then my classes still work.

Am I destined for trouble art later stages?

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[PHP] RE: oh no

2002-03-30 Thread caspar kennerdale

and what of it
  -Original Message-
  From: Vincent Kruger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 30 March 2002 14:08
  To: caspar kennerdale
  Subject: oh no

  you a fucking pommy.

  god dam


2002-03-30 Thread caspar kennerdale

And a message for bvr and caspe kennerdale.
You are obviousely Americans

setting the record straight- this is a huge assumption- and I'm not
american, and you didnt even spell my name correctly!

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RE: [PHP] Qmail Question

2002-03-30 Thread caspar kennerdale

after your last two spams I'd be surprised if anyone would be will to answer
your questions

-Original Message-
From: Vins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 March 2002 10:15
Subject: [PHP] Qmail Question

I have qmail on my server.
I've set up and email address to send all incoming mail to a php script.

How would I break down the message and read the to field and the from field

where can i find information on that ?

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[PHP] class extends

2002-03-30 Thread caspar kennerdale

can you use class extends feature to refernce more than one class-

so a class called contnet could call functions fromone called html and one
called db?

thanks in advance

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[PHP] classes- getting their slowly but surely I think

2002-03-28 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

just a quick query, hopefully someone can help (sorry for these repeat
schooboy questions)

re classes-

Can you create an instance of a class and use its 'value' within an instance
of another instance of the same class?

For example I have created two classes- html.class and db.class

I am creating an instance of the db.class to give an array containing the
rows from a table.

I would like to create a table using my HTML.class and using a while loop
create a  using the date collected from each row in my db.class.

This all works fine.
However when I embed this newly created table into a cell of another table
created with html.class, the table is still created but it does not appear
in the cell, but outside of the desired table- so I have two tables side by
side instead of one table embedded within the cell of another?

Is this a code/ syntax issue or have I misunderstood the scope of classes?


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[PHP] Class/ DB Question

2002-03-27 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I'm in the slow process of transferring my contetn management system over to
full object oreinted code.

I have a function within a class which gets the field name and type
information from a mysql table, puts this into an array and then returns a
table with a form field for each field.

I specify switch case in my index.php where the form contents are posted to.
Within this case is another function holding my INSERT query.

The problem is that the value from my form do not seem to carry over.

normally whatever my form field is named eg- Name is then posted as a
variable $Name.
$Name can then be Inserted into the database.

In this case my field name is actually an array value (as the form is
created in a 'while' loop)- ie $row[$a][1]

My form is created correctly- (viewing source in a browser shows this)

If I hard code values into my INSERT function (ie no variables) then the
record inserts, but my variable values are lost.

I have tried declaring the variable names as global variables within my
insert function- and this doesnt work.

Ideally I like to post these variables, perhaps to an array that can then be
picked up by any instance of my class?

Any ideas?



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[PHP] class question 2

2002-03-27 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

Sorry Another question-

Do instances of classes remain in 'communication' with each other if
declared my different functions in a case switch statement.

At present I have an admin.php which is one long swtich statement.

Wihin each is a list iof functions which created the elements of the page

Each of these functions are defined in anither file and are instances of

If I create an instance of a DB class for exapmle- can I refer to it
thoughout the visit to the website-
ie does it maintaoin its values and variables even if different functions
freom the main index.php page are called

sorry if this is really confusing

any ideas much appreciated

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RE: [PHP] mysql fetch field

2002-03-17 Thread caspar kennerdale

Actually I've alreasdy worked it out- sorry

-Original Message-
From: caspar kennerdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 March 2002 10:31
Subject: [PHP] mysql fetch field

I seem to be getting unexpected information from a mysql fetch field query.

My table has three fields- here is the schema-

CREATE TABLE template (
   id smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name mediumtext NOT NULL,
   multiple tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   UNIQUE id (id)

Using the samplecode on php.net to output an object containing the
properties of eacj field I have been able to output the following

Blob - 0
MaxLength - 1
Multiple Key - 0
Name - id
Not Null - 1
Numeric - 1
Primary Key - 1
Table - template
Type - int
Unique Key - 1
Unsigned - 0
ZeroFill - 0

Blob - 1
MaxLength - 7
Multiple Key - 0
Name - name
Not Null - 1
Numeric - 0
Primary Key - 0
Table - template
Type - blob
Unique Key - 0
Unsigned - 0
ZeroFill - 0

Blob - 0
MaxLength - 1
Multiple Key - 0
Name - multiple
Not Null - 1
Numeric - 1
Primary Key - 0
Table - template
Type - unknown
Unique Key - 0
Unsigned - 0
ZeroFill - 0

Which strange as the first field is specified as having a max length of 1
yet it is a small int with a length of 6.
Likewise the second field is specified as a blob with a maximum length of 7-
yet in my schema it is a medium text.
And again my third field is listed as havingan unkniwn typeyet in the schema
it is a tinyint

Here is my code

$TableInfo = new DB;
$TableInfoArray = $TableInfo ->MySqlGetTableInfo('SELECT * FROM
$a =-1;
$b = -1;
while (++$a < count($TableInfoArray)){
$Content[++$b]  = "Blob - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][0]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "MaxLength - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][1]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Multiple Key - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][2]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Name - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][3]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Not Null - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][4]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Numeric - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][5]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Primary Key - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][6]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Table - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][7]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Type - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][8]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Unique Key - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][9]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Unsigned - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][10]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "ZeroFill - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][11]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "";
$Content = join('', $Content);
return $Content;

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[PHP] mysql fetch field

2002-03-17 Thread caspar kennerdale

I seem to be getting unexpected information from a mysql fetch field query.

My table has three fields- here is the schema-

CREATE TABLE template (
   id smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name mediumtext NOT NULL,
   multiple tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   UNIQUE id (id)

Using the samplecode on php.net to output an object containing the
properties of eacj field I have been able to output the following

Blob - 0
MaxLength - 1
Multiple Key - 0
Name - id
Not Null - 1
Numeric - 1
Primary Key - 1
Table - template
Type - int
Unique Key - 1
Unsigned - 0
ZeroFill - 0

Blob - 1
MaxLength - 7
Multiple Key - 0
Name - name
Not Null - 1
Numeric - 0
Primary Key - 0
Table - template
Type - blob
Unique Key - 0
Unsigned - 0
ZeroFill - 0

Blob - 0
MaxLength - 1
Multiple Key - 0
Name - multiple
Not Null - 1
Numeric - 1
Primary Key - 0
Table - template
Type - unknown
Unique Key - 0
Unsigned - 0
ZeroFill - 0

Which strange as the first field is specified as having a max length of 1
yet it is a small int with a length of 6.
Likewise the second field is specified as a blob with a maximum length of 7-
yet in my schema it is a medium text.
And again my third field is listed as havingan unkniwn typeyet in the schema
it is a tinyint

Here is my code

$TableInfo = new DB;
$TableInfoArray = $TableInfo ->MySqlGetTableInfo('SELECT * FROM
$a =-1;
$b = -1;
while (++$a < count($TableInfoArray)){
$Content[++$b]  = "Blob - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][0]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "MaxLength - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][1]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Multiple Key - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][2]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Name - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][3]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Not Null - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][4]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Numeric - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][5]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Primary Key - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][6]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Table - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][7]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Type - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][8]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Unique Key - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][9]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "Unsigned - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][10]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "ZeroFill - ".$TableInfoArray[$a][11]."";
$Content[++$b]  = "";
$Content = join('', $Content);
return $Content;

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RE: [PHP] server load

2002-03-16 Thread caspar kennerdale

I am thinking of using a documentation parser such as javadoc (called
phpdoc) which will create a separate html document on the functions and
feastures of the classes I am writing,as well as examples and tutorial info.

I am just considering whether or no I have two versions - a no comments
version which goes live and a commented version which I compile the html
fromand also distribute.

Does anyone here have experience with phpdoc?

-Original Message-
From: Andrey Hristov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 March 2002 17:29
To: caspar kennerdale
Subject: Re: [PHP] server load

However write short but meaningful comments. Keep in mind that the scripts
has to be loaded in the memory from the disk. Although
after first request it is in some cache.


- Original Message -
From: "caspar kennerdale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 7:24 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] server load

> So you could have as much commented text without any detriment to the
> performance?
> great
> -Original Message-
> From: Andrey Hristov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 16 March 2002 17:17
> To: caspar kennerdale
> Subject: Re: [PHP] server load
> Flex - the tools that parses the code skips everything between /* and */
> for this no token is given back. Of course if you don't
> have 5kb comments Flex will be a little faster but possibly few %.
> Regards,
> Andrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "caspar kennerdale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PHP General" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 7:13 PM
> Subject: [PHP] server load
> > Would a 10kb file which has 5kb of comments take longer to process in
> > than the same file wihout the comments which is 5kb?
> >
> > Or are the comments ignored as far as server load and speed to delivery
> are
> > concerned?
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >
> >
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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RE: [PHP] server load

2002-03-16 Thread caspar kennerdale

So you could have as much commented text without any detriment to the pages


-Original Message-
From: Andrey Hristov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 March 2002 17:17
To: caspar kennerdale
Subject: Re: [PHP] server load

Flex - the tools that parses the code skips everything between /* and */ and
for this no token is given back. Of course if you don't
have 5kb comments Flex will be a little faster but possibly few %.


- Original Message -
From: "caspar kennerdale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 7:13 PM
Subject: [PHP] server load

> Would a 10kb file which has 5kb of comments take longer to process in php
> than the same file wihout the comments which is 5kb?
> Or are the comments ignored as far as server load and speed to delivery
> concerned?
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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[PHP] server load

2002-03-16 Thread caspar kennerdale

Would a 10kb file which has 5kb of comments take longer to process in php
than the same file wihout the comments which is 5kb?

Or are the comments ignored as far as server load and speed to delivery are

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RE: [PHP] array within an array (one more query)

2002-03-15 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

can you therefore have $array[0][9][2][3]

if you had an array within an array within an array within an array.

(not sure i'd want to, but you never know)

$array[0][1] is how you access multi-dimensional arrays.


-Original Message-
From: Caspar Kennerdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15. maaliskuuta 2002 15:18
Subject: [PHP] array within an array

I have an sql query which calls * rows from a table.

Each row is an array of table field values.

This is how I understand the heirachy

$table_row_array[0] = $field_row_array[]
$table_row_array[1] = $field_row_array[]
$table_row_array[2] = $field_row_array[]

Now $table_row_array is being drawn from the database via a while loop
and an $a++, thus I do not have a name for $field_row_array-

I just know that the value of each in $table_row_array is an array.

How can I access the values within $filed_row_array[]?

I want to do something like

$table_row_array[0 [1]]; (the second value from the array that is the
first of $table_row_array)

I know this isnt the syntax

Thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] array within an array

2002-03-15 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

Thanks all

I knew it was something simple, but my brain was in twists. (no change there
ha ! ha !)

-Original Message-
From: Niklas Lampén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 13:24
To: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] array within an array

$array[0][1] is how you access multi-dimensional arrays.


-Original Message-
From: Caspar Kennerdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15. maaliskuuta 2002 15:18
Subject: [PHP] array within an array

I have an sql query which calls * rows from a table.

Each row is an array of table field values.

This is how I understand the heirachy

$table_row_array[0] = $field_row_array[]
$table_row_array[1] = $field_row_array[]
$table_row_array[2] = $field_row_array[]

Now $table_row_array is being drawn from the database via a while loop
and an $a++, thus I do not have a name for $field_row_array-

I just know that the value of each in $table_row_array is an array.

How can I access the values within $filed_row_array[]?

I want to do something like

$table_row_array[0 [1]]; (the second value from the array that is the
first of $table_row_array)

I know this isnt the syntax

Thanks in advance

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[PHP] array within an array

2002-03-15 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I have an sql query which calls * rows from a table.

Each row is an array of table field values.

This is how I understand the heirachy

$table_row_array[0] = $field_row_array[]
$table_row_array[1] = $field_row_array[]
$table_row_array[2] = $field_row_array[]

Now $table_row_array is being drawn from the database via a while loop and
an $a++, thus I do not have a name for $field_row_array-

I just know that the value of each in $table_row_array is an array.

How can I access the values within $filed_row_array[]?

I want to do something like

$table_row_array[0 [1]]; (the second value from the array that is the first
of $table_row_array)

I know this isnt the syntax

Thanks in advance

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[PHP] Update File Woe (Maybe OT!)

2002-03-14 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

This is not truly a php programming question but a problem I have when
programming php on which I was hoping someone would shed some light.

When I write php code I generally upload directly to a server via ftp. As I
am on a pretty fast adsl line I have never seen toi the need to have a sever
setup locally.
The problem is that the pages I upload seem to cache and therefore unless I
rename the file I have edited on the server (and there request a new file) I
do not see the changes I have just made- which is problematic when I am
trying new things and changes comer thick and fast.

The cache on my browser is set to clear itself on every file request. I also
manually clear it. However no matter what I seem to have to rename the the
file on the server and request it that way.
This is an issue in both IE and NS so it is not a browser specific problem.

Likewise I do not see to have this same trouble with html or javascript
files- only php.

Any ideas? I thought it might be to do with some sort of server side
cacheing script?

Does anyone have any ideas of a few lines of code I could insert at the top
of a file that would overcome this?

It is really annoying more than anything


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RE: [PHP] Opening new browser window.

2002-03-13 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

embed the javascript within the php using echo or print

-Original Message-
From: Way, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 16:26
Subject: [PHP] Opening new browser window.

Is there anyway that I can open a new browser window in php, like you are
able to do in JavaScript (window.open()). I have had a look around and can't
find any information on how this can be done.

Many thanks.


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[PHP] accessing data from classes

2002-03-12 Thread caspar kennerdale

I am just getting my head around classes, so forgive me if this is a
schoolboy error!

In order to learn I am re-writing my content management system and am in the
process of writing an HTML.class and a MYSQL.class.

so far so good. I spawn new instances of a table for example, sending
parameter,and a table is output.

now in my MYSQL.class- I want to send a query to my class which then returns
an array- my database row or rows.

the problem is that whilst my array is created- I only seem to be able to
manipulate it within my MYSQL class. This is not satisfactory as I really
want to be able to send it on to my HTML.class for formatting etc.

I obvioulsy do not want to format any 'echoed' output from within my
databasee class.

Here is a bit of sample code-

Once my database is open I call my query like this-

$TemplateTable = new DB;
$TemplateTable->mysql_query('SELECT * FROM template ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT

This is the function within my MYSQL.class

function mysql_query($query){
$a= 0;
while($row=mysql_fetch_row($SQL)) {
$new_row =  join('***',$row);
$result[] = $new_row;
echo $result[$a]."";

So here I am creating a string with each row in my database which is
delimted by *** -> $new_row.and am placing each row in anew array called

I can evaluate and format either $new_row or $result from within
mysql_query() but I really want to do is to send it on to another funtion or
even better another class- or access the values glabbally as variables.

Any ideas or am I missing something really obvious?

Thanks in advance

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[PHP] cron test

2002-01-01 Thread caspar kennerdale

-Original Message-

Sorry this is offtopic

I have set up a cron job and this is the message I havereceived

Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the screen or position the cursor.

any ideas?

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[PHP] mail attachment query

2001-12-10 Thread caspar kennerdale

so i have a mail script which allows people to send attachments. This is
activated by an htmlform, which allows users to select the file from their
hard drive and post to the recipient.

The problem I have is this-

The file attachment is sent via email as a .dat file.

If I specify the name of the file and its attachment in a variable called
mail title all is well and good -

$mail_body .= "Content-type:$mime_type; name=\"$mail_title

This is of course if $mail_title is spomething likle "mypicture.jpeg", if I
leave the extension out then it os sent as a dat file.

Now firstly the mime type might change depending onthe typeoffile the user
wishes to send-
it may be an swf or a doc. If the user specifies the type of file it is then
this is fine.

If the user doesnt specify the typeoffile being sent then all I have to go
on is the name of the file uploaded which appears as a temp name such as-


so is their any way of auto detecting thje mime type of a file from simply
the 'file' inpuit box on the form or at any other stgae-- or does the user
have to declare the type of file they are sending?


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[PHP] folver view options

2001-12-05 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I have just installed mandrake

something that is annoying me with KDE is that the default view within the
file manager is with icons.

Is is possible to have the tree or detailed view as the default.

I briefly looked at the prefences and could find it anywhere


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[PHP] fresh install woes

2001-11-30 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I've insatlled mandrake 8.1 from the ISO's I downloaded frrom their site.

Everything seems fine, but when I try to execute any software ie startx or
even pico from the command line then I get a cannot be found message

As I navigate through the directoires it seems that they have not been
installed- despite electing to install pretty much every package in my
install options.

I have reinstalled several times to the same effect.

I have a 3 gig partision on my hard drive for mandrake0 and have treid
various format attempts on installation as well

Any ideas anyone

thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] email info

2001-11-26 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

The thing is that you can send and receive attachments perfectly if you send
directly from an email client such as outlook or webbased mail such as

I have attached my script below


$mail_boundary =  md5(uniqid(time()));

$mail_headers .= "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n";
$mail_headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$mail_headers .= "Content-type: multipart/mixed;";
$mail_headers .= "boundary= \"$mail_boundary\"";
$mail_headers .= "\r\n\r\n";

$new_mail_body .= "--$mail_boundary\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Name ".$mail_name;
$new_mail_body .= "\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Email ".$mail_email;
$new_mail_body .= "\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Title ".$mail_title;
$new_mail_body .= "\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Description ".$mail_description;
$new_mail_body .= "\r\n";

if (!$attachment_size){

$new_mail_body .= "--$mail_boundary\n";
$fp = fopen($attachment, "r");
$file = fread ($fp, filesize ($attachment));
$file = chunk_split(base64_encode($file));

$mime_type ="image/gif";

$new_mail_body .= "Content-type:$mime_type; name=\"$mail_title\"\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= "Content-transfer-encoding:base64\r\n\r\n";
$new_mail_body .= $file;
$new_mail_body .= "\r\n\r\n";


    $new_mail_body .= "--$mail_boundary--";
return mail($mail_to , $mail_subject, $new_mail_body, $mail_headers);


-Original Message-
From: R'twick Niceorgaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 14:42
To: Caspar Kennerdale; Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] email info

looks like your email client at work is not capable of handling the image
(.gif) attachments. check in the help secion of your email client.
- Original Message -
From: "Caspar Kennerdale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Php-General" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:16 AM
Subject: [PHP] email info

> can anyone recommend a site or discussion list relating to email
> I have a form to mail script which sends attachments - it all works if I
> have my private email address as the recipient,
> however if I use my work email address the mail comes out with no
> but displays gobbledigook like-
> "Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Mon, 26 Nov
> 12:25:31 + (GMT)--cd3b0ec60c75e8454ec2d36d9db1b16eContent-type:
> text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit  Name caspar
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Title text submit Description test
> submit --cd3b0ec60c75e8454ec2d36d9db1b16eContent-type:image/gif;
> submit"
> Content-transfer-encod
> If i forward my work email to my private email then the emaiul is fine-
> is this a script error, a mail server/ isp error, local mail server error
> any ideas thanks in advance
> --
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[PHP] email info

2001-11-26 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

can anyone recommend a site or discussion list relating to email

I have a form to mail script which sends attachments - it all works if I
have my private email address as the recipient,

however if I use my work email address the mail comes out with no attachment
but displays gobbledigook like-

"Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary= "cd3b0ec60c75e8454ec2d36d9db1b16e"
Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001
12:25:31 + (GMT)--cd3b0ec60c75e8454ec2d36d9db1b16eContent-type:
text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit  Name caspar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Title text submit Description test
submit --cd3b0ec60c75e8454ec2d36d9db1b16eContent-type:image/gif; name="text

If i forward my work email to my private email then the emaiul is fine-

is this a script error, a mail server/ isp error, local mail server error

any ideas thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] Flash programming

2001-11-22 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I was under the impression you could only edit flash within proprietary
products like flash itself, livemotion

especially if the file has already been exported to swf

-Original Message-
From: Martin Towell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 02:32
Subject: [PHP] Flash programming

Anyone know how one can "import" a flash file into PHP for use with "ming"
or something similar?

It's an easy to make a flash animation with ming, but I'd like to be able to
modify an existing flash file.


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RE: [PHP] php- cgi

2001-11-21 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

Thanks I'll give it a go

-Original Message-
From: Brian Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 16:26
To: PHP is not a drug.
Subject: Re: [PHP] php- cgi

Hi Caspar,

@ 11:11:25 AM on 11/21/01, Caspar Kennerdale wrote:

> yes ideally with cron- I know nothing about it really other than a
> little bit i've read- but my isp says they can execute a perl file
> and not a php file via cron.

ISP's can be strange about that stuff, but it's understandable
sometimes. Try compiling a php executable for yourself in your home
directory and running it from cron and see if that gets around it. (If
the sysadmin finds out he might give you the boot though.)

man 5 crontab

(if you have shell access)

Might not work that way either, depending on the sysadmin.

 -Brian Clark | PGP is spoken here: 0xE4D0C7C8
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RE: [PHP] php- cgi

2001-11-21 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

yes ideally with cron- I know nothing about it really other than a little
bit i've read- but my isp says they can execute a perl file and not a php
file via cron.

I was interested to see whether or not compliing as a cgo would
circumnavigate this- but i'm as much in the dark about that.

I have tried executing my script via autmotaing windows which didnt work
really as it was reliiant on the internet connection as opposed to the
servers connection- and timing out problems occurred.

I am rewriting parts to include fsockopen instead of file which will help
but doesnt solve the automation issue


-Original Message-
From: Brian Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 16:04
To: PHP is not a drug.
Subject: Re: [PHP] php- cgi

Hi Caspar,

@ 10:54:13 AM on 11/21/01, Caspar Kennerdale wrote:

> I have a script that when I execute via a browser retrieves information.

> Ultimately I want this automated.  There has been mention on these lists
> about compliling php as cgi, which I think may help

By automated do you mean with something like cron?

./configure php without using apxs or apache. That will build it as a
stand alone executable which you can call from a shell or from cron.
If you need it as a cgi also, you'd configure it pretty much the same
way you'd configure a cgi-bin for perl-cgi scripts, but I don't know
if running php as an apache module AND as a cgi is going to fly.

> This also may help out with some timeout issues that arise.

Search this page for max_execution_time:


 -Brian Clark | PGP is spoken here: 0xE4D0C7C8
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[PHP] php- cgi

2001-11-21 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I have a script that when I execute via a browser retrieves information.

Ultimately I want this automated.  There has been mention on these lists
about compliling php as cgi, which I think may help

This also may help out with some timeout issues that arise.

can anyone point me in the right direction to a tutoria; or something about
this subject


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RE: [PHP] quick friday query

2001-11-16 Thread caspar kennerdale


write permission the folder- duh- not thinkingtoday

thank alot

-Original Message-
From: R'twick Niceorgaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 November 2001 18:14
To: Caspar Kennerdale; Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] quick friday query

check under what user Apache is running ( mostly nobody  ). You have to give
write permission on the directory where you want the files to be to that
user. For security reasons, just don't give write access on your
document_root, instead create a directory outside ( or within) your
document_root and give write access on it to nobody ( Apache user id) and
write your file there.
- Original Message -----
From: "Caspar Kennerdale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Php-General" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: [PHP] quick friday query

> I am writing files to my server using
> $fp = fopen("myfile.txt", "w");
> this all works. However in the php manual it says that by using the "w"
> switch that php will create the file if it doesn exist
> However this does not seem to work
> I can only write to a file that already exists and has CHMOD 777
> Is this a school boy error or do I need my server re configured?
> Thanks
> --
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[PHP] quick friday query

2001-11-16 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I am writing files to my server using

$fp = fopen("myfile.txt", "w");

this all works. However in the php manual it says that by using the "w"
switch that php will create the file if it doesn exist

However this does not seem to work

I can only write to a file that already exists and has CHMOD 777

Is this a school boy error or do I need my server re configured?


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RE: [PHP] timing

2001-11-16 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

unfortunaelty its not in php- but director

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Luchak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 16:03
To: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] timing

If the other application is written in PHP you can use "flock".
Matthew Luchak 
Kaydara Inc. 

-Original Message-----
From: Caspar Kennerdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 11:00 AM
To: Php-General
Subject: [PHP] timing

I have a script that when is executed parses and html file and writes
contents to a text file.

I need to then read this text file from another apllication

Is there a way of timing this operation,  so that my other app does not
to access the file before being written?

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[PHP] timing

2001-11-16 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I have a script that when is executed parses and html file and writes the
contents to a text file.

I need to then read this text file from another apllication

Is there a way of timing this operation,  so that my other app does not try
to access the file before being written?

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RE: [PHP] cron not allowed

2001-11-13 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

thanks for the ideas

-Original Message-
From: Jack Dempsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 15:23
To: Jon Haworth; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] cron not allowed

thanks jonwas more of a 'how are you going to' rather than 'how is it
possible' :-)
either way, from lynx or from php being a cgi a simple shell script or perl
script should be able to make the appropriate call...


-Original Message-
From: Jon Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:29 AM
To: 'Jack Dempsey'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] cron not allowed

> how did you plan on running php from cron?

Well, this works for me:

0 3 * * * lynx -dump http://mysite.com/mypage.php > /dev/null


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[PHP] cron not allowed

2001-11-13 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I have a php script I'd like to run at regular intervals, but my isp will
not set a cron job for it but will for a perl script

Is there anyway round tis, or does anyone one know of a perl script that
might then execute the php script if I can get that to be automated?


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[PHP] url extracting

2001-11-12 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

I am yrying to read free urls from a moreover.com to a director app which
will be a news reader without a browser

'm using php top extrat the headlines

each headline looks similar to this


If a browser goes to this page then it is redirected to the appropriate page
ie www.newssite.com/etc/etc/etc

Director does not interpret the redirection.

Can anyone think of a way for a script to go the to the moreover link and
then return the 'real url as a variable or as an array of links (if multiple
headlines are required

thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] Attachments again

2001-11-12 Thread Caspar Kennerdale

On the attachment subject,

does anyone know how to specify multiple mime types?

I have my attachment script, however people may be using it to send gifs,
swfs, or text files

I am specifyinmg the mime types like this

$type =  "image/gif";

 $header .= "Content-Type: $type;

wuld I do something like turn $type into an array or do something like

$type =  "image/gif | mimetype/2 | mimetype/3 | mimetype/4";

THis doesnt seem to work  (obviously mimetype/ * = a specified mime type)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


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