Fw: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-30 Thread The_RadiX

Yes too true..

Quite well put..

That's why. I haven't read the rest of the posts on this topic yet as there
are heaps..

but when I started working on my project with my graphics man we discussed
the issue of using JS menus very thoroughly as yes Netscape and IE both have
very different implementations when it comes to using DIV's and layers..

check it out: http://spectrum.ausgamers.com/

Hopefully it should all go well, and for NS users the dynamic menu simply
won't be there and they can use the sidemenu navigation system... For IE
they can utilise both systems..

Please give feedback if you do run into problems though.. Would love to get
some broader testing on it..

If you wanna know how it runs I coded it myself and it uses a nice little
linked list-type PHP array system which can be dynamically modified through
each page (since the whole site runs off this really intergrated mysql
principle) which will reflect the changes in the navbar menu and popup JS

Ok.. well thx for feedback anyway.. Hope I can help..

- Original Message -
From: "michael kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

> Miguel Cruz wrote:
> >>
> >>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be
> >>faster.
> >
> >
> > But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business.
> > Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by
> > browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly
> > won't follow those links.
> >
> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't
> handle javascript?
> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
> argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
> handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
> disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
> will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
> notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.
> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-29 Thread Mikusch, Rita

Problem with Javascript is you have to support an IE version, a Netscape
version and a Netscape 6 version. Then if you need to support users with
dinosaurs, you'll have to have an IE 4 and a Netscape 3 version. Yikes. It
just requires to much programming time for me to do too much with

I guess if I had the time to really learn the details of the various Domain
Object Models it wouldn't be too difficult. 

A lot of the interactive online stuff I've written is geared towards a very
specific audience, ie students that need to have Flash installed on their
computers in order to access their course material. So I write stuff in
Flash. You don't need a separate version for different browsers.

Take a look at your audience and see what your options are.

Rita Mikusch

-Original Message-
From: David Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

On 29 Apr 2002 at 14:05, Martin Towell wrote:

> javascript should be easy enough to convert to php - thier language
> constructs are basically the same.

Sure, but that doesn't mean it's appropriate.  A menu system done in 
php will have the advantage of being, from the browsers point of 
view, plain html mostly.  The disadvantage is that every change to 
that menu will have to be done server-side, meaning a page reload 
even if that's the only content that changes on the page.

A menu system done in javascript won't require a reload but will, as 
Miguel points out, potentially break on systems where javascript is 
unavailable for whatever reason.

In the end you should always be coding pages to degrade 'gracefully'. 
 Even if you use a javascript navigation system there should still be 
a working menu system if javascript is not available.

CYA, Dave

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-29 Thread The_RadiX

Yes too true..

Quite well put..

That's why. I haven't read the rest of the posts on this topic yet as there
are heaps..

but when I started working on my project with my graphics man we discussed
the issue of using JS menus very thoroughly as yes Netscape and IE both have
very different implementations when it comes to using DIV's and layers..

check it out: http://spectrum.ausgamers.com/

Hopefully it should all go well, and for NS users the dynamic menu simply
won't be there and they can use the sidemenu navigation system... For IE
they can utilise both systems..

Please give feedback if you do run into problems though.. Would love to get
some broader testing on it..

If you wanna know how it runs I coded it myself and it uses a nice little
linked list-type PHP array system which can be dynamically modified through
each page (since the whole site runs off this really intergrated mysql
principle) which will reflect the changes in the navbar menu and popup JS

Ok.. well thx for feedback anyway.. Hope I can help..

- Original Message -
From: "michael kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

> Miguel Cruz wrote:
> >>
> >>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be
> >>faster.
> >
> >
> > But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business.
> > Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by
> > browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly
> > won't follow those links.
> >
> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't
> handle javascript?
> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
> argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
> handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
> disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
> will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
> notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.
> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread David Freeman

On 29 Apr 2002 at 0:46, michael kimsal wrote:

> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
> handle javascript?

Hardware?  No.

> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript' 

Hmmm, not specifically.  Although, I can think of at least one large 
organisation with a WAN that would have thousands of computers that 
specifically _ADDS_ their own javascript-based navigation to the top 
of every single page in the browser.  This particular behaviour will 
break any javascript mouse-over that doesn't specifically name, and 
use by name, mouse-overs.

The point in a network the size of the Internet you just don't know.  
A good web programmer is going to take into account that some people 
will deliberately disable javascript.  For those people you get a 
choice.  Either ignore them or take them into account.  It's your 
decision.  Just because everyone else does it is not enough reason.

Few web designers take the blind into account when designing but that 
doesn't mean it's right.  In fact, here in Australia the Sydney 
Olympics web site was the subject of (winning if I recall) legal 
action over it's inaccessibility to the blind.

There are ways to make sure your wonderful web design will still work 
if javascript isn't present.  There are design rules that will leave 
your website mostly navigable to people using text-based browsers.  
There are ways to degrade capabilities gracefully, and ways to 
disable badly.

An example of badly is to basically tell someone to "bugger off" 
because they don't have 'xxx' (where 'xxx' is whatever technology you 
want to use, be it javascript, java, flash, etc, etc).  If they can 
figure out you don't have it and give you a message about it then 
they can insert something that leaves the site functional - even if 
not as "nice" an experience.

> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

Depends on your audience.  I fair percentage of computer owners never 
adjust their screen resolution from whatever it was delivered at.  If 
the store left it at 800x600x256 then they will never change it even 
if it's capable of more.  I know of at least one organisation that 
was running 17" monitors at 640x480x256 because that's how they were 
set up when delivered!  Weren't they surprised when we changed it for 

CYA, Dave

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Richard Archer

At 12:46 AM -0400 29/4/02, michael kimsal wrote:

>Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
>javascript as 'corporate policy'?

My company does this. It's the only way to surf without being inundated
with pop(up|over|under) windows. I've heard (unconfirmed) that a couple
of local banks do too, as part of their security policy.

And of course the companies "Google", "AltaVista" and friends won't
navigate through a site which requires Javascript.

Javascript has been abused to the point where it's not of any benefit
any more, IMHO.

I'm yet to find a site with content worth accessing which *requires*
Javascript (or Flash).


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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread CC Zona

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Wong) wrote:

> Konqueror is the only browser (that I've used) which supports per-site 
> javascript policy (deny, allow, disable pop-ups).

iCab too.  It allows suppression of various intrusive JS features on a 
global and per-host basis.  You can surf without the automatic popups, but 
still traverse all those silly  links by 
authors allergic to the onclick handler.


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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Jason Wong

On Monday 29 April 2002 13:05, Martin Towell wrote:
> > Konqueror is the only browser (that I've used) which supports per-site
> > javascript policy (deny, allow, disable pop-ups).
> Actually, Opera support this too - one reason why I do a lot of my browsing
> in Opera or Lynx, no pop-ups :)

Is is in the 6.x series? With my 5.12, the only options for Javascript are 
[Enable Javascript] and [Report Javascript errors].

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

We have DIFFERENT amounts of HAIR --

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Michael Kimsal wrote:
> Miguel Cruz wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, michael kimsal wrote:
>>> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that 
>>> can't handle javascript?
>> Palm Pilot
>> Cell phones
> Those don't generally support HTML either, but some WML or something
> similar.  Palm's proxy service for the palm vii would translate HTML on
> the fly to its own markup language.

Whatever the mechanism, they're still out there - and in ever-growing 

> Call me crazy, but I have this funny feeling most people doing the kind
> of projects where javascript menus are even a consideration aren't also
> doing cell phone work.

I have no doubt that you can categorize a set of projects where the user 
experience would benefit from JavaScript and where visits from cell phones 
are highly unlikely.

But that doesn't make it fair to generalize that there is no hardware in 
active use that can't handle JavaScript.

>> WebTV
>> Lots of public internet kiosks
> I don't think I've seen a kiosk in the past 2 years that, if it allowed
> public browsing, didn't allow javascript.  The only time it appears to
> be non-functioning is in 'locked down' kiosks, and at that point I can't
> tell if javascript is 'disabled' or if the designers simply didn't use
> it (moot point at that stage anyway).

In the past year, I've run into such kiosks at a Spanish train station, a 
Malaysian shopping mall, and at airports all over the world where 
JavaScript wasn't supported (this having stuck in my mind because the 
webmail gateway I was using at the time made life difficult in these 

Once again, whatever the explanation, they still exist aplenty.

>> I've done consulting in bank and government offices where application
>> proxies filtered out JavaScript. Given its frequent role as an attack
>> vector, this struck me as only the tiniest bit paranoid.
> More than a tiny bit, imo.  Any 'attack' worth its salt has been through
> outlook - people should spend more time filtering email with VB
> attachments than "javascript" in html pages.

Trust me, the organizations that filter JavaScript do not have Outlook on
their desktop. If you're going to be serious about security, no point 
being half-assed about it.

> I was not advocating using JS exclusively to the point of not working
> without it, but it seemed the advice was 'don't use it at all'.  That's
> what I was getting from it before.

My advice was not to create a situation where JavaScript was the only way 
to navigate the site. I stand by that.

> MSDN, on the other hand, pretty much demands "latest IE" only or else
> nothing works - their prerogative to do so, I guess.

Sure, that's pretty much neither here not there. MSDN in this context is a
site for people who develop for IE, not for the web. I'm sure that if
there's an International JavaScript Federation, they use JavaScript by the
bucketfull too. That's no more an indication of best practices than
sampling the corporate parking lot at Ford Motors to determine the best
car to drive.


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RE: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Martin Towell

> Konqueror is the only browser (that I've used) which supports per-site 
> javascript policy (deny, allow, disable pop-ups).

Actually, Opera support this too - one reason why I do a lot of my browsing
in Opera or Lynx, no pop-ups :)

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Michael Kimsal

Mark Charette wrote:

>-Original Message-
>From: michael kimsal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
>javascript as 'corporate policy'?
>Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler specifically disallow running of
>JavaScript, Java, and ActiveX via browsers on any computers connected to the
Seems kinda silly then that GM and Ford (didn't check dcx) would rely so
heavily on javascript and fancy crap on their own public websites.  Perhaps
none of their tens of thousands of workers is allowed to view their 
website - or maybe you
mean they reserve it separately on the inside.

>IBM recommends that all scripting services be turned off but does not
>disallow it.

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Jason Wong

On Monday 29 April 2002 12:46, michael kimsal wrote:
> Miguel Cruz wrote:
> >>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be
> >>faster.
> >
> > But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business.
> > Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by
> > their browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines
> > certainly won't follow those links.
> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't
> handle javascript?

I don't think it's hardware that was problem with javascript.

> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
> argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
> handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
> disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
> will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
> notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

Rather it was Microsoft's numerous bugs and vulnerabilities within IE which 
lead people to disable scripting. And of course annoying pop-up windows are 
another major reason to disable javascript.

Konqueror is the only browser (that I've used) which supports per-site 
javascript policy (deny, allow, disable pop-ups).

> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

You're comparing apples with spades. I think with most browsers, people need 
to make a conscious decision to disable javascript (ie it's enabled by 
default). In other words these people /should/ know what they're doing by 
disabling it.

On the other hand I don't think many people would actively choose to browse 
in 256 colours when any machine less than 3 years old would most definitely 
support true colour.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

The strong give up and move away, while the weak give up and stay.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Justin French

on 29/04/02 2:46 PM, michael kimsal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't
> handle javascript?

what about a text-to-speech system??  I also know that older pentiums
and macs REALLY chug to get through the 100's or 1000's of lines of
javascript for these dynamic menu's.

as you've pointed out below, the web reaches more than PCs now -- fridges,
hand-helds, phones, webTV, etc etc

i'm sure these are only a few of many examples of poor/no support.

> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
> argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
> handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
> disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
> will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
> notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

Corporate policy can mean many things.  Libraries, schools, net cafes and
the like all may choose such a security system, and are well within their

I don't believe the issue is about how rich or robust their experience may
be... it's about making sure that you don't turn away users in droves.  Why
would a e-commerce site (fighting for customers already) rely on something
like javascript for shopping carts and navigation systems???  It's like
putting a "no one shorter than 5'6" in height can enter our store" sign on a
shop window -- the result will be pissed off shoppers, and less sales.

I'm not saying we should forever be stuck in a world without javascript --
that's stupid -- the world DOES need to move forward.  But there's no way
I'd specifically make surfing difficult/impossible for non JS browsers.

Contingencies can be made via the use of  tags and careful site

If a commercial web developer is making the decision to purposely turn away
or ignor non-JS users (or non-CSS, or netscape, or webTV, or whatever else)
without informing their client, then I believe they're providing a pathetic
web development service, and ultimately acting against the best interests of
the client.  I'm sure you could be sued for something liket hat too.

> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

Yes, I now design all images for at least 1000's of colours, but I'm not
even going to bother to ask where you magically found that 80% statistic...

However IMO your comparison is incorrect.  Thousands or millions of colours
will degrade to lesser capable systems without any work on your behalf...
1000's > 256 will just result in a blocky, dithered image on most systems
--  even 1000's > greyscale or even 2 colour (b&w) will usually degrade

With some quick testing/planning, you can avoid illegible images on almost
any platform.

However, with Javascript, that complex menu system won't be automatically
replaced with a non-JS one ... the browser will just ignore the code and
render the page without navigation.  Great!

It's simple.  Using JS content on any commercial website should not result
in users being turned away or unable to navigate the site.  It can be done,
and rather than being looked upon as a burden of development, it should be a
requirement for any website.

Justin French

Creative Director

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Michael Kimsal

Miguel Cruz wrote:

>On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, michael kimsal wrote:
>>Miguel Cruz wrote:
>>>But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
>>>Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
>>>browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
>>>won't follow those links.
>>Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
>>handle javascript?
>Palm Pilot
>Cell phones
Those don't generally support HTML either, but some WML or something 
Palm's proxy service for the palm vii would translate HTML on the fly to 
its own
markup language.

Call me crazy, but I have this funny feeling most people doing the kind 
of projects where
javascript menus are even a consideration aren't also doing cell phone 

>Lots of public internet kiosks
I don't think I've seen a kiosk in the past 2 years that, if it allowed 
public browsing,
didn't allow javascript.  The only time it appears to be non-functioning 
is in 'locked down' kiosks,
and at that point I can't tell if javascript is 'disabled' or if the 
designers simply didn't use it
(moot point at that stage anyway).

>>Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
>>javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
>>argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
>>handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
>>disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
>>will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
>>notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.
>I've done consulting in bank and government offices where application 
>proxies filtered out JavaScript. Given its frequent role as an attack 
>vector, this struck me as only the tiniest bit paranoid.
More than a tiny bit, imo.  Any 'attack' worth its salt has been through 
outlook - people should
spend more time filtering email with VB attachments than "javascript" in 
html pages.

>Go to any of the truly major sites, the ones that depend on getting large 
>numbers of people in and have mastered the art of doing it gracefully, and 
>you'll see that they don't depend on JavaScript. Even Microsoft's own 
>MSNBC.com works fine without it. Likewise Yahoo, CNN, eBay, Amazon, etc.

I'm more than aware of the approach of large players.

I was not advocating using JS exclusively to the point of not working 
without it, but
it seemed the advice was 'don't use it at all'.  That's what I was 
getting from it before.

MSDN, on the other hand, pretty much demands "latest IE" only or else 
nothing works -
their prerogative to do so, I guess.

>>IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
>>might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
>>web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
>>think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.
>With current versions of Netscape and Mac browsers, I frequently see areas 
>of flat (HTML-specified) color not matching non-web-safe GIF and JPEG 
>colors. This creates unsightly seams (like not wearing a panty-liner, I 

PNGs cause more problem, ime, than anything else because IE doesn't 
render them properly.  

BTW, did you mean 'current version' of NS as '4.7x' or '6.x'.  Just 
curious what
people mean by 'current' NS these days.  :)

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, michael kimsal wrote:
> Miguel Cruz wrote:
>> But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
>> Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
>> browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
>> won't follow those links.
> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
> handle javascript?

Palm Pilot
Cell phones
Lots of public internet kiosks

> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
> argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
> handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
> disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
> will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
> notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

I've done consulting in bank and government offices where application 
proxies filtered out JavaScript. Given its frequent role as an attack 
vector, this struck me as only the tiniest bit paranoid.

Go to any of the truly major sites, the ones that depend on getting large 
numbers of people in and have mastered the art of doing it gracefully, and 
you'll see that they don't depend on JavaScript. Even Microsoft's own 
MSNBC.com works fine without it. Likewise Yahoo, CNN, eBay, Amazon, etc.

> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

With current versions of Netscape and Mac browsers, I frequently see areas 
of flat (HTML-specified) color not matching non-web-safe GIF and JPEG 
colors. This creates unsightly seams (like not wearing a panty-liner, I 


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RE: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Martin Towell

We have 1 or 2 clients that have js disabled because of "security"
Also, I very often use Lynx (the text browser, not the game :) ) to browse
the web.

-Original Message-
From: michael kimsal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

Miguel Cruz wrote:

>>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 
> But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
> Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their

> browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
> won't follow those links.

Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
handle javascript?

Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript' 
argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting 
handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience 
will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't 
notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread michael kimsal

Miguel Cruz wrote:

>>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 
> But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
> Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
> browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
> won't follow those links.

Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
handle javascript?

Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript' 
argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting 
handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience 
will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't 
notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Jason Wong

On Monday 29 April 2002 11:11, Dan wrote:
> I could do this myself but I don't want to waist time writing something
> that I could have just asked for..
> what I need is a menuing system..
> When link is clicked the sub-topics appear under the topic you just clicked
> on..
> e.g. if you where to click on Contact.
> Contact
> --becomes:
> Contact
>Account / Billing
>Media Enquiries
> Much like this JavaScript one... except I need it in PHP...
> http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/navigate1.htm

There are some classes to do this on:


Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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-- Eleanor Roosevelt

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread David Freeman

On 28 Apr 2002 at 23:03, Miguel Cruz wrote:

> > Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 
> > faster.
> But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
> Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
> browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
> won't follow those links.

True.  In the end you've got to take that sort of thing into account 
and code pages that will degrade gracefully when using features that 
may not be available in all browsers.

CYA, Dave

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RE: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread David Freeman

On 29 Apr 2002 at 14:05, Martin Towell wrote:

> javascript should be easy enough to convert to php - thier language
> constructs are basically the same.

Sure, but that doesn't mean it's appropriate.  A menu system done in 
php will have the advantage of being, from the browsers point of 
view, plain html mostly.  The disadvantage is that every change to 
that menu will have to be done server-side, meaning a page reload 
even if that's the only content that changes on the page.

A menu system done in javascript won't require a reload but will, as 
Miguel points out, potentially break on systems where javascript is 
unavailable for whatever reason.

In the end you should always be coding pages to degrade 'gracefully'. 
 Even if you use a javascript navigation system there should still be 
a working menu system if javascript is not available.

CYA, Dave

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Richard Archer

At 3:11 PM +1200 29/4/02, Dan wrote:

>what I need is a menuing system..
>When link is clicked the sub-topics appear under the topic you just clicked

PHPLIB contains a class that can do this. It's not as robust as the
rest of PHPLIB, but it should serve as a good starting point for your


You want php/menu.inc. There's a demo of it set up in the PHPLIB's
pages/menu directory, and php/local.inc.

You don't need any of the other PHPLIB classes installed to use it.

Oh, and you're right about not using Javascript... the last thing
you want is for the entire navigation system on your site to
collapse into an unusable mess if Javascript is disabled!


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RE: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Martin Towell

javascript should be easy enough to convert to php - thier language
constructs are basically the same.

I even found out, by accident, that you can have dollar signs ($) in front
of javascript variables (in ie5.5 at least, haven't tried it in other

-Original Message-
From: Miguel Cruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 2:03 PM
To: David Freeman
Subject: Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, David Freeman wrote:
> On 29 Apr 2002 at 15:11, Dan wrote:
>> what I need is a menuing system..
>> Much like this JavaScript one... except I need it in PHP...
>> http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/navigate1.htm
> Umm, you want to have to reload a whole page just to expand a 
> navigation menu?  Not real good use of resources I'd suggest, to say 
> nothing of irritating people browsing your site.  PHP is server-side, 
> every time you do something it has to go back to the server to 
> generate more html.
> Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 
> faster.

But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
won't follow those links.


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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, David Freeman wrote:
> On 29 Apr 2002 at 15:11, Dan wrote:
>> what I need is a menuing system..
>> Much like this JavaScript one... except I need it in PHP...
>> http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/navigate1.htm
> Umm, you want to have to reload a whole page just to expand a 
> navigation menu?  Not real good use of resources I'd suggest, to say 
> nothing of irritating people browsing your site.  PHP is server-side, 
> every time you do something it has to go back to the server to 
> generate more html.
> Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 
> faster.

But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
won't follow those links.


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread David Freeman

On 29 Apr 2002 at 15:11, Dan wrote:

> what I need is a menuing system..

> Much like this JavaScript one... except I need it in PHP...
> http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/navigate1.htm

Umm, you want to have to reload a whole page just to expand a 
navigation menu?  Not real good use of resources I'd suggest, to say 
nothing of irritating people browsing your site.  PHP is server-side, 
every time you do something it has to go back to the server to 
generate more html.

Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 

CYA, Dave

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Dan

I could do this myself but I don't want to waist time writing something that
I could have just asked for..

what I need is a menuing system..

When link is clicked the sub-topics appear under the topic you just clicked

e.g. if you where to click on Contact.


   Account / Billing
   Media Enquiries

Much like this JavaScript one... except I need it in PHP...

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