Re: compilation benchmark

2019-08-19 Thread andreas
Thanks Mike! On 19.08.19 13:56, Mike wrote: August 15, 2019 11:21 AM, "Mike" wrote: hi all, Next week I will post this link to HN, and If you have something to edit or add please do. Posted: https://news.ycombinat

Re: Trouble with a sample

2019-09-03 Thread andreas
Hi Kashyap While on this subject - is there any advice on speeding up the dev loop for app development? Right now, I kill pil and restart pil each time I make a change to the app. I suppose I could have my logic written in a separate .l file and have it be loaded in the main server file. Ye

Re: Trouble with a sample

2019-09-03 Thread andreas
Hi Geo psh (located in the bin/ dir within picolisp/ dir) is "picolisp shell" (or process shell?), is a tool to get a REPL to a running picolisp app process. The implementation is a bit tricky, basically it does a HTTP request to the running app server (to initiate a session process), and then

Re: Request for app development feedback/help

2019-10-22 Thread andreas
Hi Kashyap Familiarizing with the concept of prolog might help, but studying prolog in detail might just add to the confusion, as prolog uses a quite different syntax than pilog (which is embedded into picolisp, but kinda it's own language). You posted a select query, it is likely the most c

Re: Pilog query across multiple classes

2019-11-23 Thread andreas
Hi Kashyap Try: (rel tgs (+List +Ref +Joint) NIL itm (+Tag)) +Idx is for +String, actually a special variant of the general non-unique index +Ref. Be aware that the relation classes may have parameters - in same order as the prefix classes: (rel ( ... ) ... ) Now I'm currently unsure if +Ref

Re: ORM comparison

2019-11-28 Thread andreas
Hi Kashyap, I've a bit experience with ActiveRecord and some more with EntityFramework. As said in the other responses, the big fundamental difference between PicoLisp database architecture and ORMs is that in PicoLisp the application layer and the database layer is the same layer, it is not two

Re: ORM comparison

2019-11-28 Thread andreas
By the way, the often used the argument "ORM allows to switch from one (SQL) database to another" is illusory. In practice such a switch happens very rarely, and when it does it usually still needs much debugging and changes to the existing application because the different DBMS just work to diffe

Re: Proposal: PilCon 2020

2019-12-25 Thread andreas
Merry Christmas everybody I will attend 100%. On 25.12.19 10:56, Alexander Burger wrote: > Hi all, > > a merry Christmas to everybody! o/ > > > Since a few weeks we were discussing in the #picolisp IRC channel about > holding > a PicoLisp Conference in Langweid / Germany next year. > > It would

Alternative repos

2020-02-21 Thread andreas
My thoughts, sorry I'm unable to keep it short: I think the main repo should be self-hosted, how Alex is doing it now. PicoLisp was once hosted primarily by Google Code, it shut down, no reason why this should not happen to others. Dependency equals risks, and as we preach "control to the programm

Re: Graph database

2020-03-25 Thread andreas
Dear Lawrence Sounds to me that your head got stuffed a bit too well with over-complicated concepts. No offense! That is the nature of most software education, and its even worse in the business world. And we programmers have a high tendency to believe we are more clever when we are working on mor

Re: Small Docker container builds the latest pil in Alpine image

2020-03-26 Thread andreas
Thanks for your informative email. I mostly agree with your points, except for WebAssembly on the client. Though you differentiate between WebASM on client and on server - didn't know about WebASM on server, might be a very good thing! But WebASM on the client is a epic conceptual mistake - it is

Re: Porting Picolisp onto the simplest possible processor - The new SISC!

2020-04-10 Thread andreas
> > Only 1 - in words "ONE" - single instruction left: MOV. congratulations, you discovered lambda expressions, the fundamental idea on which the concept of LISP is based. Thanks for your post, very interesting! Keep on! Our group of radical IT purists is growing ;-) This crisis will only increas

Re: Porting Picolisp onto the simplest possible processor - The new SISC!

2020-04-10 Thread andreas
Hi Guido! Thanks for the additional information, very exciting! On 10.04.20 16:17, Guido Stepken wrote: > Hi Andreas! > > My implementation not really is a pure Lambda calculus, but rather a > so called "Krivine Machine" that, in fact, consists of 4 instructions, >

Re: Towards a more readable Pico(Lisp) ... nobody needs parenthesis!

2020-04-10 Thread andreas
> Seems, all programming languages, including new C++20, Java, Kotlin, > Scala do slowly converge to Lisp. "AWS Lambda", just saying. I fully agree. I see this with C# (e.g. LINQ). Problem is, it turns these languages into messy mixes of sub-dialects (well C++ is a mess already for a long time). >

Re: Stop using US controlled software stacks!!!

2020-04-18 Thread andreas
Hey Guido! While I don't disagree with you in spirit (and I'm sure it's the same for most  of our community, we're a bunch of purist radicals), I have to disagree with your tone. > And i can assure you: My influence is **much bigger** than you might > think! Stop that, immediately! This is childi

Re: PilCon 2020

2020-04-22 Thread andreas
Hi Jean-Christophe Helary > There is a thread on hacknews about jisti vs mumble where they mention issues > with a large number of people. > > Thanks for the link. Yeah I think people tested my current instance with up to 5 people for several hours. A

Re: Do free Open Source Foundation's Software Stacks fall under US Export Law?

2020-05-05 Thread andreas
Hi Guido > Anaconda is a well known, free Software Installer for Python and R > packages, mostly used under Windows, right? > > And you think, that "free software" packages cannot be restricted by > US ministry of trade or U.S. president, such as happened in Huawei > Google case, right? Plain wron

Re: Do free Open Source Foundation's Software Stacks fall under US Export Law?

2020-05-06 Thread andreas
On 06.05.20 17:29, Guido Stepken wrote: > > Also the size of LLVM doesn't matter since it is only necessary when > compiling the binary. You can likely download binaries Alex built just > as you can do. > > "Compiling the binary" is funny pil21, sitting on top of LLVM JIT > engine is post JIT

Re: Do free Open Source Foundation's Software Stacks fall under US Export Law?

2020-05-06 Thread andreas
> On 06.05.20 18:42, John Duncan wrote: > Picolisp is interpreted. Even the llvm version is just creating an > interpreter. There is no JIT. Exactly! Guido, you should really stop talking about things you so obviously have no understanding of. There is NO COMPILING when executing program written i

Re: Fridays for Functions (Was: PilCon 2020)

2020-06-03 Thread andreas
Hi Kashyap No, there is an webinterface and the app. Feel free to try out my server: The webinterface is usually run on the server which is hosting the video conference, but they're separate pieces of software ("jitsi meet" and "jitsi video bridge"). The app can connect

Re: cells in picolisp [tutorial, slides]

2020-06-06 Thread andreas
Hi George, You know you can display PDFs also in 'presentation mode' ? Depends on the PDF reader software, but most can do that. On 06.06.20 09:28, George-Phillip Orais wrote: > Hi Mike, I like this too, thank you for sharing! Btw do you have > another format for this something like Powerpoint? If

Re: Announcing another project: a Unicorn-inspired PicoLisp daemon

2020-06-18 Thread andreas
Hi aw Awesome, many thanks. I will definitely build upon this. Good if we can re-use and establish some standard picolisp libraries (beside/in addition to the ones in the distro). NIH syndrome etc. Cheers, beneroth On 18.06.20 12:27, Alexander Williams wrote: > Hi all, > > It's been a busy week

Re: Auto test your code with Pil21 on GitHub

2020-08-28 Thread andreas
awesome, thanks! On 28.08.20 04:24, Alexander Williams wrote: > Hi all, > > I've updated 'v2' of the "PicoLisp Action" on the GitHub Marketplace. > > It now supports building pil21, and thus allows you to automatically > test your PicoLisp code against the latest pil21, as well as other > versions

Re: httpGate for non-picolisp apps

2020-08-29 Thread andreas
Benefit with session-id in URL/page vs. session cookies: zero cross-site request forgery risk. On 29.08.20 08:53, Tomas Hlavaty wrote: > Hi Grant, > > On Sat 29 Aug 2020 at 01:04, Grant Shangreaux > wrote: >>> I suspect other apps cannot

Re: PilCon Schedule

2021-01-28 Thread andreas
On 28.01.21 15:13, Mattias Sundblad wrote: > I think it is nice to just take a little time > to meet each other and talk about whatever happens to come up, be it > programming, Picolisp or life in general. If there are no topics, we can > simply have a quick coffee together (even though everyone is

Re: Picolisp Outlook

2021-02-22 Thread andreas
What are you talking about? Troll bait much. Majority of IT practitioners have really bad knowledge about history of IT & computer science. Most things are in popular use solely because they are popular (which may give legitimate non-technical benefits). Especially in software long-solved mistake

Re: Picolisp Outlook

2021-02-22 Thread andreas
Yeah I had kinda similiar ideas, Thorsten. PicolispDB is certainly a killer feature - multi-paradigm database (Key-Value, Object, Document, Graph, Relational.. really everything covered), ACID (transactions), many indexing capabilities (including text and spatial indexing), performant, extremely f

Re: Picolisp Outlook

2021-02-23 Thread andreas
Yeah, you mean some commercial or FOSS products with the opportunity for PicoLisp programming/consulting/service business around it. My company does that since 2015, and it's our main source of income since 2018. Currently its customized business applications (so similar to the business model of A

Re: Mess with localization files

2021-03-10 Thread andreas
ISO-ALPHA-2 Code for United Kingdom is GB, even when it refers to whole United Kingdom. On 10.03.21 19:44, Constantine Bitensky wrote: > Hi, Alex! > >> Done. > Thank you! > > Can you rename “ua” to “uk” (ISO 639-1 language code for Ukrainian) please? > > Regards, Constantine > -- UNSUBSCRIBE: ma

Re: IRC channel at Freenode

2021-04-09 Thread andreas
Hi Cesar Afaik registering nick & authenticate should be enough (and I believe that is required to speak in most freenode channels, after some spam incident some years ago - nothing special about #picolisp). Try: > /msg nickserv HELP if you are sure about your authentication, try contact some fre

Re: IPFS ??

2021-05-11 Thread andreas
Hi Henry! PicoLisp is turing-complete, so yes picolisp supports everything computable. /scr I'm not aware of any picolisp wrappers for IPFS. IPFS offers a CLI client, CLI clients can used very easily in picolisp. Alternatives would be: using IPFS C-library in picolisp (if such a library exist), o

Re: strong language for blockchain

2021-05-21 Thread andreas
Hi SJain There is no meaningful difference. It doesn't matter if you have a write-able text file or a write-able binary - yes of course text is easier to edit than binary, but that is security by obscurity at best (which is not security). All meaningful cryptographic algorithms are designed to not

Re: picoLisp for blockchain

2021-05-21 Thread andreas
Hi Sjain I would recommend to periodically compute hashes of the files (e.g. using b2-sum command line tool, see ), if a file changes, then it's hash changes (binary or text doesn't matter). When you combine this with a well secured backup, you s

New IRC channel #picolisp on network

2021-05-21 Thread andreas
I send this email again, I didn't receive it back. Well possible that a majority didn't receive it, because spamfilters seem to hate the domain-ending "chat" (yeah that was poorly chosen I guess). In case you receive this emails now twice, I apologize for the inconvenience. Hi all There is

Re: strong language for blockchain

2021-05-21 Thread andreas
Disclaimer: While picolisp community is a very nicely self-selected group of people with interesting views from all paths of life, and most of us are very interested in philosophical discussions and everything else...please let's not go to OT here. PicoLisp is the main topic of this list, and so it

Re: Jitsi screen sharing issues

2021-07-26 Thread andreas
Hi all I updated the Jitsi server now. There where quite some changes, so good change that the issues are gone now, or at least somewhat better. Please continue this thread if you still see severe issues or any new problems. If you have repeated connection issues (with/without) screen sharing, yo

Re: Picolisp on Termux ? Picolisp on OpenWrt/Lede ?

2021-10-19 Thread andreas
Hi Henry >> Is anyone willing to copy Picolisp to the Termux and/or OpenWrt repositories? > In fact, the picolisp package is available in Termux since early on. However, > only pil64, because Fredrik Fornwall suddenly stopped to respond and/or update > to pil21. PicoLisp was also once on OpenWrt,

Re: Extending 'VIP' editor

2021-11-05 Thread andreas
Wow! Great extensions Erik, especially > [@@] - indent expr / paragraph sounds to me a lot like ParEdit mode in emacs (it automatically creates closing parens and gives fast ways to indent/nest or un-nest S-expr's). I will check out your extensions and consider switching once again. Thx, - bener

Re: Extending 'VIP' editor

2021-11-05 Thread andreas
On 05.11.21 08:41, Alexander Burger wrote: >> to undo that action I need to press 'u' twice. >> Ideally 'u' would undo everything that happened in the command's prg body. > I think this is difficult. I know about this issue, e.g. when 'pipeN' is used > (I > use F4 a lot, e.g. when formatting thi

Re: '(struct ...)' alignment issue

2021-12-07 Thread andreas
Hi everyone, Great discussion, thank you all! > 'native' and 'struct' do exactly what the programmer tells them. Nothing > tricky > or clever behind the scenes. I do not want them to insert bytes based on > assumptions. Sounds right to me, no hidden magic please. But yes to more comfort. Maybe

Re: quote form in picolisp

2021-12-16 Thread andreas
Hi pd, On 16.12.21 10:17, pd wrote: > : (quote (quote (quote a))) > -> (quote (quote a))           In which practical use case do you ever need such an abhorrent nesting of quotes? If you need ''a or even a in code, then I strongly suspect your software design is not appropriate for the speci

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