[ANN] Release 0.42 of Task Coach

2005-07-18 Thread Frank Niessink
Hi all,
Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce release 0.42 of Task Coach. New in this release:

Bugs fixed:
* Double clicking a task with children in the tree view would open the 
edit dialog and expand or collapse the task as well. Fixed to not 
collapse or expand the task when double clicking it.
* Adding a subtask to a collapsed parent task now automatically expands 
the parent task.
* Changing the description of a task or effort record wouldn't mark the 
task file as changed.
* Time spent is now updated every second.
* Don't try to make a backup when loading the file fails. Reported by 
Scott Schroeder.
* (Windows installer only) Association between .tsk files and Task Coach 
was broken.

Feature changed:
* The start date of a task can now be left unset, creating a task that 
is permanently inactive. This can be useful for activities that you 
would normally not want to plan, but have to keep a time record for, 
e.g. sickness.

What is Task Coach?

Task Coach is a simple task manager that allows for hierarchical
tasks, i.e. tasks in tasks. Task Coach is open source (GPL) and is
developed using Python and wxPython. You can download Task Coach from:


A binary installer is available for Windows XP, in addition to the
source distribution.

Note that Task Coach is alpha software, meaning that it is wise to back
up your task file regularly, and especially when upgrading to a new release.

Cheers, Frank

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Roundup Issue Tracker release 0.8.4

2005-07-18 Thread Richard Jones
Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with
command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design
from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry Track design competition.

This 0.8.4 release fixes some bugs:


- extra CRs in CSV export files on Windows platform (sf bug 1195742)
- activity RDBMS columns were being reported in changes
- fix name collision in roundup.cgi script (sf bug 1203795)
- fix handling of invalid interval input
- search locale files relative ro roundup installation path (sf bug 1219689)
- use translation for boolean property rendering (sf bug 1225152)
- enabled disabling of REMOTE_USER for when it's not a valid username (sf
  bug 1190187)
- fix invocation of hasPermission from templating code (sf bug 1224172)
- have 'roundup-admin security' display property restrictions (sf bug
- fixed templating menu() sort_on handling (sf bug 1221936)
- allow specification of pagesize, sorting and filtering in classhelp
  popups (sf bug 1211800)
- handle dropped properies in rdbms/metakit journal export (sf bug 1203569)
- handle missing Subject lines better (sf bug 1198729)
- sort/group by missing values correctly (sf bugs 1198623, 1176897)
- discard, don't bounce messages to the mailgw when the messages's sender
  is invalid (ie. when we try to bounce, we get a 550 unknown user
  account response from the SMTP server) (sf bug 1190906)
- removed debugging code from cgi/actions.py
- refactored hyperdb.rawToHyperdb, allowing a number of improvements
  (thanks Ralf Schlatterbeck)
- don't try to set a timeout for IMAPS (thanks Paul Jimenez)
- present Reject exception messages to web users (sf bug 1237685)

If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you *must* follow
the Software Upgrade guidelines given in the maintenance documentation.

Roundup requires python 2.3 or later for correct operation.

To give Roundup a try, just download (see below), unpack and run::

python demo.py

Source and documentation is available at the website:
Release Info (via download page):
Mailing lists - the place to ask questions:

About Roundup

Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties such as
description, priority, and so on) and provides the ability to:

(a) submit new issues,
(b) find and edit existing issues, and
(c) discuss issues with other participants.

The system will facilitate communication among the participants by managing
discussions and notifying interested parties when issues are edited. One of
the major design goals for Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup
is therefore usable out of the box with any python 2.3+ installation. It
doesn't even need to be installed to be operational, though a
disutils-based install script is provided.

It comes with two issue tracker templates (a classic bug/feature tracker and
a minimal skeleton) and five database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, metakit,
mysql and postgresql).


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Sydney Python Meetup July 21: Python, Perl, and Cold Beverages

2005-07-18 Thread Alan Green
Date:   Thursday July 21
Time:   6:00pm-8:30pm, with drinks and food during and after.
Topics: Graham Dumpleton on The Vampire mod_python extension
 Paul Fenwick So you want to start a business?

Place:  James Squires Brewhouse
 2 The Promenade,
 King St Wharf

The Sydney Python meetup group is on this Thursday. The meeting time has 
been brought forward half an hour, and the formal part of the evening 
will commence promptly at 6:30pm.

The James Squires Brewhouse managed to book the Python Meetup Group and 
the Perl Mongers in adjoining rooms for the same night. Everybody has 
promised to be nice and we'll be combining with them to hear from one of 
their Melbourne gurus.

As always, everybody is welcome.

Graham Dumpleton, author of Vampire, will be speaking first (6:30-7:30). 
He describes his presentation thusly:

Although I'll talk a bit about the motivations behind writing Vampire 
and why this extra layer on top of mod_python is useful, what I want to 
talk about more is what I have learnt from writing Vampire. From that I 
would like to go on to describe a new and better way of doing this same 
thing for mod_python that Vampire attempted to do. This new approach 
moves even further away from the monolithic framework approach towards 
small building blocks of functionality that can be slotted together to 
build up a web application how you want it and not how some framework 
dictates you should do it.

More information on Vampire can be found at 

Paul Fenwick of the Melbourne Perl Mongers will also be speaking 
(7:30-8:30). His talk, So you want to start a business, will be 
presented at the SAGE-AU conference later this year, and an abstract can 
be found online at 

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Who uses input()? [was Re: question on input]

2005-07-18 Thread Terry Reedy

Nathan Pinno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  I use input() all the time. I know many people say it ain't safe, but
 whose going to use it to crash their own comp? Only an insane person 

This is usage Guido intended it for, not for production apps distributed to 


Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-18 Thread Bernhard Holzmayer
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 Now lets drop the assumption that a and b commute. More general: let be
 M a set of expressions and X a subset of M where each element of X
 commutes with each element of M: how can a product with factors in M be
 evaluated/simplified under the condition of additional information X?
 It would be interesting to examine some sorting algorithms on factor
 lists with constrained item transpositions. Any suggestions?

Hello Kay,

take this into account:
Restrictions like commutativity, associative, distributive and flexibility
laws don't belong neither to operands nor to operators themselves.
Instead these are properties of fields (set of numbers with respect to a
certain operation).
For a famous example for a somewhat alternative behaviour look at the
Octonions (discovered in 1843 by Graves and 1845 by Cayley), which are not
associative with respect to addition and/or multiplication.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octonions) or the Quarternions, which are
non-commutative (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion)

Obviously, it's not correct to say: addition is associative, or, that
multiplication is. With the same right, you could say, multiplication is
not associative.
With the same reasoning, we can show that it's not easy to generalize
sorting, commutation, association or distribution mechanisms.

Maybe it would be a very fascinating goal to solve your algorithmic approach
in such a limited environment like the Quarternions.
A solution for this set of numbers, if achieved in a clean, mathematically
abstract way, should hold for most other numbers/fields too, natural and
real included.

I guess that the approach might be this way:
- define/describe the fields which shall be handled
- define/describe the rules which shall be supported
- find methods to reduce sequences of operations to simple binary or unary
operations (tokens) - this may introduce brackets and stacking mechanisms
- a weighing algorithm might be necessary to distinguish between plain
numbers and place holders (variables)
- application of the distributivity (as far as possible) might help to find
a rather flat representation and a base for reordering according to the
weights of the individual sub-expressions

Nevertheless, there are lots of commercial programs which do such sort of
symbolic mathematics, and which would badly fail when it would come to such
awkward fields like Quarternions/Octonions.


Re: Efficiently Split A List of Tuples

2005-07-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Oooh.. you make my eyes bleed. IMO that proposal is butt ugly (and
looks like the C++.NET perversions.)


Re: win32ui CreatePrintDialog

2005-07-18 Thread Eric Brunel
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 18:08:35 -0400, Chris Lambacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 This question has come up a few times on the list with no one giving a public
 answer.  How do you use CreatePrintDialog from win32ui?

 About a year ago someone posted that:
 dlg = win32ui.CreatePrintDialog(1538)

 will give you the window, but the ok button does not work.

Here is what I did to make it work:

import win32ui
 from pywin.mfc import window, dialog

class WindowsPrintDialog(window.Wnd):

   # Numbers for various items in the dialog
   PRINT_TO_FILE   = 1040
   PRINT_ALL   = 1056
   PRINT_PAGES = 1058
   FIRST_PAGE  = 1152
   LAST_PAGE   = 1153
   FROM_TEXT   = 1089
   TO_TEXT = 1090
   NB_COPIES   = 1154

   def __init__(self):
 dlg =  = win32ui.CreatePrintDialog(1538)
 window.Wnd.__init__(self, printDlg)

   def OnInitDialog(self):
 ## Initialize dialog itself
 ## Activate all widgets
 for i in (WindowsPrintDialog.PRINT_ALL, WindowsPrintDialog.PRINT_PAGES,
   WindowsPrintDialog.FIRST_PAGE, WindowsPrintDialog.LAST_PAGE,
   WindowsPrintDialog.FROM_TEXT, WindowsPrintDialog.TO_TEXT,
   itm = self._obj_.GetDlgItem(i)
 ## Disable Properties button: it doesn't work...
 itm = self._obj_.GetDlgItem(WindowsPrintDialog.PROPERTIES_BTN)

   def OnOK(self):
 ## Call on dialog itself
 ## Now you can get values entered in dialog via:
 ## - self.IsDlgButtonChecked(id) pour check-buttons
 ## - self.GetDlgItemText(id) for textual fields
 ## - self.GetDlgItemInt(id) for integer fields
 ## Then use these info. to create your printer DC; for example:
 printerName = self.GetDlgItemText(WindowsPrintDialog.PRINTER_NAME)
 dc = win32ui.CreateDC()
 ## And so on...

Note that the printer properties button is explicitely disabled. If it's not, 
it seems to be working (it actually opens the printer properties dialog and all 
options can be modified without any error), but actually doesn't change a 
thing: the printing will be done with the printer default settings. If anybody 
has any idea on how this thing works, please let me know: I'm very interested.

 Diging into the source shows that the 1538 is being loaded as a template
 resource.  The MSDN documentation does not say anything about this being
 neccessary and in fact, other common dialogs provide this as an option, but
 not a requirement.  Why is this made a requirement?  If it was not made a
 requirement, would the dialog work?

I guess it would just be a matter of giving the default value 1538 to the idRes 
parameter in win32ui.CreatePrintDialog; AFAICT, this is always the id for the 
default print dialog. Can't figure out why it was not done in the first place...

 Unfortunately I can't play with this because I don't have Visual Studio.  I
 guess the logical next step, if the above worked, would be to add the
 GetPrinterDC() method (and maybe some others) so that we can do something
 useful with the dialog.

Yep. See above.


python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 

Java RMI-like services in Python

2005-07-18 Thread Maurice LING

I am wondering if Python has services or frameworks that does the same 
as Java RMI?

What I am seeking is to do pseudo-clustering. That is, a server will 
contains a program to control what is needed for execution. This will be 
pretty much like process management. Call this controller, 
HeadControl.py. What HeadControl.py can do is to expose a SOAP interface.

Each client machine will have Executor.py. So when Executor.py is 
executed, it will connect to HeadControl through SOAP. HeadControl will 
then spawn a thread to represent the connection.

Now, this part is possible in Java, but I am not sure if it is possible 
in Python. Executor will find out from HeadControl what it can do and 
downloads the corresponding objects and data from HeadControl and 
executes it and sends results back to HeadControl.

2 scenarios that this might work. Firstly, Executor can be part of a 
client program. In this case, temporary files may be written to the 
client's HDD. Of course, due to security, this method may not be 
desirable. Secondly, Executor may be made into a web applet kinda thing. 
In this case, writing to HDD may be impossible.

I know something like this had been achieved in Java 
(http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-super.html) but 
wondering if it is possible in Python. Is so, how?



Re: Django - Rails killer comes...

2005-07-18 Thread flab ba
Rails Killer is a rather high and mighty claim, and as such, it
isn't unreasonable to ask for substantial evidence to back it up.

Quoting directly from the web site, in the section Meet Django

 ...Django is well-suited for developing content-management system ...

To me, this seems like it places itself in competition with Zope, not

If I'm wrong, could somebody explain why this is a Rails Killer?


On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 03:26:07 +0200, JZ wrote:



Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread laurent
I follow somes projects that have a pythonic way to make web site.
there's thats projects :
subway aim to be like ruby on rails frameworks , simple and fast
developpment. It uses cherrypy and other project like :
 * http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/
 * http://www.formencode.org/
 * http://www.sqlobject.org/


Returned mail: Data format error

2005-07-18 Thread online
Dear user of python.org, administration of python.org would like to let you 
know the following.

Your account has been used to send a large amount of junk e-mail messages 
during the last week.
We suspect that your computer was infected by a recent virus and now contains a 
trojaned proxy server.

Please follow instructions in order to keep your computer safe.

Have a nice day,
The python.org team.


Re: Efficiently Split A List of Tuples

2005-07-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Ron Adam]
 Currently we can implicitly unpack a tuple or list by using an
 assignment.  How is that any different than passing arguments to a
 function?  Does it use a different mechanism?

It is the same mechanism, so it is also only appropriate for low
volumes of data:

a, b, c = *args # three elements, no problem
f(*xrange(100)) # too much data, not scalable, bad idea

Whenever you get the urge to write something like the latter, then take
it as cue to be passing iterators instead of unpacking giant tuples.



Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Admin enlightened us with:
   Error 404 while looking up your page AND when looking for a suitable 
 page. Sorry!
   No such file /var/www/www.unrealtower.org/compiled/error404.py

You must have caught me editing some stuff, try again ;-)

I really need to create another virtual host for when I want to
experiment with my scripts and stuff :D

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Environment Variable

2005-07-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Vivek Chaudhary]
 Is it possible to set an environment variable in python script whose
 value is retained even after the script exits.

There is an indirect approach:



Dose someone have installed python on IRIX ?

2005-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, everyone,

I'm a newbie in python.

Does someone have experience about how to install python on IRIX ? I 
have tried several times but without success.
./configure and make are both ok, but got errors when I run make 

Thanks in advance.

Re: Java RMI-like services in Python

2005-07-18 Thread Harald Massa
Maurice LING [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:dbfmbq$e49$1
 I am wondering if Python has services or frameworks that does the same 
 as Java RMI?

google for pyro


Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-18 Thread Diez B.Roggisch
 I have to admit that I don't understand what you mean with the
 'constant parts' of an expression?

From what I percieved of your example it seemed to me that you wanted to 
evaluate the constants like 7*9 first, so that an expression like

a * 7 * 9 * b 

with variables a,b is evaluated like this:

a * 63 * b

So my suggestion was simply to make the *-operator more precedent when 
in between two constants. What I mean with constants here are  of course
integer/float literals. The concept of a differing operator precedence
can be extended to arbitray elements when their types are known - which 
should be possible when variable values are known at parsing

 The associativity of __mul__ is trivially fullfilled for the dummy
 class M if an additional __eq__ method is defined by comparing factor
 lists because those lists are always flat:

I don't care about that, as my approach deosn't use python's built-in parser
 - it can't, as that wouldn't allow to re-define operator  precedence. 

What you do is to
simply collect the factors as list. But what you need (IMHO) is a parsing
tree (AST) that reflects your desired behaviour by introducing a different
precedence thus that the expression

a * 7 *9 * b

is not evaluated like


(which is a tree, and the standard way of evaluationg due to built-in parsers
precedence rules) but as 


which is also a tree.

 The sorting ( or better 'grouping' which can be represented by sorting
 in a special way ) of factors in question is really a matter of
 (non-)commutativity. For more advanced expressions also group
 properties are important:

No, IMHO associativity is the important thing here - if 

(a * 7) * 9

yields a different solution than

a *(7*9)

your reordering can't be done - in the same way as re-arranging
factors a*b to b*a only works if the commute - or, to put in in
algebraic terms, the group is abelian.
 If a,b are in a center of a group G ( i.e. they commute with any
 element of G ) and G supplies an __add__ ( besides a __mul__ and is
 therefore a ring ) also a+b is in the center of G and (a+b)*c = c*(a+b)
 holds for any c in G.
 It would be nice ( and much more efficient ) not to force expansion of
 the product assuming distributivity of __add__ and __mul__ and
 factorization after the transposition of the single factors but
 recognizing immediately that a+b is in the center of G because the
 center is a subgroup of G.

Well, you don't need to expand that product - the subexpression a+b is
evaluated first. If you can sort of cache that evaluation's result because
the expressions involved are of a constant nature, you can do so.

The rason (a+b) is evaluated first (at least in the standard python parser,
and in my proposed special parser) is that the parentheses ensure that.

To sum things up a little: I propose not using the python built-in parser
which results in you having to overload operators and lose control
of precedence, but by introducing your own parser, that can do the
trick of re-arranging the operators based on not only the usual precedence
(* binds stronger than +), but by a type-based parser that can even change
precedence of the same operator between different argument types is's 
applied to. That might sound complicated, but I think the grammar 
I gave in my last post shows the concept pretty well.




Problem with threads

2005-07-18 Thread Stephan Popp
Hi all,
I've got a problem with stopping python-threads.
I'm starting a thread with twisteds reactor.deferToThread which start a 
methodcall in a seperate thread. In this thread a swig-wrapped c++ module is 
Now I want to stop the running thread from the main thread or another one, and 
have no idea how to do it.
I hope it has become clear what I want to do, if not feel free to ask.
I'm running python 2.4

Thanks in advance,

Re: Problem with threads

2005-07-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
You cannot really do that*. Use a flag or something that the thread
checks if it should shut down.


* well actually you can, sort of by using
int PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc( long id, PyObject *exc) from C API.
However, if you do that you swap one problem for a sh*tload of others,
because of the *async* part.


Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Cyril Bazin

I never used a web framework using Python modules, but I think cheetah,
Karrigel and CherryPy are not good since they allow user to play with
the HTML code. IMO, it's not pythonic but phpythonic.

Isn't there a python framework inspirated by the Smalltalk framework Seaside? 
I think it's the way to build a web site like an application and not like an HTML page. 

CyrilOn 18 Jul 2005 00:52:40 -0700, laurent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hello,I follow somes projects that have a pythonic way to make web site.there's thats projects : http://www.cherrypy.org/and 
http://subway.python-hosting.com/subway aim to be like ruby on rails frameworks , simple and fastdeveloppment. It uses cherrypy and other project like : * http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/
 * http://www.formencode.org/ * http://www.sqlobject.org/--

Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-18 Thread Ron Adam
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 Ron Adam wrote:
Kay Schluehr wrote:

On a more general note, I think a constrained sort algorithm is a good
idea and may have more general uses as well.

Something I was thinking of is a sort where instead of giving a
function, you give it a sort key list.  Then you can possibly sort
anything in any arbitrary order depending on the key list.

sort(alist, [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])   # Sort numbers forward
sort(alist, [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0])   # Reverse sort
sort(alist, [1,3,5,7,9,0,2,4,6,8])   # Odd-Even sort
sort(alist, [int,str,float]) # sort types
 Seems like you want to establish a total order of elements statically.
 Don't believe that this is necessary.

I want to establish the sort order at the beginning of the sort process 
instead of using many external compares during the sort process.  Using 
a preprocessed sort key seems like the best way to do that.  How it's 
generated doesn't really matter.  And of course a set of standard 
defaults could be built in.

These are just suggestions, I haven't worked out the details.  It could
probably be done currently with pythons built in sort by writing a
custom compare function that takes a key list.

The advantage of doing it as above would be the sort could be done 
entirely in C and not need to call a python compare function on each 
item.  It would be interesting to see if and how much faster it would 
be.  I'm just not sure how to do it yet as it's a little more 
complicated than using integer values.

How fine grained the key
list is is also something that would need to be worked out.  Could it
handle words and whole numbers instead of letters and digits?  How does
one specify which?  What about complex objects?
 In order to handle complex objects one needs more algebra ;)
 Since the class M only provides one operation I made the problem as
 simple as possible ( complex expressions do not exist in M because
 __mul__ is associative  - this is already a reduction rule ).

I'm played around with your example a little bit and think I see how it 
should work... (partly guessing)  You did some last minute editing so M 
and Expr were intermixed.

It looks to me that what you need to do is have the expressions stored 
as nested lists and those can be self sorting.  That can be done when 
init is called I think, and after any operation.

You should be able to add addition without too much trouble too.

a*b   -  factors [a],[b] - [a,b] You got this part.

c+d   -  sums [c],[d] - [c,d]Need a sums type for this.


a*b+c*d  -  sums of factors -  [[a,b],[c,d]]

This would be sorted from inner to outer.

(a+b)*(b+c)  -  factors of sums -  [[a,b],[c,d]]

Maybe you can sub class list to create the different types?  Each list 
needs to be associated to an operation.

The sort from inner to outer still works. Even though the lists 
represent different operations.

You can sort division and minus if you turn them into sums and factors 

1-2   -  sums [1,-2]

3/4   -  factors [3,1/4]   ?  hmmm...  I don't like that.

Or that might be...

3/4   -  factor [3], divisor [4]  -  [3,[4]]

So you need a divisor type as a subtype of factor.  (I think)

You can then combine the divisors within factors and sort from inner to 

(a/b)*(c/e)  -  [a,[b],c,[e]]  - [a,c,[b,e]]

Displaying these might take a little more work.  The above could get 
represented as...


Which I think is what you want it to do.

Just a few thoughts.  ;-)



wxPython Menu problem

2005-07-18 Thread linuxfreak
Hi all,

I have a problem. I want to add items to a Menu iteratively and I'm
stuck. Heres a snippet of my code

fileMenuChoices=[('New','Start a New Document',self.onClick),

 ('Open File...','Open an Existing Document',

 ('Save','Save Current Document', self.onClick),


 ('Exit','Close Window', self.onClick),

 ('About','Information', self.onClick)]


 fileMenu = wxMenu()
for opt in fileMenuChoices:
fmID = wxNewId()
if(opt[0] != '-'):
fileMenu.Append(fmID,opt[0], opt[1])
#Creating the MenuBar
menuBar = wxMenuBar()
menuBar.Append(fileMenu, File)
self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) #Add menubar to the Frame (Window)

def onClick(self,e):

The problem is I get an error saying  name 'self' not defined...

Any help will be appreciated


Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-18 Thread Glauco
I want to insert a concept of alias in a dict_based class.

The idea  is to have a facoltative name in the same dict that correspond 
at the same value. With this alias i can change original value.


mydict['a'] = 1
I must define an alias  example: myFunctAlias( mydict, 'a', 'b')
print mydict
{'a':1, 'b':1}
mydict['b'] = 2
print mydict
{'a':2, 'b':2}

The only idea i have is to implement two dictionary one for convert 
name, alias in two keys with the same value (eg.numeric) in the first 
dict. The second for store only one time the k, v .

Any suggestion ?


\\  - -  //
 (  @ @  )
+-oOOo-( )-oOOo--+
| I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and   |
|   live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these   |
|   truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal.|
| I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia|
|   the sons of former slaves and the sons of former |
|   slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table |
|   of brotherhood.  |
| I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, |
|   a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice|
|   and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of |
|   freedom and justice. |
| I have a dream that my four children will one day live in  |
|   a nation where they will not be judged by the color of   |
|   their skin but by the content of their character.|
| I have a dream today.  |
|Martin Luther King, Jr  28 Ago 1963 |
|  www.uriland.it  .oooOICQ: 115323690   |
+- (   )-- Oooo.-+
 \ ((   )
  \_)) /

email format in python

2005-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to have the python equivalent function of this
(that checks email format)

function CheckEmail($Email = ) {
  if (ereg([[:alnum:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+,
$Email)) {
return true;
  } else {
return false;

Appel audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger 
Téléchargez cette version sur http://fr.messenger.yahoo.com

Python s60

2005-07-18 Thread xen0n
Hi, I have looked around for any type of example of script that claims
to read the contacts database from an s60 phone, but i cant figure how
to use that examples. All i want is a simple, CLEAR, script that show
how to open contact database of an s60 phone and load all contacts
present into a listbox, nothing else. This will be easy for the
experts! please help me! Thanks in advance!


Re: email format in python

2005-07-18 Thread Benji York
 I want to have the python equivalent function of this
 (that checks email format)
 function CheckEmail($Email = ) {
   if (ereg([[:alnum:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+,
 $Email)) {
 return true;
   } else {
 return false;

While it is possible to translate the above code into Python (see 
http://docs.python.org/lib/module-re.html), you should know that the 
regex above will not validate all possible email addresses.  In general 
it is a fools errand to try to anyway.
Benji York


Re: email format in python

2005-07-18 Thread Miki Tebeka
Hello met,

 I want to have the python equivalent function of this
 (that checks email format)
 function CheckEmail($Email = ) {
   if (ereg([[:alnum:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+,
 $Email)) {
 return true;
   } else {
 return false;
Check out the email library module (see the examples at


The only difference between children and adults is the price of the toys

Description: PGP signature

Re: ssh popen stalling on password redirect output?

2005-07-18 Thread P
for ssh automation I would in order:

keys + popen

Pádraig Brady - http://www.pixelbeat.org

Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread paron

I have kept the following:

  - PyWork - http://pywork.sourceforge.net (Not sure if it's mature)
  - Django - http://www.djangoproject.com (Looks interesting)
  - CherryPy - http://www.cherrypy.org (Unsure)

I have also found a more comprehensive list here:
But I'd like to know your opinion on what you think is best.
I favor speed of development, intensive OO development, performance under
heavy load, short learning curve, good documentation and community.

I settled on CherryPy:

Performance under load -- can't say one way or the other. I do know
it's lightweight -- 40kb download, I recall.

Good documentation -- yeah, if you are using the mainstream features.
It's pretty extensible, too, so there are some secondary functions
and features that are not as well documented. I know that the
documentation is a major concern of the oommunity, and that they are
pretty quick to respond when the docs are unclear.

I give CherryPy very high marks for: speed of development, intensive OO
development, short learning curve (if you already know Python), and
community. And, as I said, for extensibility.

I found I had working apps running on my machine with CherryPy in less
time than I needed to read the installation docs on some other
frameworks. It's just like writing Python, but with one extra object
(cpg (2.0) or cherrypy (2.1) and one extra setting (exposed = True).
That's it. I'd say give it a try -- you can have it running apps and go
through the tutorials in a morning, so why not get first-hand with it?


Re: Django - Rails killer comes...

2005-07-18 Thread JZ
Dnia Mon, 18 Jul 2005 00:52:44 -0700, flab ba napisał(a):

 To me, this seems like it places itself in competition with Zope, not

No. Zope is an application server, much more powerfull and complicated,
with its own object database and total object approach to all elements of
the system. Django is similiar to Rails or Subway rather than to Zope.

 If I'm wrong, could somebody explain why this is a Rails Killer?

Maybe Django is not strictly Rails killer (because if someone prefers Ruby
to Python, he choose Ruby - and vice-versa) But Django is good alternative
to Rails for those who prefer Python. Both use similiar approach, both was
created in the same time, both use ORM, MVC etc.


Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread JZ
Dnia 18 Jul 2005 00:52:40 -0700, laurent napisał(a):

 I follow somes projects that have a pythonic way to make web site.
 there's thats projects :
 subway aim to be like ruby on rails frameworks , simple and fast
 developpment. It uses cherrypy and other project like :
  * http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/
  * http://www.formencode.org/
  * http://www.sqlobject.org/

I think Django is more mature than Subway or CherryPy and can quickly
become the black horse in area of pythonic frameworks.


Re: Java RMI-like services in Python

2005-07-18 Thread Alan Kennedy
[Maurice LING]
 I am wondering if Python has services or frameworks that does the same 
 as Java RMI?

As Harald mentioned, Pyro is firmly in the Remote Method Invocation 
space. And there's always CORBA, of which there are multiple python and 
java implementations. Which might be useful, if you wanted to have a 
mixed language implementation.

Another technology that could be very useful for you is Spread, for 
which both python and java libraries exist.


[Maurice LING]
 What I am seeking is to do pseudo-clustering. 

[ .. snip .. ]

 I know something like this had been achieved in Java 
 (http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-super.html) but 
 wondering if it is possible in Python. Is so, how?

So, do you want to

A: Build your own pseudo-clustering implementation?

B: Use one that's already been written?

If the answer is the latter, I recommend you take a look at PyLinda.

PyLinda - Distributed Computing Made Easy

alan kennedy
email alan:  http://xhaus.com/contact/alan

Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Maibaum

On 18 Jul 2005, at 10:29, Cyril Bazin wrote:


 I never used a web framework using Python modules, but I think  
 cheetah, Karrigel and CherryPy are not good since they allow user  
 to play with the HTML code. IMO, it's not pythonic but phpythonic.

Well, pretty much anything would allow that, it is more a matter of  
how much they encourage it ;)

I find the cherrypy + HTML Template combination pretty resistant to  
excessive HTML in the Python, or Python in the HTML.

One day when I get some time I'll have a look at Django, though I  
must say the templating language looked less nice than the rest of it  
on first glance, it says you don't have to use it though...




2005-07-18 Thread Hayri ERDENER
what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
best regards

Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread JZ
Dnia 18 Jul 2005 04:24:12 -0700, paron napisał(a):

I favor speed of development, intensive OO development, performance under
heavy load, short learning curve, good documentation and community.
 I settled on CherryPy:
 Performance under load -- can't say one way or the other. I do know
 it's lightweight -- 40kb download, I recall.

I do not know how new CherryPy 2.1 (which now can use wsgi) is fast and
stable but earler versions were quite unstable under heavy loads. Its
paradigm creating web site like standalone appl (inherited from Cherry1)
is not good suited to more complicated internet applications.

Much more stable and much faster is e.g. Mygty (http://myghty.org) It is
about 2x faster then CherryPy. Also faster than CherryPy is Webware and
SkunkWeb. I did not check how fast is Django... It is fresh framework for
open source community.


Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Mage
Hayri ERDENER wrote:

what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
best regards

You really shouldn't use goto.

Fortunately you can't.



Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Simon Brunning
On 7/18/05, Hayri ERDENER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
 best regards


Let's not go through *that* again...

Simon B,

Re: Building Python with Tcl/Tk on Cygwin_NT-5.1

2005-07-18 Thread Jason Tishler

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 12:55:15PM -0500, Jason Tishler wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 08:01:11AM -0800, Dean N. Williams wrote:
  $ rebaseall
  /usr/bin/rebaseall: line 70: [: too many arguments
  /usr/bin/rebaseall: line 75: [: too many arguments
  /usr/bin/rebaseall: line 94: $TmpFile: ambiguous redirect
  cannot read /cygdrive/c/Documents
  On my laptop installation everything works just fine. What is the
 The TMP and/or TEMP environment variables have at least two spaces in
 The easiest workaround is to execute rebaseall like the following:
 $ TMP=/tmp rebaseall
 Long term I will change rebaseall to deal better with spaces in shell

The above rebaseall problem has been fixed:



PGP/GPG Key: http://www.tishler.net/jason/pubkey.asc or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6

Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Admin
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 08:45:22 -0300, JZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Much more stable and much faster is e.g. Mygty (http://myghty.org) It is
 about 2x faster then CherryPy. Also faster than CherryPy is Webware and
 SkunkWeb. I did not check how fast is Django... It is fresh framework for
 open source community.

Mmmh... I really don't know which one is better :(


Want to buy me a book? http://tinyurl.com/78xzb :)

Re: Efficiently Split A List of Tuples

2005-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 19:38:29 -0700, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 Executive summary:  Python's for-loops are both elegant and fast.  It
 is a mistake to habitually avoid them.

And frequently much more readable and maintainable than the alternatives.

I cringe when I see well-meaning people trying to turn Python into Perl,
by changing perfectly good, fast, readable pieces of code into
obfuscated one-liners simply out of some perverse desire to optimize for
the sake of optimization.



Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread JZ
Dnia Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:26:10 -0300, Admin napisał(a):

 On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 08:45:22 -0300, JZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Much more stable and much faster is e.g. Mygty (http://myghty.org) It is
 about 2x faster then CherryPy. Also faster than CherryPy is Webware and
 SkunkWeb. I did not check how fast is Django... It is fresh framework for
 open source community.
 Mmmh... I really don't know which one is better :(

Django has similar aproach to Rails or Subway. Myghty is similar to
Perl::Mason. I think those two are the most matured and powerfull. (I do
not mean Zope and Plone which is specific to its own category)


Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 14:06:14 +0200, Mage wrote:

 Hayri ERDENER wrote:
what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
best regards

 You really shouldn't use goto.
 Fortunately you can't.

Of course you can :-)

You can write your own Python interpreter, in Python, and add a goto to it.

You can use while or for loops, which are like goto, only they have all
the advantages and none of the disadvantages.

The same goes for continue and break, and try...except blocks: they
are safe, tame gotos, not wild, dangerous ones that are out of control. 

You can call functions. Functions are implemented at the machine code
level with the assembly language equivalent of a goto.

Or you can tell us what problem you want to solve with a goto, and we'll
tell you the proper way to solve it.



Re: Building Python with Tcl/Tk on Cygwin_NT-5.1

2005-07-18 Thread Dean N. Williams

Dear Jason,

Thanks for fixing this problem. I'm sure all the CDAT/Cygwin users 
really appreciate it. I'll put the update on the CDAT web portal.

Best regards,


On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 12:55:15PM -0500, Jason Tishler wrote:

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 08:01:11AM -0800, Dean N. Williams wrote:

$ rebaseall
/usr/bin/rebaseall: line 70: [: too many arguments
/usr/bin/rebaseall: line 75: [: too many arguments
/usr/bin/rebaseall: line 94: $TmpFile: ambiguous redirect
cannot read /cygdrive/c/Documents

On my laptop installation everything works just fine. What is the

The TMP and/or TEMP environment variables have at least two spaces in

The easiest workaround is to execute rebaseall like the following:

$ TMP=/tmp rebaseall

Long term I will change rebaseall to deal better with spaces in shell

The above rebaseall problem has been fixed:





Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread John Roth
Mage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Hayri ERDENER wrote:

what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
best regards

 You really shouldn't use goto.


 Fortunately you can't.

Of course you can. Recent versions of Python have the
ability to change where an element on the call stack will
return to.

Don't ask me to debug such a program unless you
really want my unvarnished opinion of such stupidity.

John Roth



Re: Problem with threads

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Stephan Popp wrote:
 I've got a problem with stopping python-threads.
 I'm starting a thread with twisteds reactor.deferToThread which start a 
 methodcall in a seperate thread. In this thread a swig-wrapped c++ module is 
 Now I want to stop the running thread from the main thread or another one, 
 have no idea how to do it.

If this external call into the C++ module is long running, and doesn't 
itself provide a way to terminate before it's done, you can't do what 
you want unless you use a separate process entirely.


Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread skip

 what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?

 You really shouldn't use goto.
 Fortunately you can't.

Steven Of course you can :-)

Steven You can write your own Python interpreter, in Python, and add a
Steven goto to it.

Maybe easier would be to write a Python assembler (there's probably already
one out there) and just write to Python's virtual machine...


Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Glauco wrote:
 I want to insert a concept of alias in a dict_based class.
 Any suggestion ?

Yes, in future don't attempt to start a new thread using Reply unless 
you are happy not having your post read by all those who have already 
killed the thread to which you replied.  Anyone who was not interested 
in the Python Programming Contest thread is unlikely to have seen your 


Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:17:37 +0200, Glauco wrote:

 I want to insert a concept of alias in a dict_based class.
 The idea  is to have a facoltative name in the same dict that correspond 
 at the same value. With this alias i can change original value.
 mydict['a'] = 1
 I must define an alias  example: myFunctAlias( mydict, 'a', 'b')
 print mydict
 {'a':1, 'b':1}
 mydict['b'] = 2
 print mydict
 {'a':2, 'b':2}
 The only idea i have is to implement two dictionary one for convert 
 name, alias in two keys with the same value (eg.numeric) in the first 
 dict. The second for store only one time the k, v .

You need some sort of redirection, something like this (untested):

class Doubledict:
def __init__(self, **kargs):
self.data = {}
self.aliases = {}
for key in kargs:
# Point the key to a hash.
self.aliases[key] = hash(key)
# And point the hash at the value.
self.data[hash(key)] = kargs[key]

def setalias(self, key, alias):
# Point the alias to the same hash as the real key.
self.aliases[alias] = hash(key)

def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.data[self.aliases[key]]

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.data[self.aliases[key]] = value

The only niggly worry I have is I'm not sure when hash can be used, when
it is unique, or even if is it guaranteed to be unique.



Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Comcast
In python there is no goto statement. In C I use goto only in one case: to
exit more then one level of blocks (as a matter of fact, I always use goto
EXIT in C, where EXIT is the label of the end of the function).

In python you can mimic this by throwing an exception and catching it.
Exception should know the destination label name and the catch statement
should compare this name  with its (catch statement) name.

Hayri ERDENER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
best regards


Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Hansen
JZ wrote:
 I think Django is more mature than Subway or CherryPy and can quickly
 become the black horse in area of pythonic frameworks.

I'm not familiar with this expression.  What do you mean by black horse?

Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-18 Thread Kay Schluehr
Bernhard Holzmayer schrieb:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:

  Now lets drop the assumption that a and b commute. More general: let be
  M a set of expressions and X a subset of M where each element of X
  commutes with each element of M: how can a product with factors in M be
  evaluated/simplified under the condition of additional information X?
  It would be interesting to examine some sorting algorithms on factor
  lists with constrained item transpositions. Any suggestions?

 Hello Kay,

 take this into account:
 Restrictions like commutativity, associative, distributive and flexibility
 laws don't belong neither to operands nor to operators themselves.
 Instead these are properties of fields (set of numbers with respect to a
 certain operation).
 For a famous example for a somewhat alternative behaviour look at the
 Octonions (discovered in 1843 by Graves and 1845 by Cayley), which are not
 associative with respect to addition and/or multiplication.
 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octonions) or the Quarternions, which are
 non-commutative (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion)

 Obviously, it's not correct to say: addition is associative, or, that
 multiplication is. With the same right, you could say, multiplication is
 not associative.

It was associative in the tiny example I presented. I did not mentioned
to discuss the evolving structure of the whole CAS here in detail which
would be better done in an own newsgroup once an early version is

Maybe the setting of the original question should be made more precise:
associative, non-commutative multiplicative groups.

Handling non-associative algebras like Lie algebras is a completely
different matter and I'm not even sure which one is the best way to
represent operations in Python?

Maye this way?

 lie = Lie()   # create an arbitrary Lie algebra (lie is again a class )
 A,B = lie(),lie() # create two arbitrary elements of the Lie algebra
 lie[A,B]  # create the commutator of the lie algebra by overloading
lie[A,B]  # the __getitem__ method

 lie[A,B] == -lie[-A,B]

If one wants to enforce assertions like

 lie[r*A,B] == r*lie[A,B]

for certain elements r of some group acting on lie, one must refine
creation of lie in the initial assignment statement e.g.

 lie = Lie(V)

where V is some vectorspace and the elements of lie are homomorphisms
on V. V is created elsewhere. There are a lot of constraints induced by
all the objects dynamically coupled together.

 With the same reasoning, we can show that it's not easy to generalize
 sorting, commutation, association or distribution mechanisms.

 Maybe it would be a very fascinating goal to solve your algorithmic approach
 in such a limited environment like the Quarternions.

No CAS can represent infinitely many different representations of
quaternions. But it should not be to hard to deal with an algebra that
represents admissable operations on quaternions in an abstract fashion.

 A solution for this set of numbers, if achieved in a clean, mathematically
 abstract way, should hold for most other numbers/fields too, natural and
 real included.

 I guess that the approach might be this way:
 - define/describe the fields which shall be handled
 - define/describe the rules which shall be supported
 - find methods to reduce sequences of operations to simple binary or unary
 operations (tokens) - this may introduce brackets and stacking mechanisms
 - a weighing algorithm might be necessary to distinguish between plain
 numbers and place holders (variables)
 - application of the distributivity (as far as possible) might help to find
 a rather flat representation and a base for reordering according to the
 weights of the individual sub-expressions

 Nevertheless, there are lots of commercial programs which do such sort of
 symbolic mathematics, and which would badly fail when it would come to such
 awkward fields like Quarternions/Octonions.

If you take a look on Mathematica or Maple both programs seem to
interpret pure symbols as members of an associative and commutative

   expand( (a+x)^2)  - a^2 + 2ax + x^2

This works very fast and accurate but is mathematically too restricted
for me. For doing more advanced stuff one needs to do a lot of
programming in either language shipped with the CAS for creating new
packages. But then I ask myself: why not doing the programming labor in
Python and redesign and optimize the core modules of the CAS if



Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Hayri ERDENER wrote:
 what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?

Steven offered the best reply here, in that he wondered what you 
actually need this for.  What usage of goto in C are you hoping to 
emulate?  It's a certainty that some other non-goto technique will be 
more appropriate in Python.


Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Admin
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 10:06:21 -0300, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not familiar with this expression.  What do you mean by black  

That will help me too :)


Want to buy me a book? http://tinyurl.com/78xzb :)

Re: stdin/stdout fileno() always returning -1 from windows service

2005-07-18 Thread Jeff Epler
On Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 06:43:00PM -0700, chuck wrote:
 I have found that sys.stdin.fileno() and sys.stdout.fileno() always
 return -1 when executed from within a win32 service written using the
 win32 extensions for Python.
 Anyone have experience with this or know why?

because there *is* no standard I/O for a windows service.

You should be able to execute code like
import sys
sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(some.log, w)
if you have code that expects the standard output files to be available.
You could also open sys.stdin in a similar way.


Description: PGP signature

Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Gerhard Haering
On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 09:06:21AM -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:
 JZ wrote:
  I think Django is more mature than Subway or CherryPy and can quickly
  become the black horse in area of pythonic frameworks.
 I'm not familiar with this expression.  What do you mean by black horse?

Maybe the Ferrari of pythonic frameworks (black horse on yellow
background being the symbol of Ferrari).

That's what I thought of first when I tried to parse the sentence ;-)

-- Gerhard
Gerhard Häring - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Python, web  database development

Description: Digital signature

Re: win32ui CreatePrintDialog

2005-07-18 Thread Chris Lambacher
On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 09:18:45AM +0200, Eric Brunel wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 18:08:35 -0400, Chris Lambacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This question has come up a few times on the list with no one giving a 
  answer.  How do you use CreatePrintDialog from win32ui?
  About a year ago someone posted that:
  dlg = win32ui.CreatePrintDialog(1538)
  will give you the window, but the ok button does not work.
 Here is what I did to make it work:
 import win32ui
  from pywin.mfc import window, dialog
 class WindowsPrintDialog(window.Wnd):
# Numbers for various items in the dialog
PRINT_TO_FILE   = 1040
PRINT_ALL   = 1056
FIRST_PAGE  = 1152
LAST_PAGE   = 1153
FROM_TEXT   = 1089
TO_TEXT = 1090
NB_COPIES   = 1154
def __init__(self):
  dlg =  = win32ui.CreatePrintDialog(1538)
  window.Wnd.__init__(self, printDlg)
def OnInitDialog(self):
  ## Initialize dialog itself
  ## Activate all widgets
  for i in (WindowsPrintDialog.PRINT_ALL, WindowsPrintDialog.PRINT_PAGES,
WindowsPrintDialog.FIRST_PAGE, WindowsPrintDialog.LAST_PAGE,
WindowsPrintDialog.FROM_TEXT, WindowsPrintDialog.TO_TEXT,
itm = self._obj_.GetDlgItem(i)
  ## Disable Properties button: it doesn't work...
  itm = self._obj_.GetDlgItem(WindowsPrintDialog.PROPERTIES_BTN)
def OnOK(self):
  ## Call on dialog itself
  ## Now you can get values entered in dialog via:
  ## - self.IsDlgButtonChecked(id) pour check-buttons
  ## - self.GetDlgItemText(id) for textual fields
  ## - self.GetDlgItemInt(id) for integer fields
  ## Then use these info. to create your printer DC; for example:
  printerName = self.GetDlgItemText(WindowsPrintDialog.PRINTER_NAME)
  dc = win32ui.CreateDC()
  ## And so on...
 Note that the printer properties button is explicitely disabled. If it's not, 
 it seems to be working (it actually opens the printer properties dialog and 
 all options can be modified without any error), but actually doesn't change a 
 thing: the printing will be done with the printer default settings. If 
 anybody has any idea on how this thing works, please let me know: I'm very 
In the MFC documentation, CPrintDialog has a GetPrinterDC method.  This method
AFAICT gives you a printer device contex which has all the settings set for you.

  Diging into the source shows that the 1538 is being loaded as a template
  resource.  The MSDN documentation does not say anything about this being
  neccessary and in fact, other common dialogs provide this as an option, but
  not a requirement.  Why is this made a requirement?  If it was not made a
  requirement, would the dialog work?
 I guess it would just be a matter of giving the default value 1538 to the 
 idRes parameter in win32ui.CreatePrintDialog; AFAICT, this is always the id 
 for the default print dialog. Can't figure out why it was not done in the 
 first place...
The problem is that 1538 is loaded as a template resource.  I get exactly the
same result from many resources all the way up to 2 (I tried them in a
loop).  I suspect that this number just works because it is an ever present
resource id, and does not actually do anything to help us.  When used in
conjuntion with the rest of the MFC printing framework, the dialog seems to
work, but this does not help me because the rest of my application is in
PyGTK, I would rather limit my MFC programming to the bare minimum.  If I
could get the PrintDlg function to work, I would use that instead.
Unfortunately I can't figure out how to make that work either.  I may just
have to pull out MinGW and compile a module that uses the PrintDlg function.

  Unfortunately I can't play with this because I don't have Visual Studio.  I
  guess the logical next step, if the above worked, would be to add the
  GetPrinterDC() method (and maybe some others) so that we can do something
  useful with the dialog.
 Yep. See above.
 python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 

- End forwarded message -

Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread JZ
Dnia Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:06:21 -0400, Peter Hansen napisał(a):

 I think Django is more mature than Subway or CherryPy and can quickly
 become the black horse in area of pythonic frameworks.
 I'm not familiar with this expression.  What do you mean by black horse?

I meant dark horse. Sorry for confusion. :)


Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Gerhard Haering wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 09:06:21AM -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:
I'm not familiar with this expression.  What do you mean by black horse?
 Maybe the Ferrari of pythonic frameworks (black horse on yellow
 background being the symbol of Ferrari).

I know there are black sheep in some families, and dark horse 
candidates.  Also yellow-bellied sapsuckers.  There's a black horse 
fish in the Mississippi valley (also, quite coincidentally, of the 
sucker family).  Not entirely sure that was the intended connotation. :-)


Python ldap pointers for a newbie - Actually just trying to decifer the error..

2005-07-18 Thread rh0dium
Hi all,

I have a script which appears to work but it errors and the following
output is given.  My code is listed below..

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./ldap-nsc2.py, line 96, in ?
  File ./ldap-nsc2.py, line 49, in search
(result_type, result_data) = cnx.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.py,
line 406, in result
res_type,res_data,res_msgid = self.result2(msgid,all,timeout)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.py,
line 410, in result2
res_type, res_data, res_msgid, srv_ctrls =
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.py,
line 416, in result3
rtype, rdata, rmsgid, serverctrls =
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.py,
line 94, in _ldap_call
result = func(*args,**kwargs)
TypeError: an integer is required

So I dig into the docs at
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.py to see what
the problem is..

def result(self,msgid=ldap.RES_ANY,all=1,timeout=None):

result([msgid=RES_ANY [,all=1 [,timeout=None]]]) - (result_type,


So..  That's what I have in my code..

result_type, result_data = cnx.result(ldap_result_id,

Can Someone please point me in the right direction.  I want to know WHY
it's failing.  I think it's right?  Anyone?

My Code...

import ldap

class NSCLdap(object):
def __init__(self, server=sc-ldap.nsc.com, baseDN=o=nsc.com,
who=None, cred=None):
self.server = server
self.baseDN = baseDN
if who is None:
self.who = 
self.who = who
if cred is None:
self.cred = 
self.cred = cred
self.connection = None

def connect(self):
print LDAP Version, ldap.__version__
self.connection = ldap.open(self.server)
self.connection.simple_bind_s( self.who, self.cred)

def search(self, baseDN=None, searchScope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
retrieveAttrs=None, searchAttrs=l=ny5* ):
cnx = self.connection
if baseDN is None:
baseDN = self.baseDN
ldap_result_id = cnx.search_s(baseDN, searchScope,
searchAttrs, retrieveAttrs)
  while 1:
result_type, result_data = cnx.result(ldap_result_id,
if (result_data == []):
if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:

if len(result_set) == 0:
print No Results.

for i in range(len(result_set)):
for entry in result_set[i]:
name = entry[0][i]['cn']
email = entry[0][i]['mail']
phone = entry[0][i]['telephonenumber']
loc = entry[0][i]['l']
count = count + 1

print %d.\nName: %s\nDescription: %s\nE-mail:
%s\nPhone: %s\n %\
(count, name, desc, email, phone)
except ldap.LDAPError, error_message:
print error_message

if __name__ == '__main__':
truc = NSCLdap() 


Re: wxPython Menu problem

2005-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
try to check your definition of your function, self is usually used
inside a class.



Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Mage

 what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?

 You really shouldn't use goto.
 Fortunately you can't.

Steven Of course you can :-)

Steven You can write your own Python interpreter, in Python, and add a
Steven goto to it.

Maybe easier would be to write a Python assembler (there's probably already
one out there) and just write to Python's virtual machine...


Even easier to buy a book about programming.
Note that python.org is second in google if you search programming. So
we need a little more work.



os.path.expanduser on Windows: UnicodeEncodeError

2005-07-18 Thread Bob Swerdlow
My application is getting this error on Windows XP (works fine on Mac OS X) 
when it calls os.path.expanduser:
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 
52-56: ordinal not in range(128)

The code was built with Python 2.3.4.

I found referenes to Path 957650, but I'm not familiar with how such fixes 
are processed.  Is there a patch I can add to fix this?  How do I know what 
version of Python it is fixed in - that is, will upgrading to Python 2.3.5 
fix this?

Thanks for your help,

Bob Swerdlow
VP Engineering
Goombah - Music Discovery


Re: Ann: Tkinter drag and drop module

2005-07-18 Thread Bruno Widmann
 i remember freezing a python console app i wrote some time ago using
 the mcmillan installer (kinda like py2exe) and was surprised to
 discover that binaries dragged and dropped onto the .exe file were
 handled properly as args...making a kind of no-gui drag and drop...

Do you mean you draged a file onto the .exe using the windows

In this case the script just has to read in the first commandline
argument, as the Win-Explorer does the dd work and passes
the filename of the droped file on to the script.

You can test that easily by creating a small .bat file:
echo %1


Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-18 Thread Bernhard Holzmayer
I see, you're sensitive for the difficulties which might arise.
That's the thing I wanted to point out.
Maybe I was looking too far forward...

My first thought was to add attributes/qualifiers to the operands to improve
the sorting.
Then I realized that these attributes/qualifiers were related to the
operators, since multiplication and division use the same operands, but
while in one case it is associative and commutative, it isn't in the other.

I agree that all this leads too far.
But one thing creeps into my mind again:

I guess you'll always need an inverse operation:
A class which can handle multiplication will certainly require an inverse
operation like division.


Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-18 Thread Cyril Bazin
I think hash doesn't guarantee the unicity of the result. But, it should avoid the collisions...

 foo = foo

I think it's like some kind md5sum...

I propose this solution:

from UserDict import UserDict

class DoubleDict(UserDict):
 def __init__(self, *args):
 UserDict.__init__(self, *args)
 self.values = {}
 #self.aliases = {}

 def setAlias(self, key, alias):
 # Point the alias to the same hash as the real key.
 if key in self:
 self.data[alias] = self.data[key]
 self[alias] = key

 def __getitem__(self, key):
 return self.values[self.data[key]]

 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
 self.data.setdefault(key, key)
 self.values[self.data[key]] = value
print Result:
d = DoubleDict()
d[a] = 1
d[c] = 4
d.setAlias(a, b)
print d[a], d[b], d[c]
d[a] = 2
print d[a], d[b], d[c]
d[b] = 3
d.setAlias(b, c)
print d[a], d[b], d[c]
del d[c]
d[c] = 5
print d[a], d[b], d[c]
del d[a]
d[a] = 6
print d[a], d[b], d[c]

1 1 4
2 2 4
3 3 3
3 3 5
6 6 5

As you can see the last test (del a and reassign a) fail because it reassign b. 
But, if your application doesn't need to midify the aliases, it's ok (I think). Else you can redefine the method __delitem__.
On 7/18/05, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:17:37 +0200, Glauco wrote: I want to insert a concept of alias in a dict_based class. The ideais to have a facoltative name in the same dict that correspond at the same value. With this alias i can change original value.
 example: mydict['a'] = 1 I must define an aliasexample: myFunctAlias( mydict, 'a', 'b') print mydict {'a':1, 'b':1} mydict['b'] = 2 print mydict
 {'a':2, 'b':2} The only idea i have is to implement two dictionary one for convert name, alias in two keys with the same value (eg.numeric) in the first dict. The second for store only one time the k, v .
You need some sort of redirection, something like this (untested):class Doubledict:def __init__(self, **kargs):self.data = "">self.aliases = {}for key in kargs:
# Point the key to a hash.self.aliases[key] = hash(key)# And point the hash at the value.self.data[hash(key)] = kargs[key]def setalias(self, key, alias):
# Point the alias to the same hash as the real key.self.aliases[alias] = hash(key)def __getitem__(self, key):return self.data[self.aliases[key]]def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.data[self.aliases[key]] = valueThe only niggly worry I have is I'm not sure when hash can be used, whenit is unique, or even if is it guaranteed to be unique.--Steven.--

Re: stdin/stdout fileno() always returning -1 from windows service

2005-07-18 Thread chuck
Interesting.  The stdin and stdout objects in my service seems respond
to returing a string for the statements str(sys.stdin) and
str(sys.stdout).  I guess they are just not attached to files?

Can you provide a reference (MSDN or otherwise) that indicates that
Windows Services don't have standard I/O?


wxPython date

2005-07-18 Thread Jason
How do I form a new wxPython date using day, month and year?

I've tried the wx.DateTimeFromDMY but it crashes in Pythonwin when I
test it out and I get all manner of complaints when I try it from the
command line.

Surely there's an equivalent to the python datetime.date(2005,07,18)




Windows command line problem

2005-07-18 Thread MarkE
I'm sure someone else has posted a similar problem but I can't find it,
nor the solution...

I have a python script which accepts a command line argument.
python.exe myscript.py -n Foo

I build this as part of a package using distutils with the
bdist_wininst option on a Windows 2K (SP4) machine.
I have tested installing and running it fine on a Windows XP (SP2)
machine. I build my package-installer with a Python.org 2.4.1
distribution which is source-compiled locally. I have installed my
package-installer on a machine running ActiveState Python 2.4.1
installed from a .msi file.
That all works fine.

I have problems delivering it to the test team (of course). After some
investigation, if I install the package on one of our test machines and
butcher my installed file to dump the command line and exit (i.e. print
'hi', sys.argv) then I get the following:
hi ['c:\\Python24\\Lib\\site-packages\\MyPackage\\myscript.py', '\x96n,

If I run it specifying --name instead of -n I get:
hi ['c:\\Python24\\Lib\\site-packages\\MyPackage\\myscript.py',
'\x96-name, 'Foo']

The machine in question is also running XP service pack 2 as far as I
know, with Python.org's 2.4.1 distribution.

Does anyone know why the first character on the command line (here '-')
is getting adjusted (to '\x96') in this way ? Is it a Unicode/encodings
kind of a problem ? I can make the problem go away by running with
quotes like this:
python.exe myscript.py -n Foo

I'm hoping I can add an entry to my setup.py. Thanks for any and all


Re: wxPython date

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Decker
On 18 Jul 2005 07:52:06 -0700, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I form a new wxPython date using day, month and year?
 I've tried the wx.DateTimeFromDMY but it crashes in Pythonwin when I
 test it out and I get all manner of complaints when I try it from the
 command line.
 Surely there's an equivalent to the python datetime.date(2005,07,18)

Are you specifying the date in DMY format? Also, remember that the
months are zero based. This works fine on my systems (both OS X and

import wx
dt = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(18, 6, 2005)
print dt
- Mon Jul 18 00:00:00 2005


2005-07-18 Thread Jeremy
I am using regular expressions and I would like to use both
re.IGNORECASE and re.VERBOSE options.  I want to do something like the
following (which doesn't work):

matsearch = r'''^\ {0,4}([mM]\d+) '''
MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE, re.IGNORECASE)

Does anyone have any suggestions?



2005-07-18 Thread Peter Decker
On 7/18/05, Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using regular expressions and I would like to use both
 re.IGNORECASE and re.VERBOSE options.  I want to do something like the
 following (which doesn't work):
 matsearch = r'''^\ {0,4}([mM]\d+) '''
 MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE, re.IGNORECASE)

You need to OR them together:

re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

Re: wxPython date

2005-07-18 Thread Jason
Thanks, Peter.

I must have been having a bit of the stupids, your example worked fine
for me too.

Back to the salt mines!



2005-07-18 Thread Simon Brunning
On 7/18/05, Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using regular expressions and I would like to use both
 re.IGNORECASE and re.VERBOSE options.  I want to do something like the
 following (which doesn't work):
 matsearch = r'''^\ {0,4}([mM]\d+) '''
 MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE, re.IGNORECASE)

MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.IGNORECASE + re.VERBOSE)

Simon B,


2005-07-18 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Jeremy wrote:
 I am using regular expressions and I would like to use both
 re.IGNORECASE and re.VERBOSE options.  I want to do something like the
 following (which doesn't work):
 matsearch = r'''^\ {0,4}([mM]\d+) '''
 MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE, re.IGNORECASE)
 Does anyone have any suggestions?

These flags are combined using the bit-wise OR operator.

re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE|re.IGNORECASE)



2005-07-18 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Simon Brunning wrote:
 On 7/18/05, Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using regular expressions and I would like to use both
 re.IGNORECASE and re.VERBOSE options.  I want to do something like the
 following (which doesn't work):
 matsearch = r'''^\ {0,4}([mM]\d+) '''
 MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.VERBOSE, re.IGNORECASE)
 MatSearch = re.compile(matsearch, re.IGNORECASE + re.VERBOSE)

While this works when you are only combining flags, the general way of handling
flags (= bit-fields) is with the three bit-wise operators '^', '' and '|'.


Re: stdin/stdout fileno() always returning -1 from windows service

2005-07-18 Thread Jeff Epler
It seems to simply be common wisdom.  e.g.,

If you can find chapter and verse on MSDN, more power to you.  This page
implies that the standard handles are only available when there is a
console for the application.


Description: PGP signature

Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Kay Schluehr

Hayri ERDENER schrieb:
 what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
 best regards

No, but some of goto's use cases can be covered by unconditional jumps
provided by exceptions.

Here is a C function using goto:

void main()
int i, j;

for ( i = 0; i  10; i++ )
printf( Outer loop executing. i = %d\n, i );
for ( j = 0; j  2; j++ )
printf(  Inner loop executing. j = %d\n, j );
if ( i == 3 )
goto stop;
/* This message does not print: */
printf( Loop exited. i = %d\n, i );
stop: printf( Jumped to stop. i = %d\n, i );

And here is a Python equivalent using exception handling:

def main():
class stop(Exception):pass
for i in range(10):
print Outer loop executing. i = %d%i
for j in range(2):
print  Inner loop executing. j = %d%j
if i == 3:
raise stop
print Loop exited. i = %d%i  # message does not print
except stop:
print Jumped to stop. i = %d%i 



Re: Filtering out non-readable characters

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Ströder
Peter Hansen wrote:
 ''.join(chr(c) for c in range(65, 91))

Wouldn't this be a candidate for making the Python language stricter?

Do you remember old Python versions treating l.append(n1,n2) the same
way like l.append((n1,n2)). I'm glad this is forbidden now.

Ciao, Michael.

Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread Gerhard Haering
On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 08:40:16AM -0700, Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Hayri ERDENER schrieb:
  what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
  best regards
 No, but some of goto's use cases can be covered by unconditional jumps
 provided by exceptions. [...]

I like the named loops concept of other HLL like Ada 95 or Java better
than either goto or exceptions. It allows you to use break and
continue for other than the innermost loops, too:

break;  = break out of inner loop
break loop_name;= break out of named loop loop_name

OTOH it's not used *that* often, so I won't argue for including it in
Python ;)

-- Gerhard
Gerhard Häring - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Python, web  database development

Description: Digital signature

Python scripts wont run - HELP

2005-07-18 Thread windozbloz
Bye Bye Billy Bob...

Hello All,
I'm a fairly literate windoz amateur programmer mostly in visual basic. I
have switched to SuSE 9.2 Pro and am trying to quickly come up to speed
with Python 2.3.4.  I can run three or four line scripts from the command
line but have not been able to execute a script from a file.  

I have used EMACS and JEDIT to create small test routines.  I would right
click the file and set properties to executable.  I would then click the
icon, the bouncy ball would do its thing then a dialog box would flash on
the screen for a fraction of a second.  I could tell it had a progress bar
on it but could not catch anything else on it.  Then nothing else would

If I could execute a script the world would once again be my playground...

LINUX protects me from the GATES of hell !!!

Re: Python scripts wont run - HELP

2005-07-18 Thread John Abel
windozbloz wrote:

Bye Bye Billy Bob...

Hello All,
I'm a fairly literate windoz amateur programmer mostly in visual basic. I
have switched to SuSE 9.2 Pro and am trying to quickly come up to speed
with Python 2.3.4.  I can run three or four line scripts from the command
line but have not been able to execute a script from a file.  

I have used EMACS and JEDIT to create small test routines.  I would right
click the file and set properties to executable.  I would then click the
icon, the bouncy ball would do its thing then a dialog box would flash on
the screen for a fraction of a second.  I could tell it had a progress bar
on it but could not catch anything else on it.  Then nothing else would

If I could execute a script the world would once again be my playground...


You will need to include


At the top of your script.



Re: Python scripts wont run - HELP

2005-07-18 Thread Damjan

 I'm a fairly literate windoz amateur programmer mostly in visual basic. I
 have switched to SuSE 9.2 Pro and am trying to quickly come up to speed
 with Python 2.3.4.  I can run three or four line scripts from the command
 line but have not been able to execute a script from a file.
 I have used EMACS and JEDIT to create small test routines.  I would right
 click the file and set properties to executable.  I would then click the
 icon, the bouncy ball would do its thing then a dialog box would flash on
 the screen for a fraction of a second.  I could tell it had a progress bar
 on it but could not catch anything else on it.  Then nothing else would
 If I could execute a script the world would once again be my playground...

Open a terminal program like konsole. 
change the directory to where your files are (cd /path/to/files/).
execute them (python my-script.py').


Re: Image orientation and color information with PIL?

2005-07-18 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

 Does anyone know if it is possible to determine if an image is
 horizontal/vertical  and color or black  white using the python image
 library?  I have been searching this news group and the information was
 not all clear on this.

How are you going to determine the orientation of an image without
sophisticated image analysis?  I suspect Adobe Photoshop can do it, but
I don't know for sure.  You'd have to look for things like sky, or
clouds, overcast sky, people's faces, and so on and so forth.  It'd be
cool to have this available in Python, but unless the F-bot is busier
than I thought and working behind the scenes using his time machine,
it's not there now.

If you write it I'll use it;-)

Color vs BW ought to be easy, though, by analysing the color table, if
there is one, and/or image mode.  Check the PIL documentation.  If you
have only searched the newsgroup then you might have overlooked the

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Re: Python scripts wont run - HELP

2005-07-18 Thread windozbloz
Damjan wrote:

 I'm a fairly literate windoz amateur programmer mostly in visual basic. I
 have switched to SuSE 9.2 Pro and am trying to quickly come up to speed
 with Python 2.3.4.  I can run three or four line scripts from the command
 line but have not been able to execute a script from a file.
 I have used EMACS and JEDIT to create small test routines.  I would right
 click the file and set properties to executable.  I would then click the
 icon, the bouncy ball would do its thing then a dialog box would flash on
 the screen for a fraction of a second.  I could tell it had a progress
 on it but could not catch anything else on it.  Then nothing else would
 If I could execute a script the world would once again be my
 playground... PLEASE HELP.
 Open a terminal program like konsole.
 change the directory to where your files are (cd /path/to/files/).
 execute them (python my-script.py').
It now works from the command line like you said.  Shouldn't I also be able
to 'click' an icon that has been set to executable and launch the whole
process that way?

LINUX protects me from the GATES of hell !!!


main window in tkinter app

2005-07-18 Thread William Gill
A short while ago someone posted that(unlike the examples) you should 
use Tk as the base for your main window in tkinter apps, not Frame.   Thus :

   class MyMain(Frame):
   def __init__(self, master):
   self.root = master
   def createWidgets():
   root = Tk()
   app = MyMain(root)
   app.master.title(Object Editor)

would become:

class MyMain(Tk):
app = MyMain()
app.title(My App)

When I try converting to this approach I run into a problem with the 
__init__() method.  It appears to go into an infinite loop in 

If I omit __init__() I get a properly titled window, but must explicitly 
call my createWidgets method from __main__.

class MyMain(Tk):

app = MyMain()
app.title(My App)

Am I missing something?


Re: Image orientation and color information with PIL?

2005-07-18 Thread Jeff Epler
 i = Image.open(blue.jpg)
(3008, 2000)

'RGB' is the value for color jpeg images.  I believe that for blackwhite
images, i.mode is 'L' (luminosity).

If you want to determine whether an existing image is landscape or portrait,
then just compare i.size[0] (width) and i.size[1] (height).

If by determine if an image is horizontal/vertical, you want to find
the orientation data recorded by some digital cameras, you can do that
with PIL 1.1.4.  According to the release notes for 1.1.4,
+ Added experimental EXIF support for JPEG files.  To extract EXIF
  information from a JPEG file, open the file as usual, and call the
  _getexif method.  If successful, this method returns a dictionary
  mapping EXIF TIFF tags to values.  If the file does not contain EXIF
  data, the _getexif method returns None.

  The ExifTags module contains a dictionary mapping tags to tag

  This interface will most likely change in future versions.

The exif tag 274 is Orientation.  The values you'll see most often are 1
(Normal), 6 and 8 (90 and 270 degree rotations).  Orientation can also encode
180 degree rotation, as well as any of the four rotations combined with a
mirror operation.

 [k for (k,v) in ExifTags.TAGS.items() if v == 'Orientation']
 e = i._getexif()
 if e: print e[274]

I have written a standalone Python module that reads and changes the EXIF 
orientation data.  You can view it here:

It is available under the terms of the GNU GPL.

Here's another page about EXIF orientation data:


Description: PGP signature

Re: Opinions on KYLIX 3 (Delphi 4 Linux)

2005-07-18 Thread windozbloz
Jeff Epler wrote:

 I honestly don't know why anyone would spend money for a development
 environment, no matter how fancy.  I don't knowdefinitelye would develop
 software in a language that doesn't have at least one open
 It's a great way to get screwed when Borland goes under or decides
 they only want to sell a new, incompatible product.  What do you do with
 your existing product when that happens?  Re-train on a new platform,
 and re-write from scratch?
 Just say no to proprietary software.

Thanks Jeff,
Point taken!  I had given that considerable thought.  Your words 'retrain on
a new platform' struck a loud cord with me, thank you, I will definitely
reconsider.  I don't ever want to find myself locked behind 'the GATES of
hell' again! 

LINUX protects me from the GATES of hell !!!

Re: Image orientation and color information with PIL?

2005-07-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
if you mean that you want to figure out which way the image is
depending on the actual data in the image, then you'll most likely get
to do the image processing yourself, on the other hand, if you are
talking jpegs from a relatively new camera then I suppose that you
should be able to get that info by looking at the EXIF information.
AFAIK you can read exif with PIL, but not write.


Re: Image orientation and color information with PIL?

2005-07-18 Thread Jeff Epler
On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 10:55:42AM -0600, Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 How are you going to determine the orientation of an image without
 sophisticated image analysis? There is research on automatic image
 orientation detection.
 If you write it I'll use it;-)

There's research going on in this area.  Here are a few papers:
there are probably many others.

I considered implementing one of these algorithms back in 2003 or so,
but instead I bought a digital camera with an orientation sensor.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ssh popen stalling on password redirect output?

2005-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the help, this gives me a few options.  I think the best way
to do it is using the public/private key authentication.


Re: ssh popen stalling on password redirect output?

2005-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the help, this gives me a few options.  I think the best way
to do it is using the public/private key authentication.



Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Luis M. Gonzalez
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Gerhard Haering wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 09:06:21AM -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:
 I'm not familiar with this expression.  What do you mean by black horse?
  Maybe the Ferrari of pythonic frameworks (black horse on yellow
  background being the symbol of Ferrari).

 I know there are black sheep in some families, and dark horse
 candidates.  Also yellow-bellied sapsuckers.  There's a black horse
 fish in the Mississippi valley (also, quite coincidentally, of the
 sucker family).  Not entirely sure that was the intended connotation. :-)


I'm used to make those mistakes too...
This mailing list taught me more English than Python for sure.
I read the expression Dark horse contender many times, and i guess it
has some reminiscence from medieval times and the cavalry stories.
It meaning is something like the unknown that could be the new champ,
someone intriguing and mysterious who doesn't unveil its skills untill
showtime. Am I right?



Re: python certification

2005-07-18 Thread Rocco Moretti
 i want to get a small certificate or diploma in python.
 it should be online cuz i live in pakistan and wont have teast centers
 near me.
 it should be low cost as i am not rich.
 and hopefully it would be something like a a begginer certification cuz
 i am new to python.

Just print out the certificate below and paste on your wall ;)

|  |
|  |
|   Comp.Lang.Python does hereby certify that  |
|  |
|  |
|  is a bona fide Pythonista,  |
|with all rights and privileges|
| assigned thereto.|
|  |
| Presented This Day   |
|  |
| 18th of July, 2005   |
|  |
|  |

Or, you could give some indication of why you would need such a thing.
If it's for your own satisfation, use the certificate above when you're 
gone through the tutorial and have written an actual program you feel is 
useful. (That's what's of value with Python - using it to make your life 
better, not being able to fill out the correct bubbles on some multiple 
choice test.)


Re: Python scripts wont run - HELP

2005-07-18 Thread rbt
On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 17:22 +0100, John Abel wrote:
 windozbloz wrote:
 Bye Bye Billy Bob...
 Hello All,
 I'm a fairly literate windoz amateur programmer mostly in visual basic. I
 have switched to SuSE 9.2 Pro and am trying to quickly come up to speed
 with Python 2.3.4.  I can run three or four line scripts from the command
 line but have not been able to execute a script from a file.  
 I have used EMACS and JEDIT to create small test routines.  I would right
 click the file and set properties to executable.  I would then click the
 icon, the bouncy ball would do its thing then a dialog box would flash on
 the screen for a fraction of a second.  I could tell it had a progress bar
 on it but could not catch anything else on it.  Then nothing else would
 If I could execute a script the world would once again be my playground...
 You will need to include
 At the top of your script.

Or, better yet:

#!/usr/bin/env python



Re: Earthquake Forecasting Program July 11, 2005

2005-07-18 Thread Terry Reedy

Bob Officer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

[snip over 100 lines that should have been snipped before]

In particular I am interested in the EM dataset.

 There isn't any data set

 There are no formula...

 There is only EGD



 Look down to the middle of the page E.D.G.

 Listed as Cranky

I figured as much, and appreciate the info, but PLEASE learn to snip so 
people can find your meat easier.


Re: How do I send keystrokes to a console window in Windows XP?

2005-07-18 Thread GoogleGroups
Thank you, Benji.

This gives me hope, but what I really need to do is to send keystrokes
to an already existing console window.

Any help there?

(P.S. Sorry that I wasn't more specific.)


Re: Opinions on KYLIX 3 (Delphi 4 Linux)

2005-07-18 Thread Caleb Hattingh
Hi Doug

Not only was Kylix a letdown, there is talk also of it being  
discontinued.  To be fair though, it is easy to see the difficulty for  
Borland to deploy a Linux IDE of the same quality as Delphi when so much  
in different Linux distributions is variable, the widget set being a prime  
example: CLX just never caught on, amongst the myriad of more mature and  
more open toolsets.

I am assuming that you have experience with pascal, or ObjectPascal as the  
Delphi manuals call it (if not, why Kylix?).  If so, may I suggest you  
look into
a) fpc (Free Pascal Compiler, http://www.freepascal.org)
b) Lazarus (An fpc IDE, aims to be an open-source Delphi clone, supports  
multiple widget sets [Win32 native on Windows!], can't remember the URL)

Though python is probably my favourite language for general purpose  
hacking, there is a lot to be said for a native compiled language  
(sometimes speed _is_ an issue), and in particular there is a lot to be  
said for fpc:
- Something like 99% Turbo Pascal compliant
- Very nearly Delphi compliant (object-pascal)
- (IMHO) Much cleaner language than C, still natively compiled
- Supports operator overloading  inlining
- Can be used to develop python extensions
- Supports nearly effortless cross-compiling

There are some problems with Lazarus at the moment, here is the biggie:   
It creates binaries of around 5MB for a minimal app, and this is because,  
at the moment it seems like it compiles the component library into the  
executable.  This is somewhat of a problem for me but I expect this will  
change within a release or two.

Lazarus is _very_ much like Delphi, and works on Windows, Linux, and  
possibly several other platforms.


 and net for info about Borlands KYLIX 3 and have found little technical
 info about it.  Their screen shots are very impressive, similar to Visual
 Basic.  I have sent several emails to Borlands Sales and Pre-Sales
 departments.  Pre-Sales bounces and Sales won't answer.  I'm sitting here
 with money in hand ready to buy but not from a company that won't give me
 the time of day.

 Does anyone of you have experiance with KYLIX 3 and do you think I should
 consider buying it?  Thank You, I'll go oil my keyboard now.



Re: What is your favorite Python web framework?

2005-07-18 Thread Scott David Daniels
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
 I read the expression Dark horse contender many times, and i guess it
 has some reminiscence from medieval times and the cavalry stories.
 It meaning is something like the unknown that could be the new champ,
 someone intriguing and mysterious who doesn't unveil its skills untill
 showtime. Am I right?
My understanding is that it is a horse-racing phrase.  Some unprincipled
racers would dye a horse to disguise him and get better odds.  Obviously
this only works to make a horse darker.  A dark horse is an unknown
quantity -- the phrase is usually only applied to horses that show well
without the normal track record preceding that success.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: goto

2005-07-18 Thread rbt
On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 12:27 -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:
 Hayri ERDENER wrote:
  what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
 Download the goto module:
 And you can use goto to your heart's content. And to the horror of all 
 your friends/coworkers. ;)

Shouldn't that be to the horror of all your goto-snob friends.

IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
where someone else did. 

Many of the world's most profitable software companies (MS for example)
have thousands of goto statements in their code... oh the horror of it
all. Why aren't these enlightened-by-the-gods know-it-alls as profitable
as these obviously ignorant companies?


Re: Python ldap pointers for a newbie - Actually just trying to decifer the error..

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Ströder
rh0dium wrote:
 ldap_result_id = cnx.search_s(baseDN, searchScope, searchAttrs, retrieveAttrs)

You are already using the synchronous search method which indeed return
the search results.

So this should read:


 result_type, result_data = cnx.result(ldap_result_id, 0)

You don't need this if you just want to use synchronous search method.

Ciao, Michael.

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