AW: [qubes-users] how to make a docker host templatevm

2017-09-22 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
An 22. Sep. 2017, 11:47, pixel fairy schrieb:

>> heres how to make a docker host templatevm. have fun.
>> Should this be added to the qubes docs?

Definitely, can't wait to try this out.
I would even be more interested running Atomic to run containers:

Anyone tried to do so?


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Re: [qubes-users] How to recover VMs copied before reinstall?

2017-09-26 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
Hello Ron,

>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [qubes-users] How to recover VMs copied before reinstall?
> Local Time: 26 September 2017 4:58 PM
> From:
> [...] I want to access my existing ones from the previous install, not create 
> new ones. I put a lot of hours into getting them set up the way I wanted 
> them, and they contain important data I don"t want to lose. [...]

I am also building all sys- / template- and App-VMs based on the available 
templates in Qubes. As I would like to rollout Qubes for friends and maybe also 
co-workers I have documented each step when configuring/provisioning new AppVMs 
or templates.

I've written a handful scripts which will take the default qubes-templates and 
apply all updates / packe installation and post-configuration tasks without 
user interaction.
This reduces time rebuilding the system but also allows another backup policy 
where I only store the data and reinstall everything else from my scripts.

If you're interested I can forward them to you.


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[qubes-users] missing commands/options for scripting in Qubes OS (3.2)

2017-09-27 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users

while trying to script some basic tasks I found out that I am missing some 
small features in the qvm-* scripts, I have looked at the code of those script 
but it is to hard for me to understand exactly what needs to be done to chance 
Here my ideas, maybe someone with more skills is able to do so:

*** qvm-shutdown ***
should have an option like "skip-if-not-running", so that the command will not 
throw out the message "ERROR: VM already stopped"
Another options should be "skip-if-not-exist"

*** qvm-restart ***
will shutdown and restart a VM.
should also have an option like "skip-if-not-running","start-if-not-running", 
"skip-if-not-exist" and "wait".
(the usecase of those options are clear I guess :-)
I've written a script and saved it to /usr/bin which is only shutting down and 
starting a VM, but not doing any error checking, nor does it offer further 
#! /bin/bash
qvm-shutdown --force --wait $1
qvm-start $1

*** qvm-destroy ***
including options: "skip-if-not-exist" and "wait"
Will kill a running VM and remove it (basically qvm-kill and then qvm-remove)

*** qvm-check ***
should have two other options:
qvm-check shutdown 
qvm-check exists 

Another great feature would be if dom0 gets an information when a scripts has 
been finished in an AppVM if has been started via qvm-run:

currently I am forcing the user to monitor if a command has been finished:

qvm-run  'xterm -e " && '"
echo "WARNING: Only continue if the former command has been finished (terminal 
windows has been closed)"
read -p "Press Enter to continue"

Something like "--wait" would be great. I know that this might not be that 
easy, but I guess there could be a way that the AppVM communicates back to dom0.

Maybe some of this is covered in Qubes 4.x, this would also be nice to know, 
still I think it would also be great if this is available in Qubes 3.2


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Re: [qubes-users] missing commands/options for scripting in Qubes OS (3.2)

2017-09-27 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
Hello Johannes,

>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [qubes-users] missing commands/options for scripting in Qubes OS 
> (3.2)
> Local Time: September 27, 2017 1:09 PM
> From:
> I strongly second these requests - the "qvm-shutdown --skip-if-not-
> running" can in fact be found in this mailing list as an earlier
> request from myself.
> My entire qubes setup is ansible maintained and making scripting easier
> as proposed here would cut out many lines of code.

I am very interested at what kind of tasks you've automated or try to script, 
also to shae possible good approachs to do so.
I have very basic scripting skills but if done right investing time in scripts 
will most time  pay off.
Would like to see this stuff shared here or within the documentation.


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Re: [qubes-users] How to check total storage used by VM?

2017-09-28 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
Hello Jerry,

>> I need to see how much room I have on my ssd preferrably by vm.
>> Seems I created and deleted several vms but I seem to have missing
>> space I should have. Any help or add on would be appreciated.

You could run the following command in your dom0:
du -sh /var/lib/qubes/appvms/* /var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/* 

This will show the summarized space of all VM directories.
Is this what your are looking for?


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[qubes-users] Use another Window Manager (awesome) with Qubes OS

2017-09-28 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users

I've recently seen the window manager "awesome" in action which I haven't heard 
of before.I would like to give it a try on my Qubes 3.2 installation.

Has someone succesfully setup awesome under Qubes (which is basically a fedora) 
and has maybe some tips how to do so?
It seems there are two options:
1) install awesome via dnf/repositories
2) build a rpm package from the GIT sources

I've also never changed my default window manager in Qubes ...
Any guidance would be helpfull, also an information if it can be done at all.


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Re: [qubes-users] Use another Window Manager (awesome) with Qubes OS

2017-09-28 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
Hello Holger,

> I"ve been using awesome for almost 10 years and when I switched to Qubes
> half a year ago I wanted to continue using awesome, saw these instructions and
> gave i3 a try. (Which is a simple as "sudo qubes-dom0-update 
> qubes-i3-settings",
> logout, changing to i3 in the login manager and login in again.)

Thank you for the tip, I've watched some i3 videos and it looks good.
I'll give it a try. Just for info, the installation of i3 is possible via

sudo qubes-dom0-update i3 i3-settings-qubes
(not: qubes-i3-settings :-)


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Re: [qubes-users] How to check total storage used by VM?

2017-09-28 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
Hello Jerry,

> Now if I alotted in the vm itself 125gb and it shows 53gb then
> that extra space is still there or is it actually holding 125?

storage space is thin provisioned as such your App-VMs will grow over time.
You can check the available space with

df -h

Please keep in mind that you have several layers:

Physical Harddrive / SSD
LUKS Encryption

LVM consists of:
LVM PV Physical Volumes (command: pvdisplay)
LVM VG Volume Groups (command: vgdisplay)
LVM LV Logical Volumes (command: lvdisplay)

This offers lots of flexibility but also raises complexity.
You could have only 10 GB physical free space on you drive, while a virtual 
machine with a thin provisioned drive could fool you that there is plenty free 
space available.


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[qubes-users] Mobile broadband-not enabled

2017-10-01 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users
Hello Beso,

> Mobile Broadband is enabled in
> NetworkManager Applet.
> I can create new Mobile Broadband
> connection but it keeps connecting
> and nothing else

I am using mobile broadband within Qubes and am happy to help, but honestly 
your question/problem is to unqualified.

- what version of Qubes are you running?
- what modell of mobile broadband card are you using?
- how is the broadband card connected? Probably as an internal USB device.
- are you using sys-usb to connect the card to your sys-net VM? Or are you 
passing through the whole USB controller?
- have you tried to boot up a Fedora live Linux and check if your mobile 
broadband is working there?
- what does "keeps connecting" means?

My suggestion:
Try to get the mobile broadband card working without Qubes (Linux Live Boot 
from USB-Stick).
If you got it working try to make it work in Qubes.


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AW: [qubes-users] Windows 7 VM on Qubes $

2017-10-03 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users

>> What is the current status with
>> regards to Windows 7 and Qubes 4?

I would also like to know what are the plans for windows 7 (or maybe even 10) 
support on Qubes 4.

Working on a *nix only system will not work for all users as lots of Enterprise 
application are windows based (in our case: the ERP/CRM) and of course 
Outlook/Exchange is the app I spent most of my time.

So the question:
can we see a robust implementation of Windows in Qubes 4 (production release) 
including seamless mode?


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[qubes-users] Help finetuning i3status in Qubes dom0

2017-10-03 Thread 'One7two99' via qubes-users

after switching to i3vm in Qubes 3.2 as primary window manager I'm working on 
tweaking it to my needs.
I've learned that Qubes is adding a small script to generate the status bar in 

I'd like to add the total consumed RAM in the status bar, but my scripting is 
not good enough to make it work, can someone give me a hint?
My current approach:
1) get the used RAM for each AppVM from running 'xl list' in dom0
[USER@dom0 ~]$ xl list
NameID   Mem VCPUs State Time(s)
dom0 0  4061 4 r- 902.7
sys-net  1   297 2 -b  61.1
sys-firewall 2  1424 2 -b  74.3
sys-usb  3  1023 2 -b  54.3
win7 4  4095 2 -b 298.9
win7-dm  544 1 -b  92.2
untrusted6  3999 2 -b 492.9

2) Extracted only the column which includes the RAM with
[USER@dom0 ~]$ xl list | awk '{print $3}'
QUESTION: How can I remove the first line?

3) If I get rid of the first line, I could add everything up.
Looking here:
the command to do so would be:
[USER@dom0 ~]$ xl list | awk '{print $3}' | paste -s -d+ -
which will create:

4) passing this to bc should give me the total RAM:
[USER@dom0 ~]$ xl list | awk '{print $3}' | paste -s -d+ - | bc

If someone is interested in additional tweaks to i3status:
I've added some changes to this file to format date and time and more important 
to get better battery metrics as I like to keep an eye on the current discharge 
rate to learn how system load is impacting battery runtime.
This is also usefull to learn how optimizations like tlp will influence battery 
runtime etc.
status_bat() {
local my_bat=/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0
local bat_rate=$(bc <<< "scale=1;`cat $my_bat/current_now`*`cat 
local bat=$((100*`cat $my_bat/charge_now`/`cat $my_bat/charge_full_design`))
local ac=''
local color=''
if [[ $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/AC/online) == '1' ]]; then
ac=' AC'
elif ((bat < 25)); then
color='#ff' # red
elif ((bat < 50)); then
   color='#ff6600' #was #00 = yellow before
json bat "Bat: $bat_rate $bat%$ac" "$color"


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[qubes-users] i3: Help auto-moving Qubes Manager to another Workspace (assign [class=...)

2017-10-03 Thread &#x27;One7two99&#x27; via qubes-users

I'm trying to move my Qubes Manager automatically to workspace 10 in i3.
I've added the following lines in my ~/.config/i3/config
assign [class="win7"] $workspace3
which will move my windows HVM after starting it to my workspace3.

I've tried to use the same method to move Qubes Manager:
assign [class="qubes-manager"] $workspace3

But it doesn't work, Qubes Manager will always stay on the current workspace I 
am using or on workspace 1 after login.

I've used xprop and clicked on the Qubes Manager windows (not the outer window 
border) and got the following information:
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "qubes-manager", "Qubes-manager"

Why are other windows moved to a workspace with the assign setting in i3,  but 
not the qubes-manager window?

in total:
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Qubes VM Manager"
WM_CLIENT_LEADER(WINDOW): window id # 0x1e6
_MOTIF_WM_HINTS(_MOTIF_WM_HINTS) = 0x3, 0x3c, 0x7a, 0x0, 0x0
WM_NAME(STRING) = "Qubes VM Manager"
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "qubes-manager", "Qubes-manager"
Client accepts input or input focus: True
Initial state is Normal State.
bitmap id # to use for icon: 0x1e00012
window id # of group leader: 0x1e6
user specified location: -67, 610
program specified location: -67, 610
user specified size: 985 by 521
program specified size: 985 by 521
program specified minimum size: 885 by 521
program specified maximum size: 885 by 521
window gravity: NorthWest
WM_COMMAND(STRING) = { "/usr/bin/qubes-manager" }


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Re: [qubes-users] Help finetuning i3status in Qubes dom0 [solved]

2017-10-03 Thread &#x27;One7two99&#x27; via qubes-users
Hello Ilpo,

amazing, thank you for the quick tip!
I was able to get exactly what I was looking for (see attached screenshot)

I can now get my summarized RAM usage via:
[USER@dom0 ~] xl list | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2 | paste -s -d+ - | bc

as such I have edited my /usr/bin/qubes-i3status to add the RAM usage to my 
status bar near the "running qubes section"

status_qubes() {
# Output in Status bar, ex: 6 Qubes using 15.050 MB RAM
local sum_ram="("$(xl list | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2 | paste -s -d+ 
local sum_ram=$(bc <<< "scale=3;$sum_ram")"MB"
local qubes=$(qvm-ls 2>/dev/null | grep ' \* ' | wc -l)
json qubes "$qubes Qubes using $sum_ram RAM"

or if you want to have the output as with "15.0G" instead of "15.050MB":

status_qubes() {
# Output in Status bar, ex: 6 Qubes using 15.0G RAM
local sum_ram="("$(xl list | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2 | paste -s -d+ 
local sum_ram=$(bc <<< "scale=1;$sum_ram")"G"
local qubes=$(qvm-ls 2>/dev/null | grep ' \* ' | wc -l)
json qubes "$qubes Qubes using $sum_ram RAM"

Maybe someone more skilled can write a subroutine in qubes-i3status so that it 
can be enabled or disabled by the user like with all other party in the main() 


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Re: [qubes-users] i3: Help auto-moving Qubes Manager to another Workspace (SOLVED)

2017-10-04 Thread &#x27;One7two99&#x27; via qubes-users

after a lot of trial and error I found out that the following line in 
~/.config/i3/config will auto-move the Qubes Manager window to another 
assign [class="Qubes-manager"] $workspace10

Using the 2nd value from the WM_CLASS(STRING) which I got using xprop and 
clicking into the qubes window did the trick.

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "qubes-manager", "Qubes-manager"

Strange behaviour:
The Qubes window will only automove to the workspace when it is opened via 
right click on the Qubes Manager icon and the choosing "Open VM Manager". If 
you double left click on the icon it will open in you workspace which is 
currently active.
I've checked the WM_CLASS(STRING) with xprop but it is exactly the same like 
when open the window via right click and "Open VM Manager".


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[qubes-users] Win 7 HVM in seamless mode will run fullscreen in i3wm

2017-10-05 Thread &#x27;One7two99&#x27; via qubes-users

I would like to use my Win 7 HVM with i3wm in seamless mode.
After making sure that seamless mode is working without any problems under the 
xfce window manager in Qubes 3.2 i triet to run the same Win 7 HVM in i3wm.

Unfortunately the Win 7 AppVM will always run in fullscreen mode.
If I disable seamless mode and start up the VM in Debug mode, I get two win7 
windows, one is the black startupwindow and the 2nd one the real desktop.

If I disable debug mode and enable seamless mode, the first windows which will 
some up when starting the win7 appvm will be gone but the main win7 windows 
will still stay on top.

1) Is it possible to use Win 7 in seamless mode when using i3wm
2) if yes, how can I make it work or where to look for a root cause?


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AW: [qubes-users] Reasonably secure laptop with touchscreen and enough ram for dictation in Windows App-VM?

2017-10-07 Thread &#x27;One7two99&#x27; via qubes-users

>> These are my questions

>> 1) Is there anything except for the AMT/vPro
>> aspect of the hardware security that I might
>> have overlooked that is critical when
>> evaluating the Lenovo Yogas safety?

If talking about hardware security I would suggest looking into a device which 
can run coreboot.

>> 2) Should one in general be sceptic towards
>> Lenovo even when they are using hardware
>> from other manufacturers?

The good thing with Lenovo/Thinkpad is that lots of devices have a good Linux 
And you get 'older' devices which run smoothly under Qubes after adding a SSD 
and more RAM.
You can also get dockingstations very cheaply.
I'm using Thinkpads since years and would definitely recommend it.

>> 3) are there a Qubes user out there who are
>> already using a laptop with touch screen and
>> enough ram, running Qubes? What laptop
>> model are you using and would you
>> recommend it?

Honestly I haven't seen any user using touchscreen with Qubes.
Just out of interest what is the use case for touch?
Regarding recommendation:
You haven't said which display size you need.

Leaving touch functionality out, I would recommend a x230 with 16 GB RAM, LTE, 
SSD and fresh battery -> 10-11h battery runtime.


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AW: Re: [qubes-users] Reasonably secure laptop with touchscreen and enough ram for dictation in Windows App-VM?

2017-10-08 Thread &#x27;One7two99&#x27; via qubes-users
Hello Taiidan,

>> There isn't any reason to buy purism's faux
>> libre laptops instead of say
>> a Lenovo G505S ...

I don't understand why this topic is often discussed to emotionally.
As far as I know the G505s is a big laptop (15inch?) which seems also located 
at the entry class (compared to the "Thinkpad class").
Don't get me wrong I think most "older" are perfectly fine, that why I am 
suggesting looking at a x230 or similar.
A good thing with Purism Laptop line is, that it shows that there is a market 
for laptops that seem to look like they are more "free" than others - if the 
company fools people here, you are right this is bad - but this is also a 
chance for others to make it better.
More competition is always good :-)

And maybe some users just want to buy a new "shiny" machine and not a 4y old 
Maybe even for the "strange" reason that it just looks more sexy or that they 
need certain interfaces, a specific display resolution ... Whatever.
Looking at my company it would not be possible to buy a used machine without 
hardware replacement as all laptop are covered with on-site service.
That's why I'm using the X230 as BYOD device.

>> which is actually owner controlled (open
>> source hw init coreboot), supports qubes
>> 4.0 and doesn't have a black box supervisor
>> processor (ME/PSP)

If I understand you correctly you're saying that the blob which contains Intel 
AMT/ME is not modified in Purisms laptop line?
As far as I know it is possible (at least for the laptop I am using an also 
others) to use ME_cleaner which will cripple the AMT Blob so that the risk that 
anything bad is running there is reduced.

Take a look at this post:

"(...) Of those 23 modules, 21 modules are completely removed from the ME 
partition, and we leave only 2 modules: ROMP and BUP. The ROMP module is a “ROM 
bypass” module which is used to bypass the ROM initialization code and it’s 
less than 1KB of code, used to load the BUP module and execute it. The BUP 
module is a 116KB module which is used to initialize the ME hardware. (...)"

So this would still be a (bit more) reasonable secure laptop.


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