[Radiant] Radiant 1.0.0.RC2 uninitialized constant Hobo::User

2011-06-10 Thread Bob Sleys
Starting out to use Radiant 1.0.0.RC2 on a new site. Used Radiant for many years and love it. I created a new empty site. All was good click the 'New Homepage' button on the content tap to create my homepage. I get the following error. ArgumentError in Admin/pagesController#new interning em

[Radiant] Re: Radiant 1.0.0.RC2 uninitialized constant Hobo::User

2011-06-10 Thread Bob Sleys
sorry about the subject I guess I had something else I was working on in my clipboard and didn't notice till now. Ignore that the rest of the post is accurate.

Re: [Radiant] Radiant 1.0.0.RC2 uninitialized constant Hobo::User

2011-06-11 Thread Bob Sleys
I just did a clean install on another box, clean install without any gems etc, and it worked fine creating the default stylized site. Even using one of the default sites had errors on my dev box. So now I'm thinking there is some conflict with gems I have installed so I'm going to switch over

[Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-20 Thread Bob Sleys
Does radiant-reorder-extension work with radiant 1.0.0.rc? 1.0.0.rc has lots of nice new stuff included by default. Reordering the pages to make it easy to automatically create properly sorted menus is about the only thing missing that IMHO is a must have. So I'm looking for something that work

Re: [Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-20 Thread Bob Sleys
The problem with the r:navigation is you need to pass the pages you want added manually OR loop though them all via other tags like the children tags but then you need some way to order them. IE the idea here is to setup the menu to be automatically created from the listing of pages without hav

Re: [Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-20 Thread Bob Sleys
Thanks for the reply but I do find a couple of points interesting. First you rail against using the tree structure of the pages to generate menus and then point out that copy/reording is needed. To the first point the entire tree structure doesn't feed into the menu. It's easy to check for a p

Re: [Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-21 Thread Bob Sleys
Thanks, I'll give those a try. The navagation_tags looks very nice, though I think I'll have to tweak it to add an option to ignore certain pages. Say if the page has a page part of no-nav ignore it and it's children. But otherwise it looks to be exactly what I end up building via 2 snippets

[Radiant] errors with clean install of radiant 1.0.0.RC2

2011-06-21 Thread Bob Sleys
I've installed radiant 1.0.0.rc2 into a clean RVM setup with an empty gemset running ruby 1.8.7. Installing radaint (gem install radiant --prerelease) yielded the following installed gems *** LOCAL GEMS *** activemodel (3.0.9) activerecord (3.0.9) activesupport (3.0.9) acts_as_list (0.1.3) are

Re: [Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-21 Thread Bob Sleys
Very nice. I took a quick look through the code and missed that. Thanks Bob

Re: [Radiant] errors with clean install of radiant 1.0.0.RC2

2011-06-21 Thread Bob Sleys
Thanks guys adding the require statements fixed it for now. Bob

Re: [Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-21 Thread Bob Sleys
getting an error running the migration for the reorder_children extension. rake radiant:extensions:reorder_children:migrate --trace (in /home/bsleys/projects/ooo-web) ** Invoke radiant:extensions:reorder_children:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment Could

Re: [Radiant] Page Reordering

2011-06-21 Thread Bob Sleys
not a problem. works great now. One thing I did notice is when reordering from the root page there is a page listed as css that isn't part of the normal tree view. I guess it's a hidden page that normally gets filtered out on the page tree view. Not a big deal IMHO. Both extensions work perf

[Radiant] Error adding a new page in fresh install 1.0.0.RC2

2011-06-29 Thread Bob Sleys
I'm getting the following error when trying to add a new page. Processing Admin::PagesController#new (for at 2011-06-29 16:59:21) [GET] Parameters: {"page_class"=>"Page", "page_id"=>"1", "action"=>"new", "controller"=>"admin/pages"} ArgumentError (interning empty string): /hom

[Radiant] Re: Error adding a new page in fresh install 1.0.0.RC2

2011-06-29 Thread Bob Sleys
found a solution. I needed to set the default Page Status in the settings.

[Radiant] Error with Paperclip 2.3.12

2011-06-30 Thread Bob Sleys
Just a note I get the following error with the gem paperclip 2.3.12 installed if I remove it and install 2.3.11 it goes away. rake production db:bootstrap (in /home/uticaitc/railapps/demo) FFmpeg version 0.6.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers built on Dec 4 2010 15:35:31 with gcc

[Radiant] use compass w/ 1.0.0.RC

2011-07-01 Thread Bob Sleys
Since Radiant now includes compass for it's own use how can it be used to setup the site? I tried including a compass plugin in a .scss file and including that stylesheet into the layout but that didn't work, no include happened. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious.

Re: [Radiant] use compass w/ 1.0.0.RC

2011-07-01 Thread Bob Sleys
I guess my little test didn't go far enough to see it work How do you import one sass style sheet into antoher IE. is is possible to do something like this? // In this file you should write your main styles or centralize your imports // Automatically imports compass/CSS3 and compass/Utilities /

Re: [Radiant] use compass w/ 1.0.0.RC

2011-07-01 Thread Bob Sleys
You bring up another point I'm confused on. It's a been a while since I've done a site and used sass so this scss is new to me. I just checked the sass website and see scss in the new syntax and ya I agree it looks to be a step backward to me at least at first glance. So now the question is does

Re: [Radiant] use compass w/ 1.0.0.RC

2011-07-01 Thread Bob Sleys
I'm only seeing none and Sass. If I look at the filter help for sass it hints at working with bosh sass and scss and it appears that if I name the file without an extension it's being interpreted as sass. At the bottom of the help file it talks about partials by naming them to begin with an _

[Radiant] Re: How to unsubscribe from this mailing list

2011-07-01 Thread Bob Sleys
Goto the google groups site and open the group up and you'll have a My Memberships link up top. You can change your mail setting for the group there. Bob

[Radiant] Re: Can't access anything other than the home page

2011-07-02 Thread Bob Sleys
I've seen this on site5 and I'm sure its the same on other hosts if you use an .htaccess in the root of your publid_html dir to point down to a sub dir where you have radiant installed. here is the pertinent section of the site5 deploy instructions, it might help Deploy main domain to subdirec

[Radiant] Re: Third-party hosting for Radiant 0.9.1

2011-07-14 Thread Bob Sleys
I've been using site5 with radiant and it's worked quite nicely. I should probably make an effort to bring the wiki doc up to date on how to setup radiant on site5. It's not that difficult. Bob

[Radiant] Re: Radiant and Rails 3

2011-08-07 Thread Bob Sleys
I know everyone like to use the latest and greatest versions of software and all but IMHO I don't think its a good idea to limit an evaluation of CMS to specific build versions of ruby or rails. Instead it would be far better to make sure they are being actively developed and have a good solid

Re: [Radiant] Having issues getting RadiantCMS to run for the first time

2011-08-07 Thread Bob Sleys
Also as an aside you don't need to install rails into the gems you are running radiant from. Radiant includes it's own version of rails and won't use the installed one. Bob

[Radiant] Re: migrating radiant installation from one server to another

2011-08-29 Thread Bob Sleys
I'd just export the DB from the old server and import it into the new server. Then copy the radiant install dir over to the new server. You might need to make a few tweaks to some of the settings but it really shouldn't be any more difficult that setting up radiant the first time on the old s

[Radiant] Re: How to get Radiant installed

2011-09-11 Thread Bob Sleys
I've run across that before with other setups and it has nothing to do with radiant. So good news it's not a radiant problem, bad news is that doesn't solve your problem. As for RVM I strongly suggest using it on a development machine.. The last time I set it up I took some notes on the proce