Review Board Bitnami stack blog post

2012-04-01 Thread Jim Priest
I'm doing a presentation of Review Board at an upcoming development 
conference and was tinkering around with Review Board on Bitnami.

The installation process was very easy - hopefully this will open the door 
to more Review Board users who were intimidated by installation.

I blogged about it here:


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Re: Blog Post on Review Board

2010-02-18 Thread Jim Priest
On Feb 16, 4:53 pm, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> Thanks! Good post :) Added to the blog post list on the website.

You still need to add my blog post :)

I actually need post a followup to that as we've actually started
using RB now on our team...


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Re: About Installation of ReviewBoard

2009-12-09 Thread Jim Priest
On Dec 9, 6:59 am, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> This sounds like a pretty locked-down system. Are you just looking to play
> around with Review Board, or are you hoping to run a full, working
> installation on that system? If you're looking to just play around, it might
> be worth setting up a Virtual Machine on your own computer running Ubuntu

I've blogged about setting up Review Board in VirtualBox here

I'm running that on a older desktop and currently have a few people
using it.   As Christian said - if you don't have root access you
aren't going to get very far.  :(


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stuck on searching

2009-12-08 Thread Jim Priest
I believe I have setup JCC and pylucene correctly - I built from
scratch and after I figured out I needed to manually tweak the files
for both - things went smoothly.

My setup:
  * ReviewBoard 1.0
  * VirtualBox: 2.2.4
  * Guest OS: Ubuntu 8.10 Server
  * Python: 2.5
  * MySQL:  5.x
  * Web Server: Apache2

I downloaded PyLucene 2.9.1-1.

I enabled search in the Administrator and then figured out the search
index directory. I manually
ran an index:  rb-site manage /path/to/site index -- --full

and it appears that something was created :)  so I'm assuming that is

But if I search for something - it just hangs forever and the site
eventually becomes unresponsive and I have to restart Apache.

Any ideas where to look?


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link for press page

2009-12-07 Thread Jim Priest
This may be worthy of the Press/Links page:

Review Board: Code Reviews Made Easy (Installation)

Finally rolling this out to our team during our down time over the holidays!

Jim Priest -
Triangle Area ColdFusion User Group -
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. ~ Frank Zappa

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Re: How to confiure EMAILS for Reviews

2009-12-01 Thread Jim Priest
On Nov 6, 9:40 am, zinou  wrote:
> Hello,
> i've installed reviewboard 1.0.5 and i configuredsmtpserver
> correctly and checked "Send e-mails for review requests and reviews",
> the problem is when i post a new reveiew or comment, i got an error
> due to enability to send emails to reviewers, i know this because i

I ran into this same email (using our Exchange server as the SMTP

On the mail settings page it asks for server, port, username and
password.  I had entered my username and password there and had the
same behaviour you do - error messages would go out but I'd get 500
error messages.

Taking my username/password out of the mail settings seems to have
fixed things for me.


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permission issue - new users

2009-11-13 Thread Jim Priest

If I manually add a user  - they can't login.

If I turn on manual registration and enter the users information the
login works?

Any idea what I could be missing??


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RBTools questions

2009-10-01 Thread Jim Priest

So I've got Reviewboard up and running on a VM (Virtualbox) on a test
server in my cube and finally have some time to give it a proper

I've finally gotten around to RTFM and was intrigued by the section
about submitting reviews and using "post-review".   This appears to be
part of RBTools but I can't really find any install docs for that.

I want to run this on my workstation to easily submit reviews to the
remote Reviewboard server.  Is that the intended usage?   What do I
need to install on my workstation to use RBTools?  Just Python?


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Re: Review Board 1.0.3 released

2009-09-17 Thread Jim Priest

On Sep 16, 8:38 pm, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> The new 1.0.3 release should address these problems. If you've been bitten
> by 1.0.2 (our deepest apologies), please give this release a try and let us
> know how it works.

1.0.3 seems to working here - no more 500 errors!

The CSS in parts of the admin section seem a bit off. I have some
colors but not all formatting is in place.  I'm not 100% positive but
it seems some pages are missing a link to "/reviewboard/media/admin/
css/base.css" ??


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Re: problems running rb 1.0 in an apache subdir

2009-07-20 Thread Jim Priest

Yes. I blogged about it here:

I'm a bit stuck now however because the diff tool doesn't support
ColdFusion so reviews work but the diff view is a bit off.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Paolo Borelli wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, does anyone on this list successfully use a RB
> install deployed in a subdir like ?
> Should I just give up and use a subdomain?
> Paolo
> Il giorno mer, 15/07/2009 alle 23.06 +0200, Paolo Borelli ha scritto:
>> Il giorno mer, 15/07/2009 alle 13.39 -0700, Christian Hammond ha
>> scritto:
>> > Hmm, I'm not aware of anything changing between RC2 and 1.0 that would
>> > affect this. Did you by any chance upgrade Django in the process? Or
>> > anything else?
>> >
>> I think a bunch of ubuntu package updates (including python and apache)
>> could have been installed since I last looked, but django was installed
>> with rb not using a distro package.
>> > Also, just to make sure, did you run rb-site upgrade /path/to/site?
>> >
>> Yes, I did.
>> Paolo
>> > Christian
>> >
>> > --
>> > Christian Hammond -
>> > Review Board -
>> > VMware, Inc. -
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Paolo Borelli
>> >  wrote:
>> >
>> >         Hi,
>> >
>> >                I am trying to install reviewboard so that pages get
>> >         served from
>> >         something like
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >         And when I installed rc2 some time ago it was working
>> >         correctly.
>> >
>> >         Today I upgraded to 1.0 after the machine running rb was
>> >         brought back up
>> >         (it was down for some days) and rb does not work anymore: rb
>> >         is up, but
>> >         I get the following message
>> >
>> >         "If you're pretty sure this page does exist, try logging in
>> >         and trying
>> >         again."
>> >
>> >         If you click on "logging in" you are directed to
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >         (note the double 'reviews')
>> >
>> >         As far as I know nothing else changed on the machine.
>> >
>> >         Do you have any suggestion on how to achieve that and on why
>> >         this
>> >         stopped working after the upgrade?
>> >
>> >         here is the relevant apache config I am using:
>> >
>> >         
>> >         ...
>> >                # ReviewBoard customization
>> >
>> >                # Serve django pages
>> >                
>> >                        PythonPath "['/var/www/reviews/conf'] +
>> >         sys.path"
>> >                        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
>> >         reviewboard.settings
>> >                        SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE
>> >         "/var/www/reviews/tmp/egg_cache"
>> >                        SetHandler mod_python
>> >                        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>> >                        PythonAutoReload Off
>> >                        PythonDebug Off
>> >                        # Used to run multiple mod_python sites in the
>> >         same apache
>> >                        PythonInterpreter reviewboard_reviewboard
>> >                
>> >
>> >                # Serve static media without running it through
>> >         mod_python
>> >                # (overrides the above)
>> >                
>> >                        SetHandler None
>> >                
>> >                
>> >                        SetHandler None
>> >                
>> >
>> >                
>> >                        AllowOverride All
>> >                
>> >
>> >                # Alias static media requests to filesystem
>> >                Alias /reviews/media "/var/www/reviews/htdocs/media"
>> >                Alias /reviews/errordocs
>> >         "/var/www/reviews/htdocs/errordocs"
>> >         ...
>> >         
>> >
>> >
>> >         and in I have
>> >
>> >         SITE_ROOT = '/reviews/'
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >         Thanks
>> >
>> >                Paolo
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > >
> >

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Re: Diff viewer syntax highlighting for ColdFusion

2009-07-10 Thread Jim Priest

On Jun 29, 5:42 pm, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> Right now, you'd have to hand-modify Pygments (the syntax highlighter
> library we use) or part of Review Board to force a particular syntax
> highlighter. In 1.1, I'm hoping to provide a setting for forcing
> highlighters for file types.
> It's probably best to file a bug report with the Pygments guys and ask them
> about plans for ColdFusion syntax highlighters.

Eric - did you contact the Pygments team?  I'm using ColdFusion as
well and would like to get this fixed.

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Re: Server Error when Submitting new request ONLY if there are SVN Repositories

2009-07-06 Thread Jim Priest

I got the RB docs page up via the Google cache... I skipped the SVN
part (oops)

So I need "python-svn" on Ubuntu.

Do I also need SVN installed on the same box??  I have a SVN server
elsewhere with our code base...

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Re: Server Error when Submitting new request ONLY if there are SVN Repositories

2009-07-06 Thread Jim Priest

On Jul 3, 12:41 pm, Elif Tymes  wrote:
> Awesome! Thanks! Turns out it was the PySVN module. I had failed to
> include it in the python site-includes directory. Doh :(

Can you clarify what you did exactly? I've got the same issue.

The RB site seems down at the moment and I can't hit the docs to see
if I missed something.

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Re: stuck with install/config

2009-07-04 Thread Jim Priest

On Jul 1, 6:01 pm, Christian Hammond  wrote:
> As for the configuration, as Jeff Andros said, you probably need to shut off
> the default site and then use this. If that turns out not to be the problem,
> then we can investigate further. Though, it would help to know exactly what
> is meant by "nothing happens."

I finally got this working after several stabs at it... I've blogged
about it here:

Had several issues with combos of VM and OS, getting cmemcache
installed and a few issues with Apache configs.

Everything seems to be working so next week at work I'll start digging
into the config and setup a few users so we can start tinkering.

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Re: stuck with install/config

2009-07-01 Thread Jim Priest

I'm going back through everything this AM - the only thing I can't
find is this reference in my reviewboard.conf

SetEvn DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE reviewboard.settings

I've seen that settings file mentioned on other posts - where does
that file live??

I guess at this point I'm going to just start over and try again from
scratch and see what happens.


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Re: stuck with install/config

2009-07-01 Thread Jim Priest

Anyone have any ideas??

On Jun 30, 10:33 am, Jim Priest  wrote:
> Any ideas? I've never messed with Python so not quite sure how best to
> troubleshoot.
> I was reading through some of the older emails on the list and I don't
> seem to have a file either.  Though when I run through the
> site creation script it seems to complete OK.
> Jim
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stuck with install/config

2009-06-30 Thread Jim Priest

I've scrapped my previous attempt at setting up ReviewBoard on Windows
and now have an Ubuntu 8.10 server setup in VirtualBox.

Got all the dependencies installed I believe with no errors.

I setup a 'reviewboard' site and have /var/www/reviewboard setup.
Apache is starting with no errors using my reviewboard.conf file.

But when I try to hit http://reviewboard (I setup an entry in my hosts
file to point to nothing happens. No error. No site...

Any ideas? I've never messed with Python so not quite sure how best to

I was reading through some of the older emails on the list and I don't
seem to have a file either.  Though when I run through the
site creation script it seems to complete OK.


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cmemcache instructions

2009-06-30 Thread Jim Priest

I'm running through the Linux install instructions and got hung up on

The instructions mention running make/make install, etc.   This no
longer appears to be the case.

You now run 'python install'

I found this to be a useful site:

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Re: "Distribution not found" error when installing on XP

2009-06-27 Thread Jim Priest

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Kerry Sainsbury wrote:
> I just put PIL-1.1.6.win32-py2.5.exe on this random file sharing site:

Thanks!  I'll give that a shot tomorrow!!

> PS: I actually gave up on Windows and installed reviewboard on linux inside
> a virtual machine -- it was much easier!

Yeah - if this doesn't work - I'll go that route.  The machine I'm
using isn't very powerful but hopefully it'll be good enough for 4-5
people on my team to try it out.


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Re: "Distribution not found" error when installing on XP

2009-06-27 Thread Jim Priest

Anyone have any suggestions/workarounds for this issue?   Does anyone
have a copy of the Pythonware files??

Was hoping to install Review Board over the weekend...


On Jun 26, 6:16 pm, Jim Priest  wrote:
> I'm stuck at this same error and the Pythonware site is not up:
> Bad Gateway
> The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
> Is there anywhere else I can get this file??
> Thanks!
> Jim
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Re: "Distribution not found" error when installing on XP

2009-06-26 Thread Jim Priest

I'm stuck at this same error and the Pythonware site is not up:

Bad Gateway
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

Is there anywhere else I can get this file??


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