[rt-users] CustomField Mandatory on Ticket Creation

2016-04-11 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

I’m trying to prevent customers to create tickets from mail. We have web
form which when filled contains every information we need. Then data
from form is extracted and put into custom fields.

I tried MandatoryOnTransaction
) with condition * -> new but this isn’t working – mails with just body
text can be registered as ticket.

Then I tried  OnCreateCheckCF
(http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/OnCreateCheckCF ) and it kind of
worked in first place – I get message that ticket is rejected due to 
not used form, but then when using web form, I get same message even
that cusotm fields ware filled in ticket.

I guess that OnCreateCheckCF i an old code for 3.8.4 and I’m using 4.2.3
on this instance.

Any help of achiving „Mandatory CF on creation from mail”?

Oh, and here is error log when OnCreateCheckCF is triggered:

[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [info]: Ticket 2048 created in queue
'Klient' by bmaciejewski (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Ticket.pm:548)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "(?#Mandatory)"
isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "\x{28}\x{3f}..."
isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "\x{28}\x{3f}..."
isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
$val in string ne at (eval 589) line 16. ((eval 589):16)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
$val in string ne at (eval 589) line 16. ((eval 589):16)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
$val in string ne at (eval 589) line 16. ((eval 589):16)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
$val in string ne at (eval 589) line 16. ((eval 589):16)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
$val in string ne at (eval 589) line 16. ((eval 589):16)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [warning]: Argument "" isn't numeric
in numeric eq (==) at (eval 589) line 14. ((eval 589):14)
[22704] [Fri Apr  8 06:51:59 2016] [info]:
 #2048/57890 - Scrip
29 OnCreateCheckCF (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:284)

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

[rt-users] Problem with proper encoding data from LDAP (Windows AD)

2015-05-26 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
After upgrade from 4.0.10 to 4.2.11 , returning users autenticated via
LDAP (with ExternalAuth plugin), now have wrong polish characters in
their names, oragnization etc.

I turned debug options and see something like this:

[27516] [Tue May 26 10:58:01 2015] [debug]: UPDATED user mkolbe: User
mkolbe: City changed from 'Ostróda' to 'Ostróda'
[27516] [Tue May 26 10:58:01 2015] [debug]: UPDATED user mkolbe: User
mkolbe: Organization changed from 'Dział IT' to 'DziaÅ� IT'

Then RT allow user to login but corrected data by hand is overwritten by
data from Windows AD with wrong characters.

Any hints for solving this?

[rt-users] Problem with RT::Extension::RepeatTicket after upgrade.

2015-05-21 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
Hi list,

I upgraded RT from 4.0.10 to 4.2.11 . Update went smooth but tickets
suposed to be recuring , didn't show up.

When starting plugin from hand I get this info only, no errors or
warnings. What may be a problem, and how to fix this?

[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 27248
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52327
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52320
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 27388
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52328
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52332
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 27250
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52334
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52319
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52317
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52321
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52323
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52324
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52329
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 47654
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [info]: Repeating ticket 52326
[577] [Thu May 21 11:06:58 2015] [notice]: Passed a unix time less than
0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/usr/lib/RT/Date.pm:563)

[rt-users] How to attach attachment (file) to outgoing mail?

2015-05-14 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
Hi list,

I have problem with sending attachments when replying from RT, and
sending attachments from scrip.

I have two questions here:

1. Is it possible when replaying to initial mail that created ticket to
attach all attachments that came with it?

2. How I can choose in scrip First/Last/All attachments to be attached
to outgoing mail when condition is valid?

I'm using latest 4.2.11 with HTML Templates.

Also, when replying to message that have pasted screenshot (inline
image?), I can see it in RT editor, and it is shown in mail received in
Thunderbird, but when received in Outlook, there is only icon with red X
instead of actual immage. Is it known bug or limitation with Outlook or
something can be tweaked for Outlook to show correct images?

Thank You for any hints, because I spent two days searching for solution
and found nothing that can lead me even one step closer to solution.

[rt-users] Change queue only

2015-01-30 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
Is there a way to only change queue but not see it in summary? Example:
User have rights only to this queues that was assigned to, lets say A,
B, C. Sometimes ticket arrives that should be in queue D or E, but is
registered in A or B or C. To not confuse user ideal solution will be
that user in QuickSearch and "10 tickets without owner" still can see
only queue A,B or C, but in tickets details in thise queues can choose
from dropdown menu also queue D or E as well as A,B or C. Is this
achivable? RT is 4.0.10.

[rt-users] Find tickets that are owned by requestors.

2014-08-13 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski


We are using scrip that auto change owner of the ticket to the person
that first respond to unowned ticket. This prevents resolved tickets by
NoBody user.


However from time to time, Requestor want to add something to the ticket
that was created minute ago. In this case Requestor is Owner of its own
ticket and ticket is not visible to Staff anymore.


My question is how I can search tickets with condition like Owner =

RT Training - Boston, September 9-10

Re: [rt-users] Change Owner in QuickCreate / QuickTicket to dropdown list of Users based on Queue

2014-04-09 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

W dniu 2014-04-09 11:44, Emmanuel Lacour pisze:

The problem is that in Create.html, the queue is already known so we can
list owners only for this queue. In Quickcreate, the queue is selected
at the same time, so you need to use some ajax query to update the owner
dropdown. Here is a hint for this:


any patch for a recent RT is welcome ;)

Ok, I will try something based on this: 

The"Add custom fields to portlet" paragraph contains some Ajax tricks to 
show CustomFields based on selcted Queue. However I'm not 
Ajax/JavaScript programmer ;)

RT Training - Dallas May 20-21

[rt-users] Change Owner in QuickCreate / QuickTicket to dropdown list of Users based on Queue

2014-04-09 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
Hello, I want to change field from only Me and Nobody to full list of 
Users which have rights to Queue.

So far I managed to change this code on QuickCreate Element:



To this:

/Elements/SelectOwner, Name => 'Owner' &>

And it works, but gives me list of all users. Putting 
SelectOwnerDropdown instead of SelectOwner narrows selection only to Me 
and Nobody again.

Can this be done like in Ticket/Create.html - list of users only granted 
rights to specific Queue? What I can see in Create.html it is handled 
other way - like using EditBasisc element?

RT Training - Dallas May 20-21

Re: [rt-users] Search by Group Name

2014-03-11 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

Ok, as a workaround this works

RequestorGroup.Id = 105 AND Queue != 'MO.Mechanicy.Strefa'

(id 105 is group "MO Mechanicy Strefa" which maitain tickets in Queue 


W dniu 2014-03-11 12:36, Bartosz Maciejewski pisze:

Unfortunettly it's not working.

What I understood is this "RequestorGroup.Name = 'foo' " should be 
added in Search/Edit.html?NewQuery=1 (Advenced on Query Builder)

I tried Queue=foo and RequestorGroup.Name="MO Mechanicy Strefa"
0 tickets found

then Queue != 'General' AND RequestorGroup.Name = 'MO Mechanicy Strefa'
0 tickets found

then just RequestorGroup.Name = 'MO Mechanicy Strefa'
also 0 tickets found.

Could it be other variable or some problems with spaces in name of Group?

W dniu 2014-03-07 17:44, Kevin Falcone pisze:

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 02:25:34PM +0100, Bartosz Maciejewski wrote:

Now I want to search how many tickets from users in group C was
submitted to Queues that they are not responsible for, like:
Queue="B" and Status="new" and Requestor is in group="C".

RequestorGroup.Name = 'foo' should work


RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

Re: [rt-users] Search by Group Name

2014-03-11 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

Unfortunettly it's not working. 
  What I understood is this "RequestorGroup.Name = 'foo' " should be
  added in Search/Edit.html?NewQuery=1 (Advenced on Query Builder)
  I tried Queue=foo and RequestorGroup.Name="MO Mechanicy Strefa"
  0 tickets found
  then Queue != 'General' AND RequestorGroup.Name = 'MO Mechanicy
  0 tickets found
  then just RequestorGroup.Name = 'MO Mechanicy Strefa'
  also 0 tickets found.
  Could it be other variable or some problems with spaces in name of
  W dniu 2014-03-07 17:44, Kevin Falcone pisze:

  On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 02:25:34PM +0100, Bartosz Maciejewski wrote:

Now I want to search how many tickets from users in group C was
submitted to Queues that they are not responsible for, like:
Queue="B" and Status="new" and Requestor is in group="C".

RequestorGroup.Name = 'foo' should work




  / IT Administrator
  +48 666866549/ b.maciejew...@agriplus.pl
Plus Sp. z o.o.
  61 665 79 77
  Fax: +48 61 665 79 61

  ul. Marcelińska 92/94
  e-mail message may contain confidential or legally
  information and is intended only for the use of the
  recipient(s). Any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination,
  distribution, copying or the taking of any action in
  reliance on the
  information herein is prohibited. E-mails are not secure
  and cannot
  be guaranteed to be error free as they can be intercepted,
  or contain viruses. Anyone who communicates with us by
  e-mail is
  deemed to have accepted these risks. Company Name is not
  for errors or omissions in this message and denies any
  for any damage arising from the use of e-mail. Any opinion
  and other
  statement contained in this message and any attachment are
  those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
  of the


RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

[rt-users] Search by Group Name

2014-03-07 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

Is is possible in Query Builder to search by Group Name?

For example - I have Queues A and B, and Groups C and D. Users from 
group C are responsible for tickets in Queue A but can subbmit tickets 
to Queue B, and viceversa - users from group D are responsible for 
tickets in Queue B but can subbmit tickets to Queue A.

Now I want to search how many tickets from users in group C was 
submitted to Queues that they are not responsible for, like: Queue="B" 
and Status="new" and Requestor is in group="C".

RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

Re: [rt-users] Limit Notifications on one Queue but Tickets traveling to another, more verbose Queues.

2014-03-05 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

W dniu 2014-03-05 17:49, Kevin Falcone pisze:

On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 05:20:20PM +0100, Bartosz Maciejewski wrote:

Normally on this stage Requestor is getting notify that queue has
changed, but if queue chaned from Complain queue there should not be
this notification. Also if someone is taking ticket or giving to
another Owner no notify as well should be send (if ticket is from
Complain Queue). Further more, if Warehouse decided that this is not
theirs case, and gives this ticket to Production Queue, there
shouldn't be notify on queue or user change. And for the final step,
if ticket is resolved, customer should have notify with explanation.

You don't give your RT version and the answers vary based on that.

You've also got a number of non-standard Scrips (On Queue Change
Notify Requestor, etc).  You would need to tell us more about them and
their globalness in order to comment.


Ah yes, RT is 4.0.10

Scrips are Global and are as follows:

1. On Comment Notify AdminCcs as Comment
2. On Commen Notify Other Recipients as Comment
3. On Correspond Notify AdminCCs
4. On Correspond Notify Other Recipients
5. On Correspond Notify Requestors and CCs
6. On Correspond Open Tickets
7. On Create Autoreply to Requestors
8. On Create Notify AdminCCs
9. On Owner Change Notify Owner
10. On Resolve Notify Requestors
11. On transaction, add any tags in the transaction's subject to the 
ticket's subjects

I think theese are in base installation of RT.

Also have two custom global scrips:

12. "On first correspond set owner to corresponder" (prevent resolved 
tickets by nobody)
13. "On Owner change notify Owner, Requestors, CCs and AdminCCs" (now I 
see its duplicate with addidtional actors to #9, I will combine this 
into one :)

RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

[rt-users] Limit Notifications on one Queue but Tickets traveling to another, more verbose Queues.

2014-03-05 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

Hi, I wonder if this is achievable:

I've got RT instance with 50+ queues with mostly default notify schema 
(ticket created, queue changed, owner changed, ticket resolved, taken 
by, given to, etc.). This works great and users submiting tickets know 
what is going on q their requests. However this 50 queues are company 
inside queues, and only employees are using it.

Now there is a need for one queue for outside customers. For example if 
one want to complain then sends ticket to Complain Queue and should 
recive confirmation that ticket is created. Then employee who reads 
ticket from this queue gives it to lets say Warehouse Queue. Normally on 
this stage Requestor is getting notify that queue has changed, but if 
queue chaned from Complain queue there should not be this notification. 
Also if someone is taking ticket or giving to another Owner no notify as 
well should be send (if ticket is from Complain Queue). Further more, if 
Warehouse decided that this is not theirs case, and gives this ticket to 
Production Queue, there shouldn't be notify on queue or user change. And 
for the final step, if ticket is resolved, customer should have notify 
with explanation.

RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

Re: [rt-users] Mandatory Custom Fields and Group Rights

2014-02-04 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

Same situation here, use this plugin

Custom Fields to not mandatory on creating new ticket, then set plugin
options to force mandatory CF on any or specific transaction, change of
status (ex, for closed ticket - fields have to be mandatory) 


W dniu 2014-02-04 11:07, Paul Stead napisał(a): 

> Hello,
Running RT 4.0.17 on Debian.
> We're trying to use RT across the
company as our main ticketing system. This requires other departments to
raise tickets into our queue.
> We have two mandatory ticket custom
fields in this queue for us to internally categorise tickets. 
> Our
standard users do not have rights to "View custom field values" or
"Modify custom field values" and indeed cannot see or set these fields
in the Create Ticket view.
> When the user attempts to raise the
ticket, RT seems to be checking for the validity of these custom fields,
even though the user has no ability to set them.
> Raising via email
works as expected, but our users are used to the RT interface and prefer
to raise this way.
> Is this expected behaviour? How might I work
around this? 
> Paul
> --
> Paul Stead
> Systems Engineer, Zen
> T: 01706 902009

Bartosz Maciejewski

Agri Plus Sp. z o.o.
ul.Marcelińska 92/94
tel: 061 665 79 77
gsm: 666 866 549

Please consider the
environment before printing this email.

[rt-users] ODP: Extension ExtractCustomFieldValues in version 4.2.2 not visible

2014-01-30 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
Did you run make initdb afer install? 

Wysłano ze smartfonu Sony Xperia™

 Użytkownik Arkady Glazovnapisał 

>I have a fresh install of RT 4.2.2 with fastCGI and postgreSQL under Linux. I 
>try to configure my installation with Extension ExtractCustomFiledValues. I'm 
>novice in RT.
>I install extension by cpan, change my RT_SiteConfig.pm and restart apache. 
>But after them when i try create new global scriplet i don't see in Action 
>required "ExtractCustomFiled". In /opt/rt4/local/plugins/ i see the dir 
>RT-Extension-ExtractCustomFieldValues with subdirs, but from web interface 
>scriplet action is not visible. Why?
>Best regards,
>Arkady Glazov

[rt-users] Custom Fields on Excel Report

2014-01-27 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

Hi List!

I have lots of custom fields im my queues, and when I choose one queue 
in query builder I have list of all custom fields assigned to this 
queue. But even if query is built on custom fields values I don't see 
values of custom fields in results window, nor in exported excel file.

How can I get all fields both default and custom on results page and 
excel file?

Re: [rt-users] How to notify owner about their responses?

2014-01-13 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski

You can use NotifyActor in RT_StiteConfig

W dniu 2014-01-13 15:45, Ivan Osipov pisze:

Hello all.

Now I'm using scrip "On Correspond" -> "Notify Owner and AdminCcs", 
but when ticket owner reply to customer he does not receive email 
about their response.

When other RT user send reply to customer (without assigning), then 
owner receive email about other RT user reply to customer.

How I can notify owner about their responses?

[rt-users] How to use Requestor user in scrip?

2013-11-21 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski


I'm trying to get scrip that on status change set owner to requestor.

I used AutoSetOwner http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/AutoSetOwner 
scrip and modified a little.

It looks like this now:

my $Actor = $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses;
$RT::Logger->info("Auto assign ticket #". $self->TicketObj->id ." to 
user #". $Actor );

my ($status, $msg) = $self->TicketObj->SetOwner( $Actor );
unless( $status ) {
  $RT::Logger->error( "Impossible to assign the ticket to $Actor: $msg" );
  return undef;
return 1;

But here is tricky part for me - how to get real Requestor username 
instead od its email address? Putting Requestor or Requestors end with 

 Scrip 14 Commit failed: RT::Ticket::Requestor Unimplemented in 
RT::Action::UserDefined. ((eval 528) line 1)

With RequestorAddresses is almost working but...:

[Thu Nov 21 10:42:19 2013] [info]: Auto assign ticket #77 to user 
#bartosz.maciejew...@maildomain.pl ((eval 497):2)
[Thu Nov 21 10:42:19 2013] [error]: Impossible to assign the ticket to 
bartosz.maciejew...@maildomain.pl: That user does not exist ((eval 497):5)

And to have whole scope - my username in this RT is *bmaciejewski*, and 
this is exactly what I want to have under $Actor - there this scrip 
should work.

[Thu Nov 21 10:44:47 2013] [info]: Ticket 78 created in queue 
'MO.Uzdatnianie.Wody' by *bmaciejewsk**i* 

[rt-users] RT 3.8.1nb1 on NetBSD 4.0 problem with Out of memory! and FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server

2009-02-13 Thread Bartosz Maciejewski
usr/pkg/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" (pid 5723) terminated by calling exit 
with status '1'
[Fri Feb 13 09:29:39 2009] [warn] FastCGI: server 
"/usr/pkg/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" restarted (pid 9692)

Yes, I know, there maybe some misconfiguration about sending mail, but 
should RT just inform me about this instead of error 500? Anyway, 
sometimes when I click for example Configuration (which is not sending 
mail) got the same Out Of Memory! and incomplete headers error.

What may be interesting also, but don't know if this is corressponding, 
after restarting browser I have that ticket assigned to me. Then when I 
editing it (seneding comments, closing etc.) it immediatelly log me off. 
After login, changes I made are comitted (for example closing ticket).

Clearing Mason cache also don't help:
rm -Rf /var/spool/rt3/mason_data/obj

Thank anybody for time to help me :)

Bartosz Maciejewski


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