Re: [Talk-us] OSM attribution on website store locator pages

2016-04-21 Per discussione Peter Dobratz
I filled out the contact form on the Mobify website as they are the ones that are being attributed without also crediting OSM. I'll let you know if I hear anything back. Meanwhile, Cricket Wireless is running a store locator page, which is also using the MapBox tiles derived from OSM data, but

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Marc Gemis
I followed the discussion on tagging about the sell tag. The problem originated from the motorcycle preset in JOSM that had some weird values. Some of those shops sell multiple brands. How can you solve this ? Then they always end up in the same discussion on the tagging mailing list:

Re: [Talk-cz] JOSM down/up load connection timeout

2016-04-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
ahoj, tak jsem si s tim vcera chvili zase hral (pac mne to desne irituje) a povedlo se mi to nasimulovat i pomoci wgetu. Takze JOSM je v tom mozna nevinne. Nicmene to dela na 3 ruznych IPv6 sitich, takze chyba site se mi nezda. Zkusim najit nekoho z vyvojaru/spravcu Bye On Mar 28,

Re: [OSM-ja] 2016熊本地震クライシスマッピングの呼びかけ

2016-04-21 Per discussione centree
いいださん みなさん むらかみです。 南阿蘇地域に住む親族のフォローアップに追われてこちらをあまりしっかり読んでませんでした。 確かに、災害救助に対する初動においては、既存の地図で事足りる場合が多くなってきたように思います。 地理院はすぐにセスナを飛ばしますし、Google地図をベースにした復旧マップもありますし… ただ、おっしゃるように被災がひと段落した段階では、OSMは大いに有用な地図になりえると思います。 いまさらながらですが、今回の被災地域(都市部を除く)は既存の地図サービスでは 建物外形が描かれて居ないことに気付きました。

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do

2016-04-21 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Dne 19.4.2016 v 22:17 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a): > Dne 19.4.2016 v 19:50 Marián Kyral napsal(a): >> Ha. Jak se to správně zastavuje? Jsem teď spustil "vagrant provision", >> něco to udělalo a zase se to rozběhlo! > vagrant halt frontend > - spravne zastaveni, jakoby jenom vypne masinu, takze

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do

2016-04-21 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Dne 21.4.2016 v 23:18 Marián Kyral napsal(a): > Dne 21.4.2016 v 22:40 Marián Kyral napsal(a): >> Dne 20.4.2016 v 11:08 Michal Grézl napsal(a): >>> prave sem predelal api tak aby bezelo z gitu (lokalni clone), udelal >>> sem naky zmeny v tom vagrantu a nejspis to i rozbil, pekne prosim zkus >>> to

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMUK AoA Directors Powers

2016-04-21 Per discussione Jez Nicholson
I had never considered that a pony may be in the offing... And the web site example is good. There needs to be a balance between getting things done by paying a reasonable amount and Directors going crazy with the cash. Checks and balances. How do we choose between the options? On Thu, 21 Apr

[Talk-es] HOT sale en el país!

2016-04-21 Per discussione Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández
Hola a todos, La portada digital del periódico El País recoge hoy una noticia sobre HOT dando instrucciones sobre como ayudar en las tareas referentes del terremoto. Muy buen trabajo el que están haciendo la gente de

Re: [Talk-br] Limite de cidades com distritos

2016-04-21 Per discussione santamariense
Os municípios de um distrito só deve sim ter esse distrito mapeado. São conceito diferentes. Sugiro que se coloque no distrito o nome "Sede" e nome alternativo igual ao nome da cidade. Tomem como exemplo o município de Brasilia. Ele é o único município do Distrito Federal. Logo a área de Brasilia

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do

2016-04-21 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Dne 20.4.2016 v 11:08 Michal Grézl napsal(a): > prave sem predelal api tak aby bezelo z gitu (lokalni clone), udelal > sem naky zmeny v tom vagrantu a nejspis to i rozbil, pekne prosim zkus > to opravit (hlavne pridat tvoreni commons db) > Tak jsem to opravil, aby se to vůbec rozjelo. Jestli

[OSM-talk-fr] OpenStreetMap-France : Convocation à l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire 2016

2016-04-21 Per discussione Frédéric Rodrigo
L'Assemblée Générale de l'association OpenStreetMap-France se tiendra le 21 mai à partir de 17h30h à Clermont-Ferrand, durant notre conférence annuelle "State Of The Map". Vous trouverez la convocation complète, avec l'ordre du jour sur notre site web :

Re: [Talk-cat] Apoyo viernes 22

2016-04-21 Per discussione Wladimir Szczerban
Hola Karina, No hay problema, puedes venir a colaborar. Saludos, El 21 de abril de 2016, 17:52, Karina Santoyo escribió: > Hola, mañana en la tarde podría apoyarlos de 16:30 a 20:00. > > No se mucho Catalán por que tengo 5 meses aquí. Igual les serviría mi > ayuda? >

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Différencier une assurance d'une mutuelle ?

2016-04-21 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Parmi les valeurs certaines détaillent (en les séparant) les statuts "public" différenciés du "privé". Ce qui laisse de la marge à l'interprétation dans le cas des statuts "paritaires" ou "mixtes". Exemples en France : les organismes de sécurité sociale qui sont "para-publics" (même pour le

[Talk-GB] OSMUK AoA Directors Powers

2016-04-21 Per discussione SK53
A small document setting out a range of options for the Directors Authority clause. Jerry Directors Powers Options The basic boilerplate text of the Articles of Association provides that Directors can exercise all the powers of the Company. In initial discussions there was a strong consensus

[Talk-br] RES: Limite de cidades com distritos

2016-04-21 Per discussione Blademir Andrade de Lima
Link aqui Nelson, como disse, não concordo mas vou fazer como manda o IBGE. Existe alguma Tag para identificar quando o distrito é a sede do município? E quando a cidade possui bairros/subúrbios/subdistritos classificados como

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] hors service

2016-04-21 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
J'ai du mal à comprendre pourquoi les areas ont besoin d'être massivement recalculées en masse sur les serveurs OverPass. Alors qu'elles pourraient être calculées automatiquement à la demande et mises en cache (par exemple pour une durée max de 24 h), donc sur beaucoup moins d'objets que les

Re: [Talk-GB] defibrillators - was: phone boxes used for other purposes

2016-04-21 Per discussione Michael Booth
Wow, poor excuse from the leisure centre - they should deal with the actual problem and not a hypothetical one! I've added one in my town's High Street, but unfortunately it doesn't show up on the standard map layer. It would be good if there was an "emergency" layer, which listed all the

Re: [Talk-dk] manglende bygningsdata

2016-04-21 Per discussione Peter Leth
Kære alle Først tak til dig Allan for dit svar (nok fordi jeg er enig og fordi du argumenterer så fint for at skaden (evt) er sket. OG hvis der sket nogen skade overhovedet). Jeg har mit primære fokus på Holstebro-kommune-området hvor der både er sommerhusområder med importerede bygninger og

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] hors service

2016-04-21 Per discussione François Lacombe
Bonsoir Christian, Depuis quelques temps, j'ai l'impression que les areas sont mal calculées sur overpass (serveur Allemand) Toutes mes requêtes qui y font appel (principalement France et quelques région) donnent des résultats vides. Je n'ai pas encore creusé correctement le problème Du coup,

[Talk-pt] Rede Hidrológica

2016-04-21 Per discussione Nuno Gomes Lopes
Boa tarde a tod@s. Juntamente com o Marcos (na realidade, grande parte do trabalho é dele) criámos uma wiki direcionada para a rede hidrológica do continente: É uma estrutura simples em árvore que ordena os rios principais e

Re: [Talk-br] Limite de cidades com distritos

2016-04-21 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Link inacessível. Mas nesse outro tem: Alexandre Em 21 de abril de 2016 14:12, Blademir Andrade de Lima <> escreveu: > > > Mas ao ler > > no

Re: [Talk-br] Limite de cidades com distritos

2016-04-21 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
2016-04-21 14:12 GMT-03:00 Blademir Andrade de Lima : > Primeiro é sobre se devíamos mapear o distrito sede, se no município não > existe distritos. Eu concordo com o Ivaldo nos exemplos abaixo, não > precisamos mapear a sede, seria informação redundante. Não é informação

[Talk-br] Limite de cidades com distritos

2016-04-21 Per discussione Blademir Andrade de Lima
Amigos, desculpe retornar este assunto, mas estou mapeando os distritos e preciso chegar em um consenso para padronizar os distritos e dar continuidade. Primeiro é sobre se devíamos mapear o distrito sede, se no município não existe distritos. Eu concordo com o Ivaldo nos exemplos abaixo, não

Re: [Talk-ca] New project update

2016-04-21 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Bjenk — Perhaps a micro-tasking tool such as MapRoulette (which I created) would be useful to help guide your thinking. I am actively looking for MapRoulette pilot projects involving government collaboration. MapRoulette has proven to be a very effective tool for solving specific problems or

Re: [Talk-ca] New project update

2016-04-21 Per discussione Adam Martin
Hi Bjenk, I think what Paul meant was more along the lines of what specifically you wanted to do. You state that you want to define a project, but other than stating that you want to collect certain information about non-residential buildings, we have little else to go on. >From the sound of it,

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-21 Per discussione Pieter-Jan Pauwels
Hi Glenn, Cool that you want to sponsor the server! Regarding OKFN help: We can help with setting up stuff or coach you how to do it yourself. But we don’t have budget to pay for merch ourselves (big name, small NPO ;)). Eg. I can help think on what to provide at the stand Glenn proposes and

Re: [Talk-ca] New project update

2016-04-21 Per discussione Paul Ramsey
Hey Bjenk, When you say "define a project" are you talking about (a) describing a scope of work that StatsCan intends to resource and complete? (b) describing a scope of work that StatsCan hopes the OSM community will complete on your behalf? You've used the passive voice in describing the

Re: [Talk-ca] New project update

2016-04-21 Per discussione john whelan
MSF have used this approach in Africa etc with the HOT mapping but you need the bodies to map the data. There maybe enough data in OSM already but the structure/tags might not be as you'd prefer. Cheerio John On 21 April 2016 at 11:35, Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN) <>

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 300, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of important things happening in the openstreetmap world: Important issues: - The severe earthquake on the Ecuadorian Pacific coast with more

[Talk-GB] weeklyOSM 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 300, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of important things happening in the openstreetmap world: Important issues: - The severe earthquake on the Ecuadorian Pacific coast with more

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 300, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of important things happening in the openstreetmap world: Important issues: - The severe earthquake on the Ecuadorian Pacific coast with more

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 300, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of important things happening in the openstreetmap world: Important issues: - The severe earthquake on the Ecuadorian Pacific coast with more

Re: [Talk-ca] New project update

2016-04-21 Per discussione Kevin Farrugia
Hi Bjenk, What type of information are you looking to add about buildings? Some data belongs in OSM while other attributes might be extraneous. Other people on this list will also add their opinion on this issue I'm sure. If it's something being done en masse, it's always best to take an

Re: [Talk-GB] defibrillators - was: phone boxes used for other purposes

2016-04-21 Per discussione Ed Loach
I spent some time not that long ago trying to survey all the ones in Tendring using the list available at as a starting point of where to look. I’ve fed back to them some spelling mistakes that are on their

[Talk-ca] New project update

2016-04-21 Per discussione Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)
Hello everyone, Basically, what we would like to do is define a project for OSM to collect information about non-residential buildings. We would like to popose a list of what would be collected. We were thinking of identifying specific areas to start with. Cheers, Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD Center

[Talk-cz] SotM CZ+SK 2016 - aktuality

2016-04-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, přinášíme porci aktualit pro letošní brněnskou párty :-) - Místo konání akce je salónek Kometa Pub (, Kounicova 20. - Zůstal nám omezený počet volných míst, registrační formulář tedy zůstává ještě do této Neděle (24.04.) otevřený. Přidejte se! -

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-21 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Hey Ben/Pieter, I was about to say maybe OKFN can help us. We really should sell cool merchandise @ SOTM 2016, that is a golden opportunity imho. And park all the proceedings with OKFN for use and be transparant on where the money goes. I

Re: [Talk-it] [Talk-it-bici] Tags per traffico ciclistico

2016-04-21 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
scrivo anche qui, perché credo che Volker voleva scrivere alla lista e non solo a me in privato. 2016-04-21 12:29 GMT+02:00 Volker Schmidt : > Per le classi di traffico utilizzate da Bicitalia: > per favore non le utilizzatele in OSM.Ii valori sono stime tipicamente > senza

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Glenn Plas
On 21-04-16 15:52, Pieter Brusselman wrote: > I do nut fully agree: If a shop=cheese stops his activity and another is > comming into place eg. shop=bicycle, you also have to re-tag it. Yes, true .. so your point you're trying to prove here is ? I can't deduct this from the above comment.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Glenn Plas
On 21-04-16 15:58, joost schouppe wrote: > No amen from me :) - as I just daid: the arguments used can be used for > anything we do. Not at all.. we are in the business of mapping, not groceries lists. You need to stay loyal to the core idea and stop putting information in OSM that is probably

Re: [Talk-dk] highway=rest_area in Denmark

2016-04-21 Per discussione Jørgen Elgaard Larsen
Michael Andersen wrote: I "invented" and started using service=rest_area in 2010 because I found highway=rest_area pretty much unusable for what I wanted to do (just like Rasmus I find that highway=rest_area has been pretty crappily defined. A highway* that can be tagged on either a node or an

Re: [Talk-us] Optimal / preferred checkin sizes

2016-04-21 Per discussione Greg Morgan
On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Steve Friedl wrote: > Hi everybody, > > > > I spend way too much time in JOSM mapping my local area, but I’ve never > really known how to best batch changes. > > > > Sometimes it’s obvious: if I work on a certain feature (say, adding > details

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione joost schouppe
No amen from me :) - as I just daid: the arguments used can be used for anything we do. URLs aren't very stable either. Marc had to change the reference to all historic objects because the Flemish government changed their website architecture. No reason not to do this. I stumble upon out of date

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Pieter Brusselman
I do nut fully agree: If a shop=cheese stops his activity and another is comming into place eg. shop=bicycle, you also have to re-tag it. In general a farm-shop sells the same category all year round, like meat and vegetables. Or cheese and bread. Or... And as a customer you know that -

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Glenn Plas
I just had to update my example from 3 years ago because both source and website key have changed. website: went to pretty url's instead of id's source: producer ID changed for unknown reason It's already hard to keep those up to date. If you start putting in volatile and variable data like

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-21 Per discussione Pieter-Jan Pauwels
Hi Ben, I’m always up to brainstorm about finding funding. I think financial or non-financial sponsorships always help Eg. Combell who provides hosting? It is that way we handle such things as well for Open Knowledge Belgium. Kind regards, Pieter-Jan Community Coordinator Open

[Talk-is] Uppfærðar loftmyndir

2016-04-21 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
MapBox hefur uppfært loftmyndir af Suðurnesjum og Akureyri þannig að nú er hægt að missa sig í að teikna þar. Garð, Sandgerði og Grindavík vantaði algjörlega loftmyndir sem og stóran hluta Keflavíkur. ___ Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Différencier une assurance d'une mutuelle ?

2016-04-21 Per discussione Francescu GAROBY
Merci René : ça me convient parfaitement et ça a le bon goût de ne pas créer (inutilement) un nouveau tag. Francescu Le 21 avril 2016 à 14:33, Rene Chalon a écrit : > On 21/04/2016 11:46, Francescu GAROBY wrote: > >> Bonjour, >> Comme l'indique le

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Différencier une assurance d'une mutuelle ?

2016-04-21 Per discussione Rene Chalon
On 21/04/2016 11:46, Francescu GAROBY wrote: Bonjour, Comme l'indique le titre de mon mail, je me demandais si cela valait le coup (et si oui, comment ?) de différencier le siège/les bureaux d'une assurance de ceux d'une mutuelle. Si, dans les faits, leur rôle est le même

Re: [Talk-dk] manglende bygningsdata

2016-04-21 Per discussione Soren Johannessen
Hej For meget lang tid siden (har også været oppe her) - spurgte jeg Geodatastyrelsen om en kreditering af Geodatastyrelsen (plus hyperlinks til kilden) på denne her Wiki side " Vores bidragsydere" sammen med andre lande databidrag var okay. Det sagde GST

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione joost schouppe
Marc, while I do agree that we don't need to do everything, I haven't seen many convincing reasons why not to do a certain thing. Often the arguments used (too complex, who is going to update, imagine what if everyone does this,...) can be used anything we do. And then after a while the people

[OSM-ja] 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ第13回 特別編 延暦寺(西塔、横川)(再)

2016-04-21 Per discussione yasunari
京都の山下です。 皆さんこんにちわ。 毎月1つ、世界遺産のコンプリートをたくらむ京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ、 前回急遽中止とした第13回 特別編 延暦寺(西塔、横川) あらためて 5/14 に開催します。 みなさん、どうぞお越しください!! -- 山下康成@京都府向日市

Re: [Talk-dk] manglende bygningsdata

2016-04-21 Per discussione sfromis
En plausibel tolkning af licensen er at kildeangivelse skal fremgå af web sider (og apps) hvor slutbrugere kan finde bygningsdata. Kan udnyttere af OSM data forpligtes til dette? En kildeangivelse godt gemt i OSM rådata er næppe nok hvis/når en app skærer et udvalg til et bestemt formål. Altså set

Re: [Talk-it] Commento al changeset

2016-04-21 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Sembra che l'interfaccia mapbix sia irraggiungibile,. Grazie, riproverò più tardi -- ___ Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Semanario Nr. 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 300, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español. ESPECIAL ATENCIÓN A NOTICIAS EN SECCIÓN DE OSM HUMANITARIO: 1. El fuerte terremoto en la costa del Pacífico de Ecuador con alrededor de 500 muertos es editada por muchos

[OSM-co] Semanario Nr. 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 300, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español. ESPECIAL ATENCIÓN A NOTICIAS EN SECCIÓN DE OSM HUMANITARIO: 1. El fuerte terremoto en la costa del Pacífico de Ecuador con alrededor de 500 muertos es editada por muchos

[Talk-cl] Semanario Nr. 300

2016-04-21 Per discussione Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 300, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español. ESPECIAL ATENCIÓN A NOTICIAS EN SECCIÓN DE OSM HUMANITARIO: 1. El fuerte terremoto en la costa del Pacífico de Ecuador con alrededor de 500 muertos es editada por muchos

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Pieter Brusselman
Hi Joost, That is why I asked my question. We would like to move this content into osm. I have to figure out what the best way is to tag all those info. Pieter Op 21/04/2016 om 13:53 schreef joost schouppe: Though I wouldn't be interested in mapping this myself, I do feel like a project

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Marc Gemis
or OSM enhanced with an external DB. We do not have to include all data in the world in the DB. But we do need a better way to make it possible to refer to our objects (kind of permalinks). m On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:53 PM, joost schouppe wrote: > Though I wouldn't be

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-21 Per discussione Ben Abelshausen
Hi, I also think we should start working on getting some basic funding for I'm still paying for website, meetup and one server every month, it's not much but we should be able to get this funded somehow. If we can have some basic funding we can also make other things happen like t-shirts,

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione joost schouppe
Though I wouldn't be interested in mapping this myself, I do feel like a project like should be possible within OSM: ___ Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Attributs des sentiers de vélo de montagne

2016-04-21 Per discussione Begin Daniel
Comme pour toute la classification des routes/sentiers dans OSM, il y a une gradation (à l’exception de trunk!-) … path-footway-track…

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Use links to their products... after all... it's the internet. example: Greetings, Glenn On 21-04-16 12:42, Pieter Brusselman wrote: > How can I map farm-shops selling different kind of products? Eg. > self-made cheese and potato's? > >

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] hors service

2016-04-21 Per discussione Christian Quest
Si les requêtes font appel aux area, passer à doit être relativement sans impact. L'intérêt de oapi-fr était de limiter uniquement à la France, mais les area permettent de faire de même. Le 21 avril 2016 à 10:56, Jocelyn Jaubert a écrit : >

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
I don't think that selling the products is very important. Farm shops typically don't have a very stable range of products, but it all depends on the time of the year (certainly for vegetables). So even if you map what's in the shop now, it could be rather different in 3 months. If it's more

Re: [OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione joost schouppe
There might be good reason not to do this, I don't know. There is a recent proposal to tag products: sold: Have a look at the discussion on the tagging mailing list on the subject:

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Différencier une assurance d'une mutuelle ?

2016-04-21 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Même question alors pour les banques mutualistes, les centres de santé et autres opticiens mutualistes, les organismes coopératifs en agriculture, etc. On peut ajouter aussi maintenant certains sites web de financement coopératif, les assos qui font des microcrédits... C'est une question

[OSM-talk-be] mapping farm-shop

2016-04-21 Per discussione Pieter Brusselman
How can I map farm-shops selling different kind of products? Eg. self-made cheese and potato's? According to I can use shop = farm. But then I can not differentiate in the products they sell. Does anyone have an idea how to do it in the

Re: [Talk-it] Commento al changeset

2016-04-21 Per discussione Andrea Albani
Se intendi cercare un tag comment con contenuto xyz per nodes, ways e relations puoi farlo (in Overpass QL) come segue: [out:json][timeout:25]; ( node["comment"="xyz"]({{bbox}}); way["comment"="xyz"]({{bbox}}); relation["comment"="xyz"]({{bbox}}); ); out body; >; out skel;

Re: [Talk-cz] Nelze nahrávat rozcestníky

2016-04-21 Per discussione Petr Holub
Ahoj, > neslo to kvuli presunu systemu z mista na misto, ted uz to funguje, > fotky se nahraly ale nevlozily korektne do db - mam to v logu a zkusim > je tam vlozit rucne. ja jsem taky neco vcera vkladal a uz meztim smazal z mobilu - pokud bys to dokazal zachranit, bylo by to fajn. Nick hopet.

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Domas Jokubauskis
2016.04.21 12:31, Saulius Kaukenas rašė: > Panašu, kad jūs painiojate intelektualios nuosavybės, licencijos ir > "open source" sąvokas. Kodo atskleidimas (Open Source) nesuponuoja > jokios licencijos ir jokių teisių į kūrinį. Tai nusako licencija. > Licencija kita vertus tik nusako sąlygas,

Re: [Talk-it] Commento al changeset

2016-04-21 Per discussione Stefano
Il giorno 21 aprile 2016 12:10, Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto: > É possibile interrogare OSM, magari via overpass-turbo, per estrarre dati > in base al commento? > > Puoi farlo direttamente con la API. Come interfaccia c'è quella

Re: [Talk-GB] Remove tag "priority" from railways

2016-04-21 Per discussione Andy Townsend
On 21/04/2016 09:32, Brian Prangle wrote: Hi Roland If it's only one line affected it looks like it's the work of one user. Have you tried contacting him/her? Otherwise I have no objections to your proposed mechanical edit As I understand it, that one user was also working for Mentz. I'm

Re: [Talk-cz] Nelze nahrávat rozcestníky

2016-04-21 Per discussione Michal Grézl
neslo to kvuli presunu systemu z mista na misto, ted uz to funguje, fotky se nahraly ale nevlozily korektne do db - mam to v logu a zkusim je tam vlozit rucne. (asi 6 fotek od JAnd, Speirs a Milancer) 2016-04-21 7:12 GMT+02:00 Jan Skala : > Zdravim, včera večer jsem nemohl

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Rimas Kudelis
Tikrai taip. Todėl bent mano supratimu, parašymas instrukcijų, kaip naudoti „NaviJazz“ failus su „OsmAnd“ ar šių instrukcijų išbandymas praktikoje tikriausiai nebūtų autorinių teisių pažeidimas. Tuo tarpu tų lietuviškų failų išsiuntimas el. paštu kažkam kitam – jau būtų. Rimas 2016-04-21 13:14,

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Domas Jokubauskis
2016.04.21 13:08, Rimas Kudelis rašė: > Gal kas žino, kuo skiriasi „OsmAnd“ nuo „OsmAnd+“ ? Jeigu kažkuo > skiriasi, ir pastaroji nėra atviro kodo, tai manyčiau, jog „Agmis“ visai > turi galimybę tiesiog tartis su jos autoriais, kad šie leistų naudoti jų > kodą pagal kažkokią kitą licenciją (nes

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Rimas Kudelis
2016-04-21 13:08, Rimas Kudelis rašė: > 2016-04-21 12:35, Darius Žitkevičius rašė: >> Sauliau, nereikia mūsų asilais laikyti. >> >> GPL principas labai paprastas. >> Jei kuriate produktą keisdami kito GPL produkto kodą, jūs PRIVALOTE >> platinti produktą su GPL licencija. >> Pinigus imti galite,

[Talk-it] Commento al changeset

2016-04-21 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
É possibile interrogare OSM, magari via overpass-turbo, per estrarre dati in base al commento? -- ___ Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Rimas Kudelis
2016-04-21 12:35, Darius Žitkevičius rašė: > Sauliau, nereikia mūsų asilais laikyti. > > GPL principas labai paprastas. > Jei kuriate produktą keisdami kito GPL produkto kodą, jūs PRIVALOTE > platinti produktą su GPL licencija. > Pinigus imti galite, bet kodas turi būti atviras. > Taškas. Yra ir

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Rimas Kudelis
Sveiki, 2016-04-21 12:53, Saulius Kaukenas rašė: > Matau, kad vistiek nesupratote. Mes source code išplatinome. Visi, kas > parsisiunčia NaviJazz, gauna lietuvių kalbos įgarsinimo source code. > > Mano pastaba buvo tokia, kad to kodo negalima naudoti be mūsų leidimo > _kitame_ produkte, su

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Saulius Kaukenas
Dariau, Matau, kad vistiek nesupratote. Mes source code išplatinome. Visi, kas parsisiunčia NaviJazz, gauna lietuvių kalbos įgarsinimo source code. Mano pastaba buvo tokia, kad to kodo negalima naudoti be mūsų leidimo _kitame_ produkte, su kitomis licencinėmis sąlygomis. GPL licencija to taip

[OSM-talk-fr] Différencier une assurance d'une mutuelle ?

2016-04-21 Per discussione Francescu GAROBY
Bonjour, Comme l'indique le titre de mon mail, je me demandais si cela valait le coup (et si oui, comment ?) de différencier le siège/les bureaux d'une assurance de ceux d'une mutuelle. Si, dans les faits, leur rôle est le même (assurer une personne, un lieu, un véhicule, ...), d'un point de vue

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Rimas Kudelis
2016-04-21 12:29, RN rašė: > > Asmeniškai man tokia sąvoka kaip *pagal nutylėjimą* nesuprantama. > Suprantama, kai prie autoriaus kūrinio lietuvių kalba yra užrašas: > Visos teisės apsaugotos, kopijuoti ir platinti draudžiama. > Įstatymų nežinojimas ar nesupratimas neatleidžia nuo pareigos jų

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand įgarsinimas

2016-04-21 Per discussione Paulius Zaleckas
Tai OsmAnd daznai asikartojancias frazes klijuoja is irasu (sugeruotu su TTS), bet dar prideda ir gyvai su tuo paciu TTS sugeneruota pvz gatves pavadinima. Tokiu budu taupo CPU resursus. Todel ir palaiko tas kalbas kurios yra Android TTS palaikomos. On Apr 21, 2016 12:13 PM, "Rimas Kudelis"

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Saulius Kaukenas
Gerbiamas Mantai, Panašu, kad jūs painiojate intelektualios nuosavybės, licencijos ir "open source" sąvokas. Kodo atskleidimas (Open Source) nesuponuoja jokios licencijos ir jokių teisių į kūrinį. Tai nusako licencija. Licencija kita vertus tik nusako sąlygas, kuriomis jūs galite naudotis

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione RN
Asmeniškai man tokia sąvoka kaip *pagal nutylėjimą* nesuprantama. Suprantama, kai prie autoriaus kūrinio lietuvių kalba yra užrašas: Visos teisės apsaugotos, kopijuoti ir platinti draudžiama. On April 21, 2016 11:39:58 AM Mantas wrote: Dar grįžtant prie licencijos

Re: [OSM-ja] 2016熊本地震クライシスマッピングの呼びかけ

2016-04-21 Per discussione Shu Higashi
東です。 OSM経験者向けのタスクの説明ビデオを作ってみました。 使っているディタはiDです。 だらだら喋っているので各10分ほどになっちゃいました。 花粉症のため鼻声で咳き込んでいますがご容赦を。 タスキング・マネージャを使ったOSMマッピングfor熊本地震(OSM経験者向け)1 タスキング・マネージャを使ったOSMマッピングfor熊本地震(OSM経験者向け)2 タスキング・マネージャを使ったOSMマッピングfor熊本地震(OSM経験者向け)3

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] hors service

2016-04-21 Per discussione Jocelyn Jaubert
Bonjour, On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 10:06:10PM +0200, François Lacombe wrote: > Il me semble avoir vu passer un mail il y a quelques temps disant que > sans plus ample demande, oapi serait désactivé. > A moins qu'il s'agisse de oapi-fr, je laisse Jocelyn ou Christian répondre. C'est exact, oapi-fr

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand įgarsinimas

2016-04-21 Per discussione Eduardas Kriščiūnas
Spėju, kad čia kažką painiojate. TTS, mano supratimu, tuo ir skiriasi nuo paruoštų įrašų, kad gali ištarti bet kokią frazę, pavadinimą ir pan., t.y. ten yra algoritmas, o ne fiksuoti failai, todėl TTS'ui visiškai nerūpi ką kalbėti. Jis skaito tekstą iš žemėlapio ir išverstas navigacijos

Re: [Talk-GB] phone boxes used for other purposes

2016-04-21 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Well as we have a healthcare QP running which seems not to have generated a community focuslike we did with schools and there's some interest in defibs - why not get cracking on this for the rest of the QP? regards Brian On 19 April 2016 at 12:21, Paul Berry wrote: > On

Re: [Talk-dk] highway=rest_area in Denmark

2016-04-21 Per discussione Michael Andersen
I strongly disagree with changing service=rest_area to highway=rest_area, since the way service=rest_area is used is quite different from the definition of highway=rest_area (which I find to be quite crappy). Just changing them will basically just mess up things, more than improve them. Adding

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] GPS Tracks

2016-04-21 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi Jonathan try some of the tools listed here Regards brian On 20 April 2016 at 16:58, Jonathan wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > > Sorry if this isn’t pertinent to this list but if not point me in

Re: [Talk-GB] Remove tag "priority" from railways

2016-04-21 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi Roland If it's only one line affected it looks like it's the work of one user. Have you tried contacting him/her? Otherwise I have no objections to your proposed mechanical edit Regards Brian On 21 April 2016 at 08:36, Roland Olbricht wrote: > Dear all, > > we

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand įgarsinimas

2016-04-21 Per discussione RN
Dėkui už nuorodą. Laisvalaikiu butinai paskaitysiu. Tiktai šis tekstas turėtu būti ne kažkur interneto platybėse, o betarpiškai pačioje programoje. On April 21, 2016 10:47:15 AM Rimas Kudelis wrote: Gerai jau, baikim stumti ant to patrioto, geriau pasidarykim tą įgarsinimą

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-21 Per discussione Mantas
Dar grįžtant prie licencijos klausimo. Radau labai gražiai paaiškintą GPLv3 licenciją: Ten „Privaloma“ skiltyje yra toks punktas: „Disclose Source“ (lietuviškai „Atskleisti kodą“), kur nurodyta: „All code linked with GPL 3.0 source code must be disclosed

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand įgarsinimas

2016-04-21 Per discussione Domas Jokubauskis
2016.04.20 19:51, Rimas Kudelis rašė: > O TTS šiame kontekste reiškia „text-to-speech“ (mašininį įgarsinimą) > ar kažką kito? Jeigu pirmasis atvejis, tai klausimas: ar niekas > nebandė reikiamų failų sugeneruoti „Liepos“ balsų pagalba? Ar tai dėl > kažkokių priežasčių netinkamas būdas?

Re: [Talk-dk] manglende bygningsdata

2016-04-21 Per discussione Michael Andersen
Hej Jeg sætter personligt pris på at der nu endeligt tages initiativ til en import af bygninger (Jeg har lagt et betydeligt arbejde i den danske del, men har haft et helt andet fokus og aldrig haft fingrene i de offentlige data). På den anden side har jeg også en ganske betydelig erfaring som

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand įgarsinimas

2016-04-21 Per discussione Mantas
Yra vertimas ir į lietuvių kalbą, tik ne trečiai, o antrai versijai: 2016 m. balandžio 21 d. 10:34, RN rašė: > Programos NaviJazz GO autorius draudžia Lietuvišką įgarsinimą platinti. > Rašo, kad tai pažeidžia licencijos sąlygas,

[Talk-GB] Remove tag "priority" from railways

2016-04-21 Per discussione Roland Olbricht
Dear all, we (corporation Mentz) would like to remove the tag "priority" from the railways in GB. They have been intially set by us to denote railway lines with important passenger traffic. But the German community has asked us there to use the route relations for that purpose instead. That

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand įgarsinimas

2016-04-21 Per discussione RN
Programos NaviJazz GO autorius draudžia Lietuvišką įgarsinimą platinti. Rašo, kad tai pažeidžia licencijos sąlygas, nors kas toje licensijoje parašyta neaišku. Licencijos tekstas tik anglų kalba,o teksto vertimo į Valstybinę Lietuvių kalbą nėra. Kadangi anglų kalba lietuvoje dar kol kas neturi

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