Re: New repository org

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:


You can also look at how Struts is organized.  There, if you do:
 svn co  struts

You get all of the little bits and pieces all checked out to one place.

That's pretty cool, especially when cutting out a new release.  Can we get
something like that done?  Is it difficult to setup?

The Struts trick does what I want. I see magic things in the 
.svn/dir-props, but obviously I don't know how to set it up properly.

Adding a "current" magic folder doing the same would be good, and I 
think you can add some "release/vX.Y.Z" folders as well.


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Re: New repository org

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Bill Barker wrote:

It occurs to me that I may have misunderstood, and you were just talking
about setting up the svn:externals for tomcat/current.  If that's the case,
then +0 (I don't really care, but I'm glad that somebody does :).

svn:externals sounds like a cool feature, I guess I'll have to look it 
up to know what it does.

Mark Thomas wrote:
> If by this you mean do a checkout of
> to a directory
> called build in the build scripts then +1. If it involves any form of
> svn move -1 since I don't understand what you are planning to move to
> where and I have concerns about complications that might be created for
> checkouts, future branches and future tags.

No, I don't want to do any change to the repository. The problem is that 
svn isn't like CVS, so someone (like me, I tried it) which would 
checkout would be in trouble. It 
would be better to organize the developer environment. Right now, it 
organizes things using jakarta-tomcat-5, and all the other jakarta folders.

CVS was simpler ...


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Re: [VOTE] 5.5.12 Stability

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Allistair Crossley wrote:

i take this back, it's only 5.5.9 that is exhibiting this behaviour,
5.5.12 fully explodes the war correctly.

I don't see any relevant changes. Who knows ...


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Re: New repository org

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Bill Barker wrote:
A big -1 to the reorg, since then it won't be possible to checkout Trunk 
without also checking out all of the branches as well.

I don't understand your answer.


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New repository org

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat


Since the previous naming scheme has "jakarta" everywhere, I propose we 
change it to (I'll do the updating of the build scripts): -> build -> connectors -> container -> jasper 
-> servletapi

If I misunderstood about how Subversion should be used and this is not a 
good way to organize things, let me know ;)


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Re: CVS->SVN Schedule

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Remy Maucherat wrote:

There seems to be a problem with those two. contains what 
was in jakarta-tomcat-catalina, and jakarta-tomcat-5 appears to be gone.

I found jakarta-tomcat-5, which is now at


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Re: [VOTE] 5.5.12 Stability

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Henri Gomez wrote:

Should we post-pone to 5.5.13 the fixes to Jasper2 ?

Yes, it seems like it. I don't even know if they are fixable at this point.


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Re: CVS->SVN Schedule

2005-10-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Henri Yandell wrote:

There seems to be a problem with those two. contains what 
was in jakarta-tomcat-catalina, and jakarta-tomcat-5 appears to be gone.

Great job anyway ;)


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Re: [VOTE] 5.5.12 Stability

2005-10-05 Thread Remy Maucherat

Allistair Crossley wrote:


I've tested our intranet app on 5.5.12. Our application uses the following 

NTLM authentication via IIS5/JK1.2
META-INF/context.xml configuration
8 JNDI datasources (mix of various SQL Server 2K databases and JavaMail)

Seems a touch faster than usual to me but this is speculation.

The only issue that was reported is lots of these:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: URI was not reported to parser for entity 
at gnu.xml.aelfred2.SAXDriver.warn(

I don't see how this is Tomcat related, at this point.

These are only WARN level and do not appear to have affected the operation of 
the web app, however there are at least 10 of these stack traces in the logs 
which *may* confuse some users to think Tomcat is failing.

These only occur for Spring's applicationContext file which has a DTD of


My verdict based on testing is

[X] Stable - no major issues


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Re: Tomcat 5.5.12 / Jasper2 -> showstoppers ?

2005-10-05 Thread Remy Maucherat

Henri Gomez wrote:

Hi to all,

I don't know if they should be considered showstopper but while
playing with 5.5.12 for some of our new applications, I see these
problems :

When using Jasper2 in JSP precompilation step, it load needed taglibs
jars defined in web.xml, but didn't release all of them after build
(here is how it's invoked)

Does this mean JARs are locked ?

Another serious problem in Jasper2 precompilation is when web.xml
contains external entites living in the webapp. We fixed Jasper2 in
5.5.9 to fixe this behaviour at runtime, but it appears it's also
needed in precompilation step.

I actually forgot what the fix was.


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Re: [VOTE] 5.5.12 Stability

2005-10-05 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

Tomcat 5.5.12 is:
[X] Stable - no major issues,

It looks good enough to me.


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Releasing something

2005-10-03 Thread Remy Maucherat


Are there plans to make any new releases, as well as launching along with it ?

Tomcat 5.5.9 was released in March, and nothing non alpha has been 
released since then. I don't see any voting for 5.5.12 being announced, 
so it's a bit worrying.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/loader

2005-09-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Jan Luehe wrote:

No, I did.

Cool, there's one, at least :)

Yes, but with lazy resolution, it will be loaded when the
IntrospectionUtils symbol is first encountered, which may
be inside WebappClassLoader.stop().

Normally, it's used by plenty of things, like the digester. Who knows 
anyway, I find the classloading behavior to be weird sometimes.

So I am ok with your fix, but I don't understand how it can occur 
in regular Tomcat.

It's probably not occurring in standalone Tomcat, but only
in "embedded" Tomcat. In standalone Tomcat, IntrospectionUtils is
probably getting resolved (and its static initializer invoked)
prior to calling WebappClassLoader.stop(),
whereas in "embedded" mode, IntrospectionUtils is first referenced
and loaded by WebappClassLoader.stop().

The big comment block is quite pointless, as it tries to be 
informational, but doesn't correspond to reality (I am personally 
against this kind of "commit message duplication" comment).

Sure, I just thought this line might be an easy candidate for
being moved around if there was no comment.

Stuff won't get moved around for no reason ;)

It would actually be good to move the 3 cleanup calls to 


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/loader

2005-09-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Jan Luehe wrote:

We have seen the ThreadDeath in our callstacks, hence this fix.

Nobody is reading what I am writing anymore ...

I wrote:
The static initializer is called when loading the class, and obviously 
the webapp CL is not going to load IntrospectionUtils.

IntrospectionUtils will be loaded once, and its static initializer run 
once. So I am ok with your fix, but I don't understand how it can occur 
in regular Tomcat.

The big comment block is quite pointless, as it tries to be 
informational, but doesn't correspond to reality (I am personally 
against this kind of "commit message duplication" comment).

As a reminder, CVS shound't be used anymore.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/loader

2005-09-28 Thread Remy Maucherat


  + * Clear the IntrospectionUtils cache.
  + *
  + * Implementation note:
  + * Any reference to IntrospectionUtils which may cause the static
  + * initalizer of that class to be invoked must occur prior to setting
  + * the started flag to FALSE, because the static initializer of
  + * IntrospectionUtils makes a call to
  + * org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(), which ultimately
  + * calls the loadClass() method of the thread context classloader,
  + * which is the same as this classloader, whose impl throws a
  + * ThreadDeath if the started flag has been set to FALSE.
  + */

This commit does not make sense to me. The static initializer is called 
when loading the class, and obviously the webapp CL is not going to load 

You should forget that the CVS exists, as we're in the middle of 
migrating to SVN (of course, losing that commit will not be a problem).


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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 5.5.12-alpha Released

2005-09-23 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

This release is the last one to be done using the CVS repository at Apache. The
Tomcat team is moving to the Subversion (SVN) repository as part of the overall
Apache initiative to do so. Access instructions for the SVN repository are
available at The move is
expected to be complete within the next week.

The plan is that the next stable release be made from 
(which is ready thanks to Mark).


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Re: Final phase of SVN migration - the plan

2005-09-23 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

Reminder that this is about 90 minutes from now ;)

All done ?

If so, the migration is now ready :)


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-5 build.xml

2005-09-22 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:


remm2005/09/22 03:39:37
  - Fix build by excluding tagPlugins.xml.
  - This file shouldn't be in the standard examples, but rather copied 

before precompiling (once it works again, of course).

This should be unnecessary. Bill has already removed the file from SVN.

Yes, I saw it after my commit, you're completely right. I'm still using 
the CVS repository however, and it doesn't hurt much ;)

Will Yoav tag the CVS or SVN for the upcoming release ?

For the record, all members of the tomcat pmc have karma for all modules 
including the specs. This allows us to fix issues with the examples.


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Re: precompile failure for jsr152 examples

2005-09-21 Thread Remy Maucherat

Tim Funk wrote:

With the new tag plugins patch, precompiling the jsp examples fails.

The root cause seems to be jsr152/examples/WEB-INF/tagPlugins.xml has 
the old classes.

When I removed the file - everything compiled fine.
When I updated jsr152/examples/WEB-INF/tagPlugins.xml with the 
tagPlugins.xml from 
I get weird compile errors:

/home/funkman/src/TOMCAT5/buildtc5/jakarta-tomcat-5/build.xml:832: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

Generated servlet error:
pageContext cannot be resolved

I guess at a minimum, jsr152/examples/WEB-INF/tagPlugins.xml needs fixed 
by removing it or fixing it with the correct classes but I think that 
requires someone with jsr152 karma.

I didn't have time to look into the cause of
Generated servlet error:
pageContext cannot be resolved


I can't fix it, I don't have karma either. I agree that the best is for 
now to remove the file. Worst case if nobody has karma, we can exclude 
the file when building.


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Re: Final phase of SVN migration - the plan

2005-09-21 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:


I'm fine with this WE, or the end of this week. I mean, the previous 
build was decent already.

I just looked at the changelog for 5.5.12, it's a nice collection of stuff.

Is Friday OK with everyone?  If not, I can do Saturday, but I'd prefer Friday
to keep my weekend more free.  How about Friday, September 23rd, 2005, at 9am
my time (EDT), which is 1300h UTC?

That should give people a couple of days for scratching any last-minute itches.

No problem with that.


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Re: Final phase of SVN migration - the plan

2005-09-20 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:


Do we do a new Tomcat 5.0.12 build (which will be voted on this time) 
before the migration ? We'll have to change build scripts after that, 

Yes, I'd like to do a new 5.5.12.  That's one of the reasons I asked for
timings, once they're known, so we can work with nice margins.  Alternatively,
we can just cut 5.5.12 this weekend.

I'm fine with this WE, or the end of this week. I mean, the previous 
build was decent already.


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Re: Final phase of SVN migration - the plan

2005-09-20 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

Yoav Shapira wrote:

If possible, it'd be nice to establish a "quiet window," say 24 hours, 
which we shall not commit anything, and infra will do the real 
repository move.
 That will help eliminate the possibility of lost/clashed commits and 

wasted time.

Good idea. Weekends are usually quiet but it depends on the availability 
of infrastructure to do the migration. I'll keep the list informed of 
timings as they become clear.

Do we do a new Tomcat 5.0.12 build (which will be voted on this time) 
before the migration ? We'll have to change build scripts after that, 
and I also would have to change the way I work with the repository, 
which could introduce problems.


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Re: Final phase of SVN migration - the plan

2005-09-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:


The plan for the last phase is slightly different since these 
repositories are in pretty much constant use.

The CVS repos that will be migrated are:

The plan is:
- Submit migration request to infrastructure
- Once the test migration has been done, I'll write a script to do the 
necessary restructuring

- Run the script on the test repo
- Announce that the test repo is ready for review
- 48 hours later, assuming that there have been no objections I'll give 
the go ahead to infrastructure to do the live migration
- Shortly after this, CVS will be locked, the live SVN migration will 
take place (including the restructuring script) and the migration to SVN 
will be complete

I know there is a plan to do a JK release this week. If there is a 
timing clash, JK takes priority. Just shout and I'll delay giving infra 
the go-ahead to do the final migration.

Good. The SVN structure you chose to use seems good (although it's not 
detailed in this email).


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/startup

2005-09-16 Thread Remy Maucherat


costin  2005/09/14 23:04:01

  Support for corner case, when all tomcat is in a single jar and no fancy 
classloaders are used.

That's nice functionality :)


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Re: [Vote] (was Re: Top Level Project? Time for Top Level Lists?)

2005-09-12 Thread Remy Maucherat

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 [X]  forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  [X]  forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Commit 1.153 on jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native/apache-2.0/mod_jk.c

2005-09-12 Thread Remy Maucherat

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Mladen (and everyone) ... could you please provide more descriptive
commit log messages?  At least, one sentence of what the commit fixes?
This one wasn't too helpful, and wastes extra time reviewing commits.

Very funny. It even links the bug report, the diff is 3 chars long, and 
even I can understand it.


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Re: Top Level Project? Time for Top Level Lists?

2005-09-08 Thread Remy Maucherat

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Folks, as Tomcat is now (IIUC) a TLP, is it time to break apart the
single dumping ground, fondly known as tomcat-dev, into multiple
lists for folks with more targeted issues?  E.g.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - our friend, this list
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - svn/cvs commits
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - bugzilla/jira reports

Right now, we have dev, user, and that's it. We need pmc too. I don't 
care personally about commits and issues (personally, I don't care, I 
have separate mail filters for the commits).

I don't monitor the bugzilla noise

This takes a whole new meaning for me now.

as an email stream much, but want to continue to actively monitor cvs
commits, and development chatter.  I can see some [EMAIL PROTECTED] types who
would be interested in following [EMAIL PROTECTED], but who have little to
no interest in watching commits@ fly by.

So I, for one, would be most appreciative of splitting the traffic; I 
already do split it in my email client, but I think this would be a

help to many participants.  [Especially if, for example, you want the
dev@ traffic to go to a higher priority email account, and have the
commits/issues type traffic hit your lower priority account.]

Of course, but also fewer people will care about bug reports.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36534] - Context relative URLs returned by ServletContext.getResource() for the same path are not equal

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat

Jan Luehe wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:
I hadn't noticed you were the one who filed the bug. Besides skipping 
the result.append(":"); 

Not sure I understand: the ":" following the protocol is necessary,
so that the printable representation of the context generated URLs
starts with "jndi:".

Right, it's not related to the port number. Doh.

you should simply apply the fix, it's a very 
good solution.

I'm still having problems with CVS, which are preventing me from
committing my fix.

If you can commit this on my behalf, I'd appreciate it.
The complete fix consists of the above diff and the following patch
in org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext:

 try {
 return new URL
-("jndi", null, 0, getJNDIUri(hostName, fullPath),
- new DirContextURLStreamHandler(resources));
+("jndi", "", 0, getJNDIUri(hostName, fullPath),
+ new DirContextURLStreamHandler(resources));
 } catch (Exception e) {
 // Ignore



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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36541] - session getAttribute/setAttribute and removeAttribute are NOT Thread safe.

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Indeed. But do we need to sync the reads in 5.5.x as well or is it 
enough just to do the writes? I am confused as you said concurrent reads 
were the issue but syncing the writes would fix it.

No, concurrent reads are not the issue. The problem is that when the 
HashMap structure is corrupted by concurrent writes (either a put 
causing a resize, or a remove), then any read might loop. I believe as 
long as the HashMap structure remains consistent, all the next fields 
for the entries (which is the problematic field) will have a correct 
value at the end of the resize/remove, so an infinite loop on get is 
then not possible.

What this issue tells me, also, is that using the default size for the 
attributes HashMap may be inappropriate (it is best to avoid resizes, 
and the question is how much they happen - if at all, maybe it is remove 
which is most often used).

Sorry if I am being dense here ;)

No problem :)


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36541] - session getAttribute/setAttribute and removeAttribute are NOT Thread safe.

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-09-08 01:08 ---
I wonder if the new java.util.concurrent classes could be used instead 
of simple HashMap?

but that would mean total dependence on j2se 1.5 and that would be a 
problem for supporting j2se 1.4, though a backport is being worked on here

other reading here:

I think that sort of thing would provide a nice solution for speed + 
reliability.  Using this as the underlaying base would/should fix issues with EL

access too.

This would be a bad solution, because there are too many writes in many 

From what I see, the regular HashMap.get will return null without 
further trouble (since that is all that is needed) as long as no resize 
occurs. This makes the problem fixable by creating a non resizable 
HashMap. Another possibility, which I consider very likely, is that 
concurrent resizes are the only problem, and in that case syncing only 
on writes is already enough.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36541] - session getAttribute/setAttribute and removeAttribute are NOT Thread safe.

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:
Just a quick clarification. Did you mean to write "...Synchronizing the 
*reads* will also fix problems..."?

If concurrent reads is the problem, then don't the reads need to be 
synchronised? I thought from one of your earlier posts that the writes 
were already synchronised.

Not in the 5.0.x build he's using.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36541] - session getAttribute/setAttribute and removeAttribute are NOT Thread safe.

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat


I'm not even sure if I've been bitten by this either, but I have seen on the
list numerous people speaking of running out of Tomcat threads and setting their
connections to the max.  If this issue were causing problems they might be
having it and not even realize it.

It's trivial to see using a thraed dump. Please, don't try lame FUD.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36541] - session getAttribute/setAttribute and removeAttribute are NOT Thread safe.

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-09-07 21:29 ---
After we finish clarifying who's is bigger (and mine is best case average), we
could return to the bug.

1. The bug isn't invalid, so I reopen it. You can set it to WONTFIX, but not to

Indeed, WONTFIX looks to me like a reasonable resolution.

2. Applications working well with tomcat 4, resin or probably any other servlet
container do not work with tomcat 5.0.x or tomcat 5.5.x. Thus tomcat 5 seems to
be not compatible to the servlet spec (or be the only one compatible), if not in
the language of the specification itself, but in the intension of it. So tomcat
5 can be considered BROKEN.

Fine with me.

3. The bug applies to tomcat 5.5.x as well, because 
"... added back synchrnozation on write operations to the map in the 5.5

branch... " doesn't fix anything, since the read operation are the problem and
MUST be synchronized. 

Well, actually, I think you should bring that up with Sun, which have 
made a questionable/unsafe implementation of the collection IMO.

A reasonable fix I would consider, however (showing I am not saying "no" 
to your bug report just for fun), is using another collection 
implementation, or tweaking that one, whatever works. After all, all 
that is missing is something like an e != in HashMap.get.

But of course, we're the OSS project, so we're always the ones being 
bugged to death, rather than proprietary software vendors :(

Synchronizing the writes will also fix problems, since I think the 
underlying structure of the hashmap went bad due to a concurrency of 
reads. Try it before whining. Thanks.

5. The idea of removing synchronization to gain performance is absurd.
Who needs the performance? People like us, who have 2000-3000 concurrent users
on each webserver. But people who have 2000-3000 concurrent users, have also
many concurrent requests, even from the same user, so instead of gaining
performance we are gaining CRASHES. This bug killed 8 (!!!) webservers yesterday. 

I have extremely few problems with this.

6. Consider the flurry in the tomcat users community, if the above points + your
 refusal to provide a three LOCs fix gonna make tomcat 5 UNUSEABLE.

Funny. The only flurry is the one you have created, and that I will have 
to ignore.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36541] - session getAttribute/setAttribute and removeAttribute are NOT Thread safe.

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat



--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-09-07 23:43 ---
I strongly agree with Craig, et al to error on the side of a more robust implemention by using 
synchronization on the side of Tomcat. I think doing otherwise would be doing a high-wire act without a 
net. There are too many places for a developer to miss handling the threading correctly to leave this as is. 

Somehow, I cannot access bugzilla right now. DNS failure or something. 
Can someone close this as invalid and end this pointless debate ? 
Otherwise, I'll do it first thing when I have access :)


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36534] - Context relative URLs returned by ServletContext.getResource() for the same path are not equal

2005-09-07 Thread Remy Maucherat




   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|WONTFIX |

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-09-07 19:47 ---
Good point about toString(). I have a solution for that as well. Just override
org.apache.naming.resources.DirContextURLStreamHandler.toExternalForm() and have
it ignore the "authority" part of the URL, as follows (this is copied from, with "authority" part ignored):

 * Converts a URL of a specific protocol to a
 * String.
 * @param   u   the URL.
 * @return  a string representation of the URL argument.
protected String toExternalForm(URL u) {

// pre-compute length of StringBuffer
int len = u.getProtocol().length() + 1;
if (u.getPath() != null) {
len += u.getPath().length();
if (u.getQuery() != null) {
len += 1 + u.getQuery().length();
	if (u.getRef() != null) 
	len += 1 + u.getRef().length();

StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(len);
if (u.getPath() != null) {
if (u.getQuery() != null) {
if (u.getRef() != null) {
return result.toString();

It is important that URLs returned by ServletContext.getResource() that are
equal have equals() return TRUE. This works for all other kinds of URLs.

I hadn't noticed you were the one who filed the bug. Besides skipping 
the result.append(":");, you should simply apply the fix, it's a very 
good solution.


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Re: [ANN] Servlet and JSP APIs have moved to subversion

2005-09-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Allistair Crossley wrote:

Hi Remy,

I've been thinking about the Tomcat online documentation for quite a
long time now, and have wanted to do something to enhance them for
the community. I think I am going to be able to get back to doing
this shortly. I've been looking at how other open-source projects
that I consider to be very well documented approach documentation,
and was most impressed with Christian Bauer's use of DocBook for
Hibernate's HTML and PDF documentation. DocBook is a schema for
defining "books" and one uses XSL to translate to HTML or PDF
renditions. I've set this up on my PC and have purchased a decent XML
editor for the task, but I'm keen to learn whether you would consider
even approaching the documentation differently.

Ok, feel free to experiment. The main drawback is that the DTD is more 
complicated. Besides that, it would produce better results.


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Re: [ANN] Servlet and JSP APIs have moved to subversion

2005-09-06 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

The following CVS modules have been migrated to subversion


These modules are now read only in CVS.

The new SVN locations are:

NB Committers wishing to make changes to these modules will need to use 
https as per

TC3&4 will move next (phase 4), followed by TC5, Connectors and Jasper2 
(phase 5). A more detailed schedule, particularly for phase 5 since this 
is the focus of development, will be posted on the tomcat-dev list 
nearer the time.

It seems to work well !

What's the next step ?

I looked into the website work, and I think it should be enough to 
simply add a page for mailing lists and downloads (for starters, other 
pages can be added as needed). For the latter, what are the preferences 
? One like, or a much simpler one like ?


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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-31 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

Yup.  5.5.11 should be a good step in that direction: I'll download and play
around with it, but I think the changelog looks great in that it's mostly fixes
to known issues, nothing crazy, and therefore should make a good build.

I also think 5.5.11 looks good (assuming people did test it; please test 
it, I fixed all the bad APR bugs in 5.5.10 that I was aware of, and the 
Windows installer also installs an APR/OpenSSL binary is the "native" 
option is checked), but the stable build should have the branding.

How about doing that this week and then releasing a 5.5.12 build ?


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Re: Site repository cleanup

2005-08-30 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

Any objections to deleting the following?

I don't see what purpose any of the above might serve.

I know copies are cheap. My primary concern isn't space (and deleting 
things doesn't save space anyway) but making our repository easy for 
newcomers to navigate. We can get these back easily if we find we need 
them later.



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Re: svn commit: r264883 - /tomcat/site/branches/pre-tlp/

2005-08-30 Thread Remy Maucherat


Author: markt
Date: Tue Aug 30 15:38:30 2005
New Revision: 264883

Development of the
site will take place in ../tomcat/site/trunk

Add a download page (like this one, maybe:, end of story ? Or are there plans 
for something more ambitious ?


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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-29 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:


I am now on the expert group, and it's only a maintenance release (so no 
new JSR).

Ah, good.  That's a good point of synergy for us.  So it's a new maintenance
release, no new JSR, but it will be called Servlet Specification v2.5?  And
accordingly, Tomcat 6.0...

Pretty much. There's JSP 2.1 which is more significant, and given my 
level of expertise in JSP, it's a problem.


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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-29 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

I'm virtually back from vacation ;)  Still traveling, but now for business, and
therefore lugging my laptop along.  Thank you for the inquiry ;)

--- Ashly Mathew Varghese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just out of context.. What happened to Yoav?

- Migrate to

IIRC, we were going to do that after the SVN migration.  Mark is doing a great
job with the SVN task, with Henri and infra's help.  I'd estimate no more than
another month to complete the SVN migration, right?

The SVN migration for "site" should now be in progress.

- Release a new stable 5.5.x.

Yup.  5.5.11 should be a good step in that direction: I'll download and play
around with it, but I think the changelog looks great in that it's mostly fixes
to known issues, nothing crazy, and therefore should make a good build.

- Implement Servlet API 2.5:

There are few changes, except support for some annotations (which are
optional, but as Tomcat supports all web related optional J2EE features
...). The result would be very similar with Tomcat 5.5, with the
possibility of Java 5 related code cleanups (Servlet API 2.5 mandates
Java 5).

Yes.  I have to say I'm happy with the current Servlet 2.5 draft: from our
perspective, it's not much serious new work, we can remove a couple of annoying
special case paths through the code, and we get to dismiss the compat package.

We may want to continue making 5.5 releases for a little while after Tomcat 6.0
is out, as I expect a bunch of users will still using JDK 1.4.

Side note on this: the name for the CVS (or actually, SVN) area for Servlet API
2.5.  I'd prefer servletapi-2.5 for clarity, even though it breaks the pattern
of jakarta-servletapi and then jakarta-servletapi-5 that we have used to date.

I agree, it's a very good idea.

- Implement JSP 2.1: it's a significant effort, and the issue is that
there doesn't seem to be anyone available. Any ideas ?

The biggest unaddressed issue on the table at the moment, I agree.  I need to
look through the spec draft myself.  Are the gurus (kin-man, etc.) not around
and not available to help out?

No idea, but it seems not. MyFaces is going to need the new EL as well.

Also, similar side note on CVS/SVN location: perhaps we put it in jspapi-2.1
instead of servletapi-6?



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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-29 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

You know, come to think of it, who's on the Spec team for 2.5?  I don't even
see a formal JSR for it, only the preliminary changelog URL Remy originally
posted, which is hanging off the JSR 154 / Servlet Spec 2.4 site.

I am now on the expert group, and it's only a maintenance release (so no 
new JSR).


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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-29 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:

I think the spec team get to decide this. I had assumed they would do 
something similar to the servletapi-5 and have jsr154 and jsr245 
directories under the root directory (which in svn would be 
\tomcat\servletapi\trunk - the current trunk having been moved to 

I don't know if the spec team is actually still responsible for these 
repositories, such as if they intend to add the Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1 
API source there. If the don't, we can switch to a more OSS friendly 
access and management style.

Who do we need to talk at the spec team about this?

At least Jan would know, and he seems to be reading the list. Maybe they 
haven't quite decided what to do.


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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-29 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:
I think the spec team get to decide this. I had assumed they would do 
something similar to the servletapi-5 and have jsr154 and jsr245 
directories under the root directory (which in svn would be 
\tomcat\servletapi\trunk - the current trunk having been moved to 

I don't know if the spec team is actually still responsible for these 
repositories, such as if they intend to add the Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1 
API source there. If the don't, we can switch to a more OSS friendly 
access and management style.


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Re: Upcoming work

2005-08-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Ashly Mathew Varghese wrote:

Just out of context.. What happened to Yoav?

He's on vacation.


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Upcoming work

2005-08-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

There are quite a few tasks ahead:

- Migrate to

- Release a new stable 5.5.x.

- New SVN repositories.

- Implement Servlet API 2.5:
There are few changes, except support for some annotations (which are 
optional, but as Tomcat supports all web related optional J2EE features 
...). The result would be very similar with Tomcat 5.5, with the 
possibility of Java 5 related code cleanups (Servlet API 2.5 mandates 
Java 5).

- Implement JSP 2.1: it's a significant effort, and the issue is that 
there doesn't seem to be anyone available. Any ideas ?


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Re: Subversion migration update

2005-08-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Henri Yandell wrote:

On 8/17/05, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2. j-t-service, j-t-site, j-t-tools

Ready to do phase-2?

Where should they go in svn:tomcat/?
Which need tags/branches?

So it would be tomcat/service, tomcat/site, tomcat/tools, etc ?


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[ANN] Apache Tomcat v5.5.11-alpha Released

2005-08-23 Thread Remy Maucherat
The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability 
of Apache Tomcat 5.5.11-alpha, which includes bugfixes over Apache 
Tomcat 5.5.10-alpha.

The Release notes are available at

Please refer to the change log for the list of changes:

Downloads: Binaries:

The Apache Tomcat Team

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Re: commons-logging infinite loop w/5.5.9

2005-08-23 Thread Remy Maucherat

Nathan Bubna wrote:

hey folks,

i'm a developer on the VelocityTools subproject, and we recently came
across an issue with the use of commons-logging in Tomcat 5.5.9.

by default, we configure our example applications to use an adapter
between commons-logging and Velocity's LogSystem.  this way, those of
our tools which require logging are able to send messages to
commons-logging and they get passed of to the LogSystem that the rest
of Velocity is using (without having to pass that LogSystem around). 
We also, by default, configure our VelocityViewServlet (the core class

of VelocityTools) to automatically send LogSystem messages to the
servlet log.

so, messages sent to c-l are sent the the Velocity LogSystem which
sends the messages to the servlet log.

this works just dandy for everyone in Tomcat 5.0.x, but when we deploy
our very minimal example applications in Tomcat 5.5.9, we promptly
receive stack overflows and out of memory errors that appear to be a
nasty little commons-logging loop.

can somebody help me figure out what change between 5.0 and 5.5 is
causing this?  and further, what can be done about it?  i'm still not
even sure whether to consider this a bug in our design or in Tomcat.

any help would be much appreciated!

In Tomcat 5.5, everything is logged to commons-logging, so the loop you 
get is to be expected.


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Re: Temp RM

2005-08-22 Thread Remy Maucherat

Remy Maucherat wrote:


Yoav has granted me "temp RM" powers while he's away on vacation. I plan 
to use them and release a new 5.5.11 test build early next week (let's 
say monday) for further testing of the new features introduced in 
5.5.10, which unfortunately had serious bugs which should have been 
addressed. I don't think this new test build will be the subject of a 
stability vote given that too many key people may be out of reach until 

Any problems with this plan ?

I still plan to put out a new 5.5.11 test build today, as described above.


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Re: Subversion migration update

2005-08-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:
Not having been around when we have done this before, do we just branch 
the previous version? If so, the simplest thing to do would be to create 
5.5.x branches for each component and develop 6.0 (assuming we call it 
that) in trunk. I can do this as soon as we are ready.

Yes, it has to be called 6.0 because of the new specifications release. 
Given the said specification schedule, I don't see anything new being 
included (besides code cleanup thanks to the mandated Java 5 support) 
unless components get donated or something.


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Re: Subversion migration update

2005-08-18 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:

The performance comparison between CVS and SVN is in the early stages 
and I will post some results once I have a more complete set.

Tests performed on WinXP SP2, with Tortoise CVS 1.8.18 and Tortoise SVN 
1.2.1 using the Watchdog repository. For tests using a single file I 
used build.xml.

The results are (averages in seconds):
Operation  CVS  SVN
checkout   38   51
history 45
blame   47
revert  71

Also, SVN does not support revision graphs. Some tools can derive the 
graph but for the ASF repository this will take hours, possibly days.

See for a list of other SVN benefits.

I am +1 for moving the remaining Tomcat CVS modules to SVN.

I'm +10^-60 or something.

Assuming everyone else is happy to move the remaining tomcat modules to 
SVN I would suggest the following stages (Watchdog was stage 1). I'll 
give people at least a week to comment on this proposal and assuming no 
-1's start the phase 2 towards the end of next week.

2. j-t-service, j-t-site
3. j-servletapi, j-servletapi-4, j-servletapi-5
4. j-tomcat, j-tomcat-4.0
5. j-t-catalina, j-t-5, j-t-jasper, j-t-connectors

Do we need an OK from the spec team before we do stage 3?

I don't think so, we're not changing the code.

Any other comments/concerns?

Right after that, we'll need new repositories to implement the new 
Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1.


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Temp RM

2005-08-18 Thread Remy Maucherat


Yoav has granted me "temp RM" powers while he's away on vacation. I plan 
to use them and release a new 5.5.11 test build early next week (let's 
say monday) for further testing of the new features introduced in 
5.5.10, which unfortunately had serious bugs which should have been 
addressed. I don't think this new test build will be the subject of a 
stability vote given that too many key people may be out of reach until 

Any problems with this plan ?


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Re: tag plugin

2005-08-18 Thread Remy Maucherat
wing lee wrote:
> I've tried the generateBody method, but it just generate such code 
> "write.out(body content)", don't return the value of the body content. 

That's odd: it's supposed to continue evaluation and code generation for
the body, not consider nested stuff as static text. There's a good
example with the "if" tag plugin (although, as I said, I didn't test it
at all, so maybe it's broken).

public final class If implements TagPlugin {

public void doTag(TagPluginContext ctxt) {
String condV = ctxt.getTemporaryVariableName();
ctxt.generateJavaSource("boolean " + condV + "=");
if (ctxt.isAttributeSpecified("var")) {
String scope = "PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE";
if (ctxt.isAttributeSpecified("scope")) {
String scopeStr = ctxt.getConstantAttribute("scope");
if ("request".equals(scopeStr)) {
scope = "PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE";
} else if ("session".equals(scopeStr)) {
scope = "PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE";
} else if ("application".equals(scopeStr)) {
scope = "PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE";
ctxt.generateJavaSource(", new Boolean(" + condV + ")," + scope +
ctxt.generateJavaSource("if (" + condV + "){");


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Re: tag plugin

2005-08-17 Thread Remy Maucherat
wing lee wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on the JSTL tag plugin for jasper. I don't fin any method in the 
> interface TagPluginContext to get the body content of the tag. But I have to 
> use it. Anyone can help me?

Isn't that supposed to be TagPluginContext.generateBody ? I didn't try
it, though.


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2005-08-05 Thread Remy Maucherat


I'll be away until the 16th. Later !


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/http11/src/java/org/apache/coyote/http11

2005-08-04 Thread Remy Maucherat

Bill Barker wrote:

It looks like you did the same thing I did with JK:  Remove the useless PAs,
and then don't bother to test on a clean build (so that SecurityClassLoad
can still find the removed classes and doesn't complain).  If you don't want
BZ 35894 re-opened, you also need to remove the reference to the removed PAs
in SecurityClassLoad ;-).

I made the changes only to the APR versions, so it looks ok to me.


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Re: error? bug?

2005-08-04 Thread Remy Maucherat

Oto Bossert wrote:


Currently we are running tomcat 5.5.9 on Debian Sarge, with Java JDK , together with apache,

apache-common 1.3.33-6 support files for all Apache webservers
apache2 2.0.54-4 next generation, scalable, extendable web se
apache2-common 2.0.54-4 next generation, scalable, extendable web se
apache2-mpm-pr 2.0.54-4 traditional model for Apache2
apache2-utils 2.0.54-4 utility programs for webservers 
libapache-mod- 4.3.10-15 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag

libapache2-mod 4.3.9-2 Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication
libapache2-mod 2.0.4-3 Apache 2.0 connector for the Tomcat Java ser
libapache2-mod 4.3.10-15 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag
libapache2-mod 0.5.2-3 Apache2 module to run php scripts with the o

Unfortunatly tomcat does not respond on monitor check any/every day between 
06:26:00 and 06:27:00.
message : [CEST Aug 4 06:26:30] 'tomcat' failed, cannot open a connection to 

first message from catalina.out log 
[Aug 4, 2005 6:26:31 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol pause INFO: 
Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080]

Now our monitoring system, notices the stop and restarts tomcat, but this is 
not acceptable in the long run
Also restarting tomcat at any moment in the day does not change the time it 
goes down

Any suggestions?

It should be quite obvious: edit the file from where the log is coming, 
add a trace dump there, and recompile the said class.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/security

2005-08-03 Thread Remy Maucherat


billbarker2005/08/03 23:07:46

  Fix CNFE when starting in a sandbox.
  After the last refactoring, the Jk-Java Connector no longer has need of PAs.  If this changes, the method can always be added back.

This reminds me I need to test security more often.

I look in the preload list for HTTP, and I see a few PAs there. One of 
them is:

// End the response status line
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null){
new PrivilegedAction(){
public Object run(){
buf[pos++] = Constants.CR;
buf[pos++] = Constants.LF;
return null;
} else {
buf[pos++] = Constants.CR;
buf[pos++] = Constants.LF;

I think this is fairly funny code. The contents of the PA were a bit 
different originally, but I don't see why a PA was ever needed. 
Similarly, the other PA is needed because the HttpMessages is a bundle 
which will need to be loaded, while the loading should be done during 
the init of the connector (like HttpMessages.getMessage(200)).


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Re: Standart Sessions included in the SSO Session expire

2005-08-03 Thread Remy Maucherat

Dominik Drzewiecki wrote:

I have a conceptual question wrt the Single Sign On behaviour.

Let's assume there are two applications /app1 and /app2, and there is a SSO 
setup on them both. Now, user logs into the /app1 (which requires 
authentication) and /app2 (which uses SSO Cookie, no authentication then), 
and later on makes use of only one of them (say: /app1) for quite a long 
time, so that this period outlives the session expiry date of the unused 
application (/app2). Provided that both applications establish their own 
sessions the one created in the scope of constantly used application 
(/app1) wouldn't expire, while the second one definitely would. 

Now the question: As both sessions are gathered into a higher-level SSO 
session, would it be against the specification if *all* standard sessions 
were aged (eg. by calling session.access()) on each request containing 
valid SSO cookie? I suggest that there should be a flag on the SSO Valve, 
that is org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn allowing users to 
specify the behaviour. If nobody objects, I could try to provide apropriate 

The purpose of single sign on is to deal with authentication issues, not 
modify session lifecycle. Overall, you really need to design your web 
applications as if they were independent.

Of course, it is fine to implement your own custom behavior should you 
need it.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/webapps/docs changelog.xml

2005-08-02 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

Done.  Thanks for catching that,


PS -- Is the 1.1.0 native coming any time soon?  The build is broken since
build.xml and were updated, but[jtc]/native does not exist...

Syncing takes a lot of time with the new architecture, sorry.


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Re: Writing MemoryUserDatabase on Startup

2005-08-02 Thread Remy Maucherat

Rainer Jung wrote:

Hi Remy,

so would it be OK, if I produce a patch, that cares about the Exception 
and logs a message instead? I could make that configurable if you think 
there is too much danger for a user to loose changes because he was able 
to start tomcat and didn't notice the database was not writable.

I will propose a patch later that week and you can have a look at it.

Catching and logging a warning would be good, I think.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/webapps/docs changelog.xml

2005-08-02 Thread Remy Maucherat


yoavs   2005/08/02 11:12:06

   webapps/docs changelog.xml
  Bugzilla 33261:

Can you fix the EOLs ?


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Re: Writing MemoryUserDatabase on Startup

2005-08-02 Thread Remy Maucherat

Rainer Jung wrote:


I wonder, why


saves the MemoryUserDatabase directly after opening it:

public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context
nameCtx, Hashtable environment) throws Exception {


// Return the configured database instance;;
return (database);


That means, the runtime user of tomcat needs write permissions on the
directory, the file is in (see the implementation of

Ogf course in case one likes to administer the user database the save
function is necessary. But there are two cases where one would prefer to
have tomcat not trying to save the database during startup:

1) Running tomcat from CD
2) Having a very secure setup of tomcat, where all the configs are write

The call to is in the code since the very first version
in TC 4, but I can't really see, why it is necessary.

Another possibility would be to catch the Exception thrown when there is
no write permission and to simply log a warning.

Also: there is a save() done in close(). I don't know, where the close
is called from, but it looks like nowhere in catalina code (eventually
in admin).

Any comments? Thanks!

The problem is (mostly) the save in close: the database can't know for 
sure if its stuff was updated so it always saves.

I understand the need for 1), which can be achieved with the other 
equivalent-but-not-management-friendly memory realm. 2) seems unlikely IMO.


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Re: APR AJP Connector loosing data

2005-07-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mauricio Nuñez wrote:

El jue, 28-07-2005 a las 14:25 +0200, Remy Maucherat escribió:

OK. But may be more easy, It's not very "out of the box" .

Since the out of the box version has a bug, the "out of the box" 
experience is going to suck, there's nothing I can do about it.

I noticed that after trying random stuff. While it's good to send 
details, it's less useful to send them after the bug has been fixed.

OK. The test case is for the list archive, not only for you. The smart
people search the archives before send a bug. 


I'm testing your change, all is working again. 
65 ajp workers on machine 1, 95 ajp workers on machine 2. 

The heap usage grow smoothly. 
My sample is about 20 min. 

What kind of data may be relevant for you ?

That it's working is pretty good already, but you should mention your 
OS. I built the AJP APR implementation using lots of cut & paste of the 
existing AJP code, and for the most part, just to "have it", as I don't 
expect major benefits (except in one special case where the amount of 
request processors on the front end is huge compared to the amount of 
request processors that can realistically be used on the back end - 
often it's the other way around, so there's no problem).


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Re: 5.5.10 cluster exception

2005-07-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Dennis wrote:

I'm working with the cvs tagged 5.5.10 version of tomcat to check out
some clustering fixes.

When I bring a 2nd server into the pool, I get this exception repeated
every time an mcast packet is received:


Here are the relevant lines of code from

byte[] domaind = new byte[dlen];
System.arraycopy(data, nlen + 24, domaind, 0, domaind.length);

I added some debugging to figure out the length of the data.  The
exception occurs because data.length is 23.  Obviously 23+24 is going to
throw an ArrayIndexOBE.

My question is.. is there a configuration thing that is causing data to
be sent to be less than the desired length?  It appears the data is not
coming in in the format expected.


Your post is OT on this mailing list, but I thought I would play a 
little with the clustering.

This works for me, with this config:





The domain feature for membership is new in this release (which caused 
the data packets sent to change).

I recommend trying tomcat-user, or filing a bug if you can give working 
instructions on how to reproduce the problem.


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Re: APR AJP Connector loosing data

2005-07-28 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mauricio Nuñez wrote:

El jue, 28-07-2005 a las 01:09 +0200, Remy Maucherat escribió:

Mauricio Nuñez wrote:

Apparently , my report was useful! :-)

The issue turned out to be really basic. Any other problems besides that ?



I'm begining to recompile the CVS connector to try. Now I'm fighting
with  "the jakarta jar hell" :-) . 

There's no hell involved ... There's one source file involved (actually, 
only one line). What you need to do is javac that one class (which only 
depends only on JARs which are in the Tomcat bundle in server/lib: 
tomcat-apr, tomcat-util, tomcat-coyote, tomcat-ajp). Even getting the 
full thing is easy as long as you know Ant (ant download; ant).

Now I'm testing the NIO connector. 
After the compilation, I'will send you my results. 

Well, for the log, the test case about the APR AJP loosing data is to

configure apache2 + mod_jk + Tomcat woth Apr AJP13 socket, and try any
page with size > 8192. Tested with Linux Centos 4, Sun JDK 1.5.0_03.

I noticed that after trying random stuff. While it's good to send 
details, it's less useful to send them after the bug has been fixed.


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Re: APR AJP Connector loosing data

2005-07-27 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mauricio Nuñez wrote:

Apparently , my report was useful! :-)

The issue turned out to be really basic. Any other problems besides that ?


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Re: tomcat build failed

2005-07-27 Thread Remy Maucherat

Xingbo Gao wrote:


Where can I find the default file?

It's in jakarta-tomcat-5.


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Re: tomcat build failed

2005-07-27 Thread Remy Maucherat

Xingbo Gao wrote:


I follow the steps listed in, and try
to build the tomcat source codes. I was able to build successfully
before, but now get the errors below each time. It seems the link doesn't work any more.


 [echo] Testing  for /usr/share/java/mx4j-3.0.1/lib/mx4j.jar

  [get] Getting:
  [get] To: /usr/share/java/file.tar.gz
  [get] Error getting to

/home/xbgao/tomcat/build.xml:49: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
/home/xbgao/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5/build.xml:1834: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/xbgao/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5/build.xml:1928: Connection refused

Maybe the sourceforge mirror is gone or something. There's a list to 
choose from in the default (I just updated it).


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Re: APR AJP Connector loosing data

2005-07-27 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mauricio Nuñez wrote:
Well, the files are equals  for the first 8112 - 8185 bytes, aprox . 

May be 8192 (2 ^ 13), but the lines pre y post data loss are too
similarly  :-) 

I was being sarcastic ;) Your report is not a test case I can use, so I 
can't do much.


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Re: APR AJP Connector loosing data

2005-07-27 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mauricio Nuñez wrote:

Hi developers!

Well, I was testing the experimental APR AJP connector, with 2 web pages
at my site. Using Tomcat 5.5.10

Both pages are loosing 16368 bytes. 

Bad luck. Hopefully it's just irrelevant data ;)

I'm attaching the pages. Using  kompare under linux , you can check
clearly where is the diff.

And that will help me a lot, thanks.


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Re: tomcat API doc, where?

2005-07-26 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

This is actually a bit more interesting than I thought ;)
jakarta-tomcat-connectors/util/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/JSSE15SocketF breaks the JDK 1.4 javadoc (lines 33 and 62 have fatal JavaDoc
errors).  Since we build with JDK 1.4, the Catalina API JavaDocs weren't

I've recorded this in Bugzilla as 35880,  The question is
what's the best fix.  Should we exclude that file (or that whole package)
from the JavaDoc target?

I don't see any choice other than to filter out any Java 5 code at the 


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Re: Tomcat performance patch (in development) to reduce concurrency...

2005-07-26 Thread Remy Maucherat

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Scott Marlow wrote:

Anyway, my point is that this could be a worthwhile enhancement for
applications that run on Tomcat.  What I don't understand yet is whether
the same functionality is already in Tomcat.

I should point out that some applications shouldn't limit the max number
of concurrent requests (long running requests won't benefit but maybe
those applications shouldn't run on the web tier anyway :-)

I agree with the intent, but this is not implemented properly. I think
the idea is to restrict concurrency in the application layer, rather at
the low level (where, AFIK, concurrency isn't that expensive, and is
better addressed using a little non blocking IO). The performance
benefits for certain types of applications will be the same, but without
introducing any unwanted limitations or incorrect behavior at the
connector level.

I think you should write a ConcurrencyValve instead, which would do
something like:

boolean shouldRelease = false;
try {
shouldRelease = true;
getNext().invoke(request, response);
} finally {
if (shouldRelease)

As it is a valve, you can set it globally, on a host, or on an
individual webapp, allowing to control concurrency in a fine grained
way. In theory, you can also add it on individual servlets, but it
requires some hacking. Since it's optional and independent, I think it
is acceptable to use Java 5 for it.

As you pointed out, some applications may run horribly with this (slow
upload is the most glaring example).

It took forever (given it's only 10 lines of code), but I added the 
valve. The class is org.apache.cataline.valves.SemaphoreValve.

So you can add it at the engine level to add a concurrency constraint 
for the whole servlet engine, without constraining the connector (which 
might not be low thread count friendly).


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Re: Tagging 5.5.10...

2005-07-25 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:
… right now.  The build will be uploaded to minotaur for mirroring in 
about 90 minutes.

Cool. For the next build, Mladen will add a new "source" bundle for the 
APR JNI wrapper library, and there should also be some real 
documentation. I think it should end up in the "bin" folder of the 
distribution, like the jsvc.tar.gz archive (similarly, it will include a 
ready to run configure).


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Re: New tag ?

2005-07-25 Thread Remy Maucherat

Jason Brittain wrote:

On 7/23/05, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have been doing some quick tests and my totally unscientific,
statistically invalid results are that cvs annotate seems to be about 7
to 8 times faster than svn blame (50s compared with 7s) and cvs log
seems to be about 2 to 3 times faster than svn log (16s compared to 7s).

I've heard the subversion developers remind people that there are at least a few
different network protocols for accessing svn.  In the http:// case,
it will be the
slowest.  IIRC they say using the svn:// protocol is the fastest.  It looks
as if the Apache svn installation does not support svn:// URLs.  The page that
shows the URLs doesn't mention it:

And when I try to connect to the svn port (tcp 3690) I get a connection refused.
So, maybe the infrastructure people could set up a svnserve server as well as
serving these repositories through Apache httpd?

I use svn and I'm looking forward to having Tomcat hosted in it.

Remy: isn't "svn blame" what you're looking for?

I have looked a little at the command line tool now. It's actually more 
like the regular "svn log". It looks like the thing missing is good UI 

It indeed seems a bit sluggish overall, but it's very usable :)


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Re: 5.5.10 tag time and tester failures

2005-07-22 Thread Remy Maucherat

Remy Maucherat wrote:
Session failures could be related to the IAE that is thrown for getId if 
the session is invalid. This could break a lot of stuff. Usually, 
failure at session tests means serious problems, however, and these two 
failures seem suspicious.

I confirm the two failures are indeed caused by a listener using getId 
and calling invalidate on the session, so the tests are now invalid (the 
listeners should be careful when using getId).


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Re: 5.5.10 tag time and tester failures

2005-07-22 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:


When should we tag and cut 5.5.10?  I originally proposed tomorrow 
(Saturday) and that seems to be OK with everyone.  So unless I hear 
back, let’s do it tomorrow at 2pm my time (EDT), which is 1800h UTC: 

I tested the build and release, they work fine with the latest CVS HEAD, 
with the exception of two strange tester failure.  One is on the very 
first tester test, for /index.jsp, and while I don’t know why it fails, 
I don’t think it’s a big deal because virtually all the other tests 
pass.  The other failure is more intriguing: it’s the 4^th session test, 
and I also don’t know why it fails, but it’s worth looking into I think.

Session failures could be related to the IAE that is thrown for getId if 
the session is invalid. This could break a lot of stuff. Usually, 
failure at session tests means serious problems, however, and these two 
failures seem suspicious.

The first test on index.jsp works for me. What do you get ?


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Re: New tag ?

2005-07-21 Thread Remy Maucherat

Yoav Shapira wrote:

I'm OK with cutting 5.5.10 tomorrow or Saturday.  If that's too early, let's
pick a different time.

I don't have further code changes to add in this build, it seems.

After 5.5.10, I want to talk about SVN migration again ;)  I'm aware of the
lack of satisfaction among the CVS GUI users, but infra is cutting off CVS
on January 1st, and for me personally, August seems like a great time to do
the transition since it's traditionally a low-activity period.

It's not really a UI thing for me. One feature I use often are revision 
lists for a particular file, to be able to tell where a bug has been 
introduced (I then do diffs between revisions). It seems with SVN I have 
to retrieve the full revision list for the repository (which will take 
hours). If someone can offer a workaround for this problem, then I'll 
support a move to SVN :)


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Re: New tag ?

2005-07-21 Thread Remy Maucherat

Peter Rossbach wrote:


I also think we can build a 5.5.10 release with all the new stuff. The 
new cluster redesign version is yet only tested under small
load. Better I commit my new jkstatus task after my three week holiday 
for next release (5.5.11).

Sounds good.

I have add a new lib (catalina-jmx-ant.jar) for jmx ant tasks to 
server/lib and two ant scripts include at bin, but I have not test the 

included this things also.

It should be included, no problem (it uses patterns like server/**, and 
the installer uses server/lib).


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Re: Support JSS in Tomcat

2005-07-21 Thread Remy Maucherat

Christine Ho wrote:

Thanks. It works.

JSS can be used under either Mozilla Public License
(MPL) or LGPL. Is MPL or LGPL compatible with ASF
license? The good thing about JSS is that it is
FIPS-140 compliant.

First, the Tomcat portion of the code needs to be donated to the ASF. 
The code cannot import LGPL packages, but I don't know about MPL (I'd 
say it's ok).


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Re: New tag ?

2005-07-20 Thread Remy Maucherat

Bill Barker wrote:


I think the APR capabilities that we added are now sufficiently stable
to warrant testing. If the other areas that saw changes recently
(clustering, JK) are ok too, then it could be a good idea to release a
new build.

JK should be fine.  I've been pretty careful with the changes.

I was referring to the NIO channel which is marked as "experimental" in 
the changelog.

It would be nice to fix BZ 35696 (since it's a spec issue).  I'll see if I
can get some time to look at it.



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New tag ?

2005-07-20 Thread Remy Maucherat


I think the APR capabilities that we added are now sufficiently stable 
to warrant testing. If the other areas that saw changes recently 
(clustering, JK) are ok too, then it could be a good idea to release a 
new build.


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Re: mod_jk 1.2.10 and tomcat 5.5.9 buffer overflow

2005-07-12 Thread Remy Maucherat

Bill Barker wrote:

The message is simply that you have a header value that is too big for the
AJP/1.3 protocol to handle.  If you enable DEBUG logging for
org.apache.jk.common.MsgAjp, you should get a dump of the partial data that
should include the name of the bad header.

Given the line, it could be a monster header value, possibly a cookie 
(the size is 18KB, which is way over the AJP/1.3 capabilities).

Rémy (with the neophyte AJP developer hat on)

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Re: Tomcat Connector Benchmark

2005-07-12 Thread Remy Maucherat

Vicenc Beltran Querol wrote:

I would like to know if there is an "official" benchmark to 
compare the scalability/throughput of the new connectors 
(APR, Grizzly, ...) and Coyote. 

If not, maybe it's a good time to define one. 

I am confident you are going to be willing to contribute rigged results.

BTW, Grizzly is not a Tomcat connector, it is a component of a separate 


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Re: [VOTE] SOC temporary committer Anders Nyman

2005-07-12 Thread Remy Maucherat

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

At 01:25 PM 7/11/2005, you wrote:

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

It's important for students involved with SoC to learn to use
the tools of our organization;

I don't agree with you. The Tomcat is not place for some
'sandbox' projects.
If the ASF have some agreement with Google then it should
have created a 'SoC Google sandbox' not trying to force
every project to create a 'Google sandbox'.

The ASF didn't agree with Google that 'we need more code'
(many projects seem overwhelmed at times by the amount of code
they manage already, no slight intended...)  The ASF agreed that 
Open Source needs to continue to grow in contributors.

The only way to grow more contributors is to have them learn
in-place.  The mentor's job is to help them set up, avoid the
usual foibles, help them participate in the community, and do
a bit of steering of the project.  Because the entire pace is
'accelerated' it is humanistically challenging, but far from
impossible to bring an individual up to speed over a month or

So it's unusual, and we aren't handing away keys to the entire
kingdom.  But setting up a sandbox (not your problem, it's the
mentors) and watching the progress (if it scratches your itch)
is not an imposition on the individual project communities.

Ok, so if we say it's the mentor's responsability, then it should be 
fine. I'll let the persons I'm mentoring know about the infrstructure we 
chose, then.


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Re: [VOTE] SOC temporary committer Anders Nyman

2005-07-11 Thread Remy Maucherat

Tim Funk wrote:
As part of the Google SOC. Google accepted the tomcat-reverse-proxy 
project to be executed by Anders Nyman ( anders.nyman at gmail  d ot  
com  )

The scope of the project is to let Tomcat act a reverse proxy by 
extending the balancer webapp. To make it easier to get the job done 
this summer while not relying on an intermediate committer, I propose 
granting commit access for only the following module:


The apache id granted would be prefixed with soc and be temporary. A CLA 
has already been signed and submitted. The vote is for commit access 
only for the module listed above. Voting rights will not be granted.

[X] Sounds good to me
[ ] I'm indifferent
[ ] I don't like it. Here's why

There are a few ways this could be handled, and this seems the easiest. 
I have had satisfactory email discussions with the two students I plan 
to mentor on Jasper, so I feel confident they will not screw things up 
(at least not too much ;)).

I will propose them as temp committers as well if the vote passes.


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Re: ((Urgent)) Which one is better: JSP or PHP with tomcat

2005-07-11 Thread Remy Maucherat

jean-frederic clere wrote:
You should compare httpd+mod-ssl and Tomcat+JSSE or + PureSSL, again 
that is hard to tell (but I prefer httpd+mod-ssl).

How about that new Tomcat + "mod_ssl"-like ? ;)


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Re: Tomcat Session Replication & Portlets

2005-07-09 Thread Remy Maucherat

Peter Rossbach wrote:

Hey Eric,

which tomcat release you use?  I have change a lot inside the current 
5.5 cvs head and hope your
work is compatible with this changes. I thing your changes is not easy 
and you must reflect that other
Valves and Listener must also reflect your API deprecated CrossContext 
feature. Why the Portlet API

need CrossContext?

Because the portlet specification is stupid, and is 100% based on cross 
context, which is *the* non portable feature.

Implementatation help: Your must rewrote the complete ReplicationValve 
and JvmRouteBinderValve

Look inside ReplicationValve.invoke and get from Container the Cluster
CatalinaCluster cluster = (CatalinaCluster) getContainer.getCluster();
Currently you can get the complete list of the registerted application 
It is not easy to detected changes coordinate the startup and restart 
manager phase.. ( Look inside DeltaManager :-)
I thing you must coordinate your replication with other threads ... ( 
very bad sync blocks).

Since he's using portlets, he'll have to use emptySessionPath, which 
solves problems related with session ID handling.

I though there would be no big problem with keeping a list (thread 
local) of sessions which have been accessed during a request, and have 
the replication valve take care of them. Either that or the request 
dispatcher will have to integrate the functionality of the replication 
valve (to some extent; I suppose this means adding a callback or 
something on Cluster).

It's definitely not a piece of code to start on if someone doesn't know 
Tomcat well, that's for sure. Given the initial email, my advice is to 
forget about it for now and be a bit patient (or I'll just say happy 
hacking, but it's very unlikely I'll integrate any submitted changes).


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Re: Tomcat Session Replication & Portlets

2005-07-08 Thread Remy Maucherat

Eric Dalquist wrote:
I am prepared to do the work for this task but would like to get some 
feed back from the tomcat developer community on recommendations and in 
what way the work could be done to ensure its eventual inclusion in the 
tomcat codebase.

We're not going to need much help here, as I assume that there will be 
at least two persons interested in fixing this eventually. Probably 
registering sessions for checking in access or endAccess would be a 
decent solution.


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Re: jni error

2005-07-05 Thread Remy Maucherat

jean-frederic clere wrote:


I have the following error when compiling:
src/file.c   502: [error]:   CFE1136 struct "JNINativeInterface_" has no 
field "GetDirectBufferAddress"

  char *bytes = (char *)(*e)->GetDirectBufferAddress(e, buf);
My java version is 1.3.1, why are we requiring a very new one?

NIO is used a lot, so I think it will require JDK 1.4+.

I started some documentation, but it is not based on first hand 
experience, so feel free to fix it.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/java/org/apache/jk/server

2005-07-01 Thread Remy Maucherat

Vicenc Beltran Querol wrote:

That sounds great! Nice idea. Never thought about it.

Let's say... something like a "hybrid" solution... that would be interesting.

I got used to useless statements coming from you. I see a trend now.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/java/org/apache/jk/server

2005-06-30 Thread Remy Maucherat

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
LOL :-) Don't know what formula you used to get 80% (might be more :-)) 
, but why would I re-write something that works pretty well :-). 
Coyote/http11 was well designed, so was easy to extends. I got rid of 
the thread pool and replaced the front end with an nio non blocking 
approach, similar to what you did for APR.

Well, all I know is that I only very casually looked at it, and that I 
should probably not do anything more. For all I know of Sun, you guys 
might well have patents for it in the pipe, and even if you don't, I am 
not allowed to reuse the code (and likely not reimplement it after 
looking at it either).

So you can tease me all you want about looking at it in depth: forget 
it, I will not :)


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/java/org/apache/jk/server

2005-06-30 Thread Remy Maucherat

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
:-). Just take a look at the GlassFish module called appserv-http-engine 
 on ( I'm sure you will 
like it :-). And I'm sure this community can come with something even 

Yes, I do like parts of it: I'd say 80% of it is just a cool cut & paste 
of my HTTP code.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/java/org/apache/jk/server

2005-06-30 Thread Remy Maucherat

Bill Barker wrote:
Actually, on Solaris the big winner is ChannelNioSocket.  It wins the 
performance race easily now.  Too bad that NIO on Windows s*cks.  I 
guess that JFA was right, and non-blocking sockets is the way to go.

Lol, sure, I'll think about it ;)

Hey, I like the overengineering ;-).  Yeah, Costin got a little 
ambitious here before deciding to just use Coyote.  On the other hand, 
when Mladen wants you to implement unix sockets for AJP/APR, ChannelUn 
is going to start to look good ;-).

Well, face it: the only thing which saves all this code is that it's 
there, and working (ChannelSocket is, at least). Besides this, a lot of 
it is complexity which didn't turn out to be needed.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/java/org/apache/jk/server

2005-06-30 Thread Remy Maucherat


billbarker2005/06/29 19:49:38

With a 16K bufferSize, the APR connector is no longer the clear
winner in performance.  For BC, it's currently disabled by default,
but it's easy enough to change that after some more testing.

Yes, I can see performance is better too. It's also possible that taking 
the APR code, and rewriting it with regular Java IO would also yield 
slightly better results (regular HTTP is still a little faster than APR 
HTTP - some VMs make the difference very small, but the VM I use for 
testing is definitely not the best for JNI).

Now that I've looked at it a lot, however, I dislike the Java AJP impl, 
as it's way overengineered in comparison to what it required by the 
current Tomcat.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/tools

2005-06-29 Thread Remy Maucherat

jean-frederic clere wrote:

I am using the lastest version of ssh and have forced protocol 2.

I'm using Putty. Neither me or Mladen can see a CVS server actually 
running, so we get a connection error. I'm using pserver auth over my 
regular SSH tunnel.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/tools

2005-06-29 Thread Remy Maucherat


jfclere 2005/06/29 09:20:15

  Allow to use http_proxy if available.

This is unfait: I am without email (I switched to using a forward as an 
emergency measure), CVS access, etc. How did you do a commit ?


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Re: I have some new FormAuthenticator code for Tomcat.

2005-06-27 Thread Remy Maucherat

Mark Thomas wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

I'll be the first to admit, however, that FORM (and the other auth 
methods from the spec) are insufficient and not flexible enough, and I 
am not completely against adding additional custom auth-methods.

Can you give some use cases where the spec falls short?

Well, it can be annoying to integrate with the rest of a webapp, the 
constraints are a limited, and it only does l/p.


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