Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-06-07 Thread noordinaryspider
I am in the same boat as quantumgravity, unfortunately, and have a minor child to think about, but would definitely be interested in subscribing if my circumstances change or donating what I can to the project if they don't. I currently use my address for activism and personal

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-07 Thread noordinaryspider
Trisquel is the first distro I have been able to support financially. It isn't much, but I was able to set up automatic payments for 5 Euros (about $6-$7 USD) a month, which isn't going to keep my kids from eating or me from paying my bills on time. If you went back to windows after your

[Trisquel-users] Blackboard Software workaround

2014-07-23 Thread noordinaryspider
Hello, I have been invited to participate in a virtual conference that requires Blackboard software and I was curious if there was some sort of a workaround I could use. I can't get past the unsupported operating system unsupported Java page and am fine with reduced functionality, since I

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 as guest on Aqemu

2014-07-23 Thread noordinaryspider
Hello, has anyone successfully installed or even run 7.0 on aqemu yet? I haven't been able to get past the installer crashing repeatedly or a black screen when I try to run live. TIA

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 as guest on Aqemu

2014-07-23 Thread noordinaryspider
Many thanks! It was just the memory. My desktop isn't old, but I am.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blackboard Software workaround

2014-07-23 Thread noordinaryspider
Thank you, Andrew. It is more likely to be a miscommunication on my end. warm smiles Does the Blackboard software run within the browser? I was under the impression that there was something I needed to download.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blackboard Software workaround

2014-07-23 Thread noordinaryspider
Yes, I just wasn't understanding how Blackboard works; the issue has been resolved.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-07-27 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm still having problems on Aqemu but about to reboot the lappy to a live USB stick; can I just hit the install button now if all goes well or well there be a different .iso for the official release?

[Trisquel-users] Lenovo T-61 too old for Belenos?

2014-07-27 Thread noordinaryspider
Still no luck. I'm trying to install mini from a USB stick and the RAM is maxed out at 2 gigs. It won't boot to a 3.15 kernel with 6.0.1 so I have to hold down the shift key and choose an older kernel. Is there a workaround or is it time for a new laptop when Toutatis reaches EOL? TIA

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo T-61 too old for Belenos?

2014-07-28 Thread noordinaryspider
Yep, I get a black screen and can't even run live off the USB stick. :( Here's lspci: noordinaryspider@ThinkPad-T61:~$ lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 0c) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo T-61 too old for Belenos?

2014-07-30 Thread noordinaryspider
I get a black screen and can't even run live. It looks like a video card issue to me, but somebody more knowledgeable would have to confirm or deny my suspicions. I had to change the default video card on Aquemu to see the cursor on Triskel. This is a separate issue than the kernel problem I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Release Date?

2014-07-30 Thread noordinaryspider
I'll serve too if you make the torrent, kokomo joe

[Trisquel-users] FoxFilter 7.7 or alternatives

2014-08-02 Thread noordinaryspider
My little dude is growing up with free software. Of course the computer is in a common area, but I did tune out Stampy Long Nose so much that I barely even noticed when he was watching a video about a Hunger Games mod and another about a Bloods and Crips mod, neither of which I personally

Re: [Trisquel-users] FoxFilter 7.7 or alternatives

2014-08-02 Thread noordinaryspider
Many thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Diaspora*

2014-09-08 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm noordinaryspider at joindiaspora dot com

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2014-10-01 Thread noordinaryspider
I've got the patch in the folder where it belongs, but I can't seem to figure out how to apply it. Can somebody point me in the direction of an appropriate tutorial? It's not a crisis, just a hole in my education. Sudo apt-get upgrade seems to give me everything except the new kernel which

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2014-10-03 Thread noordinaryspider
Thanks, lembas; my lappy is all pretty now and I have some new brain food. :D I must have just downloaded the patch and missed the sudo patch -d /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages -p1 remove-format-args.patch the first time. Better get over myself and get used to leaving Orca running until

Re: [Trisquel-users] No add-ons page in IceCat

2014-11-01 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm getting the page on both browsers, but none of my add-ons (unplug, greasemonkey, etc.) are working siunce the last update. I installed icecat, copied over a backup of .mozilla/abrowser to .mozilla/icecat the same way I did with my VM of Belenos and it worked for a few minutes but the

Re: [Trisquel-users] No add-ons page in IceCat

2014-11-01 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm getting the error message: (Browser extension) cannot be installed because Abrowser could not modify the needed file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No add-ons page in IceCat

2014-11-01 Thread noordinaryspider
I've tried reinstalling several plug-ins since the problem arose yesterday. My backup configuration files are fine; I just copied them over into another VM and everything worked. I suspect that this is beyond me and will be taken care of in the next update, but am always open to a bit of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I'm leaving Trisquel

2014-11-07 Thread noordinaryspider
I had a similar experience with rereading an RMS article (on FACEBOOK of all places) and remembering why I dumped Windows in the first place in '03-'04ish. I am currently running Toutatis, but had an old VM clone of the Ubuntu 12.04 installation I was using before ditching the proprietary

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software in Schools

2014-11-07 Thread noordinaryspider
My 6yo has grown up with free software and is doing just fine. He prefers a Gnome desktop to Sugar but I sometimes switch to Fluxbox just to slow him down a bit. ;) We use Proconn Latte for parental controls. He installed Trisquel for the first time when he was 4, which was a blatant

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm back.

2014-11-07 Thread noordinaryspider
Distro hopping is part of the fun of being a new GNU/Linux user so i would never want to spoil it for you, but if you sudo apt-get aqemu you might find it easier (and more fun) than using physical hardware. ;) Great news about Blag! TFS

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm back.

2014-11-07 Thread noordinaryspider
Embryonic babe of 49 here, but if I hadn't started virtualizing I would have been crushed under the weight of all my physical hardware many years ago. ;) I thought virtualization would be much more complicated than it actually is. I need one more trip to eWaste but when I come home, I'll

Re: [Trisquel-users] free and secure e-mail service

2014-11-07 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm using Openmailbox and Riseup, but these services are not free to the people who provide them so I have a small, monthly donation charged to my credit card the same way I do with Trisquel, which I find very helpful. Openmailbox is having a fundraiser right now if you can spare a few

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to disable the annoying voice?

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
Obviously, you have perfect vision. Not all of us are so lucky, which is why the Orca Screen Reader is included by default. You can turn it off from System SettingsUniversal Access

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I'm leaving Trisquel

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
I haven't gotten any updates on my GnewSense VM for a long time; I think it still has shellshock. It's sitting on an external drive in my closet at the moment, alongside Brigantia, Taranis, etc.; I'll probably try again a few more times before I uncheck the connect to network box and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I'm leaving Trisquel

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
Thanks, David. I might just do that when I have the time and inclination.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ABroqser Flash not working

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
Unplug is another alternative to Flash if you don't want to use Greasemonkey. What's wrong with Flash: You could also try an alternative social network:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software in Schools

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
Flash Games seem to be very big in elementary education these days. I groan when I hear other parents say that they like them because the kids think they're just playing a game and suspect that they mostly emphasize rote memorization in the spirit of what gives workbooks a bad name. We can

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I'm leaving Trisquel

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
This has been mine as well. I stopped working on windows computers for pay/barter when Vista came out, virtualized Win7 to try to help friends who were having trouble with it, beta tested Win8 and wound up deleting the VM. I have always found proprietary software to be inferior.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can anyone help me please ?

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
When you start the installer, choose something else, select the partitions, click on the button that says change but select the same file systems, check the box for format on ext but leave it unchecked on xfs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can anyone help me please ?

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider
If you clicked on the defaults, you're good. sda1 (ext4) is / and sda6 (xfs) is home.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can anyone help me please ?

2014-11-08 Thread noordinaryspider

[Trisquel-users] hp Deskjet 940C not detected by Belenos

2014-11-09 Thread noordinaryspider
Belenos does not recognize my Deskjet 940C, which works flawlessly on Toutatis and the ink is just getting inexpensive enough for me to want to actually use it. ;) I have tried installing from the HP site to no avail. Maybe it's time for a new printer, but I thought I'd

Re: [Trisquel-users] hp Deskjet 940C not detected by Belenos

2014-11-09 Thread noordinaryspider
Never mind; turned out I just needed to type localhost:631 into my browser instead of using System Settings like I do on Toutatis.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm back.

2014-11-10 Thread noordinaryspider
I started with GNUWinII, then installed Mandrake (Mandriva), quickly switched to Damm Small Linux, which I truly loved even though I had a modern machine with Slackware on it, and then missed all the infighting and hullabaloo because I was busy with my newborn. I'd made some sort of a pact

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm back.

2014-11-10 Thread noordinaryspider
Another +1 for Orca from me. I could pass for a sighted person until middle age hit, but when the screen reader started up automatically I found out how much easier it was not to turn it off.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is still Greasemonkey free software?

2014-11-12 Thread noordinaryspider
My pre-existing install of Greasemonkey has been disabled on my Toutatis install since the last Abrowser update, but when I copy the backup of my config files over, it works just fine on my USB sticks and VMs of Belenos. I'm not nagging or anything Well, maybe I am. Just a litle. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] ftp server and client programs

2014-11-16 Thread noordinaryspider
Maybe this will help:

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm thinking of installing replacing my Trisquel systems with Debian for the sake ofo wifi because I really need it right now.

2014-11-17 Thread noordinaryspider
No, Debian is not free. I have been virtualizing Debian and various Debian respins on aqemu for quite some time and I see programs in the Debian Free repository that are not in Trisquel and threads on the forum explaining why they are not there. If wireless is your only issue, as it was

[Trisquel-users] Aqemu does not load on Trisquel 7

2014-11-17 Thread noordinaryspider
! Segmentation fault noordinaryspider@Hal:~$ sudo aqemu [sudo] password for noordinaryspider: AQEMU Debug [0] Sender: int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) Message: AQEMU Config Version: 0.8.1 AQEMU Debug [1] Sender: bool Emulator::Load( const QString path ) Message: Loading emulator file version 0.8

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 LTS reviews

2014-11-18 Thread noordinaryspider
It's there and it works great. Thank you so much for the tip, David!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel in Eee Pc 2 Gb hard drive

2014-11-22 Thread noordinaryspider
I use an SD card to boot my eee PC 900A. It's a tad slower than the 4 gig SSD, but it works fine. You can use the installer, just select other. You should see something along the lines of sda 2048MB sdb 16384MB and you select sdb, click on the defaults, and go get yourself a cup of coffee

Re: [Trisquel-users] is Virtualbox non-free software?

2014-12-07 Thread noordinaryspider
Gnome-boxes is also in the repositories and might be worth a try. I'm finding it much faster than Aqemu was and it might be possible to import your existing VMs if you are patient, comfortable in command line, and have enough hard drive space and an existing Virtualbox install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recent problem with youtube

2014-12-11 Thread noordinaryspider
smplayer is in the reps and is another option that worked flawlessly for me when I was having problems with Abrowser extensions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] problems acceding at

2014-12-11 Thread noordinaryspider
I am having problems this morning and have had it go out on me before. Sometimes I just need to be patient.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is tails a libre os?

2014-12-16 Thread noordinaryspider
My first (and perhaps uneducated) impression of TAILS is that its target audience is people who are not particularly tech savvy who will also be using it on other people's computers which may not be freedom friendly. Are there any actual advantages to using this distro instead of Trisquel

Re: [Trisquel-users] openmailbox

2014-12-21 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm not able to send from my OpenMailbox account today, but I sent in my donation anyway because the cloud service alone is worth it to me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does my system take too long to shut down/reboot?

2014-12-21 Thread noordinaryspider
Thank you, Supertramp83. I have been having the same problem in my mini install but not on my regular Trisquel or my command line only install and kind of blew it off as something I was just going to have to live with because it was a bug in the alpha release. Glad to know it's actually an

Re: [Trisquel-users] Season's Greetings

2014-12-21 Thread noordinaryspider
I have never worked in IT, but running free software for my personal use has gotten me through some times when I might otherwise have thrown up my hands, crawled into a cave, and spent the rest of my life hating the entire human race. My little joke with normies is, It's not a religion OR

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo T-61 too old for Belenos?

2014-12-21 Thread noordinaryspider
OP here with an update--might as well stick to Heather for a username since I've already outed myself as a middle aged low-socioeconomic status female and not been flamed off the boards. My T-61 is now running Belenos natively just fine and is only slightly less zippy than it was with

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo T-61 too old for Belenos?

2014-12-22 Thread noordinaryspider
I've been playing around with netinstalls on Gnome-boxes and then with my minimalist distraction-free netbook that is deliberately command line only and I don't think I'll do a clean install any other way again. A lot of my distro-hopping was completely unnecessary and nothing more than

Re: [Trisquel-users] Happy fucking new year!!!!!!

2014-12-31 Thread noordinaryspider
Well have a great new year whenever, fellow hacker dudes and dudettes!

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread noordinaryspider
I pretty much gave up on aqemu after I upgraded. Gnome-boxes is in the reps and it's not perfect, but it's FAST. I'd say that the speed is comparable to Virtual box rather than Aqemu. Your existing VMs will be fine, but it will take awhile to import them with my workaround: first you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help me to add a HP Deskjet D1560 printer in Trisquel 7.0

2015-02-04 Thread noordinaryspider
Sorry about that. Just type https://localhost:631/ into the address bar of your browser and that should take you right there.

[Trisquel-users] how to enable log-in sound

2015-01-15 Thread noordinaryspider
I started a new thread, since this really doesn't have anything to do with gNewSense. There is a log-in sound that was enabled on Trisquel 5.5 (Brigantia) that is truly spectacular. It is disabled by default in 7.0 (Belenos), but is relatively easy to enable. Many thanks to Dave Hunt for

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
My Blag has MATE; i got it here: thanks to islander. It's not just you, Jaded. Bleeding edge software isn't a huge concern for me, but security updates are. It's still nice to see choices.

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
Here ya go eljinete: It's not perfect, but it's what we have and I feel the same way about keeping perfectly good hardware out of the landfill. What ultimately happens to our ewaste isn't pretty. :'(

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to enable log-in sound

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
About the only thing I miss from winblows is my old log-in sound: Well, that and the cursor that flipped links the bird instead of pointing at them

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to enable log-in sound

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
Nah, I'm not changing this for a long time if ever. It's way too pretty and it brings back good memories ;) I do kind of wish I could enable the log-off sounds and generally have a noisier 'puter; I tweaked that windoze sound scheme until I felt like a mad scientist playing all these weird

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
Minetest is free Minecraft Potato Guy is Mr. Potato Head only you won't hurt your feet stepping on the pieces if the kid forgets to put it away. Tux Paint is a educational and fun--MUCH more than m$ paint Celestia if they want to explore outer space PySyCache Child's Play What kind of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Old Kernels

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
This could change in the not too distant future:

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread noordinaryspider
You may hate me for Minetest, but if it wasn't me, it would just be somebody else. That's what this generation does. We don't have a server set up yet and mostly keep Heather Jr. offline, but that could change and undoubtedly will at some point.

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-14 Thread noordinaryspider
Brigantia is before Toutatis and it's a very silly, minor point, but the default destop is so gorgeous and the little piece of music (longer than the average start-up sound but not so long as to be annoying) just maked my distro-hopping Virtualbox user self sit up, take notice, melt, and say

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-14 Thread noordinaryspider
YES!!! I had major culture shock when Popcorn Time started, but I couldn't find Harold and Maud so in shut it down and went to bed. Thank you so much for sharing, Supertramp83.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My family has smart TVs and I am scared.

2015-01-22 Thread noordinaryspider
I think I'm supposed to say something mature and reassuring about how it gets better, but my folks are both 80 and it doesn't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Need for Free and Open HardDrive firmware

2015-02-17 Thread noordinaryspider
I wish i could contribute more to this project than small financial donations and willingness to use my limited time to alpha test. Please let me know when, if, and where this would be most helpful. TIA

Re: [Trisquel-users] Spying software hidden deep within hard drives made by Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba and other top manufacturers

2015-02-17 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm right behind you as usual, tomlukeywood. Wish I hadn't tossed my floppies and taken my PIIs to eWaste. :( I pulled the internal HD from my desktop anyway. Got live TAILS USB stick for looking stuff up. Got external 128 GB SSD with Belenos on it and 250 GB external IDE with Toutatis on

Re: [Trisquel-users] Spying software hidden deep within hard drives made by Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba and other top manufacturers

2015-02-18 Thread noordinaryspider
My dad was on the internet in the late 60s or early 70s. There was no Internet Explorer, no eBay, no Amazon, no Facebook, etc. so it certainly wasn't the internet as we know it, but it was used by the defense department of the you ess aye. That's probably more than I should even say; I've

Re: [Trisquel-users] I want to change my email address, but it seems impossible

2015-02-18 Thread noordinaryspider
You can change the where the mailing list sends your mail. You cannot change the address that appears on your profile.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I want to change my email address, but it seems impossible

2015-02-19 Thread noordinaryspider
I still get my old (gmail) address showing in the from field when I mail to the list from my openmailbox account, apparently. I've got more vision than you do so I can poke around a bit if you want, but I still haven't been able to find a link on openmailbox OR riseup webmail for checking

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweaks to optimize user friendliness

2015-01-30 Thread noordinaryspider
HuangLao, did you actually get JWM to work on Belenos? I tried and tried on Toutatis and finally gave up and decided that Flux would have to be good enough. I will be so grateful to you if you did and can give me any tips as far as workarounds to make it look like Damn Small Linux did circa

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweaks to optimize user friendliness

2015-02-01 Thread noordinaryspider
It works! It works! JWM is all fixed! THANK YOU Quidam :D :D :D :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-10 Thread noordinaryspider
I did too. With that hardware I'd use the 32 bit edition of Trisquel-mini and PreferencesAdd/Remove Applications for what you actually miss from the full version. Now I've made myself all nostalgic for my old friend from '05, may she rest in pieces. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-10 Thread noordinaryspider is imperfect, but it might come in handy if you're on a limited budget or unsure whether the problem is incompatible hardware or just needing to get a good night's sleep and try again in the morning. Personally, I just grabbed a couple of $10 used wireless cards that

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-10 Thread noordinaryspider
Hello, and welcome! First of all, I wanted to clarify that Linux refers to the kernel, which is the stuff that makes the OS go and is probably kind of under the hood and behind the scenes for you at the moment and that the collection of programs you will be using and the window manager, GUI,

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
I feel your pain. My octogenarian mother wants to buy me a smartphone because the voice quality of my dumb phone isn't very good and her vision isn't up to text messaging. I'm not a football fan, but you might be able to use a plug-in for Abrowser called greasemonkey and this userscript:

Re: [Trisquel-users] What is Trisquel?

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
+1 trinux tfs Supertramp83

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
Glad to hear that. I was dual booting my T-61 for awhile and definitely thought it was faster running trisquel-mini than regular trisqel with LXDE or fluxbox on top. You'll probably come up with other ideas for speeding up the old gal over time. Thank you for saving her from the landfill.

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
I wasn't able to get gnome on a new vm on my gnome-boxes, but I've had a minimalist install with Flux for awhile and it's running nicely. Very promising and always nice to have options. I found Trisquel by going down the list of FSF recommended distros and falling madly in love with some

Re: [Trisquel-users] Popcorn-Time wishes you merry gravmassssssssssss

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
I'm bumping this for tomlukeywood and adding my own two cents: I believe that sharing is hardwired into us and a basic part of human nature that cannot be legislated away. I was not online during the Napster years, but when WinMix was taken down, Limewire appeared. When Limewire was taken

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
Now you've really cheered up this old geezer, ermgeezerette since I'm out here?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-11 Thread noordinaryspider
Beautiful! I'd never ever heard of her before. Thank you for sharing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-12 Thread noordinaryspider
Much appreciated, islander. I'm not an expert by any means, but i'm looking forward for my download to finish so I can check it out myself. The specific friend I'm thinking of needs more security and would enjoy the Blag community.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-09 Thread noordinaryspider
I never got to see him live, but I used to be able to play this dude's entire discography from heart before my voice totally crapped out: Take my head refreshing fountain Take my eyes from what they've seen. Take my head and change my mind How could

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-09 Thread noordinaryspider
I probably still have one from when Dad and I were trying to set up Ekiga, but trust me, you don't want to look at my ugly mug. My words can be much, much prettier. :) I haven't opened Pidgin in years because there hasn't been anyone I wanted to talk to, but I suppose that could change.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-09 Thread noordinaryspider
Yea, me too. At least I don't feel so alone. This is what I had on auto repeat for days after my last romantic breakup aka when I decoverted from heterosexuality (or sexuality/romantic involvement in general, to be bluntly honest):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-06 Thread noordinaryspider
Are we absolutely sure that Hello is free and that the button wasn't removed because of an oversight or low priority (since many of us just use Tor browser bundle anyway)? I'd like to try it if so, but I'm still a bit skeptical and would prefer not to create any more accounts or have any

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-06 Thread noordinaryspider
Thank you, alonsogonzalez, that's exactly what I needed for my own situation. Of course I'm grumbling about it just as much as Dad probably grumbles about having to send an email or a text every day to call off the I've fallen and I can't get up police, but it sure beats the alternatives. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-12 Thread noordinaryspider
@tomlukeywood either use Synaptic or type sudo apt-get install fluxbox *lxde *KDE into a terminal window and then click on the icon next to your username to switch DEs the next time you log in. You may need to add a PPA for MATE, Trinity, Cinnamon, etc.; those are just my own personal

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-13 Thread noordinaryspider
There really is no one size fits all answer. They may not even notice the difference between Popcorntime and Netflix or it could have something to do with family dynamics or the prevailing attitudes and cultures of different periods of history. I was doing very well with my family for a

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-13 Thread noordinaryspider
Just a heads up that the most obvious gNewSense mirrors in English speaking countries are having problems that the Mexican mirror isn't. I should have more to say about gNewSense shortly. Blag is very user friendly, in my opinion as someone who has stuck to Debian based distros for a few

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-09 Thread noordinaryspider
Many thanks. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Happy Valentines Day everyone!

2015-02-14 Thread noordinaryspider
Welcome back, Ali! You have been missed. The community is still going strong, and one of the reasons why I stick around.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread noordinaryspider
My X60 is still in transit, but it was only $20--no battery, no power cords, only a single gig of RAM but it does have an HD. I'm going to play around with it for awhile and see what Tom's experiences are before I make any irrevocable decisions about whether I want to fix it up and send it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help me to add a HP Deskjet D1560 printer in Trisquel 7.0

2015-02-04 Thread noordinaryspider
The same thing happened to me with a fresh install of Belenos so I just used CUPS; easy peasy!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-08 Thread noordinaryspider
Yea, I realized how dumb that was within five minutes of posting, so just mentally translate it as I like you and I'll always wish i could have gotten to know you better if you decide to do that. I'm on my Trisquel box now because I have insomnia and i'm only going to check the forums

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technical advantages of Trisquel over Debian?

2015-01-05 Thread noordinaryspider
I virtualize Debian and play around with it, but the advantages of Trisquel for me are: It's easier. I have a limited amount of time to spend with computers and a lot of things I want to learn. The legwork of deblobbing the kernel and cleaning the non-free software has already been done

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-08 Thread noordinaryspider
We're going to wind up in the troll hole if we keep going. ;) Do you have an account at Diaspora where we can continue this discussion, davidnotcoulthard? Congratulations, pogiako12345, I assume this means you're going to be sticking around and not moving over to Debian of gNewSense. Don't

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