Re: [twsocket] SMTPOpen failing, Why?

2008-04-16 Thread Veit Zimmermann
May I summarize. I have three options:

1. Continue to use "high level commands" (Open) and abort and tell the 
user, if the server does not support authentication.

2. Offer an option to use no authentication.

3. Chang to more basic functions and switch to no authentication in case 
of none available.

Oh, by the way: I use V5 in this project.
Thanks to all of you!


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Re: [twsocket] SMTPOpen failing, Why?

2008-04-16 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Thanks Angus and DZ-Jay also!

Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> I'm a little bit at a loss at the moment. I have the following log 
>> when trying to open a connection to an SMTP server:
>> <-220 - Server ESMTP (Sun Java System Messaging 
>> Server 6.2-6.01 (built Apr 3 2006))
>> ->SMTP session connected, error #0
>> ->EHLO GPS_Plus
>> <
>> <-250-8BITMIME
>> <-250-DSN
>> <-250-HELP
>> <-250-XLOOP 887A9C2E9DC36F355DA1AF23F4FAA02
>> <-250-ETRN
>> <-250-N0-SOLICITING
>> <-250 SIZE 0
>> <-533 5.7.1 AUTH command is not enabled.
>> --FAILED to login. Killing connection.
>> (this is what I print as a message)
>> --500 Authentication Type could not be determined.
>> (this is the error message of TSmtpCli)
> You have the component set-up to authenticate to the SMTP server, when
> it's impossible.  If it was supported, there would be response similar to
> the following: 
> You need to set AuthType := smtpAuthAutoSelect (or smtpAuthNone).

Depending on if the user supplies a password or not I set it to one of 
these values. It was on smtpAuthAutoSelect, which seems to trigger the 
"->AUTH CRAM-MD5" request. So is this a bug of TSmtpCli? Should it send 
an AUTH request, if the command is not on the list? What is the default 
in this case?


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[twsocket] SMTPOpen failing, Why?

2008-04-16 Thread Veit Zimmermann
I'm a little bit at a loss at the moment. I have the following log when 
trying to open a connection to an SMTP server:

<-220 - Server ESMTP (Sun Java System Messaging Server 
6.2-6.01 (built Apr 3 2006))
->SMTP session connected, error #0
<-250-XLOOP 887A9C2E9DC36F355DA1AF23F4FAA02
<-250 SIZE 0
<-533 5.7.1 AUTH command is not enabled.
--FAILED to login. Killing connection.
(this is what I print as a message)

--500 Authentication Type could not be determined.
(this is the error message of TSmtpCli)

->SMTP session closed, error #0

What makes this SMTP Server different from others? I haven't got an 
error message like this before.

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Re: [twsocket] SMTP Client and Streams

2008-02-20 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> Hello Veit,
> You have to override TriggerGetData method. FEmailfiles is a TStringList
> holding the filenames to attach. I think the most easy way is to use the
> Objects of this stringlist to add TStreams instead of filenames. In
> TriggerGetData Stream is opened from filename, so you can just use the
> streams over there. Maybe a day work or so, maybe little longer with
> test case..

Thanks Wilfried for the short instruction. Maybe I can do this in a few 
weeks. Is there a general interest to have this in ICS (besides Arno)?

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Re: [twsocket] SMTP Client and Streams

2008-02-19 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> Hello Arno,
 Is there a possibility to use a stream as an attachment of an email?
 Besides of programming it all by myself, of course.
>>> I don't think so, I recall that Wilfried asked the same questing last
>>> year, possibly he has implemented that feature yet and can help with
>>> some tips?
> You have a good memory :) No I did not implemented it because it was a
> small project where the time to invest it was out of budget. Because it
> was not a heavy load application I did a quick workaround by saving the
> stream to a temp file before sending the mail.

Thanks Arno and Wilfried

I thought about Wilfrieds solution, too, and I probably will go that 
way. What are the chances and what would the time frame be of 
implementing stream input to ICS? I definitely need this in future 
projects. I might try it myself, but at the moment...
Also I'm not sure that I have enough experience in this field.

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[twsocket] SMTP Client and Streams

2008-02-19 Thread Veit Zimmermann

Is there a possibility to use a stream as an attachment of an email?
Besides of programming it all by myself, of course.
I couldn't find anything at first glance.


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2007-06-27 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Fastream Technologies wrote:
> Hello Veit,
> And no, I don't speak German as I am from Turkey.

Sorry, I don't know why, but I was under the impression the your
company is from Germany (patriotism? ;) ).
I don't have an international (english) version of the link at hand,
but I'm sure a search for "Netiquette" will reveal several hits.

But this is becoming really off topic. We better stop here.

Best regards


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2007-06-26 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Hello Faststream Technologies

Excuse me, but this is becoming a little bit annoying. Could you
please shorten the quotation of your messages? I mean, is it really
necessary to quote 300 lines for only line of text:

Fastream Technologies wrote:
> I am now 100% sure it is a ICSv6 vs. BCB issue.
> - Original Message - 
Approximately 300 Lines removed.

Furthermore, why are there three threads wit the same subject? All
of them started by you.

Now I really don't want to offend you, but could you please think
of the other persons using this list. Since you seem to be from
Germany I would like to warmly recommend you to read the following:

At last, I want to thank you for some interesting question, bringing
insight into ICS, which I otherwise probably wouldn't have got.

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Re: [twsocket] What's possible with ICS async architecture, today.

2007-03-22 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Fastream Technologies wrote:
> Oops so sorry. The PNG was indisplayable by browsers anyway. Here it is:
That's becaus it was a TIF and not a PNG.

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Re: [twsocket] SMTP connection limit

2007-03-09 Thread Veit Zimmermann
> Hello:
>> --- Original Message ---
>>From: Veit
> Zimmermann[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 3/8/2007 6:42:03 AM
>> To  :
>> Cc  : 
>> Subject : RE: [twsocket] SMTP connection limit
>> Hi
>> Are there providers which limit the number of
>> concurrent SMTP
>> connections? In other words: Do I have to make the
>> maximum number
>> of connections for asynchronous operation flexible
>> and what would
>> be a good practice approach (besides making it user
>> configurable).
>> TIA
>Most ISP's SMTP servers limit the amount of
> concurrent connections from the same source to about
> 10 or 20.  This is intended to prevent automatic
> spamming and mail bombing runs, or to at least hinder
> or limit their impact.  This is pretty much an
> industry standard nowadays (along with rejecting
> connections from dynamic IP addresses).
>Making the limit configurable is a good idea, and
> I would suggest a default limit of no more than 20. 
> Like Arno said in his post, asynchroneous connections
> to the same server do not necessarily increase
> performance significantly so it shouldn't matter that
> much to the user.

Thanks, I will consider changing to one connection in a later
version. For now I have to live with user configuration.
Thanks also to Arno and Francois.
BTW: I used one of the SMTP examples as a guideline, which also
uses one connection per mail sending multiple mails at the same
time (if I didn't misunderstand the intention of the example).
Maybe it should be mentioned in the example that this is not the
preferred method.

* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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[twsocket] SMTP connection limit

2007-03-08 Thread Veit Zimmermann

Are there providers which limit the number of concurrent SMTP
connections? In other words: Do I have to make the maximum number
of connections for asynchronous operation flexible and what would
be a good practice approach (besides making it user configurable).

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Re: [twsocket] bug in smtpprot.pas

2007-02-14 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Hi Arnaldo

If you look at the source of FormatDateTime M is replaced by N if the
preceding formatting character is H. I'm not quite sure if this works
correctly, it won't hurt to change it to "nn" anyway.

I checked FormatDateTime routines and they are all the same (regarding

So a call like
Result := DateToStr (t, RFC822_FormatSettings) + ' '
+ Time(t,RFC822_FormatSettings) + ' '
+ TimeZoneBias

with the following constant

   RFC822_FormatSettings : TFormatSettings = (
 NegCurrFormat: 8;
 ThousandSeparator: ',';
 DecimalSeparator:  '.';
 CurrencyDecimals:  2;
 DateSeparator: '.';
 TimeSeparator: ':';
 ListSeparator: ';';
 ShortDateFormat:   'dd.MM.';
 LongDateFormat:'ddd, d mmm  hh:nn:ss';
 TimeAMString:  '';
 TimePMString:  '';
 ShortTimeFormat:   'hh:nn:ss';
 ShortMonthNames:   ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 
'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
 LongMonthNames:('January', 'February', 'March', 
'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Augut', 'September', 'October', 
'November', 'December');
 ShortDayNames: ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 
'Fri', 'Sat');
 LongDayNames:  ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 
'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
 TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: 0;);

would be easier to read.
Moreover according to Delphi Help it would be thread save in opposition
to a call without a TFormatSettings parameter.


Arnaldo Braun wrote:
> Hi
> A small typo in
> hh:mm:ss
> must be corrected to
> hh:nn:ss or hh":"nn":"ss
> MM is month and NN is minute
> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>> Marcello Vezzelli wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> there is a bug in SmtpProt.pas (latest ics version just downloaded),
>>> function Rfc822DateTime, line 2892 and 2907, FormatDateTime function.
>>>Result := FormatDateTime('ddd, d mmm  hh:mm:ss', t) +
>>>  ' ' + TimeZoneBias
>>> The time separator : should be put between double quotes, like this:
>>>Result := FormatDateTime('ddd, d mmm  hh":"mm":"ss', t) +
>>>  ' ' + TimeZoneBias
>>> Otherwise the system default time separator would be used (in italian
>>> localization, default time separator is '.').
>>> Regards
>> I know this comes a little bit late, but...
>> In the same function it is tested for English/US format by only
>> comparing the first day (Sunday). Does anyone know if there is
>> any other language where the Sunday is also abbreviated as "sun"
>> but other days or months differ?
>> if ShortDayNames[1] = MyShortDayNames[1] then
>> Result := FormatDateTime('ddd, d mmm  hh":"mm":"ss', t) +
>>   ' ' + TimeZoneBias
>> Francois, why do you test at all and don't use TFormatSettings
>> for all those functions? Is it performance? I don't know if the
>> overloaded FormatDateTime function with TFormatStettings is slower.
>> At least it makes the code much more readable and shorter (despite
>> the definition of the TFormatSettings as a constant).
>>  Veit

* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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Re: [twsocket] Memory Leak in SmtpProt

2007-02-14 Thread Veit Zimmermann

That might be true. By the way: Wouldn't the following be sufficient?
It should be much faster:

 if FMailMessage.Count > 0 then

When will the next beta come out? Is there a time line? I know
Francois is busy. Is he controlling releases alone or are others
(like you) helping him on this? Because there is this other issue
of which I'm not sure how important it is (see article: bug in
smtpprot.pas by Marcello Vezzelli and its follow-ups) with at
least two issues concerning RFC822DateTime.


Arno Garrels wrote:
> Veit,
> You are not using latest Beta downloads.
> ---
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>> Hi
>> It seems that there is a memory leak in SmtpProt:
>> When sending an email and using MailMessage for including the
>> text of the mail, the text is compared with an empty string with
>> the GetText method of TStrings. This method creates a copy of
>> the MailMessage TStrings which is not freed again:
>>  {if Length(FMailMessage.Text) > 0 then} { FP 05/03/06 }
>>  if FMailMessage.GetText^ <> #0 then
>>  FMailMsgTextPos := 1
>>  else
>>  FMailMsgTextPos := 0;
>> As you can Francois has already included a Fix. Why is this fix
>> only a comment?
>> Veit

* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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[twsocket] Memory Leak in SmtpProt

2007-02-13 Thread Veit Zimmermann

It seems that there is a memory leak in SmtpProt:
When sending an email and using MailMessage for including the
text of the mail, the text is compared with an empty string with
the GetText method of TStrings. This method creates a copy of
the MailMessage TStrings which is not freed again:

 {if Length(FMailMessage.Text) > 0 then} { FP 05/03/06 }
 if FMailMessage.GetText^ <> #0 then
 FMailMsgTextPos := 1
 FMailMsgTextPos := 0;

As you can Francois has already included a Fix. Why is this fix
only a comment?


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Re: [twsocket] TSmtpClient Exception handling

2007-02-13 Thread Veit Zimmermann

The problem seems to be solved (more or less). It only occurs
if the application is started from a network drive and the
connection to that drive is cut.
I'm not sure where the problem is exactly but all other accesses
to the network do not result in this kind of desaster.
Anyway: Not a problem of ICS anymore.

Thanks (especially Arno)


Veit Zimmermann wrote:
> Arno Garrels wrote:
>> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>>> Arno Garrels wrote:
>>>> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I'm currently testing my usage of TSmtpClient and I get some
>>>>> strange behavior: When I unplug my computers network cable while
>>>>> a SMTP connection is active it takes about 5 to 10 seconds and
>>>>> then a MessageBox-like window appears with the Error Icon but no
>>>>> test at all on it.
>>>>> Ignoring the fact that my program is now
>>>>> frozen, where does this window come from and how can I handle a
>>>>> hard disconnect like this gracefully?
>>>> Do you run the application in debugger? That would show you
>>>> the line where the exception (if any) was raised.
>>>> Usually, if the network cable is plugged off OnSessionClose will
>>>> be triggered when the component tries to send or receive something.
>>> I tried both. The problem is I get a lot of nice exception, which I
>>> can identify very clearly and then I get some which bring up this
>>> empty messagebox (caption by the way is programname.exe). The debugger
>>> stops but does not show a position in the source code.
>>> Eventlog shows the following at this time
>>> First chance exception at $7C812A5B. Exception class
>>> EExternalException with message 'External exception C006'.
>>> Process GPS_Plus.exe (3140)
>> No idea, have you tried MadExcept? 
>> Seems to be neither an ICS nor a (real) Delphi/BCB exception.
> Yes, it's included all the time. But it is not catching this one (if
> it really is an exception). I'm beginning to track this down: It
> occurs when I create an Object (TKZip, a Zip component). But I can't
> trace into the create method although I have the source of the com-
> ponent.
>> If the exception number is from ntstatus.h :
>> //
>> //
>> // MessageText:
>> //
>> //  The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx".
>> //  The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error
>> //  status of "0x%08lx".
>> //
>> #define STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR ((NTSTATUS)0xC006L)// winnt
> Thanks for the ntstatus info.
>   Veit

* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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Re: [twsocket] bug in smtpprot.pas

2007-02-13 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Marcello Vezzelli wrote:
> Hi all,
> there is a bug in SmtpProt.pas (latest ics version just downloaded),
> function Rfc822DateTime, line 2892 and 2907, FormatDateTime function.
> Result := FormatDateTime('ddd, d mmm  hh:mm:ss', t) +
>   ' ' + TimeZoneBias
> The time separator : should be put between double quotes, like this:
> Result := FormatDateTime('ddd, d mmm  hh":"mm":"ss', t) +
>   ' ' + TimeZoneBias
> Otherwise the system default time separator would be used (in italian
> localization, default time separator is '.').
> Regards

I know this comes a little bit late, but...

In the same function it is tested for English/US format by only
comparing the first day (Sunday). Does anyone know if there is
any other language where the Sunday is also abbreviated as "sun"
but other days or months differ?

 if ShortDayNames[1] = MyShortDayNames[1] then
 Result := FormatDateTime('ddd, d mmm  hh":"mm":"ss', t) +
   ' ' + TimeZoneBias

Francois, why do you test at all and don't use TFormatSettings
for all those functions? Is it performance? I don't know if the
overloaded FormatDateTime function with TFormatStettings is slower.
At least it makes the code much more readable and shorter (despite
the definition of the TFormatSettings as a constant).

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Re: [twsocket] TSmtpClient Exception handling

2007-02-12 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Arno Garrels wrote:
> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>> Arno Garrels wrote:
>>> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I'm currently testing my usage of TSmtpClient and I get some
>>>> strange behavior: When I unplug my computers network cable while
>>>> a SMTP connection is active it takes about 5 to 10 seconds and
>>>> then a MessageBox-like window appears with the Error Icon but no
>>>> test at all on it.
>>>> Ignoring the fact that my program is now
>>>> frozen, where does this window come from and how can I handle a
>>>> hard disconnect like this gracefully?
>>> Do you run the application in debugger? That would show you
>>> the line where the exception (if any) was raised.
>>> Usually, if the network cable is plugged off OnSessionClose will
>>> be triggered when the component tries to send or receive something.
>> I tried both. The problem is I get a lot of nice exception, which I
>> can identify very clearly and then I get some which bring up this
>> empty messagebox (caption by the way is programname.exe). The debugger
>> stops but does not show a position in the source code.
>> Eventlog shows the following at this time
>> First chance exception at $7C812A5B. Exception class
>> EExternalException with message 'External exception C006'.
>> Process GPS_Plus.exe (3140)
> No idea, have you tried MadExcept? 
> Seems to be neither an ICS nor a (real) Delphi/BCB exception.
Yes, it's included all the time. But it is not catching this one (if
it really is an exception). I'm beginning to track this down: It
occurs when I create an Object (TKZip, a Zip component). But I can't
trace into the create method although I have the source of the com-

> If the exception number is from ntstatus.h :
> //
> //
> // MessageText:
> //
> //  The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx".
> //  The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error
> //  status of "0x%08lx".
> //
> #define STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR ((NTSTATUS)0xC006L)// winnt

Thanks for the ntstatus info.


* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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Re: [twsocket] TSmtpClient Exception handling

2007-02-12 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Arno Garrels wrote:
> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm currently testing my usage of TSmtpClient and I get some
>> strange behavior: When I unplug my computers network cable while
>> a SMTP connection is active it takes about 5 to 10 seconds and
>> then a MessageBox-like window appears with the Error Icon but no
>> test at all on it. 
>> Ignoring the fact that my program is now
>> frozen, where does this window come from and how can I handle a
>> hard disconnect like this gracefully?
> Do you run the application in debugger? That would show you
> the line where the exception (if any) was raised.
> Usually, if the network cable is plugged off OnSessionClose will
> be triggered when the component tries to send or receive something.

I tried both. The problem is I get a lot of nice exception, which I
can identify very clearly and then I get some which bring up this
empty messagebox (caption by the way is programname.exe). The debugger
stops but does not show a position in the source code.

Eventlog shows the following at this time
First chance exception at $7C812A5B. Exception class EExternalException 
with message 'External exception C006'. Process GPS_Plus.exe (3140)


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[twsocket] TSmtpClient Exception handling

2007-02-12 Thread Veit Zimmermann

I'm currently testing my usage of TSmtpClient and I get some
strange behavior: When I unplug my computers network cable while
a SMTP connection is active it takes about 5 to 10 seconds and
then a MessageBox-like window appears with the Error Icon but no
test at all on it. Ignoring the fact that my program is now
frozen, where does this window come from and how can I handle a
hard disconnect like this gracefully?



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Re: [twsocket] Exception handling in a Form

2007-01-25 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Hello Wilfried

Thanks for your reply. The answer is a surprise for me:
Of course I know try except/finally, but why does it work when I
wrap it around TnCnx.Connect? I thought this is an asynchronous
method? But it works. I would have expected that the try/except
block is left right after calling connect and not only until the
connection is established or an exception occurs. Could you please
explain this?


Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> Hello Veit,
> Normally the components handles their own exception by design (as it
> should be). Be sure you have no exceptions in events. If there is a
> chance that your code can raise an exception then you should have that
> event into an try excpet block and handle it.
> ---
> Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
> Thursday, January 25, 2007, 17:04, Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>> Hi
>> May be I'm missing something, but...
>> How can I catch an exception raised by an asynchronous function like
>> TnCnx.Connect in a form. In a TApplication there is a Method for this
>> (HandleException). Is there something similar for a TForm?
>> TIA
>>  Veit

* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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[twsocket] Exception handling in a Form

2007-01-25 Thread Veit Zimmermann

May be I'm missing something, but...
How can I catch an exception raised by an asynchronous function like
TnCnx.Connect in a form. In a TApplication there is a Method for this
(HandleException). Is there something similar for a TForm?

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Re: [twsocket] TnCnx: Receiving NUL at end of line

2007-01-23 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Francois Piette wrote:
>> I'm now testing TnCnx for my purposes. It works fairly well so far.
>> The only issue I have so far is that I#m receiving NUL characters at the
>> end of line. For example:
>> '   Simplified orbitography parameters :'#$D#0#$D#$A' ND 021:23'...
>> Is this an server issue or could it be related to ICS?
> This is a server issue. Historically NUL characters are used for dumb rs232
> terminals to avoid overflowing them (They where really slow for scrolling,
> erasing, and so on).

Thats the kind of answer I was hoping for!
Thank you very much!

>> If I use the Demo for TnCnx it stops receiving at the end of this line
>> while the EmulVT Demo works properly. The problem in the TnCnx (like
>> it was in my software) is that Len is is longer than this line and
>> output ends at the NUL. Hyperterm works well here, but I can't see if
>> it receives the NUL character.
> You problem here is a Delphi problem. If you handle received data as a nul
> terminated string (PChar), then you don't see anything after the NUL
> character. If you handle the string as a pure Delphi string, the NUL byte is
> like any other characters. To be clear, when you have a PChar, nothing
> prevent you from accessing data after the NUL character, but most functions
> won't do that.
> You may consider writing a routine which remove the NUL characters before
> processing.

I already did so before, but I wanted to be sure to do the right thing here.

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Re: [twsocket] TnScript: Getting Received data

2007-01-23 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Thanks Francois. I think I'll do it with TnCnx although there seems to 
be a small problem (see other thread).


Francois Piette wrote:
> The problem is the packet nature of received data. If your trigger string is
> in the middle of a data packet, then it is too late to catch data
> immediately after the trigger string. But, depending on your application,
> you can peek data in the virtual screen maintened by TTnScript.
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> Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
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> - Original Message - 
> From: "Veit Zimmermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 1:13 PM
> Subject: [twsocket] TnScript: Getting Received data
>> Hi There
>> I trying to use TnScript. So far it works very well. Now I'm
>> trying to receive some data after detecting an event string.
>> Is this possible? Or do I have to go back to TEmulVT and do
>> it all from scratch?
>> TIA
>> Veit
>> -- 
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* Dipl.-Ing. Veit Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH *
* Carl-Scheele-Str. 12 tel: +49 (0)30 6789 4990 *
* D-12489 Berlin   fax: +49 (0)30 6789 5230 *
* Germany  WGS84: 52°25.83'N 13°31.52'E *
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[twsocket] TnCnx: Receiving NUL at end of line

2007-01-23 Thread Veit Zimmermann

I'm now testing TnCnx for my purposes. It works fairly well so far.
The only issue I have so far is that I#m receiving NUL characters at the 
end of line. For example:

'   Simplified orbitography parameters :'#$D#0#$D#$A' ND 021:23'...

Is this an server issue or could it be related to ICS?
If I use the Demo for TnCnx it stops receiving at the end of this line
while the EmulVT Demo works properly. The problem in the TnCnx (like
it was in my software) is that Len is is longer than this line and
output ends at the NUL. Hyperterm works well here, but I can't see if
it receives the NUL character.
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P.S. I hope I can get hold on a nice card from Berlin Adlershof soon.
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[twsocket] TnScript: Getting Received data

2007-01-19 Thread Veit Zimmermann
Hi There

I trying to use TnScript. So far it works very well. Now I'm
trying to receive some data after detecting an event string.
Is this possible? Or do I have to go back to TEmulVT and do
it all from scratch?

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