How to set initial appearance of all buttons on UI using behaviors

2012-03-05 Thread Sivakatirswami
I have studied out behaviors a bit, but can we use a behavior button as 
a kind of template for all the static props of other objects?

e.g. you have twenty buttons on a GUI and you want to change the look 
and feel of them all at the same time.

I know you can set the script of buttons 1,2,3,4  using button A as a 
behavior for each of them. but what about their default colors, 
transparency shape button mode (round rectangle or regular or rectangle) 


perhaps behaviors is not the way to go for this...

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Re: How alive is LiveCode?

2012-02-09 Thread Sivakatirswami

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam
On 2/8/12 4:54 PM, Michael Chean wrote:

When I'm considering a tool I look at the community resources to see
whether they are
being kept up.  For instance the RunRev forum,  why is it that the last
of a new release was 4.6?  Do the RunRev staff answer questions?  Why are
there so many queries
that languish?   Why do many of the tools including YogaSQL seem to have
had their last release
a year or more ago?  Not trying to troll here, but just wondering what your
impression are.
Has RunRev been growing?  The language is so elegant I keep thinking that
there is something
I'm missing as to why it's not more popular.


Aloha, Mike:

xTalk has been in the application development world since the day 
Hypercard started in the late 80's. LiveCode is the evolution of that 
set of tools but like modern man in relation to an earlier sub-species.

My Point is simply this: xTalk is never, ever, going to die. It is like 
some species on the planet that have been with us through many 
extinction cycles, but which has survived each one. LiveCode is the 
current Elephant which carries xTalk to the latest robust level, able to 
uproot entire forests in a few days.

It is a very powerful species of programming that can eat any set of 
requirements or use cases alive (get you thru the project from beginning 
to end) faster than any other language you might try to use.

Just because there is a lot of noise about it on the net, doesn't make 
the language your best choice. Someone once tried to sell me on using 
Drupal for web/CMS because they had so many hits, but that's only 
because Drupal is so nasty. You have to practically go to Univerisity to 
use it, or pay for support big time. If you get a CMS that really works, 
then you find the developers are very "quiet" because the thing just 
works and instead of spending all their time posting issues on the 
forums, they are busy getting content up and online (OC Portal is a good 
example of something that "just works")

 So the good stuff that "just works" has less chatter in the digital 
sphere, but that doesn't mean its "inferior" Alexander makes a good 
point that we have  no idea who uses LiveCode for what. Here at 
Himalayan Academy Publications I/we use it for everything imaginable, 
desktop clients for Hinduism Today International daily blog, build web 
slide shows. I have an international network of volunteers using desktop 
clients to download audio files, transcript and upload to our web server 
where almost all the CGI is LiveCode. The Great Adobe's Version Cue for 
In house document revision control was a) a horribly buggy beast which 
cost our editorial team 100's of hours. b) they killed it in the end. 
Instead of going for some Digital Asset Manager that would meet our 
needs, I wrote my on revision control system for InDesign files in less 
that 3 weeks of time (part time). I have a few "apps" on line that I 
built in circa 2000 that *still* get downloaded and run fine on Windows 
or Mac.

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SFTP Any hope?

2012-02-03 Thread Sivakatirswami
I really need to get SFTP working in some of my production stacks and 
Andre says Glen did something

I see the links to GIT Hub that Trevor put up, but it appears only for 
Windows and Linux

What about OS X?

Also it appears you would need to be an external "expert" to get this 

 i.e. not ready for drag and drop into an externals folder for  
"regular" users

Any thoughts?


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Re: MP3 Tag Editor

2012-01-10 Thread Sivakatirswami

On Mon Jan 9 18:30:54 2012, stephen barncard wrote:

yes, the late and recently mentioned Mark Smith made a well-documented
stack for that purpose. It's been tested by me and it also works on
Livecode server with no modifications.

Thanks Stephen!

see my little baby music site here; (revIgniter)

The Late Mark Smith? Hmm I missed his transition...
Hope he is well after stepping through The Big Door.
Or perhaps he will come back soon and be join the next generation of 

I got it... fantastic... and for those looking for documentation  I 
found this in the archives:

and the  <>

contains documentation. I recall now I used his UUID functions years ago.

Looking at  is an eye opener... some incredibly awesome options and it 
looks the Mark's
functions cover all frame options defined to date.

saving lyrics with the song could be a real plus.



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MP3 Tag Editor

2012-01-09 Thread Sivakatirswami

Has anyone tinkered with using LiveCode to edit MP3 tags?

I could surely use it.


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Simplest method for determining "changes made" on a form/card

2012-01-03 Thread Sivakatirswami
Without scripting every field, if you have a data entry system with 
multiple fields, and you want to flag the user that he or she made a 
change but did not save before click "next" or "Previous" to go to 
another record... what would be the simplest method to check that the 
card was modified to then prompt the user "Do you want to save your 


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OT: Decrypting PHP preg_replace Strings

2011-12-25 Thread Sivakatirswami
We have hackers on our web server getting in thru one Domain... I think 
there is a whole in WordPress.

Long story... a nuisance, But they are able to write files to locations 
out outside the blog directory, insert strings into the first line on 
.html files and are cloning our pages and storing them in obscure places 
like /var/lib/dovecot/control/theHackedDomain (this directory is deep in 
the system but writeable by the user for this domain)

We don't see how they are getting in. They are not able to touch 
anything else on the box..

anyway... is there a live code function that can decrypt the string at 
the and of this file?

$auth_pass = "347455f3975a7c84651eb69f10198b09";
$color = "#df5";
$default_action = 'FilesMan';
$default_use_ajax = true;
$default_charset = 'Windows-1251';

I can't wait until move our site over to RevIgniter; I think it will be 
much more secure!


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Re: Function to Upper and Lower Case sentences

2011-12-21 Thread Sivakatirswami
well I got this far.. in my "hokey-baby" xTalk way of coding...but it 
works well enough to keep one or two donors from "screaming" with all 
caps in their comments... but someone  was entering  dates like this: 
in his comments my  script munges these to 12212012.. and it doesn't 
deal well with !bangs... but it's good enough to do what I need for now.

on mouseUp
   local tNewSentence

   put the clipboarddata["text"] into tInput
# I'll change this to input from $POST on the server side 
script later

   set the linedel to "."
   repeat for each line aSentence in tInput

  ## First we lower case all
  # delete space in front first

  repeat until x <> " "

 #I think there is a better trim leading/trailing space function I saw 
years ago...I have it
 # somewhere... one day I will master accessing all my code (ha, good 
luck with that!)

 put char 1 of aSentence into x
 if x = " " then delete char 1 of aSentence
  end repeat
  put toLower(aSentence) into aSentence
  replace "!" with "! " in aSentence

 # doesn't help unless next word is in my dictionary.
# so I need something to "see" exclamation marks as 
delimiters, not sure

 # how to tackle that if dot is already set as delimiter

  put (toUpper(char 1 of aSentence)) into char 1 of aSentence

# next we set upper case words from our mini-dictionary function...

  Repeat for each word theWord in aSentence
 put capitalizeWords(theWord)  into tWord
 put tWord & space after tNewSentence
  end Repeat
  delete char -1 of tNewSentence
  put tNewSentence &". " after tOutPut
  put empty into tNewSentence

   end repeat
   if char 1 of tOutput = "." then delete char 1 of tOutput
   set the clipboarddata["text"] to tOutput
   put tOutput

end mouseUp

function capitalizeWords theWord
   put "ganesha, pancha, gurudeva!,gurudev!,Satguru, ganapathi, 
ganapati, yogaswami, siva, shiva, muruga, bodhinatha,lord, nataraja, 
aum" into tCapsDictionary

   set the itemdel to comma

   if  tCapsDictionary contains theWord then

  --if theWord is among the items of tCapsDictionary
## doesn't work; dunno why...
# so I used "contains"

 put toUpper(char 1 of theWord) into char 1 of theWord
   end if
   return theWord
end capitalizeWords

On 12/21/11 11:46 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

I did something similar recently, where not only was the delimiter important, 
but preserving the exact delimiter was also important. In my case it was 
breaking out the parts of a query that might contain AND or OR. What I did was:

replace " AND " with cr&  " AND "&  cr in theList
replace " OR " with cr&  " OR "&  cr in theList

repeat with theLineCount = 1 to the number of lines of theList step 2
   put line theLineCount of theList into theLine
   put line theLineCount +1 into theDelimiter
   -- do some stuff with whatcha got
   put theLine&  theDelimiter&  cr after theNewList
end repeat

You could modify this to deal with a period and a space, a period and a close parens, a 
period and a character return or a period and anything else that might apply. Just don't 
append CR for a single period and cr, or you will end up with blank lines that were not there 
beforehand. Also, now that I think about it, you should probably also replace "..." 
with an ellipsis before continuing, and any other thing that might come after a period in 
normal text. You should end up with a list of sentences, and whatever came after them. Also, 
now that I think about it some more, you should probably replace 2 cr's with some kind of 
placeholder&  cr before anything else in a repeat loop to account for multiple CR's. That 
would throw your function out of sync if an extra line showed up anywhere along the way.


On Dec 21, 2011, at 1:02 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

OK yes, Title case is easy... It's sentence case I was looking for because a 
period/dot is not part of a word. I guess one could use a dot as a line 
delimiter and then step thru the lines.

On 12/21/11 10:57 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

On Dec 21, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I have a need to take all caps input  and

1) Lower case all but first letter of sentences

2) Upper case words in a small dictionary I will provide to the function.

As anyone cooked up something like this already... if I just had 1) can manage 

Happy Holidays!

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam


function titleCase theText, forceIt
 if forceIt is true then
 put tolower(theText) into theText
 end if

 repeat wi

Re: Function to Upper and Lower Case sentences

2011-12-21 Thread Sivakatirswami
OK yes, Title case is easy... It's sentence case I was looking for 
because a period/dot is not part of a word. I guess one could use a dot 
as a line delimiter and then step thru the lines.

On 12/21/11 10:57 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

On Dec 21, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I have a need to take all caps input  and

1) Lower case all but first letter of sentences

2) Upper case words in a small dictionary I will provide to the function.

As anyone cooked up something like this already... if I just had 1) can manage 

Happy Holidays!

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam


function titleCase theText, forceIt
 if forceIt is true then
 put tolower(theText) into theText
 end if

 repeat with theWordNum = 1 to the number of words of theText
 put toupper(char 1 of word theWordNum of theText)&  \
 char 2 to -1 of word theWordNum of theText \
 into word theWordNum of theText
 end repeat

 return theText
end titleCase


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Function to Upper and Lower Case sentences

2011-12-21 Thread Sivakatirswami

I have a need to take all caps input  and

1) Lower case all but first letter of sentences

2) Upper case words in a small dictionary I will provide to the function.

As anyone cooked up something like this already... if I just had 1) can 
manage 2)

Happy Holidays!

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Re: [OT] Ghostery

2011-12-15 Thread Sivakatirswami
Ditto that... and, is it just a placebo effect or am I actually seeing 
Fire Fox is even loading pages faster now that I blocked everything? It 
feel like I'm not getting those delays as those widgets are downloading 
their JS and talking to their motherships in the background.

On Tue Dec 13 15:31:00 2011, Pete wrote:

Thanks for introducing me to Ghostery - it's opened up a whole new 
world of

tracking that I had no idea was going on. A lot of sites use Google
Analytics of course and I'm not inclined to block that since I've used it
myself and found it very useful. I don;t believe it keeps anything more
intrusive than geographical data, but I could be wrong.

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Image Cropping Tool for Livecode

2011-12-04 Thread Sivakatirswami
As anyone created a image cropping tool for LiveCode? If so can you send 
me your stack/code or put it on line? Thanks!

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Resizing on Lion

2011-11-04 Thread Sivakatirswami
Can anyone confirm that standalone stacks built  with 4.6.1, which have 
resizing on, fail to resize under Lion?

I have an in - house version control app that manages all InDesign files 
for our editorial team. Those who upgrade to Lion say the resizing does 
not work

I myself am avoiding upgrading to Lion for as long as I possibly can.


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Passing Ampersand and Dot to PostGreSQL - MySQL

2011-11-02 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'm having some difficulty with passing data from a web form to a 
PostGreSQL database. I'm using iRev on the server and gFormData has all 
the data in the array. After handling all the data, running the CC 
charges, sending notifications, everything works, but my final functions 
to insert the data into the database fail in certain cases.

i use this method to build the query:

put "INSERT INTO donations (first_name, last_name, anonymous, 
email_address, "   into  tSQLQuery
put "addr1, addr2, city, state, postal_code, country, phone_no, 
created_on, " after tSQLQuery
put " entry_point, comment, amount, monetra_user, monetra_msg, cc_no) " 
after tSQLQuery
'#EMAIL_ADDRESS', "  after  tSQLQuery
Put "'#ADDR1', '#ADDR2', '#CITY', '#STATE', '#POSTAL_CODE', '#COUNTRY', 
'#PHONE_NO', '#CREATED_ON', " after tSQLQuery
'#MONETRA_MSG', '#CC_NO');" after tSQLQuery

the poke it like this:

replace "#FIRST_NAME" with gFormData["first_name"]  in tSQLQuery
replace "#COMMENT" with gFormData["comment"]  in tSQLQuery
replace "#EMAIL_ADDRESS" with gFormData["email_address"]  in tSQLQuery

when the data in the array values contain certain characters, the 
insertion query fails.

I have been able to definitively diagnose at least two cases (there are 
probably more)

if the data contains an ampersand or a dot, the query fails  e.g these 
will all cause the insertion to fail:

 First Name:  Ravi & Sheela # ampersand

 Comment: All the books & audio [etc.]  # ampersand

 email address:  # dot in the email address.

so, I'm not sure what to do.

 I need to escape all the special chars (I don't even have a list of 
what they are) in the gFormData array values that will break the SQL 
query. And we also have to block SQL injection attempts at the same time

My "baby xTalk"  method would be tortuous: for each key/value in the 
gFormData array

put gFormData["first_name"]  in tFirstName

put fixBadChars(tFirstName) into tFirstName

replace "#FIRST_NAME" with tFirstName  in tSQLQuery

function fixBadChars pString

replace "&" with "and" in pString
  # and more of these which I don't even know what they would be
  # and replacing the dot in the email will mean the email is wrong 
after insertion

return pString

end fixBadChars

I'm sure this has been dealt with already... Does anyone have a "escape 
input data for SQL insertion"   library they can share?


Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Reading multiple identical nodes in an XML file

2011-10-16 Thread Sivakatirswami

I am an XML newbie:

if you want to extract data from a series of  identical nodes in a XML 
file, how do you set up the repeat function?




use of ME in behaviors

2011-10-01 Thread Sivakatirswami

I'm trying to understand behaviors so as to be more adept at using them.

I've examined the scripts of the datagrid library, which give much cause 
for wonderment.

the private command_initialize

we see references like:

 set the borderwidth of scrollbar "dgHScrollbar" of group 
"dgHorizontalComponents" of me

but all these scripts are in a button "data grid"

So I am trying to understand what "me" references.

 In order for there to be a scrollbar of a group of "me"  , "me" would 
have to refer to a card

or "bigger" parent group, or stack.

Did I get that right?

I am trying to understand how to reference controls "adjacent" to the 
child object of a parent behavior.

e.g. main stack/card 1/field "SymbolName"
  main stack/card 1/btn "Dog"  # with behavior set to the long id 
of button below:

substack ("behaviorVault")/button "showName # used as a behavior for btn 

(and other buttons on the same card)

Now, in the behavior button I want to refer to objects on the card with 
the child buttons

that use that behavior... so I'm trying to determine best practices.

When I click on a button on the main card, I want the name of the button
to pass to a field and the field to be shown, kind of like a tool tip of 

this button is in  a substack, but the child buttons and other field is 
on card 1 of the main stack

A simple reference fails...

on mouseUp
   put the loc of the target into tPosition
   put the shortname of the target into tName
   put tName # it works... I get "Dog"
   put tName into fld "symbolName" # fails
   set the loc of fld "SymbolName" to tPosition # fails; reference is 
not explicit enough
   show fld "symbolName" with visual effect dissolve # fails; reference 
is not explicit enough

   send "hideName" to me in 5 seconds
end mouseUp

on hideName
   hide fld "symbolName" with visual effect dissolve  # fails; 
reference is not explicit enough

end hideName

I guess I can set the defaultstack to the main stack but I just wanted 
to check if there is another way to establish the "card context" of the 
child objects, in the behavior script of those child objects.   It 
seemed from the data grid stack that "of me" would could work, but a fld 
on the same card is not a property of an adjacent button (whose behavior 
is on another stack/card)


Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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OT (semi) - Panorama Image Delivery Options

2011-08-24 Thread Sivakatirswami
We are finally getting into panoramas here. We have got our shooting 
(with "paralax: attachment on a tripod, that keeps the len on center 
during rotation) and stitching working great.

But I'm clueless on delivery. Simple left to right panning, 
stop-at-left-right-edges, is a no brainer and could be done in 
LiveCode.  Galleria (my fav JS slideshows= framework) will handle this 
easily on the web. But the continuous 360 "keep going right and end up 
at the same place" was what I was looking for.

Chipp gave me suggestions years ago about building side scroller games, 
but I don't have them around handy.

Anyone have any experience and advice for:

1) Delivery of panoramic 360 imagers inside LiveCode stacks?   without 
having to resort to QTVR? using Livecode scripting? Or am I 
dreamingI would love to make some edutainment titles for kids to 
explore.. (they would have to download the stack)

2) And for web delivery of Panos? Any "best of breed" options that you 
like? KR Pano looks interesting; it does HTML5 in addition to Flash.

In a stack one could possibly put multiple buttons side by side and then 
set their image data to the same image and set up a scroller... but it 
would be hard to do hot spots. if you want to click on the bird and have 
an audio play... in a sixth iteration of the photo to the right, the 
bird is a different bird even if it looks the same to the viewer.  hmmm

If anyone had a script for causing a photo to move left and right as the 
mouse approached the edge of the stack window.. that would be helpful too.


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OT: Slideshow Image CMS Best Practice

2011-08-16 Thread Sivakatirswami

I am using Galleria on our web site.. (galleria
I love it... so extensible, customizable, documentation is excellent

I've written some .irev libraries that only need a path to a folder with 
images and adjacent matching text files for captions and then LiveCode 
dynamically builds the slide show web page. It's simple. I have a 
desktop client that people use to create content:

someImage.txt  # a caption file

this CMS is really very portable and can be massaged into any kind of 
delivery framework...

I'm just wondering what others think in terms of future CMS and coding 
and issues.  A fork in the road:

1. ALL IMAGES IN ONE FOLDER (thumbnails, 800px wide "large" photo, 
1500px wide "Big Photo"

-- with file name appendages

mother-centipede.jpg #800px wide
mother-centipede.txt# caption
mother-centipede_thumb.jpg #100px wide
mother-centipede_big.jpg  #1500px wide


2) USE Separate Folders AND file name appendages


mother-centipede.jpg #800px wide
mother-centipede.txt# caption
mother-centipede_thumb.jpg #100px wide
mother-centipede_big.jpg  #1500px wide

Galleria documentation is agnostic (as it should be) but "kinda" points 
to all images in the same folder:

as flat HTML:

div  id="gallery">

or as JSON:

OT: Beginning Programming with LiveCode for the world

2011-08-16 Thread Sivakatirswami

It would be interesting if someone did a "Basic Programming" course for 
the whole planet, using LiveCode.

I think Devin Asay is well positioned this.

We have a new young recruit here at the monastery.

I sent him all the URLS for Devin's materials a the BYU site, for LiveCode.

oops, wait, LiveCode is not free...


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Re: [Server] create stack trouble

2011-08-15 Thread Sivakatirswami

jan wrote:

 Storing data is an enticing idea, but flawed: stacks are not a multi-user data 
storage infrastructure.

You are of course right  for multi-user scenarios.

but I beg to differ in cases where

a) the data is read only for web delivery or for the majority of users
b) the "editors" are few to one; possibly even "just for me, my brother 
and one hired hand"
c) you need to be able to massage that information easily independent of 
a web connection.
d) You need to be able to ship the "corpus" of data to someone else to 
edit it.

Think of the stack as, as a document with 3000 pages (cards), a 
"manuscript" if you will and you want someone to work on it, pass it 
around, put it on a thumb drive, build cool widgets to massage or 
process the data. That's a miniscule amount of data from one point of view.

Recently Andre is helping us build a new web site and we are using MySQL 
for the data on the back end. We don't have much choice because 
rev-server does not support stacks, and RevIgniter has great dBase support.

That said... if RevServer/RevIgniter actually supported "start using" I 
would, now after watching our development process, seriously think about 
doing what we are doing now with stacks.

When I look at the overhead that comes with an SQL framework, I have to 
shake my head, and, at least in house I will always revert to shared 
stacks on our LAN server here, setting up a semaphore to lock stacks in 
use is trivial...even though I could open up MySQL data base on our OSX 
server, the "software at the speed of light" paradigm suddenly becomes 
"Mucking along with foot cut off and one arm tied behind your 

if all you know is LiveCode and you are spoiled by the speed with which 
you can handle and process data with stacks. SQL Yoga and the Data Grid 
are great, but so complex and vulnerable to breakage ) and so hard to 
debugWe even reverted here to table fields for some desktop clients 
that talk to the new MySQL dbase... How easy is it to drop a blob of tab 
delimited txt into a fld and talk to that? Now if I were getting that 
data from a stack on the web server, how easy would that be?

So I would heartily endorse use of stacks for small data sets. At the 
very least you will be proto-typing at "light speed" and when your need 
to move up to a SQL database reaches critical mass, you will have ironed 
out your use cases with some precision well in advance of building your 
table structures, vs  build the SQLBase from the get go, based on a 
"functional specifcation" and then face multiple iterations because, no 
matter how well you think you have your spec nailed down... things 
change... if you were using a stack based scenario, the implementation 
of design change would be  trivial compared to what you have to go 
through with a database on the back end and the API to talk to it.  then 
later, porting that to MySQL or PostGreSQL would be a "Piece of Cake" 
because you would know exactly where you were going.

Just my two avocados from Hawaii (coming in bushels this time of year)


On 8/7/11 4:26 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

I couldn't help but wonder why you wanted to save stacks from LiveCode Server.
The important part of this support is the ability to share business logic 
between desktop, mobile and server applications.

Storing data is an enticing idea, but flawed: stacks are not a multi-user data 
storage infrastructure.
Invocations of your .lc script from multiple clients may come in any order, and 
some processing may take longer.
And what if a user is impatient, hits the back button in his browser and pushes 
the same data again?

Stick with databases for storage, especially in multi-user scenarios - it's 
what the things were built for :-)

Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports&  PDF Library for LiveCode

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Re: Another Docu question

2011-08-15 Thread Sivakatirswami

I second that... ditto here. exactly same problem.

My folder-file layout looks like:

My Livecode
   /BvG Docu
BvG Docu 4.6.3.sqlite
BvG Docu 4.6.4-dp-1.sqlite
   BvG Docu 2.rev

I will get a message on start up that the same stack exists and do I 
want to purge it. If I hit Cancel I'm OK

If I delete BVG Docu 2.rev

and reboot LiveCode, I then get the message the the SQLite database is 
not present. I click to build and

BvG Docu 4.6.4-dp-1.sqlite   is re-built with the current modification time.

and a copy of   "BvG Docu 2.rev" reappears in the plugins folder.

Work around: I have resorted simply hitting "cancel" on the purge 
message on start up. then everything works just fine. So, not a blocker


   On 8/15/11 7:47 AM, Pete wrote:

Thanks but still getting the same problem.  the plugin does work after is
has rebuilt the database but it still rebuilds it every time I start LC.

I installed the stack in my LC plugins folder (~/Documents/Livecode/Plugins)
  After running it I see the following files:

- BvG Docu 2.rev
- bvg_docu_2.rev
- a folder named BvG Docu containing 1 file named "BvG Docu 4.6.2.sqlite"

I tried to get to the Plugin Settings but when I selected the stack, I got
the standard message about there already being a stack with the same name
loaded and form that point on, I was in a never ending loo of creating the
database and getting the same stack loded message, no matter which option I
chose.  Weird.

This is with LC 4.6.2 running on a Mac with OS X 10.6.8.  Let me know if
there's anything else I can do to help figure this out - this is a much
better way to view the dictionary!

Molly's Revenge<>

Om Shanti

Kauai Aadheenam

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Re: the objectType of me?

2011-06-26 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 6/25/11 7:06 PM, Slava Paperno wrote:

Is that the way to do it? Seems a bit childish:)  There's got to be a
"controlType" property, no?


Sorry, I don't think so...

  using Claudi suggestion: by making a command/function

put this in your object's script

on mousewithin
   switchControls(the abbrev name of me)
end mousewithin

Then in your group, card or stack script put:

command  switchControls pObjectName

put word 1 of pObjectName into tControlType

switch tControlType
   case "button"
  set the cursor to hand
   case "field"
  answer "this is a field" with "OK"
  set the cursor to iBeam
end switch

end switchControls

Tried to put these script handlers in to button and use the button ID as 
a behavior in other objects, but it doesn't work.
dunnu why.. the "host" object does not pass "mousewithin" to the 
behavior object assigned to it. i think I recall something about this 
from one of the conferences but don't know where it is documented.


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Re: Importing Unicode text to a field .. How?

2011-05-27 Thread Sivakatirswami

replace uniencode(numtochar(13)) with uniencode(numtochar(10))

That doesn't work either, it does nothing

Richmond... these are "pure" unicode text files. not RTF or HTML... They open 
fine in Pages or text edit, I get Tamil as expected and proper endlines as expected. I 
can also copy and paste from those programs into a LiveCode field and it works... I get 
tamil with end lines.


On 5/24/11 11:45 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Sivakatirswami,

Maybe you need to replace the cr's: replace uniencode(numtochar(13)) with 
uniencode(numtochar(10)). Just a guess.

Op 25 mei 2011 om 07:17 heeft Sivakatirswami  het volgende 

Namaste, Slava:

I tried that too, but I lose all the CR's...I get one long line in the LiveCode 
field, but if I paste it here into the email  the CRLF's come back!

Or if I copy from Pages.. the CR's are preserved...

If I try to process the CR in the usual way, I get them back in the field but 
the text becomes garbled again

on mouseup
   answer file "Choose the Unicode for this song" with "OK"
   put url ("binfile:/"&  it) into tUnicode
   set the useUnicode to true
  set the unicodetext of  fld "Unicode_Script" to  tUnicode
end mouseup


Converted from மயிலை text in /Users/sivakatirswami/Documents/Tamil/Natchintanai 
in Unicode/3 Thannai Thannaal.txt தன்னைத்தன்னால்தன்னைத் தன்னால் அறிந்திட 
வேண்டுமேதானா யெங்குஞ் செறிந்திட வேண்டுமே[snip]

on mouseup
   answer file "Choose the Unicode for this song" with "OK"
   put url ("binfile:/"&  it) into tUnicode
   set the useUnicode to true
  set the unicodetext of  fld "Unicode_Script" to  tUnicode
  replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in fld "unicode_Script"
   # the above line restores the line breaks but destroys the text... or 
rather, converts it to some other encoding displays Japanese characters
end mouseup

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Re: Importing Unicode text to a field .. How?

2011-05-24 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Namaste, Slava:

I tried that too, but I lose all the CR's...I get one long line in the 
LiveCode field, but if I paste it here into the email  the CRLF's come back!

Or if I copy from Pages.. the CR's are preserved...

If I try to process the CR in the usual way, I get them back in the 
field but the text becomes garbled again

on mouseup
   answer file "Choose the Unicode for this song" with "OK"
   put url ("binfile:/" & it) into tUnicode
   set the useUnicode to true
  set the unicodetext of  fld "Unicode_Script" to  tUnicode
end mouseup


Converted from மயிலை text in 
/Users/sivakatirswami/Documents/Tamil/Natchintanai in Unicode/3 Thannai 
Thannaal.txt தன்னைத்தன்னால்தன்னைத் தன்னால் அறிந்திட வேண்டுமேதானா யெங்குஞ் செறிந்திட 

on mouseup
   answer file "Choose the Unicode for this song" with "OK"
   put url ("binfile:/" & it) into tUnicode
   set the useUnicode to true
  set the unicodetext of  fld "Unicode_Script" to  tUnicode
  replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in fld "unicode_Script"
   # the above line restores the line breaks but destroys the text... 
or rather, converts it to some other encoding displays Japanese characters

end mouseup

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Importing Unicode text to a field .. How?

2011-05-24 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I converted some Mylai-Sri (Tamil) Type 1 fonts to unicode. I can open 
these in Pages, select the text, choose the native Mac OS X Tamil 
unicode font: Inaimathi New and I get Tamil glyphs... if I copy and 
paste to a field in Livecode it appears as expected.

But, now, I want to import the same unicode raw text files that I am 
opening in Pages into Livecode fields by script.

I cannot get it to work:

on mouseup
   answer file "Choose the Unicode for this song" with "OK"
   put url ("file:/" & it) into tUnicode
   set the unicodetext of  fld "Unicode_Script_Title" to line 3 of 

# though the above should do it ,but I get garble in the field,

#this does not help either:

set the textfont of char 1 to -1 of fld "Unicode_Script_Title" to 
"Inaimathi New"

# still garble

end mouseup


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LiveCode - Import Tiff

2011-04-06 Thread Sivakatirswami

 I suppose this is very old ground and it's "just not going to happen."

but I hit a wall today because LiveCode cannot import TIFF files.

(big project of scans... most scanners default to .tiff format)

I could not even find a feature request in the QA center.

Did anyone do an external for tiff import?


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open Printing to PDF works just fine -- Ignore last query

2011-04-06 Thread Sivakatirswami


it works just fine.

I had an "ask file" command in there I should have commented out.

This works perfectly:

on mouseup
  put "/Users/sivakatirswami/Desktop/test4.pdf" into tOutPutFile
   set the printMargins to 0,0,0,0
   open printing to pdf tOutPutFile
   if it is "cancel" then exit to top
   print card 1
   close printing
   answer "done"
end mouseup

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Handle "Open Printing" dynamically

2011-04-06 Thread Sivakatirswami
 i want to create an automated routine that digs folders with jpgs, 
loads them onto cards and then prints to PDF's that have the filename of 
the folder.  I will have an uber driver stack that runs the printing 
stack, the uber driver will watch for each print job to complete, move 
on to the next folder, get the name of the folder, open it, load the 
jpgs onto cards, print to pdf, close printing and move on to the next 

This seems all very simple except for the fact that

open printing to pdf

invokes a dialog that must be manually filled in and "OK'ed" before 

Is there a way to pass the filename to the open print dialog and issue a 
"continue" command

The standard open printing command normally offers no dialog or with 
dialog, but open printing to pdf always invokes a dialog

There are lots of printing options and you can set just about anything 
ahead of time, one of which is

set the printerOutput to {device | preview | fileSpec}

which will print to PDF on the Mac, but I need the card queue function 
that the "open printing to pdf" offers so that all the cards dump to a 
single pdf.

Any ideas?


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RevIgniter - Loading Images

2011-03-24 Thread Sivakatirswami
 Robert I changed the thread title since we are on now from kudos to 

On 3/23/11 11:19 PM, Robert Mann wrote:

I too found revIGniter a fantastic working work! and pointed that out several

My first site using that though has to be reworked from a speed point of
view because I chose to view pictures with a javascript gallery module that
loads every files at start up... and that also made the cache function of
revIgniter out in the limbs, (does not work in that case). So I'll drop

Robert, here is my simple function to drive a random selection from a 
folder of images, the image is loaded once on page load and does not 
change until next page load. this may not be what you want...

I so very rarely  share anything because I don't trust that anything I 
do is professional enough to share...but in case it helps:

I use the assets helper and cache busting and have far future headers 
set to 1 year on your server. regular viewers will gradually cache the 
images and there will be zero download.. (unless they empty their cache 
of course)

Also because the rigImageAsset delivers a fully qualified "img src=*" 
string we have to strip it back to a plain URL for use inside a CSS 

As always (I keep forgetting) all functions called have to be on top.

Once I figure out how to do it, I'll probably make my own
rigImageAssetURL  helper and load these in base config and get them out 
of my controllers.

function getImageURLString pTaggedImage
   set the itemdel to quote
   return item 2 of pTaggedImage
end getImageURLString

function rotateMastheadBackground
   set the defaultFolder to 

   put the files into tBackgrounds
   put line (random (the number of lines of tBackgrounds)) of 
tBackgrounds into tBackground

   put ("masthead/rotation/" & tBackground) into tBackGroundPath
   put (rigImageAsset(tBackGroundPath,,,TRUE))  into pTaggedImage
   return getImageURLString (pTaggedImage)
end rotateMastheadBackground

Then in the controller call the image into the variable

command index

 # like this:
 put rotateMastheadBackground() into gData["mastheadBackground"]

 put rigImageAsset("masthead/KHM-logo.png",,,TRUE) into 

put rigCssAsset("books.css",,,TRUE) into gData["booksCSS"]

put "Books by Himalayan Academy" into gData["pageTitle"]

get rigLoadView("sitewide/head")
get rigLoadView("books/books-masthead")
get rigLoadView("sitewide/main-nav")
get rigLoadView("books/books-main-content")
get rigLoadView("books/books-bottom-content")
#get rigLoadView("sitewide/bottom-nav")
get rigLoadView("sitewide/footer")
end index

the only caveat of this is that rigImageAsset can only poke variables in 
views, but not in CSS files. So you have to do a little hokey bit by 
putting this in the top of your view:

[[gData["booksCSS"] ]]

background-image: url('[[gData["mastheadBackground"] ]]');
background-repeat: no-repeat;

 # Use this to poke a top div if you want to run a big announcement
# across the top of the page; where you push a view as data in your 

[[gData["siteWideBanner"] ]]

[[gData["khmLogo"] ]]

This actually turned out to be a serendipity advantage because it forced 
me to close the head of the document in the masthead view. I normally 
don't like to break the DOM like this, ( opens in one view and 
closes in another) but in the end I realized it didn't matter since by 
design the masthead div will always lead the page. This sudden lead me 
to realize I could separate the core CSS for the site and the 
dynamically load an override CSS for a particular area that used a 
particular masthead view.  So, one masthead view could call a different 
CSS: magically, then  the head of the web pages for


can be different from


etc.  and you just keep your logo the same throughout.

I plan move away from the random selection and set up different folders 
with series of like images   e.g. all flowers, in one, all people in 
another, all "kids cool images" in another  and order them by file name, 
then the function will write a "session" var to a file indicating what 
header image is currently loading. All viewers will then see the same 
image at the same time, and the function will steps thru, e.g. a whole 
series of rainbow pix.

And if I want to insert things on top of the masthead you can just put 
vars in the mast head and fill them with views. fantastic!

I'm blabbering  on and on here.

POINT: this is just way too much fun, way too easy with LiveCode.. 
imagine doing this in PHP.

Well I can't, because I don't know PHP...

10 minutes of cut and paste lines and controller handlers and magically 
now we get:

Re: RevIgniter is Fabulous!

2011-03-24 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 3/23/11 7:05 PM, -=>JB<=- wrote:

That looks very nice.  Was everything made with Revigniter?


When you say "everything made with" depends what you mean. The 
navigation menus at the top are pure simple CSS. I use John Alsop's 
Style Master for CSS.  Are you using RevIgniter?

But the entire page assembly is revIgniter.

The rotating selection of the head image (changes on page load) is 
driven by a simple 4 line function .. actually it could have been two 
lines. No JS or Ajax there. The data for the book on the page is all 
drawn from an external source piped in through a "model"  HTML is 
assembled from six "views" -html "chunks"  and most of the content of 
these is made up of variables that are poked in the controller. That's 
what is impressive, the number of operations and "gets" that are being 
performed by LiveCode Server before the page is sent out (I count at 
least 30 operations done to put this one page together) is significant 
enough that you would think you might start to feel some processing 
sluggishness: but no -- it feels almost instantaneous. take a look at 
the time to render at the bottom of the page.

Part of this is because there is no html in a data base (ala other PHP 
CMS frameworks... "irritating"... you log in, choose a module, click on 
a list and "hello" there you are face-to-face with HTML in a "record.") 
instead we will just use the database  for media assets metadata 
storage. So even when we get to using queries to generate some parts of 
the page content, it will be very fast, because we will still get the 
html direct from disk.

Of course this is just a design decision as revIgniter would certainly 
support html code chunks being stored in dbase if you wanted to go that 
route, (I never will!) and I guess the CodeIgniter PHP framework is also 
very fast. i.e. you will have to cook your own CMS...and that's a 
different discussion.

If you want to see any of the code, happy to share.

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RevIgniter is Fabulous!

2011-03-23 Thread Sivakatirswami
 We are redoing our web site, very slowly, it 
will take many moons...

and we are not rushing.

I decided we should give RevIgniter a try. There was a little anxiety in 
the air about using something new and different that was not PHP. And 
since LiveCode has proven itself over and over again in-house for 
production apps, I went out on a limb and convinced everyone here that 
LiveCode Server and RevIgniter were going to provide us with

a) "radical flexibility" and
b) fabulous performance

We have had enough experience with XOOPS and Drupal to know that it can 
only get better, so no objections were raised. So for the past month 
I've been hitting hard on the RevIgniter User guide and plaguing Ralf 
with all kinds of questions.

Now as I finally got thru the learning curve and am actually putting 
together pages, I can't say how utterly fantastic this is. It's like a 
dream come true, like I've been hobbling around in web dev space since 
1995 with both arms tied behind my back and one leg broken and suddenly 
I can fly.

This is our sand box... and we are just getting started. Not only is it 
fast and efficient but it is also just way too much fun.   (click the design one and 
design two links)

Obviously this is just a skeleton right now, but, with setting far 
future headers on our server and using the revIgniter assets helper 
cache busting feature, we are getting jaw dropping speed.

Of course there are only two images on the page, but even so the "in the 
blink of an eye" has already impressed a number of people.

Thank you, RunRev and Ralf Bitter!


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Remote stack thinks it is corrupt

2011-03-15 Thread Sivakatirswami

 In house I serve a lot of stacks from our big XServer on the LAN.

I issue small players to desktops and then call the actual apps for 
production with

I recently updated a stack with  Livecode 4.6 dp7; put it back on the 
server and then call it as usual:

on mouseUp
   go stack url " Media 

   put the result
end mouseUp

I'm getting:  stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file

OK so I wondered if it was 4.6 dp7 and so I made back ups of some other 
stacks, very old (circa 2005-6)

opened them in 4.6 dp7 and "messed around" with a lot of new features, 
graphic effects, added a few behaviors etc.

saved and put one of these back on the server.

stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file

on mouseUp
   go stack url 

   put the result
end mouseUp

well, result is empty, stack opens up just fine.

So this means that this one stack:


is registering as corrupt if I try to load it with
go stack url " Media 

but I have for years opened and worked on stacks across the network and 
in this case if asking go to the server in the finder and double click 
on the copy on the server:


it opens in 4.6 dp7 just fine.  There is no indication at all that it is 

So, I'm stuck.. I can't deploy this stack with standalone player.  Since 
the stack seems fine, I don't know what to fix.

The only clue could be possibly that there are a lot of open card and 
open stack handlers in KA-Media-Player.livecode stack and a standalone 
made with 4.6 dp7  (i updated the player)  may not like these for some 
reason, where as simple stacks that do not have a lot of initial 
activity on open stack/card, open just fine when called by the same player.

Any insights on how to de-bug this?

Otherwise I don't know what to do other than send the stack to Mark and 
ask him why 4.6 dp7 thinks it is corrupt if called remotely.


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RevServer in CSS

2011-02-13 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Has anyone tried anything like this?

margin:  0px;
font-family:  Verdana;
background-color:  #cc;
background-image:  url('');

with rev server code?

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OT: JDBC Database access - Simple Reporting Tool

2011-02-10 Thread Sivakatirswami
 One of the departments here at HQ which is responsible for maintenance 
(vehicular fleet, all appliances in all buildings, electrical, plumbing, 
grounds, a dozen farm vehicles, full welding and machine shop 
not the white house but it's still huge...) is using MA CMMS, a 
professional JAVA script Maintenance program on his Mac. which is acting 
as a server also to everyone else on the LAN 

This is a very well designed program... well, almost-- the silly thing 
has no way to get out custom reports. It's using Apache Derby and  the 
GUI layer talks to the dBase using JDBC. The manager of that department 
asked if I could help him. MA CMMS recommends JASPER for getting reports 
from Derby, he successfully installed it and we have access to the 
schema, tables, fields...  but it is so much over head just to get a 
simple list from a simple SQL query. And the query builder tools are 
complicated and buggy, and reports require you to build export 
templates... he's going to waste a huge amount of time just to get  
simple "raw" tab delimited  lists of e.g. (use case he told me about 
today) itemized list of all repairs and the cost for the repair on all 
the vehicles and mobile equipment (our town car, pickup truck, van, 
riding mowers, John Deere tractor, Caterpiller skid steer etc) in the 
fleet for the year. It's mostly for financial analysis and reporting and 
doesn't need any eye candy.

 I'm spoiled by LiveCode's ease of talk to dBases and PHPMySQL admin.. 
but we can't find anything like this for Apache Derby Dbase.

I don't think that LiveCode can do JDBC...

 We looked on line for tools that can "talk Derby dBase on OS X" but 
did not find anything suitable, free and simple.

Any ideas?


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Re: a praise for RevIgniter

2011-02-10 Thread Sivakatirswami

 ! !

that's cool... Wow... you have been keeping secrets from me (smile)

FYI retreat here... I've had continuing discussions with everyone, but 
can't pick up the thread on our discussion until Saturday or Sunday..

Question: is your new company going to use RevIgniter for web contracts 
of PHP/Code igniter?

 In this memo, I can't tell what you mean

"I am building our own

tools in PHP with CodeIgniter at a fast pace because my previo
experience with LiveCode and a similar framework."

Refers to the spam company or your new company?

I know you keep saying "I can do anything"

But, which do you prefer?


On 2/9/11 3:07 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:


As some here know, I work half of the week at a company doing PHP work
where I maintain and further develop an old codebase used to send
marketing campaings and newsletters by email. Our code is very
convoluted because the previous 3 programmers had an XGH mentality. I
will not enter my infinite rant loop talking about those guys that
came before me and instead I will focus on something else. Here we
deal with some absurd huge datasets. Some of our multiple databases
weight 5 terabytes, we have a database with more than 10 thousand
tables and millions and millions of records. Most of my day is spent
hunting for bad records for we don't actually have good administration
tools here for our daily work. We have some admin interface to our
system but we don't have tools focused on development and maintenance
of the system so when something goes wrong is is a pain.

The other half of the week and nights, I usually work my freelance
contracts and also works with my friends on our startup
( which right now is suffering the disease of the
youth which is trying to do too many different things at once but at
least it is succeding in some and making us proud. There and on my
freelance works, I tend to use RevIgniter which is a marvelous web
development framework for RevServer. I must say that the documentation
for RevIgniter is wy better than ANY DOCUMENTATION for another
LiveCode tool or even for LiveCode itself. It is just Great! Now let
us get back on topic...

Back at the PHP company, my boss finally agreed with me that we needed
some tools for our own development practices. It can take up to 10
minutes to find something at that database when all you have is
phpMyAdmin to deal with those elephant size databases. Opening a 10k
tables database in phpMyAdmin is an adventure. Here, I can't use
RevServer, my boss will simply not allow any LiveCode application.
I've built some LiveCode tools for my own use here but for the tools
that he want us both to use, he wants PHP. So I went shopping for some
PHP web framework and decided to give CodeIgniter a try. When Ralf
created RevIgniter, he was inspired by CodeIgniter, I knew that but I
wasn't sure how similar they were. Heck they are so similar that
except for the fact that one is doing PHP and the other LiveCode, the
rest is absolutely the same. It took me half an hour to check out some
of the syntax for CodeIgniter and then, all my knowledge from
RevIgniter was instant transferable. I knew how to organize stuff and
where to look in case something went wrong. I am building our own
tools in PHP with CodeIgniter at a fast pace because my previous
experience with LiveCode and a similar framework. Now that I am deep
into CodeIgniter, I can appreciate RevIgniter even more. It is quite
hard to achieve that kind of quality.

If anyone here is doing web with RevServer, consider using RevIgniter,
your code will be eaiser to deal with and lots of things come bundled
for free.

Links of interest:

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Photo Gallery Models

2011-02-09 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm needing to create an app that has a photo gallery where we can 
re-arrange the photos by drag and drop, change the file names, send a 
rotate command etc.

I have most of the code for the individual any individual photo 
operation already built, filename management and processing is trivial, 
but setting up a gallery on a card is the challenge.

Currently I am using a image source model where I have a field with


 and I turn the foreground color to white (characters disappear to the 
eye) and then set the image source for each character to the file 
reference for each of the photos in the gallery, This actually works 
fairly well, but has lots of limitations.

Also I'm loading image into this gallery where they are already down 
sized to a reasonable ~40k size for the web. But in the application we 
envision, the user will be looking to manage image assets on disk where 
the images will be their default size from the camera  anywhere form 
1.5MB to 6MB in size.  setting a number of character in a string to 
image sources of that size will probably not be doable.

There are many ways to go with this. We don't need to completely 
re-invent the wheel(s) of iPhoto, Aperture, Expressions or Bridge photo 
gallery management but I need just a small subset of functions inside 

If anyone has any examples they can share, I would appreciate it.


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Re: LiveCode for e-book production

2011-01-31 Thread Sivakatirswami

So, are these things  really an "eBooks" or an "applications" with lots 
of information and type?

So, even though we *are* going to get all publications dumbed down to 
*.xhtml-epub... internally we probably will be moving in the other 
direction, right  now we are already taking edu KeyNotes, segmenting 
these and putting up on YouTube.

I've been waiting for 2 years! for the RevWeb Plug in.. and then we can 
leverage this new model for content delivery... but I don't think we can 
call them eBooks.  And, not to forget. even today, people are 
downloading my few standalone stacks  some made nearly 10 years ago for 
delivery off line to kids classes (via PC and projectors) if we get a 
revWeb plug in for browsers on Android and/or we can deliver standalone 
apps to the new wave of tablets,

Much of whether we can do much in this direction (for those not really 
focused on iOS) depends if LiveCode gets their web-multi-media end of 
the product up enough, soon enough. They are 2-5 years behind the rest 
of the digital world in this arena. And "iOS Fever" is only delaying it 
even moree.g. a a smart young newbie with the chops for coding, 
buying this product for creative content delivery, will be shocked to 
discover he cannot even play multiple sounds simultaneously. (oops, 
don't get me going again -- on the multi-media issues...)

But I still keep hoping. Meanwhile for production-business tools 
LiveCode is the best.

Aum Shanti,

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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Re: Htmltext: storing data in markup

2011-01-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 1/27/11 4:05 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

If you may also have links in some of those runs, you may be 
interested in this request for a linkData chunk property, which would 
allow us to use any number of attributes in  tags, returned in an 
array as with clipboardData and dragData:

"Oh Man!" how useful that would be.. get's my vote...

Just thinking of what you could do: attach image(s) sound(s) custom 
menus to text.

"magic text" for kids (think little video popping up over one word, 
slideshow of animals over another..)

Seriously useful reference links for students and "info mining" types.

Hypertext to the max.


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Web Plug In - Audio Options

2011-01-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Since the developer list is totally focus on iOS  and the full web-plug in is 
deferred for, now,
I posted this but got no response.

Anyone here on the Use List actively using the web Plug in as is?

I want to keep pushing it and do testing...

Can anyone share their experience with audio? I know this has been asked
and answered over and over again, and the lamentations and wailings of
LiveCode being so behind in this arena.. I will refrain from
re-iterating at length here.

Perhaps some of you have made headway with work arounds:

Do we have *any* fully cross platform options for playing multiple
sounds? AS we know, we can only play a single audio clip at at time.

Does the player object reliably call the native, platform specific A/V
components on Windows and Linux if QT is not installed?  and if so, what
control do we have over those components? the dictionary does not
distinquish what properties (like currenttime) are or are not available
for a player that is running on another platform without Quicktime. (I
know that players do run on Windows without QT installed, but no
controls appear as this is my cue to tell some of my users to install
QT, but that option will not be there with the plug in...) and I don't
see the documentation on what exactly we can and cannot control other
than start and stop, if QT is not installed and I have no clue what
happens on Linux)

I'm hoping someone can share the minimal baseline of cross platform
options that works, so I can save myself a lot of grief testing things
that are definitely not going to work. (I don't have any linux box here...)



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Web PlugIn Install Fails because it thinks a browser is active (not)

2011-01-28 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I doing some testing of the web browser plug in here among our small 
group of 20.

This is all on Mac OS X 10.6.6

The good news is, someone was prompted that they had an old version of 
the browser plug in and they need to update.

The bad news is, when they clicked OK, the installer did something (they 
think) but gave zero feed back so the user was left with that "gee, did 
it really work?" feeling.

Subsequently the stack I deployed did work for him, so he assumed the 
upgrade ran. But the installer really needs to have a visual feed back 
mechanism and a "success" dialog at the end of the upgrade (assuming it 
actually did upgrade otherwise the stack may have been running on the 
old version of the plug in)

Second User writes me saying:

"The plugin won't install. Says I have a browser open (I don't, same 
issue even after a reboot).

Oh well. Could have been neat!"


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Re: Editing locked or List fields

2011-01-03 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Aloha Peter:

Now this what i call a Prime New Year gift!


And, yes, I do work a lot with list fields  and to make lists editable I 
had to add this to your script

  set the listBehavior of the target to not tf

but then this toggles all fields to listbehavior when locked... . so it 
required more

the problem is you can determine if a field has listbehavior when it is 
set, but if you turn listbehavior off, then one needs a way to preserve 
the fact that this is a list field, even when it's listbehavior is off.

So I added a custom prop to list fields so that they maintain their list 
property thru the editing session.   Perhaps there is a better way, but 
this works:

by adding this to your setProp handler

  if the listbehavior of the target is true then
 set the uList of the target to true
  end if
  if the uList of target = true then
 set the listBehavior of the target to not tf
  end if

On 1/2/11 3:28 AM, Peter Brigham MD wrote:

I use a virtual property:

on mouseup theBtn
   if theBtn = 1 and "field" is in the target and the \
  commandkey is down and the shiftkey is down then
  set the writable of the target to not the writable of the target
  pass mouseup
   end if
end mouseup

setprop writable tf
   if "field" is not in the target then exit writable

  if the listbehavior of the target is true then
 set the uList of the target to true
  end if
  if the uList of target = true then
 set the listBehavior of the target to not tf
  end if

  set the locktext of the target to not tf
  set the traversalon of the target to tf
  set the autohilite of the target to tf
  set the listBehavior of the target to not tf # required for list 

  --  catch tError
  --answer tError
   end try
end writable

getprop writable
   if "field" is not in the target then return ""
  put the locktext of the target into L
  put the traversalon of the target into T
  put the autohilite of the target into A
  if T and A and not L then return true
  return false
   end try
end writable

Put this in a library stack or a frontscript and it will work 
everywhere -- command-shift-click on any field and toggle the writable 
of the field. I use it constantly. You can revise this to just toggle 
the locktext if you work with list fields a lot, so that the usual 
hiliting and line selection are preserved, locked or unlocked.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham 

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Editing locked or List fields

2011-01-01 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm all the time editing locked or list fields or fields where the 
traversal is off.

The "onerous" method is of course to switch to the select tool, double 
click on the fld; choose Contents from the drop down menu, resize the 
window if you need to see more of the contents... edit contents

Before i cook up my own widget, which would not be hard to do, I was 
wondering what do the rest of you do?

OT: is tRev working, bug-free, with the latest versions of LiveCode?


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cmd key modifier not working?

2010-12-18 Thread Sivakatirswami

 OSX Livecode 4.5.2

I have this menu:

Back Up/2

the menu appears with "cmd +1" as expected and I could have sworn that 
it used to work, but now when I hit the keys, nothing happens. The menu 
is OK.. if I go to the menu and pull down and choose the item.. it works.

I'm in the IDE ...these same keys are slotted for card navigation; but  
I have the development tools suspended

Any clues?


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Target Stack-Screen Rect for Cross Platform Apps

2010-12-17 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I want to develop some edu things that will first and foremost end up 
running on a PC (win or mac mostly) and getting displayed on a projector 
in front of children.

But we plan to build out these apps, so that they have considerable 
resources for a studious individual to dig into them on their own 
time... so that they could run in the future web plug in and also in an 
iPad. Even future tablets.

The hot new tablet in India is only 800 X 600, which was a bit 
disappointing, but clearly they wanted to deliver something you could 
easily hold..

So I would be interested in any of your thoughts. I will probably lock 
it down to landscape since the design will be used on projectors...

If we build for XGA then it will take the entire vertical space (768) 
but I'm thinking that's not a good idea as I'm learning there are still 
a lot of hot notebooks that are XGA screen rect and they will want to 
see their task bar...Also if you do it in a web browser plug in 
sometimes the browser is hogging as much as 100 pixel for the URL field 
and all the widgets running in IE -- I screen shared on Skype with a new 
PC users recently and it seemed like they almost had 150px of "stuff" at 
the top of their browser and they did not a) use any of those widgets 
and b) did not know how to turn off their appearance. So the stack 
diagrams I had made on Lucid Chart for them to look at were partly below 
their screen...(forcein them to scroll up and down) until I suggested 
they turn off all that stuff at the top of the browser window.

The most conservative way to go would be to build at 800 X 
would still look pretty good on an iPad (but might not get accepted into 
the store because of the size?) but I'm itching to use more space...

Any thoughts?

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Re: OT: Problems with Inserting Odd Characters into PostGreSQL

2010-12-13 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 12/13/10 11:04 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

A search of the LiveCode dictionary for encode reveals the uniEncode function. 
This might be what you are looking for.

BTW (and please nobody hate me for saying so) (and this is not directed at the 
poster or anyone in particular) a LOT of enquiries on this list I find the 
answers for by doing simple finds in the LiveCode dictionary, or for other 
issues google searches. We should all make it a principle we code by that we 
try to find the solutions ourselves before posting.

You make a good point Bob... I do tend to go begging here. My problem is 
that I don't know enough about some things to even know what to search for.

I never thought of a curly quote as a unicode character  I always think 
of it as an ANSI... And Spanish fits into ISO 8859-1 as does the curly 
quote: these are single byte characters; so why do we need uniEncode? 
But, you are right I should to ask these questions in the PostGreSQL 
forums and not here.

Probably I should ( and usually do) use my Experts' Exchange account for 
this type of thing, but sometimes I think that these threads end up 
helping other LiveCoders. and If we do it outside this list then it is 
not seen.

I know I get a lot out of responses to "dumb questions" by newbies, even 
though I did not post them

That being said, I learn a lot myself by looking up these things for other 


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OT: Problems with Inserting Odd Characters into PostGreSQL

2010-12-13 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm a dbase - sql newbie when it comes to actually writing a web front 
end for capturing and inserting data into a database.  I can do code to 
read and use data, no problem, but this is my very first project where I 
actually all on my own without Andre's help, write a front end to accept 

Using revServer I managed to copy some robust escape routines to 
validate and block malicious code (thanks to Rabit - RevIngniter Libraries)

but now I have this problem were people in foreign countries are using 
odd characters and for some reason the INSERT fails..



a word used in a comment: the second character from the last  is a curly 
single possessive apostrophe before "s") it ended up in my log file 
where we do capture all the data in a text file... but it broke the 
INSERT, the dbase never got a record...

Another case of a registration from someone in Spain I get this in my 
text log file:

Address1: Avda. Europa 108, Urb. BarcelÛ Blq 11, 7 C
City: M·laga
State: M·laga
Zip: 29003
Country: Spain

but the database insertion fails. Can anyone help me with a LiveCode 
function that will "massage" these characters to escape them and pass 
them to the dbase (PostGreSQL) and be inserted?



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Re: iOS Apps Update Model - Trigger

2010-12-09 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
"Way cool" Chipp (and Andre)! We could use this here for sure...

Otherwise, for the app store, everytime you want to add a new module to your
application you have to push a new version.

Musings: But, how does iOS filter downloads to even know that it is code? In
theory I can download a text file and save it to one of the sandbox folders
for my app. ( I hope!) I wonder if you could just load up a bunch of scripts
into a text file, then download and save the text file and then populate a
template stack with your script by parsing the text file. It if were a smart
XML file it might even know what kind of objects the nodes should be come. A
hack for downloading "substacks"... or perhaps iOS looks for flags like
if-then statements or other obvious code structures, even in text files

OT: how do you provision a device that is "remote" i.e. what if i want
someone to beta test an app and he lives in New Jersey... can I provision
his device from Hawaii by sending him some kind of key... i.e our
"enterprise" comprises individuals all over the world.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Chipp Walters  wrote:

> Sivakatirswami,
> Yes, I believe that is the case for commercial development.
> FWIW, I am working on an iOS 'StackRunner" which works on iPhone and iPad.
> With it, you can provision your enterprise customers, and then they can
> download stacks directly to their device by entering in a stack URL. When
> complete, it will show an icon for every stack you've downloaded, along
> with
> a file browser to update or delete the stacks and their contents.
> I've currently got it downloading stacks to both iPad and iPhone. I'm
> planning on making this part of the presentation Andre and I will be giving
> at the LiveCode conference later next year.
> HTH,
> Chipp
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Sivakatirswami  wrote:
> >  Can anyone share the update requirements for iOS Apps?
> >
> > Do we simply change that in our standalone settings push a new version
> and
> > then the App store alerts all users?
> >
> > anything else we need to know?
> >
> > Sivakatirswami
> >
> >
> > ___
> > use-livecode mailing list
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> >
> --
> Chipp Walters
> CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
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> subscription preferences:
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iOS Apps Update Model - Trigger

2010-12-09 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Can anyone share the update requirements for iOS Apps?

Do we simply change that in our standalone settings push a new version 
and then the App store alerts all users?

anything else we need to know?


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Zoom Image Widgets Anyone

2010-12-08 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm sitting here making my own zoom tool when I start thinking 
someelse *must*have done this an a lot better than me.

I have an image with this script

on mousedown
grab me
end mousedown

and a slider with this script

where the gWidth and gHeight are the size of the image after import...

Now the original images are over 3000 pixels wide and 300 DPI..

I need to the user to be able to really zoom in and get a good quality 
view of small characters

This works, but I would like to keep the relative position but of course 
I am losing this by resetting the topleft to 0,0 each time.

years ago I though there was a widget right in the IDE that was a zoom 
tool and you could clone this for your own work...

ideally you the user has the normal experience of switching to a zoom 
tool dragging and focusing in on he area of choice..

Can you share?


global gWidth,gHeight
on mouseup
   lock screen
   set the resizequality of image "displayPage" to "best"

  put (the thumbposition of me) /100 into pPercent
  set the rect of image "displayPage" to 
scaleImageByPercent(gWidth, gHeight, pPercent)

end mouseup

function scaleImageByPercent pWidth, pHeight, pPercent
   return (0,0,(pWidth*pPercent),(pHeight*pPercent))
end scaleImageByPercent

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Audio m4a -- Does it play on Windows in a Browser?

2010-12-01 Thread Sivakatirswami

 If we push an audio through LiveCode Browser window mimetype audio/m4a

will it play via the IE web API on a Windows machine?


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RevServer +PostGreSQL 9.0.1 Any issue Or is it OK?

2010-11-30 Thread Sivakatirswami
  I'm planning to upgrade  PostGreSQL on our CentOS5 server to 9.01... 
do you know if there are any issues with the LiveCode dbase libraries on 
the RevServer?  (which we are running on our machine in California)

Aum Shanti,

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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RE: ANN: Grapple Released

2010-11-26 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Namaste: Ton:

First a disclaimer: Grapple is "kid's stuff" compared to what many of 
the LiveCode pros in our community *could* do in terms of file 
management and revision control... and in fact my hope would be that 
publishers try it, like it but want more and then reach out to LiveCode 
Pros. I think there is a huge untapped market for LiveCode software in 
the publishing world and it will be good very everyone if the LiveCode 
brand got a footing in that world.

 If needed I may need to set up a referrals list on that page later to 
point publishesr to all you *real* programmers. So point: Grapple is not 
intended to be anything more. Simple, but limited.

- What about the assets used in the publications?

1) in our environment we have never need to collaborate on Photoshop 
files or illustrator files. Also I needed to keep it simple as I have a 
lot of other "real" work to do (smile) I could have included other file 
types, but that's more work.

That said, we normally keep all the assets for the publication project 
in the same folder on Version Control. Grapple only sees-displays the 
InDesign files on the top level and other file types and sub-folders are 

- Why no integration from within InDesign?

2) Well the problem is that LiveCode can run Apples scripts, but you 
cannot drive LiveCode with Apple script... at least I thought not until 
today... Now I see the dictionary contains "Do Script"  Execute 
Revolution Script.. so maybe something could be done if I could run a 
script from InDesign's File menu...but I really don't want to go there.

Well partly it's my philsophy: every time you build a frame were that is 
dependent on an external software component, then this will double or 
triple or quadruple the long term maintenance requirement because every 
time the "other componet" changes something, the framework breaks... 
(you get this big time with Drupal and all his hairy friends) you have 
to drop everything and scramble to get it working again. e.g. MySql's 
infamous and not well publicized connection problems were-are a constant 
headache internally (with Version Cue and PortFolio) It's working now, 
but tomorrow?

Not only am I not competent to integrate it with InDesign (the only 
language I know is LiveCode) but by *not* integrating it with inDesign, 
it will never break when Adobe changes something. While I love these 
fabulous tools, these big companies keep shooting us in the foot. 
(LiveType was recently discontinued, leaving our video team scratching 
their head for titles)

It was also interesting to discover this:, initially our team said "Can 
you make it so we can check in theses files from inside InDesign?"  I 
said "Sorry, No can do... not without a lot of R & D..."

But now, they are feeling this is actually *better*  -- the habit 
pattern becomes, open file, edit the file, close the file, check it 
in... This is a much better scenario in the long run in terms of the 
goal of the whole framework. Even before, with Version Cue, the option 
to check a file in and still leave it open was dangerous at best... 
editors frequently would do this.. then after checking in, get the 
"itch" to tweak the file some more... and then get a phone call or 
interruption... now someone on the team across the room checks the file 
out and goes to work on it.. Editor 1 still has it open... etc.

So, unexpectedly by *not* integrating with InDesign we are seeing our 
editorial conflicts dropping to virtual zero. With Version Cue we 
continued to have regular version conflicts.

- Why Mac only?

3) i) We are a Mac lab, 100% ii) I'm using unix shell commands to do the 
heavy lifting iii) we use an apple script to mount the server 
automatically iv) I parse the ifconfig file (a unix thing) to determine 
the users connectivity status in advance, so no server operations are 
attempted (causing the user to hang because the volume is unreachable)

All that is Mac only and I don't know squat about Windows.  Again, if 
some publishers with windows stations start drooling over grapple, I 
would hope that you cross platform wizards will be called upon to, for a 
fee, to help them with their RCS needs, which may be an entirely 
different solution.

We will see.. this could also be just a dud too.  But we have some real 
interest from real companies in the Bay area... so let's see what happens.


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ANN: Grapple Released

2010-11-25 Thread Sivakatirswami
 [If revision control of a publishing team's documents are not your 
thing, please ignore.]

Grapple, Really Simple Revision Control for Indesign Files

 has been released. (Mac Only)

Please, if you have time and interest (and use InDesign and have a 
server on the LAN) feel free to read and download and test:

This page is so far unpublished.

Being an xTalk hacker for 30 years, my stuff rarely reaches the point of 
being made available for general use, so I imagine there are many GUI - 
HIG and general deployment framework flaws. So, I put out a "no holds 
barred" invitation for constructive criticism.

Note that Grapple is a pretty simple widget, code wise... not more than 
600 lines of core handlers in the stack script. It just uses shell "cp" 
and "mv" to manipulate files on the server and the local user's 
documents folder. But, it leverages 40 years of experience in a team of 
editors, so we know what is needed and it works. Minimalist UI and 
simplicity were key requirements...

For the Livecode community it is again, a ho-um simple gadget, but for 
some publishers it could be a God send, especially if they have not 
pulled out of the nose dive of file management post Adobe's "end of 
life" for Version Cue.

Anyway, being in the non-profit, help-the-world business, I wanted to 
offer this to everyone, Live Code developers included. If you have 
friends or know people in the publishing business, you could adopt 
Grapple and then become the point person for support.

This could get you a toehold into the publishing production world where 
they could use LiveCode widgets all over the place and promote LiveCode 
to another "vertical market" that really needs it while getting paid to 
create cool stuff to make life easier for journalism.


Have Fun, You Are Immortal Being

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How to declare a license for a LiveCode Stacks

2010-11-24 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm a bit confused about using a MIT license to release some stacks. 
Don't we also need to enforce subsequent users to be valid holders of a 
LiveCode License?

And should we add RunRev company to the closing indemnity clause?

I've done both below. Does this work?


Open Source Initiative OSI - The MIT License:Licensing
[OSI Approved License]

The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2010, Himalayan Academy

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to 

in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. You must be a valid 
holder of a LiveCode License from RunRev to modify the Software and hold 
a professional LiveCode License if you wish to sell copies or modified 
copies of the Software.



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OT: Zoom Presentation Model: Cool if we Could do this in LiveCode Web

2010-11-24 Thread Sivakatirswami

I've always been "jealous" of the ability of other apps to do motion 
graphics with such smth transitions. Wish we had that in LiveCode.

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Logos for deployment

2010-11-24 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm about to release something for the public and I need the new 
LiveCode logos and specs for my "About" screen. I looked everywhere... 
in the bundle (the core binary still name "revolution" btw), in 
/Documents/My LiveCode and on line on the runRev site and cannot find 
them... any ideas?


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