[libreoffice-users] Re: Libre Office 7 -vs- Office 2019

2020-09-28 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/09/2020 à 23:36, charles meyer a écrit :

Hi Charles,

> Havet you actually *used *(not just Googled a list or found a list or
> suggestions on Wiki) other free, open source applications which will do
> most of what Publisher does?

We used Scribus in my firm to prepare a newsletter intended for
circulation to our clients.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to configure CMD+ or CMD- in CALC

2020-09-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 24/09/2020 à 21:45, Leon Zar a écrit :

Hi Leon,

> It doesn't seem possible to change the configuration for cmd+ or cmd- in
> Calc.  I tried to do so via Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard.  Those key
> operations always perform the default behavior of Shift Cells UP/DOWN.  I
> would like to configure them to Zoom IN/OUT instead.  Is this possible?
> I'm using LO on macOS Catalina.

This is a known bug:



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/07/2020 à 15:21, Michael Manning a écrit :
> Thank you for your assistance.  Your hints have allowed me to resolve the
> problem.

Great to hear that you managed to solve the problem. Can you close the
bug report you opened as well please (if you haven't done so already) ?
Thanks !


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/07/2020 à 14:33, Michael Manning a écrit :

> I do not have a /etc/my.cnf file.

Well you have a configuration file somewhere in that XAMPP stack. The
question is where ?

BTW, not quite sure why you are using XAMPP rather than just installing
the distrib-provided  versions of LAMP on the Ubuntu machine ?

> The only line that is not a comment in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf file is:
> !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

Have you looked in  /etc/mysql/conf.d/ to see which configuration files
are in there ?

> I should also mention that I am using XAMPP for the installation of MySQL
> and that this has also installed an apache web server and PHPMyAdmin which
> are all working correctly.  Should this make any difference to the way that
> LibreOffice connects via the JDBC connector?

XAMPP will be running the mysql server instance (and the Apache server
and phpyadmin) using its own particular configuration files.

>- Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
>- Server type: MariaDB

> Is this a hint that sockets are being used and not port 3306 that
> LibreOffice is expecting?  If so, how should I fix this?

That message tells you that the server instance is running locally
(localhost) on a Unix socket, accessible via the default port 3306.

In order for it to be available to LO, you need to be able to point to
the socket file in the driver configuration dialog when setting up your
connection from LO. I seem to recall that we have had this exchange
already on the bug report you filed.

If you can't point LO to the Unix socket file (for whatever reason, e.g.
XAMMP is running in a jail, or you don't have access rights to the file,
or the dialog won't recognize any other path than a hardcoded default
(which is perfectly possible), then you will need to find and edit the
configuration file of the mysql server to allow general TCP/IP connections.

Usually this is done by :
- commenting out the line "skip-networking" ;
- adding the keyword bind-address= (to allow access from any
TCP/IP address, which is a potential security risk) or else specifying
your local IP LAN mask, to limit access to the instance from the local
network only.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/07/2020 à 09:06, Michael Manning a écrit :

Hi Michael,

> Issues arise when attempting to create a new database within Libreoffice.
> When I test connecting to a database, I get the following error message:
> SQL Status: 08S01
> Communications link failure
> The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The
> driver has not received any packets from the server.

As Robert has indicated, could you be clearer on what you mean by
"creating a new database within LibreOffice ?"

Are you:
(1) trying to create a new database schema from within a running LO
instance ? As Robert has mentioned, you can't actually do this, the DB
schema needs to be created from the msyql command line or an alternative
GUI tool (such as e.g. phpmyadmin) ;

(2) trying to connect to an existing mysql DB schema, and receiving the
error message you have indicated ?

The error message itself might be slightly misleading, as this is
usually displayed when you can not even connect to the mariadb/mysql

What does your /etc/mysql/my.cnf or /etc/my.cnf contain next to :



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Copying data from Calc to Base...

2020-07-22 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/07/2020 à 05:33, zed a écrit :

We need to know which columns you are actually attempting to copy, and
whether or not you are including the first row of the Calc sheet.

What that error message tells you is that an attempt was made to copy a
value from a cell that doesn't correspond to the expected data type
defined in the Base table.

As we don't know, e.g. whether you're trying to paste a text date into a
DB date field, or some other such mismatch, it is a bit difficult to be
more precise.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Open .csv by specifying column widths on command line

2020-04-08 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 07/04/2020 à 11:18, edonkey2001-libreoff...@yahoo.it a écrit :


> e.g. this is the way to open files with custom input filter parameters:
> soffice --infilter=CSV:44,34,UTF8 file.csv
> what I need is a way to also specify column widths and enable line wrapping.

My suggestion would probably be to use a python script to get LO running
and waiting for a connection (using the URP connection port), then
formatting your column widths using the appropriate python-UNO objects
after the CSV has been loaded into a Calc sheet. That way, at least in
theory, you wouldn't have to intervene at all in the GUI. You should
also be able to save the file as an ODS.

Another alternative would be to do something similar using python to
load a Calc template containing the required formatting, and then copy
your CSV values (range of cells) into that loaded Calc document. Again,
all of this should be doable without having to intervene via the GUI.

I don't know how to write such a script, as I'm not familiar enough with
python to do so.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base created from xlsx file - move to proper DB

2020-03-20 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/03/2020 à 18:43, Paul D. Mirowsky a écrit :

I agree with both Paul and Drew, Firebird is an excellent DB engine.

I have had recourse to fairly complex Firebird engine databases in a
client-server environment professionally for many years.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base created from xlsx file - move to proper DB

2020-03-19 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/03/2020 à 13:32, bunk3m a écrit :

I would only recommend using embedded Firebird if you're comfortable
with all of its still numerous bugs, and are happy to get your hands
dirty correcting data types, lengths, etc and possibly corrupted data.

Also, it is my understanding that there is currently still a limitation
of 64Kb for the total insert length of any transaction, meaning that you
have to be especially wary of the number, and length of any VARCHAR data
that you have in your spreadsheet.

If you have Unicode characters in any cell, you might also get an import
failure because these are coded over 4 bits per character, which can
rapidly cause the automatically created insert statement to exceed the
64KB limit, and again, fail.

My advice would be to stick to embedded HSQLDB until, or unless, you are
comfortable with such limitations.


> Thank you Alex and Drew.
> I'll try your suggestions today.
> I appreciate your help!
> One more question if I might.
> If I understand correctly, HSQLDB is being replace by Firebird.  So I'd
> like the engine to be Firebird so I don't end up with an issue in the
> future.
> How does one know that Firebird is being used?
> On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 05:52, Alexander Thurgood 
> wrote:
>> Le 19/03/2020 à 01:57, bunk3m a écrit :
>> As Drew has said, you can use your existing flat file in several ways :
>> 1) Go via the empty ODB file method to drag the linked XLSX sheet from
>> your first ODB file to the second, empty ODB file and then follow the
>> import wizard.
>> 2) Create an empty ODB file and keep it open. Open your XLSX sheet
>> directly in LO Calc. Select all of the data including column headers,
>> that you want to import.
>> Drag and drop this selected data onto your open ODB.
>> Use the import wizard options to configure the way you want the data to
>> be imported into a new table that will be created as a result of the
>> drag and drop maneuver.
>> Be aware that the import wizard isn't perfect, depending on the version
>> of LO you are using, it might cause you a bit of grief, so double-check
>> afterwards that it has done what you wanted (within the confines of what
>> it can actually do, of course). You might find that some post-import
>> database alteration statements might be necessary.
>> Alex

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base created from xlsx file - move to proper DB

2020-03-19 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/03/2020 à 01:57, bunk3m a écrit :

As Drew has said, you can use your existing flat file in several ways :

1) Go via the empty ODB file method to drag the linked XLSX sheet from
your first ODB file to the second, empty ODB file and then follow the
import wizard.

2) Create an empty ODB file and keep it open. Open your XLSX sheet
directly in LO Calc. Select all of the data including column headers,
that you want to import.
Drag and drop this selected data onto your open ODB.
Use the import wizard options to configure the way you want the data to
be imported into a new table that will be created as a result of the
drag and drop maneuver.

Be aware that the import wizard isn't perfect, depending on the version
of LO you are using, it might cause you a bit of grief, so double-check
afterwards that it has done what you wanted (within the confines of what
it can actually do, of course). You might find that some post-import
database alteration statements might be necessary.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Assistance with electronic signature

2020-03-02 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 02/03/2020 à 10:25, M Henri Day a écrit :

> I'm not a Mac user myself, but according to Jack Wallen at *Tech Republi*c (
> https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-sign-libreoffice-6-documents-with-gnupg/),
> if one has installed a PGP tool for MacOS (he suggests GPG Suite), one can
> sign documents by following the procedures outlined in the article

And therein lies the problem :


Until people have actually tried it on macOS and found that it doesn't
work without some very particular user-unfriendly command line fiddling
and Info.plist modification which causes LO to then refuse to start,
well, they should do their research, sorry.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Assistance with electronic signature

2020-03-01 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/02/2020 à 15:47, Teodora Ahkozidou a écrit :

Hi Teodora,

Pretty certain that digital signing in LO is badly broken on macOS
without recourse to some special manual command line magic, or modifying
the app's Info.plist file, and has been for at least 2 years. Like many
other fancy options announced with fanfare with each release, the macOS
version of LO is often the poor cousin without the corresponding


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Writer will not print envelopes

2020-02-05 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 05/02/2020 à 18:33, williamdrescher a écrit :

Hi William,

There are a longstanding number of issues with some Brother printers,
regularly reported on bugzilla.

See for example:

bug 51132, comment 3
bug 51132, comment 6
bug 51132, comment 13

bug 52926
bug 52926, comment 9
bug 52926, comment 17
bug 52926, comment 18

bug 77277
bug 77277, comment 21
bug 77277, comment 24
bug 77277, comment 29

bug 75449

bug 106931, comment 8

From what I can tell, most of these are still unresolved.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2020-01-13 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/01/2020 à 21:26, William Gathoye (LibreOffice) a écrit :

> Are you iplaw67 on Twitter ? :)
> If yes, I'm the person behind LibreOfficeFR :) 

Yes, I know ;-)

> In all cases, these have been reescalated to ESC (as soon my mail
> becomes whitelisted). I meant *re*escalated because they have been the
> center of topic for some weeks and then faded away from the main topics
> :( Will keep you posted of progress being made :)

Thanks !


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[libreoffice-users] Re: can't find the JRE with LibreOffice 6.2

2019-12-23 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 20/12/2019 à 21:16, Ken Brucker a écrit :


If you downloaded your JRE with Internet Explorer, it might have
downloaded the 32bit version because some versions of IE are 32bit even
on W10 (don't ask me why, I don't know). Clearly a 32bit version of JRE
won't work with 64bit LO.

To be honest, I don't recommend downloading just the JRE - I would
rather suggest you get a current 64bit Java JDK instead, unzip that to a
path/directory to which LO has read/write permissions, and then retry
the Java environment recognition setup from within LO. Just my 2c.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Libre base report writer

2019-12-16 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 13/12/2019 à 16:24, Peter a écrit :

Hi Peter,

> Yes. But if I select report libre base errors out and stops working. I
> have several reports which are in the menu system. They no longer work
> and if I select them libre base stops working. My version of Libre
> Office was installed from the ububtu repository.

As Dan has pointed out, Ubuntu doesn't install all of the required
packages by default.

You should be looking to also install the :






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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2019-11-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 25/11/2019 à 21:04, William Gathoye (LibreOffice) a écrit :

I would add that one really annoying thing is that you can't have both
LO6282 and LO6332 on macOS launched alternately, without being asked to
reconfigure Java each time...


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2019-11-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 25/11/2019 à 20:53, William Gathoye (LibreOffice) a écrit :

Hi William,

> I'm curious about knowing if the latest version of LibreOffice allows to
> use the latest OpenJDK Java version (12 or 13) on macOS. This will help
> me answering LibreOffice users on macOS asking us questions on Twitter
> [1] or via our Ask French based instance. :) [2]

I use OpenJDK 12 on macOS, it is recognized by LO6332 and LO6282.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Zotero toolbar doesn't show in Libreoffice

2019-10-24 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/10/2019 à 17:08, Sebastian a écrit :

Hi Sebastian,

> So, from the above, Java seems to be the problem. But (from the above) I
> have Java. Or not? Or do I need some special Java-thingy? Could someone
> perhaps please post a link with or describe exactly what needs to be done.

The Java update mechanism provided by Oracle only checks for updates to

However, you will need to declare a full JDK with current versions of

You can either use the latest one that Oracle makes available, if you
are not making a business use of Java, or else you can download the
community version of OpenJDK that Oracle also provides here.

This comes as a ZIP file which you have to unzip and then copy the
folder in that to a system folder
/HardDisk/Library/Java⁩/JavaVirtualMachines⁩. You will need
administrator rights on the Mac in order to do this.

Then you will need to register the new JDK with LibreOffice by starting
it up and, under Preferences, go to the Advanced dialog and selecting
the JDK version you have just installed.

Note that if you use different versions of LO on the same machine, you
will have to do this each time you switch from one version to the other,
at least with LO6282 and LO6312. This behaviour seems to be a bug.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Zotero toolbar doesn't show in Libreoffice

2019-10-24 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/10/2019 à 17:08, Sebastian a écrit :

Hi Sebastian,

Seems to work for me just fine with:

Build ID: b79626edf0065ac373bd1df5c28bd630b4424273
Threads CPU : 8; OS : Mac OS X 10.14.6; UI Render : par défaut; VCL: osx;
Locale : fr-FR (fr_FR.UTF-8); Langue IHM : fr-FR
Calc: threaded

using Zotero 5.0.76

I'm using OpenJDK 12.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base, deactivate the edit mode, going to a form.

2019-10-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 08/10/2019 à 19:49, PascalH a écrit :

You have to re-bind the form to the datasource (tables, queries, or
whatever it was that you based form on originally). This is usually done
by opening the form in form design mode, and altering the properties of
the form.

You didn't mention which kind of database engine you are using, so this
possibility might not be available for all types of db engine, I don't
remember now.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base, deactivate the edit mode, going to a form.

2019-10-08 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 08/10/2019 à 11:35, PascalH a écrit :

Hi Pascal,

> Is it possible to deactivate, the edit mode, and to direct them to a certain
> form where they can entrer the data ?

You can save your forms outside of the ODB as ODT documents, and then
only allow your users to open those rather than the ODB itself, e.g. by
making that external form read-only on a file share.

Be mindful, however, that users will get an annoying "The contents of
this document have changed. Do you want to save it?" message every time
they edit data in the database bound to the form, even if they do not
change the form document itself.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Writer form field forced to UPPER case

2019-09-30 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 28/09/2019 à 08:57, Roderick A. Anderson a écrit :
> OK my Google foo is defective.
> I'm trying to build a PDF membership (501.c.3) form using LibreOffice
> Writer.
> One of the fields should be upper case.  Is there a form control that
> will convert entered text to upper case?

As others have said, there is no default control that allows you to do
this in Writer and have it function in an exported PDF form.

One suggestion might be to see whether you can embed a JS script in your
PDF form for that control that does this for you, see for example, this
thread :


I honestly don't know whether this is possible from within Writer when
you create and export the form to FPDF.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: SQL Syntax UPDATE

2019-07-23 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/07/2019 à 18:37, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :

Hi Harvey,

> A bit disappointing though. Is there no possibility for storing those
> kinds of SQL statements, so that they could be used again?
> I have a few in mind, and it seems a bit primitive to have to create a
> clipboard type of text file for that kind of thing.

As yet, and as Robert has indicated, nothing in the Base UI allows you
to save UPDATE queries and run them from the SQL Query UI. It has
unfortunately always been this way, since StarOffice (so that's a very
long time for a seemingly critically missing piece of functionality).

No one has undertaken to add the required functionality to the UI, or
internal LO parser (which would allow for graphical UI manipulation of
update statements).

The only remaining possibility then is via macro, which can be stored in
the ODB file, and triggered for example, via a button press on a form,
or a form reload, or some other action that can be used as the event


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Form fields not filled

2019-07-18 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 18/07/2019 à 09:47, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :

Hi Harvey,

> I using LibreOffice (version Base as client to a backend
> Mariadb10 via MySQL(JDBC) connector. 
> I have a created a Query in Base of the form SELECT * FROM 

How did you create this query ? Sounds like you did this via the Query
Designer GUI ?

How is the query being executed ? Via the internal LO SQL parser
(default when executing via Query Designer) or directly via the db
engine (direct SQL button activated) ?

FWIW, there are a few known issues between the MySQL (JDBC) Connector
and a MariaDB backend when used in combination through LO.

Have you tried using the MariaDB JDBC connector instead ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Table fields from Mariadb to Base

2019-07-17 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 17/07/2019 à 11:28, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :

Hi Harvey,

> So I have to return to the MySQL(JDBC) option. However, it accepts
> adding ?autoReconnect=true behind the database name AND the addition of
> new fields is transferred to the forms function immediately.
> In other words, the problem is solved, by adding the option   
> ?autoReconnect=true behind the database name in every case.
> Is that documented somewhere?

Known yes, at least to those who are used to dealing with the
idiosyncrasies of JDBC connection parameters through the LO db UI, but
documented generally, not so sure, possibly, here and there in the
relevant forums.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2019-06-13 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/06/2019 à 13:33, PascalH a écrit :

Hi Pascal,

The issue has been fixed starting from LO and future 6.3. It
will not be fixed for the LO 61 series.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2019-06-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/06/2019 à 12:55, PascalH a écrit :

Hi Pascal,

For what its worth, I encounter the same problem as you with

Build ID: aecc05fe267cc68dde00352a451aa867b3b546ac
Threads CPU : 8; OS : Mac OS X 10.14.5; UI Render : par défaut; VCL: osx;
Locale : fr-FR (fr_FR.UTF-8); Langue IHM : fr-FR
Calc: threaded


OpenJDK 12.01

You need to remove Java 12 and try and find a Java 11 SDK that you can
use instead.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2019-06-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/06/2019 à 12:55, PascalH a écrit :

> I'm not trying " to connect to an external hsqldb.jar", I dont even know
> what that means, just trying to create tables in a database created by the
> assistant of LO.
OK, no matter then, you can ignore that question.

>  I have not seen JDK 11 on Oracle web site, just Java SE 11, is it the
> ?

Oracle's change in Java licensing for business use has forced me to use
the OpenJDK instead of Java SE, and it appears that version 11 of the
OpenJDK for macOS has been replaced by version 12. Let me download it
and test.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base Java Mac

2019-06-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/06/2019 à 09:09, PascalH a écrit :

Hi Pascal,

Are you by any chance trying to connect to an external hsqldb.jar ?

Have you tried the same operation with an Oracle JDK 11 ?

I don't have any problems creating an embedded hsqldb ODB file on macOS
Mojave with Oracle JDK 11, but there might well be a problem with Oracle
JDK 12.

More info, please.

There is also bug 121925, which might be relevant here, if you are using
an external hsqldb.jar


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base/Firebird Queries broken

2019-01-15 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 16/01/2019 à 00:19, Paul D. Mirowsky a écrit :
> Invalid usage of boolean expression

This bug perhaps ?


Not sure which version of Firebird we are using in LO - 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base/Firebird Queries broken

2019-01-15 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 15/01/2019 à 16:14, Paul D. Mirowsky a écrit :

Hi Paul,

> SELECT "Equipment"."ID", "Equipment"."P_Model",
> "Equipment"."P_Model_No", "Equipment"."Power Meter",

Check that the space in the field "Power Meter" isn't causing an issue.

There was a known bug about spaces being misinterpreted by the parser.

> "Equipment"."Series", "Equipment"."Power Meter 2", "Equipment"."Power_No
> 2", "Equipment"."Power Meter 3", "Equipment"."Power_No 3",

Same here for "Power Meter 2" and "Power Meter 3"

> "Ions-IM"."Ions", "Ions-IM"."Select", "Ions-IM"."Series",

Also check that the field name "Select" in Ions-IM.Select isn't being

> "Volts-High"."Time", "Volts-High"."Reading" "Vo-Hi-Reading",

What is "Vo-Hi-Reading" - is this supposed to be an ALIAS ? Maybe check
whether that is correctly supported.

> "Volts-High"."Type" "Vo-Hi-Type", "Volts-High"."Series",

Same here with "Vo-Hi-Type"

> "Volts-High"."Setting", "Amps"."Reading" "Am-Reading", "Amps"."Type"

Same here with "Am-Reading"

> "Am-Type", "Amps"."Series", "Amps"."Setting" FROM "Ions-IM",
> "Equipment", "Volts-High", "Amps" WHERE "Ions-IM"."Series" =
> "Equipment"."Series" AND "Volts-High"."Series" = "Ions-IM"."Series" AND
> "Volts-High"."Date" = "Ions-IM"."Date" AND "Volts-High"."Time" =
> "Ions-IM"."Time" AND "Amps"."Series" = "Volts-High"."Series" AND
> "Amps"."Date" = "Volts-High"."Date" AND "Amps"."Time" =
> "Volts-High"."Time" AND "Equipment"."Series" = 134 AND
> "Ions-IM"."Select" = TRUE ORDER BY "Ions-IM"."Date" ASC,
> "Ions-IM"."Time" ASC, "Ions-IM"."Ions" ASC

Not sure about how many left join conditions you can currently have.
That would probably need checking by removing them one-by-one until you
get something that works.

As Robert has mentioned, perhaps the migration didn't convert the data
types correctly, so your comparisons in the join conditions are no
longer working.

Good luck !


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base/Firebird Queries broken

2019-01-15 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 15/01/2019 à 00:23, Paul D. Mirowsky a écrit :

> Any hint as to where I'm going wrong.

Without the query definition, it is going to be like gazing into a
crystal ball...all sorts of things might not work in the same way, the
time values, the date values (especially if there are calculations),
subselects, unions, joins, etc...


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Help regarding LibOfficeBase/Firebird

2019-01-13 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/01/2019 à 19:03, Pertti Rönnberg a écrit :

Hi Pertti,

> Now some questions to a LO-Base expert out there somewhere (I think the
> answers can be of interest to other LOBase-dummies like me!)
> 1 >>I have noticed that the embedded engine HSQLDB has been replaced
> with Firebird

Firebird support is still "experimental" for the moment as there are a
number of as yet unresolved bugs still needing to be fixed before it can
be considered "operational".

>     >>can I still work with LOBase as a frontend the same way as before?
> If not, why not?

Yes, the aim is for the frontend to work in the same way, irrespective
of the backend database engine that is supported.

>     >>which are the main differences to be considered (e.g. regarding
> form- and report properties like with list-/comboboxes, reports etc)
>                 with Firebird vs HSQLDB

The main differences are those in the names of functions, correspondence
of function definitions, data types, and user-defined functions.

>     >>where can I find fresh instructions (or tutorial) for LOBase (and
> if available for LOBase/Firebird)

Drew Jensen has drawn up a comparison of the functions on the
LibreOffice wiki, and of course, as Robert has mentioned, there is his
Base Handbook.

>     >>how do I import a LOCalc file’s data to a (registered) LOBase
> table, or in other words, get the data (with or not it’s structures)
> from a LOCalc file into                 a LOBase table?

Open the Calc file.
Open your ODB file, and click on the Tables icon.
Select all of the cells in the cell range you want to import.
With the selection still active, drag and drop the selected cells onto
the table into which you want to import the data.
The Calc to Base import wizard should start.
Use the wizard to define how you want to import the data (data
definitions, definitions plus data, append data only, etc) and check
that the data types/data you are importing correspond to what you want.
As Robert has said, you need a unique primary key field to be present
either in your table définition, or already in your Calc data.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Looking for input form example...

2019-01-03 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 31/12/2018 à 07:23, Robert Großkopf a écrit :

Hi all,

> So could be the XML-Formdocuments are better for it. Have made a
> description in German for it:
> http://robert.familiegrosskopf.de/index.php?&Inhalt=xml_formulare
> English descriptions you could gind here:
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/File:OpenOfficeXMLExampleForm.odt

Definitely agree with Robert here, seems like an XML form would do the
job as the values can be output as a text file.


Save the form document containing the entered values each time as
FlatODT. You'd have to wade through the verbose XML created each time,
but that might be OK if there are only a limited number of form fields.

Export the data filled form using XSLT into a format of your desire.
Unfortunately, I have no concrete proposal of how to do this other than
looking at the existing XSLT filters to see if one of them could be
adapted for what you want.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Summing currency fields in base

2018-10-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 11/10/2018 à 20:39, Adam Fenn a écrit :


From an DB administrator/designer's perspective, calculated field values
are not generally stored in the database if they don't need to be. A
view might solve your problem in this case, as a view is a kind of fixed
query. It should be possible to create a view that calculates the sum of
your two fields and then show that in a column of the view as the result
or total.

Alternatively, you could define a query that would calculate the total
value for you, but it wouldn't insert that value into a field
specifically designed to store the value (display only).

If you do want to insert the actual total value into a field so that it
is stored in the database table, then you would probably need to define
a trigger (or stored procedure) that performs the calculation each time
a change is made to either Fee1 or Fee2, or upon some other condition.

You don't say, however, which kind of db engine you are using and
triggers are not available for all database sources supported by LOBase
(for example Calc, CSV, text tables, Dbase).

If you didn't want to perform this automatic calculation and storage at
the database engine level, but at a user interface level, then you could
use a Basic macro to effect the calculation, insert the total value and
refresh the table/form after insertion.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: libreoffice base/postgres - null columns with trigger/default values

2018-10-01 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 01/10/2018 à 12:08, Kamil Jońca a écrit :

Hi Kamil,

> I  use libreoffice with libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql driver. I do not
> know where the bug is.
> I have simple form based on postgresql table.
> In this table there is a column
> nametype  nullable default 
> value
> utw timestamp without time zone   not null now()
> This column does not have its field in form.
> With package:

I can reproduce this with :

MacOS 10.13.6
postgres 9.5
sdbc built-in postgres driver

If I enter the data in Table data edit mode, then the date is added

However, like you, filling in a simple form including the timestamp
field and leaving the timestamp field blank always throws an error when
I try to move to either a new record, or back to a previous record. What
should happen is that the timestamp value should be generated and the
record validated (as in Table data edit mode).


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Concatenating fields in related form

2018-09-17 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 17/09/2018 à 21:24, Adam Fenn a écrit :

Hi Adam,

> I have nearly 1000 clients. It would be tedious scrolling through those 
> looking for a client, or am I missing something?
> I was hoping I could recreate my old Filemaker method of linking the records.

Have you tried typing the first three letters of your client after
selecting the listbox ? There were a couple of known bugs reported
against this not behaving quite in the way expected, but they may or may
not have been resolved.

Unfortunately, Base is far from being as user friendly out of the box as
FileMaker when it comes to form controls, how you can bind them, and how
they behave.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Can LO do this?

2018-09-03 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 03/09/2018 à 10:57, Michael Tiernan a écrit :

Hi Michael,

Long question for a very short answer : no, LO can not do this with a form.

You can have a form with formatted input and a scrollbar, but the
formatted input is not saved to the underlying db, and the form control
window doesn't automatically expand if the user types in more detail
than the visible space made available by the control.

I seem to recall that a bug request for such automatic control size
adaptation has not yet been resolved.

LO doesn't provide any form control that I know of which overflows
automatically onto a next page of a form. The history of LO, going back
to OpenOffice.org and StarOffice, never had form controls that allowed
this behaviour. It has never been developed.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base: setting up a home pantry dbase aditional info

2018-08-24 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/08/2018 à 16:22, lunixbox a écrit :


> Let say beans  barcode 234   =  Item-ID  2    Going in box-ID 1 ,then
> the next item-ID 2 in box-ID 1  ETC. so you get a box-ID(x) = box-id(x)
> +1  but the braindrain i get  is How to get the selected box-ID  into
> the formula to add one item .And in a next formular to substract. It
> start simpel and then it look like i want the world to inventory. As
> stated its for some home use,more to stay busy in my retired years :)

OK, so as I now understand it, you want a running total of all items
with a given Item-ID (hence the inventory aspect).

I would recommend that you read Robert Grosskopf's Base Guide and sample
MediaDB (there are 2 examples, one without macros, and one with macros)
- both relate to media stock management for a library facility, which
has an inventory aspect to it. You will probably find the elements of
what you are looking for in these examples.

Alternatively, you could look at the following from the OpenOffice.org

Sample InOut inventory database:

Discussion thread:

Good luck !


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base: setting up a home pantry dbase

2018-08-23 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/08/2018 à 14:01, lunixbox a écrit :


I am assuming that you're not using dbase as your database engine, and
that you just abbreviated database to dbase in the title of your
message. The dBase format supported by LibreOffice is rather limited in
terms of functionality, so I would hope that you are using another db
engine instead, such as the actual "per default" hsqldb engine included
with LO.

> Looking for advice, using the scanned  bar code give the product, then i
> want to use Box-ID to add a THT.Date. All in that box is that date. Now
> i pull some hair to think of a way for the form-OUT or IN  that has the
> (scanned) product to add the Box-ID so the total is + or - 1. So just
> item,s IN and OUT

I'm not really sure I understand how you want a BoxID, which I presume
is a barcode, and therefore probably a text string, to be added to a
date string held in the THT.Date field, and arrive at a result of +1 or -1.

Again, if I have understood correctly, you want a result of a
calculation to be displayed in a form control that can be expressed as
either +1 or -1. You could in that case just as equally choose 0 or 1,
and then use a boolean or binary field (generally, these are TINYINT(1)
or CHAR(1) fields, to hold the result.

However, you still need to determine when the result of your addition
should be 0/1 or +1/-1 - this can only be achieved by calculation. This
other calculation could be achieved:

- by macro;
- by using a constraint (if the db engine supports that kind of constraint);
- by using a trigger (if the db engine supports that kind of trigger).


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Basic macro stops working after upgrade from LO 6.0 to LO 6.1

2018-08-20 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/08/2018 à 22:09, Pusteblumi a écrit :

Look for a message with the following title on the dev mailing list :

API-CHANGE - dropping string properties which use
vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject URL


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Basic macro stops working after upgrade from LO 6.0 to LO 6.1

2018-08-20 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/08/2018 à 22:09, Pusteblumi a écrit :

Hi all,

I'm guessing that this is all down to the recent rework of the URL
resolver for graphics handling and management - seems like you either
need to adapt to the new way of doing things, or else, the recent
changes have introduced an unfortunate side-effect.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base: check boxes in forms lost after update

2018-08-10 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 09/08/2018 à 20:56, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :

Hi Albrecht,

> So it's time to file a Debian bug report!

There is already an ongoing discussion about this problem on the LO-dev
mailing list.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Removing an extension

2018-08-08 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 08/08/2018 à 05:05, Steve Edmonds a écrit :

Hi Steve,

The unopkg command is your friend here.

Depending on whether you attempted the extension installation for all
users, or just for a specific user, you may need to start it with admin
rights, or as the superuser (OS dependent).

You will need to run it from a terminal.

Alternatively, you can forcibly remove extensions via a file manager of
your choice by deleting the corresponding extension folder in the
application's /resources/extensions folder or else in the user's profile


and searching through the obscured name folders to find the one
corresponding to your extension.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Creating a ledger page

2018-06-26 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 26/06/2018 à 02:44, John R. Sowden a écrit :

Hi John,

> I am trying to create a ledger page with horizontal and vertical lines. 
> Only horizontal lines are reference in help.  I youtubed, but that does
> not seem to work now even though I sacrificed my privacy by turning on
> cookies.
> I am not looking to create an interactive form.  I want to print the form.
> guidance?

Try this link:


It downloads an SXD file which can be opened in LibreOffice (old
StarOffice Draw format). It contains a macro (activate macros on opening
file) that draws a grid at the specified intervals and size for you on
the page, which you can then print out or save to PDF.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Text input fields

2018-04-24 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 22/04/2018 à 22:45, Steve Edmonds a écrit :

Hi Steve,

Aren't these just placeholders, available via:

Insert > Field > More Fields > Functions > Placeholder

I see also that under Insert > Field > More Fields >Bookmarks, a number
of bookmarks appear to have been created.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Call for testers - automatic migration of embedded hsqldb Base files to embedded Firebird Base files

2018-04-13 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 13/04/2018 à 07:09, V Stuart Foote a écrit :

>  As of this evenings builds of master the FB3 driver is back to
> experimental, so Tamás' request for Firebird data testing in Base is on hold
> as this gets sorted.

As I understand it, the commit you link to refers to a revert of the
removal of support for embedded hsqldb (and the corresponding change to
Firebird as default).

If the back-out is complete, i.e. master has returned to the previous
status quo, this is unfortunate for those of us who would like to test
whether the migration works and report those issues to bugzilla...

Can one still test the automatic migration or not ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Call for testers - automatic migration of embedded hsqldb Base files to embedded Firebird Base files

2018-04-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 11/04/2018 à 17:19, Robert Großkopf a écrit :
> Hi all,
> have put the content of the mail I wrote to a bug-report:
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=116944

Thanks Robert.

Tamas has indicated on the dev mailing list that the binary content of
the hsqldb database remains stored in the ODB:

"In the current state, the old HSQLDB data is also kept in the odb file
after migration. You can revert the migration by unzipping the odb
file and overwriting the URL in content.xml in tag

Besides that, the migration will be permanent only if you save the
document and a red circle on the save button indicates that something
has been changed."

I somehow doubt that this will be seen as a suitably satisfactory
solution for most users...


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[libreoffice-users] Call for testers - automatic migration of embedded hsqldb Base files to embedded Firebird Base files

2018-04-10 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Hi all,

One of TDF's recent tenders was to provide a means to automatically
migrate embedded hsqldb ODB files to embedded Firebird ones.

This has now been accomplished by Tamas Bunth, working for Collabora,
and the code pushed to the master branch, so it should already be
appearing in daily builds.

Testing is needed to report any problems.

At present, as I understand it, the conversion process is automatique
and transparent, which means that in principle, the change is invisible
to the user (bar any import errors, I imagine).

The change is also irreversible, which means that at least for testing
purposes, you should only use copies or specifically engineered test ODB
files at the moment.

The irreversible nature of the transformation means that it will no
longer be possible for older versions of LO that do not support
integrated Firebird databases (4.x and older ?) to be able to open the
newly migrated ODB files.

Please report any migration errors to the LibreOffice bugzilla.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice base: fix form dialogue size

2018-03-29 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 28/03/2018 à 18:57, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :

Hi Albrecht,

> However, when I resize one form the a convenient size, all other forms
> open with the same (typically wrong) size.  Needless to mention that
> this is a really annoying behaviour…

Yes, this is known buggy behaviour, cf:



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Problems creating a split database

2018-03-06 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 06/03/2018 à 12:40, Anne Wilson a écrit :

Hi Anne,

If you haven't read it already, this thread is a pretty good tutorial :



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Which printer for best libreoffice integration ?

2018-03-01 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 01/03/2018 à 13:58, Kurt Jaeger a écrit :


I suppose it is horses for courses, as they say.

At work, I have a networked Kyocera FS-C5150DN, it is slow by modern
standards but trusty.

I also have a networked HP MFP X576dw - lightning fast, colour OK,
although colour calibration is not quite what appears on screen (typical
HP). It can scan to virtually anything in the office over the network,
takes USB keys, etc, and handles wireless and phone app printing (even
printing over the internet if that is your thing)

Both can do duplex.

I have been rather surprised at the excellent print speed of the HP
though, so much so that I bought a second (slightly different model) for
my home office.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Changing key board shortcuts in Mac LO Calc

2018-01-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 24/01/2018 à 18:51, bunk3m a écrit :


> Can someone let me know where I can find this in the documents or give
> me some help so I fix this?

My unedcuated guess is that it has been hardcoded by some "well
intentioned" UI-developer who failed to appreciate the requirements of
OSX yet again (and in particular, the different keyboards that Apple
produces and sells with its computers).

Difficult to lay the blame in such a case as most of the testers and
developers use Linux, and I imagine very few have an Apple Mac with a
full Apple keyboard à la Magic Keyboard with numerical keys. My own Mac
environment uses the small Magic Keyboard with my Macmini or else the
integrated keyboard on my MBPro and both are AZERTY.

> The non-standard keyboard shortcut in one of the applications is driving
> me crazy.

Snap. Fiddling with the UI to "make it better" (for whom, certainly not
those on macOS) is one of my major bugbears. I've given up.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: base table window navigation tool

2018-01-24 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 24/01/2018 à 14:57, leleu a écrit :

>> further suggestions happened in the French list, leading to a solution
> Ubuntu Tweak > Adjustments> Theme Gtk
> select HighContrast
> (not very nice, but readable)

So, a distrib-specific problem then with regard to GTK theming ?

I haven't encountered an Ubuntu distrib-release version of LibreOffice
yet (and I've been through a fair few), that hasn't had more bugs than
the version provided by TDF...


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[libreoffice-users] Re: base table window navigation tool

2018-01-24 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/01/2018 à 19:19, robert leleu a écrit :


> At least under Ubuntu Gnome this tool is awfully small, unreadable. How to
> enlarge it ? I tried using gnome_color chooser (suggested by the French
> forum), to no avail.

Please indicate which version of Ubuntu Gnome you are running.
Please also indicate which version of LibreOffice you are attempting to
use, i.e. distro-provided, extra PPA, or TDF download.

Your problem might be distro-sepcific and UI specific, in which case it
is unlikely to be a LO problem.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base document doesn't sent DocumentLoeded event ...

2017-12-08 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 07/12/2017 à 18:19, Patrick Gelin a écrit :

Hi Patrick,

Sounds similar to bug 91828.

Also, you might want to read bug reports 91879 and 107839 to see if they
are related to your problem.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base - a risky feature of the document display?

2017-12-02 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 01/12/2017 à 23:08, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :

Hi Harvey,

You are correct, it would improve the user experience of Base by an
important measure to have a GUI UPDATE capability. This is something
that has been desired by users since the days of StarOffice, through
OpenOffice.org to the present day with LibreOffice. We're looking at a
period of over 20 years here.

As of yet, no developer has stepped up to the plate to provide that
functionality, bearing in mind that the precursors to LibreOffice were
curated by some rather large corporations, it could have been done, but
sadly never was. The fact of the matter is that Base is still rather the
"runt" of LO development. One of the reasons for this is no doubt the
complexity of having to understand both database programming principles
and specificities and the LO code behind Base itself. There are easier
targets for developers to pick and choose, and so these tend to get
chosen over something meatier like what you are asking for.

Currently, Base development goes in fits and starts. Current Firebird
integration was the result of at least one GSOC project (two or three in
fact, I seem to recall). The fact that the transition to Firebird as the
default embedded database engine is still not complete, is an indication
of the lack of interest in seeing things through, unfortunate though
that may be.

There are several other areas where Base development could do with a
serious boost, but unless developers can be attracted to them, very
little will change. Some of the core developers working on other areas
of LO never touch anything database-related and in their humble opinions
if Base were to disappear in a puff of smoke, they wouldn't be
particularly saddened. Indeed, they would probably be happier that the
code had been lightened by several tens of thousands of lines of code,
and not least, be rid of all Java dependencies.

So, you see, it is an uphill battle just to keep what we have, let alone
develop new features for it.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base - a risky feature of the document display?

2017-11-30 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 30/11/2017 à 15:50, Robert Großkopf a écrit :

> If we write a bug-description about this the solution at this moment
> could be the "feature" of the direct connection will be taken away
> instead of changing something in the GUI, which works right with
> internal Database and other external connectors.



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Base - a risky feature of the document display?

2017-11-29 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 29/11/2017 à 12:27, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :

Hi Harvey,

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the issue here, but the panel you refer to
is only supposed to be a Preview of the document display. So, if you
execute a query then you get a preview of the result, which to me, would
seem to be "functioning as designed".

I'm slightly confused however that you write that you have an update
query in your list of "Queries" in the left hand pane. It was my
understanding that one couldn't establish UPDATE queries in this manner
and save them to the list of queries because the built-in query parser
would refuse to execute an update DML statement (even in "SQL direct"
mode). How exactly have you achieved this ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Reports Libre Base

2017-11-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/11/2017 à 10:58, Peter a écrit :

Hi Peter,

It might help us more to know which version of LibreOffice you are using
and on which version of Ubuntu or Ubuntu-based distribution.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: video issue -- thinking out loud and could do with help please

2017-11-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 09/11/2017 à 15:36, Mike Scott a écrit :

> I think the code is badly structured - the grabFrame method has no way
> of specifying an offset. It should have, and whatever runs the slide
> displaying should pick the first or last as appropriate.
> Is it really so simple? And do the dev's lurk here at all, or do I need
> to stick this on the dev list??

Contributions gratefully received :-) It may be that no one ever really
looked at the problem or found the time to go back to that part of the code.

Best bet would be to introduce yourself on the dev list. They will ask
you to contribute the code via gerrit, the code submission tool that the
project uses and send in a mail about your contributions being released
under the relevant licenses the project uses. It will undergo a review
and if deemed acceptable and advantageous, which it seems to be from
what you relate, get accepted into the master source branch. If you're
up for introducing extra functionality to let the user choose where they
want to pick the frame from then even better :-)


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[libreoffice-users] Re: resolved (Re: getting LO source)

2017-11-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 09/11/2017 à 16:30, jonathon a écrit :

 Any pointers on how to minimise the pain of reading the code?

Aspirin ;-)

Errm, seriously, not really, other than perhaps just focussing on one
area of the code. I tend to mostly focus on the database stuff, and have
recently started looking at memory leaks with the aid of Instruments.app
on MacOS, which does facilitate somewhat the fingerpointing and blaming
game for the bits of code it considers "wrong". Not that it always gets
it right mind.

With the database code, I started occasionally perusing the driver
classes when I was still using OpenOffice.org and trying to understand
how they were constructed and how they were intended to function. I held
the vain hope of developing my own driver class at the time (but for
which db backend I fail to recall now), realising very quickly that it
was out of my league, so I just kept opening up the cxx files and
scrolling through them, and then forgetting most of what I'd found
interesting as soon as I'd closed it. At the time, I was also subscribed
to the dba mailing list for OpenOffice.org where the devs from Sun
frequently intervened to explain this or that function, and parts of the
API. Unfortunately, the dba code side of things is heavily
undersubscribed in the behemoth project that is LibreOffice today in
terms of human investment, there is but one dba code caretaker who has a
dayjob other than helping out with LO, and a few other occasional
committers, mostly people working for Linux distros to fix bugs, or
GSOC-ing, thereby making it difficult to have increasing in-depth
knowledge and insights. That knowledge kind of tends to be assumed.

I would probably need several lifetimes to become proficient enough in
programming in C++ to be able to even dream of understanding each time
what is going on. I'd say, even with the amateur knowledge I have
currently, it has taken me more than 10 years of repeated blank staring
at lines of code to even start to comprehend, sadly...

Anyway, we are seriously digressing from the initial topic, so I'll stop


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[libreoffice-users] Re: video issue -- thinking out loud and could do with help please

2017-11-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 09/11/2017 à 10:02, Mike Scott a écrit :


You might have better luck posting your question to the developer
mailing list, or directly on the dev IRC channel.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: resolved (Re: getting LO source)

2017-11-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 08/11/2017 à 10:52, Mike Scott a écrit :

Hi Mike,

> Having established it would build and run (with the same video problem,
> incidentally), I finally looked at the sources. Now I begin to see why
> changes take so long not a comment in sight for one thing, and a
> spider's web of complexity. Sheesh! Nightmarish.

The lack of significant comments stems from the original source code of
OpenOffice.org when it was released, which itself came from StarOffice
(after Sun bought the code). Most of the existing comments at the time
were also in German, and particularly concise or absconse.

Unfortunately, at least for the occasional person wanting to dive into
the code, heavy commenting does not seem to be widely adopted amongst
the currently active open source developers contributing to the project.
One might also bear in mind that the LibreOffice code base is huge -
certainly larger in lines of code than any other current open source

As a non-developer trying to read the code for bug hunting, it has given
me migraines on many an occasion.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LO Writer insists on printing landscape.

2017-10-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/10/2017 à 04:47, Eric Beversluis a écrit :

Hi Eric,

It is a known bug when the default page size is Letter, and with at
least some printers. As we don't have a list of all of the printers
where the problem is shown to exist, I can't say "all" printers.

Removing your LO profile on OSX will probably not solve it. For the
record, it can be found in your user account "Application Support"
folder, which is hidden by default (because Apple doesn't want you
messing around in there and has decided that it is for your own good).

The only known workarounds are :

- slightly adjusting the page size in the LibreOffice page properties
before you print, say by 2 tenths of an inch ;


- in the OSX Print Dialog, entering one of the non-LibreOffice print
properties (i.e. colour management, or psnup (n° of pages to print per
page of paper), or brochure management) and then coming back to the
default LibreOffice print properties;

The reason that this bug hasn't yet been fixed is that the majority of
developers working on LO either voluntarily or as employees of a
development/support company do so (1) on Linux, and (2) do not work in
North America, so their default page size is A4 rather than Letter.

The worst of it is that this is a bug that keeps coming back repeatedly
over several release versions and no-one seems to be able to nail it
down properly and kill it once and for all. One would have thought that
getting printing right, or at least getting it to print to the required
page size would be easy - not so, it seems.

Bugs known and referenced in the LibreOffice bug tracker:


Good luck !


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Calculating the Nth weekday of a month.

2017-09-28 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 28/09/2017 à 17:02, Michael D. Setzer II a écrit :

Hi Michael,

> Well, hope you got the one sent to your direct email. This list doesn't seem 
> to 
> allow either attached spreadsheets or images.  Hopefully, others can figure 
> out the formula, or if requested can send anyone a copy of the spreadsheet 
> to an email that will accept it. 

Yes, the list scrubs attachments on inbound mail.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Calculating the Nth weekday of a month.

2017-09-28 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 28/09/2017 à 14:31, Michael Tiernan a écrit :

Hi Michael,

I started from this :


and adjusted it to correspond to the date sequence composition expected
by LibreOffice.

At first,this formula didn't appear to work correctly by just copy/paste
over the whole matrix of cells, but I realized that if I copied the
formula from my first cell across, then in separate copy/paste steps did
each column downwards from the first row, I could get the results I
wanted (at least for the 2nd Tuesday in 2017)


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Leave full screen in Mac Sierra

2017-09-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/09/2017 à 02:17, Eric Beversluis a écrit :

Hi Eric,

> I can’t get out of full screen in LO Writer.
> Supposedly, and for other apps, the green maximize button is supposed to 
> reappear when you hover the mouse near the top of the screen. Doesn’t work in 
> LO.

This works for me on my MBPro (2015), OSX 10.12.6 and LO 5361.

If I activate the fullscreen mode of an open Calc document for example
by clicking on green window control button to expand the window, then
move the mouse cursor anywhere to the top of the screen and the window
control buttons appear, including the green one to leave fullscreen
mode. In this mode, the document window isn't truly fullscreen as there
are black borders top and bottom.

If I use Ctrl-Cmd-F to move the document to fullscreen, I still see the
green button of the window control, and the whole window fills all of
the screen. Clicking on the green button should reduces the window back
to its previous size, however, as you have discovered, this doesn't work

The way to workaround this is to switch contexts, i.e. switch Space
(Ctrl-Left/Right arrow), click on an icon on the Desktop or another
application window (not LO) and then switch back to LO again. You should
now see window controls if you move the mouse up to the top of the screen.

> Cmd-Ctrl-F is supposed to exit full screen. It does, but to a totally black 
> screen.

Known bug.

> So what’s the secret in LO and why doesn’t it work with the usual Mac moves?

There's no secret - LO doesn't support MacOS fullscreen correctly, and
the internal code that it does use is at best a fudge. There are a
number of bug reports already in the LO bugzilla about it.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LO Base Queries, Forms & Reports not appearing

2017-09-21 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 21/09/2017 à 15:16, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

If you are using macros to open windows/dialogs in your database, then
you need to be aware of bug 95191. It is quite a serious hindrance to
cross-platform Base implementation, and has been around now for nearly 2


> Hi Alexander & Robert,
> Thank you both for your responses and suggestions.  Sorry about the delayed
> reply - I've had limited access to the User's Mac.
> It is with a rather red face that I report that the problem was caused by
> me forgetting to load a Library file of 45 functions that I have written
> which form a central part of the system!  The Library file is loaded under
> My Macros | Standard and is stored with LO files.  It is not part of the
> .odb file.  I do it that way because the functions are common to all the
> databases I have written.
> When I've forgotten to load the Library other times, (on Windows PCs),
> I've had an error message when the database has been initializing, telling
> me it can't find a particular function, and this has alerted me to what the
> problem is.  But the Mac reacted differently, so I assumed that it was a
> Mac problem.  Bad assumption!  Sorry I bothered you.
> However, I did unzip the .odb file as you suggested, and examining the code
> alerted me to all the calls to the Library functions.  So your advice did
> lead me to the solution.  Once the Library file was in place, all the
> Queries, Forms and Reports magically appeared!
> Much of the system is now working, but I'm still having problems opening
> the main menu.  I discovered that I have used a few calls to Windows
> functions, which naturally, the Mac takes a very dim view of!  I've tracked
> down several of these, but I think there must be more.  I knew that porting
> to the Mac would be difficult, but I'm now hopeful that I'll get there in
> the end.
> Many thanks for your help
> Noel
> --
> Noel Lodge
> lodg...@gmail.com
> On 15 September 2017 at 16:50, Alexander Thurgood 
> wrote:
>> Le 15/09/2017 à 04:36, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :
>> Hi Noel,
>> I don't know of any particular configuration setting that might cause
>> this, unless there is something physically wrong with the file itself.
>> Some possibilities to explore :
>> - if you have automatic document backups (AutoSave) configured on the
>> Mac LO, turn that off, restart LO and see if it makes a difference.
>> There is/was a known bug that affected the display of some ODB files
>> when this option was activated ;
>> - compare the files on both OSes to check that they are identical (in
>> structure and content) by unzipping each one ;
>> - when you create a query in H2 via LO, is it stored within the H2
>> database schema, for which the LO ODB would merely contain a reference
>> (with a file path, which would be different between Win/Mac)  OR is the
>> query stored within the LO ODB in full SQL ?
>> The fact that you can't see any of the Queries, Reports, Forms, might
>> indicate a problem with the paths in the XML sections of the ODB file
>> that defines each of these.
>> Alex
>> --
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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice - Macro - Java - Eclipse

2017-09-21 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/09/2017 à 13:38, Thomas Wielatt a écrit :

Hi Thomas,

> Is there anyone working on this kind of feature or is there any
> developer group where to ask this question?

Unlikely that anyone is working on this and I doubt that Eclipse
integration as the IDE of choice for programming macros in LibreOffice
is going to come about anytime soon.

The aim is to reduce dependency on Java within LibreOffice, not to
increase it. That aim does not mean that the Java UNO bridge is going to
disappear anytime soon, but it does mean that if you want to integrate
Eclipse as your IDE for macro (or I presume Java tool programming)
development, you will be pretty much on your own.

Eclipse has been used previously to develop extensions for LO, but you
would probably be better off asking questions about that on the dev
mailing list or dev irc.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LO Base Queries, Forms & Reports not appearing

2017-09-14 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 15/09/2017 à 04:36, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

I don't know of any particular configuration setting that might cause
this, unless there is something physically wrong with the file itself.

Some possibilities to explore :

- if you have automatic document backups (AutoSave) configured on the
Mac LO, turn that off, restart LO and see if it makes a difference.
There is/was a known bug that affected the display of some ODB files
when this option was activated ;

- compare the files on both OSes to check that they are identical (in
structure and content) by unzipping each one ;

- when you create a query in H2 via LO, is it stored within the H2
database schema, for which the LO ODB would merely contain a reference
(with a file path, which would be different between Win/Mac)  OR is the
query stored within the LO ODB in full SQL ?

The fact that you can't see any of the Queries, Reports, Forms, might
indicate a problem with the paths in the XML sections of the ODB file
that defines each of these.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Showing two sheets of the same spreadsheet

2017-09-13 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/04/2017 à 10:04, Brian Barker a écrit :

Hi Brian,

> How is this "simple" on Macintosh, please? It's a well established idea,
> I think, that aficionados of Apple systems often prefer them through
> genuinely held but erroneous notions of what other operating systems

Perhaps the OP refers to the possibility under OSX to have the same
document open in a tabbed MDI-like interface when LibreOffice is run

1) Start LibreOffice - open Calc document.
2) Click on green window icon to activate fullscreen mode
3) Now, from the LibreOffice application menu : Window - New Window
4) A duplicate window of the first document will open in a seemingly
MDI-interface within the LO application window space (in tabbed display).

One should nonetheless be aware that working in LO's "fullscreen" mode
on OSX is fraught with a number of annoying bugs...due to LO's
incomplete support for Apple's fullscreen API (or rather, the code in LO
is a fudge that just about works most of the time).


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Mysql Native Connector for LO 5.4

2017-09-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 08/09/2017 à 18:10, H. Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

> environment together with LO 5.4.1. Is there a native connector (64-bit,
> Linux-Mint 18.2)?

The distro provided version of the native connector for Linux Mint 18.2
only works with 5.1.6.x I believe ?

Of course, there is no native connector for any of the snap/PPA versions
of LibreOffice nor I suppose for the 5.4.x version of LibreOffice from
the TDF download site. The only place to find such a native connector
would be the extensions website...


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[libreoffice-users] Re: [Base] Access PostgreSQL ARRAY types in forms

2017-09-08 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 08/09/2017 à 14:07, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :

Hi Albrecht,

> I have a PostgreSQL data base and want to use LibreOffice Base as nice 
> frontend for adding and modifying data.  The Postgres tables contain data 
> arrays, like
> CREATE TABLE contact (
>   [...]
>   email text[]
> )

How are you connecting to your pg database ?
Via a JDBC driver or using the native postgres driver provided within
LibreOffice ?

Depending on which one you are using, support for a given data type, in
this case, an array, might be different (I don't know off-hand, I
haven't tested).

> My problem: how can I create a form to fill in such arrays?  A simple 
> (multiline) text field will try to insert its content as text, of course 
> leading to a SQL error.
> A simple solution would be using the Postgres function string_to_array() or 
> regexp_split_to_array() (or even a more sophisticated Stored Procedure) in 
> the INSERT statement, splitting the multiline text into array items.  
> However, I didn't find a way to tweak the SQL statement like this.  If this 
> even possible?

Using a macro that takes your form control text and inserts it into a
preparedStatement object, it would/should probably be possible. I doubt
that the Form GUI supports this kind of thing directly though (but I'm
far from being an expert with postgres data type support in LibreOffice).

As you mention, it might be more efficient to do this via a stored
procedure in the backend rather than fudging something in the frontend.

> Or is there an other "standard" way for dealing with array data types?

Not without using macros, that I know of, but I would love to be proven


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Opening 'Pages' documents

2017-09-07 Thread Alexander Thurgood

Le 07/09/2017 à 12:12, Tom Davies a écrit :
> Hi :) 
> 1.  Is there an easy work-around such as using "Pages" to save in a
> different format?

Pages 6.2 (latest version available on OSX 10.12.6) can export to :

Word (DOCX or DOC97-2004)
Plain text

so potentially, there are one or more workarounds.
> 2.  Does Microsquish Office open such files any better? 

No - Word thinks the file is OpenXML and fails to parse it correctly,
resulting in no file being loaded/displayed.

> 3.  Is it easy to file a bug-report against "Pages" with better
> likelihood of Apple fixing it?  
No. It isn't Apple's problem after all, they haven't broken their own
product. The LibreOffice import filter isn't up to the job, that's all.
One might go out on a limb and suspect that Apple deliberately changed
its file format to thwart importation into LibreOffice, but that would
be just paranoid thinking, wouldn't it...


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Opening 'Pages' documents

2017-09-07 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 06/09/2017 à 18:51, anne-ology a écrit :

FWIW, only older versions of Pages (version '09) documents can be opened
with reasonable fidelity using LibreOffice.

Current versions of Pages (5.6.x) documents do not open correctly. There
is at least one bug report (bug 105211) about this in the LibreOffice
bugzilla system.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Changing Default Page Size

2017-09-07 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 06/09/2017 à 19:17, Budge a écrit :

As I understand it, and perhaps I am misguided, the default page size is
locale dependent. In other words, if you download the US version of
LibreOffice (the default dependent on your browser identification), but
don't install the language packs for en-GB, then your default
installation will use Letter as the default page size, instead of A4.

If you are still getting Letter as page default even after having
installed a en-GB version of LibreOffice, then this would be a bug that
needs reporting (if not already reported).


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Display of Formatting Aids and Document Windows size

2017-09-05 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 04/09/2017 à 23:54, Ken Springer a écrit :

Hi Ken,

> Is it possible to force LO to remember the last opened Window size?  I'm
> getting tired of having to resize windows.  :-(

This annoying behaviour is bug 75644, still open after all these years
(like many other OSX-specific bugs).


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Portrait printing problems redux - printer tray sensor issue?

2017-08-21 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/08/2017 à 18:15, Tim-L--Elmira-NY a écrit :


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Portrait printing problems redux - printer tray sensor issue?

2017-08-19 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 19/08/2017 à 02:20, Marc Grober a écrit :

Hi Marc,

> I tested changing the format to A4 and that seems to put things right,
> so I tested setting the dialog at letter but reducing the page width
> from 8.5 to 8.49, and that correct the problem as well...  
> Is this likely some kind of page tray sensor issue?

There is a known bug report about this behaviour, with the workaround
suggested to change the page size (even if just by a fraction of an inch
or by a few mm), but unfortunately no one has been able as yet to
identify where in the code the issue is being caused.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Letter page format size prints portrait pages as landscape on OS X

2017-07-28 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/07/2017 à 22:09, amaloney a écrit :

Hi Al,

> I have reported this as a recurrent bug - Bug 86838
> When attempting to print a Writer portrait document, it prints rotated 90
> degrees (= landscape).
> This occurs with 5.3.5.X and 5.4.0.x
> Does anyone have a similar problem?

For those users who don't care to read through the whole shebang of
comments on that bug report :

- it appears to affect only Mac OSX;

- it appears to affect only those users for whom the locale-based
default page setting is Letter - in other words, mainly US and Canadian
(not sure what the default page size is in Canada?) based users;

- it mainly seems to show up with Brother and HP printers.

Reports from users corresponding to the above much appreciated.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Can I embed ODB Database file in Writer document?

2017-07-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 24/07/2017 à 17:18, Joshua Kramer a écrit :

Hi Joshua,

> Is it possible to either have a small (less than 50 records) database
> in a Writer document, or embed an ODB database right in the document
> (instead of having it be in an external file)?

No and no, respectively.

From what I understand, it is now possible to have a mailmerge Writer
document that contains the data referenced by the mailmerge stored
within the Writer document. Whether or not this successfully transfers
over to another machine is something I haven't tested.

> I have a document that has two different views of the same data.
> Right now I'm doing everything by hand, which is error-prone and
> inefficient.  

In what sense are you talking about views ? Do you mean actual database
views in the classical DBA sense, or do you mean some graphical
representation of the data in a formatted Writer document ?

> portable, i.e. if I want someone else to edit this file I can just
> send one file containing both the writer document and the database.

So unless I have really misunderstood what it is you are attempting to
achieve, you can already do this with just a single ODB file.

The ODB file can contain a series of queries, views (in the DBA sense of
the word), Writer forms displaying data either obtained from views or
queries, and even reports. This file can be sent to other users who can
then edit it to their heart's content.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Base crashes unexpected

2017-07-21 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 21/07/2017 à 16:55, Lumaja a écrit :

Check your kernel version and the Ubuntu Launchpad bug report :


and also:



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Problems with Libre Office base on Ubuntuoffice.org

2017-07-10 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 10/07/2017 à 06:58, Peter a écrit :

Hi Peter,

> I have an existing data base with a number of reports. These were
> working last year at tax time. Now The existing reports do not run and I
> cannot create new reports. Each time I create a new report or run an
> exiisting report the data base crashes and I have to do a recovery. The
> data base was created from within Libre base.
> Where do I look for error reports and has anyone else had this problem.
> I am running the software with Ubuntu on a laptop.

If you are using the Ubuntu provided version of LibreOffice, then you
should look at the Ubuntu Launchpad bug tracker to see if this has
already been reported.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LO 5.2.6 crashes when logging in to mysql with Base

2017-07-05 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 05/07/2017 à 01:20, Girvin Herr a écrit :

Hi Girvin,

> Now that I upgraded to LO from LO 5.1.6, every time I try to log
> in to Mariadb to access my database, LO crashes hard. This worked fine
> in 5.1.6 and it still works now in OpenOffice 4.1.3. I checked the Java
> config under Options and it is fine. I tried deleting the profile
> directory and starting from scratch. It still crashed. LO also crashes
> when I use the "Test Connection" button in the database configuration
> dialog to try to log in to Mariadb.
> Any ideas before I return to 5.1.6?

Could be several things, although off the cuff, LO5.2.x was known to
crash in certain circumstances with JDKu112, so either:
- revert back to LO5.1.x or else
- try updating your JDK to a much more recent one and see if that makes
a difference with LO5.2.x, or else
- move to LO5.3.x and a current JDK.

Why do I mention a Java problem ? Because the devs changed the version
number recognition pattern for JDK/JVM instantiation somewhere between
5.1 and 5.2, and this is what caused crashing for some. This was fixed
in 5.3. Of course, it could all be specific to your Slackware setup...


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[libreoffice-users] Re: H2 migration from Windows PC to Mac OS X

2017-06-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 12/06/2017 à 14:59, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

Installation of LibreOffice on Mac is relatively easy.
You will need to download the main app DMG, and possibly any language
pack that you want, if you work in a language other than en-US.

For a first time installation of LibreOffice, it is advisable to switch
off Gatekeeper (this is Apple's builtin security system which is on by
default) to allow apps from sources other than the Apple Store to be
installed). Although this is no longer strictly necessary (as
LibreOffice is a signed app), it can help avoid an interminable wait for
verification of the DMG package which occurs if you just double-click on
it and drag the app bundle to the Applications folder. You can reset the
Gatekeeper setting once LibreOffice has been installed.

You will probably be asked for an administrator password at some stage,
so if the Mac has a multiuser account, make sure that the user
installing the app has admin rights to the machine.

First launch of LibreOffice can take a while. Current versions of 5.3.x
are not particularly speedy, and are plagued with performance bugs, even
on modern hardware.

LibreOffice requires Java to function correctly with Base as you already
know, but not just any old version. Getting LibreOffice to work with
Java can seem a little like voodoo at times, especially as neither
Apple, nor Oracle give two hoots about Java working nicely with
LibreOffice, and additionally, LibreOffice sometimes has to play catch
up with Oracle's release numbers. Get the latest version of a complete
Oracle JDK (not JRE) and install that.

You may also find it helpful to install Apple's JavaforOSX.dmg, which is
now obsolete, but still available for download for those Java apps that
require it. I have no idea whether H2 requires Apple's Java, or whether
it will work just fine with an Oracle JDK. The only way to find out is
to test it. Potentially, multiple JAR file loading and instantiation
might be an issue if the JAR files have the same name as those included
in the app bundle of LO.

Setting up your connection to the H2 database should work just as it
does on Windows, assuming that you are using a JDBC connector.

Current bugs regarding databases and macOS (OSX) in particular can be
found in the LibreOffice bugzilla, otherwise most bugs are common to all


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[libreoffice-users] Re: add date to filename when saving?

2017-06-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/05/2017 à 17:42, Dave Stevens a écrit :

Hi Dave,

> I can manually add today's date to a filename when using save as... but
> would like to have LO writer do it for me. Anyone know how?

Not sure whether this is what you are looking for :



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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreLogo plugin doesn't work in Mac systems

2017-06-12 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 27/05/2017 à 16:07, Andreas Formiconi a écrit :

Hi Andreas,

> I searched these lists and other places, apparently without finding a
> solution.

Maybe one of the following already known bugs is relevant :



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Line width in Oracle Report builder

2017-05-11 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 11/05/2017 à 04:29, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :


> Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

I'm not sure that there is a solution currently, other than perhaps
saving your report as a separate Writer document, and perhaps being able
to change the line properties from there ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-07 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 06/04/2017 à 20:57, toki a écrit :

Just to put history into context:

When Sun released StarOffice 5.2 after buying it from StarDivision, it
had both the db3+ engine implementation, which has remained rather
limited to date compared to other db3/4 engine implementations that were
around at the same time (e.g. Lotus Approach, Paradox, etc), and the
Adabas D 11 Personal Edition engine, which was limited to a maximum size
of 100Mb on disk and at most 3 users in a client/server setup.

If you want to have a look at what it offered, in brief, you can check
out the following link :


Sun dropped integration of Adabas when it released OpenOffice.org, and
subsequently integrated the hsqldb engine with the V2 release of
OpenOffice.org. The rest is history, as they say.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-06 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 05/04/2017 à 21:55, Tom Davies a écrit :

> SQLite can be used as a back-end for Base,

It can, but:

- it isn't used by default, nor is it likely to become more prevalent in
the foreseeable future because ;

- the LO code that handles database driver support and the built-in SQL
parser would require an extensive rewrite/extension in order to support
SQLite - the main problem with SQLite in relation to its use in LO is
its lack of strong data typing - many data types are stored as strings
in SQLite, which doesn't bode well when trying to determine whether the
string is a date, a timestamp, a large number, or some other kind of
information that might be able to be represented in one of the various
flavours of the SQL standard - in other words the type would have to be
"magically" inferred or intepreted by LO, and this functionality is not
currently available (nor is it planned).


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[libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-05 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 04/04/2017 à 23:50, toki a écrit :

> Are there any plans for it to support odg and odb files, in the
> near/mid/long term future?

I can't see any support for ODB files coming anytime soon. A viewer for
ODB files would need at least to have a Java VM, or be able to
instantiate one, and at least hsqldb.jar and/or embedded firebird db
engines and probably a few other jar files (e.g. for reports), or be
able to access them on whatever system it was installed, and that is
just for the currently embedded databases. If someone wanted a viewer
for ODB files that use a separate db engine, that would require a whole
other specific development.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Libreoffice 5.2 not starting

2017-03-10 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 10/03/2017 à 09:44, Fiorenza Meini a écrit :

Hi Fiorenza,

> The only difference we can see, is that if I give the command "type
> libreoffice5.2 on the working account, I see "hashing done on
> libreoffice5.2 (/usr/bin/libreoffice5.2)".
> If  I give the same commando the NON WORKING account, I see:
> libreoffice5.2 is /usr/bin/libreoffice5.2.
> The behaviour isn't the same !
> What does mean "hashing done" ? Perhaps is this the problem ?

At a guess, the DEB package that points to /usr/bin/libreOffice5.2 is
hashed for installation security reasons (part of the signing of the
packages) and this hash is verified when a user attempts to execute a
program from that link.

In the non-functional user accounts, the hash isn't verified, so the
application isn't executed (I'm just speculating here, don't take my
word as gospel).

This kind of rings a bell as a Ubuntu bug I read about a while ago where
some user accounts when created did not have an appropiate set up of
executable links to libreoffice - some kind of problem with /etc/skel
not copying everything or setting correct permissions for the newly
created user.

Perhaps you might find something by searching in the Ubuntu launchpad
bug database ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Libreoffice 5.2 not starting

2017-03-10 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 10/03/2017 à 08:51, Fiorenza Meini a écrit :


> it tells that libreoffice is non installed.
> No error is given.

It sounds like there is a permissions problem with those particular
user's setups, especially if other users on the same machine can start
LibreOffice without a problem.

See for example :




which appear to relate to similar problems.

>From these links, it appears you would need to check whether or not the
user's libreoffice configuration folders are owned by the correct user
(i.e. not root) and have the correct corresponding user permissions.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Libreoffice 5.2 not starting

2017-03-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 09/03/2017 à 10:44, Fiorenza Meini a écrit :

What is the output on the terminal if you try and launch LibreOffice for
one of the troubled users from a terminal session when that user is
logged in ?


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Shortage of Fonts in LibreOffice

2017-02-28 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 28/02/2017 à 17:09, A. den Oudsten a écrit :

> Indeed they are Type1, from WordPerfect 8 for Linux.
> Is there an argument for the decision to drop Type1. I use them in
> LibreOffice since it exists.
> What/who can I approach to retract this decision?

Well you could add a comment to the bug linked to below, but don't
expect anyone to take you up on it, as others have already tried :


See comment 11 in particular.

The decision was made by the Engineering Steering Committee, in order to
allow for implementation of the new rendering framework code.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Shortage of Fonts in LibreOffice

2017-02-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 23/02/2017 à 19:42, A. den Oudsten a écrit :

Hi Andre,

> I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
> In the new version of LibreOffice is a shortage of fonts. I can choose
> 104 fonts from the 171 available of my system fonts. So I missed - of
> course - my favorate Classical Garamond.
> ´the asked font is not available and will be replaced´ is the only
> message I get.

If the fonts in question are PS Type1, then they are no longer supported
in LibreOffice 5.3 - support was dropped for Type1 postscript fonts in
this release.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Help with LO Forms

2017-02-17 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 17/02/2017 à 00:46, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

Hi Ian,

> But I'm confused. The Handbook says Calc can be used as the datasource
> for a Form in Writer.
> But even Alexander's method still gives me no option to select the
> Registered Spreadsheet (The options box remains empty)!!
> The other replies tell me Calc can _NOT_ do this (But the Handbook says
> it can!!??)

I believe Robert is correct. Spreadsheets that are accessed directly as
datasources are read only (they always have been, AFAIK, ever since the
early StarOffice days). In other words, even if you manage to bind that
datasource to a form, you can only ever read from it (and not enter new

It was my (mis)understanding that you had used a Calc spreadsheet to
convert your spreadsheet data to a Base ODB file (using the hsqldb or
some other db engine). The aim of my reply was to show you how one can
define the data source for a form.

An alternative would be to craft a spreadsheet so that it looks like a
database form, e.g. by using coloured cells, dropdown lists, etc, but
this would be a poor man's alternative.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Help with LO Forms

2017-02-16 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 16/02/2017 à 12:26, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

Hi Ian,

> What am I missing or doing wrong.??

Sounds like you haven't bound your Writer form to the datasource.

You don't say whether you created your form from within an ODB database
file or whether you are creating your form as a standalone Writer
document that needs to be bound to the datasource. I am assuming the
latter from what you have described.

In your open Writer document, click on Display - Toolbars - Form Controls.

Then click on the Design Mode button to activate Form Design mode
(bottom icon on right of the 2-column toolbar).

You should now see a new toolbar displayed at the bottom of your Writer
window. This toolbar contains a certain number of tools.

Click on the Form Navigator button - a window should appear with an
entry in in called Form.

Right-mouse-button click on this entry to call up the context menu.
Click on New - Form.

A further Form entry is added to the window, underneath the first Form

Now, right-mouse-button click on this second Form entry and choose
Properties from the context menu.

You should now see 3 tabs in the dialog. You need the Data tab (click on
it to select it). In the DataSource field, you should be able to list
and select with the mouse the already declared datasources. If you can't
see it in the list, then clicking on the ellipsis button will take you
to FileManager dialog where you can select the ODB containing your

Tailor the other properties of the form to suit your needs.

Close the dialog and save your form.


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