[vchkpw] Re: vpopmail and maildir standards

2003-09-16 Thread Tim Hasson
Quoting Doug Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 09:17:48PM -0700, Tim Hasson wrote:
> > 1. Maildir++ doesn't work on NFS, or at least has serious issues with it,
> thus 
> > breaking the whole quota support thing.
> Works great here. What problems are you seeing?

Please see my previous post (few hours ago): 
Re: Quota problem: negative values in Maildir/maildirsize


> > 2. Because of default permissions on the domains folder, I cannot add new 
> > domains with a different system uid, vadddomain fails with permission
> denied. 
> > Well of course, you drop to user-uid, try to chdir into ~vpopmaildomains
> which 
> > is chown vpopmail, chgrp vchkpw, chmod 700, and it will fail.
> Are you adding them as root? I don't personally use system quotas with
> vpopmail, but I know I've seen other people talking on list about them, so I
> know they work. Did you check the archives on how to set it up? What
> documentation are you following for system quota setup?
> > So the whole issue is a standard issue. Qmail/Maildir are designed to run
> on 
> > NFS. Why is vpopmail deviating from the standard?
> Again, it runs fine on NFS here.
> --Doug

daemon1# grep /data1 /etc/fstab
terra:/data1/data1  nfs rw  0   0

daemon1# pwd

daemon1# ll
drwx--  23 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Sep 15 22:44 domains

daemon1# ll /home/vpopmail/
total 10
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail vchkpw512 Aug 27 02:02 bin
drwxr-xr-x   4 vpopmail vchkpw512 Aug 15 18:58 doc
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root wheel  23 Aug 17 01:04 domains -
> /data1/vpopmail/domains
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail vchkpw512 Sep 16 22:31 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail vchkpw512 Aug 15 18:58 include
drwx--   2 root wheel 512 Aug 15 18:58 lib

Note Above: ~vpopmail/domains is a symbolic link to /data1/vpopmail, 
and /data1 is mounted of the nfs server.

daemon1# ./vadddomain
vadddomain: usage: vadddomain [options] virtual_domain [postmaster password]
options: -v prints the version
 -q quota_in_bytes (sets the quota for postmaster account)
 -b (bounces all mail that doesn't match a user, default)
 -e email_address (forwards all non matching user to this address)
 -u user (sets the uid/gid based on a user in /etc/passwd)
 -d dir (sets the dir to use for this domain)
 -i uid (sets the uid to use for this domain)
 -g gid (sets the gid to use for this domain)
 -a sets the account to use APOP, default is POP
 -O optimize adding, for bulk adds set this for all
except the last one
 -r generate a random password for postmaster

daemon1# id test
uid=2000(test) gid=2000(users) groups=2000(users)

daemon1# ./vadddomain -u test test.com secretpass
Error: Unable to chdir to vpopmail/domains/domain directory

the -d dir flag is really odd. Suppose I did decide to put the domain 
directory under the user's home directory (/home/test/mail/domain.com)

daemon1# ./vadddomain -u test -d /home/test/mail/test.com test.com secretpass
Error: Unable to chdir to vpopmail/domains/domain directory

daemon1# mkdir -p /home/test/mail/test.com
daemon1# chown -R test:users /home/test

daemon1# ./vadddomain -u test -d /home/test/mail/test.com test.com secretpass
daemon1# ls /home/test/mail/test.com
daemon1# ls /home/test/mail/test.com/domains/

This is not quite desirable..

Tim Hasson

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail and maildir standards

2003-09-16 Thread Doug Clements
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 09:17:48PM -0700, Tim Hasson wrote:
> 1. Maildir++ doesn't work on NFS, or at least has serious issues with it, thus 
> breaking the whole quota support thing.

Works great here. What problems are you seeing?

> 2. Because of default permissions on the domains folder, I cannot add new 
> domains with a different system uid, vadddomain fails with permission denied. 
> Well of course, you drop to user-uid, try to chdir into ~vpopmaildomains which 
> is chown vpopmail, chgrp vchkpw, chmod 700, and it will fail.

Are you adding them as root? I don't personally use system quotas with vpopmail, but I 
know I've seen other people talking on list about them, so I know they work. Did you 
check the archives on how to set it up? What documentation are you following for 
system quota setup?

> So the whole issue is a standard issue. Qmail/Maildir are designed to run on 
> NFS. Why is vpopmail deviating from the standard?

Again, it runs fine on NFS here.


[vchkpw] vpopmail and maildir standards

2003-09-16 Thread Tim Hasson

I have two very serious issues right now between vpopmail and Maildir 

1. Maildir++ doesn't work on NFS, or at least has serious issues with it, thus 
breaking the whole quota support thing.

2. Because of default permissions on the domains folder, I cannot add new 
domains with a different system uid, vadddomain fails with permission denied. 
Well of course, you drop to user-uid, try to chdir into ~vpopmaildomains which 
is chown vpopmail, chgrp vchkpw, chmod 700, and it will fail.

End Result: I am unable to enfore virtual quotas on vpop accounts, and also 
unable to add domains under a unique system uid to enfore system quotas per 

Although I need both, I can at least live with one, if either works...

So the whole issue is a standard issue. Qmail/Maildir are designed to run on 
NFS. Why is vpopmail deviating from the standard?

Tim Hasson

[vchkpw] Upgrading from vpopmail 4.9.6 to something modern?

2003-09-16 Thread Chris Shenton
I installed vpopmail-4.9.6 with qmail on an ISP I support over three
years ago.  Been running great but now, after a crash, POP is
reporting the client crashed.  I have been unable to diagnose the
problem.  I've rebuilt the OS (FreeBSD-4.2-RELEASE) and kernel, but no

I could build and install the latest vpopmail but recall on the lists
-- probably over a year ago, maybe with the 5.x series -- that there
was some conversion necessary in some files.

Any pointers? I don't see anything on inter7's site nor sorceforge's
release notes on how to upgrade. Obviously, I don't want to lose the
virtual domains and users' mail :-(

Thanks for any tips or pointers to docs.

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Quota problem: negative values in Maildir/maildirsize

2003-09-16 Thread Tim Hasson
Hi all,

As mentioned earlier in my message (see copy at end of this message), all my 
mail resides on NFS.
Could this be related to the maildirsize files getting negatives and (-)ve 
Storage imap reply when getquota ROOT? or i.e. Is this the same as "the 
maildirsize gets hosed" problem?

Please see the following:


In regards to the first post/link:

Does Maildir++ really violate the Maildir specification? How?
Does it also make Maildir unsafe for use on NFS without locking? Why?

Any advise, suggestions, and help is greatly appreciated.

Tim Hasson

Quoting Tim Hasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear MrSam,
> Thanks for all your help, and my apologies if this turns out not to be a 
> courier related problem.
> I patched qmail-local with maildir++ patch from billshupp.org.
> Then I ran my little shell script which removed all maildirsize files with 
> negated values in them.
> Everything worked fine since then, until one of our users called today, 
> complaining her quota is no longer reporting valid values (In our case the 
> webmail reports "You have unlimited quota" or some totally random results.
> the maildirsize in that particular user's Maildir looks like this:
> 1000S
> 4456505 473
> -2429946  -22
> 42431
> 173151 1
> 169837 1
> 1439 1
> 17711
>   -13912   -1
>   -46605   -1
>-4832   -1
> 48321
>-1221   -1
>   1754591
>  -175459   -1
>   -15295   -1
>-3574   -1
>-8113   -1
> 35871
>-3587   -1
> 29301
>-6633   -1
>   -13075   -1
>-1627   -1
> 12061
> 12661
> 16511
> 3743 1
> 2737 1
> 27371
>-2737   -1
>-3743   -1
>-3351   -2
>  -570268   -3
> 13331
> 52949 1
> -1893017  -10
>  -173151   -1
>  -169837   -1
> 23971
>-2397   -1
>  -921818   -1
>   -52949   -1
>   3553161
>  -355316   -1
>   -18538   -1
> 24711
>-2471   -1
> 44559 1
>   -45631   -3
>   -44559   -1
>   -29714   -1
> 14491
> Simulating a login to the courier-imap server:
> # telnet localhost 143
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.aidasystems.com.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 1998-
> 2003 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.
> a login [EMAIL PROTECTED] somepass
> a getquota ROOT
> * QUOTA "ROOT" (STORAGE -1389 9766)
> a logout
> * BYE Courier-IMAP server shutting down
> a OK LOGOUT completed
> Running /home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the same user 
> who's having the problem) reports:
> quota: 1000
> usage: 0%
> last auth: Tue Sep 16 15:22:40 2003
> last auth ip: imap
> Although dishusage shows otherwise:
> # pwd
> /home/vpopmail/domains/somedomain.com/myuser/Maildir
> # ls
> courierimapsubscribed  courierimapuiddb  cur  maildirsize  new  tmp
> # du -sh .
> 8.1M.
> # du -s .
> 8284.
> I am running courier-imap 2.0.0 (imapd and pop3d), Vpopmail 5.3.2-Stable, 
> Qmail-1.03 (qmail-local patched with Bill Shupp's qmaildir++ patch)
> Although I am also using maildrop (compiled with quota support) for
> filtering, 
> it's not in use for that particular user's domain at all. Maildrop is only 
> used on one domain, and invoked from .qmail-default directly for only that 
> domain.
> This problem only started happening after migration to the new cluster which
> is composed of 2 real servers running the above mentioned software, and two 
> failover NFS server (linux unfortunately) which hold the 
> entire /home/vpopmail/domains which is mounted on the freebsd servers (the 
> real servers) which are running the pop/imap toasters.
> The only difference between the old mail server and the new real servers is
> we 
> were running courier 1.6.2 or 1.6.4 and now we are running 2.0.0. Although I
> am not sure if that's relevant.
> Please advise...
> Respectfully,
> Tim Hasson
> Quoting Sam Varshavchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Tim Hasson writes:
> > 
> > > Also, nothing other than vdelivermail, maildrop, and qmail-local
> delivers
> > to 
> > > those Maildirs. I am 100% sure of that =)
> > 
> > Mail delivered by qmail-local is not going to be added to the current
> quota.
> > 
> > Subsequently, when those messages are removed, their sizes will be 
> > subtracted from the quota.
> > 
> > And that's how you get negative quotas.
> > 
> > 


[vchkpw] /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail:_permission_denied/ error

2003-09-16 Thread Steve Schofield
> rebuilding my FreeBSd server, qmail-1.03 (qmailqueue.patch, smtp.auth
> patch),  courier-imap, vpopmail 5.3.27 this shows up in the
> /var/log/qmail/current log.  Nothing on the internet I can find showing
> error.  I can authenticate, send mail from the account just can't receive
> mail.  Any ideas?
> @40003f64fc8c20b709c4 delivery 11: Deferral:
> /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail:_permission_denied/
> @40003f64fc8c20ba131c status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
> steve

[vchkpw] vqAdmin

2003-09-16 Thread Brad Dameron
Anyone here know what is going on with vqadmin? There is a major issue with
the 2.3.5 that can easily wipe out control files. Have not tested previous
versions. I wrote on the list but noone has answered in days.


Fw: [vchkpw] *.COM ->

2003-09-16 Thread Jeremy Kister
On Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:46 AM, Eric Ziegast wrote:
> dnscache.  Here's a patch for people who use dnscache
> to preserve the old (uninfected) behavior...

not only for .com, but also .net.

a similar patch exists for BIND v8, although I havent installed it yet.

I hope verisign (and anyone who had anything to do with that silly decision)
looses the ability to manage the gtld servers for ever.

Jeremy Kister
Argus: The World's Most Advanced Monitoring Software:

Re: [vchkpw] Can I integrate vpopmail with windows domain?

2003-09-16 Thread Michael Bowe
There is an activedirectory auth module included with vpopmail


Cant vouch for its stability etc though. I havent ever tried to use it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Adalberto da Silva Filho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 5:24 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] Can I integrate vpopmail with windows domain?

> Hi Folks,
> Any of you knows if I can autenticate my vpopmail users in a windows 2000
> domain?
> I need implement single logon in my network.
> If any of you help I'll thanks.
> []'s
> Adalberto.
> --

Re: [vchkpw] Maildrop patch: mysql-based filtering rule support

2003-09-16 Thread Doug Clements
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 07:24:20PM -0400, Erik Bourget wrote:
> I've patched maildrop to read filtering rules out of a MySQL database.

This is incredible. I would love to see vdelivermail replaced with something like 
this. Seems most people who want to do filtering use maildrop anyway, this would cut 
out the need for vdelivermail to lookup the user dir. It also seems a lot more 

Excellent work!


Re: [vchkpw] maildir++ patch broken?

2003-09-16 Thread Doug Clements
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 09:45:10AM -0700, Paul Theodoropoulos wrote:
> the maildir specification; it also makes the maildir unsafe for use over NFS
> without locking, which is one of the basic reasons for the existence of

> thoughts?

He's totally right, but if the quota file gets screwed up, it's really no big deal. It 
gets deleted and recreated. It's a simple way that self-corrects when the file gets 
hosed, which is about the best you can hope for over NFS.


[vchkpw] question about autoresponder change

2003-09-16 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
This is more of an opinion question than a request for help.

I received a call from a client that was having problems with ezmlm and
autoresponder.  autoresponder would bounce messages from his ezmlm list
and eventually ezmlm would remove him from the list (this is after
setting up the autoresponder/vacation reply in qmailadmin).

autoresponder was reporting this in the log, and not delivering the
message from the ezmlm list, as well as eventually causing him to be
removed from the mailing list.

AUTORESPOND: I can't handle a message with a Mailing-List header.

Upon further investigation I saw that autoresponder, when coming across
a Mailing-List header, would exit 100, causing qmail-local/vdelivermail
to bounce the message.

Am I wrong to think that autoresponder should silently ignore messages
with Mailing-List headers and exit 0 so the rest of the .qmail file can
be processed as usual?  It should not reply to messages from a mailing
list (we've all seen what kind of annoyance that creates) but it
shouldn't prevent them from being delivered.

I have attached a patch that addresses this issue.

Thanks in advance for the input.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax
This patch makes autorespond silently ignore messages from
mailing lists that add a Mailing-List header (such as ezmlm)
and allows further processing of .qmail files.

Apply this patch like so:
cd /path/to/autorespond-2.0.4/

[vchkpw] Re: Quota problem: negative values in Maildir/maildirsize

2003-09-16 Thread Tim Hasson
Dear MrSam,

Thanks for all your help, and my apologies if this turns out not to be a 
courier related problem.

I patched qmail-local with maildir++ patch from billshupp.org.
Then I ran my little shell script which removed all maildirsize files with 
negated values in them.

Everything worked fine since then, until one of our users called today, 
complaining her quota is no longer reporting valid values (In our case the 
webmail reports "You have unlimited quota" or some totally random results.

the maildirsize in that particular user's Maildir looks like this:

4456505 473
-2429946  -22
173151 1
169837 1
1439 1
  -13912   -1
  -46605   -1
   -4832   -1
   -1221   -1
 -175459   -1
  -15295   -1
   -3574   -1
   -8113   -1
   -3587   -1
   -6633   -1
  -13075   -1
   -1627   -1
3743 1
2737 1
   -2737   -1
   -3743   -1
   -3351   -2
 -570268   -3
52949 1
-1893017  -10
 -173151   -1
 -169837   -1
   -2397   -1
 -921818   -1
  -52949   -1
 -355316   -1
  -18538   -1
   -2471   -1
44559 1
  -45631   -3
  -44559   -1
  -29714   -1

Simulating a login to the courier-imap server:

# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.aidasystems.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
2003 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.

a login [EMAIL PROTECTED] somepass
a getquota ROOT
* QUOTA "ROOT" (STORAGE -1389 9766)
a logout
* BYE Courier-IMAP server shutting down
a OK LOGOUT completed

Running /home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the same user 
who's having the problem) reports:
quota: 1000
usage: 0%
last auth: Tue Sep 16 15:22:40 2003
last auth ip: imap

Although dishusage shows otherwise:
# pwd
# ls
courierimapsubscribed  courierimapuiddb  cur  maildirsize  new  tmp
# du -sh .
# du -s .

I am running courier-imap 2.0.0 (imapd and pop3d), Vpopmail 5.3.2-Stable, 
Qmail-1.03 (qmail-local patched with Bill Shupp's qmaildir++ patch)

Although I am also using maildrop (compiled with quota support) for filtering, 
it's not in use for that particular user's domain at all. Maildrop is only 
used on one domain, and invoked from .qmail-default directly for only that 

This problem only started happening after migration to the new cluster which 
is composed of 2 real servers running the above mentioned software, and two 
failover NFS server (linux unfortunately) which hold the 
entire /home/vpopmail/domains which is mounted on the freebsd servers (the 
real servers) which are running the pop/imap toasters.

The only difference between the old mail server and the new real servers is we 
were running courier 1.6.2 or 1.6.4 and now we are running 2.0.0. Although I 
am not sure if that's relevant.

Please advise...

Tim Hasson

Quoting Sam Varshavchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Tim Hasson writes:
> > Also, nothing other than vdelivermail, maildrop, and qmail-local delivers
> to 
> > those Maildirs. I am 100% sure of that =)
> Mail delivered by qmail-local is not going to be added to the current quota.
> Subsequently, when those messages are removed, their sizes will be 
> subtracted from the quota.
> And that's how you get negative quotas.

Re: [vchkpw] Can I integrate vpopmail with windows domain?

2003-09-16 Thread VeNoMouS
- Original Message - 
From: "Adalberto da Silva Filho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:24 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] Can I integrate vpopmail with windows domain?

> Hi Folks,
> Any of you knows if I can autenticate my vpopmail users in a windows 2000
> domain?
> I need implement single logon in my network.
> If any of you help I'll thanks.
> []'s
> Adalberto.
> --

[vchkpw] Can I integrate vpopmail with windows domain?

2003-09-16 Thread Adalberto da Silva Filho
Hi Folks,

Any of you knows if I can autenticate my vpopmail users in a windows 2000 
I need implement single logon in my network.
If any of you help I'll thanks.




[vchkpw] mail routing

2003-09-16 Thread Evren Yurtesen
This is not exactly vpopmail related but...

I have a situation in which server A is the mailserver in the ISP for
foo.org domain server B is the client connecting with dialup and
collecting the mail for foo.org domain with fetchmail. Server C is also
collecting mail for foo.org domain and connected with dialup and uses

They all use qmail+vpopmail.

Now the problem is that, lets say there are users called [EMAIL PROTECTED]
which has a mailbox in server B and [EMAIL PROTECTED] which has a mailbox in
server C. When user1 wants to send email to user2 the server B thinks that
foo.org is hosted in itself and says that this account doesnt exist. 

Although the preferred way is that the server B should send all email
which is not available locally to the server A

How can this be done?


[vchkpw] maildir++ patch broken?

2003-09-16 Thread Paul Theodoropoulos

Just read this on the qmail mailing list:

o k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Then I patched it:

>   cd qmail-1.03

>   patch < qmail-maildir++.patch

Don't.  "maildir++" is broken by design and violates
the letter and spirit of

the maildir specification; it also makes the maildir unsafe for use
over NFS

without locking, which is one of the basic reasons for the existence





Paul Theodoropoulos

[vchkpw] *.COM ->

2003-09-16 Thread Eric Ziegast
Verisign is breaking some peoples' spam filtering.
Imagine that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is now a _valid_
email address.  Many qmail/vpopmail users also use
dnscache.  Here's a patch for people who use dnscache
to preserve the old (uninfected) behavior...


Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] aliases problem

2003-09-16 Thread Ken Jones
On Monday 15 September 2003 11:23 pm, Asad Javid wrote:
> Hi all!
> Im migrating my exchange to qmail. All has gone well until now when I try
> to configure an alias file(infact more than one) which contains a group of
> users it just fails saying no mailbox available. This is very important
> feature for my organization as we are using it in exchange and I want it in
> qmail too. The error specifed is related to vpopmail as it specifies the
> error. My /var/qmail/users/assign file output is as follows
> +duc.ac.ae-:duc.ac.ae:508:503:/home/vpopmail/domains/duc.ac.ae:-::

> This is the error:

> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at duc.ac.ae.
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work
> out.
>  >:
> Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. vpopmail (#5.1.1)

This looks like the problem right here.
In your email the to address is not: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You can check it below by looking at the To: line.
Try having the mail sent to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> without the
rest of the http stuff.

Ken Jones

> --- Below this line is a copy of the message.
> Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >
> Received: (qmail 23145 invoked by uid 505); 15 Sep 2003 13:03:51 -
> Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> by mail.duc.ac.ae by uid 508 with qmail-scanner-1.16
>  (clamscan: 0.54.  Clear:.
>  Processed in 0.238535 secs); 15 Sep 2003 13:03:51 -
> Received: from localhost (HELO (
>   by duc.ac.ae with SMTP; 15 Sep 2003 13:03:51 -
> Received: from (proxying for
> (SquirrelMail authenticated user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )
> by with HTTP;
> Mon, 15 Sep 2003 17:03:51 +0400 (GST)
> 1 031.squirrel%40172.17.2.220> >
> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 17:03:51 +0400 (GST)
> Subject: test
> User-Agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-Priority: 3
> Importance: Normal
> this is a test messege

Re: [vchkpw] Add users with other path

2003-09-16 Thread Ken Jones
On Monday 15 September 2003 11:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi to all!
> its my firt participation in this list. Anticipatedly im so sorry for my
> poor english! well, i´ve installed qmail+vpopmail on a server and it works
> gracefully, i´m organizing maildirs of users in a path like this
> /data/vpopmail/domains/foo.org/..., so i would like to organize in path
> like this /data/vpopmail/domains/foo.org/a/argos ,
> ../domains/foo.org/r/reinaldo, its possible? there are many any way to do
> this without changes in binaries (eg.:vadduser..)?
> thanks!
> - Reinaldo Andrade
> Campo Grande - MS

You might want to consider using vpopmail's automatic
directory balencing feature. You can get the path to
the users automatically created directory several ways.
With a command line use  `vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Or make a vpopmail api call to get back the path.
The directory balencing feature is more efficent than
a straight alphabetic directory split.

Ken Jones

Re: [vchkpw] Virtual domains problem

2003-09-16 Thread Ken Jones
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:55 am, Emil Slavov wrote:
>I add second domain in vpopmail. I make the user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> but when e try to auth in second domain  it produces the folowing error
> vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So it tries to auth emil in first domain , not in second. How to overcome
> this , and make the vpopmail to search for users in all domains not only
> in first domain.  Thanks, and have a nice day

Use the entire email address as the user name.

Ken Jones

RE: [vchkpw] more SMTP relay problem

2003-09-16 Thread tonix (Antonio Nati)
The copy indicated does not solve correctly a bug of TLS.

Check the original at www.interazioni.it/qmail.


At 16/09/03 16/09/03 +0800, Shane Chrisp wrote:
Check out the checkusr patch.

There is a copy on http://shupp.org


>-Original Message-
>From: gabi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, 16 September 2003 12:45 AM
>Subject: [vchkpw] more SMTP relay problem
>Hi again..
>I have install SMTP-after-POP and workw fine¡¡
>Another question to SMTP relay...
>I'm testing some Anti-replay testers (nsmtprc-2.0.1) and I have a
>When a user sends a email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>where "asdfasdf" is a invalid user in a valid loca domain
>The email is accepted and then ignored or managed by
>How can I send a error message to the sender or not accept this
>invalid email?
>Thanks, Gabi.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]Interazioni di Antonio Nati
   http://www.interazioni.it  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[vchkpw] Virtual domains problem

2003-09-16 Thread Emil Slavov
   I add second domain in vpopmail. I make the user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
but when e try to auth in second domain  it produces the folowing error
vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So it tries to auth emil in first domain , not in second. How to overcome
this , and make the vpopmail to search for users in all domains not only
in first domain.  Thanks, and have a nice day