Re: how to add error word that colored by spellcheck plugin

2011-03-10 Thread Charles Campbell
chris M. sprite wrote: how to add a red word that it is spell checked by Engspellcheck.vim like add the current word under the cursor into a file so that the spell check will not color this word any more . Hello: Hopefully the help for engspchk is installed; if so: :help engspchk-es .

Re: prevent Man from splitting window

2011-03-10 Thread Charles Campbell
peter wrote: When I used the Man function to read manual pages in gvim, it spits the current window. Instead I prefer the manual page to occupy the window I am in (and hide the buffer I was editing). How can I achieve this? Try ManPageView (:OMan topic): Manpageview is available at:

Re: yank entire function when on functionname

2011-03-11 Thread Charles Campbell
Jeroen Budts wrote: Hi, I'm looking for the quickest method to yank an entire (php) function when the cursor is somewhere in the first line of the function definition like this (| = cursor): fun|ction foobar() { if (true) { return not false :); } } [snip] If you use syntax

Re: how to keep the window width the same all the time

2011-03-14 Thread Charles Campbell
Christian Brabandt wrote: Hi wei! On Sa, 12 Mär 2011, wei gao wrote: Hi, I want to keep one of my window (file explorer) the same width all the time (now, it's always resized if I quite one window). One way to do this could run a resize command on the file explorer buffer all the time.

Re: Load files which contain a given string?

2011-03-15 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Schmidt wrote: On 16/03/11 1:13 AM, Anthony Campbell wrote: I have a directory with over 400 files, some of which contain a particular string I want to modify manually. Is there any way to tell vim to edit just the files which contain the specified string? Check out the :vimgrep command.

Re: How to disable netrw to generate history file?

2011-03-22 Thread Charles Campbell
Yue Wu wrote: As the title, I notice netrw will create a .netrwhist at my vimfile when on windows(don't know if it do on unix too), how to prevent it from the file creation for security issue sometime. There's no built-in way to prevent .netrwhist generation at the current time. However,

Re: Fwd: folding

2011-03-24 Thread Charles Campbell
Wojciech Brański wrote: Hi With default vim setting the folowing code: a) void fun(){ ... b) void fun() { is folding as: a) +--- x lines: void fun() --- ... b) void fun() +--- x lines: --- Is there any possibility to treat both code statement same. ie to fold both to

Re: extending syntax

2011-04-01 Thread Charles Campbell
Robert wrote: HTML5 is coming. It really just adds some nifty stuff to HTML. How do I use the current HTML syntax file in a new HTML5 syntax file? Hello, May I suggest that you look into what syntax/cpp.vim does to include syntax/c.vim. If there are incompatibilities or unsupported

Re: Inserting output of Ex command into buffer

2011-04-13 Thread Charles Campbell
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2011-04-13, ZyX wrote: Reply to message «Re: Inserting output of Ex command into buffer», sent 05:32:06 13 April 2011, Wednesday by Charles E Campbell Jr: Spiros Bousbouras wrote: [snip] I would prefer a vsystem() function (vim system) or whatever

Re: problems with using gundo

2011-04-21 Thread Charles Campbell
Taylor Hedberg wrote: Ben Fritz, Wed 2011-04-20 @ 17:26:49-0700: Not having used Pathogen, I don't know how to work installation using it. Pathogen creates a new directory bundle/ underneath your .vim/ directory. You then place the entire directory structure for a plugin in a

Re: editing vim help files

2011-04-22 Thread Charles Campbell
Adam Monsen wrote: On 04/20/2011 06:02 PM, Tim Chase wrote: While I don't know what other folks use, and I don't do it myself, this one-liner can be made into a :command! or mapped to make it pretty easy/straight-forward: :%s/^\(.*\)\\s*\(\*[^*]*\*\)$/\=printf('%s%*s', submatch(1),

Re: syntax highlighting colors bold text

2011-04-25 Thread Charles Campbell
Tony Mechelynck wrote: On 25/04/11 14:25, Michael Hauser wrote: Hi I've a user and root account on my system. The .vimrc file is identical. Using urxvt/screen, when I open e.g.: /home/mih/$ vim .zshrc as normal user all colored (syntax highlighted) text is rendered in bold style, which is

Re: netrw Support on Windows

2011-04-26 Thread Charles Campbell
Mathew Brown wrote: Hi, I was wondering what the best way to get the netrw plugin ( working on Windows. From my understanding, it depends on client-side executables to run. So, is it by installing a minimal version of Cygwin?

Re: netrw Support on Windows

2011-04-26 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: On Apr 26, 2:02 am, Mathew wrote: Hi, I was wondering what the best way to get the netrw plugin ( working on Windows. From my understanding, it depends on client-side executables

Re: syntax color

2011-04-27 Thread Charles Campbell
sinbad wrote: i want to change the syntax color of c #defines, how can i do that. Check out hicolors -- (cutting edge) (stable) It gives help for

Re: how to map 2-leftmouse to open file in netw

2011-04-29 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: On Apr 28, 10:09 am, wei wrote: Hi, In netw file explorer, the click left mouse on the file/folder will open the file/folder. Is there any way to use doube click to open the file/folder? Left mouse is usually used to select the file/folder instead

Re: BufReadPost getfsize and scp

2011-05-03 Thread Charles Campbell
David wrote: On 3 Mai, 10:39, Ben wrote: I don't know if it deals with this situation, but Dr. Chip's LargeFile plugin disables various things to make editing large files more bearable, and since he wrote netrw, too, maybe he's got some appropriate

Re: Typedef and struct colors in console vi

2011-05-03 Thread Charles Campbell
Ulrar wrote: Hi, I'm new to vi, switching from emacs, and I'm trying to configure the colorsheme. The only thing, my typedefs are colored the way I want but no the new type. For example, if I write in a .h (in C) : typedef struct { //things } t_thing; The t_thing are not colored. In emacs the

Re: Help me please ^^

2011-05-04 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Schmidt wrote: [Resending to the list. Originally from BPJ.] 2011-05-04 01:03, Ben Schmidt skrev: perl returns '1a11c1', BTW! Mmm. It's a bit debatable whether the second 1 in the 11 represents an overlapping match or not. That's the problem with zero-length matches that aren't solidly

Re: BufReadPost getfsize and scp

2011-05-17 Thread Charles Campbell
David wrote: On 3 Mai, 16:48, Charles wrote: Netrw attempts to minimize the number of times that a password may be needed, so it doesn't attempt to find out what the file size is before getting the file via scp (or ftp). So it does not throw any

Re: BufReadPost getfsize and scp

2011-05-18 Thread Charles Campbell
David wrote: On 17 Mai, 22:50, Charles wrote: Please try v5h of LargeFile.vim (available at I tried it and so far it does not do the job. In this autocommand: au BufReadPost * \ ifch

Re: Vst plugin and latex

2011-05-18 Thread Charles Campbell
Jostein Berntsen wrote: I checked out the Vst plugin for vim that works with restructured text: This seems to convert text to html quite well. I also tested the conversion of files to latex, but that seems to collapse indents and remove

Re: Plugin to continue text at top

2011-06-01 Thread Charles Campbell
Gísli Freyr Brynjarsson wrote: Hi guys When I was reading an article the other day I came across a complaint from some IT-guy that he missed that today's editors, when they had reached last line, couldn't expand and continue the file in an attached window. In the answers someone said that Vim

Re: Comments in visual mode

2011-06-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Juanjo Gomez Navarro wrote: Hello, I'm new in the list. I have used vim during several years, but I'm not very familiar with some aspects of the editor such as the macros, mappings and other advanced stuff. I hope I can learn more about it by following the list. Apart from the introduction, I

Re: Unable to clear abbreviations

2011-06-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Uri Moszkowicz wrote: There was only one buffer open at the time. To confirm, I opened another groovy file and tried the specified command and got the response E474: Invalid argument. The command is accepted with the argument but it does no good. :verbose abbr i wl

Re: Unable to clear abbreviations

2011-06-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Uri Moszkowicz wrote: I don't know. I built my vim from 7.2 source. It's definitely there though: Features: Runs or compiles Groovy scripts. Indents code blocks. Continues comments on adjacent lines. Provides

Re: customizing netrw browser

2011-06-09 Thread Charles Campbell
sinbad wrote: i use :Vexplore to open the file broswer window. i mapped vexplore to a key, now i want to toggle the display of browser window. I'm not sure what you want to toggle here. Perhaps :b # will do what you want? and is it possible to index the files shown in the browser window

Re: how to jump to a different window in vim

2011-06-09 Thread Charles Campbell wrote: Hi, In my script, I split the window into 4 windows. In my script, I jump to each window when I need by using the command exe g:window_number . wincmd w. However, when I split the window during the editing, the g:window_number will be changed. So the command does

Re: How to execute :s command without adding the search pattern to the search history?

2011-06-13 Thread Charles Campbell
lith wrote: Hi, Is there a way to execute the :s or :/ command from a script without adding any patterns to the search history. I.e. is there a command like :keephistory (similar to :keepjumps) or any other solution that let's me execute a command without changing the search history? For

Re: How to execute :s command without adding the search pattern to the search history?

2011-06-14 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Schmidt wrote: On 13/06/11 10:52 PM, Charles Campbell wrote: lith wrote: Hi, Is there a way to execute the :s or :/ command from a script without adding any patterns to the search history. I.e. is there a command like :keephistory (similar to :keepjumps) or any other solution that let's

Re: Switch Horizontal/Vertical View in Vimdiff

2011-06-21 Thread Charles Campbell
Karol Samborski wrote: 2011/6/14 Roy I think you may have misunderstood my question. I do not want to switch _between_ the display panes, but rather switch from vertically aligned panes to horizontally aligned panes. If I would mean switch between

Re: syntax highlight unusual strings

2011-06-28 Thread Charles Campbell
cyboman wrote: my company is using a propitiatory language. there are 4 kind of different kind of strings that can be defined. imystring xmystring bmystring mystring [snip] Here's one attempt... syn region Strings matchgroup=myRegularString start=//end=// syn match myByteString

Re: vimSubst

2011-06-29 Thread Charles Campbell
Charles Smith wrote: I'm trying to colorize a file format, and find that syntax rules for things like vimSubst and vimSubstDelim conflict with my syntax. If I enter syn clear vimSubst at the command prompt, the problem goes away, but putting it into my syntax file doesn't work. Is there

Re: syntax highlight unusual strings

2011-06-29 Thread Charles Campbell
ZyX wrote: Reply to message «Re: syntax highlight unusual strings», sent 15:37:51 29 June 2011, Wednesday by cyboman: what do z and e in \b\ze, \x\ze, \i\ze stand for? :h /\ze Also :he /\ HTH, Chip -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post!

Re: vimSubst

2011-06-30 Thread Charles Campbell
Charles Smith wrote: The after directory is new to me, thank you for introducing it to me. Unfortunately, I can find very little information about how it works exactly (vim version 7.2.264). I don't understand this mechanism... Normally, when a file matching a particular name pattern is

Re: Saving netrw hide list to session file

2011-06-30 Thread Charles Campbell
Tim Johnson wrote: Using vim 7.2 on ubuntu 10.04, huge version. I make use of Dr. Campbell's netrw browse window, which has the ctrl-h feature that allows me to edit the hide list. The hide list is associated with g:netrw_list_hide. I would like to be able to save that variable to my session

Re: Way of opening local gVim edit remote file via putty?

2011-07-05 Thread Charles Campbell
Laph wrote: Hi all, I used to coding in remote unix server by connecting via putty in my windows desktop, but the problem is that the account of unix server is shared for varies users who are using vim, too. This causes the remote vimrc chaos. So I think it would be a great idea using

Re: Spell checker not working for files opened with :e

2011-07-06 Thread Charles Campbell
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2011-07-06, Alexandre Provencio wrote: On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Gary Johnson wrote: On 2011-07-06, Alexandre Provencio wrote: I can also confirm that this is really an issue with the Ubuntu Natty's version. I've just run a livecd,

Re: Spell checker not working for files opened with :e

2011-07-06 Thread Charles Campbell
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Gary Johnson wrote: OK, I just did. I see it! Not with the ~/bin/vim version 7.3.189 that I built myself, but with the /usr/bin/vim version 7.2.148 that came with this Fedora 11 system. /usr/bin/vim --noplugin -u ~/.vimrc.ap :e file1 No

Re: Changing elements of a color scheme

2011-07-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Eric Weir wrote: I've discovered a color scheme that I like better than the one I've been using since starting with Vim/MacVim a few months ago. However, there's one element that clashes for me -- the color of the cursor. I know what color I'd like it to be, i.e., the color that CameCase

Re: Changing elements of a color scheme

2011-07-11 Thread Charles Campbell
Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: On Sat, 9 Jul 2011, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote: Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: Dr. Chip, if you have access to put an .htaccess file in that directory, you can correct the first problem with this line: AddType text/x-vimball .vba I've loaded that a file with that

Re: Way of opening local gVim edit remote file via putty?

2011-07-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Charles Campbell wrote: Laph wrote: Hi all, I used to coding in remote unix server by connecting via putty in my windows desktop, but the problem is that the account of unix server is shared for varies users who are using vim, too. This causes the remote vimrc chaos. So I think it would

Re: Help Bugs under seven

2011-07-14 Thread Charles Campbell
niva wrote: Stop Modifying vimfiles ! I am using Gvim under windows seven and I like to have a big toolbar with 48px icon'size so == I have linked my own version of gvim7.3.46 only with toolbar changes. == I know Innosetup So I have made an InnoSetup Installer to deploy my own version of

Re: visual block search and replace

2011-07-14 Thread Charles Campbell
ZyX wrote: Reply to message «visual block search and replace», sent 13:20:28 14 July 2011, Thursday by subith86: :s/\%V504\503/g I guess you meant :','s/\%V504/503/g (though it is not related to the issue: s/\%V504\503 should not show «Invalid character after \%»). I don't see

Re: where does Win7's VIM read my .vimrc files from?

2011-07-14 Thread Charles Campbell
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2011-07-14, Linda W wrote: I've been trying to add the following -- and added to about 3 separate places and non have work: set fileencodings+=utf-16le [...] Anyway, with the changes in all 3 places, starting GVIM still has file encodings set to the

Re: cchar highlighting

2011-07-21 Thread Charles Campbell
Meikel Brandmeyer wrote: Hi, is there a way to highlight the cchar as the concealed text would have been? AFAIK that isn't possible. cchar -concealed characters are displayed with Conceal highlighting; its a highlighting setting, not syntax, so the transparent modifier is not available.

Re: sh vs bash syntax coloring

2011-08-01 Thread Charles Campbell
Thilo Six wrote: Charles Campbell wrote the following on 01.08.2011 18:17 Hello Charles, I think here is a typo: -- snip -- Just to be complete, please read :help ft-syntax-sh (g:is_bash is ^ `- s:ft

Re: netrw dir listing position

2011-08-01 Thread Charles Campbell
Bram Moolenaar wrote: Charles E Campbell Jr wrote: Hi, Is there a way to make the netrw dir listing maintain the cursor position? For example if I do a dir listing on a big dir, scroll down, and press enter to edit a file, when I go back to the dir listing the cursor is no longer at the

Re: sh vs bash syntax coloring

2011-08-02 Thread Charles Campbell
Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Simon Nicolussi wrote: Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: That solves the problem since the OP wants bash syntax. I don't. Is there a reason the constructs mentioned aren't included in plain 'sh' mode? Not all shells support command substitution via

website going down

2011-08-04 Thread Charles Campbell
Hello, It looks like my website will be going down on August 20, courtesy of verizon's making things difficult. I'm trying to find another host somewhere; I've tried 0sites, for example, but for whatever reason it won't display images. This makes screenshots difficult, for example. To see

Re: website going down

2011-08-04 Thread Charles Campbell
Jeffrey 'jf' Lim wrote: On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 3:33 AM, Charles Campbell wrote: Hello, It looks like my website will be going down on August 20, courtesy of verizon's making things difficult. what's that about

Re: colorschemes are not right ... most of the time

2011-08-08 Thread Charles Campbell
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2011-08-08, wombatvvv wrote: Hi, I'm new to VIM and trying to find a colorscheme I like. I've installed the ColorScheme Scroller plugin (:SCROLL / :COLOR). I have noticed that when I used the :colorscheme zenburn (whatever) command, the color scheme never displays

ANNC: moving the astronaut website

2011-08-09 Thread Charles Campbell
Hello, I'm moving my website... FROM: (including vim,etc) TO: Please try it out and let me know of any issues. I intend to take my old site down and install redirects soon. Thank you to those who

Re: Warning (HTML included to show prog shipped w/syntax highlighting).

2011-08-16 Thread Charles Campbell
Linda W wrote: When I have the construct, in 4.1: 1 #!/bin/bash 2 30 31 # trace control for subs 32 declare -ix Allow_Trace=$((( 33 _D_LowLevel | 34 _D_Provides | 35 _D_ 36 ))) 37 38 declare

Re: #if 0 syntax folding

2011-08-22 Thread Charles Campbell
Christian Brabandt wrote: Hi Ben! On Mo, 22 Aug 2011, Ben wrote: I wanted to add, that it is still highlighted correctly (as comment), it is just not folded. What is your foldmethod set to? Hello, The following short C file illustrates this problem: /* abc.c: */ #include

Re: #if 0 syntax folding

2011-08-24 Thread Charles Campbell
Christian Brabandt wrote: Hi On Di, 23 Aug 2011, Christ van Willegen wrote: Hello Christian, On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 22:35, Christian wrote: I see. Attached patch fixes it. I was curious and read your patch. The %: I saw in the patch made me

Re: How can I select multiple lines that are not in a continuous chunk?

2011-09-06 Thread Charles Campbell
Kay Z wrote: On 2011-09-05, at 3:38 PM, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote: The Align plugin allows you to set up patterns that will cause lines to be skipped during alignment. :AlignCtrl v ^\s :Align = You may get Align from

Re: HTML syntax netrw

2011-09-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Christian Brabandt wrote: Hi Taylor! On Mi, 07 Sep 2011, Taylor Hedberg wrote: Good to know it's not just me. :) If I can provide any additional information to assist you in tracking down the bug, just let me know. I'd be happy to help. The problem is, netrw sets 'isk' in

Re: Conditional bundle loading?

2011-09-23 Thread Charles Campbell
tyru wrote: 2011/09/23 2:47 Matt Martini I would like to know if there is a way to conditionally load a bundle, or if there is an way to load a bundle manually. rtputil.vim has the functionality to load a bundle manually.

Re: [sh.vim] Aug 16, 2011 array highlighting bug

2011-09-26 Thread Charles Campbell
Sung Pae wrote: LESS_ARY=( --clear-screen # Print buffer from top of screen --dumb # Don't complain about terminfo errors --ignore-case # Like vim ignorecase + smartcase --no-lessopen # Ignore LESSOPEN preprocessor

Re: Netrw and filtering

2011-10-07 Thread Charles Campbell
John Little wrote: On Oct 7, 4:20 pm, Ben wrote: I saw :help netrw-star and read that text to understand that netrw can filter for files matching a pattern in a given directory. But I cannot get it to work. I triedlots FWIW, with vim 7.3.322, netrw

Re: Netrw and filtering

2011-10-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: I saw :help netrw-star and read that text to understand that netrw can filter for files matching a pattern in a given directory. But I cannot get it to work. I tried: :Explore ~/vimfiles/*.vim (nothing happens; no netrw window, no error message, nothing) :Explore

Re: Sum

2011-10-12 Thread Charles Campbell
niva wrote: Hi I have some data organized by column in a buffer like that : ; ; ; 48.00 ; ; ; ; 32.50 ; ; ; ; 15.00 ; ; ; ; 59.40

Re: line drawing inside vim [PS]

2011-10-20 Thread Charles Campbell
Tim Chase wrote: I tried which is DrawIT and received mutiple errors (not necesarilly due to an error in the script?). I see Dr. Chip authored the DrawIT script. He's pretty active both in keeping his scripts up to date and

Re: gvim64/win7 claims error on unzip, but unzip get no error, why?

2011-10-21 Thread Charles Campbell
Linda W wrote: I tried to open a .jar file in gvim (7.3). and got an error (which one has to type in manually, as vim won't let you cut/paste -- a much maligned user-hindrance, when it was first widely used by Microsoft): unzip: cannot find or open C:/Users/lindaw/AppData/Roaming/

Re: Please fix: make Windows Vim use same files as unix. No reason not to and it's confusing in mixed envirionments.

2011-10-25 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: And I'm sure we can safely assume that Unix users everywhere would be angry for years if Bram decided one day to use vimfiles rather than .vim for the default Unix Vim config. Grrr. -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type

Re: question about vim scripts.

2011-10-26 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: On Oct 26, 6:44 am, wrote: running command scriptnames ,I got the following output. $HOME/.vimrc is read first. which means,my own settings may be covered by other vim-script. and that is not what I want. anyone can help? just make the

Re: Bug in the POSIX Shell Syntax Highlight Rules

2011-10-27 Thread Charles Campbell
Bastien Dejean wrote: Bastien Dejean a écrit : if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then makepkg -fi fi In fact, the shell itself makes the wrong assumption, so vim must be right. Hmm, I tried #! /bin/ksh if [[ $1 = x ]]; then echo GOT HERE#1 fgrep stuff else

ANNC: DrawIt now supports utf-8 box drawing characters

2011-11-02 Thread Charles Campbell
When you're using utf-8 for your file's encoding, you can now use either of two new commands, :DIsngl :DIdbl and DrawIt will draw using utf-8 box drawing characters. You may get this version of DrawIt from: Enjoy, Chip

Re: ANNC: DrawIt now supports utf-8 box drawing characters

2011-11-03 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: On Nov 2, 11:18 am, Charles wrote: When you're using utf-8 for your file's encoding, you can now use either of two new commands, :DIsngl :DIdbl I have to ask... I get the DI, but why sngl and dbl? The new utf-8 box

Re: How to let syn keyword accept space?

2011-11-15 Thread Charles Campbell
Peng Yu wrote: [snip] Also is 'syn match' slower than 'syn keyword'? Yes -- keywords are matched using hashing; syn match uses the regular expression engine. Chip -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying

Re: New sh syntax highlighting

2011-11-15 Thread Charles Campbell
Timothy Madden wrote: Hello Can the syntax file for sh scripts be updated to accept the new features for parameter, command and arithmetic substitution ? Parameter substitution: ${parameter:-word} ${parameter-word} ${parameter:=word} ${parameter=word} ${parameter:?word}

Re: vim slow running latex files

2011-11-29 Thread Charles Campbell
Christian Brabandt wrote: Please don't top poste. On Tue, November 29, 2011 1:34 pm, Jonatas Eduardo Cesar wrote: You are right, when i turn off the syntax hilighting vim works with normal speed and I still can use some snippets. Nevertheless, is there another way to speed-up vim without

Re: Conceal mecanism with more then one char

2011-11-29 Thread Charles Campbell
yogsototh wrote: Hi all, I'd like to display - with → in haskell files. But I have the impression the conceal mechanism only work to replace - by one character. An undesirable effect is a visually bad indentation. Is there a way to achieve this? Yes -- place the following lines into

Re: bash highlighting problem...

2011-12-09 Thread Charles Campbell
Taylor Hedberg wrote: Linda W, Fri 2011-12-09 @ 02:46:15-0800: As for the red flagging... I thought it was for syntax errors? since it isn't a syntax error, but merely an older standard, shouldn't it not be flagged as illegal? Yeah, it should probably be accepted as valid syntax

Re: password generator

2011-12-15 Thread Charles Campbell
Marc Weber wrote: a pwd generater requires random values: :h rand*(tab does not show anything - thus VimL does not support random values. On linux like operating systems you can use /dev/(u)random and read some chars or you can use interfaces to the supported scripting languages (python,ruby,..)

Re: password generator

2011-12-16 Thread Charles Campbell
Charles Campbell wrote: Marc Weber wrote: a pwd generater requires random values: :h rand*(tab does not show anything - thus VimL does not support random values. On linux like operating systems you can use /dev/(u)random and read some chars or you can use interfaces to the supported scripting

Re: Binary editing

2011-12-22 Thread Charles Campbell
Daryl Lee wrote: I'm trying to use the binary feature of Vim 7.3, and I can't get it to turn on. I have it on both Windows 7 and Linux (Ubuntu 11.10 and Redhat 5.7). I've tried: vim -b filename :set binary :set display=uhex and nothing takes any effect. I get the normal text assortment of

Re: Can't write to ntfs file system

2012-01-03 Thread Charles Campbell
Graham Lawrence wrote: I thank you all for your help, but I really can't use your recommendations without screwing up something else on my system. I have a script which runs automatically on system startup which immediately references this ntfs drive, so I must have this drive automount on

Re: Delay on opening new file

2012-01-04 Thread Charles Campbell
Alireza Haghdoost wrote: Hi I have the same problem again. vim opens with huge delay. I need to push Crtl+c after vim command to force execution. I don't know why it has such a delay. Here is the content of my :scriptnames 1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc 2: /usr/share/vim/vim71/debian.vim 3:

Re: Can't write to ntfs file system

2012-01-04 Thread Charles Campbell
Marty Fried wrote: On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Joan Miquel Torres Rigo wrote: 2012/1/4 Marty Fried I'm surprised to hear this - it seems to go against the

Re: help with conceal

2012-01-09 Thread Charles Campbell
Fernando Basso wrote: I have a little syntax file, with lines like: highlight sExamplesInText ctermfg=yellow guifg=yellow syntax match sExamplesInText /«\zs[^»]\_.\{-}\ze»/ I'd like to use « and » to delimit the text I want to be yellow, but also, to hide those delimiters. I tried:

Re: help with conceal

2012-01-10 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: On Jan 9, 10:46 am, Charles wrote: The problem you've had with your syntax highlighting is one with priority and sequentiality: * With the following sequence, the has already been taken up syntax match Conceal / \| / conceal syntax

Re: Request for feature upgrade/enhancement.....

2012-01-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Reid Thompson wrote: On Thu, 2012-01-12 at 12:07 -0600, sc wrote: so there might be a faster engine for our scripts :) heh lets embed tcc and write them all in C Make lisp the default script engine and import emacs! :O Look, whenever someone likes a tool, they'd like it used

conflict between the . and inorea

2012-01-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Hello, I have hints files that echo prototypes when a function name is typed in insert mode. Example: inorea abc abcc-o:echoh UniqueBarecho void abc(void *ptr)Barechoh NoneCR so that when in insert mode and abc( is typed, a message is echo'd to the effect that: void abc(void

Re: conflict between the . and inorea

2012-01-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Ben Fritz wrote: On Jan 12, 1:47 pm, Charles wrote: Hello, I have hints files that echo prototypes when a function name is typed in insert mode. Example: inorea abc abcc-o:echoh UniqueBarecho void abc(void *ptr)Barechoh NoneCR so that when in

Re: conflict between the . and inorea

2012-01-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Andy Wokula wrote: Am 12.01.2012 20:47, schrieb Charles Campbell: Hello, I have hints files that echo prototypes when a function name is typed in insert mode. Example: inorea abc abcc-o:echoh UniqueBarecho void abc(void *ptr)Barechoh NoneCR so that when in insert mode and abc( is typed

Re: conflict between the . and inorea

2012-01-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Christian Brabandt wrote: Hi Charles! On Do, 12 Jan 2012, Charles Campbell wrote: Hello, I have hints files that echo prototypes when a function name is typed in insert mode. Example: so that when in insert mode and abc( is typed, a message is echo'd to the effect

Re: conflict between the . and inorea

2012-01-12 Thread Charles Campbell
Charles Campbell wrote: Andy Wokula wrote: * use expr mapping, and :echo as side-effect: inorea expr abc SelfEcho('abc') func! SelfEcho(name) echoh Unique echo printf(void %s(void *ptr), a:name) echoh None return a:name endfunc Great idea! Seems to work well, so I'll

Re: specifying multiple ranges in vim

2012-01-17 Thread Charles Campbell
rail shafigulin wrote: does anybody know if it is possible to specify multiple ranges in vim for a command execution for example: :1,4s/old/new/g - this command will replace old to new in lines 1 to 4 inclusive however what if i want to execute this command in multiple places say something

Re: deleting characters in multiple files?

2012-01-17 Thread Charles Campbell
Anthony Campbell wrote: I want to modify a large number of files (400+). I can semi-automate this as follows by recording the keystrokes: (1)find a particular word, (2)delete a character that follows that world, (3)repeat for a second instance of the character, (4)save the file, and (5)load

Re: What did I do?

2012-01-18 Thread Charles Campbell
Eric Weir wrote: On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:21 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote: If you use CapsLock often, you might want to read this: Thanks, Dotan. Of the many suggestions made here I need to make some decisions about ways to keep myself

Re: Caught deadly signal

2012-01-19 Thread Charles Campbell
Phil Dobbin wrote: Hi, all. For the first time since I seriously started using Vim about six months ago I got this message on startup: `Vim: Caught deadly signal ABRT Vim: Finished. Abort trap` I'd been using it all day had just come back to it. This version of Vim (7.3 Included patches:

Re: elinks.vim

2012-01-19 Thread Charles Campbell
Marc Weber wrote: Excerpts from Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani's message of Thu Jan 19 11:41:06 +0100 2012: I'm on kubuntu 11.10. I can't give support for individual plugins. This Readme introduces debugging: That's a question you have to ask the

Re: Prefix lines with a counter

2012-01-23 Thread Charles Campbell
Tim Chase wrote: On 01/21/12 10:49, Chris Lott wrote: Start with a list of items delineated by line breaks: foo bar baz And turn it into a markdown numbered list: 1. foo 2. bar 3. baz I know that I *could* use 1. for every item, since that's easy enough to do and Markdown knows what to do

Re: Strange highlighting

2012-01-25 Thread Charles Campbell
Phil Dobbin wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 25/01/2012 19:13, Phil Dobbin wrote: I'm seeing a very odd annoying highlighting anomaly. In certain files ( on occasion all files) certain words will be highlighted in only orange grey. These words seem to be totally

Re: autoalign and html

2012-01-30 Thread Charles Campbell
Marcin Szamotulski wrote: You can check the AutoAlign version (v14i) from: Best, Marcin On 18:47 Sat 28 Jan , Cesar Romani wrote: I'm using wim 7.3.420 on windows 7 with the latest version of AutoAlign. Whenever I edit a html file and

Re: creating Vim help files

2009-06-05 Thread Charles Campbell
roy nyc wrote: I'd like to create help files that display correctly in the Vim help facility and a set of companion files that display correctly at cross- linked HTML pages. What's the best approach? Can't help you with the cross-linked HTML pages (perhaps the utl.vim plugin would be of

Re: writing own ex commands

2009-06-07 Thread Charles Campbell
Edward Peschko wrote: All, I'm a bit puzzled - I can see how to write my own functions, and map my own keys, but I don't see offhand how to write my own 'ex' commands.. Is this a simple oversight? I'd like to be able to program :pgrep See :help command However, you can't program

Hijacked threads

2009-06-10 Thread Charles Campbell
Hello, I just thought I'd inquire as to others' thoughts on this netiquette topic: highjacking a thread for a totally unrelated subject. My own tendency is not to reply to such highjacked threads; should I/we start asking that a new thread be started on the subject instead of giving

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