[Vo]:More CF/LENR patent applications

2013-07-27 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

You might want to watch this page for new ones in the short/medium term:


Recently added (Publication date: Jul 25, 2013):

* * *

Yogendra Narain SRIVASTAVA, Allan Widom

Nuclear reactor consuming nuclear fuel that contains atoms of elements 
having a low atomic number and a low mass number

(WO 2013108159 A1)


* * *

Tadahiko Mizuno, Yasuo Ishikawa

Method of and apparatus for nuclear transformation
(US 20130188763 A1)


* * *


Re: [Vo]:Secrets

2013-07-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-25 16:28, Teslaalset wrote:

I rather think in such case Rossi used a piezoresonator.
Rossi likely uses piezoelectric catalyzer(s) as described in recent
published patent application of Pekka Soininen.

I had to dig this for you from where I remember reading about it:


It was a gamma probe for the internal reaction chamber like this one:



Re: [Vo]:Secrets

2013-07-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-25 15:46, Craig wrote:

Didn't Rossi use this method in the Oct 6, 2011 demo? He called it an
'RF Generator", which he brought in when it appeared the heating wasn't
going to start the reaction as fast as he had hoped.

It was a probe (I don't remember exactly for what), not a RF generator 
as claimed.


Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan's comments on Defkalion reactor demo in Milan

2013-07-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-24 02:49, blaze spinnaker wrote:

"If all the water was vaporized, the output thermal power would have
been above 27 kW."

Sounds very thrilling!

They've also been conservative about heat losses through the insulating 
reactor enclosure, not accounted for. During the inactive Argon run only 
about 85% the input energy made it to the coolant outlet. Losses might 
have increased with temperature during the active run.


[Vo]:Mats Lewan's comments on Defkalion reactor demo in Milan

2013-07-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Here on his blog:



Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT demo to be streamed live at 10:00 EDT

2013-07-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-23 14:13, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

I actually meant 10:00 EDT.

That's 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST (local time), or about 1 hour and 40 
minutes from now.

I hope this clears things up,

[Vo]:Defkalion GT demo to be streamed live at 10:00 CDT

2013-07-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

As a reminder, this is the URL where today's demo (intended for the 
ICCF18 audience) will be broadcast live, in English:


Some tech details about the streaming

Some tech details Hello everybody, for your information, this streaming is broadcast from 
the "real" Defkalion labs with light equipment and crew. Yesterday (during the 
italian pre-cast) we had some problems with the internet bandwidth. We are not going to 
use any special connection (we had no time to arrange it) and in case the link drops it 
will be reestablished as soon as possible. Please be patient and consider that the event 
will be available after the broadcast also.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Green Technologies - Italian Demo

2013-07-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-23 02:04, James Bowery wrote:

That's not what the article says:

It says a 4:1 ratio:

Gamberale is talking about the notorious scientific paper by De Ninno et 
al. (ENEA), colloquially referred to as "Rapporto 41" ("Report #41", 
which Google translates to "Ratio 41"):



Re: [Vo]:Preparing for the Defkalion demos of 22 and 23 July

2013-07-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-21 20:38, Alan Fletcher wrote:

Cop of 1.1 Good enough for science, but not dramatic enough for PR.

According to an insider [...] it will actually show a ~6-7x energy gain, 
which is >1.1x

As usual the critical part will be measuring input energy.
They will use this energy meter:



Re: [Vo]:Defkalion webcast officially confirmed

2013-07-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-16 22:58, H Veeder wrote:

Copied from  a facebook group.
Officially confirmed.

A couple more links in Italian confirming this news, but not exactly 
adding yet a whole lot of new details:



Re: [Vo]:Defkalion webcast officially confirmed

2013-07-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-17 03:50, blaze spinnaker wrote:

They should be sending in engineers from companies which specialize in
calorimetry and power measurement.

Cynical skeptics have often complained that a magician or some sort of 
fraud expert should have been present during public LENR demos to check 
for possible tricks that regular scientists couldn't think of. Their 
wish has been fulfilled.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion webcast officially confirmed

2013-07-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-17 02:50, Rob Dingemans wrote:

It looks a bit to me that somebody pulled this organization into the
game to make the claims ridiculous, which in turn could work as a
boomerang and could result in people not taking CICAP serious at all.
In Dutch we would say "schoenmaker blijf bij je leest", as in my
perception the phenomena have nothing to do with any paranormal claims

Think of this organization as a some sort of Italian counterpart of the 
JREF [1] without the 1-million dollar prize. They are known debunkers of 
paranormal and pseudoscientific claims and generally are highly regarded 
in the local mainstream media. As far as I know they rarely investigate 
claims they're not sure they can debunk or scientifically put under a 
bad light.

In addition to their main website [2] (the English version previously 
linked is quite outdated) they have a relatively frequently updated blog 
version of their official magazine [3] where they covered cold fusion 
claims a few times in the past years.

There's also a wikipedia page about them [4], for what it's worth.


[1] http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/about-the-foundation.html
[2] http://www.cicap.org (in Italian)
[3] http://www.queryonline.it/ (in Italian)
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CICAP

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion to demo at NI-WEEK .. can anyone confirm?

2013-07-15 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-16 03:23, blaze spinnaker wrote:

Unconfirmed rumor at this point, but if true:  (face palm)

Towards the end (minute 32:50 onwards) of the following podcast (in 
Italian) of a radio show about science and technology ("Moebius" [1], 
from Radio24, an all-news radio station owned by the newspaper "Il 
Sole24 Ore" [2]) the hosts briefly mention that:

- A "cold fusion demo" will take place on July 22nd at around 
23:30-00:00 italian time;
- They have been invited to participate in it and to bring an expert of 
their choice to supervise the demo and discuss about possible tricks;
- More details about it (they hardly mention any during the show) and a 
live stream will be soon made available on the radio station website [3];

- They will cover this event again on their next show;
+ Other small things I might have missed (most of the segment is a quick 
overview of CF/LENR history and about how physics sometimes can appear 
to be settled science although it never really isn't).


They don't directly link Defkalion GT to this demo, but the hearsay 
information I've read around (22passi like you pointed to and a 
different blog where the same author occasionally writes) does and seems 
reliable. So, it's still mostly "unconfirmed" news but a demo of some 
sort will most definitely occur on July 22nd.


[1] http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/programma/moebius/index.php
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_24_%28Italy%29
[3] http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion to demo at NI-WEEK .. can anyone confirm?

2013-07-15 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-07-15 16:01, DJ Cravens wrote:

I asked Defkalion directly and got a "non committal" reply- neither
confirming or denying.
"We do not disclose what we will present in NI Week and ICCF-18. "

This is unconfirmed news, but it seems there will be a Defkalion GT demo 
in Milan, Italy on July 22nd which will be live streamed on the internet 
and during ICCF18. Some skeptics, scientists and journalists from the 
international press have been invited to this demo. More details will be 
made available in due time.


Re: [Vo]:arXiv:1306.6364 Comments on the report "Indications of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder"

2013-06-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-28 07:02, Hamdi Ucar wrote:


You forgot to include a link:

In a recent report titled "Indications of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder" [arXiv:1305.3913], G. Levi and co-workers put forth several claims concerning the operations and performance of the so-called E-Cat of Andrea Rossi. We note first of all that the circumstances and people involved in the test make if far from being an independent one. We examine the claims put forth by the authors and note that in many cases they are not supported by the facts given in the report. The authors seem to jump to conclusions fitting pre-conceived ideas where alternative explanations are possible. In general we find that much attention is drawn to trivialities while important pieces of information and investigation are lacking and seem not to have been conducted or considered. These are characteristics more typically found in pseudo-scientific texts and have no place in a technical/scientific report on this level. We also note that the 

proposed claims would require new physics in not only one but several areas. Besides a 
cold-fusion like process without production of any radiation also extreme new material 
properties would be needed to explain what rather seems to be a problem of correct 
measurement. Therefore, it is clear to us that a truly independent and scientific 
investigation of the so called E-Cat device, convincingly demonstrating an 
"anomalous heat energy production" has not been presented in the arXiv report 
and is thus, to-date, still lacking.


Re: [Vo]:MFMP cells in Europe and US now showing signs of excess heat

2013-06-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-27 02:33, Mark Gibbs wrote:

So, as I understand from the data [1] over the test runs the US cell saw
a gain of about 4.9% (1.49W/30.25W) and the EU Cell saw about 6.1%

That's about what they've written in the 18:15 UTC update here:

Both the EU Cells and the US Cells were switched on and BOTH indicated excess 
energy as the cells came to equilibrium at higher temperatures than during the 
calibration tests.  The EU cell with the active wire was indicating up to 2.5W 
of excess power over the 30.4W input power (~6% excess).  That is well above 
the 95% confidence limits for that cell (~0.25W).  The US Cell was indicating 
approximately 1.4 watts excess, again, well above the ~0.5W confidence 
interval.   Very exciting to see something positive and especially simultaneous.

The indicated excess seems to be corroborated by several cell temperatures 
higher than calibration values.  The control cells in each location are 
performing at or below calibration values.

The internal cell temperatures seem to be slowly degrading, but the external 
cell temperatures are holding steady.

The resistance of the active wires is slowly rising as, presumably, the 
hydrogen is leaving into the vacuum.

The EU cell has been cycled already, leading to the the active wire "unloading" 
and rising up to a higher resistance than the wire had originally.

I think it's important to note that this is still preliminary data and 
that unexpected measurement artifacts might lurk somewhere.

For example, it's still not clear whether or not hydrogen loading 
affects the way infrared radiation (thermal radiation is the main heat 
transfer mode in these vacuumed cells) from the heated wires and other 
internal components is thermalized by the transparent borosilicate glass 
tube, from whose external temperature, output power calculations get 


Re: [Vo]:MFMP cells in Europe and US now showing signs of excess heat

2013-06-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-26 22:37, Jones Beene wrote:

If you are in contact with them – please ask if they are still using
nichrome as a control.

Both cells (Activated [A] and Control [B] - there is one of each both in 
EU and in the US, so four in total) have a NiCr wire (for 
passive/indirect heating purposes) and a treated Constantan wire from 

The only difference between the control and the activated cells is that 
since yesterday in the activated cells several hydrogen loading cycles 
have been performed and are now apparently showing some excess heat 
under passive heating. It is expected that they will produce even more 
[apparent?] excess heat when the Celani wires will be directly heated 
(by applying current to them). Once Celani wires get loaded it seems 
that they will keep producing excess heat under vacuum for some amount 
of time (days) even when heated passively/indirectly.

They are planning to activate the control cells at a later time.


Re: [Vo]:MFMP cells in Europe and US now showing signs of excess heat

2013-06-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-27 01:09, Jones Beene wrote:

No - I was suggesting that in previous experiments to this one - the same
nichrome wire could have been used. Did they start out with a virgin wire
for this experiment or not? Often experimenters cut corners and reuse items
from previous runs.

I haven't asked but as far as I have seen I'm fairly certain that for 
the control cells they used completely fresh materials.

It is a common misunderstanding to think that all the hydrogen can be pumped
out of nickel by vacuum or a combination of heat and vacuum - and the Hunt
group simply may not have known how tightly the "last" proton is bound to 14
nickel atoms in a FCC crystal. The alloyed proton will not come out even at
2700 degree F.

IOW you can load nickel with hydrogen up to a 1:1 ratio, but you cannot
unload the last proton in the FCC crystal without melting it.

I don't think they are expecting to achieve *complete* hydrogen 
desorption; even Celani warned them that it's not an easy job at all to 
achieve that. It can be pumped out for the most part, but as you say 
there could be a remaining tiny amount virtually impossible to get out 
without destroying the wire.


Re: [Vo]:MFMP cells in Europe and US now showing signs of excess heat

2013-06-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-27 00:55, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

Jones' point about ANY exposure to H is acknowledged...

That being said, does anyone know the exact procedure by which the material
in the control cell was prepared and the cell assembled??? Obviously, the
nichrome wire was shipped to them, but was it exposed to air (humid air will
supply plenty of H)?  How were the cells assembled?? I can't imagine that
they were somehow assembled in a vacuum; perhaps in an inert gaseous

The cells have *not* been assembled in a vacuum or in an inert gaseous 
environment as far as I know. They have all been calibrated with a 
vacuum applied for long periods of time, however. This one was the only 
first run alongside the "activated" cells, not the first run ever.


Re: [Vo]:MFMP cells in Europe and US now showing signs of excess heat

2013-06-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-27 00:42, Jones Beene wrote:

Whether or not nickel-hydride with 7% by atomic volume hydrogen will give
much net gain is debatable - but the  lack of hydrogen gas in the cell after
vacuum purge may not be enough for a good control (if the nichrome was
previously alloyed with hydrogen).

The control cells have not been exposed to hydrogen yet. Are you 
suggesting that they might have been, inadvertently?


[Vo]:Brussels LENR meeting presentations in pdf

2013-06-13 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

The presentations shown during the June 3 LENR meeting at the European 
Parliament in Brussels can now be downloaded, in pdf format, from the 
ENEA website through the following URL:


Direct links:


Source: 22passi


Re: [Vo]:update from the MFMP project

2013-06-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-05 21:29, Harry Veeder wrote:


Does anybody have any rough idea of what would the error margin be for 
an experiment arranged like what can be seen in the photos in the link 


Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-04 21:12, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Here are the remaining links, just in case:

New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
3) Graham K. Hubler

New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
4) Konrad Czerski

New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
5) Robert V. Duncan


[Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Daniele Passerini of 22passi blog is posting photos and slides from 
yesterday's meeting at the EU parliament on LENR, from an anonymous 
source, along with other misc. information. As of writing only photos 
from McKubre's and Violante's presentation are available, but apparently 
more is going to be posted in the coming hours, so check out the 
following URL often:


* * *


3: ...
4: ...
5: ...

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion

2013-06-01 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-01 16:20, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I heard rumors that they were going to have an actual demonstration at
the NI conference. Their previous presentations and audiovisual material
has not been impressive in my opinion. Perhaps I missed something, but
as far as I know they have not presented quantitative data or
calibration curves. Until they do I am not inclined to take the claims

That wasn't a rumor, it's what Xanthoulis supposedly told to Sterling 
Allan a couple months ago:


There could have been a misunderstanding regarding this, however.


[Vo]:Ethics of the E-Cat investigation put into question

2013-05-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

It appears that this email by prof. Guglielmi of the University of Bath 
is being circulated in several blogs. In short, the author wonders 
whether Levi et al. did with their E-Cat investigation a good job from 
an ethical point of view. I don't necessarily agree with the message, 
but I think it's brave of him to put his real name (and those of a few 
supporters) on this. History will tell whether he was right or not.


Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 11:58:24 +0100
To: Giuseppe Levi, Torbjörn Hartman, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson, Lars 
Tegnér, Hanno Essén
From: Alessio Guglielmi
Subject: Ethics of your recent work with Mr Rossi
Cc: Ugo Bardi, Dario Braga, Sylvie Coyaud, Camillo Franchini, Giancarlo Ruocco

Dear Doctors Levi, Foschi, Hartman, Höistad, Pettersson, Tegnér and Essén,

I have read your recent manuscript `Indication of anomalous heat energy 
production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder´ on 
arXiv and I am very perplexed.

You are aware that several alleged technical mistakes have been pointed out, 
such as omitting control on DC current input (which has been acknowledged by 
Prof. Essén in a recent interview) and assuming that the output heat is 
released by a perfect black body (this assumption is contested by Prof. Gianni 
Comoretto, for example). The picture that emerges, and I am sorry if this 
sounds offensive, is that some crucial measures have not been taken seriously 
enough on a discovery that, if genuine, would alter the history of mankind.

However, I have an issue that appears to me even more important, because it 
concerns the very essence of your continued activities on Rossi’s device. Our 
job as researchers is to advance knowledge, and to do so whatever we 
investigate must be reproducible by other researchers, so that the knowledge we 
generate becomes established and we can move forward. This seems at odds with 
your behaviour. You went to the workshop of a private individual who claims to 
be solving half of mankind’s problems, and performed measures on a device that 
you could not fully control and that is not available to other researchers. 
Therefore, your manuscript does not contain any reproducible experience. So, 
how does it advance knowledge? What do we learn?

This brings me to asking another natural question: who will profit from the 
release of your manuscript? You do realise that Mr Rossi sells distribution 
licences and that he needs to convince customers to order some of his plants. 
There is no doubt that your manuscript will help that market, but is this 
something that academics should do? Is our job to help a private sell his stuff 
in the absence of solid, reproducible evidence?

In other words, I wonder whether you are adhering to the scientific method and 
I wonder whether what you are doing is legitimate for academics. Others 
questioned your technical ability, but I think that the ethical questions that 
I am posing here come before, also because they are more understandable by the 
layman. I trust that you appreciate my frankness, and I hope that you can prove 
my concerns unjustified.

I am forwarding this letter in copy to several persons who are following this 
matter: Ugo Bardi (Professor of Chemistry, Univ. Florence, blogger), Dario 
Braga (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Bologna), Sylvie Coyaud 
(Scientific Journalist, Il Sole 24 Ore), Camillo Franchini (blogger, former 
Supervisor of the CAMEN nuclear plant) and Giancarlo Ruocco 
(Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, La Sapienza, Rome). Whoever wishes to 
publish this letter is welcome to do so, of course, and I hope that also the 
answer could be given public form.

Could you please forward this letter to Dr Foschi, whose address I could not 

Best regards,

Alessio Guglielmi
University of Bath


Re: [Vo]:Torbjorn Hartman describes power measurments

2013-05-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-26 23:21, Jed Rothwell wrote:

A Swedish correspondent sent me this link:


Thanks for linking these observations. I think they are very important. 
I wonder why they haven't been included in the report, along with more 
information about observations and "sanity checks" performed by the 
testers and pictures of good quality of the equipment used. I still 
can't believe that there's not a single photo of the E-Cat control box 
or even a schematic diagram of the entire testing setup.


Re: [Vo]:E-Cat Tester's Bios

2013-05-24 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-24 00:46, Mark Gibbs wrote:

Does anone have any more in-depth bios of the group that tested the
E-Cat. This is what I have so far:

Good job with the latest blog post. What about other professors and 
researchers cited in the ArXiv paper? Surely they wouldn't want to be 
associated with this unless they gave explicit permission for it.


Re: [Vo]:Hanno Essén's comments on the latest E-Cat third party report

2013-05-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-23 17:09, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

(this email appeared on the list six hours later than when I sent it)

Re: [Vo]:Elforsk endorsement of E-Cat testing

2013-05-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-23 21:45, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

A couple more links.

Some more background on the ecat.com website:

What is Elforsk?

On 17 December 1992 Vattenfall, Svenska Kraftnät (Swedish national grid), 
Association of Swedish Electric Utilities’ (Svenska Elverksföreningen) and Swedish 
Power Association (Svenska Kraftverksföreningen) agreed to set up Elforsk – Swedish 
Electrical Utilities’ R & D Company (Svenska Elföretagens Forsknings- och 
Utvecklings- Elforsk – Aktiebolag).

From E-Cat World, with links to hints to such cooperation during the 
past months:


One could argue that the E-Cat HT report might not have been written 
under the best standards of quality for a scientific publication, but if 
the Swedish R&D company formed by the association of the local national 
power grid and electric utilities is willing to put their name (and 
money) on this, then it might be the time to start taking Rossi 
seriously to not be caught unprepared.

This is news that might have significant impact on business decisions in 
the short to medium term, in my opinion.


[Vo]:Elforsk endorsement of E-Cat testings

2013-05-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa
(this is my second attempt to send this message. I think the server is 
having problems with some emails)

Hello group,

Have a look here (Google translated):


Swedish researchers have tested Rossi energy catalyst - E-cat

Researchers from Uppsala University and KTH Stockholm has conducted 
measurements of the produced heat energy from a device called the E-cat. It is 
known as an energy catalyst invented by the Italian scientist Andrea Rossi.

The measurements show that the catalyst produces significantly more energy than 
can be explained by ordinary chemical reactions. The results are very 
remarkable. What lies behind the extraordinary heat production can not be 
explained today. There has been speculation over whether there can be any form 
of nuclear transformation. However, this is highly questionable. To learn more 
about what is going on you have to learn what is happening with the fuel and 
the waste it produces. The measurements have been funded by such Elforsk.



[Vo]:Hanno Essén's comments on the latest E-Cat third party report

2013-05-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Given the ongoing interest on Vortex-l, I think these comments by Hanno 
Essén on the latest third party report in a recent article by Phys.org 
might be worth of attention:


"I have followed the Rossi E-Cats for a couple of years now and 
participated in two experiments (including the present one) and read, 
and heard, about several other more or less independent ones," Essén 
told /Phys.org/. "My overall impression is that there must be something 
there, but scientists must always be cautious until everything has been 
checked and rechecked."

Read more at: 
"I have followed the Rossi E-Cats for a couple of years now and 
participated in two experiments (including the present one) and read, 
and heard, about several other more or less independent ones," Essén 
told /Phys.org/. "My overall impression is that there must be something 
there, but scientists must always be cautious until everything has been 
checked and rechecked."

Read more at: 
I have followed the Rossi E-Cats for a couple of years now and 
participated in two experiments (including the present one) and read, 
and heard, about several other more or less independent ones," Essén 
told Phys.org. "My overall impression is that there must be something 
there, but scientists must always be cautious until everything has 
been checked and rechecked."

"I got involved since, for the first time, an inventor of a new energy 
source was willing to allow meaningful observation and measurement," 
he said. "There is always a risk that career and reputation is 
damaged, but for me scientific curiosity always has higher priority."

"It is frustrating to observe a mysterious phenomenon but not be 
allowed to investigate it fully, yes," Essén said. "I understand, 
however, that inventors are mainly interested in commercial 
applications and that this requires the keeping of industrial secrets."


[Vo]:Elforsk endorsement of E-Cat testing

2013-05-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Have a look here (Google translated):


Swedish researchers have tested Rossi energy catalyst - E-cat

Researchers from Uppsala University and KTH Stockholm has conducted 
measurements of the produced heat energy from a device called the 
E-cat. It is known as an energy catalyst invented by the Italian 
scientist Andrea Rossi.

The measurements show that the catalyst produces significantly more 
energy than can be explained by ordinary chemical reactions. The 
results are very remarkable. What lies behind the extraordinary heat 
production can not be explained today. There has been speculation over 
whether there can be any form of nuclear transformation. However, this 
is highly questionable. To learn more about what is going on you have 
to learn what is happening with the fuel and the waste it produces. 
The measurements have been funded by such Elforsk.



[Vo]:Hanno Essen comments on third party E-Cat report

2013-05-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Test message

If this email gets in, there are some comments by Hanno Essen on the 
latest third party report on phys.org: 


Re: [Vo]:Comments by Bo Hoistad

2013-05-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-22 22:11, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Ah! I did not think of that. That is probably a good metric. It is 
still self-selected, and not a random group, but the extremists will 
have only one vote each. If the number of likes is sufficiently high I 
guess the effects of extremists at both ends would be diluted.

I guess what you are saying is that we can look at articles which are 
generally in favor of cold fusion and compare them to ones that attack 
it, and see which is more popular with Facebook. If they are both 
published about the same time that should be a valid comparison. We 
would be looking at the opinions of the general public rather than 
academic scientists, but it would be useful information.

Yes, with Facebook likes you would mainly see how much popular a story 
is in the general public. In other words, its public perception, and not 
much more.

I wonder if we can establish a trend line with this data?

I confess I have never looked at Facebook and I have no idea how it 
works or what is in it. I gather it is all the rage.

I've no idea either, I don't use it actively. I can say however that if 
the Rossi third-party story is getting popular there, then it will 
likely become soon popular in the mainstream news media too. I think 
that Microsoft's Xbox One annoncement/presentation is getting all the 
attention at the moment, tough.


Re: [Vo]:Comments by Bo Hoistad

2013-05-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-22 21:47, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Maybe there are more comments because people find the Disqus interface 
easier to use than Forbes'. It allows corrections, and a popularity 
vote. It is widely used these days.

Disqus is indeed more user friendly, but the amount of Facebook likes is 
in my opinion a very good indicator of how popular a story is.
For that one, just a few hours ago it was at 5.5k likes, while it's 
currently at 9.5k and still increasing very quickly.
I checked other articles on extremetech.com and the most popular ones 
(eg Xbox One news) are at a few hundreds likes at most, with the 
majority being under 100.
Actual page hits must be at least 5-6 times more than that, and 
therefore more than those of the article on Forbes for the Rossi story.

Not that this is of any relevance to the third party report, I just 
found interesting that such story on that relatively unknown (to me at 
least) website could apparently become so popular.

We recently discussed here what percent of academic scientists believe 
cold fusion is real. The only way to find out would be to conduct a 
poll. You might get a sense of it by counting up the comments at 
places like this. I think the CBS article associated with the "60 
Minutes" would be a better sample. The problem is, these are 
self-selected respondents, so the sample is skewed. You could perhaps 
look for people who appear to be academic scientists but even that 
would be distorted.

I doubt there is any way to establish the real numbers, other than a poll.

There is someone named "goat" something-or-other who writes incendiary 
comments attacking cold fusion in various forums. It seems like an 
obsession. He uses many obscenities and ad hominem attacks.  He and 
the people at Wikipedia need to get a life.

If you're referring to GoatGuy, he writes comments mainly on the 
NextBigFuture blog as far as I know.
By the way, speaking of skeptic/negative views about the latest E-Cat 
report, here's a well argumented one (or better than average, at least) 
from a ScienceBlogs blogger:



Re: [Vo]:Comments by Bo Hoistad

2013-05-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-22 21:25, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Many of the comments at Forbes are toxic. The Skeptics have not given 
an inch. Mary Yugo remains convinced it is fraud. She imagines she has 
found many problems with it.

Partially unrelated, but by the amount of comments, shares and facebook 
likes, I think this article is more popular than the the one on Forbes:



[Vo]:A few short comments about the test from Levi

2013-05-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Today, international Business Times Italy featured an article about the 
recently released third party report about several E-Cat HT tests 
performed in Ferrara by Levi et al.:

(in Italian)

Giuseppe Levi was contacted by the news writer and gave a few short 
related comments (semi-Google Translated below):


"As can be inferred, we are facing an unconventional energy source."
"We have been able to carry out our work in complete independence and 
freedom. From the very first moment, it was made clear that we could 
publish our results whatever they were."

"It's certainly not a reaction of chemical nature. The absence of 
radiationtells us that if it's a nuclear energy source, then it's new in 
nature than those known."

[Regarding the total energy production] "These data are in our work. In 
the most conservative case we have energy densities ten times greater 
than conventional ones. However this is certainly an extreme 
understatement. The report contains figures that are likely to be more 

["Do you believe that the E-Cat can turn upside down the global energy 
market?"] "Yes, without a doubt"



Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-21 04:09, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I just read this paper for the third time. This is a gem. [...]

Luboš Motl seems to think otherwise, but I think he's adopted an 
excessively negative view probably due to personal bias against CF/LENR 
in general:


Tommaso Dorigo is another apparently highly regarded skeptic who isn't 
exactly convinced by the latest paper by Levi et al.:


I hope you'll have fun debating with them.


Re: [Vo]:mystery list of Daniele Passerini

2013-05-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-16 05:34, Peter Gluck wrote:
This morning, quite early, Daniele Passerini publishes a mystery list 
of 15 persons: 

Many of them are well known in our circles.
He says these persons were driving a car for the coming (June 2) 
symposium of New Energy for a New World.

Seem interesting.

It appears this is the answer to this riddle:

* * *

*/New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect:/*
*/paving the way for a potential new clean renewable energy source? /*

/*European Parliament - Brussels*/
/Monday, 3 June 2013 from 16:30 to 18:45, /
/Room Jozsef Antall 6Q1/

/The European community should become aware of the "state-of-the-art" of 
the studies on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect phenomenon and of the 
potential future perspectives in the field of Material Science and 
renewable, clean energy. Energy densities measured during Fleischmann 
and Pons Effect (FPE) are hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands 
times larger than the maximum energy associated to any known chemical 
process. This effect was first discovered in 1989 by two electrochemists 
Prof. Martin Fleischmann and Dr. Stanley Pons, by loading palladium with 
deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen). This excess energy is not associated 
with nuclear radiation and does not appear when light water (H2O) is used.
ENEA (Italy), Stanford Research International (SRI, USA) and Energetics 
LLC (USA) have been collaborating on an alternative energy project since 
2004 based upon the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE). The Naval Research 
Laboratory (NRL, USA) joined the research team in 2008 and since 2010 
also the University of Missouri was involved in the research in 
cooperation with Energetics. All the collaborating institutions, after 
several years of scientific review process, do not question the 
existence of this very strong isotope effect as FPE has been observed 
during experiments in the four laboratories.
The proposed event, tries to present the "situation point" of this 
promising research field and even to design the future steps at EU and 
International level./

* * *


Re: [Vo]:News about Rossi from PESN

2013-05-10 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-10 15:53, Peter Gluck wrote:

However enhanced excess energy is the first, sine qua non step.
Rumors circulating about the Professors' Hot Cat report pre-publication
text on the Web accessible for very selected persons. Not confirmed yet.
I'm not asking for nor expecting any further detail here, but are these 
rumors from private correspondence with people you trust or did you read 
this up somewhere on the Internet in the LENR blogosphere?


Re: [Vo]:pictures of 1mw E-cat plant shipping

2013-05-03 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-05-03 20:06, Jack Cole wrote:

Looks like AR has delivered on his promise.


This photo just posted by Daniele Passerini is way more interesting:


Source: http://22passi.blogspot.it/2013/05/fino-al-limite-di-rottura.html

It's a 6 months old photo (previously unreleased) of a "Hot-Cat" being 
pushed to its operating limits.

It does look hot.


[Vo]:Fw: SHARE to All: Possible effect of Carbon, especially Aceton.

2013-04-24 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Dr. Francesco Celani is reporting and encouraging to share that he found 
out that small amounts of liquid hydrocarbons such as Acetone can 
provide significant improvements to anomalous heat generation in 
gas-loaded LENR devices. No further details are available at the moment 
about his experiments and results (how much did heat generation improve? 
How was acetone provided to the system? What steps did he take to ensure 
that excess heat he measured was real and not of chemical nature? And so 
on). I guess he will present them during ICCF18.


That being said, this isn't the first time I've read about the possible 
use of hydrocarbons (in small quantities) in LENR. Does this ring any 
bell to other posters here?


Dear Colleagues,

as anticipated, we have found significative increase of anomalous heat 
when we ADDED small amounts (1-2cc) of liquid hydrocarbons to our 
cell, under partial vacuum conditions.

Hystorically, in gas system, (since 2010), apart H2O and D2O 
(obviously NOT hydrocarbon), we tested:

a) C2H5OH
b) C2H5OD
c) Methanol

Since January 2013, following the kind suggestions of the Italian 
Company that previously (2011-2012) made systematic work (very long, 
expensive and tedious) on Constantan preparation, suggested to test 
the Acetone (CH3-C=O-CH3).

The Company, metallurgical, is located in the North-Est of Italy.
Several Researchers are interested on LENR phenomenologies and they 
have their own Laboratory.
Just to-day they give me permission to share such information, for the 
mankind progress in the field of Science and Technology.
OPEN ACCESS, OPEN SOURCE approach, like the "Martin Fleischmann 
Memorial Project".

The results look enough "robust".

Also Ubaldo Mastromatteo, at STMicroelecronics (near Milan-Italy), 
tested the addition of Acetone, in an apparatus different of our 

He got measurable improvements about Anomalous Heat Generation.


Tanks for Your kind attention.

Francesco Celani

Re: [Vo]:Explosions possible with LENR

2013-04-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-04-13 00:12, Jed Rothwell wrote:

See also:


Maybe Celani has some photos to share that you could add to this page?


[Vo]:A report of a visit to Defkalion Canada

2013-04-10 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Bruce Fast, blogger (I don't know anything more about him, sorry), 
visited Defkalion Canada offices in Vancouver and wrote a brief but 
informative report about it. Most of the information appears to have 
already been covered by Sterling D.Allan of PESN in his last week's the 
company CEO, but there are also new tidbits about near term DGT plans 
and some more background behind how the company was formed that I wasn't 
aware of:


It appears he made this visit back in February, but for some reason he 
reported only today about it. Was this information somehow embargoed?


[Vo]:April 2013 Defkalion GT Interview

2013-04-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Defkalion GT CEO Alex Xanthoulis agreed to be interviewed by Sterling D. 
Allan of PESN regarding the company's current status and future plans, 
and won't be giving any more information to the mainstream media until 
August, when DGT will be presented to the public (with a live demo) 
during NIWeek 2013 [1].

Article here:

Audio recording of the interview:


[1] http://www.ni.com/niweek/

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says third party tests concluded

2013-03-26 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 03/26/2013 03:50 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Akira: Do you know who Prometeon is? (The organization that issued 
this announcement.) Did they do the tests? Will they issue a report?

They are the sole authorized E-Cat reseller/licensee for Italy
I don't know if they will issue reports. Apparently they have made tests 
on working E-Cat devices over the past months but they are not related 
to the upcoming third party scientific validation report.

Have a look here: http://www.prometeon.it/


Re: [Vo]:Rossi says third party tests concluded

2013-03-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-03-25 08:01, Harry Veeder wrote:


Andrea Rossi
March 24th, 2013 at 10:53 PM

Prometon s.r.l issued a related press release (in Italian):


Re: [Vo]:Swedish Defense report about NiH, no result...

2013-02-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-02-23 09:39, Alain Sepeda wrote:

David on LENRNews.eu hav published a Swedish defense report :

This report would have not been surprising if it was just about plain 
nano/micrometric nickel powder experiments. The effects of hydrogen on 
nickel and nickel-based alloys have been studied for decades, without 
any nuclear or otherwise anomalous heating effect normally occurring.

However, as far as I understand, presumably active samples obtained from 
Brian Ahern were used as well, and during these Swedish experiments in 
no case excess heat above error margins has ever been detected.

Why is this worrying, people on other discussion venues are asking. The 
reason is that Ahern is one of the key researchers in the existing LENR 
community reported to successfully and reliably obtain significant 
(several watts) excess heat from Ni-H based experiments. He even has his 
own theory on the working mechanism, based on the concept of 
"nano-magnetism". I'm assuming the Swedish researchers who performed the 
experiments have been in contact with him for tips and suggestions. 
Nevertheless, they haven't been able to independently reproduce his results.

At this stage I think it's important to know what is Brian Ahern's 
opinion on this matter, which is probably known in the private mailing 
list CMNS. I invite people with access to that list to share relevant 
information here too, if possible.


[Vo]:Defkalion GT experimental data available to selected members of the LENR research community

2013-02-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Defkalion GT chief technical officer John Hadjichristos occasionally 
writes comments and answers questions on Peter Gluck's blog EGO OUT [1]. 
I think this one posted today might be worth of some attention:


This paragraph in particular:

[...] We have allocated already funds for common R&D and theoretical interpretation to specific 
distinguished members or teams of the existing "LENR" research community, providing them full 
access to our experimental data and resources. Hopefully the expected results of such "focusing to 
objectives" activities will start showing up in papers within 2013.

Even though experimental data and resources is most probably under 
various NDAs, I wonder if those selected members and teams from the 
"existing LENR research community" are are among known posters from 
Vortex or CMNS (a private mailing list to which I have no access) and if 
their involvement with DGT (that is, their exact names) is under NDAs as 

Some disclosure here would boost DGT's public image a bit.


[1] http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com/

Re: [Vo]:George Miley up for ARPA-E funding

2013-02-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-02-08 11:49, Moab Moab wrote:

It seems LENUCO might be up to get funding from ARPA-E. Maybe. First
he'll need enough votes.


It would have been in LENUCO's best interest to let people know about 
this in advance!

What a wasted opportunity. (if not for funding, at least for visibility 
/ public awareness) No chances to take the lead within the remaining 
time over other projects with 1500+ votes.


[Vo]:Dr. Edmund Storms, LENR interview on The Space Show (2013-01-18)

2013-01-19 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Listen here:

(90 minute MP3 46.1MB)

The Space Show website:


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion European branch

2013-01-03 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-01-03 15:03, Peter Gluck wrote:

Defkalion's E-Cat is launched in Italy too:


They have a website - "coming soon":


Additional information from user Renzo of E-CatWorld blog:

The Defkalion website says:
“European R&D Center: 5 via Bastia, Milano 20139, Italy – Tel: +39 0253 92829″
the above phone number belongs to MOSE S.R.L.
there are many S.R.L. with that name but I found one in Vigevano (not far from 
Milano) with an interesting description:
“Study and research, design, construction and development of prototypes, and 
the engineering and mass production and sale of machinery and plants for the 
processing and production of energy, with high performance and high 
efficiency(activity carried out at the local facility in Noviglio)”

they have applied for a patent
and the firm is cited in a document by Celani
L. Gamberale. MOSE SrL, Viale Montegrappa 20, 27029 Vigevano (PV)-Italy.

article from Nextme:
the CEO of Mose s.r.l. is Franco Cappiello:


Re: [Vo]:Storms: Analysis of Celani calorimeter

2012-12-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-17 15:53, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I cannot access Quantumheat.org for some reason. If anyone here can
access it, please copy Storms' analysis to it.

It works for me. Storms' analysis has already been linked a couple times 
in their latest blog post.

The MFMP team should better contact him directly, though.


Re: [Vo]:Storms comment at quantumheat

2012-12-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-16 17:29, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Note that Ed left a comment here:



It's the right time for suggestions and test requests to improve their 


Robert Greenyer 2012-12-16 17:11

I have recently arrived in Switzerland and am starting to upload videos from 
Rome at Nicolas' house.

Mathieu has powered down the EU cell and bringing it here and it will be placed 
into a completely different environment. In the mean time, we would really like 
you all to brainstorm and collate your top of the pops change lists for the 
experiment and and any mini-experiment s that you want us to run.

Hopefully I will make this the first of the collaborate tasks on the new 
section of the website.

However, I think such suggestions would have to fit constraints of low 
cost, low complexity, reliability, safety.


Re: [Vo]:MFMP: Temperature of inner glass surface.

2012-12-14 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-14 21:24, Jeff Berkowitz wrote:

Did anyone ever find it?

It's "Power (Red) (bar)" instead of "Power (Red) (W)". Bars instead of 

"Red" is the active wire.


Re: [Vo]:MFM Project

2012-12-13 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-13 16:02, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is only my impression, but these graphs look far too smooth to be
cold fusion. All of the actual cold fusion reactions I have seen
fluctuate much more than this. They increase, decrease and sometimes
stop for no apparent reason. This looks like an instrument artifact.

Nevertheless, this appears to be the same effect as reported by Celani 
and Ubaldo Mastromatteo from STMicro: the higher the input power 
applied, the more the glass tube appears to heat compared to calibration 
runs with an inert wire and the active wire under inert conditions. This 
temperature difference appears to be significant. . So, in a way, their 
replication was successful.

It's been suggested in their blog that they should use a steel tube 
(preferably painted in special black paint) instead of borosilicate 
glass, in order to make sure that there isn't some artifact happening 
with the active wire emissivity changing under loaded conditions and 
affecting temperature readings at the external glass thermocouple.

If that quick and cheap test will be successful too, then the final 
answer will come from proper flow calorimetry.


Re: [Vo]:MFM Project

2012-12-13 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-13 13:25, Craig wrote:

They shut the power off from around 4:30 am EST until around 5:45am EST.
Does anyone know why?

It appears they tried loading it with pure H2 instead of an H2-Ar 
mixture (75%-25%). This might (according to Dr.Celani) increase over 
time the apparent excess heat.

According to MFMP calibrations with the inactive wire, at 1 bar of 
pressure the wire should about 1°C hotter at the input power level 
chosen (48 W), which means that their currently estimated excess heat 
under pure H2 should be about 0.7 higher than under H2-Ar for this 
reason alone. Anything significantly higher than this should be a due to 
a genuine increase of temperatures due to a LENR effect or unknown 

By the way, the controversy with "conservative baselines" arose  because 
the very first calibration performed with the inactive wire under H2-Ar 
gas (thick blue line in the graph below) and the last ones performed 
with the active wire under helium (not shown) showed significantly lower 
external glass temperature readings than the rest of those made with the 
inactive wire with different gases and pressures:


So, in order to avoid problems due to excess enthusiasm (my 
interpretation) they chose as a baseline the calibration showing the 
highest glass temperatures readings, which means that any possible 
excess heat effect with the active wire under hydrogen atmosphere might 
currently be significantly underestimated.

Of course, this is assuming that LENR is indeed occurring inside the 
cell. There's still the chance that this could all be an unexpected 
error artifact especially since they're measuring temperatures from a 
more or less transparent glass tube.


Re: [Vo]:Direct heating of Celani's wire at EU cell of MFMP

2012-12-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-13 03:29, Craig wrote:

This is so strange. I set the data in View Test Celani Cell #2, found here:


to view back 4 hours. Then I selected only P_Xs Low. Notice that the
excess power is oscillating between 4 watts and 8 watts, in a very
precise rhythm, with each wave appearing to have the same shape, and
with each wave lasting about an hour. I also see that the wave appears
to be tapering with the lows becoming higher and the heights become
lower. There also seems to be a correlation with T_Ambient, but why?

Whatever this is, it didn't happen with the previous overnight run with 
power applied to the inert wire (and the active wire partially loaded, 
in hydrogen atmosphere). This is a user-submitted image from the MFMP 
blog showing it:

(note that "Power (Red)" actually shows W instead of bar)

From 2012-12-12 00:00 to about 10:00, external glass temperature (under 
50W of indirect heating) didn't seem to fluctuate very much with ambient 
temperature. However with direct heating (48W) it does quite much.

The main difference between those two runs is that the one with indirect 
heating had a starting hydrogen pressure of 2 bar (which increase with 
heat, of course), while the latter ones started at 1 bar, probably 
offering less thermal inertia (but still not explaining how glass 
temperature variations can be larger than ambient ones, assuming that 
these are the ones which drive them).


Re: [Vo]:MFM Project

2012-12-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-12 23:39, Harry Veeder wrote:

I am confused about the location(s). Where exactly is/are the Celani
replications occuring?

In Europe (France) and in the US (Minnesota).

The replication apparently showing excess heat as of now is the European 
one, which is very close to the original Celani experiment (using a 
borosilicate glass tube).

They're planning to set up several different cells soon in the Minnesota 
lab in order to more confidently replicate the excess heat effect and 
verify that it's indeed real.


Re: [Vo]:Direct heating of Celani's wire at EU cell of MFMP

2012-12-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-12 22:57, Arnaud Kodeck wrote:

As shown now, the excess power has decreased just above 4W. That excess heat
might not stay long. Cross finger that it will happen.

It looks like it increased again. Now it's at almost 8W. No apparent 
change in input power or external conditions. Surely, this cell is 
behaving interestingly.


Re: [Vo]:Direct heating of Celani's wire at EU cell of MFMP

2012-12-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-12 22:57, Arnaud Kodeck wrote:

I would be a little more conservative. The excess power must be kept for
more than an hour or two, to at least remove any chemical reaction that may

As shown now, the excess power has decreased just above 4W. That excess heat
might not stay long. Cross finger that it will happen.

You're right. More time is needed to rule out chemical reactions, for 
the current run.

Before applying power directly to the active wire, they heated the cell 
with the reference (inert) wire for several hours continuously, and it 
still appeared to show significant amounts (a few watts) of excess heat 
however, so I think that chemical sources can already be ruled out.

The real question, as I previously mentioned, probably is if this excess 
heat effect is actually real or not.


Re: [Vo]:MFM Project

2012-12-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-12 22:47, Craig wrote:

The have 48 watts of input power now and are getting out 52 - 54 watts
on their conservative estimate. Their optimistic estimate shows them at
around 67 - 70 watts out.

The conservative estimate is *really* conservative. Basically, it's the 
calibration with the inert wire which gave the highest external glass 
temperature readings, putting aside that it was running at a lower 
hydrogen pressure (which increases glass temperatures slightly).


Re: [Vo]:Direct heating of Celani's wire at EU cell of MFMP

2012-12-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-12 22:08, Arnaud Kodeck wrote:


Promising results are shown from EU cell of MFMP !

It seems that even taking into account the most conservative baseline to 
determine output power by curve fitting (to the previously made 
calibration runs), they're already showing excess power at about 6W. 
With the least conservative baseline, that's about 20W.

It looks like using borosilicate glass instead of quartz did really make 
a difference. Quartz glass is almost completely transparent to IR 
radiation, while borosilicate glass is mostly (although not totally) 
opaque to it.

Note to readers: the MFMP team is not using the Stefan-Boltzmann law to 
determine output power. This decreases the likelihood of large errors.

I think it's safe to say that the MFMP finally successfully replicated 
Celani's anomalous thermal effect from his treated Constantan wires. The 
next step is now to determine whether that is a real effect or it's all 
due to a really unexpected artifact lurking somewhere.


Re: [Vo]:Energy Stored Within MFMP Celani Cell

2012-12-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-11 05:02, David Roberson wrote:

I am seeking a bit of feedback from the Vortex crowd.

For more feedback, next time try writing a new thread (by writing a new 
post to the mailing list at vortex-l@eskimo.com with the "write" 
function or its equivalent in your email client) instead of replying to 
existing posts (with the "reply" function) when starting a new 
discussion about MFMP.

All your threads so far are nested inside other ones, which makes them 
difficult to spot for people who use email clients in threaded mode, and 
also off-topic to those you're mistakenly replying to.


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-08 23:27, Jed Rothwell wrote:

They are doing this now? Or do you mean they did it before but those
data points are not published yet.

That's what they did. The graphed calibration data points are in the 
document I previously linked. It's certainly not the full data set. It's 
supposed to be a small addendum to the 2-pages preview posted yesterday:


Data points, although are of different colors, are from the same run. 
That is just their fancy way to show the temperature ranges where 
normally (under activated conditions) there is excess heat and where 
there isn't.

I'm aware there's not enough information to properly understand what's 
and how's their method, but that's the way it is right now. We will know 
more in a week.

Calibrating with a gas other than hydrogen also seems like a bad idea to
me. They need a wire that is definitely inert, in hydrogen and other
conditions as similar to the active run as they can make them [...]

I didn't intend to enter into discussions whether their calibration 
approach is solid or not, just presenting the facts as they're coming in.


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-08 22:01, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Those are the same data points shown in the other graph.

Indeed the graphs doesn't show this very clearly, but if you compare 
both of them carefully (check again!), in this case all data points are 
aligned with the linear/"no excess heat" trend line. This is because... 
[read below]

So, in other words, they are using the active wire at temperatures below
where the effect turns on, and this is their inert or blank calibration.

...actually, they make the active wire "inert" in a way that 
temperatures where the effect would normally show (the "con produzione" 
red data points) can be reached without excess heat production and used 
for calibration. No details on how this is achieved have been provided 
yet (although I expect they used a fully hydrogen-unloaded wire under an 
inert gas mixture).

That's not a good method, in my opinion. They need to try a fully inert
wire made from another substance, calibrating through the full range of
temperatures that the active wire exposed to.

They're doing it with a deactivated/inert Celani wire.
After the calibration process they reactivate it by loading it with 


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-07 16:02, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not like this graph on page 2:


There are no calibration points above 0.5 W input, and no live run data
points below that. You have to have calibration points at the same power
levels as the live run. There has to be overlap. If your highest input
power during the live run is 4.6 W (as shown here) you have input 4.6 W
during the calibration, or better yet 5 W.

In an update posted by Daniele Passerini on his 22passi blog, Ubaldo 
Mastromatteo, main author of this Celani effect replication at STM labs, 
forwarded a graph showing a [one of many?] calibration run:


In short, by using different testing conditions which make the active 
wire "inert", they obtained a linear relationship of output power with 
temperature. Wire performance under conditions which make it "active" is 
then compared to this linear trend curve fit.

A relatively detailed description of how to read this and the previous 
graph (for those who didn't get it at first) and other clarifications on 
the status of this research at STMicroelectronics was also provided. 
It's in Italian, however. Those interested please use Google Translate 
at your own risk:



Re: [Vo]:Next Big Future..LENR Photogaphs

2012-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-08 17:40, Ron Kita wrote:

Greetings Vortex-L

I just saw the photographs:

Did Vortex show this before?

Yes; see thread:

[Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's 
constantan wires



[Vo]:Probable Celani replication


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-08 11:15, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

I attempted to reinterpret the (new) graph on page 2 to make it easier
to understand. I admit that at first I had almost no idea of what it was
trying to convey. Now I think I do:


Combining data from the table on the left and the new graph (and some 
plausible assumptions) I managed to plot a graph of input power vs 
excess power:


At the highest point it's 21.8% more output power than the input.


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-07 16:02, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not like this graph on page 2:


I attempted to reinterpret the (new) graph on page 2 to make it easier 
to understand. I admit that at first I had almost no idea of what it was 
trying to convey. Now I think I do:



Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of Carlos Ortez Web Proceedure

2012-12-07 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-07 20:41, Jones Beene wrote:

Are there any details? Can you post the details here?

I think that page is some sort of parody. I'm not sure it deserves much 
attention. Here's the text contained within, anyway (there's nothing 
else besides the "leaked" photo of Rossi's hot Cat from last summer):

Experimental Procedures

[image - Rossi Hot Cat]


1.  Magnesium Powder purchased from
2.  Manganese Chloride, tetra-hydrate from
3.  Clinoptilolite from
4.  Nickel Chloride, Hexa-hydrate from
5.  Thorium Radioactive Mantle from
6.  Ceramic heating elements from

Desired In Situ Reaction

1.  MnCl2(4H2O) + 5Mg => MgCl2 + 4MgO + 8H*
2.  (Clinoptilolite) H2O + Mg =>MgO + 2H* [Assume 26% H2O in Zeolite]
3.  NiCl2(6H2O) + 7Mg => MgCl2 + 6MgO + 12H*
4.  Mg + 2H* => MgH2

Ni Mn 2:1 Trial Proportions

To a 100 gram portion of raw Clinoptilolite calculated amounts (based on gram 
molecular ratios relating to the equations above) of remaining materials are 
combined to achieve a final mix of 85% Clinoptilolite (Dry Basis) 10% Ni and 5% 
Mn. The calculated quantity of Mg was doubled to assure excess reducing 

Chamber Preparation

A 10 gram sample of the mix prepared above was placed in a standard 4" X 3/8" 
pipe nipple capped and welded at one end.

A 5 mm square portion of the Mantle material was cut up and mixed in.

Teflon tape and a cap were used to loosely cover the open end. This reaction 
chamber was placed inside a PVC tube to
undergo five successive evacuations and flushes with propane.

The reaction chamber was removed and the loose cap thoroughly tightened. With 
one thermocouple and two heating elements (one on each side) it was thoroughly  
wrapped in high temperature insulation.

Seasoning Reaction Chamber

1.  Placed wrapped devise inside 1' length of 3" heavy steel tube.
2.  Proped tube vertically with double layers cement blocks outdoors, top 
covered by small plastic sheet.
3.  Adjust voltage (Variac) up 5 volts every 6 hours.
4.  Cut input at 450 C and allow cool to ambient.


1. Voltage switched on at input cut above.
2. Plot temperature vs time shows substantial slope increase at 150 C.
3. Dummy run without Ni, Mn & Mantle shows no such increase.


This research is not open. No comments communications, or additional 
information is available. I post this in thanks to the many published documents 
and comments posted by others working in the field, especially Nick Reiter. 
This research was funded solely by myself. My future work is now sponsored with 
a strong NDA prohibiting contact with anyone.

Carlos Ortiz
Guayanilla, PR


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of Carlos Ortez Web Proceedure

2012-12-07 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-07 18:42, Jed Rothwell wrote:

What is this? Details please. Who is Ortez?

Have a look at the following link. Notice something?



Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-07 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-07 16:02, Jed Rothwell wrote:

[...] I am not happy with this. I need more information to judge it, but it
gives me a bad feeling.

I feel your confusion. Hopefully the full slides bound to be presented 
(and released to the public) on December 14th [1] will help clarify this.


[1] During this event: 

Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-07 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-05 16:01, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

A quick update from Celani forwarded to 22passi:

Dear Colleagues,

just after the "chaotic discovering" of the name of the original Company
(06 December 2012) that make replication of our experiment, I realised
that some of the documents in the net could not correct because problems
arising in the transfer from pc to MAC and viceversa.

So, I am sending the original document, pdf format.

* Please note the following, specific to the Constantan wire that I gave
to STMicroelectronics (type 2L) for the specific experimentation:

A) The wire is long ONLY 20cm (usually I used 100cm);
B) The layers are ONLY 2 (i.e. type 2L). Usually I used 300-700 layers;
C) The pressure in the chamber is only 0.5bar ABS of pure H2;
D) They made CALORIMETRIC measurements, not only termometry;
E) The SEM-EDX was made, AFTER the H2 absorption, both on reference
section (smooth) and possible active sites (like "floweres" in the photo).

*The principal investigator that made the experiment is Dr. Ubaldo
Mastromatteo, for long time expert in the field.

* Please, share the information to the Colleagues included in your mailing

Thanks for Your time,

Francesco CELANI

The attached 'original' document in pdf format:


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-06 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-05 16:13, Akira Shirakawa wrote:


I tried making an improved, clearer chart with data from this slide, 
showing the relationship between wire temperature and excess power. I've 
also extrapolated an additional data point at 400 °C:



Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-05 16:47, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Ain't that nice!
This should encourage the M.F.M. people to keep at it.

It appears they have been already aware of these results for weeks, but 
they had an agreement to not disclose them before mid-December (too late 
now). Maybe that's where much of their confidence comes from:


Celani says they used a "completely different reactor." That's good. I
assume that means a different cell configuration that allows some other
method of calorimetry.

Yes, he means that they used a different configuration allowing proper 

As I and others already suggested, I hope the MFMP will manage to obtain 
and test more wires at the same time in order to improve the 
signal/noise ratio and thus making the thermal anomaly visible without 
the need for sophisticated equipment. Even with 2-layered wires, 
researchers at STM obtained a power density of 21W/g. I don't know why 
they haven't done so already - one gram of treated nickel-copper alloy 
shouldn't be that expensive to prepare, most probably less than the 
hundreds of hours invested by the MFMP team on this project so far.


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-05 16:01, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

The results of this independent validation will likely be presented 
during this event, on December 14th:


Have a look at the bottom left portion of the second page of this 
program. Search for "STMicroelectronics".


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-05 16:50, Peter Gluck wrote:

Dear Akira,
I cannot open the file with the results-

Try this:


how great is the excess heat?

1.16W at 350 °C

Wire mass = 0.055 g
length = 200 mm
diameter = 0.2 mm

Input power not disclosed, but I guess it's the usual 48W. The excess 
heat is small, but calorimetry should be sound, and the wire is reported 
to be significantly less active than normal ones, in addition to being 

Let's see what is doing Quantum Heat now.And other groups tryingto
reproduce Francesco's method.

I think this will motivate them going forward.


Re: [Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-05 16:01, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

An improved version of Celani's ICCF17 presentation in a scientific 
paper format was also posted on the same blog:


These are the slides mentioned in the opening post, edited to show the 
name of the "major international company":



[Vo]:Independent validation of thermal anomalies from Celani's constantan wires

2012-12-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

According to a recent email by Francesco Celani posted on 22passi, it 
appears that thermal anomalies from his treated constantan wires hav 
been successfully and independently validated by some researchers 
affiliated with a major multinational corporation.

Source (in italian):


The email (hand-tweaked Google translation):

from: Francesco.Celani
to NextMe, 22 steps, EnergeticAmbiente, Vincenzo Valenzi
Date: December 4, 2012 19:07
Subject: 2 Slides end of the meeting about the replica.

Dear Colleagues,

as requested, I am attaching a copy of the 2 slides about the first INDEPENDENT 
replication of thermal anomalies using nano-Constantan wires, according to our 
procedures regarding the preparation of the material.
The experiments were carried out in complete autonomy, by researchers (experts) 
affiliated to a major international industry.

Please note the following:

- The reactor used is COMPLETELY different from the one we developed and used. 
As a result, the probability of a systematic error in the measurements has 
become highly unlikely;
- Calorimetric measurements [were performed] and are not only thermometric (as 
used by us, in the specific case);
- They used only 20 cm of wire, ie a fifth of that used by us;
- The wire used is a "base", type 2L, ie with only TWO layers of nanomaterial. 
Usually use wires with 200-700 layers.
- Regarding the thermal anomalies, they begin with temperatures higher than 
those typically found with wires of 200-700 layers. The magnitude ​​of the 
anomalies, normalized to a standard [wire] length, is approximately half of 
those seen with the wires from 200-700 layers.

The "mechanical" robustness of the wires seems to be unchanged.
Apart from my brief preview, the data SHOULD be presented and thoroughly 
discussed before December 15, by the authors of the measurements.

Thanks for your attention,
Francesco CELANI

The slides reportedly coming from a major multinational corporation:


By manually editing the file and displacing the cyan boxes ("XYZ" and 
"Big international Company" it becomes apparent that the company is 


Re: [Vo]:[Defkalion GT] "Το ΒΗΜΑ-science" article of December 2nd, 2012 (in English)

2012-12-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-04 23:34, Terry Blanton wrote:

Well, well.  When I go to their site I see a page announcing a new web
site coming "soon".

Did you save the .pdf?  If you could send to me I can post on google
docs.  Or you could if you do that sort of thing.

I expected that something like this would happen sooner or later, so I 
saved a copy as soon as I displayed the pdf in my web browser:



Re: [Vo]:[Defkalion GT] "Το ΒΗΜΑ-science" article of December 2nd, 2012 (in English)

2012-12-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-04 10:26, Akira Shirakawa wrote:


PDF version (containing a few photos) now available in the link above. 
Direct link:


(you might need to be logged to the DGT forum)


[Vo]:[Defkalion GT] "Το ΒΗΜΑ-science" article of December 2nd, 2012 (in English)

2012-12-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Courtesy of DGT:

The following article appeared in "TO BHMA-Science" at December 2nd, 2012 

For the non-Greek speaking people, here bellow is a translated in English 
version of this article. In this translation, one more explanatory paragraph 
[Gold Fusion's Trojan Horse, in italics] was included, as was provided to us by 
the scientific journalist Tasos Kafandaris. This paragraph was omitted from the 
printed version due to space limitations.




Re: [Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-25 17:05, Jed Rothwell wrote:

1. It is lot harder to accomplish than it sounds. I can summarize it in
a single sentence, "apply the Arata technique to nickel" but that
describes years of effort.

This might sound like a naive question, but isn't the Arata technique 
documented? And if it isn't, why it isn't?

As long as "recipes" that work remain secret or purposely badly 
described, people will have to reinvent the wheel each time, resulting 
in delays of the scientific acceptance of the effect and the technology 
to the market.


Re: [Vo]:More leaked (?) info from Defkalion GT

2012-10-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-22 14:14, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

As a side note, it appears that the entity which funded Michael A. 
Nelson's traveling expenses was not the "Free Energy Foundation", but 
rather the "New Energy Foundation". This correction comes from Mark 
Gibbs of Forbes. See [1] and footnotes on [2].

The New Energy Foundation is none other than:



Re: [Vo]:PopSci article on Rossi now online

2012-10-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-23 18:05, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Not related with the opening post, but this came just in from Google Alerts:


A cautiously neutral article on cold fusion on Discover Magazine, mainly 
revolving around Widom-Larsen theory and Zawodny's known public efforts 
to "test the WL theory". Nothing new, but it's interesting to see that 
this magazine picked it up. No mention whatsoever of Rossi or Defkalion.

On the main website page the article headline is "A sort-of return of 
Cold Fusion".


[Vo]:PopSci article on Rossi now online

2012-10-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

The 8-page article published on the November issue of Popular Science is 
now publicly available for reading on the official PopSci website. For 
sure, user reactions in the comment section don't seem very 
enthusiastic, to say the least:



Re: [Vo]:New paper by Storms and Scanlan

2012-10-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-22 20:44, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Storms, E. and B. Scanlan, /Nature of energetic radiation emitted from a
metal exposed to H2/. J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci., 2012(submitted).


I don't think I have the expertise needed to discuss this in detail, but 
it's quite an interesting, clearly written paper and I recommend others 
who do, to read it as well.

It doesn't sound like it should be too hard to verify the claims for 
experienced researchers, but for this reason it's in turn hard to 
believe that radiation emission from metals (treated at a nanometric 
scale) just by exposure to H2 and [optionally] heat due to small scale 
fusion effects has never been observed so far, even by chance (as NAE, 
cracks, appear to be a prerequisite for this to happen), in other fields 
such as the battery/fuel cell industry for example.

Hidden in plain sight would be a suitable expression to define this 
effect if really confirmed.

Now we only need a foolproof, methodology to reliably and cheaply create 
these NAE on common metals (such as Ni, Cu). Maybe Francesco Celani has one?


Re: [Vo]:(Audio) NASA Chief Scientist on space exploration and LENR

2012-10-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-22 06:29, Patrick Ellul wrote:

Thanks for this. If anyone comes across a transcript of the portion
where he talks about LENR, it would be very handy.

A partial transcription I found on E-CatWorld:

“LENR, which we’re working on here, we’ve got 22 years now of experiments on 
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, which indicate out of hundreds of experiments 
that this is real. And we now have a theory from Widom Larsen that it’s 
condensed matter nuclear physics, it is collective effects.

It is not particle physics. It is not the usual business and you can get around 
the Coulomb barrier by forming ultra-weak neutrons using heavy electrons which 
not only enable you to form the neutrons but also converts the gamma radiation, 
which comes off the beta-decay, which is where the energy is finally produced – 
convert that into thermal so that you don’t have to have much radiation 

So LENR is expected to be anywhere from twenty thousand to 3 million times 
chemical [energy] and that would really revolutionize space. LENR is not 
“heavily” investigated, we have a two to three hundred K effort. We are also 
cooperating with people that we can’t divulge under cooperative agreements. 
There is quite a lot of interest because LENR purportedly also produces trace 
mutations. So, if LENR [transmutation] works, we can take whatever is on the 
planet and possibly transmutate it into something we need.”


Re: [Vo]:More leaked (?) info from Defkalion GT

2012-10-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-22 14:14, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

The document (I suggest saving a copy in case it gets deleted):

Compare the document above with this one:

They look similar, don't they? I think it was supposed to be a 
presentation for internal use, probably not something "on behalf of Dr. 
Michael Melich".


Re: [Vo]:More leaked (?) info from Defkalion GT

2012-10-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-22 14:24, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Every page in this document is marked "Extremely
Confidential." Evidently that does not mean much at Defkalion.

I don't get all this confidentiality either.


Re: [Vo]:More leaked (?) info from Defkalion GT

2012-10-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-22 14:14, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

The document (I suggest saving a copy in case it gets deleted):

By the way, I think it's important to point out that this document is 
dated March 2012, while the other two currently available for download 
are from September 2012 (differently than what I assumed in my opening 
post). On his March visit to DGT labs, Micheal A. Nelson hadn't had yet 
the chance to witness a DGT reactor demonstration.


[Vo]:More leaked (?) info from Defkalion GT

2012-10-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

It appears that the pdf documents with redacted names wasn't the only 
one which sort of "leaked" from early uploads put on the official 
Defkalion GT forums and hastily replaced with different ones. Apparently 
there was another one, formatted as a presentation and signed by Micheal 
A. Nelson, which describes more in detail his visit do Defkalion GT labs.

Congratulations to ecatnews.com blog for the timing in picking this up.

The document (I suggest saving a copy in case it gets deleted):


[Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

After contacting Michael A. Nelson directly and receiving confirmation 
that he attended as an independent witness to Defkalion GT testings, it 
looks like Mark Gibbs changed his tune a bit. Full article here:



Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT announces test results

2012-10-19 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-19 17:17, Akira Shirakawa wrote:


On page 18:

Test observer, Michael Nelson, was asked to come in lieu of Micheal Melich due 
to Dr. Melich's current constraints [...]

Michael Melich is on Rossi's Board of Advisers too:


This might sound like a stupid question, but since Rossi and his team 
were so adamant that Defkalion GT had absolutely nothing in their hands, 
now that Micheal Nelson positively reported for Melich on the excess 
heat from DGT's reactor, will they change their mind?


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT announces test results

2012-10-19 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-19 14:12, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

2012-09-07_Test Report Validation_Signed_No Names.pdf [3.52 MiB]

An earlier version with names of this test report has been posted on 
ecatnews.com, pulled from the browser cache of a user who happened to 
stumble upon it:


The other 2-pages, 52 kBytes report was also reported to be originally 
longer and more detailed, but it looks like that version is no longer 
available to the public.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT announces test results

2012-10-19 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-19 14:12, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Today, an official announcement about test results was posted on the
Defkalion GT forum:


Two videos have been added:

Explanation of the calorimetry set-up:

Triggering the reaction


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT announces test results

2012-10-19 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-19 14:12, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Exec Sum of Defkalion Test Review - Sept 2012.pdf [52.49 KiB]

By the way, I wonder if the way DGT blacked out some information in the 
pdf above was *very* weak on purpose.


[Vo]:Defkalion GT announces test results

2012-10-19 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Today, an official announcement about test results was posted on the 
Defkalion GT forum:


As previously promised, we are attaching two files that contain a signed 
protocol and a preliminary report by one independent international group on our 
technology. This marks the end of our first cycle of testing on our lab 
reactors, which lasted five months with 21 different experiments having been 
conducted by three different international organizations. The attached 
documents indicate the test results obtained by one such team.

The other two international well known testing organizations obtained equally 
impressive results following similar protocols while using their own 
instrumentation. These results, data, and full analyses by each of the three 
testers will be published in peer reviewed Journals as applicable by each 
Names of the testers and the organizations they represent are still under 
strict NDAs and have therefore been removed from the attached documents. 
Defkalion will not disclose names.

In the attached protocol the first page represents our R&D path and our testing 
strategy. The test performed under this protocol can be identified under step 1.3.2, 
which represents the end of this section of our work in progress. Subsequent R&D 
steps and tests on our pre-industrial prototypes have already been scheduled by third 
parties (as depicted in step 2 – Hyperion Multi-Reactor Kernel Testing).

Additionally, all such tests have been video recorded. The following two links 
indicate a small sample of such recordings.

· Explanation of the calorimetry set-up:
(uploading in progress)

· Triggering the reaction:
(uploading in progress)

Defkalion Green Technologies
19th October, 2012


Exec Sum of Defkalion Test Review - Sept 2012.pdf [52.49 KiB]

2012-09-07_Test Report Validation_Signed_No Names.pdf [3.52 MiB]


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