[Vo]:Saga of the Rossi Cheer Leading squad

2016-06-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Once again I have temporarily rejoined Vortex while I wait for my primary PC
to be fixed at the repair shop. 


Something Jed recently stated, I think, bears repeating:


> It is possible Rossi is a genius, an inventor, a fraud and a con man 

> -- all at the same time. That is how I would describe Thomas Edison

> and Steve Jobs. In Rossi's case, I cannot tell whether he has

> actually invented anything real.


It would seem much of the current Vortex Rossi cheer leading squad is all up
in arms, and as such, tend to ignore the ramifications of the above
commentary from Jed. It would seem many Rossi supporters have concluded that
Jed believes Rossi is nothing but a fraud. Well... yes, Jed has clearly an
repeatedly opined that Rossi has done fraudulent things. But if Rossi
supporters would try to read a little more closely some of Jed's commentary,
some might eventually come away with the realization that Jed has been
attempting to reveal a much more complicated picture of Rossi's behavior
rather than the black & white scenario Rossi supporters are attempting to
attack Jed with.


If I were to opine a comment of my on this on-going Saga: Based on all the
behaviors documented about Rossi's activities, clearly Andrea is not someone
who has earned my trust. But a lack of trust does not automatically imply
that Rossi hasn't managed to uncover something unusual, and possibly even
extraordinary. While I don't trust Rossi, I have no interest in repeatedly
damning the man, as Mr. Krivit tends to do in any reporting he does on the


I often wish that certain Vortex Rossi supporters would spend less time
cherry picking the content of Jed's statements and spend more time asking
themselves a more basic question: Would I trust my 401-K plan under the
mercurial management style of Andrea Rossi?


"Do I feel lucky?"






Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Rossi vs I.H.

2016-05-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


>> Alain Sepeda wrote:

>> what seems unavoidable is that IH was unable to replicate.


> I have not heard that they tried to replicate. 


Oh! This is interesting news to me. I did not know that.


> Perhaps they did, but I have no information on that. The only thing 

> I know is that they analyzed Rossi's data and they say there is no

> heat in his test. I too analyzed it, and I agree.


I realize I have not kept up on all the latest Rossi vs I.H. news on this 
matter. (I have my own research to deal with.) As such, I admit the fact that I 
may be ignorant of certain crucial details.


I completely get it that I.H. is telling us that Rossi's data shows no COP+1 
heat. Apparently, Rossi and his colleagues claim otherwise. For, now we in the 
peanut gallery will just have to sit on our arses and hope that we may 
eventually see for ourselves which way the chips fall. We may not find out.


What I didn't realize was the apparent fact that I.H. may... and I repeat "may" 
not have attempted to perform their own independent replication of Rossi's 
work. I think this is a very significant fact that needs 100% CLARIFICATION 
ASAP. I had (mistakenly?) assumed I.H. HAD attempted to perform independent 
replication of Rossi's work - and that it was their own independent DATA they 
were working from and reporting on.


In all honesty, while I can accept the fact that I.H. is a completely honest 
and reputable organization, the fact that I.H. might have been only analyzing 
ROSSI's data leaves MANY, MANY questions unanswered.


In a nutshell: I obviously would not want to base my final conclusions on what 
Rossi sez. I would not want to base my final conclusion on data supplied to me 
by Rossi - or by a contraption built by ROSSI. All that has been apparently 
proven here is the fact that Rossi claims don't add up. Well... that's a well 
found suspicion that many have learned long ago! No excess heat was measured. 
Yes. I get that loud and clear. Lesson learned: DON'T BASE YOUR CONCLUSIONS ON 


If no independent replication test was performed by I.H. here, it seems to me 
we're still back at square one. Only an independent replication of Rossi's 
contraption will definitely tell us whether there is anything here or not.


Jed, what am I missing here?



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
My math background, particularly use of proper math terminology, is somewhat 
elementary at times. Recently, I have taken several refresher courses in 
calculus. It's been an interesting experience.

I was not familiar with the term "Laplace–Runge–Lenz vectors". I may have 
shorthanded the term, for my own elementary needs to "Velocity Vectors" as 
pertaining to planetary orbits. "Velocity Vectors" is easier for me to 
remember. ;-) This is a good wikipedia link. I'm pretty sure I will be going 
through it with a fine tooth comb. The information here is VERY relevant to 
what I'm working on. I've already started comparing notes. This is going to 
take a while.

Thanks for the Link Daniel.


Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
"LRL" = "LGL"?

I assume you miss keyed "R" as "G".

From: Daniel Rocha

> I posted above, but, here it goes again :)

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace%E2%80%93Runge%E2%80%93Lenz_vector#Derivation_of_the_Kepler_orbits

RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
What does "LGL" stand for?

>From Daniel:

> I have other projects! But if I have to suggest anything is to try to 
> find Kepler's law using LGL vectors in the simplest way.

RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Woah! I didn't expect to see so much commentary on this particular thread.  I 
had to re-subscribe a while longer.


Harry, the link you supplied on Feynman's Lost Lecture on Motions around the 
Sun did the trick for me. I finally get what your animated GIF was trying to 
tell me. I like what Feynman did with the empty foci. That is cool! Thanks!


It will be interesting to see if I can find any linkages with what Feynman did 
and what I'm trying to work out with my own velocity vector work.


You're working on a third way?


Daniel, thank you very much for sharing the links to Gary Rubenstien's lectures 
on Newton's Principia Explained. Over the years I have actually generated a lot 
of animated computer code that essentially exploit Newton's principals. Doing 
do animates planetary orbits very nicely. It's fun to do. Indeed, I proved to 
myself that the area of each plotted triangle do equal each other. As long as 
one keeps individual iterations reasonably small the accuracy can turn out to 
be astonishing, several orders of magnitude accurate.


Thanks for giving me another excuse to delay doing my house-work.




Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

I need to remove myself from Vortex again in order to prevent further 
temptation to commit commentary.

I'll return after I have another progress report to make. One thing I've 
learned about my own R&D endeavors is that it's taking a LOT longer to manifest 
than what I had originally anticipated. I knew there would be delays, but not 
this much. The experience has given me a greater appreciation for just how long 
it's taking the fractious CF community to get their chickens lined up. Crossing 
the road is filled with risks. It's easy to get run over.

Please feel free to contact me privately via Email if you're interested in 
further correspondence. Speaking selfishly for myself, I hope you might be able 
to parse your interesting GIF animation down to more digestible chunks so that 
I can better follow the steps. There is a lot going on there.


Steven Vincent Johnson

From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [mailto:orionwo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 9:28 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes


Thanks for sharing your work on orbital mechanics geometry with me and with the 
rest of the Vort Collective.

Wow! That is a really fascinating animated geometric construct. Incredibly 
elaborate. You appear to be quite gifted in your ability to build complicated 
animation concepts. My complements! And now, here's my critique! (Don't worry. 
I'm still extremely impressed.)

I desperately wanted to be able to stop your animated gif at various points. 
There are many, MANY, lines and circles you are generating here as you try to 
get your point across. I keep getting lost. I can't keep up with what you are 
trying to reveal. I suspect your construct would be better understood and 
appreciated by the general public (and me too) if you could break the steps 
down into more digestible chunks. I would also recommend adding some 
descriptive wording here and there as you pause after something important has 
or is about to happen.

One lesson I've had to learn the hard way about my own Kepler related work is 
that we, the researcher, can become somewhat isolated (blinded) by the fact 
that if we throw a bunch of data too quickly at the novice observer, the person 
will not be able to follow all the steps. It's not their fault. It's just too 
much data for a novice to digest in one meal. When they get lost, they give up. 
We forget that in our own heads what now looks so utterly clear and simple to 
us still looks utterly confusing to a novice. We have spent weeks and months 
working out all the geometry in our own brain. The information has essentially 
become hardwired in our understanding of all the crucial geometry involved. 
Alas, a new observer has not yet had the chance to build such hardwiring into 
their own wetwiring. 

I'm interested in what you are attempting to reveal because I want to 
understand if there might exist a relationship with your work and mine. It 
would appear that my application of orbital mechanics geometry reveals very 
different things than what your geometry appears to reveal. My research into 
orbital mechanics geometry appears to reveal that VELOCITY vectors can be 
discerned directly out of Kepler's elliptic construct. All one has to do is add 
a little extra geometry, and suddenly it all becomes clear. One apparent 
difference between your work and mine is that my constructs appear to be more 
simplified. I'm aiming for the same kind of simplicity that Kepler revealed in 
his three famous laws. I think I have found that simplicity too. Two of the 
three additional laws (Laws 4 & 5) are actually already known to scholars. But 
their significance is not understood (or perceived) as additional Kepler laws. 
I want to rectify that. The third new law (law 6) is, to the best of my 
knowledge, unknown to the public domain. It shows how to use the empty foci to 
construct velocity measurements.

Steven Vincent Johnson

From: H LV [mailto:hveeder...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 5:43 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dear Johannes


I know that in the past you have wondered if the second focus of an ellipse 
could have any role to play in the determination of orbits, since it plays no 
role in Kepler laws or in Newton's derivation of Kepler laws.  Well a few years 
ago, I invented a geometrical method in which the second focus of an ellipse is 
first located prior to determining the shape and size of an orbit. Information 
about speed and escape velocity is first mapped to positions on the 
circumference of a circle and this point is used to projectively locate the 
second focus (Fe) relative to the planet which is located at the first focus 
(Fp). Once the 

RE: [Vo]:Rossi vs I.H.

2016-05-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Lennart:

> Jed, how come you can repeat your statements but so not have to 
> verify anything or tell the whole story because some lame excuse.
> You basically say that you think your horseshit does not smell.

Starting around 0:40 to 1:17

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


Thanks for sharing your work on orbital mechanics geometry with me and with the 
rest of the Vort Collective.


Wow! That is a really fascinating animated geometric construct. Incredibly 
elaborate. You appear to be quite gifted in your ability to build complicated 
animation concepts. My complements! And now, here's my critique! (Don't worry. 
I'm still extremely impressed.)


I desperately wanted to be able to stop your animated gif at various points. 
There are many, MANY, lines and circles you are generating here as you try to 
get your point across. I keep getting lost. I can't keep up with what you are 
trying to reveal. I suspect your construct would be better understood and 
appreciated by the general public (and me too) if you could break the steps 
down into more digestible chunks. I would also recommend adding some 
descriptive wording here and there as you pause after something important has 
or is about to happen.


One lesson I've had to learn the hard way about my own Kepler related work is 
that we, the researcher, can become somewhat isolated (blinded) by the fact 
that if we throw a bunch of data too quickly at the novice observer, the person 
will not be able to follow all the steps. It's not their fault. It's just too 
much data for a novice to digest in one meal. When they get lost, they give up. 
We forget that in our own heads what now looks so utterly clear and simple to 
us still looks utterly confusing to a novice. We have spent weeks and months 
working out all the geometry in our own brain. The information has essentially 
become hardwired in our understanding of all the crucial geometry involved. 
Alas, a new observer has not yet had the chance to build such hardwiring into 
their own wetwiring. 


I'm interested in what you are attempting to reveal because I want to 
understand if there might exist a relationship with your work and mine. It 
would appear that my application of orbital mechanics geometry reveals very 
different things than what your geometry appears to reveal. My research into 
orbital mechanics geometry appears to reveal that VELOCITY vectors can be 
discerned directly out of Kepler's elliptic construct. All one has to do is add 
a little extra geometry, and suddenly it all becomes clear. One apparent 
difference between your work and mine is that my constructs appear to be more 
simplified. I'm aiming for the same kind of simplicity that Kepler revealed in 
his three famous laws. I think I have found that simplicity too. Two of the 
three additional laws (Laws 4 & 5) are actually already known to scholars. But 
their significance is not understood (or perceived) as additional Kepler laws. 
I want to rectify that. The third new law (law 6) is, to the best of my 
knowledge, unknown to the public domain. It shows how to use the empty foci to 
construct velocity measurements.


Steven Vincent Johnson






From: H LV [mailto:hveeder...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 5:43 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dear Johannes



I know that in the past you have wondered if the second focus of an ellipse 
could have any role to play in the determination of orbits, since it plays no 
role in Kepler laws or in Newton's derivation of Kepler laws.  Well a few years 
ago, I invented a geometrical method in which the second focus of an ellipse is 
first located prior to determining the shape and size of an orbit. Information 
about speed and escape velocity is first mapped to positions on the 
circumference of a circle and this point is used to projectively locate the 
second focus (Fe) relative to the planet which is located at the first focus 
(Fp). Once the second focus is located the shape of orbit can be computed. 
However, my computations consist of geometric constructions and a gif animation 
which you can view here:


This method of drawing conic sections is not new, but I think how I use of this 
method is new.




RE: [Vo]:We owe Steven Kirvit an applogy

2016-05-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


Obviously, each Vort participant has to decide for themselves whether they 
should apologize to Mr. Krivit.


Having been a former NET BoD member, I had my share of interactions with Mr. 
Krivit. My experience with Mr. Krivit was that he can be tireless and dedicated 
in his desire to get to the truth of the matter. (We worked, in private, on a 
couple of interesting projects together, and those interactions were for the 
most part good productive experiences for me.) But I also came to the personal 
opinion that what one man's perceives as the truth is not necessarily the truth 
as perceived by another man or woman. I would say the two of us eventually came 
to loggerheads when I essentially critiqued what I personally felt was Krivit's 
inexperienced responses to a more experienced radio show host's questions out 
in Vortex. This was over some disputed McKubre data. As a NET BoD member at the 
time it was none of my business to have critiqued Krivit's job performance in 
such a public manner, out in Vortex. That was my fault. Krivit was quite angry 
with me. After I unloaded what I really wanted to say to Krivit in private, it 
became pretty obvious that I was not a comfortable fit in his NET organization. 
I felt extremely relieved to have been asked to leave. I wasted no time in 
fulfilling his request.


I think we came to loggerheads over the whole McKubre M4 issue. I never felt 
comfortable with Krivit's analysis (actually, I would say: Krivit's opinion) on 
the matter. To be blunt, I didn't think Krivit was sufficiently qualified to 
have come down as hard on as hard on McKubre in the manner that he did. I think 
it seriously hurt Krivit's reputation and standing within the CF community - 


In regards to Rossi-Gate, (I love that term, Jones!) I wished Mr. Krivit would 
have focused primarily on the actual calorimetric data (or the lack of it) 
alone to prove his points... his suspicions, if you will.  But as far as I can 
tell that's not how Krivit has chosen to conduct his investigations on the 
Rossi-Gate affair. It's my understanding Krivit came away with a bad feeling 
about Rossi pretty much after his initial personal encounter. I would speculate 
Krivit came away feeling that Rossi was attempting to manipulate him into 
becoming an advocate for his holy cause.  I can certainly understand why Krivit 
came away with bad feelings and suspicions of Rossi, just as you had your own 
doubts after communicating with him from the very beginning. I remains my 
opinion that Krivit allowed his suspicions of Rossi's eccentric behaviors... 
perhaps suspicions that Rossi was trying to manipulate him, to overwhelm the 
more important task of simply focusing on the calorimetric data Rossi claimed 
he had accumulated. IMO, there exists TOO MUCH EMOTIONAL KRIVIT BAGAGE for me 
to trust that Krivit is capable of writing objective reporting on Rossi. 
Carrying around TOO MUCH EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE is a bad combination to be saddled 
with if one wants to play the role of being an objective investigative 


Again, I feel no need to apologize to Mr. Krivit. I wish him well in his 
endeavors. But to apologize? Actually it would feel tantamount to enabling, or 
endorsing Krivit's personal take on the Rossi-Gate affair - which I most 
certainly don't.



Steven Vincent Johnson







From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:jedrothw...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 7:53 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Cc: Steve Krivit
Subject: Re: [Vo]:We owe Steven Kirvit an applogy


I do not know if we should apologize to Steve, but I certainly agree he was 
right and I was wrong. I have been meaning to tell him.


To be mealymouthed I wasn't so wrong as noncommittal. I think I said -- I hope 
I said -- I cannot judge whether Rossi is fraud or not, and it is not my 
business to do that, because I am not a policeman. His tests looked sloppy to 
me, especially when he almost blew up the people from NASA. My first impression 
of Rossi was the time he invited me and then uninvited me when I said I would 
measure the temperature and flow rates with my own instruments. That gave me a 
bad impression. 


- Jed


[Vo]:Dear Johannes

2016-05-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I've been retired now for almost 18 months. I'm happy to report I'm not
bored. My on-going Kepler research project continues to consume much of my
quality time. But alas, summer is just around the corner, and there seems to
be a spate of honey-do projects that are about to consume a good chunk of my
free energy.


Dear Johannes,


I hope you won't mind it too much if I place our work temporarily on the
bench... perhaps for several months while I go about retouching up the
exterior of the house. I just want you to know that I currently see at least
three additional laws that I would like to document as additions, or
complements, to your original three. I think you'll like the additions. I
see a nice symmetry that enhances the simplicity and beauty of your work.
However, the amount of computer coding and animation that I feel I'll need
to create in order to adequately show all of these additional Keplerian laws
feels a tad overwhelming at the moment. It feels important to me that I
develop my animations in easy-to-understand chewable bites. Creating a new
series of easy to chew cookies is not always an easy recipe to bake.


Yours truly


Steven Vincent Johnson





2016-05-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
The following commentary is not an attempt on my part to justify, or endorse
Rossi's recent professional behavior.


While some might suggest we need to apologize to Mr. Krivit I feel no desire
to endorse let alone enable investigative reporting tactics that repeatedly
exploit phrases like "convicted fraudster" or "convicted white collar
criminal" to characterize Rossi's prior business activities. Does Rossi's
prior fraud charges prove his current business actions are just as bogus?
Sure, it's tantalizing to assume that might be the case. I can see why one
might think it is a correct assumption to draw. Unfortunately, doing so is
nothing more than playing the game of guilt-by-association. The point being:
What does playing the guilt-by-association game have to do with
investigative reporting of the current evidence? It strikes me more as a
tactic a prosecutor attorney would attempt to exploit to build a case of
damning evidence, assuming the court doesn't bar him from doing so due to
irrelevance to current circumstances. It's my understanding that Mr. Krivit
wants to be perceived as an objective independent investigator/journalist.
If that is the case, why does his investigative reporting on Rossi
repeatedly include phrases like "convicted of fraud" and " convicted
white-collar criminal " over and over, typically near the beginning of
another damming Rossi article? Doing so, strikes me as more the actions that
a prosecuting attorney would exploit to insinuate to the jury that the
defendant on trial is guilty. But what do such insinuations have to do with
judging the contents of the latest experimental evidence under fire between
Rossi and I.H? It strikes me as something an investigative reporter might
feel inclined to include if he lacked confidence in being able to stand
alone in his ability to deconstruct the alleged veracity of Rossi's current
experimental claims. For that suspicion alone, I feel no inclination to
offer apologies.


It makes me think Mr. Krivit may have chosen the wrong profession to excel
at. I hope he eventually finds his true calling. Everyone deserves to embark
on his true calling. God only knows it's taken me damned near a life-time to
find a few special callings of my own to slave away at until I die.



Steven Vincent Johnson




[Vo]:Rossi vs I.H.

2016-05-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I have rejoined vortex briefly to express a couple of cents. I don't expect
to stay her long. It's too damned addictive.


OK... Regarding the latest Rossi vs I.H. saga:


Having observed Jed's eclectic contributions to the Vort Collective since
the 1990s it's been my experience that few Vort members have been as
thorough, meticulously so, or as objective, as Mr. Rothwell has been when it
comes to evaluating basic calorimetry. Because I'm not an expert in
calorimetry it behooves me to carefully evaluate the opinions and
assessments of those who, in my opinion, are experienced experts in the
field. Having observed the quality of Mr. Rothwell's posts for more than
three decades I have no problem yielding to most of his extensive experience
(and opinion) on such matters. I should also mention that I'm willing to
listen to Ed Storm's opinions and evaluations as well,. I gather Ed may have
possibly concluded a very different scenario concerning Rossi's alleged
professional proclivities. Evaluating Mr. Rothwell's opinions, combined with
Ed Storms, and perhaps a few others can certainly give me a lot to chew on!


I am not in a position to determine whether Rossi is or isn't a fraud.
Meanwhile, Jed has access to crucial I.H. calorimetric data that most of us
in the peanut gallery don't possess. Jed appears to have come to the
conclusion that Rossi's recent actions concerning his dealings with I.H.
indicate strong fraudulent activity. Again, I yield to Jed's extensive
experience (and opinion) concerning calorimetric issues while I also
continue to keep Ed Storm's opinions on the matter in the mixture as well.


One can come up with a million different reasons as to why we flawed human
beings occasionally behave in seemingly evasive and dishonest ways. Buyer


While I remain fascinated by this latest Rossi saga, a saga which is still
unfolding, I find myself even more fascinated by the amount of bargaining
(of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross kind) that I see coming from certain Vort
participants as they go about challenging Mr. Rothwell's, latest Rossi
criticisms. I remain fascinated that some of these posters seem incapable of
entertaining the possibility that Rossi's calorimetric claims might indeed
be worthless, or worse, possibly even fraudulent. Why is it important to
cast so much doubt on Mr. Rothwell's latest Rossi assessments? I can think
of one possibility:


As a former member of Dr. Mills SCP Yahoo group I observed a lot of smart
observant posters occasionally asking difficult questions of the good
doctor. Unfortunately, I also observed a lot of hero worshiping of the good
doctor. I suspect certain posts I made concerning observations I made that
seemed to suggest there existed an ardent cheerleading section may have
contributed to me being kicked out by Dr. Mills himself. Lately, I see a
similar kind of hero worshipping occurring within the Vort Collective among
certain posters. I find myself wondering what are the chances are that any
of these worshipers have accumulated anywhere near the amount of
calorimetric experience that Mr. Rothwell has accumulated. Under the
circumstances, what can an ardent worshipper do? One option is to fall back
on a relentless campaign of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross bargaining against Jed's
calorimetric evaluations. 


I suspect Jed will eventually tire of participating in this futile tactic
since it seems clear to me that worshipers have no intention of abandoning
their currently chosen idol. I'm astounded that Jed hasn't already given up
on this futile task.


At present I lack sufficient evidence to arrive at a conclusion that
suggests ALL of Rossi's experimental devices have never worked. I realize I
could be wrong on this point but I still find it plausible to speculate that
Rossi may have indeed discovered excess heat emanating from some of his
earlier experiments. Jed can correct me on this point but I believe he have
at one time also speculated on that possibility. I leads me to speculate
that after all these years Rossi may still have very little or no control at
all over this illusive beast. He may still have very little clue as to how
to properly control and commercially exploit his discovery. To me, that
might be the real crux of the Rossi enigma. The lack of control continues to
hound Rossi's dreams of striking it rich. I could see how such a scenario
could turn out to be a difficult, messy, unscrupulous affair as Rossi tries
to entice additional investors into funding his dream of eventually riding
this illusive Pegasus into the blue sky while being forced to insinuate
(perhaps even lie) that he has already captured and tamed the mythical
beast. I could see how such a scenario might explain a LOT of Rossi's
unscrupulous behavior. I don't mean to imply that I condone such


Meanwhile, there's always Occam's Razor to keep in mind. Occam suggests
Rossi is simply a fraud. It would seem the best thing I can do for now is to
continue jugg

RE: [Vo]:unsubscribe

2015-12-31 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Dang! I always forget to use the correct address when unsubscribing. 



2015-12-31 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:An update on my on-going Kepler research efforts

2015-12-31 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
After having been kicked out of Dr. Mills Yahoo Classical Physics group
earlier this year I came to the realization that I should probably spend
more time focusing on my own personal research work rather than wasting
endless hours indulging in circuitous conjecture that never gets resolved.
Resolution will only happen when (and if) Dr. Mills can pull his CHIT
technology together and demonstrate a working prototype that generates
electricity from the breakdown of water, some powdered metal, and the CHIT
catalyst. After that defrocking, combined with some additional
self-reflection I decided to unsubscribe from Vortex as well. This
additional self-imposed banishment was also done to help encourage me to
redouble my efforts to work on my on-going Kepler project. That I have done.


As 2015 comes to an end I decided to briefly re-subscribe to Vortex... just
long enough to give a brief update to the Collective on how my research is
going. So. here goes:


Back in October I experienced a minor epiphany concerning my Kepler
research. It occurred at my local Noodles and Co restaurant while scarfing
down a chicken Caesar salad. I was pouring over some Mathematica generated
graphics depicting plotted orbital positions and accompanying velocity
vectors. I suddenly noticed an interesting correlation having to do with the
two foci that make up a typical elliptical orbit. My epiphany came from
looking at the following link over the duration of several years. See:




These simple Mathematica graphics were generated from the physics department
of College of Saint Benedict (Saint John's University) located in Minnesota.
Besides Wikipedia, additional useful resources for understanding much of the
physics behind Orbital Mechanics can be found at:







The subtle information pertaining to my personal epiphany is embedded in the
geometry of the Mathematica diagrams. It's related to how we apply "Kepler's
equation" in order to plot the position of planets traversing an elliptical
orbit. The new information isn't obvious at first sight. In fact, it took me
years to notice the startling new correlation. As best as I can tell none of
these orbital mechanical websites have carried through and rearranged the
geometry of some of these Keplerian diagrams in a manner that I think Kepler
would have eventually found himself doing had he lived long enough to do so.
Based on my own research I think it wouldn't have taken Kepler not all that
much more observational powers to have discovered three more Keplerian laws,
additional laws that are just as important as the 1st, 2nd law and 3rd laws.
What stopped Johannes was the eventual morality we all must face: Short
lives. and perhaps not having sufficient computing power at his quill to
plot out a few additional theoretical orbits to verify certain suspicions he
may have speculated about.


As we all know Kepler's 1st law of planetary motion states: "The path of the
planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun
being located at one focus. (The Law of Ellipses)" Over the centuries there
has been conjecture as to what might be happening at the other (empty) foci.
Does this seemingly unused focal point exhibit any kind of particular
Keplerian law of the same caliber as Kepler's 1st law? As best as I can tell
nobody has managed to uncover a unique Kepler law that specifically uses the
other empty foci in an exclusive manner similar to Kepler's 1st law. Over
the centuries respected researchers have puzzled over this enigma including
Richard Feynman. You can view some of Feynman's ponderings on the matter out




The best representation, to date, that I know of that tries to employ the
other "empty" foci is the string tied into a loop method which is then
placed around two separated thumbtacks. The two thumbtacks represent the two
foci of a hypothetical ellipse arrangement. This allows one to trace out an
ellipse when a pencil is placed between the two tacks and the string is held
tight. It's quite clever in all honesty! Nevertheless, this arrangement does
not reveal anything exclusive as to what the empty foci might reveal in its
own right, similar to what Kepler's 1st law reveals. I confess, WHAT THE
SUCK WITH ME FOR, FOR DECADES. And now, in my early 60s, I think I have
managed to uncover the mystery of what the so-called empty foci represents.


I admit it is probably arrogant for me to say this (and it's still possible
I may be proven wrong) but I believe I know exactly what kind of information
the empty foci reveals - in Keplerian terms. In order to explain it in
Keplerian terms I believe it will be important for me to establish three
additional honorary Keplerian laws. The first two of these new laws are
based o

RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra

2015-10-14 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:


> Some say artificial intelligence is not yet a thing. Maybe so,

> but we now have artificial wisdom. Get your random fictional

> Deepak Chapra quote here:


> http://www.wisdomofchopra.com/


Hah! Let me do one better. A little haiku ditty straight out of my own 
randomized wetware:


The long journey to find yourself is futile.

One cannot find that which is never lost.


While many will consider such "wisdom" as nothing more than circuitous 
nonsensical gibberish, a few may still appreciate it.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-14 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Mark, my old nemesis. ;-)


Regarding the "rant" word accusation see the following link out in the Vortex 




specifically, your statement:


> 3- but then, what comes to mind whenever I see anything (OT) from you, is

> that it's going to be yet another rant on how evil the Christians and

> Republicans are.  


All I really want to say about that is: Even if you did say it, so what! I 
don't feel like holding it against you! I DO rant at times! ;-) I've also lost 
count of the many things I've said in the past to others that I've later 
regretted saying. I'm sure there will be more to come in the future. But each 
day I try my best to keep whittling it down.


On other matters I can understand, and will also validate, why you might feel 
that I have in a sense patronized you when I said "As for the rest, to be 
honest I’m just no longer motivated enuf to go back and explain myself.” Guilty 
as charged. But to be honest, my primary motivation was no to patronize you. I 
had a more selfish motivation. I was just tired of it all. I don't  want to go 
through the whole back-and-forth process again.


Let's move on. Indeed, I hope CF continues to heat up. One thing participating 
in Vortex since the 1990s has taught me is that it helps to acquire an infinite 
amount of patience.  Miracles don't happen overnight. 


As for you, my old nemesis... despite my best judgement I think I am growing 
fond of you. ;-)


Paraphrasing something Spock might say, I wish you great prosperity in securing 
adequate funding for your startup company. Instead of crossing my fingers, I'll 
simply give you a high:  \\//  Perhaps Spock would then follow his salute by 
saying, "I find it highly ironic that excess sugar intake is now responsible 
killing so many people in the developed world on your planet." So, yes, good 
luck in your endeavors. Many diabetics will truly appreciate your efforts.


As for me, since my retirement of last December I'm spending as much personal 
time as I can working on an on-going Kepler research project. (Analysis of 
Orbital Mechanics.) Involves a lot of computer graphics and learning Calculus 
terminology. Easier said than done. Lately I've noticed that a spate of Honey 
Do projects seem to end up getting higher priority on my to-do list. ...perhaps 
I'm rebelling against all that calculus I 'm trying to cram down my throat... 
er, head.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-14 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Lennart


I haven't been ignoring you. Just lack adequate time. Now that I'm retired it 
sometimes feels as if I have less time at my disposal than ever.  ...not that 
I'm really complaining about it.


I have to ask you. Were you the middle sibling growing up in your family?


Always the peace maker, you are.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Strongly recommend this video about population and energy

2015-10-13 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thanks Jed,


Watched it all. It was worth it. It is rare to take in a lecture given by a 
statistician who is not only informative but entertaining and funny as well.



Steven Vincent Johnson




> "DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population"


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FACK2knC08E


> If you do not have time to see this, here is a short similar video, which 
> does not mention energy:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwII-dwh-bk


RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-13 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I'm impressed by your earnestness in wanting to get clarification. I'll just
focus on one exchange. What motivated me to go on the offensive, so to
speak, was the first comment you made, which was:


> The NYT article is so blatantly one-sided, but of course, you know that...

> at least, I hope you do.


As the old say'in goes: First impressions count.


Granted, it may not have been your intention to do so but that was a
patronizing thing to say to anyone. So what if it's a one-sided article. So
what if I posted that "one-side" article out to Vort Land. The world if full
of one-sided POVs, and inevitably someone's one-sided POV (or article) is
not going to align with one's personal stash of approved POVs. That doesn't
make that so-called one-sided POV any less informative.


As for the rest, to be honest I'm just no longer motivated enuf to go back
and explain myself. Based on other comments you made I get the impression
much of anything else I might say pertaining to the political arena would be
interpreted as yet another leftist "rant" coming from me. You did call some
of my prior comments "rants". But, enuf of interpreting my POVs. Let me put
it another way. maybe you were more accurate than I was on some of the
points you were trying to make, and perhaps I was more accurate on some of
the other points. As for me, I would prefer to find common ground on what we
can agree on rather than what we disagree on. Energy tends to be expended
more efficiently when we work in a sand box of common ground.


So, c u back in the Vort Sand box. Perhaps the next time we connect will end
up on the same side.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-12 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hello again Mark,


I stand by what I have said before. To repeat myself, to endlessly
reinterpret what I have said before lies madness. I'm content to leave my
"rants" as-is.


It's probably time to close up shop on this particular discussion. 


At least we seem to agree on the fact that something must be done about
PACs. If we had both had been elected officials serving our respective
constituents I have the feeling that you and I together would try to find
common ground in order to move forward. Granted it might be difficult at
times, but if we remain capable of acknowledging to each other the fact that
we both ended up having to sacrifice certain principals dear to our hearts
in equal proportions... messy as democracy is, things tend to get done.


I wish someone was capable of explaining that very messy principle to the
Tea Party. IMO, not being capable of understanding what compromise is all
about... that also leads to madness.


B'well back.



Steven Vincent Johnson





From: MarkI-ZeroPoint [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 1:21 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is
buying the 2016 presidential race


Good morning Steven,


I think you are referring to this statement of mine:

". I believe you are the one who has, by far, pontificated at length about
political/religious issues;"


That is the only reference I made which you could interpret as referring to
a 'rant' (your term, not mine).  It was NOT a reference to something in your
original email, but to a history of having to vent on this forum as to your
OT postings you've done over the years about your disagreements with
Wisconsin politics.  Could that be the reason behind why I wrote what I did?
You imply there was some derogatory or hurtful meaning in my original
response to your posting, and I was trying to provide an explanation as to
why that was not the case.  I was simply trying to explain to you why I
expressed my thoughts the way I did. that's all.


I did read the article you linked to, and feel it's of interest to all
concerned about events in this country. we do agree on that.  

When you write things like this,

"Do the links I submit for the Vort Collective's consumption scare you that

Is it any wonder why someone might respond the way they do?? You are
concluding that I'm scared by some article you posted. how in the world do
you conclude that?  Just because I try to point out to the forum that one
has to read multiple sources to get a total picture of a given issue is NOT
an indication that one is scared.  Don't paint me as being something I'm


I tend to be more socially liberal and fiscally conservative.


"At least we can agree on the fact that PACs are not necessarily a good
thing for our political system. If you feel close, though not necessarily
exactly the same way as I may feel about them, I'm content to leave it at



B Well Always,



From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson [mailto:orionwo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:53 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com <mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com> 
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is
buying the 2016 presidential race


Hi Mark,


I must ask: where was the alleged "rant" in my original post? I pointed to a
link that showed some interesting graphics about where political money is
coming from. In your mind, does pointing to a link now constitute another
"rant" coming from me? Do the links I submit for the Vort Collective's
consumption scare you that much? Ok.so you disagree with those findings, and
perhaps you also disagree with some of my expressed liberal tendencies. I
can live with that. But another link supplied by me now constitutes another


It seems to me that you show your conservative colors just as much as paint
me to be a liberal. But yes, I believe you have outed me. It would appear
these days that I possess liberalistic tendencies, which perhaps from a
ultra-conservative's POV would imply I must be a bleating hearted liberal
democrat whose primary concern is to make sure that subversive gays and
lesbians get the same insurance protections as some god fearing homophobic
Christians believe they should own exclusive rights to today. Be damned
about the economy. Let's just print up more money to pay for all those needy
welfare queens - and be damned about the economy After all, Brad must be
able to marry Bart if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight! 


But that would be misleading. I used to be a republican. I must confess: I
voted for Reagan. Back in the 1980s it was during the reign of Reagan that I
was forced to witness to my absolute dismay 

RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-12 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Mark,


I must ask: where was the alleged "rant" in my original post? I pointed to a
link that showed some interesting graphics about where political money is
coming from. In your mind, does pointing to a link now constitute another
"rant" coming from me? Do the links I submit for the Vort Collective's
consumption scare you that much? Ok.so you disagree with those findings, and
perhaps you also disagree with some of my expressed liberal tendencies. I
can live with that. But another link supplied by me now constitutes another


It seems to me that you show your conservative colors just as much as paint
me to be a liberal. But yes, I believe you have outed me. It would appear
these days that I possess liberalistic tendencies, which perhaps from a
ultra-conservative's POV would imply I must be a bleating hearted liberal
democrat whose primary concern is to make sure that subversive gays and
lesbians get the same insurance protections as some god fearing homophobic
Christians believe they should own exclusive rights to today. Be damned
about the economy. Let's just print up more money to pay for all those needy
welfare queens - and be damned about the economy After all, Brad must be
able to marry Bart if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight! 


But that would be misleading. I used to be a republican. I must confess: I
voted for Reagan. Back in the 1980s it was during the reign of Reagan that I
was forced to witness to my absolute dismay what was happening to the
republican party as staunch ultra conservatives and religious factions
slowly and methodically started to infest what used to be a more reasonable
oriented centrist party philosophy - a party that was still willing to
negotiate with the enemy in order to get things done. Over the decades it's
only gotten worse. 


FWIW, and just to set the record straight, I'm not necessarily happy with a
lot of democratic positions taken today. However, I do seem to possess far
more criticisms aimed against ultra conservative factions than against the
so-called liberal democratic platform. It's a matter of prioritization. The
squeakiest wheel tends to get the most oiling. I'm also try to be pragmatic.
Just so you know, I'd prefer B. Sanders (a decades in the making battle
worthy candidate), but I try to be realistic in accepting the fact that
Hillary, warts and all, will most likely be the democratic pick. It seems to
me that none of us get out of this mess without at some time feeling just a
tad like a prostitute.


At least we can agree on the fact that PACs are not necessarily a good thing
for our political system. If you feel close, though not necessarily exactly
the same way as I may feel about them, I'm content to leave it at that.


The continuing debate over what constitutes an artificial person in
corporate land is no doubt a protracted discussion that should be left for
another time and date when CF news becomes temporarily lean. But enuf for
now, wouldn't you say?



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:NEW LIVE Steorn Webinars Announced - Product Demonstrations

2015-10-12 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Esa,


I'm sure many Vorts remain curious about the further adventures of Steorn
and Mr. McCarthy. I confess, I still am one of the curious.


While I remain suitably cautious, and perhaps just a tad suspicions as well,
I look forward to further developments. How will they "spin" the ORBO this
time around. ;-)




From: esa ruoho [mailto:esaru...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 2:57 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:NEW LIVE Steorn Webinars Announced - Product


Hi Craig + list..


Anyone tuning into this webinar? I know I'll be there with bells on. I have
not heard back from Orbo/Shaun McCarthy re: what it actually sounds like
when it charges. Been trying to reach out to them. I hope it's not loud.


>Bit of News for you...

>Steorn will conduct a series of LIVE interactive Webinars beginning on
October 28th.

>The webinars are an introduction to their free energy technology Orbo

>They will demo the tech, explain how the components work and field

>Link to register for the FREE Live webinar is in the article.




http://lackluster.bandcamp.com | http://lackluster.org |
http://esaruoho.tumblr.com | iPhone: +358403703659


RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-11 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Mark,


> The NYT article is so blatantly one-sided, but of course, you know that...

> at least, I hope you do.


It's been my experience that when someone feigns praise upon another
person's alleged intelligence but then immediately turns around and
questions whether the praise they had just endorsed was truly warranted -
that is nothing more than a covert way of implying that the person they have
a disagreement with is not only ignorant, they also want that person to feel
stupid about their own alleged ignorance.


Setting my alleged ignorance aside, who are these "outside groups"? What
control and regulation do we  have over them? Any???


It's not the amount of money spent on the 2012 election that concerns me.
Due to the aftermath of Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission
ruling we are now witnessing an unregulated frenzy of money being spent in
the political campaign arena in ways never seen before witnessed. Making
matters worse, we are no allowed to know who or where that money comes from.
The ruling flabbergasted me.  How the hell did corporations become people,
as Romney famously once said? It seems to me that if corporate entities can
now be considered a person, shouldn't that also mean that that "person"
should only be allowed to donate the same amount of cash to a political
cause as a living breathing person, like you or me is allowed? But is that
happening??? The blatant unaccountability of who and where that money comes
from scares the bajesus out of me. IMHO, it ought to scare bajesus out of
anyone who believes in a democracy where each citizen's vote (along their
personal financial resources) should count and be accounted for as no more
or no less than anyone else's vote.


In the years to come as we now go about the process of vetting the next
leader of the free world, doesn't the lack of accountability of where all
that unleashed money will come from and what it is going to be spent on
concern you just a teensy weeny little bit?


"Follow the money."



Steven Vincent Johnson




[Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying the 2016 presidential race

2015-10-11 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From NY Times. Enjoy!

158 Families Make Up Half of 2016 Election Funding



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:NASA Calls Urgent Press Conference

2015-09-29 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed,


> The Atlanta-centric view of this news can be seen in today's Atlanta Journal 
> headline:

> "[Georgia] Tech, NASA confirm water on Mars"

> Georgia Tech found the water. NASA helped.


Extremely briny water. Nevertheless, exposed liquid water on the surface of 
Mars - weather permitting.


As we speak I'm sure certain dedicated UFO groups are already in the process of 
spinning the news as another sign of on-going efforts to reprogram society for 
the inevitable disclosure of aliens amongst us.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Fortune mag. interviews Tom Darden

2015-09-27 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


>> http://fortune.com/2015/09/27/ceo-cherokee-investment-partners-low-energy-nuclear-reaction/




Q: What changed your mind?


A: Scientists get locked into paradigms until the paradigm shifts. Then 
everyone happily shifts to the new truth and no one apologizes for being so 
stupid before. Low temperature fusion could be consistent with existing 
theories, we just don’t know how. It’s like when physicists say that according 
to the laws of aerodynamics bumblebees can’t fly but they do.


Good response.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Brief explanation of Volkswagen scandal technical details

2015-09-26 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


>>Volkswagen will be required to implement corrective action at no cost to 
>> the owner.


>> Whenever I read or hear the words "...at no cost to the owner." Yeah, right.


> Why do you find that unbelievable? The fix will be at no cost to present

> owners. The cost will be borne by Volkswagen stockholders and by people

> who buy new cars from Volkswagen later. These cars will be a little more

> expensive than they would have been, to make up for the losses.


Poor wording on my part. My sarcasm was meant to imply that, as you pointed 
out, future VW customers and stockholders will bare the brunt of mistakes made 
from past avoidances. I hope you are right that the additional cost will be 
just a little more expensive than what future autos would have cost otherwise. 
The impression I have been getting from the news is that this is a really big 
deal. Whether it is an accurate assumption for me to make or not, I tend to 
interpret a big deal in financial terms. Truth of the matter is that I don't 
know how expensive or costly this matter is going to end up being for VW. 
Hopefully, you are correct. I like the German company. I've owned several bugs 
myself in my earlier years. I'd hate to see VW suffer irreparable financial 
hardship. Over the decades I think they have done a decent job manufacturing 
high quality transportation for the common man.


> In related news, the EPA announced it is changing its test method to

> ensue this will not happen again.





Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Brief explanation of Volkswagen scandal technical details

2015-09-26 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


>EPA announcement:






How much will this cost to fix?


Volkswagen will be required to implement corrective action at no cost to 
the owner.



Whenever I read or hear the words "...at no cost to the owner." Yeah, right. 



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Rewriting the lede on cold fusion for wikipedia

2015-09-25 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Lennart,


> ... However, to me it is really sad that BLP need to go to court

> to resolve this type of issues. IMHO there is no upside for either

> party regardless of the outcome.


Indeed. IMO, there is really only one definitive way to settle the matter. 
Build a working prototype proving OU is occurring. Filing a law suit to go 
after Grump and his cohorts accomplishes diddly squat other than eating up 
valuable man-hours and financial resources better spent on building the 
promised prototype. ...to paraphrase a famous saying from a popular movie "If 
you build it, [they] will come." For now, all the Gump has to say is "Where's 
the beef! You've been promising us eminent delivery of a quarter pound double 
cheeseburger for how long now??? I rest my case." IMO, BLP would be wise not to 
press the matter in court. It might be the primary reason why there hasn't been 
much said about the matter since. Going forward, seeking damages, IMO, is more 
likely to end up hurting BLP's image more than any so-called legitimate 
scientific evidence filed in court claiming verification of scientific findings 
would show. Again, No cheeseburger? Grump goes free.


> The only guys laughing all the way to the bank are the lawyers.





Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Rewriting the lede on cold fusion for wikipedia

2015-09-25 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


BLP has it in for Grump as well. They filed a law suit against him and others. 




Have no idea if BLP's complaint has managed to get any traction or not. I 
suspect it's gone nowhere. If BLP want's restitution they need to present to 
the public a working prototype that proves OU is occurring. Until then I 
suspect the Grump and all of his cohorts will remain safe as a bug under the 
rug until then... 


We're still waiting.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Rewriting the lede on cold fusion for wikipedia

2015-09-24 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Blaze:


> http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9E03E0D7103FE033A05753C3A9649D946792D6CF


I wonder if the 1956 article actually uses the phrase "Cold Fusion"? I'm not 
clear on that. I'm assuming it didn't.


Interesting piece of research nevertheless. Perhaps someone within Vort Land 
might like to fork over $3.95 to NYT and get the article. How bout you, Blaze. 
Based on some of your prior posts you have given me the impression of being 
someone who may have a few extra bucks laying around, just for gambling 
occasions like this. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Rewriting the lede on cold fusion for wikipedia

2015-09-24 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Blaze,




> I think it will also help the community at large if they view cold 

> fusion as completely doable.  


Perhaps it's time for you to update the Wikipedia article on CF in order to 
reflect this important matter. 


See what happens...



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:RE: The megafarad capacitor

2015-09-24 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jones sez:




> Having a bank roll of $200 billion in liquid assets will let you do

> crazy things like move all the way from computeres into automotive

> - when the time is right. I suppose they could just buy Toyota and

> be done with it.




GOOD example of having lots of money to play around with: APPLE

BAD example of  having lots of money to play around with: TRUMP


Looked like Stephen Cobert had had a good time keeping Trump more-or-less on
a short leash on the Tonight Show.


It's too bad someone in charge over at Apple doesn't have a hankering to
discreetly look into LENR research, or even BLP's equally controversial
claims for that matter. I could say the same thing for Google. I also wish
Elon Musk would start snooping around, but I think he has pretty much
committed himself to the task of mass producing batteries to help drive down
unit costs. Can't really blame Elon. It's a good thing to work on.


Regarding generating a hydrogen infrastructure, many years ago I recall Dr.
Peter Zimmerman (Dr. Mills' worst nemesis) claiming we should redirect many
of our nuclear plants towards the primary task of cracking H2O into
hydrogen. Zimmerman seemed to think that would be an excellent way to
generate boatloads of cheap plentiful hydrogen for the coming hydrogen
economy. I wouldn't know where to begin to figure out if that would truly
could be an economical process or not.


Anyone up to the challenge of running the numbers here?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:OT: Launching a new audio website

2015-09-22 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson





From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson [mailto:orionwo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 9:05 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:OT: Launching a new audio website


Feel free to take a brief break from the CF controversy and check out my new
audio website. Keeping Sturgeon's Law in mind I did my best to include only
my best compositions. Rest assured, many compositions died on the operating
table and will never see the light of day. Some of these works go back as
far as 2003. They are all digitally mastered. Lots of wave tables and wave
modification algorithms were employed. It's possible Frank Znidarsic might
enjoy a momentary distraction since I gather he has been working on a music
app for androids.




At the top of the list I have included brand new composition titled "Aurora
Borealis" completed earlier this year. Length: 6:30. This particular
arrangement is more ethereal, ambient and unstructured than most of my
previous compositions. Should be easy listening for most.


Included are photos and a brief commentary concerning the creative process
(according to Steven Vincent Johnson) under "The Composing Process" menu.


Engaging in the composing process can be therapeutic, particularly when I
have OD'd on too much computer coding... or trying to stuff my brains with
too many calculus formulae. There are times the analytical portions of my
brain simply need to be de-fragmentized. May you enjoy a little
de-fragmentization of your own. ;-)


PS: audio.orionworks.com was developed using XARA Web Designer. See:
xara.com.  Most of my other OrionWorks subdomains were developed using XARA
as well. It's a pretty decent package for rapid prototype development. I
appreciate XARA's WYSIWYG philosophy. No CSS or HTML coding. That allowed me
to focus on design, color, and layout to a very large extent. I put this two
page website together in two days. XARA would not a good choice for
developing and maintaining large data-base oriented sites, like
Lenr-Canr.org. There is no database management. For large websites, Jed is
right. Use a tool like Word Press. If I get around to journaling some of my
Kepler research under a new subdomain, using Word Press may very well be the
tool I'll use.



Steven Vincent Johnson



[Vo]:OT: Launching a new audio website

2015-09-22 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Feel free to take a brief break from the CF controversy and check out my new
audio website. Keeping Sturgeon's Law in mind I did my best to include only
my best compositions. Rest assured, many compositions died on the operating
table and will never see the light of day. Some of these works go back as
far as 2003. They are all digitally mastered. Lots of wave tables and wave
modification algorithms were employed. It's possible Frank Znidarsic might
enjoy a momentary distraction since I gather he has been working on a music
app for androids.




At the top of the list I have included brand new composition titled "Aurora
Borealis" completed earlier this year. Length: 6:30. This particular
arrangement is more ethereal, ambient and unstructured than most of my
previous compositions. Should be easy listening for most.


Included are photos and a brief commentary concerning the creative process
(according to Steven Vincent Johnson) under "The Composing Process" menu.


Engaging in the composing process can be therapeutic, particularly when I
have OD'd on too much computer coding... or trying to stuff my brains with
too many calculus formulae. There are times the analytical portions of my
brain simply need to be de-fragmentized. May you enjoy a little
de-fragmentization of your own. ;-)


PS: audio.orionworks.com was developed using XARA Web Designer. See:
xara.com.  Most of my other OrionWorks subdomains were developed using XARA
as well. It's a pretty decent package for rapid prototype development. I
appreciate XARA's WYSIWYG philosophy. No CSS or HTML coding. That allowed me
to focus on design, color, and layout to a very large extent. I put this two
page website together in two days. XARA would not a good choice for
developing and maintaining large data-base oriented sites, like
Lenr-Canr.org. There is no database management. For large websites, Jed is
right. Use a tool like Word Press. If I get around to journaling some of my
Kepler research under a new subdomain, using Word Press may very well be the
tool I'll use.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Perhaps shooting myself in the foot

2015-09-18 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Lennart


> I will take risk.


> This video about how strong the word is. (The critic (well founded btw)

> about my grammar should probably not make me bring this but I think it

> is so good that I take chance. Have a cigar it is Friday.

> Words mean a lot.




Good link, Lennart. Glad you provided it. Enjoyable and informative. I liked 
the part where the speaker, at the end of his toast, crushed the cigarette 
within his fist.



If some of the above was in reference to my prior criticism of your use of the 
English language, let me add that my American ability to speak Spanish is 
abysmal, despite the fact that I had plenty of opportunity to learn it. In 
child hood I lived in El Salvador, Central America, for three years. All during 
that time I went to a bi-lingual school. The simple truth of the matter was 
that I was lazy. I had plenty of other interests as well. At that awkward early 
teen-age time in my life I was more interested in studying the social order of 
ant colonies while simultaneously becoming infatuated with girls who rarely 
noticed my existence on this planet. There was a lot on my dinner plate to sort 
through. As far as I was concerned I had no time left over to apply myself (as 
if my future welfare was as stake) on learning Spanish. In retrospect if I had 
been truly motivated, at least to a point where might have been able to carry 
on an awkward but reasonably cognizant conversation in Spanish, it would have 
served me well. This is without a doubt.


Yes, words mean a lot. So, keep practicing, Lennart. I’m not sure how 
compulsory it really is but it’s my understanding that many European countries 
both routinely and simultaneously teach English alongside their native tongue. 
Why? Because many countries know their country’s future welfare may depend on 
having enough of their own citizens fluent in communicating in English, simply 
for business purposes. In the United States, we do teach other foreign 
languages in school as electives. That said, I suspect it’s not anywhere near 
as compulsory as it probably is in other countries. Lately, there have been 
grumblings from conservative right-wing factions that suggest our country has 
already gone too far in allowing Spanish to spread through the United States. 
Hopefully, their xenophobia will be ignored.


I’ve already learned enough from your prior posts to know that I occasionally 
agree and disagree on certain points you have expressed. That means the art of 
communication your Point of View has tended to have been more successful than 
unsuccessful. What more can one ask from “words”.


PS: As for me, while I might have the “girl” issue reasonably sorted out (Yes, 
I’m a nerd, take it or leave it.), I don’t know whether I’ll ever get my 
multiyear Kepler Research project sorted out to my satisfaction before kicking 
the bucket. Yes, Sancho, I know. Just boil the damned egg, will you!






Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:The Ahmed Mohamed case and distrust of experts

2015-09-18 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Ahmed gets his revenge in TIME Magazine:






But during the press conference, Mohamed explained what he really wants to do: 
go to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for collage. In the meantime, 
he added, "I'm thinking about transferring from McArthur to any different 



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:The Ahmed Mohamed case and distrust of experts

2015-09-18 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Eric


>  But ignore Mohamed's race and religion for a moment, and the concerns remain.


I disagree. The concerns would have vanished, if not had been greatly reduced.


>From my POV it appears that the argument you are making, as well as the school 
>administrator's POV, were NOT ignoring Mohamed's race and religion. If Ahmed's 
>skin had been white and his name, Arnold, I seriously doubt this regrettable 
>fiasco would have even raised to a fleeting level of amused interest in the 
>high school cafeteria among fellow nerds.


Well... maybe not if a Caucasian looking Ahmed had turned around and said to 
the teacher, "All be back." ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:ADGEX Flashlight Creators Announce USB PowerBank

2015-09-18 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Robin


> To me it looks they have just put a supercap in a box, with some


Yes, I would agree with you. In the demo you can see him plug the larger box
(the box that is still a prototype) into a wall outlet. 30 seconds later the
box appears to be fully charged whereas before it was completely discharged.


It's not so revolutionary as compared to a really nice incremental step of
consumer convenience. That's not to be knocked. If the same kind of
technology could be internalized within the a typical cell phone... charging
it in 30 seconds... some might call that revolutionary. If true, I think the
technology would sell like hot cakes. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Japanese Members of Parliament are spry!

2015-09-18 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
My apologies to Mr. Beene. I c he already beat me to the punchline. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Japanese Members of Parliament are spry!

2015-09-18 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sed:

> It is good to know that national leaders keep in shape. 
> I'll bet they could beat the crap out of the U.S. Senate.

Yesterday I watched a great documentary on the life and films of Stanley 

The following classic comes to mind.


Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:ADGEX Flashlight Creators Announce USB PowerBank

2015-09-17 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Must keep an eye on these folks.


I gather it's been speculated these devices are powered by Earth's Magnetic 
field. I'm not sure how that would work. If this line of speculation turns out 
to be accurate I'd guess one cannot stack too many of them together in order to 
boost wattage. Density issues. Makes me wonder what the maximum wattage that 
could theoretically be harvested within, say, each square foot, or meter. Of 
course, what comes to my speculative mind is the feasibility of erecting 
"power" buildings crammed with stacks and stacks of these devices all hooked up 
together. Kind of like a sub-station. But in this case, more of a mini power 
house. I'm guessing this would be totally impractical cost-wise due to low 
density output combined with the high cost of the individual devices.  Perhaps 
it simply would not work. It's a nice thought though.





Steven Vincent Johnson





From: Craig Brown [mailto:cr...@overunity.co] 
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 7:53 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:ADGEX Flashlight Creators Announce USB PowerBank


Remember those guys who said they had developed a flashlight powered by Earth's 
magnetic field? Well, here's the next product apparently.




RE: [Vo]:The Ahmed Mohamed case and distrust of experts

2015-09-17 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Lennart:


> Personally I see no reason for the law either against heroin

> (they will abuse it anyhow)


This Off Topic conversion is about to get a lot more off topic, and I don't 
care! ;-)


I like what you said, Lennart. I generally agree with your premise. 


IMO, we should stop outlawing mind altering drugs like Heroin, crack, LSD, 
etc... I would go much further than that and suggest we actually get into the 
business of licensing companies to manufacture these products using safe 
sanitary standards. We should "sell" to those who want it, or need it. As 
horrifying as that may sound to some, the point I'm trying to make is: If we 
really want to end the war on the drug cartels we need to set up carefully 
government regulated business that sell the product at minimal profit in order 
to drive these highly profitable unregulated "illegal" business 
out-of-business. How much federal funding would be saved by getting rid of all 
the surveillance equipment, personnel, and prisons just to grab a few dramatic 
highly publicized headlines of having just grabbed a major kingpin who had been 
on the run for years. Everybody knows that when it comes to the illegal 
importation of drugs into the US, using a sieve would probably be better 
butterfly net than all the drug enforcement equipment and personnel currently 


Unfortunately, law enforcement, itself, has become a huge thriving business. It 
has no interest in stamping out its customer base. Granted, it will 
occasionally parade out a few scape goats every now and grab a few impressive 
headlines. But then it's back to business as usual with its hand out for more 


I realize I would probably end up being assassinated by some right wind 
religious fanatic by saying this by if I was unwillingly forced into a 
government position to end the war on drugs I'd get us into the business of 
licensing it and selling it ourselves in order to undercut the "competition". 
Mandatory on each product would be big fat warning labels that say if you take 
this particular drug for so many times in the following period of time you will 
get addicted. Don't kid yourself. You will get hooked. Therefore, we highly 
recommend you don't take this drug. If you return the drug to us unused and 
unaltered, we will refund your money after we make double sure you didn't find 
a way to dilute the contents in order to sell it to customers yourself at a 
"discount." But if you feel you must take it we would prefer you purchase this 
dangerous drug from us for substantially less than buying if at inflated prices 
down in the alley. Why buy a product from an organization where you wouldn't 
have much recourse to complain if the product doesn't meet standards. Finally, 
when you eventually get addicted (and don't kid yourself, you will get 
addicted) and if you want to kick the habit we have drug rehabilitation 
facilities waiting to get you off the habit. 


I would also make sure all the drug profits would be plowed back into drug 
education in order to show, graphically - no holds barred, all the horrible 
things that happen to a drug user who purchases this product after he has 
gotten addicted. The profits would also go to fund drug rehabilitation and 
support facilities & groups for kicking the habit.


Granted, I realize this "government" program could itself become "addicted" to 
its own self-preservation. In this world, nothing is perfect. We will simply 
have to watch the program very carefully. But as the old saying goes. Keep your 
friends close to you, but keep your enemies even closer. I can't think of a 
better way of keeping my enemy closer to me than by beating them at their own 
game by undercutting their profit margin.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:The Ahmed Mohamed case and distrust of experts

2015-09-16 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I realize English is not your native language. I try my best to afford you 
generous leeway when I can't parse your English grammar. After all, I don't 
know your native language. That said, I must confess that in this circumstance 
I don't quite understand what the point was that you were trying to make.


Here's my point. If the high school boy who brought in his science project had 
not looked like a Muslim, this regrettable chain of unfortunate events never 
would have become news. Authority based on suspicion and fear took over and 
never asked for technical help. For crying out loud, the student brought his 
home made digital clock to school to show his classmates and teachers what he 
had built with his own brain and hands. As far as we can tell he never behaved 
in a secretive way when he brought his home project to school. Would a 
terrorist have revealed to his teacher what he had built? [Glad you liked it, 
sir. Excuse me now while I go take it somewhere secretive where I can arm it.] 
I would have hoped that those in authority would have recognized the simple 
behavior of bringing a project to school to impress a teacher. Unfortunately, 
authority overwhelmed with prejudice took over. Technical help never had a 
chance to weigh in. What a friggin fiasco.


I'm glad he gets to show his science project off at the White House. You can 
bet Ahmed's  visit will make news. 



Steven Vincent Johnson





From: Lennart Thornros [mailto:lenn...@thornros.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 8:21 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Ahmed Mohamed case and distrust of experts



Read what you just wrote,

This is those authorities, you think we should respect, in action.

Where I grow up there was no laws that we should be inoculated.

I think you are confusing technical expertise and authorities.

There is no problem with technical expertise. However, when you bring in the 
principal it all becomes law and order and there is always a law nowadays. . . .

I am glad we have the same opinion. Now just get the names right.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros



+1 916 436 1899

202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648


“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to 
excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM


On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Jed Rothwell mailto:jedrothw...@gmail.com> > wrote:

The Ahmed Mohamed case has swept the Internet. I hope the kid gets a normal 
life back. Anyway, I would like to point out something about this that clicked 
in my mind regarding cold fusion.

This is a technical high school, specializing in engineering. The first teacher 
he showed it to saw it was a clock. I expect there are dozens of other teachers 
there who would instantly recognize it is a clock. So, when suspicion arose, 
and the kid and his clock were sent the principal's office, the principal 
should have called in one of the engineering teachers and asked "what is this?" 
The misunderstanding would have been cleared up instantly. Instead, the 
principal called the police. As you see from the news accounts the police knew 
nothing about electronics or bombs.


Decades ago, when a technical questions arose, technical experts were called 
in, and the public accepted their judgement. There were laws that all children 
have to be inoculated against infectious disease. No one questioned these laws. 
An "anti-vaxer" movement in the 1950s, when the polio vaccine had just been 
developed, would have been unthinkable. All adults back then understood how 
dangerous polio is.


Perhaps respect for authority and for expertise was too high back then. There 
were cases of that. But I think the pendulum has swung too far the other way. 
The tragedy of cold fusion is not that experts were wrong, but rather that 
experts were ignored. Decision makers ignored the scientific literature and did 
not listen to experts who had actually performed experiments. They turned 
instead to science journalists, then to ordinary journalists, to scientists who 
had no knowledge of the subject and who had read nothing, and finally, to 
anonymous people at Wikipedia who name themselves after comic book characters.


- - - - - - - - - - -

The story includes one of the most stupid quotes from a police department 
spokesperson I have ever read:

“We have no information that he claimed it was a bomb,” McLellan said. “He kept 
maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation.”


Asked what broader explanation the boy could have given, the spokesman 


“It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a 
car. The concern was, what was this thing built for? Do we take him into 

Broad?!? Call it broad or narr

[Vo]:OT: When things go super critical

2015-09-16 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
This is what I would call a run-away event.




If we could only bottle it and sell it.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Main stream science performs cold fusion experiment.

2015-09-13 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
In the recent past the Kiplinger newsletter has mentioned the fact that there 
are renewed efforts underway in researching & developing nuclear power from 
Thorium decay. It's my understanding that many decades ago the US lost interest 
in developing Thorium-based energy when it became clear to them that they 
couldn't create atom bombs out of the low decaying element. 


I'm curious,


What qualifies this as a so-called CF experiment?



Steven Vincent Johnson




From: Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 4:38 PM
To: vortex-l 
Subject: [Vo]:Main stream science performs cold fusion experiment.




Speeding-up Thorium decay




Remarks on the cavitation of Thorium-228 


I doubt that Jed has anything by Fabio Cardone in his library. 



RE: [Vo]:Isotopic Analysis of Glowstick by Univ. of Missouri Lab

2015-09-12 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jones:




> Given Mills' strong international patent portfolio and breadth of claims

> - that is strong motivation for Rossi to try to make his case for a

> nuclear, versus non-nuclear reaction.


I see two hats being placed on the magician's table. Which one will the
rabbit finally be pulled out of?


It's as if future wannabe energy czars are trying to carve out a decent
swatch of territory that they hope to homestead with the eventual goal of
selling the spoils to the highest bidder. I wonder who will win that battle.
The loser will likely be the one who blinks first and puts up a "for sale"
sign on his fallow ground.


I'm getting the impression that the latest independent findings would seem
to suggest that no kind of nuclear reaction is occurring whatsoever. From a
patent POV, that doesn't bode well for Rossi & co., even if he is the first
to leave the starting gate with an actual commercial product we can buy off
the shelves of Wallmart. It would suggest, at least to me, that the observed
exothermic process may have more to do with a not well understood process
involving the manipulation of electron shells. Again, from a Patent POV, by
default that would seem to suggest that Randy's mysterious hydrino theory
may now be on a better "fast track" of being able to survive the inevitable
rituals that established scientific scrutiny will demand it perform before
they get around to blessing it as another "mostly harmless" addition to the
Book of Quantum Theory. Obviously, that is not a forgone conclusion. I
suspect there are some within Vortland who would beg to differ with such an
addition. There are the Rydberg supporters who would be more than happy to
add their own revered chapter to the BoQT, and some of them strike me as
being a very persistent lot. 


Sometimes I think we still haven't found the best hat to place on the
magician's table. It's as if there is a movement afoot doing its best to
force us to choose the lesser of two evils.  Perhaps that is why the rabbit
continues to hide.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:STEORN in the news again:

2015-09-11 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jones, always presenting the Vort Collective with the perception of the 
quintessential cynic spiced with a well-researched conspiratorial slant! And 
Jed, countering much of that spice with a more practical no-nonsense POV. Both 
POVs, I find valuable.


Agreed, the probability that this latest episode will pan out is about as 
likely as discovering a patch of land south of the South Pole - to paraphrase a 
saying Dr. Robert Park coined while expressing his adamant disbelief for the 
existence of hydrinos. 


Fortunately, it costs me nothing to keep watching the continuing saga unfold 
from the Peanut Gallery. What I find interesting is that throughout all of 
these years the company apparently hasn't gone belly up. Despite all of its 
prior... how should I say this... spectacular failures, how is it possible for 
Steorn to continue to stay afloat? I confess, during weaker moments I find 
myself speculating that the outfit must have deliberately orchestrated a number 
of well-publicized failures just to shake the competition off of their tail 
while continuing to perfect their super-secret product line behind closed 
doors. In all honesty, I serious doubt that line-of-thought. Just too damned 
conspiratorial for my own blood.


What comes next? Can somebody please pass the popcorn my way?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:STEORN in the news again:

2015-09-11 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
The video can be found at the following link:







Just scroll down a couple of screen fulls.



Steven Vincent Johnson



[Vo]:STEORN in the news again:

2015-09-11 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Some of this info is almost a month old, but still... First I've ever heard
about it.


It would appear STEORN may soon be getting ready to market a cordless
charger for your cellphone. Gets its energy from... who knows.







(There's a short video clip here. More on that later.)


There's a photo of a red device that can fit rather awkwardly in your hand.
One gets the impression the device is pretty close to being ready to be
boxed and sold commercially to the public. Personally, I don't like the
design layout, the aesthetics. It's red and (to me) appears to be in the
shape of a hockey goalie mask. Looks to me like a bloody skull with a USB
inlet in the middle where the nostrils would be placed. Circled are "+" and
"-" characters where the eyes would be, and the word "ORBO" is where the
teeth would be. Personally, I would have sent the ghastly design back to the
rapid prototype department for another redo. And perhaps it has. As-is, the
contraption gives me the impression that it would take up a lot of
unnecessary real-estate on my already cluttered desk. 


There is also an interesting video of what I presume is a pre-commercial
prototype demo ORBO power box designed to charge cell phones.  The prototype
has reportedly been extensively test driven is at Slattery's Pub in Dublin,
which is "...well known to be the favorite social establishment of Steorn's
CEO Shaun McCarthy."


Slattery's Facebook page:



Ending on a humorous note, in the video at Slattery's someone with a voice
that sounds like Shaun McCarthy explains how to ORBO device works. Someone
off camera asks how the box is powered? "Powered by Guinness", the
Shaun-like voice quips. Whether the voice is really Shaun or not is pure
speculation on my part. ORBO or not, I think I would like to visit
Slattery's just for a Guinness! That's product placement for you.


The saga continues...



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-05 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Eric,

> Software developers are generally skeptical of the scope and accuracy
> of mathematical models and see their application primarily as a 
> curve-fitting problem

That is an accurate description Eric. I think I'll be doing a lot of that for 
the next couple years.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:New Article on Brillouin, and my response

2015-09-05 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


> Dreams do come true, so be careful what you wish for. I dreamed of having

> a computer of my own, after seeing one at the Census Bureau at age 8. 

> When I grew up I did have one. It was the first expensive item I bought

> as an adult.


That was a very prophetic dream you had, Jed, and at the age of eight.


Let me reciprocate with a similar dream I had when I was about 9 or 10 years 
old and living out on Guam. This was back in the early 1960s. I had a vivid 
dream one night where I felt the presence of teachers who were nearby but out 
of my sight. They were telling me interesting things about a magical box they 
had placed in front of me. I got the impression the box could make my dreams 
come true. I got the impression that I could put my dreams into the box, and 
then box would eventually reciprocate with the outward externalization of those 
dreams. It was a very strong dream. I didn't know what that magical box was - 
but I knew I wanted one. It was, of course, the personal computer. Back then I 
have no idea what a computer was, let alone a personal computer.


Personal computers have helped me externalize my visionary dreams in the form 
of digital paintings as well as my compositions. Perhaps if I'm lucky that same 
magic box will also eventually assist me in my ongoing Kepler research. But 
that remains to be seen. Hey! Two out of three ain't bad.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-05 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I did read the "Simple theory may explain dark matter" article supplied by Axil.






There are a great many different theories about the nature of dark matter. What 
I like about this theory is its simplicity, uniqueness and the fact that it can 
be tested," said Scherrer.



Proposing the concept of confining a magnetic field within the topology of a 
torus is an interesting idea. I gather this configuration has been verified in 
certain physics experiments such as in atoms of cesium-133 and ytterbium-174.


Now, if I can just figure out what a Majorana fermion (or particle) is. I 
gather it has been difficult to detect... like hydrinos. 


More excerpts:


"Further, the model makes very specific predictions about the rate at which it 
should show up in the vast dark matter detectors that are buried underground 
all over the world. These predictions show that soon the existence of anapole 
dark matter should either be discovered or ruled out by these experiments."


Good! That's what I like to see. A practical way of either verifying or 
falsifying the theory. I wait for the results. If the findings are positive, 
this would likely motivate me to want to bone up on the subject in a more 
serious way.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-05 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thank you for making the effort, Axil.


I bookmarked all three articles for possible future reference. The Anapole dark 
matter article appears to possess a lot of complicated algebra. But at least 
it's not 20 pages of integrals. FYI, since my retirement I have acquired a very 
full class schedule of subjects that I'm in the process of trying to acquire a 
better understanding of. This includes occasionally torturing myself with 
courses on 1st, 2nd, & 3rd semester calculus, brought to you by The Teaching 
Company. The company often offers significant discounts on all course 
materials. You just have to be patient in waiting for what you're interested in 
being offered at discounted prices. Just about everything gets discounted twice 
a year. At present trying to understand Calculus takes priority over exposing 
myself to the controversial mysteries of Rydberg matter. Fortunately for me, 
learning calculus isn't considered a controversial or disputed topic.






OTOH, I can go out to Wikipedia (which is every one's favorite source of 
getting to the truth of the "matter" ;-) ) and read the cliff notes on Rydberg 
matter. Granted, the info out there is exceedingly sparse, and the subject 
material is being contested by the Wiki police...


Wiki sez:


This article has multiple issues. 

Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.

A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its 
subject. (January 2010)

This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. (June 2014)


What little I've read so far on Rydberg matter pretty much convinces me of the 
fact that the subject is going to be way over my head. There appears to be no 
simple or elegant way to represent basic information to give a beginner student 
any kind of incentive to attempt to inculcate the basics. Based on the contents 
out in the brief Wiki article alone... I can see why Randy's Classical Physics 
model of the hydrino appears to be a much more appealing hypothesis for Dark 
Matter - particularly to Randy's dedicated supporters.


Over the years I've gotten the impression that are other members within the 
Vort Collective, besides Axil, that strongly lean in favor of the Rydberg 
Matter hypothesis. Jones? Are you possibly one of them? Fran? I sure would like 
to hear some distilled reasoning from other Rydberg Matter supporters, and why 
this mysterious and most likely misunderstood form of matter deserves serious 
consideration for the candidacy of Dark Matter.


Can that be done without resorting to a plethora of integrals?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-04 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Axil:


> We know that Dark Matter is a result of Rydberg matter that 

> exists as a preferred form of hydrogen that is spread widely

> throughout the universe. 


FWIW, it disturbs me to no end reading a Vort post that portrays speculative 
assumptions (however tantalizing those assumptions may be to some within the 
Collective) as undisputed fact. It's no different than hearing another so 
called undisputed fact claiming that hydrinos make up dark matter. One can get 
their fill of the hydrino model over at Dr. Mills' SCP group. It is 
enthusiastically supported by the BLP cheer leading squad. ((I suspect some of 
them were very happy to see me barred.)


So which is it, Axil? Rydberg matter, or hydrinos? I suspect you'd have a real 
fight on your hands if you decided to correct SCP's presumed misconceptions 
about the explanation for Dark Matter. Quite frankly, I don't know which model 
is the correct one, or perhaps I should say: The more accurate one. Perhaps in 
the end it may turn out to be the case that it's neither.


I'm going to sit on the fence some more and see what shakes out. Sadly, I think 
it's going to continue to be a long wait. Under the circumstance the best thing 
for me to do is try not generate posts filled with tantalizing speculation 
passed off as undisputed fact. Granted, that is easier said than done at times. 
Nobody is perfect.


Full disclosure: I admit my ignorance of the Rydberg matter model. Is there a 
reasonably brief explanation of the model posted somewhere that I might be able 
to read up on... hopefully an explanation that doesn't involve 20 pages of 
Integrals? At present all I have to go on is the suspicion that Hydrinos and 
Rydberg matter seem to be strongly related to each other, as if they are 
kissing cousins. As in the case of hydrinos, over the years I've acquired a 
vague impression that much of Rydberg matter involves altered states of 
hydrogen. Is that a correct assumption, or am I wrong on that?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-04 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Cook,





> As Jones pointed out—they should have and should now “think small and modular 
> “.


Several years ago I recall reading a Kiplinger Forecast that stated there are 
smaller modular oriented nuclear power designs in the works. I seem to recall 
Toshiba may be one of the principal participants. See:




I think one of the on-going plans was to retrofit and update designs originally 
configured to power nuclear submarines. Apparently the assumption was that 
there would be profits to be made constructing smaller modular nuclear power 
plants for locations in remote areas of the planet. As an example, I think they 
stated a modular plant based up in remote parts of Canada located near the huge 
tar oil sands would be put to use in liquefying the crude oil. I gather the 
assumption was that using a small modular nuclear plant to generate sufficient 
amounts of heat would be cheaper and perhaps more environmentally friendly as 
compared to burning a lot of oil to generate the necessary heat. As I 
understand the situation, the process burns up a lot of oil in order to get the 
tar sufficiently liquefied for transport. I think one of the biggest 
complaints, besides the fact that the tar is filled with loads of impurities (a 
matter Al Gore incessantly harped about), is the obvious fact that the process 
belches out a huge amount of CO2 into the atmosphere.


I wonder how these modular designs are proceeding. I wonder if they are still 
considered economically viable in remote areas. At first glance, it does seem 
to be a sensible alternative.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-04 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Axil:


> If there was no need for nuclear power, there would be no need for

> uranium enrichment or plutonium production. Without the need for engineers

> to keep nuclear power plants going, their would be no knowhow to produce

> H-bombs.


Unfortunately, I did not make my POV sufficiently clear. When I used the term 
"nuclear physics" I was not using in terms of developing another fission power 
plant. I was using in terms of academic education. I suspect universities will 
still have to teach some form of "nuclear physics" along with the evolution of 
quantum mechanics. I suspect advanced students will still have to learn the 
basic principles of "nuclear physics". Granted, assuming LENR eventually proves 
its mettle, the current field of "nuclear physics" and quantum mechanics will 
most likely learn to adapt or incorporate what LENR has to offer to the 
negotiation table. That goes for incorporating Dr. Mills' BLP Classical Physics 
concepts as well. This assumes the audacious startup can ever get off the 
ground. BLP's latest switcheroo to an alleged solid state "SunCell" engineering 
effort with no plans to reveal anything to the public about what the new solid 
state engineering entails is likely to make the company vulnerable to 
considerable amount of skeptical skewering.  But, of course, BLP doesn't care 
what the peanut gallery or what stalwart skeptics have to say. Last summer BLP 
managed to secure millions of dollars of additional funding to keep them 
afloat. But all that generous funding had been based on engineering principals 
involving moving parts that have now been apparently abandoned as BLP now 
pursues a new Solid state engineering concept. Unfortunately, none of us in the 
peanut gallery have a clue as to what the solid state engineering might entail. 
Needless to say, with nothing to go on, I have my doubts. Stalwart skeptics 
love this kind of switcheroo behavior. Can't say I blame them.


As for future generations not acquiring the knowledge to produce a couple of 
nasty H-Bombs or dirty bombs, I think it is exceedingly naive to assume 
countries like North Korea and similar types of tribal/family-run businesses 
would not brush up on leaning old skills.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Subject: FORTH computer language

2015-09-04 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Fun stuff there, Hoyt and Eric.


Hoyt, are you "Scotty?"


This brings up my early university studies of learning assembly language. 
Assembly & Machine language programming is another lost art within the computer 
science field. Few universities teach assembly language these days. That 
concerns me. Most programmers these days have no clue whatsoever as to what 
happens at the machine level. 


I must confess learning assembly language for me had initially been 
excruciatingly difficult. It took a part-time McDonald's swing manager sitting 
me down during an evening break and explaining a fundamental machine language 
principle that had completely baffled me. Initially, I didn't understand the 
fact that instructions AND data could be stored interchangeably in the same 
locations of core memory. Once I understand the utter simplicity of that 
paradigm, there was no holding me back. Back then when I was a UW Madison 
student, I was working at a McDonalds store that catered to the lunch break of 
the University crowd. The swing manager who had obviously taken some CS 
courses, and who was instrumental in getting me to understand a major 
fundamental CS principal about low-level programming concepts, was himself a 
psychology major. Go figure. I hope he's doing well. He sure was helpful in 
straightening out some of my CS confusions.


Back then few beginning computer students had access to programming in an 
assembly language environment. Granted, there were a lot of PDP mini computers 
installed in the CS building, but you had to be a more advanced CS student in 
order to gain access to them and the machine instruction set. Those were 400+ 
level courses. For the masses: Fortran, Algol and Pascal were the rage. ... and 
nobody talked about COBOL. After all, the computer science department was an 
academic institution, not a business establishment. Of course, in my case, it 
was learning COBOL at Madison Area Technical College (located at the other side 
of town;-) ) that got me a good paying job that ultimately lasted 36 years 
working for the state of Wisconsin till I retired last December.


CS students learned assembly language by initially practicing with Donald's 
Knuth's MIX language. MIX was an elegant representation of a simulation of 
assembly language.




I had a lot of fun learning how to program within a simulated core of 4k 
memory. MIX taught me how to be efficient in both compacting the size of my 
programs as well as making them execute quickly. In one contest I came in 2nd 
best for designing a program that was both the fastest as well as taking up as 
few machine instructions as possible within core memory. The class was assigned 
the task of adding up Fibonacci numbers. Someone in the class figured out how 
to do the same function with one less machine instruction than my program. I 
wish I had found out who that person was. I would have loved to have compared 


These days I use Microsoft Visual Studio Profession - 2013. I'll probably 
upgrade to 2015 or later version reasonably soon. My Kepler project is being 
written primarily in C#. It's a decent language.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Re: Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-03 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Axil,


> The advent of LENR will destroy nuclear physics. 




Where have I heard phrases like this before? Oh yes, over at Dr. Mills' SCP 
group. Just substitute "SunCell technology" for "LENR" and I think you'd fit 
right in with the BLP cheering squad.


I've heard phrases like this elsewhere as well...


I realize this is just a picky personal gripe of mine but when I hear phrases 
like the above coming from both Vortex and the SCP group, it occasionally 
sounds not all that different to me than listening to a group of fundamentalist 
Christians waxing on and on about how everything will be set right once the 
second coming gets underway.


IMHO, nuclear physics will not be destroyed by the advent of LENR. I think it 
will adapt.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Subject: off topic android

2015-09-03 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I wouldn't get too concerned about OT issues clogging up the Vort Collective. 
As the presidential elections draw closer, based on the previous election 
cycles, one can imagine what will happen within the continuum. It will return 
to normalcy afterwards.


I suspect the younger generation will be interested in your android app once 
it's more fully developed. If it can control MIDI devices, you are likely to 
have some interest there. OTOH, I suspect your app is not likely to pique the 
interest of the older generation, like me. A tablet/cell phone display window 
is just too small for 60+ year old eyes! However, there are always exceptions 
to the rule. Incidentally, my wife and I just purchased two new Samsung Android 
cell phones. Looks like we are joining the android crowd despite the fact that 
my wife uses the IPad 2 tablet. I personally use a Samsung Galaxy note 12 Inch 
tablet. We can make the letters & numbers larger on our androids.


I mentioned my desktop Sonar Producer software application because I enjoy 
creating full-fledged compositions using all the s/w tools I can get my hands 
on, assuming I can afford them. I need all the desktop real estate I can get my 
hands on.


I'm pretty comfortable using Microsoft's Visual Studio Professional edition. 
I'm using the VS package in my Kepler research efforts. I'm fluent in both VB 
and C#. I could probably handle C++ if forced to, but I'd rather not. Never 
learned JAVA. I programmed in C back in the 1980s when I was a troglodyte 
computer programmer for Space Astronomy Lab, Madison, Wisconsin. I wrote GSE 
(Ground Support Equipment) software. Programmed primarily in C and FORTH. FORTH 
is an interesting RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) programming language. Quite 
primitive, but deceptively powerful once you get a handle of it.


Indeed, would suspect Jed would be interested in a thread discussing a CF 
thermal runway situation. Wouldn't we all. Wait a minute... didn't that happen 
to Rossi a couple of times when he first stumbled across the mysterious "Rossi 



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-02 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I noticed all five reviews that are currently displayed are very positive. Four 
reviewers gave your book five stars. Only one gave 4 stars. That's not bad.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Subject: off topic android

2015-09-02 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I like the fact that you added note letters at both ends of the app.  The video 
was however difficult to watch since I presume you used your cell phone to 
video it holding it in the traditional vertical position. When I watched it 
everything was sideways. I had to tilt my head. That was a pain in the neck! 


It looks like you are designing the app to use traditional musical score. I 
have more to say on that matter...


I use a sophisticated MIDI music sequencer created by Cakewalk. It's called 
Sonar X3 - Producer edition. It's on par with Pro Tools except that it's much 
cheaper to purchase. It only runs on Windows platforms - no apple or android. 
I've created a lot of computer compositions with the application going all the 
way back to the 1990s. (As you wisely pointed out, it's important to take some 
breaks from CF work.) FWIW, I never compose music on my PC using traditional 
musical score notation. I tried to use traditional musical notation at first, 
but found it to be extremely limiting since you need to be able to place some 
notes out-of-sequence in order to generate a more human touch to one's music. 
This is especially the case if one is improvising or playing jazz. I don't know 
anybody who uses traditional musical notation when composing on a PC monitor 
screen. This is especially the case if one is using MIDI. With a piano role 
configuration you can still add note letters at both ends. You can also grey 
the horizontal "black" minor keys bands. The major horizontal bands can remain 
white. This is useful to help distinguish the horizontal minor and major notes 
from each other on the monitor screen.


When composing I use three HD monitor screens, and yet, I still don't have enuf 
desktop space. I'm considering getting a ultra-high 4K monitor. That would be 
the equivalent of 4 HD monitors. 4K HD monitor prices are gradually coming 


I cannot imagine myself composing or playing music on an iPad or Android 
device. NTL, I know there are younger tykes who do just that. Guess I'm too 
much of an old fart at 63 years old. I need glasses too.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:New Article on Brillouin, and my response

2015-09-02 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
from Jed,




> I do not recall seeing any information from Godes describing the actual

> calorimetry or performance of any of his existing reactors, or previous

> reactors. He has always talked about what he hopes to accomplish, not what

> he has accomplished. I have asked him in person what power levels,

> temperatures and what method of calorimetry he uses. He did not respond.


This strikes me as a house of cards waiting to collapse.


The above commentary pretty much explains the situation to me. It saddens me. 
It's as if one hopes one's theoretical research will eventually save the day by 
simply extrapolating the original configuration (of one's dreams) within the 
confines of a CAD configuration. Perhaps the dream will eventually jump out of 
the dream-state and miraculously transform into physical reality. When I was a 
small child I often wished that certain aspects pertaining to my lucid dreams 
would make an effort to jump into the realm of my physical reality. Who 
wouldn't enjoy being able to fly! Alas, they never obliged. 


It is perhaps ironic of me to say this since much my own personal work is 
largely confined to the confines theoretical research and computer simulations 
these days. Granted, theoretical research and computer simulations most 
certainly have their place. But hopefully, I know my place in the greater 
scheme of things. Experimental evidence always trumps theory.


I wish Mr. Trump understood this.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-02 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


A decent review from Reigh who presumably has read your book and took the time 
to digest the contents and the ramifications.


FYI, I have not read your book. I have no right to challenge it nor trash it. 


Despite my ignorance, I think I can say with some conviction that you are one 
of the most honest (honorary) boy scouts I've ever met on Vortex. I perceive 
one of your life's goals is to challenge the establishment. I suspect the 
curious will buy your book because they enjoy the challenge of having their 
current perceptions of physics challenged. And, of course, stalwarts will 
continue to trash it for the very same reasons, because they hate having their 
current perceptions of physics challenged. Let me put it this way, Frank, you 
are performing your job well. Granted, it's possible you may not enjoy aspects 
of your job at times, but that's the way the egg rolls.


FWIW, I suspect my own ongoing research into Keplerian laws of planetary 
motion, if I ever accumulate enuf data to publish the results, will most likely 
be ignored by the establishment as well. My findings may be ridiculed. For 
example, I suspect I would most likely be laughed off the stage if I were to 
challenge the establishment by claiming that the heliocentric view of the solar 
system is NOT the only correct (or most accurate) representation of planetary 
motion. The prior geocentric model may also still work. IOW, it's possible that 
both models are not incompatible with each other. It's possible that the prior 
geocentric model failed because they used the wrong engineering configuration 
backed with incorrect math.  My suspicion is that it's all a matter of 
establishing a point-of-view ... and then backing it up some appropriate math 
which hopefully will not turn out to be too complicated. Kepler 1st law states 
a planetary body rotates around a central mass fixed at one of two foci of an 
ellipse. Curiously, nobody has yet been able to determine what the other 
(empty) foci is doing. What planetary laws of motion might be governing what's 
happening at the empty (or imaginary) foci? I think Nature abhors a vacuum. 
Therefore, some kind of law may very well exist there - perhaps even a 
fascinating one. One possibility I thought about is that the angular change of 
the planetary position remains constant at the "empty" foci. Decades ago I 
checked out this possibility. While it is somewhat close, it is definitely NOT 
correct.  I'm sure Kepler hundreds of years ago tired this out and noticed it 
did not match either, as have others since then. Dang! It would have been so 
elegant if it did match up! But Mother Nature said, No! You'll have to dig a 
little deeper to fathom my secretes. And so, my quixotic journey to discover 
what might be happening at the imaginary foci continues. I may succeed in my 
boy scout quest, or I may fail. But try, I must. Sancho keeps telling me: 
That's the way the egg rolls. ;-)


I think most readers of such reviews can read between the lines and discern 
that Mr. Zoepfl most likely took the contents of your unread book as an 
unwanted challenge to his current perception of physics & reality. Zoepfl's 
review filled with unwarranted adjectives and disparaging characterizations of 
your intelligence is likely backfire on him, particularly if his objective had 
been to get you tar and feathered. It could very well make the curious even 
more curious. Why? Becuz the bright ones with the quixotic mind-set love to be 



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Fred Zoepfl

2015-09-01 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Sorry to hear about that Frank,


The world is full of pompous asses.


Perhaps it's the pending presidential election which tends to bring out the 
best and worst of us. When I was in Washington, south of Seattle, last week I 
saw accompanying two bumper stickers on a back of a pickup. 


The 2st sticker on the left side of the bumper had a photo of Trump it sed:

 Trump in 2016

The 2nd sticker on the right side of the bumper had a photo of Hillary it sed:

 Trump that B1TCH. 


FYI, those who may be new to Vortex, you may notice an increase in OT threads 
pertaining to presidential election issues. It will reach a frenzy leading up 
to election night. Things will go back to normal in Vortex land afterwards. Be 



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi Granted E-Cat Patent by US Patent Office !!

2015-09-01 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:

> Not costly or difficult if you are a phosita! 
> To paraphrase Dirty Harry: Ask yourself: 
> Do I pheel like a phosita? Well, do ya, punk?

A man's gotta know his limitations. ;-)


Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi Granted E-Cat Patent by US Patent Office !!

2015-08-31 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I'm guessing the question most of us are asking at this point is whether an 
independent replication effort will be performed based on Rossi's latest patent 
filing information.


Perhaps I'm mistaken on this point but I'm guessing an independent setup & test 
shouldn't be all that costly to do. Who might be invested or motivated enough 
to do it?


What does the peanut gallery have to say?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Even the most reliable industrial meters can fail - cats - fenced-in Texas

2015-08-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Terry


> NO!  Don't listen to Ol' Bab:


> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/24/vet-kills-cat-arrow-photo-charges_n_7656706.html


Very distressing to read. I guess the famous Hippocratic oath "Thou shalt do no 
harm" doesn't necessarily apply in cases like this. What bothers me the most is 
the betrayal of the human/cat/dog relationship. As any dog or cat owner will 
attest, there is a unique kind of inter-species trust that is built up between 
the human and the life-time of their pet. To betray that trust would tear me 


RIP, Tiger. When you come back, try another state besides Texas.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Even the most reliable industrial meters can fail

2015-08-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Terry,


> Would those invisible fences with the shock collar work on a cat?

> They're a lot less expensive and seem to work for dogs. 


We actually discussed the matter. My wife thinks the shock treatment would be 
disastrous to try on our outdoor cat. She may be right. If we are ultimately 
forced to enforce 24 hour house arrest on our cat I would prefer to install a 
cat recommended fence such as those approved by Jackson Galaxy, the creator of 
"My Cat from Hell" TV series seen on the Animal Planet.


Photo examples of cat proof fences:








Some designs are rather creative like the katzecure double rollers. Cats don't 
like climbing up fences where they are forced to climb upside down to get out. 
Unfortunately, most of these designs tend to make your property look like a 
mini-state penitentiary.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Even the most reliable industrial meters can fail - cats - fenced-in Texas

2015-08-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From David,




> ... AFAICT every subdivision provides, and insists on the maintenance of, 

> fences surrounding the back yards. About 6 feet tall, wood, cat-proof at 
> least when new.  

> Unless your cat likes to jump!


I’ll take your advice and not move to Texas. Incidentally jumping a 6 foot 
fences would not be a problem for Charm. I think she’s part gazelle. 
Incidentally, last year she had major surgery to remove the ball socket to her 
left hip when it got dislocated. Apparently, it’s not uncommon where the vet 
can’t get a cat hip ball socket joint to go back in place. Removing a ball 
socket sounds draconian but actually it turns out not to slow down most cats. I 
think Charm has achieved 95% recovery. Jump a six foot fence? No problemo.


I wonder if my disagreeable neighbor came from Texas. Sounds very isolating 
where you live. Do you feel fenced in?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Self- charging battery ADGEX

2015-08-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jones,


> There is a recent announcement making the rounds this morning - for a

> battery which is apparently now in production in Australia, for use in a

> Apparently, the inventor thinks he can capture Schumann resonance.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VYC8K77MSc

> http://trade.adgex.com.au/elfe#tabs-6





Who within the Vort Collective would like to volunteer to keep a casual
watch on this development?


I volunteered myself to watch Black Light Power until I recently got
defrocked. One would therefore think I might have a lot of free time on my
hands to pursue such a task. Curiously though, since I retired the opposite
seems to have happened. I'm not complaining. Doing what I want to do versus
what others want me to do for them does not seem to be a problem for me.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Even the most reliable industrial meters can fail

2015-08-28 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I hope you can get the county to respond to your latest measurement. In 
regarding to city matters, I think you are likely to get a better ending than 
what our household is currently dealing with.


We have a new neighbor who is threatening to call the city police or animal 
control to get one of our two cats, an outdoor cat, Charm, incarcerated and us 
fined if he ever finds our cat on his 2nd floor balcony again in the future. 
Charm is a rescue we picked up at an Idaho rest stop about 3 years ago. She is 
very adventurous. We learned long ago we couldn't keep Charm incarcerated in 
our home all day. She needed outdoor time or else there was hell to pay. This 
neighbor moved into our neighborhood a year ago. Ironically, the previous home 
owner, he purchased the house from, who is now deceased, liked Charm's 
visitations to his 2nd floor balcony. IOW, our cat, Charm, felt accepted at 
that house. But now, a new cat-unfriendly neighbor has moved in and apparently 
he really hates cats. He believes all cats are "destructive predators" - bird 
murderers. We want to respect our new neighbor's desire that our cat no longer 
visit his house. But that is difficult to accomplish when the new neighbor does 
not want to accept from us articles like cat repellants (free of charge) that 
would give our cat incentive not to visit his property and 2nd floor balcony 
anymore. Apparently, our new neighbor would prefer to wait for our cat to once 
again visit his balcony so that he can call animal control and get Charm 
incarcerated and us fined.


Complicating matters, there are city ordinances that tell us that all outdoor 
dogs and cats must be on leashes no longer than 6 feet. BTW, this leash law is 
routinely ignored as most dog owners have leashes that extend out to 10 - 15 
feet. I noticed the city ordinances cited the word "dog" 25 times and the word 
"cat" 6 times. It's more than at 4 to 1 ratio of dog issues versus cat issues. 
While well-meaning I think cats got incorporated into the city ordinance leash 
law as a form of collateral damage. In any case this neighbor has the law on 
his side. Technically he can get us fined if Charm shows up again. At present 
there are several neighbors with outdoor cats that have now become concerned 
about whether this person might go after their outdoor cat as well. 


I've asked my neighborhood alder as well as the president of our neighborhood 
association for insight on the matter. I asked if either one knew of an 
organization that specializes in conflict resolution to help diffuse 
neighborhood issues like this. While both were polite in their responses to me, 
but it's pretty clear that neither one wanted to have anything to do with our 
outdoor cat situation. Since our cat being outdoors unleashed is technically 
breaking city ordinances, we are breaking the law. In the eyes of the city 
ordinance we are the bad guys. 


>From my point of view, our household may end up being abused by the 
>enforcement of a city ordinance that nobody had really given a damn about 
>until a passive-aggressive neighbor with ideological bent decided to press the 
>issue by getting the city to do his bullying for him. What a deal for him.


At present, we are not sure how this is all going to go down. There are many 
options we are considering. Some options are exceedingly expensive like putting 
up a cat proof perimeter around our property. I detest the idea, and not just 
because it would be expensive. It would make our house and surrounding property 
look like a mini-state penitentiary. If we are forced to do this it would be as 
if this neighbor had successfully enacted a city ordinance primarily to get his 
own ideological needs met, an ordinance that nobody in the past had had given a 
damn about. All this just to imprison out cat and get us fined. It would be as 
if he had symbolically imprisoned us as well. After he deals with us what other 
cat household might be on the chopping block next? That's another reason I 
don't want to do this. There comes a point where you have to take a stand. The 
city ordinance against cats is ill advised. There are far better ways of 
dealing with such matters other than ignoring sincere assistance from willing 
neighbors in preference to calling animal control and extracting expensive 



Steven Vincent Johnson




From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:jedrothw...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 4:09 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:Even the most reliable industrial meters can fail


I have often commented that industrial grade equipment is extremely reliable. 
You bet your life on it every time you fly in an airplane, for example. But 
even though meters and sensors are reliable, airplanes have redundant backup 
systems, for good reason.

No matter how good equipment may be, it can always fail. Particularly if that 
equipment is . . . a computer printer or a fl

RE: [Vo]:A 21st Century Case for Gold: A New Information Theory of Money.

2015-08-13 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Eric


> This is the reason I've never understood the appeal of gold or bitcoin.  

> The urge to take the control of the amount of money in circulation out 

> of the hands of central banks seems to disregard the danger of deflation.


I'm baffled that there still exist politicians who want us to go back to the 
gold standard, believing that doing so would ensure the safety of U.S. 
currency. I think not. The appeal for gold is based on an illusion that gold 
has some kind of mystical value of its own, as if the it was ordained by God. I 
doubt God cares. Neither is paving the streets of heaven with pure gold (as 
Thomas Malloy, once envisioned) recommended due to its soft pliability. In no 
time there would be scuff marks and ruts. I wonder if there exist road repair 
jobs in heaven. 


Going back to a gold standard is insane.  FDR got rid of it back in 1933. 
Later, Nixon and G. Ford fiddled with how much gold U.S. citizens could 
purchase. I believe part of the problem was due to the fact that U.S. gold 
reserves held in Fort Knox was in the process of being decimated as other 
nations tried to convert their national currency reserves into gold. By 1971 
the U.S. went completely off the gold standard, allowing the price of the 
precious metal to float from a fixed $35.00 price to current market value. The 
price is currently hovering over $1,100. Gold was much higher not all that long 
ago. The more perceived angst there is in the world, the pricey gold gets, and 
vice versa. 


Given the topic of bitcoin currency being raised in this discussion I suspect 
inflation might be more likely of some concern rather than the ravages of 


Speaking of inflation, it's really another form of taxing the entire nation. 
When the effects of inflation end up costing you more to purchase a product or 
service, it is no different than having to pay a tax on the same item when you 
are living on a fixed income. When a nation experiences moderate inflation, 
wealth is being reallocated. Not surprisingly the wealthy tend to weather 
"taxation" by inflation far better than who are typically living on limited 
fixed incomes.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Rossi beware!

2015-08-10 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Axil:




> Rossi realty doesn't know what is happening inside the Hot cat...it new...

> but there is no free lunch in this world. For all those who care for 

> Rossi's welfare. convince him to leave that shipping container.


I wouldn't be surprised that Rossi doesn't have a firm understanding of what's 
happening either. But that pretty much describes any inventor, researcher, or 
scientist who by fate stumbles across a phenomenon that does not fit the text 


I gather you suspect Rossi is now in mortal danger of frying himself as he 
continues to stroke his kitties. I guess your concern for Rossi's health is 


How long has Rossi been working hands-on in this field? And how much hands-on 
experience have you personally accumulated? If you have accumulated some 
hands-on experience please feel free to list some of that personal experience 
of yours so that I, too, can start feeling some concern for Rossi's fate. 



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Rossi's 1 MW Thermal LENR plant trial. What's the current consensus?

2015-08-09 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Terry,

Speaking of cynicism:


> "It's not easy being green"

... I thought you weren't green. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi's 1 MW Thermal LENR plant trial. What's the current consensus?

2015-08-06 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
One thing I've learned about Jones over the years is that when someone is 
gullible enough to attack his personal assessments on LENR subjects I can 
pretty much expect that instead of defending his positions he will immediately 
launch a strong offense. Doing so, Jones is more than capable of skewering the 
opposition, leaving many visibly injured in some way. It can be particularly 
entertaining when Jed and Jones go at it since both I'd say are pretty evenly 
matched. Another Jed & Jones debate can occasionally be educational too. It's 
been a while since the Collective has seen another rematch between these two 
veteran Vort titans. Perhaps I'm getting bored.


Jones, personally, I think your assessment of Rossi comes off as a bit too 
cynical for me. However, I can understand why many remain deeply cynical of the 
man. It's not as if this mercurial Italian hasn't contributed to his own 
undoing, from all the confusion and disillusion he has strewn about across net.


As you might know I was recently kicked off Dr. Mills' Society of Classical 
Physics discussion group. I became too persistent in suggesting that BLP might 
want to perform another public "black box" SunCell demonstration that gives the 
audience (the Peanut Gallery) some kind of evidence (however minute it might 
be) as to why they have now apparently converted over to a new no-moving-parts 
or solid state-like technology. Dr. Mills, the CEO of a private company, 
disagreed that he needed to offer-up any type of a demonstration, as was his 
right to do so. I gather my persistence eventually got his ire. There's that 
old saying: (1) The boss is always right. (2) If you think the boss is wrong, 
see rule (1). One would think I ought to feel irate and angry about having been 
defrocked. As best as I can tell, I'm not. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, and so 
did Dr. Mills. It's not easy being a CEO. I can see how just trying to manage 
the politics of a start-up company day in and day out can be without a doubt 
the worst part of the job.


IMHO, I suspect I don't know any more about the veracity of Dr. Mills' claims 
any more than you might know about Rossi's. I try not to predict what Rossi or 
Dr. Mills will attempt to accomplish, or fail at next. I just try my best to 
keep on watching these two enigmas with as little judgment as possible. That 
way I end up feeling less inclined to constantly end up having to defend myself 
when someone feels personally offended that my opinions don' coincide with 
theirs. I saw a lot of that kind of defensive behavior over at the SCP 
discussion group coming from the cheerleading section. Constantly defending 
myself, I've found it to be a huge waste of my precious time.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Rossi's 1 MW Thermal LENR plant trial. What's the current consensus?

2015-08-06 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thanks Frank,


Due to numerous personal distractions that are constantly invading my life I 
sort of got out of the habit of keeping tabs of e-Cat world. Perhaps I should 
try to remedy that.



Steven Vincent Johnson




[Vo]:Rossi's 1 MW Thermal LENR plant trial. What's the current consensus?

2015-08-06 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Ashfield,




> The good news is that Aftenposten, Norway's largest newspaper , has

> they have expert third party confirmation that Rossi's 1 MW thermal LENR

> is working well.  It is now at about 168 days of the 350 day trial.  

> If, as now looks likely, LENR works, it should solve a lot of problems.


I must confess that I have been remiss in keeping track of Rossi's 350 day 1
MW thermal LENR plant trial. Assuming this latest trial completes and the
data looks good... what happens next?


I don't know enough about this latest trial experiment to grok whether the
engineering & technology involved would be considered reliable enough or
even sufficiently understood such that the components currently be used
could presumably be re-engineered into the design of an actual commercial
product. I may be mistaken on this point, but I'm assuming an attempt to
design an actual commercial product would be the next logical step - perhaps
not to private individuals but for some kind of industrial use, perhaps for
heating large factory buildings cheaply. I'm assuming industrial oriented
safety restrictions could be better enforced in ways that could not easily
be done if sold to the private sector.


Would components from the Vort Collective continuum care to comment? 



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:A 21st Century Case for Gold: A New Information Theory of Money.

2015-08-05 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I read your paper. It's very good. For a six page WORD doc it manages to cast 
significant light on the socio-economic complexities our society is in the 
process of inheriting such as advancing robotics, AI, and automation. The Vort 
Collective has been debating many of these issues for years. 


I retired last December. In a sense, I have now graduated to the status of a 
person who enjoys UBI via through the economic mechanisms of retirement 
annuities and social security. I'm a reasonably lucky citizen of the United 
States. I have acquired modest UBI allowing our household to pay the bills, 
feed our two cats and keep them entertained, and perhaps even take a budget 
vacation every other year. It distresses me that too many in our society aren't 
as lucky as our household has been. Being "lucky" should NOT be a major factor 
in how one hopes to live the remaining years of their lives with some dignity.


With advanced automation, robotics and AI, it seems reasonable for me to 
predict that the retirement age will come earlier and earlier. Eventually we 
will stop calling it "retirement" when we start "retiring" in our mid 30s. 
Perhaps we will call it: "Reaching the Age of Maturity".  Before reaching 
"maturity" society may require us to choose from a selection of mandatory 
services we must perform in service to society. We may be required to do this 
service for perhaps up to 10 - 15 years, like joining the peace core, or 
building essential infrastructure like roads & bridges. This is to assure that 
essential infrastructure remains intact. Of course, during your years of 
mandatory service, you will be given UBI. However, in order to share in the 
collective wealth of the nation for the rest of your remaining years you must 
first give unto it according to your experience, unique skill sets and 


After one reaches "the age of Maturity" you are given permanent UBI status for 
the remaining years of your life. It is up to you to make the best of the rest 
of your remaining years. I remain optimistic that most will attempt to do just 
that. Start up a unique and eccentric business. Become a popular well 
sought-out artist or musician within your local community. Perform theoretical 
research in some obscure subject that eventually becomes a key component that 
helps explain how to fold space and make space travel between stars 
economically possible. RAISE A CHILD FROM INFANCY TO ADULTHOOD. If you don't 
think that isn't a full-time job! I think most of us will have a strong desire 
to leave our planet in a better place before we finally head for the recycling 
bin ourselves.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Ruins of Japanese Emperor's WWII bombshelter

2015-08-03 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thanks for the translation Jed.


I lived in Japan with my parents back around 1954-56. I reckon I was around 2 
years when we moved there. It would have been a good age to learn a 2nd 
language - if only I lived there longer.


I am reminded of the 1980s TV Miniseries Shogun, staring Richard Chamberlain 
and Toshirô Mifune. As a lost sea captain who gets stranded in Feudal Japan, 
Blackthorne (R. Chamberlain) along with his crew must learn how to understand 
the complexities of the Japanese feudal culture, or else die. It's your basic 
rags to riches story. The miniseries was widely popular and fun for me to 
watch. One of the little things we learn during the show is that that the 
Japanese language is apparently better equipped than many western languages in 
the art of deflecting one's response in regards to something you really don't 
want to answer outright. As I understand it, it was one of the ways an 
individual could maintain some sense of privacy within a culture where the 
concept of privacy, insofar as the civilization was concerned, had little value.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects

2015-07-31 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed,


> So corporations are pretty much ruled out. They cannot do cold fusion research

> even if they want to, because it will not lead to immediate profits. Also 
> because

> the stockholders and Wall Street speculators would be outraged to learn that a

> corporation is doing cold fusion.


IMO, it is conceivable that Dr. Randall Mills' Blacklight Power company may be 
pushing the envelope on that matter. Over the decades BLP, a privately owned 
R&D company, has managed to receive millions of dollars from rich angel 
investors in order to prove they can build a new kind of technology capable of 
generating energy through the exploitation of a controversial (and presumably 
cheap) new energy source. The process strikes many of us on this list as being 
somewhat similar to LENR. Again, I say: "Somewhat similar". Dr. Mills would 
vehemently disagree there is any similarity between his hydrinos and any kind 
of LENR research. Dr. Mills would then attempt to drive a stake in the heart of 
all LENR research and researchers, proclaiming the community is primarily made 
up of faulty researchers who are for the most part incapable of conducing 
proper experiments.


Lately, I noticed there have been some members who have become brave enough to 
debate LENR research over at Dr. Mills' Society of Classical Physics Yahoo 
group. Needless to say, Dr. Mills does not seem particularly interested in 
letting LENR debate progress too far in his discussion group. I can't really 
blame him since they are supposed to focus on Classical Physics matters. I 
believe there are a number of really smart cookies doing their best to 
comprehend how Dr. Mills Classical Physics is supposed to work. Many of them 
ask questions that involve a lot of scary-looking mathematical formulas.  I 
commend their efforts.


OTOH, what did bug me was the existence of a group of cheerleaders who tended 
to congratulate Dr. Mills for every new alleged breakthrough BLP claimed had 
just transpired. No questions asked. The latest alleged BLP breakthrough 
involved transforming SunCell Technology from a moving parts engineering 
project to a brand new non-moving solid-state engineering project. If true, it 
would presumably be a huge improvement. 


I asked Dr. Mills if BLP would be willing to assemble some kind of a "black 
box" experimental demonstration that could show everyone that the new solid 
state direction BLP is taking is not just smoke and mirrors. I argued it would 
help quell negative commentary from pathological skeptics if BLP could show 
something new indeed was happening. I stressed it would need to be some kind of 
black box demonstration that would not reveal any proprietary details. By 
making such a request, repeatedly so I might add, I ended up upsetting the 
cheerleading section. A few went after me for challenging Dr. Mills. One even 
called my persistence "passive aggressive". To make a long story short, I was 
eventually canned from the list. Despite my defrocking, I continue to bare no 
ill-will towards Dr. Mills or BLP, and especially towards the moderator who 
privately treated me with the upmost respect. Truth of the matter, Dr. Mills 
was never under any obligation to show and/or demonstrate anything to the 
peanut gallery, of which I'm a non-paying member. It is, after all, a privately 
owned company.


But trying to get back to Jed's comment. Will BLP, a privately run R&D company 
be able to survive the constant slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune and 
eventually come to be?


I'd like to hope so. It would make a great story to tell one's grandchildren. 
Only time will tell.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects

2015-07-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hello again Lennart,


I wanted to comment on:


> Example of good result in the government is not enough to convince me that

> government can handle change and improvements


I would say the same criticism applies towards a number of private corporations 
as well. Jed has been very good at citing numerous historical examples that 
have shown the Achilles heels of well-established private enterprises.


I think we must resign ourselves to the realization that we are stuck with both 
extremes running our society: Governments and private enterprises, and all the 
interesting hybrids that find their little niches in-between. I think it best 
if both extremes try to do their best to remain civil and work with each other 
for the common good of everyone.


As they say on the Red Green Show: "We're all in this together."



I'm hoping this is a matter we can both agree on.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects

2015-07-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


> I did not know Grace Hopper but no one contributed more to software than she 
> did. She was an admiral in the Navy.


Back around 1980 when I still had a few visible fledgling feathers I got to see 
Grace Hopper at a talk she gave in Madison on one of her numerous speaking 
engagement rounds. One of the first things she did after she stepped up to the 
podium was to apologize about what happened to COBOL.


The audience was packed with COBOL mainframe programmers, myself included. Her 
apology got a chuckle, particularly from the smaller group of us that had been 
exposed to other programming languages. I think the rest probably just 
scratched their heads and wondered what she was apologizing for. 


I certainly do not blame Grace and the monumental task that had been handed to 
her to develop the first business oriented programming language known as COBOL. 
Love it or hate it, COBOL is still one of the most widely used 3rd generation 
programming languages in the mainframe environment. Being the first business 
oriented programming language of its kind, Grace and her team had no prior 
experience in comprehending how such a programming language should be 
structured. Since they were trying to design a simple-to-understand programming 
language syntax that performed a lot of business oriented accounting activities 
it seemed to make sense to develop commands around the English language, using 
simple grammatically correct English-like sentences, like "ADD SALES-TAX-VALUE 
TO GRAND-TOTAL." (Don't forget that period!) Of course you could write the same 
which was just as bad because of its wordiness. Developing the excessively 
worded commands that many computer science academics turned their noses up at 
wasn't her fault or the team's fault. Eventually, I would imagine the whole 
team learned what worked and what didn't through trial and error and getting 
feed-back from users. But by then COBOL standards had already been set in 
stone, and there was no going back.


You had to respect the Admiral.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects

2015-07-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Lennart:


> Government by definition cannot delegate. I think Steven's example proves it.


Actually, I would disagree with that opinion even though my previous post would 
seem to suggest otherwise. I really don't blame government, nor do I think 
government is incompetent or incapable of delegating. I think the problem is 
indicative of an ageing government workforce (both state & federal) that is 
retiring in droves resulting in a vacuum that simply can't be filled fast 
enough to replace all the expertise that has left. Often the only recourse left 
is to hire a lot of young, inexperienced scared managers and employees that 
really are trying their best to tackle monsters they inherited. Inevitably, 
some are going to end up making a lot of mistakes. Some mistakes are going to 
be more spectacular than others. I just hope enough of these young 
whippersnappers survive the education process and become experienced managers 
that choose to remain within the government system. Unfortunately, once they 
get edu-ficated, many just leave for the private sector when head hunters start 
circling about and wave big bucks in front of them. And, of course, the vicious 
cycle re-edu-fication process starts all over again. Complicating matters in 
the case of Wisconsin, Scott Walker's Wisconsin Act 10 Budget repair Bill ended 
up cutting hundreds of dollars ($450 of net pay in my case) out of state 
employee's monthly salary - which went towards paying higher health insurance 
and retirement premiums. Doing so has only made it that much harder trying to 
hire a fresh new crop of state employees from the private sector.


But think positive! Government projects plus all the delegation involved can be 
capable of producing miracles. NASA took us to the moon and back using 1960s 
technology. There's that Internet thing, too.



Steven Vincent Johnson






From: Lennart Thornros [mailto:lenn...@thornros.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 4:40 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects


Jed I like your reaction 

The conclusion to me is that government is not good at entrepreneurship, 
innovation or other things not fully understood as the result is part of the 
task to be delegated. 

Government by definition cannot delegate. I think Steven's example proves it.

That is why risk taking has been part of the capitalistic ideology.

Now we try to take that out and then we end up with an empty ideology. I think 
the say is that "nature hates vacuum" - that goes for ideology also so now the 
bureaucrats are filling the void.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros



+1 916 436 1899

202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648


“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to 
excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Jed Rothwell mailto:jedrothw...@gmail.com> > wrote:

I think Mizuno meant that is no one left in Japan who is capable of applying 
for this grant, or interested in applying for it.

The document (http://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100754489.pdf) is entirely in 
Japanese, but if you look at the pages below 15, you will see the application 
form. You will recognize the bureaucratic format and get a sense of what the 
government demands. Name of institution, name of researcher, R&D area, theme, 
schedule, etc., etc. 

Here is item 2.3 run through Google translate and adjusted by me:


Implementation Structure


* For implementation system when we contract for this research and development 
project, please provide the implementation system diagrams so that the role of 
each institution is shown. Please include any subcontractors, when there is a 
joint implementation plan.


Blah, blah . . . A retired professor trying to submit something like this would 
be rejected out of hand.


I can't blame NEDO. This is tax money. The government must have accountability. 
But it just isn't going to happen with these kinds of rules.


- Jed



RE: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects

2015-07-30 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


> Mizuno informed me that the Japanese government agency NEDO has issued a 
> Request

> for Proposal (RFP) for projects in cold fusion. The date is 2015, title 
> "Energy / Environment

> New Technology Program" 


> http://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100754489.pdf


> Item D4 on p. 13 here apparently refers to cold fusion: 

> "Phenomenon analysis and methods of control of the new thermal energy source 
> from metal hydrides."


> Mizuno thinks it is a day late and a dollar short.


I remember seeing lots of RFPs whiz through my mailbox when I was still working 
at Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation. As a government agency, I would imagine 
there are reasonably strict rules in place in Japan just as there are here in 
the U.S. pertaining to the management of taxpayer's money, i.e. who gets it, 
and how much of it do they get to play with. In my experience there often 
seemed to have been a never-ending struggle between awarding a RFP to an 
outside company who seemed like they actually knew what they were talking about 
versus going with the lowest bidder. Mix that volatile mixture up with an 
influx of new inexperienced managers who themselves are ignorant of the systems 
they inherited from experienced employees and managers who either retired or 
got fed up and left to save their own sanity, and in my experience that means 
you end up with a lot of RFPs that generate lots of CRAP.


Case in point: The EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) I got  hired on 
to help maintain back in 1997 on a mainframe system at Wis. DOT is still in 
place today. In software terms, a system that was installed around 1995 has now 
become a horribly antiquated time-bomb that should have self-destructed years 
ago. It is constantly in danger of dying a permanent death with every minor IBM 
mainframe O/S s/w upgrade, which typically occurres every 6 to 12 months. 
Employees and managers came and went, and I somehow managed to survive the 
carnage of three still-born RFPs assigned the task of migrating the system over 
to a new server. As they began to process the fourth RFP attempt I plotted my 
final departure. I recall meeting with some of the new outside contractors. I 
did my best to assemble a multi-page chart containing Database Tables and their 
relationships with each other. I linked these tables with numerous SPUFI 
commands that showed how to extract (export) the front end table structures 
that in-turn pointed to the actual document objects. I recall being profusely 
complemented with the amount of exquisite detail I had supplied them with. (I 
guess having a BS in ART and an AD in Data Processing assisted me in creating 
pretty looking graphics that occasionally revealed useful information.)  What 
their complements suggested to me was the disquieting suspicion that they, 
themselves, were not as knowledgeable of the ancient system as they claimed 
they were in the RFP that was awarded to them. All my charts and graphs showed 
them was how to migrate the FRONT END table structures. It didn't show them how 
to migrate the actual OBJECTS, the actual documents (scanned or electronically 
produced) that our users would need to display on their monitors such as 
citations, insurance letters, and traffic accident reports. The only person who 
has a clue as to how to do that is working in another government building on 
the other side of Madison, and he has been told not to give any assistance to 
our contractors. Presently, I believe there still exists three individuals left 
within the state within our immediate vicinity who possess actual knowledge of 
how the system works under the hood. Only two of the three work at DOT. Only 
one of the two employees at DOT is still tasked with the responsibility of 
maintaining the viability of the 1995 system. 


Incidentally, the state employee who works on the other side of Madison was 
previously assigned to assist us in prior RFP attempts. At one point I recall 
he spent about six months digging into the nuts & bolts of the inner workings 
of out EDMS system in an attempt to construct a consistent and reliable 
migration procedure. He reported back that even with his vast knowledge he 
discovered there were orphaned documents, documents that could not be accessed 
via a batch migration procedure. These were orphaned documents that our users 
could ironically access on their monitor screens manually one-at-a-time, but 
that an automated batch oriented migration system for some strange reason was 
incapable of accessing. We are talking about a system containing millions of 
document OBJECTS that need to be migrated. That implies there must exist a lot 
of orphaned documents we can't access via a batch system. He told us he needed 
to spend a lot more time trying to work out a better procedure to access these 
documents. So, what do our newly hired managers decide to do when faced with 
this fact? Apparently, they dismiss the ramifications supplie

[Vo]:From the Kiplinger Letter: Energy Alerts - Nuclear Woes

2015-07-29 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From the July 29, 2015 edition.


Interesting juxtapositions of traditional and emerging energy sources:




Hope the URL works.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:lithium from an exploding star

2015-07-29 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Francis:


> Interesting.

> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150729085920.htm 


I was hoping for dilithium myself.


My recent stock purchases in a Gobi Desert dilithium mining operation seems
to have gone belly up.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

2015-07-27 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I think your design concept is pretty much the same concept as mine. I would 
also speculate that using hydrogen atoms, or perhaps a hydrogen plasma stream, 
would help simplify what engineering might be involved. If there is a 
"cover"... then yes, it would be my suspicion that an upward thrust would be 


Wish there was a way to find out if such an experiment could be conducted.



Steven Vincent Johnson




From: Hauke Hein [mailto:hhe...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 4:54 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back


Hi Steven
I read your idea with the cannonball between
two reflekting mirrors.
I had an idea similar but with lets say 
hydrogen atoms reflectet between two vertical parallel
walls at escape velocity.I think those particals
would follow a parabolic path climbing between the vertical walls.I wonder what 
would happen if one would install a horizontal
cover on top of the parallel walls limiting the
upwards movement of those oscillating particals?would they generate an upward
Next question: what would happen if this
takes place in a closed box?
Hauke Hein

--- Mensaje Original ---

Desde: "Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson" mailto:orionwo...@charter.net> >
Enviado: 27 de julio de 2015 16:09
Para: vortex-l@eskimo.com <mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com> 
Asunto: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

Bob, Jones,


Thanks for humoring me. I am not surprised that discussing energy/matter 
conversion techniques in 21st century terms is, how should I put it, a 
debatable matter. 


Here's where I'm going with my previous request:


If practical M/E conversion technology could eventually be developed I think 
there might exist a particular type of thrust engine (mimicking anti-gravity) 
that could be developed capable of manipulating principals involving escape 
velocity & angular momentum. Think of Newton's famous illustration showing a 
cannon shooting a series of cannon balls around the earth with increasing 
values of velocity. Given enough velocity, you eventually can get a cannon ball 
into an orbit around Earth. With a little more velocity, it's off to the Moon 
and beyond! Now, think of a unique kind of high-tech cannon ball (matter) 
that's travelling faster than 17.5k mph, a ball of mass that we could 
technologically convert into energy after only a short distance so that 
something like a mirror could reflect all the photons back, let's say back at 
approximately 180 degrees. Then, after a very short time, convert the ball of 
photons back into a ball of mass so that once again it continues to travel at 
17.5k mph. Think of a fun house, a house of mirrors where you see yourself 
reflected ad-infinitum. It seems to me that since Earth's curvature, and 
associated gravity field, is still a physical factor in the cannon ball's 
back-and-forth velocity (which is still travelling at escape velocity)... I 
think that little critter is going to want to go up, up, UP, even though it's 
not travelling around Earth.


I don't claim doing this is possible, or even practical; certainly not with the 
kind of technology we current have. I only claim that if a newfangled 
contraption could be built that could whack a bunch of malleable mass 
back-and-forth between a set of mirrors when it's briefly converted into its 
energy phase... according to my understanding of Newtonian physics, it just 
might work.


I have a fallback plan. There's this guy trying to sell me shares in a 
dilithium mine. Out in the Gobi Desert somewhere. Wave of the future! A sure 
deal. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

2015-07-27 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Bob, Jones,


Thanks for humoring me. I am not surprised that discussing energy/matter 
conversion techniques in 21st century terms is, how should I put it, a 
debatable matter. 


Here's where I'm going with my previous request:


If practical M/E conversion technology could eventually be developed I think 
there might exist a particular type of thrust engine (mimicking anti-gravity) 
that could be developed capable of manipulating principals involving escape 
velocity & angular momentum. Think of Newton's famous illustration showing a 
cannon shooting a series of cannon balls around the earth with increasing 
values of velocity. Given enough velocity, you eventually can get a cannon ball 
into an orbit around Earth. With a little more velocity, it's off to the Moon 
and beyond! Now, think of a unique kind of high-tech cannon ball (matter) 
that's travelling faster than 17.5k mph, a ball of mass that we could 
technologically convert into energy after only a short distance so that 
something like a mirror could reflect all the photons back, let's say back at 
approximately 180 degrees. Then, after a very short time, convert the ball of 
photons back into a ball of mass so that once again it continues to travel at 
17.5k mph. Think of a fun house, a house of mirrors where you see yourself 
reflected ad-infinitum. It seems to me that since Earth's curvature, and 
associated gravity field, is still a physical factor in the cannon ball's 
back-and-forth velocity (which is still travelling at escape velocity)... I 
think that little critter is going to want to go up, up, UP, even though it's 
not travelling around Earth.


I don't claim doing this is possible, or even practical; certainly not with the 
kind of technology we current have. I only claim that if a newfangled 
contraption could be built that could whack a bunch of malleable mass 
back-and-forth between a set of mirrors when it's briefly converted into its 
energy phase... according to my understanding of Newtonian physics, it just 
might work.


I have a fallback plan. There's this guy trying to sell me shares in a 
dilithium mine. Out in the Gobi Desert somewhere. Wave of the future! A sure 
deal. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson



[Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

2015-07-27 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Does there exist any kind of natural phenomenon we currently know of that
might be capable of (under specific conditions) transforming from matter
into energy and then back into matter in a cyclically controlled fashion -
presumably with the aid of an advanced form of 21st Century technology?
Please, no 23rd century Star Trek transporter speculation need apply here...
too many extrapolations.


For example, I give the following crude scenario: Convert a magnetically
contained plasma toroid of spinning sub-atomic particles protons (fermions)
into photons (bosons) - and then convert the photons back into protons. Do
this cyclically and very quickly with the aid of some kind of super-duper 21
century technology.


I can't immediately think of such a methodology using 21st century
technology. But then... there might be few on this list who'd care to shine
some "light" on the "matter"... no pun intended.





Steven Vincent Johnson






RE: [Vo]:WAY OFF TOPIC Jeffery Allan Lash: secret agent or space alien?

2015-07-24 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thanks, Jed,


I live for this. ;-)


One of my life studies has been to look into alternate belief systems. For 
better or worse, we can’t live without them.


Within the UFO community there exist many theories (or beliefs) that mirror 
something similar to Mr. Alan’s pertaining to either the alleged hybridization 
or cross pollen-ization of the human race. Think of the popular sci-fi series 
Stargate and its many popular spin-offs, to get a good flavor of what this 
premise supports. In Mr. Alan’s case, he appears to have taken the belief quite 
personally. Poor fellow. I wonder if he may have been harassed with some form 
of OCD... The belief that someone is doing something to you or to your body 
combined with a tendency to hoard such as over a million dollars’ worth of 
collected firearms could possibly suggest such a condition was messing with 
him. Mix this condition up with a collection of well-intentioned enablers, and 
one ends up with not a very healthy combination.  Full disclosure: in all 
honesty I personally find aspects of the human-alien hybridization theory 
intriguing. Of course, it’s a great sci-fi premise. The concept was brought to 
life in a wonderful B+ movie, “Quatermass and the Pit”, or as it was 
re-released in the United States, “5 Million Years to Earth.” For a low-budget 
sci-fi thriller, I cannot recommend a better film to watch on the big flat 
screen surrounded with your best and nerdiest friends sharing a big bowl of hot 
buttered popcorn. For the amount of money spent on this type of genre you can’t 
lose. Entertaining, and thought provoking:




While many might scoff and ridicule the hybridization premise, it’s really not 
any more eccentric than believing in similar reality systems, like creationism, 
which is held dear by many members of our community. The fact that most 
creationists get along well within the community, hold decent paying jobs, 
raise healthy families, and pay taxes, holding onto such a belief does not 
appear to be destructive in itself. So, I keep trying to tell myself: live and 
let live. I believe the core premise of the belief system may best be 
exemplified at the following museum:




I sure hope I get a chance to visit the establishment. I’ve heard so much about 
it, including an “independent” report that will live in infamy out on the 
Internet. A bunch of fans chipped in and paid their favorite sci-fi author, 
John Scalzi, to take a trip to the museum and then write up a special report. 
You can read the review out in his blog, “whatever”.






And now, back to regularly scheduled programming.



Steven Vincent Johnson



[Vo]:OT: Another example of hi-tech depravity, another phishing attempt

2015-07-23 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Bad URL spelling in my part. Dyslexia hits again.


The original url is:




it gets immediately rerouted to:






[Vo]:OT: Another example of hi-tech depravity, another phishing attempt

2015-07-23 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I just received the following phishing scheme. Never got one like this
before. Kind of a new angle, and a bit creative too!


I received a terse text message that sez:


"Why have you sued me? WTF is this?

I am attaching the subpoena."


I did not include the supoena.doc file, nor did I even care to open it to
find out what horrible things I have committed. 


I decided to check out the supplied URL, however, that came with the email
address:  txbrs.com.


If you enter 




web hosting immediately reroutes the URL to: 




The URL turns out to be what appears to be a legitimate business: "Texas
Building and Roofing Supplies, INC."


I'm assuming the website may have been hacked. Maybe someone can clue me in
here, but if I were to be so naive as to return a response to the supplied
email address appears, wouldn't my response go to presumably an employee of
Texas Building and Roofing Supplies. INC? IOW, it would seem to imply that
someone working at that establishment is actually instigating this phishing
scheme. Or, could it be the case that some savvy tech-nerd found a way to
re-route the special email address to a more obscure location, particularly
since the URL txbrs.com is immediately rerouted to a more elaborate URL
address. If so, it would imply that someone, like a web builder may have
been involved in assembling the phishing scheme.


I'm thinking of calling the establishment to inform them of what I received
allegedly from one of their employees. The website has a phone number. See
if they know if the email address belongs to a known/legitimate employees of
the business.





Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Coal mining industry in steep decline

2015-07-23 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Lennart,


I don't think I meant to imply that it's a zero sum game either. It is, 
however, a highly complex game that takes advantage of the fact that it has 
become so damned complicated, and deliberately so. Today few have the capacity 
to "follow the money" to its logical conclusion. IMHO, modern technology and 
the amenities that go with them have now given certain savvy players exquisite 
new ways of extracting all the perks they want by playing a 21st century 
version of the "Game of Thrones". If one looks a little closer it becomes clear 
that the exact same rules of subjugation and exploitation over the minions are 
still very much enforced as they have been for thousands of years. It's almost 
biblical in its scope. Shoot! Some savvy scholars could get together and 
completely rewrite the Bible using modern 21 century tales from news clippings 
of recorded depravity, and in the process modernize all the important lessons 
of morality our society holds dear, like how not to do un to others what you 
would really hate to have done un to yourself. These days, there may be less 
blatant warfare as expressed out on the battle ground. However, I suspect some 
might disagree that it's any less bloody, particularly when one takes into 
consideration how the effects of economic depravity have directly and/or 
indirectly decimated huge swatches of society. Not sure I would care to counter 
claims that it's any less bloody. ;-)


Regarding how top-tier money managers play "Game of Throne" rules for the 
spoils of vast solar systems of currency we have the following commentary from 
CNN money:







Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Coal mining industry in steep decline

2015-07-22 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I find it interesting to view this entire process as an interesting game in how 
humans go about redistributing units of wealth across the planet.


The entire process, the mechanisms currently installed to initiate “wealth 
distribution” has become so incredibly convoluted and obfuscated (intentionally 
so, I might add) that it’s easy to lose site of the fact when you really boil 
this process down to its most primal level, it’s just about how one individual, 
group, or organization goes about getting (or stealing if they can get away 
with it)  more gummy from their neighbor. It’s all based on an illusion that 
there are a fixed number of gummy bears in the BIG POT. As such it behooves you 
to acquire as many gummy bears as you can before your neighbor does the same to 
you. Well… we are competitive creatures by nature. On a monthly basis, I play a 
board game called “Game of Thrones” with my friends. It's based on the popular 
George R.R. Martin books and spin-off TV series. I feel fortunate if I can make 
it through the afternoon without my cattle being raped.


It is perhaps naive of me to believe this but it remains my hope that as our 
society continues to evolve in the direction a highly networked, responsive 
global civilization more and more of the population will begin to clearly see 
the abject hypocrisy and injustice all these little gummy bar games we now 
perform against each other does. We will begin to see how such self-serving 
injustices induce great harm upon on vast swatches of society and end up 
needlessly devaluing many of their ability to make incalculable contributions 
to the common good.


I suppose I sound like an evil socialist, or worst, a communist. However, in my 
view, as technology, robotics, and AI continues to advance, robbing many of us 
of our jobs and identities, it may turn out to be the case that some form of 
high-tech modernized communism that revolves around enforced distribution of 
goods and services amongst all the population will eventually be recognized as 
the fairest and most humane. It will ensure the fact that we all get the 
essential basics of what need in order to survive in a modern civilization. It 
will ensure that all of society benefits, and not just those who know how to 
play the Game of Thrones game board better than their neighbor. If not, I will 
probably end up being repeatedly raped along with my cattle.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Coal mining industry in steep decline

2015-07-19 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Perhaps much of the opposition evaporated because many of those prior enemies 
may have figured out how to make a profit on the transition to electrics.


Always try to land on your feet. Can't stay in business if ya can't.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Coal mining industry in steep decline

2015-07-19 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


Concerning documentaries, were you directly or indirectly referring to "Who 
Killed the Electric Car"?




The film got a lot of press when it came out.



Steven Vincent Johnson




RE: [Vo]:Brillouin Energy website is confusing

2015-07-17 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson


Do you need my password?



Steven Vincent Johnson




>From Chem E. Stewart


I accept Pay Pal...

On Friday, July 17, 2015, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
mailto:orionwo...@charter.net> > wrote:



Sign me up. Don't have anything yet to show me? No problemo! I trust you. Will 
you let me be your cheerleader?



Steven Vincent Johnson


zazzle.com/orionworks <http://zazzle.com/orionworks> 


From: ChemE Stewart [mailto:cheme...@gmail.com 
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 8:40 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com  
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Brillouin Energy website is confusing




I am designing a new spaceship with a warp drive and I am looking for 
investors, I have the prototype working...






On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Jed Rothwell  > wrote:

Terry Blanton  > wrote:


Found this using the google image search.  Really cool app.


That is amazing.


I tested it for this image and found it in several websites, in different sizes:




Google correctly identified it as "john bockris" (lowercase).


- Jed



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