Re: [Wikimedia-l] Proposal: [WCA][Governance] Training for chapter and thematic org. board members

2013-04-22 Thread Fae
On 22 April 2013 08:25, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
> I didn't like the idea, because, chapters are not equal.

I believe the chapters are equal. Yes, yes, I'm a idealist dreamer. :-)

Certainly all chapters (and in the future 'thorgs') have exactly one
voice each, one vote each, one representative each, regardless of how
many staff they employ, how big their budget is, or even how
successful their programmes are in delivering charitable outcomes.

> Why you don't focus your energy sharing experiences in one open wiki,
> creating a cookbook (not a manual), and than another communities can use
> this material too...

I do not think this is an either/or situation. All materials will be
public and volunteers helping the WCA task teams are already working
on making case studies and cookbook materials available.

One benefit of making all materials used in a future training and
workshop session public, is that they can be re-used and improved; for
example by volunteers making these available in different languages or
running their own regional sessions for chapter board members and
others that play a part in chapter governance.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strategic plans of the Wikimedia entities: could you link your strategy, please?

2013-04-23 Thread Fae
On 22 April 2013 23:22, Ziko van Dijk  wrote:
> Would you like to make a link to your strategy document?

I added a link to WMUK's five year strategy document, however I am
wondering if this might work even better if the links appeared in a
column of <>?

This then becomes a more central place to find the status of all
chapters (and thorgs) which you can then compare to the published
strategy (and indeed, confirm if the have a published strategy).

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: Question: How much does administration in Chapters cost the Wikimedia movement?

2013-04-25 Thread Fae
> From: Ad Huikeshoven 
> The accounting standards give guidelines about what can be allocated to
> program costs, what should be included in fundraising cost and what are
> administrative cost. FDC entities are required to produce audited financial
> statements. The external auditor will review allocation of cost and
> transparency of explanatory notes.
> International charity guideline is to have
> program:fundraising:administrative cost ratios according to 75:10:15,
> noting the 10 and 15 are maximums. A source for these ratios is

Hi Ad, it was good to chat with you in Milan.

I very much like the rule of thumb "75:10:15", this seems something we
can usefully work with to set our own targets.

I will take a look at SORP in the UK and ask for a small bit of advice
from our leading SORP expert (who is a trustee on our board) to see if
there is a standard good practice WMUK might follow, and then consider
the comparative models for other countries.

> Costs of evaluating impact of programs. Would you include those cost in
> administrative costs?

Yes, the 'cost of quality' would be an administrative cost, however
one conventionally counts the savings from quality improvement,
prevention, and the 'cost of non-quality' wherever they are found -
this would have to be a separate analysis were one looking to
rationalize a quality program. I doubt that the financial standards
you reference would detail exactly how these are reported or analyzed,
this could be something we might decide to point to a best practice
case, rather than laying down arbitrary rules.

> Could costs of impact evaluations be part of program
> cost. If not, why not? If yes, what is your rationale?

Yes, I would expect impact evaluation to be an essential required part
of any program plan. My rationale is that reporting back from any
funded program should be part of the work products defined in the top
level project plan breakdown. I would count this a basic good project
management. Unfortunately I see very few project plans that have
project briefs agreed with beneficiaries and review milestones (or
potential "kill points"), I see schedules but we lack work breakdowns
and product breakdowns aligned with resource plans. The good news is
that there is plenty of room at the top when it comes to setting best
practice in our movement. :-)

It is disappointing that no organization has readily come forward in
reply to my original question with their pre-calculated
"program:fundraising:administrative cost ratios" (I love this way of
conceiving of the ratio) it would be really handy to be discussing a
real case at this moment. I will have a bit more time in a couple of
weeks, at which point I will happily dig into the standards you have
linked to, and then pull these out of an example past report, if I can
find a good set of numbers in one of the large chapters (WMDE, WMUK?)
or even the WMF, so that we can discuss the meaningfulness of starting
to make this ratio a top level indicator for all our movement

Note, for those of you that have approached my privately with worries,
I believe the value here will be the trend year by year in these
ratios, as comparing the proportionate cost of "administration" in one
unique organization to another would be impossibly fraught with
difficulties of context, organizational framework and varying
reporting standards. We are looking for better understanding and
improvement, not a witch-hunting campaign, or a race to the bottom.

PS as I was asked in Milan, I am not an accountant (!), though I do
have a background in exec level management.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: Question: How much does administration in Chapters cost the Wikimedia movement?

2013-04-25 Thread Fae
Hi Tomasz, I knew the chat we had over a tasty fresh fish dinner in
Milan would pay off :-)

On 25 April 2013 12:28, Tomasz Ganicz  wrote:
> If you want, we can try with Wikimedia Polska. Here there is a rough table:
> just showing our ratio of operational costs and other parts of our
> costs for 2012.

It looks like a good executive top level summary, though I am relying
on Google translate. :-D

> In our case the operational costs are well defined by general rules of
> accounting, but they differ from your definition - i.e. it does not
> cover all salaries if they are integral part of the projects, but does
> cover salaries of our secretary and accountant. But for example it
> also covers cost of our toolsever and internet domains...

I don't see any problem in salaries (or contractor fees) that relate
to project activities being declared as "program costs". We should
just take care that these are not used to account for regularly
recurring costs which ought to logically be thought of as
administration even if "technical" costs.

> IMHO the general reporting could be like this:
> *General operational/office costs (salaries of office workers, cost of
> maintaining office, cost of legal stuff, cost of travels and meetings
> of workers and members of the boards and other "decisive bodies")
> *Technical infrastructure costs (servers etc. + salaries of
> technicians who maintain it )
> *Costs of projects and special programs (overall, salaries, meetings,
> travel, technical, others) - maybe spread by a type of program (ie.
> producing content, software improvement, outreach, promotion, others)
> +
> *General info about overall costs of all salaries (easy to calculate
> and define).
> *General info about costs of all travel reimbursements (easy to
> calculate as well)
> *General info about costs of all meetings and conferences.

Excellent, so quickly looking at your Income and Expenditure tables,
let's take Ad's good practice ratio and define the 3 categories needed

fundraising =
  administering grants and fund applications
  (I can see your grant, other income and membership dues, but not the
cost of managing these; it may be better to estimate them and deduct
them from "administration" rather than leaving this as zero)

program =
  costs of projects and special programs
  (I would add your costs of conferences and scholarships (stypendia)
payments here)

administration =
  general operational/office costs +
  technical infrastructure costs (unless specific items can be
identified as 'program')

I am unsure where Promotion (Promocja) fits in, this may need to be
broken down a little more if it splits between the 3 categories above.
Does this mean that you could now calculate a provisional 'fundraising
: program : administration' ratio?

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: Question: How much does administration in Chapters cost the Wikimedia movement?

2013-04-25 Thread Fae
On 25 April 2013 14:07, Chris Keating  wrote:
> Rather than focusing on understanding our costs in detail, I would like to
> understand our benefits in detail.

Sure, it would be great to have a top level performance indicator for
this. Measuring programmes in terms of hard benefit to the
beneficiaries, using measures agreed in the project brief, would be a
pragmatic start.

> The idea of an "acceptable" fundraising costs ratio is, to be honest, a bit
> of a red herring. In general for a mature organisation it is easy to reduce
> the fundraising costs ratio, by raising less money (fundraising
> opportunities tend to exhibit diminishing marginal returns). I am a donor
> fundraising manager for a British university (and before that a charity and
> a political party). In any of those jobs I could have recommend terminating
> all of my projects and sacking my entire team, and doing that would reduce
> the ratio of fundraising costs. It would not be in the best long-term
> interests of  the organisations or their beneficiaries. In practice,
> growing long-term income tends to involve investment.

Maybe. Though as a donor, I doubt I would be happy if more than 50% of
my donation was spent on "fundraising" unless there were extremely
good reasons given. To me, this would be an clear indicator that the
mission of the charity was to build an organization of staff or high
value capital items. Our shared mission clearly is not of this nature,
which makes us distinct from, say, hospitals or housing trusts.

Any charity which cannot answer the question, "how much of my donation
will be spent on administration and taxes?" is one that remains
severely exposed to reputational risk if this is later exposed as so
high as to be unexplainable.

> "Administrative overhead", too, while perhaps useful to know, may not be
> not useful if it's a target to be clamped down on. See for instance this
> piece of research, which shows that charities with the minimum
> "administrative costs" are actually less effective at delivering their
> missions:
> So I am relatively relaxed that we are not great at measuring programme vs
> administrative expenditure.

Yes, I was happy that Frank presented the ideas of how programmes
might be evaluated at the top level as a way of supporting the FDC.
However based on a chat I had with him the following day, his
presentation was quite clearly not intended to replace the need for
all programmes to have plans to evaluate their own impact rather than
leaving it to an external team. This remains within the responsibility
of all chapters and thorgs to self-govern.

> I am not at all relaxed, however, that we as a movement are not great at
> measuring the impact of our organisations. I found Frank's session at the
> Wikimedia Conference really helpful, and I think the FDC framework can
> really help with this as well. But please let's focus on defining the
> impact of what we're doing before we worry about what's overhead and what's
> not.

I find it an odd rationale that there must be a "choice" between
clearly reporting how much of our charitable funds are spent on
internal administration in proportion to delivering the outcomes that
donors are actually giving for, and measuring the impact that the
outcomes have. I suggest we should push for both to be delivered. In
the meantime, there is little excuse in not spending an hour or two
with a calculator and the financial report of any chapter with
published accounts, to produce some simple ratios as a Key Performance
Indicator that we can benchmark from year to year.

Rather than finding reasons to avoid making progress on simple
reporting using measures easy to hand, perhaps we can just get on with
collecting these and then discuss what they mean, and not insist on
first delivering massive effectiveness assessment programmes, that may
never produce hard figures, but are likely to be limited to subjective
statements and soft surveys of beneficiaries?

As WMUK is subject to SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice,
Accounting and Reporting by Charities), the chapter is required to
publish a "summary of any measures or indicators used by the charity
to assess its achievements". So as well as the simplistic ratio we are
discussing here, WMUK could provide the movement with an excellent
case study for other chapters on how to address these regulatory
requirements for top level performance indicators focused on achieving
the charitable mission.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Train Wikiexpedition in Poland

2013-04-26 Thread Fae
"Polish Railways will provide us free tickets" excellent negotiation!

Hey, train enthusiasts everywhere else (including the UK and USA) here
is an incredibly tough target for the rest of us to try and beat. :-D


On 26 April 2013 15:19, Tomasz Ganicz  wrote:
> Hi,
> We are about to organize a wikiexpedition devoted to train
> infrastructure in Poland. It will be officially co-organised with
> Polish Railways. Polish Railways will provide us free tickets for
> traveling across Poland using any trains and special passes to legally
> enter and photograph rail tracks, workshops, rail yards, cargo railway
> stations, museums belonging to Polish Railways  etc.  In order to get
> the pass it will be obligatory to undergo a special basic one-day
> railtrack safety training which will be provided for  free by Polish
> Railways employees. Actually we don't know what time it will happen -
> for sure during summer, but it is actually to negotiate. It is
> possible to have several 2-4 people teams. The requirements will be
> just:
> *being devoted wiki-photographer ready to submit photos to Wikimedia
> Commons under free licences
> *being highly crazy about railways stuff - i.e. be ready to travel
> across Poland using mainly slow, local trains which stops on every
> tiny station, sleep in low cost hostels, feed yourself for 32 PLN a
> day  :-)
> *You don't need to speak Polish - we can try to organize a mixed teams
> fro both training and expeditions.
> If there is anyone ready for such a wiki-safari - just drop me an E-mail...
> --
> Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Train Wikiexpedition in Poland

2013-04-26 Thread Fae
On 26 April 2013 18:25, geni  wrote:
> National Railway Museum in york is free.

LOL, but they have yet to match "free tickets for traveling across
Poland the UK"!

For a railways related job interview, I once had travel-anywhere
ticket (they were red back then) for free travel for the day anywhere
in the UK, but that was in the days of a more unified railway system.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Resignation announcement, and a parting remark to everyone

2013-04-28 Thread Fae
I am very sorry to read this Deryck. I know how completely committed you
are to our movement and you have my sincere respect.

I hope that those with influence carefully consider the issues you raise,
and take a moment for doubt and serious review.

Fae (mobile)
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Single User Login finalisation: some accounts will be renamed

2013-04-29 Thread Fae
Hi James, thanks for the links.

Keeping in mind that there will be users that unexpectedly find their
much loved account name changed the next time they try to log in, and
this may be central to their established online wiki identity, is
there a community discussion that we can point to where this approach
was consulted on?


On 30 April 2013 03:29, James Forrester  wrote:
> All,
> The developer team at Wikimedia is making some changes to how accounts
> work, as part of our on-going efforts to provide new and better tools
> for our users (like cross-wiki notifications). These changes will mean
> users have the same account name everywhere, will let us give you new
> features that will help you edit & discuss better, and will allow more
> flexible user permissions for tools. One of the pre-conditions for
> this is that user accounts will now have to be unique across all 900
> Wikimedia wikis.[0]
> Unfortunately, some accounts are currently not unique across all our
> wikis, but instead clash with other users who have the same account
> name. To make sure that all of these users can use Wikimedia's wikis
> in future, we will be renaming a number of accounts to have "~” and
> the name of their wiki added to the end of their accounts' name. This
> change will take place on or around 27 May. For example, a user called
> “Example” on the Swedish Wiktionary who will be renamed would become
> “Example~svwiktionary”.
> All accounts will still work as before, and will continue to be
> credited for all their edits made so far. However, users with renamed
> accounts (whom we will be contacting individually) will have to use
> the new account name when they log in.
> It will now only be possible for accounts to be renamed globally; the
> RenameUser tool will no longer work on a local basis - since all
> accounts must be globally unique - therefore it will be withdrawn from
> bureaucrats' tool sets. It will still be possible for users to ask on
> Meta for their account to be renamed further, if they do not like
> their new user name, once this takes place.
> A copy of this note is posted to meta [1] for translation. Please
> forward this to your local communities, and help get it translated.
> Individuals who are affected will be notified via talk page and e-mail
> notices nearer the time.
> [0] -
> [1] - 
> Yours,
> --
> James D. Forrester
> Product Manager, VisualEditor
> Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
> | @jdforrester
> _______
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Single User Login finalisation: some accounts will be renamed

2013-04-29 Thread Fae
Thanks James, personally I'm comforted by your prompt reply.

My intuition is that this would be unlikely to affect any accounts
with more than 5,000 edits, possibly fewer. I have no doubt that you
intend to take special care to help users with significant
contributions, such as those with a well established contribution
history at this level.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Fundraising 2013] Wikimedia France stepping back from payment processing

2013-04-30 Thread Fae
On 29 April 2013 21:28, Christophe Henner
> In face of that situation, Wikimedia France board has asked WMF to
> stop being a payment processor in 2013

Hi Christophe, thank you for giving this difficult decision some
suitable context, and for doing so openly and promptly.

Could someone advise me, is there an official table on meta showing
the current list of Chapters with payment processing agreements in
place for the 2013 fund raiser?

Independently of any hat I happen to be wearing, I am planning on
putting aside some volunteer time to examine the
"admin:fundraising:program" ratio for our organizations over the next
few months, so it makes sense to ensure this is achieved for the
current payment processors, rather than just those organizations that
are "easy" to find the figures for or come forward spontaneously. I
would support other sensible top level performance indicators should
they be identified and become available soon, FDC members may have
a view on what might work well as the "top 5" indicators. Hopefully at
least the admin ratio can be publicly shared before October this year to
help foster a pragmatic discussion on simple dashboards and governance.

I'm hoping that the WMF can set a lead by publishing a calculation of
admin ratio for themselves. ;-)

PS staff salaries are not all automatically 'admin', I hope we can
agree that some
program activities are entirely justifiably supported by paid staff
and contractors.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Why not everyone have the right to vote in the Board & FDC elections?

2013-04-30 Thread Fae
On 30 April 2013 10:47, Ting Chen  wrote:
> And to come back to the topic.
> At least in the theory, if someone is blocked in a project, than he has a
> serious problem with that community. And the reason that his block is not
> lifted should be a serious one. And if someone has a serious problem with
> more than one community, than it is questionable if he should be eligible to
> take part in the decision of such an office. So from the theory I think the
> rule is ok.
> If in the praxis someone is blocked by a project arbitrarily and he is not
> able to appeal by that community, than that community and that project has a
> real problem. And we should look into detail what is going wrong in that
> project and in that community. But this is not an issue of the election
> committee.

Certainly that is a theory. However we also have people that are
voluntarily blocked as part of an enforced wiki-break, and we also
have examples of Wikimedians who were blocked on a project years ago,
and never could be bothered to go through the pain of an appeal but
instead successfully focus on some of the other Wikimedia projects and
leave that pain behind. In neither of these examples would it be fair
to claim that such folks are so set against our mission that they must
not have a vote. Perhaps we ought to separate these things and allow
individuals to apply for a right to vote if they can provide a case of
unusual circumstances that may make a waiver against the basic rules
seem reasonable to a panel?

As for when a block might be "arbitrary", I don't believe the WMF or
the community has any way of determining when this is the case.
Certainly some rationales for blocks appear arbitrary.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [WCA] [Wikimania 2013] Research and Presentation: Chapters in Numbers

2013-05-01 Thread Fae
I have two presentations in at the conference, one specifically about
the work of the WCA peer review task force :-)

In a week or so's time, I will also start arranging a
chapter/thorg/WMF "board members" training event, to run either the
day before the Wikimania main schedule starts or later in the year if
timing defeats us. Logistics and details of content have yet to be
worked out (Wikmedia legal issues, risk management and financial
reporting are the sort of core topics to address), but this seemed to
be very warmly received by sufficient chapter folks, and certainly
trustees of the WMF board, as an effective and economic way of
ratcheting up our governance quality across the Wikimedia community.

Michał, I will be following up on "admin:fundraising:program" ratios.
Obviously we can share any information we pull together in the area of
metrics and performance indicators. There is never going to be a
single metric which tells us "good" or "bad", that is why I like the
idea of very simple one-page dashboard of key indicators and trends for a board
("executives" on any board need something they can crib from in 60
seconds while travelling to a meeting ;-) ).

PS I can't *guarantee* that my chapter will fund me to attend yet, the
board cannot commit on which trustees are being sent until after we
elect a new board in June.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] UK.Gov passes Instagram Act

2013-05-02 Thread Fae
On 2 May 2013 07:54, Federico Leva (Nemo)  wrote:
> If that's it, the law is completely useless, it just parrots general EU
> regulations. The big question in Europe is what qualifies as a "diligent
> search": I don't know if as usual UK wants to decide on its own, in any case
> it would be useful for WMUK to ask a committee or whatever to assist the
> Secretary of State in the decision and to be appointed/heard in such
> committee. Usually they only listen to publishers and sometimes librarians.
> Nemo

Nemo, don't underestimate the power of us. :-)

If a GLAM or a magazine with a long term digital archive (just two of
some pressing cases in my mind) would like help with logging an
official record of a "diligent search", then they could do much worse
than contacting us regulars on Wikimedia Commons and/or the UK Chapter
for assistance in generating and validating its content. For any
serious collection of orphan works of high public value, I would be
happy to spend several hours of my volunteer time contributing to a
wiki-based public search report and gaining opinions and additional
searches by our volunteers, many having highly developed understanding
of copyright, the nature of orphan works and where to check for
copyright claims and registration.

A couple of such example public reports would be highly likely to be
adopted by government as an reference case studies of implementation.

Shall we just do it?

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] The world's most efficient charity?

2013-05-07 Thread Fae
Interesting case of a low percentage of common sense.

At the moment, I believe that none of our chapters publish figures or
estimates for the ratio between admin, fundraising and admin work, even
if we publish detailed annual reports. Personally, I don't feel we are
in a strong position to be amused by inadequate reporting by other
organizations when we are not clear on this ourselves.

It would be a great improvement to transparency if I could say, even
roughly, whether
my own chapter were spending 90%, 80% or 70% of our donated funds and
grants on planned charitable outcomes, rather than having no figures, and
having to defend the position of not knowing and finding
reasons why we would never try to calculate it from the figures
sitting in our reports. If it turns out that less than 70% of the
money was being spent on the outcomes defined in our shared mission,
this might encourage us to look rather carefully at exactly where the
rest was going, don't you think?

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Go away, community (from WMF wiki at least)

2013-05-13 Thread Fae
On 13 May 2013 08:18, Keegan Peterzell  wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 2:03 AM, James Alexander wrote:
> That's a bit relative, James.  The active folk on this mailing list make
> for a pretty good cross section of thoughts/feelings/opinions of the
> movement.  I've refrained from this discussion and will continue to do so
> on specifics, because it's politics and that's not something I do on
> Wikipedia/Wikimedia.

On this, I have watched this thread with interest. I started following
it when sitting in a chapter board meeting all day on Saturday. From
the outset I knew I would not want to make any specific comment and
get sucked into another dramah, I have too big a pile of these already

There are lessons to be learned here. I continue to hope that the WMF
can find a way of learning from these experiences, particularly if
they set a long term pattern, in addition to answering the specific
questions about this incident. For me, I certainly have learned that
for the other organizations I am involved with that control wikis and
have the wonderful luxury of working through the good will of unpaid
volunteer admins and bureaucrats, the policies that apply should only
change with careful and recorded consultation, even if I am personally
sure that there are very clear legal or excellent good and important
or urgent governance reasons to make changes.

For those on Monday morning finding a little egg left on their faces,
perhaps it is time to brew some freshly ground coffee, make some hot
buttered toast and turn this into a productive breakfast? Stay mellow.

PS I'm not attempting to claim any high ground here, so before anyone
points it out, yes I'm pretty darn flawed myself. Sometimes I do learn
from mistakes though, I have a lifetime of foolishness to regret and
learn from.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] movement blog, not WMF blog, was: Go away, community (from WMF wiki at least)

2013-05-13 Thread Fae
On 13 May 2013 12:00, Tilman Bayer  wrote:
> Curiously, here you left out one sentence from my 2011 email:
> "And while I don't want to pass judgment over your work on the
> projects, the fact that you are currently blocked on Meta etc. makes
> it difficult to justify keeping your access at the moment."

If you did not want to pass judgement in 2011, you certainly seem to
be making up for that retrospectively now. Perhaps it might have been
the better path to stick to that principle, rather than put this
damning email out in public, particularly an email officially from the
"Wikimedia Foundation" rather than a personal one.

By the way, I am unclear, was the email you are quoting extensively
from, rather than summarizing, a public correspondence, or are you
choosing to publish it now, on a permanently and publicly archived
email list, two year later?

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] movement blog, not WMF blog, was: Go away, community (from WMF wiki at least)

2013-05-13 Thread Fae
On 13 May 2013 12:42, Tilman Bayer  wrote:
>> By the way, I am unclear, was the email you are quoting extensively
>> from, rather than summarizing, a public correspondence, or are you
>> choosing to publish it now, on a permanently and publicly archived
>> email list, two year later?
>> Fae
> Hi Fae,
> I believe you may be confusing me and Huib here (perhaps because of
> the similarity of our volunteer user names?). It was not me who posted
> the content of a private email to this list without the sender's
> permission. Only after this had already happened I corrected the
> tampered quotation of what I had written, because this silent omission
> greatly distorted the sense and context of the divulged email.
> --
> Tilman Bayer
> Senior Operations Analyst (Movement Communications)
> Wikimedia Foundation
> IRC (Freenode): HaeB

No, I don't think I am confused about the order of events.

Even if Huib posted some of a past private correspondence, I would not
expect trusted staff members to start publishing the rest of that
correspondence from two years ago using their official email account
and therefore representing the Wikimedia Foundation in this action.

It is not that hard to respond to, or correct, perceived misreporting
of the facts, without cutting and pasting from past private
correspondence. Should you have (privately) first asked for permission
to publish extracts from the private correspondence, I suspect you
would have been given permission anyway.

Thanks for your prompt reply on this,
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] movement blog, not WMF blog, was: Go away, community (from WMF wiki at least)

2013-05-13 Thread Fae
On 13 May 2013 12:54, Craig Franklin  wrote:
> All other things aside, misspelling the person's name and then calling them
> an "asshole" is hardly likely to lead to an amicable solution, peace, love,
> or understanding, is it?

That's correct. However I think we all recognize, that if you call
someone an asshole on an email list, then bang, you automatically lose
any debate. After that language, there is no real need to make any
reply, in fact as a rhetorical strategy, it is the much better option
to walk away rather than attempting to argue and making it appear than
there are two "sides" to the argument.

In fact, I see this gave Huib the opportunity to now apologise for
using the word. So now we are left with poorly judged emails on public
record from both "sides" for ever. Not great.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] AffComs $40,000 Hong Kong junket

2013-05-14 Thread Fae
On 14 May 2013 08:45, Lodewijk  wrote:
> 2013/5/14 Lodewijk 
>> Personally, I feel that WMF Committee (and board) members should not be
>> treated to a lower standard than staff members, simply because they are not
>> being paid for their work. But maybe I'm the only one in thát opinion
>> though...
>> Lodewijk

I am pleased to say that from day 1 of Wikimedia UK employing staff,
our policy has been that precisely the same expenses policy, travel
and hotel standard applies for staff and volunteers. The reason I
helped create this policy a couple of years ago, is that anything else
would separate the staff from volunteers at events in a visible and
unnecessarily community divisive way, and potentially can cause
problems with fulfilling our mission for "access" which must account
for undeclared ability needs and diversity requirements. I consider
this the *community norm*, rather than WMF's policies.

In line with our shared values of openness, our Chief Executive,
Trustees and our Operations are required by our finance policy to
publish expenses on the public wiki, so I encourage you to email Jon
Davies for the current summary should you wish to compare WMUK for the
nature of staff expenses for travel and accomodation to other chapters
or the WMF.

You can find a summary of WMUK's financial policies and plans at

Should AffCom or any other group wish to benefit from WMUK policies or
procedures, I would be happy to provide some advice as an unpaid
volunteer. The UK Chapter has invested a lot in governance

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] AffComs $40,000 Hong Kong junket

2013-05-14 Thread Fae
On 14 May 2013 21:13, Bence Damokos  wrote:
> to be effective in the meeting. In the long run, if the WMF doesn't amend
> its travel practices one can always join any of the WMF volunteer or staff
> communities that result in occasional travel as a perk and more often as a
> cost of doing their business effectively.

Sorry Bence, "travel as a perk"? No, for me airport security, cramped
on a coach class flight and having to navigate public transport both
ways, in order to find my economy hotel has never been a perk, more of
a ruddy drawn out stressful punishment.

Probably me, I obviously have a jaded old man's perspective compared
to most unpaid volunteers in our community.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [wca] next phone meeting

2013-06-16 Thread Fae
Hi, I'll need the phone in details to join in tonight.


On 15 June 2013 23:30, Markus Glaser  wrote:
> Hi WCA and friends,
> we will have a phone meeting on Sunday, 16th of June @ 19:00 UTC [1]. More
> details and the agenda can be found here:
> If you want to join, please contact me for the phone meeting number.
> Please note there is an agenda point about current issues in the chapters.
> If you have anything trouble (or, of course, good news) you'd like to
> discuss, that's the time to do it.
> I think we also should talk about the board elections and a chapter
> perspective on the candidates.
> Best,
> Markus
> [1]
> --
> Markus Glaser
> WCA Council Member (WMDE)
> Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
> --
> Markus Glaser
> WCA Council Member (WMDE), Chair
> Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list
> Unsubscribe:

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[Wikimedia-l] Breaking bots // HTTPS for logged in users on Wednesday August 21st

2013-08-21 Thread Fae
On 21 August 2013 07:49, Terry Chay  wrote:
> Luckily, the standard for the Movement is consensus, not catering to every 
> extremist view with 100% buy-in.

As a Commons user responsible for over 2.5 million edits, I would hope
that the WMF do not label or quickly dismiss me as an "extremist" if I
raise some questions about this notification.

I am concerned about how many valuable bot activities a mandated move
to https might break. Some will be fixed by operators such as myself
changing account preferences to force an opt-out or re-writing code,
however many useful bot activities have semi-retired operators,
particularly on Commons, and some are bound to just never be fixed and
their value will be lost. In planning this change, has some support
effort been allocated to fixing or re-hosting the bots that break
(such as taking the option of 'remotely' setting community-identified
useful bots to opt-out of https, at least for a test period, rather
than forcing an opt-in) and has there been a survey of this impact?

Though I agree we don't expect "100% buy-in", as an active volunteer,
batch uploader and bot writer, I would have expected to have been
given a friendly, non-confrontational and relaxed opportunity to raise
and consider these issues in a RFC or other consensus building
discussion on my home project and engage in discussion there, rather
than, apparently, no buy-in needed from us unpaid volunteers and
content creators.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Equipment exchange forum on Wikimedia Commons

2012-09-05 Thread Fae
On 5 September 2012 16:50, Tomasz W. Kozłowski  wrote:
> Over a month ago, an equipment exchange forum has been started on
> Wikimedia Commons at
> <>, aiming
> to be a place where "media contributors (...) can request, donate,
> sell, or barter equipment for the production of free content,
> including camera equipment, computer equipment, art supplies, and
> software."

I recently raised this Commons page as an idea for Wikimedia UK to
support modest costs of international postage for items of obvious
benefit (and of reasonable quality) to the open knowledge projects.
This could be an interesting and relatively simple way for
inter-chapter collaboration to work at the small scale. See
for the UK proposal. I would encourage representatives from other
Chapters to make a comment on that ideas page, if you can imagine this
being a practical thing to get working.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

[Wikimedia-l] Info: Richard Symonds email last night

2012-09-21 Thread Fae
Forwarding message from Jon Davies as his email bounced from the list.


> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Jon Davies 
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 09:25:46 +0100
> Subject: Richard Symonds email last night
> I'd like to point out that Richard's email last night regarding the Slate 
> article was meant to be in a personal capacity. In haste he used his work 
> email address.
> Jon Davies.
> --
> Jon Davies - Chief Executive Wikimedia UK.  Mobile (0044) 7803 505 169
> tweet @jonatreesdavies
> Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and 
> Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered 
> Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT. 
> United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia 
> movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who 
> operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).
> Telephone (0044) 207 065 0990.
> Visit and @wikimediauk

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] FDC Proposals

2012-10-02 Thread Fae
I have quite a few emails in my inbox that mention problems using the
submission form, and how much of an administrative burden this
created. Where is the best place to raise suggestions for improvement
(including, I hope, pointing out the aspects that are working well),
and who will be promptly managing those suggestions of behalf of the

It would be sensible to ensure, and be seen to ensure, that the
administrative burden on Chapter staff and volunteers is kept to a

'' Writing as me, personally, rather than in any role people might think I have.

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] What is the status of the WCA?

2012-10-06 Thread Fae
On 6 October 2012 16:12, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
> What is the current status of the WCA? The last update I can find is an
> email from Ziko to this list on 24 August (a month and a half ago) saying
> there would be a full report soon. Have I missed that report or are we
> still waiting for it?

Yes the report did not happen. Here is my update sent to the Chapters
list 2 days ago to avoid any confusion about what is planned:
Subject: Re: [Chapters] Calling for WCA meeting
A more detailed email is being prepared explaining the supported
recruitment process that we expect to establish the Secretary General
by the end of this year. I am recommending that:
* this is not dependent on finalizing a budget, as we can now confirm
sufficient budget commitment to the WCA to, at a minimum, have
sufficient to cover wind-up costs for the SG after employment
* the process will "piggy-back" on the WCA committees already formed,
however I would expect the recruitment process itself to be open to
all Council Members at every stage
* I have asked for a telecon schedule to be published on :meta next
week, so that Council Members can ask questions of the recruitment
manager and be updated on progress through out the recruitment

I want first to raise this as a proposal with the Council Members, to
check if we need a resolution and a vote or they are content to
proceed. This will be the key purpose of the above email being
prepared. So I am being naughty in telling you first on this list
before we do that. :-)


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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Recruitment process for Secretary General of the Wikimedia Chapters Association

2012-10-10 Thread Fae

I have created <>
for a resolution of the WCA Council Members to support a resourced plan to
recruit the WCA Secretary General.

Should you have questions, please raise them on <

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Wikimedia Chapters Association Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Recruitment process for Secretary General of the Wikimedia Chapters Association

2012-10-11 Thread Fae
On 11 October 2012 22:01, Andrew Turvey  wrote:
> This sets out that the organisation would incorporate first and then
> recruit the SG, which appears to be a more logical sequence of events.
> However, I notice that the incorporation step is not part of the process
> that the interim consultant will help with.
> Could you expand on the rationale for this please?

Hi Andrew,

Recruiting a Secretary General is likely to take more than 6 weeks and
we would all like to see this done by the end of this year.

Incorporation could be done in a few days in several alternative
countries as soon as one is chosen. Unfortunately, discussing where
might be the best location for WCA administration may take several
months due to the political, tax and financial implications that
everyone is keen to worry about. In fact there is no guarantee we
would ever reach a conclusion if only volunteers are available to do
this analysis in their spare time.

The city/country for incorporation has been a topic of hot debate as
many assume that this will also be where any administration for the
WCA is likely to be located (not necessarily true). By unlocking the
location for incorporation from getting the recruitment process
started, I hope to avoid us taking several more months debating
locations when it is not clear that this is necessary for an SG to be
appointed - the SG can be paid a "competitive market rate" for their
country of residence and their employment contract could either be
negotiated in their home country or a legal initial incorporation
(say, in London) for convenience later to be superseded by a location
that the SG can make proposals for.

The Council Members may well end up delaying the recruitment process
until 2013 while we continue the (mostly political) debate on WCA
office/administrative location if we insist on planning and doing
these things sequentially. This would mean that we would struggle to
appoint a SG before the Chapters Conference next year. However, a
legal or other firm argument as to why the initial stages of
recruitment cannot start in parallel has yet to be presented.

So that this is nominally on the recruitment schedule in the
resolution, I have added a footnote to step 4 and I suggest we plan to
incorporate a body that can employ the SG without that being a
commitment to have an office in that same country. Either London or
Berlin would be good choices considering we only need to know legal
and accounting firms that can help us sort this out and there are no
implications for any physical office.

PS I am not going to be available for the next few days due to the CEE
conference, so it may be an idea to continue this discussion on the
:meta talk page so that Ziko, Stefan and others might pick up and
discuss some alternative options.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Recruitment process for Secretary General of the Wikimedia Chapters Association

2012-10-11 Thread Fae
On 11 October 2012 22:10, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
> The consultant has apparently been chosen already based on a recommendation
> from Pavel. What other consultants were considered? What was the process?
> Did you get competing quotes?

No, I did not get competing quotes. This is limited to 3 to 4 thousand
euros of part time work over two months. I have had agencies and
consultants approaching me but Pavel's recommendation was solid.
Unfortunately Ziko was unavailable on the day for the interview.
Considering that Stefan comes with a great recommendation and
experience of doing very similar work, this seemed a low risk
decision. I have never worked with Stefan before and have no conflict
of loyalties in this regard, I am merely going for a low risk
pragmatic decision to ensure tangible progress on our first and most
important goal for this year - getting a Secretary General

If the Council wishes to pause progress and consider a more detailed
recruitment process with a number of bids against an open
specification, I can ask Stefan to stop or terminate at any time and
WMDE will cover those costs. Considering the relatively low amount of
money involved, this might seem a poor use of our time, but I realize
that I am only the Chair, and apart from my passion and charisma, have
little real authority to proceed without a resolution in place.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

[Wikimedia-l] Info: 2013 WCA Chair elections

2012-10-16 Thread Fae
Dear Wikimedians and Chapter members,

Many representatives on the WCA Council are aware of my views on our
Chair election process and it may help current discussions about the
Secretary General recruitment to share my view more widely, and make
the following proposal.

I was prepared to be nominated at Wikimania 2012 for the WCA Chair
position this summer, but I expected a tough competition with several
nominations where the Chapter Representatives could judge my skill and
experience against other quality volunteers. I was surprised and
disappointed to be the only candidate, and I have no intention of
staying in this post "by default" or 1 or 2 years without a better and
visibly democratic election process, particularly as it was the first
time we had tried electing a Chair and would probably all prefer a
more rigorously formal process next time around.

I recommend that we have a well designed process that starts in March,
at least *4 weeks* before the next Chapters Conference in spring 2013
<>. This will
ensure that the Conference starts with a freshly elected chair having
gone through a robust election process against several candidates. I
recommend that a page is set up this year on :meta for the election
process, so that we can discuss and agree how candidate nominations
and votes will work, including a questions/answers section in multiple
languages. Having an open and public nomination process may also
encourage new chapters to join the WCA before the Conference in Milan,
and put forward their own candidate for the WCA Chair position. :-)

Hopefully this will also provide sufficient time for our new Secretary
General to get established, before there is a change of WCA chair and
avoid any sense of instability, even though I would have been in post
for only 8 months or so before we have another election.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Wikimedia Chapters Association Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Request: Location proposals for the Wikimedia Chapters Association

2012-11-09 Thread Fae

Dear Wikimedians and Chapter enthusiasts,

This weekend I am planning to put forward the above drafted resolution
for the WCA Council on the location for legal registration. (Closing
date Sunday 11 November as voting opens on Monday.)

There have been only a few proposals discussed for location, and I and
the other Council Members would welcome wider engagement on proposed
locations. Please see the above resolution page and its discussion
page for more information.

If you are disappointed not to see a location you think would be
ideal, please raise a question on the resolution talk page on the
:meta wiki, or directly approach and discuss the proposal with a
Council Member (see the list at
as locations should be "sponsored" by at least one Council Member;
they do not have to be part of the chapter in the location country.

There is not much time to add a proposal, however the process is
relatively simple:
1. Ensure one or more Council Members will "sponsor" the location.
2. Address the questions listed for locations in the resolution in a
page on :meta with some simple answers.

If you are having trouble contacting a friendly Council Member, please
contact me personally and I'll try to help out.

If you would like to review the proposals for locations and raise
questions or suggest improvements, that would be great too. :-)

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Wikimedia Chapters Association Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Request: Location proposals for the Wikimedia Chapters Association

2012-11-09 Thread Fae
[off topic]
On 10 November 2012 01:02, James Alexander  wrote:
> On an incredibly picky Wikipedian side note: What are you meaning by the
> ':meta' notation? It seems "like" interwiki links but the colon is in the
> wrong location (a wikilink would obviously be meta:, m: or wikt: etc ).
> They were just a bit confusing to me, I may be missing something :).

I tend to use this as my convention in emails as "word:" may be
confused for being the start of some sort of list but ":word" would
not be and if I use "wmuk:" I might mean the UK chapter but by ":wmuk"
I always mean the UK chapter wiki. On wiki I often stick a colon in
front of a link as I am used to this being the convention to link to
images rather than embedding them. If left in by accident, the colon
does not hurt any interwiki link as I believe it is always parsed out.
For example [[m:Main page]], [[:m:Main page]] and [[::m:Main page]]
all go to the same place.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia Serbia office

2012-11-20 Thread Fae
On 20 November 2012 22:09, Filip Maljkovic  wrote:
> Our employee is Mile Kiš, our General Secretary. He's been a tremendous help
> for us in the past years and he's been doing more than full time work for us
> as a volunteer, so I'm especially glad that he's going to be able to help us
> as an employee, as well as be able to work on his personal
> professionalization.

My personal congratulations to Mile, and to Filip and rest of the team
in Serbia for taking this strategic step. :-)

You were all welcoming and brimming with energy at the WMCEE
conference, and I look forward to the great things you are going to
achieve in 2013, pushing forward the boundaries of open knowledge on
behalf of the movement.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Wikimedia Chapters Association Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Aaron Swartz is dead

2013-01-12 Thread Fae
On 12 January 2013 12:04, David Gerard  wrote:
> Killed himself.

Awful news.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Wikimedia Chapters Association Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Outcome of Wikimedia board discussion on the Chapters Association

2013-02-05 Thread Fae
The figures that James was going from here were rejected, this was
stated on the meta page in question, but I have made it a lot clearer
by repeating the word 'rejected' several times in upper-case.

There was a lengthy discussion about covering basic wind-up costs for
the SG recruitment rather than attempting yet again to produce a full
budget for the Association. This is mentioned in the resolutions on
meta, however I need to think about a diplomatic reply to the WMF
board letter rather than going on a tangent. I am sure someone can put
the right links against your question and you can see if our previous
discussion was sufficient, or not, in your view.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Outcome of Wikimedia board discussion on the Chapters Association

2013-02-05 Thread Fae
On 5 February 2013 15:05, Nathan  wrote:
> ... Is it fair to assume that the WMF will take a dim view of
> FDC-allocated funds being transferred to the WCA? I'm sure no chapters
> anticipating an FDC allocation would like to put that at risk.

Would someone sitting on the FDC like to pick this one up?

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-06 Thread Fae
On 6 February 2013 13:52, Tom Morris  wrote:
> Sell us, the editors, on why these things are necessary, and the
> process of getting approval from the WMF Board will be easy because
> the political winds will shift in your favour. What exactly are
> Chapters trying to do now that they are failing at that necessitates
> the creation of the WCA?

My pick list of things we know that some chapters are failing at, and
that having an Association will help with - off the top of my head:

* Shared processes and requirements for good governance
* Shared (Chapter) best practices (such as financial reporting,
activity reporting, records and reporting)
* Peer review
* Benchmark independent review and assessment
* Managing effective boards
* Effective and efficient programme management
* Holding senior management to account
* Credible public reporting on funding outcomes
* Transparency

Of course, I am personally happy to help chapters with this sort of
thing, but I'm only one man with a few scars from painful experience;
so having an Association helps folks like me to help others.

PS Tom, knowing you as long as I have, I would not dream of trying to
sell you anything. ;-)

Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-06 Thread Fae
Hi James,

I added "REJECTED" several times to that page yesterday, just to make
the situation clear. Based on your email, I have now made that word
big and red so there can be no mistake by anyone when they land on the

Doing an analysis and lambasting the Chapters Association for a
concept document that the majority of the Council Members quickly
rejected, is a bit of a waste of your time. Certainly I have
absolutely no interest in defending this document, as I was personally
unconvinced by it (though grateful for the volunteers that worked on it
in good faith), and spent hardly any time reviewing it when it was

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-06 Thread Fae
Thank you for putting it so well Markus. I have now emphasised the
existing word REJECTED in bold and red on that second table too.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-07 Thread Fae
On 7 February 2013 12:08, Ziko van Dijk  wrote:
> mentioned it, but the Council did not even vote. So, to be absolutely
> correct, the Council also did not 'reject' it.
> Kind regards
> Ziko

Good point. Shall I change the word used on meta to the phrase "Not
accepted by the Chapters Association" or would something else be

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Patent claim relating to QRpedia

2013-02-08 Thread Fae
On 8 February 2013 10:22, David Richfield  wrote:
> It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider the Walk and
> Talk Tours patented system in 1999 with regards to information signage
> relating back to electronic media to obtain information in respect of
> a site.

> A brief review of the patent seems to indicate that it doesn't cover
> anything except for phone calls, but the wording is sufficiently broad
> that one could construe it to refer to any data sent over a wireless
> network.  Can someone on this list please give an opinion?

I suggest you consider it as they requested, file it, and do not
reply. I see nothing in this patent that could be considered anything
infringed by QRPedia technology that is not long established as open
source or irrelevant.

My past experience, having worked in mobile technology for some years
and been part of managing the international IP for new technology, is
that the mobile technology sector lawyers (or more often
proto-lawyers) will scour the internet hunting for anything that might
get them a decent commission. Speculative letters are cheap to send
and as QRPedia gets more press coverage, this sort of contact is
likely to become very frequent.

This is not professional advice, I am not writing in my capacity in
any organization I am affiliated with or was affiliated with, blah,
blah, imagine a lengthy disclaimer here...

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] "Voice Intro Project"

2013-02-08 Thread Fae
On 8 February 2013 17:09, Risker  wrote:
> Okay.  So I looked at this a couple of times, and couldn't come up with a
> good idea for "notable" people to want to deliberately record and upload
> with an open license a recording of their own voice - knowing that it
> *will* be abused and misused and mashed.  (There's little question that
> this will happen. Just because Wikimedians are pretty decent sorts doesn't
> mean the rest of the world is.)
> Now, I have no objection whatsoever to supporting article subjects who
> *wish* to do this, but I'm not convinced it's a good idea to actively try
> to persuade them.  I'm not convinced that recordings of a person's voice is
> actually "information" about the person, either, except in the way that
> their fingerprints are.
> Risker/Anne

I'm afraid, rather sadly, I have to agree. At a minimum, I would
recommend that those donating their audio or video are cautioned very
clearly about what free re-use might mean, and that the licence is
certain to be irrevocable, even if we do later make a community
decision to delete a file from Commons (which is highly unlikely if
they are notable and the release was unambiguous).

It's a nice idea, but my frank advice to a notable person would be to
release on a CC-BY-SA-ND licence which means that re-use is far more
likely to stay "respectful" and even though this means that Commons
could not host, articles on Wikipedias could still provide a link to a
stable host site that did accept the ND restriction. This is the same
advice I have provided for sensitive modern cultural content, such as
photographs of the general public at festivals where there is no
specific release from the models, or tribal rituals which may contain
children or partial nudity. Sometimes this means turning away super
content, but I would much rather do that than have upset partners who
may suffer reputational damage as a result.

Obviously if you are notable and you don't care because your voice and
image is everywhere already (and perhaps massively misused or used in
parody), then perhaps the caution will not put you off that much
anyway, as it would be water off a duck's back.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Patent claim relating to QRpedia

2013-02-08 Thread Fae
On 8 February 2013 17:53, James Heilman  wrote:
> QRpedia is still owned by Roger Bamkin I think
> The projects code appears to be
> open source.
> What does this mean for long term stability? How is the site licensed?
> What authority do the volunteers / cities putting these up involved
> have over its functioning?

Hi James,

See discussions at
<> (and the later
thread on the same page), lots of information and discussion there,
and the Water Cooler will stay up to date as events progress. I
welcome further questions that have not already been raised to be
added there, I find it a handy place to reference.

As it happens, the UK Board is reviewing the negotiation tomorrow and
there may be an announcement to make then.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Wikimedia UK Trustee
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] WCA - Meeting Report / WCA - Bericht

2013-02-18 Thread Fae
Hi Manuel,

Thanks for sending around an early quick personal report. I will be
sending out a very brief summary of next steps as the Chair shortly to
Wikimedia-l, the chapters list and on meta.

I need to put in a little time going through the notes on etherpad and
I am aiming to release these as minutes tomorrow, but anyone who is
curious can read these in provisional form at
<>. Anyone quoted in the etherpad
notes - today is a good day to make any changes you would like to see
whilst your memory is fresh. :-)

Once the minutes are posted, I would welcome help on meta adding
cross-links and fixing layout and typo problems (it's a wiki!).
Significant content or context changes should be checked with the
person quoted, or back with myself as the Chair.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Info: [Chapters Association] Next steps from the WCA coordination weekend // 16-17 Feb

2013-02-18 Thread Fae
Dear fellow committed Wikimedians and Chapter enthusiasts,

Last weekend a number of Wikimedia Chapters Association Council
members, two trustees from the WMF board and some welcome guests,
worked together to review in detail the current progress of the
association and feedback given by the WMF board.[1][2]

A total of nine Council members took part with several being able to
join using video conferencing and etherpad. There were a number of
firm recommendations, along with a series of immediate actions. The
meeting minutes will be issued later this week and everyone can
preview all the notes taken during the meeting.[3][4] The meeting was
fully open and the Council will continue to use open public
communication channels, in preference to closed lists or meetings,
recognizing recent community feedback on how best to meet our shared
values of openness and transparency.

As the Council chair, I can summarize these points as follows, and
will be happy to refine and discuss these with an open dialogue on
1) A small set of action teams have been agreed with a focus on
external deliverables including chapter peer reviews, providing advice
and analysing chapter practices. The time-frame is *three months* for
key deliverables and all are expected to be part of the Milan
conference in April.[3][6]
2) The recruitment of a Secretary General is parked until such a time
as the council is confident of securing a budget and there is a strong
consensus on the immediate necessity of such a role or its equivalent.
Legally incorporating the Association will also be similarly parked,
as the driving factor would have been the need to employ staff.
3) The previously planned elections for Wikimedia Chapters Association
Council Chair will be brought forward one month, to starting this
week. A separate note/email will explain the process of one week
calling for nomination statements, questions and a similar time for
the council vote.

Thank you to those who have engaged already with feedback and those
that were available to take part in the meeting last weekend. For
those Council members and interested Wikimedians who were unable to
take part, I welcome your feedback on this pragmatic way forward as
early as possible, and I encourage you to lend a hand with the action
teams, as they will benefit your chapter directly.

A special thanks to Wikimedia UK for offering to host the London
meeting, including Richard Nevell's support with practical logistics
all weekend, including much needed coffee and sandwiches. I look
forward to seeing many Chapters helping the action teams and future
activities of the Association, with suggestions and practical offers
of staff support. :-)


Thank you,
Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-19 Thread Fae
On 19 February 2013 23:47, James Alexander  wrote:
> Groups should grow naturally, they should incorporate only when necessary
> and get staff only when necessary, trying to push them before they are
> ready only makes things worse.  We have been having a long standing habit
> within the meta movement to rush towards organizations and staff long
> before it's necessary, pissing away money and good will.
> James

I don't disagree with the sentiment. I recall the WMUK strategy
weekend when the chapter board and staff all stood in the room to
indicate how important to the new charity fundraising was. I was the
Chair at the time, and I think I annoyed almost everyone there by
being the only one standing in the middle of the room, and saying that
I could do everything in our mission with a bag of crisps and money
for a coffee, while almost everyone else was putting fundraising as
the highest importance.

Money is not in our mission statement or our values. It's a burden and
a governance nightmare. I already have a track record of doing good
things relying on *other people's* money, it does not have to be in my
bank account in order to have institutions and others eventually agree
* archives should be on a fully free license
* governments should support open knowledge for selfish reasons
* everyone should consider becoming immortal by releasing the
copyright on their creations in their wills
* publishers should stop worrying about being gatekeepers and become
knowledge facilitators
* academics should help their careers by sharing early rather than hoarding
* knowledge institutions should really mean their mission for the
public good, and make it happen in the real world

To change everything, all we need is time, perhaps a life-time, an
off-peak train ticket and maybe a cheap sandwich. With a bit of money
we can do a little more, but you know, it's not the most important
thing, what matters is the vision we have to share and not being let
down too many times by the hierarchy we have chosen to create.

Now, if you want it faster than folks like me, on our own, liberating
knowledge and having enormous fun talking to one person at a time and
evangelizing the bejesus out of them, we might need to talk about
using some donated money in smart ways and we might need to have
something more reliable and consistent than wacky volunteers like me
who tend to burn out all too quickly and all too often.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-20 Thread Fae
On 20 February 2013 07:57, Charles Andrès  wrote:
> Hello Ziko,
> Because you want to hear:
> 1)Their is no census within the chapter whether we still want a deputy chair 
> position

It's better for us to focus on the actions we are taking for the next
3 months. We decided to defer discussion about changing roles and
considering a board, or changing the titles we currently use. Any
member of the Council is welcome to draft a resolution or discuss
alternatives, but this will draw the oxygen away from being seen to
make progress on solid outcomes, rather than internal affairs.

> 2)if we keep a chair and a deputy chair, it has always been planned that this 
> position should be open to vote at the next WCA meeting

It was my decision, made after private discussions with Ting and SJ,
apparently in response Jimmy Wales raising this for the WMF board's
attention immediately after my English Wikipedia ban and before the
end of the summer conference in Washington DC, to ensure that we would
have an election this spring for the Chair position in a more formal
and structured way. Though our vote was valid, I was never very happy
at being elected without competition or much discussion. For that
reason I was not prepared to just stay in position for 2 years. You
will recall that for the Deputy Chair position, there was a
competition and discussion so I believe this had a firmer sense of

> 3) 7 council member connote decide on their own of keeping in place the 
> deputy chair!!

Similarly, this was no a decision that was ever tabled or considered necessary.

> 4)The WCA do not need continuity, since ten month we haven't been able to 
> provide something real , I don't see why we should continue this way

We chose to radically re-frame our plans. We have done this in a way
that does not require resolutions or complex bureaucracy to move
forward. I don't see how asking Ziko to go through an election process
now, helps demonstrate that we are taking an external focus. The
election process for Chair is a different matter, it was always
planned for March and I have chosen to bring this forward based on the
continued private approaches to the Council from 5 WMF trustees since
my election, who were not happy with the WCA having me as our elected
Chair, though the WMF itself has no public position on this matter.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-20 Thread Fae
On 20 February 2013 08:59, Christophe Henner
> Why do we need two "announce" mailing lists? Can't we all use
> wikimedia-announce ?

I don't really care much about how it works, just that it does. Manuel
Schneider took an action at the weekend to advise on points of
contact, and set up the system where needed. He is wonderfully
knowledgeable about our sites and systems, and has the technical skill
to sort this out.

Even if we do start using our WCA announcements list, I would want to
cross post everything of any possible interest. Whether logistics for
the WCA action teams needs to be on Wikimedia-announce, I don't know,
though if doubt remains I would rather keep cross-posting until there
are requests to stop clogging up these extra channels with our
info-spam. :-)

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] WMCH resolution about providing a web conferencing system for the Wikimedia Movement

2013-02-22 Thread Fae
On 22 February 2013 09:46, Charles Andrès  wrote:
> We plan to give access to these tools at first to all the chapters and 
> affiliated group, as then as well for thematic groups.
> Deployment is planned for the next Wikimedia Conference in Milan.

Hi Charles,

Thanks for choosing to open this up as a service. I will be
recommending to my own chapter that we should test out this tool in
preference to non-open source solutions that we are currently using
(such as Skype and Google Hangout) and I would like to offer it to the
GLAMtoolset project (there are regular sprint reviews that rely on
video conferencing). It would be great if we could share a test
platform in advance of deployment for Milan so that we can make sure
that on-line guides and advice are well established.

Could we make a general offer to all chapters that if they want to use
this tool to have open board meetings or committee meetings (and
preferably record proceedings), that we will offer this as an actively
supported service? This may mean setting aside a small budget for
technical support. It seems exactly like the type of inter-chapter
initiative that the WCA should seek to promote.

As part of a supported service, it might be an idea to recommend what
sorts of hardware kit work well with video conferencing. In my own
chapter we have a history of poor audio problems, and sharing
experiences of good value multi-directional microphones, recommended
bandwidth and so forth, would be helpful in deciding how to minimize
our spend on hardware and provide high quality recordings at the same
time. It may even be an idea to have a recommended virtual meeting kit
box for chapters (mini-sound mixer, mic types, mini-tripod etc.), this
would make it easy for any chapter to estimate and add a
non-controversial line item in their funding proposals to support good
quality virtual access, in line with our shared values of openness and
transparency. ;-)

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Are chapters part of the community and board seats for affiliates?

2013-02-22 Thread Fae
On 22 February 2013 20:15, Balázs Viczián  wrote:
> I believe chapters are tools for the local communities to achieve certain
> goals that otherwise would be very difficult or (almost) impossible, and a
> great aid in local community building.


The vast majority of volunteers like the idea that there is a Chapter
they can turn to to ask for help, or to get their idea for a project
reviewed, funded and looking "official". If a volunteer came to a
wikimeet with a brilliant idea for a project, but said they could not
stand the stupid bureaucracy of chapters, I'd say "excellent mate, you
go for it and I'll see what I can do to help with funding if you need

Most of us started this stuff before our chapters were anything more
that a society for a handful of embarrassed lonely encyclopedia
fanatics meeting in a pub, confessing how much they loved the idea of
the open knowledge movement. It's just unavoidable that chapters have
to get formal once you have projects spending six figure sums rather
than three figure sums.

Getting formal without sucking all the joy out of it, well that's the
real challenge for all of us.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-23 Thread Fae

I have started a draft of the process for the WCA election for a
Chairperson at 
This is in line with the discussion at the London meeting last
weekend. The election for a Chairperson is limited to votes by Council
members (as defined at the time of opening the vote) and the
Chairperson needs to be a member of the Council.

I invite Council members to not only consider if they have some skill
and experience to bring to the role of Chair, but also to take an
selfless viewpoint, and consider if there are individuals with skills
elsewhere in their Chapter that might mean that now would be a good
time to quickly swap their position with someone else in their
Chapter,  so that the WCA benefits overall.

I strongly recommend that this is a contested election, particularly
with representatives from smaller Chapters running for Chair. A key
reason that I planned last year for a re-election for Chair to happen
before the Milan conference, was that I was uncomfortable that my
appointment without contest. In my view, this was a weak demonstration
of our democratic process. If anyone has good tips for improving the
process then please chip in, preferably on the meta talk page. My
objective is to keep this as simple as possible to understand, and as
non-bureaucratic as possible, so please try to make any suggestions
with that in mind. :-)

I propose we accept self nomination statements in languages other than
English, and allow others to help with good translations. I would
expect to be opening for nominations on Monday 25 February 2013,
unless there are significant objections (such as prospective
candidates being unavailable for this coming week and needing an
extension to this schedule).

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Are chapters part of the community and board seats for affiliates?

2013-02-24 Thread Fae
On 24 February 2013 10:27, Balázs Viczián  wrote:
> Maybe I wasn't clear enough, imo chapters are NOT part of the communities
> (nor the global community), just a tool for them to achieve certain goals
> that otherwise would be much more difficult or (almost) impossible to reach.


With the logical extension that so are AffCom, the FDC, the WCA, the
WMF ... If these tools become ineffective, then we should look again
at what we (the movement) need in our tool box. Indeed I believe we
have been doing precisely that by creating the FDC and the WCA in the
last two years and the WMF has strategically been 'narrowing focus'.

As an unpaid volunteer and thus with no vested interest, I would be
perfectly happy with a completely new and improved tool box for
Christmas. It is only human nature that it is much, much harder to see
the world this way and accept change, when your employment may depend
on the existing tools.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Are chapters part of the community and board seats for affiliates?

2013-02-24 Thread Fae
On 24 February 2013 11:14, Federico Leva (Nemo)  wrote:
> Balázs Viczián, 24/02/2013 11:27:
>> Maybe I wasn't clear enough, imo chapters are NOT part of the communities
>> (nor the global community), just a tool for them to achieve certain goals
>> that otherwise would be much more difficult or (almost) impossible to
>> reach.
> Here we are, this is one of the things I wanted to point out (maybe one by
> one it's easier): a "chapter" is not a person, of course it's not a
> "community member"... but (IMHO) *of course* chapter members are Wikimedia
> community members.
> Logical consequence: the "chapter" meant as "set of the chapter members" is
> a subset of the community and hence a "part of the community".
> The /structure/ of the chapter (assembly, board, president, ...) may work
> well or not, "represent" some obscure interests of the chapter members or
> not, further the (mysterious) "interests" of "the"* community at large or
> not, etc. etc. etc. But that's an entirely different matter.
> Nemo

Yes, organizations are composed of people and those people that
contribute to Chapters are part of the community. However the point
being made, I think, was that these organizations we create together
are just tools to achieve a desirable outcome. If we don't understand
or cannot measure the outcome, then the tool is not fit for purpose.
This does not mean that we abandon the people involved, we just might
re-form the organization or change its scope and priorities to create
a new tool.

In my case, as a volunteer, I was democratically elected to be a
charity trustee for the UK Chapter and I was elected to be the
Chairperson for the Chapters Association. This gives me an unenviable
responsibility to not only represent that part of the community that
wanted to vote for me to fulfil these roles, but also to consider the
views of the wider movement. Conceptually I am much happier with the
idea that we have community members that are pushed forward to help
provide a voice in decision making or trusted with administrative
tasks (such as the burden of being a signatory to the bank account or
interviewing staff and contractors), rather than the idea that the
voter supports a particular bureaucracy or the fine wording of a
particular role definition.

In summary, I would say our community (at least that subset interested
in how donated funds are best deployed, rather than getting on with
the real business of getting elbow deep in creating open knowledge
content) votes for the outcomes and priorities they would like to see,
rather than the organizations of the moment and the transient roles
within them.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-24 Thread Fae

The schedule of election for the Chapters Association Council Chair
has been announced at

The schedule is:
Nominations open midnight (UTC) on Monday 25 February 2013.
Nominations close midnight on Monday 4 March 2013 and voting is opened.
Voting closes midnight Monday 11 March 2013.

Note that all 21 Council members will be eligible to vote, including
those that stand for election. In a heavily contested election,
expecting nominated candidates to refrain from voting would not be

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
One of the early discussions before agreeing the WCA charter was the
possibility of automatically counting all legally recognized chapters
as members. It was felt that this would not result in a credible
democratic process, indeed the current 21 members are not all very
active in votes and the current voting pattern shows participation at
around 2/3 of the members or less in any vote. If we counted all
Chapters, then a quorum would have to be set to be artificially

Should any Chapter wish to vote in this election, they need only
provide a statement to me and then the new Council member sends in a
statement that they support the charter. The Council member need not
be on the board of the Chapter. There are no fees, there are no
specific duties and we are always looking for more light-weight ways
of handing our processes. Any Council member recognized before the
vote opens, will be eligible to vote.

My original thought was to allow an overall three week process, but
was put under pressure to do this quickly to make a clear
demonstration that I was going; however I would guess that opening the
election does this rather than bringing forward the deadline to close
it. I will take a look at the schedule again later today and
reconsider the deadlines. In practice, I have had the opposite
feedback from Council members, who thought that allowing 2 weeks for a
vote as our past custom, was unnecessarily long.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
On 25 February 2013 09:40, James Alexander  wrote:
> Err  ok, I'm sorry but this actually moves to the realms of scary. You
> require the new Council member to send in a statement ... pledging loyalty
> essentially? I don't see anything in the charter that would require
> something like that, is it in your remit as chair? Sadly that just sounds
> like a way to force out reformers, if you don't support the charter you
> can't join the council? How do you expect to get things to change when
> necessary?

The charter is very basic. If you want to turn the organization upside
down, throw away the charter or sack the Chair, it's very easy, you
just put forward a resolution. The wording on
:"Declare that your chapter, and the appointed Council Member, respect
the WCA Charter."

If you fundamentally disagree with the existence of the WCA, then it
would be odd to join it. I believe it is entirely possible to join the
WCA with the ambition of changing it, in fact I would love for more
Council members to join with reformation agendas as it would bring
plenty of energy into discussions.

As for scary, well, I can't comment, many folks seem to find me scary
which puzzles me immensely.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Term limits for WMF board members?

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
On 24 February 2013 17:14, Alice Wiegand  wrote:

I am pleased to see that the WMF notes that term limits "are
recommended by Compass Partnership for WMUK's Board" and has taken
this into account, even though the conclusion is that the WMF board
prefers to not be bound by "a hard rule".

The UK Chapter appreciated this recommendation from Compass which
re-enforced the board's past discussions in this area, and personally
I would hope to see this pass as a change to process in our next
general meeting or as advised by our Governance Committee. I would
recommend this improvement to every maturing Chapter, the WMF board,
and every other long term management board, as our collective
demonstration that we are fully committed to adopting charity best
practice in our governance processes.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Term limits for WMF board members?

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
On 25 February 2013 11:43, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
> On 25 February 2013 11:30, Fae  wrote:
>> The UK Chapter appreciated this recommendation from Compass which
>> re-enforced the board's past discussions in this area
> What discussions did it reinforce? The last discussion about term
> limits I'm aware of (February 2012, if memory serves) was very short
> because the board was unanimously against it. It sounds like there has
> been a big swing since then...

I think we must have been in different meetings, my intuitive sense
tells me that the board has never been unanimously against it though I
would be happy to be corrected against the minutes. I have always been
for term limits, and the classic 2x3 limit suggested by Compass
happens to fit perfectly with discussion the board had about a term
limit of a maximum of 5 or 6 years. This dates as far back as
discussions when Andrew was Chairman, and though we always want to
retain continuity and the knowledge that long serving volunteers
offer, this must be balanced against ensuring suitable turn-over as
part of a demonstration of openness.

In practice, we still draw upon ex-trustees with brains full of
valuable knowledge by adopting them as advisor, associates, inviting
them to join Committees or having them retained as committed and
recognized leading volunteers. I would like to see past trustees
re-join the board after a year or more away doing more interesting
things, I have been around long enough to appreciate their value and
special talents, especially yours Tom.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
For those commenting here that they would like to see all AffCom
recognized chapters voting for the Chair, please note this would take
a resolution to change the charter (section B Art 3) "Each Chapter
selects one Council Member, by announcement of the Chapter to the
Chair of the Council."

I estimate that in practice such a resolution would mean that we could
not run the election for Chair until after the Milan conference, and I
would have no confidence that it would pass.

@Jan-Bart, as the only WMF trustee discussing this here so far, and as
the person who started this line of discussion, would the WMF trustees
be content to see me stay in place for so long whilst we reach a

I was aiming to open nominations at midnight today my time, so
apologies if by the time you read this it is already too late to
change the schedule.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
Sorry wrong ref, easily done - I meant to paste in "The Council elects
from its own Members a Chair and a Deputy Chair." (Section 3 Art 6).


Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-25 Thread Fae
On 25 February 2013 04:17, Newyorkbrad  wrote:
> voting. To the extent that a given member might wish to decide his or her
> vote through consultation with his or her chapter -- through internal
> discussion and consensus or a vote of the chapter board members or all the
> chapter's members, on a mailing list or at a chapter meeting -- I'm not
> sure one week is a long enough period in which all chapters can do so.

I have added a week to the overall process, which would not seem to be
an issue with installing a Chairperson well in advance of the Milan

The dates I have added are:
Nominations open midnight (UTC) on Monday 25 February 2013.
Nominations close midnight on Wednesday 6 March 2013 and voting is opened.
Voting closes midnight Sunday 17 March 2013.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Announcement: Nominations are invited for Chair of the Wikimedia Chapters Association Council

2013-02-26 Thread Fae

Nominations for candidates for the position of WCAC Chair are invited
above. The schedule for nominations and votes is:
Nominations open midnight on Monday 25 February 2013.
Nominations close midnight on Wednesday 6 March 2013 and voting is opened.
Voting closes midnight Sunday 17 March 2013.

If your chapter does not currently have a representative on the
council and would like to put forward a candidate, please contact me
now so that your candidate can be nominated before the 6th March.
There are no costs, and non-English nominations and nominations for
candidates outside Europe are welcome. There is an explanation of what
the WCA is and what it does at <>.

Voting will be limited to Council members registered before voting
opens, anyone is welcome to add their views, ask questions and
influence the outcome on

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Open Knowledge Foundation and Wikimedia Foundation

2013-03-01 Thread Fae
On 1 March 2013 12:08, Everton Zanella Alvarenga
> Tom

Good idea Tom. As it's a wiki, I have taken the initiative to move the
page to <>,
as based on the page introduction it appears to be intended to cover
projects wider than partnerships directly with the Wikimedia
Foundation. There are many other groups like the Wikimedia Chapters
and the evolving Wikimedia thematic organizations, that act
independently but are part of the Wikimedia community, and run all
sorts of interesting open knowledge content projects, as well as
lobbying for legal and government policy change to enable access to
open knowledge.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Open Knowledge Foundation and Wikimedia Foundation

2013-03-01 Thread Fae
On 1 March 2013 13:42, Sarah Stierch  wrote:
> We're actually even considering making the wiki internal because it's not
> fruitful for anyone outside of the internal community. So..don't expect much
> to happen with that wiki space.

I think it would be great to have a public page like this to
demonstrate our partnerships between the two organizations. It is a
handy thing to point to, in order to show off some of the stuff our
global networks of volunteers work together on. It seems a pity to
only do this on a country-by-country basis.

The UK chapter has a page for active GLAM partnerships
<> and a historical
record forms part of our Annual Report (the next one will be at
<>). I
think doing something wider like this for a couple of close partners
is sensible (i.e. those partners where our Mission greatly over-laps),
so long as it can be maintained and is somewhere where we can find it
again (!)  ;-)


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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Call for chapter peer review participation

2013-03-01 Thread Fae
In the light of Asaf's news about Wikimedia Kenya, it seems timely to
highlight one of the positive tasks I agreed to at the last Wikimedia
Chapters Association coordination meeting. This was to start chapter
peer reviews. In a couple of weeks I plan to put out a call for
involvement and set up a meta page to get this going.

As well as using practical (and cheap to do using virtual meetings)
and non-bureaucratic peer reviews, better to understand governance and
share best practice for Wikimedia Chapters, it would be great to
extend this as a means of learning about best practices for Wikimedia
User Groups. If the WCA can adapt to helping provide better engagement
with User Groups and other Wikimedia organizations, this will be a
positive step for the movement; though it may require quite a bit of
patient help from friendly Wikimedia volunteers :-)

If anyone who is in a Chapter or User Group (or a prospective User
Group), would like to get involved at the start in receiving or
delivering peer reviews, please drop me a note and I'll ensure you get
an early notice when I kick off this, interesting but tricky, bit of
international teamwork. Expect me to be depending on you for help.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Commons-l] FOP in Europe: does this include WWII monuments with art?

2013-03-02 Thread Fae
Hi Jane,

I am sorry to hear this has been a concern. My intuition is that this
would be far less of a tangible risk to a team project than the fuss
about this stuff might lead you to believe, so long as we can
demonstrate sensible advice, review and precautions being taken.

In the UK, FOP tends to be very liberal, however memorials have
special issues to consider if the intention is for a free release on
Commons. I would have encouraged some guidelines for
photographers/uploaders to be written up, and then continued with the
event with these in place, possibly with a means of contributors
asking further questions and having their uploads reviewed for
compliance via an on-wiki project page.

A few nuts and bolts of it based on my experiences on Commons (from a
UK perspective, so this will vary somewhat in other parts of Europe)
1. Any memorial must be a permanent feature. Any work of art that
appears temporary is unlikely to be covered by FOP.
2. Text on a memorial may be under its own copyright even though it is
on permanent public display, so the text itself must be demonstrably
out of copyright. This is a separate issue from the general FOP
provisions. If the text is incidental to the photograph, i.e. not a
close up and the text is effectively de minimus, then FOP is likely to
be valid.
3. Text which is embossed and made 3D, such as being part of an
inscribed plaque, may be considered a 3D work and covered by FOP.
4. Any memorial photographed whilst standing on private land may not
be covered by FOP.

The US has free speech, but is a long way from a country that accepts
FOP, however so long as the photo is taken in the EU and is of a fixed
and identified memorial, EU copyright law is the principle one to
consider and FOP applies.

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[Wikimedia-l] Question: Plans for the Wikimedia conference in Milan

2013-03-02 Thread Fae
I'm about to book my travel for Milan, and wondered if there were any
views from Council members or other chapter enthusiasts if we might
try to arrange meetings outside of the core Friday 19th to Sunday 21st

If there are no particular plans for meeting during Thursday 18 April,
then I'll plan on arriving late that day.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Commons-l] FOP in Europe: does this include WWII monuments with art?

2013-03-02 Thread Fae
On 2 March 2013 19:28, Andrew Gray  wrote:
> On 2 March 2013 12:04, Fae  wrote:
>> 2. Text on a memorial may be under its own copyright even though it is
>> on permanent public display, so the text itself must be demonstrably
>> out of copyright. This is a separate issue from the general FOP
>> provisions. If the text is incidental to the photograph, i.e. not a
>> close up and the text is effectively de minimus, then FOP is likely to
>> be valid.
> One other thing to remember: most of this text is fairly uncreative -
> in many cases, standard phrases or dates, and lists of names. We could
> make a reasonably good case that they are unlikely to be copyrightable
> texts regardless of age.

That's true, and I have uploaded plenty of my own photos of war
memorials with close up details of names, rank and so forth. However I
have run into problems with memorial statements that contain poetry,
simple drawings and original dedications and some of these have been
deleted despite me being reasonably cautious. I still think this is
solvable with some simple guidelines/principles for those taking part
in an event to take care to avoid any later problems with uploads.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: [Commons-l] FOP in Europe: does this include WWII monuments with art?

2013-03-03 Thread Fae
On 3 March 2013 06:50, James Alexander  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 3:59 AM, Tobias Oelgarte <
>> wrote:
>> The problem are not the European laws. It are the US laws that don't
>> recognize the European FOP. That means it would be perfectly legal to host
>> such images on an European server (in a country that recognizes FOP), but
>> not on US servers, because they are subject to US law.
>  I'm sorry, I keep seeing this argument and while I can understand the
> basic idea every time I see it I feel like little kitten dies. There is no
> doubt that the US FOP laws are a little insane and that the EU ones are
> generally much more lenient, however, it is obviously far far more
> complectated then that. There are plenty of EU laws which would are
> applicable to site/image hosting which are far more complicated and harder
> (or impossible) for us to follow. Overall the laws in the US have still
> tended to be much much better to host, and that doesn't even get into the
> problem of hosting in multiple locations and still trying to serve to a
> site hosted (or with staff) in the US.

*No kittens were harmed during this discussion*

We should keep an open mind, and the location of the servers to
support the global movement should be reviewed and seen to be reviewed
on a periodic basis, if nothing else international law, economics and
political stability, changes every year. By default, we would never
change unless there were jolly good reasons to justify the hassle and
expense; though folks are always going to enjoy challenging the status
quo, which is probably a healthy thing and the kittens get their
dinners regardless.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: [Commons-l] FOP in Europe: does this include WWII monuments with art?

2013-03-03 Thread Fae
On 3 March 2013 12:10, Jane Darnell  wrote:
> In that discussion, the whole category for the Washington, DC Vietnam
> memorial was nominated for deletion, see here:
> The last word on that discussion was "I called the Smithsonian and the
> Park Service about this. Aside from laughing, they were confused why
> anyone would assume that the copyright was owned by anyone except the
> USGov, or that it wan't in the PD. I can't get anyone on the record
> about this."
> I would go so far as to assume that the same is true for Dutch WWII
> memorials, and if we cannot come up with a good way of preserving
> Dutch WWII memorial images for the Dutch Wikimedia community to use in
> any Wikipedia project (so not just the NL wiki), then I propose a
> Dutch Wikipedia blackout on May 4th out of protest, since obviously
> the only hindrance is the fear of Wikimedia Commons users that they
> will be legally pursued, and I assume that this fear is real enough
> that we can go public with it.
> On a personal level, as a Dutch citizen, I would be willing to be the
> first to be tried legally on such an issue, and after my discussion
> this morning, I believe I could crowd source my legal fees with
> support from the Dutch Wikipedia community.

Hi Jane,

I know it's all rather frustrating. I suggest a common sense approach
to the Commons community. There are a few rather good copyright
wikilawyers that dominate the discussion on Commons, the primary way
of handling them (us?) is to make sure that there is (i) clear policy
or agreed guidelines and (ii) legal clarification and external advice
where this would be helpful. Our critical wikilawyers do not make the
law, but they do help highlight how daft it can be at times. :-)

Now, in the *real world*, there is unlikely to be any issue were the
GLAM project you envisage to upload 1,000 or 100,000 images. A tiny
percentage will be deleted for various reasons, as a matter of course,
no matter how hard you try to run detailed guidelines. The idea that
such a project either must not proceed, or would be judged a failure
by the Wikimedia community, were a single image to be a potential
copyright problem, is not feasible, and we do not want such great
projects to be paralysed for fear of criticism because we have not got
full answers to every possible risk. The key Commons policy to
consider is the Precautionary Principle, so long as there are no
*significant* doubts with regard to copyright, then this indicates it
is perfectly okay to upload images where one has taken simple and
obvious precautions.[1]

Commons benefits from another great community approach, that of
staying mellow, you may want to take the Smithsonian's approach and
laugh most of this away. I suggest rather than brinkmanship and
calling for black-outs and legal cases, you consider different avenues
of community consultation, such as relevant questions on the village
pump, the copyright noticeboard and set up a GLAM Commons WikiProject
page for long term guidelines for your project members to discuss and
improve. With such consultation banked, it would be hard for anyone to
come along later and criticise you for not trying to address the issue
and reach a practical conclusion.[2][3][4][5]

My viewpoint is as a well known Wikimedia Commons contributor with
40,000+ image uploads, 600,000+ edits and over 1.2 million further
edits by bot. Oh, and I do other more important stuff too. :-D


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Chapters] Question: Plans for the Wikimedia conference in Milan

2013-03-04 Thread Fae
I agree with the previous thoughts on this thread that any WCA Council
meeting should be in the core time, on the principle that we want any
meeting to be open. Any of the outcomes of research, analysis and
services that we have been discussing should be presentations and
workshops integrated with the core schedule rather than a specific
Council discussion.

For those like Manuel that are unable to come for logistical or
financial reasons, we should ensure that good efforts are made to
enable their virtual presence, even if only for selected slots in the
timetable. This would be an excellent chance to show off recent
progress with open source software for video conferencing.

I'll aim to book my travel to arrive on Thursday afternoon and fly
back late on the Sunday.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Karthik Nadar appointed as WCA Council member for Wikimedia India

2013-03-04 Thread Fae
Dear Wikimedians,

I am delighted to announce that Karthik Nadar has joined the Wikimedia
Chapters Association Council. This appointment makes a total of 22

Karthik is on the board of the Wikimedia India Chapter and serves as
the secretary. He jumped to Wikimedia fame after volunteering to
become a poster boy for the 2011 fundraiser.[2]


Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Chapters] Question: Plans for the Wikimedia conference in Milan

2013-03-04 Thread Fae
On 4 March 2013 12:40, Laurentius  wrote:
> In data lunedì 4 marzo 2013 10:38:49, Fae ha scritto:
>> [...]
>> I'll aim to book my travel to arrive on Thursday afternoon [...]
> Note that the WCA council meeting is currently planned for Thursday (as
> discussed in a WCA meeting some time ago).

Okay, I haven't booked flights yet so I should be able to include all
of Thursday. Discussing the agenda in any detail will have to defer
until after the current election for Chair, however I suggest
arranging an afternoon meeting so that people can arrive in the
morning without too much hassle. As previously discussed, we should
aim to keep material of general interest to the main schedule, however
programme status resulting from actions from the last coordination
meeting and getting the best out of the conference are suitable to
walk through.

If there are a few of us available on Thursday morning, we might be
able to workshop some details from the WCA action teams (research,
peer reviews etc.).

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia Foundation's non-disclosure agreement

2013-03-05 Thread Fae
On 6 March 2013 07:11, MZMcBride  wrote:
> It's unclear whether Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees members and
> Wikimedia stewards are also required to sign NDAs. It seems all Wikimedia
> Foundation employees are required to sign one.

Staff contracts should effectively do this, though one might need to
add NDAs for temporary contractors and consultants.

(A personal statement, off the top of my head and without doing any
research...) trustees should not be asked to sign a NDA as they should
be free to act with their conscience for the long term benefit of the
charity, which may include being free to publicly discuss negative
material; hard to do if every email and document is covered by a NDA.
Plus one expects trustees to have liability insurance, so unless there
is gross misconduct, such a contract would never be enforceable if the
trustee can claim to be acting within their role as a trustee (i.e.
any civil claim for damages would effectively be the charity acting
against itself).

Wikimedia UK has a Trustee Code of Conduct, which ensures that
trustees do not go "off the rails", and sets the behavioural
expectations for prospective trustees rather nicely.[1] As well as a
list of NDAs, it would be good to have an index of similar governance
related codes (Trustee CoC, COI policies,[2] Financial reporting
standards, et al).


Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Shabab Mustafa of WMBD joins the WCA Council

2013-03-07 Thread Fae
Dear Wikimedians,

I have the pleasure of announcing that Shabab Mustafa has joined the
Wikimedia Chapters Association Council. This appointment makes a total
of 23 members.[1]

Shabab is a founding member of the Wikimedia Bangladesh Chapter and
currently serves on the Executive.[2] He is a veteran open source
software advocate.


Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Invitation: Question time for WCA Council Chair candidates

2013-03-08 Thread Fae
Dear fellow Wikimedians,

An invitation for you, and a quick reminder for the WCAC Chair
candidates, to review, contribute and discuss questions for the
candidates at 
To given everyone a fair chance to reply, I ask that "Question Time"
ends next Friday (15th March).

This is an excellent opportunity for candidates to publicly put their
viewpoint for the future of the WCA and argue their vision for change.
I heartily recommend good use is made of the discussion over the
coming week.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] בקשה למרואיין

2013-03-11 Thread Fae
On 11 March 2013 19:56, Michael Snow  wrote:
> Too bad - I was hoping it was a sign that people were taking seriously the
> notion that this could be a multilingual mailing list, not just
> English-only.

Me too, I thought it was rather refreshing for folks to be
corresponding here in something other than English; even though that's
all I can read. :-)

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Invitation: Question time for WCA Council Chair candidates

2013-03-17 Thread Fae
Dear fellow Wikimedians,


Today, Sunday 17th March, is the last day for discussion about the 3
candidates we have for Wikimedia Chapters Association Chair. The
formal question period is over, but everyone is invited to discuss and
react to the answers from the candidates at

Voting by the Council Members will close today at midnight UTC (which
happens to be the same time as in London), so all Council Members
should add their vote to the election page today. You can check who
your chapter's member is at

A special personal thank you to everyone that took time to raise
questions, and for the candidates in gamely replying with well thought
out and wise rationales.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Markus Glaser is elected Chair of the Wikimedia Chapters Association Council

2013-03-17 Thread Fae
Congratulations to Markus on becoming the Chair of the WCAC.

The election results is available at
with an associated detailed Q&A from the candidates on the associated
talk page.

Thank you to all candidates for coming forward and taking part in the
public debate so well.

I look forward to supporting Markus in his role as our Chair, and the
discussions with everyone at the Milan conference next month.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
Chapters Association Council Chair
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia (Foundation) endowment

2013-03-18 Thread Fae
I enjoyed Ting's perception, he always seems to have a viewpoint
reliably in the center of the Wikimedia movement.

I previously pushed for a commitment to perpetuity, including a 100
year plan for basic backup. The operational side of our movement
failed to either understand why this is important, or properly to
respond to a relatively simple proposal for a better strategy.

Should an endowment run the risk of establishing a century spanning
immovable bureaucracy, then our shared open knowledge vision, must be
far greater than the English Wikipedia, bigger than Wikipedia, span
wider than any Wikimedia project. These projects have a natural
lifespan of less than a decade, not generations.

Until the movement is ready to lay out a serious vision and strategy
that covers the next 100 years, we are not ready to justify asking
donors for hundreds of millions of dollars to stick in a WMF managed
investment account. This alone would create a potential for
reputational risk so great, it could wipe out the Wikimedia brand, and
our stake in the open knowledge movement, permanently.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia (Foundation) endowment

2013-03-18 Thread Fae
On 18 March 2013 09:03, Dariusz Jemielniak  wrote:
> hi Fae,
> I share your commitment to avoiding a bureaucratic monster. However, I have
> to practically point out, that in our case any vision and strategy of a
> long time horizon is a grave mistake. We can't predict technologies and
> Internet trends 10 years in the future, so even vision creation beyond this
> point is a dangerously blinding and binding exercise. Strategy creation and
> its time horizon have to be based on the stability of the environment. The
> only business I know of that relies on something close to 100 years of time
> horizon for strategy is forestry. We, on the other hand, are in the
> Internet business, and going beyond 5 years in terms of strategic plans,
> and beyond 10 years in terms of long-term powerful visions is more likely
> to lull us to sleep, rather than help.

The "sum of human knowledge" is not about internet technology of the
moment, or limited to the next 5 years.

If the WMF and the leading figures in our movement cannot produce a
vision or even a highest possible level strategy for 100 years, then
the case for having a billion dollar endowment looks exceedingly weak
and probably idle dreaming. There is no sensible case for an endowment
fund that only imagines the next couple of years - that is in fact why
we talk about reserve funds that cover that period and short term
risks that might arise.

If I am looking to leave a million dollars in my will to benefit human
knowledge, I would want the comfort of knowing the organization that
will use my money will exist *long* after my death, it will not
"repurpose" funds in unexpected ways, or waste it on an empire
building bureaucracy that has the natural priority of paying benefits
to careerist senior management types involved in operations.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia (Foundation) endowment

2013-03-18 Thread Fae
On 18 March 2013 11:28, Dariusz Jemielniak  wrote:
> I honestly don't believe that anyone with some basic understanding of
> principles of organizational strategic planning would dispute that.
> However, I entirely agree with Fae that we need a powerful, long-term
> vision (and I believe that making all knowledge universally accessible is
> quite good in this respect, and also appealing to donors for endowment).

As I have a MBA specializing in international strategy, hand in hand
with a couple of decades as a consultant, I would count myself as
having a basic understanding. ;-)

> In other words, I completely do not understand why you insist that in spite
> of a long term vision we also need a 100-year spanning strategy. But let's
> assume we do: could you give examples of goals, say for year 10, year 20,
> year 50?...

I suggest you step away from the technology component before this
becomes a mantra. Given a span of 100 years, assumptions become rather
large. We can start to assume that within one or two decades,
*everyone* on the planet is data-connected, we can assume that
language barriers break down or become irrelevant, we can assume that
connection and hardware costs become vanishingly small and we can
assume that engagement with human knowledge is fully immersive.

Developing a strategy would require some big thinking of scenarios:
* Does Wikimedia get subsumed into a new ecology of open knowledge
* Does "operations" become irrelevant as it will be naturally factored out?
* In a future of cheap as chips access, does "access" mean
socialization and education?

Classically, one might bounce around environmental scenarios such as
religious division, hyper-connection social instability (meme
threats), population crisis etc.

It's a big talk, and above was mentioned spending 5 years on this.
Consider how darn slow us unpaid Wikimedia volunteers are to nit-pick
our way forward, thinking of how we take longer than a year+ to reach
some conclusions is not unreasonable, and it is not as easy as saying
"quote examples" as if this was a discussion short-cut.

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia (Foundation) endowment

2013-03-18 Thread Fae
On 18 March 2013 12:14, Dariusz Jemielniak  wrote:
> As long as it is not really a strategy creation exercise, but rather an
> imagination stimulation and concept brainstorming, I think it is a great
> idea. But we should not mistake trying to look way too far beyond what we
> can see as great vision. It is guesswork.

I'm happy to continue calling this part of strategy creation, while
you call it speculation or guesswork.

However I believe it is perfectly clear that if the movement has no
100 year plan, even in concept, and cannot set some top level goals to
show our commitment to a century long view, then a public call to
create a billion dollar endowment will quickly be shot down as banking
money for the sake of job security.

An easy-peasy goal is to ensure all project knowledge content is
actively archived in a way that the commitment to preservation is
meaningfully demonstrated. Pointing to a reasonably future-proofed but
cost effective 100-year (multi-location) archive is one obvious way of
explaining what an endowment is for.

PS I have heard the archive question answered recently by a
representative of the WMF on a radio interview as "Oh, it's all over
the internet, if we disappear it could always be re-created" (or words
to that effect) - I thought this a particularly naff answer for an
organization with many millions in the bank to spend on operational

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia (Foundation) endowment

2013-03-18 Thread Fae
On 18 March 2013 13:24, Dariusz Jemielniak  wrote:
> Fine, let's call it strategy. Off-the-record, can you name some other
> organizations, preferably more or less in our industry, which have
> strategies longer than 20 years?

Google it - some random reading:
* 100 year project
* 100 year plan
* 100 year plan
* 100 year scenario planning
* How Google and Virgin wanted to be on Mars in 100 years :-D

A business search might discover some more down to earth long term
strategy examples. If this gets a bit more serious, I might spend a
couple of hours in the British Library business center tracking some

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Free as in Wikimedia Foundation

2013-03-19 Thread Fae

Perhaps it is time to revisit these values as a community and, if needed,
update them to be more in line with values that can be demonstrated by


An essential part of the Wikimedia Foundation's mission is encouraging the
development of free-content educational resources that may be created,
used, *and reused by the entire human community*. We believe that this
mission requires thriving open formats and open standards on the web to
allow the creation of content **not subject to restrictions on creation,
use, and reuse**.

Just sayin'

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: [Toolserver-l] [TS logo] Fwd: Free as in Wikimedia Foundation

2013-03-19 Thread Fae
> Sorry, but this is alarmist hippie crap and typical "netizen-outrage".

LOL. I feel like a young hippie again. :-)

Fae mobile
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fwd: [Toolserver-l] [TS logo] Fwd: Free as in Wikimedia Foundation

2013-03-20 Thread Fae
On 21 March 2013 00:32, Samuel Klein  wrote:
> +1.  Thanks to all who commented on this thread.

Nice to know you don't believe in marginalizing those commenting as
"alarmist hippie crap".

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Office hour inside out (program evaluation)

2013-03-29 Thread Fae
On 29 March 2013 19:22, Balázs Viczián  wrote:

> I'd rather be interested in how do you measure _success_ (this question is
> for everybody)

By hard outcomes measured against the original project goals.

Turning that around - projects should not be funded without defined
measurable goals, and good governance reviews would halt funding for a
project that stops regularly reporting against the agreed goals.

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[Wikimedia-l] How gay friendly is Wikimedia and where do LGBT Wikimedians hang out?

2013-04-15 Thread Fae
The answer is we have real idea how gay friendly the projects are, but
LGBT Wikimedians have been doing a lot more outreach recently and we
think this is great evidence for our increasing diversity.

From a few chats over tea at the GLAMwiki conference last weekend, I
realised that most folks with an interest in LGBT matters were either
unaware that anything had changed in the last year, or just had not
got around to finding out where to go for more information (apart from
asking me). So, here are 4 new global resources created in the last 12
months for you to investigate, share with friends or bookmark for

If you are interested in discussing and helping with LGBT related open
knowledge content, projects, partnerships, issues or events then you
can find out more about what's going on and contribute new proposals

This is a Commons wikiproject to encourage more LGBT friendly photos
and other media for use on all projects. So if you have an archive of
photos from LGBT events, or are part of an organization with
educational media to release, this might be a good place to find out
how to share them with the world.

This is a managed email list for any LGBT interested Wikimedians to
safely bounce around new ideas, raise questions, discuss ways of
increasing LGBT participation in Wikimedia projects and general
coordination. It is low volume, with around 3 threads a month at the
moment. Drop an email to one of the list admins if you want to know
more about how it is managed before joining up.

* irc://
Our friendly open IRC channel. Good for chat about LGBT projects and
recent news, though you may need a lot of patience and wait a few
hours for replies - others logged in might be asleep, the other side
of the planet, or working and will not see your message until home
time. But it's not a dating line, other sites are available for that

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[Wikimedia-l] Are you interested in being interviewed about your LGBT experience with Wikimedia?

2013-04-16 Thread Fae

While I am at the Wikimedia conference in Milan, meeting a wide selection
of Wikimedians from around the globe, I would love to use the opportunity
to start recording a few short interviews with LGBT/queer/gay contributors
about their experiences on our projects.

I am happy to keep your identity confidential, though I would like to be
free to publish transcripts after they are reviewed with you and anything
you are no longer happy with is deleted.

If you would like to meet up with me for a short chat during the
conference, please do either track me down or send me an email and we will
try to coordinate a time.

For those not at Milan, I would love to chat. Drop me an email and perhaps
we can arrange a Skype call and pen a few notes together on etherpad at
some point.

If I can get a few interviews on record, I would like to eventually write a
short piece for Wikinews about what the culture on different Wikimedia
projects feels like for both open LGBT contributors or those that prefer to
keep their sexual orientation (or gender) a secret. There's no hurry, I'm
not a fast article writer. :-D

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[Wikimedia-l] Question: How much does administration in Chapters cost the Wikimedia movement?

2013-04-19 Thread Fae
After seeing a few recent facts and figures about Wikimedia Chapters
(at the Milan conference), I think that "administration" versus
"project" activities is highly varied and may be something like 15% to
40% out of the overall budget. Unfortunately this figure can be a bit
hard to work out and (I think) almost impossible to ensure we would be
comparing like for like based on current reports.

It would make a great top level key performance indicator for our
organizations if this could be reported using an agreed standard
definition as to what administration means, with such a definition we
could even make this an expectation for the public annual financial
reports. Hopefully reporting such a ratio could then be a target for
improvement and any strategic plans for growth could be accountable
against this and other top level performance measures.

My rule of thumb would be that "administration" is composed of:
* Staff salaries, contractor payments and professional advice fees
* Offices and fixed or hired assets used for non-project activity
(such as financial reporting, accounts, board meetings)
* Expenses for non-project activity

I have yet to have a confirmed figure for WMUK, but I would be
interested any any current figures for other chapters for
comparison/benchmarking and any explanation of the 'norms' we might
expect to calculate these.

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[Wikimedia-l] Question: How do we define lobbying?

2013-04-19 Thread Fae
In a workshop in the Milan conference, there was a break-out
discussion led by Iolanda (WMIT) on lobbying. There is a lot of
interest in finding ways of supporting change in copyright legislation
and open knowledge access in as many countries as possible.

One of the interesting features of the WMF agreement when providing
funds under the FDC process is that this money should not be used for
lobbying. During the coffee break I had a quick chat with Garfield
(the WMF CFO) about a possible clarification. My understanding from
that chat was that if there were valid reasons for lobbying in support
of our cause, this should be a separate grant for traceability
reasons, it is not intended to imply a blanket ban, but traceability
is needed to satisfy the IRS. If a chapter has separate income from
the WMF, then there is no concern as this is a matter for the
individual chapter board and membership to worry about.

I think this is a useful clarification, and this ought to be followed
up as an action from our workshop.

I would welcome any comments from the wider community on what sorts of
lobbying as a movement that we definitely want to support, encourage
and possibly provide funds for, and if we could come to a clearer
definition of what lobbying is (such as political protest) and things
we do as a community that is not quite lobbying, even though it may
relate to government legislation (such as publishing a white paper
with our summary of the benefits of changes in copyright law).

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Question: How do we define lobbying?

2013-04-20 Thread Fae
There are some useful draft definitions here. It would be handy to get
a page on meta started as a list of best practices for chapters and
other groups that may not be sure of what are normal sorts of lobbying
accepted within the Wikimedia movement that could be okay for funding

From my personal experience I have done some stuff that might be
called lobbying in the last year:
* Given evidence to parliament on Wikimedia projects as part of a
joint fact finding committee on (failed) super injunctions.
* Researched proposed changes in UK copyright legislation (open
publishing and recognition of orphan works) and then supported a
position paper back to the parliamentary committee inviting feedback.
* Taken part in hosting a workshop for academic bodies on open
publishing which included how to help Jimmy Wales with approaching the
right political stakeholders in government.
* Written to government funded bodies and the official holders of
Crown Copyright to clarify interpretations claims of copyright over
public domain works.

None of the above amounted to much in terms of costs to the movement
(apart from my unpaid volunteer time), however I think all could be
valid for UK Chapter staff support, travel claims or supporting legal
advice, were we to have asked for any.


On 20 April 2013 08:19, Andre Engels  wrote:
> Lobbying is any activity that has the intention of influencing the opinions
> of politicians and other influential people on issues. I think a clear (or
> at least, at first look clear) between black (corruption-like) and white
> (ethic) lobbying would be that white lobbying consists of bringing
> information and opinions to politicians and/or the general public, black
> lobbying consists of bringing them advantages or promises.
> In general, lobbying consists of sending letters, petitions and such to
> politicians, parliaments, governments and such, and talking with those
> about subjects we are interested in. It's comparable to propaganda
> (political advertising), but directed at 'those in power' rather than the
> population as a whole.
> --
> André Engels,
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Proposal: [WCA][Governance] Training for chapter and thematic org. board members

2013-04-21 Thread Fae
The majority of chapter boards (and the proposed thematic
organizations) do not routinely have an induction process with
training in expected reporting requirements, liability as directors,
the role of oversight and how to maintain a competent and professional
board function, etc.

At the Milan conference, I shall be proposing that the WCA takes a
lead in arranging a shared training course and workshop with the aim
of this being a regular planned activity, so that chapters and other
groups agree basic expectations for the behaviours and competencies of
board members, and benefit from the efficiencies of a shared training
event, hopefully hosted by one of the chapters with handy facilities
to support it.

I have chatted about this proposition during coffee breaks with 4
different 'large' chapters, and the feedback so far is that this would
be an easy way of improving the quality of our governance and of
definite direct benefit to many of our organizations.

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[Wikimedia-l] Info: Wikimedia Conference feedback - Grazie mille!

2013-04-21 Thread Fae
I would like to give a personal thankyou to WMIT for successfully
taking on the scary challenge of hosting the Wikimedia Conference.

We can all see the team has put in a huge amount of effort and
creativity into the conference. I loved visiting Milan for the first
time, and being hosted in such a lovely venue and hotel (I can
recommend eating out in Milan, all the food I have had here has been
excellent). I look forward to being invited again :-D

I'm in the feedback session right now, and I think there are excellent
learning points to make to make life easier for our next host.

Grazie mille!
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Breivik: My Biggest Influence Was Wikipedia

2012-04-18 Thread Fae
I find this context upsetting regardless of the points being raised.

My personal request for any reader of this email thread, is that if
there are any changes you would like to see on Wikipedia or other
Wikimedia projects, please don't use anything that this monster says
as a reason for action. It would be a terrible starting point and
taint any discussion.

Nothing he has to say has any chance of being notable or rational
enough for us to concern ourselves about. I look forward to him being
permanently locked away from society and we can turn our backs and
move on.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Breivik: My Biggest Influence Was Wikipedia

2012-04-18 Thread Fae
On 18 April 2012 14:44, Mike  Dupont  wrote:
> Yes, I also found it upsetting, but I decided to bring this topic up as
> someone had sent it to me,
> and thought that it is better that we know about what is going on before it
> hits us and we dont know about it.

I'm not having a poke at you Mike, I agree we should note it as
possibly newsworthy and be prepared for questions that might arise. I
just would prefer that this not be a launch pad for change or
tangential discussions.


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