Re: [WSG] Jquery and/or Yahoo UI

2007-10-14 Thread David Hucklesby
On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:23:04 +1000, Kit Grose wrote:

> I'm a big fan of JS libraries. I use Prototype (and and YUI 
> quite a
> lot as the basis of a lot of my larger JS-based sites. The advantage of YUI 
> isn't so
> much its ability to maintain strong standards, but its very strong 
> cross-browser
> compatibility (so if you use Yahoo.DOM, you're getting a standard DOM across 
> every
> browser; as with events, etc.).
> Prototype's biggest strength is its ability to keep common functions short 
> and simple
> in your own code files. I can perform complex AJAX throughout a webapp with 
> maybe three
> lines of JS (plenty of PHP, mind you).
> I've never really tried jQuery, because it's been marketed wrong for me. I've 
> been
> using Javascript since ~1998 and have been doing things with it the "old" way 
> (when
> everyone declared their variables on a global scope and functions were all 
> called on
> the onclick, onmouseover events explicitly in code, and when anything fancy 
> was called
> DHTML). I've spent the years since then developing my syntax and thinking to 
> keep in
> line with the industry, and am comfortable with the syntax people have come to
> associate with "new" Javascript (Object notation, DOM manipulation, etc.). 
> jQuery is
> marketed as a way to change JS syntax significantly (with a view to greater 
> speed,
> marketed as a sort of Rails on the client side), which would mean a massive 
> change for
> someone who already has four different programming/ scripting languages to 
> flick
> between on a daily basis (not counting HTML and CSS syntax). I've heard only 
> good
> things from people starting out with JS though.

Just chiming in here to say that I think all of Kit's comments are right
"on the money".

I was initially very attracted to jQuery because I am much more familiar
with CSS syntax than JavaScript/ECMAScript. However, using it does not
make me a better scripter, while YUI simply gives me cross-browser
routines where I need them, so I can make better choices of technique
as I learn the language.

Protoype etc. I have yet to learn, but I understand the same thing is true.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Catch 22 list problem

2007-10-14 Thread Jason Friesen
That's pretty much what we did; usually  and , with  where  
appropriate.  But I still look longingly at the counters in CSS, and  
grimace everytime someone says, "But we have to add in another point  
between 2 and 3..."

On 2007-Oct-14, at 14:10 , <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Certainly for this example, the use of an ordered list is incorrect  
- there is a strong hint there in the description; this should be  
marked up with  tags, with the identifier as the first bit of  
text, ie the number is content in this example.
If you think about it, the 'label' of each item MUST remain the  
same, regardless of how much or little of the document is quoted,  
and more to the point adding or removing content MUST NOT alter the  
numbering. This is the exact opposite of what an OL is intended to do.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Jquery and/or Yahoo UI

2007-10-14 Thread Kit Grose

You're right;

innerHTML is much, much, MUCH faster to execute (see http:// for numbers). It's also quicker  
to code and to implement.

However it leaves you with less handles on the elements you're  
inserting, and 'feels' wrong (in the same way that sometimes a big  
table is the easiest way to centre content, but doesn't feel right),  

I'm a big fan of JS libraries. I use Prototype (and  
and YUI quite a lot as the basis of a lot of my larger JS-based  
sites. The advantage of YUI isn't so much its ability to maintain  
strong standards, but its very strong cross-browser compatibility (so  
if you use Yahoo.DOM, you're getting a standard DOM across every  
browser; as with events, etc.).

Prototype's biggest strength is its ability to keep common functions  
short and simple in your own code files. I can perform complex AJAX  
throughout a webapp with maybe three lines of JS (plenty of PHP, mind  

I've never really tried jQuery, because it's been marketed wrong for  
me. I've been using Javascript since ~1998 and have been doing things  
with it the "old" way (when everyone declared their variables on a  
global scope and functions were all called on the onclick,  
onmouseover events explicitly in code, and when anything fancy was  
called DHTML). I've spent the years since then developing my syntax  
and thinking to keep in line with the industry, and am comfortable  
with the syntax people have come to associate with "new" Javascript  
(Object notation, DOM manipulation, etc.). jQuery is marketed as a  
way to change JS syntax significantly (with a view to greater speed,  
marketed as a sort of Rails on the client side), which would mean a  
massive change for someone who already has four different programming/ 
scripting languages to flick between on a daily basis (not counting  
HTML and CSS syntax). I've heard only good things from people  
starting out with JS though.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Catch 22 list problem

2007-10-14 Thread Tim White
Going back to the original post: 

>Pick your poison:
>1. Invalid code
>2. Use a transitional DOCTYPE
>3. Set value with DOM-script

I'm surprised that no one has said #2; just fall back to a transitional 
doctype. You can still write your markup with standards in mind, use the 
deprecated attribute, *and* validate without any scripting etc. 

This is exactly what I did a couple of years ago when redesigning a site. I 
created the templates in XHTML 1.0 Strict, but due to a ton of legacy data 
concerns just changed the doctype to HTML 4.0 Trans and all was well.
Of course, you may have production issues that prevent the Transitional 
doctype, in which case I'd go with the invalid.

~ Tim'>";>


Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
that gives answers, not web links.

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Catch 22 list problem

2007-10-14 Thread michael.brockington
Certainly for this example, the use of an ordered list is incorrect - there is 
a strong hint there in the description; this should be marked up with  tags, 
with the identifier as the first bit of text, ie the number is content in this 
If you think about it, the 'label' of each item MUST remain the same, 
regardless of how much or little of the document is quoted, and more to the 
point adding or removing content MUST NOT alter the numbering. This is the 
exact opposite of what an OL is intended to do.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jason Friesen
Sent: Sat 10/13/2007 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Catch 22 list problem
My 2ยข

At my College, we often wish to publish excerpts from official policy  
manuals &tc where we're showing Section 2.4.7, Paragraphs B through  
G, points 3-16, and so on...

The CSS counter mechanisms are great for showing the whole document,  
but fall completely apart when you want to reference just a piece of  
the document...

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-14 Thread Donna Jones

Thanks Donna, thanks for checking.

I am not concerned how thinkvitamin has errors and warnings and text  
got chopped off because that is beyond my control but the owner of  the 

My quest is whether IE 7 has issue with "elastic + fluid' layout, as  
shown on that two sites and mine.

hi Tee, yes, i knew you were using vitamin to evaluate the problem, what 
i should have said was that because of their errors, it didn't seem like 
you could figure out whether or not IE7 was doing something wrong.

Anyhow, I found the answer myself. In my layout I have an element  with 
background image, and I have a span class for image replacement.

h3 {url(image.png) no-repeat}
h3 span {position:absolute; text-indent: -3000px}

heading 3

Apparently the position:absolute or the text-indent was causing that  
extra 70px white space in IE 7, thus resulting a horizontal  scrollbar. 
Note that 70px extra is there whether the screen is 800px  or 900px. 
it's just not noticeable with wider screen.

It goes away when I change the absolute to relative, or text-indent:  
-3000px to 'left: -3000px'

cool!  i'll try to remember this for when it comes up for me, who knows 


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-14 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 14, 2007, at 12:14 AM, Donna Jones wrote:

Tee, i just looked more at the site.

yes, i get the scroll bar at 800 wide in IE7 (not standalone).  and  
yes, its because its not chopping off the footer (wouldn't have  
noticed, probably, though if Kepler hadn't noticed and then you re- 
mentioned it).  In IE6 it doesn't chop off the footer and there is  
no scroll BUT its broken, the divisions don't line up right (they  
sorta fall all over the place).  In mozilla there is no scroll but  
the footer is chopped off. so, it seems like out of those three  
that IE7 is handling it best.  In mozilla, using Tidy, it says  
there are 136! warnings.  and , some in particular are missing  
division endings.  also, just noticed at 800 wide in mozilla the  
divisions overlap in a way that doesn't work well, at all.  i think  
someone needs to take a look at it!

Thanks Donna, thanks for checking.

I am not concerned how thinkvitamin has errors and warnings and text  
got chopped off because that is beyond my control but the owner of  
the site.  That site is made for wider screen audience but made  
consideration for 800px screen user (a close to none-existence for  
its audiences I would say). So my take is they aware of the issue and  
decided not to bother.

My quest is whether IE 7 has issue with "elastic + fluid' layout, as  
shown on that two sites and mine.

Anyhow, I found the answer myself. In my layout I have an element  
with background image, and I have a span class for image replacement.

h3 {url(image.png) no-repeat}
h3 span {position:absolute; text-indent: -3000px}

heading 3

Apparently the position:absolute or the text-indent was causing that  
extra 70px white space in IE 7, thus resulting a horizontal  
scrollbar. Note that 70px extra is there whether the screen is 800px  
or 900px. it's just not noticeable with wider screen.

It goes away when I change the absolute to relative, or text-indent:  
-3000px to 'left: -3000px'


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-14 Thread Donna Jones

For -
This site has a scrollbar in IE7 around 884px. It appears that this is
caused by the footer. In FireFox it just ignores that the right  
portion of
the footer is being chopped off and doesn't give you a scrollbar  but 
as soon

as the footer content doesn't fit in IE7 the scroll bar appears.

I didn't noticed that the content in footer being chopped off, but  yes, 
this is what I was trying to determine whether IE 7 has issue  with 
elastic + fluid layout (is there a name for such layout?), or  other 
browsers that got the words chopped off is wrong.

I made the screenshots for Firefox in  Mac and PC, and IE 6 Vs IE 7  
standalone. - you can clearly see IE 7 has  
scollbar at 800px and the reason for it is footer text.

Tee, i just looked more at the site.

yes, i get the scroll bar at 800 wide in IE7 (not standalone).  and yes, 
its because its not chopping off the footer (wouldn't have noticed, 
probably, though if Kepler hadn't noticed and then you re-mentioned it). 
 In IE6 it doesn't chop off the footer and there is no scroll BUT its 
broken, the divisions don't line up right (they sorta fall all over the 
place).  In mozilla there is no scroll but the footer is chopped off. 
so, it seems like out of those three that IE7 is handling it best.  In 
mozilla, using Tidy, it says there are 136! warnings.  and , some in 
particular are missing division endings.  also, just noticed at 800 wide 
in mozilla the divisions overlap in a way that doesn't work well, at 
all.  i think someone needs to take a look at it!


I am trying to fix a similar layout that I submitted to  My layout initially was elastic and aimed  for 1024  
screen user, however they found horizontal scrollbar at 800px - 800px  
without horizontal scrollbar is one of the criteria. I wanted this be  
fixed, so I amended my layout to "elastic + fluid" like the above two  
sites, and I am getting some 70px scrollbar at 800px screen in my  
standalone IE 7, not IE 6. (no special treatment is served for IE 6/7  
for the outer wrap). At 800px screen in other browsers, no words  being 
chopped off though.



List Guidelines:

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines: